Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jul 1879, p. 4

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(To b.t 0onUlt*dL ritpVgTYi h produot cf labot. It IlSeb liewed ont cf the forest, plow. "il outO tf llId, aled lont cf hie "8~o eudOu ot 'of the auvil, wrîqht ont lu lths factory and furnacet. Laber i. t lth. bohlom, cf il ail, and, thu natilon ln wl,îéh theon are the mont Jaborers, and in whioh labor is thé eln cer~iâhad dcared ,for, mnsl hhtie dechasl and mont 'po .eronm. Capital -h loraranàtaaî llies. Wo lbeYWor ltogoltior bath are éntiobedi wheu thse qare hostile oheparated, 6bot »lOVmNDtp OPcI HÂawX.-HalifaX waa fowiadsd O"U2bndred and thlrty 7mars age bY thé Hon. Edward Cornwallis, a relative c1 thé Gênierai Cornwallis whc «fgurpd mc prolminuly in the Révolu-, tlonay wàr. Théecony whioh. ho trcnht with hlm OOnslted cf &MOrnewo hêonmapd ive bnndreâ porions, Mary cf lhemm Slbandmd efcs îlirand saloi. Halifax recoisiodils name'cul Of compllente te tbm Lord thoen ai thé lseud of tbè Woard cf Trade. Stralford'a population lé tht. year 13,. 875 adin lnceasm cof 200, and baraas. letisi11iêt 0,422,588 aa lghl d4ecreas.;' Llndma>'m'number 5,47a>pnomos. Chat- bam, 7 182 réfaIlîlg off -143 whiîch ~he~.I4I.y Fî4dcieel à bebansb tel j g.1,b alà électeS gain for . Dunan bas 8,o48 lohb iants, 14 4 l108 ait yéar. ,Thé popnlatl. on cf Oshawa bas aise dcrensed, whie Wlliby bas laereased orne 150. 'Trhé poolngaragietavn blen cu qln4d litwéen the Midiand àkld .. - UbyI't Perry anSdLind- Day litllwaYm, Mr. G. A. Co% i. chomen .chobirman cfthé joinlcoMmmte cOf inanajçermnt, and M r. J. J. Bons, Sec. LiHtowell- bas pused a by.1a4 to raine 87,000, par& tcfwioh i.nseded te PYfay ileSbt0c1 thie T~own Hall, and ittler lu raime 8000,> for Ilie érection (À %V.- M. iieyn'oîlb tewldely IltWUInglioli wrlter cf sensational Lt le oxpael'tathc body cf tîho tlto Irlneo Inijierial will arrive le Lon. <lon tih1e 28ù, cf Jely. A tani pmer ercaanery l e ing 'ttd ,et 'îîéa rg, near Kingston, Lu imalte the tineét ci butter 'for the Il'iglitlis markt. nulsle ailwui i(, ith(. Urlted 'mii re lit.lltl lu o rodnceti 10 porenit. 011 lot of Jîîly hy resue» cf d' preeel hbe nesui thé car déjtart. uaiîl bs bc» 0100011 for lwo weeks. Thé I)OLIpcne eopitaph cf n cloaoilst. e<l citizen, aiséed with lthe followfing îlmongo cf Srlîîlîr-'<IIc lIant givétla (h(' 1)0, ioceu dotlxthothe Lord.t' 00 soliloquized Saieho, lu nihant min»died thao Lord Ilitiz't cwn Min nnry rod cet.- Wnni's chine ou thick lu E urope thal ti,, soilieràism't havoa a chance tu oit glowil for na few nicceents' resî, and liince io nCCéuity for Isécping stand. 1(51,'atîuxlit. MccIvr hhalf lf icsein requtred le lîriJvemît lîo Tilîce Minés, in thie Tipon Iliimtrict <.1 StalTùrdellirti, freni being (llownsd 0>o1tlias beci> eolltlc hy the llrilnage Ccnîmtslon. l1og 6bolora la ccnnîaiting terrible raveges e in c f thé Western Staeer To ?onow Loans a/ready oxist- In>q, to Payér Debts, or ta make Improvernentg. lj i to mke dvus upo tli etr ni cai l té efor P0115tlosuoil isç9rrowera tid rlepayabl liti aîîy malier applicants nietmofIlaterest, Six, seveit, ariaS Elghî Ieu Cet. iSecertllît larspaynséîtu. Wlitet tllala' iéatillieoiry ChoI on Caii lis coruplutéd 1111tdlnty p111 ovsr Ili t '1 VO'WANT1>1 TO PUilCiA8n IOOD Oficle Ilgciow'g tlock, l'art I'erry. Ittapetfeiîly Tour., 41>3 TIIIIMAS 1PAXTON. 