Whitby Chronicle, 12 Dec 1878, p. 1

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ii W. CJ BRhs ommaSiN Tern' *$14 rapineE *arto àUuoiun lq aat ~ll8fl88~DfrotpP. ~ A. B4BDI M'W AWa» la tiaea 0 - 4'!O. (OPopoite G.T.N E Otitan, Notarias Publie, sud.-CaOnvey. beor4ksgl Mains. iuhNoaibcar Office, fni dor i hi ÉTIti w aré1isfl 7 .E ' T , D B; , . e. ýr uoassny7 inavellir. J. E FARWEL, ~ ~ ', ond Slabllug, enclin ContyCre 11oriy 8 tive aillera. >-1 Z1'irc, Stepm, tb ,ont. ATTOR"lr.ÀT.LAWî SOLICITORDI ton, BroOI 0 L. T. DARCIPAY, A TTORNEY-AT-4W SOLICIT iu Chancory sud Wav@nay, Coni Oavcz-At the Court louse, Whitby LYMAN ENGLISI,' L L. B, ARITRAT 14W, SOLICITOR B mChaueT Couvayancer, &o., &o.- cee Strict, Os Is. A. G.- IeILLAN, (Late Greauwooda 11u. Bf ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOI] Uitor, Naiary Public, Oanveyauaea.i fe-ByrnnStreet, Sautahaifaiot O0f Witby, Ontario. TRo Li- 01. ROBINSON ô&KENT, <LAre Duooex d& Rourxiotc.> T)ABSTI.AÇTLAW, AT770RN'. BARR', Solicitora, Conveyaucera .&ô' Offic,, els Asurane B~1It CenrStRrait, Toronta. B ABUBTE, dc.,dc.-Mauay la Lose Osrc-Ovar Dominion Bank$ Whitby. Jana. 22,1878. (tt.ô UEO, SMe JOHNS ALLEN, A TONE Solicitor sut! Ccnveyancan. .mMoncy to end. Morlgigai bougbi sud saIt!. Agent for iiveal Lean Cas». Offce, o yer WlgItIms's Store, Ring Street Ocitaas. 1.11 CANIERON I& APPELDE, B ABRISTERS, Atorney.-kt-Law, sut! .Solicitossin Chsucery, Ne. 4 Toronto HECTOR CANEROM, 0.0. Aly.45> R. S. APPELS!. TIiONAS HUSTON, T-!Ri. . <suae5 wua. Sa., S RGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, uBys-on Street, Whltby. Dr. W, J.e BURNS. Oriet-NazI anas- to ezcznntC Offce. Lîï» Reshalance, aI the Royal RotaI, WhIlly. BYRON FIELD,IM. B. pIYSIOIAN, bURGEBON, dc., Daals Ura OSPITAL LONDON, ENG., CA D~it. BOGART, - Witby, Sept. 801, 1874.4 W. ADAMS, Le. 40 ID M 1-. ri'sTr. R100MS OVER R. H. JAME SON'S i ifce orîan Dundasî., Whthy. Offce oùr re 0sm. ta 12 m., snd froem 1.80 la , p. rm. Residanna-Cas-. aiByronu ant! Glbert s-seets. - C, N. VAR@, Le De se .or-EETH ineertet! ou al ltse '&lT.Llaasit prnucipls-of ltearast, des cheas thile eepetansd ns poiath e týest, Teetia fillet!i yul Galdandst! ilvar. Taath axts-atedt! e-îbul paie, hy ps-duclug local ausushlesla. Dentsl Rooms--lu Cai- asew block, aven Atklnmo's Drug Store, Ring S-elt, Oshs. 5 JOUX RODINSONYS HAIR DRESSING AND SHAVING HSalootn, Break Si., Whiîby. Jou ONWOLFENDuEN, AGENT- FOR TEE. CELEBRATED -iL Seottiah Granite. AI Msrble Woarka 0c Janaîlsu Weunten,Dunt!as St.,WhlIby. WILLEArd COOPER, BLACICSMITH, - - BROUGHAM, (Sunnesuson te Thomas Middasgla,) Hanlese ansd aI! kindi ai gaucral vos-k. ly.52 li B-O'DELL, Clerk Division Court, Tp. CIerk, cnisîlouan lu B. R., Laut! Agent, d&o., &o., Allen>', County Ontario. Attrl-t-t lt, 1878. 8 $~~~ ~~ InI %n Ia V&at u WltSt. Stock. îu n.vk-.,teeansa tuuaeereymonthb Boksotfreexplaniag crthtîAdads-e s AXTEI & Co 110 Pi]WIN 159 NEW MUS9IC HALL, MsUSIC FURNISURÃŽD WIMN DESIRED. Seating Capacity, One Thousand. Wlitby, Ct. 22, 187-., ly.44 SFAUCHERS' RESTAURANT, ADAMS, BLOCK, KENT STREET,11 LI ND S AY, <4llosite ftlOIIIrenI Tclegrasph Oflue. R 'Itî ~SIMrNTSaet aIl hur4-nyltcra h lay G1ieae waited uo WHITBY, ONT'ARIO, Itaortera, Deal'ensd Manufacturera ai ail LEA THER, AND FINDI N08, OCash Paid for Rides, Banguy L hr Lestbler itretpbed, &lBTNGMADE 'io OD n Ly,17,SHO14T lhatiaa,) Whitby soa yardt, ad Ç o Bou MR l ' 0TL, JAMES DEWABT -PROPRIE' Gebd accommodation COUMMEClAL HOTEL sud OAB 54 sud 50 JarviratreatTora>o <mn 4so'gr ams any . tjas bast 81.0a5Dy Roteanse iOty; ticblaolomt ~a1hionibetru Dapot,audc ta the Mankm. Thaé Rogue bai bien ni Fittad oui, aud avery-ingirnt.claa. ci: mRs. WAL1gEy'5 TEMPERÂNI2EHOUS Gooa accammadation at riaansble tam Boadera $2.50 par îaak.. THE QuEEN'e HT. L <LkniCcxxiacun,) BR00K-STIEET, WMTSi; TAYLOR d& McOANN, PROPRIETO: IThe undaraigned desire ta WintrM l4eudesud the-public thattlaay hbavatal the %abcve wefl kunowbahtel, which ti bhava newly tted up sud renovatadsud: Inta the hit ci oM orde tntte ooapa j'ion a01es$a, The Bar, ihich, la theiha, 6emait an t-4'0 Caun ,. laWOUlsuppliadli the fluait brandi ai ineiIUquors sutd gars m plaeaeî ran sd1ý stsbliug, ox stals, dka. Detsoeedrca for oommecWc ltravellena. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIF MCCAb late ci Toronto. I YLHOTBL, W 1 1TB Y, rialeobasa.ý Deo Srarkablyi farur" m atiu~sp y to qIa $Alma HOLDEI 9R$. Aprilý 9t 87.1 ma nie,). CHAI CilbMagt ABOUT 78,000, ONT -Air a» JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIRTCI The langaîl anud mcst cnmmjod$ona la ln the tlave-, bas large sample moi1 comemmrclalrsaellers. Tabe -ellseppli witIthltabestilusasson. Beslbs-andslbje sut! igans. BEnloseal y ansd aedron attentive bailas. Charges ta suit t] timai. N. B.