-D. Re & Bavlng f~Uflp»~f Was J. u- 1 3. Povi Onumicu nWar.roomas fur Drsss9c -4,»B. Powell & CO. Large Qck' of spriuag gSao-J, jPowell &'(;0 Milliiory-. . 3,Powellhà oc. ~Tilrig-J. B. PovOli& Co.' Groo.rieoa. -,B. Powellhà C, Oiute for On~sumptio.- lir. Gilesa remeties.- 8Scott & Urcwu' Cu&lot ci.-' jLauapii tedeul 4pre$-B. W IIOUoiaaP&tîii o iins8 W. c ~ iuap ità tiener-J. 8 Roberleota. .guunoc uytup-T. G. Wliild. lIoicu 04gg.. . .Whitffeld. - ISmro for tuathaobo-T. -G. Whitficid ' 8pce-T . Robertson. \Ljaucîvmme gale cf lands-4ise, M ouasd, Menit sud illackstèok, \ u.,IA'uo's Foily Comapany Ho2pklna' Hall. lc.Taverne: Grsiam's Reading Outario Ladies Cocloeo AVCTION SALEýs. id. sOc., &o. lat fofrnu' stock, implemeuts, &ao., Xbù e rapent> « UrM. Wm. AnUSU , ab ia r rmeinca, lot No. 89A im hee Ohmcon. of Piekeig, don Tburadmy, A.pcli 811, 1879.-L. Fai rbanks, Aucîlene)er, QNLY si 30 PUll ,ANL4IJ. Wiibye. Tà grà y, ipril 3, 1879. Coat cf Legislatlon. lieu. 8enaley MaPherson lias mai e mîove i te.Seinse on Ibis sul4ec wiîiclîi i xto be laeped wililibu ibiiowf -op. -Thaot-we have tomuch legisistic AndtatthI ie Peuple ae paying t( si > sola for il, limre lu but anc opinic llîraoîîiet limewhnlma Dominion.1 several oflime tcs u f lîe.Union nc utilibr, have taken action wlîlî Il view cf eurlaiiig lima expeuoes oi logi li&ion. In the annoie Statecf Nebrask alll Coloraduilime Legiéiative bcdo Most only once lu two yeare, and tI Ijegimiiaaurc f; rMinnesotaa sud Visco in hà mve uow voIci lxanel numtioam te slbjiltle tha bienniai for time atnt utl sesuions, aud Main aud Connectiet mre fellewirg.theoexemiple ai the Wesî crul States lu liis mattert, We woml nul advocale liaI ime Dominion Parlu meut phul la.mi g is ieugîim. Dut Witt Omnt doing se lucere le,s plainly poinue Ont by Senalor &oPheroon, amplc..rco citllerise for curlaiiicq lime preseul el Irmvgacce nt Ottawa iu everylhing pet liin, lu legisialion sud the couduotc tliemaprincéipal deparîmuentu corlime Goý Ormaumet. Asl Mr. MoPlifattôon 1cm 141iyN-îlau Presont @sceeonisalaries fini imen elop ted wien lihe coul cf iivini wmamelagreater Ibatu il lu uow eî cumii ha'grentiy reduoced. Why no 1001o redues Limtheindemully te memubers OfI 0ime41118,00the liustcocf legiulatic, immt'arliamonl, $808,i000 wass ¶maai inidvaiiiiiîy lu memnheru. While tIL rîmcaielie bendecllulnq sud'inca tllie ava 1» bc pilei on, lthe Cult 0celimeing il hane ionrased ail ovcr-tiI - mcimrtry. Tihs faut lu. limaI witlm a GOvi 'ilaor 0(namrfil fur lime Dominion, migi l,imlittiaîlt Governorg for lhe Provlucci fn'lmqtÉiua Lm'iiulelve imdie, the hua(, reis omif itmilinoiîasd Local legiolalors luimai bm iAsîs c uio ldéipend. f-1M litii iiilaim<esme-omlime comutry if mîii 111)willm axes, limtnitr IProvinmciali Oovertittinnlae ce amfîrnlilmmigli e islitnlcîi by evoiding tiîmmi oi lime evile oi over.iugiulatlion, itm.ifmoney mngitc boavcd if ses. clione wmru holà A lecefrcqumely liman OcimeamiVot. iCon we dispenue wilJ, an'nU&l Provincial Parliamenli ? Cai tue inchiaiury cf oiugition bc- p worlîetîiasu toe omfnr neecsury. powecs f mpen Lie Coîaby aud Townshiîp catin. ellki for eling will local cýalhers, And Oliîrlmuuu enorinous drain upon the r(emmarenescflihe colutry stoppeilaI euaiway? 11ev. Dam. (>aImIurea'c lecture iu SIt Anîlrv'mclaurela ou Fciday oveuiu wme'nolt'attend cd by se large au sut milienceasu migial have becu cxpecld. ÃŽI 'niemifud a minulim sud lime imsuueum Oth Ilami eust Ibis esauceof limeyear, ilomiillulamukePl mamay away wlao, but foir liamie traw4acîk,-would Ahave boci îreceul. As itw b iere wad s faim mad Vecy ajproeifLtîvu attendance, Aud fnmnmwrcuiueppninté(i wbo lad the Iiffumre iii isleuing inth ie eloquent iueiturer'u discours. ou Caliitornimi, sud The Broolin Cnvention COaereDCTîoN.-Ilr. J. 13. Bieoli halisbeeibiawed by soorn caervativea for writing lettera ltu liae CiastIrCu flndiug feul willx lie J3ooklin Con. vecîlen, aI& wbllmli M., Brown was nomu. Inmîled. The lellucesent mtis weca nct rimcelved frein Mc. iikeil. Tbey wuo tint wrilîeu by lin ; nier did -wu uec Mr. liiekeli frein lie lim 'of ltme cou. vuionu4ut11 e focîniglil or Mocre after. wmrui.'Mc. iickehl--aise pcsilively mimuime liaI hle lttera were wrillmnau t hile diulmsllni, aaadiunjimtieum te hlmnwu Kivo îimi,- oulreuliciot lil Plate. mnet e limeorary, Mu.lenmrmmoN M. P.-Tme Hamuil- ton Itioi ecommnling on tliii, geulle- xla9 mîmeimllkat.ive -propensities lunlime Iloise edcluesan article humded --A iiiin raes," au iuiinwe :-Our junior !à mnimi sMitoulul nul forcelime -race se tact. Hceludnasimig nI a kiiing pase. lwauaseffextiueticu. He.. bas becu wliiag bis Jockey s bit tee bard. It hnn cole 'rýciou&andmzay yel llrow aw. -osition ludagcriticai one, and Èbeviun cuÃl Ihu fgu:.l bsI wouid be weil for hlm te cmec baI fliait. T'MO Ronde meut have.seeu wliat Al Hsinilbcma lumow,. Ibal Our -junior inmeaubel 1k. »s& .ckot, which tAret inakes i flash sud-,Iben .droasiluthe uhleeof s blackeued slick. Il Mr. roibiea drowere ~Iît~M~51#0 4iu. t T de e0t, 'et on too ion Iu th )le ik,- the )u- ly ut ýet. a. Ih. ed i town, lias ieen slummed lo a peae at O:lstw-tg give evidence -before thpe Séià sIc l inai& cas$,. The. upeiil tm&ý 'pondent oDÉtdis Hamiltoil lime, lray:-. Vousiderable feeling la belng creat.d in 1h. Seal. over wbmut is knowu à gglb. -OsottPheilidivorce case, owiag tk lb. fltta ouple cf tho Senuà tors, who eqmiy, raise lechaial obfetWas aibl Abuos prevent the unfortunsie -woman 9Fom gellfng simple Justice. -Lut year ZfObnt OsmoPbeli appiie.d to the Obsu. 3eior cf Onaifcr au ordorto bar Mis. ,Obâ lu dir ncertain isods Abat J0887.Thé »analr ý 'fer reviewing th.e' viudencetakn tu e sei utdellubdlO grant Ah. Applcaton;Caiplell heh iîasdeMan âppllIio t b lo..b elrBlake 10 ~ive th. record ohanged, declariug Ibat i,.,'V 'inpbIli was gîity cf adn14ery. rbisîtbe la d'à -gerfuga, ea niow tue. womntknini. tdevoring to ge1a divOrce trotu à ber Pumabaond inorder b scere ail. mony for t.éImeefil cf ieWIseit d ebildren. 8ehtu tem iesor bau the mat- lér hi i>iah ad hope. b gel lbé Petition Ma.TAYEIWIcR GRHAM'5 REAflINOS. -Tmose who had lime pieaxureocf heer. ing Mra. Grahmamo read, a few moubla age et the Ladies' College, will sullol. Patte à great treal on Frîday evenipg neil. It will be seen thal lthe art 01 resding admliits 6f lime higb.st cui. vallon, and that perfection lu time art wÃll be app dltcd Mr. ppdtoassLewis wVe r prveuled by ilinesifroca hein g down labot week, but willt fuifil their engagement gîter Easter. "Gaie" -PnoeamcaszN.