noer of bthe Towards 'Ith ab dis.- shop* The )n ýA uheif, revent hua, "lIoflo V'ala-Is~s, Woufroid on. isthor part o - lbthebisalh hrd the viele: "Wh&t yen teuch dat for, oh 2" fesor-bhst ho wau leader of où orcoou - , tra--and t$bt ho ooeld Deyier- ses a ville wltlsont trylng It. Andd thonho drow tise bow acroe thoregspuyn a few Passages et a flne Cid Grman waitz. "My iout"Pbd' orlod, atter ho haà l un hie-finers evertl. eunitrMntn %wluile, "bu: is:lethe hast violisi 1 eve* saW 1 Thoeont a botter lu Eegiaed -~ a trtoely gocuinseid Creniena 1 I -wil Igié ypq ttweoty, peende for l.', Isases Isa i lbWast uot hie. 11,1l give you fltby-A huedreul 1 i Mr. Iissacu W as force il bu oxplain Jîew tho violin carne t4. ého 4lt Islis sabc.Th" sîtruger iad talçcn out hi$ pec et.boek, snd dro'w fortshna rcll*et bauk;noes. Il, put thow baclc# remnrklg-"II mueut *- havo shat violin, if monony wilI bey lb. Whouentbe ownerrotures wtll yen ask l te wait un ine? If ho cannot waib, Qsk hit a buet ue o re at six 'eccik. - -If lia canaut de that, tell -hlm bu caîl ou We to.meeeew îuuruleg at thoefloyal Aosdemy oet iticl. WmiI yen do lbvi" Igiace saola ho would.. 4"But," snggest. * d the stranger, "1younoed net toit the titan wluat 1I lie nssid about hic vilie, * - uuur whist I have offed, bocanse hoe * may have ne ides et wvhat s tresse.ho pomenosoe. Yen wihl hocsrefui and cie. euwopeet." Thue stesuger wons away, sud Abraham ls... reflected. Iu the coersecf uanhluurthe ewnee etf tho vielle reibureod sud ssked for his box. But the "llalie"' monhad boon capti- * tated by the golden hiait. What would thn gonttie sii hievielle for ? At irot the gentleman,,woutd net llsb4n itae h * - preîîesiblon; but aiter a deai cf 1.1k lie euntossed bliat li. Was net himaeoif a Pro. * tussor, end. oculi net woil afford te koep suiolu à . vaibis instrument. Ho would sohlb i for fifty pound--not s penny legs. Mr. lissceshll the moes>, sud lîecusie tiielegal peesemeor cf the vielin, *rcuudy te taka auytbing from two hue- iluei bu two u udred sud fifty from the airftbr cf the orchestra, as ho mlght ha sbie, But the uirecter did notcorne. At the cnd et a week Issace csrried the viailu te s profés@ienâ1 fiend, sud ask- cd hlm wluet wss its rosi 'vaiue,before cucilllng ce the professer. "Fîve sud twuuity shillings, wlthouît the case!l', * ~ ~ A INCIA N I Nct siiiE uILY ülill lui. iutu.-Douugli gave orclees te prepar. l'for an engaRineut. Tii. weuudod mon wüite rderecd to'b. reuuoved te s place utauîstty, aiong withî the bsgglige; but uNsosenuas Iîitupatrick's message moarne *kîiewn, indigestion spresd tbrouigli bhe %v wiale arîny. The weunded refused te bu maparated trotui bluir cemrades- Thuyeîuie ta b. sharers efthbe con- îtî,hîîdfr 1a111i,1tuai burpose tbey auggest- .d bit uees Bajulî hoceut treim the iiîigliboritîg Woodubasud plauted lunbue r iî it i l blit ta ti tosastakeasa wuîiuîlofl ýl utn in lîouîilia tiaul, sud s BOîUîl arrior set ut, bieside, wbo sHiotld nutt bu ut iiberty te tir tram hic 110b. L Tis exrserdinary ordar of bat. Olu ladl sucil u efloct onftia Osoriaus, *thtt niallino ceeld Indues tbem te try Iliair sti'engtli witb tiie Dalgais.