Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jan 1879, p. 2

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oece te ibn offce for hie so--di boaliguiôu at 1 # aeat eOb mle4mM.Glati abott atc 0qeldlho* oiie *a. sfllm tWý ort thi Idiênot couceet i quti ii a W&Y wth p6llbical r t n. m$ttevei. sasysno leteor, never etobhanges iovunto itl abotIt Iluntil tis môuelq, iéou hitti ivo or Ibrea tintes stecu Wý T. Dingle récaUidby the . -TaMr.Itoinun-O th lOitî aryI wa r unag. for Cotincili 04hiaWa afit1Mr. inttîbronghl tet th lbpil' anl I soilcitotlbi$ 'Ililaid '»ul bave Suybîilng wtS itii, bocasuse lie la lb. mai taes sworo about our,.priseS, 1? MoEhnte, aud lbe i. uiIte 6111of cubear." t neyer - salile Hunsi Mr aien li~ at neyer promîset ut office for my son. I tald tim neyer batl aaytiug eboal 1 *MoEnbtee, Cnos-oa tby PaW.MC liiting te camne ev[t!euOoë. John Ietr8telo Mr. Ibobiusoi thîS 61k lanutsîy I dtoeovotera t Voits and at Mn..Dingle. Brou smaitn anet Urphy te vote [o. tlb liai], Oshawa, eut! Mn, DIngle w Il* heVOte, I toit! Mrphy-net ýî f'orIlitm as hoe was iuging n * priet ulte bil et pantîcu ens 41"o * dlo!te changeieut! sait! i %it o mehisa'alter McEute w týludai!ou lte PreteattliMn. ~le t(IlthîlUtaio se tet ing-tIlst Mr- (bien iever olloret! lits anaâ li'ion aLae oule o lter pae To M. 1hfeanh-I di lbit tîtaîjie hitd eernune ati'pts, hi ttnjOrLeît lut thto etion. W \. T. Diigi., récaiet-Ti .llolio ai laiteconversation NIr. Gîttiden about cenînecl sftei tJîieu lieid g[Uen il leu M, Ganiiecuu % lot thon ttellu lIaitatMn. Gont c'tILSesiet!ete otUp ortlm. onne1onaion viit M. Gal ,ýal lim wlvien villa Mn. Ilion . Dit uel tiII24r. Geil tatI Ivoatl SoI ticta if-ho ,1gave me lb. contrant. 'V r lcrlby-aOit!ten l hoiiWvmsgeiutg tu do tecarpenlor for (luliock, I tl.iok 1cosuplair hit i.of te way la i icb 1 bat tncatei b y Mr. alun as liitlée cor lirmuil eddaru depoe4-Dinj ltocotird of t'onversationiatoit! Lun * (itt wauîtdhiim le put up a otaît( - iiiut ; I mamde ltseremuark,Ilion Vîtîl ta veo for ut" ; Dingo ai(t! lae eyr e Lue t e lvoldifor bit kîiioJ14whiwli - wuy I go, oniy lit 1>01 wàinL nie t l uit iytiug se Jauines GauliluopsétI-Dingle 'w titi le ali IGien brick fer te mal inoutworks ;I tol it lmGtmiiicl gotel vlirale job -, Dîngle on tii iiitatou atidoite mii. if G If bailhe * te gentleman antI bat! giron biit * cîntracl as lie agroudtelado lte tiare suppore letit ; ite ait! ut! uinenusîence te vouit! do aitlite -egainsl ita, Calit! hby fespotadeu t - 0', NV, (lien-I gelau otimute - Dirugle fou te tmalléable inou ver tandeefilitn ne promisce vteerrC ieutreet if lho voultl euîîîrl tme tlt!id 1 oise hlm , auofice for hi as I Coutil! not ; iwaa rery canota te (Io enytluing oet ho sont. JohnuOniockLe tsevideuicet eilTol Ithal liugleItat! speken -ht about te aller lpet of Jnly on bý lmîg ef Augual about giîîg logeti aus euct ton builidng utaîboabit wonke. liLe rtilîip visteil ta ruait! c tlit e etience tlion lu tbisa ase1 lie vouit! give is dlocivion. Ubîrge i, I, aitt 12 t- W * Lonig,. bibet, promise te itùrer sud îîoîîoy. Chanrges 4, 7, eut! ('Ltaary baibet by promise lu pi * ltîg Wailor atI ouebmmiuaBey teciilt ae PM. rennan 1,np i eluti chlat beau ou tue Cousenq bilo ;;uthnt li ndeu!fetMay 1 hi îî ofldtefor tbe leuding wio titis v as befonu Mn. lirnnu waldiowu tg '@euMnIlio nta ittoanse I beard lus vas ýhe p ic Clovrunent candtltae ; M. eil avittevor vouid geltainesosfuthI îiuouietIleformers ut Pickering i * blitiln If b. vas te snccnsefltli lit) wofflitu do Itl lie coutul for duletoenombsr tlitlie salit! lie, msiro Ite recoinumnnuitlen fer -the loni,;II liink b toIt! hlm viel liid supporludet Iprevion iesan * ramouuboron.ellîing liete sauie et! lseverel cîteni biet!signet ; t * sîot! ptition vas tl e hoseul Glien; nel Mnr.Ilion eftervarad nat!; have beeu vollag abau yoars belore tItis voto for Gibbs navor citanget tintil ast eles'I[on Othbernesons ton claigguni prospoect cfoffie;, hoant Wmn. vai candidate for te office ;,t! prmose on <v. hlm snyîbiug le in nty favor ; Mnr.: ien ditnoui meto b atber MoEniIee bn vice z amaOb 'mn, Caîholie ; ltai -aboýut aght'Cetolle voturm l E ug ; ltora va. noe lalIt-shut 0je matosbelveon Falbsr MeEt l'Ior iabout gebllng h. Caîbubie luto hnttsluvolate ifrentiy ; I I aukedSpink befuolte 17ts "tomibar il haehast atiApetit Glon ; fla titu umItnt y te lectiouiClay. Wuc. Long, Dufll'i Cneak, de1 Iloertitter vacaucy la landlng t uiip aI raln.tau'm Bay,; thonl * 'tua eapplation for the positis self, but nover diat book nu fi lu favoon ei anyboty O'Leary t ho u aameIplilcant; titinul st~ oand froni O0 oay soyhiugh, lo dotg getltheaoffYCa;h 1,1%ain sudho *wved vlioover lie vot commed wold Ut4ha appointi - sùw.oIt me when' 0183wbean U lnbaîbeh en1offie. ; ODo pi te 10b'. a pOz tt *lformer bhoreit i bd .gd '#r rigb&t as anybo.iy le ; go& ton iiolars " th tmner (rouà Spick on a bat; ot à bgak le round there were et Ufa ift iw, Tmii 1w" oin tevote ; ho was to b. on a té me wsjority ot twelve ini lie pellitig b. m4 Olt dLvlaiojl;.Luîa 4o-b.t againoslts <", orbantlod the monay I)bekI teuSpnk ; hé tbI WOUMODO~Y M ut up ; thbobt, a to À mnade pubI ly wf1lia the.votes Woft ity o, beîng.conlt!d, on th Pltlng day; ,that waa. te .1[bd stippot-etiby theb Y. *ottlder tua 1 faveured the Cozloet. Qa dtive @ide 1 I'dilt cnvuslsine on bolh dIfjsde~we al#fûgI o a l men - deter. Gln mItbOti-te ote Oonservative, anti no d dot ohaDô#lo persuade' him ulberwlsbî I, didt u hi» bufeelings t 6111 If nos very desidati 1 triedtu t persuade Ilium roter- lu vote for Ilion ;I didt lo iooan buî ainey oth bt;if thmsorilha beau ouiy ton 1 wou lt à>b ilu là 'did hé. mrnny bock Spink tis isaOrity 1 for Gibibs at Da'ii Creok In 1876 ;fc;: mightlbte ue; nover laid la.. Me. itI W Cilliau that aéther 0'Leary or mysef ,h. ro aato- tirain office if w. .ncoaadt ln SUD. urnlagighor ton voici e 1 Bqhet té moccl. or i l tâa îlhat *it1k. h l even aucceedat .An chiing lin votes Hava wenId go% the 9106.; nô ofter wis madie that. lu nia ,l-IUlIo lmelgel Wéna &p- 3aa Poote' tlhlb.vacanlt officlo@ . oeMe. ýjijV. ielau ked ma e uring lait summer or iliif I woul it1k. te go antiwôrk for hlm aT.aI Liverpool MarktlWlacl aseoperabor voe andi boy grain for hm; thlsa-oier neyer totdo came to aeylhtng - did