loin Ci ava- KueIO dom510. îau quarrols ; b. noithor Party, bt vry sharp, anud 701 wqtitanae.,- tiopi,- like a qualllag hi -sbould atwAys be Tho. hum ofâa teab-ketielitatis paid Profà fu orea mc8 eaautii han an opéra. tic alr ou,'à piao tistai not. 'In à atbtee afrleud s yoaag lady âae htooi lumot en&aged, bnt is Roui a clouil alove t.he 150 bota large ne ùs wau'a bband. 1 , ml.wa Who lad been &trucok laà g u? idîes .betuty, wù dter. bYaoïs ll thei. ljazacîon, Aadý lkios-thbrod thst swote hil." Bscà usaà a man le 'kreatly tloklodl," fil I. no igu liant ho lq pleosoal. -For insanc~ue,1$.t Se .aoà e4:fa mon WJ2 la grebi1y 11*1i. a y-,aligbbiag on bis acieU.-L VF.GEVTINZ Wil1 rafficate froni the ultm evei y talint -f crofulit and Serofolouis Hu. Mor.- Il bas psrmalentiy cureithouseodu lit lBotoan ed vicinty 'w, a baSbeen long and inlfut suffertas, Cancer, Cancierous HuÃœmer. -- -TIloi arvelous afrci zolcwr n l e of Cancer atitl Cancerou Huulor chtallenges tit etmnt profaundaSttenion ofthe riedcal facnlty, iriay cf whom aire prescribng Vie. 0F. <N Ytu iteOir paliet.-l VXOZTtNE liams nover lubIeS ta cure lii. meînk nlexible came cf Canker. Thte VrFOUTiNE mece t h-wonclerful aoc- cees ointe cure cf Ibis clansa oiaillesees. Salt Rheum. Tetter, Salt lIlibuu. , cald 11usd, &ot., Nwtll vrlalnily yield te lise great atoiruatlvo - rysipelau. - Vysowcams blas nover.falleti ta cure lte -i uvto cerale tcase ai Erysipelas. Pimples and Humore on the Relsisoi iotidtoccitus tittoa lotchy, ratigi, or pilan pied ilo dependu eulliraly up. 01ailaninternai ceuse, na& na outward apl. piIcaat os ai over cure tedefiuet. Veux. Tcasails ltse grat blood puajiler. > Tumors, Ulcpe or Old Sores. Art) salseSi by unialpure sIcai lifthe _M0lUoItitlea-lste ltodtltorauglly talit V4- INIctî. sUti liouesouslsLtinls will dieu,). - . atarrh. lotar ii ncuiplaiatit iealy eulttantial bn'l-slabuabiuc th raugit the llu. V.tvuaIsiagreat btuaS purlllr. Constipation. jVmlkIAINK das nul &nt as a cethiartir, la dutillltata lte itawels, bot oleanses ail bte origalls, oablng cacit taueoro lte lune. VyePia[M bus lserattoxea ttonandsLe a litalt Whoa have beaui lune adiitbii saouf. furasis. Dyspepeia. la irctiLi, l etaneaaeecureW F aintnessa t the Stomach.' Varc sasi.nol a eimulalbng bters wilu teles a faIliions appelîlo, but a mulitle louia,, whiob asusisaaeture la restera la a litaltity action,. Female Weakness., Vr ocvNia acto diroolly upan lte canns of tsse oopl&its. l invligacates anti struingthona te wiole Isyslsan, acta upou lte socroîlve organs ad -alleys inhllamma. tilin Uenefral Debility. lu ttis eaauplalnt te poi affects aiflte VreaUTINFa areais UeS lrmsalatoly alleor .coîrniln8' tatake il;, as Sèbllly aonotes tdelicietilly aiftse blooti, andi VIaETIaî acte daroctoly nîoû te blood. . V EGETI NE 1rpared ly - l.l.SI'EqVENS Boston, mamm. VoegetinmSiI old by rtII DrugLs"-its. NEW STORE!1 NEW VGOODS 1 NEW PRICES 1 I Tite underslguodl bas opened o01 la the ONTARIO BLOCK, 13ROCKC STREET, WHITBY, A iNEW AD 89LCT UsîecOF Purifier. aid ant of pcBu RIT'8 PLAY, NO1tTH M WEST OF -BROOK1 X TRUET. l, M4 10924 40 145 le800 14214si86 8' 1 45102 144 865 '91 1 45 lut8 w145 8Be9B8l45 512 147 809 8 145h, ois 148 -69 8 145 612 14 529 la145 619 189 59 A121 ta-612 15889-8 145-6512 85859 8 1do4519 157 859 8 145o a19 1578"59 8'14s'.519s 188689 8 15 19 159,860981 405 152 1o1 8 59 8 1 45 512 162 8569 81I45 5 12 * 168 9-69 8 1 5511 164 8059 8 15 51 185 '889 e 145S1 180 869 8 145o -bi 167 869 8 1 45 519, 1M16859 8' 14do5 51 M109 8*9 81 1*05 221 170 8-88 90 1 45 1008 171 889 90 1 45 1003 179 198674W5l1do5s810 17d 199g 48 1*48 91 85 lm 0 2 145 88W 181 5 94 12 145 681 189 5911 45 680 180i'524Io19 1o8ü081 18 &594 12 145.681 180 889 8 145 5 19 187 .869 81 145. 