-tVrtp, aC-ns. da's Pceme, cornes tb sad Ibis veek lui mu sularget ant iimprovetom. -Il 'is noir elgiat page,&, andt lu aditien te tlme cno, bciasgeat as ever, il givoi sevenal t.lling ukeMe.iaem beuidos a pieutiful eastof vit simd humourt lu lIme reedicg malter, Iu polies Grip in lntiepcudonl, aud lits ail round vig. pooisiy. No tiobt the improvenent ia the papor vii make il mue.popular Ilin evcn, sud groteabi lueese Ita mlb. ucipien lisI, as the price.ifstîlli oi>' 02.00 pet year, sud à et.. per number. Beugougb Brcs., Tconbuo, are lime pub. Ilhara. Catît'andthe. CnmuNrcLE viii bu suppiiedti 10subsccibecsat a 8ayemc. "Louis REî.,"-'.uîthIe reI Simuon Putere olaa le thie ceiUqe ci sc mincitpoliticai domination cia account oi bis doings np et Mauitoba' but lIat genial calerer, Mr. Henny Douais, of Cobcurg. vIa bas buen ce nickuameti, is etillsuie mud, flouriliug ai lime late: pîlace. He las charge ef thec refresiament toonu aofPMr. Carroll, et thme Grand Trunk Station,- anti under "Louhue" they are nolet as being tIhe best on lime une, eut et whicl pausen. gers chu elways :eiy upen laviug lime1 wents cf tleimelne: inusalisachorily allenîhedtle. TitArps. - Dmring lime moutia ci Merda one hlnmîrctand i/Orly irtmIJî apîmlet ion abeltet sand relief totahie au- Iloiies cf Wlilby. Timone vere us inu> as tiirleen lu eue ulgitat eom. imodated*aI lime lave hal-Pecîmapu, wluu il lu unulenstooti Ihathlie garilla is nov placet on lime vatel te pounce upon lim, soeiîl te travellinug gen. lny vilil e apt 10, give Wimiby a vide berîha. oc )V- Criminel Offeucca. iF - id SeaueulWood, cf Mars, sut fou: mu, sens, F'rancia, Jacol, Gadîey and mal Josephim ere raigned bufoe eHie bou- ip o r Jutige Burnim, aI WIitby, ou 1ri. n day lasI ou s chargeocf iarceuy cf fleur as freca tle mihi cf Mn. Songer. Two cf me lime beys picaded guily-seuîcee de. re fete-anilihs otimer prisonera voe Of temmnds'd la to.day (Tiuru'lsy.) Mr. OFarewell, County Altai-ne>', eppeeret SfocrlIme pnooutiorm. il Time prisaners ws:e comnitet b>' J. ýR' P. FoIe>', Euq., J. P. d" n theu sa i ay, George Fo:syth, ~,ci Menti, vas founîl guilLy of lIme humr. jceuy oi poullry,amicI ecntemcot lu one 5nut m aculablird alo: inlIhe camuty gaol. Tul TnIlommr. Tilliat, St. John, allas lu Emerson, was cauglal lunIBerln, whene li Imhad leen carryinge on lis depceda. lions, eut seutenci lte lime Central oPrison fo: lweuty enem. AI Barlin h h le veeunie:lime nnescf Angoau aEmerson. At them, expiration cf Iis letertun, tias County Attorney, Pore, vil eie likehy la leke au inlenesti n lis fa. t une inovemeuts. a CUrTeuiiii OUT.-The proIlof the<ho npudding is lintem esiug cfi.0 Thme fol. oving figures cpeak foc liemseeves.t Fcolscsp, 12 cents per quire. Fine 9 quîtes uupc:fine note paper wlim usoaI wtappcc for 25 ointe. '10 tînircu noteI pape:, 401 cents. Encelepes, 5 ce Ierpackage. OuaeIiainrh -1 iilupts neqaeuy 25 cents. Tvo Iumîret i 2 ad flily eucolo1acs, (10 packages) 60 t rcents. Onea houainal oceîopeu, $1.r "Iloîerleon's Cotnte: Blotter, ,lxiggesta booke lu the markeet, 125 cents. Robet.n E o' olo ixercice bock, eentaininq c 192 pages, ize 8&z12 iluches, 15 ceutue.% W. carry lime iargu'sb stock cf ulalieneî-y 0 lu Ontario Ce. Whoieualu mud cetamil. fh J. S. Rtobertson, at tis uew store Dev-N celle IBlock, Bceck St. WVhihy.E Taxe WODbn4Toc'xt M. Cmirmiema DmIF'.ti CUeL'ra.-AI a meting oftbixe upecimi tl 1cemmitîce fofereence,. heId t mît ord n stok on Tncudgy, Recîl. Mr. Parka: mukedt o be reliecet froua hie cIerge, C vimlelit i lu umerabod yl puh au on t h boe t iuflicalhy. t Taz COLLroewoeu MUamuceCAS.- Ca CI dec of Wmu. Denili, ah Coliingwoeii in et Auguat lest, wasu lacut on ruileh tme W; Barrcie aicu ou Tmeley. Trie trial tî Immted elI day. Tue j ury mcmcie aver, y icl of mnulaimghmîen. Wimîiloith a coesraeeui lmouic ' syrup gin.. insaantà neons, anti perfect telief, nm afmihy shicuIlsb. itmont il. B, Price 'Ad Rut 50 Cents pert bIlle.Solt i b>' ail Chamistu. d Niai STATIuONiaY ANODeux 5,onaec.- 'a Attention la direoteteth ie anounce- 5 meml cf NMc. D. Kennedy in olber coi-.ci umuns. Ho hliupurccassedthie businese latl l'ei on Iîy Mn. George Ben- I) gcnigh, in Mr. Roberîseu'a oit standi, pe aut is naking e elearance ah remark. an abl' 1ev pnicees, lu enter toeku on ]J for su enlirely new stoick.fo G0. B. D..Briscs, villa mni vitimoni th cases. Amben sud ivccy stens, aven to 80 tiffeccut styles. S. W. B. S mit& au 00. Pl MUbSas. J. B. POWELL à CeiMi'Ny, te make Ibee iris tmpnennof new 8s aprlng goots, and Icw * prce, Couse- SE peutilpon tlei telicange mi lia. ai moiion Waretcoms.' [Secaatl.] ae 0 l Genulie Htn-y Cia>' Cigaca mî T. G. hI SALE OP STOCE AT Boy Pà s.--Ah- tentien id tireteld te the anouncameut of sale of Siortliorui, 'Colcts1sud r'i Betksolors ai -Pcv Park, Tbùmday, gel lo0tI list. - eaý $ 8 *W. B. Sauill A-Ca. are seliiug the balance cf Aleir lmmp goocte ai a necino- ct price. PLANTS ANI) Siacnm.-Noy ime jUne le louve tlaiv rdenu vitit II:. Wood for eerly, se. t eutnd eie' plants. Toilel Saap 25 ceulu Pa.C (0dozt mlT. GO departumenls of bis business are uno (nil ho repietion. In slatlcnery , stock la mcml extenive, snd as wlW- senby advertisement, ln clher o. nmnsc lb. quotalion of priu mnuusia low, !Tc the gchcol.bock tnde of Il 3couaty, hhbs - lway. g*ven .sped aîlentooau aU itimâiae kma*ledge, whicth enubles lita u mossiwith lot,@ lignt omtitde th à sny denmss sud amail waros o kd Isahe Utc. limatI îhes *eul beeon eald, th"s*h youcaninot And t B obertsonx's;la beél worth lcekiug for. Coming to a more useful limes epic, v.ufand hi doing the largert wall eppr Aride1 tle Couuty, sud cocrlinly the stock 1 cerrles lsamp! 1le encugh tc gie s uff cienly a'sried asariment .t ta b. moi fastidmons of ont honsekeepers. ,TUa season ime bas shili furimer exleuded hi btuiesa by adding ho il, both a verylarg and dco assortmeul 'cf Alose li& p ensable articles kn every famliy- baby carniage. But we muet atopb ord Tme incredulous reader, if Ihere be anef needu oniy tb psy a visit to Devenull Block ; first teke a peop aI tle fine&d Play l im tat plate glass vindov, an limon go iu,,amud lie vi l limtat il Indeed so, tliaI "truhais stranger lias fction." To every depsîlment ci hi busines, Mcr.IRoberteon gives clo and personai attention, amnd a pracî cal expecience, exlcuding over a pero of là years, for elgîl yearâ i nn tion witb lime large wboiesale suda ai bail bouse cf A. 8. Irving, Torcnbc and for nearly fie yeara as propriele of ltme best.sb5cked bock anud staiouer, store lu Ibis section cf country-ea sncb as ho give Mc. Robertac epêca advaehags, alika ln bnying sud sellai gzooda, sud hy aIl of whiol tbé pùufll are le.day beueflled. -- ---- *0 - "ROsE BELroU»'B CAxAneIN MONTa LY" for April la neceiveti. The content arn ail fresia, excellent sud read able. The feliowlug la a list cf thi papers :'*Lawt'me e te," by W Townse-a ; "Tme Falien Leeves," bi Wilkic Collins ; "Niagara," by Niola1 Flood Devin; "Addison," by Professe Lyell ; "Sonnets" by Johin Reado ":Halifax,",by James Witiman, B. A. .The Charme sof Country Life," bj Douglas I3rymner; "Time Monka o Timleme," 'by Walbec Besant enud Jam Mois "To Coca," by B. Marvin Ses, Ion ; "Oce more Word &bout Keala,' by' Edgar Fawcett "Sonnet," by Mar3 Barry Sithî ; 'A Pressing Pruablea,' by Fidelis ; "Sonnet," by Gowau Lea !