nol speak lut riwho Lieemlg about how lhe was going to Lather vota. parti. Josph Harris Mcalian, tlepoed- tIhal i've at Liverpool lMarketb, .betwoen 0ea Fneohtnen'e Bay andi.Poffine détookt Falher ioân u oghan',a braillcf h. Se' Ontrio Associatio'n; canvaseti turing akkthe., lait lecion sud spoke at meetings - do nut know thait was a pion. of luck for n-On lh. parly, the vacancy ai Fronchn'o te th Bey ; I firt favoured Calvin Camp- Coltl a -bell'. pppointmeûl1 but fln-ding tbal on le Sons eoooun it s gt iecouit! net be ap Vantedl poinltai-t fvore Mr. Brennan'î; voe nver heard Wm. Loing wsn anu appli- p our .cenit ; ho. bld me ho thoueht cf becon,- 11. log an appilcnt; I toit banc If ho couli did gel Gen lu necommetid hlm ho *uuld as on- gel the appotlmet; O'Leary sait! ho en hat! couittnet expUtt My support j 4uite sait! sure 1 di nôt ii i petitton in faveur sa-, of O'Iiosly ; 1 spoklie nMr. Glen for iu-Mr. Brennan ; ho was in my employ, :i oa and I wes inloreeted in getting lmn ap- àâ in. pointei ; toit! Mr. Gteà-as fart as the appointament was concerued tilwOult!be po Mr. botter nut lu rceomaietid âhy one tibi )r WMr. wa:tiot gôinglo rocommend tiuy one »a until sfter the- etection ; id flot tell i hal-Gisn,0'Lnsît'y was expectiugflie posi- Ued tien anti woubd support hlm ; tiùtifo time, uelortand O'Lery wes going lu sup- tthon port Gien dadt! olbeeome eawaeothal rt Mr. O'eery was tibe appulnedtiilliMr'. Gien returueti from Ottaewat tter the Aameelecîlon. work John 8plukî tuiller nt Duffin'a Creek, ied te dopot! d 'eWorked for Gien ; commu- (beeu, nicaîti with hlm from ime tu lime; ntraçt. kuew O'Lar le ho ah applicant for ýle in leudiug wlership et Frettcmsn's ýe Iial'Say ; 1 signe thte aplidallon ; lie was dry fur iolthie firat prion 1I rpcotmen!ed ; wents D. Docker was te liet ; thal wouit!. ho "o.lu April ; Docker aeket! me tu write a lat bter lu Mr. Elgtar for hlmi anti I dit! 0 tcoe 0 ; 1 wrote a ltter nexl for Jas. Mc- giinst Chllain or signet!is pellîlon, 1 am net sure whieh ;, thet wtie te Mr. Burpea, I ranlet! tiuk ; Calvin Campbell was lite noxt lcahie applicattt ; I bold lm I liaid slroady à hledwrittep letton ltatI Illdun feeling in al oc-thie malter ; hoie sked Lme te write le acted Mr. Mackenzie thel lit Wias an oit! m lb.h emblerno e Iftefoi îl ai'ty, ant! I dit wouit se ; CautpbellVî e4e (fîfty-fivo yosrs) or lbh evs egainst hlm', I dit! not know how gatt!li te position would ho given ; I wrote lettons for thle. men because llîey ssii- et! me ; I toit! thesle mon tiaI witcever from biat! the strongosl recomnentations *ls ;I woîtldt! thlboffice ; 'loary toit! me of tlii lit a eCatllolic lied illled the position, ) enr sut! ho thou lht a Calholic wenit! gel it; se son, I toIt! hlm Ile Catholia was te gel il ui net I woult! as soonl renomment! him as eny. body e..; lie was opposed tu the Re. to lhe forte part y :I cannot say, lie was op- o0 him posod tu the M skeur»Jo Goverument ; eun- lie intimatet! te me the likeliltod of e el In change of a nutuber of Catholic eleclors C iron formeriy Couserveitive supporters; soma Catholics hatl suppbrted the Iltorm ver aIl tatyproies t ti~s 1; hotoit!me Gien boe dro ldt! hieldnothin g te do witlilte position, tlitieh wouit! have te get il ilethirougli te loating Reformera of Pick- iillam ring; OLear brugbtbispetiticiltb 25 me te sigu ; lifter keeping it a e fw days ýrocure hý o aiet We if I lied signed t!i, eut!I saiti ne; I dit! nul intentl te, as il migll letiog sethie dtles ef office for six weeks wouidning miy feter'a iliuns ; neyer esiiet waos a oi. MeLennan or Mhr. Spiuk ta use bilmin their influence for me; McLeunan sail Il" ho lie iblumght I woulti gel il, but nover lot assiigave nie any :eesons a tlink I vas e o-sure of il ; Mr. Higgins sait! lie ouit! co'interesl hlmielf on my behaf formy huai fohits ; heosket me if il vouit! do mue l it! reay banni lu ssiimy lwo brodiîcosle r Idi vole fer Qien ; 1 toit hlm thl huai.al "lu,,yt voleathIe other wey ; I epoke lu alieuij tbey dit! not give me auj selle' eal faction ; connaI rememben el Mr. clion ;Higginisait! ; I vas'in trouble nl the Ier tas ime ; 1cm aW ty te negiter my rwho fatlîe's deati ; I til.t! nullib ny oe WhoM thaI HiRg sbdPonsedt! legel me ât ir.;the appointtnnt ihgot My twe broth. Sude rs t tefor Gien ', dit! net tell Mr. un..r Mcedy enyting othte kiot!. ou Mr., liiiLondship helt! that te charge il Ion were nul provet!. liedonChanges S8eutd1.-John Mitchtell, lied aùbribodth ilia barre! uf ftour tint! epro- 1 -,h.o mise ci nelease front dobt. Log ohn »t~Mitchell, un being eaminet!, idn nul barrai y deniedt Ibt lie boa gol a reDt ar ! cf four tb influence hlm lu eny reie7W&yin theiectlon ; hte had been sick 'tel-sa; bat! ubictrlhell ant boungli sbarrai cf reare toeur for him ; Dr, Field, attentat!bin ectiun uring bls icknîî;-lte toctur bat eotnu prumimot te square bis bibi off; lie eand batmoct gosnrliiiug or beeti promiset, 1 bînIt Thechuge va. tismisset! of, Sep. Charge 1"-eo. Irwip, Easo Whitby, icn ta bribed wllh muney. trcon Geo. Irwin dapose-Di t ee Ii lote on the day cf election ; dit! net gua et anything fer his vote ; nun wam ho oeie-promimetanything for il. Ighl Of -The charge vas tiamissatl. 01n sny- Charge it-Abraamn Farwoil, char- àterest <et!with bribet wUli vonk, Ibis con- uni e listing lu s stean t lresîten being sont untenr, tu bis p lace for Ive days by the Josepit le W0iIHeu Manufactunn Co., ne chaýrge '0"'biomate for it. Tlîi. eaxplaluet! 0nin Mr Gien'sa viauce. mel Bveral i wtses v ere eaminot!oun Lmt bolin-sites. Charge boit! net te ha diat ýIpvcvatd.ý [oeil Ob" 81 val Iîkit <mia nto-ltal ié a of bri=0Gao. H. Potier, of Oshawa, tua, Oe. H.Patiar-Thétee*as a sib di&ffereiiqe balwaen Mr.Oibba and me, ers, afila diy a or wobefbré it B5D0 'dues*' Ur'e - nGIitiutl*WW -M4IGr uvair lbhenattitel-H.lit e ".46a bal-g eltough andI deciinoA lta tfon lb.e scctag ; tolt uma I I.dit thbt, hastc6ild viit, IL f. I dil[m dtth1 ie w$Ogens, Dia tt,, iiiything furtiter tli May, 1878,%éýt ps ngIl hlite oolIcb 1 luie§éy 1878, Mn. HngliotUected te u n e t.ete proceeti. Mn. Glewicame lybo sme me lu Mincit or Pobrary sot vantedtelub. friends manti havaete se- ceuni aattlad ; lr o tat Dr. ari aud 1 votre I ing oîMlin Mhlull ecbaons aud béhia* et me wvit- 1 tua odoin.euer. Gieni came outIt'e oppose Mn. Gibbsn ; I alt I titought if veult voefor hlm. 