Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jan 1879, p. 1

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terteu ta A1ssma mat betaiwrlttag. Busi1ne'sa Direcotory ýWH1T B Y -BRJIAINOH, - TROMAS <DOW, N ýBRITZB0,ATTO1BNBY8SOLI.- Offie OsI dor of.thor0h. oyal lotu, *bltby. ;AXES RtITLUDGE, B. A. J. E. FAUWSLL, il. L, B.,j cunty Oros'n Atorny. 48 JAMUR KERTU GOREDON, IBARISBE&Y T.-ATLÂW, *4ison 6 dstrs, grock Street, Wbltby, Ont. CIIARLZ§ C. MELLER, ÂTrM -T-LAW, SOLICI in hancery imd Icsolvency, Coi ;sucer, d&o., d&0, Ornoei-At the Court Hange, Whitl !LIKAN 811GLlSIZ, L L. 0 BARRISTEBB AT LAW, SOLICITO: BOhancery, onvoyancer, d&o., d&o. 1A. G. rMMILLAN, (Law Greanweood & MoMillan.) B RISTEe, ATTORNET, 801 11ctr, Notary' Public, Convoyancer. lieBrnSreet, SouthbaifPost Oj Wlltby, Onttarlo JOUX DALL DOW, Offle-Doverills lBlock,. Brock Sti MONEY TO LËNJD-Prfvate 1.uud ln u mo Up 10 880(J, at alow rate ci tercet. ( [TOI )nvey. îy. LIC. reet, le - e- Ii NsoN (& KBWF, (LutTa Duoaued& Ros-s.) flARITER8.AT-LAW, A T TOR N. .L>sys, SalAIeitrs, Canvoyencens, &o. Office-,Provinclel Acueuac Buildings, Court Street, Tocante. J.G. Rtoisses, m. . M'LnMrrA. E. XXsT. f- -JMO. G. ELY A TTORNEY .AT-LAW SOLICITOR fl.Ln Chenceiy and Inscde-euiy, Cane-ey. micen, &o. Offie-Daveili's Block, Break. Streat, Wbilhy, Ont. G.. Youe(G SMITH, LL. B., BARlIISTER,tc,., &'.-Manay te Loan Issuer el MAciege Licanaca. *Oprrcg-Over Dominion Benli, Whltby. lan. 22,1878. (tf-5 GEO. SI. JOHN HALLEN, ATTORNET Solicitar andl Canveymmcer. £.Money b fend. Mortgages bcught and seld. A g st for sevmai Leen Ca's. Office, over Wlghtnmen's Store, King Street .Oghawa. ly-11 CAMERON & APPELIJE, -1DARRISTEIES# Attorne-sat.Law, and .LlSolCitors iu Chamcery, No. 4 Tarante atreet, Toronto. MEOORaMERN, O.(ly.48> R. S. APPEIBE. THOXAS HUSTONe CE AND TREASURER, .Tow.NtE, ce T awn f lel ours, from 9 te i1eoclock. a. J. GUmN, Md. D., ,URGEON TO TEE COUNTI GAOL, ~Byron Street, Wldtby., Dr. W. J. BIURNS. Orrîcm-Next door tao xaoNmoLz Office. st Rsdec, Ithe Royal IHotel, Whilby. BYRON FIELD, M. B. pYSICIAN, SURGEON, &a., Daffina' Wm. MDICRIEN, MD., M.Rocs., Ci UT'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., tJhe eye R. . M. L., Osawa, Onterlo. R D. - Un D. SiOUARtT, nlyi t , rgeoom, Accoucher, &c., dcc. WhltTby, ept. 1101h, 1874. do W~ADAMS, M)EI .TTMI S9T- P OOMS OVEil i. iH. JAMESON'S Grcery Store,, Doudee.et., Whitby. ()Maoc heurs fram 9 arn. te 12 Mi., ana 60rm 1.itit te, p. m. Resldece-Cor. of Byron and Glbertl streets. Cg- N. VARS, L. D. s. TEETH museS eaounmi li, inteal pinciples of lie art, utis clieep as the cheepeut, anS as goil as tic llest. T ath i llh iat! ilb Gandut Bie-er, Teti extrac4 iteSaxout fpain, by Iroducins 11o0Al tiaumusieli. Dentil Roama-i Ccv- eu'e nea blottit, avec Alklnîon'e Dcug Store, King Street, Oshawve. JOhN ROhiINNO~I, ' ARDIESSING AND 8 H4VINGc Salddon, Break SI., Wrhitby. 3011N WOLFENDISi, A GENT FOR TEE CELEBRATED .1.Scttiei Granita. Ai Marbue Warke -Ot Joathaen WoiedenDnnsS., Whtby. WILLIAN CoolEîî,_ JILCRSITH - ROUGHÂM, ISuccessor te Thoxma MidSaiigh,) Ilrcc l siîsig anS e1 iu ldc cf gemerai seork. -ly-52 A T H R R LT,. SClerk Division Court, Tp, Clerk, lluumuualonec lu B. tR., Lend! Agent. ha., haAtierly, Conly Ontario, Alierle- Ssit. 2nd, 1872,.8- <'e~l InvleneteS lunWnll.Bt. Stocka - I IIl meafochuuleaov.s>menti. Boksn reexplainaug ecrytllllui. Adurees RAXTER & Ca., il lyILankera, 17 Wall-Ut, N. Y. 110 P K IN 5 MUSIC PURNî B-IMN DEBIRED.- Seming CmPacltY, One Thousant!. Wiitby, Oct, 22, t74. ly.44 FAUCHERS RESTAURANT, ADAMS' BLOCK,KRN'p STREET, Oppesei illnrel Tstegrsmph Offlis,. - - PERUENTS at ail houcc,Oytrs itpompUl4s 4éMattinitas, -DUNDÂ&S-BT., WRTY. (SET Or posT oWPJ % JOIIZ 4. Z<WDB, Z»NtO .,P PiL E 'TR EEýS Th bouge hooc-beau en - ABOUT 75'00 etl.Bc ts. 1 nord telLsrBeei. eà en . -, "efl yw;attentive e.tis48 HAOME URSR, G1 îR2<1 Z UNK AV T OT L, " O l" n i e moie W n <si (opposite la. T.B. Sitation,) Wbiby. SETE O. WILSONi WMX ONE11L . .PBOPBIETOB. Lo , ;nil(Con. PiokerlngonKgso - Boa 00 gOonce, Whitby b»%oeracomm&fil aitoorgsi "ctlU C H 1 - A H-A L L, 'heBar f1 supmn.5 wu hbotss aor, Wim B EG ru anilles"tlOugnrue. (Ezomcmsn>) koragils c pc5, . !lsn3ew 71 KNat EA8T TORONTO Gooilsbling, snclcu-dya4g, àtuS aen.