* w s ay w7¶ tiiae sgtbave ,bç~ swlueis gott, tho' ou y olg"is, ait e at bresthj 0 aua las be redséeu trgan A. Ill, atuarre,, fadéca>', And My houx ea loit ailawa; Th t est tla &snio IL; distancé MU rZ raitblfs, anatuetshsthé droa1i. fnl aatioftnauballe e. néoienon, 0se ol*t<ls wllnassei d 40o3sevar>"à seullsiý t'Othé existence cf plante sud animali, sfumfr fsre rive frebin eýbeervatLen and a longrai n of xprimiluts, muet bu reméin reti 1.%Vr $cattlvospýore boré,e, y wherc andIlailms f5 9éy U-tesoaprsînre, w. abouti nover havé rain, ball or euow. Tio<wgbtbr absorb. etl b>' Il in ovaportilion, froma thé ses andt t4 t arth'o surface, weulti doscepti filiau iitpocopiible vapor. or case te bo.alisorbeti by'thé air whou il vas otîcé fily laînratéti. 2. "ho abaorbiug poller cf tée ai; annajhsrc. andi consequnuly ils caps- Cit wrétalu hnruidlty, is proporticu. atoly groatur lu warm itan u ncelti air. Thju air ucar thé surface ufthlit cartit le warnieot itan itlel lu thé ruglous of -thé clouctle, Tue *higler vosAuceuti frum tht nlb à tihé colti r du vWCfandithe i. wloliîaià cre. ILnco the perpeinal ancw on Vetry' ligh inounis lu lhott Now, when frouta continuoi évapora. liî'n lb. air flilhighif saturatodti il Vupjur, ilito4~gI l i u visible andi thé ,.ky leudîsas, lb ts tasperatoro lusud.- 1lttisly redmqcqd1by colti curronusdescend. f imtram -uboveo, or rusblng fromu a lîlisur;le altswà at itude, ils capaGit>'. tu ritin toiribituro la dimnsilied, cOouglik bru foriti, o anti ra isla te réuit. IV condstieusa, it-cuulu, ant i 1kê a-seonge j 5111 d wit]î water anti comprtsod, ponrh ont tlsevate wilhlils diwinisli* jil oaîaiy cannot fbld. NWùAcÂ's Tor<oua.-Meu laugli ai wowau'u longue, anti uap that &abs usv. tî.kEUI)aa seucret, but ever>' tmuovmoman 111as8 aà box cf eboico preservetsfor fber ow 'il privaI indiulgen.ce. 1fur ovu sei crois cf love, cf losc, cf self.dsulal, of rsîoxocid ufer Donewcman ex- f vusalogo eto blier deatéai f r-bu). 'Tiero neyer livei a huebsuti, hîappy lu tho truc love of bis vif., vhc fairS>' kisw tiie dopîba cf ber mmid "bout hilm. Womann short, keep te titoîlntsclvtts fouv.ifitlsuof taesecrets cf iociety, anutido0il witii a winiqing air of franknoesî, ail tittir ovu. A man willi i t secret will b'itu or îîortfritlnuis, or lirovokip g 1>'suggestive ; hé vil keep b1is meout aObltctentallously. A wc- 11ilanilu j on absolutoly secret tle sel up a îîrsblle aigu over wlaalsver sua>'lie 1ltrried l-bor immd. Site0- gosipu, praotloapours outiwhat ahl docesnet ilrre l ld, vilt snob su air of nure- sitîî'uod simplicity, thatai al mankinti i. littystlfleti, anti Bays le frieutil>'joui:- 'A woiuan exil>'bidtes wliteaie dc't Ju(Uoi.rsaY.-Wlîbe lu our yoîtis o t-r-o taken teLuse a juggler wito pré. iiattod ltewell.lanowrt feraief swallow. 