suie suget t t sdvaleo. i.. aitere-.t1 11167. Br~wae.t ftekl. ye vua îîw-', . ST UtWClO. Palmofer-8mpý . Holma Ndo-. 0.Wbltdehdi ONLY St Sc PER ANNUM. WhItb, Thufsday, AprIl-17, 1871 Itirnoured Cabinet Change. 'Pie. Otawa 14. Pres# glves oet rençyto rumeaurs of Cabinet changes Ottawa, in the aceuraoy af whieh', bot evar, wu woulai scarely esosto pis !naeh r.lliuo.' 0ur conteupetar V-à yà --It'IR bejevcd in. Monîteal lb smi ohu wlitlMro fi vfew if thb' ut bute of the Fnenoà Osnadiau 'Coutorsi tleeq, but écIedernuf< (lestl.Mine,- is totÙtibly qubter lu boue, au tIsa4ý be la Iléeiepoielon tm il >1os!80aVs tnotiola, te laelntu bu metco*h s c oplbcnre ouhjî?t u Froeh O créadlaa Polilîtlse Il ahouldibu. éddedltaI Mn. TllIey1 ntiued as tlee'ueW Premie. asd the NI r. Thoinas Wbilëîife aoktin ofa ie ]y tgqbl a lcoike lae a ecoostructi (Jtblueiý. Uni Pr.Tupper beeo Liugrcln4n lutm oëh ù c seutb tlice Ottawa opeim Ilaumo ast Navet * ber. '1'he llop'.lus' Hall Poperiy. An ufîoniesl vole wt anlkteu ou n bey teud Tu'tbay Ilu trder te obtalu ai à Mepesit) eaion ilai ithie rate lpttycemtu atho doirsbiliiy ai purolîs ' iug (.ite Hapkina" ,' hall prorenîy l'y Il Iwn fur the p)impnaeof atims.nit. Thi vole reault là lu 129in tmaVr ni, aud 1il îgîiùtinIba urchiate. Nonub-t irae hlatîciavalet. Tfilet W3reprasenlti b3 fur tlite largeRI ariout of 1tax.payink prapurly. W. have noîhinglte ad'te whaî lie, al sli. aeueiti iithiee naltitiil: lueur af thes ptrelime. Tak(ing fli figurmes supplied -by lte pechai cat. iIttae, (antiwiioîe tippar ltlite rni portet Iie Tuwa (Jatecil pracoatihuge, t tite revenue, eveu asete prprly aoc etandaR, wouttl excoedetiIbaunitai outhsy, ia rteuud nuinlere, moine $1410. 'liae btinugtbe case, sud lbe propanîy beiug, tsit e atilted, warlh toîchîe he t mouey for wiliob il eau be ablaîned, il la tiffi atillte to rdastaut 1mw thmre mbaniti h a tuoiaei's imtation about the pur. ofetti.'MAs ihewn, there wuuld bhans liîtîusl ilucurn, withenut a ceat iucretase ofi luxas, aud a vabushie prapenîy cos bu acqaireti withaul sotualhy austing lietaolwn'-s tuhar, W. trust thora is baocboieca aoug inl lte council tte e wiîiî Ibis malterase intolligent buiness Wn,Anti. te do a promptly wthout * furîtan dallying. South Ontario Campaign. Ur. Browavsvetia o tapeuing iltutliut4 aiflIte le'ctin acîmpaigu, la iv hll et* Colubinus, on.Tlîureday (Iblai l. 1; Pu 5%4 At WE) wT1Wwezes 101 ta Cý à liu hree Caiudiates -bâve l>eq., 'twi liquÇOC, audNi r. John %t oe '-Mr- Houck basubauin iduceod W çom. ,'% utompromiping oppionont of the Pwobae Ca hloEpkilue pmr rty, be- go ,o plU., 11Utdget vote, wloh mly 08bmhlI guooed in dil. i-another wbilb prevnaleth.e ellon at o'if oa 1ur m et he mu l.Town Oouuà ell. Vais epaper là wtiî teaprouebefôon lhé "il eu f lbfpile cobbb~u The Case of JobtuMcphoeon "nd Thouarn Urk élu!0& the ento.. jronnod ~on* Johbi epherman sud Tià mae Burk1 fît' May.laut, for whsl le kaown,' sethlb.ï SoBnnelB outrage., vidence bu came te lghs, Castng moch -dlsecredit Apan 1hé testmnny lapoq whlch they we rà ou. ceseed, and Wbo Wue inreuis Of lthe j Ur y eai laueeofit OtIt hieduty tW makfb lbe ioilowing stildavit Upou lieathoal. coui ty of Outa rioa I. Fredorick Te 'il Moti, 'ofthe =-towsçbip' of Pickerig Esquire, do' maûe osth iud 88Y a6 follows : I1arn now canfluedte t my bed, aud very doitk with brgochiat ufecti on. I was <fore. r. inu ai lb. inqueut owpu elled tafind et" out thb.'Cause af the dual he l. la W. Bila X3unçttýwho lalely died"' lb.h townshtp, 'snd for whoso death tb. Le luese, Burke and IlloPhersou, were kY lstely. oonvioted of mortier. Ai aid lat inlueset the1 father ai the naid Ellea ti. Beuneit wue examnild s a wituese, ea. and I dltnoly reineiner that hosasld mbé "his daughterb Mrm. ilnnvtt bha Dou id Id& wha 1the parties wero." SeBoaon ir. a sa ew lbthe' eue unblllh.d ay in thlb. oJIXIICLE, 1 ta ' gaverai o.: parties thaïe Miller, the fatîbrorfai he e. eaîd Mm. Bepuet badi perjured hlm. 0e 1.11. c. ltPiclcuriug, isi 2DI[Kn" ýd lot, day ai Juue, A. en' D. 1879., - 1 r _.-J GUNN, J. P.- "~Ou ths trial, it wilil be t'eielt5telà , '~Miller smore big dstighter laid :hlm Ibal eb. 'recogiked *MoPhiereon au one ar thib Parties, who hadl entereci the bouse on the uigbt of the outrage, The ame witnees, hada prcviouoly etated ta gentlemen ai veracty-aiuongst othars bun ga Mr. Hoover, deptity raea af i Pkor- A- iug-that hig daughtct' badt tid hlm u- NMePhiermoil wam net thete that uight. ,,, Andi we lmsý nôw the corrobarative testiwt)uy ai Mr. Meen, ehlewiug that e lthe evidenceofaiMiller ie utteriy .tinre. lu lable. Hie wae tbe anly aluai direct e. teetimony oonnectiug -the unfortu. )y ual. 'primonucrewith the outrage. rp* ag n it tih, jatgo laid teë grenteat 8tresm, aud we knô%W, irnm anme of thomt- saelvem, thut it wai tiant atao whioh ta weighed most-with the jury in return- in iug their verdfict. Turniag ont uneraa e il dofe, ta hava hecen entirrAy untrtiaî.f i. wartiîy, it la plain that Durlt antd Me-. a- Plittîson wero wroîîgrilly lfod tý'Éiity~. Q ', iîniuas Pelirîett, thie hîhebani of thet w tiecelnaci woai an d the allier princi- Y, Palt eta;, turne ont ta ho a wartlieee t eharacter; indeed lie appearedtieta h g, suait an the trial. Whiie the trial waa ýy in progrees and tht unfortunate pris. à . oners under pratecutiou ha tank up e0 with nthar woman whoru ha married the States, aund she leit hlm allen n two or three weeka. Ho mince tank np le witl, two dieroputable womnan lu Ux. ln bridge, witlh whon ho caliabiteti, was f ig arrised andi rentenceti for Ircn . es Thie evidence ar a pereôn ai ach char. i acter cannaI be conidereti reliablo, sud le et aqit the liberty ai two ynung men st ta Doe worn awray upon aach teeîimnay Dow appeanî;tetube maneeWng abhnrreritL The ovileuce wenttgoa ahaw that the unfortunate wôîuau herseai waa a per.F sonni baos, morale, addioted te dink. 9iug ant I al the cirounatancea anrraund. ýe ing thecatse wore,'ta ay the lesat, nf a upicina i-axacter. Takiug the tine "Peut lu gai beinre tht triai, thtc prie. tuners nava beeu cucanceratvaifom utari: -Ponto I Whitbi, tva yeam. Bath lcidîitIeanIa borne - a aiir cltaracttir neiticer lied anar bhee ULi.Eite.