Whitby Chronicle, 12 Dec 1878, p. 2

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WSsIS p - iy.£'c.lIl,, s'dv 05se5Weacse lu Ibis 'case hy ~ ~l3a'ssk th- ls aed.- - - -Edavard lU exisibit I.(so mariced iy' ,e arbi-. ~ ~:~- '. l~tro) We boive ~ b Expentes fer 1877, 89à8.1 AIci i ' ê",268.91 ; net rcoeipta, 06,922~ ýLargW ti«tigR..'.Th ne-flgurtin arae ounaclly gi l Btpv~.. - 'i . rue umont o! tisa expeuses o! h1arIw~eq,., réas. ~gtisa iarber for oeeyear-895 ->s Xm.euati p;onts &ms Joiteu., Tisa figures l exiiit P. muîi plate.? suad joeery-Jaa. rcalif4thdkslr Tia7'gv of tiso0 pro eqe 1~ Platt% vre,-atcs & 3no. - - Since tise lattes' date, we ana unfarna. - LU. - Faaygos---J. 8. Iîtobarlao. a, a~cata4to~$Isb~ebe Store telet-D. Ormileton, Soir,é rOýw4e' aï4ilÏ,tsý totnît v -Toy. sand tauoT. oosi-J,..Robertson.ra4' b.asanttov' Conert'-Laiudes! College. 86,000, cg tise necelpta"tàr 187r8l Gad- . l eliay. 'Ve, fins] tisn, tskisg lise cous-actes] lit. Nicliolosafeu January.- Iiolsa (2otowold's vants-?,Wkr.' 17-7.0 Gray'*@8syup.- " 187-,e,78.9 beo trsped-Jolhn Pbllipj.o . 187- Q,288.91 ethitd Tan 00551 rial s'y 'Total neoeiple for ,--- TO etTitTri p-Jno. Campron là laît 5 yesrs-...888,61.8 Ce..:1. ' ' EîxpesiSyeara," '- ' Notice, sJppicaIiou leo' Patliainnt- W a 981 t.a.475 Ual. poatpoiat-Dw. Tuakoi. - e- ;X eavi gÈtcriolgc Noticae! D,:lvtdeausBtsdaral Bank. 10 tiures,~B~ Xînwas Joiveiry -James Joisusto - ovu fithegcrs. JIclusiay preoants-- Jai. Johuete n. rectiontisa cer- Bankrutpl méôk-E. Frort. sd4r - - - I Ootis 40 VI- pt. Pklow OcÉ--t EFrost.' -'7 a Magazines anal "lbn-Geo. B.Yule. pe.s~~88852 Cassiadisu Express-Go B. YuIo, -Ticcea figures, hssed as tisey arc upen ti The AIs'Linceul'Fosaigu tickets- bis ewn tateineuts, cannet 19e ojedtod 1, Gao, » Teile - licby us onr setuposary.* For ouroalv- - polal notices-T. G. Wliiiield. c -Spocial notices-S. W. B. Smîih. as va are hulinealteb ieliefo tisaI tisec Xuslag(Casd-S, W, B. 8githé, iunuing expeuses are placet] at toc higsgi, Silven vare-Philip Tay'lor. a figure.' Tisa sons gis-eu fos- 4877, It luis Ladies' colorasi gcld andsjiroels'y sets- toahocrasiembes-os, l is ht Il cosl lis, ' pIii~liTyler.. - - xecutors o! tIse Drape as'emîte10man- l'eekot DissienandsurI Wssi-Go. B. c Ynle. â- gaetise l>ss'bor, Certaiuly il ceet Mr..- Cliatces-y sala-J. K. Giitson soir. Drapas-iici bis lifahimm-less, anal ceulti M- Mrgg ie7Leo s& Peas-oon. ha s-un for toas by ttis ovu hy ophing à'portion ef-th oise los vilh iso e ial AUCTION SALE S. office o! Town clork. It let aise te ho 8ale o! Iosporteii Sialiin, drangist ebforalciltisaI tiewisa figur aslt- lins-es sud colts, Iborcugis.bs-dansd osfseutaGzrI, iiatseoalu - hilihgr'd, catIle, impontos] Bilsoî! u. expeuiiitnre is Rivent. neos-ecipte frona plelfnèesl' -.'Vise Prc pea<rty alaas ieeaoo r nidasdtisaI'h itsisl ~trey, ua h irs-prernisas, lot tisoisowero aIt testl as mucis sas e r an 15s. l0thels s-er,<îý0 o. ,Pcken f-mtiýlasss' nt ihsbs i i414r qes1y,1Dec. 151h, 78.- I,.1~u-b5k ,'Actinee'.we'-have, isarea preperiy uotlsing rtecde. Sléie ,o! farm Stock, isuaploînts, &., %Va coma sow te lise pr-obable ex- c fI iaOPett y c« Mi. i£essudor Bas-day, pense cf re'psiring tise lias-ber: And oau1 lit Ilis pre,îssisea, Lot Ne. 12, lu tho th tisis tIse writer in thse Gazette exhihits ff cun. otIl1iokerincg T usrsday, Docou- tihe Ram e igucôrauôeof s!thse 1actsos-o tos] ber 1111h, 1878-L. 1 FairbankaAn- - s-ai tuenfeij, kilsa'iug tbem, wlfuily athacupta ho i Sle ! fru shck 'npesseus, .,. nIela' tise racepayars, as ha ýdoesa le a, tIse isorsrty o!f,'ar. Itiolîstrîl Wiuacot, respect te tise revenue aud expeudihsîre. J'1 al liasreîUiaes, lot Ne. 17, inu tiso2ud Iutise issue o! tIsatppe'o!flIhe titIs 'h( esa., tik t'.;risesDisillum.' Creek, on instant tlis statamont is made .1 Friseaij8ay, Don. 18h1s, 1878-L. FaIrbanks is.Kesfrlsrpn sp -82.E A5uitiolnder.. Ir.Krgfrlàrpr as 09.Là SuIe!lloîlussiiql. Fsîrnueo., 5t "0(0 will ha rasinireal for reisairil' zefal A.1 Usseisuitise îlrove'ty of tisa lite dditisI1hit iol $,000 Per foot te H. .lailustoiJ.-hlrOî.il, on 'I'issdav, Doc. 171h I"diadga tise Harbor to s lino cf lise r l878'l>cesass 'aiolse, Acîiueer - hs-akwales-, witisont mletioniug tIse- Goa 'ceet>o! dreîiging tise hamiu." p. k k Leotss ea what Ms-. Iingsford dues Jas QL~tfl Bany-we quote frein tise officia-repr : P I -- -- - - - - d'Tise condition e! tbehearbor would TI J N LY $K 5oPER ANNýUM. "ha gs-eatiy improvasi, ana(l fiti ccio. Ibtis' - -- - --"datin i cread hy -longtbosiug tise r W1I1îbY, '1'hîrSda8y, Ueo, 12, 1878. d'Piero. 3y ltse additions tise objections "vwijl]lias-e beau urgei againet tise TýIs Elêecton Petitlon. 6"enîrenca vouls] ho omevisat usodifl- TI - "Il. Tisey esis on esiat o! aninu- to J;îîsi1s .ritwssgsven te tisa Niagssaas-case c! leuglisho ie easet pies-o! 400 and South nsyostorday. --foot. -Tis e hs'conceives tisaIlis, <'uief ses] iss irisdictiou hls] weitpiders'houid he icugliseneal 120 Mic, i'sproptiriy &snferreul by &tise Dostu- " feel, witiî alu arm te tise South.oust o! sud, >ii so] veriicil lrolitnilias-y ci)jte. "200 feet. Protection weuld thosn bha A 54)169 "affersiesi againrultise o uti-veat wiuds, D", dé 5and th ise usborer wnlhofresl fs-ct me l>iMssiiN-:il:c"a is. Ticsus'ssforAi.s.'Isle influence o! tise Lake gales as valui lUs ises.'. lias e si.una- wol *M k as possible. 'Tie ceaI o! luis i, ci, tell(, lit ofeîsesse u lediqy poel O i o4"fed:i n ovuahMr. Cissge.OjI - - - orfoi'dSaseof usa 'risc Tcswii eai 'th lsI-arber. "lTise ousaI o! ohcatlî i s.-te varions tracs - "deptisa oh savigation ms. uss ostated s] -vue ie iilslotdussg iattnss.sshso!of, cr 6"oliows -tisae etimiate ôniihelsiling wss uoistulsssîi'tiy o1s tise sîbeot o! 1tise werk beheveen tise Piero te îbt linae --psu si0 litsber sssil r( iist hopublisisl '"o! hreakwshes-." : 'Wi -s' s sitisIÇr ' lsrpno. Boinglucerreot, Dredgieg I9 fI. 82,000i 12 ft. 0$i8,0ÃœO ani vs on te l lesîgthso! falsi!yiîsg thse ". i1i ft. 66,00() 18 ft. $'24,l500~ gusîses, mi sIlaaieeusacanôl hoput i f. $12,000 s6 ard sigucd a -uicevoandl irejilice lise ii raeuf theso atopayors, tus-y cannoI )i( sMalle lu tise inhpe-aot'e tIsaevsoo -- Whiity. lu tise Gazette o! tisa 201h Novenibs-, lise faIiovlng figures are give ai sas lie. reeipîs frein lIseharbos- for tisa yearS' sieutlonesl 187-t - -$7871 65 1 78-- 293 24 1876 - 77187 00 1877 G - - 0611 91, '"lse lies-s for 187i--'7 are correct. - '- Bt tIsoi, for 1876 are 1tu staouaalasd ulotlci'i I.i5uas t'ssuteh s-al ltsnou1st, Vor thIis ilsat yeus tise rucipta vas-a 115717.09, Ss, tisaI bisaGsuselle, ctelîss Ilîsouglisosrus'r, or vilIs vwilftsl design te -, tk t roulie ipte slppear lesl tissu lisey aolussîly vas-c, studîs-taîes hiei ny o lei u uselsai n todsjdda' ln usae yeit, 'flie assonai revenue sud expousuilucre frOss.s1804 tho>8, incisiivc, as-ren -' as folliowp euuot sese-r cn. i ' emiposary,4 18(14 11,5i70 41 -2#()28 60 180(l 3,087 60 1,1911 90 18617 2,973 891 : 1920 52 1868 8,090 24 1,722 go 1409? 