Whitby Chronicle, 26 Dec 1878, p. 4

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thai dark moi lu tutalmeunt lucred. lime (ehongh il Rate> htit aI r rouatAnd suRte, eyes lu3forst and with lier fatlies ontuide iu l, au& lua ame.o caire watt 4biviug as If aku Jiruv euntthegrey fic. »10e sav Jim dlii agaloc te Dublu,,car. Bq Sqire ou their or- Co lpgte hlm a fut l19 tititUlne t'at les i ue iu. ofyeuieruay, ceeu- lei# of the. certalua wàkouiug te 4he miiurles cf to.uierrow. And se heur aftsnionof the lht paosed onu; sud sud they bLtleau&make àanoble show of lite-lu tlLq dark natIrangleui. Au., on ; andthé iiénia han- réaohed Dublia, and Rate aud lier father are hasteulug tl fhlm through the. gloomy streets. Blut graduauly, under the, restorlug Power of sloop, the. earsworn Iook hu. faded frem.tIi. lad's face ; and Devi A& 110wanW5n eürg the wski4lg, heutr, blit bogies to'drQaw, HO-dreams tht le lu gotug home for the Christmsa as hel iiesd te go. Mn e ouout st theo vol]. kuo wu station ; thor.in la eITom Byan waitlug fer him wlth the. deg-cart. Now ho j Uaud b@os th reinesnh its hanids, aud tiiy are osf &long the ciii read te Allsustown; sund Tom luo xpîan- lug te bilm that isis Rats weald have noweo u ent hlm, uhu asteentertain Cie peeple ou hei-'binhda ; but sure holl iehoe.ilutîme fer luueh." ÂAnd now, witlî the upoed of à dream, ho lu witliiu the theM -mur.ili fil itue-1hulî,aud tiire are blis fatiier ami Kate-,iBut what lu thf t he Pe? r in dimly- cous of se M êt'. ea tbciils à iomnt ef vaue bewilderng effort te fatlier's, 'ad rarxý ' ll.uw. volce, "My o~ir Diek, my pecir Dlek il, And tien a 1:uilled figure camu e tiih front, and befttro Dieu is Oell maare lie lunluKrte's arrrqu. Wlîe ho wasftilly ftswakî, aitud ý h ý1 l00sol eàh tain7 brous, i .Il aï" leto ,tsars, and tere was a qîuytr lhusu sle ths Mitljlr'à velce lie kdia s[eu Ilaudanum an> 4gr' R: ad,, i we'il Rliatu îo eabout lIat. Corne alou :t thre'lI be juet lime te gut @mo brcitkînt st iîe Gio reshnuxî, %Pjil WOîllCatch iTe 8,10, and bedôee or ,Iuuleon,' 'And fso 1ick wa. intime for luceolicon, and speun ta faly merry ChnrimRtna; anud 1 have.- csy«7rboard Idi te cauglit Roy od or chlier ail. ment frein ier mlilglît trip to Dubln. GRAY'S' B~very ru ne but huaÃŽ7 ut teweutcerfil effect-Othlb -'ipruces andtthe p1lees te S YR U (je of LlngDiseasuc. Tii: - lîî,k OU ltieAdirscdacks, tuai wbo vas ltqwpdo, and oentielîi ,i4 k:a -t eâmade 14,èm Wliinhi ciii].. f eîiliti. i 'nîcxîi'. iil In retoc ct1itiprep. %iîljli agum iever Rît. trates, aî lIsauli.