- d'Fe caîleus, . Fancy »3reakud STua Sets. CIOMRBOJL *O~EL il S" inoy l andrssetsts. ~..J84ail56 ~ Fnay ugaand Teapots. Jarts~tret,.oro Silver Phaiil Knivec, Fôrki asdspoons.. JOHN 14'mî4Bsil,«he, rue*s and Butter Collera. (aucnuo -roJou X=i) glv«R CabBeketa. Thié boat 81.00 a Day Ronce in lb. City, oniy Toaor Ini maprs tva bloeke ftrm lthe Eerthorn Depo4ludclose T" a5nSeriv5ir. ttMar~ iket. Tbe Rouas bas been new Flower bades for Lily',Seh. Fllted out, and every.tilg Firslclass. îlY4?î Gilsaare, ail descrip ions, Wllite Stone wve, every kinil. MRS. WALKET't - Uctel ail Bar ocede. 1 . . 1GLOVER HARRISON, TEM.PERÂNCE HO USE, Importer. DUNDÂS.STREET,. WHITBY. -I GodaOmodto treaconable tarnn.,'HEARERUN R OYAL HO0TEL, WEITBY, JAS8. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. Tics largostand mi mcccommoiou itel ithe lien,an islarge cample noome for commral traveflers. Table weil suppliaS vitithlcebesllu saison. Best brandesllquars at! ciga. EncloseS yard anil bedrooni; attentiveshboulers.. fCarges te suit lis F.B.-Li-ery attacheS. 27 R OSBIF HUSE.-TOBONTO, ONT. The Palace Hebel cf Canada RelfitteS, Refurutobed, and! Unrivaileil. Nov Pessen. ger Elevator, cumfniunLzdhýt milday. The oul~)!rsalas Na Al uCnada vidi gradu.j ncoms, alit hoard te, r da!~H Peb. 271h, 1878. Proprietor. T'QURRN'S HOTE'L, (LAYE daXxxecua,) BROOCK-STREET, WIUT.BY, TAYLOR St McCANN, PROPRIRTORS., Tics undersignail iesire te tafan Ibein friends amiS lhe public diat tbay bave talcan tse above yen hnoan botel, abioli disyr have nevly filleS nup anS renovatet!, and put miat lie hast ot orila fr tacle accommoda. tien ai guess. Tics Bar, ahli t. ics ehaut!- someal m i e County, . v elI uppîLet! aith tho finast lucauda aofwtaes, liquions, anS ci. gara. Ample amciseti shed! roem eut! gcodF eteblng, box stalle, Ste. Delacliet roome toc commercial trivellers. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McCAN. late et Tarante. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, CARTWRIGHuT, ONT. JAMES DEWÂET'- - PROPRtIETOR., liceS accommodation - t- T-NE-CENTRAL HO USE, C. G11eFORD - - Proprietar. Tht. hanse ~ icsha bst in tie Coaety. Ceil eund tee jI. AYERS HOTEL, 82 St 84 MILL-ST., ROCHESTEafýdýp. Price caducedt le St5O a Day. This Hotet bas raduced il, prias totec Traveling Publie te 81.50 pan day. Ilt. b aud y to the N. Y. Central Dcpot (anlp a fea doars South), and bas reoantiy basa ce. ellesdeut! re-furuished. open nigil eund da.The bouse lu firat-oesl vc a sest, anS Canada peape ii lave maney by gaing othdisApera Halel. WILSON SPEAGUE, Prepriatar. Rochester, F. T. Jnly 8, 1878. (tim.2â BRBITISE AMBRICAN HOTEL, aRA Y -8, (LAYE aceSO mouts£.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. Hanse nevly cenoveted and turniaicei Ibrongicaut, mut! put ta ffrot-elasa rder for hrecepîlonaofgues. An omnibus la anS rom alltrains-. inat-clasa sampla caomu. S HAKESPEAREAEHOTEL, k>Cor. Kiug & Yack-uts., Toronto, Ont. J. A.O'GRADY, - PROPRIETOR. -TEumia, $1.50 PR» DAY. . (y-47) P OST OFFICE SALOON, l'osaNTe. M. MCONNELL, - -1ROPRIETOII. 9-Ê TEI, DEST ACCOMMODATION ffl for Guamîs. (ly-d7> Q BN- II EL ARBOUR v -OtA JAuS. ACKEY, -Pif OPRiIETOI. GneS Table, Liquens, -anS Cigîrs. Fine stahlimg aeuh avery ueary accommoda- tion. IY-41 $ECO STAMP FOR GIRCULAR PARKER B RIS WEST MERIDEI4,OT. MABTIN & .WÂEAM, HOU8E, SION AND) ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. Hfave Jusi recieheat a nea stock et WALL PAPERSI efthlie leate îpgus anS patteras. FRESCOING A SPECIALTY. Presec oieigno exacutet! an tics siortess aotces. MARTIN dc WARAM, Tati Socrs uort et Leng's Tennery, Brook Stret, Wliiîby. ly.4 $p75, 000. TO 0 LiOA-& N. ON FIRST-CLASS F'ARM LANDS, ln suume ofet 20O anS upveris, il 7 per cent. Payable Eelf-yeenly. Apply tu- GEO. S. HALLtEN, Soliioh. Oshev. ,',,% knswn reâedy, lias tead e simplesii cane c houitlsvlisenS ra ie sfeliowSe uffeem. 0. IM EEEVEa.40 Chatham »SI . .Y. NOVELTY WORKS, WHITBY ONT, T HE SUBSCRLIBER having puehaeet liaheMachinecy an anIme atockhs cf seemouat! Lunliar tramtic Mutige anS Yenvoot! Mansttectunig Company, ma nov rPrata furnieh Docte, Sasbas Blinde, Flooning, Sheating, mat! everythieg ns- qutiet! by tic traite, at the loseest living Waacd.lurniug Naeals amnS Balueters Ao entier. Lumber for sale, hast quelity, loaest prices' W heetramn long expaciance mut! by squaebt!ealieg ta meni e shaea f public patronage. GEO. GILCIIIST, -M 0FRT TO LEND. The-unlerigneat ha, any emnt of Mau- ey d upomi Far r onuPcoperty, et nWICstEy Loy Rates et Interest. Loanis cm lie repaiS ia aune te suit bor- rover. Se vers] Irupraved Ferma anS WilS Lands fer sale chap. Invcstments made iu Municipal Deben. turcs, Bankh, and oticr erasîatabîs qlooks. Por torticer parliculars apply to JAMSHOLDEN, Officiel Assigtiee, Broker, dcc. A pril 11h, 1872. 