-Tlta flret venfeal tilta son- brtiglitb - hommre tics courts chearget] t4ali, lmthu '81100utr BJJet-tl, mîlailing vithsanyalbsnce, andt lking ltae tanin lt-tttilicta îiaae iieu viicbfuihnature aiflice anidauca apan ivicc lrol i is lns îîurgl wIt ý icas heen thay vertu onunioleti inltis case, îte - lieup htr in g the p p t rîouPm ti1r , :. igait fublic ophifu appears ta lb ilig, -h h nt o argo ofcoal, tient paiejehmmeat, andt iaIt tie a: o ttbTAiltoLcAitcs' Caoc.cue.-. rarejuelica canuo ot cfamIlier seliefleil by rae iir cenfinemant in lte PtnitOntiafY. t0ît 'le alrte bita eau upie tif WViitby A movemautl iv hing matiefIan lîcirme- int tItifmmrni ofralina unaciatonus, lasse, andt îtir camea itea cenleialy an lty Mme., .Tavuimuin-Grmn, nezl Fmi. lte lesatel taIshoulîl racoutnciid tluî" ivoîlii, Aini 15h, u Otan e Iaiita Excautive clemency. qlayiiîmotiuhiege. iuse Ite iuOntdrhon Nun - biýutaI yColage slaer hhiîyba- N% Poaru.iuaEi.-Mr. lt.E. Perry, -nttlyrea oti tlirKityasndr. Sica bas 'oI laie lbeau resding hale pôsîmaston at thia (Iracebnigaj i timllIà oausen iii Toonamtoantd Cobourg vilage, fanding bit provisian hueinîtie at ift ii@ly4one einioeiaîe, Theo (ie. nquiredt lIs vole af i sallutian, smoins itldti Mil l la la eighiemt tarins of eeke aga, lurwandati iis rasigualian t litr - aitlertainncau'ls. NYe etvisa aur- Ottava anti natommaudeti hie eau, Mi- rtitbtra ltu- avaitl ieauletaov' f a(tIis op. Il. P. Penny, vIte bas se tîiiieutbyflllat itturti'lycal bang anaea licehe el tise position oni ssistaul.pnaqtmaslen, as oiuuîi niss tuhe. continent. hil emcesaor in office. Mn. Pamy's - l nersignaion icasbeau accapleti, -sud last MUa. J&RIeCt'sIl XteUt-IaTIN.- Tht' vweit]lis son necainati offiiai notifica. fiitexhizbitilon eoft'sà r. Jarley's fan. tinaonIhie a ppoinumeul la lte position famnt Colectorai xWonks", %vas se bang fillelthy iie repcted"fatltan. liaI laHobkiu~ Mebefusl, u Tee.Mr. R. P. Penny'. appinîmeut cannaI eîîîy evuIoiu TIte reias au n te. 'bul prove acceptable te balla political (layaveinu Th tret ws a urne.parties sam eing a goat uê ne u cary îcîîhiy -agnodahla uan utas tIbenugit. respect. In nuhmon vilt icihi&nnn iy îuprscluletit y ltaelarge. aiienransinic th iblenei'gliconlcantiwe iI bnîsmtiullite occasionu.Tice ,living lb. new paslinssten long lie tint pros- wtîut.womsur verewntiseti p n lle csofllce, feeling assîcreil that wièxworm'!wer ln e l tiy wrlh lie wii fi1il lIe posilion vilt aredit la lîaviug a peep ai. Thte grcuping aiflice bimeeli antI gananal aiefaction lticsh 4abiaaux 'oa vcry gond sud lb. varians eemmmnniîy et large.- Mttak'oka ohitraclers, lu Ihoîr maltke1 upad alter- Hemad. wituiWallh reprosaet. indue Dort- haull, as îtMns. Jarîeyi", vas unîloîmbtei. Thie LeellienQauetion. ly-tlIce hst gai np ttfigger'u cilice laI, îîul ii' is tie s ng -descriptions and .Thce Laîshien affnir is mach discitasitt loctal huis lruqnnly bronglil- îown lulte Landau antI coutry îîcwspapara. 'lui Itata".Mr$. WoellcllcAndîlTha Tint,', sicys LaiurdDiiffein hlidtue à 1m. J'wtiî sang vca.ry l nigyanti 'a'iefic, ela haltiita, antIlite fiilla %dihRndgoa èivicltlas.Iugily , hemmiaite Hait. Mn. Latilien. '.h littcici eleclîonu, allai apleutitî aztil. Macîceuzie Govamamen u atilice Honse toun ontue plana, mot vîtie l Imeil. tefCoinonevicaIthel Gocerument, vi plas n ne ejrpao omutmllod ' tmk the ropponsibiity of 0( te clcompanla ee inlubilinî hec aloctonstm. Tico pressaI Gavemu. tle. nrs. Jfbrley iltagalîtr gave, a ment, thoagli presmat, took ne action iry. I ige R tul gzte0eaîarIlîIR% uouî ittitil ceerci. The receot vote ai lite IL aoaleubtitîts iforthe local pocti,gao . HRoueawa a a alictIy parleVvote t if %vwitît"t bsenOce it¶îîîîu nwaî male beralome, lte Marqtis aif Lerne lt iil h bû aud oekil-lima lu a ne;,aicaple thtie.tardy aulvico hia Ministait ueig v ilt ticefluerea 210 gave him, ito wanidIhae aboeuau emitti, teriag s consona Dot nnly la Ibeta, but ne .uer Vemtry, W)ilby - b thoir pradecessona, le te ast Ilius ai Coaanos, eudta th l ite Gaveruon- t lo Churchi oI England Eier GnnJ Vestry, Mn. J. H. Penny sud Mn. Win. OnansLLave' ANleIVICUAaÂle.-TItt an- TiILt ware appabateti oiureitwantlan, fan nivareany'sermon for thie Oddîallows' lima tà o i Wtby, anti Masure.John ef Wlidîby, vihi La preaclitat y lien. Weoliëeun John Happer anti J. H. Mr. Clark. et thce Melhotîsb Taber- Penn, hay daogaîknacla on Sunday, 271h imat., ut haf. For ParI WhItby - Jahnu]Blow, pasi lItres c'eiock. clurctvwarden, suad , Jaeran. G. Y. luihhe, KIvam Tuliy, sud Jeitn Wood- 0G.RUTCLsCAsîîcoSALE tar BOOTS AND itoue.,lay telo.gas. - 8as.-Mn. Jobn Saundene advsrtie 89. ;ohn'm Churcit Veetmy, Pont a greal cloaring sle turing lice nexî Whltby. sixty tisys, et vbich Ite is cffarng boots - sud ebatsecf uperion quaslty at -a amail 'Theo snnai Vomry rMeting ai St. -etince on coït. JolitneChancIt, Part Wbitby, wuse iclti Se. ]Robseau'm finueà aorninent of u Tuouihay aflernoon, it. 151h met, ab baby oarrisgam. -Stockc entireiy novw "vhich tora 'oe a ir ttaudancs,' the thie @Ousen. Beet mate . Lateet atylea. 1ev. Jobumlon 'Vicare, lb. Incombent, Prices., 85,88.50. $9.5e, $10.50, $11.50, oe4opiodthelei. TIe-repartai' lte 018.50, anti tpivande. Beet value lu rettrlng cburai.vârdeam 'waa Sdopt. lteé ounly. J. a. Bobertson, aI his ediýand s vote ai bbankm lneudeti evmieno, Dec.nelI's Blok, Brook Su., Ihein for paut Oe.vl. Mn, Robert WhitbbY Coro-h"ae appitidthîe. Iunalm- chiuroi-vwardn-, e. Young Smith, Gibsce's Manchceter vammin kilier, a Eauj., and John Waeditouma, LEas., ver., a certain tiestroyer et rata, mica, crick- alectati Doegate taIte S y net. A et@, hesles, bugs, &o. Pnica Ian conte yole aif taulc aves bndornt leMn. Ver package. For sale hy T. 0. Wltit- Jfohn Woadueoses, for hie services ne fiait. - la1 rester, also s vota oftaithnka ta Telsu Ecma 3lev, a necgýçýst, sud ta A Gana CHiCÂaî.