î1uii REJIIITERED. maille expei.tauuî tonie sud PRICE2ôOENT8, seneus, Tbreat Affsctlcou, 1 &0ep,ît sets ike a chanu. M ' 4qAES E '~iru t a ývee,7.7Saoce SW, cet luit iortgaes, bath et1 blchwlll 1)w vil dce(î the day mofsale oes ilil'eo seo y pub lc aoc o, -A T R A Ys IrE L, Iii TRE T N O WHJITBy, On isuiiprduîy, 'dcveuidî day c nItlbheuut u ne c o luit he aflenen, tho f Il iIoinn s and omises 1a.n L)t Nut ber Fil breé on lue ent sida uf Brook S9eotin ti. Epfh eeug patof ot l£umetae3ysx the Tuwuisîlp et Wlîthy l'beres a «podil rame lion sud wark. mslnp Otthe promisalesnd a go veil. Term es,0nie keei,,enth. toetsale. Fr lt ber pirticuhans apply the Von.' ter's tn ut Wlîttly, - ~ t c u e. 111h 1878, Y. OUNG SM' E, t 81, Vetera licitor,. CH ANC ERY S~L E VALIJABLE F A RM, Inuthieotyeof ct o P urseant (lthIbe B 6ean Flnal'orter et Salé-ut the courtoet îanrytu thi.sait et RORRE vs. HIDS vibcsoit l'y ancîlon, wlth t a r9batlen et J: 1tr dt h ah RAY'8 HOT11 n la 0WN 1I nt lTwua9, lak tn thesAit te uones The lbiith.Eàt t tltysoreo, uonp cie6, et Luts1tglsfThl.î-0%, h.e roIa Front Swodo t IhdUslýr~pa p .k crilig, l i therbeur, sud'ntario. mlles tram Liverpooec bradelgbt M1l08 ftem'the Tovu ot Whltl'y, wvi1hmci roats tlameto, setnetaet 1of alcle.. thora e ls a g ot f aiaii of e parie Ts ples1, o, ess, uorýet 0 ion, su hI st hlm hée JOH Fe Coin. one naiMi, 1E" Wiching W Ma 0ft1l an aat laveurs, and hoping to have a (Y/~ For se-voal months poug bave u.4 Fa,,. nouvs, Coucoe-u r p or inormoerurrxso lien liaal tIst lrauko fsemut me .c.aI s...e dlseasei St. John, X. B. sourie SnîSUP Gy HurPOPUuosPMTZB zte ail10 suf 4 u ay froul mea.or viaktes. B. AOBS Tl.B. Leeuln, g . No beutetion lu reccmnidUg FBcnovs' Coeusouao SIbrPu -or Sepiucsmuuaasj forý généra debillty or tuIdWmWe, the 1ulage. , t lou g tbertio's raion nd c tg, en4 evar used. EDWIN -LAY, M. D., Amengst the diseuses e4neooae l'y the nuseo et bis nemedy are th. follp'u - - Chroulo Constipation, Chroulua Dyspepsie, Asîhua, Cbnor.io Branebilla, Consumption, Cliroule Diarrhoea Chronilo Leryngiî, - - - Mlnchely, Debility "qp un yrpOf phosphites. T4s posyeret arfumtng ieeînedilava by t u sprepsratlpp'je onorablyaokoê lad edm'yl emfcslfarlty le every e.' tien 1here It lias beec letro uceed; sud the large sale tu the l'est-guteseoftheb estima-. lion le vhich Il ashed bly thé. publie. This Syrup wîli cure Pr4inonany Con- P 'oag II maygîî, and Cocghs. It wll cure al diecaso nlglgfrom vîuît et Musculai- Action Mud Nervous Force, -ý De net bodoiuetye l'y reuudsbeng simulan name no othrpretTaton à àsub. stitutetfor thlsuder any cîrcumustances.- Leok eut for the ntuue anadare. J. BELLOW8j, St. Jolhn NBonteylw r In, rt aterrinaW . à3., n -blo laMtieg thé' paper béfrto.1 hbt. y Pricee -.0per Bottie, six for 87.50. SoIt by ail Drugglsts. JAL[U NEFOO0F" MONEYI' To Renew Loans already ex/st- Ing, Ïo Pay Dèbta, or to mdke ut ceai ebtate fer perlodte Ut atberrevéns -And répaYable lu any uminier applîcants May desiré. c ulu L t l s it ýç p i a n c aoh r'ýe- WANTED TO 1'JutCrIASP, GooO MOitrCAGES. Couîvcyaîîî--e eîîrctully prep(arcd. Office liglow. 