Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jan 1879, p. 1

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f., vol1-, by q i i AYWP Bz/8RiJq ir etopây. ONTARIO »A JO I ;VH.ITBY D BRAR,03 ru, etali-Ple, ms ovy Osl$,Mai, rt doore uoth *of tii P.cAl Het iWstbY. Z AMEg RUTLE3DGI, 1B. A., JAMRES KEITH GORD~ON, ,llsou UOtmôriOn itmr, Coul Duy , t CHARLES C. K.LLERs ha" ,ouvéyanoee,&e4Cuanng- ton, Brook, C.vW L. T. EÂ1ICLAY, A TRNBY-AT-,LAW, SOLICITOR lu ncChsueecyand Inielvaucy, CouveY- sucer, d&., S&. Ocriz-At the. Court Rouie, Witby. LYMAN ENGLÉiUi, L L-B.,, e0e Street, Ouiiaws. A. G. NoMILLAN, DAi t U ATQtNT OLIC. fineByrô et'Souh ciPoWOffea, Whlhby, Ontario. joffl HALL Dow, B AIITER-AT-LAW, SOLICiTOR lunCliincry, Couvoyner,deo. - Offce-ID#veIi4'i Ilocl. -Brock te, Whitby. MONEYTb" LEND-Pnlvate Fundu -. ln u me np te #Mst a alow rate etof tenus. (y4 ROBINSON kKENT, (L.tis DuooMe de RoucUsoîs.) BARRIMRS-AT-LAW A T TOR N. Court Sîtroai, Toconto.- JIYO. 6I. KELLEY, ATTOBNEY . AT -LAW SOLICITOR lun Cbinciry*nd Insivey, Ocuvey- suce, -Offieoý-DéerilPllock, Brock. trtWhitby, Ont. G. YOUNG NUIT Ho L L. B., B AREiBiTR, &., de.-Money te Lests isser ei Marriage Llcenueu. Opcica-Over Dominion Banuk, Whitby. Jau. 22,1878. (ti.5 GHO. St. JOUX R ALLEN, ATTORNXRY Solcitor sud Couvayancer. AMoeyten~d. Morigages bougt sud iold. Agent for several Leau C'u. Office, ()Vec Wlglznsn'u Store, Ring Streit, CAI1IEIIN d& AIPELBE, ARRTSTERS, AttornysatLaw, sud B Slictor inChaueury, N.4Torouto utreet, Tarante. NEOTOI CAMEIN, Q. IlY-l) R.8I.APPELDE, THOMAS HUSTON, TONCLER AND TREASURER, TWhulby. Offie-Town Hall. Heurs, frein 9 te 1 'cleck. R. J. GUNN, IM. D., SUROIIOK TO TIM COUNTY GAOL, S yron Street, Wbltby, Dr. W. J. IIURNA. OnFCeS-Naît dor ta CIMONICLE Olici. tâ 1R Rislouci, at the Royal Hôtel, Whitby. BYRON FIELD, M. B. IIYSIGTAN, bURGIION, te., Dunfue' p Crbk G UTS RHOSPITAL LONDON# ENG., lite eye Rý . O. R.t, Oshawa, Ontarlo. C ÀBD JOIEN WOLFENDEN, A GENT POR TUE CELEBEATZD t1Scottlui Granite. At Mabl, Werki et JînathmanWolfndeuDu.da. St.,Wiiuby. WIKJ4JAUk COOPER, DBLACKSMITH, - - BROUGHA4M, Sucesîcite Tiiomas Mittuogi,) lions sheeiug sut al kintu et ganenal veuL k- - ly.52 E. '»ELL, -A TH E R LY , Cl1erk DIvision Court, Tp. Clerk, Utnrni;ilour lu B. R., Lent Agent, deo., inn, Aihenhy, Cnnut>' Onari. Atherlv St. 2ud,i872.- 86 In 'nnInvntet In Wsli.SI. Stecks $ mî Duuuakes fortunes evreymnoti. Biook sent- tria lielnng evu -tiiug. Aitlrosi SAXTEIO & CO) YI Illlanheens, 17 WallBt N-Y. NEW MUISIC HALL, DUNDAT, ar OMM. joBpK AÀ. BA»izWBPOAZO Tis b on u b loin ru Mg I I!ga andrOOm ,aditteuduplu rtc kLedyr teislv itas gr GRâ» ftEIEE.WTHT Ivory accommodation for guoltu, mcl. lagcondifet e, alry bodroco, Moulu ai an' houri. z'I Tine Bar- funy.ulldVii 'boit bradi of Llquogs, W »ïurandi,cigau. "ao Stabllug, enloa yard, sud attmn. Q3 M EECAL OTEL and STABLES,ý 54 sud 80Jarvia-itreet, Irno. JTOHN MBE BFIT The. boit 6$LW à Dsy Roue latho City, only trbokifo it orgx= ersDpotcsudéloui *4 luii Marigot. The. ouai hu biein newl Yltted out, ani ivery4bJg ng ri.lau <y-4?'( jing. WALKEy'gs TEMPJRÂNOE BOUSE, IIUNDÂÉSTMEET, WUITBY. Geeti accommodatýion aireseonablotermi. Jloaderi 52.b0 per iweek. 4 ROAL HOTEL, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. Tho largoat andi met comrnodleus hotel lu ths e wu .bai largo &amiple roome for- commercial truvelleri. Table well jplied with tii betii season. Bestrndqr i sud ci gar. . Enuloied yrdsu e rm atentive hoitieru. tChargs to-mnit thi 9. es N.B.-Llviry attachedl. 27 R OBSIN HROUSE.-TOBONTO, ONT. The. Palace hotuet Canada Reted Be1urnisbed, ami nrlvalled. New Paseen-ý gbr Elevator, runnnlg8ht ana day. The ýoly /lra4claai HotelirCanasa wlthgradu. astedpricei, viz :-82, l*.5a0,d$8 rpaay MKemberi et Cubisud ters O«isdrlng rcomî, wthout board, $1 te $2>ra. Pib. 27th, 1878. Proprietor. TE QrEIEN'S, HOTEL, (LAiE cOKIeEcIALl BEOOK-UTBZEET3 WETBI, TAYLOR & ]WeCAIN, PBOPRIEMTORS. The underuigued desire to luform their blande and the public that thay have taisan the. above wll kuown boel, wiiich they have uewly itetiup sud renevatad, sud put ioe ibot ci orde; for the accommnoda- tien of gueuts. 