Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jan 1879, p. 3

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-.44-- I cedar burin -as dur ,iobnn mirtwr oîectswgjuroro, se; iDaviS Glniat for c.lecling jurs, go ;- Hestonr :uon saloiry as dork and treasurer, 8J45; Heotor -Boaton for seiectiug jifrons, #10 ; Hetor Jeaton fon trevalfli n ndother .kpeuffu, $50;- Thom. Hsines for sh.ep kiloSd by dogs: $20. Mn. S p li, seconded b y 14r. Barnard moves, lhse iany -taxes Ibat bave beau collecteS fbout Miniaters cf tb. Gos .1 on pogery exmptfroin taxation by Mfr. Hoover, secondeS, by Mfr. Bar- uard moves that Ibis council de now 44jouas ine dit. Whitby Towpeblp Couneil. wtnbn.Sisaelocmet astIthe Tovuai ki~l aticrding le statuts, wbeu tbe foi. ,bý 'g gntlemen, bavlng ,deposited 'the* delaaions of office, and qualifi- -ciion, fcthoi Sesto sithlb.cencil 4soardi as foliows : J. B. Biciseil as reeve, J. L. Smith as doputy reeve, anS Meomn. Henry Biokeil, Andrew Orvis anS johu' Burns as counilors. The roovo presonted as laid upon the table lb. e, iltlons cf Ai. Wilson, eofranocls Waning, cf Win. Wigktt andS cf Chas. Payne,pnraylng for thefflee of assassr.ý On motion et M.,lohnsBurno, secondeS by Mn. H. Biokie, a by.law introduced anS passeS ap pointang Alex. Wilson assessor, anS-Chs. H. Bweotapple anS W. T. Goldabro auditora for the present .Year. -The followiug accouute wore ondered te ho paid, te las. Balfour, services as deputy roterning, officor, 011 - George Iloberto, D. ZD., #12 ; B.T. Harrison, services sasroturning efficer, 814 -Btan- loy Harrison aIt nding bail nomination an elion Says, #2 ; James Cultell,, printingt #.0; c. Durati; utliug wooa, 82.50 ; MoPherson andi Campbell atove f Ipoo -nd repaira. 82.72 ;.Hart & Bav. insn, tatonoy, 80.81 ; H. Spencer,1 wood for townihip halldo.do. for Widow <oopor, indigent, 14,8 -,las. Bilot sire cfDorotby Wharram bous. key, and boarding Jillon Wharnam, indigent, 82. On motion ef Mr, John Borne' aec.1 ondeS by Ur. R. Jiekmll, rfosolved, tbut Mr, Jaaes diRa b. instructed te baud lte girl Ellen Wharrasn la the cars of9 Mn. Camn sudnSltiithereeve bc anS lu iereby instrooted te grant bic orderi au1 the treasuror for the oin cf six dol. lIne %0 'provlde lier vith eitabi, elvéhing. 'On motion of Mn. Orvis, secondeS by J, L. Simith, rescivoti, that lias reeve* and John Burns lbecasdare hereby ap- pointeS a committeo on pinugaS alofrprovidlng indigents witbmedi. cal attendance fer lb. presenî year. i Oni motion cf Mn. John Borne, sec- ndeS b y Mn.A.Orvia, rssolved. Thot tlie Clark blie euS b.ela liéreby nuthoniz - cd ' t provide eacb menabeo f tii Couci l % ard witb a copy cf ltae Mun- icipal Manuel anS that the smie b. th. proporty cf thua corporation. On motion of Mn. H. Biokie second- cd by Mn. _I Burnns, ro.olved. Thîl te ieevo grànt a certain smm cf mon- ey on A continect