Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1878, p. 2

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Plour o4to né. Sasiu. uség la Casse Simon Fraser. 1 1 W inouWa..é. XiasG* oes &Powell. kftâtl.ouéy, uie nalioean sd fanoy Grisl Mill sr al,- larm for sl4 obias Michéli. Parliainentary notis-Wmn. Mulock & tC70. BSpeeial nolloè-8. W. B. Sunlth,e., S p eIl i ' T J . W i si t d ld . syehvlw-Gee. B. Yale. Xmnaa éd-l ,Jeanitson. Neotieforns meeting. oT ONLY St c, PER ANNUM. w ibTirdy.Dc.,917. Theàç#Chronicle IlDuring the Holldas. chiristma$s sud Newyear'u day fali. ing ou Wodué#dq, the, reLte<*1 ~o jeaé uct wékan (li wek tf., î gr ORa Tîiu(aîîy uihiprevinus tg iliose 4ldoclyeé. Advavrtidoralwill pleae notes. Psy Up t Partie iudebted to Ibis office W'ill bittich obligis by iuiidiug in thé eunt ut thoir acecountga t once. kl aubaerip. tioua are payab>le in advaii,A 'kliai of overdue ticcutnta in now baiag iùàde out te bc placcd l court for cellicoîion, of wlioli wo dwsire te giva notice ta tliqae Whio haveIlithéertu triled with n ur fôrbé oaui. A prompt usettlemint wIli ha neoasastry iu thcou cases lu archer to unve Cuitî. - The Harbor FigurTes. Jliat wew-o:Yo -gayp the. fOlwiug fautA oand 4fTgý;rW, wiclîi 4AZIn incoeu truverted Titai O ou capta frousthie 186- 9G:tii>U(eint TîîL ltatu(?azvile iu giviug thcei 1I*1t!îît't, gave Lifi roccipta i fi876 ah two dtluweaeceîddollars Ias làtthe lanala mi u ligthce i'ecelpts ali cex. eeuieitiii'eefronti 1864 (0 1?, thie writer ii stih et. e' wamguiity of deceptiou, liîtvldk, tcludled Ina the oxpetiditura Cecclrun, ,. iai xppeur#,of runuing thea ml.i'iitwulîtiiee t I~li arbor pro. livre sud IalUI 0o a.icl $ie. Rajlway e)., ai t$6,80li aletby bia in', leder luproduce a /i<aicioeee rcsult. 'Vistt 1w cotit of rueseiig theé barlear, ets lsowu lèy tobooka ofthie axocutoru of tise lrsapesr e8atvane d atateement iiie intdfthe. arbifrators waa 8958,- Tlseet hIes "oisuesess oi dcedgiigand a-îuikrs Wero wiiieiy' miaatated tramn Mr. Ricegaforels repeort. " "het, ttfcfing thieprica cf tise hlutiik et $3;1-2,(letll, e tee ofnalai clesirs At '68'. 111,lsa-in lIl5,1,00.AI six per cént lu- teeetdt<a yeac-and uîddiug tise e-e )îillmsl on 1reseeleeg tue hhaio, tisore weecie Iebu eSO0 a yoar, or lu tisai asofesieeu,elc dsr -renîto iu tise cuuerl'slet, inî ras tise toi-n eur. Chaiadue, \'Juchiulleuegeu Ilie liprorel out liuco fiseule i, Thoolliiiidoeuosui atci s a vrt'eeclesoiei tub ustiale liii figures. ,TIlý e 'aur-cvaieleSicire tises arbitta- teisA, sand ara il îeaememoaaftisa Mcayor, IVvtueculsc ot e>' s vecy rolelcayer. Foer tIse luctier int'orssstlidn aiflise catLuletycrg ost give tise items sud tise cules ai toli lcigoi, l, obs-ig liasv-tisa r'ivetsese ls U]4s ep. po5iet i-liYAit 1875 GJraine of sdi' kins ,538,908 bile. «ji &îpennsy per hum. aIes. pur M ll nbieul', 145,01251 iL. (!3 2.0 micr M. puer lteu. -tlui iiî,tllas, pickots, alt suai eaesdriee. Voeeee.-rTsFvacut 1876. fri r aesl'iiit Luds,51:,520' 1sese. ceesuseralcee, iuse-i'.iIIl, ti2t. (do. leur NI. Ceessi. 857-5 taua, _w25etslVes' Silegicua, &o7 Total. Fuit Til &t cI1877. Graine, '24,U380 1 hesa ms rssîeos. Lueeeubcer, le,454,531.) fi. w 16 cIa. luer iM. - Tieuieeu. îse<u i'. î1.<. C-seal, 24110 toua, t«vI. sieglea, &». FORas T'cii vsAat 1878 Ut' 'TU NOV. Grainu, '-51111 bsa. lintusher', 8,492,7813 t. Cah, 174*1io tan, ip 25 cIa. Singlas, Ac. Grain lu alors sud ltisueî j oundockc. SToal. - lihýAsliuditea di teiional Ieus ta u d ai 1878. $4191l.06 21120.27 29U.06 1227-91 $4276.11 118-18.15 i182.00<) -893-.75 83311.88 $97137.09 $85.05 $612631.91 1415, '78. 820142.61 1278.91 485.50 11164-78 .#5456.80 58,20 $11000,00 EvaseS la-(la former arttempti tg inaké ont lise expenelilume grsalsc tisan tise reveAutm, (e q etl tarti upon sotler lack, andS hsmaves ogeilsar thetoliai-ing fi gurea iu order ta saow tisai tish ielîMase ar tise barbas- eouid -reenulloag t e t lsn. AnS hère la 'bo as-I pw W-iusgsabousttisa rèsmît: Ier saiéois yeou 8n 41,. 080 uit 0 per Ceet. -ExpeOsés ftracateuding to bacraiorrdinary rin- DIO ~IeeenâésacrSîng Yeeily1 tôt'ri4pasm, *Maklng a total yearl>' expan. ilsture et e2,404 2,t0 4 0581 1500 $6971 To ba paici 'itîs theé mmof 10se- qonding (o 15e recéipîs aof lisa îr. - -Théecléhénturos cithtis olsn ws' nlSl &Il îrohaility mil sot a iigisai figure if -placéS on lise market. TlisaI, isovevr,* wtuwé ievesi- hé unuéceéiay. Tie 'Goy'aznéni i-cuiS scoept 81,00ofa -tisé débéoturein layvreutoatthisélu ,ebto4nlnéiofai (ha rper esatte te-tis amom*int ai 12-0 e iaporéhaie ai the harbar. Andti iere woîd heno- dlffiemlty li géttisig cenliactore ho Do. ospi payrmuat luaces-n dabauhuras for th. e S é! edglss. Tbey weeeld héoy I18 4 ta hseé iqu, ~Il IloslhIb. b.galilynoces- - *ry to, caspiy 'alSfermea lis- te lva the 10 awsefraped-', ota*ot a dolltarSr, tatheIsaio or Sno ,Rm nacespary would hé ouiy $1200. This *ouso ried ssauplly sud ilute at Si-m p9r aéut -interest for lweuty yéare 'aouid'ýroduee 889,679,-sud ie uséi4 lu redéeusiug onr ix r cent de- boutures 'acuid ofcfouîse ount tW a gréaI Seul more.1 Thé orsiusry.expaumes of itie hacher wonld, h Baa, aeoe - sth OChronicfic hé $983.1 Tise a a h otthe CnsîsmoaXO'm figures ; they arèîtosé of tisé -aette. OàI& oshwelusah thei management wouid hé about hMthea gnon, or goy 4500 a >'ear. Thé lait item fotroducési teui@I tise ttalinfi$1600 a yéar for repaira. Wlll -thé Immédiate expeneiture of *aOO Alcsady ,prevfded for, aiscis aCa 'acuis nos hé roquirsd. Ito rspaire of auy couequence i-aniS hé nasSeS fso somsq am(cos.Meautimé the t4eiais! àldbë in îb. énjoymenuloaitts revoun. e. o uD-nrep-: Iatah tte 86071. dwiuidlem dowu ta 14100. Taigth u for the ÏÏeou yeraýiîVQ it oïlieakiug lw# oosiyear au ~ b~dyïara te. gétisèr) 'as havée4412. DéSuet 14100, basvoi abat revenu cf 372-an arn. pie Msargin il muai héadmitWO for ré. pairs sud ail other centingénéisi. Tisî 'auid givé thée'aboie hachas property free of déhitol the toi-n. But ais'as havé hoetofaré conteuSeS