'I>'AtiMIroit SALLe.-Near Otillia, aie .IituîtRIXdnsreo, lérge cleie,cgoai éti, iiiall eerd frameé bulilhlgts.> «"«fuil Wb5ul. ki<Ply et oucu eta U McV1AiLAND, MfiShanS1P. 0., outt. AIR'0GA8 MACHINE, 'TteMachineiel, for ligiting Privalé lSwchhhngs, MiIIe, Factonies, C hirches, Pmiblé His Hala tils, &c. COI nd xamie thetisé inefiliiOpère- lioiiah JOSFIIl PHILLIPS, notle Manft'r, 1litber ant iLO(IaîltserL _188 York ,tr,'eî, Seuit fer "'irenise and prtitel Apiil 201h, 1879), -10 Tho ,Great ]Blood' Purifier. A guliu IteSl ixtrast 0o!]Raollorjanlai. su Srtsn ligiti qblued wvilsfodîde et L'atalsaifur s8e bure cf aIl disaeu arIlulg irOms lnspurity oi thé blaIe. -Neanly -ail thé dille utt tlroeble the hitifan racea ara it>neeedby theéataeoe lte blocS, ilfis indépi»noable tisaI Ibis foltin of I11lslina apure anS beahlhy Au a Puriféur af thé bleod,, n Ilonovaton o <f lts é Cftein and l'x6arver ai thé paw- eri.salao, ret 's ~Sernaparthla a ls.na Frml tte Dru» Stores. 1IlY, WATMON#.%tVO.,, 22(11en Valuable Farun"for Sale. 10 ACB-712LOTl ,INcremh CoN, i0o ICIýlt G 15 orcociérd- ronaduusiSr wélj tlJoénd (mnly aeeb anSj inapiC),' Thiii là ia yry désirable pi'apemîy for thée.woud' 'aloélu veryvalambîs anti "I nCQ*ýi py Vio é robtusé moeey, wvill the s uilen QI Vie pa saauese ur. 'nuIefor theinutl" Turin.slbéns r élabiearie. i P. 0. Beor, 2g W3lltby '<PROTECTI ON I1" HOME G1ROWi, SEEDS. TT 15 AN hi8TAl3LIî5Hi)»fuat ltaI S. eanj re popâlar Ifoui ,~erîer Tie~>Ie y waet tére ao55at "P Lu thiey Aremtre te geav gv ncama nis5hon., 1 -FLOWaE RizzQA SPECIALTY I 41 me saI nbytnit'd<o i.c" ug Cli ~o 3usW<.ot" i For 1lit'1024 142 i 161 144 8 w * 145-8,59 147 a 69 * 14--8 69 * îoa-s ,29 ý 154 1359 1556 a89 * 16 859 167 B859 158 1 869 159 859 16U 8 59 162 a6bu 1638 859 104 -359 160 8690 167 8589 1698 859 170 888 171 889 172 19 874 178 19 92d 180 5 28 1 181 5241 182 5 238 1883 à524 1 1&146528 1 1865 52d~ 186 * 859 187 869' - 188 9-59 180 8569 190 8'59 193 3859 lue 5 65 11>6r)623 1I 107 ô524 1! 199 ý5 24 i 200 523 1! 201 5624 1! 211 12438 1 212 12 49 8i 213 12 43 8 237 2 10 1 238 10232U 244 12 28 1 245 12 28 240 12 28 B( 2619 14 8da 820 a9813 127 8 3 8338 10 16 2 840 6 67 I' 344 12 5681 861 12 42 &i 8862 881 21 8613 10 28 W 876 8 W " 877 8.-D13 878 818 8860 5 812 1 45.1 145 145 B146 145 l'O' I145 I 45 I 45 I 45 I 45 I 45 145 t1 451 I145 I145 3 1 45 'l1 45 I 45 i 45 1 145 I1 45 I1 45 I i45 i145 I1-45 1 145 L 1 45-4L 145 1 4 i 1 45 P 1 46' 1 45 i 1 45E 145 1 454 1 450 'l 182 68 4 50 1 45 188 8 182 0818 56 1 45 188 'ilttl'i tPLAN, NOUTI WAUD, iESîr os'LC STIMI5T. In all its branches; funorals Lul Coffins elways on hanS, trinned EHoare conshafitly in roadines. 3512 5 12, 5ô 12 . -1. c-1 à 1 10 1 218 218 ia8 il V 6 8j a61 181 14k 65 5 148 517 S8 169 768 3 28 49I î 6 S1 508 l 06 S91 162 281 14X> 1. 81 8 S3 83 3 s 7 42 257 2 5 419 -los 4>6211 Il1 41 169 7 18 17 1l45 170 10 19 251 45 171 15 45(j137 1 45 175 16 88 411 1 45 176 8 83 21 1 4à 177 4>17 Il 1 *5 178 8 83 21 1 45 179 880 851 15 181 6 76 16 1 45 182 4 72 il 1 45 1555 115181 41 1 45 1955 4 72 i1 1 45 19> 8 à2 21 1 45 335 .4 VU3 12 1 46 8()G 4 vu 12 1 45 lrd Italige csi, 17 8 41 20 1 45 dé 18 8 41 2o 1 45 di 19 à512 12 1 45 * 2>1 512 12 14.5 PrassyoéiLAN< OP P.'.