15 F OR SALE,ATTE GLE N MAJOR M1LLS 1 80,00 teet PLie Lumbor, lsiaeaouad. Inci Beerde. Mloning, 2 1 4 Scauitliug, 2-tacb Pllanhi, Peulleng Bards,- 100,000 etc iCea, ]THE MuAJOR MfILLS, ý,T, WTEViIFE, And £or. ha eT Theparoneoir clone in the begt'posbie màmer',wIIý thé utmois desp>tois. c>. FW9t. Sau1kindsaof UM1WF«ee&ç ba aud àsid'torce At l0est f. I c J i W -J. IIINMAN, I3aeswood, TI OSH A WA, 15,000 ft. Square Timber, mai Ailof whicih will bac ld chcap-for cash. cd a Veterinary Surgeon, -. ho, Hie wouid elso bog te Say that tihs Griuti n Will bc et Armstrong'm hotol, WhitbY, 5vOrY Millin e unning,and je doing firot.clas work . bey., Tuenday, froni I ta 4 n'oloclc, p. rn. Cbnpping dons 6 days in the week, for Mae y ÂApril 25, 1877. 18 151h Iuehel. T Newv Stage Lifle Des. i6th, 1875 1541 BTWEEN WHIITBY & OSHAWA.-. - --- B I aepto the roule between Osli. RE GRT CAUSE 0F HUMAS equal Etwa and Witby aconifortable îovered T MISER . -m=l 1Stage, and solicit the patronage of travelers est à, pandethers. Every attent ion wlll be paid ta ,, Juat Puhshbed, lu a 80aled but li the cemfort and convenlence et paosesugere, Envelope. Price. six cents. in au and ta the sucurlty and prompt delivecy cf W AàW lecture an the Nature Treat- eumI parosis cooimitted taoiuy charge. There and Radical cure of Semlnd Weakness, or Tb will bu two stages per day each way, viz, : Spermatcrnhoea, induced by Self.Abuse, In. ilf Leevinf Oshawa eech merning ii lime ta voluntsry Emnisejons, Impotency, Nerrons comn moaec ose connections wlth t he Whitby & Debllitv, and Impacliment's te marrle.e burtz Lindsay Rai lway, and et 8 o'clcck each general ; Consumutien, Epflepar, and tb thé etternoon ; and 1Favlng Whitby etai1a . ÃŽ. Je ridPimcsihuncîy&. ho aod at 6.m.ofeach day. Tie stage wii ByROBERT J. 0 ' LVERWLLD, thes oeil at aif bteéla lu eah town, and orders author et the "Green Bock " &c. la use left t a any cf the hotels wll lie attended ta. The werld reueovned autimer, in this id. buili Fers and charges-moderate. mnirable Lecture, leerly proves from blésRmre J. R. ADAIR, Proprielor. ewu experience that the awful consequonce Tie March 27th 1878. o.4 f Self-Abuee May be effectUuaY removsd fOnsil ____ ____wthout mnaiine, and wlthout dangeroies eued( S- suirgicel eperatiens, bogies. instruments beti LANgs, orcrile ouinot imodle ci The LAND FO SAL 1 ureat oce ertinad àectai, by whlah aurm INc TUE every sufferer, ne malter what bis condition dine may lie, may cure himsecf cheaply, private. Rii Township of Somerville, 'y and radlcally. poee on~,bila COUN Y 0 VITC)IA. h nd4thonsentlo. Fouct 00UN Y OF VIC ORIA Sen un esaliin a plein envelepe, tg Bran, any addreas, on recelpt cf six cente, or two Thes followlog lends In the township cf Postage clampa. Adorées, Soineràlle, <iouulty et Victoria, are ofsred TUE CULVERWELL MEDIOAL COPun fer sae- 41 ANX.ST.. New Tome. Thie West cf Tct 5, in the 131h conces. P ont s15 Box 4680@ly __ lcared And fosceS. A ne'erdlling aiream cossthe lot, on whlah la a cill aÏt, near Valuable riarm for Sale. I the aide c agood reai. The property mi cby f S e i rons a rall tation cl,1 ~ACRES...j O s KRhCN n teitoria Railwsy, and 9 M afrtrmthé PICE 2il. ar village aifEtamount. *rmau eWu tliborsd (otli Mastrn. John Goodman andl Daniel Silver, meps). This la a y Saura 20 negar Klnmonn vil Show thé )rprtý. *r the' wcod alone 1fi vary valP33111 Far Terme is g'a1e,,apply $p-.Il. noir a te et$i aUh JA.WALUCE, l.si theh Ac.e1t*a2 àtofly w.P. 0*;IPor, anIefor th. land' ti o moli hmi b W , xU a a one4 usaI-iuq»4 ,x;uopnihereacite gu -U8 tplumoiti es'bljsu "x at"aE - - - .,,.,',,", ~ * . 181tergSzlur1mào, lue to*lIe bé side. sait nsic 10msà iV.oe#ee 1Ai ' HRAV]ËT atal PMat04 *hIo ifincles hie peov4m -ibed'th.ngh brdbged bs i Dain. ne 4)4l ,¶5 Atkwtike% ha T.?. wHIfrE. ý vinse I'Iitoeba&Am4w' ho set beesld">Anlla aS ootSii.- aritmmg 'Prosta, Lot-.l8cn .z-bardtt. lore,Çbaf pe Le Ç and ganti Cstpateed bies f;ro hrbiigh feit abamidoon& d t tïin of ancotiollo .w ~ giwig(. ~ ta&ic EsTADLISED ii 1w .ai'l euî4wlpso,"lmnc le rioli n+ ego!fba r whlab clui eiitd fr auglt it iii" aegr-Rcedil sImîiùotr , ;U lng te jrOceetj dio h Loti LUI11LJ. L M'ER I ILESIE, OFÂT & ~ Fo ~alound lihe howauebpral to fibil vhiab; krtîîe hur has;aimer nigbtfall, we QIIed ut unt>l» may leugto iiersoththolebeoeai;ad oOk. iltat btb u. vs blitc;tàÇ$d. Ti n~tlloale nt the'.