Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jan 1879, p. 2

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~ ~~îîild'F1I UST DAY. 4g e~ ,Ontatio Ttupidsy, Jantaary 2 ui>t a suanus.Co.-'. Thie meos o! the Conr Ce ~ ~ ~ -fer 1879, met aI the couri-Iàh *0 s 4iOp i- Wiaby, on u Ta.y ý ; 'Go la, ,2.10, P. iM., by Mr. John Sbier, 0e ci ous'oil sboep, c oerk,viaun tias !cllowlaitgo geel Mtiller. * whso là"uii teSthoin cenificilus, a -1. S. Robertson. $a te Ibef r naines:- ,,- cf lewilei-y, Watshsa, Boouk-Gil.apus, Brellotir and Farbaniks. nbb e-$. W.-B. Sith & Co a r" n aug aumin. ery Faentmaines1-Bingough'. Manur-'MsBs il , oover, arnr aria Drawling Boks- Fornealen. Jeu 3*rk, Mn. ola--Chàriatie, Debson sud Bor fo ak Jespool Ma.Scobb-Sr ana Rowd loand. ý. crsiy, Am, Sogog-. rsîam. Tlioval-bmoue,-GaliovaY. TIQN'ÂLES. Uzbrdge -: Pemahy, Parker, Jams. M1Uý- ÛLESWbtby-Blîk.Ii, Sithl. tcek, proeerty o! Peter Bail Whltby-M!botaormbll, Scaitia. vooklil faim- groundg, ou Oshs'a-Rme, XoSSer, Blamey. rois., at non-L, 1t'in- W fl'by Town-Bay, Capbel. Camunugton -Sharp. ýf Ootewolei Shee , Short* PoiriP7jg i'a-g,Gud and Berkshire l~s,thé zîlle l0 g.~Gu sans,. Jobe and- WillmThe Olerk infongasul liaioauuoll1 inmsday, Pib, 20t1a, 1879, Il vasnov Iheir duti t10 .lect a V tassa- Brougain, Oi., etdon ta pneaile even lia.déliberation Pairbanks, Anoîlonoor. lias auei nol>fr 1879, aud esS tIei wh viaiegovornod thoehetion asufolieý eook, Ilpeuenla, &o., mTIo6etosIali bclai uen 13 bulot, f Joiti0lilman, At bis I"if on the fisthbaIluo s cnua, ;.' 18, la 1he lat cou, "4ceivîs a numbor o!t bâilcts-oequal i atnndiy,'Fibruiry 8t1, *m mjoiîy cf lbe vIole counnol, mnàks, Auctioesr. "4shah hoielqlared elocted, but il Dunalu streel -Whtby "vote mbii le takincocntinuausiy t his week-L. Painhunke' "soeocandidmte vcceav nob mchmoa "or lthe vote rerIlte in i ie btw s~ok, aijloneut, h,, wo cadidatea, wh:n, lu aaemba r'.n T. Long, at bise"ths groeaesîumbor c1 Damea on , 7,x the ai nd non. "aseesamiot roll shah givoe iasti iridaèy, Fol. 011, 1879'"valu," - r L,. ONLY t5o PBa ANNUMd. WhitbY, Thursday, Ian. 80, 187ru U adier theiDoiles uorcthaiCouint Vouincil, the ibecîlôuno! the Wandon- - - Lîumcny boek place liisyear ay bal lott. Titesa n otai the- laibllet lu pîniasi sCIe,- il l thelest test of a iaasn' a pi Iiii y. tMfr.(iritlia,în oblaunsal18 cU ci 1hi,, lIaivotes in ibo Comaîcil, os IL l-; îli ballet, Mr. ilikelt obtîliaed 'thi h1itIigliesel umnuer ntvoteeB 11fr. Itilieil laià atrestly lliai the pli i -ilhuansd il vas un <huulis ot that -Ur ( 'iaa' long services as a taember e liii 'ounil enllîma. u i he lbann WILaihl bs nodesly Iiiioto ha( 1-nîvmiîtieib himi froin aoekîng. Mr Uraliailaiealwaye beau doeavedli jîcpular iunlias Couttuli willa ail partieil umb for yoiare basn hequ onse!flia hie o 'wui-kiug iuiemevu o(- thb i mdy-glotnî lime vk in jietly, eaucnsflly, mmiii Con ectiiuly ; never tauring up tlue vitli %nrtoricIai haranue,,anal revuar tieun tiauimîlf l aiaythiang ssvernugof buuk. uns ior tsai-p utfle -trickary. Rli la muin %iaouo v'ordl carti-es veigial wheu 1;,lia. peieso, said wlo lias îlwayr. maie bulmeif reuîe Red Isiislisbes ju 1-11p' Cotnuilh- eince 1804,Andma s an eari- lt(i of! iii.pevsaîaaIpoîuairly vas iZ suefltilas i-a I leve oflate wnship 'of ltl,. -afîmmi-'toe Change ine 'ha mtunici- IMal111%v %jaoing lias leclion ira lIa liaands of' t h6sratopsyers inolosm cf lias tovnshilp canee.*Mn. Gnalaîm. vs avmî promula s 14Y, la su Iiiiuan, fi-oit tisé comîuly Dovu ; lime carnetle hhis e'eunry ln 18411, amuiby ihie ovu indue- tri' midai mtlligsaaee lime raisomi Itilasîlf 1oIma baienat pitin. and pescusul a thi mll iianm. afthue *vrla's gooulo. Tuai Ium wil l ieaimmrguo the uiiIsaefflaciuntby mmm aatilatealmitn aieo buiy onfident, thuI luvisi ildo mciacouscienîiomsiy, ne canlulms 'Pliermrug Ja'arncrsClub. -A wil hibsin frou a srepart o! lii. pnocesilingop -lu suetth arpst oe!filles PRIper, stops bYIvobeeu takeu ferrliae laurpeuOfa! rgslsug a PFiauers' Club la tlii.lovnsalp cf Pickering. Tias * îuovimnteasl la one1hast oenommennds ibsoîf, * idol lte vanner le that leiasluelli. goul fîrmere o! Piekering shomhd ual 1uai vc deS lu lthsmutter bilons, Iu a 'Club o! lts kla-cnén platon, llaey vili findaal s o f fnioudîy iutorcoua-e, fer t h. lnternlauje cf lase, araproctanlng ilfOreallon hiei andamaIfli te he lvautagqeous le ai al, iulividaluîy sud collivoly. Tias comilbtes have cal- eula uaotlug for Salaaneay, il Ivo n"tock oaI l i aîshali, lBroughaîm, 't viaela111ei maubu ]lIaNI a]here wilI ho tiaocli e ' o.,.,.î.aad, A,, ina Wie 0oanoil Iluen pvocoeed o 0bali 1lB. 2B. 8DB.-4 B. à ....... ieo - 7 9-_ 8 4 Brethoun -i.....1i Bruco ............1 Femsby-......4 4 6 ô 9.Gillespieo.. I Gruaa. -13 12 Ï2 14 Miller------- y ' cRie .....i of Baie...........--: 8 ià 4 2 Ray----------i....i1 1 1 i as Wright ........i a-. Mr. James Grahama, nove or Scung utIlisvlng ths requisile number cf balla jeciel for him, 'vas i tera declared du laeliotcl. 'lie0 wàrilt-oeleùl wau on Sducted tlu liaschair lq Messrw. Wri-, l and Satitia (Scotl) and touk tli athbl î. ciie hefore Malcolmn Gillespie, J. I r. sreve Of Bvock.' Of nutakuug lia.' chiair tl ias va thasnked the rouil for liitheosar dot 3r liitia. le fa'are,lil was unmtuiefinpc l is part sud consialoreal it iaieeafsai r-te gs reothan liaitlieo threw Iliasa Y upan liai Rond efleesofuthliaicoaaaar hiaîu wiîia their assislsaaasta he ah It te disclaurge lias dutitags atisfactorihy. a On motion o! Mr. Wrighat seconda R by Mn. lBruce, lias counril procuedieul1 :. ballot for a select ceamittee te sînil a the Standing cemmithees for the yen asui report as soon as possxible. * 'r7jae ballot beiî.g takei, Mn. N. Rua said Dr. itis vere . appointi ecraîneeresuad reporecul lte r( *suit ta boe in favor of MeNsor. Millei r lea, Smitha (Scott), Fessby, Wrigb *Biekei sund Rae. Mv. Wrighit gave notice lait Ih wouil or lo-morrow suave foi letîs t intraduco a by by'iav hi appoint eaui ly audibova. Ou motian cf mr. MeRs., tae vu' Iten left thehier for laI!au heur. Caauncil rssnmed, thie wardeil ini th chair, Dr. liai reporled from tahe.aoele caixmittee asufoîbows: Finance sud assemeansut - Maessrs lla(luaion-IMesors. Wright, HoGdiler Iloovor, Cunnuingham, Sîniial Esu Wlîilby) MoPliiersan Roade sud Bridges-Mesrg. ilow ]and, MORUOtaiisy, 'arker, lBarnard Dobson, Bnethour. County 'roperly-Messre. Feîsby Bruce, àloîbersîfli, Smith (Tp. Whiiby) O'Leavy, Ferrester, Camp bell. Prnihg - Messrs. Guuld, James, Sharp, Galîoway, Blamey. l3annell. NOTICE-DUSeaaN DY-LAW. Mn. Gillespie gave notice lhat lae vouid on te.monrow irtîrodue a by-lse te rîpoal by-law 270 (Dunleira iylaw). NOTICE - AbOITORS C<JiIMINAL JUIJTCE * ACCOUtNTS. Mn. Chriistis gave notice tlaut'lae would on Wsdnesdav ask for louve lc introduoffi