Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jan 1879, p. 3

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, 1, OeLwUt f a uerasceu.muOy, e-ut be oOpb5IOB 5. dorlb.d s'~PeolaI. A WondefýUrtDiscovery.' and! aU diseegusth&a o t f, snrob si - stubbavn cUgiIu, le lcte! 0ohric Jlrouchbitif,gay fever., Aà hliCePm* In th aide and ainst, dry lracking oougir, diseae of tihe Irretandee!lUngeý, Du. Krrce'e 2zw DOpCavmaR Ishou oequal and hs. eos&bUihd rq oi tI wl r vide r-i$hau. X -ie$lo piy. alolans reée!pmoi AŽà o h prees havi çompl4ent, il ire meut' gloawatga \ ta MOu! auIdf àà w ë ~freai-Of la" d1 lai àfor $1,00.- For Sale by S. 0B iit, 6. Wirtby.[ Aoàcisu-. aIl know vIxA if the; w.,o ac ur-t perfetaekaavadgo- ata~ue -t ssy pp her remedylires ibeen allèotoeverîéd.ta Ibisday ta equlit. i'rOm 1Ih. tndj f-nand rîidare boat cfliii Hoar-t, .eplgciorg intorrapt- ,ed and ieebiîae$ion oai htirt rgen, de- mouptr-sted là a varhaty of casses, Fol. laws' OoroiuP4 SYnrp ofHypopiras. hîtis lkùo*, *uuéïr1a paverfli trao aWlIeck's Theatre, New Yor-k, lu famant for- Ils-uifrordhnev-yprécison. Tis le due shtirely -tr Thomaes Baker, an Engihîrimanl, Whrbirs coudulotod it, 10v yevs. M. l'akr used ta uffer terriihy tram nbeumatlsm, but nov is sas suppie sud nhmabie as a schoolboy. hue ascribes Ibis lrodom, as ire ougirt, la O11es' Liniment, lodird. Arnema. For- sa3ogy8. W. B. 5 'ith & Ca., Whltby. Sdby &Illdrirgglsts. Bond for pam.- phlet. - Dit. GILEB, 45"-iltii Avonue, N. Y. Trieri ize 25 coutels A'N -AUTHORwrT ancBL.Icx Lý'v.- Barry 11111, lthe tmous d"uport,lesaid ta knev more about blak eeko eshan lthe brigihest brunette lu Amer-ra. He Ira given anui takon hboiuanis li is time, eue! hoesoys tiret tire only tig wihll viirureove hluoruilut*elvo hotil I c'LIninnentWIode .Ame .n- Wa Fer- sala by &. W. B. Smithx & Co., ' Whitby.- ol!iy all dr-ugglsto. senS for paru- pirlet.Di. Gui.EB TrlFlo~4PL Sîxtir Avenue, N. Y. For public speakers ' or &ioger@s, Gray'@s yrupoh B.dSpr-ce Ouma viii 'ho ond invaiuabli lu prBesnttug ýtira drYnesu ettiremrauhr t!hretcern- plelneedO t boie viio bave useS tii. ordinery oungh l)ionges or troches. John Andr,*, Eq., PWafessor o! la. cuLilon, Motîreî remarkos tit Ilirs been ; essutial nuse laimnisl!, sud lhr.i h. bas an many occasions luduose! îiubllc:sigr to noc-,l, vira bave Invar-. ably exriied hiescives. delfkb:ted- viii lia effèots upan théirscoo. 4i1-8 Forllj)uýoem f ai e iai uieu, îràcuyrYpLOu a as t lire heed of lis 11s..Il tis- aaiwhhunpiecedéuteoesucens Lth Internandaie exterohlhir. Il cures ru, ilad, retl. Dites,; by T.