512 1m, 859 8, 145 5 12 8t 18 89 8 145 5 12 M908 59 8 1 45 519 198 -S59.-8, 145 5,12 195- 5&59: 8, 145 -8519 1905a 98 l191i45 680 197«1594 19 1e4 881 298 5-gB 12-1 45 6880 100 524 1912 45 851i 200 628 12 145 680 901 o 24 12 145 681 * 211 19 48 80 1 45 14 18 212 1243 80 14do 14 18 * 218 12948 80 1 45 1418ý 237 2 10 6 14do'-S80' 288 ýI0 8 95 1 45 11 98 244 19 28 80 14do 1408 945-1228 80 1 46-1408 248 1228 80-145 14 08 - A69,14'83 85 145 1688 820 N8 7 1 45 4 bô -827 8 83 7 14do- 485 888'.1018 95 1 45, 1l8s 840 0567 16 1 45 828 8441260 81 145 I1482 801 12942 80 1 45I1417 362 881- 21 1 45 1047 888 1028 25 1 45 1198 8768 888 7 145 4 85 877 8 83 7 1 45 4,85 978 8sa 7 -1 4r)4 85 -880 &OS8'12 1485 6 A Pi'IY'M JOÇ,PZIOtYS PLAN, NOBTII WAIID, itAmr OF hoCK STREET. 7482,0884 56 1 45 1888 9 8182 C8 4 50 1 45 188 69 raussPANoBtltWAE, ElAT OP B S78ZET. 16854692il1145 6818 109 7 18 17 1458-880 L70 1019 25 145 11 89 171 16548 87 1 45 17 28 175 10 88 do 1 45 18 28 170 888 21 1 45 1049 177 4 07 11 145 6928 178 8 88 21 1 45 10 49 179 8 50 8 1 48508 181 8 75 16 1 45 8 87 182 .472 il 1 45 6 28 188 10 81 41 1 45 1867 195 4 72 Il 145o 828 1IO'80 52 211 15 1018 805 4 99 12 1,458 60 800 498D 12 1 45, 656 Bcd Ianjio east, 17 8 41 20 1 45 10 08 18 8 41 20 1 45 10 06 19 5 12 12 1 45 869 5 9 512 12 1 45 6 09 TOtIYNHPLAN 0r PAIS 0F LOT 28, luT CONCESSIION. 2 101il 25 1 45 il18s 4 6852 15 1 45 8 12 0 4 72 Il 1 45 5 28 8 1049 25 14do 1919 9 068lu814ô8 1834 12 4 50.11 1 45 6806 20 (08 7 1 45 4 55 (tILT H4 PLAN OF PAIIT OP LOTS 25, 26, M. ~ C'ONC'ESSION. 278 86 2 1 45 2 88 279 86 2 1 46 288 280 80 2 1 45 288 281 86 2 1 4 2-8 282 86 2 1 45 2 88 283868 2 1 45 2 88 284 80 2 1 45 288 285 86 2 1 45 2 88 292 1 20 8 1 15 274 290 20Or 5 1 45 a855 800 1.93 4 145 8 42 801 198O- 4 1 45 8 42 802 1 98 4 1 45 8 42 -IU0EN1UU8BT'S PLAN. 131k A. 1<ig.8t. 1 il 52 28 1 45 18 2& 2 11852 28 1 45 18 25 5 11 49 28 1 45 1829 Drock St. 9 5891 14 1 45 -750 Byron" I1 2 90 6 J145 41 WAIACF.'B PLÃŽN OF I'AUT 011LTr27, 18T, CON CF.$tioN. Blc 1, 9 4(6o il là M, 4 a69 8 1&ÂLLACE'15 PLAN 0F FUîT O0F CONCESSION. Block A, 7 6 il 12 8 ô il 12 TINCOMIIFE'RFLAN 0F iPART OF COMMIS MION.. '14 1802 4 16 2 57 6 23 5 72 13 24 8 81 22 HCItîiiitS 1ILAN OF PARTOP0F B. F. CONCESSION Bleck Or 1 S8 8622 .# 2 a88921 4 17 85 44 4,4 7 82 18 096523 12 0, 10 17 89 44 1-15 6018 1 45 612 LOT 28, 1 MT. i145 0w0a 1 45 608 LOT 27, lwc. 1 45 8 il 14do1.4%. 1 45 780 1 45 1048 LOT14 20, 27, 1 45 10683 1 45 1025 1 40 lu 74 1 45 0 40 1 45 6 80 145 10 71 THOMAS HUSTON', Treasurer, Town cf Whitby. Town. Treaurerl s Offe, i %Yhutby, -201h May, 1679. 