<r (IF LOr2-J t10 15 256145 4 6512 l 1 45 5 4 72 Il1 1113 8 If) "1251 3i45 t)6 W131U145 12 4 60 ill 145 2() 3 53 7 1 45 U<<LT'4i VLA<N Ut' PARIT OPiL' .0S25, 26,, CUNCIthtihON, 278 M5.(2I1 45 279 86 12 1 45 1)805 8> 2 1 45 L'di 8> 2 1 45 2852 851 2 1 45 23 5451 2 1 45 2134 8>1 2 1l. 25 Si" 2 1 .i15 '2 0'2 1 2613 1 45 23u1 2va4 I 13 45 15OI14> 153 -1145 a '102 f 03 4 1 45 131k A. 1inr, 6t. 1 il 62 _,ti 1 45 1 dé 2 i112.28 1 45"Y di 5il592Q8 1 451 lIresi 8t.3Il S 51 iIl 1 45 llyran' 5- 5 1 ;1 4,r 17 18 18 51 10 6 10 10 10 1 7, t 124 12 12 12 12 12. 12 08 08. 80 85 80 81 BO Bi 31 L2 L2 12 L2 hWAiiA'1;'s 'e '3, Dy tPAtRTS"vCim ,'r 27, LT. Blocsk 1, 60 11 I 1 .1 5il13> W.%]tÀe' lANieP' iAtRT 0OP LOT28, 1eT. Bloct A, 7 5 il 1 2 )1 '1 ) i6,4 8' t 5 11 12 151 L;1(8 TtNslOMItt'H rL4saiOFa'.UVr OF os>UT27, lmc. 14 1>162 4 1515 3 I1 16 2 b7 (511>15 4(08 23 5 172 1 45 71;30 11.1 5811 2 1 ý5 lu348 55.(tl<' '14-44orVATurOrFto 213, 27, tl. tP. COi<CEe5<1<5 Bllock 2, I 1i380 c 'l 'j, o109 '2 8 bu 21 151l1025 ri 1751-'l14-1,5 1974 4, 4 78t2 191 45 P'4>1 9 5 21>12 1 461 680 5, 151 17 b2 '1 1 15 19)71 TIIOMlAS IIUEITON, Treaiénrer, 'Love a Vtila Town Tru45nrer's orne, NNhtby' 26th Maty, 1879.J 2 (Fpublize 29t1< y, t870.> RSNÃ"W3 COE &I.N FCJTON E patrons titatlite bas aggtt Aitub .-lo SIfiJI ON BtJNuiASISJEEJ, "lt", occuiehal y W. P. 'Wllcucli, Wte hé vi>h11 ap aus i a id fr1, ti a Il viIonsmntly kssp ii toul a Ins stock ai CONFEÃ"TIONEItY, CAKES, A'e., &c 1"U UI 2' (?f (111 I-lodsi in 'ts*ss Breat ldéivorntud tiiy ul al l ri prmnsîtiy teSeS b. DhneémmandSuSpl>era 55<ittledut rivabtïo- able ates. Don't languI thé sdtinia,, 1.SAIOW, 10.1) 1>:îds.StretWlztby. LIVE/?YI LIVEIY P Iaderijgncd upply X4ivery, gos hU~orses andSc aleeiimortnîle séblcit', M nmaealu1notic. Ail ordcru a'ttta ta hI sttpunétnalily. Tées ow. A. dc g1,9 1ICI<E ta çI~Pl'e ut~ 24 .01. Aa customer Positive Facta for- the., Publie Groceries. in every varlty, fresh, ekoice AND CHEA?," AT 'Fine Japhu Teaf; from 25etâ per Ib; ' S uperioiY6ting. 'Hy- soiq Teas frons BOts. per lb. Extra, Black Tes from 40ocs. per lb. Ca- 'na îan and Foreihn Segars, ai bottons Prîme. Extra Bargaîin Coffes, Co4oas and Çhocolatos. Bsthy & Co'a. Nubob Picele, 'Mivod Picels, WaLiùt Piekels, Nabob, Sauces, Curry owder,,Feench Cape, snd.;gassort- Extradea,5 Pure Spices, 251bs. FizW, Crrsnts for, $1. Raisins, Freal Tai'- kéy Pr~unes, flomé LeaS, Jaeoby & &a:?. Enflant SéIf.slbining Polish, 5 'çts.'per box, HighIy Pérfunaed Family ToiIet-g Sop - 8Oot p pe.,Sozon, ail otlýer Boaps 4t prices' that dofycompet#îon, Pa tt1als WrhTubs, Brusehos, Brooxns, a large stock rehidl, làt éhlsS rc Bargains in Crockery, ChinaanS Glsssware, . Complote' TeaseBtta foir $2 '0Di. Coipletý, Toiet'S ette for -~ 50. I~TunipSoos-&iblifhd rùo to thdir ldnds, from thé moat relia- hIc Sedsrnin lu (reat. Bifain,aàt. TIm 0S F m Bo~IBock,'~ GENERL~L DRY GOODS, 'BokStreet. G/?ROGERlY HAID WAIIE 8ToIlEf BROUGH A;M. Begs to info'm i iis frien'ds aùd tiïe pb-_ lie, thait lieIlIF; now on, bauùd an eutirely. new,,,,id well se- lcctcd stocli, enmbraeingin the abovàô ý'ues, which ho is Selling at unprecedeutedly IEE..la- I CD.. : Custrn'ers are- advised to give a cai ilI.d sée vIat vaihe they eau get for, their xxi t hm establishwilt.onytahm Brougîîain, April 201h, 1879. TINSHOP. 