î No iuîlucuocnts ceuld urge tlîem te engage witli trpeps'wbyoe undà unbod resiolutuon wiwla, lîmiilayad. lu su canspictiuesà aman- AN M1Nui i lYNLIuAL.-A Part, 1111.y * ltîlI!,jîlttllaithbe 1'itsbneg Dîpatclu Mww; (lie flloiwing description et an liitlan tunaral :-Tfloro wase apreces. iclouut'Iwsgens, drswn uozuuliy by siual tudiuà hoba-ses,.caleod ponles. The iraI Wagon coîutaiîied si rougi cufflu sud six nl il sqiitwîî, Ilrîto ou i aideofut ihe cullbîî, cli knoaling, witiîliîeaditbuwed lit ijîîiri-ul éiluascue ; hue Ihorsts, aise, %valko loîî lwly uîleng, witl bluir icads lsier tu(% giundats. if conscieîîs tbat bhuîle huaiend dutias waee bciag lper- lorîuuuîîl t'rjutihr o e nuaîativva conut tiii uî l. Tht> second, Ilird ud tufurtli waugons euitaiuuîd clidro,tliidyuunguab lu lauîut, ailisilcîut, 6eui) uuwiLlii dawuast u yuis, suit! ilutîs gs-/inut aIthe u cane lu wîîuilr. Thon fullhîîwod quille a uli. ber ofni ht>iidsanb-îchir lpuntes, uuh li s ieglu filie, nu twu ridiuîg abeoast. li tue rose wora saovertkualtildIndiaup, ou fotiot, tuttutri loug ea if tbocy, tue, lied uuîuîriybliouiaiod for bue grave.,'lbey e cîxuti, tu tlua ent'aà ~o ufttis gravoyard ; blita vifflle wss osarried te the grava, a rlig wais foruuod aronnd lb, ail kueling anud nse lb Iuioceiudda iow menrniug ciiauif was ommuuccil, whie ouinceme bu @Wall until it bacam osweet but II'iutate ocar, than it uliad away *li iistuacl ow soîcudâ witlî wiii l 1110 Ltagan ,alilarase, sudonue by oee loft ; s liw outhebuence relative cf the * loeueuod reisieinig teujîeuder ever his, * uttiineiy daath. * - The uthaur day, nt noon, au Edin. hiîuugh 11cm sent te s correspondent ie Loiduln a tebegramn, encîeely qnd oar- iy wordied, on a Iîeooso miltter. lb riuuuuulul Landan twenty.foui hleurs at. tc'iw ÃŽrits, l te afollewiug à onditien : "l .0aopeswer take that casuut peints np) lifersit came lu uriest'et on 11-be a tg.tuccew, lasI eI.tted auma ond btter et waés us grebmd once acceptod de. luttewo C. fer instructions arn leters * itrnituca e otebease," A good'btorY l ed cf a boy nt Eton wlu1o '8Alwayo rockoncd as groat alunce, and moes lsoed te cricket' Ilu- te "Lempriare. ' One day le olasolue x~ss in4d ftequ55Asoty te * answer bule question, 'Sinem the theoe GF~ps, a;on telfrute the ycînng asa"tobishie toe eesiv* te - llowilng * - oaer Lswr: ". ~Oi'coW. G. (r1 , u PG~eÀ" I(the Lamons * "Ohsloy,'salaIa fathor te hi.sou, ri û u grsyou (do hon 6ssof youur a0ge I coul goe wth -the tiret ocet..' sto É .514, man in roýif ove~ a 10g ' ty, and beung down an. tbeC ity, somo ta~~o;stryyenliv i.,,M. luudy., lj tgob 2' ."Why, no," ald tlb. od *nlbu'it. ajn't uxaiebhy liutane6uus, tlé t Gà ana, v tCi'Guuxu-no ,s aeasbroh$u MOI pe.s ho ýcarefully examined -ît, ornit a i it and laid,- ' Matildia, don't eat thtý doughnut-there's sornething desd