-Statte-tq ma tixo choirganerahhy, ai Mn. Bayd, in alter columuse. W.ip'nUEB AN~D J-vsr-t.Ilaen.. Helcusu foyer, agao,-ant lte Pads,t 1lslegla i tc sad For sale by T. Q Wbitfiell, Whiiîty,t thfl l ïginli tie0la tand. îby 010sole goni t Ptro auy Quotai. etrep, : Rolling vaîcîmes pt ýOndi oiuy owol'y ofa lIi is.u-%4 anlrupl t tî -Dressing combe, maiehor aud bit.A11it protection tueut. E goder -Lbd the publie by iteo!0 *ud havea optiesnt toauy inerbe4. ýMlem of4#i And au4paerepggtl Iho part, of tlb.'Dlr6otônoI l'Port Peryaud Lirnduy Eaile~oy q Oèr uo4hern Moinde -ab c orly cg, log her. ahe are -hart t Whii LWai Msy 'gave Iîle Duttlet ý@ômaîts Ii thaamsosad dollar , bo lb.e'W hlbllino,l reproeeIîativem bah evei7-pneatl lu prtelL. oeeaecf(er locallit lu a baud trom the 'Oonay. OTi terme ai the bond, we, thlukIl muaI I stimiltet, have bleeukepIt cet e&"We ly by ýtbe Comepauy, nor wue Iheriove sny intention ga depart froue "tin in th.el84hitest,."CornpWntesua1 d ré minnerauoeu againet imaiglastù'vit are, then, on. wouid tIilok nt u0 R iae sud to ay lte very, leset, the action t tbm Towu Counoil of Xiudeay rathoi prmaurehonderthe ciromtaucei Teewlbdo ralelug af-froighle, tIl publie luberesl wiii iu noWie e .affect eti iurioaly, sud that behug île e erlbI.Ballway Gempaule. poe0 have Ihe rgbt tg take *hal i6e4,mthu deain best to thake their 'property vaitiable aud profitable au pomel .'Fhst wouitiappear ta be i. dt y t t e m anagem ent lun ua e te thelb. l partant lalereete they repreet. The Vkt-Rogal Programme for the * summor. Tii. Haifax Reportor puiblbuholi failawiugs the programme cf tlb Viee.regsl 'pariy turing the mulu soammer.t P0119111ât ilil b. prurogued abani the 15et ai MMay, sud Hie Exoshboney sud the Prnoceas wll forthwitb via'i the Pavince ai Ontario. On bte,4fl af May, the Quetu'. Blrthday., they wlll attend the grand review aiMoe. 1moaI, ln whieh t he 111h )Brooklyna regi mnt aud two etItime Vmrt±iout cary will taie part. Ronce 1h57 wili pro. cooti heieunely le Quebec, wbere thb Duke of Argylli wll arrive lu the sec- ont week ai Jane for a four moulial vieil le bis son sud Royal daughter-iut law. A week haler- lhey wllgreet Rear Admiral tbe Dnke oa i Etioburgh ae H1aliawr, who *fll ucceoLiAdmirail n geéiield inu oummanti aitht Nanth Amaerican squadren. -Jnly, Augnet anu Saptamber wili ha paseetilat Halifax. Tht party will b. jaineti by Lor Wbaruoliffa, Lord olin Campbtell (the Marquis' brothier), Mr. Eaelîchc Bal. four (wha Wili mârry Lady Elizabsth, the ItSni' second iter, in a fow dam'e), Earl Perey (hecir presumptive te tht dukedom ofNiorthumberland aut the husoband ai Lady Edlth, lte Mar- quit' eldeal eleter), and prnbabiy Lord fio8ebomry sud wife. Their Exceilen- oies sud panly will @pend smre waeks et Canipbalitou, N. B., the beel esimai fiehing -station an th. Restigenohe. This le pareiy a Hightland -ettlement, bsving beau foudeti by Geuemal Sir ArchihaltiOCmpbell, oeeotf tht early Gavemnare ai Netw Bmunswick sud a ua- tilp uf Argylahira. The Duchees of Edf uburgh will net accnmpauy bat huebanti. Tht annunucment resectiug the ProvinceofaiOntario la uovaitogolhaî raliabltt e ave ieaaou ta believe. TiciAuCTIaN SALE ai *Honeebold F'urnituma andi efTecte oi Cal. Wallae takea place ou Satumdsy, April 26th. The fumuitume ia ai a superior quality and jaclatita a vtmy flue plano. Thare ia a cataloue ai about 150 volumes af excellent books. TuE FlftbT aOFrTEPAPEIS on BraZil, îy Ilerbert H. Smith, wiil appear ln SCRUItttiifar May. Il will eacribe E'arit, fonrvhicli tht wilr pradictsae brilliant future, aud will cuntain eug. Retione about relations betweeu tîht Unitedi States sud llrazil. The illuptrationt ara by Mmr Champ. ney, wln, il ivili ha mameiubereti, was lie artiel oi the "Great Southi" maries by Edward King, publieetinl the samin a.azine lu 1873.5 Tii ,% A iulifliopa Sm. NîcHaLAS wiii have a Mtay moug lu il, andi a coma. ntlion, ai canrset;but noQueeu May. It l 'e ta bc a sort ai etomy number. De- cideR the twa senisie, Ihere will be a spider atary, au elephant atory, a gun- *nwdtîr atary, a boar etomy, auna8to. tomical atory, a mythaingical elnry, a otauleal stony, a mathamalical atary. a try ai a girl whn coultiu't, sud ,orne than une ai girl. whn cnuld. han thera are ta ha rav'alatins na ue- ard ta the Ibrea wisa wamau andti he Lrat wiee mou, sud an accounof a how ly )l ,yil Tt ge La til ls] Au wl -PeaRSOtAL- Jin. Nichols Fiotd Dtijîtpaid s visit lu Wiiby, ontTues.- day. SPiuîNO Gotuma tnt getlemen's clolt. ing andh buraialiugs-apion quaiity, et J. R. Prnglas. Dabloina ElacInic Soap. Fer .sala by T. 0. Whiitfiieiti. 4000 Balle aI vali paper, inline stock punchaseti beore the ineneame in tiaty. Sehiing at ait rates. Pnices frein 5 cte. s rail upapvrs. J. S. 'Robertson, Dec- erall's 3lbock. Hair brusea, Inoin 25 cents. S. W. B. Smnitht & Co. 'Ue Whitûeld'a celabratat paimoulo synup lue best kuova cougle remety. Somntbiug goat sud cbeaP lu Traval liag Satalaansd strape aI J. S. Rbh erbsou'm. Hnmporeys Homneapathlie Sýpeaifice, a lange antdbah llsock on baud. S. W. B. Smti & Co. Clatth bnnmheje f-cm 25 cants. S. W. B. Smith & Ce. A dispalcb inoin Lord Chelsfosird au- neuncas litImaseungaebut arnivet frn King Cetewaye.- They daclane ticat lteRingilote uc t esin, van, snt bIt lte laIebattît vas aupremetital. et. ThIicshIiaCathohie societite cf Meut- mitai se- mnahiug eafrts ta intacetIhea Iris)t Protestante tota tespartinl ltae Moore cenlenamy cebabralian. AI a pubhico-meeuing aIflte Guelpie City CqlîuoihlIteit an Frits7 ulgIt, il wss d uléi tiat e oît (- ty ooehbaliop mn ltei~l C e u t -4e ieen on4 0 nIble ' raeue tbiq alîeudauoq fa li (Uttîiu a l R piHemr By. bal on' lam T oar.mi3 caco ce 1 IWMleml. se9 M 1 j. l IV'LL Bowarms88> si 9 or, 6; l'he raport cf Mr. Somaelh, napoc.. Ofi Ior of tlava Ost, vas baudela insud, iFroaes. Tite report gaveý detlil of Ii., me ohas0sq' $ho esp4bilîbles anti alalu." b.- moule of lb. #eepetl,.tesceore anti ms the outjtioe et tbbhelolse gnorafly DY propare4d tirtelliget enill ettfhlb leworl i ta teacberesunt b. pgog"oe t-of lb,. aihoals, giviug ro i w or Of oredti i due 'sud eondemuisig vbero n- ter. lýjü8t caae for ensure. The 'obole report appsare tolemako s mankot imprussilon umombers of teý Board, tuio bave nov .in oppcrbnity of judntgg eroe fo iuitl ii tho la deleruduoed i t, betesitet1Ueey mioüll tg nel permWit Ih l rm o :goveret by fmeohge cof lenioey boîvarte dofanît.. 