9,24() 64 1,870 90 1870 681 i 6,48r,0 1871 1144N1186)t:10,411250 18712 4,87-I1dl-I 6,225 0 1878 6,241 510 12,0251 00 87P P ,61 for110 88,4811 84 bieuit tW Harbor...1,000 60 - 158,4861 84 81,00 cf thes Asîual pailsy lassa, +8,0 ~tssblugmalsuiaon baud. "Toe ~oab~v rnay bha adeul,000()O rai G "plltovenuiient ou accounul." TSI. statesuant sîpan île face le decep. tivu, anti eau Cou iehoPut fervanul for tisa purpos. c of civiug bise sahpay. or@ Ina.l tisa expaudihure colusu tisa cipessios o! runog tIse elavator ara jurnbied itp vilS bisosoca ia isbs propas.'.hFl$8,009 te bmRaiivay Cci pany, ul iti 86,800 "pais] hy bacoc" Deu trunD -vlstwheis aioule b. prepaniy Pucludel:n lisasrhas'expeudi. -tuo.eAndi u fo th& *2,100, for - mu terias on b 4stiieaas laperoIy lmsglnarj.' te - g mocse fanc ibn, - ornaa$, - Tb u«. Oevw -- ll.a ny wsa', s wer's nongisîr " uad,,fQinisIî l'y Urs. Drap@ te 4nie mont plboa e lW..ttit e rest'toss ucamnodaazîoi,the uic crea8- cl le'ist/seîsiag ofpiriua," te tise entent e! 920 feet ucluifiocl inth /e pi-'jrc;ti Pieî',. Ansd lie caiculation for dredg. in inincludas Ils. dsedgtng belweei lise aditionai eugîls of pies. Ail tîsies ilu Aditli o thie nccessas-y repaira sud ds-dgiugo e isbiarboer, as il nov stands, sud lise reatoration o!fltses break- vutter. Anal yel the oaGos-t-te ouis have 'Isaesatepayers bsiieve tisaIMs'. Kingsford's report says il woald laka 852,000 fer rî'pairs alene, sud tisaI il Wli cest in addition $6,0001 per feolto dresige tis abhor "do a lina o! tisa hreakwuîer, wilhouî sietiouiug tise coat o! ds'edging tise baslin" 1 O! cous-se auy persan o! orsîuas'yintelligence cao sec tisaIMs-. Kigsfos-l's etirnalo id bases] spon areatly enlarsging lise Isss- ber aocomusodlat)ont aud la notftise aunount ttiât s-toultl Se requis-es]fer nec- essaty repaire a ho settihe reqîura- montselfth is e -aoo!flIse preeol day. TIi, estirnate for areslgiag is bases] tapon us sipthso! 8 fI. 5 incises o! vales' hy lMs. inigsford. Tise drerigiug dona by Ms-, Draper Pinceo bas.gis-au a deptîs o! 10 feat, andl hat deptis is evoru le in tIse evidence given hefoeatise s'li- tralors. Tîso reussindas o! tisa castes-n pies- lisas aIse been rabti ui na sepais'ed aince lise repos-t vas naae. A reliablo ashiisahe nov places tis a ionut nec- Gagsary ho, gis-e 12 feet o! valer aI 18,- 000, suri at an aspans]ltnse c! 66,000 more-a a eptis o 14 fbat conialbcoaobtain- cd'.l But tIss l neither necassasiy nos'E requis-es]la meet tho present demanda cf trade sud cocnmeïfoe at tise barbor. Au oxpaediture ourepaira, suffibieut te meut ps-oent raquis-esenîs, le al lise8 towo lias gel la couider. Anal1 it is isels] by tsmebhast capable o!f os-axng au opinion tisaI 88,001) onil bcampleC fan aIl. noceassary purpoees. If.enlargo- monts andi extensions ara requis-ad, inc orde o aiake Wiitby a isarbos- e! refuge ans] giva a deptîs o! 1 4 feol e! valo 1r, it vil thon hecome s malles' for1 tise 'ctseidÉs'aiou cf bisaGovernusanî, sud tise Gýornmont, sud ual bise love, viscfcounsa bave te prepido lihe -TheTaisn beceaalg leopuobaser,- 'lb brbon ve* il d e 4ycazo sh ,= Il thIs ay g ise expsuidtUns s'.. quire4 for prý"tit repaira mtuilït be ý rioiufi. babea ere outiete of railwsys, Ilr it. ýovor Il susght by stauds'ili s baller positilon luina «Or, sd Ipe There are other mators, to vwbioh w w'Ulc th@sÀît.wonld wihiste refer ou, theap Ubjoot cf. lelono sp eaniLpurchame b7 theo towu, bltt ,the tôwu,. lu lditleaeaaaol~e~l~e sell "bim "fori uav fsi Tasi coutin iv a e<.e e s i o celusmus Abe G tt d cuï tfié ý('ms' a1 îcepl offorsa ehblgies'figue ; lu 4set tha lis.y sre usinga1j, i.o.r4 ln ercl4 gel-S ondca a tlsing fer th.ma4elvio Tîsis weicîd e!fcourge'e nn for"1] mniérapraontàtiona ýtisaI haaéboes the *4 - - - ag vs dis] Dot daim fic lb.theinteres 0 tbetop4yoet ago inde àa-dfqonoâîa of iepiti4depeuditura J~ i ailise barbas',wviicis ould. have btcs edleo o! Ciaucing tisaI valua. Tia mateik . ,&Wq:ra@d .o!f 2~0,tis dlcuilty la raiiovatl sud ve have only ta d bisettisa People O! Witbyv ould sutbe e ot aiace .lbitvas oves offeril biser-a aisance tacs fW - ahlii lisey bave beau a long lime visising- if tbay faileal nov boavai-tisemiaivea of the, sigist te evu tisais' ovubarber, sud at se 1ev a prie. We ean, - 1asi v sointoal eut lut.si eï.Se,îeo a ean aidi- tion o! 88,000 a ser o lise corporation sunds, in tisepurcsame, sud vilS lIse rocapeot of a large incromaetiréde ha- conea develoeos]by eus -saliay orlon- lion-Sinco vritiug tise above vo ave See an sdeda leittes' for pubics. ou frenams'. MoMilleu, givan lu dises' ,innaus, ou Ibis suhject. .andicap Sweepstakae Bbooting Matchc. A laudicap sweepstake pigeon misqot- ng matois !$4 eaai, - alt forfait, ta' VsiCis tisa OsaAIsO GUNs 'LUSsaldeal teen dellars, carne off on Tisauksgiv- 2g day, ou Ms'. 'em. Dew's fas-i, near eoow o! -Whby,. clasnd] ilituon, ntrias, fifîcan birdseoscis. Ail acceplea ae handicap. Tise stakes-vera dividoîl- Ëoilow :80per'ean t. te firait; W~ But. le second: 20 per cent. bo Ilsird; 5par cent, le fourtis; O par cent. te Lii ; anal 4 pas- dont. te sixtis. J. Sîsu- S isalcticappar, avio aise aeds]ea es-re sus'ing tise Shoot. Theo foliaviung tisa score: M. Miles', QSyr'a. rvaedfie, 23. Wiudieid, 21 McKey, 18 Gay, 25 Haell. 23 L.yisd, - 18 galc, ý21 F Taylor, 2~ Wa'koin, 1I 11100101100 retirefi. 00011100011000 - hi 10111010J0011000 - 7 010101111101010 - 9 ioiejliiiiio -il 111lllOOiiiu--9 1001000l000 retirad. 1O0100111010()- 5 0i1100100101101 - a 1101101001101b0 - 9 01101100110111 -10 u101100u1i1110-il 010111010111111 -il 1n1000io0111l 10 c ilcilloedollli -Ie 100100110110100 - 7 ho fo4awing lièse for. fis-etaecond anal -d prises, vos-a Ibe' le-O&off, ut dve bi-de s,_et 25 yards nuse. George Itay, i1IO1 01-3 T.Laias-, O0I1"1- 01-4 CJ. Lynde, 1 1 1 1 -4 rha lias fer scond]ans irIsaiprims, e.va- sisal a!of,utietuiseansi ouI. Gea. Ray, O O T. Lawier. 