-G(L WhitloiL, WiIby . Fr -sl ,Euclen'a Arnica Salve. Cuts, DrubsesSoes., Ulcers, Salt Rireuni, Teller, Ohsppse! ýHande, Ciii- blcm., Coprs, ant I al kinduoet 51cm crmptions. ThlsoSatlve-Is -guùarjnteed té glys perreat satisfactian lu evmerassor -or mnoireyre<trnded. . Pr-les25 centsp pr- irox., For sae. Iy 8S.W. 13. Soilhr Ca., W4rlhy. HàovdYuÀsàPriCTRArÂ.LeLAX la composeî of thuc mont helng belseni sune! gunis. Tire IIhsrsvli ntmiIs courpo. uiio .w«O m used by i he mauvye - vban Americe vas tinst diaçovere4d ,a4are oqni-. blueis iti aller vegoal ous re cd legetluîr, iaI il t spohle for ahl ai- lectiaus fi 1 the troat ÂGd hunigs. Thon- seudu of boutles are used aumuy, sud it je connlder-ed ans ai lhe steudsrd.pr'ations of theday. Firr saes by T. 0h.iriee!. Wlrltby. Thre hilumys arei subjeet ta à vunlt t dIa»ger-ans mi!pjinfub digeeso, ,ing Of VuctI Encire scud- VvA , iese o.- fectioâ,ýmaîbe om d tîm 'dise..., cessfulhy cambaede by luso popular iemîedy whli I inor sale by, slldoalero. Prie., Ver patt. Por msl by T, G. Whtftl, VIcToutni CUrrerarCornràrt-,1ToeONTOP Genbelre,,~onhr~~g iystatéeuct e shlort tint gas tla thli atliaclary e. subis fr-cm the. ue cfyour Ccoeis SieUr Or or EopiroSPuuI v l for-lier- ede!thal fresi pr-cosciticheouine bmiis conferr- Qci ou patienté reqnrloig Il r s anlty corolOtunýéT iy cbservallonu; païiles te _lo~by . - . ç4ed I rv.i sien liméth, wIi tii Sos p est lluelkinlnens Ackucwledged the relief they have expori: eucod aue!irunmre canssh-avessoetre tba t al shne has savait, tiroirlves. It gfves rmmch lessure ta aue y an lia I ousider- your tyrdp, lthe V16T'OeheHvr'o- thorer e ieLroparattou ItiSir iru ~renus>rny r~for DebilU a.1 ji btr oVr~oiéOu~n deghi -Phirm stette loiriît., 1for nlq iy T, . 'bhlfild, Yihb and ateetca rfrpcl0 ceni8 îaclc. -. DEA.THS. - r IRVING -OA the 9Sud-janluay hsr ;epldenqe, LongIeDao,PiIq-ig ane L l%, ile piDe - te.T - o Irvnlu hor- 78:ye.r. A uqtivêe 0 enta lsoi~d, -90814U.. " 'S wI-lns.- nBtiue -vit OMOOermO. U U.-0oId only iu Paokesaelble&î-"lp8o E &Cd,. AVAl». Ir 0au ho e offeingfrom tire orrors L"WM sendaýreu l , ' Mmyo;, FBE0OF OH&EGE..B e~.rr4 wau dlimver. n a~1slurl'ot ýAmorica. Bond -A »Ilf-180,ss4 ovaho bt1th. E4v. loaxPET., lu. uiz"oU.-X A Bible Hooa, Net.York City W M2TRD, IMMEDIÂTELY I 20 bua. GoodAlke Deliver.dat W. :. Gîbson'. Whtby China Tee Store. <1MASS MË.ET.ING. TOWNSPPyuE Gub TOWN HALL, - âOÛic J ?luUDA Y, TII -4Oi 2'INSTANT, sttreirour of 2 lrkP.i. ai orguizlng eFemermslltIi lre TovniiaiofPlckerlngmur! msaàot tlon viii ur inleresis as fAereaiof Very reliporlence. 