in Wby do«e h~washljag cornehorne on a Saturday 2-Beeauao it's tho close (clotho) of dbs eek. Joab'Billingu esys tbero ie nothing more tonoblng iu thie 11f. thon tb sec 1% oo, ùtvitnuoyoung man strug. *A eonternporary esy,-" Thewq.itb. or bau been se uovero at Victoria -p ib20tat everal phessants (uic) ave died of. oold in returû nâ homo bom market. Ifmon, in tha ýsggrge, '4 uh jeoled teo.bal thêiouptium whleh eeoh individuff! basu euidergo from Idu own unbridled pausions and lests, tY; ranenally f?9rcing hlm mb actions Opr sed te iiý '.vOlfare, the world ,wonuI trevolutionizod. to its conter, once ie evcry twonty four beurs. A man bohiin&tlo.timcs shoeld fsed on catch up. Lapidaries arc up te ailý sortu of str&- ta-gems-. ZEvor.lai-iig.-Tho strike of tho Lyun Blioemakers. An indirect way of gottilig a glass of water at a is te aak for a third cup ef tea.- Machinery, 1ka soins groat-Porson- âgos and a poil many thioves, oftcu travelo around.,incog. A :elentîbe yout4liidscoverod the Causo of the potat6 blîgbt. --n ascrib-ý es lb o bo roilatory ulovcment ef tho "Hnsband, I don't knew whero that boy got.all big bail tomper; am sure net frorn me.," do-No, my doar; for 1 don't fied that yen have bust any ef youre. A wag bolng asled tho Dameofe the inventertof butter stamps, roplied that At wso probably cedmus, as b. tiret brouglit lettoers into Greeco. 64Where Ignorance is blies, 'is folly to e howise." Nibbles eayB that that le the very roason why he alwsys prefer. ed the duineisaef single-'bleossednes te getbing rnarried and rnntg the risk of beoming A leiter received at IHullsys werk- ing.rnen are gettieg from $1.80 te 82 per day at Lake Deceptien, Manitoba. INSURANCE. ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance ody. HHAD OFFICE, BROCK-ST., WHITBY. in ies'arm Bid as thdse et sny well-establishied Comnpany in Canada. JUSI LOSSES PROMPTIX PÂID. J. B. BICIRLL,- J11N -WL Prutidt.î,t. Vie-l'i C. NOUI1S1, SîECIvTtuuY. Whithy, Ait-il 'Mb, 1876t. ILMS, .resitient. p IIRNIX FIRL INlUiIANCE CO. Lombard St. sud Citariag Crase, Londau. ui5TAILED INi 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & 00., Ageunts fo a Cae. R. W. TYRE, Manager, Manireail. A GENCY EST&DBISH1ED IN ÇANA- aIl 111e Slukh(i(iLIt, tuMidlisargelieserve Itilde. Mothttrtuoreae of pirumn. C. NOUISE, Agtnt, Wliitly. Whitby, AIuil 'it, 1878. id B RTIS11 AMBRICA Assuranoe Comnpany, INCORPORATED i833. A S S E Ti8 , $1,101,876 ii4. V. A. BAIL,- Manager. 1lnsîrluutcs eîiot-td et tae lowueb crreuti ratas on, Butlihiugso Mrthiatlis,and ti ter îîraîorty, egeleot laos> or dameage by tIre. C. NÃ"UnI7, Agant, Wiitiy. Wlitby, Alîril Utli, 1878. 16 P URl-lIîED COTSWOLD SUJJEi) ANMD BERKSHIRE PIGS. J. WvM. M. MILLER, Echin Ilik FVa, clareunaut P.O., Onturio, liruier andtICmporter ef Cuîewuuid Shi eil iure - breti Berk8lire. igo,.-Stc htouajb sud seld con iiteelon. Picukerng, Nov. -30, 1878. 