for cultiug down a bill ou the 9th con., 10 B. R. Bryant sud M. J. Holiday, on the recommondation of M. MoTaggart, cemmiesianer, pro. vlding also that the RaiSd1e. K. Bryant and M. J._ Holliday furnisb Ivo sufsîies for lie complelion of the work, the c sainete lbs accepteS by lias commission- 1 er te bec omnieted by tic 201h cfjlue nel, o John Borne, lac anSdfisrosy appointeS commissioner ta. assist Mn. McTaggart sud the Reevo ln acceptingc th. work, ' On motion cf Mn. l.L. Smith second. ' s by, Mn. Orvis, resoivsd. Thal the 13 Beevo ho instructed ta furnicb Mns. Giblis, indigent, one loiS cf vood, anSd also SOilr cf gour. *On motion cf Mn. J. Bouma secondeS 1 b Mr. Smitha, taI Ibis Council do now urn, ianSstand adjournedountil fli firI ondy u Mrc, aI th., heur ofc one c'clock p i.Cariod. c Ceuncil adjournea. c VîSîT 6F TIIuf-MÂAaQUIs opLonw iïAD< PaiNcs. LoUISE Tro TUE FALLs.-Tbo ' GOvernor Genenal andi Pincess ef111.. Ottawa ou Monda anS arriveS ah lie Prospect Houso, Niagara, on Tuesdîy. The. enlire bous. vais engageS for tho vice-regal Party. Tbofr visil vwas incog. anS knovn ta fev. Tbey regia- tered as Lord anS Lady Bundnidgo. y Tii. Montrsal Telegnaph Company B have 0opeol offices atPhilpsten anS P Eluavare in iinioe Ce. Ont.C The subeciber bas a- large and veli C aseteS stock cf -statioery wvil aisî pnlcod eery loy. BHe keepa alwayc on fhanS dalso, a full stock of scboo supplies -Chloratseoýf Potasia Troches, s pies.. Umt anS efficailons reme4y for boirte.. w Il#a' and 'acre tlarat Boxes 25 cenuts, B Fi . .Smith & Co. - bothinte 1 nd externau . *cue rksi oue ré1 ý; e ýU îMba..For sl . E uclen's Arnica 84ve. The. BÈsT SALVZ lu the vonid for cuts, Bruises, B9ores, Uleers, Salt Blieum,,Tetter, a&ped Rnds, CIl ~Ls.~îi~84>0e iim, ýýguran-têd. tb gve parfet atisfaction in every case Or ig Pronda. BALSAX lacompse in compstape silloun eeuseS by lb.ezSîes-whe inosa Wufiret dIaOwed,an.a " con d.5 *gt h Me Z&,. fefr èai5. fectiona e01 lb. ,broat anSlunga.-Thon- sands-ofiboîblo»sroe s& su&Uay, ud it 1n couaidOred'Onoet1ti estandard arathons of th day, For sais by T. t eled. Tia 'LAsrGeT FÀEtx IN Ma EWoaL.- The largoat famnal the enld 'la 170 Miles square, a4il lIaIet~EI wealthy Englishman *named George Grant, wbo. naineShbis ostale Victoria, In bonor of bis BSover'eigà. Viatbhords cf cattle, !*ud a cavalny brigae of mounted stookinen roainoven tbé face remdy empoySfor braises, 'infiain. ntio n dp1i 1k f ldes Liniment- JodideAmmoni.ià'or s ale by B. -W. B. Sinitb à& Co., Wbitby. - BolS by al l rugglos. Bond for Pamphlet. 451 Sixili Av.nu,.Y Triol hize 26 conta' VV Ltx]gLY.-l wondor If Lt's uea- aiclineoa that makos aailors àIwÀys a bosvhag np anebora V' ozolaied Atun Hopiabab, as ah. lookod tboughtfuily Up (rom ber morning piper. I deom it réclutyet* otite t hLMr.