41a. Faioward, wu wr-r-t. « langultobp ltuvii'tlittt thsa wcation, instead of bting iriMiti rond oft itil, wtt, teloaroîlo, fttti alublid lit A (1it, o It las ln. o "'otimb it tt e~. intit. Thtoe wlic have citerialieti bai bellot, or vite li vae orission n11w tn explaiît litatrick tote ir 11111e onep, îuaybo ittsr'osted ln lîaîitg thasta nfamnuFrencht itysici. it lafol>' cexperimeted upon a Chlasas ttjrrwlos allowod a sabre eoarly tifîrofout long, spd pormistitiau ex- iL#iirît!t ocf Iia bcdy'witeléthe balle u4tini__ 1' té;livintglsenatis.Dr. Fournis, aItio wattli te loriaa'naine, and tvt1mu owero vith it hl, vero ter- ungtly tixîrefictl vus tetonesLp of ltse oîîraiia. Tioy irkocedth te poinit along t. lts wiiwitrtt courie, a t) fait fi lu 'the illitta l'pleous, thiri lu blicesfron tlIe llîîiiweir,a lîttoulli. So wé îtay mel Nwoatt-ilttsti oîr swaliowing dowe as liaguiiiinia foutu of gymntioes Ling liiitlig î'i,rvgartislook ait sgg bInto is titi t, toind apluitrotl to uwallov il. 111e gorges wntt seatruol,1tanttillt stck j lies1 t tlitt ovuYUn f iti ualbc tutt1i, lToellîinnittan ewallowed a t ptil' oft bhac-o euokt, ad to egg Viatt torLisagrait. Titoro vas seî lîtieusisionu ttuLi oy ilvas dlposed ot. 1)r. ltournio titotîgitiltaI lt net of siwallowiî gwase co )epily purrnu. el; afi a a sîsoîtti oxpexiuaent ho froueittca Uaarynieuepu anti direriti oà luwurfuî bonus of manuceiuua liglil divis ltucoujtitsr'rs littoral, w]lttî, Buter t!lt itigli t i egg wta iscnevered ini a &:vii>' tr ituat, vîtirliLing Look hall lu IJACOMM41 iiit;tlt y long frttcue lit congr-oe's coesed cf - 'Tîto ay tif kltu orlI' onee cf te oclarnotors la ltta ué;iade te,-@Peak et a latiy ln sîlu- siotulelier glibuesu ant i lveterncorc 1,141k -IS110 lias gg4t litI verlastiig rotlaltinoftlontii t iti80cholias, tic chîanceo with lier, bnitmnw ait liiltoll til0s te catlhalier last wois.' îloWTs -n iitîrViFA PitOPOttAt.-A Yankee saoa, 'Yon ouglit t take it kiiti; la. oking dcwttlîhlîl, Svilit au ex. pi alaîrit aboutl iîlf.llckied anti hall. issîvo terautheevpop le ovor, if yr - - saur watt itslls oI-oe tiîik .1 voniti s>' pas or nu, but let thé tltug kinsi ov lake is ove course.' Wgttav uc u ratMEAu.-A liltilégird camé dowu vwitlitoce. o f lier glovea -- buriat, anti rernar-keti, 'h lias gene a the tllnm'b, muammas.' Thte reply wau, 'Se Il soesa(AcW ifs seemu), Myapliér., CtîMrxciALTIIR Cà Siot.-'H0vw do(o uapi pour vite gsI on ? Orails.I or hindi>'. .-$Se gave me ber baud a wiie ago, snd I tiliuhot lier ; eh. givos ite aisée nov aver>' lime I upca aunt I liik ber not te.' It Ilu>vi -NBUTRALIZat POISON.-A poîtison cf snu' coupeoivable description atitildogmeué potenicp, vhich bas been - iliseniIY or Mà ideéà ly7 sWalldwed, sonay lie' rierbil ammestî 1Ieilyl 1ormwleais, la>' implyv swallowlng ive f Igiles cf aveé crI. Au ludîvaidual villi W a Atrongconsiuntion May' laIte néarl>' Pt lvi ce the quantit'.This cil viii Mcemi poi>nslll 1nelrlze #Véry' form cf vége. Initie, antualor 'minera poison viîh simi iyslctanu anti chemistu are ac- Si i'î'tic tire ir-hé atPeunl- lkonajper. fa.) titetfotu -lu leap yoîîr ? becanso ti1 i-l ia Young feliov îlo't ptepoao 10 a ptli, Sla asm're o l ieta gl-ar.p. WVhûol u utarrieti latieÃŽ aiteoupiio, ie lthé tires.s id falles e ofîîIDunu- it la ver>' biai iinbriat a 0011u01, but hlow amiable sL'a dear olti rulativu Pis>' tho part cf a truct aint, by Ollutq aOO il good til lgmaoy 1 'MutùaI Insuraince Coi.; x R8 COUMPNY- lumiros Pam BuM. ing, culiry Ohurohes, SBebel Houssa, sud their o0 , tra1sIr5) JUS'1'LOSS1E8 PROMPTLY*PAID. J. B. JIOKELL, JOHN WILL1s. Proednt. Vice-Preudeont. Whitby, April9tbP l?f. /ý SHRENnt MIE INSUIRÂNCE 00. Lýmbard St. sMdti haring roSà ,twiou. BAILBa s1782. 