Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1879, p. 1

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BSTRALASLCTRI eu "tet saa e arged At the ; noerion, and 2 ýjuent inusertier rm t P a a aögNews-,it pecilon tprds io. avetier OMINON 1HOTEL, y h ear, or otherwise , rdero aoisonde adedmeaU OSHAWA, ONT. mus bainw tnt . -JOaN JEFFERSON, - ,_ À good honte, à good man, aM Businea,8 Dir eo ry. *in-Iì,k cpn or. O NT A R IO BAGE, BAND TBUNE BAMAy W I T BBB AN ,- (apposite G. T.BR. Station,) Wh THOMAs DOW, WM. ONEILL aP p A'ltBW£LL & UTLEDGE, 1i2g a rtble ybdrooms e hourt., -ABRISTERZS, ATTORNEYS,- SOLI. CWir The Bar full supplied w citörisi ,-Notaries Public, and 0onvey- brandsOf1Liquors, W es Badies Ofc rb . door south of the Boyal _traeers a JAMES BUTLEDOE3, B. A,*tive Ostler.: -1. E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., OMMEB01AL HOTEL a T , County Crown Attorney. de8 54 and 56 Janvi»sxeand S r JAMES- HEITH GORDON, '.0NMB,. pc NotaryPublic, &c. Oce-Du e a "aret.. Them epo fro or west f Armstrogs Ratel out, and every-thing Frt-lass interest• MS.WA LKEYrs 1ARRISTE R & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Good accommodation st reasonable Dm» NotarOpble ,*0 .Soitor for th' Boarders $2,50 par week• Mansion H!out@, Uxbridge, Ont. -2ROYAL. HOTEL, 0H ARLES C. KELLERL, W a I T B Y" ATO BNB -T AWOCITeOR I JA. PRINVGZE, PROpBIE ton, Brook, 0 . Thé largest and most commdos - inu the town ; has large mple roo L. T. BARCLAY, cmeca tael.TablebWila AT TORNEY -AT -LAW, SOLICITOR ande iarn, Enolosed lard and shed A inchancery ana Iniolvency, convey, attentive hostlers, harges toSU prirct-At the Cour House, Whitby. K. Livery attaelied. .a LYMAN ENGLISH, L L, B., ROMNHU.TRNO 0 H 1 N id - r i .b rio m SFiloer Sad c Hotel antd 4a gars u Ba a um . 3 m * Ã Id tas o n. À&WOmURSe, SacE= nr "-at à r. tad.Wh b•- Ad'hiethltemdpZer o.h Clrtd a hea' .4W8ty Apth, 1878. ' -6 OMINON FIR Mm EE EAs ee fie t h Bright wtcthrt ae shioulders of the party that aooe Dw an h E mosti ieEibm..seloyanker. oc o 't'I'l' liers, ,allaad Borylighted his pipe with, Xe w'ý,officeroof th a- ABI B ~~~HGWII FIBE INSURANCE 00. /N8URANCE*0P N, 'MecralDieae. F They dwatc 'rthy )er no nert would have done "Na one but youref f o.lz LomardSt.indChain CrssLon EEA OFIC, • RON CAA TheV20ETZ e 10wrulsc- o ko t the angels are whisper wettn so. yooto ourf'aa,, HEAADÉE OF7F.ØÊIELÃ ¾ 000,000de e donen thterin oyC w n a t e d se en cnele p Ur, a GILESIEMOF ATT & 0 . Csh epoii ith Th ONCAlNgAen. e Tnte r e oalt em eadHa, c Adth iewetwt j e ab' g ed a ihnoIt r oom;bati brd is om e h s fe bre m beigh L a geSt n tsd oC aaa . m enC rss,0,000, _4y y i to the ata l f te a tiv- fa Th e a teosm ocres in _ eed y ; '4 wove h a o h o d er dera o ee gu r o . W 7. B o o .E u 1 Cried Hw er h d.wth r et ing, hdmngb o lige m. nesaingr,y "hnatefqusinan h 2 GILanager & tern Sal Rh And pe g Výü that 1 R Eere whis ou 6 d y ani row n t a ma rOner f n e 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SIý NflîATT i cby. ~ Preiden. c-esdet. Rean shoueldtachuth rat althucnatdivegin yo'eAobdl si teeóoelüe WHIBY BTI8 -ME IC sp las rt7 Ec o h lca c a e e e a - r t e RSe B sH s - a e h ba r o teo r oer a rrs et n rb g a TOB. Ge .C rnack 88uPanc a ob"on on eric and wo1 Tu iors i ers Or ld SOes. " o n " - ad bi Thill.'m a yng Î 'Ì n k moa'a Û muacesae o a hote donfo Argenntsher dcecve. Ar aue b n'ourrtaeo theâ VHe r culd. îhnt gie e cou nt-otsinsirthatlhiw o the pr