Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jun 1879, p. 2

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4W. B. t 13. W. B. B Boberisan,0 -C'. Do. Ser 5tv, 1- -. Te Cloofme apaga. Peeploiil ný o e ~rry tisai eleu oncatapaign a6gt Colhou,co fcrp ts .pepen meaaelcssemam.-cr Iresalera aI a distauçoe' ttnaitsl have beeu elaeady ïi à tseI tiaI rosiultwlilit ' abI tquàsmon 'the quacs.Ue of qaeioer , Ph a lià frte OpppsIlo;a -do se -e.iotlhy, il &s uporterao o - - Cbvaruipuiael"l - sucès Ifon causas certain. - Tiouieca ubole dampaiga, titre ,l gse uail jfaner af M ioloteru tist naet'Ob mord boos tthemeeidanui thi hoesti I harty, aveu by thhit ppocat Usuiral ciarges i extravegg sudcl mswogea bp avie.à mlee, sti -,eau ho /alusys - quilhy b-augit baols Iay C eramiasiai; but tise. a bn p iee s l-ie harge a01iseth,$ t Oui- ka 5ealýe,defilutely msaoa , htb I rotal or satliouly laled rpidaltiàal aud l sipallcy th li.Goneatuent, noVitlt Ils. ci ter of ltiegiobatlou for m!liî hieh îespouoiblo. ;Fair mimndýd -anal iikhg puaople caihcual i.brougil eeudemu suaism, mo ssuoaiIntegi mnse irIse gen od heee geverm te thie Pi-aviie, anS eahuel ubwoa attsittnîhsl fauhi osau bo iauad, mes te gini lieur places ta> otij enonc iemeuetpecleuceti, ils nu botter caa tac, uiitaist a polhuy, euS uts notia botter lu thisir fanai- tisai eashymi promiossf ai renohtinu, <fiIrsY tnlo fieu. PTie affect ai tise campaý mnunI ligne beeci ho oouvlnoe lte lote gence cf the province laI -thie Mua Qvamcimeut-bas douee adhty4 euS -tite ulole*la stîhh desecvng lc i filaeuc,-aud liais mo arei-oIcineS ha Ilie nsii bc lise verdict. Tic Hopkins' Hall a -lg. aille by-lssv, for tise pure ' se ai Bc ims'fll pi-openrlypsse4Ie To-i - courBacil, o o ady pvenficu hatt lpubhîshsed lu otiar olumus. FT saîu u entiocialtaelia ralseal âormel -liserteal et 10,000, ipi ardrIc-iame lcermquremenîs of lte Muslcipal hn. aithoýugla it t la di kuamn i lat or tlnre or four hiosend dollars' ira ai tis la bontucea mill Iane ho teia sso Sa mith tise annu#al apeclt a e,i liaungit liasvlug taeho stetý9it -ia ati- cr equpica ta e a1 d .lho obje ai -tic.by.lav, Atioughi apparenthy relia tise moaey liy Mohntures, la,* rsehty. te legailize tise pul-ci" taea sacurstéla bndai ai the o m'ny qi-oal, oner sud -aenathie exiahia 11h11marigage. -Wq teoIl tialtise] mil bo 1i1e, ianyoppott l un- - ibnlal thore, mirehej hoaJ~ocurf aucli an advautagsouu b9rgâiu. Centre Ward, e prbclsmStioVs have beaun1- loeul fli laodiug au - eleotion for lte Conta '-Yard, ta il the se at ýa'câed ,by Mr iacinaru. Thîe uomiuaýhlon takoas plati 01ailay. Mr. Charles KRisg ývlll, il -alibl îaihltyt bu abecteal by acelama hiou. tnh-la h b.gesasra dooie.aa wocagsl ttlco ratepayers,- if Mr.' Kin cati becgRot ta Serve. Mlia. Mîi4aa's NEW IMI'OWÇTATIoN OP Siiýi,- Tiei.nowly iiaporthe& osee brauglat hy Mc. W. M. mihher ta ECho B 3ank fàrcu lest ceoti, cogsse twonty-twa yearling Catsmoldi e-mes hwo hhropsiire Down sbearllug i-ans, aud aa silyearlings euil I'emof tlhe latter breed, Tbia oaswolds were bred by Mr. Cale af Gloucester, Idufianal ud the tlhiopshires hy the EscI af S3trahisînocas, ched Moiora.- J. IJaîgean sd sano, cf ýout1 New Iéaau, Ohio, have s[icacopurchelsso four ofthoIc upai-teal ytarIiu3swes, ane iaîprrttlitswhdram, anal pfr siear- * liugO Cewahdse, hi-ta byMc'Mýler ai Ecîo Banik fartainluai l etven bsond, ah $750) for4lolt. Notal ebail sasie ln tise. lia. TatUSriCoIP 6STAsilait's SAs.Aui.-It 'waS raier s emaîl tliug 'ta reducetise 11h11. salary of #810 palaltithie l cou.' atikabla ta 8200,.as irasdouec i s, hîlest lutetiug cetltectancil. I l uosl pîhor tairas larger salaris are pAia,, aud four or Byve tuudred dollars a* yeor forthie services ai an efficient chiai of poile.lu n iot cousidereal too-muci., The. alties, as aIlar smom, mquire constant.vigi., lance, snd day, anti ni glit lis. claiWfhssl houlbc on the alent, analntaI eey hbetb and cuit. Mc. Brysu ha.coerteinhy dis. - lisrged the (luttes fcIsntIh~'iso lenu coruplaînt upon liai .baai-tuS a very dhtberoath 4egneeof iquiet uss noir pratrahlauponoue %public sotraélta tic sîsto ol hlspgs mci sîltbal si tise lime of lals appahulment. Tie c ieLare ilgitt lu gain g lu for ecauomy' aud ne- * treuciment, but tiare les such a tiin as gplug to bar lu Ibis irocýion, suU4 lu no Wey eau a greateré Injustice be rporptraed bth onuthe ie divhkual anal I ie corporation, tlaI bas to aineh by uililog Service,tissu lu titis ptattei- of pariM.idawmaiusl salaries tup tarva- IMPcORANT P6~R.IEaOÉsa.- r'Mi~. J.S. ILobortson, ,okoeler, bas plroissea from Miss M. MeMBrion, inh eglijng usinesh.. ber entire stock et Wa*ve gaods, embac ne allihe ieîtslect. oti stocks of bella-ircols, llo sle, slhk imalda, flosu ard boards: &a Thoas *addIed te e rg, stock of w1ls &a., elwsys kept on bead by*gr. Robert. non, give-hue pubIe Ithe bone t ai St ocie the larg.ss aud -cbchc0st !tacii of thif gooda ovoe.'befoethe Wshy Ladies-luin e ofsueh. article! casn0 but fnSu en atssuppUIl y' aiiug nt aDevenill'.Blook, Brook bWitby - Cricket. WlIT13Y VS, TRINITI OOLLEOcn. The iret mataiýth aisosn was *plaed on tuhe Agrieu1tnma omu do- Witby, can Meuday lest bchomeon a Wlsltby elevesi, asi chleveu i Tity Coln*. Club, Toronto. WWitbcrocin- aulhlug inunosealaurts hO aérer a fte -players. Ili.r.you treWpp s Molola-$khey A#é eackno-e.. gIed by'I B.. mnl very f 1h. thieir tie li b or very aev- eau No far0 ta oty, "ent no rehy mon Zac- îiug ale -Foi or smal w'ad, 3 904q.1 talb thorespogtive ca a in tb lie lr nemedl, lma demandeS for Mr. Prydsn au Mr. Rlobert Patterm sz as u fiaîanclai agont for MI;. Brown$ an B.F. Cmieifoc'r. DrySdo. Tise=blulare thelolng P No. 1 Grange Hall, eau, 2. 2 Leaeneu's all, Dodua'. Ci-a 8 Mellan'a store, Liverpool 4 Schooi hanse, Chsiyuoad. ô Tempereuce Hall, Kinoele. 0 Town Halh, Broughtam. i 7 Agnlouturaî-Ha4l, BrougEs- 8Mio Ill i, htovae. 1)(~ueHall,0batOUa. 5 107blioH, Obe170rtmoat, il Shocal10aUV, tonai. WHITS? TOviNslIP. 1c Shop lot 26, cou. -8. 2 Luk'.sbop,-Boabiu. -8 Town Hall, 46 4 Burciielt's ouap, -Asibumu. EASTWT13ai-i. Na. 1 Tomperauco Hall, Hemncu 2 ,Tisorulou's Cerneras. 8 Taira Hall, Caîlâmus, 4 Foutem'a §hop, Ilsghau. Noel- Ciooaby'astore. 8 Wilkinson'@ block. 