1v--O FOR THEE- SPRI1NG, 'ÉTRADE andl are prepared to offer SFECLAL AjRDG-.A~ŽTS I > oU ani iteuiLag puZW1hasrs. No notlic Bankruf t Stock to dispose of; but fine feshion- ,jtble 900sst ay wprces; particulars îlu an early lissue of thinepaper-. Respectfully yours, SWhitby, 1Februatry l8th, - 879. R LAING & STEWAr. H'a J AIME SO0Ný Frelsh Cod 4?Fish. Fi'esh Haddock. Fresh Brook Trout. Fresh Ocean Herrings. Smoked Salmon. Finnan IEladdies. Yarmouth,]3loaters Red -Ho[rrings.- Sait Herring-s. Boneless Cod Fish. Buckwheat -Flour, Graliam -rilour, Cracked& Wheat, Corn Meal, Qauimeat, Flour, &o. Whitby, January 22nd, 1879. M A r r i M"w 0mimi .T. UAS REMOVED TO DEVERELL'S BLOCK, WHERE MIZ HAS A .1 FINE ASSOIITMENT 0F BOOTS ANI) SUOES.j Ladies ani gentlî'unen cen ha cnpplied wibh Boni. af the handsomesi sud ineot wark in BonI anti Shua ware ever offerodin l Whitby. Perebsuers eau gel seine- tbing gaod by cehing aI the n3ew store. Ordereil werk aud repaira wibh bbc nouai promptitude.1 Whitby, Jan. 7tb, 1879. MÂTTHEW COLLINS. GOLDSMITH'S HALL. GREAT IJAlGAiNS i'lEVIO-US TO STOCK-TAXING. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Cutlery, Electro-plated Goods, Laîuuips, &c., &o., ai largely reducedprices I 1 Soine li nus to bu cleared out ut eost. Practical Watchmaker. GRJSTING & CIIOPPING. lrc ~co,'VibIn Sh 8U Grsi'g WCoPPtW ut ee4lCao 8MALL'8 MILL, CEDAR DALE, RICHARD MOTIIRSILL. Cedar Dale, Feb. 41, 1879, (tf.7 R AILWAY TICEETS te Sarnia, Port  Huron, Detriat, aLid tue Western sud $outheru Statues, for saleetaIlnw rates by- GOIO B. YULII, 9.) . Tieluet Agent, Wbltby. My Stock of PFU RE;P.0ý *T* rTI O R. 0m Is now Complete ini Every Line. E. J. JOJINSON. Very Specia1 Inducements to those STAIRTING HOUSEKEEPIIZG. UNDERT AK-ING. Full Stock of, Caskets, Coffins, and al te necessaries in this line. Also, 'WHOLESALE AN OASH: PAl» FOR GOOD Butter, %g, Poultry, Apples, Red. and Alsike* Clover Seed. 1Whitby, lFebruary lit&x, 181. W. Ji. GIBSONý, Whitby ÇChina 'Tes Store. Ih&ive aJsoaquantityof SCE sua othor Cepy Boks, Berlin Woel Blippi 1:25eRemember fthc place-one J"owery. Store, Wlby, oc;17 tb, 1ýl878. R~ A..GFC TEAS! TEAS!! TEA"!! Just received, ai large consignment -of 7freril new Season Teas in » Young Hyson, Congous and Japan, wlhich4 we are Young Hyson Telas, uul Ãriees 50e to 80e per Ibo., for 80o to 50o per 1b. Japan Teu, lu quantty, @ 25o to 50o per lb., ýwo rth 50e te 750 per lb. Also a fresh lot of those fine CURIRANTS, 25 lbgs for $1. Every article in the Grocery lino greâtly reduced in price. CHINA, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE,VEY CHEAP. The general public and the Grange-are respectfull invited (jAR, CTTT1O.QÙ nPER DOZ.v~r to cail and inspeot our stock before purchasinig -elsewhore. CA' fr" PI-'-> '--"- sibLMQ2S Dcvercll's Bloé,k, WHITI3Y, ONTAR.IO. 000- N.B.