'Ibat aftertoon Mn. Gien pana lu se. nia ýdit flot Ite. fer te vIstîl sit b t Dr. Martin. I tuld t lu anlàumto hai& tha se- ceunit sotld. Ifvauclat Ietifor st boasl Ivomonthi aflar titL I think -in Apnil Mr. Ra thêru 2came vîtit Mn. Gîlot meeme. M.GIe oi I batd baller cee Engillih sd k ge it. icona se1îir d;Hawtbotu tormar t l Ie vo aul to k aub A.112dt tir. Glati flondd. I1,think scmalhing vwassait about aakiag. Mr. Glan if ho vas lb. candidat«, anti Il came a&bout in sème sont ut way Ibel if 11e efflut *&ài Bel- îlot Glen a'ouid h te tit Ospport Ofîbe . 8's tn liD,. . sI vIa llibik Presîtoent-uiî vas joculanly s8ait. Il vas teon geueralby untonstoot- -I4tl Gen vouit ho the Candidate. 5fr. Hatouafter 'that cama ta i té ethl ereonciliahien. -Afttervards gel, seltlentent -wtthIe JosepbhaIWllCern. pany, anti vasquile saclitfet ith il. Mn. Hlawîhoru bat bedn colleeîing for mue, Ihat au eccounl againat Mn. Uin tor cepper, eut! I saiatateHav. Ihôru I amu hard up, vili vou go sud gel a note front Mn. Glon fur lte eep- pon;1 te *out anti guIot ti nte. We tben broiglît up tee ingol- buter; Havîhornu mev titt ltitas lte trouble helteh Glon âabd t provicolsy. Wenl b&an eut lte -wngen account setlet. Thte eccount vas Mate up of abonlage ou vniugers. Rer. Mn. Owezu's eccount, anti Oshea ý6Soving Machine Comcpany. honMttilt wù à 'netty <eut lime;ltT ta luput iterse dotit. The Imatton of election came up sut I sait "Tom, 1 veut lte se- counl sotlet, o can promise any. obugyu liii.. h item Mr. Gien bat repudialet, up lu Ibel day, lie Ihen qetîbet!. To M1r. Itbblesôn .- gave ttays heota a Coservatlvet ýoiîa tr. hMarllti if (lIen bot le6 11t3' edomnt I *oubd vole fer hlmii. V was leokiug out ton My money. Political principias vere uclht- mng le me 'y uooueý vas oeaytting. if te secoant vas net stlet I wdvot oe for Mn. Gibbs. Toit Hsv. tbonn lie coula! make any promise hc lukeal relative te the eleciou. Ilta.e pendet! upen' circuisn8acos vîtetiter 1 vont! koeop my promise or net. Dit! Qt couiter euyltiug aboula tlite pro- mise aet[ho titte-ali 1 vas anlous fer was te muey. KepI promise as I sev fil attervarda, Denlpl Mcay-%Wes lu Pet!lar'e store viten Mn. Gien ant! Mn. Haw- Iboru came lu logellier. Mn. Glaut sit, Geoonge I vaut toeaffect a setie- ment. M. PotIer reternae iimtat -Enghiait. ilyti'ton sait! Mn. Gben yotî batd baller sellie Ihalt! ywlgel ltae support out liteSous et Englant Su- ciety as George la Preaidenl. Tisi mîgitl on mîgitt uo have beau jocularly Lyman English I renemeenaving dlaim put in my bands egainst ltse Hall Company by Mn. Petilar. led been spoken te several limes about il, SurIn portion Mn. Gien vas ual salie' tied vîit. LotI tbeaccouel 51 te Hall Companys office. T. G. Hawllorn-Âmn a colecting agent somoimas. Rementher colet- ing ton Mr. Poedlr lalaprnug. Heant! previeusiy cf a privale accounni vilt Mn. Gien. Kuew et a wringer purcitaso, lhaviog purcitasedthle balance uft Ilîni front Mn. PedIen. Wes in- trucledtla collet-Ibe accounl ifpos-' mibif. Toit Mn. Glen ltaI I thouglt if titis accounul vas setîbet!, George and hoe wouit ho efrieut!-neterring te se- onunt betweeuIitimu end Mn. Glen. Mn. Glen sait! lie vas satisiet luo do vhat vas riglith ie malIen. Ha bold me it I gel bite aceount solîlêt! lie vouit sup. port Mn, ieIn. »dt lrater le pol- tics aI ail et lita lime of settliug te mc count in Mr. Glen's office. Mn. Pnom art! vas presout. M r. Gben, ou heiag reèallet!1 daniet! promiing te cotracl lu Mn. Dingbe; bo bat! aket! hlm for an esîlmale of lte building; te aise gel an estimaIs tram Mn. Gullock, vhuse figures vers mitaitpart l inteîlet eecion u sanuel, Thte ulghttlofore te poiing 1 tlted differeul parlts lte iitgbuStelo ou eleclion business. Wss nover in Gle's Comntittee noomu. Nover a.Aed e person 10 vote for aIter candidats. Dtd assi parties lu abelain feont veting. I amt a censrvaive-persoflirossons wore the cause ut my %,coton. Dou'I ne- tomber haviug saiàtot Canteron Ibat I Ituev eouugi toludisquaiify Mn. IGin- sait! I kmevenough to le tquality Mn. Gibbs, eud I tbink I do. joeeph King vas examinet as leut arden ut W. H. Titomas in ta'or cf Itainoy ton $15. The ovidencetprovet Cotiug. James Wallace, seru, taposedt lIt te bat! beau e Ceusenvalive fret 1889 te, 1859; a Reformer front 1889 tlu 1867; eut! tram 1867 le the prosenl lime s Ceusenveive ; and sait! thal h. bat! publistet a Betorn ipafepto eou ditres yesrs; lie sstatdsisu Iâhao blat beau informed t It as te intention of ltae Town Council ofetbly teumaks application fon lhe appointment cf c Police Magistrale, and Ibeltahobal hait mate appliication Ilu lb. councib to recummant tint for -tbe appuinîmeul and t ia n cuurse of conversation vitI Mr. Iliggins litIgentleman boal eu vassed bumtotesupport M. Glen, antd bat promiet-hlm if ho voulti rafrain front vorklug againsl Mn. Gien, hi (Hgins) vouit use hbeisnfluence viti Gon uge aI lmthe App oinbment te te Police Magimlnacy v9hee h Ceneil necommondet hlm or not. Tou Mn. Bobinson.-Thora nover bai huent a Police Magimiete ber..1 nevez yoetMr len An neferencea lu th Imte.1doe t nulmcv ii hGoveru. mont huaë the apoinîmntn. I te not cari viin. The council neyer onsered i Magitrale l u gappointet.k, I novai teck snuy tops le ieseM. Gîsu aboni tIhe office,.lthfeawao no uthpr panser preseul viten tonvrsation vas hmîveet Mn. HilzginsBt!and ysehf. The coLvfr. ations veno mostly lu lb. mout oJ June. Have neyer spokaeofthlts offxcta since. -'I didt ie rk &su hart for Mn. Gihbs as I shouit if 1-tati noS beec tnubbet et bis comxnitbencom,. anà slaoi in conseqnence of lta euoovensa tion vIit Mr. -Riggins- Dit -nul <give Mn. lgiui t utallài& tliI-h. ai aa.g . a evrta hl-U ddnt4 I toUM -â.ftwIdforI* !btadpokeluMn4~ie aRe til 11* I'.e- aomiqlu Mn.lat hr abot thés hi. oiterantPié gav âetetâ.le-i U ta nt aCliai i nt ie Wmioth ed anti I d c abgtout it halEc. novr ade Wsu tawate ndumato bIlai if lie ep quete ouit getheffleapi buhhemal 1tlmehMefhgthâ et- 1 id ke f ieentsaIwoud k ep h l qit lb. apoinîemilan aifmetaoe d CuuncibM'passet . eshionlae thlm & fav or b Goveramnty aout btifumalc. hie4l appiondbté. nyeroplace t fai Itié atlngIl Iastd t cl noyber bal Gien wt iam utdtitn, ifhlîen lm ti ibho s olu