Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1878, p. 4

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Roew.xeartl bareber. ýa,, beau ookig oe listn which w. )tbal ring;'., ta . sncb evldontly f is Pagoalatgo YOD and IljelcSf cfdocking bis s ;bi.06m of Tie Jc>s f M 0 To wrewohidullJoyujtflivec -Thoug is bsrny bu tise areca thay show * cqnbintasuos, friand or erooy, iet i l tser huarts tis.7 bure ta keov TFhe s i ot" na Tbse jymof trondipLsu:aibe moe ButfIn trleiilsiip's la a eau noyer boat Tho eJoys of matrizlmun. Ilow'albsu friand$ turucout baie ciset- . 1oalà0n r aî displasre ; li3tt wsdloce living uns. complotas, A;sdylolde orbaileusatroaure; , gsuwlo ra sticnisingle lif@ l esulytis. $14d __: lfor tItho takos tl ina vifs ,le duose but i..ili ialt.wlttad. 'issicys, a-e Wb onpaisftl slkàâg *0vsmuet bear Il Surelv lits nan 'rualbave ta auffir in tlss>are VI colal sud tiscuîbisilestrangors. Wlaaucares au ldiw ais The'truosl lbl gistrI rnf s pacilles uussesml vrtb- Msevery hardeslip brigister. Tho jays,d&L. 'Shli I 1eut huioloin et mettoadi. i llit-ways"," aidj a hast te hiIemots. "No," replios i 'lia;lr, d"by ail ipe&ua ut illii Lfeee, *for thaonu I.aây1 visaice ta got a bit-leneay meth." 68Itiglat," ss'joissaal the 1se8t, "give arein tus ysr alptite seul trot ahéiati."1 L>iJ you ever ý notice -t1sý expression oitsa-masî's (sfce> whoi, WWJidàtking,, ai wîth! ouly n ve cent piace lu lus piuckot, is cauglit lu the set' by Baverai *Jos1à Billings ésys: ..I have finally cuwu te tise konkhifihen tht .if I kaul lrove a tlieg wlithout lettinh flac dol- lars on it, the tlsieg haz got. a dread- phitl Woak spot sumwhas'u. N3WADVEUTISEMENTS. G R-A YSLhftw'nu dasr euiil Spruccesandl the Flues ln !aieet Lung Dise.»e. Th. $ R , R. Mr. Murrgy, in hi@ i UP bock oe thieAdiredacha, IMyputbllahed, réistes t« c ameséof a censumptive Young aaua3r. In rancalye t o S PRUCE oamtvepto plues, drderthoin fie cormbiaatten o t1ua gem wlirh exudleisfront the lRed 'flllMAI I llrcwa trac. lu titi prep- 4tratiou thse gum e ver sep- irates, andal al its oeti.-.pas. RtEISTERED. maalea expectant, touie aud baloéaticoerelare pro. PRC2CN S.eese"", Throat Affection», 1 &C il t ot. hueascharnu. Deçutnber 101hj, 1878. MOFiTGAC;E SALE._, PttuLt tuoýPower cf' Sale cntaoiedAu tw cecrtain Mortgages, bath cf wbich will bm preluceil titittse day cf sale thorae vOl be ')ICI by public onction, AT 'IIY'S HO.TEL, IN'TUL TOWN 0F WIIITBY, On &urittîy, li ],,Llcreu iia dCay of Jmmîary, 187W, *at the heur ofctne clcck lu thea ftaruoon, tise follo%ïiiag loalds and promibses: Tlowe Lot Nicmber lfifty-three on the east ida cf Itrock Street ln tho Town cf ý the "îo.vurnhip cof1Waotby. Tet7oxl Tharo ta a gacal Frime Houar anud wcrk. slsepntbe premiaes and a gcodý,well. Terme madae kueve ce the day.f slo. For fartier particulare opplyitd the. Van. der's Solicitor ai Whtby. Datoal Deo. llth, 1878. 