eiynamssr e i ms ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ngr for UCEoEiANn&BILER--' rs a L S sonaerae,], loo.Cens h lo hrugl ih erig orprodue a s, tesntnlsnth odesto imfr;bthsr 's rn bu gg yor on a " ors Ss ad i nd " a ' A S TABL~~~ DIN~ Fe . ilth ,18 ÜßtoTjj-- a r rh m a custody until the guato lo fr ju guathe• uptientili if- it LMDER . B S,$1,11,87A94D. iFortheu.ldbe3rlieed .rtoehicfBor I wnde• yo wer no afrid t Its al thre wat Itowl ot me ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bmtela byt rlodwoeol n eaio y .A n gr ARNIüOE 1COMPNIE. bEE heeslb ca i n- tab io er'u g NT. ~ ~ ~ a atnher h e ig r Ma n ST NDARDCostpatonmo "t th ty o"ýt ci" ryA.g a a hr toe, - a "e ath oon as ~ ~ ~ ~ C DAE age Whi Tby a* d Xltu . OFCE AiO, i npeo g u t oerrm the' h hd t -rras n ns ad ta "yWa eyorhnorab . sir Gvernmnt Deosit 626,00. VFETIE hasrestoed tousans to o andwas o farsuccesful thatthe hure e wer lookng fo youbefor ; yo-Wha's ths spoet 7 45- -C." "°"'BeeionFac danas ° eeed mtin be a,,sanBwho on erouoted o .ve ua s te o,,iEdta ell ,,on h oe ietor. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A e ,unuuall Lo atoo a Popery, a a . B CHI HOLM H. . CR WFOR Xgp gg. 'ani'aveu on n ý ip, a t rion. "hY o e ae,. - e o oo' Loan canbe epai insum,'to uitbor.. P esen.aSey-Tra's If EfETNEsipiaener glaly, m , t he .it gaf h s, " an d - 1o o'tb ing rowers. D. DEXTER, A sistant Secretary, o d i ntr nsacerta in ped' r no er, and begnnato feel uneasy at the ime was there. with me t n rea rdouite- SeerlImrve arssa ild and ·e~ ollw is se.osesioneossuhfadocmen. U der Fae in hs anaidt sir ; "how d i' a d aloere i oiet seiu f o i n onsaleo W chea .y E Q- . 87 ÀU cTa sLe s fIN aRonATES,- A ll applicat t. E I aU6Illa n 6O f thEX BE S eTRIn eOL D AY '1£t h e ae rm g e"- "D iyja s be} u p nd•tC e t they Of leial Assign Brok FAm xx All DJU.rE xT-ery claim mchad e zint e raan uife.itgn O ust o g t o c rrd t i a t rwyh$e bls ta trle a a p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U Api9h17.e, e, r n a oo a ELRhcue Soi, AT reIN r PP u D B pat "so uh ; nwhilehe la di eneto d himif oheich ooms Wit y,'Ont. . GODOal Deiliel takcesorOd o e ofisloko rsnss n ifrenesttonallthat bewasgong orwhear. aterl en ton f v icer, hai - - ræ- y 7 doubl~~~~~~~~m We itogery in narowt ols s nddi ota mctahloeu tmh-uethd-ih d eii. amn an taz dua cmpames. aE oE nsaeil ealim urmediate l ate hc h ou esnrys o m n dleogcrtilta et lol IMTOB d eo!k.ý' ôrina koSa E u oxPTLn ADJ0 TED• Fe, 10 e n fr r bus eci o ebo ad E E inorprue r a frep sonthe a m st e ifn for bth.D' pio ;bt Riss ritenan poices-ssedby ' -tureofthefoeàncppeneabldsim orhi byth sldirth1)rb sillbethehewoldbu Ithogh i C . N O U R SE,& A gen t.; A R N D W U by V T E G i d h e T I N E ll d sa t dh tt r oh o ; a n d e p snory t n d utuc n t hu d p o e t h s i n e n o o h le t e t o n t i g a o t s s f r u x B F4B 8 i l 01 B i r W=i h itby, J ly 80,'79.z 8 2 T O N C L e t ' S i yO IC E Pre ared - roe a n he s od um nt in t h ha a y Pr v ou lrach to he h us p e i ue eo mre ec z p o ORie inoaâalkn eo f TitE N ' n e. t,189 (7C tar ..bd wher olev rsed t i r $butthe oldi erscuno ees u fadd t- an might bew - .. STEVENSeu aBdston, MasSs-2 Ting withous0 lxciting suspcioneot a their sen e , te t h eves makouteir rea trksa n Ithuh litth L M B R hoesle an 'etil oOURTSR E O Mlc ft E wn Cerk and reS- eelle iS 80d ba ll Dfhr u g e od . re l and R r w s qanedtioverast o D aby eingcesieodto sid on e sie n