0106 Next Door 'South 10 da-mes Johnston's' "Goldsmfth'8 Hall,"ý ÃŽias opened busineés u the above premriies and is now xu.nnxmmg in- fli st where everything pertainilng to Tin, Sheet, o Glanized Ion is m'anufaotuied iii aworknian- li1ie mibnr, ont SHO:RT NOTICE,, ud at rea8onable rts ELECTRO-pLATED:GOODSof SUPERIOR (4LTALITY. AU kindsof Japanod Tin, and Shoot-Iron wareonitantlykept instock ILEPAIRING doue eheaply and neatly. Ailwork guar- tintéeS iati6factory ornepay. 'Atnerkan auad Canadianl COAL OIL- Lamp Chimneys, Wiotlé, Burners,&c Whitby, FPeby. g4th, 1879. F011 SALIE AT TIE WHITBY CHINA TEk STORE, PLASTrER, -Choice Goods in Electro Plated Ware, imported fo DUAOr~blcdng fetoies. New magnificnt pattenns t pn'ices lss tien le- P 9 wh1,vIerea skeSfer shop won goods. Another lot ofthe celebrated per- IRON GRANITE TEA Â-ND COFFEE POTS.- LAMPS-C CUTTLERY, NIKE LITE SPONS AND FORKS. Baby Carnages, new, just lu and «vety dieap. C Olark's Diamons i Dut Polish, wholeaaloe anS retail. Thse beat polIs kno'wn for Silver Warýc and Nichel Silvet. Jewelry made to order. iPelticular aLt- tention to Watch rpairing. WHEOLESALE AND lIETAIL. MOSES LINTON, Butter, Egs, Poultry, Appl.es, ]Red and Store, Post Office and Telograph Office.1 Aisike Clover Seed. WH'ITBY BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. Bcgs to anno "de to the public, that sIc lias opeued a -well assbrtcd stock of Books and Fancy. Goods consisting of- SOHOOL BOOKS AND GIFT BOOKS,9 Bibles, T'rayer Books, Hymu Books, Sunday Sohool Books and Caîîds, Holiday and Viaitinpg Ca'ds, Plain andi Fatscy Note Pnaper, In,,SaoPeu,,, Pesscil., Blank and Note Books. BERILIN WOOL AND WOOL WOIR. Di mbroicicry, Siîk, Linon, Floss, Chenille, Wol, TassoIs, Carsiboard, Mot- tocs, Cosies, Vases, Toiet Mats, and Ornements of aUl kinds. LADIES' WORIC BOXES AND BASKETS. Gîovc.and Hairdkcorcîaief Doxe5(, Card Cases, &e. -Wc have a largo variety cf pîatterns on liamul cf clitIhe latimst styles in American Slta'mingaâll kindu cf Fancy Wcol Work 'dons le order, iîsluàing infants Jackts, Bonts, Breakfast Shawls, &C., aIl orders prornptly attenî]edte andeuS ahhxe lowest possible rates. I -have just opened n large >msortancnt cf Childrens' Aprons, tace Tics. 0:>i RILLING A SPEOIALTY. ~ ilbviîîg in eoîîncctionl witîî ny businsess, secured a flrsh-class ÃŽesas i- lter, able te undeortalte thé maling of anydress, I càn warrant togive maire matis- faction, hein» a pérson ihat lits lmd éxperiencé la aliés, lhé, stylas. ara new, .no pains wiIIl hé spared, end aIl orders promnptly atleeded Io,fItling rooma back cf tîse store. 1 bave aien firstrclasî Mentie Malter, nubé capable cf maklng Man. tIes, Coulé. Dolmens, of any description andl in 1(e latelt styles. Thé attention cf tlia Ladies is espeoially invitetl te hué depurtment. Fitting rôom n le ar cf them -store, Oddfellows'Ilall.1.: . 1 Ail ordere for Magazines and Pape rs proinptly atteuded tsî. Dîîily and wecîly iapers always on Isund and snbsc-iptî'oîîa roeoivest lIýJ" Shoot Musiie *npplicdl on 5s0test notice. Whity IVPBi Stoe, ddfeilowa' hIall, Brook-St. CANADA PEIRMANENT L'OANI AND SAVINGS COMPANY, TOIZONTO, ~TCOI~.TJD, AJ.135- 1> T 'AID UP CAPITAL, 'OTAL- ASSBT'S, $21000»O0. TO 'FARMER'S AND LANDOWNERS. DO YOU-WANT TO BORROW MýO NEY P To buy inose land for yonrsclves or for pour sons ? Te buildý a lieuse or a hemr ? To fonîce, clear, liiderdrain, or