2 8 (First pubilahed 251h May, 1879.) IR. SNOW, ýLadse8'.BCé8t Býtion Bo > 1; TflE BEST MENS' WE,.BR YOU1 v Wetson>s Block, Brook Street, Whitby. FËIINITUPrE EVER SÂW: M.e J. -HAYE FI~I~U~E I - .1Jr1 I.../~ J i - ' 't'porthene t 6o days At hià ,oidpemises, eforelie removes to 'his NEW BUÉItDING, ndw ln course of emetion, on Br' ck Street. -Parties In want agü,y k d'6f dd Furniture wýIll'save fnlly :25 er cent. by purchasing be- fore liis removail Splendid: PariourýDrwngomad eroôtSd Nei Designe, wNeil wà ktly of !inéetio. ýDlaing.room Extension Tables-a 7 rya (3iltoices, and Piere F±aming la 6veryî8WI.;, S361i > lie Chromos and Engravlagà fersale..' In ail its braà ches;i luner8'lfdiy snpplied. 'A stoclc cf elegant Oaskets. Coffins always on lezd rmldoutesoera4pw pone Hearse constantly aredns.- - N mg1 BOrsU. TN -l,:lHop-l* Or' Next Dà br9-,oufh.to dme*Jhnto'"oldsmlth'a Hall," rt 'li~teraeeverythffng pertaùiing-toTin,î- She'et, or 'Evnie Ic is manufaotuîed in a.workmaii- lnMn]Meý,jl'u-SRRI, NOTIOR and ab reaionable rates. ELËCTROPLATED GOJÃ"Dý OÈSU1P.ERIÃ"'R OXÀLà TY.ý U*'ls4 aan~i>,ad81tJrnw ie~ntar1 etistock. YLýaNG.pt»es. - 4l4work gur Alnerid" ali4amd"ae4an-CO4L OIL.' ÈI CiuY wio~B~nr,~.Lm hmes I "'~~~ I wi~ iidv . la 241i 179-' - GENRALD~y GOODS, BR OUUIG H A M. Begs to intorm lis frie'nds and t u ib- lie, thlat ho lias now on liand an eutirely new 'and well e lected stocýk, embracing in the above 'Ines, which ho is selling at unprecedentedly la~~ Swie ~ x c -Customers are advised to give a cail and sos what value they can get for their money at a home establishment. 1Brongism, April 2tis, 1870. MOSES LICNTONJý, Store, Post Ofiice a4d relograp h office. WHITBY -BOOK AND- MUSIC STORE. Begs to announce to the publie, that she lias opene.d a well assorted stock of Books and Fanoy Goods consisting of- SOHOOL BOOKS AND GIFT. BOOKS, Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Sundaý School Books ana cards, Holiday da, Visitiüg Cards, Plain and Fancy Note Paper. lIrks, latos, Pêne, Pencila, Blanir and Note Books. BER~LIN WOOL AND WOOL WOIRKi. Embroidery, Silk, Linen, Mous',Chenilloe' Wool, Tassels, Cardboard, Mot- tocs, Cosies, Vases, Toilet Mataf,-and Ornaments of ail kinds. -LADIES' WORK BOXES AND BASKETS. Glove ana Handkrroief Boxes, Card cases, &oc. -We have a larÉo variety cf patteras on hand ai ail the labeatst yles in American Starnping, all kinds cf Fanoy Wcol Work done tua order, including infants Jackets, Bonnets, Breakfast Shawls, &o., ail orderu prcraptly attended to and et the lowest passible rates. I bave juat opened a large a8sortment af 9hildroes' Aprons, Lace Ties. O-FRILLING A SPECIÂLTY..« Having in conneotion with my businoss, secured a first-clasé Dress Ma. kier, able to andertake the. mak ing cf any dreas, I oaa warrant ta give enire satis. faction, being a person that bas bad experienoe in cities, the styles are now, no piswill be ardanalodrapopy attended to, 9ttiag rootas baek ýof the stor.Ihv also a firut-olas 1Mentie Maker, o capable ci -making Man. tles, Coats, Dolmens, pf aay description -ad in tho lateit styles. ,Thae attention cf the Ladies in especlaliy invited tu this departiat-S. _&g roo n areâk f tihe store, Oddfellows' Hfa1. Ail orde rs for Magazines 'a-nd Papers promptly attended to. Daily ana woekly pepers always on bian]., ana subscriptions receivea. 359' Shoot Music suppliod' on shortest notice. Whitby Music Store, Oddfeilows Hâall, Brook-St. CANADA PERMAN«ENI -ý-LOAN AND SÂVINGB COMPANY, TORONTO, I1~fORFOAT~J, .