Ibis le nuneesary VTejeopébfhd.sydo s po-forlise h4rbor ont$set OU4rlé rtcy leansud ill hé goad for the mene'y, go that psyu ofaithé intecést la ail tisaI weuld h-Ã"éàclld for. Thé lait debsutucés ef thé iewn 'aéré IssueS 'aithonut s sinkiug ftend sud vére ftrdily acsptéed -by à'" ilrobaser, aa tbsydubies fwôidj hé80senluthe pré. seul case lsy tisa céîreintmlives ofthtis Drayer otate anti by &tié overumént. Beatilea tisareavuld aia he seaur. îhy of the hachai itsîf. On thia lIse wonid hé ne' difficuity aht nystuienl ralig $20,000 an harboi- débeutures *guarrauheeéd h (lhs town, vliceh wouid heip ecrtaSus finances lu many 'ays. ,Thé Gazettes forte la tbim wisole ýArbor malter, sud tisa fitih anti-bar- bot abettors mea ha hé ta peddle- amali objectiani, odggemî doubLa, and isn~amaa n ianot "Taxéa 1" "'Taies 't" lu tIise sacs oaitLisepe. Tis, for tise moment, we regret lu aay, appsarci to ha suce stul itb tisaun. tinklng anS nrefloctlng, hu'itlîstise tacto now plaoed bfore thstis, we leope frAmare intetlgent opinion from tise cattepayer o e t s oi-a etWbitby. Poistîcal Notes, i-uve acouiýt, Refarus, i-re numinatasi for Moncke, for-tlue Li4cl Legisiature, oni iaturday, l4els. Eléce- ' Ar T RO TOr.-iNotninatiotts tcok lutace ou Solos-day, for the Local. Jaha Layéi, ltsorju eaudielatb ; Hou. Alex. ýMorris;,, Canervative. Tise mecnt élection disturbance ah St. Agalse, M1anitoba, appsacs tobeh more serions thuWu8 -ataaI lIol uppomesi. One man named bicLane la reportéS ta have didac, 4sInd w-prise am einsaRevd. l'aIler Cbarthaisueauî h nuder arreml. eihcoure:a DIîMISSAL OP LSEUT-GoV- FS.1OR IELI.tctseecrlse rumeur treen Ottaaelu i' st Liéetian -Governor Lotiîlile 1a o diiistuaaced ires offiae in Quehee. TisaI tise Qteleoéeacotion cf tise Cabinet insiot espan tUlis -course. lion. Mc. Tuccutie, Speaker et thé Legié;lative Assémbly oi Quebéc, staleel huai lita Monday ah Qleee lie had la- muel bis iarî-ant la th isaCerCci tise Crowu luaOlsancery, for a et ns- lection lue St. IHyacinthe cautily. Calling Nameu Tlie eeitor of the dazee -replies Ici Mr. M1eM1ilan's iétîcî ou tise Harbor malter S'- caling tise latter mnies. TisaI kisd af pieasatr>' la ai course advanceed as unanerguemnt againît tisa îuiiresae ofttséhacherr. 1h ln ci s place s-u haeotiser argumenute froni tisé smss acuree. supposlng Mr. McMil- ian %soc er ejolo hy cailiuîg aur ianlCy icieusi ut tisa Gertie la sesail El itariesi F-lagtaf.' ( s-lieub se icoos-liaecaould uset eICI) iauiiltisaI mlup[art Mr. 11e- billion'. iSe ci thé question ? "hti.1IeeNroo-iseRYv' lILLED DY'.'À 1Pis',-Fiteîeu)ieeucuti TAvciess 1itPEt.-The tsaleriaesc "1311 Meuritgceteery," latel>' releusseel rosse tlise Centîral Prison for iiI-treating a dalective aItllohcaygeon, i-a ille aS uoa a avaru in LPa- terboroughs,' on Salinida>'. Monigous- ery ws a lecror ai tise neighbhisee Ro i-as @hot w'a ssrevolver b>' RoSSi- tise lai-écukeaicer, 'abuenlit) atteenptéd teasmauil. GuNetolvieEscAC-CInEee.-AU expia. slon ai a package ai guapos-uer took placé atIthe se idence ai Mr. Wmn. Guodi-in ounlise frd con., un Saturdu>', b>' whîicle Mca. Goodisin sud bso os 'asca injureS-lise latter catieséetere- i >.TIi yonLuizsmen i-cc-'guimg on s buesiting expédition, andl i-ean filee set af illing bisir pos-der-lsoke;, il ste' peurs, icomu lIe pachciaga 'benes ieex 1losiou look place. BmDees rs.-is Tom, tIse as- lenisiig musiceel praîiigy, nieity ai aur resSlers s-ilf iehéplesmail tclcttru, asecrs again lu Wlitby, aun11fnday, '21r5 metq. Ilia s-ondérfui perfor'mancea ountIse lulaio leave peizzlede lte musiclawioril 'l suay lhe sali. ,Nantis-hoolsae hesrd , Blind STous " teeforce wilt feuil lu cm- lreco 11e appoctunil>'ofai Isariesg hlmn againl sud tisoee s-lic have nul yel lIeord hlm play have s gréaI tréat lu stoeara to ie. Fcrward ail gooda sy lthe Canaeîian Express Comtpany'. Specilaes afo or large coneigumlens. Quiek deejeuil, careftillisandling, loi- rates, prompt dle- Iivecy si-e nme out tienadceistagea stise publie reeice hy elieiug gondls b>' ex- preaa-Parîieo merding suy nsud valu. aSie packages b>' espréemi arce porfectiy séctureel. againept, leem. Tise Expess Company'aa culiet ?accounle, notes, drafts etc, For fuetier informmaioun ep- ply b ocu. B. Yl'o, Aoent, Wiihy. SmD Aciex'îuT.a-A lIno young boy ai ttiten, sou cf Me. WiliinmKerr, lot 21, 011e cou, Wîitby, Wsefloti>sddead osu Honda>' under Lise taoiio-îg melan. chai>' asranmtancea.IMr. aud. Ire. lCocc souI a teCurci t Broukil, Lise fablier telllug thbe y , t~iLer thse cai- lle aI noen. -Ittruiins About thrca o'clati , !hoéLthIer i@uud, Ssltfway b.. ts-eén tisé bas-n sud dWelîing, s, erts, lyiug on the grounci' and tisa bey under 'iie quilé SéaS. Il lusuppomeel tisai ia taig thé horeréta lise sater the , aîlér tmbléd sud falilupoa thé peor lad. Alîhaugi tise boy uppeaced ta have-obésu SéaS toc smoe ime, tise iore SaS !lot mai-adunutil lise arrivai aoflise sorîoaiug :baliser sud- iseart-broken meiher. ,d SràAIotcNsi, FANO 1555 PIJANDeCaOe- FEOTIONEBi-. - Attention la directeS ta thé udrertisoment of Mc. Gardon lu atiser colmua. 'Be Sas a ebeap aud csxac'iieui stock. TIFOTacet Sc ArsRto AsScaeJOURAscL, tise prospectus etfi-hdi tac 18711 sill ieS touS seses-bece in lîsia issue, is se alan- dardissu>' uz-apaper, and tiis con- tente a viieasd attractive, 1r4ýT&ylor lm on aisIsed llapil Bingo, Fruit luivea,. Silver 'riimblam, WVark BaxeusanS ýWriIihg Démis, ansd s graduiae Jé'al' - fer the Xmuam Bsr l a 5 Cm O or.-So eSI .s Mr, %ieon Fra fansd sac 'hat hé aya aboutb is MOr 1Irthé ithai Celuauina. -Pacsons tiquhiea ailbt a 'proialton fby using Wisitfaoil'm céabratéd .PUl- manio Syvrup. Puce 2p andi 50 cents. 