-foc$' ',4 Ageota fer Cliuuida. *- Admyeluéa iormste, ng. lu he- direction ta whfbh h.e id n'calme moeiho tbon'gbt-e-honaltl fr- crag.dispelo nscl roetV".lw sO F'N 1.P*r awun tat eilimeg to0reguteý > au h, c e n i timring a e lune sentia hip ta ltme ialsend, mwjsw-ig1t Ebnts llml.Ii. Ç IO j lgonriL .- etratiog glace upou bim, bot ,e-ee1ir. ýWj * hW *ld ab.iés the ite Doctor asmad LUM ER,"'~ fftC I&N , GRNY RT&RISSD ~ ~ ole bi.gce oalenni04 aid ber long îe s~h ileac~onamlp a'ei 'a d ~Ibui -T.tai l namu4n W ITU meiBte j Te.cf ofmmaeel . tLucy aedil Mery,: friand pression, ,nèw an. atrange, 'of obllme4 n9,hipye iDio w - U t eSieckholdera, iS d 4 d s e ýg Raser vs Puat, * . d sîrit, nMingled. with feu hoy, Il of life; h lie ct f IiZr naturel riglit, p 0ibrïng clervoulv mb t Ile dmâîk. BIrea Lumber a rds, aiS ofall'kiaaesa01.tyFmdil. oderato rtes pf pronfun. And imay netition, the bentyhat*dîed, upan le hliet nleate citut e- gracai,beauty. 'tenderursv, the 'impjio beauarond me. IL aeemel ta ine Barln Lme . Fso nd à n . l t , - Veto vicoemI btS promisail tsetitis ofýwlfe, nanas. Sighlng-aul sient, with avert. etreugtm of the unlutoreti affactions ascthat ibile nje ns b utteredéil -ap Bndin Scaeii, e arge quantit niant!.erAgentWtib. Ere liceAutumn meon u haus-ii heber d braw, she for s&nmo imecccnpied lied m lowedÏ ard, bitai, The pealtog-ry2ii thie' vet riy Of iny frontMille t short notice. 7u flt blbAi, $h 88 .~ Oh1J pb. bitter teers, th' ltu app sp 1ngin hec evi e r te blc andeiduaîlo w ir inkle tlmeimRs luwt e riDg and a ionThent e liant!. BITISU - * fuiepda Ponue,- r we iabsc raised lier eyes, it vas ta thlie vals, anSd lm a id, hdlaowih-fti limha, as theris oul a ciSn bond. AB Wben rIthink of m uusetMy;gz ntess c n ollhave hoadthsl le eutranles of hi&aestiig place, bêibg inlimhe neigiboimoAlbeides aur- NOW ytrydîeMaaypcaclclmg, - C mpa y, I r euWig ohé caMe aunto mem m saiS cime regard S illia feeling cf (lit-seelp îidbsbrn.aveieson wlcmliieerja 88U~~~Rflfto . Aulike and sedmiess. Thougi baidl mI 1eie henuul nleajoyo ua pe ut bave ha.» ths abriek fBoi A d $ieb i t lus 1anti hagg i fo .is t g4oüs. vagu e i mpre si onnlho rec i vuaîl voiea weked bâmi. S hic- l d , alreatly; bird or anim al. E xplaiîîing 4Ci irai , Iheluetnaletrtb eu.- NCRPRATED 183. utaIwly mention the pesi andti%,tssorrao, o(Mmê,eudden change in tlime iemeanar gtîr, amsousesa rs nr- srIamIwsoîlspoitol- tiSed iu the beut, medicil 'u -friezid Put, cf te 'beautiful creature wvus vîjoan ing frui-for Ilmer mutual musai, u t. ing îlîîvn agetin wvimen I wam arreseaî ~boe vriseS siilAdà vby gacs,at flturity's skies Il llieiead beoçmaasestrengeèy aosecalated, w bl-t ie tli, tey, liedlover beeau 1>3a repetitisi of lice cry. TIi,,iaine T fIY 8Eccol 01 ten O A S S E T S, $1,101,876 94. - croirieal henstettiTc tealo tfnowrsecndolheliereiyiwa. wiam api aStinndîel imrshoon . a sstks Wllluml~ tre rssaudbyie iîyd 0heuiu0n, nc flo de Mnge hatfarefmatfutniîy lies. ened n feeling ai affection andi gratitude itagaîlmer Ilrougli a ravine ,wliiaim aS audi i ppeered te meIltfixo- Nelrosad auBoMl heclie, lhs arome, pnipoiling tf- revimit tiecs ciffs ta tliesspre. Tiers vas a.mnd on th ge ab isii seciolanmong th. coudolaluia sutSnutld Itbaitlt gefete telovemi curranît r rt-oiw1trwofiybc'hol ae nte-e nLkn:le ad ,;'-à tbeefmoc,-au<clcineorcaneu500clrualpe-rates an Buildings, Marchandise, aeu t ter i rient! Put,;eand..aseue e wbldqacejàdteedithef ppasr.yugetut lac cr Ia. Audlscilni al lii IivoSoi,, thelk7TAlabokawrlaiti 0 doctez. dmg y ilvigpitFt 1.vleasinlwîcîAlfred Ihouglit ha recognized aci a s itpuuniiîrolable ittarl I toelniiiS l Flt tSmAive ud rs lthcumastawîrS eaiponckor, oh t Ilm ta he marriedti o.marro, ta Mime qnickly enswcreul, anS vlîile lier the hlie aof lie nirning, but lime ap. the Doctvil. ta akie uis. insivee am mdpwuyîswmoacklttlaltzîIcner C. NOURSBJ, Mat aca -retunied its previens joyau, ci- pearence weks îill vague, andS<ise514 'cijo iliat,' hi' niitereîl ' ita ele l'by the NationalMbedlAltU .Agent, Wbtby.JIacri lml.he c m i mi. proaîioui. bay agaiti Segceudod file r'-nel itiolicate lime impression lie iad me- vake mcdlieurt! it al." A Fiiihlesi tllustroieidvithatle yery bois WhiLby, Alîril 111h, 1878. . lilgtir evt elt ouain leekei "'le l b. IasV înhuî sal Bagram .amac. IE L - - - ---> - - - - - vine geer ev t]isctplo hod ee *h aut valetar se eaty. A Avenne. IThe remeiniler Seth1e <uap wae pdgsseS cys evecUielesliril assLred litir cifly suroly unolictg L ln ne) lie î,' ad ~WBE S T E R N in lueocbing fruit, fro tlhea reîes, fstar. "finflué,lîrasenes.L taritBetDY eiD Adle l peei ftN'os in thiç regione facor l~nraî'. (Comoluded.