-Wanted, any quantity of good1 Eggs, Poultry, Apples and'TP6 atoes. Whitby, January 7th, 1879. OFFICE 0 F T 1 - Brock Street, frcsh roll Butter, S. F. B/WOWN ct PA TTEIISON, Mt 'g. Gol, TO THE PU-BLIC. In preeenting eue Tweuty.second Annual Catalogue et Agreueltural Imple. mente tue 1.formeraofe Canada for the yeae 1877, we do se with more bIse the crdîuae degeee of peide sud confidence, trom thé marked favour sud patronage cenferrod upen us, and the ste.ady sud increasing demsnd tramn year te yosr of eue now eohebeated Farm Implements. - zWe sahal continue as heretefor,, as manufacturera, te make s speeiaiby cf Agrecultural Machinry-tbe Johusten Seut.rakiuir Reaper, the Triumph -Cern- buned Reaper sud Mowor, the Osynga Mower, the Young Or. nada Mewer, sud our new Whitby Harvester, claiming a large share cf eue ime aud attention. For the hast Twenby.bwe years w. have given eue moet carefel sud uudivid. ed attention to fie manufacture sud operation eft1h. varions machines ln use, sifting eut the beet points, rernedylug defects. moditying sud creectiug errea, sbrongtheuing weak peints, adaptiug sud prcporbioulug every part as eue lueroas- .4 experience bas uuggooted. We empbcy ouly the host meclianical skill, sud aur machines pas. under 1h. Most caretur supervision sud oerniny-every detail heing eubjected tu bthe oever- ost criticism--aud each machine le fiorcugbly teeted betore besviag aur warks, tu prove fie compiotenous cf every part, sud there is ne difficuhty ie putting thom lin eperablon hîy any pereon cf moderale mechanical ahiliby. Our machinery lias beau eebected sud censbeuebed wifi asepecial reterene tu tho m.atfactureocf eue own machine-rnsny boils having hoon made for îles p4rtimùunr .purpose, sud net adapteul for other work, sud our woekmen are ode. calaul up toteh1e wsnts sud requiremeuba et eur manuefsture-hbailiasthor- ongb hmawhedge et the construction et eue machines, sud are thus euabledtah tain s higlior degrea et skilb sud proicleucy thon wheee generai msnutsctueing le oarrieul ce. Wo are blierefoire enabled te itboduce s more perfect system nto bahi 1h. de- partments of manufacture, sdding not only te the perfection at - fie work, but ai. su te th1e raidiby cf s executioe-snd a consequeut reiluction et oust. This peunciple os ragarded neessary un a wohb regulateal establishment, aud w. enableil ta turu eut aur machines with s higlier degree et perfection, sud at peicos se low as absohubehy tu dety cempebition. THE JOHNSTON.SELF-RAKING REAPER le now se wobl known as a Single R osper, bluet s word et commondation would sîmost seem suîeefleeous, but s there are many claiming te manufacture 1h.e machine wlio have v.dlired tu the aId original Joliritori machine, witheeb keep- iug up tu bthe improvements ; that.justice taoneusolves sud patrons require cf us ta state that we have madifleul lb lu simost oveey ossentisi part, sud for strengbli snd durahili ty, qualityvoft cut, lu every kind sud condition et grain ; igliteese cf draft snee oe fmanagemnt-the "Jolinsben," asmanufactuired by us-stande pre-cminenbly alead cf ailther reapers. In proof-cf Ihis position w. have only te point te 1the msny Furet Prizes swarded us-at 1the last Provincial trial cf On- tarie, aud many eounby