Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jan 1879, p. 4

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r. fsional reputation thai Pteus dead.1 ial tira Doçtor, who -had ýeained sltit, "tht life 'n extinc-f more. thau iv, ec foutitilu11." ntinue'i tire Profesror. Upoîflpoin t, va ccv- e elecpi4ly ad sud iii aorraing. Thougi lu no irsation, the stariling ex. 0eminngkept us lawake irm îot at length, ecm- uip by werineu aud ex. ip4diatél, it i..meil, I id it &lihok. iThe 6du,~gover me witiz au wonde andàlarm'upon ,'lma-sai, laa s'raublel iiething very Itriuge bi î îtj ?, Ï iaskad, I thougbt soâme one seaklug.' au did,' b. rsplied. 1"I bave dia. hear4 a volce. close besido us, e inh n ue lu thé mom 'ezeepi i. and tiiesi iwo poor pacple.' ý dlielasthe womau baisbCau talk- lier sie, a uggesited, ô'rit tliattbe Mnsu le oct dead, after ,,,No, 1 have Woed to bohi,' ioreé.e tunad. 'Oua aleepi sounly a le otirer wil neyer speak again lu this world. Sa satisfy. younseilf.' 11.1aro; 4trim,4tire iatpp, pft- iay. 8h. alit ast con noU2%aveanpok- e u', for AU iehansonses vere locked lu a *profonud itoponý, 1fthon examind te corps., aüd fcnnd it as wu hadl lefS it, exapLt Sut hienfetures wore more sirrunoan d .allow than bafore. No voice.conld bava coma frein those igid lis. Conludlug. thtat w. rad hotu - îrAampud oe* id a4itkeaou ioe noctun- tetl cry for tira human voicai, I-replaeed Clho liglît aud was about tp reuma my svat whien soy moveeuinta vée r meit- tifi hb a voey aiugulîtr volee. I"Trlire Il linamain I1' zntittamed tire l)î,tîtr, agitatat elly.1 64 ,1w, confusèdl muîîururè, roeanhi- lîw îîîîling tChat 1 isîaI even ieard ire fui, açisdn uerdoni, sud seeùued te cîrculale ln the air for an instant, sud ilfidal wy, Agnin itarase, coainq -front a pîînt save eir lbond», sud grsd- n liy endlng ountil it sppeanad te t'îriiiiicite o otusine invisible source ~ -iaus.; I letw 'of xacting witir îhicki teucopare tii. intonation axcapt iiîifty .6tire.-articulation of thé Cflle- ,il cuis, or tit cf a vantniloquit. 'Ilioi it wards wa cauglît woe, "Oh înly paur wlfe ' ~It woîill buimpoiissible te deseribe titi fil!et ilat thas. word. producttd 11ii f:. t i 5wa otcti tntir thea toe, wî"iril Amd l iiiciiîy ae fit was, At lihe stiîirîlung ignihicaiice of tire words, tirat - WIl, îtcffitl lîae epoke'lài ioen blit tho l'i -i,îitt of the- iaotiiîlyicg stu1itled 1 -tlii tt oticelà> Y<eî lie l'adl been il ikr iîîifty hvtu>, l'ail, of rapag- nit-oh'ti ic, ti-t-o cf t le it dei, <v likiiid it i iil i auii exaiainèd, net i'l .1, , I'3' 1îtuhtand coitîr frilithe liut Il, ti, ti '-vD iii i iiiieui caîside for l 't "i î-mtîiul. TJitti--e as -no lu i-u iitugliil 'eitîi-eet.lveo iu tire We ,iigtîiîi sirufiiuiz'ed tiie campsa. fi, lîid li-itiiî'nluilçeul ils pauitian uer til lipirte . infielzli lai1 gowu ii t--letll, ia]thilt uscles rigiti llwe , va#ienetrace cf '.itality lu 1," con- huiitire hoProfi-.qer, wliilîitig liii bond "'t-VcItsi4y. "I havp arriveti at wiîst I i Ilà ai,1 le willlti tue lirnît of youn credu- lity. -1Iducot iet -sLt you tu enedut w let fh'oilcvi, but I eweuir ta -3'oiicin l,vit'wi'l oru l'hnoeat tuatireCht I do lîtît cit'viite friîli e tstai as emuer asga i-ylitiilietuI iiywlicw.buc-a litemibody <vo again lboardl the.vaice lira- li'i-ihing fruint] îe6ý istant part.cf tira výiD, ft yiug cediW ' 'IL ire naine cf God, assist nie hîîek ta Ilie.1", IlWitli heurts: beatiug tlîek sud faat, wut itoafi gazing li vair otirer absalute- l'y tlîunîler-strîîck. Au expariance se eitri-fyig, so utterly witirout precedent, t-îii~lael uiirvîlus. W hile we 1illtîirlied tupitteil,-witir liorror, tira <'oice was agalu audible. Il01, bhave puty " il salil ; aid nie ta