Whitby Chronicle, 27 Mar 1879, p. 3

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excriatuâ dlsilpa O 0 iin&uL For biiesý , (ppllaý àfn é*.û up, thora fi noyer thé slightest diaclor- ation cf thé. akin. 14 stps thé goan of hurn se 00 son apfM. cor". rétai! fast, bolg, warts. and coomna, und waunds ci .very duscription 40 maor bout. DEVA rI= FIUATJON.-&ek foi Dr.' Thomas' Ecluotrel. Seo800thst thé signatureof *S. N. Thomm.leson tbe wruppei, and the name cf Ncrthrop& Lymau areblàwn on 1h. bette, and Te ne cther. BobS by aIl inediaine dealors. Prie. 25 conie. NOBTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto, Ont., Proprlutors for tii, Dominion. Ncv.-Eocbiric., Eýleted and El- eoctrid. ,I -#e a- ce foc uwl sî,y T. er, vt'iî. York WorlaZ', Now- ura thalt theMa-- lio Princes. Louis, ator btte.iissason. MIS PI8I AANUJI t B3altliore, United blner -blladeS'.Jaha oea, by lhrowing a ho hie face on saler-> mo-enrageS bocause ed her for ber luS-. PKesz& AND HuN' esri.-Reporta-bave Ibeo ers ihre bcea i îemu Peoa.oà salur- mue!. tamaed, anti os of Tankanti Man- destroyet.- Of 1,100 ýL.-Tbl a e sfamIIar le enire Doeminin,' anS W familles vhe have net ne limae or anlotirau a ýy la the. houechold. ri il Qlar anS but l iniment la> aud no one wiie has once- t lboul it, Mn, Fred île,, t!. geoul civil un- usalicitei, te anneloeS o, Outario, Julyl.1, 1878, rn, BoiDe tet Peargon, .-SoMe ivelvo y mre ugo te cap of My knoe, anS s have oten iniforod wibh ilie knab joint, causeS lte lag.- 1 have nieS aIl se, aseiel as$moteai - )Ut an the asi Iveo ccu- ci nagyans1'o Yellov 01. bi as basa marvellonsa cggepl'fa a veek or ton- .ail the Bswelling bacs dis-. iree Says. 1 eau mcmlt noenSlte Yllov 0On. se Yen like bl ftbloand ui!aoked fer. - ours tuly, r, G. WliitfielS Whllby. -OF MiR. - RaBOcN to New Tark Ledger, la ou lbe maiti npmovu& bot as regard ventla-- rmiii, etc., Mr. -onn2er'. -c lae wall kuown; The uhange f Ibis valuable osBytbe uo eof i lotice Asumn-ics, Le cnesR anti buneboes thst -cdl ail alteor battnont.- la, giiug fnil ieatr'ue' fiem. SolS by ail drug. 9. W. 1. (Smîith Vo.9- ak0 Oat ueaîîey fnosu. tuatif living blood, action of bath HousrI ïUstailte sycler Itotances, anS causes %lilpemeut of alltae te our existence. - -CL oLFingaîl, Oct,, ýtmu h1u wauffrlng aie! whiob mteleS on redueuti s elitrelilg:- 1 -gaVa Iris! te e nma aciielues, but ithîtitu st laat tried cOebttia Bai.aa wblehii I am touaae gave almoît - and )rrrta Saper. - at ima. - - - Il 00 - bavil o u the IVae mlhl &J igq nat ao tu uts de, A OuntIe Hint. In aur style cf climats, vith ils sud cou changes cf tenmperare--ruin, vini and sunehine eoflen inharmÃŽaglad ina aIngle day,-itleis no vendar ltai on ehudrsn1 frlandos sud roistlv re se freqbont y lakuibdinni by acouluctei '0o1d0, baif lte doatsîarusultlng direct!- from t ii cause. A bot* ~-of Bocbee 1 ~Germen Bip k.pt eboùt year hôm- forlumcdlaie nie vli prermat serbeu sbakuagis, a ar e duolr'a bih, and pur. haps duath, by ¶iunSa cf itres ciort clases. For curing Ceneomption, Heu. crliagus, Pnetumonie, Savate, Oongiia Croup, or- uny diseuse of the Tbroat ci Lungs, ils sncoem-ies1ciply wondorfl, as ycUr SmUgglaf Wflj hll yen. Germail Siirup ls nov solS in uvary iovn und village on titis Mutinent. Simple lib hlem for trial 10o; re@gubar i»a, 76a. CÂurxON.-ovAreO jýan in viio allers you an imitation arjc 0,nemat. ter wbal itlei, ad su a tr 'la "uila ti goaL s the genulpu; 'hh.y o i ii of Il sham remedles" lu ibis va y uper the repulalior, cf lbe Pain iler-bi sure and gel the gennine imade b3 Pasi- DAclà The Newv Dipensation. Tii. Emuisicunpf PAlatable Cuitor 011 vit!. glyeerîunmauufuelnrud by Scott & Bowue, la -ne cf the greatet medicaltinmphs ci the. age. Il bas macle what vas th. Most detmitablu mediciae ..meut'agremable cf tîtea ail. Cildren lake lt as eiîeerfully as tleY aaeept a spoanful of cresu., sud litoral!y amy for more. To auy oe Who kno*s-and whôGdoes not-Ihat Castor 011 la the Mas i lleaous eut!.. artie anS cure cf intustinal lufiumation, lte inestimable nature ef thie nov cils- puneation viii ho approvedl. Scott & Biowué'a Palaluhie Castor Ou caboula bu lu overy hocuuold. Pric. 26 cente., 1l(4iu.) Miss BERTIKA VON H1ILLIEN, TRIE (JabLuCUaàruo PzDzssrsuN-Tbe