#The Duration of lime Legislalive As, acmbly" by Alfred H. Dyuaond ; "If,' by W. . Dole ;"lUnder oue Roof," b3 Jas. Paye ; Iltlu Weli," by El. L. Spencer "Round the Sable" sud "Cur- reul Litecature." A chmange lu 1hE edilociai management is announced. lonaeopalhic Modicinus, Engliub anm Amnerican. 9. W. B. Smaith & Ce. HANLÂN has commeuceti practice: cm the Tyne. Hie movements are cleseiî wahched. Use Whitfleld's Infailibie Tooimacmm guca.1 Scott'@ Emulsioe of Ced Liver Ol sud Hypopbomphit-es. S. W. B. Sithî & Co. FsrTà a RAILWÃY ACCIDENTm.-On Sel. urday nigît a Grand Truuk locomotive aud twe cars rau off time track ai Port Huron. The engineer aud fire. muan were tccribly injmred, sud lime brakeeman, John Wilson, s residenb of Toronto, was kiiied. Tme latter leaves s wife aud four childeen. Tmu celiing stock waa conuiderabiy dameaged. Bobinaon'a"Pmospimorizeel Emuision of Ccd Liver OiL S. W. B. Sumith Co'. TuaiePeaNcz ueIPEmiL AND rTHE Queîu.-Tbe Empaeor Napeleen III., docimg hlais it la Engisut. conîrleeti la vin thc venin frieudshiro ef iu eeu anîl Prince Albert, vîlel in tle case cf tlie former, sabe lied exteutet ho île widow aut cou. The yeung Lacis Na. peleon, before depanîiig forlime Zulu WVar, callat mapon the Qneen ta bit adieu, anil, accordnt oà sLandon peper, sime reosivet lina with gremtesh cordiaiity, tlmanking hlma in a tnecal- limmg ceice fer île curageous interest le ovince lunlue: amm>andutcountry. 111e seatut lin beside huer on thme sois tur- ing the interview, aud, me le roue tb depaci, sue tlcew m ring frein ber banal. sud placume il upou hies luger, auket him le pteuerve ut amua a mmkqi grati- tude. Tme young mean vas visibly mi- foclet by lue Queeu'u guIft vewrts. NATIONAL CUamENCY.-Hau. Isaac Bluchianan las vrilteu a lotte: le Mc. Rlobertson, M. P., fer Hamlilton, vhe presiîddtai lie final National Cmrrency meeting. He imys that lime extending ho ahl collections cf île Govecnient receue ef île prineiple cf tle pontage atamp antI mackiug tle rea'eacessmpu ua slegmiltender, 15 net oniy ah ve ian gel fraie Penlianeni, bot llau e veut. The effeetwl cd lbe apnt 820,. 00000 inlhe poweneofthae Gavecuenu for the purpese ai the sotîlement cillhe tqonll-west or Ion oun pubie yacks. Hia viev jeu hthîe present al mku clouitld lu bcarnatîional banke like thoue lu the Ueited States, mudt Ilns le lhe future, vimen if suite IleIr cicuc- stances, te lecane fuIl blown national tanks, vitia tîcir circulation baset cp. mn Canadian cousolais, meutIs sereing bheir nates te île public, sud vaulel le geIting 4 per cent, interesl ou tle con- colu, as veIllmu 6 pet coul. frein lioir amalomeru, besides their profihu ou ex. changes. Ho blainkseneae bauk shouiti taie tle optien le biing abeut lii tale of liinge, as sau aueincumulace ciii pe1rmit, but ehulitnet be ficet to do buis qiaicker tIen one-lenth a 'car io on eyane. GihiSOu's Engliel confoctienery. 18. W. IB. Smaithm & Co.f BANIC HOLIDAY ACT.-NMr. Domucille'u I Bank Holiday Act provides ilatithlime nest Mcudsy iu Joue, Jul>' eut Augusi, t te 28t1 Dcceinlcîn, if netal sSndap c nul lime27tim Jecember lu oacI f cr imu rilo Christmas day sihah<mi cmon s f kalutday, shal l e observed mu loli- i Taie Duat'. orCONamUaÂueî.-Tîe 1 Dlike of Cenumugi t eceives £20,000a etr aunuca iotehe couseilitet fut, utý bis sais. ->'a l ieutenant-cohonel. ge-secureebto mis vue £1,500 a, year f or leo evuuse. SIe lu te lave £6,- )0 annal>' on bhs Duke's testa, sud ffe Emporer ai Getmmny qave ber à fovty cf £15.000. A metnuage allcw. t ,nc vii nuverîbelesa b. muketi from HiRaiGEe ira. brutal 6afil4r a mok plaeciluthe Royal Roto], lug e ]k 101h vhereby s man nametiBou n 3MnILl vu kiekodtai le desîlysa Paliler amieù Clarles Moore. The man liv. ?d about Ilutce-quuitcrs clanulieut aller h: me effnay. Smnith vas esmpjoyet as s iosler b>' George Hempslell, liverv. S mim. Moore lu arreshet ant inujiail. Pzî FtomT.-4'l'hoiiamnieWuClark ix ?Azý fighi, vhiehlcok place a AtIvy 0e mimeti, vas von IF tChanbers, i187 i muets bing fougml. Thc affairt vasn unscally bames. Cîsalbera gave C lark ix 10<) muer wviug limebaillie, ce 4cmaking at au miel national isalivai k Liverpool, Mc. O'Connor pover, M. ?., ait, Iocking eaithe prenant candi. cri ai Inuitt poiltici, thme greatetvaut P, aeug Irielmen vas cunstudlice erg. iueatin, If Irelaut lîsti net played s arec part lunlIme vorld's hislery, il vas t argtIy ewligtlie mopalmyicf Imiulî- ý ioaq. îp è ccc> poli ticau stnuggielnliey hOýldI âina et mekiug the 13ngliu >erndi~adeýtnd tha balIýy6nd oey biai 1S4 nsisa]-o h ret atI P. io aic lm IN ils wabrcI.co #100,0 0 00; m ci. drieti fruits, 180,000 ga 9" #., 0i Dalla, etc.,# 40,0001,giswaê fi 000 1 -hsrdsr""I,ooW,00î lard, of and bà cb i A6,oo tbuonsc , 000; el. gunvovderi 101000I 'hâta, W.M1 del reu 6 0 t,.,îîoo m e, sOI, oo0,00 de torii 150; ieun, 860,00'; susk, ek, #100 ,000;-spirite, 01110,000; vlu.e, mon cognls.d th&& lbe#a aardons uni iu dertake, blismehopefor the best, ho aud if 1$ vas omoua...i il1 twould buing a. 'equel proeerty ta Ihose siîting onthe de The Slniler of finance auuouueed lis th, following changes Rb Peranslueni.. b leacente per lb,, sW insteati of four. -A Spermo, sud othar candies, not tai. e. low, topay 25 par cent, iwst.d of W i, petrcent. s' BaIllI umetal tapsy 20 par cent. s. Buttons cf aIl kinti. 25 par cent. bd. d eslcr ni là Cheoketi sud strlped shirtings 2 cents nu per yard, sud 16 par cent. la Cotton duck or c4ane..and sali twine e 5 par comnté a valorme.. U- Diqdsappiesto psy 2 cots par lb. d Ali othoreiried fruits 25 par cent. a. Hais, caps snd bonnets, 25 par cent 5s. Hater'a plusk cf .11k or qotton, 10 lo pur cent. 01 Canada plates sud shoot Iton, 12J ry Par cent. e Ahliriou casting ta psy 25 par cent. SIl Gs, wster and sever -peipe cf cut âg tou, 25 par cent. eo Bolied beame, sud channaes, angle sud ison, 15 par cent. Iron bridge, sud structural iron wcrk 3- sales sud doors for u saeeud vaults; 25 te per cent. Wire work, sale sud looku cf al kinels, 80 pet cent. le Lestipipeanmd d tto psy ulike 25 ly Gioves sud mils cf leather, saulease %3 boots sud sbc.. )r ofl c t. opsy 80 par cent., insteati Pipe crgent;, sud sots or parts cf sets 'y of reeds for cabinet organs. 