î'taîîî là il!. Ilil; <as some inluofes before cithier if lis eoilmecover freiOuamaze- mntt efllciefttly te maee ay reply." IWhin lataIspeakg la us ?" aak- î,d flicDontcmr iiu a low toue. T*Irii. sai of the. tman wliîrlices diitii beooeyen 1'It-rephietl. "1Iliiiposile lothiat bhe dactieau 1aiîeci"IlI'-lUaswemed tha Dactor. ý lNa, fer thi. intelligence neyer <ies," rpiitei. oice,."My lady la undeei ilontd, but ChIt witilîwlîiclî I liveti andi thieiglit unlcved is Btilhi n tijia raout." IlVWbt litaIlt uyndesine P" asiiec t1mî Doctor, eryiyiug en liii strauge t"ihîii1îîy vwitii.increasiltig vnder. ,, I *o" leaiedti n tessme îny fariner1 4xi'qttinee," waa lte rejotcilar. *I dame1 nott hcave îny peur <ite utipratecteti int Clipi willernessa. Icaunnaisec lier auf-1 fir. lave ier hevoîid'al my ;liapast o!f a fnture life, cuti hy tir" poeer cf iliy ievq 1 hate rotuaiuetl uer lier, ani batve hiacît aide ta enstnuicate vitirt yo1iî.1 In eaiot, I witl not bire sparated l-oi lier. 1 nîngt retumu te hemr in iny hliumit iep. -1 Wiratl -er tira Dedoa courage de- sîlrlci lii» tttis point or ualt rcannot0 mCîvý, btot lie a1îoke ne maore ; auid, as tire vîtienil; u. nelanger auibhle, wu remaliu- wii îieiit, lui c statu cf tinid tiratinflues AUiciilcitia». I a n înoraiiy certain fiat bath cof nei wpuld have fled inoatly freintir. »Lice.)hlditnot heutinfan tire Poor ea. hure aleeplug lapon tihe ieti. Te cauid îîct leave heu alcue te fac. a niystery litS hook even nerves as touniecef titi cama. Aftar a liaaty ecousultation as te whîît course we englinte foiiaw, w. îîauînîetl'onu former Rsaansd waited- itla hrem.1atlq fxettoranwhaft %vas tire cyes opened sud gazed at, us-iu îîuirlugly. lu a erd, gistheiien, tir.j e4airestored te i.. lt*neAidlass te detahi viratfol- loîVd.Intiisminegtlug wieii anUred [3 htawon't oe etwe ypURg aistures, va btâ on aamte ada tirai Oe lailmef sud exorclç.d the. rlght cf ieeurng -hoir ftu 54r. prospoelfty anS of. Pur ample, msaus. W. loaned 'ne pi-tleInfe~a r e tir tat ' thi. uîavssetlact ofthos. wL.ns wiabs , 6PE& EF&U r- W. hfor. mation ArnmaNom t tration. W.' dJd net combUat bis halle!, fer we ha- lièy. tlas& lie was actually 'demi, and tbat ho unly yretumusd ho -liCe threugli 41q üieat. love. Who wlll..deny tiat love la strcnger than death, sud that 15 goeswiti , sevn bayoed tiio grave 2 GORGEo FOX AVDn 1119 J~Vors-They liadila ieune weeke -in prison hefoe the asaizes came nu, at which Judge Glyn, ilh. chie! jostice of Fngliand pre- sided Wheu theyý were brouglît iet cuut, tirey ssood *!th tlieir hats ou, spl Georgo was moved te sa&y te tie "as.mby :-"Foace be amcngist yen 1" $,Wbo are tires. yen bave broaght lute court ?" asked Judge Glyn of thre gaol- oer. ",Prisonera, my lord," r.pied th. gaulo'r. "Wbydo tbay ot put off thei- lais, thon P" inquirefi the.indge. But i~~ô."The indlym'o put ocg ycur hats," îaid the. judge. *Tleao," ays George, III spake and #M4~, "1bers did ever any magistrat., king or jndge, froni Môoes to Daniel, comm*î*idita4*toeý puyaC«,tiir bats a Lij à ~hlr: thleiin ther ao$t, eltiêr' amcngst thre Jew., tire command any mIchi thlug, shawlme the law aitiier written cra pnînted." Then the"jtdgsgrew very angransuaid-- "Ioo sq'ûy l»*-books on X4 back." 1But, ,aid 1,'1 hal oqe wiiere it ia written in s uy îtatutb.hock, tiratII mae read it.' Theisid,the judgee. 'Tale hum away, pievaricator.' Be thay tooe s wàasd ut u mu tira thievas. Preseéntly ifMr ha C&SIii te the. jallor.:-'Bing ltiiemluagaiu.' 