'The Bar,which la the bond. sesinteCouuty, lu well oupplled wlti thei dnet brandi gt lies llquoru., and ci- gars. Ample enclouad heï room and good tabling, box itallo, &e. Detachîd rooms for commercial travelleri. J. P. TAYLOR, PRILIP McCARIi. lita pi Toronie. c OMECIAL HOTEL, GARTWIGIcT, ONT. JAMES DE WART - PROPRIETOe. Goed acemmodat u* 1 THE CENTRAL 1101/E, (Laie Lockhart Ilouie.) C. GiFFORD - - Proprietor. Thisuiboni.lethe boit in the. County. Cali sud iii Il. AYERS HOTEL, 82 & 84 MILLST., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Price reducid te jýô a Day. This Retibas rîduced its price, te the Travelling Public te 01,60 per day. htinl haa tiithe . Y. Central De ot loniy a leiZosSouth), and hai riceanty beaun - f1ittead lrd-tuloiid. Open nlght sud day. The bouse ilu dret-cla.nlu avry re- spect, sud Canada people wilU ave money by golng te thse Ayers Hotel. WILSON SPIIAGUE, Proprietor. Rochiester, N. Y. July 8, 1878, (6m-28 ]B ITISH AMERICAN HOTEL, (LAS noises seUil.) W EIT B Y,0ON T A B10. Rouai newly reuovsted sud turuluhed throughont, sud put inu dctclans ordir for hoeceptlulu et guetts. Au omuibus te sud ern 11 tais Fir-clî aporo A ?UT 2M-.. - Prom tvo ý ý 71 ACNÛ +8 . E8T: TORONTO-., SeDln~udtusu* es Silvor Plted tuetisud Buiter Cooleri. white Stosmiwse e ykffl. - Hotel sud ar Gou GLOVEE HARBISON, * importer. THIE PARKER CULO IiNOSTAN5P Von eOiIOULÀB WEST MERIDEt4,T. MARTIN & WÂUÀM, HOUSE, SION AND ORNAMENIIÇ PAINTERS. Have ojust recelved a uew stock ef WALL PAPER8I- eft he latuat disigus sud patterns. E8COING A SPECIALTY. Fresco delus xeutud ou tl4e iertait utc. MABTIN de WAEAM, Two doors norti et Ring'i Tanuery, BrockI Street, Whitby. ly.41 ~7 5,000. ON FIRST.CLASS FA RM LA N DS Iu sumo et $200 sud upwards, at 7 pur cent. Payaýble Halt-yearly. Apply te-- GRO. S. HÂLLEN, Sleter d.h April Ilti, 1877 ' î-17 koarm dyb m tnA a simple self aur ho 5 sndrn Ou i ftelow efuira il. IN. EMEIT, da Clatlam et.@,Ir. T. NOVELTY ,WORKS, WHI TB Y ONT, HZRESUBSORIBER isaving purchaiet thie. Machiner>' sud antire stock et iaaaaned Lumberr hegz the Muage sud YaiyOd MsUUlearnk Compsuy,-la nov Vpruatt furnish Deans, Saîieî Blinde, Framlea, Meuldingu, Baie, Anrciavem, FoinSletingasd evecytbing r- quhre t b' ri, st lie loeat liing PýWoo-aIbItiunning Nevels aud Baluutei-i te ortan. - Lumbar fer sae, bes qoalit>', oveat puiem W.a ho p sfrein long; erpucienceasd b> square ctesliug te menÏt a siare ai publie. pairoage. GRO. GILCEHBIST, Proprieton. JNIONEY TO LEND. Tiiunudeaignet bas an y amouxut et Mon- e>' ta Lent upon 1'arm or Twn Pnoperhy, au nnusisally Lav Rates of Inhences. Leani eau be reait inl suma tdVaui bon- revers. Baera] Improvat Parmisud Wild Landsa Ion salae heap. hInvesimoutu matei iiiMontiial Datan. tunîs, Bank, ansut eter zmarketataà,ha Stocka. For tuniher particuiers spply te *JAMES HOLDEN, OfficiaI Assigns, Broker, dec. AprIl OPh, 1@72. 1 F ORtSALE, - AT TUEI t9W TIE B5IST ACCOMMODATION cG-E fTYQ tac Geei. hy-47)1 LN MAJOR MeaSj.,, -Q ENS HOTEL, - VICTORI QUUN ARBOUR A JAS. MACIKEY, -- PROPRIETOR. Gaod Table, Liqueri, sud Cigare. Fine saubllng anà every uecieury accommoda- tion. ly.41 e3.. BIRMAN, OSH A WA, Veterinary Surgeon, Wili bu at rmatrong'aeiotul, Whltby, every Tuesday, tram 1 to 4 o'clock, p. m. April 25, 1877. 18 New Stage Line B ETWEEN WRIT»Y & OSHAWA.- I lhave p ut ou thq conte betwauu Osh- awa atul Whitby a icmrtatblie ovured Stage, sud soicit lie patrauagi cf tiavelere sud thire. Evory attention will bu paid te -the camtart sud couvunience Qt pasengurs, sud ta the sucuciltyasd prompt delivury et pareils commttad te m=y elarg". Tisuru will bu two otagepic [day iacii way, viz. : Leaviug Oshawa esch, morusug lu tixue.la maire lose connecti.ons with the Wbitby &de Lindsay Rxilway, sud ai 8 o'lock elcoi atternoon; and Vaving Whltby at Il a. m an t 6 m., oai asciiday. Tii. otage l Calat d btelsInluesch lewn, sud orders luit ai auy of tie botels wll b. attendditte. Paru sud ciiarges moderato. J. R. ADAlE, Prepriator. Marci 27tis 1878. (-14 LANDS FOR SALE!1 iNl; =9 Township of Somervi/le, COUNTY 0F VICTORIA. MUSO PRNIHEDWIIN DSIED. Tu folio wlngauts lu tisa township et bluso FUNISÉD WHN 1orivilu. Counut>'otfitarii, are odoratd Seatbig Capacit', Lino Thousant. nnrsle- Tii West j of Loi 5, lu tise h8thsSono- Wlistby, Out, 22, 187". Iy §toai, coansitlng ef 100 acres. flîtoin aoru -- - - - clearet sud fence&A. A nver.tehiin treau cose'thlt, ovisli lia MW Ji emia FA 1CHES RETAUANT thîýsite oI a goot rosi. Tiiejropuityun FAUCERSRESAURNT, oui>'àIota mile frein à railva>' italien on ADAMS' BLOCK, KENT STREET, ll"VlcoiaRies',uo iesttm u LINDSAY, ,Meun.John Good unadDuulshSir LI D S Yner ias mlnouni, iL al*ov tise popeirt>'. Oîa'e.