ev-ioie 'es G"1en tnvat lb. f coplim of. Col fielbae it tal Gbbsh, '48. man thatliatsael.e, ~ a t hala. iwtrktngfore pary&U 1snd nt etin. thf apo iaest ,tbad tit th tew keeoffp ue tenulévolu1ton lulila ujvitkei. Arn posilve I i2t crelude,* hoe appit e ioneutm supor fo b a rdingl te, nt.exiv et iliemene l ber ben in u ibbsron ah lb.sn pet Inln spe e. bo che thoa $50 Wache sfor Mn. Gn h;a Itmeali vas glile 1hse. CIlbhicpiu wuI met hnlt hegain and e vtne rmanlu cash anoîer abaue, anoti thaie va. i *ittkb nery'lAmetpouitiae 1esuneDot ls. otaet ngWalanethouI c ait î ohe ogt ien Ifutportiforngthelfi Mr.atnk , Wabianerti- ememeri eeing Mn. Ghe gn, tthonig afle *t l.Eeen ant ieielm aayig edm al0 chnque for hMr.iacten.; Mn. le vi wamsoing aoulte oit vspient-I met hat tey coul te i hndrme th! duhlan. Some et ur eupld tatweu mlN * nga fusclanabout.lItWlb.pne, eront *therBonMofEn an. Ilion tea poresenî cf eft incaeMs leor.cncbid ani- t! ta ifly batikpy fr r.,i E Pt Hkart, sworn -aneleer in mieeting romnte mn ing a er the nt Mn. adHisnasakig etme or my supte fr hséMnioM. Glen Ilittoa olin ws nmet uci us lI em eskig sme Hiabosutging elu wsppor Mn en. Mn. tHigais t relt. Idrenk dollars, Smone otherpoion dit m'lk. intervewfusteabouthtau e ur. at or tsys be wifor heabeclen. FTheeweEntet ay Mr.îen prodel.a pivet luflte Rtiu abouth1 eans. Ih an bldlbaI itaI lheyadmîgitl sfor temi liueut cHareon- man ethorivas nhe uselaing -lu me. I toi tI r nle t! . GiM esnay abtnul hr. plRgera d I o nt inkta tI telt thM . gina ba k an.dit nulm * nk ofor Mr.uien, ThuIs lrdit! nod *hr meal. bta ose inthekngs F me,.nne lb.crigmeîtesunoortr Mln. MHiggis Thin M. Iggns. itriewt! botlies.bu afnhu. por. Crols examine- risowu &bau fheocc asn n. rteferlect dhrnk ore nnot errsqenlymant trotive.in te I. net Ibeouta0I aiot Haqur andhuiarvole.me. iok teeul tu t oellkin I me h oldai goIfa r ibbs M. Gr ki esket lm l u camoiÊ pany Iudoavetdrink lucoan I thet M fre tiis ia Haitai I voidt i urnse vasliu bqTorst! iganon tdint. Halonmay aa sitlItesanie on bisl meta osion. oiie ni be aýl Mn. ÉGlen, rqexamiue-I recolol do nlima le htHvs ursy's. HIt nudra nont! I tninlbetsu Coealive'candidatte etthe at eiec lieu.trhioe.juilaeusl e vasth 208, or 206.1Coneeleti Ibe Bidig fois lubs 64-'5. Wyas e ime canti indeaea nc e r.in cJmauay 1865 Mr.t as en I amefurbrack as et Mn. Gbb.-I Ihink I aiways liedii mejorily outhlie Romugu Cattolie votes t utu lb.helest lectiun. Attribula te y, tefeal at th. lat eectien te tva ceuses chiely - one, a miauutenmlantlng bej' tveen myseit sut leatiug supporters ln my ov owuv; lte second ceuse wa4 *te tefection ufthie Catholil vote. Mn. Farevel vas my opponeut lu 180à. X came oce s a supporten of' Contotene- tion, Iu '67, Mn. Bnown vas nty op- fponant ; ini '72 Mr. Whie ; lu '78t James Holten; in '74 Malcolmt Came- non ; in '76 Mn. Ed!garn; la '78 Mn. Gien. The firl election by ballot vas vith Mn. Editar; bat onhy 41 ntjoily titan. Ce't syas lueIls. Roman Cathulo vole lu '74 IhinIt I gel a me. junity efthlie- vole Ihen ; vas detealet rby lte- Pacifie ScandaI. Dont lbiuk jmone.y vas apenl lu the '67 electian te If the extent genenaiiy believet. I tbink my electian et taI tinte coul belveen tb,000 and 06,000. Not avare cf ollier mones being spent ou that occasion. In 65 IbtinI the lb.eclon cosl me tsomelhing in tenihobo f$, In '78 monte 10,000 or 011,000. b '74 Îil cusl me vitlI returnnat uter tLb. AtIthinIt. My impressionlIl vawu $60hat 70. f he v as a return fétat natI Iblalai eleclion lu Thomas, Dingla,:and ti leri, andth.e-lienlallun of the Cathuhie vole. In '76 il vaa-by ballot anti retueusfutMy eleclion ex Irpenies vene made. The. amounts glven rIre l. oaly auunsf utrbicb I hava &ny « e kuovietge baving been spont hy my supporters an mymoîf. a To Mr. McCanhy-In 1872 la vas nr geeenally supposelt nlcuniteret iii- egal tg bine teameu. 1 va. nt the Sons ut Etigî 'nut!picole ond a et baCattoie- npicotie- sppont 25 en*s on onlevliug .. fIas grounts et thp sens of Englenilandut , of ma$8 or $4 a e us Celioieinie in buigpiclunos,.o *~ )f.Robinion-Think I truve la Smy ovucarnge.Dcnlt _,nkmy abroîhen. vw« premnt. 'Don tknov - hel mv -fantiy mnlttanre-Du ual "kblI thtay £peut auytiting.. On th<11e .ubjatMlof ebmnihI Mr. -tiiej va. euIie t b<faev uae t a laya ut axamialbi cni vltutiiee by- Doutuse, vIt hat codmictet t eu eharges meteb.itiicnor hat nul' mIlêwti thlt - el-eut% ao b eewoo méivr heàalot an elecon whicli ittt ibeen cre nvlts litt1e ippean- auceetrugdng Hoe vas felbovet-by ltme petitioner's Counial, vitoj111 aà bbret'*,effort, en- leavouet lu uv talt tce spînitdetlbÎ Iav bat at -t4iohteth tigh ho ad- uittedt hat tae charges rastet rallier Upo ccmtalîllalenane tian psi- Fiv e ss oe reliet on by the egeol ['lt e petîllecier, sunt hava been nre- servet tut' teilision et OeguoeuHall on Mondby nslt aI oliren u'cocok. Final, tae obatga'ut bnug ?edtîet by setîbe' Ment of claims ", secouttibniblrg te ïCatholie eleeluns cf ltae niditig by pro- fuse explndiltlje etft*koney lut ait cf lte chentible ae, it ether institutions tif them Cburch ; ltird, bribiug Wiliam Thontas Diagla, builder, by promise ut office for his son ; Feuntt, hnihing William Thtomas Dingia, buder, by promiset a contreel lu buil a malle- able i*on tount!ry; fifth, hibîng Colonel Wallace by promisa ut the office cf Police Magistrale of 'Whitby. Theu Court adjouruet sitordly betona D 010 ook p.Mi TIIE JUDGMENT 0F TEIE COURT. TUE CHARES DECLARED NOT PRovait- PETITIOOER TO PAY FULL CORT5. Mont!ay monng, l ite Ceunt ut Ccntmou Pbass, Toronto, Mn; Justice (Glt tdeiveret final judgment. The gift uftbreas te lthe Roman Cabtolie centery, lte gft luthe "SimIens," lthe gifla te lteRitle Association autdlte mcuay speul et pioniesandthébo$50 paidt! ovards lte dobt of lb. Bible Chitian ochch earges cf perseusi bnibery egaiisl Mn. (lien,vans aill passes!ilursvmev ty bis lirendiip; lte law appliable lu sncb sce quolet, ans! the eharges deciaredt lp neveu. As eliecitIg. that Mn. Giheu brlbet! Digèbe bythe promime of an office for him son, anti the promise tif a conîract, bis Lort!sblp, afler goiug ovon the vi- donce bearing on lte rsI change, de- didet-" We muemt, tharsfone,gs ur ana Mn. Garrin ia coneeruet,- cousiter taI vht to dit! la coubeinet in lultIter witich-itinunoay