3~'!'For14audîh secét 'la Eie. tse-s!t o'gcd-cel jabla wuàtalior olecie, go te P.' Tàylor ;,biatmearhimeuîtis th e b alla nci Lle& d' cIaia lifl n d'ste.9 rÇc, y aI thé-uci lm A if wiit b en 16by o te votéed ta ihcliuéà ;Dape Wh Wby. i ut n miaorotibu le atirw béria Iviong ei bororpin Ja - é adn to hé rlé eue admitted te be of the de:agiim. portance te the future of thée io*n, sud et afew gentlemnen bel t hét - ~n~ oiars, 'aith- à af.uf~~yt~hi fatrly ama-isng, také if upen ihe.meélves ta déterminé thée'aholé thing in this uudechandéd 'asyl. Tis émoi e th(al théré 'asa thé opinion of t hat a by.la'a would ha islgal- àni terve themn. Thatcoeula bene Sm ed for thé prçai0tation 'aith whisi&thyea éd; cjhor asa snob allile iiire rm- r on for furîhér conaultation Andý adrice. Th Cuil gave ne luairUeti soio ob tain an opinion ; il waa unaihrie by thé eoi'peration, àudeamé begmî h0é meqtieg as a surprise. and lu thé face af this, c'and lu thé 'abseniceéfuml counnel, aS-ioties it refsséd. Why ýwaié gentlemen ln u saa a violent hnirry ? Wby ' wa thé opinion gel ai al 2 There la bÙt oesuwe-To lilp geàtismén 'aho are candidates for office lu their eleehlene. Il 'asu thought 16 h o ppu. lar ta opposthéeSurebsa ."Mî. hilp 'au known ta bols an adverse 6pinlan ta thé tawu bnying thé harboý 'Mr. Harper'a dehial that ha wam lu laver of thé purohasé was régardéd wi h mUS- pi..in y mauy af thé catspaye a, sud, àc. Hýarper by ibis dexteous more thought hée would také thé wiud ont cf bir. Phiip'a mails.'Tise intereet cf thé lawn was nul, thé motive, but trench- ci-y caiher te thoaé intéréats, and an unwarthsy hétrayal oaf tlsem for a aelfiah abject. Thé arguments -advauced lthé ecuacil huard agaat purcbaalug thé barbor were unwortby persoa holding tha poaltiona hi mémbéra uf thse carpe. ration cf thé towu cf Whitby. Againal thé aolid fisl asdfigurea, vouclsed hy the officiai docueuta, 'abat argument waa (bers n l enaeleaa prale about raiiway rLna'sd nhnns2m Admittiug bMr. Billiuga'e epihian ta bo correct ou the légal poiet, tisat, as wa a dmittl y bMc. Hatper,lý woulel nul preveut tisa corporation gcing ou witis the purceiss. II le very dey tising to hava corporation by.lawa légal. ized. -AnS lu thi! thora woiilie éne troublé whatsver, for virtnally il would nio ie adding ta tise tuwn dehi, but on téconhtrary" acquncng a pioperty which wouild add ta thé town'a e sesrc. ès, a we have alread.y cewn ui tisa calumets. But apaci iruen thé mérita ai thé pur. Chas, wbat 'as are isere couidiring io the extraardiusry course of tÙé few geutlemen lu thé council acting upan tiesir own mers motion and reapouaihil. ity. Evér inebMc. Drapée, sdéalis thia harbor quesetion liaS heén 1héfore thé ratepayeca. Public meeitiuka 'ara balSansi resolutiona pasmed ilu lavor ai purciisieg, ansI a députation ent ta Ottawai te maké conditions, se as ta me. cnrs thé barber'ta flise tewn, if possible, on favorable conditions. Theoauly téar tîsén expred d asa ta the council migih act sud complots tise purchase 'alîhont couaulieg the calepayers. And Ibis waa expresmly guarded againol in thse Act ahtained tram tho Dominion Parliament, whfoh providea tIsailité by.iaw saal bd ouxhmitted foc tise raté. payera'yena or nay. Iguoring aIl thia- ignuring ail cépoibiity te tIse rate. payera, six gentlemen décida the wisole mattor sud premurea luset witheout cisusultation , for ftic ix or moyen laundrod ratepayecsaiftise iowss. Théy (Io precimely thé mane tlsiug, but lu anotteer way, wiici was apécially gusucled ageeluét. They deprive tise electora ai thé opportesnity et judgiug for tlsamkélvém. Tbéy assume an antis. acily tisaI bé net beén Seiégatéd te lbem, sud théy arrogate ta Ihemuelves a dégreai intellilgencoeiend discecu. ment witb wlsiclshlsay will acarcely hé crelited hy mauy ai thé olactors. Il ta isowv lime for tIse people la isave tiséir Bay, as e ws ope they wili, ah a public meeting, 'ahicisws undérotaud la ta lho calîed for the purpome ai dimcuoing tise action efthtie council. Toyo AND FÂNov GOODS.-Mr. ; J. S. Roerts'crb bau purchamed tram A. Berrettluis catira socak ai Toys sud Théemmohaobtinate Caugisa yield te Wisitfseld'm célebratési Puimanie Syrulp.- Wallets, Pockéî.Booka, Peisee-a lfie asoorluieculah Geo. 1B. Yule'm Beook- seller sud Stationér. A iew goodscondi baud rself feeders, ou isand, cieap-Wru. Icya. Cocu poppors for 25ts-Wm. Brysu. Stovea very chAiap for calis-Wn. 13ryau. -Biblesaré large tock juotrcesived trruntise Dépaeilary lu Tarante, S. W. B. $amitis & Ce. Far Xmam Preouls se S. W. B. Smsith & Ce., dollar came. Xmlam presuts tor a large stock le, cisoaso tram go la S. W. B. Snqith 4 Co. *Toilét Sets froeu$l a picce S. W. B. Smcith & Ca. Vases fruen dOceta pair upwards, S. W. B. S8miLli' &- Ce. Papér héiits, lok bohlsé., bronzé statiouary, S. W. B. Smith & Co. XVe bave a lot ai choap fauey gooda muitable for Xmas premenie, S. W. B. Smith & &o. Dollar Camee cutaiua gréai hargalue, S. W. B. Smniths & Ce. Tho aubacriborlisuaslarge sud wsii asorléd stock ai Statiouéty wisicis te pciced lewr-RHo Icepus imOonoubaud s fulf steck cf Sabool su ppliée iuoinding tise booka s eS n luigis sud Cemmen Sciools-ordars takén for boak.hinding -Gco. B. Yale, Brook St. rbiotograpb, Aulugruapis, sud Sccap Aiuma-Gea. B. Yulo, B rock St. The Giludréns Friand 1878. Geo. B. Yale. Tisé Iiat's Magazine, 1878. 3Geo. B. Thé Clild's Cempanion, 1878. 13. B The Britill a Vrkmn, 1878. Géc, B. Yulé. . Office Stationary-Ge. B., Yale, Brook Sb. - - GoLD~,&T Ré.t-Gold was.on_ Tués- dasin Paris eT k fri tisé ~ tàudi gcammitièé on reliai,, and au ion thé ocunail wen-t itobm. mlt4ë oatiéhe hle,:ibpon-4fr. ~gg> inw." chair. Adopted recornm ai3nq pajunènt-Thea. Lawlér, $22.50, JI"H Long,.