îeu uuiralTcegioapb Oàtp. For Terymu ef SaIs,Asýly le- - - - - - JA. WAK , PRFRSJWNTSaI al bnrsayslri erS' P*9, ttale, or te 000,000 tot Pina Lumber, veli seasouii. Inch Boards. Fîooang, 2 x 4 Scanilina, 2-inn Pianlo, Fuucing Boards, 100,000 test et Psk, Mapli tan ailes, litiqueliy, Bauavcod, 18.000 il. Square Tiniben, Al et vhicii vilI hi oît chap toc cash.,, Hae vonît also beg te sa>'ithshe Grilet Mil I runing,ant lu aoing iret-caaaaork. C pngdousa 8 tiys in lie week, for eveir> E. MAJOR, Proprietor. Duo. lti, 1878 let T UE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY. , -' Just Pubisihetin lu sieae Envelopeý' Prica six coula. A lecture on ihe Nature Treat- sud Radical duraetfSeminal Weaknasi, or Spatmatenniioa, induce y setAlf.Ausu, in-, vehuntir>' Emimionu, Impotent>, Nervenu -Debi j~and Impedlmen's te suarrilge en;eu;Cumpon, 34Epls, Mdt -rEr ROBERT J UV . autiior o e fa Green Book I"dec. Tii vocîti renovue i autlor, lu Ibis ad- mirable Lecture, tlie4ly provefux am c-vu expanince tataIeiiiavtub teequenci et Self-Abusaeina>' buefuctually remeveti vithont mediclue, aud vitiont desig«mu surgical operaîlons, bogies, Instrummutl inlgs,orco crdiale; pintissa oui a mode J cure aat nticertain sud iflicltua, b>' vhlch ove-y snisrei, -nemattér ubat ihisconilion ina>'bulna>' cure himuelf ohiaphy,-pivate- 1>' sud radical]>. la'This Lecture vil provoas boon ta tionsandusud thoussude. Sont undur sal, lu a plain unveloe, te su>' atdreus, ou receip cf i cenus, cr two Postage atamàpa. Addrais, TUE C7LVERawELL bmEDICAL Co., -41 Auxm-s-r..Nîv Yosz. Poit Office Box 4586. 'l- anc tue ~~uatftO le. -QJftS~I~GMOI4I~TY. f -~ 15~2st5patrouw et t~i~ ~ ' ~ ocaii * niniomi eupalo)t' PLOUK anA aW&ind~ 4< Kl~l Foi cm baud anti <pi sale et CASK FOR WHEAT ai *11 11mw T,~P. W~ Wlsltevaie, LOti Bapt., 3878. ami Lumntar Boad U ilnec 'td S s t o s i u a l a t u >e maebntick ý- -.Doore,. Ssuiea audiBlinda lva Whitby, l"y 7.1,77. - b'- ~4. yUl 5j S eon. ~vui ,ITE. -41 îdp et maeasy nihor, haut. 5151 -e on 0WBy re&iin sud -pg ~irouuud be IulDuiyaxsdtreuts cocoitn lii ud tla uicuthe tm clotouipuyofetwhlchigwethtl0e o the bok. TsibooIewaiwtten I e x o- t eusnesud robs bly thimeicskll cuAnriesohomwuawddio M u. eoued isid lucthe Rclu i MilaS IS A PrSli,-lete4 d wwIth iîit n sat sllEgila- i'UF Tel «4 urt sdbsi-UU Runt rasa MzteU.Bod, for Il t et nce. AlÀ ii PEABODY ME ic INSTITUT, N.e4Bul Se, oto,1~1Ï' H SLF LVEPOOL m&aEXR 1 CASH FOR GRAI4ý Te ta delivered, ut 1 Frenchman's B4Y. PLASTER, SALT, AND CQAL FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN Ou RealiRtate, at Low Ratas etfidrest. J. R. MeCLELLAN. Jsnuury ah, 1877. 1- DOMINION FLOUR & FEED STORE. C HAS. PENNYLEGION lu uilling thse hait qnaliiy ef FLOUR AND FEED rsmackably CEAP FOR CASH. FOR SALE CFiEAP, A Good Harne, PiSton and Rarueis, (uesriy new). Witby, May Ouh, 1878. GEORGE BRITTON, CARRIAIGE -WAGGON MANUFACTUEE1ý of a new impreveti Root Seed and Corn Drill, Double & Single Turnip Drill. CLAXTON'S PATENTED CHUENS, Wýaons, Buggies, Sîciglie, cauutsutly on REh'AIING donc ncatly andi wcllou tho siiartestisctlce. GEO.- 3RITTON, LirTwo doore seuIl of tise Qucen'o RotaI, Brook Street, - - wiitby. Api-il lOth, 1878. y4 Mluslo InsBtructio n, MR. FREÉD MUDGE, TEACHER 0F TUE PIANO-FORTE, 0604N AND M e /0de on. r EMS ou application. Rideucu,c*orn- ar Green sud John atriet. Whitby. Meledeous te reuI at 81, 51.25 sud 61.W0, pic montii. Sept. 2ud, 1878. 87.ly THE CANADIAN AIR'OAS I Tht Canadian Gai Machine ilasu suie.- matin gsi-mslcing apparatua. hItisudesigu- ud asanu0bwhich tatories.mille hotels, 01=u8u, Ïwelliugi, or buildings lo suy kl.ud, sitnated luinthe couulr y or beyeud lise risci of ceal-gas mains et cies, may bo supplied with a safeasud cheap gu liuhse maciiines are imple et construc- tion net liable te get et e t erder, ragnirs ne iUtil te manae r ai uasbiu liai and drbemne.They occnp Utile $Pace are àit pt sialiexpena., sud are 1eqUaliaUpte.;fo lie tmg tthe larguut mil! Lstôry, publie buidig, or tise.