25 par cent. " Pape: pnlp 20 par cent. instesel 10 m.pet cent. Paint. and c.iioru, ground lu cil or any oller Iq nid, 25 pre cent. White sud ed rami dry sud bismuth 5 pet cent. 2Paper langings sud paper calendeemi 2 etcent. Lead penis, 25 pet cent. r Rolled sileur, 10 pet cent. J. Prunelle sud cocton nittinga for boots a- ansd gîcees, 10 pet cent., o Sp, perfnmcd, 80 pur'ent, ioaleadi cf 25 per cent. 1 Wiues le psy Iirec cents edeltienai fer eacim degcee ci utrengili over 26 par1 cent. cf proof spirits, instead cf sixi cenuts for aveey fie dogmees o: leas. S Cologne vater, "o, ta psy a specific y 1.90 pet gallon, sud 80 per ceol, adà valoremu, insîcati cf 20 per cecl. ad val-. elstel ingots,- bars,coeils sud shoota,1 raiiway bars snti fiel plates, ho psy 101 à pet cent. ou sud aftcrthîe firsl Jennsry,à 1881.t Gluecose aycup, ho Psy j cent pert pound lnuaddeition ho 85%er cent. adV valorema.a IFeit fer boute, simoes and glove lin. loige, 10 pet cent. f Barytes, briaushone, cude, obloride t -of lime, cresmu cf tarte: in cryelsls, and J several cIme: unimportaul items aren addedtle ie feliots.a Tliuridsy sud Friday lime debete wuas centinnel. f Bis inîrodaceel for aboliahing Aimea Depsrtment cf Receiver Geustal sud fer el lakmug lime Cousus of 1881. Time Houesoa iii 12.40 on Tnestiay i nigimî, whcn lthe debal. vas stijourneul.ti Mcnday, Match bil. & A nucaber ai peitienu proeting a' againsî lime duby on prining materiel JI wcre presenleed sud seversi relocus w voe laid on bIe table. A number of ti privaI. Billa wece adeanecl s stage, fi sud questions elating to local interesbu tb rpplied to by lthe Geverumeut. Some a 80ocdd mucions for celurna wece peuset. w Mc. lRobertson'% (Haca1ton) Bil, M (vi ilad beeu resel a aecondl lime) tla i emecel Mr. Blske's Act b preveut pool th seling wau defeated on motion ta go mbt commitlee aillhe vIcie. The six i moubhs' hoist moveti by Mr. Camneron, lu (Huron) vas carriefi oua division. ot Mr. McCartimy'o Bihl te make better poiin for the trial of conîrovectee pr ceof aimembera of lime Houesecf ab Toestsy, April lo. Thec mebale ounlia. tariff rcsolntlons vas reunet, lime tebas lastiog op te 12.80 miuiigît. Iu time Seuste AIe Campbell Divorce vas up ega.n. On accouni of mn in- forma~Ly lu île papeca, tle notice vu viltidan anduta uev notieagiven sa as ta compi>' vitI blo mies of île Sonate. A London hotter, gieing detals' ciîle aaarrmgesta, om, Maroli 15t1, of Misa Atm Hnngeriott, sdster cf lits. McKay (vile cf lime Caifornia millionaite), ta (JanI Guizeppe Tolfenetsamys tle ai- fair vas muagnifloont. The CenI bas an enerincue fortune The religions ceremony vas penformet IF the Arce- mimimep (f Fogîs. Mgr. Capel tood ou the ]eILof the yeung bride, mut Mgc. Jateldi, vIa represeuleti Hie Holines l e Pape, stooti on the night of tIme bride room. lu tle alternoon cf île eetdang dsy tle greunduollîs l ormer's vilsa, Pcrteusenio, nov calletl Vilsa Ada, vene tîrovu cpen ho the publiceudta a unim of gueshu, vlo vcrc luvit'et oa vibness races run Iy eleen honses if Teilener's. A box stand vas eneetet fo tle acconnodtion cf 'King Han- bert, Prince Amidoea and canues I'elferner, sud some ladies. TIe King arivet ou île grounti aI a quarter pâat ltce, accompanieti IF AimaDokte ci Losla, Genéral lafeoci. The grand iplace Inliltby Vichon Emmauuael; -li nic Ahe yenig> couple vii resýide l suroundetby mcmi beaM 9iul rouni. mi Ada Hmxngeford ^vas caim het b st cf th. AierienCoalonyminPala. Çont Telfetuer occupaailapof ton au Rome audit asWveȈ knov. Ircmn bis cenueclicu vitl sone Of.lime big- gest raliroids in Southb Amrics, 1con- troeiunderbidretea. la srvimuo e , OilMao Kelly, of tbeugaUExBobequar, silert tking hinseIf Ate Ah. convicion:Abat h. vas ndobtediy rigîl, sud ove o nc aise, inoluding li' jvc indica? bmetlareu, leanlyvnrong, lumned-ti ie Attorney. louerai, Sic John Hohkeïi-who vas arguag, sud maiti vamîlyt, "Jle u ye a slow ilr-I asl ta uc lroge. 1nasc, deiy you'** Tme Attorney- leea epliet, "If yeer- lontsi umenus tlatas impossible lu slow il, I Lke upthe giove, samd 1 Alimil 1ù hec ireaty eowen'il. If-ypiltsi meanu .$0 tpf mé e' ai4 0W min, 1ieqpi0 ofimmg 00, and iti D.yo The, ialian âa imêu n !ih mma ss »W VaiUereeiydco r idmrlybea eaï wr soêoulecatu " George HILedir vswu ledby piinlf Anpesd in subi U'a fmlows:- s.rdtue note ques- tion from Frank B. Gibs; lb. as fnot slamed I Ai~ Ame reele il, but :LaopsAyen. put on coive a Wsru;ho 'etfAb admeeai susof moue>' as ecultietation for 1h.o ôé ; I luvestil large amonts ln #revcrke and torches, vith, vhiol tg 6eiebrate Aime expeoted ei8cit. l ôHoui. T. N. Gibbs u im te elechon cougat;! eugag. edUthelIl ts'ms belcngl'tao40e llvety stable ta arry oteo 0letic day; alheo ipaout Sav' à ,800anti 0 l buylug votes fr M Gbbs; I urred limes.eenssAt the' relneist o f Mr. Ouminings, then agent for th. 8 'adârd Bank et Coîborne ; I beleve 1 vano- ad in&Ulbteeu 8#0o andi 00 a consideration for Ah. note; » Frank Gibbs did no$ instnuaI me tteimeaIbis culay~ ; I bcrrow.d 1800 fro4 T. H. MoMillez, of Oshawa, vitb vilch so I met *Part cf the oulay; Met.c sudI ten omt t Mn Fru~Gibbs &noutL $014o lm 1ie hDbqrroet mou.y Icon MoMillan for ete l;x panses, sud vauled ho psy il ba khb esie b. had, ne 'mcney ; I lh] asketi hlm for bis note for the amen t; le "idl be wculd give me his no.e for a short date, sud I ceulot itl discount- ad ;I did nct skirhlm thouinorne a note cf mine; lis note vis fo >-1400, daled 801h Beptember, for 15 i ys; I tried te gel ut dîscounteel bell Iet tb. Ontaric sud Dominion Banks, )ut diel net aucoed ; I gave ilta oMn. lMMII an. se seourity for a chaque il ieiobI ladl befone given hlm fer theeà 4noney ; loielhîso ued me onutlimech eok; I psid tle cheque, sud gel lime nei baok item him ; I trie&ti o gel Mc.I Frank Gibbs ho psy me tle amucunt of tle note, but h. refuseti; I passetil.tae ntace ho Mr. Gunney as part paymnntcf an accunt vhicl i owed hlm ; about Iti. beginuiug of Jannary, ItIensvas helti an interviev lu -counectiont thmlie note, ail viicla Meaure. F. E. Gi ,bol W. T. Dingle, Blscksbeck, sud mye If vere prneaenh; Mc. Gibbs limere said Il"eorge, 1vilîlell yen novwvimal I ne r enld yen bcfone-I wiill me. tlieis hi g @et- tled." i William Thmomas Dîngle w,'s lie second wituess called by plaintýif. Ho testifled ho being presnntet tîi inter- view neferreel ho by Pedla: as jabove; le saiti Pedla:'s account fa: ciec ien ex- penses vas timece produceti; It&luil i appesced aumos paiti for t1r works, tonches, acuti iery lite, sud au aspaiel ho varions persoa, as le (witne 8) aup- poseti, for Aiaeir votes. This c1coeillime eitience for tle piainîliff.1 Frank E. Gibbs vis tie firaI vifuens for tle defence. His testimcny wvas ho tle folloieviaeffect :-I lied anô knov. ledge cf improper expenditores In con- nedlien vitm lime eleolion conteat); I beel au ides limaIhanellea voe.b «ln' mde et our fasoe:> for lime torche ; Onr fereman tIok an solive parI n lime election ; Paier came ta me a e: lime eieclion andl saiti Mr. McMillin vas eressing lim fer debt, and' le manteti ta gel soume caney Iran me; hi sated limai tle money badl been uýed foc torches, ficcwo:ku, etc., for qlection ley ; I saiel if lie voulti prodéc isebi aocouut I voulel try mand gelthl Ceca- amittee le psy il ; imo askd me if I weuld give him my note for a short tme ho accecamodale imn; I fagrueti fret to coderse bi4 noteu; ho siid limei mauka veoiti net discoul il, aua bey wculel look upen il as a "lkite ;".lPeduarI was saketi several limes ta prodLmce lais accunt, bu, le voult net ; i oves: oitively bhs I diti net promaiae te psy th. sccennh. T. H. McMilisu, vIe lu Sccrehaty- .reauccnocible Ontario Losn amil Sav- og Society, teulifle t o Iending l, sura ft 1800 te Mc. Peillar. 