-Liveny altachat!. R OSI RIOUSE.:TORONTO, ONT. The Palace Hotel ai Canada Reit Itetaraalshad, andlUnnivaliat!. New Pase gos- Elevatas-, run lu~ it ast!day.TI 011,â fis-da Htl anada vtignse atea prices ve - , 00nd #8 oprda Mamboae oiClubs sud altera, desjriz Feb. 27tIt, 1878.Prop ito THE CENTRAL HO-US. <Lita Lackhart Bouse.) OSEÂI:WÂ C. GIPPORD - - Propricit This bouseis the hast lunltae Ceuni esau snd ses il. AYERS HÃ"5TEL, 82 dc 84 MILL.ST., ROCHZSTER, N.7 Price neducad ta 11.80 a Day. TItis Halai lbas reducedits pnice ta tl Travelling Publia te 81.80 par day.' It baud y te the N. Y. Centrai Delpat (anly lev dean. Southt), sud bas necautly beau a fltted sud re-furulehed. Open nighi ai day. The lbonninlafixt-clu inlu vany a ipeci, sud Canada peopale will maya mont hy geaag-to lte Ayers Eotel. WILSON SPRAGUE, Propnieto Rochester, N. Y. Jaly 8, 1878, <6mý B ITîSH AVERICAN HOTEL, R AY 18, IL-TZana sunox 3uSE.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. Hanse uaîly renovalet! sud inrulce lîrougbont, sud put l ini-otclaieos-des- i hote ncaplion cf gatii.Au omuibus ta an nom all traies. FinI-eass smple noome. S QHAKESPEARE IHOTEL "-Cor. King & Vas-k-mise., Toronto, Onf J. A.O'GRADY, - PROPRIETOl M.j suEts, 81-50 PEis Div. lly-47) '087 OFFICE SALOON, Toncacr McCO11NLL, - - PBOPJIIETOB. 1cr Guerf. ly-47 QVEEN'S HO0TEL, - VICTORIA JAS. MACKEY, - PROPRIETOR. Ginot! Table, Liquara, sud Cigare. Fine slahling aun.! vasy naeesairy accommoda. tion. - ly-41 r . INMAN, OS9HA WA, Veterinary Surgeon, Wl!!b hataIArmtstnug'e hatl, Whilhy, aves-y Tnesday, tram 1 la 4 ,'clDk, p. m. Apnil 25, 1877. 15 New Stage Line E[TWEEN WHITBY &c OSHAWA.- BI have put on the routa betwaau Oab. ga an sud a a nomiortabla covered Stage, sud inlicit the patronage ai travalani sud otheri. Every attention willha paid ta the camion sund canveniance ni'paîseugans sud ta the sucurity aud prompt deliveny oï parcels cOmmlîîed ta my change. Thena Wil hi uno stages par day asch îsy, viz.: Leavlug Oshawa each matrjàLg lu time ta malte close connections wiih the Whithy dc Ltndsay Itinway, and ai 8 a'clocit eacb sitarnoon; aud eaviug Wbitb stail a. m. an t6fn. feacla day. TU ciae l callat l htelsin achtou, sud ardeni lait ai any oi the batela vill ha attended te. Fane sud charge. madenate, Mac 7h17.J. B. ADAIR, Pr .opriaton. LANDS FOR SALE 1 IN rTHE Township of 8omerville, COUNTY 0F VICTORIA. Thae followlng lande lun the Iowu.hlp ci Somterville, Caunty af Victoria, are ofersd for sle- The Wstj cf Lot 5, lb the 18tb caucea. sdan, consuling a01100 acres Flitean acres c0asred sud feunced. -A never.failing itream crassai the loi, on whlch la a mii!9site- notr the sida cf a gond road. The Proraty aa ouly 1 ofa tuila tram a railws, taCOU On tvige aslwà m a 8 wies fror the meurs. John Gnndm"n aid Daullsilvir, csir Kinanount vil! sho* theoproperty. For Tarans nf'gala, apply ta;- ma S.WALKBB, Moray Pi- O. 0Onignia, or'tla Miser. R4C~ ýO., Whltby, me, lth sde vo un Dehil mira' afiSel witho ever May1 'Ta Pent c Fait théi boast Vieti. SURH O. WISO2Ç, Lot No. 8, 9u4 Cou. Pickering, an Kingston Rad, a0tOffice, Wbitby. eHIA H ALL eor usEE13ZIGe(unleumm) 71KIN-e EAST 'TORONTO., Psnoy Bikfiýàast udTes Sets. Fsucy Dinnar sund Dessert Sets. Panay Bed.i-aoà Sets. Panay Ju 'udi 14np,,s Oo toN.T lieu un* M-4 Ày alos t. u ey or. ri u at: cri )a Real ebta, ut Lai Rates of Intean J. H. McCLELLAN ausry 911, 1877.t $p7e5,000. ON FIRST-CLAS ARM LANDS a une ai 8200 sut! upwardu, nI 7 cent. Payable kislf-yaly. Apply la- col GEO. S. HALLEN, Solicitor &c., 's-il 111h, 1877. rti rock ly.41 'Y.D ýAL ci eta per 17 'eknewn roeadeueadssml lfcr J. i EEREE.48 Csthe t., rN. r. 1IOVeLTY WORKS, WHI TB Y ONT. 1HE SUBSCBIBER bnvlug pns-nhase tîleMncbiuen-y san nIre stockc anonat Lnmbcn fnem bbc Mndge au nuocal Mauulaclnning .Company, leu epanet! -ta furnial Doona, Saihes REAul rmes, Moulallugi, Basa, Arclaibnavo bos-lg Sbeîiug, and avcs-ytbing rn net! 17 the trade, aI ltha loîcal livin tas. - W"ood tannin5 Nemeaeand Balustenst anr. inahe- ion sala, beet qnnity, loveE [ces. Pela e snnlong axparineansut! ans 1091aliug to mes-lt assIars of pnb!i trage. 