retors bu lb. election et ail. I, titerefone, conalter tii change-No. 87-10 ot provet." On the secoad charge te sait :-It must bie borne linmindt Iallihe convar- galion in mehicetIbla promise ie saidto bave taàken place vu ina'Junc, luvandi te latteronont! t i. Mn. Gben deuis Itte erer agl'eet lu give Dingle lthe contredt aI ah. Glitten, a vilness, taledtbIal in a conversation viith Dia- gie aI Ositava, ounlte nigit cf lte nt! cf Augmtst, b. saidt!eluDingle "Gben veuba yon te, rote for bit, tsicih Dingie repiiet , "Ne, ho noter sîketi me lu vota fcr bit.; te Itnovs viiet vay I go; on'y sedos. nul anl me lu do auyltlagy,-gaiusl bunt." Anoîber vitness, Jae s Ijýlsailara.rece lu, a convrsation vitici ho bativiith Dingis in Augnut, that Diegie sait, "If Glien tas! actt lte genleman with me ans! dons lte vont as lte egreet ludo, be cotît nul bars axpeeotme but tlu voe ageinal bit ; but I veulti net bave donc suy more than dial,; ho couit nul oxpeel buIttat I vouit vote againsl bit ; iream1 Bslent vul. againalt int." le t i e, Nov lis vaso guing lta doIlHt.oceult ludetest Mn. Glen." Dinglo, on itis 'previoni exantinalion, an hsing questionea as lu ie convonsatiun tit lte aboya vil- naiss, Itgt iletet a. nospects Giiddeu, "lTitetlte tatinever tlitGbitdsenltaI (lien knev bis pobitios, sut neyer auket tin to support tint." As nespects Gall te asit!. 1Ido nootmev ltaII luit bit I vonît! aup port Ilion if I gel lbe t.e contreet. 1IBay Most pomiilsy I I novsn boit! Mn. Gall of nty lnov- latge." We finaso ttt a a picuio vbici tolok place enutheloalt Juiy, lu vbiait I bave slresdy reterreti on a con- lest ton a ritcher as a procf cf public popuiarity, Dingle cecI eue teusend voles for Mn. Gibbs, a geinsl Mr. (lieu, vhbcit appeans 10 me tlu he en- lireiy inconsisteul viit bis liavin< ne- ceivet lte promise cf a conînec u ncon- dtion et bis eupponting Mn. IGion atbte coming ebocîlout. Thte coutrect vai-lu nealily given 10 anoîber person &bout tb. anti uf Augusl or haginning et Sep. tomber, sitorly previota bu the ehee- lion. Il l eeetueplein thal, s0 fan s Dingio vas concernet, lte nespon. dent actot lu a maîtuer direclly cou- tnany tovlisl Dieie bas svomn ho premisedtoedo-anti tiia î et a lime viten, if te expocledtouaseure bis sup- port b y vîntue cflte offen etflIta con- tract, lie boIt lthe Most effectuaiMens 10 anouse bis active opposition, viticli h.e dit!. I amt cf opinion litI thi changela mot proea. On lte Pather charge bis Lurtmtip sait-Il appean Ibs nome yoars lte- fore the -ileclion Mn. Potier bat batl a transaction viit Mn. Gien respeeling nmne vningens. eut Mn. Petiar eon- tendedt lItIMn. Gian va, intebtet l lit for a deficiency ut 58 vningers. Mn, (lien aItteat tinte deniet! ail liatil- uty. Titis occasionna a cooluos btween Ilion, andthley batl ual sputen tle aci otiter tornm time unhil te beginniug of 1878. A peonsofetainsme cf Havîbon, vb vas entpicyat bodi by lte respoutaut antI Pet!lan lu collact accounts,asethem respective agents, vas, anions tb hning about a ne- Concilie-lion b.tvon them, -anti iho affactot in Marcit lut. In May, 1878, Havîlioro vai employeti ly Pediar té ublatin payntenl et an accutunt vitich, ha bat agalnat tb. respondant fur copper, ant id no s, sut ollainet a note for the ameunl. On hantiag lb. note lu Mn. Petiuar bo malothIougit ltaI Mn. Gian vas in s <oct ihumur, aeut lit il valaIt be a <cuti cpportnity lu get ltae cter accoant selîlet. Be sîstet liu Ieev vitltheethen account vas;' il vasfo tonelb, ngers. Ho asIet Mn. Pediar vitetter lu cas. die accaunt yen. setîhet ha vouit'* support Mn. Gi..et lte eecîlun. Paslar malt, ycu eau pnomi»eas yen lits," satiae- corting tlu hi. cyn eritence réerring b et ith the kuuvbadge'or Conment of Tittcorniit Fuolice hfA neut, ner la. the"e teamon teurrUea tat omrnpt srtio.iao îtbtisivebY PrOteibdet a tue. e %~u~ pelot e- I am ot opinion that 1h. nquiny inlu the clremimtucea e tIhe aIsetion tas netl been reert!<niuw~cmpete. ,by -lbh solion'of *tyf the partes telb.e'poli- lien, ant lba:tfgltjeneuqnya. lu vbebhen corupl *pkacticas h ave exten- sivply preralled 6i .:nmltdesinabie. Palilioin ta*i.ssl ill coàle. Mn. Chint6pter Bchinen, Q.C., ton the. raspoentb. rket litbha sup- *poset the Coite, vouit, ln punsuance ut the teolsion, ha p'it by the petiliomi- or. Mn. MoCarthy, fer lie petitioner, slate t hualttis wtiit ciel necessarily folo*. Jndge GaI heldt liaIin ttis Ca"m ot une ufthlIe changes bat been proven- Ihel, lu tact, the evitience 'a&lpoMuilet' lb. othen vay, andte o oisavouit c1 f course have lu ho paî- th Ie poli. tioner. Town Co uneil, 1879- i'IE5T IIETiNii. Mun day, tJeu. 2u1i1879. Thitmembnsofethie nev connil met at the lova bell, on monday. 'Tle fuliowlng gentlemen mnataesut suhîcniteth ie necessery deelenatiout et office anti qualificabion, vîz: Major Harpar, Mayor ; N. Rey, Beere; Jas. Campbell, Depnty R'eevs. Ccunicilles.-Norlb Wsrti-Dn. Be- gart, W. Burni, B. H. lamneson. Cen- tra Wart-Wm. Bernes, Geo. Cormack, W. H. Hannant. Southt Wart-C. Fox, B. L. Huggsrti, John Smitb. TEE 5STANDING COMMITTEE5. Mn. Hatmam muovas, socondet by Mn. Barnss, ltaIlite council do nov procoat lu hallbI fera special commibtea ut lire mnmbess be appoint 1he staning commillees ton lb. proeeulyear.--Can- iet!. Tite Mayorn naniet! Burns, Campbell, Henuam, serulineers. Tehetalob nesubtet lunl'aven of Messrs. Burns, Campbell, Hannoni, Éaggar!, Bey. Thte Mayor loft the chair for tiva mintales. Couneil rasumet, tînt Mayur in lte chair. Tie select commillea appointedtol stnike bs standing commillees, hrcuglil up tem report, vitich vas rgeoived, eut un mtlion of Mn. Ray,-secunded by Mn. Campball, lthe councit resoivet! lîsoîf inlu commilteacf Ilie vitobe thaneon, Mn. Fox in the chair. Cemmitte. rose eut! rapontedtheltare- part seamentet. Be pont receireti, sud! on motion of Mn. Rey, secondet! by Mr. Campbell, adao le t ai tollavs: Finanee.- Campbell, Hanuntm, Be. gart, Borne, Fox. Stneets.-Ba&y, luggerd, Bernes. Fine sud Water.-Hanna.n, Bogart, Prntning.-Hatuem, Burns, Fox. Tovn Proparly.-Bogart, Campbell, Cormack. Lieens.-The Mayor, Cormack, Campbell, Bay. Apphicalion. le offic.-lanton, Relief.