'ing teachere lu tiachsrging thelipublie ltI daty. 'Il vasconsideret 'uad.. W viable aopablehlb.ereport, but tW for- il ard elItIportion oaitlblao euh cf lb. eabosn le icIthlIe saiereforroti, 'y vitI thbe Intimation Ibal if lte tefeole 2-plutet eut vene not remediet ut once -mx etsacsil o *aid betakeu, sut SlIte serviees of teacleera 'oare- unabie t- ta obtain thé neceeeery certif cus aut le otherwiee came up tolice mark, tis. 0- pausat lit. 1'Mr. Farewell obseevet thalîhe Board Icia eau la ocoagnallat. ileeli an lice tr Iborcughneem ai Mr. Som.rviile'm lu. t sectio, sud Ihal, vili Il as tu bc t- regnaet ltailthe repart wam oniavor. bl inluomie cases, iî wse wetl alt stuan kuew boy malterm exactiy etoot. Mn. Campbell expressatd l insahfinl i hihar tarins. H. waa very gladthlIe einepeelor batl came -aut faoti ithie duty t10 make ltae aînaigittionward ra- t, parI lit dit. Il vas nnw for tht Boart w te see lu il licat leseIter vers daing hebt work expaclet ai them. There s honît ha nu waate af tht peuplem .mauey ar aiflice Papis' tlia. Allen a iew n.marks main Mn. Mc- Mîllan sud Mn. Ring, lte iollawiug :9 reaulution vaa passat : a Macet by Mn Farevall, econdat by Mn. McGillivray, That Itacing readthlIe repent aiflte Inspecter ai Scbeeîa fan rtlie Town cf Whitby, woald recoin- Y mendti ltItlb.Secretary te lustructet ta fonvard to a ecbciflice loachers, nse imuch ai saiti repart aseeaot a iai rnespective divisio.and. sthle coutltee9 sien racammendt lI taIhieattention oai a sncb aiflt elersanese huidt Iint class P cetiIestes, extented, ha callie tol lte previaus reeahtilion ai the Boaurt,ase to lte neceeity of Ihoir obtsiuiug sec- Iont clane eertificeeait thliaiotexami- a nation of leaëliere for Ibis eouutY. 8101aaL itaURS. Tht chairman resti s communication1 receet frm tae Head Mamien. sug- r gestingtheIta avantý,ge ai bagioning lte1 etudies lunlte Higlc athoal sailainin.t mst ai Italf.psml aine o'ciock, ase hers- tommre. Tht chairmmn uggeeIed ltae tatvietiily ai hsviuç,sl lte sechols comea.mnce et ltae amîcen boumt uring lice -aummer. Mn. MoGillicnay thaught ltaI 0.80 la ltse moning was early enough ion the yaang chiltren. Mn. Ring agreed vilt Mr. MaGilliv- ray, se 10 lh. publice elcoolm, bat vas in favar ai aine e'cleck fanrlte igIt uchoal papils ccmmenciig Ibsir etudies.4 Mn. I2l ,son ,Head Master, oxpîmmu. et taI his communication batl enly nelèeece te lte HigIt sehool. Werk lu lte Highe achoolicegine vithi he mas.r lers hefoma aine o'clock uow. Ticey weult ual ho toiag more voile Ihau heretofeme, but lhey vaulti ha daing il anter mare atvanlageoua otrcum- stanices. He dit ual askltat th. t action of lte HigIt scîcuel masters 0 eItuai t endtolathos nitht publie 0 echooim. l Ciu mntion ai Mn. Cainpbell, Second- Pl ad by Mn. Pont, rnsle at teltaBug- 0 geatian il lie Head Mamler be coin pliet vitit. It wastecudenetoodt liaI lIte resolutien vam ta romain ta farce aselong as ltem cammitte. cf management aut the o Heast Mator may toemnatvimablo. i ACCOUNTS. to Mn. -Povel repotet frein tse com- ie uillee an finance racommeneing psy. ment ai accotent ai J.- S. IRohertson, ton s stationery, #2l5.58 ; John Blow, for ge Mn. _ a1 bail ani M. PmI oin COPEMN TOUa~ Ra e. - owtiaAot. On melation fMn. Farevell, second. et hy Mn. Campbllh, tht foliaviog neslatien wae pasot ctnanimouely : -Thul Ibis Boartd cannaI in justice le Mn. Boeeman, lIta Heat Master ai lte Henry Streetl80110ol, al)ov bis cou- neotion vith tItis Board la lai everet viticant, 1-expreaning Ia bcigh appreai- ation of lte greal engy sud mankat shiimly vilth îcb hho bas tîsabargeti hie tias as sunItHeast Master. 2.- Ticat by hie aceeplance ai a ituation vhenein b.e noceivia a bigheer ulany thie Board loues the Service» of a geat tis- le iiiunln temaitêr. .-Thul atoopy cf lbis esmlanundorIbtheaio b Board ha given la Mnr. Beverman by lIhe a ertary. Mn. Fareweil roferredt th Ie unfavor. ahi. cinoumtanoes tnter ublit Mn. Bovenean bouclecharge.1oai Henry e1. eehool, andthlIe -benefeciai charge Ibate hat humnaince effactet bv hum, anti Paid s bigl compimsent te Mn. Bower- man ferble very capable 'mauner lu viciohbeh at dischanget hie dallesase a teucicon. Mt. CarnpblIl bore ike. teetimany ta lte monitai fMýr. ]ýwRoven. Mr. King wus aout movlug à s.iri. Ian reeoloin"ae a tîcty le Mn. foyer- inu, sut cou olt alslav lice apporta. nily ta pse.viltojil andorsing aIl liaI Itet beau sait lu hie faner. Ha rrpat.- ut the Boart sitonitiloss hie services, bal atlte Saina lima congraîniabet Mn. Bovarmau n emuakingaChange by icatheovas beîtenlng hlm Position. Ha Itptlie veicî t tfor-gel thegpoil leiiug Ie ihall icit bebint ii in liii. Mr. Mom~ilanjoined ilu lie eîoren- dalleuui and regrëe t at lest" taex. prestdandti rusted -Un, tI-sl ispuiba e e olIrealt o 4e.Podee.rvu f #4q# e,#O. be Wej Tôtah IntenetIon Rahana eani' Iniurauce 6880 $80 TItthlie estimalad revanue ta be de. ivît' frein thte preneuses viii ha, el,- 440. Laving a balance ionrlthe leva of $461. Aitar saine discussin, ttes omunittet rae 'repanlet progneassanti ebîsinet leave la ail again. Ou motion of Mn. Hannain, sendet ty Mn. Ban-es, lice clark vas insînacleti oa have postera pnintetil sut dis- trihutet, fatating Ihat a pul vaulti be cpenedandsuticaît aI Ottfeibave' bail, an Montiay sut Tuamtsy, 14 sud lSîb inet., for the purpase ai geltig au ex. pression ai opinion as;bualIte desinahiîily ai lice leva puracssling. - CounoLIstijouruet. A TEAx Ditavmuz.-On Ticor.tay nmoung Mn. W. H. Greene, cilice fin if Greene à Ellis, elartdfret he Miii in a eheigIt vitI two oaislmemployeee, ea cross îles laite fer lb. punpnss ai ueaung corne logm ou Mn. Thberas immlberlond's fartm. James Jeveil, vice ras drivlng, intsadedtotake.p ocam the lioe ontil oppesite Butbanfcrt'a andi then croms ovenr, abjeotingle Mn. Greaute propoaia ta mtiaIls"bien lino" fer thein deetination, as h. considerot il vwoulti te taugeneus ta do se uutii veli bayent the influence af the cunloifbte river. Mn. Greene Iboreupon tank thb.rns utd boatedthie herses lunlthe directicu bc visee, bot Itb al t divner an vi th ue hrcke antI tho animais vere in- stntly flaunternug in deep vaten. One of tItae, wvicthaeugedtla Mn. B. W. Wood, made noeffort ta maya iele andsu wam seau drovned, batthb alter mînog. 