boofoudb the w i r i ser o it. E , t T a r ord .A a u e r w i l e t eEs E T •l t et l o d p ri i rh e p a r e , h o a he a n d h m i t o gt i s e l ow- p ri o n . m i n 1 1 t e l T hg u, sa i r m y e l -o 1y 27 PliigMoldng o dvey eïCrâp- nsuaT 0 D Dei Fte owstourEt L i O'DS'..AgLeLga rao butde barra p w oe | Rory th n.foe thm osew a , A U L M NM a n F N a r • - - - -- - - ve y w allon t n wt as his ill th e in t h ve or YO fD a " gain ev r otty h rado in a l o°dth a ct° -e ll ar h o orm i .ORiTHE YEAB 1879. THOMAS HUST N, N EWnSTOREedirateedonsBstldiongseavarchandise,.anusoan ,and, toEhiszsurpriso, het auf a fearaofio te ofr**trs." RT. oain O'h U MENg TTowig eolwrPýpftaantlu rdmaeb ie I E I R n C ErkWhitby ontaeteboes utcenepit e l'th ue . Rat o yente sre teipae eldonefth1e aien he hsee in e k ' d1y wasurh tor, , etc. N1A W hitby, Feb. 11, 1879. erfr-n N E W f l eduanc e i t eg et elsom posi, e l s w0 l 'a A m o e t of recogni.ain îm b ert y b t h m s s ty. lilTB ien . ( i G UO ODShe.wan d ean t alk i ote s oldminer s ub I b i na d b tween 981the, an te n 2 ,7and ino"1g " ino°e'h a° Oft 0 h t y C t 0 h 8 8 R ESAL Eth m sOa miFIe nocC Enc,,h y i hd ew t ei e e , es he by, t t o mi Whi;@ -gFn•,NEWi PRICESq ! "F aiIm glad Iohad t u to standers s hould no i ther ieli. m e n i e one g Adu R C H I T E C T rRlE th S LEN78T.e1nderigned penedoutCnAtheTALe 8nW0,000or. d'a u her willthe aventres ogthi fnyyunhon andI kne than DR A IN A N SP CIFIA TON rt 18600,00 eet ineLumer, ellseasned BROC 3 hego;ldies8fr s idn o tendtohiat latanetischptr f or acisae cole m the NE TOF 17 Inch ors. TREET, HITB , m ch bt cowde rond te' ire, dene caeatoaecose extmornng aindAndI thughoitfestto tll t~~~~~~z z m isu BresLDteNGraiorngtAN w N sELEoT sTooK wh ie e erjean mt e a o m ae h h 'e e n e, owte d ivr, ory s te - t a d t yiii m GEOuHDA TN LLess S enetaroine.F repol art o dathfice r of th g gtha . aave yiselo oniphe g aied hepsn- e em shri o i re. Promp l r ared t hba v uew ut o on -J n orJ d -nc la kn. rso e h d be n r ng tin dfnished1ipel o , aand s e fun -rot w a i n dto-m orr ow, a d a o rey u nd i Costrutio. W itbyJan . t,187 geFen in B ar s e -ru fV GTN ntknri lry codn lthis, d e appte fne o b t a e I a y b wo drd a th t e on rk o she ou, n tbepae e. uoaU Lo RURHtAND sCH o fl R I TUR E A orrctiax, e istainauality c r a wM esg ,wh aig aey jon t u d ep " un d e ch e e r;ig c irem- andl , wreas s r h Ik. S o n a o r P E C A L T Y , s u o t a s i b r D BX E ,A s s s a t S c e a oswo d C E R I E S " ' ° i o n o v ' ro b ' ' d o mn t . U c n d e r 'o r h o o r s o o l n e or oreso dnc epetful olctd 500 Sur Tm ertsqunil ocobuwanodefgiig on;twhe elrng we remem be ll the fa- Thete p aiso y rr -nu H . v BAl m R BE R, Arch an itec , L., nds - ll f Thich will be s ld ap l ca osh. PWich h e l llat tpric o a low as m e ll h a in aw hich osr itio; an guaiahe m n. th% or"sa d u tpet a c o u a i Oshtoto m d n uiaa, O n- nt.- e toaso eg to s ibantth drstp silefrdugmuht iso n pesn lde ht le cudh vefvurdoe lie cntn u idW k ndsg E or - ---- -- - - -.