41LLE pEp,VO4 R. W. TYRE, Manager, Montreiui. &Ul tho Stockholders, and IgoeRoerve iFonds. Moderato rates of prennunm. 0. NURSE t Whlitby, Aitril MLI, 1878. 1 A ssurance- Companiyl* INÇORPORATRD 1833. F. A..DALL#, Manager. Ineiuritzscue e ( da tsiwg orrn raites ou 13utdinfMtêMrhnte m Ue pt!opcrty, agalikt ut or darnâge by Ofre. È3 OURSPt, 40 Ag.int, Whftby. -Depo4it with Dominion (}overument $5,. M0. 1ýprience4 Agent ' ronghaut the Domi5lon' FirV Rialr8 iriffen af Ade> uate Rate, f O. NO SB8, Whiy pril 11h, 1878. 1gn 0hty THE MAJOR MILLS, AT WI1ITEVALE.. Have reeentl>' ben 1itteil with machinery 1 .cspEecially adapted for fresh OceanHern. Smoked Salmon. FinI&II Haddies Y~ou~Jp~ers i1t Ilerringà . BOnelss Cod F'ish. ~.Buokwhoat "F1oug ' Graham' Flour, Qracked Whleat, corn Meal, O0tmeat, 'Flour, &ci Whitby, Januiiry 22nd, 1879. rr T' iliBJw aOnzIiwB liAS IUIMOVED TO DEVERELL'8 BLOCK, WHRRE 13HAfi A FINE ASSORTM.U4NT OP~ BOOTS ÀND SHOES. Ladiioaïmd gelleieaeau be snppûilFwith SoaIe l. andeomést and funéat ver- luBoot sud Shue varo evor offorot'i luWliiby. Pur-clisera eau gai Rome- Ihing gooti b> cnlling ai ltîo nov stere. n2rdsred vorli gnd repaira with the nasal promptitude. SWhitby, Jan. 71h, 1879. MAITHEW OOLLINS. GOLDSMITH'S HALL.- GRE-AT DABOAINS PREVIQUS TO STOCK-TAKING. Watclios, Clocks, Jewcllery, Cutlery, Electro-plated Goods, Lanips, &o., &o., ai largely re.ducedprices!1 somo lines to be oleared out at cost. JAS.JQWTO Practical Watebmafker. c~- ?, is ~i ~ ~ c~-,Brook Streat, ýVhiiby, Jan. îiit, 1879. Aui theiti otitor ltas tiacidedto takie IISNOA SlJfCIALTY. 1 Thte patr-onsoutheitMill try tise-sore fuel asonreai thuat their (iRISTING viilb. doue in thI) est possible mariner, anti vith the utunost dosattr. FLOUR ai a nl kîrîda ut Mill Feoil cou- sitanîl>' oit baud taindftur sait ai lovesi peicea. -. CASII F01R '#VURATat ail tintes. T. P. WHITE. Wbiltovale, lOtit Setpt., 1878. -41 P UIILIIRFD COTSWOLD 5111EB ANIS 11;)IltKSlIiUE IGS. P WvM. M. MILLJAtR, Eu-ho Batti Farte, Clsrenuoirt 1'.0. Ontarilo, Bvltr cI,-anIt m lpurter otCotmwttlt) Sltep aiti pture - btcil lUorkumljire laigu. - Sitorl hiougisit ii-idcolt1 oit cotoiliieioat. Piukerintg. Ny t30,1878. lv-t-o GRIST1NG & CllOPPlING SMALL'8 MILL, CEDAR ?DALE. ICHIARD )MOTHIEISILL. Cuttar IDale, Fel.-41, 1870. - tf-7 lise Gr-rat N4or-tii Amer-iran Iteinudy fur GOUGEIS, COLDS, ASTIIMA, ilRON- CIIITIS, LOSS 0F VOJICI?, IIOA1tSE.. NES Suad TIIIROAT AFFEICTIONS. Gray's Syup of Red Spriic8 Bim' Salai ty ail Riesectable Chem-intasaid cuenai Dealers. Ur-ay'a Sytttjs unrca le word t ortue cf CanigliantiCelais. Gr-aytm Syrut) cure, Sure Titroatt anti litarsu- Gr-ays aSyrnp g.ivus inuitudiate roelu i itoruclitia. Or-sy'u Syror a inte itett r-îutuy for Anthbua. Gray's Syr-up rebleve,; Croup aînti Wiooplug Couai. Glray ' sSyrup lo aru exallutpliailve in Contsompition. 0tr-ay'a 8Lyrul)t uittvîtail all cctloofii itîrent, Littgt atud Clist. Lirsy's Syr-It ins uýi-or la any ruidiuijý ofeafor al lltc above uompîltainte. PIIIClI 25 CENTS. Jan. 7,179. 