Whitby Chronicle, 26 Dec 1878, p. 3

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maceblnuxy sun fteroul-t uia oou or, Ubo ceopm er; u blle mka) agct*one awsr; on la 80-mi buting slbw* one. dcag Uv. v of rlpplng ay lt rae; o.mnd alhin.; oietjanter; one band mevý4: two MW#; orne lino suit le6tfst long, ton pulle raiëbout #M00worth cf bobine. ha 6 Â...i.h.ey fil rtcuew ocon. s ~ h Til vo Îolcili not b. bcnnd b poduc. ly a~sny othqr tIlle deods than those in lstpos- session or finish Say abstract lave & Bogie - Ur', abstract, a oopy cf which will be pro. dncod et lt.*sade. < Tho udrclaerte pay wnsaith, osdeoa ç k eolin the hbucitn o-mfor * every hnbndree»rolers cf the,)rhs r. onoy tO the. 4e Suio a dthe paldintoCout lbthecrediof-ethtéiaboya a ur, wthoutfIntorest, and npon snob py ment the. purchaser the lb.e éttIl o n conveysnoe and possession cf sald promises; in dl ater respscta the terinissuid condi- tions cf sale Wilnboe standing conditbone cf tho Court cf Chmery. r Furieploer rs OIMcm an b d frosn Moeusr. Mcwat, MoLellan & Dcwney. Tar- anto, imd 0. Cr. Kellor, Canninglon. Di et d idy of Decenibor, 1978. GEO. Ir. DA1ITNELL, 0.0C. XBLLBN. Muter. Ireido' Solicitor, 14n Ie- It TD~atInbo the prumnée ocf n ST the'subelbmr, oncr abont Mdl a y- là Deconiber, 1878, a ltrindied Haller. The ownep fi roquette& te cerne and prove pro. perly, psy oxpenese id ltale her away -If net Qlemed, oie vil-b. sold -se the fa;; le Lot 85, Bccken1'a* i Bm Townhp of Ikùblg. A Mosi Excite IN AFRICA comnpeu ecorofc down tle.-Congo, by HUunv M. e5cÂNL"y. Ne cther edtion cau campue.wllh lb fe1 atiractlvsness sud ahespneu, AGEÊNT WANT£I>toe send fer fuipertoularu ~ b. convinceaodu<r té cave Urneaond 60 ote.' il oncco for cairvudsng bock 4na d ate chelcoo cf tewnhipe. Prnlnslyilnstcated. Over 700 age-P Pfc yn192.9W. Mrose 700agFOs iE & sNaMAKIN, 188 West -PMf iStreet, Onclsrutrr, O. LEVI STONE, llemovea te the Ontario Block, Brack-St., the clii place noit deor te the Montreal Tclsgrapla Offce'. Tho pluce te GET A G0001 JOINT AND > JUICY STEAK i r -U d'èasebeanta annenuce te the inhabit- tints ci Wlby and vielnity. hhat ha hei FLOUR & FEED STORE in connection With his flutcher Shop, 'wbere ha. W lays bave on hand A LAROB STO6R 0F Choicc 1lour, Crackcd Wheat, Oatmneal, Ccrmeal, -Oas, Pos, Shorts, &C., &c. ordere delivercd in any part cf the town. A eai lale oliclîsO. LEVI STONE, Ontario lBlock, Wbilby. Due. it, 1878. - (15 RS ML R B E-Weil -s. ,aoeWater pawor Ilinlugood-repalr. Apply lironily.-c sUer T 1I MIILL, di-Ill) -Claremonl P.O 1~ARM FOISR B-50 esNp--40acres i2 cleered. S0 iavly uit for grazlng purppgose, ve1lals - elng Lot No.i1 lne h icon. P 1 5mlle eorthhcf <Jareniont Vinlag. te- T IAS 0ELL 50-lnao niont 1. O. REFOIRM MEETIÉG-4- ie the cfWhihy, on &îfîîrd ay, 2Stlsi y of Decentber ab 0occk P. M. As the. holding aonention te nomni- nae a& candidat r. sent South Ontario le thé Local At aI s elas other MJ tn eslo lic 6up for con- Imanta lira vI e o'nsu eir o t s15h Deoebr, 1878, D.' R MSTON A. G. McMILLAN PreedI.Secy. AUOTION -SALE Ot F YALUM3LE PROPERTY 'Ue4er sud by virtue of a Poaver af sale coetaincd IA certain Mortgage, wblch yl ho prodoced allmeIai,saléad uponwhlch deaull lndpaynîent ubas bsaes, there vi i 1etd thie Hamilton House. lnthe Villagecfiléiaverton, on 84tuleda, tAil riourt Day of Jenua,- -nerf, Â.D. 1879 At 12.80> P. M.,, tie foiaywia.0Veîuablo Lands aud Promises, vz,:-'TebSoui 1191aI cf LoI Numnbér thr., ia lhe P1t~h COuceloe cf th. Townahip cf Th.mai. l tle /County ci Ontaria, contalna habu. flandreS Acres, more or les§. ThoIo la Illst-claSIterni, 80 acres culllvated ; build- ings gcod. ~10 kpar cent. 0olthe parchacémono>' nies bue LaincashetaIIlme -cf sale. Terni. madekeown nItuie cf sale.