aonly remedy. ueS by item,. aflr long anti coutinueti exertions, sud lu fuel, dur- iug hem matches, la Gile' Liniment Iodide Ammouia. It nos auly relieves lion relaxeti muscles anti corde, but gives liemm treugth ana- endurance. Site le nover Vwllhout Oa su pby cf tbe Lini- ment. For sale by 9. W. B. Smith.. &Ce., Whitby,. Sweet and Pleacaut as New Mi!k. It is suicide 1e dicregard the chili sud * Ilîcthe caugl it wil vich in the next fsw mantbb se many thausautis vill be attaaketi. I la m lmost as boai ven te ailack comee, te tirovu cuelfýin th. ocoon cf naitmumi vil!. wbicb tbe country la lcadati. Thé bout preven- lion in the vorld, as val! as te beut rsmedy, is a couibination of Coti Liver Ou sund Hypopliaphies oi Lime sud Soda, as found in Seotl'ei Emulsion, andtielonit 1a se agmemuble o e tasto as sweet milk and la preacribeti univer- sally byphysicians. 1l(4in) Mr. A. W. CuuuvcRs, Editor N. E. F rmor, ovus a fine dairy anti fetu a lîigh prica far fauey prinis. In au atlrial Nov. 2d, ho calS, "Tho en-er lIced Butter Celor made by Wells, Ilicitsrdson & Co., vo have- used for soveral yearo, sud bave fouud uotiing oquAlling il, althtugb vu bave lesteS about cvorything of ibm kinti mateienî titis or Ibm Olti Country. It is Ibm strongout, cluaseal, puneat sud chuspeai butter coloring vo hava ever found,-and f'or ail ve eau sec, iltaiisbolutely per- fact. It soclentirolY supercaeécar- mta for coloring butter, anti aise ail te praparutions of Annelle." Friermera il Ihlcr butter isavitite do net fuil te Iry Ibis splendid - prÈpaîRalin. For fui panlicuitra uqu Ire of S. W. B. Smith &t Co., duggiats, Wibl, Who have il for sale,"asWeil as ail tbnuggies anS enerebate goenally. - -(Sm-lO Buclen's Arnica Salve. ThaefliorST Xvz luibmtheanS dfor Culs, Brulues, Sere, Ulcors,, Sail Rhîeum, Tatar, Citappoci Rancis, Chu-. bMains, Corne, anti ail kintis of ekin aruplione. Titis Salve le guamaneeet1 tu giv e peot satisfaction in every case1 or £ney refundeS. Price 25 cents per box. Forisale l'y B. W. B. Smit!. & Ce., W!.itby. WHITBY MARERJTS. Casasîcua Orrnes, Mort!. 201h, 1879.' 1rocr, yerbrI .......... 4 (I @85 ()0 Vapriîcg................ su 9? 09i lWt PORT PBRY MARKESTS. N Port Penny, Mare!. 281., 1879.' à - Wbatmpnug.... ..0 70 80 88 ..eat ...i!. ...........00 09N 'm '*o*r.. .......... 13.rIcy ............... 08()0 (Jt. ................ 05 000 IT Ct....... :............. l 4 o 06 CorSeS.............O8 M l860 l'tta.................040 O 80 A p o~~pr hue .............o 50 0 Co 8 00 000 lori....... .........50 550 R Butter ............... .....015 0 l ~gs................... '18 0 0 . ................. ....800 10-00 Ei ......... 050, ,000 Wo.: '* ..20 800 Cheese.ý....... 1..........1.010 012 C. Wool!....................C tJ ,'0o 22 EBBGTN TIÂT thcba e unTw o htye iu ibis daey dlsscbved hy mutuel Consent. Ail Sa"la w1ng t e b mud, rm a ol a. smaL Powa , -bêald - JamaeB. Pcw"U ýnCt1the saIl tr are lo be presented te se& lame B. Powell & Co., by wban]i lb. sae m iib.e ttUM, as cf thé liai Peb- mary, ÀAD., 187. Wltnusa,) f7?.ILUPOiWL. J. RAMER GBEENWOOD. J!i1IEPIHBNOE TO TIM ABOVE, -Latra pa2.tnorhlp aof Twunty Ivo yars, the. businesuviwMbucontinueS on the aid stand, "DominlènWare Recis," by the understgnad, wbc sobicItà a oontlxguatlan 01 th patirou4elaccrdod' le the <ibd Iri,, J. B. POW13LL dc 00O. lvA1IM FOR SA LE TO0 REN:mMWT! ~ RHSUBSmBE affre or sale or to irent the nortM Iolto0 th aS«,1L40 acres cleared, on iie remainder fcrmlti1 thhetst ap b à inokmrlng. oo wlllng, large bar udn stabllng,- dance- cî -wateu -a T U h4oori Nearly ail ploughud. 8mai! orohard. Situ. alud wlthln aà quarter cf &-mile ci thoevii!- âge ai Brou ghem., Immédiats N sdica. The mauth 100 acres wonld bu .ola separato ly te a deefrble-purchaser. Far terme and further particulars aExi to I ' Braugfian. March, 27th 1879. 1-1 SEEDS AN~D RLPANTS! Jýuil a riv e h ie!.eokof, GARDEN ANDILOWER SEED8. Prom JAMES VICE,' Rocheeter. THE BEOT 8EEDS IN THE WORLD 1 AND, WILL BE SOLD THE OEAPEST IN-ONTAIO. ueultlly plants Eorly in Soseion. lease leave your order with, W. W.