î ing tiien i nt the caeru, anS in ramu- Acting on a îjiok inclinctaI uS e-Presilaawl.n 1 1 __ l ffiRPOIATEwandee î,Lis deck nov irauglît lier- trionS ta etineîmoak or led ien b, oyards e desep caverai in tii suais a soüneaver ceaime fronm tho /tl. yeîmg guide pluoked a heauiîl flowem, Meadow coverad vit llflsers efthte sleep, et oue aiSe cf 'Wbill a raieky timoat î(awhhct teoi sue5 LIVERPOOL MARKET!1 CAPITAL , - sBoa,ooo, whilîcigrsw in a claftaf ona allihe richost hues anS perttmtaes-naw le pcomouoîory slîtil ont lb. point at Liaben 1 1 L .I O R I, Wi ie a~gmaspy chiffe, and. presonletilil tali sranme ieefy cave vimare i fipring pulseS vîmioit liey bail nmnlnaliy anS sileutly "*Tiecray vas repee'taîl.IL C*,a#' i (Wit erte Vcraýdta $1,000,000.) whth -a ele faul cf ohildieli grade ;'and in ifs arystel faunitain, affaording ehede directeS tieir attention, anS scan en- veuman's e-aleû, but il e1p'1eetail aniS> nAH F R G AN s, in tlIe cxpreogive pantomime of rend refreshenent Suring theietense lereti ils portai. 'The cun gloved bhoup sxtreme miuery sIeie vmet Te be delivered t tFIRE .A.NΫ' IA.RIN E. naturellaicugeein vbii - 'tiey baS liat ofthfle sky-naw la smie grave inoafthec perry ciambar, vimilo Anulie tmsl'r fait befrî. IL camne iaiu Iiat iready lerneS ta express tewhu seb rSs Staked rround liemr e ue sangit by a iundta5d gesitie gtttots and tie,gomge vîi a wiiil ani miurufimi F're nch m-an' s Bay. Ha1 ic .?Toot.O tIhiougils, ho inquicediltsnn, ealléan. ecatterad hem Ilcir Stavorite fooS- endearaments te prevmmblber lover frein intonation liat ebillf iltus eblottI liti iy cfASOfRicSALTAND COALt, autoai, Anulie ; upan viici, unwmeetli. nov an the lake, sehose isli, scillyleae-ing the cavern, )ert haechenuS sas Seent. BhpthsDoctor's- qoick breqiltu iug it in bar rdcli tresses wviciflovoti atacled, Ihroenged in hin g m tehe tidreaded vesaI. Never had slle ing I otiuld'tell that mie .vas as nuîcrhî PLASTER, SALTsANDnt, L tram ber enal brev, he cahlid lier ta tis margin 'fbushevaters. Tina 'seemed ta hum 5no beemiifuh, s50 charn- affecied as nyseif. Neitma-r ot'imiii;tkn, FOR SALE. HON./JOHN McM UlUZCH. Anuîlie, poinîing la ber, anS bis ovu mauy pleerant lÉnnrs wantb y. lian iing, as in tlie cai'essiug immooime flie allnmr no-eS ; botS waitrtlfui- srea teI -BERINA»O HALDAN, Maniti D1Wccor naine painting te binsîf ; aniS tus hovsvem-, as tIme suntwas îttinig, Altred uoev assurneS, but ef wiome trpoie lie of the ci-s, ln lis hop.i' ri-mga A 'J. J. KFW.NY, - - - acm-ic-p.baIs af recognition being estebliolied, once noce olimboîl anc of thec lîsights vas ignorant. His blood l.cai)ndeti soearetonci eplanatioiî 01lii. M4ONEY .-TO LOÀN É PINL, --- .Ganlrat gent. JMgRNLtbey proceedeil. la sec if a ship vas lu sigl, lie funS trongb b is velus-lits liseS sea, and -"IAgain il uae; but nu like'!-im n Besi Estete, et Lav Rites af Ilîtarcat. 1m"immâurancese electeil et lice loWesl -aur- The island, whiclh appeared to tabe Anulia lagging beliiet witlh a dismetisfied telling Anumle that ie vas about te treexmnhens atw se ot e sute rsiitituî- J. H. MCCLELLAN. rpî rates ou Btmilliega3, Morohendise, aind saxue five cmiles in circunferexice ses a air, sud vn ia îaeaiureey onIie ses lake bis cuastamaity bath lu the s act e, han, peutlemnen, lbat I coufic,,' bst I enuery ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ee 11h 87 fi property, egîtinst lausor Samage my bc-anlitul regian, aurmaunded by aseu oeing nngetory, lie deaceudad cellitmg lîurriaîlfroslicebo avera ir ode u ireai-uugwl 4 ,e1 c. OUlSE - of high clfs, sonné geunt andi haro, LrbnS a upisiaî iummSlert alhertr.iorcor thl i as ut--h i1bia t4. til-' - Agent, wlmiîïy. saine caveraS vits vrrduire;, lunlIe cen- Sisappered. Fora e ie beearchiei* ActiveS acine distance ailf, Alfred Wlat- cenhîl il lie 2Naît eliving iin DOMINION Wlîithîy, Apili î, V178. 16 tre aifvlîieh appeareti a valhey, pemily througb tics lenfr rav'ines wvlîoa clmamiplunîlget!imiotahle vaves, andSwaiffi. 