- -Millior uIn an d is doing rt-cl sstwrk C A S H O Nl net a sLm Y i g i ht aveu theli god, of his m a ty' e Rory ho w s tolw a ul if nstan t h at R ° °1ae saw cisar y tu c ,B n ad O thrMIN I O N tabl'St ukaI wARYR Yro&tLIND SAY ht pudoneet6 dayst pnttheuweek, for o severy • Vice, did ionot tiknow twha tuaiear lmeant. e' s s-ntrffwsier SScrubs O R - - - - - ' p r t c l r s a p y t aà Z S U A a k h r t n E . Mhas e Jo O R t i n t e t- - - W hn e h ' h o n t a a t e s Q a e n c e g r entit h a u h din o n e d ,a n t a t h e b s l n g e c o d d - - Takinteffetesn Tuesda, Feb. th 18 asayour ho or, heesood as p SIN MAY o e tisAN THE DR byN's 'Te , oe I nmoo e lo , ota hi ch heei se ig at te lowes'cash rice' eavecWion. an a ns s t usraght anc lsed to . m . e mhorngthe pwals taok ba " touhitbetsi ;foandod - -ke 0 0 F C T 0 E R Y 8 T R N 0 0 N Aå STXX T.- 6 P la f/ , ,asn a w nta y-ghi a r y e f Bmo ch avt r i s a a h tary e u g no rhod'Tn tr a h eete nto h o b e raus omosovM __ hibyJue Ba,187. in-5 o lokat hese jeathe ai, " has eslbeg innnebRryandDaby .W ll ea m e la it n I a"dour andfeedan Leve Lan a .... 0 a a osP . THEBEST MERICN yor busness " wee coducte fromthe gard.ousehealt." rissomthingtoidrnk m SEp u Spr l , 1 7 . 15U R I I S , N0A r c ay"r: : i EL T & Piv e T C Hte , Tnd®w0 A T E A R , or 6 5 t0 and i s 1r 10 a ni thw , o nu r o o r, h ag ls a n a n or ® P e g ,g s g h o u o o , s r o l . . u s .e bie h i 'u l .T ahea e r nnon os'T a r e r& G . n C eR E d a m yom l a n t , t n v i g r o o " h r d d t e y m k e t e a r " c u i a n e r s n t he opr e c d i s .o r e a n d , .i us id h o n l e a d a d l t e m t t f n ead S P c m p a ns. s g e n t s . L mh e n o ae s yw e l l a s e n . - T a n d r e s t , o rh o n o r h e l l e d h é L rbt he rl o' s% b o g eoigc ot•u -. 1wh ar ao f a l n s a w r n t o t ort EN Y E Ie C N E T O S W ol esl e t Lo e t Ra e . the m ount tiv a ad y m y fake mre th an m r 'te m ,yro o,"le b l d il i h t e d Rit t ' s Soryon b ig qsi ne dhasptp an t h . 'e fr , h og e heita teott da W he b,- eb 1Eh.178WW.- J NARN--OLDGanTun RA t o a e o e fat v N oe e" a y ee df i t heyook aptreeh im ? " d ffrouh t m i the -srt a s uch g oran , exete tion uf v to sa e is if a ooalov insWas ab ei. TE R iS-U N E R 100CA n H w . Yo Gc nme r om 5 e ts t 02 -- Oh e d i no ther gn t o i , lour u, a i aDt U uhe as lstranger m th -le he d i t i e rtrecig 1n n y o N ectaLmdeg a . w ih . a e o s mti a O i e C o rane Fn t ea n h i o y d vo ing y 8o eengs oand h e o ro unt l eth havet h n s of i e r- o n er tha it bem m rkefa d iaie al e re tes. 90 sanvP'R aINtfildAnack N Y hebs ngiha anndiaL o n i.se tm oteboies tcssn.d r.'00 en t ihaf bys t ae or "ned hnInee ithe I h v t n hero tebewen sh lnta ndPot ooer , a- Ma 2t, i1879. 4m-22 naessn peasTva a micy r a el a ter w.ey e Iri -h hey h vpalk e enly h , e k ; s ha et u- itl l - ol y thesir thisbut fo th . aa nd ity cofotale ovred bsT.Wit VctriaRalwafo mnae, f ou wancit t kow all e ab tyeneslm sikinto their ard-hous rte, y ur o o rt hae wsawe an mfrdarth a nde uenèideh at brough ebfr Stag an goici th paronge f trvelrs n u a Fre GantTerrtor, adltoi~¯n~t-~ -~-of-- ---- pyinebuines bfor dthepubicsen us "Yot horidindiiduli'sI eanhthn sw ohereeope m therooe;-you hoor. athe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B Wo.vr Aetonwl epi o a al may IYLN O R NOTR yuradesanLeDsndyufl weewshefud?"thtaqaren s that h y dlid niotak "nIglad I'voe senyu" ai th . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L S E andPTL t th su ui an prm td lv r of se -cn e at rli ADth th e D. oorthern- wo A en. r t 5ls one ;y u catehae u You be st W ht-r i? ' lst, sid Roy ,the y gave ers a hb i otne t . menrow nou elty t parces com itte o my harge Ther ilwaforB0,Collngwodurrcenhust TH STEA ER oumandfrrourelf. ddres GEO G,.u"--But-c,, tour mstres: sheshallbe ho e be . e e*h da ac way vi u ka k ri en oi eeatl nso oTI S N eC.,PrtadMan. y-2 he b tretarr ak d?' i y on u a-hn idt gv Ou ' Oaid hro heh p Ieoypereo b b gC NO s o n cin ih i e hty & t e P .