1llck, Punrt Perjy. AUGItION SALES T TEE G le nelrmy sincère Ibanke lu th. I l Ig%'l th liii vey lil'erakepatronage 1 e% eo i ayte conten am maes Ibuit I royle enînusted wltb. Terme 11libéral. Saltisfaction gar- seteett.th te tIa sof suile, &0., rMay Le mate vill Mn. Mason,0 the jaroprielor oethlias otel. -- rs by mai] or teIc~uh attentét lu. - A1lctiono*r, ýVhitl'y. N. B. - Sale Bomks anti lunk note, turciebeil tree. - - - L. F. Valuable IReal Est ate TOWNSHIP 0F REACH. ]r'OIgAL8,týT PXIIVATE CONTRACT LLe lo.iet utw"lcip1hhatc.Lt 'Na.'7, Id thltééiea ;oh suaof thé To- eîuiP ut Beach ; well silcateil, - gotsellant a dvelîing iuae on soulli hait et lot No. 7. T46e e le ven 1011 acres oft lml'.r on lot No. 2. Tliaèse prupenlies wili nuake good fanais. A eMI" cash1,pui,'ent yl b. réqulce, he balance te romain on Mortgage fer a tenu et Years ta suit thé purcluaser. Apyte T. ]W, ~ e,,Oba~ Ã"nt., orte thbtmnu signe', iii -LYMAN ENGLISII, liy sud got A's 9rV n lnegs thereou- ES I1L Ih [onse , nealy 1ýl'e ce+ereotA "Vlcen HaurWr i 236 Quecu ýSt Wýàt Ttte aeOt rAn; IThreé Deers froua St. Fetlueki Merl i. &nd vi IB G te informe the Ladies, ithal sonrton. the oeiy GENUN RM O v pa t ~Hée,aranteenlkias e a~ intaCidonp at id t expe e, -teti,06,neel lued the Plessetend lu tiueran FiAte essetyonoreted P l' altenbino e., te order in ntèeî inoJ FROT LA WM nt ' bt Hein nai],e qui etusi Orl99"hen natfaFuinï.1k sii , han& Ale, Agent'for Tno*fo B olthé,QD"eofbOnta1i, 1818. therecu, suostsas enein settortl' I ho inl n eali ur JANUARY, LD., 187, st thh onnetfTE] IHoussud lot, cOetto 85 Sorth B. corner, Gatoss le Village LotlS 'Blok O Vii. ý»ohN.2 Block E, c'VlI Lot No. 2 WsterLtNe2 Brccst., ILLot gop 1 l-Ii CLAMI Vlotorlat.,VkLL&ot2ôpt il82 *09 PAIBPORT iN PoxiOKeR. t1tdy' TAROLDI8'CLLE -Jut CIO us th. ve are oerin! , ( ai f p tography.-Cil at once 'anda tiie w'Process. MR. JO HN FA HAS A HEAV# STOC] oUSON 4eOkuts * 101" 18 49-100 of j 1 00 188 BROUGHAM IN PIOK*iàG. 794 Ptne soi 285 389 Patentai Patentsi ô 1 700 l'sa 898 Paenî i 1578 - OA --17 96 aut 18 8 -j 220 16 Rat 8.5of West à 28 1 w 8128 à0 os 41 Sobutllwest ctber 1 7 ô8 ô817 1los 1 - ., - J"ACH, lck ,N. ,part B. Reiglit, Pt South j14 t' " 170 245 047 8cugeg.eI, "' part m4 IPart 19utW, j IBroeon iBroken Forthj Part ofSouth Part Nh lloulb Setb. we0s't p t et S Neîth t fSeuIth lfbrth j e1 North j NorthI Nourthî 8 g eos~*, ~flORÂIf. e -- j e 16 96 alli 4 48 191 686 PORT PECRRY. -I 1522 8 75 7 5 606 848 NARA., 40 200 195 100 200 100 81 100 100 100 100 1e 91 100 20- 100, Mo0 60 no0 17 40 55 802. a865 .e050 12 78 2 12 'i4 go 11428 4 68 118 89' 74 98 ases issi 94 84 241 206 29 14 Z9886 24.50- 2208 986 u 444 17'.90 228u 9q»1 29 72 25 8226 821 2 ou 1022 8247 262 8809' 8528 2988 8796 8268 l'se 514 1 97 188s 8 2 1568 219 1779 189 220 1769 -199,, 29 9218 88-99 -070 88 69 2111 288 2844 6 9a 9~ 891 -100 8e98 100 9661 100 1889 100 16889 65 25656 wi 08e 100 1804 99 92 95 100 205 100 24 80 100 28857 100 40 15 i00 8985 100 9219 1001 1824 BCOTT. [South-West angle East I ]Forth d oiEst Centre pt (A. Brutbours) 1Treasurces office, Oct. 7tb, 1878. 