&D. 'ý55. PAID UP CAPITAL, TOTAL ASSETS, - $2,0007000. $6,000OOO.ý TO FARMERS AND LANDOWNERS.1 IIAFR& OHECTOHRYi-DO YOU WANT TO BORROW MON EY P patrons Abat b. bas again takea bis 010 STAND 01N OUIOAS SIHEEI Lathulcpled hi- W. P. Wliaoock wbsrê ho e lI ha ppi-toosce al bis# olti Monde, anS vili cons tant2i keeio tokia efraieh CONFEOCTIONFeY,y FRESIIOYSTERS, SODA W'VER and GINGERZDEEIR. Braa,1l doliveroS dally anti alorducre prompîli- attendeS te.' Dinners ianlSBuppers supplieS et rearnon- ahie rates. Dô'i icîget tho saltresa, R. SNOW, 10-tf) - Duntar-Street, Wbhi-. LIVERY ILIVERY- I troubile th thetaw e treuhie lita te lit stricet pniuality. Terme law. &à 'ft 80,96Vryablr et Royal Ilatt. iiontrogi. -' .¶J PIN L! To buy more landi for yourselvcs or for your sonsP To builal a bouse or a barns? To fence, clear, underdraio, or otiserwise isnprovel yo'ur laid'? To piay off a Mortgage or other Sebta ? Or for any otiser -purpoe ?, -If you do, tise roduceal terme of -tiseCANADA PERMKNEÉNT LOAŽI A~ND SAVINGE COMPANY'afoÃd- superior faeiities. fS, effeoing tise Loan et thIlowcst rates, anal for ils easy repaym'n< '---- -- THE SINKING FUND SYSTE!M ls geý«u.ry admitte o- ao be "bout aud aureulandS beapetulo an, over zvel deviseS for ni-ovai. is for te payment la ilities. 1.1 la aSoptedls-ÉP=à stnm. ablUlj 9 ln7 h matpcospçraus andi progceoulve iandowner,-booin Encaote anS Anxerboa. - Tu aIrons FuacseEav-BT Loà A" 2<1SAvMs C o.oeâ.accends moe nai ealeai Etateo-siluate la ltse Province of Onterba. on lte ebove si-tem, $nd afforda te folenielloeaswn 1 ý-Yau c»nobta<nensun iau= oqnr.e-uiim, canit"iye hre pteed uyancdest a moderato ratsof âintareal, r&ytrmyuco% Mfl 2-Tie Afls ount DIfthe Loan Mladavancod, na deductlon heing naSe for conalarlonpy monts iýlytmdane, or if deM.red, for soUictofs e* ansi ther expenso. py. Srd.ýYau ereivo mo.g4ontta a ny1 ilbeâk lt lsc MFIVnslltÉncbo wl eas mansor t,-You cen repai lte Loan h- erl- Or baf-flel- nstalmsntis asbiet milta&oo ence, anad pai- taesttin nBît auyan_ wlthie, sigitso ntt. Stit-voneu puy back any aa- yen sleau a& dvenoa cf 4-1--ege- a -1-- 8snsnl.ax1Slnlia ah six ec cent. per annuaniwM Ibc allowedor aven-cairy i~tanialatnotji wruan n, are anitîecl te &che ofota n ot inthe dollar per inanti ipeai. otI.-Yan cen payoffi-anc MotMga in feu,IfnArls ~n abiS ta:rçi, and arn theCompany- berne lesihit A jtb-xvin &y ioff yeux m à aey ma!lrlaiina taiwusinoe~na on thloan. SiBle n Ià lnu a 0 Iabereet rUilie littleinorstt utth l'n wuldevsiplimn1 t =utzee 8t-IbsIeBBi-008 xens5lie0 dlnS 'ws-ttanSano c51a! huced Tteay be inlueSintA. ocfee nSelibath -P&hi litelnah^oiénte eltor'u or alteforn staidonîthét Cn iubts.vi en ai o1.-Yon soeurs li t tolsut psclaya" ta i-ur affairalai-ur awn nraIbeliotmsSareu sot subjocAta teemerci-orcaprice a oladvdui- a in> 18te Ccniny aa annot orual. esatb,it couitaveno possileaintseBtna, ssigyenIfUnpregredte niset ToureS lotis..ay 1aIlg vhita vealtti-corporation f. long shanding, rwbicht bas aircadi- mede Il, 0Mottgego [omas. entountitln <about fo htebMillions cf dollars, aud ion. Instane ilist t traen amdoe edvanm.gc flu of 115 etdntrî. I luet yeer ailote At affecoed more titan ',<81snt . LoanouayCo- b. lno for aony brin uptogoyat!m"r Payabla ccordlng ohle flowingtý,î:- NSTALMENT ROquiRES Tm REPAY A LOAN POF 81000 fM THE FOLLOWING'PERIOOS: 2 Yrs.3 5Yra. 4 Trs. g6i-rs. lOTus.) 