1 Me7,.t é~11% r~~roteD nlinion Griu2,E.Eedr!,Torènf0anaue oliera aro expectee! toa 4dress theatoin- W;M. RUBBARD; L'ilrmsu COLON PHILIP, Sc iC~' 13oiiem e.ltir, 1879. ,TO'OO,ÇNTRACTORS. ~des&othe.un esl re,-r e ete& c not later han nn 120ifot."for BRWOK BQIIOOL BUILDING, Sbatiou lNo. 8; tunr Union Ce.mstery,DEast Drehrs&o., May b. noen,aud uecusar lrafor=tiatn may b. obtsinod s e i.o2fce of No tender wlfl of necesxlly k. aocopted. H. B. DAUBER, archutoot, &o., Oshalwe. Oshawa, Jen. 18th, 1$79. Io iierel!, -given thM t'ho. ANNUAL<.00ERAL -MEETItId- 0f tii Sharoholdeosof the. WHrnÉYý PèRET PEOY & LINDSAY yuil b. field st the Office of the. Compeany, in the Town og W-H ET,î ou- 8au~rthé Firaî daV~o e&îai rre.t, . ai the. hour of Twehve o'clock, noon, for the. olîclion of-Drectors eue! for other pur- poses. $5, REWAIPD1 Wihisy, Doeco eati7/P.âo o okl, coulaining four Pié , Bl /$cOrhe DalrBille sud 8Siver- Tii.~ ~ ~ ý cLce s-etivIi aidl irns n- i6 lurulng lie saue to aiML.'M&DAPORD Audley; or, ta MES. TROUAS MceAtBE' E-t ~.4j O tir 7. o O cb o, 40~ r ci,') O ~ .0 40 ~ o, ~ o G-~ O- 4', O Q - o, 40 g1 -~ "'3 o j-, '-E m '-i ~JI i r' GRAY'IS aè~dN~1 l" --T43; GMnAV J 3 r" s 3 dS nv su nuý git ne qunoe of 8eh.Al4uoo fa km o imry luiveri a an 0 I 12 im ml. er 'JuslVorCu Obu uelapremature Grae 5 n vrmulueour pamphlet, vhhh odétr 'Mo ilnlabymll d "ce ftbl e or vrm in basent ref y maqýü biteutaô*Ysy aY d- drglgTEGRAYIMEDICIXÉ CO0., Windsor, Cnt, Canada4., I.5 Sole! lu Wlrltby iv m&a drcgslti&and iy ahi violossle sud retelldru, l ,vqrrxtre lu Càn&doý sud tire Unitced Ste. FOA ýsAM.Z Y TMPRVBMlM5~ih lb. Ã"eél T j A YT HE 2 iNST. NOTICB TO RDTOS' O1 lm LAT& OtmqBepu, re "qui ofESZD of lii momts f troi ams aon tir.* valueOOf thea..ountoes (if ,~te lu "nauit Of throco,=l ww.;& termu ofth"suot1cthsy mb.e mptorlIy the. ale deceased or any :art tireroof upn :dsriuion tb. ernae nutte me! lban.theaoetors shhU not b. lable for tte useassi.or aflYot th ," ul 7-ght s cai th=TIONStE no A tUA !!e :b f sITdis Undmr eue! by vlrtue ofa I Per ai sale conlaluee! in a certain Mortgagevucvi befo.uAcfdatt ine of sale, sudupnvci de &ieutlne er rsbeen nied, lier. vil b. sol&sit lie Hanilton Houte., l i village of Beaverl0ona- Salùrd&tr'k AForrtlt* Day .f Jýmuaiij ne~iA. D,, 1879, At 12.80, P. M., iithe fohhovlng Vaince, Lanrd. snd Promises, vit. :-The Saur h alf ai Lot Num ber Tirée lu the. FMtIrCaices. @fou ofthie Tovuslrip of Tioreirli e Couuly eo a rio, contaiuing$ne d"dr Ares, more r«s lent. This ha *st.elsss la 0acrs utlvatecl; buildiingsgoa&l, 10 perceénWthie purciremea ymos' bo pal! l siiet lime cf sale. Termm