'Coma,'#&adho, whero, ha they hats from Môses to, Daniel ?' Coma, answer bi. ave yaft fait uow.' 1 rajlied : -Thon may.st roedd-in tiie tird o! Daniel that tira tiiraa ebldran wore est mb otiie flery furnaca b y Nain. ehadnazzar's comtiand, with thiri coats, tireir boas, and Iliair hats on.' Tus plain instanc stopped hlm, se that, net iîavlng auytiîing eloe teosy, lia eried sgain :-'Take thra ay, gacler.' CÀvbaLîCîsM IN TER UsvNIED vSE. -Tre are ncw lu tiie Uuited States teu Rioman Catholie Arcinlaioeasnd 65 Bîiioe, against 6 cf the. former and 27 cf o! the latter in 18M. Tii.nnm bar o! priosta vas thon 1,800 and of ciiorclies 1,078 ; wiiile tiere ara nov 5,084 priants and 6548 dhurcies. The celiegea have increaaed from 17 te 74, and tira Roman Cathohie population iiad dcubiad. Holman Liver Padla, ail aizea, S. W B. Siti & Co. Luek attendsathe. daring sportsman. Tlîink cf Moses and iris Rame. ci Phiaracli Fou several mnouilla pasi 1 hava used Fz i.- Lcia ' Cî)Utîuu-em P 1 ttu vuîu c IIt-e-i-uc.iiiin hn pirlîsus, cirronie, brouchittts aud cIrer aitacîjun ef lire chiesi. I htavae iresita- lieu ini alalheg ltaI il rauks foreaceot auicmmig rameduc i Ictee ases. Z. A. BAIIL, M. D., St. John, N. B I ilrcuiuly recuomiiul 1'iLWs' Cix. S-i YRHaeî uw lvrcos-uumrUPR SP]1Tâte *]12i enlier in aisy wuîy frei dieeasa on veakueuts of tht> lutg, lreimhîîl tubîe, or frein gen- e-ah hablty. J. Il. W. SCOTT 1 M. D Gugetan, N. . Feii~-a~ Coît-at:tut ' OF u EIauHyuouoe-. t-unsacte t vh e xpauition san nImeoast- hsatiton ha a case e! aphonie, wih faiiad ho yteld ta. teguilen treatineni. S. JACEOBS, M. D, Lunniinburg, N. S. Neolusitaicu lIn recommeîling FSLiaws' CemoNt-ete ivuui- OF HvpziuoairTs for geceral tiebilit>' or acy diacaseafci e longs. Il. G, ADDV, M.D. lu ui-triug iteusons suffen*ngifont dtph thierehhe proatratihnandsui.,ogha fioiilwin tyltioid ft ven FEi.zows 'Comitous» Sxiîe- c11 Hnt-Ot-UeSUI-uEa la the test neunedyl aven utied. EDWIN -'LAY, M. D., Pugvash, N. S. AmongidtIhe dleeass oveucome by lte use eft tisn rernedy arc tire tollowhuîg Chrouule Consipatiotn, ChuoiteDyspepsie. Amuirma, Chircle nncuhîua, contstiîtliony CitroUI c iarrie Ciruonie LaryngLt - Melancicel>, N ervnDuiilil>' FELLOWS' Compound 8yrup ao' Hypo- SPhosphiltes. Tira po-r cf estInidiscatias disîda1vet icy thuigîîrapanetion l icacnraluacknow- ictiged bly tie medical facuilty tn eveuy sec. ieon wiere il haitbcc haîtroiuced ; sud te large maie la lte bt guarrtlaofethtie estima- tionî in viricl i% hl retby lire pablie. Thia Syrup viii ente PnlnîouanyCou- aumption itime lIranctisecontulages, wili givle grent relief -antd prolorug lite hantira thirt. Il viii cre Asthime, Iiuouefiti, Lar nglIleIo nti' Couigra. Xit wiil cnrs al dseam oi5n»,ting fronuvatlof Muscular Action uandiNrvoua lFarde. De net le doceivetil Iy reunatis bearing a aluhler nainone lier prepeinn l a euh. alitaIs for thu<s under eîuy dhiamotauces. Looklutilforuth amanteam addness J. I. FIiLLOWS', Si. Johin, N.1B., on lire yeihov vuspiter in watauntank whuiehirl sean by hcuic .irj aper bafoue the ligirl. Price*e. lO nBotth., six for 07.50. St.lî by all nugghste. LADIES, -ATTENTION'. The ceebnst ed Aminle ý4irklea, MAX JACOB,, 230 Qocen St. West Tornni, (Thn.. Doans frein St. Patriekas Market) D FE5S ta informa tl<-Aastirai ho is 1-t1 ouI>' GE.NUINE HAIE WORxER lu h i1f>'. He guanantoas aIl klnds ofilm work ta bc doua te perfection, neat aud prope, sud daliveredl at tratinteronested, PloPle se autyoan entera anti I ill attend te tiran. Comntga doue up 10 arder lu SWITCHES. CUIILS, - FRIZES, PUFF8 AND FRONT PLAITS. Cula out ct sinsigbt Ilsir mafia equsi te saturai Cuos Beal bain swltchos alvays ca han,ît rnm Si1C0up. CAUTION. Plisse don't ire milead liy cvassens ne- Praman« My naome, as I emplo>' noua ex. MAX JA7COB, 280 Qfiesn S.Wa l P. 8,--Ceuntny oudars rprietued At MYuy 1% 21a OdeaoauMs.D ,Peni-wl; se-0es àAU .D dauoed prloeî )Bargains will'be offeredl