0110. GILCHRIST, Ps-eps-lies-r. ELIZA MARIA CAMPBELL ai Il Tovnuf ciltliy, County ni ôuts- ;Province ai Outanlo, vifsof ROBE!! IIPBELL, oiftae same place, mennhant ch>' give uotuce tînt I lattendt! leapply t SDominan Pns-liamaut naîtseesin forj a1 ofDivoesaemensa et thora, fretu mi ituishant!, silar te the Bill puseatil ,beitali hy thea Seuils in 1677, faor deser ii ns-uelly, anal lhe othe- causes, ual fartl ait! Bill. ELIZA M. CAMPBELL ib>', Jul>' 8th, 1878. (6m-21 ioR SALE, AT TE DEN MAJOR MILLS1 ýd of id w e- ig bo st !Y r É, y IL 9 Red kni tI, 's9, In te by 'If ,0 tact Plate Lumban, miesaicua!. ih Bards. Elooiiug, x 4 Scanlling, 2itedPlann, Feecing Boars-d, 100,000fiel cif Oak, Maple fs- ailes, lit qualily, ai ihlob Square Timbar, Il f wici wll e sldcbaap fer cash. m oult! alin ha g ta ay ltaIlthe Os-lit ie rnnlug,and ih dong finit-claie vask. p ugdene 6day itee ak, foe ve B. MAJOR, 1878 Prapnietar. EB GREAT CAUSE 0F HUMAN MISERY. SJuil PUhliabed, lu a iaalad EnvO"elope. Pnica six cents. A lecture outha Nature Treat. Radical cure nf Semlual Waaknass, or aatarrbnas, luduned hy Self-Abuse, Iu. tary Emisions, Impatancy, Nervnua Uty, sud Impadiment's ta marniaga rai Couiumption, Epîlepi n MR entai sud Pbjsical Inca sertsud OETJ tLVRWeýL, D. or ai the "Grain Bock Ildc ie world rennvued autn, in hala sd. blq Lecture cle«rly proves tram bis eperieuc i tathie asue causeusca 11-Ah'c m&y ha effeteuafly namcved outrmedicine, sud vithait dan»gin 's!4 opmratlnn, bogies, lnatrumauti or oorlils; pointin e ut a mode a1 Atance certain sud elfectsa!, by wiie Fefaer, no mater vitat hisccndition be, may aura blaslicbcaply, pyivata nsdioully. Tha Leth e. Iprovo s boan te, at uder ogei, lu a, plain anvalopi, te, Ila.., CU re taii ixcents, or tva coeéaaup. Addn8a,-,- Dg Z"VN rn EIOAL 00. P*& ot415 ixS. ~ o Sl THE MAI 'AT Wl Rave reently bact Anal îlen s-oals0 lThe patrons cf1 fiel ussurat tal douqite lue at pc tie tiamait despatel FLOUR ansi!u ilnntly ou hand,!a CASH FOR WHEAT Aau al imes. ' !vs e 8 1 S p . -T . P . W RI T E . WWevae 0t eh. 878. 4 G3EORGE BRITTON, CA RRIAGE WA GGON ILAKUPAOTUREROi fa nai Improvet! ..Root Seed and Corn Dril, Double & Single Tam/ip D.rIIis ILAYTON'S PATENTED ORtYRNs, llmprove!.i LYuBuggies, Smlghi, anstantly ou REPAIRING doune nbaly sud va!!nou th shonietnotlce. GEO. BRITTON, IW"Tvnons-s oseuihlithe Quacn'a Hal, Brock Streel, ----Wlitby. ifY~fiGIl<4 ~ îMxiùJ'nsuranoec NP 'x ÂDopicz' BROOK.Sr, 17K OBEAPPON CASH.. Ja n,.wsmn a=p a, ~ ~ i1àý Pitn ntUeras, JIST fÉ h;RNYLGO . O JQMPLw= 1,135 DryM1BpNICKLL, JON WIL 0r s i y, T uP i R ~ ~ ~ ~ ot DfIor ~s. a 1878n.,- 0 1721.ta àz ]2 182 17J21 04~U7 A ÀDAte 18W4 'TUliütdlisbi 1146 20#2hl5 118 al bStoakioldoara, ufiarse RBi 1loi O~j~~0 19 3. ,deModerato rates ofepraanaum. 121 1 18 0,NORE 121 118. I 17Agent, Wh G O .DA1ýNBzL1,, w4itbyl Apnil t, 1878. - Junior Judira î.-1878.H TAMRICA JOR MLLSAssuranceCo a 'IEVL , . iINCORPORATED 833 Dnt"dvith machin ASE TS,101,876 94,, 1Y adaipled for er . Â.rBALL,, ~~~~~~ ...J. ds.~ Insurauces eafecied st lte lavasiOu, an ai aciled-la malratai ou Buidings, Mer anasu 'A SPEICIATy.a propern againit leés or dianage by fine, C. NOURSE, the! m MaAgent, Wi ,&lmatbenefora Wbitby, Apnil 9tIt, 1878, hoir GRISTING wM b ssibIe mannen, sud vitit HBFR h. T, EHEFR THE PARKE R CIJN. UEND STAMP FOR CIRcui.AR PARKER BRÃ"'S WEST MERIDEN9OT. Music Instruction, 1~ HIABTFOBD, CONN. CHARTERED aieo CASII CAPITAL, $1,250)000.0 Cash Assets, dan. 1, 1878 iSIXTY-EIulTH ANNUAL EXHIBITIu $ 8,292p91 3,49 Mauageat! by ul iUndes-msitens, anal1 Saxty.EzhtYeasoeoe clet- iug inancial Inatitutions aiflte Counts-y. Casha Indemnit>' DiabUrset o Pals-c Over 21aOO0a000.00O1 iF AUl bnsines Traneactet an Psiucipl cfCmme-ci&l MHoas. WE STERIN ASSURANCE COMPAN' INCORPORATED 1851. CAPITAL- - - - $8a,Oî (Witl pavas- ta leueisto 81,000,000.> FIRE AND MARINE C. NOUIISE, Agent, Whitl Prscident. HON. JOHN MCM URRICH-. BERNARID HALDAN, Mena ging Directr J. J. KENNY, -* - - .lerreta, JAMES PRINGLE, --Generaldtgeli ta Iuuannee effacleat allialoîcal et s-et s-îles an Buildings, Marchandise, ai otells-propant>', agîlal lals esortiamage b lire. C. NOURSE, Agent, WIitt3 Wlilby, April 9tIIL 1878.1 'IR. FRED MUDGEa 'IN-OTEHER F TE Me Iode on. IERMS on application. Residaue,eorn. r as-Oseau anal John is-seet, Whilby. llelodaeua te s-cnt at #11 51.25 sud Ot.io, er mocth. LEVI STONE, Wilkinson Block, - dis-eitly Norh o Jolaualoe's Fus-nilure Store, SOUTH BROCK-ST., - - - WHITBY, Be0gJst auonce te tha inhabits te c Wbitby sut!viaJaity, thet hoa liaS penauaa FLOUR & FEED STORE, - Iu cauneatiota vîlh bis Butcher Sitnp, île-a ha vill alîsys lava nu baud A L ARGE STOCK OF Choice Flour, Cricket! Wheît, Oatmeal, Cos-meal, Oti, Pesa, ,Shorts,&c ORDERS DELIVRED IN ANY PART OF THE TOWN i W~' A Cail is Soli<ited. j LEVI STONZE, Wilkinson Block, - wIiby. Mss-eh 1211, 1878. tf-il CA NADIAN AIJR CAS! The Canadian Gao Machine is an auto- matio gas.makiugapparatua. It la demigu ed as a means by which factaries. M.is- batela, churches, dwellings, or buildings oÏ auy kind, situatad lu the country, or beyandthe reach ci coal-gai mains cf cities, muay be aupplied wath a sais and cheap gai light. These machinai are simple of coustrun. tion n liable