'snrely. alane and snffering in &i ui ~LOU &F ED TORE - - - grass and flower, partly echoes resamnded Anulie, and then pro- coiing ont, rundeil Ihe-'mocky pronon. cessible fapbiiacm i.eliere e wove raujl 17LOUR FEED ST RE. shped by lusterof tras and tretche ceedo whithsrthhacvtaî' -ithanfeOtindeaen, aj e-es-ely certaini; i]y ermaigi oi ainishumanSwewe.. An'h o! dark voodlaid( tlrongh vhieh seov-thaught llbshal proceedeil bien, vben, -selhmuet bis vtew, anti a hoast jit 1ev- limon Wvillniaary vas it - limaIgavû It- r'I'RAS. PENNYLEZGION le meling lice o' ral sireane vaunîl ta tie velley me- jaiml as ho iva pproaching, eise came 'ereil recineS eppraeaiing thesahore. melf such aioaanuy earmconu t- beat quallty aof gions, aenîring in a smmli hake, sehoda munniig lowerds Lmitand in plcyfnl Altreil aheitl, axiS saw tho siignal ftsar, nom îaiy imt, bai4lüpuilclI;, :L U A EE î-1 waters, as Sa feund, wvesgo ranapaiteangor inade himnunderalanil, liai if ho Irelarncd, heu drese , l ilmaisif ami naineles tueu. NWlih. uS C e . At- LOUR 'AND FEED ret, thatils rocky Iloor, everaproat! pershslcd inlocing alter hippe, mnnting one oftho rocks avaitl. iuig liera î1siaiî's lai aOiatýel-eî toui. aivt cutafecypeî,vaa vniheSrotfrc-cta i pproseli. Wliile bina filleS viii smo- tlime amy anmeonce egaimu, Thîts. tinmt- iii rsmenkebiy CHEAP FOR CASE. *m~e oa0' visibleau those on ils border. Net avi.'tanet nwndbppissuSx-vraa nIeoa: i ~ onîlippiedt ime stmny air,sanve liat Once marc li heîacavi-mmwhile ottemient lie ves lt'etdbing lime bat '-Hilp ! Oh lGed h1Ielp-e" - INSJKA1~,IGV of sable rie-nIaI siuging aleng ils stacpparaiga'tiirc-on em,1rad - ering, hisescar as suîldenly A lieiîligbempmhi.'ui 'OR .ALE CHEAP \insilent pnlh fri rook ta rock, sa ilAlfredi, scie vemusurpricieS t et l as'- elai-tIeS andlpaixicîl y a îliriek fimniuàiiiiailt-i urtclile "Lûn w" k NPARI aseaed lta ilstaxanparent mservoir; ing oeirved traces ot auy vihl animais ths cae-rn 4where lia bailllet I aie nt anae Slsppeareaii Seiziunrc-fa:tonci A arl nse ietnai Hrcs C.~J or tuaat f te arbaurage on lie bciglts, in the isla'nd naturel ltelIce latitude in -ncoedd y -anethoan anle.fin ntscndiiglmri iîl imasseS viti ceder, sycamors, olive, vlmicis itliay, iuquirod vidimer Axais. 'Tbinkug tbatsanie accident miglit onc vay-iastily leverS a tpile ot ri'ch.' CHAShy Mey9thN178. EGITvON.urand oathar tropical tracs, lsongi wlich hed avar sean eny. Ne; nathiaig but Ifava heappaned bar-frai peuetatixg e tcw bundre aîy:rdm ullaht; selictur- îhity, My 9h, 178.the moft Isea v inS floated wveealler birds, insects, anS fic-has;anti laugli- juta ils Sark recesss-tliet mie nigilth le aouud ceamadtiulehave preiicîl. I- OR E B IT ONvve, evokoti a musia o! endîss vhig. ingîy aels epresoubedtei l Weement bave fallep imb eaciama-lie îairie. &ram bling uaiù ie halim, vs e w pare, anti bate et intervala la lie plaine andi cries of hier oaimpaniena. As hoe-a- lon'g lie sandsaneut rusheS mbin is scmdnly upon a -mrecige anti mairuil 1EO GE BR TTO ,,-heneati a-itxinded scents of ripeuing aver, glancixig round aI the doar wvicci Sptis, onyixig' eba nem a ieveica cff aune. -Befeous- ablmotia eniali ahd PECICLDoposit witi Dominion Gîvernncant S50,- limeoand! orange, orwitoeaaia ilos- she lied farned tb barricadelIme en,- demparieg agany. -At fret vw beful v relchad-laekiu>( ut, es'idently conr- 'A ~~00 11/GE 1AG ON tXiExperiencet! Agents tirougmout tic blosmon xhaling te Sun tanding Icence oethlie caearu. haie en inquinati SaS penetratad jutelis ont-ar inding, sîcueted hy habiSe mnuseS te cuah.laht bp the cdean aead ok nav vicwy sic SaS formeS il if siebc aS 1no al vas dark; timon, as grailuqlJy sa unglazes ud nS itiomit climncv.' Pire Ris7cs uriffen at Adeqrîatc Rates. uponthie tieligilfail prospect wviciau >danger ta apprehlend, lie praceived an bis epes hecame aonalemed la dis Tioes as a Simaliglil vitiin, sc .I~L ..A~E~E.EJC. NOURSE, ail aidas omet liaepe, and nov oxi bis - cpression et uneasiaies ant i tar par- glon, a terrible spectacleimetis viev, llimeic-S ticse pisa oor ve 8ev the Ibodyp ANUACURR t uv xipraet Ani Si,188.Agent, Whiîby. metage anti beautiful compexiioxi. via'vaSe lier face ; Ihet sle h mndered, sn ud liminanse sepeut baS seimmed Axai. of a man, apparently lifelecat, Ipina -Whilhy, Ari16 17. osîcad sniiing beaide un, -vhihe the ovaded Itho aubjeel as thongli wisbing lie. arba, enveloped in ils mousbyaus--proue uponliee artmy gler. IBeside - - -- -' pefumeofars newuredpli love f ta canceal fram inlm omathing sehici felda, hey mnffernug ths lest agonies eofiim, viti crans liviug siillyas'cr ber Root Seed and Corn DriI, pîemilcoximnasa, anmd lie golden saix look. niglîl nahie lie isiand disegreeahi, death befare bien. Endoved on lbhe ed, kualtth licefgure ai a woamen ouble~~~a &SnlTrnpDli. odosn upan teb ime h elabenigneul andsmca simniata bien ta melon blgs c- imsant sitithe cîreugthiof a gleuî,iaevidsntly,.aime oes wbee>crias Sall iobl &Sigl Trnp rils T A V L E S ged o! t liec, Alfreti for a upece ai- cspe. Tic repast avar, thep vileS awny rosîmeS torverd. xînmieafied is kuife, alarmeS us. Il needeilbuta à aîel LAYTON'S. PATENTED CHUXINS, FE AND ACCIDENT /, miabelievet i bînelf atillundar lielime bancoetwiîlîgil emoging altemnateanant akxmg lia onster, claftantiasure cu thsiime ametrenge t'sac- (Improved!) Apaveroetsaine drean or epeli,wviioli, sangs, an ainneementNa Whicb tiey tome ilshuga oeils, and i e litho lime lied lahisuplae,anS vithoiulanic)- Insu nce Compny, vithin a imiet inîseral, lied transporteS toahi n reciprocel dlight. Altredlng tein itis bead tram he ody lsd ne- mexiu's héiatiniraeneteraS lie Sur. Iais. Buggies, Sîeigics, cansîeutly anonf itrain the lbanrors ef e vetory death listouc ti villielr, foc Auhie P06s- Icamed lie girl frcî ils grasp. Tien "i ôe usSle ~s c 0u. F AIITPORD, ceNN. ta Ibis eolitary anti beaubeous Edami cf essed thaeveateel voice-a imatumai lifting lbe cerclaS lier ta the mentis et appreaclîci, bail gava ne furthmer be-S REPAIRING donc neatly andi veai on te theliamo. Tie neverie inoa seiciha -nelotiat viaa aIrins mil acisieg fotran fic ncliof lie caesoutgely eu.Apaeîybrralema intet ntie. ITOCahAse, hm all an waeupraaexitiy brokon biy ber oxperiemice, imageS lisetlaily to-lemi ct 0ear berl n auoy cflove axiS laSd trive n lier7-dictraclad. Sue wa GTEo orsmu. o RIbe Nee Ca'm Ht$4,31,0- 0Axnlia, sho, paintiog ta e shady cavercoaur et isianti lite-Ima urds salntiog Sespair. At first aeeaemed breeli. ponugeauebr_ÃŽ_vm4,J ioult ÊBccckor stret.................îby. Cash Surp si . 1,214,000 Wvui eS oemd lua SteP Pilie cf rocks lime dw evih-cou wliperig tirongh leas-SeaS ;timon, as if lihe canadiens- jatgo, ýanS, dspite tie -signa o! baril- Broo Steet - hity.et ucme distance, ahaded by traesof lie Incas, diaeinarmun ai' lie nie-îhet mîes cf bis premenca baS restareil hec mhip sud eorrav visible on lier feaimirem, Apnil 101h. 1878. l B4 est ef Security.gigantia grovlb, and tireped viti s Ibrougihohérock, anti of lie vaves for a maniant, ebe apened lier sys,very' beetiful. Uler fan vwas slilit Low \Cssh Rates. thick cas-ecatture ot paailia plante, leS aiong lime shore. The nocon biaS al- trieS ta uthen Some) brakon vends, raised anti eseu alteunateti, bot in ils Strict Managemnt. lie vay Ihither, e-erand an nxiIno- ready tissu, vian aile rame, painliog ta bec uipu ta bis, andSuenk an lie ande miaimby dresspreservedti races ocf trpir - fu i n t u Ot fl5Liberai Dealingti ngbar bhad ovec bar siaultier, axiSlie cave ah smne little distance vihcici -Sceti. rlxee An Un isihied Record. beokoxing iii ta faîlow. Arriva nelaie purpased ta accnpy, haviug resigxi. How bang AlfredS mneio in draad "Her campemiien, a yemmng man ui \Soid us n Rock. licepein hici vas narrov anS edhec ean u abarcompeulax. Thon msisseta ! otr xi re btler cvii mgo, attireS lu e vond- ~ ETF ow, li girl molianed iinm ho enter, bolS accupiod sani ine 'tei colecling wbicmhlîia evont occasionei, ho- knev nan'a suit, lied svidsuîly uuucised IR, FRED LVJUJ.JE, Lite aod EndoWrment Plie, andti hen Siseppeereal for, a teaina- arenfimîls a! leeves andi oarrying theni net. When lie came tehimineclf hoehoaicerdebtip anSd saso, aniS vms altier- TEACER F TE uentl danag wiclci b etiadlime te Ibithmer,wsen Analia, aler bestovixig fu h titlise-vas on thme.vassal, es insensible on Seeti. Ris pinoeaimtîl 0ECE O U f ail sef eut! dasirablèlorma, an lie Low.ir- cmte ctrir f, as lho cooclded on him an cudeariog saluts, balde lin thaI t sau a ege vy i bsl oueea uIhv em ANO- 0 RFORA N A biute, amiS e-nuS daims e lly LIAnliic's laland home. The roof, ahici adieu, axiS mticing taeJlia cavecu anti beantifail islamd companion lie -Jeard once veny imudiue, but nov il lookei ~C. COUlls1i waa coeerS illiemeraiti mass andti hrawing hineifon hie canai o! flao--lieS been kindly -lred on tics aid anti vmn s a t fa! eman af mxlv. /0 qi f ~~~~~~~4gcnt, Wliilhy. f raiiacs, icone andti iaeegave forth e ers anti leaves lSe'va s a ppeti inashoca by lhe anen', - iah o v-H idmkrnl eleiiilepeei e Ofl.Whihy Apil 11, 178. - pacry saemilo in the- glane o! higimb me. sIimber. NerI muauag vimen Ânulie ing Ithe place, vliiimom- hiyhad coïe e ap~len anS te girl baS been unamîs ItES a apilotio. Ieaieuccon. ~ -flectîi frain alianot. In axe place arriveS ai e antrance a! tiec aver- vatar, vas uninlebitad, lad- bb'ogit leni .0ben an G ireen eut! Johin trect, Weitby. TMPERIIAL LOAN AND INVIIST- vas spcemd a tioticb afleaves amiSdry etretcilingfarli lier hmuS as cnstamamy ien viti tiomo thle vessaI. -"My fnieut tlime I>olon," canliined fflodeons l e rnît t1, $125and $1.50,I-L MNT COMPANY. 