- WOOD, 14tt Whitby. tEvmr ne bas heard of thwnefleffects cf the spruces and the Panes iu SYRUP ceseaMr. urray, u hl book an the Adfrondaca, MaWho was mntlrely our- E d by a thres muntha' camp. RED lng ont amcng the ies. IuFrauce the. &hyscas RIC regularly s si tor,ç)U SP U EPin. Woods, axd order them ta drink a tua muSe from Gae U M.p te a ocienti. whinh uxudes frum theRud Spruce Ire.ru itgs prep. TitÂDE MAUK arallan the gum neyer sep- arates, sud al ia anti-spas- IGTEE.madie expéatant tonte and balemio properties are pro- served. rPar aaughso, Oolds,Ber. heeTroat Affections, PRICE25COENTS &, lt cts like acam March 24th, 1879. 14- ELECTRIO BELTS.- À eure Pure for Nervous Debllity, Prom. attire Decay Weakuess, Congujuplo1 Liver and M~dney diseuses, General De. billly, etc. The. only Rliable Cure. Circulea maileS Irae. Addrea J HL ZiE1VES, 43 Chnilitm iiLrçet, New Yrrk. L. FAIRBANKS, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. CW OFFICE OPPOSITE TE]ROYAL Ratl, ]irock.St., Whitby. Whitby,,Marh SOt!, 1879. l4.ly Sot!. SEMI-ANNUAL S TA T-EXMEN T -0F THE- TR) A V ELE RSe- Has.Ifarc Crn .Tuurp1179 Cas!. on banS anti luhanit, Loans ou bouS anti morngage aunrmai estale - Intercet au oana, scenueti but ual due, .- .- Loana on coilatamal smcoriîy, Deemmed Lie preiuma, - Prmmniuxnsdue au duneprtei one~lfo Poilebgs,ý - - 00-d~SsriGvétlient State and munleipal bonde, Rilroad stocksaanti bads, Bank asud Ineurance stocks, $517,20t,87 127,W04,89 2,256,108.18 22,160.00 51,272.52 820,888.W0 - 50,004,00 ToaliAsmats, ,5 ,4 .3 1teserve, fou-r per cent., Lita Departont, . . 9,12515 fleosv, for eieuulaAc cexll>e pantnment, 21868 Elils19ailusted ani iat duo, antiai allier liabii' tics, . - - 141,500.00 Total Lisitilitient $ 3,338,837.03 Surplus as regards Paliey- boîtiers, .- 1,2587,107.38. Sialaica enfor îth esr a1878. LitE lDEPAIITUEN1'. g;umbuer of1 ifm Polices oit- tan la 1878, 1i,9580 Wbole athàeýie, .Policys la-ilitetiaàte - - 30,297 Vbobe numbor af Lile Poli- oies in force,,- - - ý 1i207 taicunt Lifo Insuraneô ile - forem, . 0- 18,307,55o.00 TaIs! Clalmes pal llIfe - ACCIDENT DEPAiS iT, Nuomberai Accien]t Tolcies - vnton lu 1878 - - 4,1 Oas! Prerpitiaisreceivea fon Raine '- -- 77,13à lslu.lu PremiUms tve 18ë PO57. tlhobmnumhbem Accidecnt Paît- oies vmltten, - -1 - 7,8 Numhem AecidentC!laspalS In 178, . . 0284,343.23 Vboie- u"ar , AaeIdeni - Clainis palS 1. - - 2, Vbglo amoanb ujteden.l Toal Lasses psUd, bat!.Dé- pamtments. *43,O90 AS.£. 31-T'lERS>NPresademét. G.P. DAVIS, Vice-Presldeut. - ROIDNEY DENNIS Secmotary' -JOHN E. M)iUhiin, AaslealSeeor yi GEORGE ELLIS, Acluary. uvuan . xeot, Sup'1 t ut J. ',Dntim. D: eSAa1enu P. RUBSÉL'L, agent, Pren. -OùIL - ,Otite;88 ,ASII*de, tEasl, Toronto AT LOWE8T PRIGES 1 Abec a fe iusaoumeni of OTTVOMANS) RLLPI ERS, Ail ordurefer MAGAZINES On d paer raply a t n b o ýa.d el kH E g -IUIsupp fSon sotnotice -~~~ ~~~ reAlurputuysollclts the patron- age 01 hem obd friande, and hopes by striai tutennit business l e guimany nov cnes, andi ta ment their cueteai. .cauat andSOcoo1 paper, a spooialéaup. DRE SS MAXKIlNG T EE attention liiLadie s sinvitedtt Iis -pnew dparme? opned ut ber 0ev - maenoZifin ymrs. Ail. Aeompoieni Lad7 of lange experleue anS. Ss-luss artiste bas bien opeclally uaoti orIis depanlmenl. Ladies wiii LEud M prmtattention anal &iltIe nevest Pallme1a4 styles. -.1 MRS. ALLI#. Wltby, Isit5h 1»79. 14-t- Anes Ch, - - 2Ie, don!. * te. HO0U'S E T0 R E NT. A PIEST-CLISS COTTAGE, cena- .1 hIgvn roms, with atahle altacb- eti, aitu.tate uloi No. 1, lu lbe Sud con, cf Pickerig, Kngston Rosti about apeeuana hall miafrein Tovn cf tby, vib bhahl an acre of laad,cor six acres ta suit tenant. No taxes, anti mu fer a hanse or ccv. For further purlienlurs, sppiy outhe pro mises, or ta D. Ormiatan, Wbitby. (14-tf Moder Mater/a Mediva I noluSes muuy vaulhe memedies for afflic- tions, I leb a malteraif eertaity Ibati uli cases vbmro the animai vitallty l a iilg, Pheefozune la deeldodly iuperlor, It vii! vork offeete sua!.asu othlug else vili pro- Suce, anS pasussus Ibs peust advantage cf pot eauue11 hen is use Iu relluqulsheti, Ibm ligbtest reaction or deprosbon. SolS by -aI! drcgglsts. Priem one Dollar per BoIt!.. To- rave-rna and 8h p Keepera., NTOTICE I18BT givon taeaIl F m- -, sens me g icenses fan Ibe sale of Li inom t e I .dlg, Cauuty ai Onlulo for se yéan of 1879-0.0 Thtail P caia Iborufor muet ho madtietheIbmundersi oS belon. h ibo