ta get out of order, reguire n M~ to manage, are madelin à substan. tial &nd durable manuer. Tbey occup littia space, ae set up i Mau expne, sud ire equsiyadapted fior li tig ithelargeet mi!!Factory, public bu ilding, or the amanl. est dwemuig. araen naw Or Utried tbing, but bave beau lu constant and auecesifuli lu aU parts cf the couutry, bctb wintar sud summer for years. The igai mad" by theae 1machines la MusulY knawusas carburated air gai belc common air Impraguated wiib gagol(0. I berne wit a richbrigbt flam#ý, fullyeal ta thaï; producad by ccii gg, ' conducted tbrough pipas sud ormmsnta fitrea, with tho e aanvacouvegufd ait. No fi is usadinuthaeprocous of-manufacture, aud buildings Uigha by i t are1 restth Rame ratai au tbough CSISal àada 1a gaswas uîed. »The cotalf thia gau for light, equa! ta ana thonssud fast -o! cci! gasý viai afrain one dollar suafle ente ta, AWO doflans belnu abut on utiprj0cei'~ Our machn akaw 1atMayagi ballù?" ivanc, f o lh= au Batha, Waie. 1Oloseta, P:1 ,1 ado Pnutalus, Bubr Raie, Guai Buea, iluJ ]Bronzeansd 0aystàalitQ. Dapeait itlI Ilminian Gevenonu 550, 000. Exparinceda Agents tis-otgoftiti Dominiont. Fire Riais-,writtenaietAdieqtaatr Rate, C. NOURSE, Whitby, April 911, 1878. AgnW Ib IRA VELERS' LIFE AND ACCIDENT Insurance Company, 0F HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Assets, - $4,316,ooo Cash Surplus,- - 1,214,000 Beet oi Securiîy. Loy Cash Rates. Libeal ealng.Sts-ict Management. An Unta-niabet! Reces-t. Sohit! as a Rock. Life and Endowmnent PoI'c1o-ý, 0f ail sale sud deainable fiasms, on thc Loi- Rats Cash Plan. Centralt plain anal defi- elle, sud valit! daims proat 1~id WIilby, Apral Sla,,18178. AgaUl, 1hi1'.y IMPERIAL LA AND INVEST- CAPITAL, 6000,000). Head Office, Imperial Butildinags, Teronta. PRESIDENT : BANEERa: HON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. anLaCIren :-G. D'Arcy fleulton. MONE'Y TO LOAN an Improved Ferma, at Low Ratas ai intaresi. Âpply ta- C. NOURSE, AÂpaser, OR TQ E. H. KEBTLAND, Manager, Tornto. GOOD MORTGAciES BOUGIIT. April 99h, 1878. -15m l LUMBER!_LUMBER I LUMeER -MERCHANT, -1H IT B Y, Ruiombu arlarne muh ay i -ailkt"@s of PlUaab@T Gi ao 'i-.ig~tfYrte rer O~. ~ luthé longi àôg yei rTB siu. euoe wa l ThaulLlsv leaves ahe ta pth! an psy :-.Cquýlm. &e. «Où De! CDee goar mcro l'hbeà itb TRan. CoaiÀantt entinit se? r Thare 'çi ucltbig 'sodean a> heden AU, ' interÉsiOnrrQgand viutar's suai. dot. Ltki, paits idpin 4uiý Au vary woa lu th d WC 2-16 B tlo!qs ai ihi th C.B enalea uulypalsa i ad ;>:.,, ' CÃ" n-A ètta.Iaiuwe~ra ha aWdaï&awat.!ist>nbs:4r d bèen artinia %herng.-ocf Cot 1nt; qaf the r lad - Jpng ate 0 bail. - - - - h- ' ecoîç tuat u not uit;. !Wnqt abtud ne of r o a t u .I~t a I so m ," B a i t!I ; Il t va s a l y s ' I 'm , off t e, no , m t hier," sa it! tabooe d in t e n ans y, u t! I jIave oely grea s ugli, vIte ailaitet! god-naurdly Isard bitssut! ses-ps of i ; tel! -il me, saug l a & c i f h la s c oa i a i a n y n i . "6 B B e c a , o ' I y n i " - a n a l 1 le a 04pital girl. in'mIt cabcsIe as I oult!iit pIessur, but I raily. bear i t i s c e t h e r i g lt i l I n d s t i f c e d o u a t u aio i t , " s i t ! B e a t i ci o , d am a - s bel ec aste gbne, I lape sIe'!!ait rely. " I don'tata endIt mIs-erft in- i"va I i t w h e r a l i a s l e t- c a n n a l ; f r , b y J o e g o î l t o i e . " ,m e rn li'emult! 1 - I cs'l mae ul lhIéthra lsa ey He0 i e room : sd flae vrd, gct iunt e cae, ait! ugî ;- but lig lt s l y vas e , calle t! u p a d ep th e o th er day , vla n I ha t! t e l o ta lo I T h , 8181 f p e h aM oth s of uLi ci n 'tî~ of ust'y o It! fam iy pap er, 1 rendt he quite us e cusfo vs o r tahle ustary ai lte m*U ho usat on lit godu !, lta- iesent la u'b live lae tiroomi H19 dide't begin life mom avare taIlItere aus anev embas--aa 'gboil, yeu n keai" h ra os t e n s a l- r n o li f . O ailij , W b " a -"o h j t o n , d o te ll it n ic o ly , S u t! m e a,' vaghd eràvilYflpasn tejma U. - Thai mae asltoy of it,"1 I muait covrsg N deu i sl qu re Ite kinde ' 6 -put not the' j looser lta n n as, in a: optation irlistýo f en ' ml" . i a t fo l. of n am oth ng do ightfUly ho ri le , - tuai 'l ad ýbist! i, e hie oui a Audliippily onecf ns tbeiumy.fiat! agsi we en abc'auld dsmàre tee] Thal viales- â 0Wfo îm hafi t Eu tt r 1 'baa. -f <wee 1,- -- e' tn e--hlIt myma: -ha"- ,àýitip tOe&atlk6d ýt ý' rac ýtébtahr neihinli invelv- ANA- -MlaleIdaWgrowe nlteoask they-esy i - e! a îpuaiig ai manay. - Se, ýiltil 5 serve Bettlbla e a daug.r4$ot> qepate play', lytyieesbyeinadc uie - P~n andnin npainta oa- ipto nloyltibing sanedma nt mIe lit'r ty r ci ,deig rogueslu AnelleI--abis f it li, lt[l lh leha alue!hre il b . T lt am is tle ii o a's b e c k o n n g j v e n be r h s ! r u e m e u l , * ' W l ie h , ' -o a i c o u rse , t ie X flnttanilng 'beunt, yen muai - ceaie 'W .1 oldservants cppoe a l tlîeir visici.