Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1879, p. 2

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'lg anc susuAMa s&uc o sais aaofYVillage property-Cam eron à Oamwil, 0ociton.- Vatu' Lla, Iti7gI-Tothilp of Pick osjag, - r - remen'a PIeici as Market graundi.- =Viiu.be arin for male by Ptiblic Aac. Auctipax male 0 a lle ~ roporty i Do! - lui' Cek-L. eaibanS, Ailc Stryed-1yvester Lyutie. ONLY Su Se PER ANNUM, Wbliby, Thursday, Aug't. 28, 1879. Co. Ontario Ridle Asàociatton. Tise matoises af tise above lAsscia. tloU teok place aveu tise Ronges aI tIhe 'Towsn of %Wlîtby,aon Fnitlay, 22* ila nt. Tise sic>' bog anititu l'ut gc6d fourilsootlng, acaQante fan the &it o cores luade. lsot tli-lags,200 ansi 5O0 yti.-G5 heai acS range. lot Prise, 510 W. S. turosebi 4o Pts. 2ul Il 8W. T. Seaut 89 8ud 1: O Capt. White 88 411s " ô T. W. GibbSe 80 Guis " 5 J. Sullivan 86 Oua ' 4 S. Ray' 18 C 70à " 4 CF.Toaleavan 1)0" 80ts1 853Du. McLaiaglilin 80 *Utlab" 11. Wallons 130r 10LUl. 2 Johnsîs tean 8r * ~ sd aics.-augs~20(), 500aus] -00ys!.-l'sisotestaieachs range. ' let l'r[e 51 W. S. Rtusesîl 81 Pis. 8 s " SCapi. Wliis 79 6 s, iCapi. lFoIbongili 79 401-~' -i Dr. Mabasîig)lin 70" 501 a5 I. Walaorti (w. Oiî- 4JolitsSteeun 167 its " I l Jslsa Lasulwer 051 I ' Il (G, Trealeavon (14 * ~ 1 111 . . et 12 ~ soinil sloy's sLontlng, 0f Lllis associ'a- tisî ou-e-t place hI Tanssino, ou Tisaaly lai r- Pointe. - . ssiy (WinIsiilil'e Apisatiosi, 20-4 2. St. 'ihumsit ille Asaociation, ... 197 A. flsîtoan us]5 Astociatian - l ..... 0 51. taîsItifll amxurOchsîiun -l......it (siiegeCul), (value $15o1) ansd $501 sucesansi ns-il>0 tSie risizo $31o fosrtl i nie, $20 ; ithui prize $10. - Totloaits,$1511. 'oiessferLaadils' Cuhheoige Sip r Thoisamliiislngasaistioe a line lia siosion fruiran yeor (eubjoal teteAli.s pr~vsIai ftIssuCouncii) ;'s le aîsýi ta lie nolutinal for urisuttiso apetitiua pro. vioslu Ilîs slie iat ensuiig Assiociation \'ss Isivýtmsvs jîs ssilisil freintLis e T- usîstîs Nows s (ltusss>i ai thIlu btîst puiblia siihs l'sisl usî isi 1fivi n sel iissie. l'u',s sIssg.s sre v&sey rtly and isîusslar. hEitIsimit oiiiliiIIisny,"' by fihiltrd ; D tiisu i usldss Logtî the isos"itsyh '11'sY whîitustire <of th eltalscantt surnie --sussstly isulsisîcls uspapver. Ilul issa sssil tgîia e wusava is Snîi- boiiiy's diseliitg Wissn ibis sIssrmînls l'il--a jsigltly or'ns,, y Msay "A i11îsu l'uissfront s-'sgrssnai," by Kimi ; alsesy soiu "T'o -licthns srinu bhe-- suI îsy îrssbuîsomne," by larhoy, Hise- boiîo.v,-t'st oros uanss isthssr plusofai'buinsss is the ssu aio WVisiuby, mili boeloses] fustiansi o'choak p. ,tuila (Thurssay îuleènîoon, 2itths f is i.)l aeerta iive every ons a aesisca tea atoosltisaeliremeo'al'l-nhc, fiah i s <rkai (roinnde, andsl 'ow wiît woecam earts evony poraose gauîg- TIsane Wiii haeailt hindsuifsugaules, rita-- tsfiîs, uplng, &as, fau svicirl Hierai CoNi'îsssîî&TIiss.- At Ail Saintsj' Clîssucîs, oa, Mosislay oa 'ning', tmonîy- fonrcandis]ates sapa canfirmeil bytlIse lili ofp i'Toronto.'.Tise couguagallôni * puosaut mas Vary large and 4ilepiy iu- teroti listise ssîvioaa. The arsnsa ai-tIssu llup teltuecandidatas -bafoue * 'C isirmatiou, sud ibis mormaos afier, o ýnsluent, sas] appropubato. Tisoerts tif di Sainte, the 11ev, Mr. Fiuîlar, han. Mnr. Waueu airlroct, anti 1ev. MNi. Puent, aifIlroekiîhn, moepressaI, anti assitsinhoesaressding ai tisa pnaycrs -aud lasosons, AN l"LClrriTJîîlrta-r ASit.s-On 'Watt- 11isalsi rnuing litt im partiesa isilîp- tnutaici flîrsa hta lIr. A,- 1. 'Ttsin-t4g'a thmsel itetoils, tlsey h indîl le ihsu w Imisîsîosc e, ii-Taliînaga an lsaring tisaonîlansîl tissus ao esying lnhie asîîdînlis tonisansi îîsy aisemonesishoot ssway, wIsorau)mois ie tIred bl atandsil iss thiîs lsîreti cfi- lest ai makling tbîeîîî Seat s lîsat> ri)- treat. They-has] botter naetny tise sailue tlîlng aveu agalu fou bcar tise>' mo.aslti aet OffT0 Sa asiIY, Boaevénlure Hicchion. CaîusTaeQu,.Aug. 26tl.-Mn,- Boasîditioe as eloctes] by acclamsa- tilu Ian lhaaventuue-, lu plsa ci ULient- Niai' Gt0001).-C4. P. Stewartislanom L1nsy 0opnaig Up a very-lssrgu stock ai th - lolat st i lieut styla a' goudasaveu- linmaiî iosta -Wiluby, îsislu- halietrera -veuy aeaap to cassit c!stonsera, Tho imils] poser cures, H1umspisreGs' Hacusscopasuie Speaitica. Bookas i directons laor Illetraatmaul ai coin.- mass campîshuts,Irues. S. W: B. SmitS. ClIiîssuî14< TUE S1OYAL IIOrisî.-Mu. James l'ilngie, tIs enauai biaItisath RoyaL l mi, isavas an tise traI ci tise - -sontis, ans!NMu, George MaeSie enteai - ita possession. !"]Y FIrae, thie beet - ilbhler ont.-. F'rics 10 aIe. eaois, 13a r 1i15 aIs, . *W. wib b. saisi cieap feu couS aI Moubronl S. W. B. Switls Sas6 a lange amssat- wept ai Touts Brusbses, uauging fmain 8 ieotsutao610 ceaisensch. -StoVgs.-Thos ao u readera misa airo ln want ocita feat-elasia tavéî, ellisor --parier, isahl or kltelseu, %wo<tir do Weil, ta-Cal on Hateis & lira. li efora Mtocis of atin-e i ielig read iand o p. & proves1. rrusuinio re ppecilug cool for tisa tawn sehaale. Reopart frons Mr. Somervvlle, tise In- epctorolitise Patelle- Saisole of tihe Town, sctlug failli tIhe anditlois af uhe 'l sclicols an the ocsasion ai bis vii la June bi, - Rleports froua tihe alnss.sers a tise Town Sehloolu, respeetiug iMi at tend. auce ai pupils lu June laut. On moiîon Ilhereport aoflise Inepte. toi af Publia Scisoala mas raferres te~ tise camltteuon an clsool nbeent, toli report ta tise Board.atUts sexi cmeet- iug. Mr. Powell proeauîed tise repart ai tise cosenttee un Finance- Repart ra- colvol, reasianudadaptes]. Tise report reco'moiende lishe -puy. ment aif5!9,25 to, George South *911 for lMu. P aroeel îaauted lise I!epcrt ar tise consmittce au ecîsool management. Bepart raceivesi, reas sud adaptes]. Tie repart rsaoainmeuied usaI ilies Waasliouss be appointes] teaciser airlise; second division ai Heury St. Scisool, ansi Miss Ada Pommuer tesciser af tise - irai division oaI Heury Sb, Scissol, sudi Ibat tise Cisairmnan of tise Board be in- structedte tacomusunîcate mis tise Higis *Sciseol 1-upeetor, osd la *ask fer lugeas. tions as hem besi tae luerease lise eflilci. euey of tise High Saisoal. Mi. <anipill iîîpesentaîl tie reoret of tise eemtiee on selsool praperty. Repart reas], recoiveti ansi suopte4. Tisa comsiitteo rèported tIsai tibey g *hsd purolisaei ironsm b sra. italisiurn asd Co., tisrougis Mesars. Kissg Brai., 82 tans af cool tor tise sciools aiflise bmw, eai4.54 par ton. - .1 Aller discussian the action oiflise1 comuilutee mas àppioved.1 * Mores] ly Jusige Darîneil, seconsied by 1fr. Fuel, tisaitishe commuttes ou scisoal propauty lie insiructedte l do tise1 repaire ans i iprovemnne recammeosi-j es] by -tIheInspector, asuscb cuber re- paire as tisey nsay Ileens uaccsary.-1 Carnes].i Moyeu by Jusige Darlueil, secondi by Mr. Farewell, tisaitishe cocunittea aoni ecisool management togetiser witiîtise1 1TIspector, tisa Headi Master af tisea Iligis Scîsoof, ansi lie mavere- ,'be a ope-. cial céommitee la propane ansi repart - on a-scisemo for tise re-urganizalion afi tise lown scîsoole, milis a viw ta tIser estalshelntiof a Central Scisool inc il.. forrnr Tw'Pise.luail, t raposrt,aliea, c lise d8tiltîas]casi afi lltiss up sais]f UIall.