7 irs. 18 ira. 10 tl'rsI19YÈ.f 5Tr. liiyfïao W I1.o iîï.409 218.10 9029 I 87.40 J. W801 .&0 8) 17120 .56-.811391.w8 nom100253M9219-.0i85.40 1.71 IeBAs.n s.e aa W. UÂBNE&, Y FOR'SALB- AT TRIE WHI.T.BY CHINA TEA STORE, PLATÉR P-LAtTR, WIIOLE SALE ANID I.ETAIL. CASH PAID FOR GOOD Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, ]Red and Alsike Clover Seed. [Whitbyv-, Febrdary iltis, 1879. OFFICE W. J. GIBSON, Whitby China Tee Store. 0F THE BRO WN & PA TTERSON Mt g. Co,ý WIIITB~Y~, -.000:- -TO Ti-IE PUBLIC. In preeantg onu-r Twenty..eecond Annuel Catalogne cf Agricultoral Impie. monts ta tise ferer of Canada for tise year 1877, we do 80 with nirojisen tihe ordinsry degre. cf pride and, confidencee, from 'tisernarked faveur anS patronage conferreal upon ns, and bise steady ant iincreeuiug demend froni yen te year cf aur now celebraleal Faim Implents. We sall continues heretafore, as Manufacturera, te meke a spocialiy of Agrionlttûal 'Meohinery-the Johnston glf-rairing hReaper, lhe Triumph Com- bined Beeper and Mower, lise Ceynge Mower, the-Young Canada Mower, and our new byiItiy arvestor, laiming à large sisare of our lime anal attention. Fo Fc.a lest Twenty.two yrears we havi given our most careful and undivid. e5 attentio*.ta the. manufacture and operaà ticoof tise variona maohineas1inuse, alffing ouitishe best points, romedying defeots, modifying and correcting errors, slrengthening weak peints, saapting andl proportioning overy part as oui inereas- oS experienoe bas suggest.d. W.em;21Y only the. beat meoisanicel akil. and aur machines pea. nnder the. Mos cm aeu superviaio and srtiay-every-detail being aubjeced tothe sever- eut criticism-and eaoh machine is thoromsgly testeS before leavlag our works.- ta provoe -tho completenoe of every part, andt here la no aiimulty ini paîting them la operationbly- sny person cf moderato meohanical abiliiy. Our maoiiinery bas berna seleoled an& conali-poed with a speelal referemé to thé. manufacture cf aur owa auachins-many bdols beving been cnade foi huas particular pIlipoBs and not adapteS forobisor work, andl car workman ardedoS. -cated up to the. watsansd roquirements -cf our maaufà oture-bîaiaing a tisor- ouglu kuowledgeof lias onsttdct!in of our machines, and are thus enabled ho ob. -tisbigiser deoe.of - shii and -pvfcoioacy han whers general mennfaeturing ia carnieS on. W. are tiierefore enabul la b ntroduce .a more perfect esatém-into ail tise-de. panimenta ci manufacture, addlng flot oaiy 1tii.h perfectin of tise work, but ai. -Tiuprnolipl. l regardeS neo8ssaryin a well regulatedl esiabisaimenl, and we enablod ta turn ont oui machines with a biglas degreoi cf perfection. and et picais no low as absoluieiy ta defy competition. TlîE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER la now sa well -knewn as a Single Reaer, tisai a word of cammendetio weuida alioutsoe-spertuoabut sasthora are many- claimlng tb manufacture Ibis machine ýwiio have 'adiiered ta the aid original Jchnstan maehine, wiîhouî keep. bgntl$ ho- imrotements ; liat justice te cursulves end