-81.15, L. Honck, $9, E. lacionau D. - lrgbàef50 ctgulWm, NOTICE OF BY.LAW. O't(,ovàa'gave. nolé thaï hé ýeO ai thé ne znoéýgi*eu6 L~4' eb fbittSato 'he lietara ou tisé question of thé puroisaé a th hachr. " e,çoW rmtaA h y t se prepor ofiler ; tisi thé billot, Âlél, Pringlé for 185, ISléiasiiesiti )&pot h id; tisaitise pétition et L. Aluin sud RoisBrothars hélait ai-ar for considératioc sas tahé talionp 'ails otisérs cf a aimilar nature, LuS tisai thé committe baS . recairéS %ho légal opinion cf Mi. Bilfilge, solici er, 'athb' regard te thé legality ci othén'alaé ai or estîng incISer dèhîs au lthe t6ivn. Counil lu oommiltee et thée'ahl- Bir. Pay lu tise iair-'ahéfn thé 4rsl claés oftiséreport waré adopted. Till& asses RPUXdUÂ5g BncOCE. I referance ta the lami clase, Mr. Billitsgs opinion 'ais céad as fo1llows: In tie seaetter at the Pcsrcluage of the H4rbor bejlte Corporation of the Town ocf Wlitbij. Tis Municipal Act glrem tisé corporation full pawe to purisaethé HLarbai. -If I ans c9rcotly Informed, (hea aieaamant (hlm year 4 t a atlho cents Lu thé dollar on tise situal valué, exclusive of sohoot rates. Tisé conneil ai the corporation havé pawer -ta assma anS levy ou thée'aboie raleabla prapert i ttiin its jurisdietton a sm m sau oient Lu each yaar le psy à aliS Sabla of the corporation 'aheliser af principal or intècéat ta&ilu âne wilh thé year; but no ancis Paunclî s all aasa lu i any ans ysac morejthan sunagregate cala ai twa cents lu tise Shiar on (heactainsivaine, exclusive af ucisool rates, anSdi-heu tie sa mmemnti lu twa cents an thé dollar, tisé corporation havé no powear te santracet auy tortisur Sabta untîl the annual rates raquireS pMe raduoed 'ailiin thsé aggregste rate aioretald. If tis e1nuniclpality cequlce ta axceea (ha aiS rate they mai apply ta tise local logis- lature fac an act te pécenit thse limit ta b. exoeeadul thser genecally or for prlua purposeu. ILam et opinion tisaiuder ha etrenumsmancés I is tai-t n i-as te paua By.iaevit i-aniS bc ilaegal hecanso thhy have ho ear ta cantrach auy inctisér dabta until tieé annua rates céquired are redced itititisé aggragaté rate ai t-a cents in thé déllar. Tisa incoma frcm tisa Interèst cannait bc takén Ia ocanaideraious, for -han a By-law foacereatlng asdebt is passaS tise raleable presperty lu mcrtainad irrea- pectivé af any future incresse aud irramppc. tive ofi Icame. (Sgd) W. H. BILLINUS. Whltley, 141h Dec., 1878. Me, Harpér moi-oS ta atiS ta lise ce- aidés-aiS. Report soupsea, aster expia. port4-That tise corporation siecline le nations b y Mr. Blaow. ucse tise barbai, anS tisat the clark Conucii asljorned aI 10.15. be iamîcucted b uetty theeéxocutars e Gocf Sssea i is eac0u tise Draper étate. G a u insy ort.ePa n Mc. King Sda uo s- eew hy fle eam- -t Cut mit absoula, uusaskéd sud unauthaniz. ecnsit asa uo ATsL éd ge tiseopinofÇceunselon autisa question. Tisa course cf Ms-. Hac$il Concluded. he canaideréd as an extraordiusry asie. Hé (Mr. King) misaniS céctasily Dualics COUNTY COURT. toliai-e lbis plealagrapîs hrnng u n lte- coucil ceas aus a répresenîsîlve cf tise Falkel v8. Wallac.-Action tsi ce. ratp4yerd s-be i-amiStake snob satp. caver$85, balace due Piff. for isaser- Of cotue tise tbing catild bee ndaclobd, vices aBasud mamrer efthlie 8415 BaIl., juatutah is tise i-heu tise sîétioo, sud 850 lise pricé cf Instruments muId s-ere coming off andftisa agitation aboli toluDat. répraséatingz the officéis ai the liseleabor oiu au.But tis aéty Battalson - Verdict tac PIff., for tise ara biave a cigli e havé utthe i&iaPlinbalance tar aervtces, S05. A.. G. ma. Ibis ~ ~ ~ ~ u s-atci ie pnonolie " i Mllau sud G. S. Hallen fer Plff.,J. E. veere lorrodl; sud héo(Mr. King) dia Faréeell anS W. H. Billiigs lac Deft. nel as:it ilsa ol-tey isaS beau aie- Lapp evs. Care-.-Actien ion bréacis eeeing tlie toi-n tee sigle81ail ang. 140ofaiconîradl s'ith respect to t monument sinkishg funsi isusi een pcorided le catira delivred Sy Piff. ta Deft, Tise erder theo at ot atsanding déhaulurea. Otbu'c toc thé monument i-smgivén ta oe municipalities baS pasai!d Sy-la'as in Arnold. Hi- as Plff's General Agent lise msme irccnmuîanee, asd îhasOh- but repceBeeued Sa i-s Seing business tainsa special légialatian t e sabîs tises on hlms o accounu. Doit. déclinaS ta ta peirehame barber pcapecty, andSom deal eitS Piff. Lapp. It uppeaed ceul i tie toi-n etWisithy. Na persaonfresin he évidence ihai the monumsnt baS canvinred liientixat tise pureisme i-snet absiautiaily lu scoordauce ai lise barber i-culS raise tise taxation i-iitiséh ordér. Hlm Honor auSmitteS of tisatos-n môme. People in apaakiug méreral question" ta lise y nrsd direct- eot tise1 porceenvés- ibntioned tisa'édda verdisct fan Déft. ta ra entemesi an rnné, but spakéas if ail baSaSbte h iar feodsug-lI. C. Camp bell ici PIf. paiS tp, sud ai noîhiôg gel in. He J. E. Faireweél sud C. A. Joues for 'aauld lee no pscty ta tahéaay tise Det. tisa ciql t rosu l ieoeple as ta ist O'DeZllvs. Holt.-Actiou on hi-c pro. lbey 1isSieS te do lu todsIlter. notes. PIff. 'aio i-as formerly a cosi Mr. ýBiaic calieSsattention te tise tact dent of Port Wiiby, i-eut te Deft'a tâis bis th matter originstssl 'iti tisa hotel te renia hakiug 'aitis hecÉmre rateper~es, feraI by s réquisition an usi iuture. Thé neteR lu questicuns-ara pnblic:mééting ait'alicis Sélegatea 'aeie made te socura ney lent SbyPiff. ta appoiuted te g6 ta Ottawea. Tisey ré.Déf.-Doit. ciaimed s sel t o houord parh4 Jansi tisé m'tter i-eut on aseuI lî anS ladging. Tise jury feund Ibère appeaîéd te ha in accord, as la tisa d i- wsne eonlcsct tac Sourd sud taud sicaieilty ai purclîtming, 'if il could é[ etheir verdicltfoc 6101,57 thé ful gai tod naagoulasy o et týe smounntof tisa notes. décision be lait ai thtie ratepayars O'Dcli ve. Heli.-Tbis i-ausau action nove? As thse lime s-aiseonear i-heo f eplérlu Seti-eénsmre partiem toc ther 'rosutaive wold e uorhî thetomrnihoca. Judgrnant rasai-eS. A. tacs Ici face 'aitis tise leetorm hy nêt TA ii'.UforiIicyforN.P.Défi onan leave àl so sud an intellilgent expcesmion.l .A Ollva o et of epilsion S be hs oblainod. Notice Kerr eve. Gibon.-Iutéipieaderinl isad altlo hesu given ai a by-la'a ted respect of geodu meizéti by tise Sheriff. tisa. 'aonîd iog np mise dimeuosmin Plaindrfa 'alîneases net appeuciug lise Mr-Hauurn mid lis e council fendBécard i-s atrck ont. ont tisaIu a hy-lta wouiS be iliagal i-bs ' 1ilchett v8. McCullcacgh. Action an go on aI ail ? Wby net top-sadstop pro. nota. DéfI pleaded iliègai canaiS- aI ance ? No Sanbt légimitian coula écatien. Verdict fer PIf, fer 8100.75, ha obittined. But Ihia veau a mo-e hoa sd. N. F. Paterson tac Piff. R. R. Las- die fle~ tow i-n s-laixiy or aevénty thon. combe foc DéfI. Band dolalrs cf sa furtîser dét-t mov. Holtbp sve. Whitby P. P. d- L. Raj. isy ai clilweay ring aSd parties lu Toron. Co.