oth1>1-Wle improve pour hanSd To îîey of' i Mortgage or otlier debîs?, Or for ajýy ohrsps' If Yoin do, thse roducedl terme of thie CANADA PERMANEN1t LOAN AND SAVINOLS CÃ"MPANX affoîS sepanrior faciities for effe*eting thé Loan uttfise lowcet rates, and for ils easy repapinént. TrHE SINKING F'UND SYýSTe" Whithy, February lltlî, 1870. B/W WN & PA TTEhR80N Mi 'g. Go, W. J. GIBSON, Whithy China Toa Store. TO THE PUBLIC.. Ie proeeting Our Twenty.secnnd Annuel Catalogué cf Agrieulturel ImpIe- uants te thiebarinera cf' Canada for thé penn 1877, wa do Bo with dqoré than th' ordinnry dopée cof priSé anS confidence, brom, the mankéd favour and patronage- confornnédncusa, and thm at.-ady anS incneaiag Jezana fbm year 10 pear cf ont' uow e'mlbrtced Farm Implémenta. Wé ashail continuéê su hérétofore, ns manuaturéri, ta maka a îpeialty of Agriellural Maahinry-thm Johuston Sélf-oaktag léaspén, thé Triumph Comn- binéS Beaper anS Mower, thé Ospuga Mowei-, thé Yopng Conadla Mower, anS car céw Whilby Harvéstén4 claimleig a langé shane cf car tiazé anS attention. For théehast 7wny-two years wm have glve cr mcml caréfel : and undivid- md attention le thé manufacture anS opération cf the varions machinsie ase, muftin» ont 1the béat pointé, remmding defecos, modifyla» sud corréeting érrora, slnengtheung woak points, adapticg anS propcrîioning avery part as cur incisas. éd éxporenaé has suiggested. W. emloy cnly the bout moohanloaliltill, sud car machines pas nder thé -Most caréfal supervision andSoicrtny-evéry Smlail being mebjectéfilo tha séver- est crlicinm-snd, eaoh machine ta thorcaghly testeS bêera leaving cen workm, tb'prove the oompletenosm cf every part, ccd thmré la no difflaally ie pelling Ibera lu opération by scy prson of moderato méabanical ability. Our maahinery bas besa mlmted anS conatrualod with a apécial référence tc thé manuactoure cf cur own maahinmm-niany tools hav .e» be Made for hala particalar parposé, anS ual adaptéS for othér work, anS onr wort1nen are cdu- cated np ho thé wantm ana réqairémmati cf car manufacture obtajning 'a thon' 'ugis keowlédgm cf thé construction cfcar mahines, andSase s a enbled tc ob- tain c bigher Ssgrso of skill anS pnofiéaany thon wherm genéral nzacefncturing -ja carnieS on. W. are thenéfors suabléd bt ntroducm a moeépmrfal aystcm itanil thé dé- parmnso f imanefacture, a1ddng not only te the perfection cf thé 'wcnk, bel al- flo b thé re.pidity cf iii executiot-sed a cenéquént rédaction cf coot. - This princîplé la regardédnSsaéianu a wéll regelated estalihmnent, acd wé enableS b ternuocr machines withi a higiér degrec cf perfection. and aI prica s o low as abaolutély b Séefy compétitior. is nov go vell known as a Siglé e Laper, liat e word cf commecjetieiî woeld almosl scem euperfimzouo, bel as théneare ana y claiming te manufacturé Ibis nnehhie Who haves adhéréS ho the olS original Jobealon machie, without keép- ng np tb theé'Insprwvéients .; lba4 justice 10 cersalv's asdpatrons reqeina of us to sa ù tat ýWé iaveýmoamfeS i inalmoat sver~y essesitiel part, anS' fer slrengtha anS Sarability, qeality cf eut, lu évéry ticS and condition of grain;ý lightneas cf drait anS esse cf maagement-tis "*Johnaton," as manfaottxred bý m's-stands pre.