Say ai Ap uext, a e application enu bm engbrt '.5 laftmr th& ate. Licunse Inepe or, Cc'y Ont. Wbtby, Mane!.1M1, 1879. tti.13 Parm Foir Sale.' L OT NO 22, naml!. esst J, 7tb eau., Whit- - hy, praperly cf John Savýyer, deea- éd ;about 57 suris, al! cîmamet vit!. tbe ex- ception ai lhmc, acres aifhui..Dveiling, anti emalarcitard. Pu Fr lerme anti furîher purtlcbara apply GARDINER WELLS, la. M yn rtbe, P. 0., Ont. LIVERYI LIVEIfY! T REundrninedÃŽmppyi iveygooti ut a mament'e notice. AiU ra ait tida la vithetstai ontuality. Terms lav. Llvery Si'alsies ai RayailRotes. -A. J.. PRINGLE.1 W!.tbyitrh 1h l, 1878, .1241f FARM FOR SALE OR TO R NT. L OT NO. I9 e e or cône nu Pik- cring, 15u a, inostipe éd. Geooa dvelig anti outIlldings, ree runnig pluFm, a8.vsls-vIlm i--ne -cistomn, !Withe bine miles ai lavu ai Whitby anto vaantis bait oLDffne' Creoit; oneof atIhe et grin stock farine in the tovns!. p 0a i ciie ï rms eep.. - If ual solS, hf elot pril;, votild' he nrenleilaa god iahle te ut, * Pur funh e loaup te - -JAMES MOON, Qr ta Dreaiclin. .THIOMSON on I Promises. F lST CLA FARNM O RE ;T IN I'ickemlmmg, 14 S con. O e bun- tireSl acres, gcal bu uge, urcaerd ancti val! watcred, A ta FURNISH D HALL TO RENTI 0i-. LET-The bumui7shed EH aane eh i.Express Offioe, kuovu as the Y. M. C. A. Hall. Until il la permanently taleen, partieeauenarrange ta meut i11 he bmnlgbt. -- GEO. B. TULE, h.) Express Office. Chicago à Lake PIuron Rairo'ad <iSpaif 7.45am L.pt -uron.A., Eda ilu tt 4.27 10.00 G. T.Jiunetion .8018m 9.45 12mOpin But aI anav!I2.Spm 0,4 181 .00 l.u..CBay 1lLOoam Oft0a 1.45 o. Lanln-g-s.ss b""0ff 1-10-. beLerag.. îe.ss AccMo ..ationtralet otRoa 1lO.tarâ ...ih-:nm. 7Mcbv. tSou n& LIe1A J.1.QUC LsetAgen. rtRman We*liipuy'oli. trins pe a Er 1pn T Sàèoce" arc ln aged M]je.WhiWéElophéàlt Sn the i ýnbýj pleased,but every body is pie Oreekbr5v, ù's .,àýùd sMswsre, e steck to arive i nsfwà iy. ï .jIO:yprus beautifnlly chsted.' ,Jhgdes oàl' New Teas, a latrge stock Of a] 25 11,s. for,$1.Ã"* arden sn'aia lG 'Oô General Publie àar rsp 'eetfufl'nvite befoýe thanew Taiff ,on0ipere an.,a.dvanc WANTED.-Any -quantityc A 0~e, Gredn Appleî, Pôtetees,&ô. Deverell's Block-, GOLDSMITI BC A L, ingf loaded with the N. P. ased with thue"-ïwo f,-Grqcicfie VS New Cash Stre. Patterin of W. G, .lTqa Solo, li asee 4lim'.-t - i grades -iisuaily oheap, 0 lu pritie. f freoli Il-oU' Bittei, Dnie *0 - >1ze --Brook -Street, HALL. Sp ring Gô'od's' noW o liand. Great -3ARGANS9OF]+ING IN- WATCHES, CLOCKS,-ANDJ) WELRY. Çhoice Goods in Electro Pla4d Ware, ipor-p4 from leading faotOries. New xaignificent ,ýt er#Is ja prices ' leâos thane o1sW. w here; asked for shop w orn goods. A t h r l t o t e c l b it d r fection IRON GRANITE TEA AND COFFEÉ PQýçT$! LAMPS, OUTTLERY, NICKELIT4 SPOONS AND FORRS. Bay arnage)s, new, j ust in 4nd very cheap. Clark's D!imndDu.1 Polii wholea and rolail. The hast polieli know n for Silvor Ware and Niehel Silver. JeweJry !made to ordor. ,Particulur ait- tention t6 'Watoh repairing. #JAS. JOE-1-ýTSrrT , Practical Watchmaker, - Brock-St. Whitby. March 26th, 1879. LAINC & S1EWART, DEVEILLS' ETOOR, 13RtOCK- ST., WHITBY. )OTS AND SHOES lI SUITABLE F0OR TIfl sBLSON. AuGE STOCK FOR LihDIESi AND GENTS?'. MISSES, AND CRHlLDREN, AT FiH NEW STORE.0Fi IILL'S BLOCK, - . BOKSWITY ,Congres.s gaiters, i3almorals, Ladies'] kirqd ai iand-owed an d'Man ufuolured vork.l WltbY, Marc!. 241h, 1879. L4.DIES, ATTENTION~. The eelehruteti Amrican airW orker, MAX, JACQEB,. 230 Qucca St. Weaî Torîtntoi ITbmes Daors tram S.Pstnirk'm Murkct) LBEGS ta informe the Ladiles Ibal lae la J.in oi! GNIE AEWOIhKEII .hilisCily. liegusrsnlees alkintis nIhie vomi'tota hédoue b. perfection, usat anS proie n adlivere uAtthlIetibmere ustea. pa Peesedyur aderaanMe0jM attend te thein. SWTCHES, CURLS,v -N - RIZES, PUE S AN FRONT PLAITS.: vay. The Culy muechine cf Ibm kiat inluthe Pieuse dan't bé ziied bp eauàMers re- rieut!ujmxiama moynoecx. 