'lad bravai7 fan is a ifp, sut,s an axe utd a nope vern ulte elaigIt, vouit praaly have bean-resouat. but fanrlice 3ondtiin ai the 1le; vbiol vas sa slip. Sery ltaItihe men couldt kalleep thitaI set, asu mcIm sut bnitll ltaI olen 'ity allemptadt 10calntacta lail i large piacas broe off snd floateti s ,ouaaquanlly lte second* icorne, vhic was s ai od favorits ai Mn. Graaees, iaret its coi pniou'm fate, anuthbIe laueose y, behieve, vas lest sien.- Pen aFaIla Gazette. aI lis Fi Cilef Justice Mou, Sir Jeohn Mac. tcasi, Hea. Mn. McHeuz1e, Mn. Guan aud othars have leen mubpotersd te at- tend teKingston asslzes le gin. tel- tance l icethoase cf Stevart v. Bnilton, respaetiug the roburu cf lte 01,000 de. positatlin 1874 lu pralesliog lice elec- lion of Sir Jobn Macdonaldi. Tas Nzv SmerTaa.w-Dn. J. W. AI. mon, ai Halifax, ha. been appalube to th. sinatinllthe pbAm"of lthe late sen- alan Ncrlbop. Dr. Almon ftarrerly ne. Fpraente th Ie Coanly cf Halifax la the Ai.'auaixoEss Mr.m,&ctv, KINUeSTau.-The foiloviug gentlemn hune beau appoinleti Pofosmors lu IReYSl. Mililar Cllege, Kiugston : Bec. EGeargeFegmn B. A., Proice- mor n luGoean; froe 41h February, 1979. (Prevlooely Profeseien Mot. en Langoagea, froinlot ilue, 1876.) Forihstv Day, Esquire, Prof..mor, of Pratleand Drawiug and sud Painting; fram-14tb MancIt, 1879. Arthur Do- poulle Duval,' Esquire, M. D., Profeeson mn Frenoh; fram rn ,t Apnil, 1878. Rolpet Carr Harnis, Esquire, Prafeesor of Civil Engineering,- tram, lmtMay, 1879. We roapectlully COUaîl Ibetion cf ltae Globe la the fact bicaltnes heN. P, pan ougel tI as mach Ore.,anti ne iricraso la pree._Gr4p. lulc teyva-sootis lIpe ai Assern 'bly ouMlrac-hln "ssen. t ahuçileb lte mooff e fw ÇJrkoet ý1 Do W. lice Grandi Jury are af opinion tat taelaw shouit be 8 me nndadt hat ai Crowu witnesaaa shauhd bc paît Iheir fées irretpectilfite nature ai te" effance -pon whici tihay giva eV!. AUl aifviich ien eapecliully euh. mitted. Grand Jury Boom, duf. O'IDONOVAN,- Whilby. Foreinsu. Attemzpîed Ameassination aiflthe Czar. Whila îth. Czar was-lalelng hie nusi aniug walk on" Monday, na e palace, four abate frein revolvers ware' ireà l aI bia. -'The Czar ws nlrl. CTe inuwho fired wsarromltdby 1h. crewd, vicich lte firing atlracled. The' cily i. now being decorated lu bokon of bhaukfuloesfer thIb eâr soccpe.1, Il lsetaaadtIhallthe amssasin f rtt aI th. Empeoer wifhipl wa pgeèm. ,Allerî the finl ebet ltce Emperor approached Skolôf (thessassin), vho fired again utd thon rau. The caricoms accouaIs bhat are given as te the exact namber of aboIe firet are ccnfiicting. Au officer if gendarmente, with a tirawu mwart, taranet Skaiof. Thrte mare men thon iuet in uhle parsu[t. Skclof firet at them, mhiattaning tice jaw ef a deteclice. Finally a, gentleman knockat Skclal owo sund helti Min unili iwa e cer ti by tht affictra.- Tasi QUEEN.- diaspalchfrouaBorne ay - f i Mr:. Qetdisto1oer-to eund tilmti thetOo,à îY. Board of adit? (Lugh DTATN OF, uz BXéOL NUILINGS, Mr. eMillan droa atention te ti e4tte of th.eHenry et. Moool and"$hi th. roomae lua t.e ouree oS i goneraI oonverm» tic nupn ti eub>e1 l vhlehMeure. wu aonmulled, lte opinion won ex ptoe" -t blet Mr. lin thià »tarà ker mhonld keop tlb. reame iluà s more cleauiy, on- -dition farth epa .r eul ivod-200 i icheoledetinn uy S.05,sud flndua :h# mplt 7,fvoeeil ke$., TEa iccvmUa».înaOHMN. - Mr. Robinsonn informat the Poaid Ilestaîtho a Ppluon 4 he. irmetlte examlntions had nov l'is êdltop&o bylte Deparmieut cf Eduation, sud th ut churon agit alub mocf tlb.pupile for copyfng lest not been musailuod The pupile 'wo h lstpaseed Were', Â. Stevoumonl, Perey. Blanehard, Meuri 4imar anlMoDerlu>lt5Trms110. 'OrbadpOrriand Jae. Earrislitai" M.i" ooranfolî behinilby only 4i markm, aut that MieYole voult have 'passed, bul thal ut. batl falln iIIlbth oveiig beoorothe exarnuuioo. Savon Ë apilof1the ocool, i lu i, bld psuo Zath eap eprevenfftlte esrý lier disîniblaition céftht grant, -ubicb bat uQt yet been appropristed ô bu m ofa the moheels, but wtlt b.h*vaI one cMR. tiAcLING'i eINaPECTIO*l Mn. Robineonau aainfartdte Boardl that Mn. Maniing, High Scbeol Inspecter, bat been visiliug lice echoal. lbe pomt Ivo tisys, whicb bo badtbton. ooghly exsmiu'ed that ho bat addrems. e th liepuple. sut caugratulatedt Iem on te stauding aif the mool beiug as hîgb as averndt lItIhe bat ne feare afile futur. macceme. Mn. Msnling bat aIea inepectadthlie Separate mcoel, vhioh ito fount la excellent candtiion, aut Mies -Doyle, tht lady iu change, an eficient, teacicer. SIte, boetver, ha sateti, badton mach wanklatooansd oaght te have au assistant. Iu raply ta Mr. Powelil, il was etatet thal Mn. Willie vonît nov take charge ai ltae Henry Street acheol. Ou motion cf Mn. King, rccnîlet by 11fr. McGilicray, tht Boart adjonmned. Townu ehi. ai5CIAL MEETING. Thumatay, Apnil lOtit. AI a apeciai meeting ai the carpons. tion, hai t aItht Oddfelaw' hall on an Thunstsy evtniug, thara vere-pra. sent hie Wanebip tht Mayor, [iunlthe chair,] Reace a sy, Deputy.roeva Campbell, anti coancillere Bannes, 'Bonne, Cormnack, Fox, Hunusue, Hug. gard suandilth. HOPINStiHALL PROPE5T'i. Mn. Bansreporlet frmnhle.pociai cômnmilea appalute t luconeidar lte proprioty ai punchaming Hopkins' hall praperty ion a market. - Tht report setiorth ltaI tht com. milles wene ai opinion lthaI the prepen. ly ceait ha purobset far #9000. Tical tht Iunuituma vaa valuet at $500. TItat tht aliaraliana reqatradtola e mate ta renter the premiata aultahît fan a mar. ket woult cnet $1500, ncaking a ttalioa TM ASSAILANTS U5ED ONLY TIEIR describet by a gentleman naîeetI Gz. AaSEGAIa.