4 Touai Hall. ô ltoue's starest Bey. No. 1 Bisisop's enoion noomb 2 stefuitooad hp 4 Town Hall. 5 WsI' couper shop. (i Wesheru's cooper siop. Ph. Maoo ul enriy. Tire Mooeoco entenai- au lie1 Itgn ulta. iras aoehbraesd 1u the priai eili. places throaighaut tise Dominien irat Irisîcruan ai ail classap, who iuite, on aun. coing ixonor la hie grosh national1 bc. Ah Lohdon lice dacnstrAtiou was psrticularly fpleasing cha-7sctar. A tort wab heli ndsr the. joint susi ofldts, Irisha Protostaut aad St.Pots Soclelios. Tise rovaronal hfr. ,p. michiael eitthho conclusion ai the tc uado tise followlng Weil hse wumarks :-lh had bten lie eacuest Il for yoars pasl, andl, su feras ho he been eble ho bial doue e[ihi esPC 611y to bcbng Irislimren logotlssudaalu ,et thean but wiîhîoaîh -auy offett. Seottiman aud Englishmten irere fi tw, standing idle bys.id e ogehhser, it ahy time ho blatthast shîsmeful cisgi lia wliich aid been ettschued ýta theru Id. centuries, tisat -Irishamen cauhl SI. stand tagetlir. It averjyod iay spsaker's-h.ert ta Sund lth au tics ch trsmes wateru tain they bildcari ta aut ihat canhl not hoearried out lu barger eltios, anal tisaiIrisismen1 aid came fanmard, suas tirowing ou 'o. a:ide politics, religion sud eretd,1 aig stoual forth uabhy bafore tise wirid ire Irisitren,oUitedl iu bave anud friends ior au part of the gi-et Irish nation. us hopeal taet allier cilles iroulal ho.'iii ed intofaloiing thoeemple cf L don, sud heolaoped oc'. msuny yess -see Iisiamen Unitedd mb osas greetý tion, nul as a separato pairaer, buts. Or part cfthie great kicigalmof ai re Brtoin anal Irahanal. Thasa seuticati crare hearily eehoed by ai hase sruet, sud a Most suegoefuh celabrat su ad one of which overy Irisha n might bc proud alws lrouglihta aci a- Pilip Tsylor's stock aof etra l'Eý Iged irare is lie hest ascarteal in1 eossnty. Cahi suul txamindhis guodu piceansd styla, we arcocf the cpmn lce cannaI be hast.. p OUSAN Fuatacar ONi0 CATLE.- o agentsaifsRute cf thtel-Montre., .to1 shi slsi es arc entisocizeal ta ruako c tracts lor Jue te carry icatîle te Lt don anal Bristol et L£8 los Per bel ,This wil have tise affect of drami a esttha lharo froru parts of Ontario whk a were furmerhy siipped througla Bosti î HRlibore for deslruylng catersiihb &o., 8. W. B. Smithi & Ca. à Iunaiggiug su excavation ho a sti-I ofa St. Paul, îvarbmen ubeartlstda Iie -ver chealice, sud e patan ai e style as t useal ici lIasRomuan Cathcie Cinroi f( 200 years. Pure Paris Green 40 ets. per pouang S. W. B. Scmih &Co. BawstAirivh.a EOsuAitBY-LAW.--'t voting ou a by-lew la grant thse Doaue ion Organ Casqpauy, ai BaWmauvile( bonus of Byethbouseal ddollars- in ech alderation ofi heur eddiug, a pilana f4 tory ta theur pi-osent astabiehrepi reanîteal in fevorofthe ityleirhy! msjority ai twelve votas. Hnuphroy's HumeopatieSpei4 S.M. B. Smith & Ca. MUaDRINs cMONTici-&c.- Alljaho s, Qaiennevihîe, a nigi t schruan iu iivcry stables cf Mr. J. T. Môray, M1 n treuil, iras hruialîy moi-aertaIwhila jà pis post ou Friihsy, nigit. The proe cgee wore elso set un fi-o andal lot Io property alsruyed. Severai arrei have itou ruade. Tise cabmen, whs are said ta have ookeal upoci Moray p a toau suocessiail rival, hava bouirupl cateal. Ilous eta the Unitedal asdepari meut ai Agriculture show thet tht acre aeaf ainter wtest -lgabshunt oua an oneialf per centumaigi-satan. than has yesr. ',- bye lias failsu off sarnt foui p oreontum iu acreege, sud is shon fo'ur per coetum ibloir tic average. TuEat DSNCÂNL.-Tlîe soli-coru mittee oclofthie Darien Canal Cougrosi et Paris, proeei a reportMsdritting the poslsihilityoalle ileiaragua ont. with oo, unile statiug tuit t le-lee canal causne propooed hy'Lieut. Wysae aud M. Reclus s tieheset, subjeet, tb certain modificatiaons. - Thos Nicaragua ronte ronil, itise estimateal, ocat £284,. -000,000. Tii. coat ai the. Wyse.Hcul uoisomais estimated ah £42,000,000. Esuseros i EO TNA.-Tim. erupIli cf Etna continues. A considerabbt Portion a of hdai of theAicautara river te covereal by lava. The damae ta algicultuxo0 hsaelroady ver - sesjoue. the inIMbitante have b eau foi-ced te abandon thse village af Maj.o. Dotons- flous ara freuent. - - îureavj 4âd Mm. ba thea sand at tswirt - ZÀA.-A despauci tram St. Petersburg ~ ives lise panhicubers negamding lie as- 8~siuation of Count Elugkiebh on Satur. 'bý nigit. Koskiebb, a mout intimats )l pvate anal personsu friendu sud ca'nfi- ZutafcIlcieC 4r, iras aus-demeal icilie Ïbumbu aI tha Zjýpitalh.Pee t oi tho alme iras ual made Irnoun ta 'hie pc. . - 1ie util yesserday, sud thi.cireuru- s Doncs atteoSaýg tlie monder- anc 'ex- Xrâmoly xnysieçiue. Tira tieorlog ai-e iuj crculationheoucerningthie crime. Oit00 is liaI hi. Count mas sîsin by cnlem afllie SebraI NihilisI Ceommittee. an lu punhmeut -ion advice uichtise Cotant ha kuomu -ea have givan lie Czar -reqaocliug the «eveno lroetmant ci rer- olohtiozuisto. Atiother liaany la ihcat tise -mmdrrasu hie nesot af privât@e sud peisonsl enmlly agaltinshea nt en-t - elaby tho lover aI a lady, uhomý h. wia rmougeal.- - POLGUeiti--13 Ui-aai&-Jnage Emer- s$On seutenced Johni Miles, itbygamlul, ta psy a fiua ai #100 sd-ano& iec lun Nebraska ptunittntinry for line cyeWcs. Duing lie proeoediug miles importiuesatly- requasted nat ta be hec- ta uni- d d sked nnacay ci tie Court. Puis case attreetea unusual atteiion frocu tisheal a ofiis being- lihe second conviction urrhie ais aI the Unitea Stts, anal liaiMMues wiras la n-y jtiroe yccisîg wmme tthle same lime. Witia lie alvice anal. causent.ai John Taylor, Presi en, cf tise Mormon Chaei, an aY pal 4"asbeau taben ta I i uproe ourt et. tleij territgry.; i~a~bond #u~eda 5,0001 for pampisiel. D.Guu 120 Wesh Broadway, N. Yr. Trial gi-ce 25 cents. Iitzégisauz -Ther. are samO simple remedies indispensabcle lu eve&y' ispjmily.-Amoug tiese, lie experience cof yeare assures ne§ ubould h é record eS iPcrry Davis, Pain-billon; Fanballa intenal' sud extomnal apipehtion me iaiarve fonpalit ai great value ~espociai. ly n Wabimeeceanrend iltfor rsda neni ttlsmorfash maisda a 'd bruiseaL- s7o prepamation cf Hypo .plospujuas T v etan campae- mit4 FePol' P(napound Syrup cf iHypOpioaphitoar for i-sstoniug sîeugthita, ltai nervons, 1 tbink iltieheaet medien I evec- unlike i-oasheailsà, &a., il 'iéreally an,) eenamDebttho tho dressibg table, b4iaidei iaing lie cbeieesi DîièslMnua bo b cb talaria. .: - I seP fonud lu a oonrteous 'and mosl aid Mr. oaintaffeer ; liaIthie bocksuad pi more kep t i-ho hast tof ordar ai maut caýmeçtuesan dlhhet hé hg usys betu aihe ta 6usd ahat àmat uçtice *betevor peper lie irasilti 1Baivlg e san hoexam~ ine tu talc. ment roflaon-à au - enegeney ah 01 niai-- langtho h sal irual ae1viatig fet-r nrsd-'laite place. Té chiefo apuolioe, and tie aMo4rS < firé, d fftmot h alci.degiroalte hsto!pe f rai..4 n n luh am. partant