0. 'YOUNG SM[TH, 111 Vasalr'oISolicitor. CHANCERY CW QA SALE V'ALUABLE FARM, TOWS1f1~Ã"F <IKIIG In thé Cousît>' efOntario. i'Uatssîst tg the Docecod analssi rdoer of euSilla ci tiseCourt ci Chancery, lu tisa suit of IIOUKi vs. IHUDSON, vili bai salaI 5 publie mostion, vlS -tis a apeasin oorge4.paa-t 4Ph1,Isarç;, muter et tIse malaI ourt nt Whltly, U'theomslI Mater ai RAYS8 IETEL, ln' tIsaTOWN 0ov ~stlcc~l~¶Q atterntoon, ta Ouo nable ama:,-- OTish t-Ba# tilt y aces, more orbss, cf o ,qnmb@ir. Wlir'ena lutise Broken *Front conoessifon cf tise Township of Pick. -- mlles ta-m Liverpool Harboni., sud elgisi miles frouatise Twn cf Witby, vitis god rends the el, and 4taIl O obchPaC«s Tise sel louaseisip a-is e % ingasa>moeor boss,*llI 01 ba inemar dern ll~es1tu= lulugcuýera'iS mo. rshv. s vsala JeUsA.. E....mi.. las hein aeural ravWili onI'beoabilgad te robasr a copy cf a Begi ffle ta the saIS land,.4a4 Fcr movral moutha put I have ns.d Fu- laWS' COUewouuSyaup o r wmopwrïoxt a ecion ftisa cisotI have nchaità- tidn 5< «4 g$biat it> r#Au*s$9scno ak~1tohinahoae4isees Et. John, N. B. pscea u rorwr S mosruczs 10 a&l vio movi y f osea&se broro istcon l as e cfýs oa aeJgh talbed ta yleldtorJEglar. 8. 'TAO0 8, M. D., LuneenbuÏrs, N. S. No hésitation lu reaomsnodizik Fzcaovs'ý doawoumin gruxor npHueaecaunscafor geasmai doblity or auy diWes01ctlis.lunga. 1. G. ADDY, M. Di. lu Virucsupersons sulftoring fromeinal tsrterotation ansd congisà follow9u tiphbcl lOr FILLows' COMPOUND SYUsau Hnr13pboupurncs le tise bot remedy 1 avar used, EDWIN 'LAY, M.D., lrugvasis N 5 Amongat tisad»oesovercomo by tise nu.f t hi s ramedy are thefollowtng » Vironc Constipatlon, Chronle Dyapeposa, Chronle Branchitis, Consomption, Chronie Diarrlsoea1 (Ibroulo Laryngitis, li«,-FUons Debiity FELLOWS' 'Compound 8yrup.. ,of H.vpo-ý phosphitue Tise power et arroting discaces dispbsved byls 'préparationi bisonoribly ackCw leoagalby tise moalical foculty mn avery sec- tion wberýe it hie been lutraltuceal; anal the large sale le the -bot guarutea ol tise estima- tien lunvisich it inhoîfI b>' the public. This 5ymup vili cure Pulionar>' Con- gi vé erat relief sund ipra)cng 11f. lutise blerd. Tt vilI cure Autlama, Brocishitis, LaryngitIs anal Cougis. It wilI cure ail aliases erognatiug tronu vont et Muscular Acio Zsnd N s Fo Prce, .' D 6 at bus decetvaed by roedlou bearlug a siilar name ne ether prokaratlen in a suis. stitute for tis(s under aey cîrcumotauces. Look ont fer thé naine anj altiraso J. I. PE LLOWS', St. John, N. B,, on tise yellow vrappor Iu vatersrk wbich inacseauby holding thesepper betore tise light. Frics SîIOr)per Bottle, six for #7.50. Seld Wy & Il Druggiots. 