trials which have talion place ail over Canada, wif.hin thie lasb few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, witbà labo improvements, le ahi fiat eau ho desireal le a Combineal Machins, sud cannot fail te meet ahi tbe requiremeets of purchasere. Dur Improved Cayuga Ch/ef Jr., and our Young Canada Mowere are hobl 't-casuehue--ôntbt almost whehiy et Iron sud Steel. The Ca ug Jr. bua rearcuti anal fie Young Canada a front Ct ; bath sbrong, dur- ahhe umachines, sud net excelleil hy any machines in t1e nmarket for qushity et out, dnrahility, ligbtness of draft, adspbabiity, sud esse cf mnagement. OUR NEW ÃŽ,WHITBY HAR VESTER." Au the country bas hecame botter adapted to eahluur, sud many at our ténu-- ors have become ekheil le 1 he use of machines, a growing dcmaud ha.s pruug epfraLgt ualFrtCaeRae.Ahve o e b.requirements ofthe dMy, we have sncceed.d lu luventlug a ma- chins witb s Wrenghb Iran Framo, wit fie e hoaI possible goarlug-wlîl large, broad-faced- drive wbe,-and -s constructeal Ibat the trame snd table tilt aet the sanie tiuuq, tbeeeby keeping the pitman slways -in bine -with the keife. The rikeo are driven 'directly frem the main shaft-thore helug. ne perceptible side draft, and ne weigbt upon t11e hoes neeke. Wo ia confident that we have succeeded ein n th mtpeec eper, takug i uail.pstta bau ever heen prduceul W av ppl Oouebesptntru hh ea q invention, for eue wu xlusý ivmaactrsdw.csotu i n sg el- tonding percha"sr, t the but Iuo huprcs eee gv egte rs for.fieeoming iret h Wih ave t or egs i o d,60ped, gýenlo1us uud opact construcù.tioalb cmbie teeg ^ ^uddrahlt eh Al tbs euach in.. are t yarauted- m îhI isacfhueu, ws feO nflde t ta e eland meet vryr quronetsu e eeecfub- seict ria femaneaheieiu th we ,ofo r mciesarebfnully wrYeus WELL-APPOINTED HEARSE. Wbutby, Ontario, Fiebruary, 1877. ~N&PATTERSON .MF'G. 00. wlithv. Oonlîc. 18177. iÊS, ATT#E).ION.; ô oobebriled Auuerlcatr Workero4'I TILp s~~s oQcnîWaTortnto, CABINET ~CÃ"~ N (mcc r~8 ~t1k'~ahuêîFUfMNTURE WAREROOMS1 F e Winonu .a -Ldiee that lue d à t leo yGENrI1HAM WORKER --> rn"a 4forkto ele =tueiudhi yag5 t dOr;das To& Go iiete Ã"ti plcased wiii.' ng selet00 o gt& ie Fo FFSANDDeign wol edroom ies IiA ,,'LONT -PLAITS. Ccriea 0à et u*uiht air uMea. 04ueî laing.reom Extension ýa1es-s v-èy cruperier Ltice. ounusi oie n a. *GuI Comuices, Piturd,-FAaming;iu, eveey stye. c>eme ue Guremos *CAUTIO J e. eie p noue xJ-In u l ils brahe- Ilg-Ut cask ets. t - xJACOB, an e ý*uneçé4 lilËY sple tà fji 028' u esj8ët. <Ion wabulhaa, trnmea tsuit C;euenorsand aà wsUappgo4 W774C4bb piby Zn D. i-lt> ~ j SEE A LARGE STOCK 0F OVÉ 'SHOÈS OF EVEET DESCRIPTION, SBELLINGO OHAP17OR CAE. Look at the prices: Gets, from i$1.25 to S1.65. Lades' from ,$1.1O to*$1.4O.:- 2orladies '1fouse Sfpe a25snd 50 cents,.. Boots uand Siiocs -of best make: sa lûy ta equallylow figure. - ldqui ta. Repairs promptly made us usual.- - Wbuitby, Nov. 27ihy 1878. JONS'AUNDERS, Clothing and Gent's F'rnihing Uouse. Is 11W souppliedwith itle-newvestsy4 s nlih targst sd Bet Sock they pvçr,4hd.