Whitby Chronicle, 6 Feb 1879, p. 1

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lit e jý 4'd 4 Jl 'e j AMý f à ;Pol *wj4c) gýéft" tbbu8%éëýý gkqd! ltù,* té eï Vý0 B. toux FV _T -y the A rose ptloaw; eo elamw;,m , . liiie 77; WR7 MA 0 fàA-11917,; , rd 4J, WEITIBY..,, kboi en 'y iïï 4012bt'>ce Pa M -of the, ô1îý- eu -pou- th&tyQyà.ý j",ve noently, b*nAtw, witbdoobmew e& rôe bïr; lit p L cet ý unt béith wère 'Iti .4 ' b 46, a B d'y s This bouse lm béim, récèîüÏý à ar'i A thé don Il Md et" ue si gnecuu ôf M ôf theddoi b irieh LAffl'ýBïè&' à' %,à _p,ýâug' up'. lier face 's os 1ýd-MvWàîé with -b if elle thought, ber MY1-ronQ red t os th fa îâwg a, ait u 'W 11,1 W B 1.11, 17 1 ý ), 1 - diviiàêdi > s'id ý'with overw #si conte "Onaeaiib héielli î il Th awck Wm and, ù4bt amids lit :Lbér!,.ý.apè ýthr'ùuùt-,tbé môre subst, &6ný fn:thiý Jl« PO ,.4,n4 truth entirel, j'»B. if gqiýCn 1130 &eue RM _ýïj . I f 1 j ïgi, Thýé eýÃ"r ýPëtod sud ÉmIlIs (3lfto" PI&M' sa 'd' irisa ôtîÈýg_ ldbW 'sàd' kinat e . iâ, hi it là à y -a dësýr B213181330, àrwumyo, mu. riend raison: »197,»4@04W 1, , -Sad ý iný, épteyed. FjI_. t; e'llôtbb ý , "',W " you thst àià" bw H. a. 4ý,'Lattra,-I noed'notý ' k ' Sui2blàniW 'Th 13. 'lit 1411 t som lioW yon are th Alicers. 1 is morning, foi you. look ons Cf th Omo* fint,,40or Ar ýý! ý-ur ltie i pe Tgâ irà -im, là OB -?ffl e At zîýd to ma though yéu bail' dise vw ' a léi ovèred soffii 'SU od oomn T. P. 'WRrvis. î,jOjý toié, eliýLirthat»Oan rsjaýènâ 7-1 ;tINO-&T. EA8T heieoùï" of ý te eh 9 YOU land Young. épom 4' soe Attorney. ÎàiWbe ù*ù, IlOt Dew ýhAZî- You appear to ove fà COOMY Crown , 40 Je liera. ']3ii" t sâd Toi; Sita, 777, 777 « are to é]21ri"Ïpil Bd M to. flà*' I*botWY anà'pl"- inuerlifé. glàlbn4'r* - the ý Ola idl "but' xul envie sou; 4RT ý-11 II l", , dl YOU ari &1,ýïày8. 80 41Rietý sud wal cortàinlj JA39IC8 à[JRITJEE ..... a 0 My qiI c 54 and 56 Jarvis-strelet, Toronto. !1n l ý 1 îéBý ý 4 - happy, ana ýnevej1i ltormentea With Du f II BÀBRMTER, ATTORIMY-AT-LAW, mwvea,,F a' or tëzièd'tD tr.ô'iein- love &ffairo,-aàcl doubta ana difficultieg. ti tu 1 bd çot, Inxitb TÇfflu uýwj 4réirily? and-1" lëd,ý»eî etors, Brock Sb Tfié bésé *LI» 6f tbrew hersait déwn Into a lu of," denou* two blocks, réý W , w elque 9 distrâM." r.,ýbyë.iick,'Iuke ahairnith a pettiah, diosâthfioâ yëi k)'àý far reêâ! CEEAKILB$ C. to the Marks adt»ýLýAft II fhorrvlîeA?;,O. am., 11iý on hýý ly 01 Fm lân -il! d'&'*Uý'i'é'lsý,1"*b-po"lýgiit'a",ildid t'd- bring -me t,,Glàuwa», BU descriptions. ly troubled air illat made me icel suré to Bu-h Lumbér Béards, and oftoitimes miespelled there quýéihiüg more thon ajQ&J atrong ; âpre Rotel an& Bar e overy kind. Buffding L=6ri - Fémeing, àawù.Mmber, iniesiiéo' të dicteer', sud fre4uengly. .1ô sud se the; mattili, Minny'. antling, a la on bond. tonBrookC.W. GLOVER BAR] tu«I Alled 1 have fflufd '$Whaes the trouble ? what's amies The rest c eiem tor Long 3111, Importer. frOn, s, TEÀÊPË NCE HO'USEY ai short notice. the à2cet bbait-rtuding, «cýàunta of the no* V' 1 énquired with ýmore ýèpparený heededl not. Le Te ýUAILVIAY9 l -, Docru, Sashes oùil Blinds a1wàyý di érueliy ofbUnrste mothers binde bard;. te es Il Manne an TTORNEY-À"Ë-LAW, SOLICITOR bat,& 1 in r t i my r th was My way, and 'R HE'p heàrtad. fathéri, thé ànewers wore never, want. She opened ber oyés ne mucil iàaïhiie agaii A in Chancery and InsolvencY, CQnv6yý Good accommodation ai reaisonable terme. ress. - 'ÂRKEýR'GUýN il ly-20 direoffl'e'.ÈnY Bad as toi «Iwh really you aremide t8elt my score, ancer, &0., ko. 02,60»" eek. 17 9 I;Oonu ;not Rretenti to enumelate awak:a7or Oncell but went on. Thât one a Orricz-At the Court HOÙ40, Whitby. bbw einy love-siek swains have sijhed "That'ejuet what J'vis Conte to"talk youthfül fanc OTAL HOTBL the liieulifiable trute reil inmý'8&rs>OfthèirdtIlciUeàg,'WhO 80 to Vou about; but I can not bogiu," romance of 1 R tainedinthébOOtmOdIOÙ excelléil all the Venu»ýd- and Cleopa- LVIWAW ENGLIS11, -IL Le B., book c"r iesued she gaid, coloring alightly with embar. watch the ad% ,&BBI$TBB AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN SELF-PRUBIze&mcrN tras that ever existed in poet'a - imagi- rasement. well", I Baia, iffinother love trace the orou B OhucoryConvoyancerd;c,,ko. Sim- JA& PBINGLE, pRopBIETOR. LE rq Pt et Prim le léoO $1- BeulbY=89 