--, of tbis oounty, bad bis rigbt lung seri-* ously affected with tubercu1a doposit, aoocompsnied with night sweats, fre. hon Lmorrbage, copions oxpectore. tliand mueh omaciation ; tho use of Follows' Syrup of Hypophosphites sess bave arrosted tbe, progres of the Idisoasoe lwoat iminodaatoly, the hemî)rrbage bas flot roturneti, bis ap- petilo is exoellent, and be i. able to. at- tend ta bMs business ausual. A. Smilth, M.D., Ciu2pbeiltôwn, N.B. OTTAWA, Ontario. VIcToIIu CizaxîCAL Coxpàxr, Toiaoxro, Genlleion,-0 nfring My miatement a short titno ago, as to the aatilaotory re- ouits froin th. U864çfour CoxcpouxilàIPi.1 freah»roofoftsegnun>bnftacoufirr.ý oS onupatients requirlng lb are conatanily cornhwundor rny observation; parties te whon#I have recornmended * have lu a short lime, witb the deepeat thsnkfauess, acl<n"Ivedgod 1the relief *hey havae epeil. Ieelt, in e muae have assoneS that "il, nil aono baisa va t hoir iaves. 1* , vos ase rnuch pleasure to assure yen that Iconsder yonr Syrup, the VIc'rosraHYPO. Pnosog, 1he bot proparation whlthbua corne tnder my notice for Debillty and a&l Pnlmomary cemaplaînus, Brenchitis, cougbs i&e., believlng this, I constontly recommenâ i Befoe e very other CJompound. .Pharmacenil si Odrnist. For solo by T. G. Whltftold, Wbltby. Caaoicza Ornuce, Jan. 22nd, 187M. Flour, er bl...........4 5088500 Fmi Wiesmt.......... C089 V p rigWheal..... f ..e 0708Ã" 811 Baliey, No! ............ SOSOOS055 fi 2.......N000 000 'id #......000 0 00 Rye,........... ..40 48 Peas ...............500 se Peas, llak-eyed...... 80 70 0 80 85 >alc.;......... .......25 80 cor '............ 0 55 He[y-----------------... 708 bpploc----------------.. 040@050 potatoos, nev ........... 440 @ 50 Bggs ................12o 101» Butter.............. 10e0@ 12 Cheese---------------::::o. à10 Wood .................88 0008400 Wool.......... ........ 80 15 @ 18 3ee1,'biind quarter ...85650 08000 3eef, fore quarter-....84 50 0 5 00 lhe.pil ................800 800 Ides.............1 108 0 >nonkyenv... 5ô 0040,l00- lurnlps ............. .000 Cheese ............... 121c@0 00. carneta....»............ 15O00 bhlékenaporair; 5 8, O (;0a. per l...........7e 01)0 Durk e , r r lb -....10 hlove .......... ..p 25 i0-#80 PO.RT pRJ3Ry A44RÈ.TS. port Penny, Ian. QIliS, 1879. 'Ib >est, ri $.......0 4 5 80890 Oltalfai........ . 75 0 90 plour ................ 0 ý00 larley....... ..........O 8 .0 70) Poa.;-.-................ 040 050 Oas--------------------.0 25 085 .>.0. ..... 41 1,55 Clover ed------.8 00 S50 'etaloes............ 045 000 S600 000 Butter-......... 8 cie igps....................015 0'C17 MaY...................... 700 1000 B 5. ...........;S50 800 Wod,................... 200 800 Oheme.................... 010 012 Vool ................... 020 022 LardS.......-*-.....-..-...e 10 0O12 Epps' 'Jèe.