- bat- ý -vitità, sud mhich vonît neyer hauve- SlOeepsait I1vItAle ave-lia ficor I treait- been- cerriedtb lrough, butfor Beitni.-ea ýAut! AataIltae taunh cf may lips, lYmynanveon, iq fs nusigealau -~~n - mat, sdéveryhndy.-Slite lid, as usuai,1 n)V 'Wlute ie brneging theatnàra b onne 1 beeu- heat!luaIl lte plans, sud1Ibnd1 .y C à a in An sta, have 1 caneta lban Irise&.teo h a s a nsut! iet;-fan, as 1I Lest eue leveg ha« Frtifn I May camea isiveàlraady- sait!,"I was ikeeliane To clain t he hatxlta *Iste etng headuleofîeantieg onr- TIte falsecèt vc6utiare fain ai yen, r ag-iro h hne hug u e Ant!lipË s apreîî veyaswon udeceit; - sitiuhip-fer viadit! "ouli causins", x But onumy bounourl'diser yenne- ais bille vaguaet!dmail dietint- Ai trnasuni # oe astnIyeur breasaI, My lkind. My fatler, Gencral Sealonand:uIl fer aee I - i - Mn. PagonelV ai Ernîcliff lad beaut ment Wiuîn e long!s*y, vintar's long î1 iceîolelevesut!d breller offinra ; smnt!' than Oquhin Annelle, is il lae t go ? thaWir nt!hip lad beau cemaniet! by t -Penchauce-lte lover sud love.mick song lta- suanniage -ni bath, wuthIea. 1ev Maemlt ion aven vitIt vints n'i ua? ya a c ciller, vilI tic girle, dis-b ithy. The cacnstlbhonghlsinluthe heurt lie decp tant relationst, l at!bacc bronglal I 16 Thnougll s ni nIes- sut! andasa.time u ealn - But if ytiermemary irisa loai ;ep, M y fabler a nd! m oll a l beau for i Baaeait1ber the misîlelos kieis, My seeat IlIau.ten yeane lu Indua, eund I la i di._ beau mît under the cane of su excellent a g;kant! laseanuet! lady vho tank a saall % C ouin Ge ôircy 'u Cham bens. num ber oi pupils, anut! nder mitose b, roof I lat! lad a heultty ant!saliafan. a A TPUE CiMTtaIeAS iTOSY. t tory lufe anongli; bet- Ernecliff, wuhere no The ar e noAllais eut! M a sga zaI D acie I pent ail m y leolidasy, %vas lia lam e ai cof my Icant ; sutnil iut!deasd la oc -that inukea tw,-sndth ie Ladies i Ihink ltaItIis vas probably My laîl y 0)0. Lttscelles, fiva . t!an'I aeliai ve ose viait titaeInm aasforI vas te ni squeeze inu stetbr young lady, by nny jalu my' lutteas- st! ahrluInda l poeibilily. ia fevanonthe' lima. Il vas a place te Ms-e. Pugonci vai the speaker ; sud haat any celandsudcp.ciilly a an.-d it was ltae sIxt lime tlIaI ]3eaîrlcnandt! a. . ne -eMsef ue t heU 1 lad bsard lhan suy lois,, ulvays vint!- aasieoalk yei ct el ýUgup itha itgus ppal a Ui. monelonons onfinement cia 'Londonw "Girs, îsiuniI t do2" square. TIte park vasuit!lu inte scx- bi for irl, wht an I a d 2" trame, a ide etretch c owant! ut!li ion "aly, molher dear, I don'I secansd meeorîsut, andl tic caltleasai vIl sycn eau de," sait! Beuice, "cx- laeavy das-k-reét mesci building, stand- cept jusi maund.say tlItart, set!ing et itevas-y culge ai a eteap desceut, ns hat va ara vasy sorsy aeut!co feni." utla lcfwianîtt!haqitv M'aWhnilIe trouble mothar?"' skat! ulule olt!.îasliioealvillage,.110 dineoîly oe Hugit Pagoatol,,appaing lu lia deor- balow, that a atone canît! aasily laveaha vay,- reat!y- equippet! ior lii day'sbeau Ibrowu frein OesofitlI astcle la les aiooiing. Wndais dame sînuighl mb u lac mrrket , w "Oh 1 my decm, didu't yen leur ab pince. Insie it ilas a qucan s-nmbling i 1ybreakfast?2 Tlose tiraisomô, Moton,- bouise, full of nurrew passagesainut ut lenîl lliey ana churmiag peopla, I'm large long veîlteairaclais, au t nex- e snre,-only il is incanvameut - us7y pectat! alaircasea round! daugenons car- na h ave mitten ta ast, if tbey may bning anra, lcsding taO heuutet!.looking atima G e ayouug lady, a nioce ofl -iheirs, la Stay sut! rangeascift!cngaou-likaeselana ; PO la er lIrthe New Year'i Evo Bail." clarmaug for blad s e ek, asw iave e]a Oht! cavas- mid, molles-, pack lian ofîci fens, Hugit eut Beatnite sud I. in lu osemaheos-orculer, can't yen ? Thte The eninance-liallvas nift!ask euk, aig more lie mers-ian. Lot lber tîka my yulh a eane deanr; and! wiîl lo evabavy roemansd I coulIt!have a ehakedovu archet! dons-s laading fs-oui it te flec din- cet anyvîtara." ing-ncom eut! libres-y; aund a tii-t, "lYen are lte kinulet cf baye," Ilits-as-ly openat!, muIt belougedtal lte gi moîhar sait!, loeking fant!Iy up at i is-noom I have meutilieet!benar-tha s, tately Iteight aund briglt, goat!