1 T. CF. Blackstaockdepoeed lIait ý1e vas areen thîe interview tefer ad ho bv;neîiming definite veassaid 1fat lime nterview; everytîieg vas done my "in- 1 fence."1i Thmis claeth ie evidence faorlime de- mune, anti His Lordsmip. aller henraing ýe arguments ocille caunsci, sait le 'oulti reserva jumigemeul unlil Wbtinus ay merning.i Ris Lortslip iu givine ju onet musidere t tthle noesin a csion etd been pnoporly shampa, an t stit id coins inho plalnIi à balnds luils Iropec slape. Ho11 ld l tlthisbur- In cf proof la y vil Ith. doedant, leo muet lu ortier tu lave obkaimeti a ardiot have proved positiveiy blaý Ilene vs vaut cf consitieraticu for Atoe note. :e0 hel t ial sud evidence ha D ot on offareti as voulti prove tbis>a con- nmcsiehy, ant loero regave savrtiot, or phalolIff. A Negnos Crime anti Punslnut. Knox Marlin- vas iaged ti I -a ile on lrriday in île presende j cf s arg. concours. oi specathors. , The onrdins for vhîolrh. vaas sentýnced ire cf the moal itreciens coh&mater. alan Wittemeyer mut famuy livejd aI kll's Beand, Ivelve miles fircmi this ty. Ris deugbter alepA avay Fron à o bouse, and returnmng an the cuocu- ig of Jaunry 151h lest, feuni ber iter anti mothen bnulmlly luored ndthi b11 oties Imorribi> man leti. Vibtemeyer vas mulilaleti almoati be- aid recognition, vIle his vile's 4koll %, cruaheti anti 1er onîreils tnu ot. mea bcios lay shneicmet ono opon tle len,- vîle Ivo saui chiltren, unable )domprebcut vIal lhad occurreti, tati- miii boni lie taon. Martin,wvIe ad difficnlly vilI Witleneyer, vu an- )teti on suspicion anti accu confesseti s crime,.lvmswul thdiffionîl>' iîle §cers caulti prolecl lin frein i lie tol. Martin au negro, about 21.yeacs A. ReealopI soanti>' lest nigît, qnl wakening ivice. Ho matie a coufeus-oy , ibis motning implicating Gecjrgc ctry, s% negno nov lu jail. H. ai 0indy sudinseli vculte oWitl m- aray lou. tagemer anti commali le mortiers, returning thbe daitext; orzang. RH. aielh. dit ual intend ta 1WAmeyer's vifs, lut she, s$ued lu "a wvile Ihey wve.killing omr sbentd aIte badil tole kuil.lec eent tiucovery. They didthe b. rok Ilh a vagon apoke, wviiol Ae>'sar.- ardu borueti.4 The ncessity cf ad thg îe HAng ho1 =iïunfln isch-s=ma in -Pc.1 cirai.. lu Spain.'j Th. Pop. seul a ciclar ho th@ 8jau îb;iýoPs vstnly idvocatiug aieg, .,to KMng Alfouso. Blx.Prosideuh Grant bau arlvetintai igapone. H. leaves on Fridsy for1 ïn, Saigon anti Hong-Kong. THi Houxi RULi VOTIî.-Tm rty ome ]Rulers vototi yul the Lime sîs tle dieision uas igith ie Ho use Jpnoius on 5fr Claties Dîlke's te- mition 6f censure upon LIe Zulu wart ola>' cf tle Gôvernanent. Jalie diseaselias mateitsap5! wio in various pers t e f yeu Llonha-e nn-, nà ia u.. in1&.A - wv ve be fi vil lei m JO Bc cit uný fa w va Th obi te à d te le Bo: lm 'kill amp bui Pr. vîuf lii sia -il c »a 001a msas Issera m'omsusm.q, thoagb Ah. larrit6ryi beAveean -ies. Maountans autith Cocast, ocouibing of th. provinces cf Amsan, Pagu anti Ton. assei4 w uea parf.,aithéa EimpIre li vreulei avay ,by limhe ,Bitish. Thme gceerument cf Burmab in *.pare dem. potiom,life goti properly beiog aI lime mercy of lbà cf tbe reIguiug sovereigu, sud'n lnu istailces cf he cruel abuse of ibis srbitrsry povers by ceeu onrecent kiugs, mlght bc given',, of Wbiçb the te. cent rasacrela a, saple. Timese higI bsndai! sud sAnguinary outrages on tle part cf tle Burine.. aevereigns hbau heu .menscf gttliug tliem mbt h6* vater vilI tle Englisl, anti the lettejr, lu no via. baokvard tb take cifene vwu sh.prospect cf couesl beforete han, bave- 4mhmlslred some pretty-seeS sons tota Iein atver. saries,-lsking lange suices cf valuabie tennhoty sa indemulty;_. 'The firet ver teck place in 1928, vhcu Ah.e arl cf Aiberat vas governor-genctai cf Iu- dia ; sudAime second An 1852, under Lord Dalhousie'a mile. Tbe Bunmeme are 001 vimat may le caileti a varlike rple, alth ugb led by à s:nguinsary imperfeol, anti vbc:e Kiscipiine -sud figimtiug qoalities =are on s par vitl taerequipmenî. They are nbterly lu- effective againasBrideti rcops, Ibongli tIe physîcal litiaiea of Ilhecuntry are gtestliy Iulaver. of their style of vat- lea. If the British nitimation is te. jecetid, sud au invasion lustiluhet, ve may look ho sec encîher geoeroua esuce sorbingBritish ZpIre. b l I L&TEST. Latesl neya respectiug tle lîreaten- ead van withl Burmah i tiquieting. King Theels lu saidtot remain la a con- dition cf comntinual ioebrisly, but this bas nos preventeil im Iaking very en- ergetio vît measures. He las ceustrudl- ad a number cf fortesuand mounte t len vill arilleny. , las calleel cul lis soldiecusud ishiaviug timem eli drilleel sud las sent sa umn ouslelie But. nese iniabitants of Rangoon ho retucu ho timeir cwmi country. He warus 11cm lIaI b. viii emocue al lime members cf Ileir familles if lley remein absent. The Zulu Cempaigu. ABaîVAL 0F SBRITISH UiINFOiIOBÉENTS. A Brnitish steaner lamadetlier firsl ne- luforcemeuls at Durban, Natal, on tIc 5ti cita. A irccp abip vilI tle 5711 Reginent annleed mi Durban on île 10t1 niho. TIe relief cf Ekove vii hoi tteompted shorl>'. An unucesila oudeaveun vas made yeslertay ta coin- munuicate vil lheBEkove gmnnison IF signal. King Cetevay's brother Obsm'u oven. bures fer sulmissicu vere s ruse le noyer bie retreai ta Svszielaud. The report Ihai Gatewsya lacs seul messengens tb sue foc pemce sre tales. A body of Bauls erossacth îe River Terlc on lime 811 lest., sut stossome horssutn firet on bhecolonial forces, whe nepuisedt bIen y ma lesu cif tveuty. Ail is quiet at Transval. A Capebowu despatela ays Il lu ce. portedthe rebellions Dasules have ai. ruady tesenbedtIbeir claief.