& L 's u Red$o Ag en t.V G T N h a g r d c n nor "ie , the colo vnsel- ., e he l e e gpedl tio nse sq i gat ' i nte a ri ~ ~ ~ ~ Whty sa Ri a it coc ah Tee WAot, orot,-forTaW N station.F-CE. PA ONT ar aneed. 12 "ands eehoe any accmp ide rom"--"We the k ied meCowlantabirs, your "Huh ! "sitheir colonel, and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l at6. .o ec d ea sQBggg ceka ug.asfrchre.- dya h otu omem ythe havenotsearched iyt , yosurpiconor " oior, sairy.nce "Mhytenslea1cum "baid ry, iningan call ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I aaaboesi ahton nodr 'NO '7**i. Cnoud yofun -I men dwas 0 " au" lt osated Ror cxptonl of ly ni n gywole, nhe ,"u,, IS ata y o h o 3 1h te d d t . W ib ,J n OFTH Ew JA VISI O N U TSS ii e Mh ATo n e o , in, oet n I ol y : M D r ge ts n e p t l ,Wogra "-oy iur iul¿th i e ln'ghri on r. a'i'ad ,the -cd ii m ng t e o en .~~~~ue wl b.u.A AI ,Prp ien. thEweD M s .)u 2a at8rnd-i4utmou on r9 h ug ta y elf, Ourhon , ga à o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O --- ---- mk e a ns nti rue Toewh r is h seti ntc wl o or "f d ara* k p w ons ta ir ýI surpo t tyas tmae t i menea p jaidto mhio ln r n - N MARTIN & W AOF OR A RI evi, C our, rec80 andPrbisp sea s tei adrenesatonc ad se ort"he " " o." md n fth e h a ea nterek aly iert y,ba i sre, 1 OTICE I M at 9 e er, ~~~TMorSi Iuaa Sceed, EWl ..CSTyOuR eadtemrE.you abongo.earhe in ?- No Bum go flow' aithhce.h ale pleaesnswocee at T HE CAN DIA EX RES CO - h e r Psed haIR E a ii r s, h16 hy7n9M rt ,co. T henas t, ar n uplar e um on daf Dem ne wti, seir u sh oul l a s tir d tc ig r. o mry fne o o tionreg l Miants en bi Ia i h b w a w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hty tFg3 e r od acl oo ok tte, EO ETp l U tdS ese, or ll pint7in. &NC,, gtaM Inend 82 earh au tp gtateso ld a wto loiônnm age s tee he la d on1 T nis fry " r Leave rdersio cal ear in te withWHITE ASHIN hen e leaes at 45, p m., or Pot inprson. eyrchhim" drectl.l"Wh, yourhonou 'm bhowldngenos.-AndIl erjant, ake hm wit n -, GE itb And evehi ng onn ct d w thgî î. I e1erecT toc & . i i ndt ist e F "° s rinod"w wFT E a si' s hor n thsa ol ad e ; an dto youfo r e iyoue vetrego d o f b fin. un â ve a paa an d m , a d clenin neoThhhreeNtie nytaam s d etruot otn ro n dCo , bot ix edas ol d otsa n ar pump, Ia nd e he a od r ofa n ul d iigt e , IV'm rou t o say b ut Th. is w smo t o fie s e ona t he I A L L gO R K 1 7 1UA R A N T E ,ED: For,1 furte r n foM A J'O Ra p Ly h r e s; h rn u n u . n nPen t ,d u lng it ep"ro h suebo t ll a g n usm uet ae n dof. , upa r , to m ake itaa.t at i G E O R G E A Y T ER 1'PErt P g N Tnf Rm a I O er w L Obe su tab y i n d , s at s i h-n ifethu c ed fe edt o a t e dthe s hal r o oun s n g ly ; l'e l " s i h ornoMne 6skd .1EP E SO , gnt1om10l-reade.1n on9oligyuh Ths he od d i e ate ndibatel bu t s ae taou ld o p ise n tro raysn gwa n p"A nIot ite rudh ,OF hb estMatriag ; 1he 8es WormanleHOtchWhibyoreaptnShrw odnfte noicmailbinroscuedaccrdigmealluhetii1 'y evesin an sothe sh ve meoutidethedoos g ve or hi fredor ; orhtetismer [y wr mp l B / arC s m /th , i 0 / E o • a J ni r °e F e "* I-O· '°&mTh is o ns .u apn ed t e n , , w , n h ,s h, e , o , , ,o ,a a ,ma com an d. s aeu albfr on lswee a 6h 89 28 UR I T OM O , ac gan thi sd, e une o isnom ret I t hyb