éniinently aheadfal fml othenréeapers. Ie prco f of Ibis position Wé havé only tpoint to thé many Final Prizes awarded es-at thé la Provilncial triai cf On- taio, anS many county. trials whlah havaebae placm' aloison Canada, vithie thé let RU P few yéars.-wmec la gecrafly sdinitto te a, te béatandeurnt, anS slisepeuh plan, é-r4r yat .Sévime<5for pravia. Ingfo teaylivitoflailtin. tia4opud goerimnt, y un pltisgd ytewîth ltimprovements, i. ail tIst aIbcbdSeS uenaCombinéS bgachlae, anS 'liins CUOLDA 1'r,îtiAiSzr<T LeiAN > Syno , GsCo,s',vands mauey an Esai ;tl,'nlun nneol bail 1e méat all thé réqeinameeti cf purchaaare. In tii. "ovnee of Ontario, on the aboyé systenianS affordu thé followlcgfacititteusanad advaa. la u teiliotrOers- -Our lmprored Cajuga Ch'e radoi on aaaMwr lat--ytM Danal tit alzyu yenyoa sira, et env timé, for any tera yen chose, not exceéedSu6 2,yean n entlmsis'xaeréate oa istrot.'ulé raeut, ahie cnttue-8MSWhollep IncaandStSîel.Th 2liaS-Thé full eaot il thé Lean le advaneeil, ne Induction boing matie fanaonlniisuion, Pay arebohfr-eaumcis ntîtélaol"" fTé monlu lu adsance, ortlf deired, for soilet3r's fées and ether exxtenueu.'. Cayna Jr. heu a néar euli,anS thé 'Young Cannela a front Cal;' boîli atrong, dan- tr-e c rcieyrmoeéyfnam tisé fompnny, andi psy [t teck through lthe Agencliez of able machine, anS net exgclled b n machines in thé aktfrqaiyo tise Compan-',, au onu, ft' chargé. Thé Con as n noAgen ts, fer coctinian ioney. A11 rniItnsStta céuviilsaeknowiéed h ne t si~egneibtdPreumléu a cuati Snrability, lightnesa cf drafî, adaptabiiy, anS esse cf manageméat. Illanagor, * 1 , 1.. 1 1 1 l- '- th.s-Vai3 sssn repa" us eLénli lrbutfe.r1yiu as<est suites ycsr couvent ~ iéuei asne *B NE ý,W vri~BY., M IVJT J - enhée,éand Intercut O R ýE R mis-Tot cn psy ff eunMeegae l fu, i yo Seire vihou n ti pnftLud- equit . 1As thé coantny lhas become bélIer adapteS tô machiner7, aSdmany )f c arnm- t<lielamu ,ndaslis poii1tulfhaierîxianodh ea avelathtue f -haso n you avotd i b " er hav ocome akilied i t *seonaahis, agncwing ead a r Mergng (yémnl lstaniét,,at 1e ntecofitorést, and in' up f1cr s Lighî, Durable, Fi-il-ClasiBeapor aiS prn yeon eyaU yeuiVau rheu o! iula» .yur 4 Alito bthe requinentinti cf thé day, wé havé m ceéSeS lin ivehýting na ma- ls puy off théelatyn. Bi' nng thée )gét tarin. yonr ailu Peaéu 12feWrncpkl anS chine vtth a- W-ogblXrà, Fnrné,evth the léaI o Bible gearing-with large, In ret wil bu'ittéomorenyanbnûtawulfaaveSt Palvor wheré ,.-and ortzéidtaltt e mme and tablé tilt et the âtîs-The noaeuaryéenssa.asd nIZ Tehes uuil cage. i incluSedSn o théMthgég, and iilS <takvith thé teîblmsntaîvhén Ibère vil ne sI-Iam liie. 'in* ç>tot"e ~ alitr bcéuorétaméS ci thé base.theneisy keepicg thé pitman always in wlbIm nifé. Thé ottise-Yce usions titetltlprtvaey ns te yaun affaira, li yourb néfgu6iWrlansd are'nct ratés 'are 'drivén dîrectly from thé main oaat-lbéeire <ing -no pèret"Ptible aidé énisiecl te tisé mertsy cecarue of eny ndl'Adtal1 noané autheiampl Ocnna t raft, and no wight apon thé horueo nécls. Wé an '-confident thp.t wo have - écate, tt eai lave ne posileisnt réét t ppr ggyn fups an uo on o n-scéddl i cl'tt i t~ I gsgscantéin siavcnting tém tpenfécl Reaper, latin g >.art14 st iOh.Yc nésielnvis mnlh crerlin ilog tndng 0hélu.2manes assieuove ben pncdaaéd. . Wo'h&vebspplied for lettons palett;ýda, s s4bolS or 15,605 Mai$~a a oa~usnite oabont fourteu îmilitons et Sans, euSIn nilSatanco