280 9qen st. West, ut unù; ovu axipeuse. COrmrliflat Ing.' Rogers, dresemuker, oCelte Royal Bote!, Wbleb,'; vIl! bd;#tcuey httoe&S li' and't/,,ké %î h y ih 6'ehp Ëeb In ~ n Whllbyè Feb. GR. AERS OAK ilags Laù> CcupituIm;y 'IV, P. WîllCock; vhare ho vî1 h bppy la-si. ai lhiâ-'olS fniendt-, aS.ellcansatlp ieop ! i tok s Inieb' stock of COýr4ECTIONlRY, FrUIT aak/idaiSe 18saot," - - SODATWTtOJi-' 0al rites. lut 'l' Vea;. Lot- IKiS nllS -ftirY Bippère; Ml la ina' lui' unmerous l-fduofn transtut lie bus agalalites ii - rpn~l iiC~ A7~ADIAN ~XPR*'~ ÇQM- -lvii ouI! for gouda gn.8clst,....q5 - ~tw.itsu0sT.. ,1t4.. ~ THqR8DA Ythe ThirrJb /'ô ~,:1 April, 1879. parc~ TeI ama tgaet ae .Gbo, seenieté 1 O20 nta uri bct .tw uer s.j w M ertgat James Cmett 8ecuýe0Ibm mmand reàtan inret t o lo~t ta igaet amsenCr' Is e rttbe. uo.. b.. a niesàrra eiat uI tersi.,iibeprdu81 n h LE lla'it. ayale1th1 ia, 9, be 88Uanes cf lot.payale Art con "iuon a the Te 8 t~fWblb- knaw a a'a me 0 Hom Tbi*pro- -o rt'~ hl . eI i c ti to ,.s 'àleerabt a - act e.. Théresia gocti Dweuling 0sn b.,a . sheds on Ibis p bildtabfc II Whlt -byjimile. par ce! wii1l l i;ubj àl tea s mort go the accup djeI théa Court aofOh cery 0 e enef4,000 and intereet ut 8pe cent., teS St!.Jpe,1877 payale an , June, 8~IAl-stibeé lo abnortga a Christo ber Bptyte . cure 45*1,500 l 8inters Pout orcn .ditèd ZllhiPcFg . a payg ôeqon iit .Feb- ruai~ 188 AnS aie u et' tda laefla ILiecFmb s mort e an p 'No. 1. Lika stutqmnents Wiin e-roS for psrceb o~t f lot 26, lu Ibm first cana. ian oatIhe 0 .ueipf ai!thy. lying nu lb ai the --Grand .nnkRstlway. excepl balian acre 0 'qd by 0 ap > à;lems.Grant, and mure fui] dgo b1vib, Tcm t aul& ai Ch cey 0ord esàaldGeoàtH-olklna. *Th' nbaidnbilua bigh alate ai cultîvatiun, undfwell fenced s u i cleareti. Thene in a 9rÇtou, nearly new, sud la anby a short ,Ltýuce from 4le ,Grand T k aly T J parcel will-b.e- solS soubjeet tea iva murtgagea tqýoÉe W~Ni,~r 14,80 anSd sep oi ly0,tbefiâ~t.pyabe-4n 91h <ýîteber, 1879, sud thea Sud ou lPtb De- nmber, 1879. Alseta,&umrtaeg e t , H. ~rx for850, p#yable on tb. 15 dayet Aprjl, 1881, aI! bearlaig 'lutereai ut 8 per ceul. A alatezuent sawing tIbm umount due upon lthaae mort aes wl1 ho predoced iut Ihe lime af sale. This pureel la aisé suh- -jecl te the murtgage ai Isabelle Lîscombe- upu1.thebm uter par cela. 4. Thme1ýrth.hal'ves 'cf Lots 1 2S 8ana 4.) iii the.lot Tier af the 2nd D ui Range, FZast ai Bruck Sineet, lu the vuaifWbit-j p e r y lia< éb0 Ire cf t011 Twn nupa 1 wlh is eerecte Ibmh v uble Buildin knotwn stIbm opk 1, filtI al as a Theatre Anti oncert witb alurei un- derneat!.. Théeweole y opped, sud ta bld-it!.ggs, 1 Z.- Asea hut efumnace undemne h. lea Itwo étamas ocoppieti by W f-Ti as iuriiiturm waerooms, s starcanse lu t ru; alsa a t*u stury dwel ng boues,*bstables aud sheds, s . te 6=0 W' f&avor cio Mrs. Til!, t .lte, reest, lti 8pçcent. ?O0 pyable au 26th Nov., 187.;, aun i f 61 21ht N o v.,!18 81, statemenîs as týi wbicb vil! beproduced, aI Ibm day af salé. cSsetnc i5Wu~el ec- cupiejb by Till, given on lot Jnly next, Ibm buIsr*e ofýMeqch biqe of purchas - Tle Veudurs' shail nul be huund te pro- duoe auyuther tilledeesor copiles ai title déets tan Iho... lu their possession, -or fur- uisb any abstract cuvesa Regltrares abstract, or 4 cep y thereol, or proveauy'abstract ai tille cm tile ohetla by Ibm tille tieeds lu iheir possession. There wil! ho a reserved hiti un eue!. parte! fixeti by the Master. T1h. purehaser ehaîl ps'y down anld cf ale Daposit ai Ton er çent. upon pur0buse money, the- balancp lu t n utbert aftIr witlcb.lt intetet s s parcel w!!! ha sold sub4ect h o 1 .t rga sx(listing tl:creou. - - - Ou paymenî o th..pure!. e oney th. purchasens w.!! h .titlredi conveysnea anti ho leltu p osstn. The h<re~nlt~ rué*ee tai i cnllfs e ImCou" Clsausre xcee' A as bove vsried. The o standing persoas property helonging, ta 'u, d ' o.isitig of lurniture in Iop ' alBook debis. =oîgges, notes, s a ôuntg, sill ho afeeifor sale ut sa e tim .- For famIlierrprtie lare an conditions ai uald, spply ~cW Biligs, endors' Su- bii 1n. * ArNe e Etletge,j 1 nîh i!1,3.r, Michael,. aikin sud Ogden' andiJonHuekin, Q. C. Toronto, 10 i.nd 1h, underi eti Master oith. Court. a Vcutior's Solicitors. Master, u 'ViIRFOR1 S 1.