-tamper. binalelthatbes- ni the ousa-lthelitaunt. iW ait! face ; "but il moult! baiai no use, et! aparîmaul kuovu as Conciu Geai. bul 7dmy dean, Ihanle yen. I conît! not offear fnay'is-aeom. A. gloeany, gremuam2e Hl a young lady sas-nom lu thc banialansl place il cantainly mac, partly beaane rom, np a cseîa slaircese eut! eh! : i hld neyer, ior genenalioue bean madeofae imposeibla I and il wonhdn't do te usse a ît il lad graually lecoe ala mate s-nom fon ber by pulting a malt! sort nofliospilîl fer disablet! furnitureaua tor tItane. No, ne, I raally muet vs-ie, us aeut! a nenaptecle for lumbar. It bot Rni ;>y: Betiepooe, ný oes vax -itsarsin thaequartern ameepitage analdie in- "OCau't Bac anud Katie put up logather e hn h oswisfeune h at! for Ihesa lie niglalaV'" s- oc ;ndIthoeeemialI fene n bar ed l by "Kauie la te ha hidly enongla quis- sny vaîî-suteîicata clos-y cf ghlity sec tes-ad as il is," sait! Mra. Pegouel, ituil. ihao onebin eua-hadl ý. iug et me ; '"memean t tebr i nt Ie îese, [lare vas a vngue brhorcf lte te »n ltaI litle est cupbnati, vhinh s-ally le place, viic, as mall asitis aluainlli in - oc te mali te barnround in, andt!Bec vill came, liad beaubauüdet! dame fs-mcm aF giva uplianrs-nom te Ils Mise Duciai, genea-eionamong thsa [raditionsonIEs-n - a ant! sloop lu lies-dressing closet. It la eliff Caille.4 vendes-fnl low i la acommodation 0WIteu Huagi lad gene ont slsonting, ltes-e is in thus great s-eebliug place." sut!Ms-s. Pagouel ladt setîltleseau l a g "lWell, I can only sec oee hing te lier naîe-writitag, I îeîî te mnaing On al CeU lae donc, mother," cuit! Hugit ; "give 1i ld ven board ai titis s-nom, anal I ha Mise viuu'i-let--nemc tle chaice cf maBs anspniste a ow vas-y liths il mac. lau awsy, or sleeping lu Cousin Gecifscys Thc aubjant lsd iardîy saver beau ncn u- eltaabar." liane! baeors- a in ans- nus-ses- dase ; pos of .Ba!y, mama, va noves-ltongît sut!I tuailIait Mre Pegonel, île ha- hou ci laI," sait! Beats-ica ; 'lit leneyes- iean vsyoc aval i edl usat!a seaaaitling ronm,-mly not put i icutely irtritable aser anv, oult! net wil, bcd îles-elas- oncetI You t!o't raally ancourege..iî'e discusseion nom ; but I d baliava lIaI iii haunht!d, do yen 2" racolve!, on lte cari appontuuity ta îhi "lNet cxseîly, but sncb a ds-aary s-nom ai Beetrice os- Hugli t te ll mc~eî, o d sut!cenlte grount! flans- ay roan -mas tle deantet gone Cousin Geai- et!j tleryboy; Iemul handly put a guet iray, île wue suppoeetatelbuant ltaeThi neyeethogît coaumbes-ta uliie a du!givan lis oft eyens- putling a guest ibaee; but mliy The opportuuity soeu came. Dinuer- que j ihonîsiitatMie Mos-ion sloop inyour lio uitoce duys ev as- cslier thon tini dressing dlosaI 2 Ste rmuit put aap ui[l lhay as-e nom, and tle bîessediet!ituila-et!1 '-close quartas-i-sud I viii bave the tien, oi fivai o'clook las dit! oct ysl axial; ltc 11111e sîrcicher bat! put mIe oCousin Gef. but Besînice vas lunaivanca ci her age 6 le f"yearilr.ootu."eton n in isrepect, sud asiteldinfeotet me ai - "y dan ut! tvont! et u sy iii lien propcuaity for laa-t!ninkieg aI ,-d accounulrs u ensrasvos meeting yul. isregulan bous-a. Itlilut! become s ps-so- liev any aItock." lice mitlian anal me te flot! ourealye, oni 64My nas-vaisa in ne danger, mtollr in the dusk olci litnes- aitas-noon, ou hon 1 ascanne yen," sait! Beats-ice, in lier ltse lange rmg aset! lune iidvas es-id bc quiet ratelis-demure Mannes-, 'I den'I baIns-fc a ida oit!-iahiouet! Ieartb in bu baieva in ghoes." - t[eac surauce-hli: il ers, eronchiug In sura "Tlaut-la no roascu vly yen eleult! the corners, eut niflte binzean t eus net bca fruid t! iIea," I sras-ed ; tlevarmtht, va nsalta ait set! chat, i "lyen ladtunel botelle -c'me sloop inet!ddrink lau, uhiali ve veylait! ou ils ib, tle liauntat! roou. I du> believe inet! dfroan Ils kitchen tthîe hoeeeap.à- gliosts, yen tuan d I sholnt acri5es-'î n;nan;dt!thara Rugli moult! cf- I mo ai! mmnd sacing oee.:i1 moult! baigreaultan joie us, gînadt!ateilt sast beforetelié 5 .ai,ru't i hra-vas, salueinclumble, b tweu theon about 'acertain beautif icGua&an, angs Bestrix:Paganai,, w i b-l beeti branghit ep vithiâ am bath, at ;W tay bob feu! inlois'aeivlh, Me lia iked the eldeat brother ba 11ke,à vall brnugeat-up y.ua9 vom utIin instance I dan0't much voude irudgiug by their portraita,,Balg s bebestOf it. ati-bspte YOPje raeuimberwlaat a- ine, -bans 8opwe face it je." ý_1 ould nctPrie i, Iif Ivitre-yon, -'al bnp. I il' live'co be-iang Aîk al 0y anneatr." - Haug-4 P Wlat s ha! beuiloe?" yo Yotaiaa 'l ear. ,The Pagne] stuck ta, [ hei fith uwheu tiaurs c&a9n sod, tlaaonCily ellerain bain5 that I hel ai1., ciaplain dieappeuced for a' litt w1aild,.qud [heu raappeared lu the, ahana nier af- sacrelâansd hauase.stevard- vary transoparent daceit I siîl lii but [ danesay eabody- wished ta ga the amîý siniî)uttroubla. -Nov*taestor goca that sotuavhane in the, iutnioaaie cfth lIae tle <haro vas a hidiug haie, ai remote sud 80 skiUifully coucaalad tha it dafled discoveny ; l*thesecret cf wihil ueaJio bain lta 'poscsion cf.the haun! a lthefasuily, aud