- QQO O aýereletstock of Genùts' Furisin», 1 CABINET The work by the New IProcoas is superior to anything of the kind yet introduced. It completely revolutionizes the art of photography. Cail at once and get pict.ures taken by the New Poes 7 R. JOHN FERF-rUSON" HAS A HEAVY STOCK 0F IREAD"Y-MADIE CL'OTIIIINi Inechdin--\ arge stock qtfOVE RCOATS. EXCELLENT 'GENTSY 'SUH Gs, made uýpÂn tÙe ,Latest Stylos. BuffalcreR obes, a greà t4umber. Al selinng atsg immense sacrifice. Oc ,18~Ç78. )HN FEh(GUS0N, -Dmda*3eZbrcet, Wbaibby. WM. BURNS, ]BOCK STREET, Hras just receivcd, direct fromn the Manufacturors, a good ~assortlnent of Ladies and Gentlauuen's Marsard, - Emprcss, and Ainerican Also, Pacifie Bags, Cheap) for Cash.- Four more of 50c, 55c, 75o and $1.00 Prunella Boots. cases MocCROSSON &Co., 91 Kinig Street, Toronto: ARE NOW SHOWINO TH1E LARGE ST STOCK 0F FURS EVERÃŽ SHOWN IN CANADA.. I:zýFINE FURS SPECIALTY. -Mi FU1 TiIMMINO S CUT T10 ÙiDEli. BEAU ROBES. ASTLLACICAN SACQUES, WOLF ROBE S, itUSSIAN LAME SACQUES, RACOON ROBES, S. S. tuEAL -SACQUE S, YAK ROBES, PERSIAII LAMB SACQUES, BUFFALO ROBES, MOCK ERMINE SACAUE8, MINK CAPS, MINE BRTS, a. . SEAL CAPS S. S. SEAL 'SRTTS OTTER AND SEA SETTS, IiRMINE SETTS, PERSIAN LAMP CAPS, PERSIAN LAMB SETTS, BALTIC SEAL CAPS, ASTRACHAN SETTS, CON]iY CAPS, BLACK SABLE SETTS, GREY LAMB CAî'S, CONEY SETTS, GERMA!J. MINE CAPS, - GREY LAMBI SETTS, - CHUILDREIi'S SETTS. Particular attention given to ail orders.' specially attended ýto. Toronto, Dec. 8, 1877. OUTTE-R-Sý Altorations1 l Y-5 BIJGG I-ES,- AND 'CAIRRIAGES.> A Large Assortment 'of Cutters and Buggies FOR SALE, CEAP, &NEWPORTY'S Cdrriage .Faotorýy, ýT, j WIIITBY, ONTARIIO. TOM S DUNDAS ST1IEE' SADDLERY AN IARNES-S. Begs to direet attention to-lhis large ad uperio stock,- comprising evervy- thing lu the Raddlery and H armà nesa. Ise Leather- Va-lises and Saratoga ITrunks.:I À ALOT OP CHILDR lii CÂRRLÂWES, - 3 ýChEsp. At the old> eïtÀb1isment." WILLIÂM THOMPSON; Brock'.Street, Wbitb-y FASHHJNABLE >TAILORINU Go where you can get a Weil-fitting Gret:T I Establishment of GEOR'GE GURLEY,, -OS-HAWA. STTF~IO CUT1NG SEAES ÉTE WORIC l A Lùrg Stock oft l'ic Cloths; lico Engliah, Scotch aud Caluadian Two4d2av 0-. Excellent Overcotixigs and Splenidid iVest PtLtternflOaA. ÃŽrood ý tGuiii 41 - - ,. j-- LEVI- S1Tele;grapb Ã"ore.'The place - GET AGOOD 'JOINT' AND -JUICY STE .AK 1 Haabo We nounc te th1e inbabit- suse btby sud vioinity, "ht ho bas openeda FLOUR & FEED STORE in conuoction euhhbisButoher Shop4 where ho wlll slways bave on ]uand A LARGE STocX:oF Choice Fleur, Cracked Wbeat, Osîrnealf, CoruMeal; t 0atg, Peaus,- -Shorts, &C., &C. Orders deliverod, meny part cf 1the town. i.slllesolicited. :..LmVISTONE, Ontario Block, Whitby. Dec. 17th, 1578.