by«lmw lu appoint adtors o! criminal jusice acconults. Mv. Feuesby, sconded-by Mn. James, moveil thal lIas coraucil adjouru unhil Lon o'clock to-mornow mornnng. as," ýiluuiijg sud foi-van M 11:uudianueesi on 'laistîtject off lias hmîiusss, eothal importanb iuatterB L'ajtouto. El aalîî amtaiaaio. we arc i a fotbe dîlilyodil ttil the hast abay %'sutotli iCanadian bank ameenitieseConucil aujouncd. mliOL jîcietaacoutl. Cquîdiîs Banks itro stnnai, md liase ducline ira stocks SECOND DAY. - lesoviny ppale eoWutaWeilnesalay, Jan. 201hl. naunoloe uthsr fliant tu hlie.or local The Vardndcrhkthie chair ut 10.80, calices. *a.m. Minutes vomidaaSd appraveal, Wardone, u879,. UUIiaCATIaNm. Promfilue Cauuty clevr o! Carrleton Onlaria, - Jaus Graiuam. sncîasling re;achuiaon cf lIaI body aeliug Y'ork, - -'Josepha Fleury. for cooperalieo! ofîte cnuncil ho seccro itabiburtou, - Wi~Vn. Gîfler_ change ru municipal law su as te hlave iliacoe. Chiarles Cainunun. nacres snd ieput.y ruieves cleced frocm W'atvlrî-c, - J. B. Snytleaa. eue lu i lurma voma. i<en, . - .* -T. IL, Jackson, Promi Dr. Tuckor, toveriighla resig- Grey,-. - C. E. Banuharl. natiaon as iigilu Slcaoi inmee, anal ex-- e)îfarm, - -'Wm, i'eers. pnessing lis iiapprocialion of lias reeclu- Mîdloui, -Jas. Gilinogar. lion- of syrupatily Paeel lim byy tIc 4Lank, P 'ieter Clark. caunrll. Carneton, - -D. Betty. Frein A. G. àMoMihan applyirag tua bu hhiiimfnes'v, A.,-'ogtpm. uppiutodl coaanhy audibor. uni-aa, - -Tlios. Hayes. i'vom the Tovn Ciurk, Wiiby, on- Poil - - - Richaarmd Hivuon. elotiiùg rusolulion cf Tawn Coucil, Nerf ik, - - Win. WVilman. aeking for ropeal Dunkîn iy-law. Weolvrlbi . -Tues. Stade. Rs'onithfie 0untamudmitons, stal- Pîuot &aî hIeuei, John ilyan. iog Iial llaey bildexaninsi booksocf B3ruceo, - . Itebeml lBairdl. ble Ccunhy Tremsuvon, anS bael mucla Northaumbelamnd am Dunhamu, pîsasurn u ctifyilgto theaoradrby anal $AMrulna. acrurabo mimner lunviaicia liaisame ifaifinnd, - A.Boyle.' wero kipl, liedul eferriug hoesiatract ami Limeibu, . ' Tiles.' Koyes, pririh etaim'lîd stalemint, *t4tement, - - T . Ciaambeliun. PrTos WeIlauS, - --Eds'ind Hershey. ByM.MPhTIIvONse.tocrpv Lamubîca),,DY Mr-W.H.erMcGofrthyortor lrnue Eblwail, .: j, P. ThMoGr. lionuo!1Ilani, Prsying Cr an appropria. Welllglon,- . J horPn.is ien te lIaI portion o!fliae Coxnty ronal Wligon, ' ' h .W. Knen. paesiiag liaougia liastovuubi, Elgin, TN MoRirîntrotî. By Mr. Gillspie-of j 1 Brant, mat. Whiting. Kublc %oboole.p liail, - . -Johu Rauaeey. 1y Mn. Wrght.-Of Josepha leader Essez, ' .7- . C. 11ev, anS cthers, prayiug for a unîhen grant Thé. elous in Hastinge and FPn-eu-bcompuete Scugog bridge. heuso viwre potpoued -luconussquondo By ra. Wrigh.-Of!T. C. Fonemîn ofhe b.ueince.ofo! nees bo, nutald muS olau, prv.yiug for theaoappointrut. flld certlflila. ruent e! Dr. gangster as Trusee o!fltae Port Perry Hligia Sciacol. LAnI*<nreq ritgBa1 Csme r By Mn. Mlao-Report o! commis-- Luureva ii Ln a slendid asont onor Nareva bridge. alMnt, of those gooda aI beau Brou'. - VA"aha uENeiDEErTv.. Greatatractions at Ihe Grand- Con- Mn, Rowland, seconiui by Mn. Mec- vert, te b be odatIlHopingc' Hall, on Bac meved lIaI liasOum no! *100 136m 1od 1îy ::;in, Fh. î. granted the Wardsn te cde i le(lie.i Woëllesdy oeni- buneemo 5t. te epreseut yomr. ai" c', f 1aI vek lias s pririled -Tho Wsndiu, heforo liai nesouii caton ont'enlaSouthi Ontario eMocion s'as put; deaireil 80tlatank lias couneil î trial, for 11,fr kindly intention ; but deciaasd thbaî *100 vms a aum no! mouey vbicht Go le Boss -Bro-a* fer Wineeys nt 6o ho crenia iacoopt. lunliae prisent1 pin yiared.- - sateocf the fin ances ofc!the eonunhoa -diS.notcocusider esncb s graul varrant-a *WmuvY PORT PUamv AND ipsÂT e. c- Ir egiaisaig luarly. - Mn.!Brelholur'consldoeod bes motion ç pnsmiluno sud thougîit il mionli net be v QotiofýPe for sais by T. >lencught foi-vnS hfor. Jiun., 4Ity ~ -Mr., Wright ssld thé gntI vas lIaï; udQbrdustiamil inade, tlb. uain ýMigt iah. -B,4augi e WiteandColredpad4 di andthonteéwardoi couid-ýdc BlukefA noB1 a Ib o lu à bout Socepblng 1.1 on i riBticiDgI t toorne iaiau fro 7 1- cat -àCo. U r14 tfflbit th ii.Wreâti culel %aooe.p tL a.ni, Thons vuI ne. el for nnicto.- eIB#,dy )m -a'ocA .ot - exuçot him 4d'béan p th.- nçàlly iwade tute ia. s asi dm i 'iisisrent. ,Il wupunu i i )D» *yr rol bingIt mp bafons the lime s6 cu.bin.li lopsel&le Wardou weuld a or cepi. As ail eveuils whiq o îunry gin'. lia e.rvicei t, hoea.oucu 'tiai monts on behal! s!,-lias couuty noutc swer- bis ovu pocleel, Whaeu »y Joue, a liai Wadin foquna hineif calledpe Cou. tu o ete Ta,00nte, periaspuAtaIbh heur'm notic, sud l.av. hb bumlues', à bis predoesmors 'laad 10' do, heobiOl a sud liamîllas eoffice v oie=Osue -- Mn. WrightlMsdthe. gnt, uas mmdi for services, but ta coner diabrae isulI. ; wo tu' olooOUtIno gala >boh* Waî doSns ts'o or lhrse udid dolflr. & $bc. quseion laiàd COMUi s pIlwotd b as wel ta' posethe reoloic; il voti Mn. Parker, villa ho lad aie oo 'ilontethe-granItOta h* Wsrdu, li ifi.r vhat iad fmllen hfon th gouge man, au objeellon gl a pilg t'h. nue Itien. Ho fîll a delloaoy lu votlng 0c lia.milon 1 il vusPiocàtu»ns l li broughiilforwanii, and lia vould l mc thaut rather il had beeu ieft ovin unlil 1h Wan. lUne session. is e! Mn. Feasby tooklias usme vlesat muli ing "hailaod ubt 1h. remoluhil ws .had hon lenugial forwand Io test lia snd Wavdin, liioonsqu.nc ocf Ihieavin re- anid, outaile th. counoil, lth b. vi ta a nol scopl o! the Dui u ntml 9 le Mn 'Bsrnnrd diS net- undoestauad lb rno s'aara 80 aBy liait ho vould refus. 1he tih, vIole grant ; lut ouly lIaI lie ule antil ueta ceopl cf thbgrant cf *100 At the rity, prnantu tino. - 'oen Mr. Rovland oamyne differguce bc. as., Ivwoîn p)Usng the nesolutlon now' on lu ing June. If the Wamdou doolînîS liai tue «vint, hi vsa ebing a good suinplî inig ilthe uidoeo!Eecnomy, and one iliai miglat hi feboveS villa more dvmtagi Ilot, inbilghir pluces. ]Hi tiaugialthal mny Wardon vlan disclummgiýe, lias tis i B. saould have *100 ;, crier CoceisapalS 6 mono, Ur. Gilleapie oeuaiderîd il a délicate aubjool ; but au the malter bail hein brogal up Il vwm botter 80 dispos. cf 1 fi.Asth liaWrSeU bhadedolinîd lu e.. 8 cepî, liaey nigial record 1h. remolutlon. He gavé credit to île W-andmu for sot. 15 ing wyul genercuiîy lu the promenl sîste cf ltae finances of tihe caunuy-bo lsd mtoS mono generonsly tha iaaalsprede- eoesors. Ho lad sel ageod exemple 8 to futuro Wardena, viao panhapsuflmnr 1 Ihis votlS n ot hs 80 muxioue fer tho cff1ooý 1 Mr. Blekeli saoulS ho uorny o oee the ruotion pasued, i il iv ee, bis vote 09,toldhaele be r:coraled agaiatii. ii* coùtiailin a fuls poeition, muS ho hep. cfi o!rM. Cunninghamn teok tliaiane viev Of of teuar a t reev f Whitby. [na malter o! coxsiseaa1, vlile the Wsn- So -dn