0 i vwu- osfortedafondauL ~¶ vs. Tovas orW TcWX -,T ~ planlifelained oire ta oeeu f seral elothi lng bfils for mai l o' ld uo u esqIm~sl ~re ~edt hyomWv 'o cf pl altiff, viso ibereupon aped Hi fàadmiÀttealIt Ilidure vaa no loe B lipbiliy cf tise defendante, but thi 1caibl7e.1c f 1.qslly and- '0es conscience, iwieil" u an suequltala '*ue sud sheuleal.alowed. Hlm Hou2c saidho iedDot net ê Ibael lb. it lbatîisere vatnpluty zaMiPceslipci corporation .le -nsppoit.i-sthé dien poor. Tise Umnicial Ad sssy er.e mitteal thpm b *xpeud ' ouey il bisaI vyls l.m betcfcous cil vera ual respousisie fudhvidu'ally ii tise ralapayeràsbsoulal bhey do so. Il migis b. tisai if they failîsalte suppl3 anîing vhic i iwva thoir duty tc hfnii, auyou. mc feruimhing lise omit. od article vonld haàve an action agmi bbam fer its'vaine. If t linIif ha pritteil tisme Iudigentesle rarnain-fn hies bouse, ou thse.streugliso! suy reps's saulablous of the cenucil, aveucf auy e bhiai officiala havlug anlhority, o parent autbority ta maka il, otiser mligist ha a possile equiby l isnfayo Ho dilô »t aesert tisero vas any suaI rapresautation, ceofiy relleal upon bhi deaim te recever, tisat boausa thb dodtos' vaspaldtise lsudlotd mionil b Ie. Hie Houp tiougist tisaI Ibis vu daugarons dcctriue. If il voua suh. stantiabie, any ratepayor vWho over gave s fivc coul piolaisaity t a spauper, vouild have a rîgbst o! action &gains# bise corporation tIse moment thoy graut- ed cord e! vood or bag of flous'. WiII tisa motivas tisa council lied ilupaying soe of bisese buis, sud rjecting the piaiutiff's, Hia Houer furtber sead ho- bid nolbing te do. Tisybid a parfool auy - fet laisedms. H.faileal t pas'- coiva tisaI tise plaintif isacl sny rigisIte racovor, eltisar aI lav or lu oqnily, and tîcerafere diraatod s non-suit. Mr. Tlllcy's Loan. It appeasmtiat tIse nev Ganadian boan placeal on bise Englis mar'ket Sy Ms'. Tiliey bas, net been Ibmess1ccess tisat*s expocle a. Ouly £1,6l9,O bas beon tauderoal for ouI cf tisa £8,- 000,000. Tisa falune of tisa ban is parhIy av- ing te rumars et farbbar finiancial diffi. cnltiaa, sud pantly te lise tact Ihat lu-. stalments cf Egyptian boans sud tise sud tise ts'easnry bis tondereal for lai veek isafi-to ho pîli on thesoassie day. Money vas coniqqueully vory searce. The portioniot hls a nutendered, for raprasents noas'Iy tise viole a! tise nev money tho Canadian Goverrneut expectefi te gmt by thce lan ; bIse r.- matudas- le seauireal for' lie redamptien , o! matus'ing six par cent, bonds. Tise Time,lu au aditorlal,- auggosa se ovoolng gotLins fas-k, Messrs. Hait, dereai for, tisa Ganadias bauke, uneler kie, ansi Taylor, s]ivis]s'd tarisli 1, salvaneas te lIse Govarrneut, mighi sirtis prises. isolai oter tlisebondi'hill s more lavons- GooD ACCUNT OF ANAIAN abie cppes-lmity. Goon AcceisT s' CsaicAsa Tise balance cf tise ban vas allolteti Aueiav HoRsas--Duriug tlis m-on lise Od ia t 06 rw. isa4 occaeien le notice soa ahI. basses passiug tissougis Wbltby TIsa Afghan War. )sas-ga of Jesepis Tisaspsen for Ms'.- Ivieof iscosin As au nstnce ThoeAmees' cf Afgisaistanu,' it nov vie ! Wscesin Asau nstnce appeaus, seul a coucilliatovy repiy te e tiserengssatisfaction tisa sama tisa Britishs uîhhm.alm, l i hite or-ex l gis-eu ave make tise folieviîg mx. presses] bis abs-o hota sume ie .former - fs'om a lette- wsitlen by Ms'. Ogil- fs'ieudly relations vit i s-ls', analbs dsled tIse 201h Noeambar. villingusess le roceive a British. mission aI Cabui. Tisa messengor ceuveyiug M51y stock are ail doiug w 3' Ib tis despaîcis, isovve-, anly arrive] il ireisase froin W. Smsith, ( Elle Ali Mesjid vhau tisa atsougisalfi as rhitby )is tisa mcml satiifaotos'y, nder db. atlack cf tise Britiash treepa. id alalli h tisemeot profitable et Tise Amoan, thougis dispiayiug anges' at 1 mrado lu Canadu lest sunars; Ibis faims', cf bis miaulnions, despateis- - -t mares, particularî tise agesî, afi a second lottes' ta the Viconoy, viskrl d-oissg fine ;- sule is bons]l maka la sais] ta ho defiaut lu toanud fdes- rare e uoe. Anal tisellien, 1 -ls'ctive o! hie prospectse!ofpeace. i yen, Jbé, ( tiist,6 Ms'. Tbcmp. Sicara AiUSas foui Is-ee Cahul into Tjsr- ii ) 1h wiil tko a j"ýonee te hast kestin, sud lise Britishs inoaps ara con- si nent seasoh 1W Is& tivo.syear aid ternplshiug an advanae ou Jalîsibafi us. Hlis growth *W&t improvament anal Candaisas. ýe heen siplyWdu'ae'ful Tise sucking colt YISm OsifrANeOU~lI Tisane is a stateneent gciug tise reoends ake s geood yearling, anal 0*0 *15mb listtise Quoen viii visil the Pr-inces@ Il ucî diagraco lise crovd i teinte - in189 ýre f 189."bn. 0; Mùvsat ie announcos te as]- TE Rossa AT ME LONDOcis HOUiE dfis-iis couetituenlsaut Woodstock te- suces for ciseap goode, sud ail pur-.. alu'tIantl.) chasera speak ilu*the bigbest tbrmns of satisfaction at the excellence of their bargaina. Sec the proinuent an- nouncetuent of Mesere. Hlarilton & Harrower. JEWELaY AitO PLATED WVAIE.-The display aI Goldsmith's Hall this eeason is very temptiug. Mr. Jobuston bas ou baud a feul stock, and se varied and attractive that aDy desirod article, uiay ho selected without trouble for a houi. day present. Butter coolers, card re- ceivere, sugar basins, crain aud water jug, fancy cups and rangs, fower hold- ere, &o., lu greal variety. lu jowelry ilîcre are se a eautiful setd, and rings set ine orerait], ani diarnude, peulîs and ruby settinge. Superior gold and 'ail- ver watchem, warrantad, and ducke with wbich goarantees will be given, amuogslt te latter we noticed a splendid calendar dlock, showing tîhe dasaof tbe week and montlî, and whicb requires usither ragulatiug uer shilting the year round, for the Outario Bank. MR. ]ROBnERcTSOc<sN% w BOOK ANDO STATIONERY STORE 15 really a cte4it te. the Town. Ontaide, the wludow'display ie as neat sud attractive se thbhst city establishmnut, snd finside, tb. splendid stock, em.bracing eaverytbing iu the bock, paper aud statienery lins can scarcely b. exteadeed in fulues ansd comple'teneefr siywhere. Mr. Robert- soic bas j ,ale to band an immense stock of books euited for holiday preseuts aud for châildren, snd a& vieit tle'tbenew store, in Dsverill'e flock, will well re- pay thot rouble. Seo'fies holk]ay aný. nouncernent Ibis woak. PccasoNALc.-We hsd lhe pliseure cf a visit frein Mr. Allen, of! vti.ilouial staff of the Manitoba Free Feu#, on yeterday; ho speaks enocuragingly cf tho future cf the Prairie Province. CioBixo CccaTi lun Ontario Ladies' College naxitW.dneeday evening at 7.130 p. m. The greateatuicial Ireat of the season. CIcObcE CHISTrMAS GRocEiu IEIbA h China Tes Store cf W. J. Gibson. o bie aunoncarnat. p4iNlRPT BTeCK.-Mrw Frost is Of. feý1r, Wks$ripI stock st.,h*-tprfçe. G*osâd me. PE Teylo'o stock pf tCol-, tMoes for Xmâo ' CANADIA.IICA1*1qE TO ENGLAN.-AII order in council bas juil beau paeeed excluding imnporte& Osuadian snd Ameicaui caIlle from the opeasion of -the clause of the Duke cf Richcnond'e Phlip Taylors nov stock of Silver Ware ilexopectefi dsily. Nev sud aie. gant desigus sud cheaper than ovar. JusI receved-Pockat Diaries 1879- a large SBSostrnnt.