-Buns, Bannei, Fox. Board oftHoatl-Ta counci. Mn. lIenuam 'mtovet!, secoudet by Mn. Buruso, ltaI Mn. la.. Wallaca le and ls iterehy appoedt udtion le audit bte aceounta ton lb. yean h1878. Mn. Bay movet, mecondasi by Mn. Cormack, ltaI Mn. Levi Fairbanks ta theasuditun oto1he yoar 1879. Ounlthe motion for lthe amaudmeut on a division, ameuâtt declanet! luit. The engluail motian vas bhien put e-ut idelaret cariet.. 5CEOOL TiIUSTE. Mn. Jameson muvat, secontet ly Dr. Bogart. for leave te introtuce a bhy-I& tor lte appuinîteut outa Higit Sebeol Trustes, anditlIaItb.e sain e b restiae Oral lime. Carniet. Mn. Jamomon moyeu, secondat by Dr. Bogart, ltaIlite council resoive ilmeit inlu commilloe out'thoevitole on by.law lu appoint a Higit Seiool trus- tee sudt lItIthe seae breati s second lime. Cerriet. Mn. Ham in lte chair. Cemmulîbea ruse and neponteilthby- iev fillet in. Report neceivemi anti atipted, sud cn motion cf Mr. Jamecon, secentet by Dr. Bogart, lthe, y-lav vas reat a Ibindtlime anud paset, rseappeinling Mn. Farewel. COLLECTION TAXES. Mevet by Mn. Rey, secondet hy Mn. Campbell, ltaI th Ibm. for neiurning lb. cobbeeto'u nql te extentet unlil Mareit tholal, andti ltIlte culscber report lu 1h. counieil at its next meating Ihe amounl cf laies novnpai!. 'Car- Co0uncl atjournet. rroc ut Cost. Dut. KiNas Nxv Discovsa for Con- sumption, Coughseut!d Colts, Asîlime, Bronobitis, RIay Fevar, ae., i. given avey lu Iniai heldes /res oc cst lu tho affliil. If yen tare _a savane cougit, cuit, difficubty of bnoaîhing, Itoarsenss on any affection cf ltho threal or luaga by aIl mesus <bve titis voudarft eu e- y atial. Ai yua value youn exist- ence yoau nonel;affond tlet eS lumop- penlunity pas. *We couiti nul effort and vouit not, <iv. Ibla remuedy -ave y unleuse v. ew jlb vultiaccomplimit vhl haa lMnàýoril. Titusandi cf bopolemi cases have eireatiy b.en coint- pi1etaly cuneti ty it. Titan s ane mti. dune inlte vorlthat yul cura u'us- haifthb.cases btaI De. KaeaNG uuN Fovrdal g V- .hyLit.CLutiR oe p. n.-L.' Fairbeuke-, Auclienser. 014LY i o i AIIIU M Whlby, Thorsday1 Jan. 231a$ Ttc alection Tria.. The reitult o ite SoudiOntarlo Election Trial I.oltse complesexonena- lion ofthlie silling tomber, Mn. Gian, sud bie eagents, fronthlitachanges of& btibory -anti conrupt praclicos. Itlam ouiyvtl*vl'tse y ail 'bavî eny sconrate knovletga c f Lb. guerdeti j course teken in the conteil, aI Mn.E Glen's site. But lte bol parlizens oft]t Mn. Giisjutget otitens hy lhemmelves.j Thcy knev liéin uvu practicas, anti tonlutet, truni Ibein ovuc *penlece iu lte pesl, ltaI an eaecîion coubd net le von cîbervise ,Iban hy paig mouey ton votes., Tte evitence given hefne te counlil lu tha ébopat, vil nov couvincetemltaittoaeaucent sncb a Liilg s a pure selltouji South Ontario. 0f the slxty' charges cf bnihèky sud corruption put turvard, not une vas proveel i For mure Iheu thdree munlts, Mn. Oibts's eianple avyer- rebatii'es batit een engeget.ýin lu iting up l'cases"; lhe riding ves'rensaciiet ton ovideuce, and lb. spies sud pîmpi of lte party suteaket! about, lnr'lng vbab e'ouit hco deo y siippery insnations., W3 biat lte boastinge outhlb.fitolit, antI lb. ravingi cf tbe mat mon cf lita paa-ty litaI ley bat proufs bj* lte score, sufficieut net ouîy te nusoal, but lu disqualiiy Mn. Glst ndut dprire hlm even ot bis civil igîs sas e citizen b1 And! vitaefer il, tare they been abIle o stablit? Let lte neajar lok aI the evitence andth ie jutgmenî of t thc court. Titey give t he ansver-r otigIThe Gibbs parly bave inteet! pruetl'i btIMn. (lis on eruusly gave sot ras u lte heCatitolie semeleny; îîsî he ys scharitablel lte S imIes ; ltaI b. coutributat tovards ltsebuilt- ing funt ut a Bible Christian church ; ltaI he vas tnee villa his mouey aI penices, that Tom Dingle saidt litIt Mr. Gben proîtime telu lelp bhis san lu a a ituation, ani(the court dit nulte- t lieve bitu'>te giva bimsesf e coaftnact, t eudthIat Mr n. litataIse setlet au oit sccouut ..tItitte 6 e a jusl teblý-vilb George Petilar. These voe t tbe heinous charges bronglit againsl Mn. Glen. But ltae vudeuce fafIot! le po a tI Iese titings vere tans cor- rpyon fanrlte purpose et in ony - vay iutluenuing lb. eheeion. As' lu lte cter charges upun viticithlie vit-' nemies Iiedtebuswear avay thb. sa- taI Mn. Higgius Iniedti l do Col. Wal- lace a triently ti 'n uby helpiug tutu tef a situation, euat lItIMr. Higgins liap.f penedtle Ineal Edvert Hart le a cigan,E lte parties vbo figuret befare lte courtf mat!e a orry exhibition ufthIemmelves, anti oua corlainly ltaI viii scarcoiy improseatheir ienda or lte public lu tem l'aven. These vene s11 theo connaiplscharges reliet! upon b1(Of lb. oters placet upont lte record agaiust 11ev. 'allier Ne.- Enlee, Boy. Falten Beeussug eut! W.1 H. Higgins, Mn. Gibbs eut bis a-t- vise?-s dit net tare bnlug ltenttonvant, or offan aven a titlîe ot prool ln thoir sup- porb. Thaltbey vere put torverd lu ®rder le aney ltse goot! priosteilun e- venge for lte lho e tholievote i18 lte 01n1Y expi&aaion hat cen le giron( for makiug titen et ail. Thte chtargos1 being vithout a shadov ut foundtion,1 il vas mail diagnacetul Ihaltbey oshund1 tare taon madie egainst te respeceati clergymen. The manket dieocurlesy1 wiit vhiet Faten McEmnlee vas breal-1 et vii net soon ta tongoltan hy Cebbo- lices. Ho vas put ont ut ceunIsuntI leeket np lu a close roomu, uasing but muet iliness, becanse te Gibbses andtc Iluein conmel vere ou spuoous lta vwudit net tlultetrut digut!se Ilt!net venb hit te itear lte evidence eft lie otiter4 vituesses 1b Tbey evten tot! burna le1 keep <tard on te noom nttt icithlie vituesses vere cunfluet!. W. have nover lu our axpenlence vihuesset sei offensive e proceediug boyards a ciergý- tan of euy denominabion. It lysoniy1 e esb thyIe boî t alaemnts mata by Mnr. Gibbs, vhou exeminet aI the1 closa ofthlitrbial. Theantentan sait' bae spant oniy Jive thctesand daller. inu te conteat of '67 vith Han. Georgec Brovn b Ha statedtheIlso bs hmelec- lion vas oving 1te teeebtiuuof Ilie1 Caltolie vote, sud (hy intereuce) Ibal lb. Catholie vote vas te on3ly cornupt1 vobe in te constituancy. Thete mIels- et#oflit bnre- gnteen et lte par n st e lte sacrifice -cf party inleremie. As fer Mn. Glen, ho contes cut of ltse ordeal viit bis characlen, anti reracily, anti honur unataletedautalmulsitet. in U he lItevitence brought fonvarti hy bis epponento, lomptet le exegger- ate anti msgttiy aveylting as hboy naturally vers lu Iboir tiesiro lu unseal hlm, nel ene casa cf viciation etflte hav cul tey proveoagauml lte stilimg meuilen. Mn. Gicu ant is ie rlntiare lu be cungratulabet upon lte remilt, suit South Onlanlu' upon one eeclion, <I leai, ga umtchtbo lte credil et lb. vitole people. idiecteti uto-tesnucct'uenl et Mima Bannep lunolter, comue. Miss; Bannas obtaluet first priia for tlraving" at lb. laît coîunty tain,-and rbal eo taon succesefal in ebtaizniug prizes for Tau ania Ihe uresut laan ex- Oshawa. 