- A Capelawn deupaldl States Col. Woul s enlrnuoed et Pongeho, vait. ung for roicforcecaentc, in causequence oi severalnanecesafuil abtempts la disu- cdge the eneny lu the nnuOtains8. lu the Zulu va: dolaI. lu the House mf Commeus, bi- Claties Dulke's vote of censure motion on lime Goverument cas tiefealeti ly a msjorily cf 60. The vote aloot 806 ho 246. Afganistan Affaire. VÂlcOan KHAN'5 PROiBABiLE SUBiISSION. Aooording te efficial inoratmîon Ys- kocl Khan lu making no serions pre. pautions ion resistene, bail appears le postpon haiesaubinioienl octertu Baisiy lis aubjeoets laI ho ylelts ho iorce. Coi. Sautleman belegraple lIat I. ras alîmeket et Bmglaan on tias 24t1 March IF 2000 Msilliks. Hle rcutet liena, kiiling 145. The Britishl bat bvo kilet mut sixwvanteti. A correspondent aI Lahore lelievos le Govetumeut is net dieposedt w press Yakoob Khman tu give laie final de- ision, nilthe snov la meitet. A amaillforce inde: Major Hempî. ay vas sttaoket ou île 27t1 Match, i tIc Pishin Valey, IF 2,000 Afgîgej. V1e cnemy vas tefeattet, vih lcues cf 30 kilieti, lIer. being ne casualilies mnong lihe Brilli. Major Cav-agnara, vWho arrivet on wednesday ho confer will thc Vioeray, di 1 romains. Negotiations yulh Ya- olb Khan are continned, but hillthot perleps lias net boen tle Gaveru. ment'e poliey lu press Yakoob go a fluai scision, for île neasan lIaI iflaisetds. 4sien prove uuacceplabio a prompt md. rce on Cabl mamy la ou: praper morse, sud at tle pceuunwvile cuev meverse mpasses, enobm a rsep vouit bu mpnaclieale. m th pi il Ti au 'at i di oie val ceI Oc2 A Prairie on Fîre. GREATDESRaUTIONi oF ROPaRTiY AND CrittiTED LOOS 0F LItE. TAime'e sastling reporteuci lIe ravages of prairie fine qp Big Sioux Velle>'anmutIhrougloul SoeullenDm. koas. The fines an Salurdey vere of unusual farce, sud destructive Icycut preredent. The palet au the Taiegrmpî lic on the Sioux Cit>' sud Pembana Ralrosti lace leen burnuet,se lIaI the lino tian becu iovia, Aud reparle fron Ibat quarter are nol full. A merdhant cf Eden telle a hmcrowimg tle oflis in thal quarter. On Salut- dey, Icoin liestsoreo to:, le coantet liteon latin hanse lu flancs,-sud îe syanore ilmu fo:Iy familles lunlimaI vîiia> lest cvenylhing. TIe flames traveloti villi anal rapidi'tIs limte ~ol eounable ta cave suyiig. e stiknpeople ae un. das iby Ahe terrile blov lIaI h..bal len on tIen. A harge Norvegia olutclfiemiles (cour Eden vas burnot, sud soreral people verc dsegenously berueti anti sonm. lsawly in Abe vioinity cf Portland- ville. Il laà mi4'ti AvO,*y failles n'louA their lsyrgrain, etc., w*esb oýElk Polut. B. Richarsn hsimlargo amount cf gain. -Tii. aobdUaoexic it l mît il eontense vu alsô Ineti. AI White Swan ble telognaplfi cre vu lurnet. At lb. sama iipla ce thîl e rec nt 'stables vire bamnei. Altogethicrina- menue demagelas been .dtand thîle baa'taip ta tle nettlers is' pirtoulily' ueers. TIc grass gm-e vcery tank lasI year, mudthIl proîrmotet dry speli mate il povetflfoot for lire.. Lady, Elizabbh Campbell, sister cf tle Mar';quis ofLorne, e ble marrieti nexi -ment te Mcr. Ecebace ÉIllour, and tin ssaid t lb. wédting vill take eaui;luw usi uli , omeu uaauer sc'e floot near time chimumey. Thme moru- ing afler bis disappearance bis spec. !acies sud snnuff-box vere fouud on hie moont table. Tîrope, wvI e Isnov liv- ing ai River John, Pichon couuty, sud saversi ollers wvetarested ou espi- 'eont but asnomacvitience againsl Ihein vas pnoenrable, they vote amli dlÃahrg- eti. Il vas snppousetahelbime blet the dochor bsd leen murtiercelimy somei one lu ortier ho gel old cf'lt.eviii,' vhich vas lu has possession, but who- Aber Ihis realiy. vas thbecase or ot, sud vîmI vas ilb. motivu, remains t0 A Crazy Larkc ou the FIreI of AprAl.., To the Editor of te Wlnifbij Curar Lait Tneudsy tle grestestjcke of tle season viaperpetrateti upom yen:acotemu., iere. On lîmI moreinu tle Edihor cf tle "Viudictan" get fmon Ahe Peit-offiee a lange officiel' lookinj envelope conlainug mn enclosure, pur. Srling ho le an invitation freinthl usurane Ministen, auking Mr. Lsrkc tm go0h Ottava le give 'Jais vicys ou thi talif i1 He boppet abeut hth ovu balf dm11, slcvîng the leIlr le every one ho met, anti regtetlng loy loconvcuient il woulti le for lin b blave lqme,«as he vas augaget inlumakiu g soin. im. portant experimemas lugtcwing luruipi Iron enîlingi, vbieî leo vantd ho sutb mil mtIlle next meeting ocithIe Farm ers' Club;, but thon, leoliatia public duly te performu, anti shonit obey the eaul cf tle Minister, aud seon. Hi lad-paeked np bis valis.sud vas ai Athe point cf slarting, vmen lie vas mska et by Mr. G. ta let hlmosee tIat tom. municalicu again. Thc mprtant mis- aive vas ne-examaileti, sud Mr. G(. yul s very tubieus cauutenane, ttuing tle lutter oven anti ever, began le doult ils antleulicity. At LIS moment Mc. C. camïe in, eudthîe document vau placed lu lis hauts antivas uidergo. ing a indIer en culiuy vben the 'bum trace up anti Mc. Lacke vas mli imupa- tience le stanl. "lHelt on," sait Mr. C. ; "this tiig lookss ike a L-A-Rt-K _ is net liais time Firal of April 1" A eew ligli broke lu upon mii parties; lime Edihor dit net go la Ottawa, aut more tien limaI, le dit net slow bis face on thme atuolt uring 11<, temeinter oi tls day. Inteed I bave ual seen li cuh since. Yen lave latel>' beun bec ibardlounlime poor fellow, Mn. Editor. He is only a vemk-miuded eneetune vilI a veny soit spot lu île craninca, anti se you sionIt makc aliowaucc for lis vaganies, au veo lu OSHAWA. Oshawva, Ap:il 2ut, 1870. Thme Ne. Nearly the entire business portion ai 'Seuecm, Ill., vas burnoîl ou Salnrdsy, nigimî. Loos 850,000. Tîhe City Fleur MillS in Minneapolis, Mmcu., ver. iurnet yeutecdmy marniug. Lois, $70,000. Fiee prisununs uscepet fcom lime comnty, mimd in Alieulowu, Pa., au Sal- ccday nigît. TIc Freetcaeu's Hospitl at Auguste, Ga., siappoted t ' i-city, vas burned yeahe:tay. Loos $10,000. Time'Yale and Harvard regatîs lu le lahmu place aI New Lontiop en -the 2911 of June. King Humbert cf Itaiy lau comnul. edthlie deatl sentence cf Passanante, vhe sîhempte toleassassinatesli an, le ile servitude. Owing te tle tepielion cf lIhe Tuck- iSI Tnesnry, tle Sulan lisa sent bis Iplate ha the minI, wih i expectedtho cealite £100,000. The opposition ho lime propositiou le nemeve tle Frouch Legislalune from Versailles le Paris is saidt o le g:oving Il iS ual expechedt timt Palilamoul vili le praroguodti 11time beginnmug cf May. So fsr no important hogislalian, sacs thme laniff, las been introdmacet. Thme nemi vonk cf the session lias yet tobe . oue. The vIole cf lime tariff sud lime estimatea lave te be pessut. As Hlis HonoucJudge MacKay ai Mon- Irel vas about entering lis bouse, le snddenly feU devu lu s fil, cnlhicg lis beat suverely oce bior-e pavemeut. Two policemuen lounti lira lIns seneles sut bleetig profesel>, and nlteoogunz- iug lin, caet a siigl, smnticonveyed im ho il. Police Shalian, vlhexe le vas ai oce-iteutiflod, anti bavm»g par. lieu>' necoveceti, vas ta ken lsck le lis lance, vîcu metical allendence vas prompîl>' summnee. Tho condtion of tle bonaurable gentleman is serons. Tho Canada Gazelte proclamatbions ste isee appoinbing Wetnestiay, April 28rt, s tl.day on wviielaspoiî viill el(] u im e canî>'ci York, OuI., ou îhe propoacti rejiesl cf tle Dunkin Act, anti Zr a aiidan purpose an tle iollowing