-Geo. B. Yule, Booksellor & Statioer. Use Whilfleld'ma eleisrated Puirnenlo Syrup fer Coîîgbe, Colds, or Sera Ibroata. - The enhacrihar bas s large sud wol aisorted stock o! Stsliouery visichis l pried iow--He keeps aIse on baud s lau rstock of Scisool supplies iraludiug thé books usad lu Higis sud Common Schols--orders taken for book-binding -0. B. Yuie, Brock Street. Thra oesacf Wisitflla celsbraled Pulmoule Syrup viii relieva the vorsl aeugb. Tisa Cidrana Friand 1878. Geo. B. Yuie, The Iufaul's Magazine, 1878. Geo. B. Yuie.e, Tisa Childs3'Cornpanuon, 1878. Geo. B. Yuie.- Tisa Brillis Workrnan. 1878. Geo. B Yula. Offie Staicnery--Geo. B. Yul.,ý Brook St. Wa know o! ne cougis reicody, eusl le Witfleld'm celebralialPnilmonic Syrup ne fsrnily sbould be vithout it. Forvard aIl goods hy the Canadien Express Company. Special rates for large -caueigueel. Qnick dimpalob, careful haudliug, loy ratas, prompt de- livery ara smre o! the alvaulagos tisa publia receive by rendiug gonds by ex. prou-Parties aeudeug mouey sud vaiu- able pacicage by express are perfeatly aacurad againet lame. The Express consyaIse collecl acconuts, notes, dat t.Foq furtiser information apý ply te Geai. B. Yuie, Agent, Whilisy. Parfume Casicete fer Xrna preanets. S. W. B. BSmiths & e. Bailvay Ticket@ te Foreigu poinlte for sale by Ger,. B. Yuie-Ticket Agent -Witby. Xsnas Carde large asortment. S. W. B. buaill à Co, Tus At-u-o LncuParbiea goiug'ta, Ibm Old country abould ta1ke lbinifirsI clinseansd popular libi-tse bhast for Ca-nadiaus. For fulparticulara ee A*vrteement. Geo, B. 'Yple,, Agent Wallp4ýet-ýMola 74«Ms sa fln. smrtmsuk l-m il.. B. Y49sq ooli. WS, Ani, - IfJ . Wlddlfial las. Burna, jr., Ira B. Caupue Win. 1Eàýns' D a. Dain.Lhak. Tbë e.s» àz diRoyal Rogra, amesLui Jne~ qlllh - ( . Bol idi HlM hoor 'lu addreuling tisegras ra jury smalal tijudgin%.byise caenal he viaihieh od heeu placea'bafore bien tise ad dùftemvi*dni26teverysruir,~ le fIoreo'making urtiser rewm'kh holie ca' de prmedba 'groeVai tise ,ibhmiaoe ,o 45 Moenior Judge,vhc vas niable le preels ed1 evlug te- lemporas'y hudiapoaltlot a O.neoet1h. prlacuers on the caiendo ni, lad haîn ëomégtâ&.~ uUk in the juriedialion cf tise sessions,; no hi n- vouldIlkaiy b. laid hafori tisa gra u oe jury. Tis ouly otisos case vas. oneic t c!asesanît, bise parliculara cf wvii Iy voulal halaidb Or Ibem-by tiselearM te ed,'cour" 22 tii iel(outy>AI to trney. 'Othes' cass e ais y hbe:os et on bail, but tli. ivo just mentienoi dý vire tise onîy cnes on lis. calendAr aui n fer vhich prsonoea vre cenfinead. Ti e.i arnalînamo cfis. caleudar vasenet as Pi, vaysjefevence cf lbe abmeucm of crime ?- Recaii tlegisîstion bil enlargeal bijus re lediction of tis a sgiebrabas in aarta.t . esan sd casee vare diaposeal cf bi h thoau viicis voeelieretofoeareturnac la le lise. sessions. To a athU greater ez e tout vas tise' diinuntion cf cases ovin, e by tlb. estabslishmnt of!tbýiteria *ei Cula Courbe under i iis pfieceer - aimteal te ha Irieal eummarily. Thii a vas a reforni made hy tise laies Hou rSanalfiola Macaoaal,,aud ho (Jndgi it Dartueli) kuev o! ne ueform at once oc *useful, speady and effective lu seiviuj à tise ondeo!fjustce., h soea, toc, hib gcoulal net refrain freen aylng, for the aconfidence l is e rnpsrbialiby o!flise - judgem vIsera se large s number pro- i farred te ha tried snrnmsrily by tisa iJuilga vithout a jury. Under Ibis speedy mode of sdrnhniteriug justice. s prisor issd not te vail menthe foi 1Irial. Innocent persons peed ne longes b. delacuod ivaiting trial, sund lb. prie' eues' ciargeal if innocent coulal be apeedily dischargeal. And le vas lu tise intercale o! jusice tIsaI lb. guilty min Lshoual be spaedily punisiseal. nstice -Jiefi alvayga sbettes' affectvison sead. ily adminieteroal. Hie houer reucindeal tisem tisaItisaeagreement o! Ivelva vas asecessary le final a brue bil; tisaI il evas ne part cf tiseir duty le iseas'tisa ilafence or enter toto suants, but sirnp. !y te say visethar lise avidauca wa auffiaheut le Bond tiese Sussal fer trial. ie tisais'i duty te viait lise gsol, sud ha Ibore vas suais s ligisl caleudar sud Be litIlle oho doua ha ebeuid have tise iisure e! early dhisas'gng Ibeen fenatteudanca. Anetisar mattar ta visici bis atten. tien bsal beau callofi y he lie asuaaker o! tise court house. ; ilwaa o ho lisal. graceful maner in visich the court bouse building vas defilad dnrlng tIhe ditting o! tisa court by bisa tiltb7 habit of tobaccocisevers spitting about tbe place. No man bsd s righb te defilo 'aud make its7 tbe vallu cf tise court 'bouse isy dirty tbacce spita tissu-ha isa! te commit auy dises' nuisance. Ha appealeil teaah againat tisa pracîlca vitisin tIsevalls cf tise court, sud if this varniDg vas net beedeil sud par- tiesa found le persipt iu tise nuisance sud disfigure lise valle, he gave ttmely notice tisaI ha eheulil direct lise siseuiff sud officers te look afler lic. malter, sud ha shauld certaîuly flue tiss brongist befora ir. ASSEsSMENT BOLLS AND JURY BOOKS. Ms' Farewell, Couuty Attorney, brougisl before tise court lisejury bocks for 1876, '7 sud '8 sud made tisa nec- asssry affidavit as Iheir correcînees. Tisa dolay ou tisa part o! smornfo the tovnshsip clerks lu returning tise relie ta lime te btho office o! tisa Clark o! tisa Poese as commeuteal upon. ALLEGAICROR. Tis a ffideits o! Samuel A. Lee, ai Oshsawa, sud Jacob Koalas' vera read sud lise nocasssry uturalizaticu papers APPEALU. ..Ms' . .P. Paeson provofi notices is meveral appoal cases froua cnvictiona under tise Dunkin A-ch. At-,lise in- stance ci the-court lisey varea aloveal to stand le tise adjauruefi sessions, lits Jaury. RE71U5N OrCOsNVICIS. Ceomplaint vas made s ote enon- reluis-n o! convictions acording te lise statuts by magisîrates. Tisa Cony Attorneay maubioneal lie incouvenieuce viiis&rase in mais case. Tisacens-t intimatoal Sis if au acticn vai'e alarleci against a mnséislratm ta s-ecover lise pealcty Il migist bave bisa affect cf teacising tisonatiseir clnly. - COUNT Y COURT. W-ilson va. Harper.-Action ou pro- missos'p note. Vas-fiet for plaintiff. 82Êl,95 N. F. Pateson fer pil. H. L. Hbths for defI. Trou8udell va. Collins.-Action on p-rnmiesos'y note, verdict fer plainhiff for 3224.40, J. H. Gs'aenveos] fer pitif. C. Gos-don for deft. -Jo/mat on vs. Collin.-Actieu ou promlemory note, verdiot fer .jplhff. for $577.88, A. G. MeMillan for pîtif. C. Gordou frles dot. Ilapv8. Plan/a.-Settled sud record, vidbdravn, H.t M. Heveli for- plI, E. iC. Camnpbell fer deft. b'clkal va. Wallaice.-At iseariug. DISOsoîccLY CIIAcrxs.