'rue usuorne Wau e"w. Éno. W. H.Smith§.....W- W- f.Baté .............-L P.-M. "M. C..Linlun.. ......... S. W. B. Stokes ............... i, W. " eT. Bouter.....-... Jy.D .J.~ W. B.Tune.,..Cieiit The brethren, afler installation, ad-- jouneatopentake ut an oyslëe uppen trovidet ton tbe occasion», vien wih unie lady fients su enjoyabie evening t'as épent. - I. O. O. F.-Tte ofiens of Brougham. liodge No. 158 vere iinstalleti y D. -D. G. M. Baxter, ou Tburedey cvoing,, the M1 current, vtz:- ýi 3rc. C. I. Willon----------. .....P.6., 1. G. Jotnston .............N. Q. T. G. ,Benton ............... .0 D. Pibksy........B. O -Wcbb.... .............. P.S. M. C. Ijuton------------...... .T. d-W. I. Botdelb-----------....... --W diG. D. Cnovhuritb---------C.....0 di Wm. Knovbos . R......S. si L. P. Haogle .............L. S. S. "John Untarib.R... . S. N. G. jas. Hlogle.........L. S. N. G.; W. G. Genov -R..... . ' .V. GF. Jebhn Bleeper .....L. S. 'V. G. W. G. Wootmuff;.#.....1. L G. ,F. S.Buln.....OG T. W. Lantoneaux-....Citplein. TuEzEDUoATONAL MONTALT AND lCouon iNCutaxc., éetit by G., Mer- uer Adamts. Puhiobeti hy C. Blackett Etobluson, Tornnl. We velcome Ibis oev magazinetle ur tbte. Il iî lte mert altempl, va beliere, li as tembeen made in canada la test lthe astes et bhoss 'vho are tésirnof t ioiug a firml- rat~ priodicai cf native grovîli terotet ta lte inleresîs cf etucelion as ilna tii country. Tie conletet fthe final number are ýti variati andti nbsresling as; veWas instructive. Mr. Adamts:has utertaten the vont viith s hlgidéal of vit a Cenadien etiucatiunal journal aoconit ta. IAmong ltse purposes af the journal,,,liee sys, letuuhia h.o l icquaint ltae leacher viitLte culture aut enttttsimiviicitare aI vont in otiton filds, iuttonrm itotethe influ- incas in openelion, ant ibnspire hlm. with aime eut aclivitios corregantlng lu bte importance of bis occupation .. . As e Canadien journal il viii maiuiy seok aid smong blie native profession, thcugb lb. assistance of aiU in aympadiy aviith pregresa lu atucebiotiel science avilI he eegeriy mought. Etpbastieally, the Montly viii nolta ltse drgan cof eny ntonopoly iluthbiool tIrade or cf suy section ufthb profession." Wc ara glas!l tt titel-Mn. Adents' ideel i. fuliy reabizet lu Ibis the initial numbcnr, sut vo confideully look for muet guet (nom lte disseminalion et bis vievu. ST. Nicutona&s ton Fetrusar' le anotit- en axcellent numb er cf Ibis tnml-ciae i ub li c ti o 'T h t p b i s le ns o r s uy oeoksellennoË*s-dealer wyul stpply lime numbars of St. Nichclsts for Nov. sut Dec. 1878, free (i. e., fourteaut nuta- bers for lthe suhsenip"aen prie, $8,00) tu auy usw subîcnibor for 1879. Tbe Novamber uuber, Lte fnrslt o the volume, conlaini tt e peniug ita-p- tans of a Serial for Boys-"A Jlly rieiiovsitip," by Frank R. Stoeklun, tu rue titrougitltae ysan; anti a Santal for Girls, hy Sussu CoolidIge, lagins la Febnnary, vitile lthe enline volume vill be enovt!ed vili goodti iinga ty bteé beml vnitons sud anîlîts. The Christ- muas" Hoh1itlay N um ber contais coutil- huions front John G. Whitlier, Citas. Dutley Wsns, Mary Mspos Dotge, Susen *Cooidge, Julien, Haw[horne, Celia Thaxlsn, Mns. Bunust (authon af "'That Leass o' Leynie's"), and many ettens. Tisanumben is included, lu a : ubsription on 1879, on yll e sent singîy, posî-pait, ton 25 cents. Prie $8.00o ean. Ocibuen & Ce.., 748 Broadvay, N. Y. bCitIBNER nm FxnEuAa.-Tb unit- vinter numberoet Bribner upéna vilh e frunliopiece portrait trunt lite et B.W. Entenso,-te tourt utolthe senles cf lange portraits in Ibis magazine'dravu hy Wyat Eeluu eut, egravet hyT. Colo, the subjects ofthlie altons being Lincoln, Brynt anti Longfellov. Ac. cortpeying die'portneil lBa apapen on dis "Homes ent HennIe et Emaeon," Py F. B. Sanhonu et Concord, atbody. ing considenable meterial nover teoton pîuhlisbed. AMOUR lthe illustrations are vievs cf Concord, Walden Pend, tite OIt Manae, eut Enensen's prenant bonte, -ail by Humer Martin (viu banc appears for tlie firet lime as an illustra- ton- 1; anthIe poet's ihneny eut inter- ions of the Olt! Mauset y Latbrop eut Bioetan. - ltbe éetion ut Seribtor lu Rugie-ut lias touhieti vithin a tov monlbs. Tlia Londton cunremponentu ofhe New.- York Times says:; "The vitole botof mag- azine annuels (Englisit) put -lugetber, are nol equal lu pidtenial art lu a singîs numben et Beribner'g Ment/dp." HAttnEa's MAoA.Nx - FRaFFBEUARY, 187D.-lIarper's Magazine for February vie naking s menkat impreesion by lthe axlnaondinany beeuly cf ito illustra- lieus, i. aeunmono namarkable for the tomptaliens ty vhie fi solicits a rend- ing, andIfor theiateisfaction il <ires hs reaten. As vii ho seen by netereneale td' veriming couus, Mn. Fairbanks bas receire4 anotbsn consigutent cf jevel ny, for sale liy suelion. lThe satisfaciont expreset!by pumneasers. aitltselest sais wilI no doubt indues, olthenslu secuns bargains titiime. I. S. Robertson is giving especial.et' teutien tô the, furui.iting of Sondey licîtool asupplies et aIl hindi. Au ex- tendatitnovhedge etflthe book trade, enehles hlm, ta offen literai inducem muente le bothpasslnd.eutleachers. Catalogues of Suuday Scitool pnitit books, vitit terme, tree un application. J. S. Beobmoon, aI hi. uev store, Deve ereli's Blocke, Bnock et. Whit by. 1 bure shoulti te kept vititheiarevene. Thia ptupositioauwvas evitenily a cor- reet -ena, anti bon. gentleman hLi been compelie toluvolsteuat oft-confitence inl themsebveasu antLaIt luhlmHonoun a declaeion te lb. saut e afel as Ibal vitici tlitaOpposilltintemiredt 1.0int pri ion tlten. Mn. 1 M &toI mt1h. Hojua. bat enly Mrànedttbtte Huewoniti keep the taeitue hiitn thervnu.si > ClausFes four lu thirteen eft be ad- tIrens thon passes!. Tite Hanse ajourue4 et 12Â5. If TnzITu rERM»DuaE xAXMATI.N- tThte nesuhi cf the labo ,x.minatiou as fan a.nregrdtte WhitbyH]Eigh Seosol araea. tdilova -A. Stevemisont un- nr bridge, cbtained: a- 8ecunliýA. ; H. P>- Blachciardi, Nsova 80011.4 A. O. Hsit'- ls.Terontg ;:Jas. Harris mut Henry Mn. r c Brown .Speaker U-tPhuas libasa ocniterýable làttude . Von ta 'honOrable- gentleenaWho h ave attreis thlIe Houàej andi I may ho perliitîl«otU »sý a owv wora. vil! pa", brlta'-,,émnalui5lont hst hiro bâeau extented to ew>evmuen ant I jsli inuthe regrate of e=ierhonor- able gentlamen in lte 'gmét lois ltae lIeuse tam-enstainat d itae esthi of - D)r. Hganay. 