hienci, onaeait . môsl lax haut l il Itamis, ho ecomendea eral sud Rounerons trealmeul hy * euncih, hopiugthiat the bats aw tabou moold.ho reviemoal. lu ocue ise isad' bOen arusys aile tho aee hi loir concÇclIbore mihis ashako of issuS end s amile ln tise bacé,iris' Ilsoir diffOrepoeo aI thi e ouciîbc anSdiba0igustoal iaho sieauld b maya abbé ta, mealtieml ~in te s way. He deslîed teac e. bia mesi ly. tien ini thitnda oi tisaMayor. rosignati n mes thon beudet inl, snhs.quehahy aller tho ,maadiaFgeo minutes, Onu motion of Mnr. Fai, endoS by1 Mr. Smitha, acof pted1 À Apetien wirea sSfrom 0, Grass, Johan Wateou anud ohhorjsola for tlio eppolutanent ai e competent -gineec or biizen t aler the -graedin Brook ati-qot oppositethie neir store Refermeal-o holee cmmitee on atra anal on thie suggestion cf Mr. Bar Dundas etmeî iras unobutuos. FILLINO vaoANCEorS. Th. Mayor snggeslod tisaI as jBy, ebail-man cf tise ommitte treets, iroubl be absent for tira tii-es mpitlas, anal as lise slroets roq ad lookiiug sitar, sud especially 251h Lynibes ceek bridge, il irastise t ecýpsl ci thse concici ta appoint soume au rL by is p lac; asI o taappoint anal nàmrubof atho court oci mevisioca ed iu placeol fFMr. Hanana eciu poet ai-tise ceucnitlaa on fdcc sud materj ofaprinting lu thse placeoraiMr. Hannu con- Mr. Bui-nu mas appointeal lu pi pîcas ci Mn. Ray on Shreceg, anal Mr. Car ias's -bell ou tIse court oai metion. Car- si-oES sANO SmaEWALuic. moeet The clerk reaa s tatement ai tisa1 e-anln uih pi-prieianà ud oxpendiiuressonsêt. bad shomwing ltaIat nhy 080 romaineS hsanal (exclusive ai nal i acouait) mirer Brock anal Diandaas si-ets, sud ai( Asit $20 (exclusive ci nail aceoan) oai tiAs 'North Warcl appi-apriation. qun Mr. Iaugard reporteS fýou tise et btt o tets, ou lie petihion Ras . KH Bilings aud atiers. Tise rep, for mas ceusidereal in cammittop oci ual uiole-Mi-. Burns lu lis ciai.-li lise drain askod fan an Green Street, mct i have laeihave a eultiag 12 feat lu depi i iu for tirrooI, anad tison fehi amsy t inrodeoachwaysudwauhd ceaI- net I isal than 0200. Tie repart made noi on. 5ommendahicn. Aller rsînarsby tie Mayor, IN ,spSmith:,and:ohar,îthe councîl appoar Earoquixoal ditciig as muai as Grei Br0' street, anal liaI the owa could z an- adforal the monoy et present. The cor lu t mithea rase, 1mitiant eportung. na Mr. BIttedge brougil up lie suhjt as a or s sidei4ulk irar lie negialeuce Fea Dnis MeCrogisu. ta lie street ta ti osuath, anal monealltaI ea idoash1 Spnt do. oDr. Bogart secondeS lia matie, whc .midi, soinsmediscussion, mas a t lomwealta shandîi a anotice. 11 ' 5tOtTSc' HALL DY-LAW. bc M n. utîu dge introduce t h le by-bc nutuis subjeel,wmisitimaasal a fi lime, sArd paSsealthi-oupha ahil is slagi icithie borru publisieel clshecra. ýe Mr. Camupbell, secoualta by Mi Lin Smith. maveal ta amonti by lai220, b n- oihaciig lte -salai-y ai lieChiai cor n-stalelfroru ý'c00 ta $200 por aunur Pi Te motion mes diseussei lucommia ta fg athie uole-Mi-. Cormack lu Il eh chasir. Mc. Camupboll saiS bis sala ci an. jdstt ici movnag icn tIe matter, was r 1 treucimentl;anal iussmuei asu tl i-t ciief muade s good alcal ai mone3 61200 a yeai-, altoge&iqýF, ho assai-toc as-ciief, anda lihîlicônutable ai thi aht couohy, aud froru fées, ho thiugit h, iî- cau tsand lte reduction, HoeIrne' 9I ga-od monnmitamouhl be glaS lutetki ror lie position et legs. *e~. Borna aid nut cousider 6800 lat mucha, ta psy ai rpctsblo sud espon i, sible runusuai as'Mr-. Bryu, s tilt cunuealitfai&staw i1ke Whihby. 0C course, mou could ho gaI for legs, bui wol maia ley ho suitail,. Pie ssary oc th obief, troao tetown, lîd nothine esmu. He disehorgea tise dutias effi. per-b -ybs t &iiHe l theaijudi?~ 'lise alir f lo hiPoostge, satahor 6ftise boakforma &a.,. szecouary t3i >0ta tlioln Lea sprepenîy. sl- p tue Ontario Bise &asoqh diar ashing fei aosbie-Loce teo mouait ic b1. A rsquisitiIoa fcém Mr, . 3. V. tie ýf0i supplios, 40.,, for hi cunmtyl wtsou sud Snrrmgstofaice. l -i igen, Promtlia ompilsier of ai bé ffi.ramirebrdge-asklgeoi, au appropýa lr ai SOf 8for' painting sai iS. Ptre rom tue caanhiyl ýïïonof aard, eskingp ferrlise ecoperahionfotisep à& 4i- aI Outaria lu taeg stLops taprot tanelie peclatlcal orficir f Labo Sit 1Pi - Pie connty, clork iformed thseoc and cil tuaI JaobBry.ic-igi sansi dth lia iaentered suit for,,salary, Siials card ayeed tAudit, glatuco liIths e uelbèpu téotId e Jndgae Daituell and.judgnmeut resbr hlag Mc. Wright, aeeaamSemà by Mi-. Ie-Rae, maved liaI u inir of thie dei ag o a ol lsîeyuaed 1y 8qqog bridgé,ý a. lu orden ta provint occident& anal ehts, serre tise r@meinlnp Importion of aieusaime, tise Waadou, Jphn, Adamio. taia movrc hoappointeil cammissiàoa mith-pomer tlr lot conîrecîsto r «il Mn. up lie oaeabtmeei- telise xsiujjà auon henkmeuts. 0se a c omploe tie WC 1or sud ta hie tr iuner pey theo ça muin. ai lie commissioaaers. ret Mr. Wri*lit ephsined tleb. haS4 lU!y lieofthie irigo anal urgeS theune 0 In li Of immediateaschleu. liher r. M SmiiIth (Seutl), cunsiderel in woud be b ta hava a report er mo hiecommittes u anreis asu d - an nd egîardedtléise reolulianS M. - moýepang lu viou of lte lange suanIl lace ly ta ho nequireal.- anp. Mn. Cuninigham diS nat miais tt, -poae lise malter, bot Look lies'ai om s tise reeve of Scott, aeuS me ibie ta ses the emount limiied.-' a: liongit Ilieme, muld be 5p0 risb ic i ets iu-g more eautlcnsiy. on Mr. Biceol censiderea lte rosoicat foc' altogetie o Ic umopiug. suddSidl a«t iteer any roauan iven for appointi lie au irroaponsible pariy, s persan _w mas nut nespanuiblo ta tise eonncil as DM rate ' yers. Ucider this nesalution eh ,0fmigit 0end ilty thausena llîars.'. 'art MrWrlgh expiained tisaI ltae aarsias 0ouIItise spot, unIle oaIL rhli e unSt a disitance. cad Mi- Biekebb saiS tie motion saâ 'h, elwitidiamu or amendeal,lise couc 16 sionid bave nome eouhmob, sitiaugEâ su mas et Port Permy ; tie oucil eh& ne. have same coul-cl of ilie finances. TI mr alter siaulcl nul he passeS aIt i I n. eaby- shapeot-esopeeishrnlyas Whc casuab ire anal in theomeantima lie daratai )eu mould do i&sdntyin iaoking afîoms] cal haidge. an- Mn. Motiersilil hougt thlaI as I uLuneil isad a moasSaud bridge cornu slet tee tise malter ahould lie reformeS ai thiasPie neeva ci Part Ferry slioa ual isébôallumeS ta spmiaap a mine ha them. Seo, (Mr. Mothenuili did nut li liaI bled aI lhing. IL mas an impo etant affair ; lie momk sonld bce saa i.d inoa sd reporteSl upuu, hefoce tl caunicil hock action. Mr. Mouver spoka ici simibar terni %w sud thioght tise motion saould bli wmli -t drain sud a spolai committae monE fo br. Pli a rche tock lie oppactuity.2 ssying tisaI if tise matter mas unon) t ak:nusp, IL wouhllbc tua lote.n lu sirualoS hy the conneil oi Beugogt D. teks lise eounuy ongineer.cnt ta exai 4 ina lIse mock-eand if ual pane an mit liehu bave Viae county icicial allihe nea sessions. b- Mr. Gallomey cpolie a ha lie ccci àe tion cf the.bhimge, au lemibanoet assolial froru lie buttoan, wss manteS. ", Y, Mni ickeil, sacoudoal by Mm. Siier diemeudmant moyed liaI lie mathê le ho ceela--d ho tisaansd bridge coin *~miiiee, mihinlstructions ho ecamiaD thie shate ai lie bridlge anal report t heur.