10 AUL 1H N[B F MONEY To Renew. Loans already exist- Ing, ta Pdy Debt8, or ta make, ci rosI estato for parieda ta suit borrowero and repayable in any nanner applcanto may deoiro. j0*so4,ateot,.,Six, Soven, 0usd 111gb iojOetecciig téré py'MeUtds Wbec tille le itiufatory théeb1n1Ce bc ceexpleted sund mcncy paid over lenTain *~WANTED 'r) PURCI-LSE GOOD MO IVrGAGE S. Couveyanea carafully prepairca. ,,04ce Bigalow's lolck, Port Ferry. Reopoctfully Youxu, 42) T ,IAS PAXTON. 18378 AUCTION SALES 1 B EG ta ratura my elecaere thaulco te thé .L publie for tIse very liberfil patronaige beeool umouslacina ethse poo, andtia intimate that I iii bic e lacealready te geobaisst any sales that 1 rnay bci antrsated wvitls. Terme liberal. Satisfaction guar. anteid. My sale bock will bc founal at théo Otario Ectel Whîtby. Arrangements as ta d.a7 cf ael e' &c.,, siay bc matie wlth Mr. Maman, the prapietar of the HataI. Orders lay mail cr telegraph attedcd ta. L. FAIIIIBANKS, Aucioceer, Wlutby. N.-B. - Sale BIus and blsnk notés liurnisbed fies. ZEÃ"UGHMniLTcIKEBING. »e~.,lLt 21 PtS6 V 8~~.Lt2OP 1:AEE::;.IN 0u185 fWest i -7 1- s0àg - -,J8 .d9 --at*ted £90 186406-?lna VtXDNi l 4 1,7 19ln>.-.- D 5k , 8purt 1 14. 1 sPt Southi',j 's 175 "~ ~' "176 9' i 47 Seugogst, " part 248 Part Sentish Broken Northj Part of South j Norti North i North i Part North Soutls.vest ptcf S Forth j Nacth oetSouth i North 1cf NortS j Nerthi North PORT PEUEYâ1 1899 8 75 8 78. 8.78 608 900 848 NANA. 18 12 19 l9 19 29 8 .1 1 16 14 21 2 7 20 18 10 Sout h.vest angis 19 East j29 Narth 1 ciE ast 3 2 85 Caentre pi (A.flretisonra) 85 Treasurer's offie, Oct. 7t5, 1878. sue 188 - 496 PatenteS Patàl~i a' Pateautai LIG&STEW TflVTAIIV WA PITSYCVi 191 888 1L985 -se 202 1050 do. 1978 919 1490 Patentai 200 x498t 2 8, d6 8 1808 Patentai 195 ý7498 .868 '78'61 7iss 100 2484 S941 26 75 npa, v h 2w0 2914 286 9450 PatenbteS 100 2208 286 2144 Patented si 1790 -126 -015 Patdotsd 100 2972 -r65 8832 -Pututud 100 821 1 1022 Patentai 100 8247 92 9 8509 t7npateute 100 8528 -48 87 986~ pt.> 10 8268 -188 8145 Paid e ô 197 1858 8es Patet.d 100 1568 919 17792 Uupstaishw 20 1669 220 1789 PatentedS 100 19 89 29 2 1-8 Pt 2w0 85 99 270 8889 50 211Il 988 23844 Paétente 60 698 ;j 98 8901 rPatete ]RAMA. 100 100 100 100 65 60 100 919 -100 110 3.00 100 100 »00 8098 28661 15 89 15 89 25 56 8 se, 1804 22 95 w 55 24 80 28 87 40 15 89 m5 219 18 24 os 51 17688 17 58 2800 $828 209 258w 2287 26 71 2596 429 42 14 24 05 15087 S>tOTT. 21 781M 199 100 8 75 2 02 50 16848 921 120 44 45 2 92 28f 3029 2 71 W PAtentaS patente& Patoilted Patante4 upatentod- Unpatente4 Un mtented Unpaýtepte4 Unptented Unpatented Untente 9 88 PatenteS- 10 77 Patented 18 84 1'atented 47 87 PatenteS 89 00 Pateufed LAM*G, Co. Treas., Ontario OPFEBB T RHE OLLOWING -ÂDVÂIT4GBS; lit. Th. insut bufldlugs ndo roda l u Canada.devotad *4> b. bgheoducoation cf Young ladies. 