hilderdb l h eow teredth rer o g %na n Cnstuctin. hity, Jny.7th 187. (0 Mfou of aktrawensiisWhohavig ltal joiedcoud Soop nda snb exitig eroum andmigit nmoles-or The uder M'RTIN'Mayiel' Faoi.beelýandaalsvinthérecr, Whu i moe iau n e ec unDr wneetca l'oradW Th odrsgndbeoinm- u i•edsTWABAM, ---u' h nin cligi akaansi to turn, or where to go lookfor'a bed." acksmep)it c that hle has removed his "Street ty.EigsTney Brook PURE- RED COTSWOLD SHMEE -- with an-air of grat authority,- . '"I'li hava the keeper of that publie- the governe ae o nwnfeso plcsid by M fo t1 I remi ss ay occa- ly-49 _ND HIER E PIGS. Famfrae I «eet never to .hear of snob a house punished for .hiaving . it open at Teclnlwss hono i WVM. M. MILLER,- gross breach of disciplmne and neglect such an hou.--Whre is it ? -"In- guafrdbyry'sruseIde thm WEST OF THE P08 T-OFF/CE gArwa TCKEte a rna, portEcoB' 5 ACBES, (7 CLEARE) PART OF iduyaain : never report a prisoner ,dedadIdn8ko, adRr. envrakdhsnm oB -- SuHuron, Detrot, ad the Western and EoBank Farm, Olaremont P.O., Ontario,. 7Lot 82, bon 1, Township of Esques. in my presoee without being able to, The colonel looked inèredulous. He> taine'd his paso without benkow D UNDA S STREE TtsforsGe n orates by- Breeder and Importer of Ootswold Shee baR wiuth s1ka t nframne houcand answer all such important questions as questioned Bory' more, closely, who and then turned his facehoea. Whreheispepre t o llwokinhi TEketB. AgE and pure-bred Berkshire Pi ba- tcsrn ing reekner the bu g ; a thri I have bean asking you ; and for this fenced very ingeniously ; but still the Ag he rattled along the roahihi line ~ ~ ~ ~~ g asuul n ogaatestsato y msien, YO Xgorchardboat of lruit-trees coin- proeltyu is uyb last u in ftecolonel were eZoited, pirta e l r hnt lio has cusal tomers. -------tisactonickering, Nov. 80, 1878, oy8 oa.Stutdo h anse.arch him directly. Go, noWt and re- anFhe said at last,- hravecnurdåelis i Whity, Fb.261879 GEOATER.-AOOD PE IN G °Esdts*°me"ph; '*°m which it is port to me again when the person of "Your accont of youtrself, mygooawas in a whirl at the ret, etofth For men withA wOD okin fN Gs *L S 0 S F /Te znesisa-r-nt vni'e aTa**°"°°u"" "'s°°"'"'"°"',°° " vari'"ns °"'""'""" '°ioh 1 ' ~~~~ ' ~~ MPROVE s acres of Summer falo utlor fallTonspection. ]Retireo1" "No wondher, your honour, when I him ihnfu-n-wnyhus FURN/SHED HA LL TO RENT /I a rent or°n s'° ° E 'ry * **Win**w.b·lue", U'°ny a renzd °'""r" adth eianws auk l hele" FrtImetFechmsioais --- ' e roved inth w tes ill ~~- down balace asmay egrdon rePeating his salute with his usual sol- "lThat won't do," said the colonel, (hé meant emissaries, butnomte) OLET-Tbe fu-rnishled Hall, abthe seieÏ,drein&.,tshell 01tmas o nwitr, ynt verybyody hava lots of it When Applylo ,L, D. CBEWSOI;, emnity, and stalking from the-room in- who continued'in a severer tone,-I -"lthin I get all the nesO'ha' H ExprsOfne fUe,,known as the v.aM.heneeded, Testimoniale as tochaactr ad a it are no cip Snotal MPeepaboom P. 0., Ot thegar-ouensecyo'eadpflowsindgmnthtila'oihtewrd-: parties c'nkni i ean rioetently takn rciaiiywl rqied. logue of Fitand 0aana ° ute, uy 1 17. oiteromwer heomie stknwmoethnyo hos t elad tinIge rl- ethrfrmGiea ngeto entit y te nght Alb t famef' e0th "'"" Vies na ose, ran o, . . -88was a smali apariment partitionea off therefore II band you over- tethe ser- nche-Ah 1 there's themude- 11-)lht GE O. oB m, an,8 o . esa. ing also a full description ;fthe --- the guard.house ; and IBory, vWIie ars jean2t,.