1havoera, li aiotier a fcw ceps amiS e-sa. via nmeeting hun-ho pereived, fliaI Sa fearful veas-tlia clik pradiacud blytho vorihy Professer, '¶sucly, uxiceoti cnonîli. - aa farinaS of gourde, aI aone side o!the mIme utili voescarefully sacatiin hlierte Seti of Anulie, Iliat nontis baS anS cynical as, ho camnanly eppar .i, P. 2nd, 1878. 87ly C ýI1>1AL, 8600,000. axtraxce appoared s naturel Wall o!fliair, e Saverahicliho Lied given lier clepseti hefore Alfred., after reacliinglia shlSalacta vcba a res Of toh aLnà Is va ut, e $8,-------- -----------------e.....- *ed tie utonmne ceDouro ougave !Uena to& - "Tieugli o kmmavnolimii o te s asàontzl cas f r eql - - - - " "iés f'5ý" "ugs-euItubomi nort ablUâteols mrv on tl iora-bldenoit h hjv.ho li haan eto1c~.-gieaAafoh Mna iksfilful tlndéifters anS for I Whe e he iiie l w i ai rofrosisti pont gruas ml taede unfroun lie e pnàsm a tryo*oe biler. anS ilty coati tet. Adlars, "'+' jg.ht YTsars o 1th c leet!- sd ineigerati bis framne, tormJnated, sun ; lien insical becseltin collectiàg it, Il ocaMubcal iov, tnlenoîlth an-obttai ole le fabout euso- hl4 priée of coal qgisàiu~ lacial ls 10 cM u tdtote e f -ve, lt'- oet" ehdcnae h hm rty Pii n fOri c 0i e lemtr rmw#hg o y 7 tcf ieCuutry, anexclaod e ep es, a iehtn ~m ;ad, alui li ban ebotnler tvacr, n ibor, w al proftaa 't tloe tieoruos unavE an ld machins la hnm o n omrehaL Ca Indennm i shiceit Pton. icic lie andanstood cie enquired ofouiùbrth -oëiran 1 t, volatileotior, hotyouldblihieotPatronsgo n atias ongi fearful-oeadfr Unutagivntr~~~ aatng OVer 1OO,00 whmseflr hbis ba i nkeam-iduinn à ith bn f&kine<msso anlefdrbSIien ne ta t intheet dihean&Éfthe lb. eati aun S i v e n f o U g t h a - o n dl e s t s ie21 0 0 0o00 0 9 0 1u n i c a m p a n c e n cto t a n de r e a t i a n..A Ii m . e w e r e "ti n g sll i t - ,z l a w lm' h o r s i io d m m ot i o n- &iWter losefs, P um .GremesTonscod - fred, ioughilIiio bt l ra iseanti sepenflleumg glogeocnirWm nith e Ie rsor eso 100iS5' rehi&caeS, -s eon taina, Rnbbor Hosý, Gm. Pixtures, l in iîHoe. oni ples nhnaeta l >.lc uSi ape-Saa! mieif y 0- 1e enopetiefmn neI u* alghgD00tlapuauerA x an rpaia, ec; 1C -eril o o . NtTSR nc alib e nti h n iseyci, teao! Icie nfS vp. icv ebty a gL heflsArllno ouiose , mg b ups JOSEP PHILIpS Agaît, bltby eorneup f lis aiS su beauuielcee- lAi, li Seliilfu ceees laI le is gie-nYpuetoa spsr, l repp)'W ov'uninre-di I $ ber, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Ge nqSem Ptsrâ__ _ e se ev p o ,s ca e n con 0,lo-l th n al Cm eliglilful es se- ' oxobane oi e llgayaiuli mu 158 Ti'nic Bareet, TAgent, h 't l ie O part of lie abril n e v ti oai v.lt swîh i c l es ! e henid u. gee bev s st - . Jauf ct r r, W it GByA r Ol th E R ,b e oe, l e a sae8! sl p.d. o a1h en s po er c p s ion, As Ms beto a iI ly pobe , a W , k 'e ü e de th etoyo & ib e Z A a Ian Oeb 8I B , O N A Ï , ~ v e i n e f r eqa g h o Ï o p u e n î o c y e n o o s , o m ind S an , t h i a m e r e s f m p r o s s _n do ê s ýlô t p i î hbu é e 'w f o r a s t x p l b t h e a o r P O i f 1 d o e t . 1 1 . s u Y d 5 it O l'vecfWlilmy Sutree tr oIprosDaesnS- emrbu foîdi avr behonto.d ytons 1k. i.of sthemo vi l sen s#,,nte e altÃ"n of he in snSul i foraoiz ..,.ld..ste , tsehd- e 'BEL, ofihuauseplia, mrabii, IWTIM f - - .th m lmeoil gimasbu pori t cf ic i v d tS igta-ei bst Sn iou xa so btn. gaIcesngd. fis o h ssaat $,Il D mi linOU'dui imi As m l frpooumi swié; auabyestoid.14A BioLI Z yaMA Ca h lSTmBi, OB Tard. prose o-ied, Iis y o r n ~ oe, an te Iin lit fu se r -iesfimeiilt n o azwa b gais fo AtiOu Leatherlrstehe. ~ i~ilD~lpltlp.esathem -lor anÂI4 e tIxii svcntmg latou qf îiaston- 5O"BU oucN ci Aurc, Omer l i rn tev - ecokead h lqa"lo Il.goIlnsun whsdIth o'nWGowoo Ilar et Irmovine of 0 mporter, mollme and ong Iro tibbe IOfils ale aS hsy ta e&«n ofth 'r1iel yeL u o o-f a 7idii,ll i lcUaUO !TuJc a k ~leioi lui. ream i _ hc ht 'lie di BOw OiS dira&U A n rae-etredt os , ux àlariunpW ti O efors wr ài L .àloe -tI 4 (4,-o th -e » 'ado M fo " 'ac -of ' M e W s t po h.inaaaisj -ga ,.- .. l n u. £dn1.ha" 0 M Di CE si ph T] P-i NT!1 in I Y', ASIC Drovn'sb anS eau 3 usa. Ont. 0' 't ?-k) Titce msy cf lie Trunk IBail. 950mn, 1c ninslen. Iriealu. Vak. or hp .49-orc ry AnS Lily. 1-- 1 - 1 1 il - ;i Ldtby, Aerqý 1 APril '14tth, 1877.

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