dîclinîd t a r emney. - ian Memberu nimarkeal Ihal iflias pro-- sr eult Vmden aboula aie or becomoin-- ol capable, tiud asother takoe bis place, il 'imitzlultombae a difference. le Ma-. Moîlîuasill sait] it loakeil as if ad vautage vira haken of tle Wariun'a -gemiroihy. The vesolian vas pru. mature. TheiasVrSen vira ira the pasi. id tian cf a reieec! a townshaip caunucil, ho wiaa vas nal psmailnil tiai lait mel-. ta. ingcf liai coucil ut theo enS o!fIte b~ your. To brung forvard liai motion uov okS liki s farce. Tlaîy conid 'y net expech amy mana ho do tho work for sa notirg. Ho migih ginsae bin e, bnt e0- vhuamitt carne tu pay ont mouey for tho )r, codtilhy, iwse anoîher malter. t, Mn. Biekebl dia nel thinie a compli- ment hlai ein paid tIie Wardon, in lukiug advsuhage cf viasl le liaitSaiS ase auI of albums. La Ma-. Smilla (B. WlîiLby) loaud upon tiai grant aiaotmater cf busirasus. fHe regrelteal liaimotion iaal hera bronglat !ovward pveruaureiy, but thdugial il venu baookbal rauw ho brnigi)Aaita je athJUii ession. Hi shunhIlon- et The rate vie thon lakeran sd the motion carneS ainthtle folloviug div- t) e-Mesei-e. Gillespme, Galovsy, Golilda Sharp, Barnraud, Miller, Charistie1 Duhoon, Burraîtt, Wrigiat, Bruce, Mo- rt Pluersan, OLeakry, Mclise, Rovland, i h Duha(Scott), Dmi11 (East Wlitby), -.Camupbell, Ray--19. Nas-Mleea-es. Parker, lamer, For- rostea-, Blamîy, Houder, Cuningam, Brethaur, Fesby, Moteslal, Buekeil, Sanilia (Whiby)"il. Ma-. Parker, as the Wunden liai nre- fuseai lu laku lIai rnuoy sakedti lIa M-Ïr. IRowland moeS *50. e l n. Gillospie sud bMn Palmer tIeugîl m $4» eoetagia, being tle saine as paii by n, thue camnhy a! York. Pi Thei $40 crnieul andth e bill vas rn- On 'notiaon orItie Ihiral mailhng, Dr. R liue,scanisal by bMn. fedaer, monoS n in anendinenlta trikeoeut tli ainemol cf M r. Chistianraundi neert lIaI cf G. Il. Oierson. Ths amnimeut wasDi vuis ol, reesiving lias votes o! tle nuovr nduseconiier ouly. fCe . attaCauLLANEoiJO. ab, Mr. LiiellI, before tho vurden left lIa, chair ut 12 o'rlack, causlec hie at- tenltion laeliai deficiuucyibuthue ulule. meùnte cf acconuts as pii. Tiaoy fala gins, l iS , te information asîtel tfaniabythue reseiluhien passi by thea cotiracil. - Tîho County Clerk-gave explanalione, Cotanty Clenk llaud doue liai boat lie coull villa tue malenisl ait bund. On molian of Mr. Chrishi,seoconded 11?' Mn. Jatasa, the wardon lefItiaie lîr uuiîl tva oocak. AFTEIINOON SESSION. Counril reunaed nt 2.25, the Wavden ini tiae chair. A motion o! Mr. Gillespie, socouded by Mn. Parker, tatieg liait as the Warden lad deeliraîd le acoept lb. grant of $100, liase lenk ho insîructîd ta record tho saine ra theointes, vms oppoued by Mn. Wrightî, anal voeî davu, 8 te 17. Mn. Smith (E. W), gave notice e! s by-iav toa moud the by-law reîating te anetieneerusud podioere. Mr1. Chialtis's by-iuv for the appoint. Ment cf tvo' members on tle boan o! audit o! ciminal justice uccponns vas cenuiulena-d ini Oammittee cf thIe viale- Mn, Biokel lunltao clair.- The nsmee cf Mn. Jasiaus Wrght anS Mv. CG. H. Gnievuon vire noveS. Mr. Gilospie, in uamoudmeut, monoS thei nane of Mn. Bickell lu place of Mn. Wright. Mv. Bickoll gave eiplanatiounsaand îmnggese teappalinhuazrt O! a spîcial tomnlittie, on u aCUnt Ofo!crl tin bharges aea iîst bn otaid elîbh hat vieW, hO MOVeuStha&t tcin-, ulîsse ris. anSdsbo ni Go teait lamn. O1, ar liif CMn. Dohqon, escauduid1 MosBret, jan.. Iiokell, Rs,5 Zigt, illop suad Gould, vere ap, aoiut.d aa paclal Coami4leea u U',,a IYMr. BheI&éli, s emg Mr.~ ¶rglaî roi']thia.'report -e! Utc 1pùiâl aoanaultw. appoilptod t'Onjouter bi tu id le tpi ni hm ýul ol or id :r. ly id, tît te ýe ,e n If a cal vu l A linge and vel eelected stock ci ladies sud genIs eaoulden hraeu, aI T. G. WlalIfiode. SATUEDAY'S Svesa.-Tiaî snov sote ef Ditardsy appears le have beon gin. iraI mii ven hbe Dominion. Tnaffic in eveny direction bas been uerionsby lu- lerfonid vitia. -Try. Wbitfield's infalliblo Icollachi gun, prici 25 cents. Aaorsga DimFcuLTY vmsTH TE ZU- LU.-L'etoveyo, liai' Zulu Ring, re- fuses aIl the British demande, anS bas assembledl 8.000 vivrions. Tias British treops Wyul imneahlaloly adrance. Use Wiitflld's cîlebnated pulmonje syrtap, price 25 and 50 cents. SpAute AND SANi Domenec.-Spain do- maudu reparahin for lhe insult offered, Domingo, ibu aeizing Ivo ineurgent gên- eraIs ou s Spanisia steamer andshuoot. ilig hem. -OM& Hoinaieýr pues, for iule by T. G. 9DeniL ,Pox.-Snai.poz la aglrg lu .Brasil. Iu the cepjtai cf lai provnu. e! Ceotis, 472 Sesîhe teck place an lwonty day. Holanlitr asS, ilT. G. Whil. Husr.à.*FOaR a.m.Rastho Champion- «»anicm, lofthSor ogil.dOu ot mm P&40« Asappeta la ava Légilature cf Ontario. After routine, ?ML Mowat Pro théb repl oi Hlm ir lieeGc t thélb addrffl Promuted Go hlm-à P0090 80 th. îpe.ob fouslb.th M-1r. Mer.dlsh niov.d for au Mu In 1h.Ro o r a @&&t.e"& -ahwi es dotailtlb. eo.illur ung eou laaine. 1867, on aocunt oftli satéi * oil. orherly -asMd W0.8.r1 daria. of th. Prevliaoe,"adth. se tion la référence theneto, wlt thé eso of th. marous Go whom sud on 5acouut thepaymeats made wone su h. dates Of snob paym.uts, MSastitemant _Pwi l u dot@ icount, sud .1111 uupaa, sud th. pi to - whom sud on wbat acoun Saime are cWîng e Mr. Bell aaked for an order a Hiouai for a rîluru forgeuh of th. *of Ontailo of the pirtlculara of liae &-t artichool. for th. yeur 1870, sa I amamtablaed onpages 88sa cf liae report of 1h. Minister cf L t ien for lth. year 1876, sessiona pi a 1878, part 2, vol. 10. In, dolug à Pealled attention te. ltae importang liahe malter. 1 Mr. rokeasaked th. hou. mai la point ont wiaat particular item 1 wased to rafer to, more sPOOLa& 1respect to theme4p4rateaîols. 1 Thaeaddroes m le Hon ajeoty, Marquis of Lurne aud the Bari of frint vire thon iaauded round-foi speotion and signature. They, mcml beautlfully engrosmd on vol Mr. Bell oontinued, suid ho tac il bis duly te brin g the malter bi the Hlose., and aoked wLio ho nu expeot the information. - MnI. Crocks said ho always endo, ed to avoid bringiug up unpleasani bates. The. motion was allowe ostnd The fions, thon wout mb oCommi cf supply, Mr. Cornie ini lb. chair, ifito way anad Moins. Mondîy, Jan. 29È The House. culyst5for balf an h Tho Standing Committees, as sti hi' the Commîltee appointod for purpose, wero appofnted. à mosi was read from his Honor e ho Lioni ant.Governor thaukinglthe boune. their Address. Government bille- inoorporatobthe Ontario Poultry A cittion ; rospeoluug lias Mercer Fou Beformatory, sud to exlend the poM of Gis Companis-wore read theo lime. After a short discussion reg& ing ths undewnity qu'etion, sud adcption of a motion for reporta cf, s peolors of Coloizîtion Boadi, fouse adjourned. Gi1bOons Balsamie congia lozonges coughs &c. S. W. B. Smith & Co. An Enqulry--The Local Candidate To Ilie Editor of the Whitby Chi àiug, then, 'a lasInalr, i vii hs àCend thal lu the Foot Guandu thev are 205 Eogbiuh, 80 Scoch sud 17 Irish officie; amui 4,842 Englishu, 566 Scotch sud 846 - uua n on-commissiaued offi-- cor cenud min. Iu île negimonts o! the ,fintîuhvyhuin here are 8.282 Eugliel, 489 Scotchansd 926 Irisha officie, unS 74,867 Enkliala, 9,477 ScotchiaunS 29,. 