DRB,8 - ODIS,' IBargains 'will be o fferedi É ES Bargains will be offered l. IY Bargdins will be. offered in CL0THING, Bargains will be offered in GENWW 'ý-U1NIBHINGse Bargains will be offered.in FUR CAPS, Bargpzis wIbeoçffered in FUR SETS, Barau willbepfered luG1n VEB Bargains will be offered h Hm IRY »arals ièl o 4ffreï lu TI;FALKND Now le the time to get excellent value for your money, and honest deaing!1 Bemeinber'the pay LAINGOà&$ £EWABT'se Deverell's Bleck, Brook-St., Whitby. STAIONRYFANCY GOODS, AND OONFECTIONERY STORE, BROOK-ST , - -; WHITBY, EAST BIDE. Having purchased ther entire stock-cf J. G-. McDougall's shop, I have added -a superior lot; of--very- choice Candies,: which are very cheap and of superior quality. Orders solicited for Weddings. PASTRY AND OTHER CAKES. UheZy arkle iùth CH1INA, CROOKE] The general pubili( to eaU ândinspect or Deverell's Block, - Biook'Street5<, -----00 N-Waiteany quazitity of good fresh roll Bhier, Eggeýt4Maryt -pp4g and Potatoem . F. CARD PICTIRES, $1.00-PEIl DOZO £ABINIET " $2.00 Thawork by the N~ew PxQcess is superior to'ànythiâg oi t4~th~Io-.d; 1 mjetely> revQlutiOn11=*èsthe art of pbotography. Cail at once aundjgeL p ctuies t'akei by the New Procees. CARIAES ~N BUGIS! MR0JH,.N-,F'E R GU SO0Ný * THE LÂBGEST &2&D MOST'COMI>LETE STOCK OP Ca frrÃŽage68) 8feighs and- Cutter8, m.Q,'DO0NO0V AN'S CARRIÂGE FCTR BROCK- ST., WHITBY. VERY CHEAP. CALL à SEE ýTHEM. HOW TO BEGIN THE NEW YEAR: By -getting your PLoto taken, at 1 have algo a quantity of SOHOOL BOOKS, Beatie's 1B EBT'S, SIM CO E STR EET, OS HAW.A. aud other Copy Boocs, Berlin Wooi Slipper-Pattirus, Fancy Geode, &o. No Lightning humbuge allowed with him, iý: Remember the place-one door north of Johnston's Jewdllery Store. Whitby, Dec. l7hh, 1878. CHOICE NEW 00006S --AT THE- WHITBY CHINA TEA STORE. The uitbscribtr begs te inform ail old Friends and Customers that lie lias now reeeived al l is Cliristmas stock of goodé. The Largest and Best ever offered to the publie, contiisting of Choice Teas, Family Grôceries, Fruits, Honey, Pipes, Tobacco, Cigars. Fancy Goods, Glasswarc, and Crockery in audles ariety, in al the newest designs. Malaga Grapes, Oranges, Lernons, and Oysters. A large stock of Freali Candies for Santa Claus. Ail of which hie new offers te the publie at prices that defy competition. r:- On ail purchases over One Dollar, a liberal Diseotait will b. allowed fur Ca8h. Corne one and al, examine his stock for yourselves before purchasing elsewbcre. Wisbing ail my old frieuds a lMerry Christmas," t1hanking them for past favouns, and Iîoping te have a continuati on of their patronage; Ireniain,.yeurs &c., W. J. GIBBON, Whitby China Tea Store. P.S.-AII kinds of F'ruit and Oysters sold wholesale, aud always on hand. Also, Agent for Tnorley's Horse and Cattie Food. Whitby, Decetuber 111h. 1878. My stock of Is iîow Complete in Every Line. E. J. JOHNSON. Very Special Inducements to those, STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. - 00---- UNDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al the necessaries in this lUne. Also, A WELL-APPOINTED IHEARSE. Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 WILLIAM TILL'S CABINET FACTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS I THE OLD SrAND, BROOK ST/iEET, WHITBYI Go where you cannot fait to, be pleased lu making selections of good furniture. Splendid iEarlour, Drawing Boom and Bedroom Sets, New Designs weil worthy of inspection, at astouishing Iow prices. Din. iug.room Extension Tables-a very superior article. Gilt Cornices, Pieture Framing in every style. Soea-fine Chromos ana Engravings for sale. TT ITIDE 1bRTA i<i wa-, In ail its branches ; funerals fuily snpplied, A stock of eiegant caskcts. Coffins always on hana, trimmeci te suit Cuiitomarsi, ana a well appointed Hearse coustantly in readinLues. WM. TILL. Whithy, November 24th, 1875. AMEIRICAN COAL OILI No aînokey chlmueys 1 Only 80o Imperial Gallon, Cash. Whole.ale and Retail, at HTH&BO CANÂDAIN OIL-Only 25o par Iiuperial Gallon, Cash. Trades1 lied b 'SKATES-P1ease'see o ur stock and prices. STOVES.; If you neoul a Cookingt Hall, Parleur, Diuing.rcom ar Box Steve, eaUl on HATOR & f11. PLATE]) WARE.