patrons requise cf us te 'sslw hvo modifieS itinl"lest every essentiel part, anS for strengh atdd quality o ceût, ln evy kinal and condition of grain ; ligisînesa of Srà ft-ïadease of management-tbm "Johnastca,'smanufactureS by na-stands- premeaninently ahead cf al cher reapers. liiprce l'f f iis position we have only taint> Us he many -Firsi Prizes awarded ns-ett h. laalroviitolaltrial of On. tio, anal many coonty hi-ls whlcii have tehen place'ail over Canada, within OTa-_ 1VTILE1 Gq4 ENPEN. $AÂVI MONR Y f SA VE MONE Y I et 'a ' II; It là , now a nôteéýd'fn', ta .K n i4edy selIs the chapestlot of Books, Stationeýy, and Fancy Çkoods,> ever sold ili Whitby.t C'Te' - s~vhlxe' in - En v1op Letter -and Note -Pei *tist eu be had in town., Fivo quires of Note Paper, in noat wiapper, for 20 cents., CLand See saniple lot of Spaulding's Base Bafls. -Base asi,_Crickt, IiosaCbsspleosorntc. - >AU, the latest Works of-Fiction, ii stock. Schooi-cBook-s, Siates, and BoÃhool ýBags.-.ý A clieap lot of.Gelits'. ,Canesjunst.to hn..- Newspa]pýrs â&9gaiumDns ý4ëpî- rsiicei. Globe .and Mail delivered at 12J cents'per week. I I Do!tforg tthp Q4a , $~of-:the QadePeu. 400ms.Sonith qf'Hamilto,and Harrower, Cal and ode for yoiirkelf. - LANII-L JSNNIIJY. xoLDSMITH's IHALL. 000oo SpTing Goods 110W to %land. -BARGANS OFFERING MN Great WATCHES C'LOCKS AND'.JEWELRY., Choice, Goods in Electro Plated 'Ware,, imported froni loaaing factorie's. New m'agnifi.cent patternss at prices less tisan ec.e whiere, aicoa for-' shop -worn goods. Another lot of the celebreted per-. fection IRON GRANITE TEA AND COFFEE-POTS, LAMPS, OUTTLERY, NICKELITE MPONS ANDi FOBKS.mý Baby Carrnages; new, just in and very cheap. Claxk'is Diamond Duat Polielu, wholcsalo and: retail. Thse best polisis known for Silver -Ware ana Nichel Silver. Jeweiry Inade to order. Particuisr ti t cn~s JoII~isrroN, iractical Watchmakor, Mercis 26tis, 1879. Brook-St, Whitby. FIRE PROOF SAPES. Is doinýg justice either to himself or bis creditors if lie does witliout a safe to protect lis Books, Notes, or other valuable papers. - Who lias deeds;ý notes or money in the house, ouglit to have a Safe to guard botli against Burglary and Fire. A Safe is always a Good Asset, as it not only preserves its contents, but keepa its own-valuc as well, for after pasaing through a lie a amail outlay will mire it as good as new, and it cao always bc sold for nearly its first cost. J. & J. TAYLOR liave turned out about 20,000 safes in the last 24 ycars, and nono of thini lias faied in trial. Fariners anid Mer- chants, this ià the ind of -"Protection" and something that the Tariff can't givo. Go bo the Toronto Baie Works and get a Saie. J & J. TAY LO R, -117 to 119, Front Stî'ecq, Earst, Toronto. Toronto, April 2Oth, 1879., MY 'Stock ot Is now Complete in Every Line. E. 'J. JOHN SON. Very Speciai Inducements to those STARTINGIIOI.SEKEEPING. ---000- UNDERT'AKING. Fuit Stock ofCaskè'ts, Coffins, and ail the necessaries In this Une. -Also, A WELL-APPOINTED HEAIRSE. WýIntby, October lOth, 1877. - 42- OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINE-D MACHINES, CLOTHJNG CHEAPER THAN EVER! witb laI improvementa, -la a&U tiit cm en h eairedjn a (lombindc Machine, anal cannot fail ta meat ail tii. requirmenti cf puréhsors. - Oùr'IMproi'ed-Cajuga Chief Jr., and aur YoungCanada Moweia Cevugi~~~~~~~~~~ laia# orn, n hieYugC nada .