--A Great Bargain lu a smaul burin, eta82, list Co. laIbm To, *ubp ai Esquesiî ,Cuunly ai Hallun, 57 amas, ý47 elesmeti "ul~--t -tsiam ood bh! I'l1 linis under, yunug . a Jgicendý, flla chrîleruit treees pÊhi2c ic n tbm G. T. Rslanear ta mun'.kelets, e11.inebces, at.! Pnie92,100,9800 dovu, l.e n tenm ai peurs. hInul solds mon'vlll hoent- 4d. L. D. CREVISON, 41-tru!. 101!., 1879. - ilr 1PUE COD LIVER 01 >WITH HYPPH0 pHITES 0F LI & fbUQ énidcmosal 4~5tin -- 4 ütuhat ei,, e? ghuesc .aa. list tefils t food uI metltrne ave, atl'rd tcte wak and ebilta- ±t il Ot. It rostarcs foelle ditio ea the l~ood, ctldtieshtand tresgt osand'rcrheu 1<tnîptoi mccl ail ffctios of hti Irai.Sceofla. cltssatt.s, and al dLurdcr, cf ch, Blood aned SGpsua-dbtaity, no r-4,y tas bois fsond Fc. LIVERPOOL, LONDOALtER, Allan Line W in t e r S r e v ia a a , -270 Miles Oc~ l&lod Shýrtest Sou Passa~ Ecenomy, Ceai. z4,el;y saturday fromN\Haifaz u+arrivali fhIbotrain leulvin t 8.10 a. on. every Thurs TIOG IrUcecu PAR masWin2B. aa~for reluru tiekete. Iutermedile, ie ragé aIlevesi rates. ]Cirnca ..... Mar!. 2$$littl i Sardiian-Apil 8Ib, Brsto, Cardiffanti Lndo!nAt - asI toLiverpool. ",Ï 'Parties vmiing 1* senti for tlbr r biends osca i otai!.ti tset lav rates. -- :oemeugra tskig Ibisr teh ae Iiniti~hCana yen9 S herefare, 'Exp. Sl Te (li i2,4, and 6, Kiig-.iwa Tai-Ã"ntcY N~ ~STUD Ti~ ~ labo la sLeý'Iak, - -. "-Water Col,.l6g 54 M Z ZO TIN T Thab~ttf, sd fionable stylte of fliihing portraits. Portraits enlar'ged4toa ny aize, dn.isbed Frsmeî, Chrentos,'Mutîces, Pancy Carde,_ 8ea1yson haut!. câb-attotaiou te tbe" It t ibt i amIbte a puinteid Agent of lbe Canada J Wosmpe rs ofeiyorontoau an!sd --AJ.LYON, - ~~~- Wilkinson'as lbcek llraek t '45 P)t y--i MOODY dR ?AFR Stl nteMarket, paylngéa!.:or- 1WHEAT, PEAS, AND 'BARLEY i DELIYEitEDAT PICIIERINU IIAE30I.- GRAY'M"SPI cjr MiIX Ta<Ln lb for Séminal Spe iatàrrý o, inc aI- Befone Taig.f--io a àAllen Tskg. es e ý of nu s a e1-Abuooas-elus. aiofmt. -Univeroal Lassitunei, Pain lu the BalD- 'nosaa lVision, Premalurs aild agonLmany alher Diseases Ibatl isualta Xnaunllor con- sumpion anti a Prmmalure Grave i Puli V, tcularslinoup pamphlet, -5h10!.Nevo sure i.. sena iree lbyonelllu venyoe. Who Seclc Medilcine te sold hy ail drugleté aI O1per yacle e, or six pakages for e5, or vili ho sent de yalo rsshig TEE of Ibe money hyad TEGBAT MEDICINE CO., Windsor, Ont., Canada. mý SoldinluWhibthy hv ail drsggists, anti bv ail vholessle sud'retaldruggltsvcrywthere lu Canada andthe. United States. (ly.4 Ã"oanty of Ha//iburton, FARM* LOTS, close ta a Railvay, anS Lots lu the VILLAGE 0F HAqýBURRON, Ibm Terminus af the Victoria Ruilvay -eOR 'SALE, ON BEASONABLE TERMS. Apply ta C. J. IILOMFIELD, Manager Canada Laund & Emoigration Ca., 50 Front-SI., Eas, Tarante. or la ALEX. IIVFN, Agnt, C. L. J E. Cu'y., - 4i-ly Halihurlun - ý'AÈIRONIZE HOME -COYPANIEMS. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, BIEAD) OFFIC.E, HAMILTON. A UTHOTIZED CAPITAL, 63,000,000. GavermnulDeposit. 826,0W0. Blusiness coullueto lahm Province. -D. Bl. CHISHOLM, II. T. CIIAWFO1ID, Presitiett. -Secy-Trs. D. DEXTEII, Assistant Secrelury. EtiumAmuLÏe UcRA-mas-AIllapplications for Insurauca meceive the closest ecmuliuy, and auly Ihosetléeèied desimabIe anS ut uSe. ua mutes are arecpted; our atm haing ta itake Ibm mals lu est-h casa propanlionaîs ta the misit carieS. FAIR IN AnaJus'uEsN.-EVery Cdaim .tiade upon Ibm Compauy for loa or, damage la careluy-uétàgated,and ie.ils Ise louud aob ha bncal are promptly sud cluterfully eaid, aill tempîs ut frauti ors anti ever yull -e moutly meaisieti. ,'Sd. W. ARINOLD, A geut, Wbihhy, Cul, îf'I ýrncé offmoted itlji vést matesin lié imost Eilgllsb anti CanaiaiùCompanies. / euneIusurnce gnt IRLLAR TO RF.NT -A large cellar ci, suils/ilo fan elqupg poucsontier b R>un~ ffie<l ll.jAfply ta GEO. f. YULE-, Express Office. FOR 'IRE YEAR 1870. mi__ i _ Ilm1nli1n. 1 i 1 2 32 1 tilI Portl'cry 41 7.1i71211 t4 t14 14 27 exr t ge o 1141 cIw S SI2 I t01 1 1 i2 Alhmmiy... i 11 I\17. 8 10 17 - 010. DARTNELL, \Jýuior Jug STORE TO LTR B e e e .,.Su' r -lk e , by.