tsy in thc counl>'ofci au- St Thoemasias bee madansuinde. pendent parI ofef nliry sutwarehons. HORRIBLEx.MUmDRInii N ENOLAND- TIc pîne ox z12x14 mIntes, canlaining auifragegnta cf luman cemains, emola piece vrmppud in couse breevn ixaîe:. vîiel lad. been filbet fromu tle ihaines treccuti>', as been recognizenl as Iliose ai Mre. Thmas, wlao livet cloue ucar Richmond. Callaimue Webb alias LavIar las lecu arreuicad. Shie vag Mr@. Tîomas' servamnt. Iles Ielievud sIc nunturet le: misîresu eut made ava>' vilI île iteulimîle parts, mend then sud t heucontentescille boume aI be: Icienre, anti vent blame le Ire- A Chicago lady applies fcr a divorce cn the gramandti iaile: buabsutleiunl lime babiltcifIimrsshiig 1er boactors, sut se routering il impossible for 1er 10 support ili. The taxatian put pen lime neces- sacles cf lueé in Canada reesils ho mind aâ shocy of Dean 'Swift.'A, lady once, tait hlm IlmathIe air cf liS countr>' vas .excellent. The- villy Data 1.11 lupon is kueu and i mpqndhcr nett Aumna tioi il la b mam, -as' tlueiGovbrnumuent' veuld Iay a laý mI. Thue man wvieo attemuptedtolaassassi- nateth X, iaofla> bali aad hie sen- tec 14 ueu~oimpiAsoumnent for Çoeflicllug mreportls are in circulation lu refoencce t hîe nixet occupation os Bastera Rounneila, butI h seemus atme 1 'cnlmn thiî eichi M e nent vii také 'plaie. It la, elatdlIai the Frenchl Mîniain>' lava: thie aims cf Greece in cne. Libest neya from thie soaneaief lthe ranges of île Asîtuclan plugue place lime numibot vho diet cnl about 1340, Thc ptcsmrut yesr le lime iSOOflian-ai hlm ta go for Dr. Spriuget. Peter Culfbbert salel ah. bld lin Dr. foyer. gave ber some niediolue vbieb protino- eda ingilog seUBstion lu the brOat, a ndycse. TIcs. have been b bo be lbe a'esuhtm cf lrôpia. On Fritiay morniug le gct tle aconitine. That nigîl, or hIe mcrning of Saturdà ay, thé 21a1, MoCabc vent lot 'Dr. MoCaus. -land, wvIe aweans lIaI when b. ariivsd aI MoCabe's b. (oud no-oneIliere-but Dr. Boyers, and hle'sent aI onoe lor some vomusu. This faetlà not dileti ýWhile licCabe vas gone, Dr. Boyers veni ho a table, thock s viiiount cf s âira*en, muml requealed Mno.. liCabe te ackncwledg lime, signature, himuseif sud Dr. Mocauslaud boing viluesees. Dr. MoOmaslauiid i l svc *an vhcther aime lifted-i rhanti lerseif, o et er Dr. Bover reiset il fer ber. -The wyl,, vbicb vms wrlten IFb Dr. Bevenrs, wus alreaty slgned, -Il beqiuestlet Il the rocperty ho MaCabe. Mn., , McCabe led villk leon minutes aller Abat. Sovorai viluassea laâd aveon tohoer previ'ons oci ealh.It. A ad been alovu IF îlohe eviteuce cf severai vit. nesses lIaI lioCabe ëad ftcquently ex- pressei a desine lo be riti cf lis vile. l. IMPORTANT- POSTAL' IiVcTZON.-Ad. s coiing hoelime Les Mondes,un agent cf -the French. Post.0ffice, M. Depeiley, I- au inventeti a nov envelope, vhlol o bas the properly ci rapnodocing on tle a bedy cf the iuclosed leller tle marks a cf tle date.stamp vilI vliola il la a sînuck externmily. The resulî, imper- Imtantfer busluess.correspondeuce in t- îlel hthe dtlceau culy be -tistermincti iF b tbe pestai stiamup, as obanoti by m mous ci s sensitive :p:eparatiau Sp. g pliedtle tle interion cf lthe cuveloeo I I a speciai process vhicI1dose net lu. crease lbe price. Under pressure cf ithc dsle.ilamp, tlis preparatien conunt ormsrks, iu ceicur, on lime letter s aSecond impression as tistinct and dur- elle maslthe firs; Oflen inteea, oven more legibie, for the slmp may lave toe 11111e or toc miaudli inkr. The effeel lai gel villeul comuplicalien cf tle post- ai sceice, or incease offiJpense tb the D public. 9 honniRel, tAN EXPLORER AND is PÂARTY.-Nevs bls been. receivet inl Melboucne cf île murter rah Btoeker Islsad cf Mn. Inghem, resitent expia:- et, mut seven meujimnue vIlles, îrcee Kansau anti one Ciinese. Mn. Ing. L amu's steamer «Vonra vus dismaullet. Thme natives velconeti Mc. Inglan vibim apparent cordialy, sud gave s gneat feasî le lis lacer, at vliel lime vimalo perty.were murdereti before tley lait mn opportunily ho defeed timemselv- s. Time:c is alsp a'reperl cf a murder aie Ciou1y DBay cf tva mon bolongieg ho lime Minule Loy. News lave been. ne- ceivet cfflime dissasîrous endiug ef the schomuor Dove expedtiin, whlel sailet fcom Melbourne te Newv Guineac-n August bIrd vill a usenheen liants ou board. Timey vere atlacko t a'TIes hld Bay by sevenleen Maimys, mut four ciflime pm:ly seccumbedti l ever. The searcli for geit vas unucceseixa. Wheu vilhin fecly miles from AnImeo, time Dace, wyul even ve fl eof vsler lu lime hli, fontuustly feul vila imhtej slip Laumacelot, rmondnt, aud tleim crcw, almout voru cul viîî privatieons vere laken on le île Yckolsms. INDiANs TiRiÂrENuueo-SEIZUaaa OF GOees.-A latIer fron Patrice Brelent,f Cypresu Hisl, dtet Febccsry 22iad, reporte Ilat Big Dean, the Cree cief, bas seizedthîe goate cf s tradinag party cee: tle fonks cf lime Red Deer andi South Saskeatceean rivors, andti laI ce lime cocaplaint of lime oeur ho Major Irvine, the officer, withli flfy men of thie Mountet Police, bldstarteti te arneal Big Bean, vIe avovu lIaI ho viii cet z le laken. TIme'delf sent messeugenu i wilIheleaco ho ai tle sunroundiug bauds ci Indiana, aven ecresa îhe icen. lien, izaviting limnte join liin lufcrce f for lime purpase of nmkiug a demuant on I Gev. Laint for tbm'ue tliega, wviio thea latter dosenot mention, vitm lireals of, p repassessiug lhc ceuntry andi excîudiug Ji lime vhIles if tbà y arc ual gracrled. The u lelten atto tîsI al the bufalo arc soutl * aillhe freutior, sud timal great testitu- lion prevailu emocg tle Indiens anti the Metis. .1 Nimuso RH1NGFDANDI TupBODY t ReÂsTin h-Biil Howardi, the negroele vIa diebaioally assaullet Clara Pond, b ageti 12, vas diseovenct lu an oit mine, andi deliveret iimmeli allmier beiuga promisedtfit ai e siouit receive PO, . bodiy larca. lu -te .*eveniug l1q00 il people, accempanieti by llai:ty mauket i mon in s selit himmo, vilI dravu revoir o vers, mar ebothîe jeul, t1reth-im ony grating'ftc lime vindov cf 'Hovart'sC reol t n ook hlm cul. A roes as îlti t arcunti bis neck ant ile wvs rmggetiP five blocks anti hung te s lïmmipjdposl on tle cerner of lIa? public sqnare. Afler the bodyheimg for fitWeu minutes, s simoul of "Bmniimu1" being stscted, time nch hock ilt ovu, dcaggea il le Elime tiquare. met lu spile of tle objections cf e A portion cillhe crewd, lileraily rcmslcd lbe remainu in s lire ai dry gpolis boxes P .aut coal eù, amit teamoutnations lImaI rivailet pandemonucc._ I tr Edwmrtl O'Molaghier Ceudon, lime Fexian, heu been appeicbed tlel - in- 200 clcrkslaip lunlime Washington Pl Miss SaraI Hill, fananeri> 'eeocithe bbelles ni ]Providence, rceently macclet B ernard MeDonait, a car-driver oi Noie Yonk, dempilue île onusîrecces of ber frieuls. Slel-as a omall for- Mayor Iticerd, of Montreal, is lu ne- Geueroi timnangl Col. DcWintec, lis Serteary, wvicli sayu hoe yul visiMou- treîaX e ccompeniet ly H. R. H. the PrincesLaulu' e ou the 28rt cf May A pelieniulraut train is bte la,# Belle i1o nsmAp-il StI, fer Manitoba tineeL. Balivia mud Chliiaýire niaalg prepar. allons fol' vr. Il As seriouasiy atatet IF ii'aRessisu jourqal 11bt avIole bundleof leliens, fentmcng the pspez cof Sberq AI, urging hlm le malte an againol AIhe ýforned tat thîe absencea oi.Pincc Lemi- peud from,,bis' bolrs-npil a :ovligless ho a sliglit kzte-tprmiu lIeu j lu avAnlexat abjection the eelebrminI cf thlene i-ia- miLe nt, N!4býIîsm seeme ho lave' declared il- -arma las jual becu fféeltiu rkw together -vitl papers pravimg limaI tle Socialiste ofI ial place,s aiso aI Lena- be:,g, ste affiliste t6athae NAliIisnov uamiina bbermui mxielv AnIltus&Af. About 1 ai A Tuisu.