- in, s Calumbian vica for commercial O purpoessciiethlie coutry. Tut Pt' These bbey tidti uni11me, but uset oaly buildings, on temples, in vhich lte cit- as stabbing weapana. Direcly a mal- lima 'are sacnificat are about lhinty hel tien sbnved hie heat aven lice parapet maIres itquare, vilt moeverel dtaon uEM la gqb a ehotlihe vue ticruel ut. OcCeielîer sida, anti aceoinnotiato ab' l e or lylca lte Raffine acînalhy seizedthlie 'orty Tht victim atieclte slad loy tht vi Itayonets aeutrinedtole 'rencl hIae off lîaadby lte chiaisevel:ince up à nt rez lice rifdas. One ai eur men Icadot deva befone lte asmemblet lavages, inc vbihlta Zulu wvs ugging aI big bayo.a.amit abouts anti laugbîan inoelmferuah. Re ual. Ha puilatl thet lngger ant i bew The lremblhng captive isobigedte lu aa l thepbucky fllaw le came. Tlîay nzIt eut aud lu lbrough ltae varionusuloars, 'gal ln:iolnoefire to lice Ibalcetraofiofai a tanst ie sîvedtela nmaîn altand- an, lice atone. la lte-face ni a ihot fine i'gfon s 1ev moment.s icethécentre ni lIa bbey go up to the hougeaud 0ea filue 1ibIuilding inth.'iitlof hie gavacge Mi ravage bail is tbrana blavn ouI s e edestroyers. -TItan, -vilhout a vont ofai îl vaa holding a brand againat lice ees_ a in a sm avage cie atci th ri and o' té fiht cntiuéd itar hesplea::créa r e hat clubIte frel Ir1 mitulgict, frein vîicItlime 1111 4 a. m. hlm eluà ý r e ititf club, raing r abygradaally vlticdrew,. euîy nov sud hiaw, au't proceedt ladismnember ant Xj toumaiciug a,',charge. ,Tleoy, urnod divide t. body mmng lho 0t Prasut, ýcc cilb he Ia' t Ibir tiestiand vauntýceti whn tecaur lice ematua uncoaket 11k. e ti ltey coalti. T'e'lbaai loftein lîft i vlsuitnascrouchetiupoii ltae matice jual baIera tiavuo. TheylI87ontt an h Guaques are' lu tam aexpom- nel fiait. Theat vert cotîntat anti buried ed't limettîcs of ai dering parties ilu ilu epa. Maay oftem wera recag- ai linezilian negrate ;wbîoaI ceran i amati by tltetr shielda as baeugiug tae epFeasasticendti lt Coqueta river, at- Oo ailtaecrack Royal regimanîs. The teckilte -tweîiugs aeutvillages. mah- uiejanity wivefn'Iitcertain ae, in paon la, prisoeraof min, wacepn sut chil- 1Ct condition antiOaI ainsI! stature. Oun drn iaendicininaieiy, whutitey carry Si 10se. eoonling fiveai tht patientp, vas off taeltoit homes anti sail lota slaveny af la killet sud 10 'vauntet, Tirea ai every yaar wiîicou a pralee an te hi, lte latter. have since diet cf their ýpart ef tht local .,anthcunitiesi.-Th.o"ai vounde. T'tenamnesaoailhtos. e vItale ebery ictmmeincredibia, anti ap.- E5PEIJJALLY DlTINeUjýILZ SLERirze~z. 'are, te hcoana ai lice vagarlea af Juxuer- int c lfc--»eotined i-pivacm, Jahie lit Iiiaginatiarl liîer lt p Sbat' b The wdlewbÇcarrgua 1eb~leODU.4= SbhepintLuf N. B igelo, for piz tbiff. T. G;713cdglnai-4. O.,sud N.] 'Ki~aeou, for d 0 i~ Mr eva. Mee pi4 pono ,&pron bmory note. "Vbtt forlihthf'418 70. R. .Hwlltoilulnlff. . N .1 Paterson sud B. O. Osiophehifor doi Oauxera Vea. DoaiLhs w eaz. ietà iîI.ipIei rieei Bh.~lff if g he .frp0nlriti Bep 4ti eon~antou.a forifêd befre acts 0ion oJseeùébl t riporas>et t fo8.r -pl."Los 1, nh Fon.,trepowmh1Jry ote. Vrdit 4 oplani«.a~Iiaas Jonlesfeda S ws. br beon lenanud' C o wný, 'for planintif; ý0Y tihetbalanreofud of of h m huatik te., Haaenu-ci tItres prucieory noIes: Verdict. 'Jousewf, for paini. . Gea a fo. Oclnefr dt dal. Been iii. Jaes Gieai.-TIdc a'prj *a doniltceebi More.ithé ttionpà r of the WEP.ecp hueb. a oha Fareolln, for poblantf.. Mcngeeora2 Joesfor dofondaeul. ad 7t *utoeea 187. JMoesHand .The r ri *aar wss e, esgfed wil h eorigne ntr age tif t..LoMaure beStation Agen ai bMre W.urr, P.&L.R. Rof the O iBregkben, lse l.abuisa thedin fr 2 sudn00 arrolai. ai four, allaget btha'ri betenopes i ntbe CB ank iscoth te.was iualIhtef ltestalireon Ath tare-ofkthemrisoed -Tahesejbillehan onetdloa newiuesaktiount priaauer guilty. Sentence was talerr ad aasltante wene other iudicîmente t ialuw. _'j T. Hlatiina, Q. C., Ior tht Crnwn.A G. M Mha a Iapnienuar. Queen va. James Hanap.- TI pnimoner Hanaop ws again plaeed ii lthe dock au a change ai iarging sn( ultering anaîher bll af lating datat 2leî Oct., 1878, ai 800 hammela i on u Ou Ihia charge the prteouer pleated gailty. Senteucedtolafiveyears lilh Provincial Penlteutiary. Queec v8. A.bner Smitle.-Thia waa charge ai penjuny preferret againat tIL tait., an lthe information ai ana Car nellus Bobineau. Bobineau wsagcharg et with aelling liquor ou 201h Januany 1878, wilbeal hacing s licene. On bi trial the toit. Smith mwere ltaI ho haý precuret liqor oau lItIday et Robin eaus a.ou the etrenglh oai uaecitienct Bobinson waa fount guily ant cený miti Ieo gaci fon 20 day.. Ou bainý disciargot h. laid the presgent inr mation. Mia tobinson, tht daughter sworet IbsI lhe evitence givan by SinitE lealont tht Magistrales waa untrue The jury braugbt s verdict of notgniltyý T.' Hotigins. Q. C., for the cnwu ; G. Y. Smith, fer tIbe primaner. Queeaî v8. Chriatopher Sheekey.- Tis awam sa charge aiflthe crime cJ bigamy. The evideuco atdnceds ewc edt liaI tht pnioner waa marniet in 1842, ta oue Mary Hargravt, aud in 1877 ta ana Charlnotae Moore, sud tht lthe final womau ila .1111 suce. Ras. Fathen Staffant, ai Lintsay, protaced tlit pariaIt c.giser caniaining au Onîry af lice firet inarriage, lthe Bev. Wm. Rennerofaitle Bnitain, waa callat prove lthe eanriage wiîh Charloîtt Meoore. Saint evittet ewae effened as loa arumour aolfmel ewiie' tiealh be. fane tht second marniage Aller hie lardehip hlidtdresmethe jury sud the latter reliredth Ie prisantr wlthdrew Icis pies aud piestet na guilty, sut Hie Lomdmhip, sitar coin- meuliug -alrngly upan persoa not inleneeted inhatht prosecutian Isyiu> ltein farmatins luthe praienî casa, penteucet tht pniaxcer tlaoee ay'a lu- pnisaumaut. T. Hadglns, Q. C., for th crown ; N. F. Patersn for prlaouor. Hiade8 va. Porter.-Acion braugli la recaser commission an sales ai lant lu township ai Harvey. ]Retard witb- trawu. McGee & Janes fan pIff. ; C H. Bilehie fer teft. Coa;er eV. Tatd.-This wae an noe tion iuvolviug long secouaIs andi va relerrat toasrbilrstiou. Rie Houa Judge Bouha anappint anhtao lainao, vin : '"Bandeare tlobautneoset acîothing aiÉlthe saine caler as ltaIt cru by their nespecivoeItegimonle." At ameeting ailie Ottave police 'nemiaaîonaeà au Salurday Deaoy ceniff slienveoti vas 'appaolnei'Cief ýfPolice, Mn. ' Langrell, laIe' Chief, iving cceptethelta maritliuspector~-- ROME ANDmeBEULmx.