- For f rthr puloular appl>' te LEYS & PEARSON Vendor'is olldîaro, Toronho, Deo. 711< 1876. -NOTICE. N OTICE in beob i-b halaIt tho nuit gsion c1liii Ontario Legllatur. applicationu vii b. niado for an At cf In. corporation aitiorising h. cosIruchlo f a Hine o!fIlailway frcm or Dear Whllby gar. baocin hi -entyaiOntario, te $Omo pOUnonGoorgian Day betyou ocling. Wood and thé MUcicfNoltaveesf R iver, lu thie Cocet>af Simcao.. Teralo - W. A. BULL, Sectehur> cf Applicante. Tooto oc. ord, 1878.,4 1T)D D~AxNR 0F ADA. Noic l erbr tDîviend cf cn1. pec-.-'umi *J t 1>1sMx par Ibis intitîlioâ t-a toile oi carrout bal Jear l ford e aI 1be t h a Ill 'anvi an r M îB." anfe ch 'X5hb d ,-... . oays - wilobccl ro he 1 of,'Dea Z dsy& j Dy M-4 5Y th or jÇ;;LE A THE LOI r,ý r- 1 fl, h 1 - I NIN1)DV- SALE! N- HOUSE.,, Previou to taking St ck, and in order to make room further import- ations, e have m Very Important Ileduticons THROUGHOUT ENTIRE CONSISTING $25 OUR STOCK!. 0F UPWARDS 0F OOO WOR'T-H1 -F- G--0CD ID S Sale to comme ve on MC 2nd Deek.,-and be cont ued end of the ni 0'th. )NDA-Y, tiià the AChoice Finest, Valenlija RaiÏsins, Loose usoakd b0 box ýlo% f London L&yes .2pelox Patrass Currants.'- "là.is 'Znt Curranüts,..,'ý,,, Spansh rapes. ' bBX Fi, uew. Walnuts, S.Se Almonds,- Blanehed Almonds,' Bitter Almonds.- Choice J'ava' and -Moca Coffee -of the finlest -quality, ground to order. Finest Esne of Lemo,- Fiiest Whole Select Oloves. Finest ' Cinnamon. Nutmegs. Pepper, &C., &o. 1A FULL ASSOMTMENT 0F Pastry, Flour, C. Wlieat, Flôür, O. Meal, &C.> Ham, Vhole G-. Bacon, Tongues, Sau- sages, ý&c. PRICE LIST 0F TEAS. ET"" 1""' re~ et, - 70 Very fine Green (recommended), 60- Fine Green Toi (specially recommended), 50 Fino Mediumn Green, -40 40 Sound Green Tea, - - - - y80 P RICIE LIST -OF BLACK TEAS. The finest Black Test (ny own importation), 80 cents. ExtraI fne Black Toi, (Englinli reakfast), -75"-id Very Fini BliokýTea, ô&- - id 6 Fine Black Tei, (speciîlly reconmcnded), 60 Fine Mediunm BluaTo, - - - 40"- P'ure Indinn Te&t fron Asaim and Darjelling Valley. Dec. 151th, 1878*. Ril JAMESON, DUàNDÂ9sST., WUI7TBY. -il ..-. T 0 TIE ELEC 170ÈS 0F? TUE TOWN or WHXTPY. At thé réquest ocia number of the indnuentliratepayera cf lié laye, I have benu induced ta çffer ropeolt as a candildato for thé office ofi aI iiforthcooni*1g unicipalÉlections. I have only to add ht, i iléctsOff, luuen- demior b serve ybu s fahhlly in thé tul- turc asain thé na thIaï ny vory beat attention viln e 0ga -the0 hohae s i. charge cf 1h.tesd 1 havae hoetohbt entleman, MAJOR HARPER. Whltby, Nov. 98t1h, 1M8. T0D TEE EZýE0ORS 0F TIM TOWN FWHITBY. WieTMA 8 G0D -GREAT VARIET TO i TOYIl - 1TOY1S-il Alre ent, alnw peut lu DoZe-W ana china-a ého* tokh chocs. tram. À linleofo! and a ûcy clés, suit- ailé for proec FAN GO -S! AX lese~4e i. lySPper, Sorone~otslo1 , cam, Mu WOOLS 0F' LIKINDfi. 