- 51.ti)SoIr., Wliitby. o Rwew Loans JaIrady oxist- ingg,~eOe~,dito Mi',e Jïfi ý Bï&î;, PRMRE ED , Ltenmatvaucea upax té tcri pfMdeIf1?P-toimirbrqe Whea tile la seu iman eauh T~é~cmletd'Sd~hjiypa ovur la Tesu W- STE ),TOP 4IrASB GOoD Office Bgelo'a Bick, Po' frAxny. tII F Io cesuposet i cfIngretiouts î vit!. -- -it thusn vblch caustitutu Rtoultla, Blhod,' Muse!. and ZienvéanSdilmain Substance, ta wileî LUf e l sir e ctiy. dependorni up-ne ansame cf Ibeai. - -' ,fly ils union vit!. the blooti anti Its.effeot1 upan thé, musclas, nu-utabllebbng théeDue W anti tonlagtheoolber, tla capableof oeffet- t itheofoilavin*g esulîa;oai It Wl l isemr vauli ut tubeculos dol mot ter, anS Ibus urie Gousumpticu. Bs& By 'imeueing Nurvoas auti Mucuier V ig a r , i t w l c u e ypla , f e o b le c r i n . lionoi eanes ai Intellee t cased bîn*f, ca. chilis, Aaute or Chreula Congestion'a mo ales Lun g s, ev n lb. i h ,m cci alirm ing olges.. a hi Il aunes Astbina, Lose ofVoice, Neuralgia au st. V itua D ance, E ileop i ç its, W hb api o 'l1 Cough. Nervoueneas, a sud u s o t Wn er. 1 f ol d jn u t t a th r re m id e a l m s-i n i g bie Surn'gthe process of Diplhor. T nntessebhaluof gooti e ecteleisfontfed sep FELLOWS' COMP01LND SYRUP te,1 0F HYPOPlOSPHITES, T s d v o a re s ie i a y in g , m c m a lo n g e x - ly sa penionco an médecins, itS virlues are Wot du bac fpy yother combinaaious, s e bt io l w n il l te m o n s ra te . V e a IT Ie ACCEPTABLE te palmle aSsi stomnacb. SUF!CIENTLY POTENT ta maure de. cideti henefit, pet barmbese, h!.oaven long ils use May bU itntinued. Tbis character- Du istia ia possesseti hy nuoaller remetiy. - S IT ASSITS DIGESTION sud assimila- tien. IT VITALTEES THE! BLOOD, supply- ROG inauch ingretiieutsausmuy ho requirei.' IT RESTOBES TONE to the nerves. IT GIVES POWER af endurance anti oi conentration thm uinti. -IT PROMOTES VIGOR Ihi the organe w hich Spe d for' ba t b on Ibm nv lunt ry T nisular action, viz.: te Livr, Lung, Jan Heat, Stomase!.asd Gentuls. And unlesc ullicteS vil!. Sèeadiseue in- volvîng Â550n.UTa ORGANIO L6099, it viii sua- -SA tain tho syetem util il reaches thé ago SI- ltte tie1 man b y a benficient Creator. ab l NO PERSON vil! ho dleappainsed lu the that effecof FELLOWS ERYPOPBROSPHITES, vho rigily follovibte dinuties . FELLOWS' HYPOPHOBPHITE8S w'ie The experimouts vbich prefeeted Ibis prepsgation ocopieilmany mantha, ant a vere instituteiwt! a Mov ai curiuig.hat I insidions diseseo, f -TUBERCULAR COSUMPTijON. sudbu order la soply Iboetieficieucies lu Hy7posphituesalready lu -use; for, ai- hog thir nautre vau correct as ta th- W h1 ory, Ibean preparations ver, oving ta Iheir- impernict argauzzalion, bouni vantiugin i.ractie._ w!.ile thsy causeth Ie formation -aif fài anti gènerutei beut, tbéy dia nol improve f the - blooti.-The taic effeel upen Ibm nervos anti muscles vue circumscrihsti anti oving la their diluled'- ilte, involvbng largsesae, lbey vers alua too exponaîvé. M Nheesiderata sanghl hy Mr. Fellove,V er-; Aý conveuisut, pslslehle remetiy Unalterable hy lime;- mlla'mlaeerthoogh uséti contino ualy yeî a might b. diecutinued ut uny lime vctLent T snViichffwuîtiiu<lîe un eppelila; Strengthen tigeston;L s Promt. assmimlation; resla halthy bloc;Ar 8trengthen Ibe narres anti muscles; Lnahîe lthe subjecl toaeuecaoeinly com- b at clise se ;L , And osullcientby cuou.ltul ior aIl. Ail hie lias heenidispulubly atteei The succees aIl!thevomkIn iscomplete ; anti P Felluve' Hypuphusphites m tands* oremoit Tu!. amoupgt the remedîea for ebranongaiq 'Com tises, poesesig proportien ta vhiab ne otlier cued.imines lias ever aspireS. ABSTRACT EFFECTS. Wnî Fauve' HTpphomphites, an hein g an- POIL roduced in t a Ibm atam acl, nuites vil! the , ý n : food, aud immetiately mons= Ibm circula- U8-, lion;- antUin, hmoperieetly miscible -with' A Ibm blooti, speeiuiypérvatiés everypart of oU the' syalem. lIa éffetmel re meclmed L by a pulse alighly incroed inu lluosi Hali] anti slr'engIb, a gens lexaltation ai Ibm Ensa organe- funelbons, ana exhiaioôn cf tbe intellectuel pcvers..-,ie epeclfic influencoé- la an thm brai anS erous -substance in. Ç creshg Im lilviy cftlhaabsorbent,anS Brac reuewiùtheb.blood ti, ibua ausing*Ibmheavy" buïl moseolur formation enoneeseany in. restan- ThrP ing Ibohefunetieus of Ibo previausly veuken.- h e a or g n s. a n 9 Bems thon, a taoiaforIbe norvous andS ]Jf clndolurtory symtem, it -foliave Ibat, vbén Ibmrm lna ademand ion éxtruandinary exan- - liu*, ils use la invalualbe, sincu Il supplies wIit the vast Irougi the circulation, ani é-ee kaale neraisatem.