-,asiLAiSaCoN- FoBIaîîs-"'BY & tâOÏOtogh kuovledge oet 11e alunail aW s hilhgoventh.epenalticpa fi igestion anS nutition, antl'bya caeful ap.pltalofethIe fuepropar li evl- aeeoted. cocoa, ]Mn,Eppa buasprevided -oun breakfast talles vlth a desilcO&Svoure bevenage hicb my«s$m us many heavy ctons'11,11 la lv 1Ji1te judclous 'nuet acb~ ~ ~ za rlceodtla'constilotion Mnay be gr&d&Uly luiu2p sjý.1l streng encughn a resît ovni',a!vtony 'e dtse.- Inn- rieoao ullIe mladi &e a sting aroud, c roady te attack vierover Ihoeelsa lesX oint. We nsay eccape aay'a fatal shaft cu loS anS da prcpelynuishodirlasn*." -civil service Gci.ffeio-SolS cnuly, ln Packete -lsb@elleS- "lws Evi &,Co., Ïeoabox jthcCbuist, London; Eng,' ', A R 1)~ ro9 iii "vç ru 1 e 1 -, 1ip BLOW-GIMSQN.-On, tb. acta i Deb., at the Enkllsh 'CbU.b Brai. bride, by the iey. J.. .;efr. John W. Blow, te Miss Claa Ginson. U. HIALL.-At W4atbyd' laury 'f4tA ........... EENT8 WATNTRJD Pnues *0 fprm ýa FiÉxéch Vy.lum, la town. LàdIoes snà *entle mon taoght b apte l.lauguage tuick1y by a eethoa. à xelnedlahr lo om:Adreu, PRENOH TEÂCHER, Jan. 22nd, i1M.', ~ j The Ilrmdit Examlination. Elgh Scbsol ITuDEFiTS anS the TJSAVuERS etcounutryacohools lils.h nel>ôrsohood et Wbibypa 'fgtn h 7Lamtstci, or' lb. 8clncy, vi itl grestly té Isola advautage te lake qus of vsaleou rDies sentlemanvOfla nsy - si5fufaýÈavabthe vork ne- qro lu he.subjecta. Lessous given oitber lu lb. evenl7g or on Saturday. Be. gin noie! Ruquire personilly aeti office, or Address Box,208, Wbitby. C A B H hC A S H tE A S H tlt m 1 - e g - t e 1. cal thm attention oeth*1e inhabilanis of -hitby andS urrcnnncountry 10 1the tÀtI haiIbve#recamiaAotlhor cOnaY monît o!fn nS gàfshouable IMULE Y, GolS andS Slver-WATCHES, &a. &o., vhlch I -in soli sI Croib "0sStore, DundaiSstreet, lng JAN. 22nd, 1879, SpeclilAuctlnBale sta yïSSlh, st 2 o'clock *01the atternoon. Great Bargainsby pnivate Sale, ory publie auclion, andSUai g oda urnte The at any Sacrifies. cash, cash, cash 1 L. FAIRANKS, Auctionen. Wbltby, Jan. 20,1879. Ný.-Ladies are nequested te cli and examneu the stock. No trouble te show goods. Drawing, Painting, Crayon. lU~~~ ~~ i8 AE]AN s lpropared t10 iVJ.lvo assos lu1h. bove at her readane, rok Sreo, hltby. Partcu. lir eu . btano tamMisa&MCLn3rZ Dress.maker, Brook-ut. Whl1bv', ian. 21, 1879. (111.5 TOTBS LO8T.-Tbe underalgued ber.- by cautions ail pensons againit pur- ciaalng or- negoclallug 8; joint note01f hanSl -maSo by S. B. LynSeand Sylvester Lynde in tavorociTlmotby Cofer, ton the smno $140>, Std Pobra 1878, asdpayable tvelve monibs alten Stae. TIMOTHY COPPEY. Aise a note made bi y Donnio, Conuon lu tavtrof'Jon edy, !bn 11ecoin. et $20, mids'lu Nov.,ï 1877, sud payable 12 tuontha ftlcr date. TIMOTHY COFFZY., Wuitby, Januar 17, 1879. (lin-S ' OBE FOUND.