-tarliast cacivsuieuce. Mr.. Campbell eas in bavai -cifsaope )o ci,, commitîoe, euSdIliaugit tual s- cmpolont onginear mes ueasssery tI ai exaerhe ie mrk ; he mes opposoali )fgcvaug unîseoated sud selfisi partiessel ia hecentrolal d ud ll scope iru uncli )fmalter cifcinlimitod oxpaindituca. ýg Mr, Bickell'. eanendm'en.1 ae Socler !e eci carued, aud lie criginal- motion mi -* iiaeàpal anal darrnedseaamendeal. . By Mi-. Wright, tiat lie moali t aIhl noît meeting ci tise conucil move ahiy bau la copeau by.hams litonsiup iambes anal pedlers anal palty chia pmou. By-lam la pi-onde boc tuSe custody c thie curporîe osaioiftte Conunty, ais ionmalitiea tu be observeS in ItS useo,a-d .on the what tue emraieasl tSa îpoudnatureil; usile orthie smanufacturer requiros Iça repisei ônsaty al is c0080, If railirays bcebuili ouý ocun. of tcapital, sud net ont of aavinp. Ms d ant ies tcoontendo,'tie country wiii beaop.m aery, peser an i al eoad. î HMM -~Wlhioni-dlsptlug thie gneral prie, ilion, some remaikeable exeepia ; hài Hem -saxigabt out,,i aiborroelcepà e Courts aud-tiieproomas jutesaoa, *pavo. lqg lier, yescood ber ioumiel *ould Nar.hevopravd b eéoa penury, I Bebosi la »tte0grin dcPsrntise St.- Lawrence oece, rapîi acn natta. If uSe lid-beeu imit aonty ed ta ibis resaunco, or any çtier aiert rat -oteu leproeme n lutise bavigta nece her ezluot haSe opUgialtaEurope virold scarouy have lied an existence done- Tie construction ai lier ossils eneihetl table bortaeîzptaabheoerealahecoud pro. aired Suce, sud for wmci &,market caulal ha uty; lfouaS lu Europe. Hemrafluaý ys.4eu sfore estoelded lhe area ai, cultinetian, sud iyod. mada it possible ta moe.the surplus , , ecaffla hlSe-iret, in inter, instesd aI Meo- keeplng 1h ovor 1il1 sprlng. When lie maereturu la indirect, ifil ss easy ta hs ng sure thti 1hlia cama. The cousu-o- anti lion oatisacanal@ May havee cised a lie aîi int ca>opital miels wu& net ai sud once eampeusetedl for ; but me do ual secs, thhhk il bllawnis t hie imil ai judi. îîîug clousexp:cdiuewaa-verslefpped. Pie îok entaihe aevy destruction ai capital; dors sud tiongi mpm. indirect compensation came ici lime ; il ddSnet slireys come posI. la hhoseýwhose capital liaS boau suk. c«a Englandlwas irnpoverisisaS preoiseby ta listh etettisaIthe capital diae'put mb a t ur allîys proveti unpa-odntive ; ta rom liaI exteul, ber mosus ai iuying mas lgs esseneal. gos, Onen-cansiianption, lunlise foi-m ai lb.e. rieiay costruction, inceosing lie demend foi- iran, coal sud othem lisingu, i-aises profitesud lie rates ai mages, OP' introduces luxui-ious expendilure ime' "muIitiudeu f unes ock.brokecs, H.Il engieeors, marnufeoturers, multiply acv- thii! purchases aud enberge lie de- tioli mono numerans andali place et an ual esi-lior ege. Wian lie ebonud dames, ing hiere is cia moi-e ta buy mi, anal aver- via wahelmicig is tIh.e clapse." TPi i i ir o tiaI commercial depreseacu pucisae éaey thso uuivemsau miscanduet miti >aciah - suffecing. Sa muehsifon Amenrica ti.Gea-many anal France destroyed, rasl teamasses ai meaihliin, mac. ,Impov.eiisi meuh iuevilshly foilowsmisds mte. ndBut ait! nullie a mr iudemnity restai-e mDal Goc'meny ha hon original pui-ion 2 ; il Professai - Rogers aiedpcevlouehy ax- iul presealtise opinion (Princeton Rasitw, rie Jeu, 1879) tisaI'lil wouhd have beau tils botter ion Germauy if the vicors lisd bcil as he ianle uili hishy eiinectd fi-cm ra; France mitiste Garman Ocean ;' anal Jeer noir Professor Price centeaicl:ti:t the Liedistroas, since thi. orredy mes it Se- tse ficient anS tlie nem gelS coulal not il- be appiied ho a meesîiug praceas. Il te, eouhd ual ho put inho missels for anov- ilal ing mechinery, nuc become foad anal 'O lotiiug for e aboriug sud -disînesssa e p o p l ae " M u ai ai il a s p e u t o u i n mitary objeats. A portion tie Gar- eruman ntout aspaclators-as or ane Gavarumaut rites indirethy aili, part h ofa ils rsilmay on-miti the rosult ai intresased prices sud proffiesud huini-i. lia- on esuptiot;-, 'prodigality ruagni. fieS tie dissea-, sudthie Fronda golal more tise appearance of s ebear cont-i. ai vance dasised by Franco for cevecmgiasg if Pmoisssor Prit,, thast of Pi-ossor Ru- f- gers -1 oicicides. 'Moo2ey,' sas8tle m- lmy, àSa box cf Pandora irocuitich it isope bais aescapeti." Ana lihegivas itexemples irocu hisloiy icipruai af hom vat treesuras -ofgoldhalvsae urseal lie h-nations miici rateiveal thir. Frauce, tht nation mitich inlu lueinstsace palal, ahsuflenea lelse thathe nation mbitS ce- ceiveal. * Pie virhua ai pacaimouy ~.proveal her selvetion. Tht huards mura FF-encihs Lasanat: lent lia Gar. secaiment cu Iae tcouaitry mi- nt oxiajary te ber'iidcsry orliear mare im2portent-lien gold, hai tble sent aîsy, eni $180,000,000 a yeac mo as aldeal laFrench taxes. Aste k> esoît ci al ltie, univai-sal nnin -nigit bave beoau expeced ; but Fi-suce savalEd ahaiuelf by "lie pi-actie aif lie groaleet ecouambe viruîua"a r- France saved 4,she met impuverishs. tise cacsumpthouof enjaymenls, ta ap-t ply lte resaurcs liereby gaineal lu lie maintenance ofilier capital omployerl -ibu pruduction." Heu hem conduet nuo 7- lesson bai us in Qansds ? !a Tie Austro-Pnisssiau and thie Franco- (M aquso otrn andsthe.) i TseMaquisafLuinsurndtueaPi-i casery, Louie vagoe, scw o rew iierhy.o Wie Ihefainwra itare a inaro oblia t rean rua indulgi Hcie10muî EcleihcigudHruRoalî,ec f Hies Eceltncus odýpude oal Hi ne e e maal iedaIS o. Ni pete mue tis me are lureeal ho do. Nomlea, hai ma arqit efrai ssy w whate peasa il iSa quia cehaici fiatir'atme Ies pla sawiii ho jsikmisaIhaun.mberina te slay m ie nul la ho hoa Don tler e fHistexc-oelhcy munyiMac theulralahte more iunk tayisan liae buandypore secvilt la ruer mlessnal pae sycopheanc tisais ilethean wybkes.petotloynanid .5he ma rsatirespecseoQthaa- hoiy epesatos ba7whcaeai ieany iority sut ai-dec mhiaieaccur-lopau