taventicn, broutr ow exclusive' nafoué n ens'cfuysi~el1 e Loa, niy ia sltèné i îly terris elt621yaare, ecîtayaeia ccrdlng tcthfo towingtahie.....for eamnhrf-.Té'<bty' nébr.wpigia .ol5,1'u but bç1i2 made prt4aipslly c f thé béat 'qnliltycfhin anS atiel, and m 1Cta IPSeTAt.MESSnqmtsn Toro PAY A LOAés OF 81000>IN THSE FOLIcviNc PE'il) nioc -gncsns opstcosro ionicombines, thé tnùgfth anS Suraiity cf lthe 2Ys.liruI4réî le, 5 Vs. lns Snu IYr'~ Ze M hcviar machines. Yeni~'1l.. 1-.6tI51ai13eaé2s.3e~29.8 (scz4ei7xéhesu 1s 4eIsma-[Ws-59-00 .Wlb îlist Ifrî machines, wé fée! 'confident tint )svooa meovrré F , qe'méat, and WC isspotfully selicil a t2ia1 of car machines, belles ng Chat wé. Tlisew 1nlléIainiot, isnaalieat tise ncf cah iyàar, Itayeir caine d44 pratpul and üat, oaifurnimli a-boiter mahie or the mnée. tlsn can bm obtained eI eob'.. TH!E, RIOHEST PRICE, PAID 'F g OÃ"D 'OpT'GAGEý s BàpilaIY-ourop 3.'iis3'113T7ou I5TO7MA'ro 4PLY TO "j C. NORSE,, .. B]ýOW1N4& PATTERSON MFPG, CO#. ILASJOI'~Qro-t. FIRE. PROOF SA.F'ES.ý P ra c ifoa i W tc m cr I*NO :B--.II 000 m - Is doing justice* cither to himself or lis- creditors if lie does without a safe t6 proteet lis, BOOlis Notes, or other valuable.papere. M:EwVE ] R V la -KlR Who bas deeds, notes or moneyin the hbuse, ouglit to have a Safe to guard both against Burglary and Fire. ý A Safe is alwayà a Good Asset, as it not only preserves its contents, but kceps its own value as well, for after, passing. through, a fire a smaîl outlay wil malie it as good 'as UOw, and it can always be sold for nearly ità first cost. J. & J. TA&YLOR have turned out about 20,000 safes in the lest 24 yoars, ana, none of them lias failed in trial. Farmers and/Mer- chants, this is thse kind of "lProtection" and sornething that the 3Tariff, can't give. Go tô thse Toronto Safe Workrs and geý a Süe.'* 117'-J & J. TAY LOR,9 17to 119, Front Strcî, Earst, Toronto; Toronto, April 20th, 1879. MY Stock of Is n0w Complete in Every.Line. E. J. JOWE.S*ONO Very Special.ý Inducements to UN DERT AKING. Fuil Stock of Caskets, Coffins, and al the necessaries in this lino. Also, -4- WELL-APPOINTED IIEARSE.. Whitby, October lOth, 1877. -42 -A-OTHING CHEPER :THAN EVER!i 1S- N:ATIONAL POLICY] Gents' Spring Suite, laecst styles, very chcap. A largo stock of fino olothes. Handsomýe Vee patterns, Gents' furnishinga, a fu liUe. Garinents cnt in fshionable style. Albranches cf Tailoringreceive rompt gaement and bell alus for your monoy., Arüinspeàtidù respýebtruUlylivite, JOHN R~. PRINGLE, W hitby , MsZrch,24 h,, ,1870. Iro k 51 ,W ltby. OtJ.UTTERS',, ,-e UGG 1ES, - AND CA1RJAGES. À 'L-arg'e Assortment, of Cutters -and Buggies FO 0R 'SALE,- 'CHÈAP'i -AT- March 10h, 1879. SIGN OF SA VE, M The besttvalue in Envelopâs, -Lettei aud Note Paper, thatceaubê.hgfiùal s wn., Fiýveqaires of, Note«Papor, in i neat wrappor, SCail andsee sanple lot' of Spaulding's Base Bals. Base -Ba,'Criket, and Lsrosse Clubs supplied on short notice. Ail the-lateet Works, of Fiction, in stock.' School Books, Blates, aud School Bago. A cheap lot of Gent&-' Canes just to banid. New8spapér s a Magazines at publisherS prices. Globè and Mil elil-v'ereda-t 12J- cents per weeliL týd Dn't foget the place,. igui of the', Golden Pen, 2 doors:SBouthý' of Hamilton and Harr'ower. DANIEL,KENNEDY. --000- ---- a#U.00E Spring Goods now to hand< ret 3AtRANS OFFERING IN--W .orC TorE]i ,pario8é can i A-GI 0 Tnx: ve vfil" their l1.tf) 60 York-St., TORIONTO.. O*~NIBUSES 0AND ROM ALL RAILWAY TRAIN! FAR S. To anid from G.T.R. Station......20. To and from witby; P. P. & Lindsv'y B'y Station . . ... .... Those cnveyaaxege ffe ansd Cornfort- ahîs, and in charge cf careltnl drivers. All bafflaga checked and carefunly looked after. LOUIS 8Et~E1iT, Propriétor- 'Whitby, F ab. 2ôth, 1879. &-lot ,LEVI -STON-E,.