-Action le récurer damages sus. te for Ihairousn beneit. Ha caferress o laineS lu lamaofet hi-ecuttié i-base legs tise coliiion of Teronta and Quehée, i-ère iscohén by train ou Deit's Ry. lamI 'ahicish le declacesi te ha baniccept. It Jnly, tis, atuleleissing escapéd upan veam tIg SuIv Oatie cenucil ta stop thé tIsé Ry. tiscoagi a detéctive fonce- ictie, 4n5 ivisolisr in lise council or nat, DéfIa' conteuSeS liseré s-s contribuîory ise (M t-. H. ) w'a notl have * hs pro. négligence on pari cf tisa Pif. Verdict - perly csmesed foc the Senef! t of atg for Pif. foc $65, N. F. Paterson tor su Toýno. pciuPIf. W. Mulocie for Defts'. Mr.' Blooexpreamad làitasnrprisaetht SESSIONS COURT. tise ceniarkaof Mr. lHannatu. Ouly s, Regina vs. Catep!ell.- Ausuli ou short itirne sego tiesé ume gentleman siss officer i-hile dimcl'acging bis duIt fol iniaith tisé rtsws pf tisae oemmitlea ?risOèr acquittéS. J. E. Fareveal, as te sppainiting a solicitor ta carry cul (Ca. Ores-n Atty.) for proeéuticu, J. thé purcchs. 'Whoun diS hé changé lis A. MeoUillirray foc prisaner. apinioh? [ !Zegiesc vs. Ja-cae Sialey.-Lacny Mr.l Hurper adsittad iât il iw ofabuggy longue anS 'aifflaIrees ou Sou- peasihie omotiig might Sie usid ou gag Island. Prisoner acquitd-J. E. beth aides. Auy as'e, iseveer, 'ais Famés-ail (Ca. Ores-n AIty.) for lise ceSd (Selav etaIcoucînde lisat liseCrvnJ.AMcilcyfopise apini4s giran hy omomaol is corrctl. J.A oiliryfr renr Trua, seatilAdmigisllhé gel but PRESENTMENT. tisaI e0tould coB $100. Ail wi-S pokO Te Bis HoiOief teOleaireee-csof lte ta bns-ioooanti-ntieha ttie rte- Caourt ef General Sessions of te payerq, 'aère apposéS lealise puriehase Pence foi- the Coaenty of Ontta ofi1he hbar b hy tiseloi-n. Ad till ieUcu trruhgrseeflyt hy-law i-culS bc illégal lhé moreS su radJrr bgrsecflyt the mittor lu tbis way, aud ho couiau5. premenl, (hult tisey bave disposéS et ail éd tblÏit i-ws thé rigit vaY t tkéiaiteru whieh bai-e Seau ¶1115 hétara Ut.i 8~I.Asl ta epublic meeting(hm anS a sshtration tIsé conocil coulti net TisItlsey bai-e viaited 14e gaol anS iséip l!emuelvaa than. But tise council tounSil lu a cieaundbSrdsvly condi- baS .iia pos-er nove ta talcs tise aliai tion ; ne comp~lainte 'ascé maSo Sy tise aiSe efthue question. If thé coooncl prisonerscafet s trauhenu. gave fi>sir 'Cousent lu tise pucciase lise Tise Grand Jury regret te fluStisai Siserif smigisI colleci tise i-iole ai tisé tvec luatica-one male anS anc feulais money innune ysar. Theres -iouarse conflueS lu tisa gaol, sud beg ta né_ prospect ut lo'asrtng the taxes néxt comenot tisi tepsabuaisiihétakén yesr. Itise Donkin Bill i-ena Sefeal., for thair immédiate raeraile s amare éd tisý"réené might ha incecéesi am sitablé place af confinement. He wsaintormasi by tise. Sieif thit Tisa Grand Jury bohsg scm tsongly the latter bati doorentacy évidence te ta îmggcst lisal lie perdons iéutaneed pcave tisat théré i-as asI Ring Ie ta et. te bard isar in tie sé gabmoulai hé fect tis barber pucciasa hy ftis c 'n, fuiiy employed lu dmre useful sauner, Hé (Mr. IL) s-as accumed ai hingl in s abps-sent tisera is neoi-ask élîhar thé IRig" -t but 'ha hués' uehlsisg, stone- Snakiuo r 'acd-cutting prorid. vebaieluer ciàanaS a tbiug. i ouIfr Iheen. AI&Ilis tiséeofthtisé asi Mu.'OsmpbeIais-sys enittainad bisa 'hous trempai care occruhiasesé te thé Ides tisai thé cstepsyèrs e urcdésiri dceunIr>',Iisakind cf wi- anclumore eî- le puscase tisa hacher. HoRe au sisa.pciaîy need, as Ihé Grsnd Jury -fed if a hy laveWai-sumitteà ir i-ould Ihini Ilveny njalta tisé nalpayerse hé votjed dos-n. H a-n caiulstté hulS hé taxéS ta keepncl tac inunrring furtiser expouas. hI' tise haractéra luns-su led idlanaïg. Préoant cunuail sas- fit -ta jet it mIai TiséGrand ilury cannaI sancl uda tis unutil citer Lue Januir- élections tise préssulsent irithont expraasing (bais raiep&yece -omIS put a *coundlantisai itisisaliu nat tisékioS sp sfahausa- veonîci sa. - er in 'aîIiilthé ame ba- a sist Mc.i Blow- arguaS lu favor ofi1i-aiting inlutishéifwdiciauc«-i-hl, iue foc tisé by.Ia'aofi-Sicis1,r.O'oAvn tisé -Ositiaéi.forero saen Sudo girén notice. LaI tisa bylas- ho - JOHNDIKE bélhe .tlsat 8il Who, éxprasméti&anintallléi uhaud >wOthOhacher; iMI-e( aj concédéS' s avaluab'l i -Po*t haloré Mr. Drapeér gai ýIL sud mine. T)g Solth#- e 9tletofl120l niléi of'rail. atUmore i-aImable nNO: 1 ýeni élSte thselaet (bat parties wéwo ing (o ri e hrbar andp sy ton Par cént cipon thé (0wn'i -Ym 0tg ýpri&otéd tisai thsý,ay, 'asu ~ ~ he ne a asnthé -gentlemen borry fer thbir set, as-isthe-mn"loi thé toi-n iad reasen ta é ha aieoppoed thé original rslw'ay acharna. Hé aléa sai. thsaï;tisa ehances wéré: good fer Whihby hariug more tisananerailwayý taO thé barber. Lai ,thé gentlemen hava (he 'wap, ho'aavsr,&andi- Wlity iualead of tuk6slg abead 'aoçld,é bé în thé emrn position as noir twentyýyam Mr. Hannem cootendid. tisai theoRl-j 'aay erpy ilspuld l rn tis asrior, udcontinueS (0 isarp n pan taxes, and "Bail'aay Ringa." Mi. Blow aud Mr. Ring again -ré. plieS éffetivélyi Mc. Campbell -tseciéd (bat thé huc- her i-au net nove lu au good a étaé s i-heu pucehaied hy Mr. Draper in 1864. Mr. Blow- csferred ta tiesa si-a vi. deucé hefoce tise triitratora te diaprore Ibis sud gtve éxplanationa ai tac Mi. Kiugsiord's report. Mr. Wick a in-ufaveur ai, attéclg- Mc. Haripera ameudment ta tu t.Sport. 'rhe vote hein g taken liséré sppsacad, Yeus, Messr.ca a ai, Hannaso, Fox, Burna, Campbell sud Wieks.