4in.3 rAL t IKT uSma 'r RHAIW YTCET eSmiPr Hu , etriet, atil the WenLeru anud Senîbher Sints, for asIe at 1ev rates b>'- GNO. iB. TULE, 2-) Tiaket.Ageul, Whllby, LIADIES; ATTENTION. The colear-ateti A toniosu Hatr WorItr, M[AX JACOB3, 2"secsuSt. West TomLugeo, lYbroti Dean from t S. Patir'a Markesi) SEGS tO lufrims UseLadies Usitbehl JUe cul>' GENUINfE HAIEWORR t the eir>'. Hneraubctes talkiais cf hia ca-k le be clone tl erfeton$ neat ad %gpe, anti delivered ti atUe Lime renuostéte. SPléasé uBand pour calrsansu1 I it) tend te theni. . .FRIZES, PUFFS AND FRONT I'LAITS. Car-), oui of atr iglul flair matie equal tu luraI Curie. Rosilihaitavtritlways t baud fr-nmt .>ep n CAUTION. Plans don'b has mîietti by coavtasaers ta. reueuing ni>name,.as I onple>' ltrtsex. pI eyséit anti -l -MAX JACOB, 2m0 Quman St. West. P. 5.-Country or-tersprompil>' returnet tm w>' ov xpsuse. Ordore leftatI Mn. D. agrtrsmker. opposite Royal litel, - lue prep y aitt tg p Prg at lia -W DOMINION WAREROO .--000--- LWES &POWý,,*LL HA A LAIRGE e~CK 0F PURS M LINERY,, which they a selling very cheap. Tlîoy liavc oivd largo additions to their D GO S stock. Mlso, G 0C EJES ut rducd pri s. Millinery, Tailorig and Dross-niaking tu order. LOWES & PO ELL. i4ow TO BE GIN 'ms E 4w ýE4ARI B EST'S, SI1M ST , OSHAWA. iNo Lightning hums allowed with huxn. Evei'ything in Busine kept at BEST'8, 0 a, Dcc. 201, 1678. My Stock 0t E. J. JOHNSON. Very Special. Inducements to those STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. UNDER-TA KINO. Full Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al the necessaries in tis Ue. Also, A WELL-APPOINTED HEARSE., Whitby, October lOth, 1877. 42 WILLIAM TILL,'Sý .CABINET FACTORY 'AND FIJRNITURE WAREROOMS 1 THE OLD STAND, BROOK 8TREET, WHITBYD Go- where you cannot- fail to be pleased in making selections of good furniture. Nendid Parlour, Drai B Ioom and Bdon.es Ne 'eigowel oycf isec=n, at aotoniiing low prices. Diu. .ilg.o "EteusonTale-very auperior article. Gilt Cormiceu, Picturu rFraming in evory stylo. Soe fine Chromos and Engrâvingo for sale. In ail its branches; fuméaiso fuUy ouppliéd, A stoýck of élégant ýoaekets. Coffne alwaye on baud, trimmea osuit O;*opaoro, sud s WOUl appeintoti Heaxoé eonstantly in readineos, WU. TII41 ~~llky, Noyçsiub.r ~4tb, 1676. WHOLIESALIE AND ý,R-1JXTéL. CASH PAID P0R GOOD ]3u.ter, .Egs, Poultry, ApplS dad Alsike ()loy r Seed.- W. J. GIBBON, WhutbyFebruayWliii 1879.Tes Store. TEAS!1 TEAS!!- TEAS'i!!- Just reoeived, a large consignment ,of froah new Season Teas in 'Y o=n Hyson, Congous and Japan, which we- are sellin&-at a ie uotion on Grange Piesas Ãf11,ws:, YonngHIyson Teai, nouai prices 50o'4o800 per 'lbîL, iý'Mt5Oypî lb. Jsan ùTeis, in quant4ity0 25o to ZOo jppr lb, *it50 O'7 pp1l. Also a fresh lot of those fine k)U1RA.NTS, 251413 for $1.1 Every article ini the-Grocery ULne greattly receë-d iii price. CHINA, CBOCKEIRY & GLASSýAR]ý,,VERY« CEAp. The» general public and the Grange are respecetfull invi ted to cail and inspeot our stock be'fre, purcliaaing el1s8where.. Deverell's Block, - - Brock'Street, WRITBY, êNTÂRIO. N.B.