lu ad knoovuet lime ai suie,., .. For furthrr pas-iculars apphy tola - Vindor'. Solletýtra. Tarante, Dec. Plir, 1878. - The aboe. sale stands edjouruci!ta SATUWDAT ' E FIBT DAY 0F Fu:btARY NEXT, et lie heur of Tva f'lock p. ni. LEY& B PAB", Vendcr'a 8olicllors Tororulo, Jeu. Othl, 1878. (te! -VOTIOF. TO CREDITORS 0F Thte crealtor1 of Ellza Ranilln, late nf tire Ta cfWltbyï, luthe Conuty of Ontero and TroviWc a Ontario, wiio dled oo or _bautà2tà 51W. l eoe.be078c are ulseCI on 0*berz ,3a l mlrln.è A. .1870, ta end b cpot, pr..paldto 3 Ï04R GRRENWOOD, ifoicitar, Post Office Draw« o. 11, Town of Whllby, or ho leave vlti i hm ai hie 1ev offce- tireir Clistian aSu names. addresses and description of the, lua! pertîcolers ol erlalip191, e slamet4nt '0of qreir eccounts aje thienatue ithe Czriùlq, f ii> iei tbeýtem âjinit e te; oin«defenit betrete l be voreosoryelua fro lie breofit fth esarx'sato auyparttiiereof,as upon adistiributlon ofthhe !fo,e#opt thire oiles eutil dtheretc, tihe ezecutor of ber WiU vIl iy'have r.- gare! 10 sucii aims of Wihilcih iries thon notice endeal l ot bo Uiné for iýe t35ets, or a&dP ailhereof so dlstrlhut.d, teauy persou o vhose daim ho iras M i hadtice at thie time of aucli distrlbntloù,.-P#Vfruani ga th~e lier. tat. fof.,/a. M0,a.3. J. RAME GEEENIOOD, SoMtior for JAMES 1LMNDXsl1e WibY, Su Jan'y, 1870.,- <lin-8 Notice ia heroby givon tiat lhe GÉNE»PAL "ANNUAL MEETINiG of e Shereiiolders cf tii. sbovnamed Oaraiyilhl b ihe! ai tireoeof G7Yé à t Seven q'clock, P. ni. YB -FED, MUDGE, Manager. WVhitby, Jan'y 1M1, 1879. (2lur.4 xM4.rGRAISrY, 'dùnehiýlutire Latent Stylos sucob as Curle, Polo, vilq~en, Wgns&. ', ý r ït re wrd. An $~ otes from Brookst., hToro lato.orli ladies of WhrIsyu a doupugeo6 gAU alordor*ý tii.e aroIb ofa I Me tyre:,frocko. ti; m lb. pro- p r iuotýu itWended'ta. P~ ~~ ~~ sellclnga teod, eue! every tmive e vieorlg 10(j A DAY TO AGENTS.-Semehig PUnevw. tftve &d-AIE. ou" WCO., 190Mui et.Q 'BIGFAT *selng aur Ruer Prntg smç utd*4i*res, MaN- - L"Ii Coaj Manýtlel' i~ n Montri, Que. (am-S tire BxpFcom Office, la let. Apy ho GRO. B. FULE, 2- Express Office. Va#ti&ble- 1ea# -Est7te TOWINSHIP 0F BEACH. SAEB »VI 7Ù4 187.IbailON te. -i appUctlan wlI)~orusg, for aunA of1u corportion autircrlzwr tiro can poit ou Georgia ay etvà uCoUIWg. eCouiy o hoe~ il i i. aUidh fë è qliV y and r n., 'c- Nii, G ýA ýitjdI ii itd T ei>wS -~~j U --. : a a - - . - - - A~~ cCC15eseçC 1IT 9-.7 -b. >¶ V d h hNIiîADV E RT f's EM EN TS. -M ~., .. r LE2~MLY GRCERIU t, -S T- 1V Sweets for-Ohristmas.