488 miel' uann.commissicnod officens and mon. The Amy Service Corpu comprssfine vOEngliallanimuloue Irais officenund 2.598 Englisia, 186 Scotch und 268 Irieh uon-commisoued offi- cersand min ; muS tl. Army Hospital Cor pa, 27': ugliu, 7 Scotch aund i1 Iriuh officens,, ad 1,007 EnglisI, 126 Scotch unS 890 Irish nom-commission. eS effloina and men. Tislu insa grandi total for cun arry cf abi injus ef 5,788 Englelh, 795 Scotch anS 1,886 Irisha offlcees ; 124.708 Englsia, 14,235 Scotch unS 89,121 Irish non- commis- uloneui offleenu sud min. France sud Gevmany. vAInmu PR F5EVENGE. Ths foreigai relations c! France aro il prosent lu a véry poaS sîape. Sle hi. ne quarrel vlth sny one..fer iaope, mud intention of!oblsiniug eveage monm Genmany is ual abandoned, hut poalpoued. A Àv-eny lalgiaperonsgi ii0 Pari alrmle, the other day, liait Frace veuld ;ake beliv euge upia Gsrinany, bail in ber os'n way and as be on ean ime. By shos'iug Gevmany iacs'liborty! le vedueal ltl ca-don ance peisce, vili pvcepcity luInvor epuitO w .LI tel'v anci an lauponegla Bs pthilenfeeloin uGea'mey Ibl bu Empfre wlalok Ipicbllng il. ovu es -lrîleion byjils nsrs'o e nr al nPteion EO'k,5UOfthey01 80 1310 à cura 8of th ons $oe, aI a-love:raIs eoS luterfeal *bat lhey baS to p'y tlb nka.1 Manof.thlte r lOs a d tbeamftlmrish In u'mre orayitbZoeeum ari assîd de bo trer n im "i ao ibt mrmm lookb oerl i nt bIng vcgin misiA prant. pnitodbeter, byMr B. B .ad 'a d l a ntionwured bonsMv.. H. a5 nom- Mn. rsdfmd nnghsuo 1 mona l and wuonmotin esd he M.S.g]for yaruvnsd ë c fa to he fermen Picpkoer ianibaSpin 26 se. ý Mr. Bute d, tt avifrthbsnievl rOus'puns aui resth renifo )uc the aaylot; h4~heinho ma nade ditttisttn Gfmnnn b l ot ena, in ghaons icl oina alella, mnd Pang ce cf blisbase' H taat 0, od 9 liaus ioybair -te glug cul o! usl country, vould kisp lias country pi luh sud keopî las iam brd llmoa. 1 ly Banks, nauranoe Compaute, Lo laecietIem sud imponters, sud lia, Gni 'D h é T r u k mn a u g em e t, wv in s 1a i n u t Du.assallil yhm n h rnilt r bu. vhieh hlm, anSbusiespnlucbp1ned 1oe n1 8011o te inloreule o! Ils farnae agiumt MrBraSfondnounood monopmallia efovo all indu, ad dvocaledthe oing Peoe:1ceunts fer -tl heolcion of Sobla aigiat m nsumothaut wonld serve the gensi avr good. Ho waubod liait nto man sho' avn bolS a position haut vould el2auhiohi hi e o maire 100naucia money ; 'suvoigi stieignfanatthoas viao rem' ined a es' yen lu Canada, andîthen tacir Ihein moi etsîs'here te livu, becanee Canada, tIl ali said, via o ocoiS for thon. fHs w oppoe o epaytng lange salaries; the tsoentracting c! doIt by Govevmoex t. by municipaliîies, unS by indivblmah Our, to lîvyens mnoapoliig soau in Pa ýruck imnent, and alwnlel laves implifieS the Ihat îiaey migial ho laugia in a ii Wugo bock. The Farmnns Bank s'as ti heun- gneat pauscîas ta l eniprnm luti for hnild -nmllviys, roinove prodmo., as -hto pay dividendesud lianougia vhich ti aso- Pacifie Rîilçvay cotaIS ho batit. maie Mv Arlun loînelon diii ual osoi vii venu m grestal iitlmt lad bien saiS by M firuh Braiforamlitai] te do s'ilh a farmeni' ei anal- ganizaton. Hfildcoeota eiarMi tho Bull, sud in tle bopes thaut armez Un-. weuiSl beur oometing ni pnsc the -ticaliiitereet t ho amailves. Hefise ual vauttlte utin e chînsfc! nu ning ltse rade anS commerce o! th Car viiole country b y !snmsre. Thon vir saine hin gssaiS by Mv, BradionSo viaicia ol asiipprone, but thagen cms. eval sopeofe!hie nemake vas utegetl en eut o! wlal ho tanderetood le hi cen ron- templited by biis meeting. Heivi: faner cf the ergunization o! s Farusu Club. Farmers-voeohc mcliisieata tiai oS, thoy should lave soare central rai 19Y- lyiug point, 80 ai 10 Crnax aunici oe- anS bave tiasir vies beard led Farmens blad nul Ihal ropneseutalir enas te vlaioî Iheir veultia anS properly hier sud, h. addoal, dlgnîy, outilleS Ihern ýho- *fanthe rsnemea titley vueeual unie onr eS. TIaey Sic] ualvant la go viti Mr the Bradlford for upsetliug the Bankinu ,gy. Raiivay sud hnsuvance inlîeuetuo! thE ta?2 country. Whmttliey vanteS sas son,. ny. thiig practiesi, s Fsvmon'a Club hromgE t cf vhia fthey cotaiS communicale iti ny oas anaîher anS interchange ideîmu s mvw te vIal ahat te ses', grow, bried th@e &o., vilia the gneateet profit ; mi s-u- am liae beelimrkets, anSdliaieme so!fit for prevemunh gunuraliy. fHs spoke e! lhe ti- beeafts dmriveS by anauars fromraiJ- vuyu, sud nainlained Ihal farinera led ýbýs prospeneS under lhe exieling sîste of n-o tiainga, sud lad lamse cause for cona in- plaint biamu masî classes cf the con- ahI rnunity, ntoliîiadiuag tliasrlin lt limes. Ho fer ono vanteS ne change 4n an-thi uyatom tandon vaici a frmes liail fr grevn ta uo mucia prcsperity. te Mr. Robert Undiniaill, iamving bisa In. calledultpon, saiS le appronod cf mIl lîsI biS fallen froua Mn. Jolueton. Ounation o! Mn. Johushon, seonod. pR. _eS y Mn. Gec. Lîug, il vie reuolnsc lIaI il vas ailsinable lhu armins of liai levnship 'o! Pickering uheulul outablisi aPannons' Club. a A nesoltion passilalppaiotiug San- )is uel f. Stevenson, Ge. Long, D. M. aht Decker and John Piillipe, a conmibloî Car p poiuiag tle lime sud place Cor ueo. 1, do., Co,., jur.. ,uu.L, . ; Allen IUUZIy0 #1 dO., Wm. 'Logan,cm.; Slark 'familyr 50c., do., Tles. Hamilton, oin.; Heuiry Brown, 75c., do., 1Gec.1 Burton, cm.; rtn Beaumont, 75c, do., B. Dunting, oin.; k. Mater, 75o.,Tho.. Moukiacuso, oin.; Framainghami, #1, do., M. Gloo. 0o0, coin.; Âb. toner, i, do., John Oddl., nom. ;'Wldow Eâglbbi, *1.' do., Ira Palmner, ouL Tii. folloiug person vire ordered to b. psid th ia.s ot oppositethoir re- Es eo v. ainesfor services ronderod as eturnlng OÏornmue 'cf' bail, ho.:- Angus MoKtay, *#7; k lame. Lînton, *7 ; George Parker, V7; David Gilobriet, 67; Levi UÏKs&', 47; Benjamin Meen, #7 Arohipuld Matthews, *7:- James Tay- lot, 87; David Birroil, 07; Thomas Pula, *7; Abrahamn Reosor, $7. Bon. jamin MAin ordered to b. paid for siaoop killod by doga, *28.88.' Mr, Monkiacuse introduced a by.law, which wus rad thrse sevoral lamnes sud pamed, appointiug Edmund Stephen. ont usesoGn, and Thomea ýDcuaisud Levi àMaokiy, auditor.'