2Md. A Vary complote mad officient atiff cf fustruclors. provision là made for a thorough grcdlglaEgls " sthe in onaiu~rallhd¶~ptq.The simplest elemntay sbJetu'~.n~e~elokèdn a.pci~ may sta wl-asvantage ai an 9900 agsud lua My stage àf&advancement. Sizsitclltsae .guraed fox acqulrlng 1a thorongh suil practical kuowledge of science. 'Theamuaic deps Irtment, unider thse manege. muent cf P. B. Toxsiugcp, sq.;Conductoro! f thà Philharmonie Society cf Toronto, la !a thse highseatate 01cf elncy. Frenchs sud Germau a taugisi ly an accamplished lady, Who spem&b oth laugu ansd Whaio" posesses a good kuowledge of English. Litera. taýre, iLstiematlca, Drawiug, ]Painting, &oc., are taught in thse most effective monor. Brd. 'WelI regulated aerc inluwakig, oalisthoulcs. sud rfding;,wholesome sud, 4th. A large nusuber of honora to be campeted for. Two modalt ram Hie Excelleucy Lor&Du~cldmdsI ho=mJas.Pattewton, Eaq,otToronto; ashIpemjbz TeaeyEsq, c Aple nud more tissu$1160. 00 verts of Prizos. Suis. Fit en Per cent. red.uetion te thom cho pag in adcance for oe e ear', board and tuitione. Té4e flijaplayby the teru ;-Focr seceidtornraf sattec, f" percent. oR 11 lls~ fo th~r1ern, onPer cent. off, sd %r 4anthË 4rm, fifteon per cent. Winl be dodUctef. TUITION FEES. Preparater>' Departmout, per tenu.... -.400 OSehog knssd lueldeutal axpenuss per teran...................... .... ee.... :10 BOABDINO EXPENSES., Board, villaferuishea ronu, per veek.... $2 UN puetlligisto, asu aanag, pur wsok .... #[IWlO b.d, or roo n l lad sterey, extra, per ve ..................5 TILL 'S CABINET FACTORY 'AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS- THE OLD STAND, BROCK STREET, WHITBYD bel pleased in making selections of good furniture. Splendid Farlou.r, Drawing Boom- sud Bedroom Sets, New Designs weil worthy of ixIspection. at astouishing low prices. Diu- ing.room Extension Trable-a very superior article. Gilt ' oruices, Picture Frauaiug in every stylo. Some fine Chromes Sud Engravioags for sale. In all its branches ; limerais flUly supplied, À stock of elegant easkets.I., Coffins always ou hand& tsimed te suit Optomera, ARd a voit appointe el'y Hearse constantly in readilnes.I WM. TILL. Whitby. Novamber 24th, 1876. SIMON FRASE-R Begs to inform bis customers and the public generally, that he bas rAimoved temporarily to the Store lately occupied by MRI. PETEIR SMITH, Valuable Real EstateDD 'eM.LLQVTS> IN TUE TOWNSHIP 0F BEACH. OR SALE BY PRILVATE CONTRACT L Lot Ne. 2 send the Sosuth liasll et Lot No. 7, ile o ralconcessionetcftise 'Town- Bilpetasch; weiI situsteil, goodl salI anal aM dvelll1ng houseson sentis hall of lot No. 7. Tisere la over 100 acres af timber on lot No. 2. These propartieu vill inake gocltarms. A smail ehcaihyent viii