--Carrieil.L On motiou tisa Boardi asjouruosL.I À ACî'I'&ITVL itT!11 eJ il.- ltebarion &iBra, isookacellcrsî. Dttvtrîîil'e llook, lirve receives] ibis ageocy for Wliiby asîs ueigliborioosl for tIshîe al liste Iris iioun' Scîsool 4, noluîtofîls i'lurit 1Miller & Co., Toroulto. jî Tisim rn rssîslt-sllssinvention sessiroiy uioca asim i mus 11s, tasfrciunt icosi- pliainti tisaibooks coulc e lapscceainluliseII stsîdao'à basnde, isfore tiay isave loua rassooîsîslle service. Tisa Iran flooks are warrssmtesl ta ronsaîly îsis evil.s Wils orliuasy catliera is praciicalS iso isiilaeliseir cenurance. Tisa pint ofa avantage in tiis bins]- ing1 Ie itslly tisai in lthe opening anaso closirsg aiflise book tisera is ne friction,.fi whlîelatis e astructiva olesîsaul aif ail ordiuary tinding. - 1ly tise paient musils e tia aves of lise bioks ara faslenas] by wire pins, ingortoed suar tisa back rnîsrgis. tlIse aitîs oi lise pies- bsiusgisîtrruai dowu andi Iyinsiparailfwitlstisa stuargin, ecinp- icg tIsa leaves logetisr. A bat i'ftisin intalisîliapreasoai lIse bock, sis langes tsvsrissp>îing tiics -f ons cfe thilsepinîs, wlsicliprevanis tise ieas'au frossst Lorisîg frail lsisissa*1, as ia lise casea iais iro, swig or lape worls.I Ily a îsîcuiar etarseu nthin1ss, lper- b leut floissiiiity ie s ri tu nlis enjc.W tof tIsa ouvsssstise sisise tcrîssig a ti lîracltiiss114 uslsiîiaiibissdintg, ssb D sîssItsILVy iudseiuuu'iiîi ty Wealr sns] î tcar, ti Nsw sssssy iss Iroi biuding, sauine ai pli-ets e-sI ri arylsiisdiisg -Sailis 5' lNse.Muîre:îy's l'Ussuaulry Ariuhisuoic s 81tls-ssl, T 'lissosîrih-ls isiftis Book 0e oi lbosissg sssossss'pes'iiug Diui)i, s csssslsamion tla lnIsaIs-e Mlitre îSviu- ci tans Lwîgtage Lcfssone, (ilevisûsi ûai- e lion.> Thso resuîit oai isie io n \ss s sui si te sniiscly suplîlanttbel is s asioioîsAslirsisssîalI rdero lte J. S. i Rorssialon & Bras., agsuls i-or tlifi , 'si- of Iislssre, l'erae li Bock, Broci t sre-e, l, \Vliiby. th VlQs' ])ui'tforgai itie Exelirïisin ta Lalso Cnssi "lsss eul ) IlaNos 0lmsWs lay ni-ilt, mssdr lise auspices ni tlisa c Laitec-' Ail Souilty of tise WVîithîy TI TiaIsamuteie,ssuîy $1.'25 for runIss i p,ti QC) c heh'I , ',ors' A 0ALLANT OFFIEslOFtIPEUsite18IIVAL A uî-;ssîsv usssss,T, ANIs Till. LATTu-ir 155t55NOu5 ISTOLS. Quiiebais, Assg. 26.--An allitir of i Isoar asa boon aranug-Il ts ine- ah, Ibut lias? wiiscm, sud shiara humsDot lesukesiout, Tisa principalasu-arslu isbis on oflisan af tisa Franchi figiile-, ansd a frnuai gen- île-ruais misahSmsbeutisliving ii luis cii7 for sevonsii nanîlse haut. 'Pliaecotise ai' thue quarrai is ual exactuy kusau, buni, as usuai, lise naie o a dyhuuiy es tiss 111) mitis il, andthis eu insusWil a grava uas, tise Iuuts-ofsar'o iussusbtiv-ing eIoîsîsd Iei$si's face lu thse lînusue of a longe sOmîiany. 'rTeo eactu4lss have aiH beais nasesi, ilsa lreuehs gsutliai hîosiug induse]ud rvioîu of Si. Lsînii atrci teta8 ffi uenss, anisabuotisen oicor suisci forcit a "'te sanvico foru lIs appellent, OFFU Tu oMESirsos. JILNLAN, COUsRs- NZ'1 A t îlsEY.-Rleeter, N. Y. Aiig. 260 -A. T. Soula, ai' this city, allers a 8,"lt,i*s)pt-uefou- aauinglesasil race fou- thie slsaspiousl1ip ai tIsa siciniuiope-sitli ail, previlies] Ilauhso ansi Clciirlusy siilI now, tissurs'oe ta talie pisse anysisona in lise UnitedSiltotes agu-sa te by tuse princiasiandssul roftis heusss- i isa sr 1SiE'si:rruILisis.-1'5c Journiis f COM1uiuuis's'- aya "13sîsinessennsre open !l stîseiroexpressiosof olngrct lissaI il mas sloioti aîvieablo ta briug sb,,ut o cisange -in tis a suageoî tiof lise Bankl of Moutreai mii a caoumericial junîtîîro su ii tilisîl for aîsy tiietusbnlig oyant." Tbso saine journal saunuins tissu "ths praonand ok-uapacîlse con- dition ai cottan maifatuluing isi ibis country is Isealtisy ansi prounising, anti tisat thso locahizeul andti duectly asaer- taillableu ofiacte mvli isaprofitabîole a al iminediately cancisnned, os iahi os iselp- bal andti ncouraging la business ganar- aliy." - - TIsa ligîi lIon. Sur Michael lHicks- Beacais ntentaiuad ai dinuer au the Othu ilat., at Sis res.isienco lan I'ortian Sqssore, Ranl i Frtusque, Eanl Catigun Viscoanal Barringtan,hm' P,. Viacousut Ciolton, M. 11P., tise Chancellar coi' lie Excoeqsîen, Sir Solnu Maas]onaldi,Sir C. Tupper, k3ir A. T. (hait, Sir John Ilosso, Sir W. ledisuonsiane, M.f- P., Mn. I3. Gý Haubert, bir.'Disuiel plasîkttî, Mu. P>,-Chicf justicase N, iii intanin, Hon. Atas Croahîs, anti Mn. CaujIialS. O(rn Isa hîolsigjIllt'n au-a nt sark halles nue anti nisiuisul tisaitishe rosti ii lie compleledti hîougls ta Isîgrioi ihisyou ssing slaIuel opos are oniertairuoi by tise 'r iîsc of Roumelila bat lis e Jmisl Quèsiion csifp lot uf shiolti prias fioni îlàmi- b. satisfocclniiy oletid.bythie -13. W.IB. Smith., Lel -launre oai usaI ste misan il siain un Duxiyiow ExsiaiTio0.- Thise - t noth lu oamplteo st aiOtitaaare se- 1ghouIs]Sir Alexander Gait sccepb s thîic redl.sva sta moka tise teMPointmnt é!Eulldant il L ýinono exh'ibitiona su ccoisa. *- s>' lhe ua anoiàn Camolitsioner. -----------ishe pramineut bugines$ insu ai Nos ..Ougopab fr CDW .8 W s 'Y orS ex proaetise balleath ara gras]uiaiimpr usI . tis imes so C1 WC lu ti lit Tu ro( bit lv Yu lai Yîl au an oi li i odu ti hie tr i' ti ait Il Bai wl a l t ta Ci1 AI au] Pli tIh wl 550150 sossagoilamasal 98 8ssisesi 11 stacis, eau pieseisi iemmalves fc maticulatbon anti dogreea, Resds ai, atY collage for any lenglis ai Urnei à6t olulfgatorym No qusiinsare t be asies!au ta misa au bois *shsiatlc bai beau seoures]- In orler t1aaval th pAotendawmnt of depominc tional collegei, thoue are no Ipaywaul iros Gaveromnt far gemnarxessitg but an atraugemient lias beau mal misich is m uout ta ver uyoecll th saine ig. Tis is la amplibe& b; thea fuiüinuion oai tnns3puldsaof ivau ans sOrte, s'iaôlsrahipi ands]fallawipë Tisse mill astenaibly give re*atds IL indivisInal mai1, sud tla thai niont miie tiseie-wihllbe no paymenta la lb colleges maux wiicstis astudeuts couis Il- miii bs notas], bomaver, tisI th prlzsare ta ho ia moue>', and ài provisietitisait tey May be * vn t ab saluts as moll as reative maent, se tI University autisonities May doteriuins If ny stisticaine nUpto a cariaii standard of exceibesace ,be May ueceivi a prias uin oney frirn, Governsenl iusg istaesti oibeing tiret hsSe ase ",,,',y la lt is e liait of 0oeptilordIl ibis .ay Il la appareutby loft tae iei oretîonoa itse !University autisoritie .wboiber iisey may not remard ever: stutient wisa pases a iairly severs el atissation test,1 or aven a very moalla aie ane. Tjins, etuulonts mho mugi nrl lie able ta raietisenecesary foand mlsaremitis ho psy collage feas nay bi encourages] 'ta ecure tise amant il nome may, iu tise fuit expecîsiion tise lbsy milb bl Se ta pay bock theca metni ai lhe mnuy prizss iiey mai reive fuons year ta year lu tise cours afti U tniversity .exsîmlnatiois.