28 2 47 2 19 2 19 2 44 1 go '298 988 2 82 2 41 2 89 2 81 2979 9 86 2 18 u8 51 29 Ge 17 58 17 58 2800 882 009 m 88- 22 87 2871 25 9 42 96 42 Id s365 15 87 Patead Pstented Pateulsi patoutud, Patdsete Patented Psteated Patente Vntented Pattd un>ti Patented Pabouted Fatented upatentet unpatenwe unpatented upatented Uepatented Ueptted -Uaeted 7 89 199 988 Patented 8 75 902 10 77 Fatentet 1648 2 21 1864 Fatentot "445 209 4787 Pateetet 86 2- ý 7 8900 Patantet CoWM a. ntari Ce.TLeu.,Ontnl CABINET FAC1ORY AN9ý FU'RNITU E.,WARER OOMS THE OLO STAND; BROOcK'STREET, WHITBYI Go where you cannot fail to be pJeased in making selections of good furniture. Sp en I arlôOur, DaWine Rom aud ef 001 Sts New Desigis weil wortluy cf inspection, at astenishing low pricea. Dmn- ieg-room Extension Tables-a veu-y superier article. Gï~~cu Pidtnre Framing ,iii every style.' Bon. fine, Chromes, and Engravinge for sale. in ail its -IulanèlýiUVnerals fuily scpplied,A stock of elýgauî sakete. coffins always ou hand, trimmeed bo suit (Jtetomers, and a Weil appeintedl Hlearse coostantly in readmness. Whitl'Y, November 241h, 1875, WM. TILL. -AMERICAN'CA I - osunokey ohumuneys 1I Only 8Oc ImponidlGle ah hlsl u t, CANADAIN; OI-Ouly 25e peuq,enai a0&110 .Tnduuplb -- - " i HTCH1BÉO. -b . T IL-P'j s . sec our stock and prices. STOVEsP -If 701 netd a Cookiug, Mail, Parleur, Diuiug.reem or Box Stee, uono présiente, Cheap, et sonaï-"-o CUTBV.-B-ogfl. ndOüorakko, chosaet ÊAT0I B TT À P n r&A31>1 ON. - ti A ~TIXXTA TLE ket) Tbe l10 'tôek > the ~ Pin o~ heu ' et nd ested. LPrrr adae o vil InOtrsHr ae , cWhitby. T 171 f 1 MI- r p ITS. ,c e~. sIe Ow!e'r ~ àe -Tt:. o the Le îGEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA.;i -rgeStock cf lMne Clothou- boF, BhSoéxa Oada m- -I k- s a OPP.RSTHEPOLO ÂDWSTÀGE8: Younig ladS". ? ' uO4d droet Sud, voryemp1te sd> $t~*e sP in lumde for athorougli po IlgluEgIlli, as th. trta founation. for a finisbed oducallcu. The uluploit snbe~a-rspt veloo.& p awt ?p upfilumay enter wlth &advantage at a. le , n u u saeolavscme pewlacmltlo es reafurded for soquiring a ~orughi~i pacioalkncl.ge t sisie.Thez muaisdepâarth,under the nmage. mont ofF, 10 rlos~q, Onutre h.PihamucScèlty ei Toroulo, la lu 1h. hlgheaý tile ciend@cy. Prsuch Md Gormoun are taught by su accouplished IadY, Whio upeauboth langugos,sud vho m"sepossouMeS OM'kuevled«e cf RZngluh, iiitera. ture Matbbustics, Drawlng, Painting, d&o., are tauglt nh muetvêaor an. wa rgclated ,exeàd in, win& lO1iât u XkUrdig j holosome snd nutrLbtiouý diôt; cenifentable sudwvii vectiatea ro=m, &c, 4tb.A lrgeunnuer t huon te ecopetd f rTo moduis-renislm xcellency Lor Dusrn;gl sdtro Jan s.Paretes,#Rq., 0f oma Èz4mcolne l icuA TesepEN. cfÂppClc,'a oretaDI5Oêvhtoéfa r aoae ,ya'#bad Sthuii. VVtee£ or e.' Who, oat lc.wopgu eçao- .r te pebrcet 'cus buis; te; &b$tprmten pet ent. of[;, and fer.fonnth terza, ftee per ceil. TUITION FES. TO TROUE WHO FAX Ini ADYAECEPER;ÃŽ TEÀE.