-imeil- ýeut awelig ara ne nuw or umtriedting, hutisavre ein uconstant ant iineodaul lu al parti 0et icontry, bot winter and aummoc toc yearo. Tii. aeumatis by tuéemachinai la nsnally kowu s carbured airgai b ing cummon air impregnated vits gaieLn. I >borna with a rioii bilait dame 1 tully equal te tiat produced yceai gai, àsu cutt throughi ppuand ernumsuldturas, vitli thi samne conveulauceand uafety. No .dre lu ueed liii. pioceu ofet manufactunre, sud buildings lihad bylIt are intured at tise pâme ratai au hhougi coalSu a.wss usid. Tise cesi t ftua gSUfer lighI, equal -te one tieussul feet ceoaI ga., varies&<rm eue dollar sud fty_ cenite iowo diUrs,' -beugabeut ouae-hall lb.pie.etfceaigis. Thie mateall hem whicii go&is made by cur machine lu known commerclally as Sas. cliue, a neth, volatile etfpetrolonm. etimates giveulor lig an sd ieating buildings. Baths. Waiec Closais, Pamps, Gardon Founiains, Rnhhei Houe, Ga i. lxtore,lu >Bronze sud Ccystal, etc. Sole Manufacturer. Plumber, Gai sud St.am Fluter, 158 York Streot, Toronto. Valuable Farm for Sale. TownZ C'W 1 w f i6 suivino tarlo, *11e etf EOB41RT 100ACRS -Si LOT 3, IN M1 CON. AP 10pccBING. 16 acre is i~1e i a~~la*si itinuluder veR Mmbored'<rnout booo"g *i4Iil e W maple). Tisi la rrdsral leDominin Pallmuuhuet 3 for tise voot alouiluvery vahuuê Q' Billot Dvre -uma. haa4eu nebséïlm U$» usibad. lilrt b-Billpudl peou'leal the vllbcmall. l 4u-~ tbe oitu:a,.n et AieMPpAr. ln lm ~Ds~,U~S~*$in SSU At»M 1UO oPF[éB JI~8T4C Wbieh ms&ei tbat werd.tresunret" 9e strin D~ g et tuneful arpret- ssi~.i .11 en adelM~dn - solItude. T~ien, justi a. hie îria-tt Cash Aseete, dan. 1, 18781' of bt~htiUeorcj tahg uilbc (lY-IH ANNUAL EXHtBflf, oca, vitau uipelel 4irseui. cf tiei (8IIY-EIHTHdons- vinti stote $bc .-eçlh44l~g, pible, $ S 292 91.8 O er ou hem .14., teadniasg be hreti :a hich -;9 ,S, 49.ocupeootuhanppoi UWslsye eir"ueu~t, -"ofsta Mangedy iilfl Uduvileri su fo anisud api»sg anti waftingi nloLhs-o eo Slxteabsiffii n Y rs euee ts, land- for e of1le.sn&lim-op anu, l hIiem,î a might lng Finsa n ititutlons aga o uise ram eithte Couuitry. - AtI hç inouseut, as À,he c4,20.oa sp Thé Cash ludemnity-,DiebüttomePatrons. Attte glve isen.dsieck.oui b t t lma ~i man, aId Mr. Nowraîblp vhc aevrik- eti tei Over 2,000,000.00W I 1 e14 fate mgitetiïa irau< 0anopresouet - SW" AU business Trsaetd ou Principlasoaxtvsas ot ~tI 4y bat Itu gi cf Commercial Hennir. e hetl n e~tcbspsnllm C. NOURB, àuateiy ù b rutoc rt- tfie heasoeMre a, WIsilby, April 9Ou, 1878. Aeu leb- ui cbtSVOt. -- ia - - thui8 re*ei dutiouiI- fettr', onr WHITBY, NAý I, bic vlh diW ii aha1î ih Importe, Dialari sd Mnuacuir çLa tiinle, isli bl lU>' ho îu-Iîamie Ktasluf - tngar?2"I LETf ( ADc- FINDIN .8, IW ow týl MG ADE TO OBDRE ON 0e jel Mm7,1S7, SHORTNQLr.> -co, visen, u te tise CI !diee.udiai a. Iow iqý gre1u elthn,. -- But 4 l R4 if, goiti Wbieis nd p'iéieMât siver; li t,uba et., and Chnml0Ah Cr o ed=o ut Balet tisacor,! f sr cu~tll. iae 55AIIEDJ 7'Tise iawnlng0 mona~ ; si~ GENC r6eceient-bf ffloï ocks :174ID,& i - a4sT Age00., l- Au d oiied è of eue 00 the'i mmli, ,Ment hetl Lino intia~l .he s iI lvs, 041 £,ti li ?gent 1- - -lity ofthe pasiengaîsceliele o tsAol ca Sliait voyageti rnny_ dLtrpm Ilob, Y I 1c heir epumea te tise-,eiISeEy B II AMBICA 1 nmd mnýéte *â7_. wena wiliugliahe tdini cf tii Ion storm, 8suraPwe hbuis--Soinastretchet o tiee su - theuhad.wcf an..swiug.smakipg,,Tu INCRPOATE çaisdg, couvring-mg1t ave sBeau offs" 51,101,TZ) 8à .s, i lg Mkies 0f Hi dgua, aiuh thé=d Manaer. oin cuntansca oni >!iantah.en-b prapoly, gaint hau ortiamga 14ge vsis ôis ns oti age ud tis co e F. C. NOURSE ôýIé twentiya at uneS le ivtd us p I Insracesefect& Agtenwet Wiîtby unour acagf pson sd a tpe déo!lit. rate oBAic ldis, 1878. l sine t en ttrnAhatavrc, h l ôTisy is atb ie 0lmug *vq tIsa nuh W E yals T Es& r mae y - r. wark lutisa iev att&ive 80tcuo , isw lime tie yuthgnoiug athielbI o ASU A C COMPANY. ofîîm-li s, isaimeurlsclm vid wie >,ofd N!ityApilM,-88.16svunofgsimat a vapeut tapi IRCOPORAED 181. nansaulbe