- Il tisis svay, il is linges], tise mouey mii aoluaiby go tritise collage, denomins tionai or olluarwisu, eaI miitise mdi vidual studios, for but for tise praipso ai Ileiug abusle t riiursemisai Ma] be lent lu arder ta pay fées, sunis feai mouis] neveu lia fertbcoming aI ail. Thi piasiof giviu ioney prises ta Solai ratiser tissu ta relative suenit lanot i mise ana, sud lisera le a paseibility usn -der suais n eystcm of practicaily eaelovw ing oaihstsudaut ta lise exteniCof tus money given han prises. But, for tiseli osa credit, tisa memubers ai tisa Unlvss- aily wil l eabcikely ta parpetrate s tr'as] liowaoring tisa standardaifoaw c-ation se as ta bot oery etudout issv tisora eaua pyi=bis coilegaféas b3 lise prizssonrecsolriips ie uigitse.5 cure ;andiliit weresattanîitidta e1doM svary alle wmis ecasedeul in taking s vary hsumble siegres, nl]tlereby-tain rutintiabonl waylIseipine tise differenl arnîliatas] collages, tise oui cny rolesia gailssiueci aspraces]ng.-wonild very iîcuýtliiy bniug ita au utin. il nromains ta lie seaumîsotiser tsik soly urnstnlgiSxni mdli suit ail lparties, vowsuly il luneis eeîs Mate ta eiruuvi thsa1 oljcina ia is tisa Romuan Cotia lies have z-alwaysetsatcil ta Queesas Uni. eeraiiy aid ColltagQs. The Caustilutiai sri te Unis-ereily eetus a olit1ciouilY litînal ana, but averylising shillopeni lpon tis aacte-r ai tios evisacon- uliluta tise Senale sud Iloai ai Exain. inons. Tisey may moke tisa inatilutias a sisucees, anati lsy may Malte it, a de. lusian anti a anse. A 1-orse-Brcedors Association for Canada. Tise Glabselias t'iei i) s It io rjacI tusi ativocaice il suisli is usîssul -abiîity. Ilorse-uiei i iarte bsaeding colle for -the ruuning au lrolting turf' coiuphoin liaI ravin>, is faliniu btit isropula, sud sel wiiiètise reiatly sIyla hossir 050 ssanstiiey lil a ls y'Is it. Lit horse- inodû(ore fornaàacenrsasl assoolation. w'lichl mi ave muffileti soaletislu th lis rilitt couauias tisueugiout lIse )oîssiuiion, anthie revissiai ofropulablO tuf ssuless iîb auly ho a queFlihrof tisîs. At presoîsi if a iaras, la ot îlniv- nu or ritiden ta win tis a sigas liasse tIse piswecr, issus-r ustissetlv, la sisieil ea es-f% tînivooranridler.If, hsowver, the su-sun ot tise liirsahaîpsîs eta bo l'in wuts" tisa job, hie catu <rai bis horse unt ai lise conteet ai a stage mis o s aisîsb aasiîy wunsviti lIsouasiisandling. WIstt is tise r-suIt 1? Tise jutiges cats eclrira bais ofatntua]hie rognas wo puti suer i5ot5i on tise 'jsb" in tise isapo )f rssrryiug il sîssamgi take il baick ln taein posiuats againi, causerions front the ,iOs tbey put il nptisaitbeyisatino iiuslic's ta laieit, ulbotisey bo0pesi ta 1il is'front lissa lso niokîs t tîirR il rosi saitis. Now, lsaî are Ihiase dis;- jouest.jou:koye nosî aers pssnisluasl ? ise) jusigaes Jo ail tIsa islain impas. r. 'Plis-y expel tisem froin tishan a- cits ti-aci, ansi lbeylimavi tise resu ai ha Dosîsîsiion aven shisis uic-y can rssss'!, carysug oui tisir nStius )rtices. Loet on association hie forni- A, andsth tIsaion aioase macS towards rascanl govetas thsat ofaial' tise olis ntise spot lias] net au unrianal nus- or ai policesals sauine sudsleuly latisah psne andîti tu-ies] ll oagol. San IFranscisca, Cul., Aug. 24.-Oser. o,000 ecilid iai-ingen yeterday Itlîereas atIbisSani Lots elsouting, urais>, andl asuiin for tise blooti ai ;allasSe asaittîcin. Tlsoy sîmotisat asis] Kahîaclissousida prove fatal isnsary sug-auca -Will be linon e murdurer. Ai 93 lins. iKalach %sas suncb imprav- i.Pisysiciaus exprnesslise, opinion attsera us gooti grounti for expedling si rocovery. Tise State troapa hiava beau asiles]in- sasoiily tise slnd autlihiee, anti -reaprnse oaa nequesitishe Secretary f Var bas instructe tise issue ai' 50,. î00-csIirigtos ait Boulca Arsenal for e use ai' uhe Stale traops. ILIssLAN.-Tissro mare a gee(li auy s] jaSes parpaîrates aI lIse regotia. rie Mon sois] Hanion mas lise nobleai sowmsofi'tietu all. Anotier mau luil hie sas quius a bu-ram. Tise mon lua sais] laulan evas a genleman ands sasiler uarrowly ecaoliilieing ioîl, h s as susnou nIod jolie, but vhan iltarnis']oui tisai tisemus sas ac eîlitor of tIse t)nibliaTinte's, aud rîtt joliesfouik aîlonsg lime to Iravel 11P onoiblis, isa lite mas spores]. --5* f-- Tia gooti oicaesof General Grant 'e Seing obicited iu thesa salenaofa Iseian ai'stors paljcy boucaun Isina suit JýsPau. One tisousant InTdiana in Norbîsera Lriions' are in n étarving 1condition, md tise Amenicanl War ])epartmeultei nsking orrangsneuJa fan tiseir relief. A eliglît sbsook of Eartbqnake visilos]- se sautS-Western coasi aI Lake Ont- io on Wstineeilay night. , ,The. dorsuan. ai tIse Court.martial vhicS convictes] ,,Lieut. Carey ha. beau- yvarraltid, asd hse bu to rleases]. ' l. n Manssagemenst. .If oeEs. Wniy or snd Tstpper wal aw*1nperil4 Ooao. M iiaomser ta bellip ù vMUée. I& le ture t mblc e lsainspmé)*1 I>rera tcmnt@ ni. o..ses u~ltsayto omiubiite, )n it le quite ciea tht they bop theroby id toe iak. btter anlalefmk a. ]3ngIIle sapitallsti t lsa t be Com- ta mission la composesi ml ofyan ase. s, dians aawipat.ed ly tiseDomnion Gov- le ornaient, and Spraecally isisser ia se cotroT 'Ini aussi words tbey tink 37 tise preaence doféas auperial Uonimisor. 1- louer on tise USerd oould Inspire an a e. motinl or confidence.among Zugliâb to capitlise t t ight ual axial mare lie ef commission ccmpaeed cf asant ôe oniy.-Thisatise p oint ise sougliltl e.makze., *iiisouref«sencetla Mr. Till- le ey's t"fiuaucing" mus htise baring's sud à5 tise Glyn'e, misicis ha. nôt, homever, b- accordlng ta Sir-Frauda Hince, been ae a wit mors successfol5 tissu tisat oai e. Si r ichard Cartwrighst, iakiug itt in consideration tis e te ai tise monaey '0 market misen tise arions Ibans mers t, affectes]. Tisa dIstrait ai tisa p raant C- Dominion Govarmueul uin ulauad le In indicales] by iberofalaof lise guaran- À- tee aud by tise onîspoken utieranceà of se tise prese-Liberal as weli as Couserv- rY ati ve- .tisetarift souls] Mr. Pot- Z' iar's miss5 lta tise States be enocees- t fui ans, H e uie 2 iikly-adlas t eseoneHaegtonoiCab in e]tsa s.a Lard .weaclld am tise esultof in tiik S John M acdonald'e Cabinet t ii fins] uaIt in a vary perplexiug a- predicoment asid tisaithe building af a ýY caaadian Faciflo Railway May bave ta eg lie insiotiiteiy defre.-Êree Press. Il Illait 9h11 Sciant. i- Ottawa, Aug. 2.-Mi. Boriodaie, t Tuspector of minmd Revenue, s'eceatlyj q dîscaveussi au ihuait stili on s ride roas] De Ieadîng ta tise Prairies from lise Mont-1 se usai road, about five miles iron tisej a city. He proceedes tissus ysstsrday1 a aflernoon, accomupouissi ly two officars1 - -Baugeants Harnisige aud McVity-1 ï-anti successiasinlu cspiuring s emal dis. te tillery, tise stili being vary1 largea. Un. ir fortunately uhe approacis ofthébparyiy r.mas neiioed, ansitise propristar, onei a Micaeol Flynn, moada off for the moodav.i Jas. Mooney, a youug man, asid a rasi-i sdent ai ibis City, mas arreeted by lise1 r offceara, ta misonslie elatesi tisai lhebad ( )- beau Sires] by Flyn 'n, isaving been int vv bis employ for tise issi Ime wcoks. i Maoney le nom lu custady, sailiug ln-t s veetigation. Tise still bas beau raent- it ly srccled, aud mas furuiissed wimliIi lishe hast appliauces, >Il mas inu*aperau- ytionen h ie party arrly6si. Four bar. resaofmlisksy,a sxauotiseus contalu- is iug muatorial for tise stili, mare faunds on a.thse proensc. Tise liquor mos brouglisi e la fliseCity aîoug ilhts tieu, tise othisE or are iug destroyesi. Flynn le moules]' -in Froecpl for a sisilar offense. Sinsez i bis deparýure frow ftise latter place ta y escape punisismoni bis mberealioulse d have licou unkuomu la tise autisorilies.i -AORII AosimeFSoaRY CLAI.