-Btîr CDoders, Cunats, Fouks. Spoeus, U' saultahie for prenants, ciai HATCH & fR0. CUTLERY.-RogeÀ', sud ocher imakes, cheàp, astflATOR & f110. The large;t stock lu t, out.Pr ices bohom. - XÂTCIw & m 1 1tverything, in the Business kept at BE6 T',1 SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA. JNO. BIESTY OSHAWA.1 Ouhawa, Dec. 26tb, 1878. OFFICE 0F THE BfROWN d&lPA TTER8ON Mt 'g. Go, WIIITB~Y~, TOI THE PU BLIC0. In presenting or Twenty.aecond Annuel Catalogue of Agricultural Impie. znents te tii. farmera of Canada for the year 1877, we dosne with more than tha prdinary degrea cf pride and confidence, from the marked faveur and patronage conferrad upon uo, and the. at'ady and incraasing -dernand fécm year te yaar cf our ncw calebrated Farm Iînplements. We shall continue as heretefore, as manufacturera, te mû.e a specialty cf Agricultural Machinery-tha Jolinaton SeIf-raking Reaper, the Triumph Com- bined Reaper and Mcwer, the Cayuga Mower, the Young Canada Mewer, and car naw Whitby Hlarvester, olaiming a large ahare cf or time and- attention. For the lsst Twenty.two yeara we have given cur mont careful andi undivid. ad attention te the manufacture and operation cf the. varions machines ln use, sifting eut the. hast points, ramedying defects, medifying and correctiug errcrs, strangthening weak points, adapting snd prepertioning a.very part as our incress- .8 experiance ha. suggestea. 'W. employ 041;r tiha st mechanical akfi, and aur machines pas under the. meut careful sopmrision and scrtiny-evary detail baing subjected te tthe sevar- est crltlcism-mand eaoh machine i. theronghly tested befoea eaving aur warks, ta provo tii, eoinpletens cf every part, and thora is ne diffieulty in putting thema in operation hy any person o! moderate mechanical ahlity. Our machinery bas beau salacted sud constmnctsd with a special reference te the. manufacture cf our ewn machines-many ted. iiaving beau made fer tuis particular purpase, and net adsptad for ether worli, snd ogur workmen are adu- ca's up te tiie wants and requirements cf our mannfacture-ebtainiug a tiier- ougir knowladge cf the canstruction cf aur maçimnas, and are thus anabled te oh. tain a iigiier dagrea cf skil and praficieacy than where genaral msanufacturing in carriedom. W. are tiierefora onabled te introduca a more perfect systam inte aIl the. de- partmants cf manufacture, adding net enly te ti4e perfection cf the work, but ai- se te i rapidity cf ius executicn-aud a consequent reduetien of coat. This principla is regardad necessary ina wefl ragulated establishiment, and we anahled ta turu ont aur machines with a higiier degrea cf perfection, and at prices se iow as absolutaly te defy cempetition. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER in naw 50 wefl knewn as a Single Beaper, tuat a word cf cammendation would aimait- seam supergon, but as thera are mauy clsiing te manufacture this machina whe have adhered te thae ld original Jehusten machine, witiiout keap- ing np te tiie imprevements ; hhat justice te curiésves and patren@ raquire cf ns te state that w. have modifled it in almost every essential part, and for strength snd durability, quality of eut, lu .very kind sud condition cf grain ; lîghtn.ss of draft sud asse cof management-the "Johusten," a mauufactured hy us-stands pre-aminently ahead cf ail othar reapers. lu pr.oef cf tbus position w. hav. aniy te point te tthe many Firat Prizes awsrded us-s;t the. isat Provincial trial cf On- tane, and many connty trials whieh have taken place al ever Canada, witbiln the. lait faw yasrs. OUR~ TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, with late improveinents, is ail that eau ha desired in a- Cozuhined Machine, snd cannot fail tc meat ail the requirements cf purchasers. Our Improvedt Cayuga Ch/eT Jr., and aur Young.Canada Mowers are bath first-clais machines- coustitutad aimoit whelly cf Irou and SteeL Tii. Cayoga Jr. has a rear eut, and the Yong ('anada a front Ct ; bath strang, dur- ah!. machines, sud net excelledl by any machines lu the market for quslity e! eut, dnrability, lightneuscf draft, adaptability, sud ease of management. OUR N EW'ciWHITBY HARVESTER."y As tire country bas bacoeabatter sdspted ta machmnery, &ad many cf cor fsrm. ors have become skilled in the nie cf machinas, a growing damand bas sprung up for a Light, Durable, Firit-Claus eaper. Alive te tthe requirements cf the day, we have succeeded in inventing a nma- ehine with sa rught Irou Frame, with the. leat possible gearing-with large, brcad-fsad drive wheel,-apd se ccustrncted that t he frameansd table tilt at the sama tume, theraby keaping the. pitman always in lina witb the. kuifa.' The rakes are drivan directly from the main ahaft-th.re heing ne perceptible aide 4raft, sud ne w.ight Spcn the. lorsai necei. W. ara cenfideut-that we hava stîceeeded iu invanting theimnt perfect Reapar, taking it lu ai its parts, that ha. ever beau preducad. W. have sppiad fer lattera patent, sund shall hcld or invention, for cnr own exclusive manufacture, snd wa ras ectfully ugst te lu. tending purehasers, thst they shouid osee i mcief a *vý thefr orders for the. omring barveit. Tii. 'Wiithy Harvester"f weigbî, aifl id 600 poundi, but being made pincipally cf the. beat qnality of iron snd steel, and freni its in- genions sud compact couptructien, it combines the strength alid durabiiity cf tiie heavier machinas. -Al cf our machines are fuily warranted. r With tisis lit cf machines, wa feel confident that w.eaui meet ever re- quiremaut, and wa raspectfnily solicit a trial cf our machinas, beli.ving that w. eau furuisb s hetter machina for the money than eau ha ebtained elsawiiore. Reipectfally Teurs, BROWN &PATTERSON iMF'G. CO. *bitby, Ontario, Fehruary, 1877. HIAS A UEAYYt STOCK QO' - IREADYMD LTIG 9nldiga largesokcfOECATS. EXCELLE~NT GENTS' SIJITS, made up lu the Latest Styles. Buffalo Robes, a great number. Ali selling at an immense sacrifice. JO Oct. 1.t, 1878. )HN FERGUSON, Dundaas-Stmoet, VWhitby. WM. BURNS, BROOK STRLEET, Has ;WHTBY, - just received, direct from the -Manufacturers, a assortment of Ladies and Gentlamen's Marsard, -Einpress, and American- Also, Pacifie Bags, Cheap for Cash. Four more of 50c, 55c, 75c and $1.00 Priunella Boots. 'iG1OOD NEWS A NEW RN SCENE1 WAIST & 8Hl uuxa CH'A"R?. Dresses Étted frm measuremeît asie vitlionùt change o!a sttcii. For ale, witii free instructionus, st MISS lUINTJYRE'S, Agents want.d. Liberal lltducemsuts te the. trade. Miis Meintyre vil take in orders for"r. Tnenuum, ef- Oshawa, for aU i ldâ ef SETBÂW 'AID FBLT WOBlýi which will be =%de by ;Mns.T. l il&Utiie lateit fashions, with pxomptitude mandlunà Whltby, Nov.. 6, 1878 .46 c0e atre good Licensad AùUotionee r 5ALSPrmPt~,thede ansd c9niduct- Address, C.D W , 2 6 - -l o r t F r y B R0W N'S cases LIST 0F AUCTIONEERS Licansed for the South Riding cf Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, and separate Muanicipalities