-O. Nayu, Messrs. Blos-, O'Doneran sud King. 8. Ounmotion foc adaption (Mr. Blow iu tise chair) Mr. O'Donorau uoodd hy Mr. King, moi-éd te rater tise report Stick 'aitistructions ta aiciké ouitlise lamI olanué. Hé upake iu tavrroaide- ferciug tise eatter for a full mesting et lise concil. Mr. Ray i-su lu faror cf waiting for a fuli meeting sud tskiug a fair vote upen tise quesétion. Mr. Harper presseS tisa rate, i-iss tharé appiarési Ion liseamendmant, Msscs. King, O'Daoran sud Ray-ll. Nays, 6. For adoption of repart, Messrs. Han- natu, Harper, Burns, Campbsell, Fox sud Wickm sud *Ray. Report adopteS anS Cléck directeS hto nohify exeenlors. Cu.ÂtM vaU DAMAGES. Mr. Blow- relparteS trra tiesepcial emmittelu avr ofetpsying John Cooké $12. for daniageos mitaineS by his i inu cusoqueucé af a dafeotive cordial saguent, a S arn-ncve prépare ti Lu sadi-cote it aà etrongly au; I diS thoén W- sud foc tise vecy me>s'éssna Wi-biisI sa àhnsi er g ao. My es-n elpc. 1 suce anS abseer ions confiren me in fte tise opinion, tisat s comparéS wilh ail ci' otliscimotive poi-e, 'Waster poi-er ila' tise obéspeat sun hast. lu lémimony u la tîse Icuthof th, 1s-aIS tply ré. mark, tisai ai a! qstevery point, -fct" , Pi hundcéd or ena MitssWest ai Nés- IL Yack City, oeeyituahtè veater lpôwéî M bsa supplieS a f ndation toit,,& =&pu-' 1 faoîuning Villag ai-n or (lily. Ansi";,j I veoulcl hao re r ac hAt ai moerbe ,ual'f thèse. paota, ôisél ennauiugcouiy-S iuaihues arcu 1 IS bai-rau nature,Ii tisai the i-iole attishe suppliès ci' grain élY sud foodihaè4 'aimporteS 'frbcsa é mac. fertile so1i. But -thfeis la t ai1 ma toi 'ais ia<è!l<p1~haTownmship bias beau hissiéd, %i"l, lnalko i iïesnrable 4, numbar cifveateÃŽ poiWir, ultutdail b:li the véiy ilû 'f thse Moi fertie ,and < i-soa0onInent 'jgo iiat in Ibis,10ami* ship Ibora lé abâ dassce cfîmoUvaiec,é,t -po'aer, snd au immei. Wpl 60f'1 in iuuïo=u r ' kUsst-srbe a pý ( W, I" B ka liHeto p'a eît fiao 1ri th , et a wate r -F oqýY. iniéa ni uaasof cthe crandihad h plaél Si isarh g thém hemontfui. SocWalGathe g,9-Ll 0 oMnk~.. Outaclel Central Rafls-7. th T~he émpleyaefget iséPcear'ssae Ha,.oa afi si. * mattiséws &C0e. Toi. t< enta, lia vmg osnoluSeS (o close tisé fal hb smason italittl111e fastlrlty ai Séoer's as Hlotl,Iyited fèefriands teýsPénd ip lstIisyaeV g inath thora. I taut enéted'aits ni MarérOc.~n1 D.,attseves &Aoc, aE 'aérae ari .~'MeOaan, James of McCeilaIn. Mn4 Bradiford, Mr. Mcody, bE Mr. Ashover, Mi. Malîheves, Mc. Ge. ;hi Legi4UWi os 0vrusueu engin. 'S Si (sud iciolhÀrge et inprêements,)b aud 3#. Mnmga (Se pontracter. In innetgé v5 uited guette, i-ère c Msscs. Jehisu Miller, lIeré aifthe a Tco"nhlp o a icein$g, T. P. White, a% Calvin Ã"ampba'U sud Ueo. Long ; Mr. R Horney, bssik*.; Mr. Allisen, mer. r chanit, Lvtrpcélr Markset, -Mr. Parker, hi jr., mércebni. Punbaiton; Mr. Bren. le, lian, anS atisécp tram Pickering; Messrm. 1< N. W. Brai-n .P.P., Major O'Dono. 'V van, Mi. Chu K ing, sud Mc. B. H. -n Lai-dec, Wiihyte Supper i-ujn iia uly, sud lu 01 splenddustyl y .Mns. SéckQri; tisera lei i-s au oer-stbuundauof etgoad tiblga, pi oy Bi erveS lunal styles rai- sud 'a ceokésri, colS te vrI, ' pîéndid bain, &0., Il sud -'prompt gsud' brdial attention. ts Aftar a bcavy i aiS upon tise eaasles, ai sud a vecy tetupecah nus of tise ample tI liquide, tise cibtis vaa ceuseansd il 'ails Mr. Bradford, as cisairman, suded Mn. Moody, as vice-cisairman, toasts, Ci apeoeies andSouga énlirenéd tise ersu. dS ing. Tisaset cf *"Hlec Majsty" breugih J. ont a verso et "boa saré tieQneeu"lu inE Wih ail joinse4. TI Thé Governoc.Geneisl unS Her b Roa TiséPrincoeaLouis'*elicitéd Il buSl P aplaume. -- ni Tise IArsny SudNavy" i-a ceaond TI oS te by Ma»r~ O'Donoran sud' ex- r Lient. West1 Thé "Leglune" s-as cépended ta 'w by N. W. Brown, i-ho bore testimony ai ta lise gêneraI deaice etftiss préseuil Gaverumént sn ettise memiser ai tise el Houe, ha Se wiat tis ytisongit was go tor tbé truie inltBeis 0atiséprovince.V He saiS, tisaI nitisangisnet s tcaug ai Party tiss, hée âll lionglît tItai aCon-.0a sarvatire Gevec(smsnl could do éven as h littîle bétter. .nt Tise Cisaicusan then caléSi upon Mr. ly T. P. White tuà Mr. Calvin Campisell th ta rmpoud te tihe sminetoat, 'aihs ce prudoced ceuasiderable amuisement, Mi. Wite hardly ku.ee'aby Seai-ta calléS ais aspas, as heeisadFuevéc beau s Meenher a, cf tise législature, but baSithaen a Sa- P, feteid candidate. nt ,,Mr. Camphslii aiS hée baS nover gel OF aen sm early heing a mousser asMr. Whsite, as lho nýver i-s s candidate. Bath oet Iieýa Simaenteid tram Mr. Browu's opinioti as ta ths adrsuiage ta hé gsié hy a chsangelu tise Adminia. ef iratian, ibobth cf thîinluVécy good. D naitureS laugusige, conaucced lu is.th t Sape wi-h Mi. 'Brai-n xpresssi, usaI d ai nexi eeiin, mSenda agood Mau ta Tarante, hé hi. polities 'abat théy. maY. th Tiso "AgrcilWi lIntareatu"-srien. f poudéd te by ttr. John Miller, Mr. di' CrvnCmiaianS Mr. Ueo, Long, 'haise xbreas heleslves ote i A éffeot,tisai alîbugisthse ItaLt'ao or 1 hisces hareste adSeenunaprafitable te ce former@, théy diS not Sespoud, buh look- ét! for botter tisÃŽes te camne. t . Thé "lMercantle nSManufacturing Interests" ss ppondeil ta by Mesars. i N. W. Brownu, P. Wite, Chas. King lie sud Major O'Denoran. Iu upetking ito Ibis aubjeet, retsc- on énce i-a maSs te lise proent ap- Le plication ta Parliament for a rs. ti nes-al aoflise qlssctsc ai"Tise Ont- IH aria Central l'lili-ay Coma nj.tDi On Iblis ead 11r, Brai-n maiS -EsaIas aIt migbt have mieén, an application bas O béen made ho ami local legialahursu fac 18 a rênes-sIofetihe charter ai "Tise Ou- Sa tarie Central RWIaily CompsuY." I ye neS nassumrce po, tisaItishe questiionau s-I rccive s y constant sud earuesîs support, sud that an My - part, I 'alîl th, leava netbing undaus ta carry it on ta id( a uccamimi aecbmpiisbmtnl, satiafied èC as I sus, tâ isI il ll ltcgely conducé ta c tisé succua sund pcoaparlty cf tis Bld. et' lu gf cfSoutis OnIrio. M, Mc. T. P. Wb4é apako as foIbi-art Ai Mr. Cisairman and Gentlemen, I ou assure yau tisat 1 Mel il a gréaI banar Ex ta hé inviteS ta sreply ltisýe »ttsts-icisfiv bs héen me 'armisy responded te, sud eh ieySsrel 100, namely ."dTiss af Commerxcial sud* Mauufachucing Inter- Li esta ai Canada." -j IL lanoct my i-lisaor thb Wsns AwvAsE E OS JAN., 1879.