-BOARD * TITION. PruparateiyDepu4tmeut per terni....$4o ni JeParst Desten. -s en 600 I Oealieg5niepartument ........e.. 4Ç1> ...... 800 u l' payuoell'o de l d vano te of ILibrary.......... .....e 5 for a sceer. CALEI4DAR. BOARDINO EXPENSES. The (Sfleglate year la dtvided ilte Jeur ten. Of oh to ek u ,oieetnuda-eb- Beard, viit tnnhad romu, per weak.... 52 ns foe.~îtaadw-n .sialr yuel, llgtsa sd vathlg, porirqoek ...... Pu5T050,,8tember UttoNevember 131h. 8-m.S T m i Âo veuM! t, il o y 4 ny1. Sigi.bed, or recu luin ftAstcrey, extra, Pebruao'Dom 1thtori uh.-- For further particclars, sec Oa1ener, lurn ished on application te BRis. J. E. SANDEBSON, M. A., or, Bzv. J. J. RARE, B. A. * My Stock of Is 110W Complete in Every Line. E.. J. JOHNSON. Very Special Inducements to STARTING E-OUSEýKEEPING. UN DERT AKI NG. Ful Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and ai the. necessaries in this line. Also, A WELL-APPOINTED HIEAIRSE. BESTIS. -PFQ -,T XURÂPH GALLERY,*- SIMOE, STREET, OSHIAWA&. -:00 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRItJES UNTIL ist 0F' JÂNUARY.- card Pioture from,$2 per dlozen, upwardu. This i. a chance te get first-claae wcrk at haft itu value. Dcn~t flaute impreve -this eppertuxuity. N.B.-New Scenery lateiy iitrcducea et, SEE A LARGEÉ .STOCK 0F OVERSHOES OF ZVEERt DE SOIPTlÃ"*, S ELLING OHEÀF FOB CASH. Look att pie: Gens, inm $1.045 to $1.65, Ladies' from -11 o 14. "Ldies' House Slipperci 25 and P .10nis Bt S a81.40. L fa eet akeand quality at an equally low liéure.ý Repamon 1irrad susual. Including a lIarge stock- of ,OVERICOATS. -EET--G-ENTSIw-SU-] EXC made iip in the Latest Styles. Buffalo ]Robes, a great. number. selling at an immen-se sacrifice. fITS, -JOHN FEIIGUSON, WM. BuI Has Just received, direct from t Manufacturers, a good assortment of Ladlies and fflent1amen's MarÈrard, Empress, ae~ American Also, Pacifie Bags, -Cheap for Cash. Four more LIST 0OF AUCTION1%EERS Licensed for the. South Riding of Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, and separate rdon, Sunderlant, Brook Ba Ettifili, Uxl'nldge, Ubt~e Doc. -1 t Dawes, Pert Penny, Frh!ilg ,e'Dec. 2 Canmpbell, Whitl'y, Break Jan.i u e e, - Beaverton, Thona Jan. 2 wiieni, Toronto, Brock, ~ e' muhn, Dllent, Southjling, April1 Roes, Beaverton, Tho jIné up,~ ~ ~ ~ B OavSuIaàdin3g, y~ aoker, Leaskdaie, Kortb Riding, Sept., 2 s a W btb, South Riing, Sept. E tters'e, -Bloountgon, North Ridlng, Set2 Ducett, BavSoe bee, ut r. i Brown, Uxbnltgé, North Riting, Octr.E ilaloney, Brechén, Mers, Ocîn. Il nuivan, Bnechen, Mea, Octr. 11 B. Hevetî, Biue,- arOt.