- Mr. Hoover moved liait Thomas Hamilton ronoivo *24 for toýing cars cf the hall, and keeping tb. same'bealed for meetings cf Connoil and Division Courts for liae year 1879. Cîrried. Mr. Porrester, moved, seconded by Mr. Barnard, that the use cf th. hall ho granted 10 liaseaetiaodist Chircia nt Broughami, tb hold an outertaiumont auy day liais meuth. providiug lhey assume ih. responsibility o! any dam. agi,sud provide Iheir own light and fuelan ami Is, if uece8ssary, cean tho hall iflerwards. Carried. Mr. Hoover, seoeded by Mr. Barn- ard, naovod liai t1h. council adjonrn unlil Tuesday, the 4th diy of- Mîrcia uext, allten o'clock, a.m. Carried. The Amherst Mystery. 4ua Esther Cox, viao has hein sufferng or. img fromn dipliainria, bas recoversd; an- hon friendu have ascenhuiued liaitliai Or Young nau conn ctd ilia tias arly o iistory o ! th o case, and w hvio eno v ini s 1%c distant part f Cumberland Couty, hd ad thae diseuse about thias isme ime, suaid lianuthaey accounulfor fier.illnsss. T- e TIageXaO bas b enu em akaily livoly o u i g t epast veuk, lil rmes terribly uo 0, arcmeîug tiai foirs cofMr,- Tî.d'a - famiy sa as te mako hem, s-wel se - theasprincipal victir f lias Manifsta- lu tioaa, Ob* t fssaala.~ ume I.curioma ; matches have been struck, andltle prmises vry mmcl endage. ned,wlilelthess ofthe Most appallug ý.oesveico. Thougia closly walciaed, nu il bas hbenu founeimpossible ho cou- Y'nid Esther vitia liasmanifestations Swiaicli have coeuvred niglit aller nigia. n.O Monday iglt liaes persnsrscocu- pied tia. ithng-oom bye f hom - iare perfect sranges. Soon afen 8. iasy hd beau sa ed th eai appi g om - ,h meced, andl very hortly al io ers ah presusit began t e ho pn sucia gond lerme itia the unkovu tlat il became do extnm ly a comi od sing. B y rap a ot lrsleatedly, iu ail cases se fan ascer- tainblegavecorrct rpli hotaquis- lethons, vhiola, iii maos aies, could only ho asuvond by ono umong thaso pre. seut: l: How msuy dollars bave 1inl ~ my band?2""IlHaw msny keys 2" The persan wao iaud the koya diii net kuov hov iusuy hl aad, but ho vorti- died lias corrîcînesefthIe snswsn by Scomnluing then. Sîveral expsramsntu d prsvionsly untriîd in counection vilia liais caso vone nov esseayeS. Boh aMn. TeeS and the yonng man. te wiacs e'I- flduence uni illnibuted theastroubles ans shosakeru. TeeS sas eaiiiyen -make us a hool ?" Answsr, "lYos." Mn. TeeS thon directed lie as ous oper. andi ini ondin, froun alsaliug t finishlng ansud lianoiug tho -isIou theé dean, and the distinctive sonuds cf Lthe varions - porahions vers audible le every une in liai roem. To hi ixplicit, Mr. Tesd direeted tliainbulisting bye nule hi driven at tho tee ;h liathonssid dnuv rovin the bliandl drive Ive Isoka, Ive alliai riglit sidaocf lIai baIl Ivo aliasthe loft uude and finishla lstig. Th. crack- i ing o! loîther drawn by pincers anSdliai e uouu'd au e! u hamnîr driving the tucks vono plainly beard. Thon directions1 voro givon le pt lu the slaank anS tack i *ou the sole, take il le Ihs psggev suda begin poggiug. Botia pailles have F wonked in tho Amherstsl aos faetony, viainethae pogguug is done hy s pondor- ous macinje, vhicoia mke a lomd andJ peculiar clathon. Mn. Tiofi decians liait liassounde lianetgiactl vie meet t] penfech. Mn. Teed'is fumily, llaongh alt t times iighly auussd, féel vory mucia 9 vorrisd sud proutrated by liai constantv excitemeul and lerror. Mn. Tîed a althiougl, vllhiug temainhain hie sisten- 8 lu-liv,Soeonol feel ablo la hear thoe- uddilional epons iuournud hy lber beiug s numben o! bis iaonseiaahd. Thiey do 81 net féil thal Ihene is suy danger froua si fini exoîpl iashhounes whiîe Ëe. leau 0 iumîte, and give asaasuon,thait tla ( youug min niiorreal le is uoysd 51 b thîn. M LATEST Faoie MANITOBA.- Privale v lîttîru frein Little Saskatchaewanumstaw that.thie vils cf the Liquar tradic voro 0 only put onwsrd as a blimd tae asp un-CI oe of oppouuug tho oxteullon of!tliaPt eund ariesof Manitoba 80 as 80 uncîade tu Ihal country, sud' Ihal liai ucheme thene T is taenodoavon le ontari a nov .Province, qt Mv. Qadsafid, lias eturuing.efliciv for St. Chaurles ah the lai. general alec- ci lion, vas comnilted for trial le-day for leý his action tlere luniefusing the nomin. in, ation papons o!fIveo!ofIhe candidates, i tIns alloviuag Mv. Murray te hi ilechtd hi by acclamation. Gd Thes Masonio diffscully 'tili contius0C One soction helS a- Grand Lodge miiot- Tl -u and elscted Ibun iroficeru liais vsek; ta] iaoj other soticu boldo ils drand Lodge au A shert sesion cf Ils Locual Parla-. meuh yull prohsbly he biSl, anS ilvwill tIen adjotaru until aftov lai heeeting of the Dominion Parlimmeul, tl scertain vIal action the Ottavs Homsevilh tiake on tho Maitoba Bailwuay depubta- tien. Tii. Local Miniatene vill vieil Hou P. Delorme, the nîv Miniser o! Agriculture, -bs been ne-elected by ac- clamation. TIi Selkirk shoollon prolest rase oontinues. Tho ovidenceislabîeoming more iutevesting. A DsruaicnFuL HUSBAN,-A mian usanid NichasTucer, musialy cmlîed "Nick." living nusr Calk Lake, in the Tovwnship o! Beach, Ontario counly, Dot behimviug lu icciastyle'as 1is-nsnally displayed ut 'iodlernu fn.alg, ounlia. deuIl o! hie vif. lauc ucek, 1laid out fias et, arose, naliusoupe rouglI bourda to-, gîtenfr las offuMitbnnied lier lu ïludiganaou wihoujt 1h. nttaI coemony. î srumsi n 1a amir piins n l etic lhosé gréât lutenasI. ispon vhcl comrcnial 08ap.ny <of lbe Dom! biiadi s. e)e ýo'i Prt PO Boand 80 présent', tothe Goeni sud PAnliainent of Oau*elm au LinpS donkopub*on ou coïam arciai .quoi couaing vhi*athe peveru cf liaicoi Li~ezlune, m d Il lenanatter cf ffsôn ia. teBoard teknov hat1 effort. bavé notl hen vthout prao nesute, mil hhal b in hae expreasoie hIbm viivs they.have fdlly vrepreî oS liai publie sentiment. o! tihecon iu enelîr tlialYamr Ezcslîcy inay sblo the botter ta andonstaudthe f liiio! tuas Board and lh ie ahnn viic it i bas ulled then, *v yomn acosptauco e!tliaofficiai rn of ils prociodingç Pinde ilu organisat W. dSire tlexpress ho Tour Excel oy env loyal alîscamentole l Cnovn anS pueesn cf Hun Mont (G ou, Majosly, cmv confidence in tlia ulilmîlons urider vîlca vo lin., anS eneu vsieltlat Yomn Exoohleuoy fler .Royal Hitghnus.tliasPria, Lenmay long ahosparpdlanS ypor r nîidone su Canada msy prov, he eau nurso! gniahappineessho Y4 selvos, und cf contentament sud pro 11' thoeaspeople ovin vhose deit'i yom ans callîS le opreside. (SigneS) A.