-Here,-sergeant." That f in- the letter'sI gone. Bad cessc i-wy lixpress Oficee'10.ce~fgo fr ad i eEAR TBY 1HOUSE. ' were open, heard -every Word of the offil-tionary advanoed. "Serjeant," said the couldn't I conthrive to keet Bu 10°0°fl "c"""i" °04°'ATM*land weh, A CH. eer's Ia a quence adthe soi-geant's colonel,ultake that fellow te the hal- no matther-afther all,it e -fPaWnFng, ,yo7, or in blacks of 500 acres. These lotsaeThe Earliest ,and Hardit peac>kDUNDAS-ST., WHITB s uPi ;an1 osona h erdtebeblet the drurmmera give him a worse, Oureo; if 'Î'was foundI' - inettemms wth oad als wihinan xatz r cuA-oigiate aty • order but sehlrobing, and the words dozen, and son if that -will- freshen his ed.-Not that I'deuasomhr ISS ARI .tauN s repnd nceof à ,SO4 a 'ftn a AM O Ammhe ene? egmenwnt. OB ABNBPROPBISTOB. "treaeânablê papers, ho thought that mmoy.n that, &0 the thing being bo -n resdegie k ei te boe t e b,or a hece of Mrad. Bob oe-anfurnihego'aeto leitthe letter remain in existence RØry's héart almost bnrst wihi.dedi' hngday, lars ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ba9 bandf riu uiewl esn ya ey eaiccommodation at inoderato would beonly running an unnecessary dgaina h huh fthe 1deg, I'kaew aail,;ot 4hre col a. Dress-maker, rock-s». "'.onna o &C, ONTARIO N URBERIE,.stabling and enlooed yard. risk : 8s o erydelebarately app seh- redation, and ho became firt red as onelc.8.-W wDt WhMb,,a.2,87. Yf4WityA A.t,87.MOYEB MIetfr WaltzssLager, in Bottle e h i n aig aen Hohe'ormsön and thon pâle as death with -tikt hsne of c 1 -, J OH N B A LL DOW_, atea ?rIces, i - 25, and 08 -i ARRIISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR rcoms, wthout bobsadter, B a Chancery, Conveyaincer, &0.' r r 01--vrl'sBlock, Brock Street FeL27th, 1878.'p Whlit by. .'-'1' rop: MONEY TO LEND-Private FuÙnds HE BQUEEN'S HOTEL, lu inam up to #S00, At a low rate ofci n'1 à terest. (1y-52(LATI COxxNMBA, ) - JBBooE-STBEET, WHiTBY, RODIN SON. & KET, ) TYO ANPOR BARRISTE RS-A T-LAW, A T T OR N. idends anud the public that they have t eys, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. te above well iown hotel, which 0FIC Ir."cetVictoria Chambe.as, No, hae e y ited U ad renova e, ni J.G.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ te 01 sgx uUaa A ,KET o este The'0Bnar wh a the h the finest brands 01Wines, liquors, ani J0.G. KELLE Y, gar8s. Am le enclosed shed room and BARtRISTERt-AT - LAW, SOLICITOILfr oaminiere al tra y 11 . Dtce B in Chancery and Insolvency, Conve - .TYOR EI aiger, &c. OfRoee-Deverill's Bl0ck, Broe ç .P ALB HLPM0 Street, Whitby, Ont, late-of Toronto, G. YOUN MyrHI .B, OMMERCIAL HOTL, BARBISTERI, &0., &c.-Money to Loan lossuer of Marriage Licenses, oAtTWRIGHT, -ONT, OrnIEs-Over Dominion Bank,- Whitby, AE DWB 7an. 22,1878.,. . tf-5 Goaomoain CAMION & APPELBE, BARRIISTERS, Attorneays-af-Law, and T H E0CE NT RAL H 0u -1 tolicitors lun Chancer, No. 4 Toronto (aeLch street, Toronto, LaeLokart House.) HECTOR 0AMER0N, 9.0, ly-48) R. 8.APPELBE. OS A rA R. . GNN M.D. C. GIFFORD - - Propiriet SURGON O TE CUNT GAL This house ia the lbest in fthe Coun D 1yron Street, Whitby. al and Seo it. De , d Wne Jcon BaNS.urhPr. AY E RS H OT EL, 1 orner of 1 yron anld Mary streets e8toa luc "" 2 & 84 MILL-ST., RCHESTER, N. ~ Price reduced to 01.50 a Day. . BYRONV FIELD, Di. B. This Hlotel hasreduced its price to t Travelling Public to e1,60 per day. It liYSICIAN, fSURGEON, &c., Duiins' handt the N.'Y. Central Depot (onl2 p reek. flew oors South), and has recently been: fitted and re-furnished. open night a Wil. McieutIE N, 31.D., 1M.1t.Uls., 'spe i andCaaa popst c avenmon UY' 11HOS11ITAL, LONDON, ENG., by going to the Ayers Eitel. CTthe eyo a. 0O.iH. L., Oshawa, 'Ontario. WIILSON SPRAGUE, Propriet( DR. B0iA RT, - H IS N H OUVSi 'hysiciau, surgeon, Accoucher, &0., &C. ASHBURN, ONT., WIJtby, Sept. 80th, 1874. 