nations or in' reality. Half of thom, %ffair, I suppose ; come tell me &II, and withont flinab roe Street, Ionhawa. - 0 il V.it Piematun Decline, ý muet con fées, appeared to me very you will bc relleved." dower oveT ih limygent and Most commodiotis hotel os ËM ,y, sud tbe endisse Commonplace port of bodiee ;'and oven "No, telling isnt the thing thst will made feeling i tc*Ù; hù large sam'lo'rooýuis for a. maitilýLAN, comm ' P scttg STAMP POR CIRCULAft with ail my most earnest deaire te be a relleve my pre8ent dilemma. I have late etaie, and éivW travelliers. Table well, lied UwroDin34 centaine (liste Greenwood UeldtUan.) wiJ ho bout in session. 1 àélï eue of whlcb tu Worth the price of good lîoteùér and sympathizer, I could promised tc, marry one man, whom I belpless, pitec 2lu a qi PARKER B os tbê bO*wu-lmâtmbythOmmtm not forcemy9e)f te, regard them in the do net love, to plusse my relations, and motherleus ci an CI airs., Piiiolosea-yarcl"cloheclroor,2; R, tezWvemdprobablythommekiMpmeutioner "Bitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Of. attentfVe hostlers. ' Charges te nuit the 1131AMer towbothwasa a exalteci lîkht repreoented. I wish to marry another, whom'I do tÙrned my 1W timon. WEST MERIDEN90T. idy échotil.dïyg were long since over; love, to plesse, myself." one -on the 1 fice-Byron Street, South olPbet Olfice, N. B.-Livery attachod. 27 A PM;M04 OIUln1w vi , the past tweiitÏ-five. and fitill. faithful to 46But," I said, 11why do yon embar. worde were 00 _;* - & 7Q 7' my vocation of listener and confidente; de 2 oral confidenci -vel Pt'an aàptbeauty râles yourself to pleaee your frien _OOSSIN HOUSE.-TORONTOI ONT, "nt PRIX te SU. send JOHIV BALL DOW, JLý%,' .,, 1 - MARTIN & WARAM, 1orý it st once. Adklrese I had classified all my female acquaint- Yeu, who are riob and independeût, unable go te sý B >ABBl6TBR4AT-LAW, SOLI01TOR The Palace HÃ"tel of Canada Refitt dl PEABODY MEDICAL ànoeoý'inte Robes, Venuses, Cleopatras, might have suited yoursolf in a matter any particular in Chancery, Convoyancer, &o. Befurnhhed, and'utd;tâllea. New pagoOBD- HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. INBTMTB, lie- 4]3ukTHYSELF accâding -to thoir eize, style, And coin. of stich vital consequence. Ah 1 did I my own case. Office-DevorW'o Block, Brook Street, guziêv,%tor, nmAitlejbt And day. The Have just rocelved a new stock of auch 13t., plexions. Many of the Robes 'and not know and realize for the firat time, I shall die a Whitby. âme" with oradu- godAccirses had settled down intô very Gf hOW much consequence 2" 'Emma Clift MONZY TO LEND-Pri*ate Fu 02.60, sud- es or, day. W ALL P A P E RS Jr IVE111100L MABKET 1 matter-oi-fact matrone, and were the 6#Btit thon yon commence with mis. atisfactorily in sumo up to 68000, ait a low U Ing- Moiersý11CEub"s7and others, Csiring happy mothirs of little roly-poly tilkeaNos.land2. Iamnotrichyou he married E tercet. rate Il - moule, wi terne. : Foor little à (ly-52 thout board, 81 to 82 par dey. of the latest designo and pst pl ages. , One of my Cleopatras boa perceive, but am dependent upon -the MARK N. IRISH, FRESCOING A SPECIALTY. CASH FOR GRAINt married a widower for bis money, and bon -tâte thon te be ROBINSON & KENT, Feb. 27th, 1878. Proprietor. - nty of those friends. The eotate of Prouco designe exeautaa on the shortest Te bc dolivered ut hala become a sickly, disa ointed, vory my late husband bas yielded me, se 08b Jabez Ci (LÀ-ru Duooàs & BouLnson.) ROTEL, ZLotice. alatternly honsekee or, wtPm I invari- yet, nothing but the eclat of being a identity in the IDARBIOTBUS-AT-LAW, ATTORN. T' QuEEN's MARTIN & WARAM, Frenchm an's Bay. ably found, if I lianced to malle a rich vuiidow, whieh I have found a most but ai Souclitots, couveliquodro, &o. m«d do, to (14à.73 gommltc"L,) Two doors north of ling's Tannery, Brook morning visit, with her hair uncombed inadequate menus of kooping up the vu12ý OMO rovineial Assurance Buildings,' ]3nocx-STMBT, WIUTBY, Street, Whitby.,,; th j Court Street, Toronto ly-41 PLASTER, SALT, AYD COAL in curl Popers, 10ungiDg On & sOla wi et le and atate of former times. mi lieve aile bas fi the lut new novel, or lamenting over a4rer, whom Yeu muet know, is a Pale, Meel HEIOUBTA.Lf.KNr. TAYWB & MOCANN, PROPRIBTORS. FOR SALE. ber-W bealth and the trials of bouse- shrewdly suspect of being more attract- the joya thst Tho undmiffld deaire te inform thoir 7 5 00 0.