luvaen; g vgseng hi WEST RN v1us, in heswof e ei selvfr solise o!h o CAPITAL, - - - S8oooco he y glob !t1e -in, p )O -eISuku yt ej t tis sat s ASSUR ArE lC OMPAt NY.00000 f bthe fah, wlise abc id nd divn t S lectra, w t detbe haÏ~aohs'hie - F I NPRD MARINE. mg, ia ve puwting su ôaiou Alfo - paniana , ti eufes oarde .t he bf hu CeA fIceL-,orot8oo, On. aratloe oi ude' ura 1 bluyI teraav PîcRE ADesst. *trgý ow l tise p asse coi'i - isenu< H .JONMMRIH saonie !eunranesuwjpiarlatlilia li *BERNAED HALDAN, Mlaosaging Di;ectom- isir aflen mauy yesrs, te iaôccnmulatea'a ung 3. J. KRNqNY, . . . Secrefcry. oua o! tisose vast fortune. vishicis not. astrep JAMES PEINGLE,- Geesrat Agen. uafnequcntly lu uhoi ,e tmýs vero mc- wvue] 9W' îusnunces ealctet abthetualovesl cuir- qnieintuhue pounsula o!flise rini rates on Buildings, Merchandise, sud "Yem," ho mlt, after a 'long pause tise se ollmur property, againai Ion or damage by bat occunnedin lutieir convrsation, nigisi fine. C ORS yes, my yeung trient, il c jilsit itty caiue - Agent, «'bithyý. yeacm bsvr tcts ic tn r croassaethliseceapsifo ti 50 por au- amasse Whhtby, April Pli, 1878. h6 chuncîs manué', 'ir, wiYisot lî fient lu ulule. ______- ____ - - - ----thea ai scept one te vh4o I carifatv4s et lelicruça-f recommcodtion, and vla, panit as il isappunlei, proveil lia reversiofo s& p ne, Isavmng ne intueut te assist me.pas ~ s ~ stancesaoethle couniiyisehover, I sOon breali / attainatià siltion vieS I1 îetuloumhoy yard; 0, ic ovet. Again; sflor -au ýabsinaetfliki a bit àcentury, I radiimnynative nai h &IJRANC 1. sisores, vealthy anongis,Ihank fst, te vesa compota vitis llbut the veltlsies, 'aIele it LC : bearing viii me tise prout satisfaton hy gun COMPANY thîaî, inolapendeul et mankii, I yl ut I pas. o y declig ysa inhppyun- the:vo et trauimy ny vaunaiteeot-ioni.", beats IlHave yen many triens nt. l Eug. -hies land, air ?" aikoil tisa youug nian. "6A 66I1eau havi ai many au Il s," ne. apo turnedth ie othel,ttsÉ a pauio, anti in dritt Deposit with Dominion Goerumeul 6$0,- a curî, evaulve tlla. tui DM. Expenieuceti Agentesilinougueut lthe "Anti douibte.," uafd bisccopanti vuwa Dominion, ion,"'6 niany relatives, Whoo yUl bail bance- Pire Rfalts u'riften at Arlequaf e Rateïl. yauî arrivai vii delight aftec oc long a ham C. NOURSE au absence." châtae Whiby Ani Oti,158.Agent. vh.itiy. IlMauy I Noee Iexolaicoid the oit '.w WMtbyAprilOth, 878. inu, su a toni ý-et indifference. Thin' beit. aftar a pauti, turing vhili tise ouly ..In Sscnands audible vera tise monotonoup ithiug THAVELERS ba fth ise wsa tishe vessi's ha qui IIFE AND ACCIDENT conversatio, hiovi. nesuiig vithi Jus Insra ce ompl n à"Tise Governurisst, ain, .visa vicognizel o op n ,my serviceus lutise coulicil"-visau isi liugi va. iut.ruptot isy-.a couple of saioraslei 0F IIARTFOIID, CONN. sntdeuly himiug far*Ïaid, oeeof luto'M - vious, immediatehy, busying isulf a ligI Cash Assets, - $4,316,000 vitis -oue oftheii opas near haut, batlsi .d, yoli le g.ulen11111à utere Cash Surplus,- - 1,214,000 a"~'~~n e gae of:l fjUbravi g, anti vi area a - goLug te takeif sal i de- ulul DesI o! Sccunity. A. hieospoe, anti sviffly clumbenet atiseE Loy Cash Rates.. Up the batero,tie crov, uudonly potutanire I:tbralDealng.Strict Management. in -moticn îy thea booasvin'u Pire anti peuhi An Untaniased Record. tise uoice o!flise captaiti, huzibt about te$a- Sold asu a Rock. lise tecks sut up lie igging. ThQ u s y pur sailIt lready liappiti lu the Port-Peunn Lif an Enowmnt o1:-Ie,- tory gust cf tise tempsi ; notbinua v u ccif Lifeali EndlwMnt PI'ceý, beard but tise racopling of fiel, antiselft t of ail ateansd duirabie ferme, ou the Loy- tise voltes efthtie-coin calll gte enela yes, a Epic Cash Plan. Cietraci plain sud dfi- otiser while engagea iu liair issy et- carry nute, sud vaut d aims prrn I ' cupsiion. bouts Aoni, SE it " 'Well, it vilI se senietising te have $'Be Wisitby, Apsl 90,1878. Aet li ,experleucati a ternado, ut lesl te me, glor - ______________- -for vcn, docubtiess, have vltuesueti rats,1 bulntrets oe! tisei," saidthtie ycung a til TMPERIAL LOAN AND INVEST- inu. * i garai MENT COMPANY.Ta. " o t o nt aisaAifret' ceturu- - iiq -h tise mien vere ;nst, on tise point xiking off, anti, jump in uteber, * <oudlîlma bii iontiug lise ity wvvs, ainti baarlàs aay frei tise reut ativise.