ý Loose Musca teél,ý Loünco14,Layers. -M-bxi5ït ofIon on $25?Irfb Spanish Grapes., u~ S. Amonds,, Ç' M, eAmoén d s, - - -~ ~Mr Almonds, 0hoie Java~a&~Iea»,Coffe ôtefnstq h -JIX n tQ orded. Fiinest Essenceaý of Lempn, Manillp, Ratify, &o. Finest Whole Select Olovcii.; Finest Whole, A ,FULL A$SOfTM]NT, 0F- Pastry, Fl.our, C. r.Whtet Ge #lour, o. Meal &C. Ham., IBacnTongu'es,- .Saum 'PRICE LIST 0OF TEAS. The inet G4n Ts, - . . 80 cântu. Extra (Jioice GraeeuTes, . . - 70 L î Ver-y fine Green (reoommnded), 60 Fine Green Tes (speislly recommnded), 50,. Fine MeiumGraen, . - - 4 Sound-,Gieeu -Tea - .. 80 ;-'* ST ]Ç tI4 FFBLACK TEAS Extra np Blaok ,Tâi(Engli hBreafst), - 75 c Pte IaleTe, epdi4yrecommendeâj, où j FieMediim$1soT~ r - - 40 Pnr Inie ~e fruxAsseansd Darjelling Vaiey.- V I 4. ilJAMESON, I i ,~ r -i 1 'eas in Younig yson, OoDgous and Japgàý;,*bi e e s~lingat -rduoioon GTange 'Priôés, aý ààféIW - aung at aredu~ction4*-*fba per Ibo., for 8Oc.to 50e per lb. 1aix eel qÙànUty, @ 25o Z 50o per lb., wortJl;_Qo pc 5r b 1 ,eiÏ article li ithe Grooery Iine grestly reducedl i price. 'CMHNA, C1ýC'Et1&P* y k{ c, EP. iThe generai piùblic and-the (3rauge-re respeotfull ivited tcail and inspedtq ~fir ~~lsere. -vr à dýty srck-tké F ~ ODOMINUYW '-WAREROOMS LUWVES_&POWELL îWI~iî 'ILtINERY, 4hl"W re i eli'v TbeIlve ç- g-,adlditiona ,to XMAS ÇTOcejiieS at reduced prices. -MIiIniTiIo rin g ;n d 'Dress-making -to order. LOWES &r1,'OWELL. tii i. il ) ~ tCTINERYSTORE, Having ucae the-entire tock of J. G. McDougall'tr iop, I hgtveddr . uelr lot vý r choiee Candies, -vhich aro vèilr 1ý 4inw 6'rupenrot 4~iy PATY ADTHBAES aÙad other Copy BoakeBr;ln ol lipper-Patte'n*s, Fanoy Goode, &C. SRemember the place-one door north i f Jo hnston,'S' WhiitbyD,.litlr,.87~ .X~i e iL il, lFmINR ASSORTMENT -0F BOOTS 8 ND SUOS Ladios sud igentlemen cen b.snpplled vith gmue af tirehàrel jat nIe'd pxrrrpttud. - - - i NTTE-W OGLLINU. 8~rty ghn C tt , a r8,,, 0O N V AN' S CARRI4GE. FACTOIRY BROCK- ST., WITD V, V1ERY CHEÂP.' 1&~ETEmm. Y Bygettngyour Photo takE ETîllý ZMGoE STREE! the. eés 1On t twmt al sdlcior ait of cocaemoey, ite!d * kol-ttreday ofsaleshah! unis, with the ten ut r 1 T,*. 1 ar. >ny vil be r-., ha tire dayaf rditious cm b. Dear Sfr uliti, Veoe!or's farM8tau -Tii. ereet Forth AmerlesurRemcchy for CouG7i T,> COLD8, ASTEMA, .BUN- CHMTS, LOSB0F VOICEfr-HOAÉSE. NESS eue!TRA A<TO Cîay'&tSyîup ofRe'd Spru ce Gum S old by &U1 Respectable Cheniuits sud Genoral Dealers. Gray'a Syrup cures tire wo rutfarms ai jry Cougha mue! Coae. Ga ySrop cure. Sors Tiroat ane! Hoarne Gray'e Br gives irumediete, relief, lu Gray's Syrup Isthe besl reneiy for Asthmei. Gr4y's Byrup relleves Croup eue! Wireoplng 1 ouglr. . 