-Tise Uni- s teFd Stalas Governnseut demnande $108,- -000 frasu Great Bniain lar injuries tionce Ansoricn fishaermen l is h a l inossmn as "tise Fortune Boy outrage." Tisef wiole question turne ulon tise canton-t tion tisaI tua local lame of Nemfauusl- lad cannaI bie invalidaleti by tise op- t ration ai troaty provisions enteras] su- la tbaiea.n Englansi aud tisaUniltd rStates. It le gudeustosi tisaitise i Wasington Cabinet is auxiaus la isave 1 it kuomu tisait isedemans i8is ua 1 pramplti by a desire la get bocli s por- tion af tise Halifax amarl, sud lu tîse tlîey arc mise, for Engiausl migîsi ailier. m ise raton tht i bs te entitbed ] ta are- 3fuuso iltIe unexpendlosibalance oafi'c b 3 ti'siilions amarsias] l ise States f by tise (housa Arbitration, Mr. Ev- anisi le simply ileairous ai gettng lu- siomnity tar actual bs sustains-sibyp Aterican fisisermnen, anti of satling,9 once for ail, tise somemisat dangerous iqtiestian as la mîsetlier lisose isliso- 1men are amenoble ta flic local lame ai 1Newfoundiausi or Canada, as tise case .may lie. Tisa London Timssas seansI tdisposes] la favor a convention witis tises objecl of rcopening lise Haliftax acie-m ion, ,if onby it migisi take np tise a-b iword in sncb a way as ualta seem ta bc sallis for tuai purpose pariiculsniy." But reopeniug -ise Holifax amorti wo,îid giva Engiansi tise iglista de- mound the re-opepiag oai htisi i'Genevo, andi ira pprebiens] lie Washington Cab- inset le in no uood ta rolinquisis, as il oerlainly monisi Isave ta reliiquias lise tlise unaxponded balance mmîclisec- f ru tîserefraus, ant i ih is now ly- ing lu tIse United States Treasury. lDR MOBSELEY'e DEATIL-Mr. Lins Maitîseme, President af tise Alpinew Clubirites rans Z ortymoti, Swi7tzer- AN INDEPENOsENT OPtINIOs.-Tisare la, si saye tise Telograin, unlartunaiely, taa o mucis grouns for canspiainl againsi tisec Dominion Goverumeut lor ils Ireatimni ai offiiais in tise public service. Mauy ai tisese have beau turnastioet for tise obalemwesi ai prelextu, of mInis tIse casa ai tisa officiais empboyes] under tise 'I Woigists anti messures Ac t isa mostini rodent example. ti looks vsry mucis i as iltishe changes su tise Act more de- 'w signes] tainly te suable tise Gavera- th ment ta make places for ils friands ait t tise expeonse afitis apponenis. Evon pi tise Tory papers cannai usions]iiSut lateel application of lise Jscksonian ih principle that ta tise vistars bslang tisa hl epoils. Tisey content ihensselves by bc relarting tsaItisahesiMoat Geverument e tuds imetiig ai tise sainse sert miseail ce supersedes] marniage license agents by sa a nem Act. The ides among tise paniy ec jeuruais seems te lie tbat tme blacksetc make a mwhite., ALMOST A FATAL ACCIDENT. -On 'I Tues-daylaat as Mr. Wm. Gallomay, ai farmar,ilutisetomnsluip aI Scott, mos et ont rakiug up looesgrain lu anc af hie fielde mis s aiose-raSe, thse borses lis- came irigbîiednad drau omqy, li-rw. ing Ilus in front aiflise rake, Oas ai tise Iran teetîs cangil i imlu tis eaor ansi dragging isinsissur soeadistance inflictaul a frigisifulwannd an lIse rigisi? aide ai bis iseati, Iranomehise holest a in grin fal d b Iisbas bfoue metileal aid ': cosîld blieprocured. Upon exaulnationis t mvas faunu thtisihie tots bas] pane. di tissedthetsa igbt eau, sanditIse scalp bons de mas founîl la ha breken lu. Tise doc- tors bave very huis ishopos of isis reccv- ery. Tise Manitoba cropa are, raporti]la be excellent,- and 11e ares -omu Ibis yeer.le tilt7 par cent. greaiq tisuau> previona yeaig. < sir John ,Macdanald Witteaut on Ushe luis Septemibur. , Tise labeur strihes gtill continue.lint? SI, Lois. Tl nlc look upon suais evistusce OU orsnaey mitS plly, tisey muet rs'gard tisa men- dacily o! misic ivilconviatsis 1m mith soomn., His allusion lai My moussu tise public couiti botter, apprealate if tiey kueis more abotnl; bois mach siseloreeJier ulangister asid hawis uis she respecta ber son.li-mýIn théliseabeeipas aimais rallable, informaticuon utisi ubjeci tisaisu ts>'eau sver gel fram hie5 I miil respeatînlly suggest tisaItisey Ue de. liveras] ions th is ik ai roug conclu- shon in isedark by rsflactiug ou tise us- mateneas8 alibispiobasilifltisaI at uy maan, and aspeciapy Ceal, i, l mdalo- iy commence la speak'tise truiS ai Ibis timie cf, Hie. HUs ioIty. allusions 'taluise'snaubacd' moabsi mar a laie comicai aspect if ho ou ied ba] erve' enaugislaiitishe ou.- armes] monhlushsioote il, asd cisivairy, enongh to-miss tiseuproteoeiecl oman So nuriSes at. Ilt ill tresroto lu bur- lesque, a5ùd if h isecis]iis recant amk- mars] isiootbng ýfor an adveriisemaisi, missiug hie mark *&op I suppose, nec- Qeesi>' la bit bis parpoîesud as]iuce Se lias adaptes],tisa opposite raleienl lis femiaine figlutstisb conclusion sens ta be inevitable tisai aau a s i ara lase danger- unsier luis larmbesepisiol tissu s maman is anilai bis vindiclive Hie allusian le bis "1dauliug cisil'lren" if a haret ai tendarnasa mortisy ofiej- ombar, tsa affectation of Wiii is ex- poses]a>' lise foot ibat, wislse la uquandarine isis maus in riatans living, lesves bIse moussu ai ihose "tiarliug obibsiren" la adusiats, clotise, sud fassi thoa. Ia conclusion, I waulti beg ta suggsst tisai, lu conformiy mish the usages ai tîsis aga antd latitude, ha suspends ail furliSci vspeiurilg about bis "maubacul" util be"lkills bis eau," or ai least cripples hlm-tsai ho is dsaliug mis a people Who miii net permit bis tb in- Plicote muieipuniiy a mstisor-isi-lai lu a Iaeuly quarnel ; tissu riapeodidal explosions in tise nemapapare aliost bis "ldariing aisilsis'î" mill commandtimare respect afier, thon baera, ie paye liseir overdue bards bibies ans] tisaISe sisaul] nat appiy 10 a lady for a pecun- isry Jean, sud tiien, belons lue reteulils his promise te psy lier, valututeer ta parade in print gratuitaus ans] molig- tient allusions la ber imuaginary -mis- candusil." Latter sriliug is evitieutiy ual bis farte, antd I bsg ta eommnnuta bila tise advlce Junins gave ta Garrick-- "Rscp ta your pantomimes," Reppectlully, EDNA BUIIGESS. Womon's "No." Tise Landau Tretuobhorati a Prize for tisa beal latter, tis nhjeat talis tise refna us a aor ai' arriage. TIse resuil ws a su undation aeanby filling tisa aslilore office. Hors -are sampies, Segiauing suIs ' Partis," misa took tIsa prize : Dean M.-I ams veny sarry I p- prociate you iims-nsely, hut I saunas give the caskel mitsonitisae gens. PsORTIA. Sweet sountie, tiaI gurus tieligit snd Suri not.-lempe8t. Dean Mr. Calilian,-In dacliinng tise hionour ai au offer iras yen, T ans con- sirsines] ta osu, in justice ta sny judge- mnt, tIsai I oaly refuse esais an ana becanaseT1Ihâve occapieti suais notiar. Mîssasina. Fuien essen, hisbanîlnover. A. S. F. No, tissuS ybu. -1 1 SmisTrPsi. -Dear Mn. - TaSe bock yanr effer' Ecannai sens] a refuisaila oyou, tise frieud T eo value sud esesm. LàNARK. Noar isu; maIothesays I mlltu't. Fooit POLLY. Dean Si,-In deiing a proposail visieh I trust you mili Salieve I appre- sialeaos tise iigist compliment yomi coulai poseibly have pais] se, 1 Seg ha uuaaie yen, in ail sioceuity, tisi upon s -evies of s>' omu demesile il is ns>'bc- li tisai sy refusai cf yaun offen ai narriage t is e hast Sud mosi uneelfisis -eturu T con moka yen. Believe me, dear sir, youus sinceneby, ' PINK DosurNo. My dean -Edwin.