Çlut;- .boifi-utrocg, Sur- ~S4~~J~achines 10-tii. merbetioqueliti of M dit, andeau of-managemnent. OUR ,ýNEW "WHITBY HIARVESTEFL As thm 6oantr> 11as becme botter adapteS to ahieonery, and mani- of aur foI-mz. upmme f tor hh ÃDubiPrtOaaBs8. _ghue Do m eure s c ie iy we hv need'M1 nvnga - ohm.wI$h~ WhughVren rein, lit the loasi posible geaig-witis large hroa4aed difirel-and 0cotruhedtI tisfrine anS 1tlett Neha rakeaare- dniven, directl>. roa-tise main rheft-thsre hoing na perceptible aide mutacemdeo Inivenin mmorteol tBeeer k ngiilispart, t teaipr haesIette.eoalaeIimasebfoegvg taýisei ordr but ....ng.m.. pncpli- ft JH 1tqalyfs n to, anS fro± lits in- genioaan compact construction, ilbmie ie~rnI n ueu-c ite Aiof our mnachiuesaa're fuily wprraatecl. With ý Hot lrn of siaiubi; 1*, -ýeelconfident- tisaI we can moeel .ery ne- qreet-adw. re0pee fli oilia trial 01 Our machines, bhlevlngIb"t we' ean furmialS. botter Machine for ftue money tissa aa b. o'btainea lolsawere. -ow Bespeelfislli- ourol AirR n- CFGL llE'S. NO RI8E IN PRICE' ON AJCOUNT 0F THE: -NATIO'NAL .POLICYI Genta' Spring Sits, latest styles> ver cheap. -A large stock offine clo.thes. Haadsomo'0Vo a t patberns, Gento' furishin2gs, a full lino. .,Germeat nt n fashiaaable style, Albrances iofTaiorlaigreceive prompt attention anA setisfaotion guieranteed. Go-whore yen will ,get 'a well.frtting larmeot and fulvrine for, your -money. ~ inspection respeotfnily invite&. ýWhutby, March 24th, -187O.7 . PRINGLE CUTTERS, UGOIES,ý AD CARIRIAGE'S. A Large Assortment.of Cutters and FOR TO0M'S -Buggies SALE,' CýHEA'P, :AU solOs SeflS bY x211581 I>O cxPost5a. - gà t -Use Brown'i Lidia Léinimient. For sale 87 deales ugenerally.- S;. ROWN, eedman, Wbitby, ont AIR GAS8 MA CHINE. This "Machine> slor 'llgbtiug Pdivete 7elcliagm, Mil, Factoriie*, Ctnurchca, ça11 and 0' -tjle1mhne 151 3era. lion et JOOE">H.rILIS o8MiItr r'umber aud Go-ià tter. , l os, u trett -Send for (fSUIj'a US e- AprUl2mt, 3879.- . 4.9 To Renew Loans aIre&dy, 5x18t- Ing, to Pay Pebt$, or-to ;274&, lm provemont&' TrB ;DB'G8D PREP4RE11- per cent.: according tb repaynients. Wheu Atitie ii aatiafaecory he an cani beomplete.and moncy.psid over in'Tm& Days.. tw- WÂI4TED TO PUBOHZASE 001 F ý MOBTGAGS. Conveyances carefullyprepar8d., Office Bigelow's Blocîr, Port, Perry.> Tepofnl ous, 41) . TROIUSPAXTON. Wo nS yon bound in uabe an un- ab ig OOBSEW'8Di .A4Y- E H.TU OISTUIGHL VIEW for one.year. .bail price Wo tefiction- 7.1.0 bcipbon ce par annum. w. will give an. enbi d,-bo in esheep, WO-RCESà TE 'S ICTIONARY- for five (b> y subscriptionu ta TEPORT GTLY EREVIEW,. Or, for for1e0ly bocriberu ta e POHTNXGRTT VEwe 9 i gla aC097 cf that fa nswor>,ubo n 102,Vola.,. "«Supernat Religion. MIE 14 W4NTIID tawh we wiil E i YV, ocecicom'nisf on hoten their 6001* For particulars, order ooks,. ?pe en.copies, &oc., addremss the publi E:LFORDS'CLAIRXE & (l. il-tf) W0 York; St., TOBONTO OMNIBUSES TO AND-FROM ALL RAILWAY TRAINS P ARES. To anS froni G.T.B. Station ..... 