-Tvo va- maen o!fbail chas-aches', recontly tram Osisava, namati Mary Curtin anal Jane Lu'lc, vere hrongict beforo Major Har. pee, Beeva, anal M. O'Donovan. Haq. J. P., on Menday, cha-goal its dises-- leely coniuch, nsud sao vus fascibly anlariug tIsa pramises e! s neighbansd tssaelting thiseunahes. Tisey vene con- sictefi on bols cisarges sud pais] fines and Caste smonntig to 818. Ms-. Brysu, cisief constable, isuasoe trou. cia lu mslsiug the ar-sest. The voman bid, lieseolvee lu tise houa. tbey accu- py,' reulesiltronc .Jas. Campbsell, sud ,sien founai eouid euiy b. hnugbîtet tho ieak- up by forceo, King tise cisimuey sweoo ang ltiste aid o! tisa cousIs- aie.1Lnmk made bar eespe, frem King, cul sftes'varsgavaeiaeief up. Thé Ohiof bas] te Put tise nippera ou bisgpr* soner, andi lie boys nov hava ilbi bhat vasbishelima tise -gor-ille" 4' lfteal OPeuiug Of the impertal Parliament. TH1E QUEELN's bP£Eci. Thbe Imperial Parliasueut as open. cd On lhe Stbhain. Thse Qaeoe Speech le unusually short. Her Majoes. tY s4ets thast she liabeau cornpallad te Èummon Parliameut oarlier tissu usual, but the. action of the Âmeer eornpelled bar ta moud au sexpadition Int bhie torritory, suds a atlien the oarliest opiportunity of calling Par. lianet sud maklnig the noeesry cdl. cli;aonmun*Dations. Ausurancea forn sîl-foreigu Powers are frioudiy, sud eh. has overy reason toe lieve thet arran- germent»for the pacifiation of Enrage easfactorily carriod- eut. Eeticuatom for t4ie enmulug yesr viii duly haé,ub. xnitled. Blie propeages that afiWr f-ui] delHIýratiou upon th. malter'a iWich- biv. led ber Wtlcl"pabe Parlfain.ni'q noa],al ime cof nib.àli, AnmUstber-s suit-, ei etraité -trbm do«eifbnlsýwithaonîthe. 4ý90iitsir*wmtin o ayo- j,e 4ptile >onsil and I anismit bear ib tis barbes' maltas' yens'r. 1 t tal $,(,but l. c&Ã"a fuet bîcuhfi dowutlotl M,2, 4Eslnyowguaso. - dleHarbor-vna ilte( ' î ~ aI0O,7r.,ssvvdv snly ,. om 00 ou. 0udsMilo, Ibat il Wouid de takp 876.OO't repaIs, ilV hen bougil,- n.but this vas aveu aà verse conjecture M mngSuy suslysmlel bJi guieslcjusüiy i-bpatalterent. I n' lsMfe! tis Sot 21 i,,yn ubte fia s ao! Min- 3h cellanassus ýfiguras vibisout note or cern- Sment, -vwit ae-' violly mlelading. and s4tcld~ produaef*te. cnoqti *à rreineaur Idaprasioe. ýTliéses-wnot S-aud commenita-.1c$w:propoue> te supply id' boryoh, but Lu-n be*iuaam way. lu lb. le firet place thoan, Ibthé' Harbor' vas pur. Scisaseil by lise late Msr. Draper, lu 1864, g~p the . pceef 80,1110o. 41ti lat lime Sliceetale cf elepàirl o! th'ê ast pies', n Ps, accordiulg ta lise evideuce fis' w broeaa tisu i le ov.' T4e 'Womlezu pies' and bs'akwstes vara thoen almeet tise esae i-at p'sont, some s'asire n e! ataes'vas aboulitisasase lu 1884 se nov, but maîenifprsu tispu ait prctant. SYeI vils ah tho efforts' o!'thea Draper Relate, hy unifimal alaternus ta ,o sovencosmonè smni penlpa i nl ods'adging audotservise, anal vils al-tisa ifigures sud etaltmstiés prducial by thent, (moime o! viiciyen publisisad) lisese vare al avidautly passea y ase evi- dencae! value, sud bisa price fired aI - 82,000, bcing s reduetion o!$88,150 ha- 1ev tisa original cosî. Tise s'bitratos's, vise bhailail tisa facte hafore thern on catis, could net, as- I hava salal, paid uasattention te tLe mas e! figuras -tise ulmost importance lebié ct elu baud. I ar n u l i b ecet!ts arbitratera, but lu tise evialane saddnc- ed anal lb. visle of tises oIe ie- iteal, il apre plain le me tisaI Iiey comparad ptise tva parfide cf'1864 sud 1878, sud made tIhe reduation lu prie for atisar rouions tiss tise figures thora produceal. I conlenfi tharefore tisaI go feas se setovu le coucerneal, va muaI starI vils lise price sud state o! tisa barboaitaIthei.data cf thb. avas'h,Wco bava aimo btmikaite is.cuwme uL> peuditure o! tbQ barbes' propes' ilring those yearsuesrast, 1h. asare date. We have aIse te cousider lthe effecl o! lise iplendid s'aiîway Ierminatieg lisera sud isigotnorti inmb s riais niuz. ilef boritor then tisencreasing pro-8 sjs eat raaof th a furé, net tisa limit baluiessi cf tisapat Thiss eing 5 so, wisaldowvafinal. Pis-f. TisaI lielistof1 figures puhliihefi hy yenou ntisa 291h uit., sisawing lise recaiplsansd expassai.. tura frosu 1864 te 1878, inclusive, ire errouacus sud mileaading. se fer, aI lemset as tisa expeuditura ou tisa Harbor tc proper ha concernes]. Il is cîmar frein - via pasa larwards, il incindass Ils. expnses èof ruuuing elevates' &0. as veli. Iu eue placa' tee, il ls aid tise Inccme fer oua mentis of 1872 i. eg,- 688.68, sud lu anoliser tisaIbise visle yeas il is enly $4,874. lu oua state- ment tlilcome o! 1878 le placeil aI $7,218.20, anal lu anolser aI 86,241.50. g5 Tison as te expenses. Iu 1877 tise rs'a- caiptm were 86,268.91, analtise expenses Pl o! tise Harbor propos' ouly $958.19, W leaviug s net balance of $5,225.72. w' New I bbink il ouly fais' ho conclude tisaI vben'bise luceme beleean 1864 of sud 1872 as sicovu by tisa publisised statoments was logs, tisa expengseo!f mau-ging shoulal ual ha larges'tissuthie qu above, anal Ibat tisa items of expendi- H tura yen pu bheal c arly lucludedal ailBa tis. expausea o! runa.iug tise isole oa!au tisalvos'knluaddition le tise barbes'. là This o! coursa la net s fais' vay o! pub- ting lise mtter, aud' ne donht visen tI Ibis statameut vas glven by Ms'. Dra- ý pas', ha difi not vieS te shsovwbisaGov- in crument tise hîrbos' vas theo goofi psy. If ing iuvetrnuî lbundoubtedîy vas te !ni ii. Second, LaI us look aI lise fle.- st ures since tise Ballvay opening con- bei Irihutea te tise traflic, lu 1875 bisace' Inceme la 88729.24. ,il, lu 1876 le 9787.09. Not 87787.09, sAr yen isad il. na Iu 1877 is 6268.91. Sboscr sop aud op lec eülg cof Pickerîug dei Harbos' sud s'duc. F' tien cf tola ou coal se ansd lumbar. Th Iu 1878 le 5456.80. Up te Nov. 14, '78 or ouîy.M, $80,187.04. Total 'Iucorne lu lese Iban four years. Total axpendit- ura at, say $1000 par Isnnum le $4000, laavlog a balance for paYrnent of debt, interest and repaire, of $26,187.04. au annual average net earning for tbo four years of $6540.76. Toi provido siuking fund, sud lutareet ou tbe,$82,000 would euly require 8120, would wipe tha debt ail eut in 20 yesrM. Stippobe 818o $1000 a year nov epeut in repaira, wbich if doue regularly, would ha no ineiguificant aura. This laavesas bal- anca bo applyin reduction of your othar municipal indebtedoosa of $2056.7(.. Then, as tc the malter of repaire. Msny of the ratepayers bave the ides that tha vary instant the tewn obtaiue Possession of the Harbor, the Goveru. ,mant will imrnadiataly, witb ail lbe power at its eommand, Corne dowu upen us for au expeuditure in repaire. of at leaset 875,000. And as yen ara the cbampion of tbosa Who ibink se., I will giva yen al the credit aud comforb you can cVrve from propngsliug sncb su sbsurdity. It le in effeol saying bhial Mr. Draper could go 'ou for years wiLli inâpuuity, without wakiug auy re. pairs, could contravene the ordar in coundil a dozen vase ithout dauger, but net'so, thetown. Let but thetbown becoeithIe purobasar, sud tbe moat direful affecte would immcediately fol- fow. Nov, I pity those who don't sud wou't kuov botter, sud hava nelbing but conternpt for thom Wbo do kuow botter, sud mtiliimladlihs people. I wouid asic thosa parties througb yen, bow many townm or town cenapanles, hava beau lately pouuoed upon in tbe disastrous mauner raferred la. 