-FounS betweou hf Randl Brooklin, a coon-akin robi ih The ovuer dan haveothe mre b y pnovling pnoprty and pa.ylng expensea, b ycallng ab ths offce.,(8*0-S .FO R SALE. T] EVT-DRÂUGHET STALLION, six- ÂL earc old, v olgs20100 pounda, stands 17 bands higis, sure ieoal-geller, ce on S ark bay, penlecli sound, andS beieved by bis ovner t1 be te i.bostborne.ever importid to Canada. 'Addres- HUGE WEÂTIIERLY, S-lin) Be685Toronto P. O. M ilS. OBALSKY, Pnactlce.l Hala Worker. Ladiesa'Hair Combings Slons p n luthe Laiemi Styles sncb sesCurle Piafs, Swltcbes, Wlgc, &oSac. ~le 25 cents or anounce naivards. Ail erdere pnoperly gelivered with cane. 21 Cainden-at., a fev o a psfrein ]rock-it, Toronto., Mrs. Gorakkly bogr loavo te intorin the ladiea cf Whtbi'anS irrounding country, ihsaU alordera in Ibmeaisove line loft ut Misa Mclutyre's, Brock-sl., Whilby, vii le pro- perly anS punctually ailenSod te. Perfoct satisfaction guaranteed, anS every peraon viii neceive their own combingo Douk. Ourla 25 la 40 eIs. euch. (8in*4 VVANTED, IMMEDLiTELY I- 1000 bus. Good RedOClover Soed, 200 bus, Good A/Iie/k,. '1 < k Deliverefi at W. J. Glbaen's Whitby China Te& Store. e*.4) YEOMAN GIBSON. .,.MASS MEETINiG.' À mais meetuncf1 the Farinera of 1the TOWNSHIP cS1OPICKERING, wlll b. held in the<o TOWN HALL, B3ROUGHAM, FRIDA 1Y, VIE 4th INVS27ANT, astIbthe ur of12 o'clock, p. m., Tà couider andSdéoide on th1e beat meaus of erganizhng a Farmors' Association for. th1e Towniship oX Pickering; sndalo *0tae *010 consderatien some maltera in connec- tien wltb pur interesi as furmera of, very greal impertance. nm6a4JP.BllTre*rieof theanS othera are expecied te addlresm the meeting. -A attend. ore mpectfnly In-viteS tu WM. EUBBMWI, chairman. COLON PH!LIP, Sec. cf Com., Broughanm, Jan. 151h, 187. TO CONTRAÇTORS. 0-!13ALED BEPABÂTE -PBOPOSALS 0 addrased te thé- undersignod, aere n- quoitea, 1nolater tssunon, 111 tt efor BRICK SCHOOL- BUILDINCa, Secton No.5r noir Union Vcemobory, EBut Wlaltby. * lwlg1&.may le mue,a nécesasy No tender.of ietnoaelty be accepteS.' H . R.BARBER, Arohiteet qo. Oshtawa, Jan. 1eth, 1879. (Sn4 OL.WIAJ.L5UOJ~ cba~s.Uîj5I~6llgmlgQV]sîuh6lgc nhIl'6ç18II.811#1Is'ior1if iavent'u Il *~ ciel r 11511 91 tis berly... IJII1¶t.i[ Il ~/IIf~v - - ~GEOZ.-DoeNEttr Application vii la rad0oran .4t f u- -SOo4n àýConstruction q' a , f Ba*« éni rýi WhltbyXsi,. bOur, lu the Oouuiy of Oiarëto 10 mne point ou GeorgisuBay bler o)ig vwod and the Monte~ flotaasg RSiver, in 1the County cf Slrncoe. - - *.ABELL, Secretary of Applicanta. Toronto, Dec. arS, 187..1 knother good-assor, vhk¶h. fér-ý qiua1ty i Wliithv. Januarv Sth 1870. I - NE' AVRAI8ME SN Fresh- Cod Fisli. Fresh Haddocék.e Fresh Brook- Trout. Freêsh, OceaànHerrings., Smoked Almon. Finnan Haddies. Yarmiouth Bloaters, Red' Herrings. 1 Sait .H errings. Boneless, Cod FisJi. Buekwheat Flour, -"Grahamiý Flour, Oraoked Wheat, Corn Meal, Oatmeat, F'our, ,&c.' Whitby, January 22ncl, 1879.