40 ALEX. BARCLAY,-- Proprietc modiaus and the itroinÉié 4 muuu, siu ueineror t a up in c collent style. the ma rket.'he b'NestofLiquors°a Cigars. Stablihg, large and roomy. Gocods shedi R31ITISH AMERIOAN -ITL B AHOTEL, WY. A DA MS, Mi E\ ]r T J's - R ~ ~~H CSOERRHJAME OI ffe 40e oursar or )a.m. o 12M.,'and o 1.80 to 6, P. m. Reidence--Cor. of Byron' .a Gilbert streets. . N n (rarTZ 13OsONn EosEi.) W H IT B Y, O NTARBI O. Hlouso newly renovated and inrnishe throughout, and put in first-class order fo ho reo ption of guests. An omnibus to an rom aH trains. First-class sample rooms. SH AKE SP E A RE MO0T E L Cor. Efng & York-os.s, Toronto, Ont J. A. O'GBADY - PROPRIE TOR Tznumo, #1.50 PEnt DAY. ly-4) ýOST OFFICE SALOON, ToRoNTo. M. cCNNLL,- -PROPIE TOR. s-t THE DEST A CCOMMODATION Se for onests. gy.g7 UEEN'S HOTEL, - VICTOI IIARBOUR RA JAS-. MA OKEY,- PBOPRIE TOR. Good Table, Liquors, and Cigata. Fine stabling an.i every necessary accommoda- tion. ly.41 L UMBE R !_LUMBE R 'l JO0H N S ON , LUMBER MERCHANT, CI N- A ,L.1. ffl rEiIEII neeried on all the asce toatest principles of the art, best cholaseh l , anda good as the Teeth extracted without ban rdu Sivr. local an testhesia. Dontai 1oo sin ue ng an 'a new block, over Atkinson's Drug Stor" King Street, Oshawa.,85 ' H U1 Sm.,25NG ND SHAVING 8141ouBrok St.,ýVht by. JOHNN WOLFENDEN v G,ý( T FOR THIE LeDRATEýD M4huatih 1 llito. At Marb)le Works 'UtliuW etý.dnDunidas St,Whitby. (Su cecessr to Thomjas Middaugh,) Horso shoeinig and lallkinds'ofgenral _ly-52 L A iR BANIHs, OFFICIAL A SSIGNEER• k'i F l MIPSI E l3RoYAh lotel, lBrocle St., Whitby. 14-ly A T Hl Z-RI L Y Cerk D/ v/s/on Court, Tp. C/erk, ora i1 sianer Luin3.B. RLand Agent, &o.,, k' tirly, Qounty Ontario. AhrySipt. 2nd, 1872. 8 w éJ. HINMAN, Veterinary Surgeon, \Vill be ut Armsitrogs tl hty vr TuOSda,, bornmi1to 4 C eoc, PWit, eey Apiril 25, 177. la18 o stoi n w ~ -~ Pook sonit treu explinInI1g nan encï, i7 wall-St., N. Y,. WH ITBY, ON TA RIO,~ Imortenx, Dealers and Maufactureirs of an Kinds of ÈA THER AND F/ND/NG8 L'AIal fur ides, Bark, and Leatheir. iberther strmeched. L TIN>G MADE T O ORDER ON MHOR T NOTICE. 114Y.1872,• W H 1 TB Y , .Bas on hand a large supply of all kinds of Darn Lumber Boards, and all necessua.y Building LumnLer. Fencing, Sawn Timber, and Scantling, a large quantit on hand: Large orders for Long Bill tuff, filled from Mills et short notice. Doors, Sashes and Blinde always on hand. Whitby, May 7th, 1877. ly-20 Chicaoašà Lake Nuron #8//f08d- CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. _PasgExp . 'T 1 EX x. |'Paso., 05 12,fi5 Ea'ssagium 12M) 7.1à l'.2 o 1. .. ay city- u11851M .40 11.4.4 MiplGnd Rapids 10 = 11.05 .,atctu r soo * 7.15 ..ftschonrd. 1,183 asym 2 ÀValpar'iso.z. 7.coam Accomodation trains lecave Port Buron andEa sa noaches ae rn bowoei tBrn CH AS. 8. PECK, HENRY FUNNE L, W. E. DAVIS, 1 Recei.ver. - Supt. Gen1. Tkt Agt, For Ilates and other Informnation, write , T-E UCTicket Agout, Port Buron.

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