* ,YTO:. up to 8E liemoved te thé Oirstro Block, Bi3rck-St.,, rthé olS placé, noxl Sor te seMentreal TlrahOffice. Thé placé ta GET A '00O1 JOINT AND JUICY STEAX(t Ré aIse begs toeinnouxce te thé inhILaiL. anIs aof Whilhy and vi.inity, tInt ho lia£. > opeilsi a ,FLOUR & FEED STORE. in cenneclion with hisflntchop Slop,ýwhctas hé vill always havé cn hand A LARGE STOCK OP Choite 'Flour, * Cracked Wheat, Oatmcal, Ceremeal, Ont., Peau, Shorts, &c., &c; Orders délîied -ina ny part cf-thé e wi.. A eall ia solliled. *LEvir STONE, - Ontario Block, WhiLby.. Dec. 171(5, 1678. (11-52. AUCTION -,SALES-*! _j BG to rotera my saleré thanka b the 1 b liédfomta thé ierlpatroaget pbsou cor témvre ibéral peuantueg couduet any salé. thét I1mla" hé entrmoeted with. Tenus libéral. 5atisfaction. guar-' My alé hbock vii'h4foend et thé Outario Htel Whithy .rracmgements- nu te day. of use, &c., rnay. hé a dé vib Mr. Mason, the propriétor of thé Rotel. 'Ortlers sy zmai] or teleraphatteaded ho. L. A NKSI N. B. - Sale Bouksa anSbreak notes ferniebeil free. Turkish & Vapor Baths, These batlia, are use.ful S in licStii;itiea, NeuraliiacoehClu oqsin roachit1a, S=rfuaSkin ie.ri ilu- flnnuattona. Biliouuxze,Fevers, i&ea for setitery purposes. Thé vipor'1tlha are particularly al kca- blé1 lal Skie dhisesie, especially Syîî isi, Il iu now univérimlly concèdeS tissu bath thé Tgrkiali and Va por:Ballsarac t he (est préservatives ai healtb vithin thé usssrh af 'umédé cal experts ndSin cmpunctioi-ié-ith Mea ltréstmenlt1hé patiet is morr'>au- i' îa nccmjfufiy Ietd -1atronized Ibrongho,3t thé yord frontl r'oyalty down ta thé paoreet mzu. These- Tanrkish bath. are thé Only oxlueite Cityi of Toronto. QemtatieC and rcenmendatious are give front thé béat médical sud esanittry au tiier- fiéem te ailcounîniés. ROURS-Gentleman, 7 le 8.30 a.în 8 , e 0 p.m. Saterday <sailIil p.ns. LaSSek, 10 PRICBS--Trkisls Batll, one tirket, 61; 12 ticeésiO. Vapor 1hathé, 50.cenei; 32' 233 Q1JEIiWYST.IVE ST. Skilfs aud attentive a mdc s.lfénialé attendairt. J. S. DIAMOND, MD.' Valuable Real IN TUE TOWNSHIP 0F ria Strée> 121<0,. JPTOI.É8 Fit1 Un CAmUEHO, ).i. Rt- J. GI .S5URGEON TO T BrnStreet, 1 * iesidence-congr bytéry, corner cf E3 Whithy. BYRON I w- .iIcBRm5rq 'DR. Bc Physiaia, Surgeon, IVbitby, Sept. 80th, 1> W. A ROÃ"MS OVEl I lm 0toc, p. m. Llesd anS Glbert stréets. 4 C, N. VARI . oa ensljat eP a.n',' le- iblc, o-rer At Ring Street, Oshava. jIR1DRESSING Saloon, ]3rock St JOXUN OL G tENT FOR TE A .Sottsh Granite. 1entIssu Wôlfénden; WILLIAJIU (Suocessor te Thonx ~'OFFICE OPPOSI' Wlty aés2th, 187 Est ate TO0 "SupérnatudralBe AGVENTS W4 1 1 1 - 1 wm TILL. 1 J. W. BARNES. . -CASH PAID FOR Gool) 1 - ... - -- Whitby. 1 OFFICE OF THE M-&Il"T% those 1 il NO 916É 1-N, PR' ICE ON A COOUNT OF THE [CLOTH-I.N'G CHEAPER THAN EVER-il

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