- TREASURER'S EALE ànd 'price, Citn n(ý! bet be; r i . ,,. ,J~r'n--uw7. i t 1,1 7/ t . - CLOTHJNG MAIiE ALTO Ofl '-.4- 1-DEËR it GÉBAT IJÂRGAINSr-8EV«LOUý T'O STOCK-TAKINC-.ý Wat4esQ, Jeweller-y, Cutder>', Eiectro-plated Goods, Lamps, &o., &.,at l1argely'red'uiced priees! Sone lUnes to be cleared out ut cost. Practical- Watchnakr. SBrcok Street,. Wbitby, Jan. 1111h, 1879. 0F LANDS. FOR TAXES.1 BY virlue et a Warrant uSer the baud ofthtie Wanden and the Seul el the Coérpoatuion ofteCouuuîy ef Ontario, dateS 1h, Thlrtloth diet ofSeptémler, 1878, om di m ol. u *555n thela 111edinte toiloving ?iticr arrears et taxesIbhereonî an conta, as hereinnetm rt, Ihr give notice "talunleas sncb irrmeere anScotte art coner puiS, I sha1, In comOllance vitb thie Aseessmiet Act, proc-eed ta oei by Public Anction 1h. saiS lands, or se mnubIbhtereootaiMa y b. neuessa"rytheta taxes4,it thle Court Rouse, In thebowen of WBY ou WEDNESDAY, Ibme FIMTENTE day of JANU- ARY, A.D., 1879, at the bourco tEK o6'clecl *in1the forenoon. BROUJGHÀM INi PICKRInNG. ParI. LoI Con Acres AmI et Taxes Union-st., Vil. Lot No, 25 2j 15078 THOBAH. B. Knlgt, Pt si 14 6 1 4 45, PORT PEBET. Sbaxly-sl. Camero'a plan 2M9 8 75 sougog-at, fi Pt 24a 8 48 Broken 2 Broken '4 Sonubh 12 North lu1 Part, o! Soulli j 19 Northhi4 Nortj Soutbh ( Part Souh iI 21 Part North 1 21 SouIbij 22 SW Ptof South I e29 North 4 la1 South-vest mugie 19 '85 Centre Pt (Â.irethour's pI)85 CouuIy Treasuror's office, Whitiy, January 20th, 1879. MAItA. 200 114 23 195 '74 98 100 2414 100 22108 81 17 90 100 29 72 100 82 47 100 85 28 10' a201 aI 197 100 15 53 20 15 69 RAMA. 100 809os 100 15 89 100 15 89 100 205 100 40 15 100 ' 80985 SCOTIT. al 21 4 120 7 28î 789 44 45 30 29 2 20 1 90 2902 4 66 a885 2 41 2 861 2 25 25 2 62 288 1 88 185 2 19 220 Total Axia 17 98 1'alented 118 89 '78 61 28 75 20 15 82 27 85 019 87 96 S14 882 17 72 17 899 PatenteS PatenteS PatenteS Patenita patenied ljupatented PatenteS Pateuted. PatenteS Unpatented UnpatenteS PatenteS Unatented 2,58 88 51 PatenteS 2 10 17 58 PatenteS 2 19' 17 58 P1atetted 2 82 22 87 Unpatented 2 81 42 96 Uptne 2 79 42 14 Urnpatented 199 988 Ptne 292 47 87 palteê" 2 71 39 00 Patenleal WM. LAING, Co.e, Ts, <lularlo,ý The above Lands net hiaving beeu soiS on the 151hb inet., as adv erlised. tlie sae bs beau ADIOUBD onhil TUE SDAY, 28b1h JANUABY, 1879, aI 10 o'clocle, a. M., aI the Courl Bouse, Whitly. Treasurers office, Whitby, Jan. 15111, 1879. 1 E 1UD-E.&.Y.....D..ANU- T FACTURING COMPANY (lilti). Noliço is bereby given. Ibal1the IgÈNERAL ANNUAL MtEETING of-ths Shaneboldora of-tbe-abovo'-nmmed-, Comy viiib. belS ai 1he,'Offce of G. Y- sui laq?, Eaïiià ner-,Brock anS DondgtSreteIu1the îrliteof otWhllby,:bon 'Wedn sday,91A à7e àicfzuary, 1879), Wbîtby,.Jan'y 151he, 7q 9(2*04 ~9A DA&Y TO AGRNTS.-Sometbing ne oOulfil frae. ASdreia BB. &Cu pO UIx 1 2 e irm ,Q G - TaxA. Nvrv Ce., Motr P. Q. (ipa.4 ~~UN,.