'My racollection la that the pounca iWail tbe ethar way, sud Ibat corporations sud companies are libarally aided sud as- elsled by ihe Governent in repsiriug their barbera, sud wby net Wbîlby. as well se other places. I would albe eIta that suy enob demand on us-as lhey fear, would of course resuît lu the Govarumeut resng tbe harbèr. WeLI, lu . dret plaoý, tba Goveru. mneudt ou't do auytbiug efthe kind, eurely, if tbey àdi=Iwnd net burt us very uch. inaae we would ha allowed lcodug l e .ordor lu council 8 per cent. for ououllay, sud oudebenlure woald only boar 6. No i oee veuidho more ploased tban mymehf if lbe Gov. erumeul would resurne the barlior snd forever kaep il ont of j private bande. Il wvoald ihan b kept . urepais' or tbe! beDedit o! b. public ai ug. t l 4lb. Position ouýt -hrbcoar la in, I amn eisiueitue o-ýrrnmeàh i yl ot Te- anme il, spd lisp next hastthiug. 1. con- tend, isfpbe towno 1obtsin il, if lthe. ineànéýf owntý6 e f hal i it'Wià iiot "d ýI4Vnldiminigali ils.ie. I if 1,j.l Llis cpu b. pliowu, h -wil4s~ f~bs-ec the lb. s-'ipf H7 "Mb Wh wbMM 4 "uwS~9 W eh' ' x~ù1~yplthe.vbal do 'lu - lenfarlc 'Ml thse 8peai aà isa tister tevu gel tisa isalhas t -Mairav, ual on. dollar cf "tise jaincea c os's euk feured ta in tisreport vauli be imperativa ou the tevu, excq9pt, per hePp, aSufficiont dredging . W bep Is 'chansiel dcean for ltheos'dhnary lraffiqà ise haïr s' suois 'paire le iln *eqst plir-anal breakwsté'.- -Tise outlis potc4 aUd l- by lth 'nglnr' Mtpa vouïlfh i c aïsd ne-'doùbt 'lu tendeal te suake ltb- brer-e!refuge. If meaut ta axIons]tbe eskt -plarnuew oub iuto t li e Lska soue 400-feoî, o môlifi axpausiva ciib-wonrk;- amo asias ,ýùSoxIfthe c I.wcmt Ripr -&PO feat vitb ïa cueosgeje maI tise euda tdthe ne*. ast'-an momt oulisdiud preenens aise tiis vonilinclude tis e mavalsud "tIios'eugb rapair o! thea lighoàse sud &hoe visee superstructure of lise preleul vwesearu pies' sud breaskvater. These verks, h. said, vcjsld cosi. ,52,000., TIshe' s _aye,,s eus' rfigusougist tei ssov, lisat ta dradge all bi i sacs-me basin aid sud nov te -tse- depti o!- 18 feat vonis! cesi 824,000, 'thie tuaklng i.n ail bise $76,000e!f repairaevisicis ana belal up se s bug-bear befara 1tisa minale'of tise people lu Ibis barbe msttas'. Nov, I ask yen as s caudid'iman boy muais o! tisearepaire tisa Goverumont ie going te force lihe tovu ta -do Jha moment tisaUrpurcae temafia? Tee munst kuov bisaI thIsanel nt oeedollar .as b aveaid hafore,avhtise exceptions aboya nuantioneal. In conclusion, I begte aay tIsaI, fer lise seasouq iabov4 statàilý lÃŽco barbas' vould hbe gof'inetselte tise bovu, sud isaià, if net securefi nov, il aili ha a malter of deep regret, vison to laIe, te aves-y pas-mon vbo bas tisd proepes'iIy cf whitb, aI isarb. - Yens-m truly, Dec. DIsh, 1878. Cony o! Ontario, Teaccers, Associa- tien. Tisa fret meeting o! tb. Association, vas ised Frlday aud Saturday of lutb wack lu lis.' Hig Saisool buildings, Wiiby, It vas. va are piessed al e ay, a meet succaseiful gslhes'ing lu every vsy. Iu nuinhars, enthusiassu, anal frienalinees, il exceede tise moat sangu. hue hopescf its promoers Oves eigisty louchera vas-e praseol. Anal douistiese lice number voull have been suc larges -but foi tise haduasa o! tisa reade ans] short notice givees. Tise 'great foutu-e cfthe procaedings vas prsa-cli. caitfp; evanytiig tisaI took place s'a- lîtefi ta x-aal ve-k anal affeotealthliselu las-este o!flise IeacIsiug profession. Tise foiloviug as-atise office-s electas] for tisa doming yeas': Prosident, James MoBrien, Inspec- tes' Public Schceele. Vice Pres. G. H. Robhinson Hads Master Withy iigis Boisool. Secy-Tress. Jlames Brown, Msodel Scisool, Ceusnihtee e! manage- mnt, Ms'. Tanubiyn, Oshsava, Ms-. Jeu- singe. TTirlsicue. Ms'. (ls-l. Tîesnkiin. IMs. Laugalon, Ps-inca Albert, Misa Hick- ie- wiby. _ We shoulfi lice, bas]vo tis aspaca, te giva lise procoadinge in full, for va féal balt tsey uaffect net enlylise tecaitg pr-ofession, but also tisa generai public, s-o ean,isoveve-. but hrlefly skethstise work accomplisiefi liss eek. Tise programmue consistei priucipaiiy of lectures by promineul eduscationai- uts, e! discussions ariuig tlsorafrom, us] e! tise coualderatien of pas-iuent question. Ms-. Buaban, Inspsuts o! 11gb Soboots for lise Province, deiiver- il tve adds'csses, ona ou Il Gs-auu," und lIse aIse-on IlEngisb Lihes-alura." Es s-omsrks vos-ebots interastiug sud sIs-ntive, sud il la not limprobable sat bisey may havaelise affect et asuinmg coneidos-able departure lu tisa beach-- sg o! tise important îubjecîs in soe E tisa soisoole o! tisecunty. If naIs- si else lias occnrred dus'hug tîciescoes- on: o! liseassociation lb voulfi have )eu a marnerais]. oua, but ail tise pro- *edings vas-a of snob importance tisaI twill long ha remenises]on othas- roundis. Ms', Lewic, o! Torsonto, wvice iae is kuovu aIl oves' Canada, lu hie dcure on"I Hov la s-oas," net ouiy smonslrated tisamethofi cf tleiig *ading, but laugst lise membsetisein- Ilves, bey teaisecoreagecal easters. se subjeet cf"I Peninansbip" vas lak-e a np hy Ms'. Brown, o!fbise Wiihy s cadl Sboel,vise, civellisg ounlise im- orîsoce - o! geed penannaip, coin-1 lainefi tis itilas not ps'operiy tugisl, J il îcouit Se said te ha tangist ut &ain s- public acheois, anal ehee bis plan fteaciig beys sud girs-lete bacoma ocd vs'ite-s. Ms'. Mille-, o! Oshsawa, xemplifica ed heal vt ay o! leachings -aimai, fractions, anal resuove msuy oe! Je difficuities vIsicîs bosaItisaepalS E bishe pas-son tesoiig Ibis intricaha a s-I cf as-itbmetic. IlBritish Hiâtory t )r Eramination for eiit'acca mbtisahea [gis Scieols;" vas lacen up hy Uts. snrnan's, o! Oshsawa, vise alesonstra- ' 1ltho mannes' in visicis hakept up bIsaee serait o!f5hcis lea in Ilsis taiens euh- ' ct. Mr-. Tasublyn, lu spaakiug on c reachans Certificabes," expreseai bis n ?iein tisaI more marks siseulal ba al- 1) ced teas-eading, speiiing, sud vs-iting, fi ail biasahess caminsticus, 5e a1so b 3ounce ealiecusteinof gsanting par- ao Its te' pes-sees vitont certificalas, etIb, ie xpansa o! ps-opes'ly qualifies] tesois. as 0, aud Ibougisl that Do petileUS, ex- I cht active tacers, aicoulfi bols] posi, ni ns on tbe Boa-as a! Ceunty Eramin- it s. Attse clos. o! tisa discuesion i lis foiloeas, a vesoltien vas Pessoa ga si dvisabiity f iavig tva exarin- p ins for Fiss-Clafs Certificubes, in- si !d cf ouea sla nov tise casa. Il vas ianimoussy decidefi le bolal theisaen Betiug in Port Perry, lun1the ments o! al -y, sud jndging fs-cm tise session jusl fa