-Wanted, any quantity of good fresh roll Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Apples and Potatoes. S. F. Whitby, Januar> Mt, 1879. OFFICE 0F THE BIiO WN à PA TTEISON UMp-g. Go, 1WH-IT:B-z O]STÂRnIO.. -.000:- TO THE PUBLIC. In prcseuting our Tveaty.second Annunal Catalogue cf Agricullural ImpIe. meuLa te thé fanmera cf Canada for the pear 1877, vo do se with more than thé crtiinary tiegree of pride anti ccnfidience, from, thé marked faveur anti patronage coutarreti upon u, anti thé steéati> anti increasing démauti fr-cm pear te year cf our nov célébraeti Fer-m Implémenta. WVe shall ccntinue'as lieretofore, a. ma>nufaclumera, te maisena pecilt>' of Agriculutal Mahinry-tbe Jelinsion Self-r-akieg Beaper-, thé Triumph Ceni- hinot i Raper sud Mower, the Cayuga Mover, thé Young Canada Mover, anti onr nov Wliltby.Harvester, claiming s large abaréetfunr limé sud attention. Fer thé asat Twent>'.iwo yeors vo have givon our- mosi careful anti undiviti. oti attention 10 théeananufacture aud oper-allon cf thé vas-icnsimachines in use, alfting onttheliébout points, romei ng eecsts, motiifying anti cor-eting or-ors, alrénglbéuing véeak pointa, adapting and proportioulug ever>' part a. our increa.- éd éxperiance lhan auggested. Wo émplo>' cul>' the béat mechaulcal ski)), and our machinés pasa under thé mcml careful supervision sud .crnliny-évery dotall belug subjocted te the sevér- est criticissu-anti omolimachine lu ihorougll>'teutei beroleaving our verls, te prove lis ecomplétenescf evea-> pari, andti Ibre ia no diifilcnlly in pulling thosu in opération b>' an>' péracu et moderato mechauloal abilit>'. Our machiner>' lise boc selocteti sud conaimuciti vith a special-refereuce te lhe manufacture of ont owu msehineu--msup bols baving béen made. for tii pasrtieular pua-pose, anti net adapted for other work, sud cur workmen are eotia ca&,ed np te thé vantsansd requirements of our manufatur.-ebiaiaing a thor- 01ug1, kcowlotge outhlitéconstructien ef ont machines, anti are Ilium énabledt 10 ch tinu a higlier dégre of skill anti profloieno>' than vhere general mannfacturing la tiarriet ou. W. are ihersefcre enabléti te inînctince a more perfect spstem lulo al lsoh do- par-Imenta of manufacture, adding nul only te the perfectioencf Use vomIt, but al- go te the rapidily cf ha axectiou-aud a cunsequeul retinction nf ccii. . This principlo la regardoti nécessar>' in a velI regniatetiesutablishmeent, anti vo onabledti e tutu ont our machines wfth a higlier degr-ee of perfection, anti ai prices se 1ev as abaclut-el>' l e do>'competilion. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING 'REAPER' iM nOo se ll knuwi as a Singlo Reaper, that a vord et cenamoudaticu voulti aluacut aceuasunpea-luena, but au there ara mais> clalmlug te manufacture tis machins vbo have atiheredt t thé old Soiginal Jolineten machine, vithont keep. ing upat bt ha*ve moniie t a stete ors elventipatronsd frequrenethn snd durabilit>', quality of utnluever>' inti anti condition et grain ; ligs of draft anti susof managemen-lhé "Johunston," a.maanfactureti by uni-stands3 -.cmineà ily 'aheati of al cîher r-sapera. Iu pr-ceot iis position ve have only to pit toIhe man>' FirsIPr-ies avar-det us-ast the lest Provincial triai cf On- tatto, antimon>' coun t> trialsu viiclihave takion place all over Canada, vithin the aset fov poars. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MA CHINES, witih lotoîmjîroveuucuts, ta ail ihai can be deoirei luna Combineti Machine, and cannot fail to aussi ail the requirements of-purchasers. 0ur Improved Cayuga Chief Jr., and our Young Canada Mowera are boili fsot-lass machines- constitutei almoot wliolly'cf Iron and Steel. The CayngaJr. bas a rear ont, andi thé Young (Canada a front Ct ; both strong, dur. able machines, and flot excelleti b> an>' machines in thé maiket for qtsality cf eut, dnrabiliiy, lighiness cf draft, adaptabilhty, and esse cf management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER."j As thie country lias becomo botter adapted bc machiuery, and zman>' of our farm. ors have become skillod in thc use cf machines, a growing tiemanti ha.s pruug up for a Liglit, Durable, First-Class Beapor. Alive to thé réquiromonts of the day,, we bave sucoeedti l inventing a ma- chine witls a Wronght Iron Frame, with the loast possible gerng-with large brosd.faced drive whel,-and go eonderuetedthat thé eranesd table tilt aittIle samo timé, therebyV keeping tse pitman alva>. l inone itii thé huit.. The rakes are driven diréctly from thé main shaft--there boing ne perceptible aide dlraft, andi ne weigbt upon thé hersés nech. Wo are confident that wo have succeeded in inventing thé moat perfect IBeaper, takiug it lu aIl its pats, that lias ovor been prodneed. W. bave applied £or Jettéra patent, sud shall boId our invention, for our own exclusive manufacturé, anti we rsseofuly sauggest te iu- tending purchasers, that they abould ae Ibhis machine hore g ib eir ordera for thée oming barvéat. Thé "Wbutby Harvestér" vweigha, al laIod, 800 pouds, but -being macle principally cf théebi qualiiy of irounsan t el, anti from fis in. n so n sd compact construction, it combines the streugtfhand durability of thé baior machines. Al cf our machines are fnlly warronled. Witli tIis liai cf machines, ve feel codnt that voe au meet ever>' re- quirement, anti ve reapectfully solici a trial of our machines, believiug Ibast we eau furniali a botter machine for thé money thon eu be obiained elaowhoe. Respécîfull>' Tours, B3ROWN & PATTEBSON MF'G. C0. Wbitby, Ontario, February, 1877. SEE A LARGE STOCK 0F OVER8HOES 0F EVERT DESCRIPTION, SELLINO CEAP FÃ"R CASH. Look at the prices: Gents, from $1.25 to $1.65. Ladies' from $1.10 to $1.40. 12 Ladies' House Blippers 25 and 50 ceputs. Boots and Shoes of best niake and quality at an equally low figure. Repairs promptly made us usual. JOHN ýAUNDERS, Whitby, Nov. 27th, 1878.p Agent. N EW GOOD'S1 CJlothing and Gent's Furnishing floiuse Is now siýpplied with ail the newest styles of English, Scotch," and Canadian Cloths of ail kinde, the Largeat and Best'Stock they evér hsd. ij '- Iso - u excellent stock of Genits' Funnslxings, al nt. A& splendid sto e t edy-mrate. vercoata, Oheap 14 Çpeh. MoMILLjAN'S BLOGKi, B410,JK TRBET, . WHT3Y. * II1Te XS a quantity of S RO L BOOýÇ8; ~te -'mdýhe PM.ropy BoksBerrùn WooI Slipper'-patqçM±e, Ënoy~odAo %l Bemeber the, placé'-one door north of -johuiéton'# Jewellery 814w. *hit7,2D0: j~)3L5-a & 0GO flOI ARDPICTURES, $laOO I CAINET " $2.