-Tse ilanctbing an tise monsi I value more tissu your fiens]rhip. You euggeet ta me lise as]- sption ai a course liy mbtcb I aboai nasi cantainiy lase il. Hem cruel 1 sas unkinsi i But tis strenglu aifns> regard moasc me invuiluerabie ta tesp- tatian. T as taoomuais jaur irieusi ta usrry you, sud essish I hope awsys tu eomain. E ver your eincsre frisusi. ANGEeLtutA. Dear Sir,-You obancet le tate oc- citental>' lu a rodant canvçusatian lisol 'aur digeatian mas net geas]. This sling tise case, 1T bel il seuls] Saun- riee for me ta aceepi the proposai yen save jusi matis, fon smiabibity ai tee- ior nd uchîrnie dyspe ai, as I Suai to mail fuos My dear ifatisen'ecase, nre îstianiy incompatible cua mith tise tiser. A =u anis s ias] ddigestian ean, aises Inouer makea ngoosi busSons. Ybars sympatsetical>', AT FArima DIIUssooLE's PiîTuE.- i'hare iu a vol- ortby Catisolia pniest in Nom Yonk, misosa Soanrt uumos] 'éars ago tomard the frhentilees unoisins whus circulate tise great nemepapore of isa matropalis. Agents aa tisa> are, la isair amaîll ay, ai sanie ai the masi prosiierasis inslit1itions la tise coutry, uati Poiler Drnmgoole rase up as iseir asivocale uma-Ihirda aiflIse child- aSh hast livesi as caressl> as suld oasits. Fatsen Dnnmgoe, astablisiset arefuge bar thoa, supplie tise laSing cana antd protection cf tiseir panenis, sas h tsaiusa' mre cleoned anuc] el bleSho, sud Wh en thay came tailuis ait, moandat anL -braisas], as ue colis are apt te Sa, appiies] (ile.' Lin- imn oTdide Ammonta la their sarea. This ltis te auly ugery tisihoSes, anud hiu honarable nome la ana aii us etrangesu endarements. Sols! by S. W. B. Smitis & Co., Wbii- sy. Sens] for pamphlet. 120 West Broadwmay, N. Y. Trial boaules 25 cents. M-v SUa-amasuas m i nl otrytrisn- ustise msore intense. Il se t lias]lumy wrisîs ; ITouuls] net use tise;_ mas selpias iI iT ssu] Gis' Liniment Ta- dide Ammouha. Thes recuit mas mon- derful ; pain ans seiling disappemueul. R. W. Vooans, 2111 W. 851h St., New YorS. Sols] by-S. W. B. Smýbh &s Co., Wlsit- by. Sens] for pampislet. Dit. Gzaus, 120 Wst Broadway, N. Y. Trial botties 25 cent. Ottawa, Aug. 25,-Four asditionai opane of ihorses have iseen paurciasesi b te Depatientcf tise Interiarfo ttenos oftheNortu-west Indiane. Tboey iilbe sisippat l-morrois., it moiamusing sotory-IlIer, and i lu a besuremtarksd tulis e ister tise le- mon sud, sud-misaI is fi called's-as, mniske> flois, the more active is the 'siternasiemmaghnation. Tisis particu. lau night ha imbibeti more-tissu mas bis custom, but repudiies] ail affars of o c n 1i0 s s ea rf ection p an is a a slyedriuer. Sa hos ment anis abus.inta th isangisi. -e ransorlios] tisaItishe fortissi bo ment tise mors tiras] bo Sacame, but5isa blarnasitilalaliotsa luet siback of rbsumatssm. .Funall>lha cama ta a log attise roadsids, sud isal- in uirussistabie dasire ta Test hiisiî heasat domu. Hem long hatl hadoas ual kuis. Whouulha amoie tise HUa mai rleing, and lue içuns] hieseilf ying bahins]thlise -ag. Persons passlng olong tise roas] cotula not miss but ese il.- Ha fait palues] ai tise isgraca lie bad- brougisi upan hinssali, ansi-ha arase and] macla lis ma>" isomemaru], Se roioves] ta reforni ansd neyer do il agalu. - Ho dis] not viuit lise *lige for soma deys, sud misan Ihsdis] go wmspleasasi tae it annoncas! in posters on tise wailo, tisaitishe British meriaau Sans oflTens- perauaitendes] halding a meeaibinl tise v ie*'th a viais to eeîtabliaislg a losige. Tise word "Britishs" in thse au-naunca-nt settles]tise malter. Ha wauls] join tise movansant sud bacoma a loyal tempersuce man. The nigisl af lise maeting came ananas] in due course sud tise absea mai upussent, iooking in tisa besi ofibsaltis antd spirits. Tisa promoters oi the mn-rament more very ymucis gratilled tl i iiattamdanca, sud tisa gratification mas tuînsd ta an- tusaisinran il bacamne kuamn tisai lus lanit joiuisig tise movemet.- Sa te an ing ialanau, dus]tisatans- perauce foIk fnlyappreaialed bhis itnten- tiuîn l tliare ta tiseOaider. Amng lise Épeokers mis a adreess]ushe meet- ing mas ana mise ld a slory about an ols] hcatiisa mio @pont a greai part aI lis lufe su tspplsng. Ho bils]bacamo se dopuaves] tisai ne lepî lantise guttera ai aigisi, ond!once Se (the speaker) 1usd louas] hlm byiug bebinti a log hy tise roqt1side, spoakiug 10tistheiog lu a mosi loaiisls manuer. Car aIs] Irions! mas hurnedto tahielianewmuhshebasenitise mentioan ofihl og, antibha ss uraelise etary mas aimes]ai iimacl'. Ha fisigt- lad in iis seat sud immoginedthtiahes cysai tIse assembby mere au hlm. At beit issucouti Sean il no langer. Tise speaker mas dlating On tha - couver- stion mitis sIo-," anti mas pleadisg seitli alt i s a aoquenssa for tisose presaul tus tsciew tisetievilisidecacliaus, issu ltae aid sou storteti op ansi saisi: 111 eay, miston, I atimiltishe carna. I did lis behinsi tisalog. But if yen 507 h tslked lte hilg yau're a dasu lion, sir." Tisa speaker coloapsesi bresihîs, sud bakes] in aeioiishmeat n ttise olsimmou as lie etanspe u o th 1e houl in ogreal rage. Tien a. iht braSe upan tise aompany sud tIsera ssii a mils] burst ai' isuglîter. TIssu beuge tii'ti'I btalo s footisols]. Tîsenelona tise ahimon is iîs diagrace. NE.s ItOM 55TUE FRANELIN SsF&.ci FÂRTY.-A St. Johuns Nis]., spaciol soya tle Franklin8esarcis psrty'landes] irons lie sip Eoîlsen an tise nantis sonsetof lndeau's Bay, nean Deoa Isîsuil, on Angositi9tIs1878 Alil bauds mure in excellent iseolli. Tise parly îiartsd on a& eleigis jaunay fou Ring Wiliam'e Lans] on Aprilet, '79. Tisay taak foui ueigisa ans] about sîxiy dogs. Wiih on s survaying trip laat faih, Liauts. Scismatks, lKiietesak andl MalIns sera casi 0557 on o bau-non is- band, shere tisey rensainasi Ibres dsys milisaut f'ood. Dnring the emma gale tIse brig M. J. RassasNom Bedford, Mass., wlsoleu, sent asSone near Cape Kendiall, snd lecame o total îreck. I is sias numenreti thal a marriage Isas been arranges] liutwus e lIeie- apparent ta tise grand tiucisy af Batien sud tise Princeas Beatrice ai Englasis]. Tisa Prince, wmisîjuel 22. is s grand. soue aI tise Emparon Williams ans] a kinsmancf tise laIe PFnce Tuspenial, misase graud-suul Siepluonie marniesi tisa Grandi Dusa Cisarles Louis cf Bs- den la 18061. Cmiag ta tise revival ai Irada in tise UnitedSt aies ibara iu au improvoti te- man.i for Canoulion lumbar, but tise lnubelien ofiaithe Cttawa Valley corn- E loin tissI the cosl ai manufacture ba eeauss uaisincreasos] b>'tise Nation- aI Poliay tisaI they ara haruly paying axpanes. Il is elaied tliai tise Engili (oveun- muent Sas refuses] te continue tise uns- pension af uSe Cantagious Disses Acl s fanase it relates to Canada ln tise oyant of lise embargo agoinai Amenican cattia camiug ie oCoaadabeing us- mavoci. It is atateti oa tis a uiliotit> ai tIse Turkis)s Finance Minialer tisai 500,000 Museulman refugesa are heiug main- usines] lu tisaicauntry iu addtion te the Tunkisi anus>. Stops ta reduca tis a nny, ans] i ont1 damaexpenees, have hacu takan. Inamtiocn ta the afficial notification ai tise reversai ai bis sentence af court- -martial, Lieutenant Carey Sas receivéd a latter fionstise Duke ai Cambriidge misicis couclutea mitis tIsaopinion tisai ftier tise Zuin surprise rasisiance sas impossiibe, ansi reluesi impenstiva. Newposrt, R. h., Ang. 2.