- JhO. G. KELLET, friands and tbe'publin thst tbey bayo taken keepîng. The old love tales were in. a by the faille of my fortune and «. glean ut the si the abol knowlu hotel, which t4ey MONZY TO LOAN terapersed now with the *Complainte of pectations than enamoured of my per- TTOIINnT-AT-LAW SOLICITOR have newly fitted up and renovated, and vu rz CD li (D & jg- y the dishonesty of servante and the woes eonal charme, 1 sala, au commence. A in Chancory ànd Insoivency Convey. Anto the boat of oraer for the aceýmnio-da. On Real Estate, et Low Rates of Interest. of an ill-rugulated and ill-kept belles- nient, muRt take bis chance ; if that is An Aristc ancort,,&o. Office-Deverill'a Block, Brook. tionolgueste. TheB&rwhichisthéhand- Str.c Whitby, Ont. somest in the Countli la well oupplied with 0-N FMST-CLASS H. McCLELLAN. hold ; and, the most painfut of.all, the hie ob j ect, he mnet run bis own riska. Last eveni January Dth, 1817. ti.8 want of sympathy and appreoiition y dear relations," elle adèleil, accru. ine the, ftnest brande o wines, liquors, afid ci. on the part of him who before marriage Alock A. J. Lei Ce- VOVNG SMITH, L L. Jri., sars. Ainnle encloseil shed room and good P A li M 1_., A N D S fullY, "will IlOt 8110W me to reject "80 kins street, fou ÃŽF, îýr etallo, &c. Detached rââms had been so enraptured, but who now fine an o er"-"8uch a r-tst'iig young ARRISTER, &o., &o.-Money to Loan for commercial travellers. DOMINION ly about five ri B Issucr ot Marriage Licenses. In oums of #200 and upwarde, ai 7 per failed to precelve the surpaseing man"-118o good a match 1" for & little basket sud t 3. P. TAYLOR, PRILIP MCCANN. cent. Payable lfali-yearly. harrus of this, bis enalaver ; and 'n high-OOWU sentiment, "81111 a widOw yard. Mr. L& OrFicz-Over Dominfon Bauk, Whitby. late of Toronto. Apply te- FLOUR & FEED STORE. fact I coula not woncler nt bis diseu- too 1 it le altogother too abourd.- And to the basket a Jan, SZ, 1578. (tf_ô OMMERCIAL ROTEL, Chantment, for she invatàblY gaVO Me on theother hand, I have ùl'gecret in. boy, who immi GEO.S.HALLEN, HAS. PHNNYLEGION is selling the the impression of a wom-ont waxen elinatioi2 to punish bis * double-dealing, could ngt be 6EO, Nt. JOHN HALLEN, solicito c best quality of doll, whoseýimp and bedragâlod finery; for I more than suspect, in fact I know believed he le r, .1,1 cý 'W a. faded cheeks, and dispbiled axen ring- lie loves another Who is n t rich, and TORNEY Solicitor and Convoyancer. CARTWRIGHT, ONT. April 17th, 1877. 17 found. Tlie bi .A,7moneytoiend. Mortgagesbough FLOUR AND FEED lots could no longer attract the admi- ho intends t o t sud a sacrifice his 10v8t' sud tente wore takc oold. Agent for several Loan Coo. Office, JAMESDEWART - PROPBIETOB. remarkably CHEAP FOR CASZ. ration of the juveniles of whom it had perhaps her pence of mind, te bis avar- and curriea int, over Wightman'o Store, . Ring Street Good accommodation tf-12 once been the crowning joy-for which ice and ambition, go that I do net féel Oshawa. 00» contained, bosi, ly-il - # âg rie, a sil they bail quan-elod, fought and atrug. that lie is entitled to my respect or for- par MEM OIREIMe gled, a-ad bail, oust idly by, atter the bearance, sud do not hold myselfin supply of clott ÇANERON & APPEL13E, THE CENTRAL HOUSE n 14' () rlcUm of routliftl fmmdeim, eand Mr ALE CHÏE,ýý P brief delight of. possession bail pasoed honor boulla to tell him hie mistake. rodemynervoudebMtyetcýbaving :9 ri, style. The chi ,Lrl known remedy, h" tound a aimp But D, ho whom; I really and truly one of its flup ARRISTERS, Attomeys-ut-Law, and (Late Lockhart House.) W A Good Horne, Phmton, and ll&rnesli, love no fortune, sud 1 told hi Soliciton in Chancery, No. 4 Toronto ho will end rang to bis rellow suffem. 'WZ angels sud goddesses bail been 719aasi J. JEL XIMVJM. do Chatbum et., N. Ir. (ne4rly new). 