cf, oua caufidant-,olj cli6ien by himnelf. Itl is ad that avat the poitical -or religions fugitives ubWh badl someinc taken shaller titane haéi beu lad tead froan it, blludiold, , suaI: waî tho jeaiouay vih itiol i the Ps- auignandad Ihair praciaus secret, luRapeh Pagcual's day ha had choseu ion hie confidant bisi brethar Geoffroy; amd, truatiug-to Ibis Place c f refuge, Wîaei lte old priest and ail bisi pins balongiega could ba stowcd, avay ai a mnment'a notice, they practiued [haie religion ârencfsanlcasily then moot foîke ai their persuasion in ltae glanions days ai gond Qnesen Bas. At lait, a fcw eas after Raiph'a manniagei,lte <cool. laise bctwean hîtu sud Geoffroy semi oe have endad iu an, open rupture. laslpIt Paganci lunad Geoffrey-out of Ione, witi higli vardai hinh I have ne doubt lha daiarvecl, and Geoffr-oy vaut off, 'enwing ta be eegdo i irathan." anvne ult "lOi 1 I know wvitlbliae going ta do -hae gava information." I 1.6When aaext thea lilecangregation nI Eruacliff aeaembled for prayans, oe rita was alweasaunthe -watcsh on tlias'e ocasinscarne te give nour- tîtat lthe siasofficans ware lunltae neiglibeur. .aed. WVheu tbey arrived, evenylting Wase praparot! te recaiva thetu, sud M. Pagoelnt!d his wvue vaicomed tthea eiitcly, truating te baille thaam, ai they ad! donc baera ; but faecy thair dis. tm sdieir fnny, Whou llaay eaw Iafryappear, bringing witl i ham ei anor aid priait sund nil the sacre! vas. ils which i bd beau hiddsn lu thaelaid. îg hale ni ihich hle-only- knew the scret VI "Wnatcheid mua Ine1 oonder ha tn't neet lunltae grava." , I don't know that lac aven liat!a ,rave.' Ie ha alili living Ilion, lika the Wundcning Jew ? I lapa lis vaut coma teck soeaxsday sud daim tthe asiate, lugh. WYait tl u neur tha sud. Howv nl ail taise ina and culs ara trus I !n't tllu, but il la cartain -thgt BalpIt md Beatrix Pagoea, tant!Prenais livera, pricat, une amng .tIsasIe h et! ou lthe scaffaît!, andt! ltI Geoffroy va penmittcdtl tatake posssinoi hoesat l inonaideration ai gond rvics re-udenadt! tathe con." Ha aemi to hava lea smeit misarabla 111e -ne, shannet! by even35body as a Irai. Dr ut! a fratricide, sud ta have shut, imshlf up at lafit quite alane in the aftie, lu Ihat* dneany rosom, liaviug riven aven Itis servants away." "I don't feel as il I couit! pity hlm." "Ha vas supposad te, have become greai miser' ior ha iqunazat! aIl ha nIld out of hie tenantes; andut! las lievt ta et tumos vNee acoumu. cd in lthe castle whila lac Iivad lacre; ut whan otan hranch coflthe iamily Iok csasiein they fount! net a coin lu [ha ouje sud ne algue cf vealtît-nol aven trace aif.thie amily plaie or javels riti had blin nxtnennely valuable." "deWhen dit! youn people coma into ia catata P'" IlWhen tues wrechet! man dlaappear- 1myaierionaly, vhich ha did at laîl. sanrs is ne renard among lthe papers the exact way lu ihiol ieisabsence as finit diecovarat!; prnbably froan hie- ier itermait vay of life, ual-fan a long me; but aller somns monthe liat! alape- h ie cousin, our ancestor, cameand ok posessicu." Whene eau ltah iting' hala ha 2";I u.1ý- t! lthe philalogist,, uith aswia iaia " you:ougito a y, 'Drivé me la Uta rater,',ore ad me la the vat-r." Less onFatrncn.-Nover omit amidle 'dlur friandsif by auy puiiiyya Mn reain iem. W.aretit velaY ofi pendlbifts iftwi lot anefriand drap iff dmncgh inattentiou, or laI on Ui Zi vmwy suother, adif vo boit! abattram one patty jealoeey, or fraie beediass light anrarughnu. wWaioIt! you do ýif a gil kussed, s, by Ont r & LIDSAY TABLE. ni>' lot, 1878,- 'u- 8.45 "M Peaket Tiras. la -Y> ai tue Ts-,ulcRail- pactem, tt raIm, 'onrly.-, an>' descnip..- ielvng, iRa-' t'ing fP (41 :NTAL PINTERS. aiw stock of P E R S id patterns. ;CIALTY. et the shrtet- 1d& WABAM, Eannce3y, Brick ly.41 .TO )f' Baths. .WONEY TO Flwe iss-naces Inn Lly's, dct. Glansuare, ail descripionsa. . dc" Wite Stane vire, ctvany kint!. Rotai and Bar Gonds. - GLOVER HARRISON, MAIITI & WA2RAM, OSSION AND ORNAMENTAI, PAINTE 'Hsva juil raoalvst! sai stock ai WVALL PAPER -aith ltestîldiguaanmd Patterns. FBBSCOING A SPBCIALTY. Presce designseaxecet!on the aboli aUnace -MARTIN & WAAM vao doora nias-t ctKing'i Tannas-y, Br Street, Whilhy. I3 L IVERPOOL MARET 1 CASH FOR GRAIN, To ha delivered st - Frenehmnan's B Th ts Ueit Ocase of n.Inîegraty vas lthe nmc tipriq ugd pau- or, dnicla l;ae regsaaf lit, ah jlthe ation#a n umene, geuslotts, si l lib enal, r, Hlia ain[eyer 80e --h le e 8 ie rqtalaeclwene bis ioe saccaîstat lha nèvar veut wivng, ho q&xcept iben a iiagoec gby ple w~IW diu ot cnew biskey; - d ,8 ' le nlaie wa asily set rigid ëd agtin. He'a t!an art eof-dispoaiug ofis ielee i Tlasti llatrs glidat! evay lu oecon. .