î s, i~rrN orth Rlting, Ocîr. 2E uchen, l'nde] Uxl'ritge, Nov.la LIST 0 DLERS FOR.THM COUNTY ONTARIO. Wm. Gel Clemeul Donald C BR. .al Gec. Mcl Tho.Pol Donald B D. Biubcl Thos. Ti L. Falil' J.1M. Pst John A.I johmto Wm. J. N m. G.]S Chales E E. Majors Thou. Poc EXPIRATION. Toba hlc, Th.rb Jasepb Jacksn Uxite Peter O. Malaeey, 'Toronte, 2 borses. Thou. E. Coulée, Tenante, OcIr, 22et, 1871 2 herses. Octu,. 22nd, 1871 1 borse. 1 haro. -sot, 1878. S8th, 1878 21s1, 1878. 5th, 1872. 2lsI, 1879. 281h, 1879. 8n8 1879, 41h 1879. 5h,1ffl. 11,1879. 1)th, 187. 2th 1879. 7tb 1879. 81h 1879. 11th,,1879. 11th, 1879. 11th, 1879. 11th, 1879. 11th, 1879. Jeu. 801h, 1879 Metr. 11111, 1M7 tho wI2IOTAND-wSOLLISTORE CONDENSED TIMR4 TABLE. Tslciug effeat on Monday, 'July loi, 1878., TAB G e-vouTE.in, -Port rry.. M 754- AmIne Im y...1 4 , 43.5 4.Port Ferry...fs-.25 7.111M rArrive Wiuitby..... .25 "-gQ For lina. ateothér n5le, sec Peeket Tume. Table, to e l'eton$plicatleu te suny oethIe coupenv'e nt. - CONNECTIONS. Wwm xcToxc..With G+axpd Trnk Ban. wey for aIl pointg4sat sxtt'we8t. ' .- Four PEn Y.-With utm«. for Esm u adUxbnldge..psn. te euÂcÂv.pe 8ftdeld nd Wlck, -MAftËLr.e-Por SBuietlend and Cann'ihgten. Lmuo&4.-PFor Oskwcod, 14111le Bnitain, Va. andis utPort.Ueqver., - LIDBÂTr.-Wlth- VôtoaËsRallaytfor Minden, HEe&Uburton, . t ee Grant.Teritory, sud the BEgudiuhLsnd vn iadRlwyfori htt ok -Peter- shnPeteUsalm. aedOnlia,4 W l'e. pont:-coeuenncilug atOnil iavti 'HIlwey fora, neColinigweed, ars unit Breeehnldge, sud othe Prie Gran du et Muskeka. hbroegh Tickets are losuuedbyýa Agente et ~iP.P. i& .-tRion teand by E T. R Ticket Agents,± rôn ,f= sitations un W. i#. F. méL.R-V, . No roten changes.- Baggage eekdiru 'Whit'yA P. 20111 79 Ms iDrector. Dominio,ÇWood Works, -WXITBY.' Geao. Comaek, g s, sud ail kieZ e s lts oflnu 1?cers, Saab sud BOutes. LU5KDE*b,holiesolç suad celail, or l'y l'y the M ca us.- Planlng, Motoldingm of ever deacnp- tion,-.loccng, Sheetlcg, Bbclving, Re- awg, Shapir -Tcu g. Scroll-work, etc.. etc.- - Whltl'y, Oct. 160h,1M7. --43 Parliamentary Notice, OTIOB R EBY 01113FTHAT N applicatIonwvMib. tide tethe Lé4 lature cfOntanie, At las neat .MsicnlMiu WhltIuy, Fort Fe«rr anian n Idaj i=wY -compylr auAct rod rearnL e )Motsge, Deb t of h, oempany, limehotonà]Unutsuc1lT = a Bea-veton, em eelgh Ccmpsny.to amaganiate v e t ud Bcbjay- geu E %enion Rsilwa oCmny ide mcl tir-ausudusua toeïer Acta ». may l'e leered advâl, - WILLIAXM ULCK soliciten fer 1hé Whleîr. Port Ferry sud <Lludeé way Company. ecSd,1878.- -' -6.2 THE TORONTO Tu'ki8h d Vapor Bath&s Tues. lxiths ar-e usetul in -R2eumitluu, Neuraile, ~C Ã"g,'lds 'ogetion, fiauuatlcu. 'Bl1iousness,-yeve», and fer- pharep&culatlylis-'Z: 1h. Wunkiih a dVApoîBath un th.eItest pneévatAotve-j th 1l h. resala .f mediWempat le ad inOMn=Umen r.1h Has been removed -from Brock Street to Dundas Street, firet door îws f rsnogs otel, whene ho han e splendid stock of the RIGHT FIT AND MARE, and of the best styles cf Boots anud shoe, Al ordenu prcmptly atteeed to. Repairs neatly doe. jDundas Street, flrst store west of Armstrong's ý