- blEui, - Presideai W. J. PATTERSON, - Seoear3 Ottawa, 3mai. 2iebt, 1879. £ Tha ddress présenled vas scec paralîd by tvo heauîi!ally boàndi unie centaiuing the reports o! the1 ceodingu c! the Board from the j 1870 le 1878. fis Rxcellmucy made, tle follet repiy: To tmu Presideat anad Memba-s cf Dauîinian Board of 2'rado : GENTLEMEN,-II dois unouSed mention o! the vasl sud varisal interE you noprsent te vomiaSmenocf theo portancoevîloihsuc amn association the Board o! Trade o! the Daruluior Canada muet necessariiy' assume, pecially viasu tho affaira o! Ilessci 'ao condmotual vita tie abibity anS aq w'iicia havebhen so cenepicuuusly shci in yiaun union. ,'1 havi sien wyul plm ure liathe veigat o! yaun cansel 1 îal ouly hoon ackucvieiged at bon but Iial the Uniteal States Board Tradul bas ehovrathe serase lley eoui tan cf yonn laboure by sirauing ié fates lu attend yonr meetinge. I h ouid the dobshes in vhlcî yonr nez birs have vscently fakun part lu tI ci3' vita th. greateeltneet, anal c gratulals yon liait yen have bien at teuasanrliai viîwe of se many gonîlen from sîmoil uvery part cf liai Douai ioa. I mccipl vit pbesure tle g vhaca yen bave preeated me bian jug la me lias officiai repart -ý 3i0 proreelioig, aud sucîebey truet ae aope Ihal your alelibîraliane ana mi May proiuulsbe vcwlfmnî sud hesi the oeurinneaig gnealneesao! il rade ssii commerce cf Canada. an yan fan youn dutiful and loy isurauce cf develian le btue Crowv ini beg huIstyen will accepl my gnai adc fan thecorviiily a! the r-Cirne aun bave maie ta theIivinluth 'utry cf lias Princesesuad MyseL. (SigneilLo-NE. Thei Viregal Party et liae FaIts., ilECitaTION 0F ÂACeBIUeeP LYNCH. The vice-negal perty visitaid Niagar Cii3', smar Anericutavu contair iDg 83,000 in thllaute, iasin afiv being lias cause cf a goofi Seul O! Eoxit meut, The psrhy visitaid the WiilpoC sui(Bad made several purcases j lIai nsigiaboriaaod-îiae genlesmen lay ing in a stook cf quaunlly manufacure, pipes. The panty aIse visiteS th Horeesace Fable, fier Royal Higane insished on gaing ta thA furîhest paint Ou rehurning teashe ote], Ris Excel beucy roceiviaI a vieil froua Hie Grac, Archiaislaap Lyncha, aceompînied b., 11ev. Falher Pronîx, wiao vevs prissn ed ta tlhe Marquiesuad Princess. Hi Grace, vlIo is stîying allias Curmelitý MonaBtsny, on tiae Chippavu Boid, ii the cliffe baside lae Harsesaoe FaIli net yulh a varua réceptian. Ho nvit aS Hie E xcsllency ana lH. R. H. t( visitï0ije Loncte Couvent, ut liai Falls nias Marquis vas obligoa bo Seclino tiL utvilaitioni, hovever, s laianal hie noya' conasort are Sîterminel te presenve li, riabe chavaclîr o! their preseul hour Hi G acev aflorvards pnemeuled ti Her Royal Higanees, and bolla she and hise Excslsucy asanred hlm hat noth, nDg vculd gins lhiaemgreahen pleasure thsn le sccspî liais kinal invitation oe Ijo occasion cf thein fire1 visil ho Nua gara viasu making a tour cflias prc. 'midv n xl summer. la the af.lennoanth.panly drove even the new Suspension Bridige Ilarouga Prcspect -Park, sud le the Tiarse Sieters Islands, rhere lhîy dismissedib teir guides aud bligandsii alkîd hîck tnthe Canai. side by vsy cf liai Suspension- Bridge. On rusciaiug the Canada Bide thae Pnin. ucsa renarked ha thlias albkalnot sera long enotagaha Opieuse ber, Said accondingly ahi and s a portion e! the 'srly scendeS liae bililetaIhe Chippi. a Boand. Tiaey follave eliiCiaippa. 'a Rondtlethe Loretto Convent, viasr manficeul vbev cf ltae Horeesîoe, 'il ela shades of sveniug alreidy ial. th'n upen il, vas obtaineel, sa nruBuod Ibuir vsy by Shneeî'efui, ne. aruing t hoeho balby CedaniPark. bhe svsniug vaespiralilu'the usuel uet mannîr. Tisumoruung tihe G. W. R. Directare' )frial car, vitu baggage car îttcaod, efb Hamltona for Cliflon, tandon liai unediate charge cf Mn. C. K. Dom- île, Locomotive Supeinulcdont, thons wing aise on board Mesure. C. Shiff, ;naI Superntnlaint, -and Mr. H. 3ailda, Manager, Car.Worlrs, Loudon. ho englue vas tli aame îe useS te ake theas sty hoalias Fables (No. 15), Ma vas agalaf driven by M. John lolt, lias conducter being Mn. B. 7arope. Tlae pilot angine (No. 167), eoa lefI, uSer'the changéec!fn .Clae. cainvible. TIae train cenvsying the ice-vegal psrty lefI Cliflen at 4.50 p. I. nvilI arrive at Ottava art 8 e'- BODYv StTCHIcMe aNeMONTREAL.- Same resureclianiste stole the hody c! an agiS man, wviaesDame sas Louis Gosselin, froua lie grsve ut liviere des Prairies, on tho l6Ihinal-. The Ihienes le gel atliae romains, bai1 te ent a hole in lhc roof cf the vanît. A sou c! de. cesseS vaîked al liaievay te theliety1 bn sesaclu cf liai body. -This' mornin g Hligiaý Constablo Bissounelle, accoua- pauled by laie dîpuhy and Gaeeelin jr,, visilial Victoris College, but, althaugi tieeers viogiatoubjeche, lb. oui thuy ver. in aîarcb of! vi nee:cf Ihein. Bîsiaep*11 COlgieRvas MnuKI esrcied, end the bodiy-cf keceâued vas idntfe by eoeeelilp, vIo teck posesion f il. Thé-jauleor cf the coliegte, 'Rober Walk- or, vas arroutl don &a lama-s'en stealha,1 TI ai' Vil n. ýO8 to -ô aunion w liticalS I46 Ment gala of farm i lh4'properney'ce - -prAmises lot Nf Picerinng, onfT - m air ka, titioner, con- a n dac s ta ts e u a a u lik e ta le r t s - th e h i h u d r a n o u intellct'uaV 'product' hat Canada au conhd fnt ho depi oasl of.-London Advrtier. he la st or auy A.- PBIuTIY PJiIau,&acvaopsr.-Thelihait il wonld ho1 "Prisoeiva Fieud " ou Nov York, li a theoharkgio!cei S'evy handeeme sund quiti vealthy dent'e counsel a Wsstern lady uîmod Linda Gilbert. tiaircasguf She supplies the poor retcied--with .n a l oi n books, papoa-, etc., sd te thoso. whô, o wcn.ccsl. A I Il ar enzd a i ashe deadly and bo ngahîs ue , vhosai d th Tr obe, she 'hrings Gilea' Liniment respoduia Iodide Ammnonia; whio he aIeys lu the niid liae charge a Cnly realI ralmeut fortiaséir neuralia slaip saai ho voi sud rhin'alism. 'eFer'sale by S. W, Ibild ein ne cerni B. ~mlia, Ca. Wiaiby. TE AST Et Solfi by ail drggistu,ý Send for pain. St, Thoia, ou p 41 ixia DuR. GJLs Chancollor BIak' 51 S xhAvenue, N. . - &rohibald Blo , ' Trial aise 25 celats. Thon. Ankll, 1 ClamnuÂsur s.LA nmc aAssu,- UNth!i'bY-to cse£ 0 iusohss b pncceed vit irruption. The. -neepoa- agriiing 10 vithdrav igmentvas given void- î aca- pavy tg ay sy ls ne qumelcof Mr. Belia' mit 4lia.potlticuer and in their evidince de.- of corruphipn, bis Lord - nid repýortlit Uthorae rupt pnallcesa- LOn TwAuv.opened faI Mouday, before Vice- ce. The. pQeLttlour -is 4ti-a no:essuy frooW tuaI lia, comte woùu ld de rsey M pu0 fae upgau the- petltioner, ini rAply te faet that ti fi 0! hicia the Judge held liaitJatliis ase Muons îmJ soent- net uni of the charges hail beon proven -the ontiri F li th l ther'waj, sud thé coula would! cf Gcvernmai faane- courso havé ta ho paid bytl4ipeuutouer. tliýaOn tl n Thris je a mcstsaalifaotory, eudlng -80 a dblrd J beg prsàoonicuiohuelp la ireetion, tract ef tton ports in wihichtho >ivvidenco pcid, auIf il be true Ieou iardly lb. supposod 8t6 have bien li- Smiia'soalc lien. stltuted wlth auy sinoore doiro for th.elth. Pins- ni the prisorvalion cf, tho puriîy cf lias Bloc. ing ,,twen'ty' ir5.d1 lion ; but cnly witia a hiope lait sane- liai Globe,< Iu ahiug migial turn-p.omo slip igit millics les$ env have hein midi upon wiaich ela li hiaiSonthia esud culd have bien fastenid4, in ordir *la daily mcrei tO*it putîMv.Gleu 8telias trouble cf âa w no d Bay mc ta teélection. Su wsll wîeeliai petit'onIra for ltai sbi; s 80aie cf th. ficol pcinling lias clair frein ,Ihe, our. way" hast the seat wes net ovin cdaim. River Ville Bier.