in the latter. NAME., Wnt. Gardon, J. C. Widdifleld, Clemaut Daves, Donald Camtpbell, E. H. Canran, Gao. McWilliamu, Thou. Pouchan, DonaldRBis, D. Bishcp, Thon. Tucicer, L. Fairbanka, J. M. Patauson, John A. Dîcet, Jolinston Brown, Wm. J. Maloney, M. G. Sullivan, Chaules E. liewett, E. Majora, Tuos. Pouchen, RSIDENCiS. Sunderland, Umbiifge, Port Penny, Whitby, Beaverton,- Toronto, lltad, Beavcnlcn, Oshawa, Leaskdale, Whitb, Beaverton, Uxbridge, Breciren, Ilmechen, Brechen, Part Penny, Baltord, MitNICiPALITi. Brook, Thorait Brick, Southr Riding, Thorai, Southu Rlding, North Ridiug. SoutihItiding, Nanrt iing, Thoralu. North itding, Mars, Mars, Mara, NorthiR iding, Uxiifge, ExpîRÂrlOi. - Dec. Sud, 1878. Dec. 18th, 1878. Dec. Moat, 1878. Jan. Sth, 1879. Jan. 2iii, 1879. Feb. 28th, 1879. Apuil Sud, 1879. Jun, 4th, 1879.- Aug. 251h, 1879. Sept. lotb, 1879. Sept. lOti, 1879. Sept. 205h,1879. -Octr. 7th 1879. 0ctr. Sth,1879. 0ctm. îlth,9 1879. Octu. l111h, 1879. Octr. 12th1, 1879. 0ctr. 26t1i, 1879. Nov. 18t 1, 1879. LIST 0F PEDLERS FOR THE COUtýTY ONTARIO. John Fiuch, Thorah, Joseph Jackson, Uxbnidg, Patr O. Malanay, Touanto, Thos. E..- Coulan, -Toronto, 1 hanse. 1 hersa. 2 hoes. 2 hanses. Jan. 801h, 8 Mai. tt,1879. Octr, 22ud, 1879. 0cm.I 2fnd, 187. MoCROSSON &Co., 91 King Street, - - - Toronto, ABE NOW SHOWING THE LARGEST STOCK 0F FIRS EVER SHOWN IN CANADA. --00 jfý-FINE FURS A SPECIALTY. MI FUR TIRIMMINGS CUT TO OIWER. BEAR ROBES. ASTRACý WOLF ROBES, RUSSIAb BACOON ROBES, S. S. til YAK ROBES, . PERSIAiý BUFFALO ROBES, MOCK 1 MINK CAPS, MINK f S. . SEAL CAPS, SI S. S OTTER AND SEAL SETTS, ERMINE FERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PERSIAb BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACI CONEY CAPS, - BLACK GREYf LAMB CAPS CONEY GERMAN MINK CAâPS, GRET I CHILDREN'S SETTS. CHAN SACQUES, Y LAMB SACQUES, BAL SACQUES, ,N LAMe SACQUES, ERMIN-E SACAUES, IETTS, BEAL SETTS, E SETTS, SN LAMB SETTS, JHAN SETTS, SABLE SETTS, SETTS, LAMB SETTS, Particular attention given to ail orders., 4 specially attended to. Touonto, -Dcc. 8, 1877. CUTTERS, Alterations1 ly-0 BUGGIES, AND -CARRIAGES. A Lar-ge Assortment of Cutter's and 1 Buggies FOR SALE, CHEAP, -AT- TOMS & NEWPORT'S Carriage Factory DUNDAS STREET, . - WIIITBY, ONTARIO. SEE A LARGE STOCK 0F OVERSHOESISADDL YAN HRES. 01? EVEBY DESCRIPTION, SELLING CHEÂP FOIR CASHI. tLE l -AND-A- NE 15 Look at the pricles-: Gents, from $1.25 to $1.65. Ladies' fiom $1.10 to $1.40. Sa' Ladies' House Slipperà 25 and 5Ã" cents. Boots and Shoca of best make and quality at an equaRll1W figure. ]Repairs promptly. made us usual. Whitby, Nov. 27th, 1878. JOHN SA UNDJËR Syet NEW GOODS1 ---- --- - Clothing and Gent'Ev Furnishing- House Io now aupplied ith ail the newest etyl9g of iEnolishi, Scotoh, aud Canadian QIotha ýot al I4s1 the' Lrargeet asud Bs Sokteeeia b ]o au i exécUn1ut, ok 'of ,aeu*s' Furlsbigss 'Wl -WILLIAM THOMPSON Begi te direct attention te his large sud tuperior stock, cemprisiug evary. thig in tir. Saddlery sud Hamnens Lina, alro Leather Valises and Saratoga 'lIrunks 1 A 10T 0F CHILDREN'8 CARRIA GES, Âptll l7th, i Vary haunamsuad Chcap. At tihe aid estahlehuieut. -WILLIAM. THOMPSON, - Breok Street, Whitiry. 1877.lyr.17 -F-A HZ ONABLE TAILORINU Go where you can.get a Well.fitting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establiehmnent of- QEORGF- GURLEY9,'OSHAWA. SUPE.RIOIR CUTTINO SHAPES THIE'W4 A Tàsrge Stock «f Fine Clotho ; hast Engllsh, Scotchamne ~F~eds b'E4fp»Pt Overcoetingq jp4 Splendid 11.it Pat good fit Gusr=teea. t -.~*'-'- - -JOLGE GUJILI INDIAN LINIMENT! Far Sala by dealers ganeraiy. What we take the Iead' fin-1. ChilslinDste Sprains&c FOR HOBBES AND) CATTLE.