-Miss Lys]- is Siserman, niace of tisa laie Generai Thsomas W. Siserman, hbaslicumisa- ing since lest nigisi. Fans are ente51 toineul tisa se bas beau aliductes] or bas. cenilites] suicide. Versaillea, Ang. 25.-TIse great shoot- ing conteel is o nclutiatibore yesteu-. tiay. Milieu Farrow, tise Asuerican! sorkaman; gainas] tise Orsi tisne prizes- Nem Yenk, Aug. 24.-Lieui.-Cons- mander Gonniaga saileti-!yestens]ay for tisa porpisso of liingiug tise noodle ai Cisopatra ta New york. Il min Sbe sisipposi rms Alexandris sregular ireigist. Tise Brillsgrain orop ha cul>' a oue- tisirti cns. Desstituion prevails amang tenant, boumera in lIse West aI Irolanti. Prince Jerama Banaparte is sois] la haove purolases] L'Ordrd wisbicis t tebS tIhe argon cf autocratie Repubisanigm. it farmeul>' adrocated isreditary Ins. perioliutu. Tise four nemly-appointes] puacihal formais ta instrucitishe BbsckfeotInl- tisasa il bava ta-morras for tisa noutis-mesi. Bile>' ans] Boss bave expressed na millinguese to rois in tise proposes] ra- gatta. It is uudnsaodti at the Fuincea Lauis ilI apen the Dominion Rifle Association prisa meeting an Rideau rifle range. Gensual Lszarefi's expes!itiou la snf- feriug terrihl>'. Slorvaiion aud miseuy etili prevail aI Cuhnmere. - Crime anti 1awIesEpess areiucreaeiirg atm a larming ratmniMempis.- WHITBY MABRTB. CasoascLX Orses, Aog. 27tis, 1679. Fleur, parbli........... 14 '00 @ $5 50 Ys-il Wissat-------------.O#0950 i 00 a Spring Wiseat----------...0 go @ SiOO Barle>', Noli...........50 50 Ca $0 55 2,..........6Uo00 @$80 0 ye...............40 o oi 45 Posae........ ..........55J Peos, black-oyei. $00 M $0 72 oats ..................::40@45 Can.....................@ 60 llay-----------------..$7 @ S 9 Applus----------------...O0 5 @40 i'ctataes e, ............-$1 900 Il 25 Egga ................. 12e te 15e Botter................h10a @ 18 Ciseese ................oSa t410 Wood----------------.... 88 60 00 Boet, hins] quarter ....$5 05@i$6 60 Bsef, fore quarter....$84(00 t@ 84 50 Siseapakina ..............$#0 705t@ $0 80 Hidas.----------------5 00 @ 65 5~0 Park, par lm1------......$5 OO @a85 se Lamba ................ 02 50 $8 00 Calves ..................$84 @ $5 Colons ........ ......... e 0 @ 1 00O Turuipe ............... .. 00e Corrals----------------ils. 16o @00 Chiacens, par pair-....45 @a h0e Duse pr...........0e @a 60c Geesa peu-lb. ............. 7c 00) Tuirkeyei, per 511......0e- 10 Claver---------------$1 5'i 0 @ta $0 t Tinsoisy .............. $1 75 t $2 Oo Woou, usimsati( ....$60 109 10- iashed ............ 18 ta20 PORT PERRY MARKETS. Port Perry, Aog. 27tb, 1879. Wbcsîi, fou .............. 95 101 Wisi, opsilig............$« 0 90 60 00) Flour .....................S5 ta ta0 Barley.............O a 00t Paa---------------0 5 000 COats .............0 OS 0 Cous--------------------....O045 0 55 Claver Scasi................. 3 00 S 50 Potaicas .................. 045 O 50 Apil les, pet bus .............1 ta 2 ta ILe ............4560 0 00, Pars...................... 500 000 Botter ....................O010 0t.12 Eggs ................. .... 009 0 10 Ray........................ 800 10100 Beio..-..-........-.....-....560 C ta Wood-------------.....----2 100 O 00 Cbeuee....................O010 0 12 Wool--------------------...1Q20 0 22 Lard--------------------.....010 01l Modern Ma teria Medica T cliade» issosy va]ossîuls reneeos fssfaffllc- Ltina, il ià a tualter ai corîisinty tisatinl ail camps iriere tisa animnal vilality ln faillng, Pisusfozone is decidedly superierXIt will work affects sncb as noiising else will pro- duces, sud poaseseseeto greai asivantage of ual cousiog, irier itis use in reliniquieol, tise lilgisesi roaction or depresalan. Sold ' by ail druggiats. Price ans Dollar par.Bottie. A C A RD. r - al lia oare sfrn i rou tramuserrera ' andlinsiscretions ai yoniis, nervous iroakuese rly decsy, Ioas of iuanlioed,&c., 1 wil eend a roceite tisat iiiipure Yen, FlEZ OF CMARGE. "-%in plrom rrody wus duscovered aby aie s ion uSouth Asnerica. Bnd a self- dr~edenveloe la the. IRUMV. Josos'T. TxaStatfinp Bib&e lielse, NcYork OCity. Tise landtiumi m e iee m*tsna s00gotsarsdu jsctf Ten r ce~nitof the p=idiasem =cm inte O b~SU bc ai & san tathe Veo or bisSOllclt 'h'i ste tise, cf sale, ans]-tise balance mitin ohm euie mentishisereattar, mitisout iuteusi, or -et si if tise parcisaser prefars, tira tiirsof the150ai - uncaas meney maoyremalu on morîgage.1aif lb ai les e ceai. for Lisreayearg. 1.- 40 For ortisar particulaa's anti conditionsof , seleapplyotiaVndrsSolicitars, orto, - e tie AUolsneer. auce 1Tisa pro IetLy mifi bh ofaeradsiublairt tea o t Tisetilla us belle-vas] la bua ooi, bal lie = p=ssehaerzmuai search tlie titia ai hie ouam xpne. ,Tisa -Vaudou mwil not ba botuni shue- tpraduce t lid"el, evldences 'mttitia, or dosi abstraote, or copies tisereof i rtotarthae O titis as ssemu li te Bau - r Offce. oRs sTb e CAMRON & CABW tuL r-a Vensior's Solicitous, Ch&] 04 Ring St. Rail, Toronto. Fo Dotes] 1915 Ansas, 1879. 80-Id ga Tao Scott-& Bowue, athe pubic are in- debted for an Emlsàn of Castor Oil tisai la not only palatable, but is pro& tonnoedl by tisousaude wbo are xsaing it, abaolutely ogreseable-o the palate. No ~family eon olTord ta b. withoft it Ibroug théseisea terni. Puice 25 cents. 4iu-86 Tisai' Tiie Way They, Used ta do iL. Witb a thunb asid finger au tise nase, a bright sil-ver sue os tise table as a bribe, aud tise Caotor 011 bottie in the. other baud le tthe way our motiser bail ta approocis ns shsn se waa about ta attack a severe case of colla that had tied aur lit11e intestines ln knota., Tis aisys, and tisai scene, coules no more ta ne, geithér will Our littie unes ever b p obliged to tred ln thse' rougis pais their parents iros inu uieir ci!ild . - Now we take Scott & Bow-, ne's Palatable Castor 011 as compla. ceuiiy as we do coudensed i mlk, and it la jutaota ba-25 cents a bot. tle.us aotascap 4in-86 Better Tisa Gold., Tise grnd climax of snecesa jeetIlast achievesi.ThsePoorréjoIce, these ick arise sud walk, tise riais baak lunlise golden sunsisineaoferfect isealts.'Thse physical miseries cf tisehumin frame nocef no longer be endurai]. Da. KING's CAÃŽJFtoIIu. GOLDEN CoMPouzcn, for Dyspeps, ConstIpatIon, Sick isend- ache, Coarng up oifPond, Jaundice, Liver Couiplaint, Biionenese, General Debility, Drowainees and Lois Spirite. This won2derful rensedy waili 2O8Uieli cure, sund tisat wiere every remedy boa failed. To prove that thla wonderful remnedy will do ail ws claira for it yau are presontesi with a trial bottle free of osl, by wich yatt will roadily per. csive is woudsrful eniralis quaities. and] wlich wlll show you what à regu* lar eue dollar elle bottie will do. For sale isy S. W. B. Smiths & Ca. Buclesis Arnica Salve. V ie 3EbT SALVE lu tise world for Cuis. Bruloos, Sores, Ulcere, Sali Rbeum, Toiler, Cisappesi Hauda, Chil- bMaius, Cornes, aud all kinils of okin eopios~n. Tbis Salve is guaranicosi la give porfeci saisfaction lu every case or morsey refundos]. Frics 25i centa par box. For sale "y S. W. B3. Smiths Ca». Whuby. After tryiug mauy ruodicines witbout bonofli, yonr BriAlol's Sarsoparils sand Pills lhave oured me of tisuos most pain. fui Ulcars, witb wlsieh T had sufforesi for about tour years.