'lm around its waif atreet, Toronto. CHAS PENNYLEGION. Bc oftes reproduceil that they were that I have noue; but bc loves me &H -copy of a note HECTOR CAVERON, Q.C. (ly-M) R. 8, APIIELBE. Whitby, May Oth, 1878. eterectyped on my brain, I toit au if I the same, and offers nie an humble written in a lad C. GIFFORD Proprictor. NOVELTY W ORKS, coulil manufacture and turn them off houle, and an honest, faithfül beart. signaturè - THOMAS HUSTON, This bouse ta the best in the County. by the posa ; and yet, by -Borne infatu- To hiw my friends will net listen, 1 1 am Baby 1 OLBUR AND TREASURER Call and Bee it, WHI TB Y ONT. GEORGE BRITTON, atiow, I was unable te break the spell am sur, - , and indeed I hâve'not apollon me and cure foi TowwN,,t,,. Hall. Heurs: thât Compelled me to listen. to hini they only surmise hie love, bloseing to you. frein 9 te 1 o'clock. - SUBSCRIBER having purcha5ed PRACTICAL The moment à lover approached me I and have eudeilvored to huten forward tile morniug Pa AYERS HOTEL, THLthe, Machinery and' entire stock of was spell-bound, sud aemuch compell- tbe marriage eith my firet admirer, up to be a Mips a. Je GUNN, Me De, seasoned Lumber from the Mudge and ed to -bearken as if to the tale of the --to prevent', my making îk fool Of may tain up il 82 & 84 MILL-ST., ROCIMSTER, N. Y. Yarwoodlifanufacturing Comp"yis now CARRIAGE WAGGON Ancient Mariner. Something in hie m a URGEON TO TIM COUNTY GAOL, - 4ý1 prepered te furnieh Doors, Snobes Blinde, ysolf," as they politely end emph ti. ý vaille to poor li Byron Street, Whitby. Price reduced to #1.50 a Day. ranisa, Mouldîngo, Base, AreÏutraves, glittering eye excroised a sort of power ically express thomselveo." Mr. Lee Wil Dr- W. je BURNS. Travelling Public-tto 01.50 per day. It in quired by the tr'x This Rotel bas ;eaucea its price to the Plooring, Sheetn and everytht»ý, re- fr.. whièh i coula net withdraw My- *But," I asked, "how coula you, and comply v el ai the lowe ving MAN self, and I listened with my bodily cars, Emma, give your pýCmise, loviDg one Baby is a litt Orricz-Next doer ta nfn- ýand7 to the N-ý Y. Central Depot (only a Pr!ýeo-, , . _. . - - - UFACTURER of a new iml)rovâél -,fh..s 4e Oro cb élu hua ý&. - Weler to giv-0, »y,ý B.V' Mr ý Kerr- woild' faVar ýWhelàtýiftuy Ond'i . 1 1 ii, ý fny road.,but,,l did mot é 1 W&* C&W Geo, VIwer, recallod- - 1- never kn-ýw of Mr.,, Whiddifiald,«Dvàuing-fut me ; rilisige of Uxbridge ý*i1Jx, rhey had a re uia whem ý repçita,-oama M froui 1 iffiîent 4nartem ;ýikWài " , îQungý M 0, Christian i i0z &as a mou gî vé- , sedured thal 'ro0wL- 1ý4ïgàQbý Imciigýt4e;- I dé. mot ,k;io!w- who ý go& iberty, to, tue thé rooià-.I they. are a )Ùblic- OÏ"; thers whià diffemt &a- ý6(îgaüous rewrt, to ;.I.;'nevag beard of MI charge W the Uob"of that Mom ào ' bill >v4m Oyçr prOge 06,10r à met tuy fri4lodis.ther twoor three «uioȔ during the election ; I never 1*1 ý.& cliairm an ; 1 du nos ibink there V" any 6ecretary ; Mr. Uarman wiý ecretairy of the ýWforw Ammisacu or the vu sýnt.through him , 1 was a ni, m. bar of thé County Reforma Association .9 1 "k ft. Ïrai by à_ý. Cotiiêàtioli talleci )Y the Refortu Amoiation that 1 *18 >rought out; Mr. Card did mot elec- ioneer for me. Q,-Why did yon pay for this horse lire ? A Re droye Mrý Paxton to a necting rt Brechin end Atherly. This charge btauds. Mr.. MoCarth y then called --one wit- Was iu support ef the thir'l charge, but 'm bearing)iis testimony abondoned it S bê did aleo the 24th and 29th charLes - lithout týiuing-any *ltneues in regýrd On o)jargcý No. 2, Georgù Thowpýûv, worn, stated-Widdiefield was &cru. àeer for Whejer at last election lu ie'saine polling-bouth lu which 1,was - Dmfiueer for Gibbs have hëàrd b'!m rguing und speakiüg very êtrongly in rheler'. laver auring, the élection- on 2o stressa and in ehops. On charge 7j- Hugh'Munroe was eworn -and raid-, had'a claité againstWbeler for. cedar ýr the station Stý Cannington ; it was ýr éedar and teainine, and amotinteil #80'it wu over six years old; 1 Bued îe claim ; Wheler dis uted-the claini 2d raid the carpente 1 r p -Qught tu pay le eaming, and put me'- off froïn time-, titneýuUÏi1 lis would ses him ; I fin-- ly, aiter Wheler'a nomaînationi gaýO to Bamhom to collect ; thouglit thatý good situe to get Wheler to pay bis ýbts ; the teaming would simouns to or $4 ; Wheler sent mis a po&tofý- w order for the $90 after the élection as over ; I met -my son-in-law, D. S. rOWÈ, and Wlieler bue evenîna, and rown t;aid,ýIwhat about ý thé' debt in are both bers now ?" I said, "IL la it paid yet ;" Wheler said, *U wçn't ýy it till after the election, for it miglit tact my election ;" I said I liad ne- ing te, do wigh the élection ; he--caid could show me a case where iL.rna*u st is élection by a cure just situilar .this ; -thie was befère poijing -day ,-own was a Grit. Q.