8111 imd Volvet T gue, o deip. L-adlée' ànd Ms.U ahn,. h fIneat mal., vry p. Agent frfi letrIoki'el-nonPa te», thela style alyaonhand- A callie r eclfUlys*olli uusmib>' a îaq* North rock Stréol,29 doors 10 th o!flthe number ci he Weayrus t bicorne a* RoYal otél. Candidate for thelcffioe cf Y, Dec. lnýdf'OO. for thé oomin yî,t~ethiso unit of HaIibUrtopf of pubUli' ico4flg 0o04h ci annncug myseia a Cazididato for baât important MSic, believlng thal aller longaigmref ci ce ai <0o OUBouni ard, recevo rh cysuppor-t.' I arn, Gentlemnen, FA-:^-O S Y trlay, clOf osea .Balwa>',and Loto lu the JA ES OW E Pfl- - VLLAG 0F AL -B -: P Wiby, Nor. 98tb, 1678. 50 VLAM 'FH iÉËO- T b T E E EIý 0T O R 8 O F ITlit e Teri nummte i ctVolria R a ila , -,TOWN ~x~ y 9i TRS Cuilyanoucig mysélf asa anager Canadins &t Erigration Cc.,- for hé Oficeof -50 FccatSI.,,Beel, Tocante. Ip MIM cr10t ÀAL'E x. NIVE"N , À<, Du NAA11E eAY WhltyDc.8h498. 51 -FOR SALE. ST in lusth othe snb- lro u-bcead Dnnhm Haein ecalf Tovtehlpai faiS f Lusdsq, Sd, uo one Whliy, on o at f l"4arod __ ID s eipm o< ccansd bY SÈU The shid.e Fm tur Bock. Ir1 S E .m~ Apply tc 1 ,ý - ORM-ISTON,, PFIOTOGRAPHY-i 2ja cf94, and 6, Bing-St. vesi, Tocante.) NEW STU.D-IO. JI8T RECEIYRD a large assortmentlcf B1kRTHDAY CARDS, -C HRISTMAS CARDS;ý, NW YEAR'S CARDS, MOTTOBS, CHROMOS, FRAMES, dc. PtviÉoea Ce Crd and, Cabiné t Porlreite-at ,moderato pricee. Oblildren a epeialt>'. Pmecrphs ftnlehed plain, l.Ide Inkir,cr ,ýWatér Oceur, astliodocate Caro A. E. LYON, Wilklneon'a Block. Brocit St WHYSMOKE A, common loo WIIEN for YI.oucan, get the Myrti Nay ? itEM CIs Besides the above nentioned art icles, we-have, a good assortment of Dress Gooda, Remeém'ber these gooda are- ail new and, desirable-. No old shop-worn I3ankrupt Stock arnong them, 'and ivarranted, perfèot in, every respect. ilod uand Snu cal Haies aWfd ci ink"4à-' -6 WÂTgON'$- ýBLOCK, BROOK-ST. WBITBY. RmO0vEY Bookseller and Stationer, lias removed to his New Stor-,. D EV E RE LL' s1B L'O"CK, 3EL~ Whutby Dry doode Empcriaw. REMOVED I I ISecond Door from Armstrong's Hotel, i GILT LETTERS IMAGNIFCE1NT ON.ýEACH PL1JG. ~amilbcn, Nov. 18,1878. Uni-tO EW ADVERIISEMENU'S, DOMINION WAREROOMS LOWES &POWELL HAVE A LARGE STOCK 0F PURS.-& -MILLINERY, which they are seling very cheap. They have, received large additions to their DRY GOODS stock. Also, GtrdcdpiOceRIES -- T OWVES &POWELL. STATION]ERY, AND CON"CTI0INERY STORE BROOK-ST, - WH ITBY, EAST BIDE. :0oô:-- Ha-ving purchased the entire stock of J. G. McDougall's s hop , I h'ave a"ddéîd a sprdlt-of ve*ry c'hoïé,ic andies, ý*hiéh, ae.ver ~pador~ueirqaiy Orders oôli6ited for W'eddigs. I hvealo ~ quantit oýf SOHOOL BOOKS; Beatie's and othor Copy Books, Berlin Tool. Slippor-Patterns, Fancy GoocIs, o sie Remeinber the place-one door north of Johnston's Jewellery Store. -- SWhltby, Dec. 17t1,. 1878. J" NEW,- YEAR'S UG1FTS!, Calhi.ndr ,see the--beauttiful assortment IOSLA'nM 0F NEWGOODS BROOK-ST., WHITBY. XMAS PRESENTS! tNEW-YEAR'8-- OIFTS!1 Santa Claus'y Head quarteris. J. S.ROBE tSoN r STQRE, BLOfrK) AT HIS NEW~ DEVER1LL'S A VRY Large and 14te11A8ot Stock. 0F: GIFT BOOKS---n ilstyles ofbind- ing, and at ail prices. je 0katterboa',hIdren8lF Magazinel . RiuZ Word8, ,Briti8hWorA'mau, Ba"nd tagerafnd k'tizan, Famil Books, S.Pri0e Books,d book maricea at pubZi8her8' FANÜY- GOODS t!---«d Finest Stock ever. shown --n Whiti Writing Deeks, Port-folios, Pookêt Gents' Card Cases, Albums, Vases, &î, TOYS.---We enumnrste. Corne sud Tou canniot but be sads led. -!M'm ilon RI1N-G n, aged- 1 respect. GO~DO~. JL DISPLAY - -Lia lajuLu TT julq 1 1 VANCY 'l aOODSýi

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