20e To andi from. Whithy,,P. P.'Si Lindsay R5y Station.......... ........... loc. Titose convoyantes are safe and confort. able, and in charge af cereWu drivers. Ali baggage'cheoked anS careully lookea aller., LOUIS SEBERT, - Praprietor. whltby, Feb. 25th, 1579. O(Y-10. AUCTION SALES 1 publc fr to vr- iheral patronage- heatwthuonn e isput, andtu l intniee tetI wll o n hanS ceucty tu- conduet any sales that Iniai-h nmae rulit. Tenus libers!. StisfactongStar.- anteed. My' -sale bock will ha foundahttiie Ontario Hotel, Whihhy. Arrangements as toa Sa s-oi sale, Sic., mai- ho maSe wil Mr. Vason, thep;opnetor of lte Uctei. Ordeca hi- niellr helegraph attendeS te. Anchionear, '(Vhthy. N.B1. - Sale Boatks ana bleuI unte,. furniaitet free. THE TORONTO TurkiBh ~Vapor Baths& Thcae hatits are usefol in Ehcruuolism, Neureigia, -Co a, Co1Ss, Caclîaltion,. Bronohilu, Scrom , iDiseau, alla- flammations. Bilioausu, Fevers. ad lc Sanitari- purpaos., Tise vepor itatha are particularly al Jice ble toaeli Skia disoaseis, eapeoilly- Syphls 1h fa aow universally concededa bhotit ltae Torkieh anS veor fatte are ihaset preservativea of hba biswithinlte reîch. of nedical experts and in componction witis meSical tceaitmeoit tise patieat is more rap. idly ad cesufuliy breated. - ernizeS throughoabtithe world front royalty>dewn tha tit. pooreat ia. Titese Tachii baths aretha anjly ones Inlise Cily af Toronto.- quatations and recomnendtionu are given frani the hoal niedicel undSeanllacy antitoci- U OUR5-Geableman, 7 ho 8.810 arn. 8 ta Il p.m. S abuirdi- until Il p.m. >Laies, 10 5.21. ta 1.80 P, , ni. PflIOE0-Turlisb Babas, one tiCket, 81; - 12ticirets, -#10. Vepor flalis,50e cauh; 12 tickets. 85. 233 QUERS-ST. WVEST.'- Okilfu id aetteivo male anS feniae attendants. ---J. 8.,DIAMOND, M.D.' 89) - Superintendsnl. Valuablo Réal Est ate INIE TOWNSHIJP 0F BEACHR. nsumo up teoSfSO, ata terest. RBINSON & I -- (LAIS DuoÂaiR Bo OFFICE.-In Victoria- 9, Victoria Street. J.G. toanrus, 5M. A. HUM - -JNO. G. KELL ancer, Sic. OflEce--Devrl~ litreet, Wbitby, Ont. Y4; OU*G SMTH, ARRISE? ý C., &c.-1c "Isuercr ý[rrigcLica 1OFmIaEOer ýoMinion Bs -Jn22,167B. CAJIEROp & APF B RSTR Attorneys Saolietrs in Chancery, atreet, Toronto. HCTOR CAtIEROI, I.C. (y481 - R. -J. GUNN-, M LIURGEON TO TUE cou B8fyrou Street, Wlitby. Dr. W. J. BURI Iltrcorne 0 Bro ad B YRON FIELD, 1 1)HYSICIAN 4.SURGEON, Wslu. McBRIEN, 0U.D., j UY'S IHOSPTLLONI GTthe oy6ht o ., Oshat CA IlD.- -- -DR. BOGART, pitymielas, Surgeon,- Acconoh. WhihiiY, Sept. 8.0th, 1874. W. AD~AM Office hanrs fomam a. ta 12 MI 1.30 tO 6..m,. lbsidcnice-0CJ and Gilbert ebroots. Ct 7,N. VARS, L. D AsngChoot, usa.Ùci1e - 1011f R Rthe Bheapstan a AGEN POUTE CE4 iE loa oishda ete.ah Ms>, JOHNLLk COONE Saloonsaro TiSt.,s Kitid GENTFARBTEEKS,' OPLl'IÇIAI, D'ASi OFFICAL O - (FIEPPOSITE TUE£ "<O 'ÂL Y 11PRIVATE CONIUACT Lto.2 siad ttc Soult bail oiLot Xü, 7, 1 is e OrS cooceiCIof bite Tain- slip o! incit; wel i anceaS,(4o.d al t a Swcliing ibouse on tsAt lf ùlot n .7. Thore je avec 1J00 tteo-aai imiter ou lot No. 2. Tisseoppetiuts iîltIe Oo ora A ýasi!uosaientnl i-i le coi ib i te NEW PORB gelA Teerir Titeaso T FOR t tnstalments, payable At h e enS qi eh yaar, ryclou- .eitdncfpoa&diwur#t. 12HIC3HEST PRICIE PAID FOR' QÃ"CIDMO)RTOAGES I TE11iINFOUIîJTOW APPLYTO0 - - -- - ---. ---- . - -, -, - 1 -W 1 ý,wj 1 1 1 »-ý ý - 1. -- ... 1 1 CD illIT. rr .1%, IRO 10.