-Prem ' ta oeebotule lu van vwattan, vil cumcos luternal derangemauts causid by aveu bat- ing,&c WHAT THE -PEOPLE 8AY, x-l THEM ? 'Wethé undersigued have used flua-n'. Indian Linimeut:ton Soin. hlm. sudca cheerfully reccmmeind it for public une. 2 h tm Ma, ' Pine Orciisrd, Ont. Hgr empi crun, Witby, ' Rirsm. Brown Audrav Ore: J. Dsvs, llreoelini, J. K. Mathevioni, di 1 Sath Hubble, Aahbnrn, A. H. Headenson, Uxbridge, S. C. BROWN, PWhritr, Ot 88.) htyOn, w 1HITBY, PORT PEBRY& LINDSAir BAILWAY. CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Tslcing effeet on Mauday, Jùly lot, 1878.. TREAINS 00con UTe Zau. -5v ht! .....845sa. m,0&5 p.. IlPr Fry...9- 01 75. Az mitus ...... 0.w . - &85 ArriveLndsay ....."1M .92 Leave Lday. 7.00 s. i 'DM0p.m.. MsuiM......7M 614 Fort 'oury, .. &25 7M Arrive Whtby-...0 925 " SMs Fou tinte aI aliter stations, sec Poeket Tint.- Table, te b. had on application. te auy of the. Campanvi Agents CONNECTIONS., Wmrsr JvCIOI;ro-Witi3lJrand Truuk Bail- way an al paota sat ue esi., Poar PMy'-Witt stage for Épsun, t. 1cm Sudit Ibrde S."sÂmc-Pu aintfieid and Wlck, MA LýL-For Snmterland and Csuntingtauu. M.sutwess-Fcr Oskwood, Littie Eritain, Va- lentis sud Port Noover. LInuy-ýwlth Victoria Ralvay for Minden EaUbmut, the. Pue GratTz"yanth English Land coin h wfthne il Misd-h landýà Raubeyfe Shene. Fcuetangulseue àDBy Riio.Dte-connaclouatOrmlia,titih*"ý,b"ta anlway four i6, Coui waod, Oravenhunai Bracabnlidge, sud the.PPue Grant Lands of Muskoka. Threugit Tickets are iasued by su Agent._ of the W. P. P. & L. B'y. ian Toronto -Sud by. G. T. Ri. TicltetantuTorotor statins ce W. P. P. duL. 'y.No ta cbarges- Baggaga cicckad through. Whtb, p Sil '5JAMES HOLDEN,- Whlty, A. SM178. Mauagtng Director. Dominion Wood Works, WVHITBY. Geo. Cor mack-, Dooa, Sasi sud Biln4s. Miigt - LISERER viiolasole sud ratai, aurbi' hy the car load. Planln g' Meuldiîngi cf every descrip- tion, Flaanl)rngS eesug. Shelilg, Re- savimiShaping, Tumning. Serel-vene, etc., etc. Wiiitby, Octr. ictu, 1878. OTCE18 EE-y THÂT Whitby, Port P d Lludsay EBAH*Y Comnpny fouan A dnclng aa r ng- ing theaMertg De of-tha Comupany', axtsudlug thie a te onstructlng.a Branch of th ailvay te bridge sud t6 Beaverton, etoe[inghe OMps te amalga viththe dht< 0 obay: gecuE @sionRala> oinauy .tAfor snchbe hnamaninus tg er e t4 sa in deented adyf sable, SWILLIAM MULOCKJ ,Solicitor for the 'Whitby. Port Perry sud Lindsay Estivat-Company'. Dec. 8rd, 1878. Gn0 THE TORONTO Turkish d'Vapor Baths, These batha are usotul lÙhumailatismi liauri4ia. cou ho, 1Coma, - Congestion, famtan.Bliouaneiso, evers, sud for The aiporuLatis are particul-1l> appli&a. b a taal5mdisessea, eapeelalySp lt le* wunivarsslly coucaded IthotM: lira Tunkisi su& Vapar Bats ara the hast presarvatives Of eheitluntIp reh ef neiadcal'experts sud in compnction witli medîcal treatnut lte- patienttis morle rap- ldly sud succaisfuilly, hueated. Patronized -throigbeui hihe ved: tuent royslty douen to tii pooret Masu. 9bus* MOBY TO M'I lurmîtmup ho #M1 (LÂTE Dace Offic Court Street, Toron .1150O. G. * ncar, o. Office- Street, 'ltbOn G. YOUTNG a OmczR-Over Dem lmn.22,1878. GEO. St. ici sold. Agent for sev c'erWightma CAMERON Street, M ECTOR CÀMEROu<, .. OWN OLEEX frm9 o1bo'elock R J. GI 1SUBGBON TO TZ ByroueStreet, - - . OMCE-ext dec iaeRlidence, at th 'BYRON IF Wtn. iIeRIEN C A-IRÂ - D. DR. Bi Phynlulla, Surgeon, Wbitby, Sept. 3M1i W. - ID OSOVER 1.80 tu-S, P. m B" sud Gilburt Streats. C3, NVAN Teeth etdwltht local snamsd. 1Df &n's new block, over J K.Uipg Street, Oihiwa. JOHN Ei ]UAIR DRESSIN -- L.Saloon, Brook f lIeuse mii verk. lix m IPVAS."- 1 . i:;?-,. « & - 3 - 0 1: k 0 3 D 0 I...T. 1

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