-00 The work by thý New Proce s i superior to anything of the kind yet introduced. It complotely revýolutiox4es à -the. art of photogrnphy. Cail at opce and get pictures taken, by the ew F rocess. MR. JOHN FER.GUSON HIAS A HEAVY STOCK 0F RE ADY-MADE CLOTHEING,' Including a large stock of OVELICOATS. EXCELLENT GENTS' SIJITS, mnade up in the Latest Styles. Buffalo lRobes, a great 4umIý er. Al selling at au i]lnisé sacrifice. hÇ viaways have où lia A LARGE To op 0 Choîce Fleur1, ;Craclse 4 1at, Oauncal, Cornmeai,, Pau, Shboti*,4.,&c ~ordeu tiélivars a n DYpse 01cfthe toma. Aall i ocited. OntaiolSiekWhithy. ÀUC'TION SALÉS il Y. BEGIto raturn may sincere thânks te the J public for thé vory llberal -patronage bémestd upon Me in the pau, and Io ,iutimiaisthai Iwilbe on bandfready b cofiduet anY' maeà that.I nia be > enkuted w*itb. Teris ibsea. Satisction suer. )(y sale book vil b. foundia the Oitarolot ote) VlbY'.-Arrangemeats as thoday<al loi& May bema"e ii Amuciéne, *btby. N.B.-ai Ouki atiblaknotes GD NEWS FOR TME LADIEL - -Â BLÂTION IN iR SOLEN 0P DBE8- G WAIST & SHOU R CHART.- Dresses fit froln et abuse» vithout change a h For salé, vi nstruenst a Agents van f. Induomenta to the trade. ST 'AND FE T WORK, -wlhhbcomade by - . inU ~lthe- tinteat ions, wiih P*oinptuase andLin way gve oufftomers satiaf ion. * Nov. 6, 1878 4 JOHEN ri IIIIGUS0N, WM. BURINS, Oc0t. 1-t, 1878. Has just received, direct from the Manufacturera, a good asgortmnent of Ladies and Gentlamen's Marsard, Emnpress, -and Ainerican WM X17WluIV lm Also, Pacifie Baga, Cheap for Cashi. Four more cases of 60e, 55e, 75e and $1.O0 Prunella Boots, MoCROSSON #cCo., 1f91 King Street, ARE NOW SIIOWING THE LARGEST STOCK OiP 1?JRS EVEhI SIOWN IN CANADA,. ~FINE FUIRS A SPECIALTY. -I FUR T1IIMMINGS CUT TO- OlDElI. 1tEAhlItROBES. ASTRACIIAN SACQUES, WOLPF11015ES, itUSSIAN- LAMB SAi'QUES, RACOON ROBlES, S. S. f4ItAL SACQUES YAK IIOBE s, PERISIAN LAMB SACQb3ES, BUFAO]RBS, MOCK E If ESCUS M1NK CAPS, bMINK ET S. _&SEL CA&PS, S. S. SEAL STS OTTER AND SEAL SETTS, Ef MINE SETTS, PERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN LAMB SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN SETTS, CN CAPS, BLACK SABLE SETTS, 0E RMAN MINK CAPS, OIîRY LAMB SE TT5, Particular attention given to ail ordors. . speeially attended to. - Toronto, Dec. 8, 1877. CUTTERS, Alterations1 l>'.5o BUGGIES, AND CARRIAGES. A Lai' FOR TO0M'S SADDLERY AND HARNESS. WILLIAM THOMPSON- Bégo to direct attention tg hie large and superior stock, comprising every. Assortment of Cutters and Buggies SALE, CHEAP, -AT- &NEWPORT'S Carriage Factoi LTy, OTRO Leather Valises and Saratoga A LOT 0F CHILDREN'8 C,ý F7?ASHiONABLE T-AIL ORINU I Go where you can get a Well-fittinig G arment :-To 'the- Tailoring Establishmnent of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA.- SUPEII11 CUTTING SHAPLS TIIE. WORK 1 A Large Stock cf Fine Clotho ; béat Engilik, Scotch sud Canadia Tweeds. C> Exceileftt Overpaotiugs and Splendid Veut Pattemo. A good fit aiiargnteed. 