'I canibean Mytiésiuy lu hlm lkgreali urbh ASalya" bO]'Ou&blO me > Obet of thimHoume. Ii ortar te set inyieif igitt, I binas tie ihatIt honu- crable tiemben for Norlt Onlanie i. miitben in É&ying -1 vol et tn lte quetion vas im forlte.0800. I volet for te retueltioutate 600. (he I toput my conotituentts diAnul ap'. prove ofthlIe *icou din a eOn t l carry ont their vctsIvshntt vote a.olteeeeltoTS -c outoittuefio' t1emire. Is 'aitry saauch obligeat ld Lb. member for NortIh Ontszi f& te very kint atyleah. iatalr'e#zuY- self andti Lit Ier unam t'i'tis site ofet li onus.la' tiât ey wvalbaklag a veny great mutake si naosuiii b motion., l'have oniy tl e Yta li6 honorable gentemeu itat lue Oppo lion are qudit. able t tenmd I i e ovn affaire, anti I don't tbik IIIO '7 ll ssir the ihonorablee gentlemen'- n 11f Ministéailàsie ut-the nlIsa. hst course îbeyropôoe luadopt. Thée Opposition viii ut7ertâke ta dtthain ovu business. Nov, 'Mi. Speaker, itu itas been slatedt litIltae ýoppoiion von. the, prime moyers ns -t thi. lntemnity question. ,.I beliave ltat huIt parties are eqnsily respunsible-torllic ineneasa. 81111I, bellave tseGovezonneuit sitouit ha, eut aré'e esponsible for ltae legimia- lieu eftIhig Houas, anti ibouit nul lry lu shirktlitIrespoibilily, un loy te place the nesponsibily ounlte- Opposi- tion. Antintutorder te sitowttitis- Rugse tht titis islte opinion cf lb. bon. Allurney.Gaenai*l, 1 recollect quit. vWeilta t abts ýlaet ,isesioticf tii lIeuse, vben lte h6orebiamemba r tan Stornt niIntrotucat a bihlu teamont tbe jury -Lav of %bis country, lthuito. Allunney-GenoreI ilated aI that tinte tbat et oapprovet of 1h. bill aud believ- et it vas a- me. la lte rkgt directiona, but ont the i countruyivas nut pro- prart la acopt mach a change iunlte ia'w anti turthen, tbat vhen mach à ceiaýgo vu amate lb sitould, emanata froni the Gov enumeni,' as ltae Govarti' menu rva espansible for ils legm' istion, -ant ieho calet upon. bus suppurIos tevole tha bih «dawtI. Nin.Speaker, if lhsy vera -respon- ille for ah clther logilbaticu, tey sitouit ho nesoponsible for titi.sulary, antli idemity as Weil. I migit say taï; probshly thora i.neno honorable genleaman Ihet cen.su 1in efforathle. lame i arn oblige tatepent ina tis Houge. But vhén- I ecceptedthlitsposi- tion as member ton Southt Onlerue, I accaptea t ivth the tuil 'kowliedge ÏLit lte mtemnily vkIton culy #600, and vten I an at tetceleeboni etofSoult .Ontlni, anti almu lte electura of tb. 1Province, prenouncet against lte lu- ,ereas,ï ll ot e a onoîl la me te relel my seat l-tii. lIeuse anti vate saolit againît lte ratuelion. .For ltee._ Ieantc oter ressens I- ahel vote for the, motion cf tbe honorable gentleman; frnouetit Simae. I almo regret taIý- lte.Governmabt have nul bboughl pro.- Sper lu make a meve in lte direction cof sentme legimlalion in regard to exemp- ionsi tcrtutaxationi I beliove7 if thon. 1i. one question mure tan anolten agit- 1 ating the country, il la istaequeition-ui 1 :exmptions. Anti vien lte Govern- ment appeals lualte country, lhay vil tndtIhal 1h. people viii requira from tem theo-neescu vhty they haro 1nul grappieti vitit hua question. 'l :have onhy Lu say noi hal vo irnongi neyer meke one riglil; if Ibla Hanse bas matIe e mistake la ralaing the ssiery cf Ministèes or indontiy lu 1mambers, thes souner vre set oursebvas ;* rigllt tce better, eut ton titi. reasun I ibail vote for tse motion of lb. ment- bar fer Southit Smcoe. The discussion vas icepl up unalil midi t i nTuemtlay, vben thsvota vasu lakenaslofclbcvs: i Ondis antentimeol lu tc ament- meon,'nlrotucet; ,by Mn. Paýrhiti, AxS-Meursi.-,Barr, Bell, BoulIer, Broter, Brown, Calvin, Cote, CoulIs, (I reigitenDeacon, Floshar,, Grange, ,Hankmn, Kosu, Lauden, Long, MeDen- 1gail, McGovan, Meredth,, Morrick, Moult., Morris, Moalyn, Parktiil, Pnes- lutn, Richardion, Scott, Tooiey, White, ;wigle, Wihs-81--.1 Nas-Messni. Appleb, Ballantyne, 1Bi.hop, Bonfisit, Cblii m Clark,- 1(Norfobk)' Clark -{Wellinon,)' Col Crooka, Derocee, Ferrie, FiiUsyson,,. )Frasen,.Gibson, Gnah<nt, Grant, Hlan- Mur. Elooven, a nard moes taI -atjounusie sdie. 'Whitby Toi - F4i orilng t' JL. Smiecothg Lu îiesars.g <ein anmfrainalB n reeva presetaai Iha patiticus d'AI Waringofi Wm. Puynie. aYlng fà Ou mototMnU.- b y Mn. H. Bleuei anti pset ippe assemeor, ant Ciai 'W. T. Goldsbro ai yaar. The ftoilovlngj tuba paitlto Je-s aepuly-(Ieturming Robtertse, D. D., 1 sorviees as relurni bey Harri stei anti aleclion days * ' prlnting, 89 ; C. -ppsanti repainiî 6tus., slstionary, vooti for tovusi Wiio'w Cooper, * ll,oanc ut Dort keyç anti beati indigent, $2. On motiottof] endeti by Mn.E.L ' the girl EHemi Wl Mn Cmpilui, anti i. ianeiy instroci au te treaurer ft 'Iws te provide t0titing. - 'On motion ciIV J, L. Smnitht, ras tand loin Burns i palabeti a commi - alsu ton providing cal attentauca fer On motion oet3M sttdetý by'11r.Aï ( the Clar enta.nstl edt te rovite eî Council Board vit *icipal-Manul anti propsnty, uft dia ce On motion- et M eatty ùMn. I.Bu tbe leeve gr.ane ey on a contiac fi on te 91h cou., lu M.i -. Holiday, on cf M. MoTe-ggîàt, vitlng eaotitaUiit and M. J. Hollida; -for the complelie miaete hie acceps - - obbscomplatet nexl, abco John -Bi appointet omd MoTaggarî ani dii lte wutk. On motiont ut' i oit IF Mn. Onvis,_ Reeve te insInue Gibbs, indigent, er aIe501pe cf 11cm. Ou moteion et mi hy Mn. Smith, ltai etijon, anti ebaut *firet Meute-y lu M oeeo'cluek p. au. Couincil adjour Goyernon Genens Otteaaun Monta1I Prospect Ieunse, N The enline housa m vice-real parly. - :ncug. ant imaknc tened as Lord antid The Monreal' have upansti office Elmysie in Simoot Te subscnihor t il

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