hy i em Bugom eggruuos ide ni "loya ald haforce their plahien ekirtis luI alose paximiay miti tht royal gairuant,. Te. truc loyehiat or -tic trotgentlearun will ual bore thase short hlm ; the sycoaeîasd the upeiarl milI haro any. aody. The gentlemanu cathar avoids wrî-yiug peaple mia dofpot misi ta bi caioa ie y hitcu; he eggsr an isorsa- back rides ha tIse deviu con a gaudi aprisoneal steed. But me imay rst as. sua thah il is the-peopleemIsa avoid aBd nat ltas peoplo mia fusoce hvm ailvas, upou his Excelicucy anal Ha Royal Hligneess liaI hiey i-aspect. !iey are ual chilrea, sad thay kbom the diflai-ence betmea s amuiug cyco. Phaut mha arilh sei diem sciulthiis bac ,bc oeil power liaI come3as luig. u it 1centlerus wha la îloyal sud mise iroves il by iettiug royalty as mucit as mcci as possilelsahne. Tise grealet axai-y liaI peuple lu ilgih ifoeaenc- oy is pc'iracy. Bot me have s bew ion in Menti-eal mia thinhr hhey baunor is Exaxtlitucy ana leri Royal Hligi- ess by seakiug te ehathem -mien bey came ta oui- eity. Il happaneal aien they wom er ao efore, sacit i1@ in. for lia A.D.C.'e ho undecetenîl bah the monmie do ah il tci-sm- numpiug ai-e about thse lat captctod nea in aur nidst. - Tie Michigan Shata Sonater bas pets- i a joint rasalution smending lt cou- itution so as te autharize Detrocit la ise mauey hat canstruch a bridge or uneh aecastle river ah Detroit, tise aioutnultateexcoed - aue per cent. ai ie ta% valuation.- Beanor Graves esys tîsat she lids eu dii'ley appohuttal matrimonial ipervisor ai Cahlbarnia, mii pamwi- la irry aâid separala lovera, anal ta peu- rahhy direct tie rmartal affaira oai h tate. She promises taetiiverce.geveral mnsandi in Califamuit. lIi Lai-mura -Cis.-The Mon'ý ai HeraZd SAtos - liaI tie Loellier Lae lias beau referred'to hec > Maeaay's ivy...Caune.asd nu decisioci neod expeoed until sitanithe ýWhitsuntida Aïays. As DocToIC's LiiLa Suri.-Dr. Ca- wrt hue lakan su action .for $30,000 eainsi lie Montreal Eéivng I>ost bac' Ming lur ucîack.sud itis syrup, au iptaie. A chilal alita about tiret oks ega brouilnuverdose' cf the- rnp. Schaffar ita refuoild Stxan's; ciel. age ho a matai game aof hilliards ber' No offiiaI atateruatt bas beeci rceiv- eh Wsailngh uof tiip bandanrusut Lie Mexiean expositin. - - 150* wagoè we bail mou wiI boyciui fixed t.repiel an eaut. The . Zn *comuen, on arriving witbin ea mile ý the. camp, halted, and formed up' ceooent ahape, the. borne movlngroun onour rkiagted.t ta sumrround i During thls -manoeuvre =est of sel alizboIted. 4A1.aur monte i daot 460, moved out tea tti au Sskirmlsb with the'enemy-. iThe. Zulu then roseilu solid mass and move forward et àerua, opeuing ont in à kin of loase order. Our boremen litd retire rapidly ta- get into the. laags eovf'ed bysiguns, heopud 13rapid 'dre'of ali boe oes U t-.Siug uplendi practice, 4~d then thé. itaultry l th fort and leegar open ed with the ýMart ni.Henr breech.oaeder, the ensui tumbling lu every. direction. At es6 disoharge w. :oheereci. Our order were "To dis et. aur posts" It wes afgrand and imposiug -eigh ta sec army of about 26,000 rusbing toward ne frovp every diroction. I thiuk w were about 2,800 strong, bizt w. soci daoed thair euergy, for the los thw. sustained began ta tell,.and >hay tailet off sud taok solter where t he moquai ties of the ground affordedl protection Fromx these rocks and hoilows they kep Up e gallinR fire, aud aur -men began t full on al sides, thanka ta the Martini Henryrifles tlx.y hsd eptured et is eudhlwena, sud were now using egeins us. But we Rot aur menus well undi caver as possible. They tried ta cami lu again aud again, but were compellei ta fail baok under the. witheriug fire wg brought ta bear on theru. Most of ti Duteli sud native contingent left ti early, thiuking wa wore ta bce "ete Up" by Ketchewsyo. Diiriug tihé pro gréess of the battle aur brave commnd er, Colonel Wooul, went lbis ronds, sué by hie confideat besriug sud foarlesE expasure ta danger, inspired freeli cor. fideuce in.- ail. The &cene wss beyoud description-the firing of caunon, bursi, iug ofushels, screaruing of rackets, ut fire sud thet of thteuemy, Who yeiied sud sbouted. Wo rapliad with cheers, whule de,'tructioun sud,death met us on every aicde. Thais Ineted ou snd off for about four lhotiýs. Than the Zuins coulil be aeen carryiog off lieir woundl eci, sud then thoy~ begen ta wsver and retire slowly. The order wss then given for aur harsemen ta gat ready sud pursue. The Zulus brake iotûa con. We recbaub]ed ouflfre, tumbiuj tiier avarlike ujue-pins. Our cavalry moved out, sud.the iufsutry gave sudh s citeer as they pàsed thet it was more like the boarse 'rosr of the ses. The Zaius thiukiug we were su sftar them, rau terror-strickeu, thrawiug dowr their phielde, guns, etc., ta help theli flight. Our horsemen lceepiug up witt the tail end did not aveu wsste theïr ammunition ou the wretchos, but killed thern with their own essegais as they rau. But the hour of retribution hsd arrved, sud thay received the merci tbey gave aur pour coruradas et Iaandhlwana. This oontinued tili night 'drew s voil over 'the scene sud put s stop ta further pursuit. I wout round the camp the foliawing morning ta view the affect cf aur ftro. The dead lay inlu espesudlinos as they foul. For twa days wo were busily empioyad buryiug tho dead. We dug great pits, sud wsggou loads were brought sud euiptied juta, thora. The number bill. ed will neyer ho kuow, for bodies have been fouud aver the whole country. rmiles sway froru camp." Plunkeyism. unI, ermourt. e o ou hefmyo Mlr preaiog aisofPelierboruhc Mrt. G eorge Stotaru, iPataroog nt., ac as.mo amnlyhii newtai- utonceay o lest. adcall ahtaste was ahoeracuroali supsd ail urtunstbyre coatrad It is supposac the posoos ruharelyoonale dayioveo opn Ho ad igiokecthpicedoetrtofeToona- vetae tat inpaceh pieealatfthte Dune vanthrecSttMuse. fhiot et ce La- oer id of a- ly Il- A, sensation is creat-l et Pittaburg hby asuit againat thsa 1ev. J. C. Pershing, e praminent bMcthoidist, for ohieged l ae- fraudiug an asIate ho a large aoaunt. The charges are chaule]. Thse engintar oadtiae firerusu af a locomotive on lishe Missonriý Hantas andl Taxas iailrac d a àesperate figil ou thatrip froru Emporla ta Per- sans. In tes traîggie he hroptlvavo wes pahhad wida apen and- thq specal of tht train becerue frighitfnl. Tht cou- duclar founadl hem bthahoriag esca olior with ismilmers sud wrenches. Tht train wss stappel just lunhirue toaevoal Tht body of Johin C. Putruan. tht missing student afi Slavons' Instituts, Hobokena, was found lu tho river et, New Yack, with a hulat ici his hbond ahcb legs waiglslod. Lt l eclit-rtcl ta ha lelibrat....cie.....i............0U 75 @ 5 0 DU Amenda Resynolds, ageal 1:9,ioale. iPekcperca-at ......... 