1 Gra'sSyupean -excellent pahhletlve fit qGr4y'sSyrprelle-s'oallee!ectlonsai Thraal, Greysy 8 is sperl:r ta any mediclus ra-e4Uteabove complaiute. - 2RCE 5 CENTS. Ja 71. --(1. P URE-BlRED COT8WOLD SHER n A. ND BEEKRSHIRE PIGS. _L - WM. M. MILLER, ocu Bank Farm, Clanoxpout P.O., Ontario. B reedor sud Importer ai Cotsvald Bieep i4pure - bise! Berkshire Tige, - SWUo býbt anS sole! on commission. Pickering, Nov. o«, 1878. ly-bo -STORE TO LET. rfPHAT COMMOI IOU$ SHOP STORE eue!<gemise s1 léey ccupled by W. J. Posunnln font Street, Whiby.- Poàofjià ritJanuary., - Apply to - D. ORMIOTON, (laie aif94, sud 6, Ring-St. vesl Taoronta,) NEW STUDIO.; JUST BECSIYRD s largo eso#mnlof SCHRISTMAS CARDS, NEW YEFAR'S CARDS, MOTTORS, CHROMOS, ,â,eaepries. Cflm Àdutipselaly. Phrooraphe i!WIsbîâpa t,*,in Ioli o0- Ies le - - ------ ------ - -Wi--- WHIY ýSMýORE A OaMaurtbaweo-WEN for -BER TN ILT& TER, flT G'ILP LiTEG. 0. T.WALEI. ltoifWira1oioiunre (Ilureir, -LICINO' MIRACLt. rouir alauer. vut ta fi- ~e1ofu1 rail ai huie. Irthà otus.and commfead itaking itrl aas aud owd on wlh It uutl I bail sed mlatesn bailles; MdaUd bs normlue 1 am going go iIouol caSn. a WOU zman. An zmy tounsman Bay Il fi e miracle la ses nie round valklug and vork- fn c o n cu sio nu w l a w h n I v w » o u d u r. dise..., Seronul1 Irayeci te the. Lord aira,. ta taesmne out aâ&issorld; but as Vuzvur ha#ro.tored ta me the. Mosslugs ai hoaltht 1 0o o osthen vetl, Ih!i 1iey b.1a mo Wy I~ldî 'h n zrmely than ta, enclse u iOisQto Myta myeu, Ait an earnOit hep tirtyot Il'nbilsh t su municatiowhicb1 rnasro letef ne, Avory,Beorrion ço.,'MIeh., J iflo. 8mm. RELIABLE EVLbENCE. - Msa. . . Beu.1 ]»&Srir.-...I vA mot heorjnfladd my tes- rdly dlnfavar a ougét 90024Eomd. Cluo, BaeOE n or a4auaÉth ak e~au ire aidtl prUn e las- I vaï ovor $lry yearslhtie eefldisoe, Mraheey mare, mu uneia s cnrsd 1o at!do f.lltisukGo&.1 ls.Uhe0 tira. fisefuagada indlie s VrarTir-, an4I lslllnk hilin li re ut iesltolln 1er congs, sudvosk, lrikln; ioeligeattire stOlanise andee!dvino everybady ta teko tire 'VEoHrnoei, for1 cen somme tireur itlaiseaof the bout Medicie@ostiraiovor vas. lIEU. L. GODE. Carnorxgaline snd Walnnt srootm. Camblfdg, Mas H. p.g epr e by VegotlubI Sold by ail DruarLts. IDr¶ ATIORTS toSar-nia, Port BouthruStales, for sae ai loarates by- GEO . .YULE, TietolAgent, Whitby. LIVERPOOL, -LONDONDERRY, Al la n Wintor BIrvic 270 Miles Oeeui fort, AvomrliuP 1 v r 'I ' . f- 0f w- API f-ý =,ýý --F- R«-M"Nm 1 ser« BROOK-STY 74 t WHITBYI

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