-Yon are mot a GHt are you ? A.-Not quite ; I bad mot atik--Cl ýow4 to speak to Wheler about this; ffiink Brown wps supporting Wbeler; jot the letter produceil -beforte 1 tu- Ived the $80 ; the document lieria re- Ted to was a letter from'Wbelèi to tl2t-89,_OtatiDi the& ho (Wheler) liati )n Mackenzie, the man bc conteuilt.(l ght to pay for -the teaming, and thé ,ter liaitýaut"Eorized him to-p-a * a ; the paymeftt of this accollut1liad Lhing to do wigh the élection, Wijoit.-r ver asked me what aide I was going- vote-on. le-examination- Wheler put -me till éther he or 1 should ses the car- iter about the teaming, ho ialked an [0 wanted to lieu - me paid for bath timber and-teaming, but «lie saiti carpenter ought tu pay me for the-- ming ; when I roceived the letter ,ch had been produced, I wnlked tight into Burbarn ' a ()Mes aùdýfïnud- it to him. ýliall* Baruhani, sworn-Atn cierk ho - 5th Diývm" on Court of Ontarîo - tnLv ! thist elaim M.. aroused consciousness, th-e- fain-t -g-li- a--ek-to-r'm-'y- in-t-e- On 13113 huila' Ca gar THE BEST ACCOMMODATION letion. 1,gn m rvi6w wfth mY Unclein is looked upon bj In in% thé dawning of the broarl regard to my extravagance, and the doo-skin aleo ), for Guosta. (ly-47) GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 T""mso'a"PP' sunshine and or Green and John street, Whitby. g m f happiness that number of my debta being duly parad- deer ut any price C. N. VARS. L. D. S. Melodeonsto rent at #Il $1.25&ndfl.50, lit Up My Whole elàton ETný inserted on all the UEEN'S IIOTEL, - VICTO OW,000 fcet Pine Luiuber, wel) seaisonocl. per Month. ce. Gd-and as I told yon, m worse than à genjim Out TE IIIARBOUR I bad never been sware of the soin- doubt ut the state of Edward'a affec« take a game ofpi latent principles of the art, Inch Boards. b sept. 2nd, 1878. 87 re Cloud that bad ourrounded me, but tions-go to save my adorer -from des- au cheap 84 the cheapesti and as good as the Plooring, ý-,-I No, boat. Teeth 1111ed with Gold and Silver. JAS- MAGKEY9 - PROPRIEÏ TOR. now I awoke tc, another life. I pon- pair and suicide, etc., I sala ye8-but pokei Au -oup-;auc Teeth extracted without &in, by producing 2 x 4 Scantling, THE dered over my newly-found félicity, but repented in dust and ashes befère the local aufesthesis. Douter Rooms-in Cow- Good Table, Liquors, and Cigars. Fine 2-inch Plank, had no disposition to bestow my cou- expiration of the nait balf bour, and have hall no tas . b Kü's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, atabling au.1 overy nocesj;M Accommoda- Fencing Boards, fidence on another ; but I folt that thé with bitter lamentations and Porrow Bioco... Street, Oshawa. IY-41 100,000 feet of Oak, OA NA DM N' A IR. GA leaden dallness of existence waa gone, when I learned by au àcoîdent the se- Maple for sales, lot quality, - :0: and I coula listenwith living cars, with cret of Fdward'a beart-how lie had A very good JOHN RODINBONts J. IIINMAN, a seul to the outpourings of a nature long and tenderly loved me before my your coffée, ana W . Bagowood, The Canadien Gao M«hine is an auto. stirred to its inmost depthe as minewas marriage, but woo.1d not offer his pov. you ho ever àli] JL.L Saloon, Brook Et, Yndtýy. OSHAWA, appamtus. _LTAIR DRESSING AND SHAVING 15,000 ft. Square Timbers matio gao-makin . It is d88ign- now. I hall nôt long to *ait. 1 was ert-y tc, the rich hairens lest hie truth There is a wor AU of which WM ho sold cheap forcash. ed es a means which 18,0tories. mill, ised from mjy pleasing reveries be and dévotion might be questioned. Veterinary Surgeon, hotels.churches, wellings, or buildings of - "Distracted by a thonsand conflictin Il Fivery Mau i JOUN WOLFENVEN, Re would aloo beg to say that the Grigt any kind, situated 1 in the country or the outrance oi a charming young friend atate of society 1 Will bc at Armotrong's Èotel,-Whitl)Y, CverY Mill la ranningand is doing first-elasa work. beyona the reach of coal-gas mains ci Mties whom I knew, by the sweet flotter of enictions, I regolved to tell the trult1g & GBXT FOR THE --CELEBRATEI) Tu" y, from, 1 te 4 o1clock, p. m. -Ch done 6 days in the week, for eTOTY inay ho supplied with a gaie and cheap p ber addrew, bad come to, malté me the and ask* à release from my engagement. Every argumoi .