-Pic- oially, thé Holiday WIDBn AÂsc, et bich one isudrod anS t'aenîy tison- uSd copios are oi- Sing resd aud ou- Dyed, la délightfui, i-bilelia Ihréee or Dur" Iltar " arcles moike I a puil atien s-octhy le Se preservéd iu tise amily lihecacy. IL opens 'ails a Christ- aas pern >n frantispiece entitiesi ;ise Christ-Craille," by 1îargar*tý J. ýraton, tallai-éd hy 4 My Motiser Put I On," oeeoa Mra. A. D. T. WViituey'u ualt charsotciatie setariem.'- FAivuL DsÂTU. -ÀA i-asseld lu mtur ? Soe t1 n-egwhile lu' eo coumntry,,nassîll lizaiS'gatilier ye, sud 'acrke ita i-ay inoaeheiead, îhing, avey tise 'intérior, aud causiug crrible snffsclg nd ud nisaIs deatS. ,Fssc ni HÂnssrON.-Tiè Mounain lvisli-Hamilton,.i-as Sémhroyad- ferav outurdsy Nigist. Lama #20,-, w1. Pariyinsinred, ROYAL MÂsARiàeu.-Tli a miaga oi ho Princes Thyca et Denrnark ta tise Juke et Cumberland i-iLtaeplacé an he 2Ii meut., a& ocigiual i lendaed, -Vanner redialeS -for Déceunhar su8t r tad tsé aloi. =,cet-thé Et. Lawerence 'antia&Il, $bu De vaeli'8 Néw, kýcA -WITH à PIRESI LOTJ Gienerat Grocee8,. China and Gliai8wareI -SUITABLEFORTH 'XMAS S>EASON,- AS FOLLOWS: Fine Dehesie IRaisins, London Layers, -- Loose Muscatelle,' Sultanas, and fineat Valentia Raisins, 15 ibe for $1.00. Fine Ourrants, 25 lbs for $1., i-=ea air ual lésétissu eue hundiad s dollari, ýthéréuit wusaDot isistactary. By. iedofig aiwSgéu )flcomer employésI migisi bava ce. lueed my éxpénsé aieontanS adSéS e my profite. This I haro - naDt doue, ici fetocsucais a ival lu thé traSé, -weuiîèùd seouca toe - ployers andiéau-, iaye, a fair raltz-n for (Soir laoi. 2uber ai men-ihave haiS. back e tram umployrnt, hacansa of thé lov ea )f vagea, ssemafetwbcmI mighi hava non able ta empîey ut tlis alove rate, mn ua9tserwisè5 sud waruld hLi-aS. ole tmy-axtent eai"production, isQ alleér tise chandes of, thé market, 1111h roiec to praposed cane'aal-o -hanter ai Ontario Central Bsils-ay;- I lhcula almpiy gay, tisai I cocdially Lae vith ail 1,r. Witiiand Mr. Broi-n have saiS. I i-tut naewrmarkets 'aom wi-bias1Ieau gèt, my hides and, scie, sud tes-huis I' cau meuS nsy utlier, anSilUnuse my hast axactiona i seur. (hase suds. 1 agréé 'ails Mc. Whbite, tiait anc inturé progras -l sc more dépend upan anc aven in- elligent mandacive deréopemeuloa ar as-n régouccea, tissu upon féscal egislatian. Wits respescitetiste future ?rspectaat tse Ontario Central Rail- say Company, I have ule ite o.i fur- sec h tss Iis, tisaI il bas beau te ma, a il muaI hé ta thé people oatti- )f Wiiby, a cause et mucis gratificai aon, tisaI semé ofthtie leaSing men cf se towensip bsave se i-areuiy rai A ho-nigbt tise caims,, et hé Rlaii' aompany, luin'ahiais our tai-n is se leeply inlereated. Praaperity ai W. H. Maths & Ca; TH. Meoiallan, prajéctor af Pickering [arbor Ca ; Tisa sts of Mr. Mcoiy rho Ladies, -(ta i-hich nme yeung )achéloca cisearfulIy reapondéd) ; Oui [oui anS Hoatesa, sud auccesfi le sir as- hôatel 'ahieh they proposé builing, 'ho Cempany'm contractars i-are gave- raliy toastéS sud caspondad tle . One ai thé features ai tis eavaning 'as, tisat I-a or fibs,eofitisaspeakers paloogizad for.Iisémselvee, ta hhéy i-are endelivariug-théir Maidon upeeches; Dvon mei, noue of tisen liaS any ceaaon e hae- asaméd ofairinfrst effort. WilS a litIle 'murs exparience, anai with es kiudly a rédeption as lisey mtisa 'its )n Fciday nigist, soins af thesn mai je emptétitt allin haeue imaetoftise 2oble ac-my cf mtuusporatoe, ci mai. yra i-ho ara nove 'illing te amccficae semaelrèi fer iheir couasty, se Conu.- ellors, Reevés, Wardena, or M.PP'a. Tise femliviiem i-ère kepI upi until an tcily banc ou Satucday mernsng, 'aits vecy général opinion axpreasad hy îll reaent, tisaI tise svsing sud nigisibaaS et only heen pleasautly, but profitail ;pont. Deatso et iéPrincesu Alice. Tise PîluceassAiesé, scond ugisier t tisa Quésa, aud 'aife ai tisa Grand Duke ai gesse, diedsai Darmstadt on sea 141h ment., tIse annivnmacy cf tisé sats afi er falier tise Prince Consort, hée i-sunceuscium tram 2.80 until se tise ai iser Sentisaut 7.00, a.m. Thé suerai taie place te-day, (Weanés- Tisé Grand Dueiss a wssberné on Luguat '25th, 1848. Hsr tatîser, thé lots rincé Albert, dieS on Sstnrdsy, Do. emiber tise l4ts, 1861. Tise expressions cf mympalhy 'ailS tae Quéen are Seep sud i-idèspcead. At Ottawea thé toliai-iug extra ai thé azettc lu deep maucniug huas heon.pub- Hlms Excéllency lise Governar- Ganecal id Hec Rayali Higinema tiséPrincema ,uise have céceived veitis dsèp grief so né'mofethtisédestsofaI Hr Royal ligiss tise Princeas Alice, tise, Grand )uss oiHesse. MACE MÂte MÂnv, Duebeus et Bal- uy i-as boru n olise 2515 cf April, 848, anS at tse iméaf iber Seation 4turday mecning lai, vei libr 501h éar. Se i-s tise second daugisier- id Ilsird chîld ai Her, Maiemhy, She sh lie special fa-courite of ber lalisar, eo lats Prince Consort,suana as tise aoi ai ier brotîsersansuaistera. IHec inucation i-as unneually tisocougs andi omplete, even foc a lady of bier exaltaS tation lu lita, sudaaise early displsyad contai, endawi-mnis af s highisdr LtI tetisa cf lber maciégée was*8 se oh the! béai amateur musiciana in uglaud, sud ceu) converse fiuenlly lu c diffèrenl angfftgea. Ou JuymlgSO2, eo wua muoiSaIOMorne, lu tise Ile if Wight, te, Prince Frédéric WVilliam jonis, tf Hease, i-ho suceeded taelthe caone upon lise dealis et bis nucle, he Irand Duke LuS'aig Ill., on he s181h - June, 1877. Seven hbldren bave aun hemcof Ibia marniage, feve aifveiom Fine. Young 1 to 40o per lb. Ilysosi, 250 Extra fine,1 50o to 715c, worth 90Yo. COFFEE. Fresh CJoffee, ground to order. -Chocolate and Cocoas. S UG AR. Ail grades Sugar, at bottom prices, American Coffe Sugar, lBlbs foir $1. Cross & BlaekW'el's Pickles, assorted, Sauces, &o. 