- - A deSPatCb1 tamn R.cmonapsai ieposbible Cardinal tri. r oneert unoor vnwoee - a m meu worked and,t-ée t.A brle 'd ýthr*1 S-o'c iock u lt flerinof ithe 22cnt, un meion, laeling UD-l fieoo'elock i FLieutenant Btrnh1ai -The ved - me.'r'9n1ýh l~I~u îa ~ ~nltIn demstcb reinCaplalu n . oute eà iin mutvast atnr'1411e Huenare iniormhgb ras iohlowe . t t tt rt a::t:Cked bleutniglel. -Csa -ta. fnn >rd ptag d a 1h i lzGad. ten gq.led forthile.. Gls ikurtunHm- e, ylee, a write n Eil zleoki, ?uanr Mal th w nnng l l'It t h lî'Bpa .d eon lôv r, I ier , Plnoi 'the cbampPlek'tdme: alrmI,0& emfrb.n - (8hes. - inat)tTn, e'tnz,' e agelu t2 I warinbati eeeinebigbt Bmkqn B uclt,-Brgqc.tý, Pà n , .olfo andMhadi,.rto ,) uullnt, încIiaw Roieraou (.VIel, tncne hn araugýon'eu le r oa oiug Itnal. CRme,p 11"niddulese, Ccua, 1r lcavîug bea pffftby aotdêrunlb" lIte tationberîsut)g LtblIy, omt' (Eodi id. à rr MORTf 11011713! ry q Bay i CauiToi lCopa, oeo l, Currla g t~licyai Iba negect va la kepiagso - erDem, ndisin.1r, Domy,. rk e pevQrcf-b.Zule . fgë-arîhpllnaceond. B0uitèQî, o eo, Gîd lscoee Cnlln E.nte,' Ou. as onmete sstr. s t th t OIrl, ce cbî pa mrEoo ru9t,% 'oé a. i hooenaiben bmes, se tIl thee airt, ig, eax nn, Cookbîiv ndiaya sar.of ut ob'tai a - ' LId iLo n"lây, adnllcolaItC) lice >1eul sud ecc it,,boumasR. He l0 hNa' MeMian, - Cumol,Murn: le. eausgad f0 pile a 1e isîniý'T1îeh1iLCug aDoal eGo~, ie ic sut esh ismoelles se a mort ai McKa iLsa, Mrbieon , Mc.: et it, fl woas - lea tynt n licotho.le Di (asz, monail nsat lt i barcdea easeenheer ieBotia, GRysard(JiLaruestla),Rs,ý moere n wr obedti7Ta, at M Gnînal), '(Kent Gradoi SpnUie tepIRa rxate'rhouse, a-thre ee a, RStralsng, i "aaa ailer hmponf il vat guOé a ç tic.saIn stapeane t a o auoo,Wva lack(Tn K), le (Cantveil).j r.à mhas à corner al tbheyla sboty. airà ian, igh.-6 fre einte0 ad600 aidth edbouyea.cHa e a NSe ton vnthie omit alieband hackof Tuiey alleta omnt lot ai vay;Ucd nan cedM- nti li ou ade tance quitly al qidekly M Tilys MaeMavert noevir ta. aI ta, lklo adantge i aerybitmIln :-"Rtaotltt, lcal 11ea expeti ofncuver.Il see m se if lhay eacet ut, allavinlliceîlt, aiw a urp iceuthtsam. yarsômte opt gaaaepltmi uaoat fi ne 50yat. h trI a tesn (iniporîttinsnnada, alItefl- pre ivatubai, nti laheu offbshnse atte ai Poplcicemnuicu Ittci ~ cad foag.Nambra andtht ery bihoy aillNawRonhestri n:finL91t, fnh atonf Tîy e>tlai' baeatitie, saltate, cm snohMqet atea, _ani el lIterreaaer nubercaltdweatila tere aIlalryroucShfat, seuleai, sudp- tn mr ita opet litae.aThi-eaan. anale ai!a întis."n lit vcd wbene Ihe u 'pîe a aer.n t ibookcamltea(Yra , te, ne a l i ro t A i s t g a i p c I e t c a m l I t a o u m a nd t ie gr i t (as s s t a t i n e e a e 1 0 a a r. ~ ~ ~ ~ i layhelin lie foî avn sd ilccen - lItI cern erofe ult.cclanoy o ainsaWrigyt.-tIt. thetmen00itat00na an nle a Ohea ATobse aotonwlIt informt. on ecopiei lI tahilIbae anti omeatas teyou vay eut meas hc rvne tNCIaaced q'ett uEtTO n ui th.t jaien ovth e ax alowik, se&vae ho Altht; r taitn waatage ofver se-intenti, an "Bsol ai th t Esatar hal- Ilun oe an itcruheua t Itaplnxa scou- itsyt. allertattes thigte tiet of ll. tinona anirtemap . fneOur tics yard ugolinuet han amtio n dua tr wre anti0grdlIThe rtistemtn te hnipre oCndtefl t- fiee ms e v f.H a lers lItas ehartieati. Hat T eatrl 51h.- ta lbey banardandkemealfiehrs plac te maauatresbif the cong A. vea lnabe batflte fr y etIlylicno es eu dsiald i: vas , re5st gi st h aty forliar moat paret, eiftht aciltlima, dcsud ofr. Ba'seultcamant' rn noeft ach afftectgardsl uilaos. mantil@ofal idns bcAt tsa nà Ilrd nwbeema de as Teino er is lIe uitee ropseo ile aipa- hà u uten nti clster, atan cavserainchangeanoti nmisaryaaveta. a. lte uhat at e i lggraS.e y wn aneoaflae.NoTseay i rth camablonlangelcotinuonsfieeards and IhI ip otc e hplace.técomite r. hospial wthobll boei nd t ain tItisn Aendcoe lice Ad ta amantedic e paint, Rl panE ai frOUen ite hel Taa soud icn Rsix lw ,As 011877 g Ivetyn thetbillpeandîeptoattc n.litewdatvtcer tva sstg es, an coutii ai tint ouand aiire oth le ya telion aucarmwenca mpleontfoasson. id îue atacha lu le gmronat de, ierteud beiamhntapeilt n1 v maun, tvaîiu allerthdeiau ar htf11 eseia th. ofies ai B. n- a danin, ut thepranige ep ai cter'enersad-sud ii a e a ublic ighd acti o. teltycarasfthé cn oudme, asnazMrcouada llt. nd r. neaias bu eîtdeeoat le u ets. Tht Mdicniler ai Publi cteorhspex-1 th up eretanuiaude r aen htoann.cpainege nalrma iss lI ntes prpasat y. cte bsue d lontgt tiapi. ieut. cangeda wbichNoayihausnsinizgent n. abecen, bt t drive Ihein of tihé imrtanennetl la acwdpne. t a t eÃŽ boiaynethrg e Ingley vfoalti e-ltaI he, tahe Actpenl aneter aptiantinahpari tein lu chmus ahoutl guoalber 'i lte castrctof ai8i77 1 af nti elmhf ther sbiidsl. TOunmae hat nsesnurieceaminepylesusin t: c-beanee lutak nv u a the ein havelte canînai ni shol c inaerm tel Publi In eutaler lice finl af erlIer la va Mn.heilol eokatnth ofrani spR.a tno nacaste Hw oîicrasud î êeîad prena laendeentef P ie ie, fhion.asmy o aîednoti freru c norsw naihililiea. 'd t. foiaugeinucridnts :-P ne Jmepb Mm. Mczi i t netf P bilevsexlic -y cade a yiouuthelhsimau iunderchangesvauli ha u te uo ntarieda, ymead, mervcicgati s emen ite. s te euggesîalwsd alIerd otinlmeutsla s0 ueomuiug farteadrvtevann ion hvraai traIfePblica nWdrhif tahudr cutieandt loti inorus ant utcn- enhe 10e opteico ntlIteonlatter, lb. Iaid mare nhei ai fie. OAs menousgîesand foritifpeicains, aIl lbe laheo c- oe euitt tanwmand et tcm avu Ahe ntl co heMn, Ite fbic a t licase dean o lI erantheelnamy aeancen thae.rsleot iiin1s ty abee wenigcidents:Pame forcat Mr.TIte Bli le dant tt Pas-ofieeAd e n. Pyaonseriea, Ite ae izet hy aw ni7e agest a Ibr deat. e tc s- inthae bsuit armtea - ro- e T he hangse adjeum na 10.25 p.m. b a nirnig furten eadwarro;swer oftha ofPublies of eatIft lamcca d su mîlae bfnebieeyaaihere Cannppesibe. -elter h commaed osAethier inaîa nivae-e Duhalmre, ticabs ei r.Amn ninsuvIe he lte A culaus eor comthe lsaore c shif a husbsck s palexpeta vsîotlie aaha prîy aistreelaitteia. t-liedtehbilas erIte wit i eed fe uterdsusoteBl fein theior o trsma the va InioadofnCqestaulte. aec Cns byBr igItIof Tuaman, are lan sTtoh iltberteaaithe trarieAct arn opebn. , sut olw ie sie Itantht pie,7ai asgetilis eauage la- ,s ahbanentind, begtailteu dThe ibe a bchredmake10by5stroci. ,r emyinas mny onecUT AD Gabta, Hlialcammonta Cenlf traAsrIcg te l Lie utusl ad valuti y ueeaneo lt otI a. ntt aa c Thtenmy I astefeces ofmnbis thoo anniabalve nvti in lte aphiAl. Thins a lta.pliatsen peisthesedesfe. vorearputbe sut oe manha vin- t enA luitesse Iryes is ovi.uTltey Il 14, C aembefdé *l > olio s ie, error/p.]; sdme utDeqI.O )Mr; , ei L inlîb, rgoiv aTt,tl w b.