(1i62 AUCTION_ SALES 1 T BEG te retnrn my sincere thub te the JLpublic for th1e very liberal patrenago bestowed, Uypoun e lan1the-paut, and te- intimate thal Iwill ho ,on baud r.ady te conduct auy sales that I may boeutrnatbd with. Termes- libersi. Satisfaction guar- aeteed. My sale, book 'willh1efend 1at 1the Ontario Hote , Whitby. Azrangeonts as te daesal e, &c.,inay b. miade--wilh Mr. taon é *eprputo cf1h.]E[otel. Orders bjmi or telegrapu atten>ded te. Auclioneer, Whiitby. N. B. - Sale Bikouusanda blank -notes furnished frec. Lioensed "'Auctionheer, SALS romtlacindd, and conduet- 26,Addresis, 0. DAWES, 26- Fort Poiry. INDIAN ::LINI MENT!1 F or sale by dealers generaliy. What we take the Iead in 1I Chilblsius, Frnsted pa~rtir, Burns, 'spiainis L Olt IIORSES AND CATTLE.-From te one bottie la waru wattcr, wmlM iizemet interiià lderangemeits cauaed -by over bent- ing, &C. WHAT THE< PEOPLE SAY, ASK THEM ? Wo 1the undersignéd bhave used Brown's Indian Liniment for sanie lime and eau cheerfully recommeut ilt for public use E r ip nMay, Pin. Orchard, 'Ont. Chas. Hempibor, Wbitby Hiram Blro'wn, " Andrew Orvis, J, Dawa,' Brooklin, f J. K. )Matbowsoni, fi Seth Hubble, Aulibun, A. H. Henderson, -Umbridge, 3) S. C. BROWN, Prnorietor, Whitby, Ont, Domfinion Wood Works, WHITBY. Geo., Cormaeëk', WUM ER à MRLIHNT LrBUILIIII. .a..i-Alarge eu#Iiyffluildeea'Funralh- Ing, am& al kindipt 'Twisted Moldings, LUXBFBâwholeaole aind rtfrb by 1the car leaul. Pbaning, MUldingsoet cvcry descrip- tinFi .iu, hetiug, Shclving, Re- sa g, ShapnTeie.Seh-work, etc.,etc.- Whltby, Oct. îSbb, -1878. .AB Turkish d, FAR incera, Oflice Hloali, 1 BA ci ton, Bec I tJ 7 1 VaÃŽpNorBts Thasé babhs sr"e usefel, nihpam Coeghs a 1dm, cogestian, Beanahutis, Sceoiela, Skie Dwsages, mli lu- BRam ULcum.Blliobisneeu, -Peversâai fer Thor-vapor bathp are pà ubilaù 1y-ples- 111db ul Skin dà eséaez', enpeciaflySbls Il le now universalby coneedd-iat bath th1e Turkish sud Vap ce Balbe aïethfe ieut preseryativps etf14eat11wl fi,,te ret o mecal expertssu.u meilltrestmeuut efPan rntie -wath id]y 'asucbessfully lreated . 1Patranel tbtrougbent fie - werld tfrenu reYaltY dowe b - lb. pooreat man. These Turlaish batha are th.e ily celeu l 1 jinth0City ef Torentô. ; Qeotations andleeomreoedationé are aiven feoni thé bout. nittt$uhsudsnltsry seuhe ri- fies inaesE ceaIrlea. ~ - &..te --O.8.0 PýRIOBeS.L.4'ridsh Eatbs, one ticket, 81 12 tiretw, 10> 'iVapar ]iats, 50c oaci.;19 tickets,. , .i 1 - 1 233 QUIfIN-ST. WVEBT. Skilfal sud aitentive mal, and tomale stteidantg., J. 8. flIAMOND, MD. Siet V.alua blé--Réal >Estate TorW.NS=-P 0F REACH. FORt SALE EX PRIVATE CON TRACT F Lot Ne. 2sud 111e Sutb balf et Lât Na. 7, intbe Bcd cnceslen of th. Towxl. - 5vh9î eId ,Ui&tiued,. good soilland a dwollig bouse ounseit6ibai l bot No. 7. Thore in over 100 acra cf tiitber on lut Ko. one L Be dice-By .Whibby, office- Whitby. MONI teret, J.G. ROB -5treet, Tan. 22, 1 CA HIECTORl CAI byterf cc Wm.M -, Wbitby, S licOe houp sud Gier Teeth citn incalýanisl au's iew b] King -fJen ahan AGENT XLScott W] BLAOHSý, S5. ne iiSoe work. 11E. Clork Dil ireAtherly AtberlI' S $111 ta$11 1--il WHITBY,' -0:0 BROW li