- eéy hal a rmetiabisot àa couple cf 4, Éoslbly, isiën tl iseviilappui-., mm;anti 'a,ftalutlino et ýdavu, v the eauloin horizon, cout ar ify llg1ituod thisa se. 'Hilierto atprciedilin cemplete -dark- ànd- nov, focithe finsitrute., Alfrut ilve sbt tise boatwaeuoqfrewded,ý I ivetiea Yôriuga iid iase otagng ru. ~e parilbUlu ntise fée- isowv&,bu ialàtiau a overble m#, and âsiùUs uci te onoot6fthe- na uoer,*hére sutan oaru;tls, le mliê'lgeM<ha b a-W" the the WiSndc hïblJw~.' 6a if sts o e ofubloui lhte tae,~j oa itetsn' hte te ng h wayte tse aptain, asv Yeuoaahl lre pomuê, ifhe srriedtise ê'ai aafhly inocgtU e. î,~~~~~~u su li ts vn o a su-ép Jlkn ha d Wc£di totf caubn . " mila tvbotsad pounuls ta kue ionthe pri iltu teser,a ciseg," ere h ii ca tetiia.bupseul ant ng oui ety tisie frlarcst fgssnlc n* if lay lae Ibis caain, you >ae tmse cnewu lrge bomet lif sir temebi udtsae-a.ausned the m, anilntheai, autise shý i sasd y o! -, uees-maIe wd sptrieoeut alu, deuuolded te thsa cabin, vise sarg o!ofthe bvinti u;lftishono- s.if din ronetyisîheat, hi. wecyn <JIXAPT cew witl. b flt naul& lia. o deassforpenias oupler raibe thgneutcro ramung vien tetas , anddd is awakusuoyfae j, aniorti hu his eertihi. cen- anaofs, ha oun ste hmualf ring lut gale f h dseed aktcabin, wthure ls.Feing o h i ay 1te oen.- usn aiesumid a dluecfispery auil andsened ite tii daok, heu aura inaueunifiau ter, ow iedt ibl la n bain ee, ia yrd ws oudW îumainin as lohia eos,o thle Asky vaslbiack wth ls Fongisî vilte atiheicint so tiserhurnisa drage owisprau, aig violenci, re the deklareu Clh wien iog e tefsclteautit ,làeayeo biarbeo ndslte ycoi lie OIb'remngie tmps of spray osa. viiis wicasu mneblck in- it, sud -liwo ailgisandluturvai asew seuorsicenragi etweeu in. Bng vf inebilosEeoig lfoc- ha peeive s ogviste t iaymsii sèti dtue fren is pr o f is 1,at sbud asintan ae temeifsaty. ist, it strhkon nhfoudwaserapit-, ad, g.andmint letis caitevt kavs, àpruuhetly ulhulPingisisr- oiheu eo ei ! ia alonswitewisot a emasedfluowvueriblaueo ia, e, sud waistucl ifiy code inin. y i ta t he r f.id iIaveh r, set, c n uaisue îaiseadofseinsipfathe sclash id o one cf isé dsm'd g note sean strit hisere ana tny mfe hato iu tiseodud sfu hu ks ulo'll b. l pe ce.. orne, bsc lod ar; -the beau anasur nls t ,a oee tise opairockuine I use tirailu.;If ,yoaarete ny yer n vate iavèsudmae teni, ud .e tlien, sbemn peet cmanci iug tes tisa iniakte atorca li ]e tIeusn o 4s isa tbe svhic e ee entatin, ree I-g ith luin tsIfialMn.haerauis> etgo s yo o 9t tsa eîttand uik co'upa aiLeailonsstndw ig e. jet tie ,adman, wsopoint cring ilh, lu wlîichs l nppcsnd ho aa ug t them, lu atten tao!ea i vot ils pioari -. ort eu I o pro ise vynae, louat ied lur bngili fos i sud my-'i a iol o the sud uçisoanudofgtisa hate, l usa naine t avn." esc, sn huicu"sattiet ai Bdly bis one, aundugewelo. wa- ilg sudhe ifnacceottis -ofi endan. ire, cea prmee u a ho ea" a n, " ie tse o Ifinsu, oeiliari gn hai sddmstnedaitis y i on-"th,_andmehie laifthre a. ;hatIncthe ay tisf e ro." esithabavo, aiused my lifel iila ;tng! un;il vute . aw al, an cim e Inylsui thbote dns dieutcemi," e te et, r"t- îay, no, noy,"I in mue l muo id tise esvychs u hal adat hebol sud, taucnlngutise taheli e P.- Tise moment il ac he tise. One Lina tbise Meunwertby >'esulta a! lie inqujules Instltutew >'.,thse YehIow Faven Ceinuaton in tiii unauimul>' cent outbhialo uiemu teemlo1y- il "lOOIr ' cuesu op taesefacse Foa-ilscrySeasut-ionbrk onliar la~i notp -uli but tise_ eurty asat ant f Mes e! ihegrai vatanrs tiionghi iiisha minBWe. li. -wsav lo- vait. achuter cf bhack- ,rot-,.wiose! cèrete' cemainaul -cansatyN>visible above theae A. sd wviii.attai- sa desperateandetlong astaineti.>effort ha, reachset].Clameuing. tb tise iigbesl c.! tisese', 40.e hooket acrpes Ithe .watary wastu, lU tisa1 hope of! hailug soceotfo his e aC Ozumns; aglane., boy- over, -siovet i m tisai h. vâai hofo the héot'a criwsN id'Tise usai o! tisllaut, au h apépear0d, vasil, '1 msilea citant, and tIse o.hascas of rueli. ing it suainet vIl 'uigh isopelois. Ha' vas elebating vils isilf w"eiierli sisauhd i-main on tisa duitilata noe!, in lte fissfsigulailing a-ahi, ,on vanture once'more setes tise tre~ interval ba tweeu hum aeutttIsanad, visen ha par. ceivet] a piauk floating ai a littia dl. tance, sud ut onee pluuglng luito tisa sua, lie vasfortunato enongis'ta rancis il, sut .oan, - uppo tilt b>'it 'bo- suY, <ouedn lucfuitma1i!, movýly, *ais I boy miovî>', but surel>' approacbiug tise vialaud-tai- shore.