* AI ne prlaa o itsbinleatebulaune ven thé, fucticus of theu brai more rquisîte e =qi %,ugIm cuiiio fknoldge by lb ot;poIv ln,- pervins e at.y - requirs a stare cf vigaouo nemvoue force, an a chilti aay unit uuder.tl&a mentl i. ' O) Stern neesity muay cmthé s t- ta strulu bis pcvertoud 1the dbct aof sa rqtdeDCe,t sud th osmui yProison"ee lic m% e b1igbtaed beby Te au e ommendFellev'e Rypo- "Fotr pliopbitea *it iliil nby neor. Ibm mialning patent, but I itiible lIhe l- Wol ing attiSent- ta preservà bis' meulandi nsrvaua standard vithatttimen. - .NOTL-Be suspicion&, cf renons wbe re- THEI coteuenti eny othen -amtIci:au "' e gDot" Ihooga besiaea 'ilàrum n F CE thome Who offér nc ber prieod aticle.oa NoTrIt l 0 1 Mepcf Il ,otecdanti "' sicLfsePeciswo tîa. "StiP b.rt tgpeqaeleo~d~Eprese-A bu PraVd11.'bbgç beao~ u anu Comuupanay. ai of llehr eithérr isoe al m bh at't!. rimé cf e e,0 id t?balanuce six eqial annual-na nte, v in fter- Itthercou ut six pr utpér snsii/c, pay- dest muais timo a e aid intitalnou.ita LIte uniatibal ,the &M t'O l 'be sec onstitalhe t s a a o f b i a wctans The r. ai s 'S ourily le te menlioneii hea id derý.- Tendesra ot céel nnmbur\anEor. twa rmll, 0on parce latog e iear atIdrEsed aviS Fishen, ý1q 'Tbren- The highu non aýny tende cVeaun-- cce p tei. - 1 &11 hb etilan andi sindftloet vLe atdi» M G..Yug bq ty iiors' alîcite,'n ram t!. h l AYID FISHER E aI Wbit.y thit 1h Cday id'f r(ii<79. 9YAL, HOTEL FOB 8A 4.E B Y - AUCTION I1 IRE U2NDER8iGNED bas received in-. sItbutions main the prapriétar, ?A. ais Pmingle, tao oSer fur sale b) tnction -on, LýTUAY, l2th A4BIL, te heur ofai à 'olock lhs emno Lfint-e!aàa bote!anti prmises ovM .as TRI& ROYAL XOT Li at'n Brookt atreet, in thtclovu c 1e- Royal is Ihe lcadig hlA' o.f lies 'n, contains Dmo 40 appac-lmosat .iiiclittd- targe sllning anti sample o- as, weil Sd: up bar, enecoe erdul reoay [me - earma easy-ta b. maie bnowt utaie. - L. FA13AN, Atit.eer. ltby, Marc. 121ht'9. f ti-12 rî Lte ab Tei l5rmce 81.50 Pei Bomie, -- i 8 7"'.s o f o r S ix ' o t i e u . - j realtsotitrel.0 1! ýSA.TX ' " ' ar AT tt f - 'w GLEN MAJrOR Mflfj - M»200 ,et Pins Lumber, Wv eli send. F lue!. Boards. F CONDENSED,TIlE. TA LE. > àkiug affect un Tuestiay, Fa!.. 4 fi, 1»1,. Port Perr...0 'e 8.00 rvo Lindsay..... 12»a uaett -9.1r. rv Lindsay.-.....'7,00àa. om.4.0 P.u. 49 Manlillai... 7.40 -1 1.15 . Il Part Pemry,... a830 0.10 i ýv Wlitm .... .. O= 7.20, . or lime aItailier stations, se, Poet Tine- bla, ta o b atiou alplcatI!on tea ohm sithe tpauv's Agent. 11UY'v mrw.-WiIbGrand' tudtk Éita1- yfr auintalets " aa aIns. vr Ppisnn.-WIIb stage for Eps,(sn, tttics LUnlidge k.&vu,-mFor n itolt and Wbc NuALL-Por Sunderland sudCalite. licL-Par Ouvoti. itt . Biiuu V t s a d P on t 11o v é r ' s.a.-btbVbtomaiaWuylr Minden, burton, Ibé Pneu Grant TttheaS b '5.Land Campanyv Pope th ia d.- - EUiway fer Oom e, Mii k melon ougb Woodvlm, Beaveoe O Waube- ne-aauneilng naOriliawlla bth oiisu lway forBarrie, Callngwoo , Gm vésiurel mbrdgo, sud tIbm Pro. Grant Lanseni rngu Tiaetls anslimued by ail enta of L. Ilypion Toron iýand by V. R. Ticket Agente, IToronto, tor&:stations NoP . L Natranefen hages.- - JAMES HOLDEN, fthy, Jan. 501h I. Managgin Dineclon. GREAT 0FÉERs-- FOR 8*10-M i Ilote staw to hand tt-/ir Spring ai d Sommner nset-c (f Dry- &oedg, arn/rac/uii e/seoiueeî ood ilbi t/he mcarket,î, i/ciaare tait- .,treccieîttlady litaincpr/ce.tI/c/a s-al.f Titiy iell icevtoaiccl i/ce attentioorf a/i ta sorne artic-tlar dcr~rtnieicî,t.icit u1411 in thetc coturse qac very o/hort dime, (OWý'NG TO TIIE] NEIV TAIF F9, e mue/t adresced in pK-ceî. 'rz: T/te Clotit anid Pc'nt D'ej4irtficîîî. Tite Clotit acd Titccd Delarîîîîeît. Thte Dress-Gacs andi Si//i Deparuoneitî. Als nouoe r -t/e xS/c, Ic'inc, or iý)res-Goctc/tare ucufte trec iniîCanada, t/cc-dcfferience 07 ý It/îea~ ns tri/i hi eonsra//'cbi,'. In r/ec of tAieethin4fs, LAING d(f PT WJ-I7i' w/s/t b sîcîc f//tintîy t/cat they cre fortuntîc-e e4ouylî 10 /to-ite lt/ae of ice/r noit-r aitabit- stock in. be/arc' he laforesaiui TA IIIFF Came ino t.fect, and c/mire ta g/ce fiee/r etPtoiier8 lte.filbellefiz o t/te/r purecases. ('ottexooc andl br/nq ,yaucr .t'ric-ta-/s nd ziesc;ic/oso th /eyu - Andi u'e /'tottt/se /outt ta ou uii l u c-ret dtdîtg so, Yottrs, cii-y iies'ectialy LAINq d. STEWART. 000 - 1 1.ý

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