Htel. Ruemem2ber 187lc. MOCROSSON &Cou, t ARE NOQW SHOWING TUE LÂRGE ST- 1STOCK 0FFtJ'JRS' E VER SHOWN IN CANADA. A0 PE-'-T . Ào lr- FINE FU RS Wbitby, Nev. 27th, '1878. JOHN SAUNDERS,. CARIRIAGES ANDý BUGGIES!1 THE LAbESAD MOST CdMpLETE ,STOCK UP Cafrnags leihs and Cùtters, M. 0O'DONOVAN'ý,S CTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY. EAP. CALL &SEE Hz>. I - FUR TRIMMINGS CUT TO ORDER. ' ~ R R O B E S . , A S T l, C A 1 S A C Q ES; ~WOLF MOER, RUSSLiN 'LAMBE SACJQÃŽES, RACOON* ROBES, S. . IEAL SACQUES,!' YAK ROBES, PERSIAN 'LAMB SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOCE EMNE SACAUS, MINE CAPS, àMINE SETTS, S. . SEAL CAPS . S. SEAL SETTS, OTTER AND SEAL SETTS, ERMINE SETTS, t PERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN LAMB SETTS, BLI HLCAPS, ASTB4ÇZAN SETTS, CONEY CAPS, BLACK SABLEý SETTS, GREY- LAB CAPS, CONY SETTS, ERMN' WXK RCAPS, - GREY LAMB ETTS, CHILDREN"S SETTS. Particular attention given to ail orders. Alterations SpeCal y attended to. Trelo, DS ~ 7 ' "- - 'yZ AN]? C ARÉIJAGES. A4 Large Assortment of, 'Cutters and Buggies FOR SALE, QEA --AT- TOm S &NEWPOIRT'S :b",DAS ISTEET, - . WTBY, NT,RIO. -WILLIAM -THOM PSO N " toe irect attention -te bi large and superior stock;i cmpr1siiýg every- Yth i u g l u th e , S d d le r y m d H a r e s LU n e , a l t oie Leather Valises and Saratoga 'l runks :9 I -- u s mis T Damnn ~Mra.. LicengedAùotîOnee 5AL5 pcmly atended, a~cunI 26-Adres, - . DAWE8B - Port Ferry. BOWN'8 IN-D.IAN LINIMENT!1 Forsleby dealers generely. What we ýtakoi-the Iead ini I Chilblsins, Frosted parts, -Burns, FOR HORSES ADCTL~.Fo te euee bottlin lu van wttar;wlflonre Most luterual denangemenla caused hyýovrrbht- lng, drc WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY, ASK We the undersined bâveued flrown's Induen Liniment for 'oune lime sud-cmn Chentuiy reccumeud it for public lse. hralm ay, Fle Orchard, out. Inmionu, Wot, Hiramn Brown, go J. Davu, -Brooklin,, ,y E:. Mtheu, " Seth Hubble, -Aàhbnum, A. . endmon, xrdge, - 8-' S. C. BROWN, Ppier ediasJ L.1 TTORNEy. c Street, Oh.i (teGre fice-Byron 'Stni Wbitby, Ontario. ARRaISTEE& B nChà1hcer Whltb>ý. MONET TO: lu ymmiup le $1 terest, L1T <1aaDu * sucer o n f CtStreet, hTor, G. YON an.2,187. Ec Steet, W t so. uYlONG e cE Wghten'E HETOR AERII, E. sol. J.t or CAMROI PCreeL PHymECTRlaMn, SeguC TWlit'by ept 8et f ro 9toi01lojt ceByon r sdGbetat. Tet xraced vfi loa uu1hlos il DR*SI Iysuicc, Brgo JOHN WSpt<3th FO.' anerse tsheee Cork. V .i ETE CARRIAGE FA, ~- VERYOCR NEË-W GOO0, S thoUing arid;Gent's Funism 1 Oct. lot, 1878. S,ëÈWART-ý PICK 406 .6,1878 cases MUNICIPALITY. Goverzior. Whitb'Y, JUIY 8id, 1878. Prinoipal. 28-ti. , 9:ni MATTREW COLLIM. (80ins-25 iý Whitby, Oôtôber 10th', 1877. 42j- 191 King Street, 1 ý Toronto, OSHÀWA. ý Nov. i9th, 1878- 1; IltEADY»MADE CLOTHINGý 1 0 CUTTERS, BUG'GIES-

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