£X Scottish Granit At Marble Works April 25,1877. is li lit depositoryof another love secret. but scarcely bad 1.opened My lips drinkin like ti of Jonathan Woliendeý undao8t.,Whitby, B. MMOR, 0- golf-iblâillis to th o;I) 'Roue maobinej a sim2le of constru There was no peculiar depth or when I was met with such an aval' Propridor. tion Mot liable to géýout ci order, reqnire atrength of character, in fact nothing anche of protestations-such vows o' New Stage U ne Dao. lath. lm ]Leu no soi to inazmge, ake n2gde in a subst f The age of a yi tial and durable manner. 'They occup lian remarkable about* lier, except her lov ETWEEN WHITBY & OSHAWA.- ttle a and deupair, se a boy of nineteen prossed according BLACESMITII, BROUGIIAM, sp are set B I have au t2 et amall expensé, and are beauty and the sweetness of her dis- might put into a sonnet-and before 1 of skirts, by sayim ..put on the route betweep Cab- B GREAT CAUSE OF ]EIUMAN e râ f largest g.7]PpbForil sposition; but I saw that' sernething Iiadtime to collect myself my oncle (succoseor te Thomas Middaugh,) awa and Whitby a comfortable covered TR MISERY. o ding, or the junail. had touchea a new spring, and Ohé enter have passed over ýýHvrso shooiug and &Il kinds of goueral Stage, and. solicit the patronage of travolora est âwelfing. are no new. or untried thing ed the room, looked ut me sharply work. ly-52 andothers. Every attention will bepaid te Just Publishod, in a sealed bathave bien in constant a "Ocesom found revealed in lier goal the étrange through hie spectacles as if lie ouseect. Tailors may ne the comfoit and couvenience of passongez-, Envelope. Frice six cents. In au parts of the congtry, boal d mystio lore which bas puzzled wîs- ed My intentions, and coolly too hie Ut Of human bail B. O'DELL, and to, the sucurîty and prompt delivery of A lecture on the Nature Treat- ou--or for years. ý or ana more philosophie heada than sest and commenceil a conversation in M"Y Ob militu7 parcelo committed te my charge. There and Radical cure of seminai weaknéào, or The fr made vain of-lis coural the» machines in lier own dainty little one that drooped hie Mandent tonos. will ho two stages per dey eaoh way, vin. : SpermatorrhSa, induced by Self-Abuse, In- noually own au car sa air gao bein Leavinf Oshawa each mornirg in time to voluntsry Emissions, Impotency Nortout common air impregutea with gAAîLý e go tendýrýy under the wand of thé migh- "Of course I had visions of unpaid tailor in thé face. make o ose connections with the Debilit 12 ty magician whose spell she Owned. bille, dependence, and the plessing Whitby & y, and Impodimentla to'marriage burna with a rich right fianie fany o Crebülion eava Clark Dfflâlon Court, 'Tp, Clark, Lindsay Railwaýp And- At 8 o'clock.0ach energeil ; Censura Conductell _00 o o ?tien, Zpilepsyl and te tbat produced by coal gas, lu It was -the old, old story. Px ect* of boggu7 before me, and re- eau look steadily afternoon ; and eniving Whithy At il 0()tntuismioner in B. Il. Land Agent, &-c., çits; entai and P ysicalIncapacity, &o. through pipes and ornaniental fixtures, with He was so noble 1 so (rùe 1 she ffredraiscomfited. never love him. &o., Athorly, Ccunty Ouitrio. -4y ROBERT t. CULVFRWXLL, M.D., the saine Snvenience, and saety. No fire coula trust hini with all lier beart-elle "But the crowning point bas yet to eau At 411 botéle in esolî town, au orders autbor of the "Green Book II ïko il nana in the M"01 manuficture, and wu no sure of hie love ; ho could nover be told. You may doper Atharly B-Svt. 2nil, 1872. sa loft At any ci the hotels will bc attended to. The world renowned aulor, in thio &a. buildings lighed"by le are imure o Fare and charges moderato. d At th deceive ber. But there were ob8tacle8; IlLut night, at Mrs. Dargtonit mîrable Lecture, elurly provos from his unie rates m thongh oal gu wu n"d., good -an Whou IlivOBtéd Jn NV&U.gt. Stocks J. B. ADAIR, Proprietor. own experience that the awful oon»qu4moe The cost of $hie ' 80 sugood. inaken fortunes oviey nionth. ju for light, equal to ho boa not told lier what they were. irce, I had au Interview with Edward; - March 27th 1878. (-14 of Self-Abuse =&y ho effectually remoyail one thousand font coal gus, vrAles irom Ah 1 abc did not ask, she did not wish and my baud