05 GO @ O5 60 iug ta deali ah Patarson, N. J., bi-am La nah................ $g 6o $a GO li ocenotihi aSli-atth rîntCavas ............. $4 -@$55 theesa nstilssu troa, he e6ltOn ns.....*............ $09o001,00 ai haviug a tooti polieS. 1 Tu mips..4........... .. 000 - Ah Trenton, N. J., Mr. Tthus anal Ch ekens, aserasair ..45 à so5e famthy w-mettii-o-mnfraru hitir Cut...........,c@k by a ru n aw ay , mîen nt aif lie tir D c ks er30e d@ 600 su inGepsei 1 i s ..7e GO daugilers, ageal l5 yesrs, mas kihléri. Tuýkayo, par lb ...8 o 10 alaiver...... ....6350 @ 3 60- By a beastly aid bachelor-A Mar- Tfiatsthy .............1i 75 a(4 $110 iod muan's bale (u brief)-Hoobecl, WOdi, uniasheal.....$0019 dI Ã" Boobeal, Cocker].- - auod ............ .18 d@ 20- Babies neyai-ci-y for spilt ruihr. 1 i l PORT PBRRY MARKETS. milk thithassn'lbeau spilt tthlt Iiey - crs' oc. Prt Pecry, Juùe ttba 1879. TIse Nom Yack Times says tliat Misa Wiaaî, aprlug............080 $0 92 .&delaide Neilson has been engageS by Wbeaî, fel ............... 88 97 Mai Stralcaqci oai givas 100 penrforu. Flouai ..: ............... 5 00) GO suces in tise Unitedi Slattediing ltelariy.*........."......0 W O0GO ,zsuu dramatic seasen, bcgiopiug an Oasî..................... f 8'0 tic of1aiOcloeir oeil. - CoiI.. .................i0 45 O 55 Tic lest aicîjon taies of paw aL h le CIO'YerSeed ............... 8 01) a50 ucir Cathiedr-a], NewYork, Iok place PAitteýes, rb......... 1 0020 A .p..u.......... G 10 mas $500. Fenil... .................. 5 O 000 Tht Muaioeceutenary ma-a entlaus- But ar. ............. .. 0108 O010 iaeticahly absenveal ii Ne o ak4 EBP...................... os O012 HAy......................00 10 W L o r i l r d ' s g i e t a c a s H o r s t , D a n g e r , B oî l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 O G Sical~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ý sudnye ehroe iY Wl.............. . 5 056h 0 ie sucoac anl acht-iSi haran or h ............... .......02 a. î isftralImgeyaeitrq ôlau s ...................010 o12 ie atr li arol Mvétt 1 hnts.jar.....0 10 012~ its: boo-n diseliangeâa7ti orfailug beforo 1ir lu- "druneneoi; He lied i'olai iard ta ?of 1m eke s tim et t li ie -ionlalgel.veu~ ru mi - Finlay. H.es asaowhome; tab utiý "f0ounabut iras- trae - ta Glasgaw, us- ire.it irasbelioved lie gd talion: a ube vessel foi: America. - n, William MaIe, daectlve, ire mploy- ad d 6a y lie roîstiies ai lie murdoiýd [US Mau ta tu coma i ontry andi sear h t ios, haio hati -ionda womkiný ' ac, On iBaY,8peuleihi s . ie a Éàalve for lise bagpipes, sa tihedoteetiye lid boiug a ýpiper, aâdoýptd thc disguîse of a ;i. Scotch pier, sud playod about inu lie hicoal taivus, iu the. bope ai soine dey i7attrsctine the attention ai lite ruai hoe *0 uauseekrng, lie beiug snce, braru fie' nsinformation ho isti receiveal, Ihat Brai. dyroali ira s somehere ici the cual logons, me-use suceoed a str tira eamsreof patient trial. MaIe e îsnuir ril e s ha Scohbaand mii hie aIbegeý'd aUu ridemer. ad Tic Ehtpian'. "Sultan'! Burneal ta pI (Prom lhe Détroit Free Pi-osa.) 10 Wben Mr. French discoveceal bis 1. meuagecie on fi-eis firsI hhongit mai Shoir ta gave Sultan. Ou apening té Ih hemnaluor hc mes groetcd hby n dense o- volumeofai gukas. RHo.groapeal hie e may ta Snlan's stalh. Tise huge suiE ad mal irs e pofecîly noisebees, Dot hkvin4 va heon itai-alta ulter tise sigiteet gruau, ae but mien Mr. French roachealie igice, as and alliing biru by Dame, pleceal hi In hiasa on i, thie poor boast mas bauna 0- ta ho rockiug tho sud bru apidjy, vhsiIcï d biliard bide mas crewîiug sud coliug id lu avory direction. Sultan, muie in' 8 is shah slmways had one foot ciaineal toi Il tise framework. Mr. Fronda stoapedl Idta loosan il. At thha hie crazeal baast' lt bronglat ils tronk saonSmttaricile r foi-ct, andl Mr. French .mas tiroçan alabout hmouty aet-. Il mas several sec- o nals bafare Mm. French couhl resuize nie position, anal Ilon li ac tam al, ita Bave hie omo icé, ha muet pot ont.1 He Hal bois may arponal tht Bide ai tic barnunotil ît tam daliglit. throug lheie Sscuobe, haal ilt a rusha, soon gaineal1 t he open air. Witii hie exception cf Y oue or lia aûiiku by tii. hyctua, andal afew hijo, muauing crise by thie 9lion?, net a sounal as *utheremi by tise ylanitaîs during ltae conflagration. Tht Il tieory aofPPaîl Soi-off, tie keecper aif 8 he nimals is tint they mere suilo- 1, cateal. a2 Tht Wac Betmeen Peru, Chili sud r Bohivia. - ItleisreporteS lellrofairiquej againsh Chillàn commcerice mih h a -st. i ed hoaIbis Argentine coniarlerahion. Anu engagemuent has aour-ad botwen tha -Chilien irancisal BleacoEcceda anal1 - he guaiboat Ciiacahoo analtise Paru- - vian borts ai Phacgna. 'Tioguboat losI o na kiilad sud six moundéda Tht tomai is-roported aitost demoliseid by lia shipe' fine. r Panama, May 24th.-Tie conuhiet it avec tut prasideaitiel canvas ia vary ex.a citîng ici lie capital cf Coloruhls. Tic sesesion ai lie Hanse May 5Oh, OGIssud- 7tlî mas mai-ked hy mast disgracafnh <j ai-dec. The people ici the galleries -«à opasnly oxpi-esseil cautempt anal hatreal 'à bon certain maiîbems, svè hsastsihity dE ag-ain;t the EXacutive hes beau lie c mnoet iarkeal. Pie -papulace them cA volleys of atouat, ariaci mare mal bY L sîtots birumrevolvers in tIse ita5als afri membans. Ou theth ciGaci, Trojello, T et thteitead oiea battalion of Couumbiao Gusi-da, ciescea the palleriag, -edjouru. tI tisa session, anal msrchod»~e hostile ruecabara hume, undor guard. On tise 8th thiecapitehalvas declereal uniler martial lam. Efforts art baing mae t by proruinant politidien. to bcbng about h an edjusîment ai lic différennes.a A Perarvian transport mas aliower hoai rootiva case ai accus sud ruiiîons ai PE mer haro againet thsa earoest protest 4j aif lias Cilian conuln. Il mili ho so , montis befarothe landlloi-ces cen have i1 a meeting. Msny peopbethiiuk sihai d the issue of ithe Bfgt bo unfaa7our. c aile ta the Pecuvians, tuâat -he lolir. a isos woulal pcobably aide mit the vie- tac' anal fg0 in for- a divigion ef tamiitory. ai Niueachilalmen have aiaS bru r imb. iug poisaonaa mater in a brook ahNom. e k Fil- Ms d od op A jay for Tender Mothers.