~ id for Mr. Oibb ; and liais, noe dubl, v think a âmies would have hein, doue, bia there boeen îbndauly liai remotest chance of, çoing funther Pins Riveri thon merely siabjeoling Mr. Glin'te, un- wbioh tb coi i. merited annoyance. liner, ove Scm. ot th. "charges" wye really consideratioi ry. îmusing, the lasI coni biing for Ilbrib. mirai cf the. Iing the viale ocsiu ncy by sulÎ.- m nd-Butle on- Ilsoriptions ta charitable objets 1" Ibumainlani vol- Thischarge as prfüernd against Mr. ime il is, ni] p o euperscally, sd vas vidntly put ha. not coin pr.dowoi," because his calumniabors badl route le be i yer otiug ele sBy' agaunel hlm. Ho a pvoposalion rig as alec ciaanged witia brlbing a "la Session eo cs w ng umber of Catiolic votera," by gifts utthliasD puty1 a pic-nie iaeld ut Oshawa, sud vit a stliaidirection thme like offence ai Daffin'a Creek. Besides lias sLen j liais, Mr. Glen made "l a gift of irees le navigflù m liasI "a R. 0I. Cemelsry," sud liais, ton, vas by despulci reste callodl bribuug- a niumben of Caîhollo apring, a pr( im. votera. IL le very plain froua the. prc- aanded steai us no ainence givon tbthliICatholic votera" i ii uct lie à of in liais élection pétition liaitlias objeot ment defora e.was, us fer as possible, te bring taer Bailway.;roui za oko hast Mv. GIen vas utterly uan. faolorily est c)w able te prove himesîf guilîlescf iaavaug must bu obvig as. givin I" subecriptions te charitable pb. observer lIai, lias jaets ovein thliasmalter of liii treest ciasap ocossui ne, the cemetery, blaire je, vi believe, euh. Cunadian Nei [o! stautial proof te conviotl him. Il lu portanceocf t: Loer- ra îiar a not rions f a , tb, snd could rai part ai Bi- bo brouglt home te M. Gien with the graary f Il ,ve weigiat cf moral certaitnly,' subetaulisl. cne most eoai Bu- id by circurustanlial évidence., whieb slips, sud, t laie nio discrlmiualung jury would diurogard, vilain lie aiC ý. flist ibasu inithliaihabit cf giviug hile eniascripliona te objecte cf chsrily with- a liberal hand. The Cathelicu bave ~. o c us in for à saae, but on y a s bre, M ie Bussi gift cf laie bounuti; audas hoehua prouperîfi Journalu shahe nd - ina liis. W orld'u gonds lho h us ca t red ei in gr at s ur abroad lis beueficece se unsparingly vat tiey a ud that lias Tories havi rollefi up Iheir After liaidd ice syesil orror aud dsclarsd thast ho bil strict quaranti sun bribsd lias wiols couulitnency 1 There unhabitînlu of h, is ne mislsking lheias ue thal, hnwsvcr, fly, scatterlug 1 repréensible sucia couducî may ho in Nijni Novgor yal lthe eyeu et the Hou. T. N. Gibbsan sd hours distant vu, bis frieudo, il lu vsry liksly le excite oh telegramu ,Li. sentiments o! Warmn approz the t iaffficted Prov ce minde cf generous-biaratetý, And tho luteier ri bis il did net couvince lias JndÈM%Ï-Lb8Mr. affaire, asmoi Gen bai ben guily f corruption ; Mdivinioclua nor as lias evidnce o! M. Gln's lias moul terri ge urosiy of that p ricular kind whih sys il ie. un pointehelis t/er wvay, for noody hias tmpt te stop ever acusesdM. Gibb-cf toe mucia toms are boit liberltjy, especially owarde lias Cal. -f liaiglands. olic. -Wo are mucia mitken if tie ienod mdioal mons se ufairly resorted le injure lias Rusias M r. G leu , sud ref ilec a a lias h onour f fro ua lias typ ia va lias Catholie electors cf Southa Ontario, A larko numbe n. do net in liaisud, prove injurions te suuamoned. )t flaose whe have esovted te thon. Berlin despi Le- --'-'--- complalai. lias ci1 Hou. Mr. Blake. insu miasmes ina - tiai plague are 'y Mr. Blke's preal character bas ln 1e malein adà hein greaîly unconceivsd sud belisd. 'sien commerce au It smileseione te paint iimcold, cynical, Thg Bussiaz ýs cruel. Those who kow hm vii, cautions, -hafi t. know hirm te ho net only a gentleman lias diseuse te el- by hirti ansd education, but vIaat ja o! porteid onîbrea' ce more coseauence, a trias gentleman au azyn ie unfour y cuaracter, wath a "l heurt as tender us a thast itl iad app it- rotin's," lu udeMv. Wason's -pvetty cd iu alec said1 is simili. Hielias over bien Ioyal 1e his net pasod lbeyd le ciaiefe, alwayu cousideralsly -kind sud don viaicia th in courteous hoelbis colliagîies. He ieseno- for grîster- i e, sitive ho a dogrie, sud, knewing lii, arcuud Zaritzy t-- soins have Irisai le honnît hlm cul cf the epidemia w tO ublic life. His&uselfieuus sud big lent, Princo A e. lEsrted generceity are proverbial tro-Hurarlan oe auaoug hie friends. No-one lias gsunsd liait aI preseni ai léa fromi publie lifi tian Lh; few have not uen juulif! Oi sacriflood m ore a I lias altar f du y.- r. Whilu vicia enongiahoesovu office for AmERticAN oe its emolumenîs, iasdlho nover autorail WÂTESts.-Tae id the politi<sal arena lhe wouîd te-day nndereland lau, hi, havebli s iefortune bvbld. Reevn number f hilp 'e rofusefi ho pro6t by iais public position ors sud clairs n e tle ex ent of an em pty ile, a k ig it. le p etition lae : a. hood having hein, Det only cfficiutuîy cf- probibit Amerii . fend hlm, but rcpeatodly prosuefi upon ted le Briisha se iim iay a higia persenîge. He respect. je considevid w fully decliued tiai houer as uusuited te tbsI everytiaing t (lnnadiaua. Thougla Nature dowsred position cf steai ifim vill aalliient gifla, le bis cvii ou- bolier piste, ri d ormouaa in2lustry is lrgsy due 10 ie. beddng, etc., a: à a ucce s t lhe Bar sud n'Parliam e u. vias thes v sse: .- M or n irr as of îsu found h m viare pad sd com pIle ýthat tbe flial otrequit o! Mr. iver route, Ltoad 'of cu - ilUons more, as atated by caur reslly b. bulli<for ton sa han lthe estlmatid coat cf u roule, sadif, iseseemg likoly, lia Hndmon'm Straits ut.canbo made availble imenk cf grain sud cille 8aakitoia ansudPouce Byetu Euglii a ikots, thon 847 Gqvsmumeul would b. rjuehtiflsd' luchcaaing lias 'roue as liainearst ih unooct Port Nel4ou ilt lia -eu spart frein lii mîrategie 'neviaici ndliced lth. Ad- aPacio Shation 80 recoin. Inulet'auî te Biish Coluin- da terminus. luth. mean- àaemtood lia. G6vernent ne to any decisais ue 8tlia adopted, but hIle id l-iitâ a viii h. mmd. iarlyilu the a-ny, eut theasuggesition cf Miter o! thoé inlernr ini n of testung -lias lenlia c f and lias chacter cf thie aHudson'a Bay and, Straite, bing, dnring .th. onauing roperly-eqnippod, ad& oua %mer for Ibat pUarposE.