-Tinos. LArroN, Geeong. Victoria. EVEIYsODY SUFRa AeFIN.-It l is e resuit of sin sud violation af uainre'o lawe. Tbo groat creator of tlse uui- verse in hie indunite morcy has doue muais ta ailay tise sufforing af bis peo- ple by giviug tisem oui of ssalure's elore-ise a "1bains for evory wouuti." SuaIse is e Pain Killer madie by Forry Davis & Son ;il Stops pain alm2Oal in- santiy, le usesi boili internally sud ex- terrialLy, sud ie ai ail oliser pain resue- dies the oldosi sud besi. TuIiEIE WILL DE2 Na PARTI<O TIERE. -Noi if yanr isair continues ta faîl as il now goas. Gel witisout dalay a battis ai licarine, dreatisa hair allen witlî il. Bestris tcpe uhe hair from falling off andi assiele nature reetore ils natural vigor. Evary Druggiet selle il. Muists & LANDiAN's FLORIDDA WATES WVe earneeily urge evsry purcisaser la aik for tisat wbicis is prepared by thse Mc-esrs. Lauman & Kemp, New York, wha ara tise sole proprictors af tise truc parfuma. Aill ter so-callasi Fiorada .Wators ara orslinary Cologis. I deon it Mny duiy ta etate tisat Mfr. -1 oa tlisecaunty, bas] bis rigisi lung eerioubly affectos] wiiis tubercular do- lîpsit, accosslauieil witis uiglît eweats, traquent Isemorrîsage, capiaus expector- ation sud mucb emaciation ;ibe une of Fallowe' Byrup af Hypoplosphites seeme ta bave arresissi tie progreessaf lIse dseao almoot immodiately, thea lismorrisago bas ual rcturned, bis Sp. petite is excellent, aud bc te able la ai- tenrd ta bis business as usual, A. SMrIH, M. D., Campbelltown, N. B. 175 MILES for $1.25, . -ON- MONDAY, SEPTEMBER lst, Ti-ceasgoasi for six d asys. Traisn beaves 'sViltby Station 7 a ns. For p'articultisite s uc ulls.e C'OME ALON&7. -"All mark aud no play' mokes JaiS a duil boy." This Excursion 5e nede ia"Lails'Aui S.ci.iy," Wiitby Taisirnelle. MES. W. H. HANNAM, sun-2a Secrcissry. 11 II FMs5EN'S ANNUÂL PIC-NIC, Ta Se Celehuotad ai Home. Tisa firemon milu isoli-tiseir ftitis annmal Pie-nie, ti tisaroket Groundis, Tain ai Wbitby, on THUBSDAY, 28th Ibat. Tisrougb bise kinsinces cf the Marchants and otheru, tise>' hava givcu a baloitay ta thisinemplayses ta attes]dbise Fis-uic, therefanore estores wMbe aleses]iluths ai- ternnen. Sevensl mou-a prises miiliebcgivon beaides thsee osvortizes ie 5programme ; ameng themn one tram Mr. Geo. Avnas, ai a set ai final-close herse aboca. The gatas mil ha spcn at boit pat twehve ans] gomes, races, &c., mili commecnce ai a quarter part oeso'elaek, sharp. Admistion ta grounds 1U coula. Chilsiron untier 12 years oi oga ires. Tise Oddtelamw's Bu-sas Bond ans] Calver- le string Band miii bc in ottaissianca. Tomss&sllisise pisca iu tha eveuiag ai A grand diaplay et firesonka lu tise aven- ing. CaussITîrax anMNArioersXru.-Majon Har- pou-, Esq., Mayor; N. Rtay, Esq., Reeve, Major O'Donavaxi, C. Ring, T. Lamler, J. 8ianton, T. oma, Vm. Bannas, H. Garrett, R. H_. JLseo, V.Tsopo udJsn Richardson..' . hmsuadJha W. J.GIBSON, W. 6. AM. Troasuror. Sircretary. TO BUILDERS. L uMNP On SEPARATE TENDERS milia ereoeived by tise undarsigu- cd, until 5, p. ns., on Monday, Sth Septembet. for tisa erpation ofaiaoueati Dfflus' Crack, for tise Freebyterian Cisurcis. Flans ansi specifscatione con be seau on sud asuer Satnrday, liOthis t., ai tise reaideuce ai Mr. A. A. Fost, Archi- tedt, Lot 4, Con. 2, Fickering. Tise loiresi or ony tendear uat ucces- earily acceptes]. - ANGUS MuRÂT,- lSocretary. Fickering, Aog. 25th, '7i). -2in-36 Auction Sale -OF- IIEAL ]ESTATE, IN lPICKERING. 'Churcis, Battise' ërek, ta 8ell by Putblie Auc tien ai Cuihbert'i HetelDuf]lns' creak on Saturday, th e -th Day of September, 1879r THEMAUSSiE P1iOPEUITY, casisiin' ai 2à, ocras et more or less. haine part ai lol sa. III, lu tise lo;t con,* Pickering. O'ntise propartay ta a goodI brck ibouse, good batrn asdaba , Soal o 'clock p.. TEBSS-61eff) et tiras of sala, sud thsebal- anas o11 lime ta suit Purehaiera. intercasiai?7 psercesnt, yayable hltYssaciy. Forpartîcuiors ouuitih:. Pickearing, Aog. 2OI,187. 50e-in s T R A Y E D. Came luo thie promiss oftise subecrllsor, A rosi cea. Tise ownel' in reqisastesi te prove proprerty, lsay oxpen"$a anýýa oe raw. SYLVESTER LNE - -Orsi con., itlly Date AU G uJS--! stabndig conditions o4Sue af thse Coin-t e! or turtiser informatkdui- t o f'th ie unsir-- asi ai Taronhaor ta'Mt',G T Bruce on eAuctienser ai ýesvasten. ROWLANtD, Â5IiOLM s &RRfeAWN, Toronia. asi at Tenante, O2nsi Ang.2 LiOulSîDin is Voters' List 18795? -mmTJ2iVFALITOF THE TOWN -0F -WH ITBY' COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. NOTICZ 15 EEBREBY GIVEN, that I hava iransmnittid or doevord ta the persoa mcntloncd ln 11hé tiril sud fourtl4 sectionis of ,, Tihe V o te a s'L s tA,tia coiaire'21 s.isi saceio. t. ba o. aseitasi or 2aso of tise liai mode Pas suantita the taid Actdi aol p n aearlnïg bis tiese rovi sos aeaa. MmIl0vC he s il uunip&lity te ha an- tiled ta votite sl aid xnenicipaiiiv ai alec- lions for mnemseris ofthe Logioiative Asseiablv ansi ai municipal alectians, aud tIsai ssid lisi was firat posiei np ati ny Office, ai the ChiL FCOllo's'. O Twn af Wbitlsy, an isso 27th Day of August, 1879, andi rmnains tisera for inspection. Elociors are coud oispon ta examinetise saisi lisi aud ifany omissions ar any otiserrerao are found ibrein ta taka tMmdtiae roeud- luge ta have tbe saisi erraTa correctesi accord- tttiod&aiWiitby ibis 27th day cf Angust, 1879. TIiOS. HUSTON, ln6 Clark of tisa saisi Municlpaiiy. Voters.' List, 1879, MUNICIPALITY OF THB Town8hip- of Picke'ng1 COUNTY OF ON'TARIC.. NOTICE 18 HEIIEBY C.IVEN, tÉÀÉlt N1 bave tranomitied ordelivoroitô tso" e cion f"tbe Voters' liai .Act,"tita copies î reqnirosi by aaid sections ta ha soilomit.- tdor delivered of tise liai mode ptr-suai ta tbe saidset o aal persoa , oppaari.àg hy tise Issi rovised Assesmeni. Bol] of tbe eoid; Municipolitv, ta lba outitlod ta -vote in L4~ saisi Munice!saliiy, ai lileriions for msmberg' of tise Logis tive Asscmbiy, ansi ai Muni- cipal Elaciena, and tisat saisi liai wos firet pastasi upaitmy offica ai PICKEBIEG, an 2Oth DAY of AUGUST, 1879, aud romains tise for inspection. Electorsaors cailei upon ta examins tisa saisi lisi, sud if any omissions or any aiber errors are fond uieroin, ta take.immediata praceodinga ta bave the saisi errera correct-, esi occording t la-w. HECTOR BEÂTON, Clork aftie saisi Mnnicipa1ity. Dala s OaiAngust, 1879. lin-OC QOntaeio Lad/ie' Col/e -go NO1'ICE 18 HE1CEBY GIVEN, thait iba sixtssnna i suooissp af the abareisoidea of tbe Onîtrio Ladies' Coileqgo,crifil bh blsin tisa saisi Coliage building, on TUE SDA Y, thle 2îsd Day of Sepirsss- bier, 1879. sitisa bosir a! o'leaiock. p. m tor lisepur- loclating Direators. sud5'sr aab atisazlr buiesas nssy bc brougbt before lte saisi ebarebolders at sald meclin,1IC, Secreazy. Dotesi aiWliby, 2a11h Aug.. 1878. lin_&;t Toronto and Niplising RaiIway co'y, rrHE -ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 61othtie above Compaxsy, wiD b1e isels ai thisai offices lu tisa Imperial ]Bank Buildl- S ings, ii ha Çj4y et Ta1 rante, on TUESDAYI thse 911& Day of Se'jts'oî- ber,- 1879, ai tise heur of tirelve, nean, for tise purpasca providasi by tise by.laws oi tise saisi Com- patny. JOSEPH GRiAY Secretary and Treosurer. Dated 5tis Augusal, 1879. 