- Motiea who have Buffere] pangs ai irupsthaîic grief when thoy have had aq give thair lofants. Castor ail, andl 4ave stan the uapeababla disgnat sud aistry ltas littît anas has eudurad,-wilb ll rejoice ta kuow that tht preciaus 1cta natal neyer know thie sarrow more, ýha EMuLsIaaos- FCAST-nOIn. ru ade by Çoi-r &lBROWN S a laasPALATABLE ta tho ahFky as its naturel aushenanca,' anal is aore afficacons in aperation thon: tht dusustone dosas. This naw prapar. Liun is as weleorue ta growci up faiks 1 te tht babies. It la soldal t 25 touts ibattit. For sala by T. G. Whitfiltd, yhithy. 22-4in ANOTHER Snrratnaat CUOSO. - Dis.aargaal froru Meesechassaîs Geaol iospitol as incurable, witlî laiaus ory rheasmatiom lu my shoniders, fin- ro anal feet ; suffareal farfully for broc yoars ; Irrieal varytiag ; hast ail pe. Dr. Gibea' Liniment Iodide of xrouia affect-I s coruplate cure. ELLEN tisaîrs, No. 72 Piano St., Feul River, Mass. Sohal hy S. W. B3. Sruith & Ca. Senal )r prrupllet. Dat GiLEt, 120 West Blroadway, N. Y. Tr-ial liotihas 21)-cents. WHITBY MARKJ,,ITS. OL CaRiaNicLa OrrICr., lune 4tlî, 1879. loi-, pecr brh ........... $4 O @ 95 00) Il Wheat .............090@ 8 98 ýring- Whfeaî.......... 085 @ &0 92 a Ny O Nul........... $0 50sCa SO 6 2 ........... -0 I'o 00 8,........... 0 00 lao8o0 ................ .40 @g 45 s..' ............... 55@ c8 s, leI-ya $07 82 tsI;................. 87 @ 69 .....5e65@ 0 7 y ............. 450 5S9 ttouew .............e @ 515e- .île........... e to1e tac ..............c3 5 e -00 .08e n qarer......$5 0 5 ef, foreq.arte.......$4 00 @$4 5 .........quarter.$ $0 75@ $50 8 P ore .....rt......6485100 @ 68560 ith i l'a pà Cala Bc Batl NEW ADVERTISEXXNB. BY -LAW., à BY-law ta eniîbl tur Munici~pal Corpration of tuc.Tat o f Wi(dt8Iorate iac.the uoof TM Tousad Dolars, for tihe vmwaae cf ixrchiraacptic. ro. vny;icaaeeas tire H ma' um Z 1 al c i a. s aid T wn cf Wiibo, and tic. Furniture ithe i saiei Hall, tand thea land@ gitaclred tieret, andI betnging Iaotie satc H all, iancI ta a tiorâe tic issue » f Debentes for theic.sepujrr. cha.,, and ta oy aýa. poil rate z *' LYMAN, Toronto,-Ont., Proprietoj for the Domsinion. e, - NOTE.-Eeecfrfo. Seleeted sud E etrizod. Ask Yaurseif lies. Questions. Are you s despandent sufforer fria Sick Headache, Habituel castiveoesi Palpitation of the Beart?2 Hâve, yc dazzîness of tii. hoad ? Ie your liervat systemb depressed ? Doose yaur blooc cireulate hsdiy ? Rave you as Cough Law spiriteP Coming up of the foc after oating ? &o. Ail of thseu au much mare are the direct resuits Dyspepsie, Liver Camplaint sud mdi gestion.. Greon's Angust Fboweri now ackuowiedgod by ailt Pruggists ti bo s positivo4curo. 2,400,000 baftît wore givon away in trial. Two dosei wibl satisfy &Dy persan -af its waundorfu quaiity la curiug ail forms of Indiges tion. Sempbo bottles 10 cli Reguls, sizo 75 cts. Sabd lay S. W. B. Bmitl &Ca., Wlaitby.- The Oreatest Reraedy Known. Dr. Kiug's New Discovory for Con. sumption is csrtainly the greateat me&I icel remsdy over pisced within ls( rosai of snflering hnmsnity. Thou. Bauds af once hOýpobers, now boudiy preý dlaim thoîr praiso for this wonderfu: discovery, ta which they owe thoir livea Not only daes it po8itively dure Cou, aumplian, but Colâs, Caughs, Asthmei Batnchitia;, Haay foyer, iioarsenesi and ail ifecliaus of the Thraat, Chest scid Luugs yiel t aonce 'ko Us wanderful curstiv, pawers as if by magie. We du not ssk yaai ta bu until yau knas what yen' are gottiug. We theiefar earneffly roquest that yn eail ou your drougist snd-m~et s trial battis free oV chtarge, whihwill cauvinco the most ekeptical of its wouderful mokîtal, toc show yau what a regular ans dallar ize bottie wiil do. Far sale by S. W. Grsy's Syrup cures the worst forme of Cougis sud cola@. Gray's Syrup curas Sure Thrat sud 0 arseness. Gray's Byrnp givéa immediate relief lao Branehitis. Gray's Syrup is the bast tffiaioine for Asthma. Gray's Syrup reliovas Croup sud iWhaoping Cougli. Gray's Syrup is invaluable lu lasi itagos of Consumption. Sold overywhere. Price 25 cents. 22.4i Tie Orcateat Remedy Ever Dis- covercd. Quinine is couaidarari-the greatoat emody known, but wo boflevo it lias ta aquai, if nut ita pear, lu the produet of tht Cod Fish. Nothiug has beau Iiscovertd ta Equel Cod Livar Oil as * buildad udstainar cf the body lu d.ouaaimPtion sud ail waating Diaur. aora but ita uscfiulnoas la impaired by ite neuseons prôptrtiae. lIN SCOTT'S EiiULSION OF PUREa COD LIVEa OI.this objection in entiroly overcome, sud combiuad with HYPOPsospRITES 0F LIME AND SODA it je the Most valuablo rmady ever discaverod. For sala by '..Whutfiald, Whitby. 22-4in uNOTICE187 ..f - 'l -: airily.) ."bAh, t slide?2 The sit Upon what Jean, zooam4 ;a wcma when sho lludE st.umps shlcking f iepieco, sud ho' keap cehnwheu lonag combinga' NEW ADV -REAL 1 Tht uandayignadlax frum OSCAR DELa Aaetiou on diaepi-c TOWNgHII- His pan contain less, cousistlug CfIt o f Lot 29, sud Sou£ La 11.hti .dra-else ration, 40acs ebcu baianeatîuber, of w are'- flxst-eliss cedis waee' a living ste tht lana. Tht sal *TH1JRSDAY, at Atonea TEEms--i,aoaî ta maire op ua-hall 1 tht irsî of Octaisec; by.Mortgagte t 7 par parchsaer. Tit lu dLs;putahlt. October, 1879. -24) Ju 4th, '79 COUNTY- HElm Concil Of t, T County b na TOWN 0F et-2 o'clocl TUESDAY, 10L4 * AU l scosusa nat.lu 'WHEREAS, the Municipal Corporation of te thé. Toiy cf Whitby have dernalned es ta purhasa the nort-halves f Lots ge Numbers On. Twa, Three ana Four, lajin the Firsit Ier cf t!h. Second Double Rag fTown- Lots, Bait cf Break Street, in the. aald Taowa cf Wbtbys sr laid ont on aplan af the North Halas b of Lots numbes Twenty.sx and Twn- e .seven"'inthe. Pirat Donce8slcu af the. coweM f Whitby, by Ais* Warieu, sud the. buildings ani& areetions ou tht said b ve tesorbe -lands, sua the furitire in the Hall therecu erected, 1. known as "Hopcins' kusie Hall," at or a. for the. prie or emm cf Sine Thoizssud ol div . hun dIred. Dollars, w bch s sai m uz a-cf mou y the Vendora of the. said lands aud sid 'brniturs aveagreed te.e Wheept for the saiea; and LbWerers taecarry- itteffeet the said rai- ;. c t ad obje t, il w illh o necess ry for t a- said Corporation ta issue Debenture, for the soru cf Tan ThoaIeand Dollars id m anner h er.lasfte i ae tio ned ; sua Wheeu t illreuir 1theosmmuaf Blevezi idhundredddllarg, te b. »asadannusly, al b speialrate on t whoie rateabe Fe property-ef the aa -Mitcipulity, -for W the paym at cf the. said tuo e ris houBnd Dllas, ýana Ëw ntsrest- )f Wheres, the. amotint, of the whole rateable st psupjerty of tih. saal Mnndipality, se- a cording to thi lest revlaed auseïsmaut r Hll, being