- , ;tinet! ottaisl6<flpleasua-s, ir Tii!, in au Uniucky -moment hie pulse a1671 :, , itoop beating. a. 'Ha rai dotai Nav. 14, 180, agat! 57, .à I lue iopfaibeiug f<#len ina hasd by ba k.-Taeogi Maiker, etToýulycl&aned, a-epaircd, wateaad Ty 11P sud afgel ag -g es lii thaenrd ta Camte, wlaeu tint-e salil 3C : bano mora." - flRria aTanr.-A ludieanua incident ocensred ibis gsnmrertai"Weatlawn," y ou thb'a Bloemlfngdsle - Roa!. Jane-s' iïýhtl, f-Ihal plance, is cruamaned wyul so hoitfrr, vItsefeu is as isanleas; hic fase le- agl~' 'Oua day, in-JuIy, wvila hwnyo irîy *fait gentlemen vero e taut!ing in ltae fronat balcoayetftIlle -hoeaauindividus!- rode ep [he petit on the thinueut herse montai cyci ever leakcd apen.» Lesplug-frean hie phan. tom~ stee!,-lthe equestnian saiI, lnnning t tahe hostiar: ire, John, giva mly liane"tsem valef." - SSir 1'" sai! John, vitIt a -look ci astetaishtuant. 'Gaive -my borase mme valan 1" Itn. dcred lte' strangar. "lYour laorse ?" jaculalt! John, feuhl f mone surprased. 1Yas yau ina!, My lhonte 1", sud lta sîrangan looked savagary ai hlm, snd commeuéed draviuglthe laîli ci lie whip Ibronglahala ~baud. John vake! levant! hitu as lisngh-- ha veull eam'and an explenelteen, àse l ad tlkîn about ixistops, Whou lie îuddenly stopped, like one ourpriacd bayan! expreésion. , "BlatsaMy SaUTal " îye ha, "1 ix yur pardon. Pcm; but, youn hîniual vas a staudin' ou s lina witl thal ens laithita' poil, sud I didn'tase hlm."l The ove-1 an oiflthespectral beaat. tiedt! tefraya, bel a rosearmm-ltae balceny tmade han Change hie mmnd. DoeTRretAND PATVasene._ --$uVe nMe. denier, sud l'il giva yen àa [hotasatat! dollars." The dacton gave hlm a nemedy tIsai ense! hlm, sud h le slled ut ; "hCeep ai it doaataa, sud PRIlgiva yen a chaeck fonfilve hnndned dollars 1' - nlu an heur moealie vuea ale teo ait npi he a smlyremsnked:1 . Deoten, I fao! like giviug you a flfty dollar bihl." Wlaau tle doctor vas -rat!y ta go the, aick tmau vas np uni! dreeeed ; ha-e faîllet ha docten te lthe dean d ilSa-, dctar, send lu ycur billthe reni-f [ha mentI." When airxuaonthi ba!beau gatheraîl te Ttnna's, besean the cactar seu'lluna, bill amounling te five dollars. He vas. presset tecnt il- dem ta three, aller se daing ha ne t tegel it, gai ju!gmen sud thea paltient put in a say af atecli. AttouNa lacFWeas..-A pesta! caird bas beau enounth le vont! inotu Choie. litz, Suxeny,- iu 117 deys. The'nari cculained six difféenauuddresea of the Germen Consuls aI Alexaudria, Stug&&- porc, Yokohama, San Franolaca, New Yerk, sud! that cf the seeuler ut Cieni. ujîz, basides a polits rlijues lItaI lIta car!lho sent on vitheut delàaythla exact lime of nacaipt and! deepaca net. et! on lthe ciart!; su e -xpianalicu ef thaý cis-cumalancas of ltae ciaoebeiog aI Ithe site ime givn. Thee instructioris- seeto tahava beau prompllytalfille!, an!4te'card made la appearnce asgain* ai Chemnitz, 117 deays aftat'it baad beau daspaenhed, Covet ih the stampa of lthe varions stations. Il is sttat! tai il vould have gone &rondinlu96,tdeys if il ha! beau postat! au ber aarlier. TUE c YS5TÉa TaADiL.-From a ilate- meut necaully prepare! by lthe Ottawa Ciecan, va- learu Ihat for lthe fecil yaar nd ua!lthe 501h Jia, 1878, lthe fclloviug vera lthe importe cfoaters: Iu sIte»l, 11,514 ; iuCane, 098,128; sud lu bulk, 194,71 ; oan'tloa $204,'008.-TIae» figuras, cf caurse, raprasantltae finit an ihlealle cash -cf lthe "dalicioua bivalves," nt as lthe rns- tallers auka a very handiame profit, Ti Pl N Dm rai n Lp r ýai ai Io ML ric L rie [ul kti kh LI Id lit L ,,0 nt lu Loi 2e bit loi ici 8, ý si Yb, et &a 14 >LASTER, SALT, AND FOR SALE. 1 1 1 1 Ah 1 and wauldd.t I" saia t! Hgl. t can'tbean to e etdar odsquire 1 se gocaravoru. -I't!do euythiug (o, e t taingi square for hlm." Not anyling Hugli??"lHis ais. Baita, vila emplis; sud Il sawinli d firelighl aov lthe caleur mouetet t icneItaad as hoe ausverad ;v What de you meain? Why do yonen Bacanua I kuai ltera ara soev ngu vhicli yen icut! netdo for any eaha ausware!. I"Dit yon iere y oms usay Ilibi MisBarnetis cote- c le lthe baUll Ita heLaacèi!us ?" -'-o didd n'l uavvIy taeineoi ltae a .1 Blankahire heirose stneaknple. a flycon my esr, but il, cenlainy dia, a 1Huga's free, gay laugb bat! neyer In se valcame. Oh i nýo, bang il," ha aneveret!;- 0 ara net qpile coma l tai: I . N Y ner hava- a ,My hollai tre,- 4Y croît ci bramd sud liberty.~ ~ loe vas a pausean sd' laulana vas r t grave mtandst!, vhen bha said, a mentlaflar; SBukt a ll avantis,i11nivar da sny. c ig a ada! tabla oai--Oit iping 10bospokia, ast! va ail ai aid 'B hoa lb ire, and - tr1-I août* 1- 1 ýi - 1 ma zor #.aie st lowest 1 1 LOAI ý WhitbY, APrIl Oth, 1878. pril 17th, 1877. THE

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