be reqirel, due balance te rénuslsaosa Mant>ge for a tenu ai yoars te suit tise purelaisur. Ap pI>'teT. H. MuaMillai, E-ai., Oshaawa, ont., or te the suderslgned, * LYMAN EN0L!IÉ, 8-tf Oshawa, Ont. LADIES, ATTENTION. M i4X$-JACOB-' 2iib 30 ýOieen Si. Wei T rtntéo Otre (T4aveaDomorsf-m st. Patrno, 'o Market) id lb DEGS ta Informe tise Ladiei tisat Se ii docu 1,7th onIy GEISUINE HAIE WOBI<II oo k %4a iHoegniratés &a iknas cf hi# w rk% 0 doo toperaction, noat sud sot. prpr, anS delivered at h tis aouetd FIathe sseP sebndl your roreuestA 1.w logo,cr ttend to ti. -- a Ine U- Z M ËS., PUFF8ÂND réa bFRONT PLAT9h. et8. Curie cnt cf trai,,ht Hala- mil.equal taý atrlCuas Reuà hoir avilcisos alsa-ys 7r* hum r71l.ûup., isual Plus. dat't ba misisai by cauvausera re- gs nd ea)tn Mynume, s. Ieinpioy nanô ei. ï,~~ I~LALL, And is determined- to offer his whole stock at grpatly reduced prices. . 20 lbs. Fine Currants for $1. New Val. Raisins, cheap. 4 Ibo. Good Faînil>' Tea for $1. Fieest Young Hyson sud Japan Teas at ptices that defy competition. A fine li.wo of Orokery and Glasswaret. Comaplote gran- ite To ettS e« t $8 per sctt. . Ohoice ]Yacon anidlams, Fami]y Flour, Corn Meal and Ont Mcai -constaetiy ou haud. Early in I?ecember we will mo-vo to our New Store, Devea-el's Block, Brock Street. Butter, Eggs,- Foultry, Potaatoes and Apples taken in exchange for Goods. Novembar 14th, 1878. SIMON FRASER, ObDFELLOWS' HALL, WHITI3Y ONT. AMEIRICAN COAL QIL? No smokey chiwneys 1 Only 80ocIxuperat Galion, Cash. Whobesaio sud Bétail, at HÂTOU & BRO. ~CANADAIN OIL-Only 25c per Imperlail Gallon, Cash. Trada suppliodl by HTR& BRO. -SKATES-Please see our stock and prices. STOVESO. îf you need a Cooking, Hall, Parleur, Diuiug.rooiu or Box Steve, cail on e HÂTOR & BRO. -PLATED WABE.-Butter Coolers, Cruets, Forka, Spoons, &o., suitabie for - HACH &BRO. *CVUTLEBY.-Boger's, sud other tuakes, oheap, at HATOR &BRO. * HARDWARÈ.X The Iargest stock in the oounty. P4n'ces bojttom. -pFA RHq7 0n7VA R TiFi TA -TTRTT'J Go where you _,eau get a ^Well-fitting -,Gairnent :-Tc the Tafloring Establishment of' SGEQJRGF LRL OSHAWA. SUPBII~CIJTJG HAPEs THE 'lWORK 1 pek-btlFiné, 4Oqs >;4i"a TO TROSE WHO FAT IN ADVAIOCE PER YEAU.-BOAOD dcTUITION. -~A8dso eprtl .n..........18600 la IlegItk Dpartmniat....... ...... 14400 Âddittonal charges vu dopeuin>doutha numiser of aztraa taken. snob as mn e. ,lsv iâ aaiuttng, dcc., frem al af visicis 15 per cent eiih takan, if paymout bc mode lu ativance fer a visola year. * CALENIDAR. Tise Coleglate year le dtvldad luto four terme., et tan yacks eacis; eue term anal a-hall be. fore Christmnas, sud twoansd a-hall aller. Faasr Tzix. StemberOth talovonber iitia. VAcATioN,,frenu December 1t to teJan. Onti. TWlaisTam, j?,ebrtary ith te April IStiL. For further particulars, see Calendar, lurniohed on application to 11Ev. J. E. SAI$DERSON1, M.