for the year eue thousaud, e ig t h an d red : s u d, s av e n ty e g b t , la tht suru of Eight hundra aoa aventy-_ four thousand, seven'unded suna difty.six Dollars;sud. )f Wieraaa, thoamont ai tii. \exstig debti of theamidM ue~1ty a, thesaum of Iliby Dollars, for rielpal, and thro la n patofthe saiu principal or intret E, i t h r c , a r r e a r s; a n d 1 Wheroas, -an sanail spacial rate f oua mli suad twaaity.alix handrds of a iin l tie dollar, upon the. wholo rateabla pro. Crty of thesid Town of -Whtby, wlll uaessary and requ r .d f or p y u the intaeat. sud fermln. xku fon d s ai ele ut for p ay in r à h p in i pal of the ssld debt ta belaraebycresateerl, wvttin tieperodof twenty yaars, brin fter limitaid in that bahaeeaordng- te the provisions of th. tatute lu that -bahaf, made and provided., Be it thereforo eatd by the Muicipal Conil oi the Corporation of tht Town of Whthy, and is lahray naceta 1. That it>sail. and may-e awful for tht- salal Municipilityof dia Corporation oi 1 the Town of Whithy,-.ta purcaae'tht t lands and promises hramnbfra par- ticularly dscrlhad, -and the fucrniture in.tht Hall rcteal diron inown as- Hopkins' MugitH'al, t or for theo aia 3 puce, or auna of Nines thousanl, Bye biuIred Daller- 2. T-at for tht parpose, aforeagad,. tht Mayor of dia said Muxdcipality oi tht Tawn ai Wbtby, shall cese Dehn- hnturs of the Corporation ai the Town of Whtby tabe made te tha amenat nt exeadig ia the wLle, tht sum aif Tn thousand dollars, aah De. benturo ta ha for ne sum less dieu Ont hudrd Dollars, whch sald Deen-' tures shaU ha eald ih the sel'ai tht Cororation sud signeal by tht Mayooftihe saiâ Muniipalty, r y scb pérons as may. ha authorized- y the allid Council, ta igu tht sane, sd ah ha becutarsrgned b y the Tresa- er oi tho salal Mnucipail~. 8- That the aid Dbentures shail ha made pyal intwety yers froru tha day earalnfter mantioeac, fr this By-aw tu taie ffect, ah the Branch or Agecy of tha -Otaro Bank, in dia Town of Wity, sd shad ave ttaehd te -ther ceopeos, for tht paymant of itrest t the rta and in the mener h r anaftr m entioend. . 4. That the said Debetur-ýs shall ear intret at, ana str the rata ai ix pr Icetum. per annr, frouthdialdita theraif, whicii intret-hali ha payable hsi-yearly,on the thlrty-fdrst day, of, tht mnda of Jannry and July, lu asi year, at tht c'aid, the Ontario -Bank, in tht salal Towni f Whity. 5. Thet for thé purpose cf forming asink. lg fnd, for payment of tht aia De- houture, and the intret direon, et tht ratea soresala, ani qual special rate ai one mill sd twenty-six hundredeg of a miii lu the Dollar, shahl, in addition ta ail udir rats, ba raiad, eevied and colectea, in eah year, upon al the -ratoeale propery l ia heýsala Munici.- pality, durinag tht satal terru ai twenty yalara roru the eming itutu ffect ai this ry-aw, uiles sueit Duehetures ahaln ha saunler paal. 6. That this By-aw shahl taIra effet e, froru sd str tht thirty-firt day -of Jly, ne tionana, eight huiidreil ania ttvnty-Mneu. 7. Tht the Twnty-ighth dy, of Juiie, one thonsand, ight hundreand s evea- ty-na, aia theoffice f the Clrk ai the said Mnicilaliy, t tht Odd-lalowsi' hiall, iu the alal Town ai Whtby, t ýtht heur ai Twelvt .o'clck, noen, ia hrey appointed as thetitme aun",p'ce- for tht a pointoent, y tht Mayor ai thtaial Mni-cippity, of pracurlaj te, t- tena t tha vaios polig pilue, and tht dinl sumxung up of the 19%6«s Ou heli aofthe pronq cintrested iii,,and prosotint of oppcsing iis tDi -lw, respctivay. 8. That dia Tiid day ai Jnly, one4 thena- sud, tîght hundredan d stveuty-uîuc, et thtaial heur audallpe, la lserahy ppointd as tht time snd pilaefr tht summing np,ý by tht Clark of tha asil Mnicplty, ai dia nuhaer of votes giveai foc sd galut tht Jy-law,- D., Andcitinfnrther eacteal, hy dtesaal Counil tat, the votesoeh. lctrs Of tha- aialMnielpslity of, tht Town TANRE NOTICE, iteathes siye aa re. epy i. s prp,,otea By-liiw, w-mil wMh ha tran lto eCousiaeratiosi y -ilt,_ Municipal Counti ldiue Carparatineof dis To-mu aI Whitby,,star oua montIt froru dia BfraI puhlcaticu tittraci, in tIsAWhlcby CNCt5iLsc awspaper, publigtheàl lu tic Town ai Whity, anal whieh id, first pub. lication mas qo Thursaaty, -the Mit h (1dny ai ou,1879, anaathe lacnr, day anal placet fixeSL for taýing thatvat'i f the. eh-or, t poýileWîIILh h cli. T11OS9 hUSTON, W lîtb y , A p i t b 7 9 , c i Mal- 27ti, 1879, TEr D ZJi F 0R Sold by a] ;cents. Ni 1 1 Coauty Cerk'sOffie, - liilthy, may 80th, 1 WN TED A sTHOROUôj A yang Weman Con iha well'cecarur Apply aethde 1CH] -WhitbY, Jna4th, '70 d-1 ADPIC-NIC. ~ rad Pi-nie n I ti lGROVE, uta Brasa 4Lad Qnadrille j AU lbks of Games, Jumiping, Huralle, Escir The Cacumittea ara u tis Pie-nie as plaeaffi any titat have beco halc pst. rc.e- IceCcern anal ta ha hud on tht gi-ouda TICIETS, (adLittîn Dinner,) 30acents. Chl ofaiea, 201c-sta Dntins! Ci-er-k,,June 2lu TJiESEIITED AUCOTIOP' The undaraigned a bte hy Publie anctianï, withi C1tOSBY'S STORE[-D SATUJ7DAI', 71/t a, Tht iollowing G Five very -fie Amer Clocka, lu large, fdnely DaI) extra caca-ad ;a Boa"ksli Theoitgy, H Trayais, Americàoan&dC to an asrtn o Ai A importeal. coasiatlng lu p Geats' Roea»sd hall-ha peaderacil iCleth Apr article,) Halvas sud --et cf Yankee Notions, wnh iavel andastfnl ; elso à that aupeclor downg Co: S5ltto commence-et 1 c Terres CASHI. Wbithy, lune ti, '79. came, sud long anal univeral d5, i-rl Sian ied heen tha esunl.,u Profeusam Paicesregards thep-p S ECî ta mark short liane aus irant quack- ery. If Iihhlo la produceal, poverty mil bohiair; if moci, riches. Plie secret ai hai aucceme s luta proiluce pooàs cep, b.- Si cause.'lie meaus cf ptn-clasicig ara mu -diniished, sud guodu maade ou short'era heurse muaI be dam. St. Whehhr me argree iully uiti tue b -Yeorcf Prafesaur Pniceennat, ilcls1 deephy interesthibgj sd bis adriceîla Irei exerexue tus vintues afi ndlaisry, thilt, esu and. ecanamy, in Sesmvb.g aiaif a-.Pr! cotcanal ai layalI ad persistent be folhomlung. bl Wos.cau KILUD u ArLucoA.-Mns.. dea of_ ihrcscn (Janetvile, mas arc- nt.eo cideuhijy, killeS e> at -Lindsay, Bnnday eiù mcucnnig; WIihe rvcng wth her son ina- ta chu rels, part cf tue hiîlcoa brobe, me( miefcaueS hie herse to'a cn eay. Syr -Balla 'maretirown froathe- boggy.c Mzp iohanduon loîl, obehanIcad. Hec r abtS - -mS in2stStaneonu, --em so n l sa .-aeeriuay -ettaaldhmuieed, "Her his nsd was inulautly billeS atout Iý eighteeu yoare ua by falling tram A' erh tri. of- af 1 1 . CI 1 1 i

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