- And "upilgif lias Govevu- iasflai soleoticu of lias de until lia. praoticabllty. c, f tho ocean noete*s l siez- shalis'hed, inienuci as k~ ionsu ioe asmot;ordinary ý upon the o0ngup o! s- rente for ls eneals cof lhe amli.Wesl dopenld lhiali- tal lonnllry as-asu nteg- liahe Coaefderation.' TIe a' continent vilhl bhe ily accessible te sea-going ta aill appeavanco, il lies junadista Dominion. The Plague. ian sud Germen medi cal te hat thi isa cf Europe divin ut lthe progresa o! aluge8 o b. heplagne. Jisesohtained, pmcgrese luie vas enfcrce , but liai ) Autrichan hiad beguni to- 3g lb. digesse au fan Au )roi, which is but i8 fev Sfroua MoISCev. oue set froua lias governors cf the vincies b ltheMinister cf reporîs-t-he pnouent stats cf et bopeful, but the Wiaaer 0Woclaenaclarift, drive ie piclun. o! affaira -and, Most toc lite nov to-al liahe diseaae. The eynp. lacias, foyer, sud aveiling ý.Thons la need cf expen. ai mou. Abouï a Ibird o! Sdiod dun ug he> van or àoid foyer vIlich folloved. ier cf sîndonts haire besu patehea stade that Rusas t the Anstrian and Ger. ig le prevent the spnîad cf unnicesssvy, sud Ibres- ially interfère vihans- U GOvernment, by lie pro- 1uucceedod lu confining Scertain limite. The ni- ak cf lia. disasasZar- aded, and the- statîment Saeaidah INI-Jini Novgo- l e hInfcorrect. Il bas 'ond the quaanliueor- ali Ruesian Goverumont îafoty bas established Yns, Witbin lias cordon ras beccmlug usan vinu- huienupegdemande Ans.- 1precautiene, sud added at extreme measures do- fable, eCaroiaiclcsays -"4We ait1 -isis qintention cf i pbuilders, s9teamboat ovu- inlere»ted lu ahlppiug, SDominion Parliamint to ic veseii bing adni it- regislvy in canada. Il an enormous- injustice tgiibornug luto the ccm- %mens, quch as iron, brase rivoe, copper, crockîry, laould ho subject té duty ela llaeuselis, -pli equip. lte, can ho admihted free Oaip yards sud machine Lup sud mochanicu hy re waudering about idle, of Amorican visuels are le country M lao tpay - <À tae revenue. Il le cal., sir is il leut 200 Amer- mhoate u ia.theDominion 1 omini DEA5 Sia: 1Cm yoe l oî s vy Cathiollo Prieuts vers liae oniy cdm men ebarged vilia bribovy by lias p hoons luin he SeuIh Ontario Conteat Eleohion ? Tiaire vers contributio made te the Bible Christiaus sud och d.enominstienus aeol s ohoebCalb lice, anS yol the Callolie Prieshs ve tle ouly clergymen brougîl befoee] ccurt 1 Wlay vu as eCstholiec hon muan abone singlod oot for pe-eeculicn I eau corne ta no othen conclusion n self, than liaI il vus lb. oldsapirit intlernce hnsuking oul-fer, se nsi olS Cathclicu in Ibis section vIa kuo thonm vilI nel Cul toe nmumber-i Mesure. Gibba vine nover Crie fri bigolry, howveentiaey may have, I peîicyskî, trieS 10 clemk Ihein met menti cf ile yeas. I arn telS lIaI Mn. W. R. Gia' fsiling, amiseliksly lu îhe NovîhOntu:, eleehion prchesî, viii hry for the nanai ation for liai LocalLegilaure ina Sot Ontario, if tîmI eau hi brougi "bout b heiaimiby inflmuce. Ca Vom infonin ns vhou thé elehionsfi: the Ontario Parlismunt are likelyt a4ke place anS wbe are te he thesccr liSsseo 2 Yeuns sospectfmlby, A CATHOLIC ELECTOF REPLY. r"A CATIIOLIC ELECa'ea" Wyl finS tllicient nepby ho 1h. finul part cf bi leer in thée ditonimi nemanke in las roek's CEaSONICLE. As o e ocandidatea forlias Loa Legielature, vi Ibinie otancorrrespau eut is astray mu ta lIae inforuatirl cocerning Mn. W. H. Gibbs. Hi ýbiS noh obtalu lhe nomination of! i Party, sud if ho dial, he veIl -kuav faI defesI votaIS e hoîe certain reemit The probable candidates spoken cf it ias 2Couernulin side, ave 1h. sibliný nembîr, Mn. Brovnu; Mr. J. B. im aill, a geulman vhlbiaB llavy dlaimi ipou the pavty ; Mr. John Miller, ce ickering ; Mr. Wn. Dmith, Eaul Tithy ; Mr. Yeoman Giheoz und Mu. N. H. Billiiugs, evn cf WIithy. The .eoam candlidates (mail promineutiy centionoul) ire Mr. T. P. White, Mr. raes Hoidîra, Mr. John Dryden,.MM. 'ieti! Ths'sihe, Mn. G. Y. Smith, asu vr. lIse. The ibectiaus may Dot take place he. are nexl Sîptembor, s0 lia tIbone is aunuant lime la sadd1 liai drap oc Lampa Croru eenenty-flve ointe up. rardu, S. W. il. Smilla & Ca. Sas A. T. GÂLT'S MISSION TO SPINe SirA. T. Galle Missiôu lu spahu hs id bu crediblo authority 80 le for le negotimîlen o! sucia atreaty ss'ili eilitals trial. hchveou Cmiii. and ils euS the Spunisia WestbIndiou. Uise the bout knos'n cougî nemsdy, ialitfild's ceishrated pulmouic syrup. 1 -_- ý9 1 1 ý fintu 1 i ht n la 1 - by Mr. Sullivean, ias t nelurn cf lias collecte lbe firt, wvieaxteudi On motion o! lia sa ' grauted te Deputy net aI municipal Eleclion Dicision 1. Jcseph Ba Joseph,'cgz,4,7;-Div. mon. 87 ;i.4-Jm * Mn. Boniton, seona h lvan, Movldthal lias i-d tehand O'ver chequ tu le lool seotionas 5, 1 th he:asuve do r th rml for flics. 1 2,8, 4, 6and8, on1 accunul, alsc teffeubn« Tilis, indigent 'B-,fe r $ TUI, for 2;epaizng zoad Hale Broes., ballots, *C Himsla,îclionblianI n motion cf Mr2. Si hy Mv. Boulac, arrosa o ~ ~ ~~ cacle i ts-8. Sp. 12, cou. U-Bk. 22 DpI. 2<J, con. Q-ý. counciladjournod> toi -Fihbruary. TRUTII STREÂNGES a Finteu'is vife eays Mvi berho thal sahourdl Sans thast Pel&Paruou'u vif Granny Lincoln heard ne doubl IaI lia i Wda Ihal Caplain Woed's vi -onol Mslby's wvifs belisi Grundy -rsc koned p Francis Milton's vifs Csapenter lIat hon sun * vrld hislil vas gea ,hat Mother Stanten hm burina thit aseheard l2 sy lIaI ber mi epdUi r t ilas vul kuovu aven Ontario Ceunty, that mnado no bonis lusaylu Iion il vua sinitIer cf public luteneâl liat Mn, thal Mn. Hoplin teli Fnacy had said llaat Wr clans sud circulate,-and ifjoyenat te 'gel ne Bocks, Statlonery sud 1 mauaI go tb 1he loading the iascouuly, thal an ta--. ant lis New Store, I1 Brook Street, Wbly Is Youn Life *enthi Siokuesu pnevaila eia ivel iccmpluainsaci -during their life. Whea jodla l e gel vel ; nov that ne person in tiais suffering villa fyspepul plaint sud ils- offsets, an lion, Ceeçivous,-Sick I Sbomltth, Hearî Buru, li as Huat' Depresed S noe, etc., osu tako Gi FLOWER vathoul gottl cure. If!-yen denial *11 Druggists S. W.' B. DSm fgel a Sample Bottîli for lry il. Rigular siz. 71 doscesvii ill evt yen. APPOL14TUEaTs .-Theo -contains, the fo)llovîig Wna, Webster, o! lhe citi telaho a collecter-cf Her' toma; Jéhun Brennan, ol 'a landauig vaiter and -e Majesiy's Cutomas; Dai Molfnîrsal, te ho an offih *Judîcial district o! Mont tle Electonal eliicte of Contre. John J. Camp officiai assiguseefor thc ci f f cfHalifax, lias regignea. The Icidusys, ans subjecl dangercusan sd palufl -di Cnean vanilds cuses. B tli fechions Msay hocurel. ,B dilelea, suandil female ccM] cesfllycaaubatad lay liais]p .-iaici l for sala by all dia pr baIl. For sale by'T. STEWART'$ BODY NOT E -nfonasion froua direct ranI tho statement iu tho' thal StLevarl's body han elodansd the labo ptihlica contrary gvev eut cf -ex-i tilleul of hopse xproiî Stlst lithe Dicmhbi ponding avouifi nisull lu -t the body beoo Ibe -sud TIoblevre disappol it le stated -lIaI at bau bail a long interviei Biacbusfiold on the Caîhol dilllcuiity lu Ireland, sud hi ernment vil bbrng the qc nently foivrdnext seeaioa Catholics demaud au eue( lth. Catbolie University- NuseaMDICMS.-W CrUCL

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