ÂA., or, REV. J. J. RARE, B. A. Whitby, July Srd, 1878. Governor.' Principal. My Stock 01 T' u Rw JEI'rt W, Is 110W Complète in:.Evrery. Line. BE. J. JOHNSON. Special Inducements to STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. ---000- UNDERTAKJNG. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffinsâ, andal the necessaries in -this line. Also, A WELL-APPOINTED ]IEAIRSE. Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 I3EST'S PItOTOGRKP'H GALLERY, SIMCOE STREET, GSHtAVA. -GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES DNTIL lst 0F JANUABY.- Osrd Piotures from $2 per dozen, upwards. This ig a chance to get fOiat-clas work at half iti value.- Don't £âau to improve this opportunity. N.B.-New Scenery lately introduced at 1Nov. lOth, 1878. :Bmis1ls, SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA. SEE- A LARGE'STOCK,0F OVERSHO0ES 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION, 5!LLING CHEÂP FOB CASH. Look atý theprices : Gents, from $1.25 to $1-65- Ladies' .rom $1.,10 to $1.40. Ladies' House -Slipperê 25. and 50 cents. Boqts and Shoos of best make, and ýqtiality at%~n equally low ý Èuxe. Repairs prompýtly made us usual. IWhItby,, Nov. 27th, 1878. JOHN SAUNDERS, Agent. CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES I, THE LÂBÙGEST AND MOST COMFLETE, STOCPK 01F CarPria Si 8eihs and 'Cutters, M 0,'DO0NO0V ANll'$ bARRIÂGE, !FACTORkYBROCK- S. HTY VERIY- GHiEAP. OÂLL &SEE THEM.> N W G OOD S: lnwsupp idwtaItanewds t1po Largest ua.BesIE Stiock th-ey 0r1s ghos ils.sIl M0 JHN ËÊGUSON HAS A HEAVY STOCK OP REEADY-MADE CLOTHJING, Ineluding a largestock 'of OVERGOA'S. k EXCELLENT GENT S' SUITS, made up in the Latest'Styles. Buffalo Robes, -a great number. selling at an immense sacrifice. - -% JOHN FERGUSON, OcPt. lst, 1878. All- Dundasi-Street, Whitby.1 BROOK STREET? WHITBY, Has jtst received, direct from the Manufacturers, a good assortment of Ladies and Gentlamen's Marsard, Empress, and American Also, Pacific Bags, Cheatp for Cash. Four more of 50c, 55c, -75o and $1.00 Prunella Boots. cases LIST 0F AUJCTIONEERS Lxcensed for the Southi Biding of Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, aud separate 1 14unipaliLies in the latter. Wm. Gordon, J. C. Widdiffeld, Clement Bavas, Donald Campbelil, E. H. Canueron, Geo. MoWilliam, Thos. Pencher, Donald Rose, Tss.Tu.kr, L. Fairbanks, J. M. Pattersen, Joehn A. Ducett, Jelansten Brown, Wm. J. Msloeey, M. a. Sullivan. Chsarles B. Hevatt, E. Majors, Tisas. Fasciser, B.EIDENCE. Sundaerland, Uxbridge, Poert Ferry, Wisitby, Beavaârton, Toronto, Ileltoral, Ileavertan, Osisawa, Leaukal, Whit ' "; Bloamington, Beavarton, Uxbridge, Brecise, Brechan, flrecisn, Port Ferry, Bebterd, XUtNICIPÂLTY. Brookt, Uxbridge, Nort