-Ac ultueand Escort Cas,è- £.Ecbealt 4g ont., jou v~t bave fan, l~~bi~ ~ i~.e 4 Momets. uo. j (8,&n-4 .. ÇIEILA1I TO ENT-Àlarge cella sultable for stna~pupoc, -,ndm, tbe Express Omeie, tÃ"'le£. Aey te'- G~ YULE, FOR SALE. WM. ILAMNG, Cho. Trisntro ,LOWNES POWELL HAVE A LARGE STOCK 0P FU RS,&MILNÈ which they are selling ver>âceap. The>' have reeeived large- additions to theW, rDRY, GOODS stock.- Also,, XMAS >GlIOCEIRIES I at reduéed prices. 1Nf[ilinery, Taioring n Dress-making to oýder. tOWES & POWELL. ,1jý:Èj H48 BBI&OVBP, TO D E VER ELL'S BLOO0Ki FINE ASSOMRMENT 0F BÃ"OTS AND SIOES GRÂY'S ~ MEDICIME. l:11,aiswni Wbitby, Jan. 7Mi 1879. foan Lintaî Sairma orr- eneGyaL aequence et Self Abuse, as lao! 01Mamo, Unlvùraai Lasstuisel Pain l in Bac ~Dli. -~ nees ofetdson, Prematureold5ago, anMrany otherDisaies,1hat iaS to nlu y or Con. icm on aSaMd sureGave 1i51 srluaalu ain b- sih odetr gendte by té yon.TaBaeli ?rec s fIorld, en jil dresln lue9,.e W3 SolS lu Whttby by ail dru gate, anS by ail vhoîessieanS netali dmn~e agan wl Cb~D[TO'RS j argains wiIlbe NOICB îxu- argalus willb IBAAO ~WAflDBargais wille ~Th-Ceri Of!Ima a ateot th tàeBarg .nswi -b' Outnie Ltaaira oqiredon or beforen TÀ1 lIh KATTEEWCOLIUS ffth eir stoc'k at gretly re- luorertomake room for S.ýpring,_1 offered lu mANTLEs, ,offered iýý k ML]ÉtERY, offered lu- GLOTHING, offered iniGENT8'ýFU1>NIH offeréd i lU '1RCÂPS, a vus aiPTDawi RINQS, iestion ex une wuaîiy and î'irt *Porry analcorncditio.uu Linidsmyali&roaS, an us ,& iafinit-veîositmni liig, renova uig tol to aksmiilr ýFlirl uo Tisa vendor vii onlyb1e oblige d -tutarnlsib oufl-a te *ha'puthbsbr a tbpy- of '& Jietrars abstract et tille otlb.esaiS lauisud aIlS ii A W 1ALX noîtbe bound <*0 lurniah any dedsor docu. ne~aor coplaode' ordouente net MIL . K.IL vi lubi po s sof aS *oerchas vii 'Dean Si,-Tboug venify sncb abstract aI bis evu exPaef. Li h m 0h> pncèhaser viii b. required ai iths ance in my sy!tem lima o!fsale *puy dcvii 10 1the.,vendor oraiesrsiice ou mat. es hie jsolloitor a depocit of one-tonltfiot the armr; ueneOu Iylyt urbmmoney, anS vllblu on. *moulli Uxm, neo fronx the Say7oft sale shal 1»Y' B s uffet tesol&,halutto.pRý use-lb1.the. drcni epuitlone- the 1hu1,b thuui n SUter up 'oUiiSWj rAuuefrc o the dister. GEO. H.- DARTURLL,. G.Y. SUaIT14,Mueo. TheusatdorSctomr t8lu4ey-fo The IS, Great ertb Acnian RON-d t COUITIS,' LO, AFSTIEHÂ, B- NESWsunSTHROÂT AFFECTIONS, 1Gay'sSyîop ofRead Spîue u Solt Ial Respectable Chemisa and GruytàtSyrup cures 11f. vorst farima c! Ceuglis anal CoRSas Gray'la Syrup cures SomsTlareal anS eurie. ,Grayis Syrnp glibus iiamcai.tt.relief ils Broncbitis. (dray's Sytup le Ibm bestremedytorAslbmo. Gray's Syup relievea Croup sud Whooping Couh. Grsy's Syniipin an excellent palliative in Consumption.' Grayen Syrup rellevessli affoctions oftThroait, Lungs anS Chezl. Mry'sIlr8 