ss] theieslelitîltleniubat iil l M s atlllgreas- succes. s-e if of gci exi doi lis o!l p.r Yo ed li jas Opi ini dot mil tsa cep liei vi urg tia utn me Ma, Neva Items. St. Petesburg journale eay Rusas basas mucis rigisto, ask for Lord Lyl- Ion', recall as Englanil le dernufGon- eral Kaufr.ns'm reesîl freen Turkestas. At a meeting o! ralroafi presiien2ts o! tise grand trunlt linos, il vaa deed tisaI tise preseul pcoiog arrangement for vast- isenfifreiglîl sisculal b.con- tinniea for 5 yearp. isceTELRa Baxr1sýB AissaFA&iLUa,- Tise WéiI 'cf Englandi d Bdutfs Walo.s District Bank bas fsilad, vihs iabilities arnouultug of sevontean sud a hli mil.. lien dollars. Thore la greal consterna- tion lu Wales. DIVORCE Bss'usEn. - A Cincinnati ,court bas refusoed te grant a, divorce vices'. a young veman mirniefi sftas s mhxteen fisys' scqnsinlanceaship su ad- výenurer visepratendeall e hesason -o s veailby laufi-ovur. Tisfa rual, 'tisaJuge reled, vas in lise inducernt le, marriage, net lintise -marrage con- tract itelf, wiiais enet affectea by pro- rions suiasepnoaentstioni s se ,o am% fertnopgriea» is- n BAzuvÂnIý-Tb e' laut rail o!'lh. Nantis Bitee Biivy vsaDlaid Ounaedy Tlhe Bishop of Plinisse1 nuglmud; 411 eq terni eof emi-irol uan a Igh il-an enclosicre saitheo.Zrthos' end--were- lacd»Ot I oe, !esmigis-, srmi baigronual.1te a aiamlng pilere.' W1 stZi cf' floverc -snd ovrgrens or 'ds'dèdthe vail*s-ap propriati.'mot-" Stes talatliy-'vorkedq, amen"' wieIih' r- 'vere, ". Our gattude vfl- HÏ. eforý S*r, Fama- uemper vivatw oi, j- pisc at l"dne*i nus p6inta5 -and,-Pro. m mn~t oves' ls.hé alnre aihe rosi, rfacin th11e .Imhtce, :vasBtbé"reig go Wejê'mttoans' belovefi Oovernoi- - eea, orkod in large letteas on a sbtsadiik,,u baud. TIsa vsbdovs' ere,* -ai copôO, apSthe s'oom -ws, hriliiantiy' -te~~aaby- Bis op Fabire nls Lay upaidroW- An expression a! piîea;nre litoraly ha. mea forth lunlise conutnlcea thbie:Marqua sud 5he Prince«s as ishe7 ur t "broe. Thoeilpjslng musicao o! bmauy voscas, 3muinurefi comment,,isad *sv esel anal lu silence ailarase ansn'lyd aimuitaueuiyvthspucsis' bcb _dial credilta liste mislreeso! ceiem onits anal bisn reminofi standing vle 'Ht. -Exoelln ensd bis , yslGau o.,(.a * nales]gedth iaio, sud took their- seat.- on thlis 'sd daim. < - The programme vas thon commena-' -efi. A peica for forty bandar, on organ, pianos, harpa, guitare, etc., vas the fist performance, lb. effaci o!fvisicis v as very fine. Tison, four -11111.e mes- Be ie~r:ofFlo'a advasneal, Mse HMullarky- .4, Xe- Creadly, andi R. Guuvs utucc grice!uly ou hauded kuesalaid ai t ld,11 feai o! Hlm Excelleuay anal tisa Pinc6sa a graceful tribut. frosu tisir mander, s large basket cf orquisite vorkmauabipi contslning chaice floyers. They foira.1 efi- s pratty piature. Hardly bafi ticay s-atIres], vian Mias Leleller ud Miss t] MoGirs' came forvaus], and ] o eli ad su afifrqaos o! volcome, the one lu Franchi id lIs, cUrer lu Hugles. Tisa folloving is the latter To Hi8 Esellencsj, tfeac osguis of. Lei-ne,KEniglaîof the e Mo8t mi-h &nt and Noble Ordcr ocf thea Th/clt Kniglat cf theaGrond Cross cf thse i Mo8t Diafingui8hlecf Osdes- of St.- Michcelan id St. George, Goc'errsor- General of Canacé e, fdout., ude. AisD Tô Her Royal Hig/sness tise Prince8s Lostiie. udc., uA., ude.. -i Tice martic the air, are fraugh isthI music B grnd. A veicome bleasefi ring, Ibrougicout Ibe land, B, Along lise Atiantic shs-ea, botic las- sud pi vwida, Pi W. bear Il soar aboyaie the ccnggtida, '. 1 Columibia grand, takes up lIste tsriliug c bs'5hes ing B tewstr ai, A The lofty Andles, boas'tIse jublaul acunl,, Msdfrornils boves'ing peaka, the noteas'ae- bouud, But, lu Mount Royai's Isely !svored sicrine, Il riuga fruoc ibIhasd dale, vilS ms-v'lous And inl ton Ibonsauf rapterons notes avako Sweet cIsoristere of groe a siivery iske. Sncb poonleae guesîs, ta viev vih scs-li Has ne'e- bon dreamî ai 'neah Canafian skias, Thon frous bIe fiepth cf euch yeung soui ta- day, Tan Ihousanl veicemesaI tyour feel vo lay Our' garland fair-, of everyalye anal bue, Anal in bIsa name of our incat gracions Quaen, Our brighteet geais do nov adoru lice ceue; Thse Rose sud chishie, Shams-ock -Maple bers 'We'l ie iaaronfi'yon vilS a love sincera, A home et Ilise te yen may e'os' be givan, In tisfai- landl 'neaIs amile ef gracions . asvan. Anal loyal subjocte round you day by day,- Wlish iomaga meol ta chaos- your royal To conrl; halls va kucv ycu buda adieu, To Queau Victoria, loveal mothes', lac Ah I msy such sacrifice bring favore grand Wll oving subjecîs biais youî scepteëd Isundi; Long may yens- royal paîh hae travu vIlS 1fiowaes Tou- praises ring fs-onu hall a.nd lefly tev'-s; Tour happy reigu lu golden uu-nbars sbioe TIsrougisout Ibis favas-ad landi for enalless lime. Tisa Marquis o! Les-na in s-aply ssîd 1 viii speak lu Hnglîsb, hecauma I cousider bise yong ladies sud tise mis- ses lise mesl formidibble c-ihics lunbisa wo-lai, I bauk ycu fte-ie vos-y beanhi- 'tii receplion you bava give u ns le-day. 1ihave board vary mucis o! thie groat cuvýent ; I bave oflen hear Ls-elDu!- ferin spaak o! theacisas'mng recephian you bafilprepareai for bina;bise nvas' forgeltishe kiudnass yen sisoves hlm anal tis eabmanifealelin lu es'reeep. laun; but as ush, as ho bas ps-aise] ivcs-ytIsiig boe, tise -ealiby bas far ax- ceedes] auy oxpachahion I couS] bave os-mes] freen anytbiug Hie Los'aîiip saisi. W. vea preparafi for mecn kinduese, but lice many cîbe- ISinga we have seau lu Canada, tise s'ality far- exceeds wiut va evas -dreamt cf seeing. Vo vera preparaci 10 finalthm lan] coverel vits suovanal fouud bIsat-eum- mes -haiisardlly loft il, anal I nover or- [etea te final anyvisore s more bauti. chl pasterre tissu t iiaisI novaaee Jefore me. Itleicts the greateel isan. s upon bisese vho bave cultlvatef tise )eutifu gardo]n fs-cm viics tise.fday- rs vos-a cniiad. J1isope -isa icappinose see lu se mauy facas bafara me vill iever suifas -hy any transemutation, tisat tmay oves' raigu lu es-Canacian trnes, wbich I arn coufident yon viii :sace' sud ados-n. Wa msay tr 'eapase s li fus-tises'ou yonr indulgence cy s'a- satiug eu- visit ou soma futur. occa- - sun . Afhen Ibis preseltalion tise bail r.i cundas] vilS vocal mu-ssic fresuitiseI soin o! fs-amsh yang voicea, vbiah dnav s-th favorable commente ou every aide. le8s Brotserson thon advancedi anti ual bise fàoisng adlrees, su à dams',I weat voice ; "o HisR Excellencp fisc Marqnie of Lo-na, Kcig/stof t/se Most Ancient anal Meat Noble Os-dec-af the T/cia- a fie, Knigat cf t/ce Grand Croas of fthc moau1 u'fiinguia/ued Osde- Of .Si. Micleael, and St. ýGeorge, Gov- eracr-Gerai cf thceDomiaio.4of Casado, tc., uC., ude. Accu 3 la Her %yoal Hightsas Priisce8m - Loauise., uce.,, te., uC. irousgliet bus' fais -Canadiaunaiu] soe s-tfes upâsi Anllsan grand,, - il 2vsics, as vilS one cingle voices, loyal paople aill ejoice, b se iavîy anal the biglh lup lace, Froci atern Newfouulands Coast, dark, sleep, _ Te vhére Paeitowsbero sveep rhat veicomes beard ou every aide, Wbie jO -balle poil sud cannonsroar, - And bouLres blaze frotmsoeata shore. GledI;eacb y antis! nivolce w a sae, Iu ibis grand'sang cf jey sud pralse, With layeil bearts your preseuce greet, Our swetast fdeers strov-naalb your lbel, luovu ÛMloC&n&anda surae> Ou Ibea, do iscuor gae ifh Elope c tise a iue ai arl, Fit en"'nQW4 ~ T( Tc lub AÀ thaï r0àd, amiffl 'woemowtG. Euclen'a Arnica Salve. Cula BrnseeSoria, UIoaa, sait 'BisumTallr, ha i-HauRdi, Chil 'biaini,0Como, snd &HlIknds cf 5kin ermpions. Ti Salve Lis gnarauteed tlv pixfeisfabolàzInvery eu@ STRM A»NDRMN.