'lI runks Vey ansuean. h-a. t b oRRntbIa.LenS Ver>' ~ ~ WLLA hatsaesdCua.A l lis Tabia mént. WILAMookS, h L577. ro isoWilý 151 GEORGE OURLET, King Street,Qbva Licensed. Auctioneer, SALES rmp)'atteutieti, anticonduot. Sell1rti oLer-iTeus INDIAN LINIMENT!1 F1or satu b>' dealers gouer-al>. What vie take the -I'ead in1 FOR flORSES AND CATTLE.-Frem to vue boLIls in varm vaiter, villoncé meut Lulerual der-angemeeus causei b>' over ietes- ieg, TH Arc. AY S WHT TEMOLESY? AI th T>drigeMae ne rw" Indian Liniment for soeatime aud cIa cbeodyreu'rcommnut for public use. h p *ri Ma y Pins Orchard, Ont. FIEUM Brown, Wht, Autirew Ormo, " J. Day., Brooklil, J. K. Mathewaou, Setlihu]fbble, shun A. H. ntorson,Uxrge 8. C. BROWN, Prordator, 011.)Whitbp, Ont. Dominion Wood Work8,- WHITBY. Geo. Cormack, L UMBBB MEROHANT & BIDR ÀL-Alargo auply of Buildes' Fumlali. iegs, sant ik inda of Twyza Moldings, Doora, Sasb ant ilInda. LIJXDER whoîeuolo anti retail, or by b>' theer boat. Planlng, Mouldinga cf ever descrap- tion, Flooring, Sheotiug, shelvlng, Re- sawlng, Shaplng, Tunng. ScrolI-worc, etc., etc. Whitby, Ct. MSt, 1878. .1 THE TORONTO Turkish cf VaîporBaths, Theso haLbi are useful la llhoumatisin, Neura3lia, Cougbat Volts, Oougostion, Brouchitis, Soro hl&, Skia Diseaies, &Ulà -- flammations. Biliocineai, Foyers, anti for Sanitar>'puos. The vaporhlbi are parllolatl> appliea ble to ail5km idueses, especlal>yphi.is, It, in Dow universail>' coacede t ltiboih the Tnrklsh anti Va por Bathi are thé heat prieservatives of beaIth w ithin te recsbof medicisi experts ant in uconpuncicu vilh utedical treatment tho patient in more rP- idi> sudsucresfuuy 'tretalt. 1trnzd ibrouglieut Lbe vorît I roi royslty dovm to-tlse pooreat nu.Thie Turkish batha are ihe only Dos lu Lbe City of Toronto. Quotationsanirscominmntiîiea regivon frein the beat inedical andi sanitar>' authori- %OUI--inla,7 La 8.80 .m.,8Sto 9 p.m. Saturday nutil Il pin. Ladiss, 10 s.m. te 1 . m .i PICOS-Turkish ihatits, eue ticket, fi 12 ticeots, $10. Vapor BaLbi, SOc <mcli;12 tickets. 05. -233 QUEEN.ST;-WEST. Shilful sud attentive mileantidtental attendiante. -J.*B . DIAMOND, MW.D.' Valuable Real -E8tate in TES TOWNSIP 0Fý-REAC]9. F OR SALEBT PRIVAIM CONTRAOT Lo N. 2 sud tho South hail t U Lt No. 7, Lu thé Ord concession, et thé Tovn- slip of Beach; wvol sittiateti, good isudat a dwefling bouse onusenth haot 0t lot No. 7. Thero is over 100 mmrei timber on lot No. P. . Thèse properties vil make ged or ars. A MMpa h ï wM be 1 uhred, Ihé bx Mrtzn, aterra of-years te stitaepurebaser. Appi>' to T. H. MMIdlImu, Esq., Oshawa, Ont,, pr to -théeuderilguéd, 8041 Osawaa, ont. FIL CBU0 ton- c, Ç iCh& - - sucer, & rC., & -Ortrcx-A LYMAN cee Street, 0t A. fice--By-n Whitbi, Outu Wlaltby. MONBY '1 in sumo uR i -ROI Office--,Ptevi Court Street, çT.G. Ilonusoi A TORNIR in char an scer, dc. O Street, Whltl G. YOU i. lmer c Tan. 22à 1870.- CAME] selicitix HECTOR CAMEIIDi Dr Itesidence- bytecorn er JJYRE -' Wiu. .McDO * Di t'liian, Sm Wiby, sept.; -W. J.110 tel6, P. s. sud Gilbert att-t T e e t h -e x L t u ~ t local anatheai, sus nw block,i King Street, Osq MUSIC 0F-tRNIS satipg Caps Whllhy, Ot 1ING hEeTsx LEA;THER - Loathéer stroitcli erC-BRLTING 1 Y ay, 1872. -- BROCK STREET, WHITBY, cases ý r%.4 i Toronto, IY.50 1 April 17th. 1 ý 1 DOZi4ý 4RBIAGE&