and heae both aching, 1 1 Desth io the c Book cent froc explainfus withontinedicine, and without d»gerous one douar and Ïfty- cents te two dollars, to know ; @he, coula trust and wait- imado my escape to the dreuing-room, MrYthing. -Addreils 11AXTER & CO., om«oal operations, bogbg, instruments being &bout one-half the prioe, of cul eu. hie servante witlu Bankers, 17 wau-St. IN. Y. L NDS FOR SALE ring., or cordiale; poin out à mode@ The Material imm which gu in made by W - - lier dear, dear Jabez 1" and throw meq1f upon a aonob, and il 0 Is K 1 N a 1 . actuel by which our raschîue in o o Jabez 1 Jebez 1 That wu the naine ýheId my ýhro ing temples to ami the when pride &M IN THE everY sufferer, no matter what his condition bline lit, volatile of rtroleuni. of My beloved. It waïnIt a vM ro- Plun- children me want MSY bol mýy cure Ihlmoi If cheaply, private- Ege ton given forlii tiiig and hesti mantie or poetical name, and is had au A Nevada bc t 9 611 lima net romaine long when the NEW M USIC HALL ly and radidally. buildings. T-ZRIMTMM wnship of Soinerv gàr ThisLecture will provo a boon to ' Baths, Water Cloiets, pion Garden UDPIOSS&nt OignifiCance which occurred sound of famillu voiceg arrestad my- basrs don a 15il thouzands ana thongands. - W',, a in tc, me broadly ut thât pro" moment attention. 1 board the warmeet vowa i t erg, and W 1 CO TY OF. VIC ]RIA. Fountaint, Rubber Boue, One ixture , One who causce pain 1" but Jabez 1 Of dévotion 321(1 8ffOCUOn &Uowered.by n h la MUSIC FUBNISHÃŽD WREN DESIRED. Sont under seai in a plain envolope, te Br-onze and Crystal, etc. ho was insiae the Sèaticg CaPacity, 0ne Thousand. The 10 sny addreu, on rZeilet 01 six cents, or two JOSEPIR PIM.T IpEr, Jabez 1 it rang in my ear; it wae Jabez low-breathed rammurs of anowering wi g lan à in t township of Poitage etamps. Adareu, who had shed a light and lustre on my love- He told bls love ; itho confemed , Noyer man7 hi l' solé Manufactum. whitby, Oct. 22 Somerville, ounty of are offéred TIM CULVERWBLL MEDICAL CO hitherto unevéntfal hie, and I coula h«8. Ho 8pý 18r.. ly-44 for sale- 41 Axy.sr.. Nzw Yeux. *1 PIu=berý Gao and Steam, Fitterl -kla of obstacles ; phet au- that yon lov *bd Thi est of Lot 5, the 18th conces. roadily believe and sympsthize with owered of lier laith and trust, and vu Pest Office Box 4586. 168T.ork Street, Toronto. the Re Who ING BROTÉLBRS, Bleu, contais oil et. Fifteez acres ay-8 ung or«ture bifore me there et lait sealed with a kisla long and (W opoé le weak in hi K clmmwr and Dey t%îlin mr«m migýC be another jabez Who GOUM shed vent énôqh tO plight à bundred b". WHITBY, ONTAXIO, crosses the lot, eh istaL>imm etZ nom ' Valuable Fum for sale. BLIZA MARM'CAMPBELL of hght and Indure on another liZs ; no I Importers, Dealers and AU the aide of 16 zoad. The proporty is Town, of whubylc-Luty Qf 6urtae, lent a konner ýear to, my prett 41HOW r»W m the 81 only j of a MLI a railway station on rui Y Minny's coula yon listen, Emma. cut. Kinds ci Cýra &CBES-84 LOT 8, IN «à COUI Province wye of ROBERT swest avowals of hii gightéd fifth, toi P" 1 began. elimb high onongl thiYi lw and 8 miles froni th* 100 PIenRMG. I's »M cloue&- CAMPBýEmloollilîtth, t e r 1 rgive notice thet I in to apply té remainder Wel"mbered Imoitly boach Md berëb _Lýnd marchant ber oWn deept confiding Ive. "AU ver7 Wall for Vos to ask, ànyý eortuna May 9 LÉA THEn AND FINDING6, -'Meun. o n Goodm An' a Daniel maple). This Io a very demiMMe the Dêriinim Parlisment next oemi&i for a I saw how ber glande life-th»ads dear liUle, innoclent U=a ; but 1 muet own inauïtzy mm 0444AÏA fez Ridu, Bsrlt. ah& Luthor. near oant, will the for the -*o& alone la vm et --y were entwined with Me Who had ho. own I foit OU tly interested sud, and. Lema« etX0 For rois 01 sale, app tOM_ *111ja=ArIpýy theeturohaù iiiiii, whae said hlubm& ic, gin BM moi iù Thore Io no miu me otthè t ta A my bahali by the là lm, Mr coma the centre and light of ber exht, o= to know 2!1 lt-Woula end, wh'u 1 mortified if ýe ka 93r BBLTING 11ADR TO «Dicil O-X rto tee for tboýInd, #M Croil OM4 woo. Ueremindedmoot-alitgabiM beard my amanom, thought of bim. Torm? liberal k roUaU*'pàru«. SHORT NOTICE. oia"9t", maugg May, 1672. Meurs. RAIPCE 4 0., Whitby. A. POBT MA 74. QAIEMB=. Md Pours out 114 uwutlovo.lýoý and bie whilà the onc ug ibdi mi. ta vinewgly te pretty unie 0. Boz n wbitb7 wbblq, z*,Oâl lem vu lýeptmu eong tba Coming ffl." ýd that Wholer had been sent by - iros ; everybody was talking about - i the village,-and ho-thought-it il militate, against wbelees chances ie election ; -ho spoke to Whelei it. -Did you tell Mr. Wheler lie ought ttle the claim 2 A.