-Te-rai th. puat fr4' days appeaïs ta have beon gaééral, not- 6oly ovor the Dominionfj but-, ihrougb a. gmét Portion of i th' 'et Muais dapmgeii repeited s the ress4l ef bisa boavy lcae earybowhra. raS 8,ds o! et>he-Jnitad States Ministe r an t a e hareduceal. cap an~1yeMelville be novelist, fel front bà hase. whuie bunbing sud j:rke hi nèk. ad Deatcs cicarÏgeal 30 ntecd. DOw-G ....M the rosidence o! fhie kcida's-father, on ihé41k ýday cf ýDôgiembar, by the Ber B. Chane. John. Bai Dow, Boerfer-at-aw, ta- Mty A~, daugbter et r. ub, cf WOOfr-ZÂMO...-M ft ion tise 41k fuel,,- >Mr. Josepb Wood, , -f<tsaI ilage, te mie sle atloustic daux hIer Jf1 n el B t s n mca L am e% luEL ., ofsame Place.- MÂRRIT-EASTLM.-Aî 3.*a*. lin, ou the Brd cnet., Win, Mmsriittl,. les 'iaSsuP. Esstey, bath et Ebook- WHIrTBY MARKETS. 6zso»xîcr- Ori-icic, Dec. 111h, 1878,. Flour pr bril.......... " 00 @65 50' .A na ... ...00900090 Sprung Wheat.......... o 85 a 80 85- Bariey, Nol1..........Sa75 @ 90-85 2:.........055@ -0 65 -' ..........0 45 @ 0 M t.................. es.................. 20680 - JSali............. ... 5)o arn ............... 07<0#W55 s.................... 0 40 @ 0 ?otales, nev.......WC @ SOc 1 ....... ........ 16c0ao 0 3utter...............14o @0(1 3heesa .............. 100 @ 121 goa............... 8 m La84 0 ... 020f Wo aef, hid quarter.$5 50 Os@oe set ,are u rr . $4 0 «@$0 00 _ Seî,epe qunrte........0087 Ios................800 805 drev. ... .8500@ 85(60 .$2k*7 850 @$500 ilve............ inlone .......... ...... 80 90 @ 10 arulps ............... k lh e ................ 12o @ 00e. lrrats........... ..... 160 @ 0 iokens perpair . 5 O @50. ccks perpr ..........S8c0 @6WC leaee par lb............. 7c 00 .NEW ADVERTISEMNTWS. OHANCERY SALE Bi B' Pi La Ci Tt ci Ge FAR il; TIO TOWNSHIPOF PICElNO, Iunlise Counly o! Outarie. *Pursuant te the Dacre anu Final Ordor cf Sale cf the Court ef Cbancery, lu the suit cf ROBRE vs. HUD)SON, viibc soid by public &ection, witb the approbation cf George H. Dartnell, Esquire, aater af thse siad Court ai Wbllby, by bthe sd Master, aI RAY'S HOTEL, lu tisa TOWN ,0F WHITBY, on '- 3101111y, TuIE 8Oth DAY 0F .DECEMBER, 1878, -, aI Tveo'c1lock lim theaeo, lu eue parcel, the folloic vg luabla fa= *- The Souths-Buti if tY "imarnre Or lus, of Lot Number Thirteen iu the Broken Front CJoncesian afthe Tawnshsip cf Pick- ering. lu the CcÏnty ef Outario. Th p iaryl situate- about 2 miles frona ther illrage cf DeMn's Creek, three miles froci Livarpol arbeer sad igbtr miles tram lbhe nfWltysl g9 roads e e an sd ab mlof vsc spaces thera le a good market for aPZ kindaOe Farci produco. Tise lalands comprise 50 acres, mare or leeu, of vhich about fart-ulue are under cul- tivation sud the ramainlug ana acre in msrshy.i The -whao e endos' fonce. The acil ie a ricb ises-y Clay, sud prauces goa cropa cf ail kunds et farsu pra,adue.a t i property la aituate lu 1n islbby nd go0d agucultural loclacssd l pleutlfully up. plied vils vaber The Bildiugs tiserou canelît ofFreine Dvelllug Hon» aery nov, sud a Praue Paru. The ps'ofmiil nov lu tbé occupation af tise Defoudmut, lasoe nLa!ie vwsa balda the ause bjoot te bthe PlamtiWs rlghts sud. lutereels bo 12. The Veudors viii euy hae bliged te fum- isis te the purcbser a cpyaof àEegstrr'm Abebrsc of bible., te tbe ssid- land, sud viii netbe bound te terulah muy- deeds or docu- mente nar copies of deede or doosiments uat iu tboir possession, sud Ibm purchalir vii verify sncb abstract at hm avu'xpaeos. Tseperebaser viii be required ai the tima af sale te psy davu te -the Vondaors, or tceir Solicitor s depesit ot oue-teulb efthe c erchaes oey, sud vithin oeeMcnth am thce day et mals shIllpsy lIse'balsnce Of the purcsae mauey vithasi lteresinuto tho Court et Cbsucory. The p ropry vill be sold subjeet te a reseadbld fldby tha master. Thea abier, canditions of sale are lthe standing conditionseoethe Court of Jisucery. Furtbar p articuleranudconditions o a s ean ha bc o]stained train James E Gordon Vandore Solicitor, Messrs. Fsrowei sunf Rutladge, G. Y. Smthb,sud W. H.L Blillu of the tevu af Whilby, sud front tce laid muater. Dated lltJ>ècembar, 1878.- GEO. H. DARTNELL. Sun-Si MutIe. -MORTG2AGE SA LE@ Purmesu te a Paver et Sale cotndin l two certain Mortgagea,bahe Ic vi ec produced ounIbm àa'of aile Ithe viilba - old by pýu1blic sectionar IN THE TOWN OF-WmITBY, ?rc Saturdny, te Eev#ta- div of January, 1870, &t he heur of eui o1ciock lu bbceeteruacu, cm .fouivng lands sud presulmos: Town Loi NemberFM y-bzsreýsibeelut do of Bs'ocF Streal luIshe Town i fWMbi Thora ila spgodlFreme Boulle sud 'wcrk- bo enlisepremlaes andsagccdvofl. T'esrmç àadknoeauthe day cf sala. For luitber Pir* npply tta Il.Von- aorm Sellte'ao Istyr Dat$ Ho YOUNGêlMITR ti igl bc i si lirocd ana the-,mem River, lu tLWCoumtys se -Tîrent, Dac. brd, 1871 T0 TEE EBLECI TOWN 0É Gssssrxm - ' I 1take l c euomciug as' for the ooming yoar. --Tour oba TIEN ten cents Laaxian, London, ouI., mapbocr VWss. Tb~ an eent. l Q TRAYRI fron the 0 nàibae-, Lob No. 2" ickes'lgr, ibrea ilveas aarofi sai'tthIe* Ded. 10,1878. (1-31b) Tires=mýî Duebaiur, s Ban Dnkaclnd Ssii CamL oulof su lm] >Ul Duke.f Lyndale 2m hina Sowa, front impos- ith plg'tean importeti V ANTElD FOR AI KET.-OCne Hi shavolfi Eves, 1 year ai cl ta dispose Wcf vic 500. bitby, Dec. 9hh,'1878. Spreae 5YRUP v.m book ou man vWhe 'RED-]0a ERUCE Qns=p: te drink, lice epruo vicoh ex= Amt MARK Sp-cioo tri - aratiloni , lasu IE5ET.Fer Ceu acàENBucas, TM - &d.at JhO. .-K]E TTOBEY- AT - LAÇ tr lsu -cery -sui r,&c. Odcaee-Desj 'et, Wlsltby, Punt. D' lIER ELECTORS TOW or ' -At th. requs etc LeIaun iaheps rsoa! i ûad toc îer mysel Oior te be, j 'Yonr Obëd [A.JOIR 1 BLECTORLS 0F w:i -ti fil 'ii Iti c 1 p i d el ai v: a] E b! hý P: w ti si b] bi 01 si ti ti uts.y. 1£11,jrlîuay.) 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 IVALUABLE

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