- Alread uisured o! autl, he vas; swimnsing torward, gahisutly münutiug escis peut vave, andti oSmoe than isuntret yard.sfrein tise ,,Owbasi n ic hae boardti tlehantai f etts urget. vhen u sucialy a usunumin* of vatar overybuelmiuthlm, wmtilng mvay lie lhank cunvisicis ha boatieutet. Again, fer s tima, biotalud himielt uvnimLug. foi lita;; toun vave atter vave, lu capit aucoeaiio, roUet ovar hun, sinotisarng Iisiu lu spray. Tise sounuisappeanat ; anti a laciphesu prey ta tise remoraelaai waters, ha suuk intaunuconacieuineeu.- Hav long bis trauce labtedthtie navur! coulti cltermsse ; but visun returniug canseieuaoeaî visitet i hs braie, asotlha opee isa yas, h bondt imalf lying bigh, np tise beatis f a boy serrating a rooky-ehoe, unter %aritge of higis chffe coveredt i ts an d drapiug toîlaga. A feeling o! deiàntunbeus silîl pra. vadît hia fruebe; bus thougihss anter- et ; au intense igt-tiat o! tise son i-iing ovin tisa mustern vaers-dazzlet iseu vision ; snt. as yetunucantain vise- tiser-bis canfuiet ixupresinens wace net atili tisofe a treain, lie ente moe eleseil bis ayca. Ates' a litîla, ho waa anouset b>' a munt nean, like menu- tains, bliavedt iimiel! s t)l j a vision. A girl knalt on tise pant, beubte hlm, eannestly gszing on hIs a tunteumute the visil. uSe telS at hie henni foi signe e! rettrning lie. On tise yellew saut, 8lmoat canoeaUllg ber boson ; ou baer bsad sevoie a cisaplet et dowona; baer asali feeu vere baie, sut ber cul>' gars ca'naiistetiocýf s robe et, cotten stuf muais varn, visicla, igistenetiabuat han litho vaat b>'s ri eo! silices grasses, teacie t tericankîca. Alfred îprang upon' bis teat, sut pauwet forth au incoereent rhspsoty e! gratitude sat] admàît~ion,wviicisa sacond'u refiecîlon Oliovwedt hl uhoe touhl nol*côumpreisnd ; visen, bey- ever, laie ok ber haut'gently and kise-ý et il, usie thauket hlm vith a cisanmiug susile, alîaving hlm la retain It, viih ber heastteclinati---leaida-long, inoilast grace on hec sisoulter ; tIsais, 'afttr a panse, entanet vusvoluble livuhines lu la a convarsiation,.of wvise lauguaga ise compreieudnàdt otlcig sut lise music, Sut wviohvus'reunderet]puntialhy - intelligible b>' ler geaturea, tuoo wiitb lio gatiserut Jjtisai aise bhoardtheii crias of!mnn!in a ahipvr.céked vaessal in tiso praviýbson 51, had remained vsuderieg on tise bianish ail night, sand, vion the son rase, bail*oui to thea ago p wherealha had laie, vaubet la 'b>' tise vuve on a apar tle viththha ba chung, visicis, aIs todt vere aie hati lifteat htuguinat a rock near, iii tbon ipproathet, sud, vitli innocent grace,- scopresseil ber ipi on it, au tîmoughi te expiass ei-gnstitute .ton its boing lise Li0505 o! hie pnaierr'atien Pcoeutly Alfred pointei inîut, sud ilu pante- mimaeumadealher untanatau.t taiha viihato hearu if, tisacountry vas lu-. isabiletd. BlIei noterateet dm ah once; anti making littihe spart, andi naicing a oiclo round hier in tisesut,, îtoodi îlona, iaising lher amin t he in, thoen apriDoDlg forwsrt, vils a conutonance beainig vils jo>'e seizit bis handtonceý mono in teken et compaulonuh'ip, anti fthisith tommoncédt t,e leui -lin &long lise sauts toi a spot viere, ba- tveen lvc -higis vdfoilt cU, a palS opntloto a pireu covomet isiienicr c0t tis iilIluat. Mils lu Thtla, Alfredt ltlirneit a lithoe Arabie, anti, au hiy traveilet along, it vas net vitisout a'utrauge di- ligisl usai, asbe' ütèo luo t issanti lissi objecl, visit uSe icmitdiatel>' leaing vas veriflitl-in>' ii object l- C.si tlore gaenil. thé 4ead 'R SAY,- ASK ,v oiedl rown's )0 tme sudo«n Orhard, Ont. ,b, do tumn, id ?,Whithy, Ont. RY & LINDSAYE E TABLE. Jul>' lot, 18M0. a.mn, 6.45 pi.s Wopks, îaêk, siti rail, orhby evmu4omrp- sbc vfsg, Re g. Scnoh-work, VENi 1a. tc th uearisug-huîe 0ou oue cof LUiss aion- ablisfiDate aiCiiag. Hiesasiciri- b)>' puieten vifi thee charma o! Agnas, sut immethiatel>' enterét inoauegctii. tileu vitS Barber for dise. icdleothe peorg, offâriUg hlm a lange euin ei moue>'i e(Barbai-) mnouti essisi hies lu bis buse tas&igise.. Basi-rceeseuteol, ai dia< aime bis vite. Itgus aetlau e tieion tuas patof tisa e r>'toa au gruat leugths. Tise uiliet cf Lie wlaole uhiig-vas ta Ages.uîfuer ssany aîp- pools ta Barber sud bis vwife to eplilt ho iLeir baie plans, andl tise>'not tskiug an>' notieaofhein, oenigisisiilsst14' atahe asitftise hise,_ andlmade ber wuy te Detroit, visera se pracuroîl cama- ploycoaui in eue o! tise beloihofo! thsit Ctty. Andt hainstise satilesi pus-t af han viola ]le. Sim o casie.