-I do not know 1 did; I - think il isfvery likely I 1 thought il was an honest claim .unroe would not t il ;- did ell Wheler that if U"ed"ian not settle vonl& not vote for him ; think Mr. ler said to me lie would noé bave 'in il until d&r the i.nýttho2cit7irta'ilght « ndUtste-agalm, ýj_ ; think 1 bave expresied myýseif, >rdetrimentaUy to 3fr. Whefer if Iciwed such a claim to rejaain over, Io -net think I went so lar ae to aay, ala not vote for him , very likay 1 Wheler X did not intend ou > rt until my father-in-làw ýwao paid, 1 exoneratod, him when 1- heard about il. fer as I war, Sned I gaie Wheler te underatand bis ý eatment of Munroe's claàn 1. 28 no, différetice in regard-ýn ýupport ; Munzoe would not h&ýe 1 for hina at sny rate; il wu wheh ýer, Xftio ,and I, teJkëd the mat- rer on the :treet-thât I heard, what a Me t0ýeonër, Wheler ý' I am are whether. at, 'Lt wnvorutiDn, ar said thst il the matter stoud till after the nomination ho would > bo but I do Bot thiak ho did ; lie itentlLrefused to hDe anything to ,th le til after-the nomination. r the defenoe--aeorge:wheler WAS led, He sidil-The oettlement of Wm ha nothing whatever to do the elcotion ; ho -,-furninhed so-O for the ereefion of the station- at Cannington, on which work i!ýnter refand to, whose name fîCkenzie, was a sub-oontractor to du the bùddink wu completed, 00 sel;it me ii claim for oeaarand ng, jand I told Mm thât thst be- l ýb. Mackenzie ; I ol&imed that qew a right to pay for both ir . ana the cadar apoke ta De two or thm timet about, the r, ana il vis sareed, between n' [0 Écula go ý And W Mackenzie il, but Îîterwardo a MMMOUS Dryed UPOU M» ; Shora'y aller the ong wà forudý l'the Court OÙ aboi, =boa- rIXE LADIES, rION IN THE Ess-MAKINQ, ýt-F-kITTING MER CHART. negourement alone at ÃŽT YB -FI: ý_ 8 lnducemente to ce in orilèrs tofléra. r all kilido ci ZLT WORK, kfra. T. lu odl thè- Dulptitude a4d ÃŽU A Mâfaction. :01d A uctioneelf 114 attelided, and cuII4uctý 1 or= dé ' 1-6, C. DAWES, ]RI 0 w NI 0 N L1Ný MENY 1 ale hy-dulerg gènerally. i. take the ln 1 1311rusl sils AND in wu rtu watteý'r, wlll cure moub ýiigeIngilits ratiov[l by river best. 13 PEOPLE SAY, ASK THEM ? derwigIiý(1 have 1ýséd Browalo ment for une time and caii curnuleild it for publioule. fa pil ptf u orchard', Ont. W Itby, il w ri, vin, QWÉQU' le, A gî» bu nid lermoil, Uxbiýidge, M. C. 13ROWN, Propriet r'. whïtbyl ont'. PORT PERRY IL, LINDSAY' RAILWAY. ÏBED TIME TABLE. ton Motiday, July lit, 1878. À114M GOW(l NOUT11. RAS 0.45 4r M 8.85 ay 0.16 Il AIMK 00ING, MOUTE. - a in.î 5.80 pau., 7,00 8.00 Itiffloligil sue rookot Tline. Lit ou 111>1111elLitou ta aliy ci the tents. Grand Truuk Itail, litig elibt girld West -%Vlth etago fer 480lui , Vtion .)r Nain Lflel(l and ýVjck, , r sitogierlitila and cargulngton. )r akwood. Little Brîtain, va. t Iloover. 1 Victoria liailway for Mindun, Prou Orant Illerritory. ancr the Cam Migy la pr rty, w il mid. 11, Peter. là. Waube- Bay "Il et ()rïllj[L w1th the orthoril il -, collingwood, Gravelliluyet Ind thei Frou Grant Lauds or UtFi un, lmmiltýd hy all Agents or k L. IVY, lur Toronto and.by Agents, Toroitwfor Mil stations Ir,,,,,Ier charges, JAMES HOLDEN, Lb on Wooof Works, WHITBY. -- b >. Cormack, NýEltClIAN'r & 131CILDER. @ mllf ply of Buaders, Iruloh- k m , A Twisteil id Biliids. 1. Wliolesolii fluil ratail, or by 1uldings or every descrip- g, Shectiug, Sholvingt Relle iing, Turning. Scroll-work,ý imentary Notioé, ; BFiIE13Y GrVEN THAT- Ion 'n'Ill bo malle to the Legio- rie, iktý lts ritIxt hossion, b'y the Pern mil Lindsay Boulway m A c1rýr editririg ana restrang.- Ra ii, Debt, of the coluptuy. j Yirne for coiistruet* Bailwa to Uzliridgo a ai 1 vvrirg xi Ille çvr -Y to LiLby nibti bosy, U, Rail w ay C. tl fôr tielidllleiitg to-týt',ýY*ýdt4, WILLIAM MUII()Ce, lr thfl IIorý lier and Iiiii way ^^nIp Y. ýE TORONTO ý Lf Vapop- Baths. 1 aro ilke-ful iu llheuznatigm# ro In- 0 a.ra., 8 to . Ladies, 10 ticket $1 - ýo faCý' ld

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