- lî4ve e 4 a roby soIleor!Éedto paler a ilinaà mit it te G. 'iI lRmiivy Ce.,:l ortor to campe! msoie OdlMpQi ti bfittý roper zoâikon- 'rni4e~ ~ ~ ~ m riil*arog2u 88, in the lot I. abi lbteowtibp ôf'Whtby. - 4Mn. H. Biokell gives ibe î~le villsit te , e;rnq g ai tiea cunel lntrodoe a *s alt -~ter the boann dariem af i -sâ Nce. 1, 2, 8, 4 ent 5, egielthepc-oper'nolcm. Mr.-J. LU Smà nhtb iovre, econta b>' Mn. A. Oncia, Ibal ltia councll-ti noce :!djourn sudstand .uÃ1jounaael h lut Mand ? l Â-iÃŽ; hem l in eet aI, lthe tiowiphn, Stitia tona o'clach, a., mn.; Carnetd sutdcounehiladjtecineh Tce Most Valablo Gifl-.Rt6fcinat af the Healt. During lthe pasl lam0*yÃŽara *fere Sicoabones Bamety - bue ihftÙiW-ai teemet evsry pramiseaut guefttiteca madt thie public. Alarming sa( S"p'.'- panaully haplees cases efLung'DiaeaEeeý Dyspepsie, Linon Camplainte, affilciizc, ai tht RKitaay sud Chroila Campeluüté t- ai aveny -description, luclutin 1g Scitil&.- aut Shin Distasas oa- liie-langdoain bava bata panmanently ïramovet sut tradicalti. TItose wvicola... meretý ltin teitmüouy l e'ceefficscy aiflice Itematiy, are ual icago 'peoplein un-, Iteard-of-lacalitea ai foeigu 'cauntrita but rampetablecitizaus ai Ibis country, easy le acceeand-oe o equestian, apan Wicose verbal recomMendtaioes vae are-wibing t esm bie reputatien cf ltae Greati ShiconesReinedy. -if yen ana afiliclt, de not delay unlil medi- chie ýny be povenlasa le ait yea. Nc injumius effoctoecari pesibly ast ai these Indian Bemedies, -'a lhey- conlain ne mieram, by vhielthe fate ef lb.ivalit is mc citer gmeaiet untar tht forua ef same bainp onary sédtive or stimulan. TeoItlu oeieare witeiy knev. nd s mlipasese lice pub. lic confidence, aitar bthe la-pse of eauffi. aient lima la lest Ibeir-afficacy. Tht Sbuabaneas Vagatabla Sugan Coal et Pilla have won- ianthainseiret lthe moal favorable réputation oi an-y pili baenôethlie pubie. 't'beir efficay icas beau fully pravet se a- ramety for biliausuese, Sick Hatache sut inactivi ties aI tb. stemacb. Pniaic fte rom- ety la plut boles, $1 ; Pille,' ý25 cenlu s Lito. SaIt by ahi madicine dealers, - ciachea'a Gemman Synap Cau naw te panobset lgict ut homo. il je lth eal mt ucceefui preperation ever introducet hy aur people. -Il vanke like a citamin ahi cases oi Con. >mumptian, Pnumania, Hemorrhagee, Aslia, savane Caugha, Cnoup anti ail oier TItmoal eut Lung Diatasea.- Na persan basa ven omet tti, Medicine wiîhout gelliag immmadiat, relief, 701, tera are a grecI msay paon, aufferng, ekeplical pensons 'golng about aur tretevitb ai suspicions ceagIt, anti the vaocesai Conaumption comimg fnem, henlu Ia ida-not tnp it. if peu lie, i le ur awn feuIl as you ao yaur Druggial sud gel a saupls. btIle fer 10 cents andti ry il ; Ibret doese viii nelieve .any casa. Rogular eize onîy,75 atm. Speciai Invitation.- Cail ut aur Drug Stoe.anti gel s nriai bell!. ai Da. Kmnea'e Nav Dusov. cale, freoe/charge, if yen are moffaring wîlb a Ceagit, Colt, Asthme, Broncii tis, Pa F ver, CcaiiU p in, las. ai vaica tirkiing l ineIthe tator sny adcieuef lthe Ticreat an Longso. This is b. greel ramadytliat ile caoaiag se nuch exaileinant bp île mauywontan- ail carmes,. cnningthuuià ds aif bopeitua cses.';Over ee 'iiOuýbetlhes-of Dit. lmNG's NEw DreceesaR ibas been oset nibbin lthe hast year, sund bas given per. fcl slisfacîîoa lun every instanc.- W. aon unhaeitallngiy oay Ibalttis laB really Inaenly s ure- sure for, tiroal anti ung affections, sotdoci choenfulhy ne. amment iltateail. Caîl sutdgel a niai hottlefraecaf charge, on a 'raguhen ize fan 81.00. ,Fon sale hy B. W. B. Sith & Ca. Whithy. TntE POSTUA5TE5-,GENERtaL FOR Ena. LAND.-Hen. H. L. Laigecin, Post. master-Genanal acooin saet loy his rival-eotacn ry, Mn. £F. - . Mackay8 ut Han J. C. Abicaîl, arnivetant tht rorîli etreal dapol, Haîifar-' . intae naebto mal tranin aI 2.2à , p. m. an Saturtay. sud vert mal by ltae ýpost Aie inspeclon, p Iosîmaslern, suda Ialvaje givea us attleation4o' article&) iug ef puablie pale nno ak ver -ofanr Me e ilt th. saluae Syro ed atSpruct we cau apaak bighîy ïamily caugh normety, vitb gresî hbenefit. '1 aniele bas asamai 'Porions...Our autice krg langêu latry ils vie-tv nnfartu-nalely cnntnact Mr.-. W -Farmés, ow:s a l-gh4w - f- eritnr, ova s saveral yeare, ai equaling it, alf about evte*ythie thlm:a r [thé' OhI /1 slrntgest, oeie, boîter coicningi fan all'tweoca i facl. IleBhiol naIs fon calerng pnepsrition( cf " tïbtr is* partIculare inqal & Ce., truggiats, for maig, as, vei Milllof ie, perp viidigth ie abri -il la manifeet, th loua muat he ka) amount of exyab pleusuntest anati vhioh il can be systoli le by lice aie'lby ai deaba - A Manve. Iiauy on, ici time uago Ibat Caà mire te iakiý bhé beaun egardet -as a8e eylum ; et day. -SCaOT& 1 lunëaa t iiesa C lut,'which la Mon abominable dose years. SCOoTT& treal insteat ci pahatd. Fanr mal. by T. t Thise lauan osal peaplè aeadyiag oubtleiaease. r> phaît feva?, Pneut etas. But'wa h. cd lu making the eut ai tan of ali Il Irassive malady on lu limue, b7 lice uaî BIOS OoP Conl)Ieuet L - ll vfrtues cf he Pad*ie T. 'E MILLEBIDO g :Ynltahast a pnini vilh Oes ar, sud hoaning tte afrait I wouht utt egaîn, I Itrieey myhslg I coulai Il aillia vain. At min tuatny saine a I ruthet s BIbtle on oara Iveon rticreea nigct aut araiug. vlîh tht ail, and ti iu nsne ek'a lime as Iraver coula, bal vicen thteviaticen i woi aIea in my eai yen that pan miglit youm Yoiliew 011.