-Consat-giiuding et the Milîl cf Lie, porpetual loa ef vital force, "I dnsg lb. strengesi mïan teimet; il iS menifeet, Ilerefone, lIaI Ahe. syu-. len nmust b. kept emppiiet i yul&adue amount ef oxydazable, phespîcrs. TIc pieaesutout ind meel, paimIale vay iu vhiehail enu b., luroduced;tim thlb> siystiom5Fisbyte use eof Victoria Hypo- phoaplaites, vIidl i s tIcgreatestbruin, blact sd norve-foodth ie vontd. For sale b>' mll deaiers. Milluro, -Bontlay &Pcaibon, Pré'pnieto ërs, Toronto. Satl aIîy la>'T. G.Whilfielt. Prince Anadens af -Ily>andti Av aides te.-camp psitt s ballhbour's-vlsit t* Quecia Victoria mi Baivero -'chi Mon day. l "SSOUTRmE Ro Te ouTRm."-ObAi- eate Jurynan (licxénoed ictloamller.4 ",Wbh1-Gis saverdAcIk egyon Mr. Mo- 'Lnsly? Not'if mv uit bote a' niobi i Av'Il ses ye m*,otsrvedl- fraI 1 He's ona o' tle finesl gen'le men A' lIme Accu, andi eomci la ma ailliatable evary il, -A cov reccutly gave ltange frcsk cof'naînre at -tle shape Ofla'olfwilh tiv <ladY is perieolyifotmeti, I basý Ave imnoîthsi, four eye tva cars ; it bskesu foo izne anti seaihows'it vilbout diil I nuden TI.tf the are1 dune injc 1 - - - 1 Wm.- Kcrr, Q.CO, of Cobourg. A uclevortby fact in oonoection wi&la the casc la9Iliat the prisoner is an uncie of Cope Mallory, aud a marrieti man rvith a famlly. f On Tuosday MltIon vasoescceti 1 t lontyaars in tb.Provincial Peuiten- liany. YOUTHUnrL ELOPXA[ENTS.-A boy cf 18 anti a gizl Ofl11 tan avay togethier rifoni South Framingban, Mass, tu rLov*e. Their escapade vas telegrapli- et bl. Lceli police as au clope-. ment, aud lbey von. arresled, but the aspersinon bis compaulon, anti 1rov. ed 1maI he lad talioeber fcom ber home, vIacre sle vas dieq6uiented, to finti ber a botter on. Â& ligbtly eider air, al i 17 snd 14, really duel eo ir C evelmot, sud von. over- haken IF Ah. bcy's' molletadthe girl's faller. Theeil bobavei uentimeuislly, Alroving berseif on -ber. loer's boscin suad tecing Abat ber enlwining armes, 1but mot ler-acar, miglit b. vrenched- 1frcum in,'The boy, bovever, -ou fl ing theerp cf bismother's banti on bis aiouder, sa.d,1"1 guesa ve'd beter golm y 'm, Jennie." Perscna sufferng Icone ilmpure blond, or wlose bealtb lu giving avay, eiblen as minislcru orthcse vhe atudy closeiy viii futd in Feilcys' Hypopliesplales philes Syrup- tle matériel htuimuilt tbemup ande t onic to'keep hm thorae. Dit. C. Cun.av De.. DEAn, wlio le s Velernuaty-Sur. geencof gneal skill, vnites from B33e- eraville, Harrison Co., O. : I have given Penny Davis' Paiu Kiliet lu many casea cf Coic, Gnamp, sud Dysenlary ln lorues, anti nove: knev il b fla o cane lu a cingle instance. -Xj look upen il as s certain remedy. Tii WeîM viWH à s.-Miss Ber- tle, Von Hilleru, whose laLeal feat, tlh cf waiking 150 miles lu 64 heurs, sud vIe lau provet lhvcman, if hrained' is capable cf enturing fatigue iloat iury ho ber bealh, iuning bei fels of pem4strianiun, batlie freely yulh Giles' Lin*mal clids .4monia. Seld -by S. W. B. -Smithi & Co.. Senti for pamphlet. - - D. Ge.xs, 120 WestfBroadvay, N. Y. Triai sAxo 25 cents. Pvuzoeuee lavng Consumpl ive Ps. tleuIs, suddIavin'g Iiled f b-cote Ihemu 'y tbeir evu prescriptions, sbeuid net, heuitche tc pnescibm AUen's Long Bal.' bain. Il les curuddcases vîere aIll olle: remedies'have faleti. Iî la harm. less ta the mailt elicate chili.' -Tii Wxr.-KNovi SPrawcsaUUAB sia Hà MILToN, 182 West aîsI -sîceet', N. Y., diel ual beliove'-a ringîcu. coulti be cuti dunli lahe uneti ilea' LMimomf Iodidm monia, and nav cures Spevins, Spiints ant tîougîpins by-its u. - SoltIy S. W., B. Smith & Co. Sena for pamplet.' 120 West Brostiay, N. Y. Triai size 26 coe.. Il alvas gives us pleasure te trav attention ho articles vbich are, deserv- ing of,1 public pstronmge. Pncbabiy ne article everoeffenedti b be public las met 'wihithe samu eSuceeas Grsy's Syrep efýReti Sprucê Gem. Persoasly ve omu speak higbly cf ils vaine 8as a fanily caug e medY, laving amueti il wilI greet benefit. the maie of Ibis articlu ebs asumýedenormeus pro. parlions. Our stivice 10 thé public atý large is te Iry ils virtuas-if lhey *sîculi unfentnnately contrait elîher -couglu or ecits.-1 -A Manvel ai th. Peïioôd. if snly oue. lad saOt, even. a, short thile ago lImaI CmsterOý coulti bu made aice tu lake, ho woul4- prcbebly bave been regerdeti s a afit unîjeèt fet s lnn. aii asylni; yet lImatiis île (sol le- day. SCOTT & Bîto*N lave,,mnuImo. turoti a taîtcaCastor, Oil villi Glycer. ine, whlel la more hike cremmo Alan. Lb. abominable doue lIaI vwas tle boroi of Our oimildhood-sud Il. dreai of eider yiens. SCOTT A Bevze's, FLÂTADLE 3iusSiO aM 2 5 Ce ns a bctie-is sa reaI icelcta cf s repugusuce tu, tle Censumption. is Curable. TM i i s s u a e u a b l u le t i f é ýà t a l le u g a h '"bu lotcss, tics or the st edy inpint 1 it is the m ever intrcd "vacks liko a Siamption, 1 AubIna, sevg j : parsen bai wîvilbcialgeîhi B keptical --pi j --sîreess illi tle voice cf their lunge, t aie, iîis ycui to your Dru S bcttle for 10 doses vil mcl a remety foi aurto 10sl Bucuut U Fer sale lysi Whitfield. Fax-met, ovni higli prire. 1 editorial Nov. lected Butte eqnalhcngnIt,i about everyli Elrcngut, oaIa 'butter coloriai for sl vo dan fe<e. Il chou rts for colent prèparaQibWne llaeir butter i liais- splendid perliculars ina à Co., timeggh for sale, as v nmercats ge If you aresa no fail to try un ilt ai Aronghont on saut anti palel '%Vlitfield.Wl Thme Ilis Culs. Bris., libeun, Telle, brins Cnnu tO gAve perfect on mouyrefuai boQx. Fe;or sale fMEssesMuMI aftaiti I voulc My beariug 1ICe it-sau lu-vain. mùnd fo hry son I1iubbeda 11111l cars Ave or Ibr, villatle ail, an lu ong vweek's It as I ever rouît vlen thea wIieb yod ,alo lu m yen limaI youn ymrYeilov C1 Fe r el by T Fleur, aper bai... Sprl4gwheat.. Barle>','Nol. iLye. Peas, black.uyed. Appiea ..... Pelies,---- c fî si 09 bi ti 0 ti bi Iý VI w a to of fo bi Ti lu th AI Pl .W lm id hi ge et] lu of hi ut in CI Gh sr t-O Pl 1,-,