i iaing, -Brook, Thoras Brack, Sentis Riding, Thorah, Sentis Iiding, North liding. SoutS Rlding, Forth Rialing, Tiseais Narth is iissg. Mara, Mlari, Mars, Nforths Itiig, Uxbridge, EXPIRATION. Dec. Sra,1878. Dec. lOtis,1878. Bec. 21h, 1878.. Jon. Sts, 1879. Jan. Qlst, 1879. Pais. LtS. 1879. April Sa-s, 1879. Jiane 4th, 1879. Aug. 25tis, 1879. Sept. lOti, 19. -*-Sept'lOts,1879. Sept. 2 5, J879. Cctr. 7th, 1879. Octr. 8ts,1879. Octr. litS1, 1879. Ocmtr. litha, 1l7. Octr. 12t12, 1879. Octr. 26th"' 1879. Nov. 1.8ti1, 1879. no00 LIST 0F PEDLERS- FOR THE COUNTY ONTARIO. John FincS,. JoseIpIiackson, Pater O. Maioea>, Tises. E. (loiuu ThoraS, Uxbridage, Toronto, Toronto, .M .ZTTr-i -imJw 1 heorse. 1 hors. 2 hdrsas. 2 herseis. Jan. Sts 1'8 Mar.IltS, 1879. Octlr, 22us),1879. 0 t. 22ud,1879.1 thoselBOOT AND SIR0E STORIE Vai. been removed from Brock Street to Dundas Street, firot door veut of Armstrong's Hotel, where ho has a splendid stock of the RIGHT FIT ÀND MAKE, and of the b 'est styles-of Boots and Shocu. Ail orders preaupti>' attended to. Repaira neatly doue. ig flundas Street, first store west' of Armstrong's Hotel. Remeanher the place. Ie' Whitby, Jne l2th, 1878. MATTREW OLIS MoCROSSON & Co., 91 King Street, Toronto,1 ARE NOW 5HOWING THE LARGEST STOCK 0F FURS EVER 8HOWN IN CANADA.' MF NE FUR~ A SPECIALTY. ..~i. -- -- -- FUR TRIMMING-S CUT TO ORPER. BEAU ROBES. ASTRACHAN SACQUES. -WOIF ROBES, RU55IAN LAM.B SAi-QUES, RACOON RO>BES, S. S. IIEAL SACQUES, YAK ROBES, PERSIAN LAMB SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, 1100K HUMIlIE SACAURS, 'M1FK CAPS, MINK'SETTO,' S. . SEAL CAPS S. S. SEAL SETTS, OTTER AND -SEAa 5ETTS,l RMINE SETTS , PERBL&N LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN LAMB' SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN SETTO, CONET CAPS, - BLACK SABLE OETTS, GREY LAMB, CAPS, CONEY SETTS, 5GERMAN MINK CAPS, GREY LAMB SETTS, Peaýticvu1.a-attention- given t,-ail orders. Altéatone- -speciaily attended to. Torouto, Dec. 8, 1877. tUTTERS,- 1A Largi FO R DUNDAS STRER' ly-50O BUGGIESYý ANDCARIRIAGES. SALE, CHEAP, -AT- ~ WP0OR TI9' , Caàrna ig ee aeto0ry, - T, WHITBY, ONTABIO. Dzoaa wlthoùt - 'Fdî Eu; Isa fslcîusn, vitisirml vaY ta give ocnstcmers assac Whltc . à . 1 . $C188DW Il the L<Icensed 'A «oti'oneer, ~ÂLEpreptlattende,à, sud condu(-t- > AeSouîoriTns, BR0:W N' S IN DIAN LINIMENT- For saie by dalmrsgenerally. What we take the Iead in 1 Chilblains,' -Frastêd parts, Scaldi. Burne, Sp ' a &Ã"dc. FOR HORSES AIDzCÂTTLE.-From 1 to oue bottlo lu varn vatter, winUcure most intoruil dersugements causedisy over heat. ing, &oc.