8i-4in GOAL!1 Fresh from the MineI AT LOWVEST FIG URES. Leave OrdersAta KING .&- BOS. t.avin e arngementsib ie Ceai SPpliedaitishe Harbo.r or eliveresi. tLîe Speciai inducomenîs'ta parties lus tise Trade. Parties siens fise Lina af tise Whilby, Port Ferry & Lindsay Itailway con be eup- pliosi direct, irithont extra cisorge, entier special arrangements made witis tise Rail- way Company, by, KING & BROTHERS. L-:e Tir Carters conetantiy on tiserosi delivering orders. Ontarlo Ladies' Colle go WHITBY, ONTARIO. ELEGANT BUILDINGS. SUPERIOR EDUISATIONAL FACILI- ties. 1- SPECIAL COURSES OF LECTUBES- tramn Dr. Hoanol sud oison. ATTE'NTION PAID TO THE REFIN-t menu et manuers, &cd THE MUSIC DEPARTMIINT, b'l.D11Ii Mn. Tarnagion, ig lise Use isigisAl Baa0 ai efficiens>'. IFITEEBi FER CENT REDUCTION an usual loi rmnn, te ilsose wl50 55- range ton a misola ycn. College re-opens SEPT. 4tb. Fer Cobendar iili full partienlars, alp- piy ta EEV. J. J. RABEe- M. A., Principal. Hà. B. TAYLOR, B. A., Tu-cassirer- -JOHN RICE, Essis, Secrelar>'. Whhtlby, A ug. l4th, 1&79..0 To be Let. O aACRES, WRLL ADAPTED FOR (5 ]teîiing Siceis, beiag 2 oail5, sud I ef 16, tise Sth Conceassic Pickering. Tb o sullable. tenant reu0lnable tanne wi be jc.An>' inproarýnentI necetS- saur>'illil erd. Appi>'ta - EENRy HoWELL. Wisliby, Augustl9h,'71 îbsB Odd(ellows NEW ADVERTISEK ÀdJCTION'S CF VALUABLII Farm, Mill, anal Other Pr IN TE COIJNTY 0F 0NTý _TT 1NDER AND DY VIRTUI .po o oiSole centaines] à gage mmci lii be rduelon t sala, thora mailbce%.eaf"a] ei Auction on Saturday, the 6th Day c tomber, A. D., 1871 aIatoneo'cIeck i l tisat1emno RAY'S HOe-II TOWN OP> WHIT) by C Daes, Acihoneor, tise tuilai 1obe. re1 od rtry, _ju ion viz - PARCEL I. Gore loin numiser i-mo isethé M concession, sud tih ocres ao aS of iota I ansi 2,lunlise cession oethtie Tewnship oet Uxri bainiug l U l2010 acres moeo or 1 tbla-pioperly thiisea slarge trou: h, ansi a trame bsaru, shesisanasu stable 0 aocras are- clearei and] icuceit a goasi cia>'boani, aud tise lot la o sopring. Thora s isabun on tisa-propaert>'. < PA E l . All tisai portaif lot 2, lu tise 715 concession of tise Tan 'Uxbrisige, iying saboettise presosst roasi rnningthgraugi saisilot, ex hall oýcre occupies]1h y one Theard, sept tise Grist miil, Sam Mii, ansid HÃ"5ouse Iretor entnio4ed i.- lautisa 7th concession ot p- - lotr Umsriage-ieciiecl si f- '*'a I lot it poit--e-anSet aon -&nBMare or lesa la L. Mtof,&roall survoyesi- b yJehn b.S, i-r SSte Saisi lot tisen non fXeýdes et 5 chisans anà 25 lie. "A penbise sois]imut ai ras, hi the sa unie u, nantis 15 siagnees, Icsins,iamorae s 85ta tisa nortiseric "a]lot, tisenco upon tiha saisi'lin '774 degses, eost 22 chainsMare a 1au lgh ai tise sanie lait,th, 116 d eso et2 is smore a ! théepiaeaofbeginninug, rsrving I hilfe ~sta bock tis atber ofthé osil su telndste tise distance et not es S foot lunaavwestori>'direction boom ft cri>' limait ai tisaaforesaisi surve>', Aie a tiPort ai the casteni>' bm-oc s ai lot isumbor ane, lu tise 7th couse -ltae saisi Townsip af Uxbridge nati lu porcel. LThtis parcel conlai, 175 ocres, of iciiabout 150 )ara -andthclsebolanceoils avered milS bat binior. Tis a bildlings consist ot usmne btrn, sud tramce sic-de anSUb PARCEL I. Part ai loItstumberi1 715 concession Oethtie Tomuaisp bridge, couSISting af tha Mil' sita Gziat iii tisreo6n ejactesi, togeti tise mil.l-amn, race coUrse, -=il the lnetionesi luParcel TM) ansiab&s 87-110 ocras aofis.dscconding teao PqSsloen suof .41e6Iltdaraignmes],,anc wrilbusprasuceioa the d"y oa i i obove à a irstcblum Grioti nil con bisoxn aif atonles anliis renta]for anno= PARC EL IV. Part of loi numb e 111e 7Wh concession ai tise Townaldp hriclgu,- si. at oi tha presont te e's, ans]tise mili dam isd therew 'cardhng 'athéissa lion uns ih, ducesi ontise day ai soie. Tie sas capoisle ci cuîting about C000fëetoail per day, and si e ri-van-b>' ana a1Il mater pamcra lu Ontario. 'PATeCEL V. Ail tisot port of lot,, 2,litise 7t1 concesson oft Uxbrisiq tsiningl aocres, on iwhichis la su large oaordiug isouse, ansd being bu tise iront 1>' tisatrou-oued ras, on Il by ihêmii damu, on the soatissy ans]On tise noutIIX thearossitlgiaLug Sair Miil. Tis e sas boau-ding bouse i adoptesi for a country- botel. PARCEL V. Thse nertis hall ni loi ýbeY 15, lit tie 111 tonceseonai tise-' -sip 0 ai ech, conttining- 100 acres M Sasa. FAECEL VIL. Lot numbEr 15, lu t: Coucession ai tise Toumship iREscil iasusug 19)8 acresatone a ois. On- tl liseraUsa gcod traîne, bau-n ansi a clu Oi about 20 acres. PARCL VIII. Lai numben 531, lu thi conce-sson-elthtie saisi bownabhîp et il cOntainlug 200) ocres mûlre or bass, *xdi uisersoat G50 ocres off tise soensst,or ter sols] ans] convoyesi ta j. ]3, Csm and 10 ocres irest et SimcoeStreet, ont Ofandabahuingthe landsels] adC convaydsto ans Toma. PCCEL IX. Lot siambor 21, lu tbc Concession ef tie saisi Tmssi iI CoIs~200i ocres more or ls 1ATI .Prt Of lot sunibor 7, i 9dceofo hodayare!s.irncis ilta eAai prelmi .b.reurs]taa>'ad VALUABLE FARM'S -For Sale by Public Auctiomis Tisat valuabli tfarm'Scitam as tise Leavo Homasteas, bcit aoffaresi fot sale by Publie A=a inlutiraParcela, on SATURDA Y, SEPT. 2Oth*1879, aU p2n1,maiet the ROYAL ROTE.luntisa TOWN O0F WIEIITBY- Th poertycomprisesabout oe sbusred concession thlie Township af Pck=tg! l the CauntL ai Ontario. P 500TýN. 1, wausprisaaesu0 acrea of tha SoniS paru ai sai lotsou miicisIloreotas goos]onan a lsud s oery asIesidlog isouge tieg bs arns, stables, drlvlng bose andi sisaodr.th% iseal a gondi beuîing Crchord et leur ocres, bis) mails sud a soit mater cisiera an tisîst parcos Tise nom Pickering Collage la but n an adlonu oto isiitt 1'AICIEL Na. 2 clorises atise nexlhogS acres ai 11>0aevo icit, an irbicis 25 acres anaemal tss'barud wih;Heockatandi Eordivacd, Tisre is a geesi ouaansio ai t siry tramae lieusie uthsane cellar, anaehoarn 455xffl, stahls sisesasd oui-hoiliigs on ibis Parcl ; also a mail ansi ciatern ansi a living spring ai goosi mater. Baoth parcaus are malil taucassTise roprly fronts an tisaelngstass itot l aoiisetise iisniving Village o!foDuina CroeisrliseDut- lins' Crack bation af tisa Grand IrsaslsBail- sov is atout balf a miletram lise reperty. Tri-LE INISPUTAI5LE TEeorOsBALE -Ton par cent oethlie pur- Cisesamonc o laiepoli on tisa day ai sale, cossi mîthie deplitoamaka oe-fors of- tisapurebase mcney ta blia pisinluana mentis; thea balancae ta cscauros inl 3 eqosi snnai paytueuits. s Mortgage, mith interest at avonpanrecent. 1'ossessson on Oirsi ofJoui- ssirynaxi. Tise purcbaaar «mli bave permis- sio taenter ansideoraill î,sgiing, Furtisen îsanlsaslars ansi conditions et sala cou, liehasioa pplication to -Mr. lDaniet Les,- ans, Deffina' Cnuek; Bn. Vns. Wllliomsess, llususmastvilsr (lise Exectuersi ou-lttseuuslcn- signedSi olicitors andi Aoetiazseer. FAnIMWELL & RlTav.soeu L. FarsseostEs. Venidons ti Sliors,'sViiby. Auctlonaar. EXCURS ION' TO LAKE COUCHICHING PARK, AND ORILLIA, ED

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