'Pure good Baking Powder. Oranges, Marmalade, Sheiled- Almond, S. S. Al- monds, Filberts, ana Brazil Nuts. Fancy Candies, Flavoring Extracts, Toiget' Soaps, Brown Family Soaps. Pails, Brooms, Wash Tups, CROCKEBY WAIE, Granite Tea Sets, China Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Fancy Pitehers in Sets, Toy Sets and MUgs. A large assortmlent of Glass-,. ware of every description, and very cheap. Aples, Potatoos, Butter, Eggs and Poultry takien in exchange for goods. 5. F. desiro te tenider biesielcer-e thesk'to id frien ff issi cutomcerg for piast faraure, autihepés. in hia Newr Store ta msiîit a eontinuauce of the- same, -mshiing y ejui'theé Complimenta ai tesea eson -anai Yautimrcorpeetfnfly, ~? ON4 ýRER' e -r. s ain 141h Déc., GRÂNGER,-At WhL on tlhe MWÂ1BIED.. BEBIBD-BROCL.-Ât- the reul. deUce of ibe-brid6'.--Iuter, Wbu~,z the lfith joui., by th~e Rev. Mr. Laird, Mr. Lewis Sébir&io MinuAunioTapson Brook. - r Wbéal............ 06 o 80 1 2,lg W a . ï. . . . . . . . # 0 0 0 1 S O0 l0 ........$000go 00 ........... 5- @ GO pesa ......... .... ... 0 5 Ps, blaçk-ed. ...10 70 @060 86 Osta ................ 26 80 ýOor................sýoô 55 Potatôéu, uew.......408 Eggs ..............17e::::: 0 Butter.*........ ...... 080,91 Ohésmé ..............1000 ài12 Wood, ....8-. 6..0"B @#00 Wool ............. .i.. 80 20 a 20 Bee, hlnd quarter.... 85500000, Beef, fore quarter.... f 0 6000 sheepukins .............850 0075 Ridesa................. 85 00-0esgo Park perocwt......$0 o4#GO0 Ludi...1. ......1962 0 $800 <lalves ......s.......4 @o$ Onians ..... ........01go 0 Turulps ........ .... ..00e Ohéfee..............ie 0 00GO. arrats ............ ...l1é0 @GO Chiokens, pérpair.... 46 O 500, Dueks perpr ............8M0 e000.- Geaepar I *..........-.'..70 GO Týukeye.per lb . 8e.... é 10 NEW ADVERTIBEKENTS. pUSUANT TO As OBD13B FO"RE JL Curtof Cancrymade lu a cause of LPPE aganstLEPPR, heoredltorà of #rlur Lper, of- Picering, snd Sarahi Leppér, liMe ai Piksrng iu thé Oouuty of Ontario. Who died. an or about the snonth of Novenibar, 1877, are, on or héera the SSrd da iDmcmber, 1878, tosend by post d-to WILLIAM BBY&L àk O83f thé Town of Whllby, thé Solic- ilar of thé Plakitff, their Christian and Surnames, sddrses sud -description, of theur daims, asatatément oet tteir accounts, and the nature af the aecuritiau (Cf sny) hsla by them; or, inu dafault thereaf, tbey Wil ha pemptoril eénded. tram the henelit ai thé uaaidider. E'rery créditer holding any aacnrity in ta producé theéUme hetors me, at mt chazmbera, ai the Town af Whit- by, in thé Coenbsy ai Onturla, -an thé 941h dey ai Décember, 187, ai toc. a'cieek lu the foeoed, belug the Urne fer adjudication au the elaimue. Dated (hie l4th day oaiecer, 1878. (Signed) GEO. H. DABTNELL, 52.liu muter. JOHN DALL DOW, Offleé-Davérill'o- Bloek, Brecl Street, Whitby. MONEY TO LBND-Prlvaté Fundag lu sumo up ta o 0M, ai a law rate ai I. tarait. (1y49 H SI ALL. OXNE-NIGHT OIILY 1 Xonday, Dec. 23rd. BLIND, TOM! The MusialalPheomenan ai thae, ce. uawned ihreughant thé worid asih G-reatsai Nature-i Pieniai Living I ý At theue perfarmances, Blind Tom 'will exhibil the marvelana gui whlchbas .gaired hlm warid.wlda caehriiy sud whlch bas bath autonished, atddelgAted. tha gréatési mustera af mugie. Admisioln, 85oe- Children 25Ã" -Galery, 25c. No extra char;ge for âReâ ÃŽvéU- Plan ai Hall ai Whjtfiéld's Drng Store. Dean aopen ai 7; commence ai 7M8 p. m. REFORM -tMEETING ! HE1iEGULAR Ql1ÀRTiBLY MEIET. T ing ai thé Béiacm Assaciation ef South Ontario 'ail hé hélti ai théOd4feowum' al in the Town af 'Whitby, on .satsîrday, thte 281< day qf Decemb er Instant,- aI2 o'clock P.MI. As the holding ai a conventian (0 nemi. nais a candidate ta repreul Sauth Ontario lu the Local Législature u asl satcher oratmaltiea 'flcame upotacoeu- sideraiIanja fulattenduaieéo! UF ambéru sud Resarniere generally lu éarueally ré. quested. Datéd ihis 151h December, 187. D. ORMISTON' A. G. McMILL:AN Preudi.Secy. LEVI ST'ONEY, G IIST M=I.LFORI ALE3.-"Weu ltu. aied aoa "1aroe buoinema. Twa ruof atones. water poer.- AU lu gotirepais. Apeypemully r byletter TOBIASIOELL, 52.SnÇ4risemont F.O. F AR FORSAL.-60sors-lOacres clsed peiil yadfor Iaan~ pxouau, wellw'asheéti. eing Lot N. ithe9thcon. -Pickarlng, 1* utiÏbcth aI .(Rarement Village. Apply ta- TOBIAS MIOHELL 52-2inu) 'O lérémantik. o. --- SCOTTISE-AIiE uneqnaled. Ti-o race 'rared anti ai uultad'4o fl tailés in earlhyeayo vola: - favorite teainras "Journal" me suci: anS mnany nai- one elpal cantents 'ali SIJORT TALES, SCOTOD 153WE MBISHENEWS Extrada Irans- t Maginèis. 8pec Sevaiedti la hurch GadHnii 5 e A PcIéo 03.00 p * copies free. Atidra A. AUOTI( YALUIABL], aUdrnd -by -vi coutained lusacarti ho preduredsfctis 'ailîbe sold, sithe -Village o ai éa-rto 8e-tcci'dc,, thse - > ct,.- Ai 12.80 P. M., Lands sud, Premi Hall ai Lot Numbé .Concession of thé U tho Oounty et1O. Hundred Acces, mi fral-clauB farm, 8D> intgagooS. .- 10per cen. ofîle hubai- i in a For inrther partii Toronto, Dcae. 7th11i SVTADABD BI Natite lis ereby TMmce per cent., be cent. prsnnn current bah yés an aliér THBS JANUÂRZi NEX! 'aili ho closeS tfram- ai Decémbér, bath a By orderof the M Tocante, 22nd Ncvi NO' NOTICE lu hère Nséausian of 1 -applicationil hé corparation tuthori a line -of sIersy fs banc, lu (ha-Coum point au Goorgiasi W-oad anS thé n iver, in-ýbe Coant TaranteDec. ara,: T 0THE IE TOW.N 0 -I t puhlicily aunounosi for the Office ai for tise camiug yen NÂA] Whithy, Dec. (1h,:ý STBÂYED tram Sscriher. Lot 1 Pickering, Ibrse E eith red paintaonl aofahésring. Any tii 'beuceabants Déc. 10,,L178. (51. -FOR The ure-hred Bull Cuif. out ai i Bail Duke cf Lyui asice Soi-s, tram - 'itlepig tcan iu lu Améniican regisi RoHae], Whilby. I MA Parfliamentary Notice, OT-CHIS MBBYGIVEN THAT laiux-é ai Ontario, salits e azi îésuloshe~ Whitby, Part Péir>' anS Lludaas aus Oompsny for su Ad reducig aud rearesg- eeg (h e merigagaDebI 6of (haé(impmey? extndlngthé limé -fer cousxtructsg& BranhPget (ho 2aui-y ta Uxhriga-41,21, ta Beavriorin th CibauY to theInban ais- y'Oand B5u75i sais othel- amaudOminhi t el Aotz -ai myhu leuaiàou5able wa Copay. - TEAS.

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