-sequonet * ils, s young isannamiti Mauito' Me- cone-,Wiisauali ta hahong Il' Hssnl- ton, Oet.,. sond a--tahigrapis aperaier isy profession. Tlisa esulhi a S aqusint- auto vas baerrin, for tlis vietois, a!- - ter setincing Agnas undun aauhoe-mu proiisiof mar-iagoenui>' deserteil lier sud lut Detroit. I& vai supposet] tisai ha vent te Ruilant], Vermont, anti Agees tetercoinot tt oîlov hlm thera. ,B>' Saturdu>' niglt'. trainfretu -*a vest Agnos asuivît l ueni, bsaringli earman.as thcpled.!stecl 1111h. bey, ise ri-alO o! lisr snifty lave., BSise rern ainet in the CtyUnt>'iiihaut nigii, vian se Iaoft for Ritisud. A lhnilling spectatla isai biaiscois- tnivet hf-Sars 'Bernhadt, tisa gréat FrancS actraaa. Bshe--ha. beau aisi- curable ii2vait fan som in ie, asui, avare uaa secannet live wchdsIug- or, 5ba s a lsraltplotôgnaphith ie -Ceffin lu in is uSe lie tob,, bnciJ. Of course emvii> lbed>'kueva fisai Cuooe vas once iniabiteu b>' tise Riomùanst timati>'aucient ne- mains oatie 'formûer ,wlve hr ists-e r ailîl ta hi sean. '-Ba3t it i. not sa gie- rail>' kuovenliat àalire ery- i. lue-atedl on tiseruine cf tisa palse o! Agrij, Aflen a yean's investigation a! dse books cof tIse Ubiteti Ststes Treacur>' b>' tva campaetexperts, visa have bisl: ample ait, tiare isu ut boas a dieces'-ý ery ot an>' frant., or corruption, on eus- baîzlemants tisera frein 1789 - ta 1876, save lu tva cusa vai nown ta-theu an'tisorifiea. - - ' Tise isurcirofet S. PemrnnCornwall, saidte ho hie second etutlu Englant] fisijust, beeu mecpened. ýTie -font ai vico, a tîsoussoti year9 àmgo, Getision lise Dane -vliom Altratthe ateutci juu efestet aI tiuôi'éts, conqnerng the peste o! Wutinori---vas baptizeil, mtill etsnts'ie Altan Churcis. Tisa original Mormon Bible i% iu possession o!f-Mn. Wiittker, o! RBich- mont, Mo. Orson Fiatesot afirstm Smith, lisp tva diguiitaries ef 8nlt Lake have ben visiting Mn.'_WýLstiao o the purpose o! ýpuiehaiuatise rehie osf Mormon hiatoqý-. Tise>' intothse 'ohl- ure v ei-aservet], asu rteu n li beutitul, cluair isand, but tise aviser re- fuses ta paît witi h a s>'pice. "Tuao," sait a young lady, vise wuoi poasesset et a fine voico, '11 san clieu uskeI ta appeau lu public, ts-"uitý visai ?" obsunvut aé-friand. '%'eii,' ahi naphiet], "1,aboulai neyer bts able cu sutain iii>'part. I asto60seesil>' te- composet." A coalier - relankat] Sur Utile mon osi four yaars foc playlug in a sable sayieg lu vas- ne place forisu. RHa.replutd 'Wli7y, inca,, if thé stable- wvue goot1eleogIlfor Je 11 Wte Sabernent iii, I absoul tii wvasgoba cueugli for >me te pIslea" -l'Obs, dean ; I meaut ta mmnd youn glove," Mit Mus. Joues, as .Mr. Joue drev on a glo vitieut any>'-end tte tise flugmu'., ou a >çohù morning, And joues, WviSd net. retovered fromttisa loolge meeting ithe lgiibtesasit], "Iacceptis e'Inirunt." A vonu pgt tii-nit *hile ôooliug at Portsmouths, Va.,* sud feIl bell fore- mostinjte a tub ot vatur nemi-tisesteve. Han Seat vas tiiolsnac, anti tise, n- rusinteir o erenuroî,tu tetai, liser close taking fire.-- isis ýlabet evacuationg on thesuap- poaati site c! muclant Tic>', Dr. SBoue- haîn )mu eemu tiggin «g AM wugitvh ha _douciboasabillous oftielm et cockles anti iussias. ,h lu ver>' ditSi- inIt te account for tise preunce cf tisas marina reoains lu aneis a locait>'. A gentleman lu Dublin ibais ugsted t4sat dyeg usa>'have beau cmr4spd op. at T5ro>', sud tise ;slla. mmy have Con"_lu md fiaS frem in vilpihe dy vau xrmct- ph. Ita cf Ty. vs a me frous ar- Ipin piulflh nt ie rcum s> T'uarmlnagteuitreeZle .Eeg. to --s. -- &- L_ argwo It aram

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