-1-« > , WHAT THE PROPUE. SAY, ASIC * THEM? Wee b.nderignod have naaBrovn's lundion L-iniment for soeétime sud con cisearfglyýrecommend IL for public use. B bai mMay Fine Orcisard, Ont. a m HI'eptsrWStby, Androv Orvis, " J. Davs, Brooklin, 3.. oaewoo, . I SetsHRulable, "*_Alisisûru A. -H. Henderson, tTxbric!ge, Sl. C. BROWN, Preprletar, 88-) Whtby, Ont. WVITB3Y, PORT PERET d LINDSAY BAILWAY. CONDENSEDA IME TABLE. Taklng effeot on Monday, Jnty*Ist, 1878. Tr1»es ecuse NOR=. Leav Wilt ais 5a. nm., 6.45 p. Port gFerry.. 889M 7M08 C MauIls, 10.005. 5.0 Arrive Ltda .n oi -TRMIN5GaINa SOUTE. Leare tmday . 700a.=an, 80.m MaIlj 7.W8 6.11J Port Perry.... 8.25"7£00 Arrive lbty.. 995 " 806 roit Uie o> other stations, oie Pccket TInue. Tae,eho had on application te any of tise C..paIl'sAgenIts. va>' for all pointseosansd vest. - 'eaR Fxy-Wlth-stage fer-Epsom, Utica sud tiabrialge. - - gaÂonAvx-For Ssintdield sud Wlck. .aznnÂ-ForSuderload anal Caunlugtou. VA Oxros-Fcp 0akwecti, Laie rt u lentis sud Port Hoover.ý Luan»kit-Wlth Victoria Balwayrfor Minden, Hjab.rtozi, 05e Pues Grant Ter tory, andtise Engsi Land Coeay's Pr orty. ith Mis). laudBsallwaylfor Umeee, %inrook Peter. boroegh Weedvile Beeverton Orifia, Waebe- shonaenet- gs -asnsd GeorgauBàL7 u-Onnec:92n tCrfl 3ti tseortisoru iwyo] ,ofliagwoedo ravauburat Bracebrlige, siad'tise reo Grant Las. of Muakoka.-- - lthruilkets are bosnod b>' au agente a1 ath W.PI' dcL. '>' Sr TorontoCsudby G. T. B. Ticket Agents. Trante, fbrou sttions on W. P.2.'IL. N oO troafer charges.- Baggfgecsecke& ttrongh. JAMES HOLDEN, Witby, Ap. 801th '7. - Mangln DrOctor. WHITBY. Geo, Cormack, LUMRER visolceele anal retsil, or by by tise carla. Planisg, Meuoldiaigsocf evcsydecnp- tien, Ploerinig, Sheeeiug, Shelving, Re- sawlug, Sisapcug, Tuing. Sca-oll-wark, Whttby, Oct. lOtis, 1878., -43 Chimney Sweepin r ROBERT XING- B EGSTO INFORM TEE PEOPLE, vs, 4*a'Viibysudtho surroouti- > i;&?meIgisiorhood, that heisas returneid ta tisehra* àrjdsieraddressod tôhlm at thé Post Office wvl11 hapromptly attendeS te. Orlerspromp$Y Ms uiScaenllYled. No dia-t 'neduit., erfect satisfactiou guarno. Chimnoesrepairai sud -ze-buli;st e vathing sua coloaing doue ; cisarçea 1ev; prompt stteistion lsud coînipletesatassi*on guarateed.. -htbSep.2t" 158 L4 -THE TORONTOi Turkk c, &Vapor 'a ths, Tises. baibs are itieful lu Eheumafo, Naigu , -Conga ,Cclalpueti Brchistis, Secatu;- Skia Dlseasta, a1 u e ap ar e psrtlculaîly sppLa. bIc te al8u ll eeauditâs,ýeopeclsly 8, bid, it ta lo niavorsal>' c eded th tbaiS thée 'Vlt an eh are iél. th4.. . SADDLERY AND FHAIýNEx$S4 m WILLIAM THOMPS-ON > Býegs to direct attention te hie large end sýuperior stoek, ootxpriing evcry- thing in thé Saddlery sud Iaméese Lite, alue Leather' Vâlises. and. Saratoga 'l runks.,I Û].LIDbRE!IZk'ff Very handsoine snd Chcap. At ibn old eatabllahment. .,ýIA vTOr' ia fronu ýTise tise Cilty WILLIAM j 4 Go where you cannot'fail to ConILIIIIIT.-S2 1

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