pàaaupener ta mny nuedicine ad m, oniS thIe save complints. -PRICE 25 CENTS. P URE-BRDCOTSWOLD SHREET) JL ND BERSEIE PIGS. LT WM. M. -MILLER, BEo Banuk iFari, Clareront P.O., Ontarlo. Breeder anS Importer cf Coliwold Sheep anS pure - lireS Brùm Pige. - Stock bouglht muS sIlS ou commisson. Pickering, Nov. 8W,187. ' y-C-0 STORE TO LET. 9JIHAT C0MMO»IOU SHOP STORIE . and ,nrismhly x2pied ly W. J. Rickie & C., ouBroek .jte, Wbillby.- Possession frein firat Iauuly. Apply te, D. ORUMON, ôIl!)p SeIn., lltby. PHiOTýOI3RAPHY!. (lit of2E4.nd LY OIqg. ws, ýoot. 1lt et > 1ndS in-I ve ,Toen o,)J a ing suoh great aufterlng froin that dr4ls fill diacase, Scrofula Ipayod te *the Lord ab te take me ont 01 WmworMd; but as VZEt)Fm:. bas rextored, tume,--b. ,bleesinge of beaith, 1 deslre more than everto live, thatlmay b., of smre service te my felicw-mcd; aud I kniow of ne botter way tu &aId effriffl bcmnicty tha i tu ecoe .you t*11estatement of mycoe. vitil; au elarnest bile that Yeu'wi '"m .and 1* vil afford-me ~eaanlre hi rep fv 10 auotedo- Ia=n, sir, V4Bry .Weyiirrci C.,Mtb. JIM M 0 1, » * -!R2LIABLE EVIDENCE. Un. IL IL lvzvx.i Desr 8fr...! vilmscbeer!uIIv add îoy te- tlmony Zn 1the great nmiber yu a atiY receved lufaor etyourgreat andgood modE. ciu,, VaicaRTw, forI do ngt tbiuk enough ctli b. Iad lu te. ras:for- i ws roubled for dvrihlrti y# . "wth that dreadol dbseaee, C itr,aàd hall snb ail cougblug apelis ibat Il vouhi oem asthougb 1 couladuever breathe auy more, apd VZexTIXÈbu cureti m'and I do feel te tha4 d i ihte«ime lhaiern la sotdood a mudnt au Vzaîri ami I aloise *it0kIso ue of thie besimeccc 1cr cou îa, ai od w#EulukIug el1uat the mIcmac aud ailvise eyerYbody01the VrosinTm, for 1 qan asur'e 1m bil lechrcf the bestniedicluelm talever vas, MES. L. GOBE, Cornier Magazine ai Walnut Srreetb, Cambzldge, BMus Vegetin' 15 Sold by ail I)rUggist-S. DAILWAY TICKETS to Sannia, iéonl RLt Huron, Datnii, aLd tht. Western andl Southern Statos, for sale ai law raies by- 1 . GRO. B. YU[.E, 2-) . Tiek-et Agent, WhiLby. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 01? TRie crealitorso Towix of Wlitiy, HAMLIN, deceased. aif ]Eiza liainin, lat i the' lu. 1the CoÙunîy cf Ona rl jNEW STUDIO0. eJU8T RBIVED àlarge aortfflnî et BIIITHDAitCARDS,- NEW YEARis CARDS, MOTTOB, YPirat-clau £Iard ana cabinet, Portraits At moderato pnIce.Ohuidren a qpeialty. Ink, ý Oilor ýWater Couà, 'ýAI moderato Wflkimsn'a Blok.-Brock SI WH11Y S M0 KE A commonl tobacco WkiçE for îleeu" mprice YOu caiqgotthe MytIaM y *:-SEE Tr B '0O -ýEÂCU -PLtVI HarnLilten, Nov. 18, 1878. 8 gain t zc m c mi ii-i notice audahali nob fath Pt;. Bai. 0/. q Solicitor for JAMES Wlaihby, Sîli Iau'y, 18 AUOTIO VAIUASLÉ Under asdly ni contoined a ca> M r~el~u1Sisoli~,~4' 1p New Store. Whity,-Janùrvi.8thý, 87 r Mme 1 M

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