Whitby Chronicle, 28 Aug 1879, p. 3

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00-f 10 CENTS -OFF- IPoeua~i Crdo, A, leautifali i Haindsome lot of Bretonnea, iii lbi EAGIL DOLLAR -FOR- ~AU: GUT /. -- FI, ST Oddfeows' Hall,1 NEW ADVERTIBEMENTB, ÀUCTION' SALE 0F VALUABLZ 'Farm, MHUI, and Other Property, IN THE COUNTY 0F ONTARIIO. TT NDER AND) DY VIIITUE OF A zJpwor et Sale co.nained lu a Mort. gîw plhwiIb prdntid on the day ni altisese will be offerod for sale by ruel'c Antilon on Saturdayp the th Day cf Sep- tember, A. D., 1879. at-onue o'clock li tie afýroon, nt RAýY'S HO0l EL, IN TIE TOWN OP, WHITBY, AMost complote and choice stock able Gooda at thse XiOW6BT PRIOS-- C . F. Faghionable Dr 1879. STO VEI COOKING, with hea'vy furnituie, co mp"lote, nt HATCH&BIR ËTOVES, STOVES 1 new Patterne, cheèap, at. HIATCfl &BIO., CUTLERY-Rodgers, and other makerse cheap, t HATOII &BRO. CHILDRE&'S ÜABS- Few leftat cosll fo-r cuah, or will exchange for wood or Far ers Produce, -HT &B . COAL OILu-Wholesale and Retailat Paints, Cis, VarnishAs, Glass, Pntty, &c., a HATCH & BROC MACHINE OILS-Stock's Extra, and' other, cils. < Buy the beest and, buy no other, And 041Y bu.y.from Hateli & Brohe l Do not forget the àddress,,ý Importers Ht a.iIwae,Whty S-OHOçL 0OK, The-Subseriber lias a large sorted stock of the- Sohob Bo oks used h' C.ommcn schlooîg. by Ù. Dàwes, Àus-îloueer, tise tollowiag val. "' 'S bUl0 UL niele Pteelsnld prnlerty; lu ton parcels, I1 A rT g i PARICEL, I. ocre lotsonubero oui and__ u..'* J J 1 twn lu tise Bih coacession, anC thseeaut 70 Icldn S :t, acres o aci flots I sud 2 lu tise 71h cou- Ieuig Sde Pencils, cesio of lise Townshtip oi Usbs-lge, con- Inks,- taluusg lunail1200 acesesmore or lee. on [ ibis praporly tisera Ie a iardefsami houges, .>to and s fs-ani bas-n, sheds andg stable. About Bp'x. Folcas '110 use-o arc rpas-ed sud toured, Tise oil ' - i aprFocis îîî srlug. Tses-e ls aimeouan chard on 0o as ms-oéesty.&C,& n thé Ailco sai part -theow nhipes- M Iare .marked at the Lowest Prieç lJ.xbs-dge, lylng esetocftlise prseoisavoîr' road sunniug i b soughgisaia lot, exept 11 hal *latacreocpidbj.onue Iosard5 0110u cep th Giotmil, aW i, ndGEO. 13. *YLJLE, Iliuse prprltors '£loturddu rpt tiseos-Ii lii, utarMu t od àPrclfExpress'O>fMce, Brcqck-Stroet, Whitby lu tise 7tli eonceseîu 0i - .lot numbor Agî Oh 80 Uxbrldge, Ciscs-hed as f1,sid ncnhp Ift- Comumeucing lu tise '0 WB :_ lot ai a point e s- , iuten litait of îald Boadsrcoulis equ'distant fs-unitise South . m cI~ IY E i tis en tis74 d,5st5 angles if tise galalot upnu tise uaid ni àAre, THIS MONTE, elcasing outteatsosoko ilitit, lci a s os-e or les. ta tisecenst n hi n esoko i ,ui c raad sus-veyed ,by John Shier, P. v < v q v .~ gis,'ceot u6 cisaines anâ 21 linkîs more or CIE 'So 1upois tise gala limit oaimaC, tison upon tle entilinli, narili 16 Cegrees, wsst 15 A.t Haif-Price. ehisn, mcors-leis ta tise nos-Iheziu luit a1 gasid lot, IssuesInion tise eala lumit nos-lis area brgis n aie' ,74Cd ssOact 2 chains more or irs 1a They. reaise offeringvr getbrgisiLa e'au issu dtis-' on t mith arne loi, theon is h Ihldrenis UNDERCLOTHING, Baby Litten,&. 16eces, coil 20 chaîne moeor as- o4 Y MATE & ""' the prceof Legaalîsg s-eorvlag Ille psi- MILLINE .uwciLE & REsSMAKING. lie 'e ta bas-h tise water'of tiseInilni on ais -Butteriek's Fall Fasision SSheeta raeervcdl. Oall anîd get one Free a a taté ise itance af ual esceeding 8 teet lu a 'cestosly dis-olna trotn he 'ceet- 1M. & S. E- McINTYRE. erlirauit ai tise atnreeaid smss-eyed roaC. re.tWhby Aise tisai part ai tis escterl uqatr ei lot rnumbes- nue, lu tise s-ly linses qas-sB l.î.,oWft tise ocisCT'cnesip af Uxbs-lCge nat inreluded lu pasroil I. Tis clcoti s as-roiAD OMIIO EXHIBITION. gARLEY, WH EA T, PEAS8 ti ars f ill ï l t)0are tisas-oC, i sud tébalancefi croves-od 'cîth is hss- d V14DU T-c UE AUSPCExSî aF- sUE tituber. Tise buildings canito ag SOilo h ndrinda eevdisrcin ftranisbas-asand fronts sedus n aais lreTs ueegc a eevdirei antals. QQlI2n ou srs. W. D. MATTHEWS d& Co., ,itiIcaIe.înuartiseloi numbes- 2, lu tho j tipunsciase an uulimiîod quantits- ai pbridge oîmiga iemi losdts Bariey, FusIl Wlseac, Spring Wheat, tlrieMl.iltisereon osotsd, togotiser 'ils COFP >N TA R IO Blsckeye Peau, fimail Peau, lise il.Cam, s-seccatur sidthc rigisi ta y,&.&c bas-k 'cter ujm to th yeIlilchreixc. - niestined lu Pas-col IV) sud'aboute andes TO SE- HELD AT OTTAWA, l tbe vrdmBeao c 87-100O acres oai lnd, aacadiugtaaplnludAi a'ge«ie itise" SteaniBeao-a passsidn aIl ta a plane sd 'ics -ON TLE- thse Pirkeriug Brbas o, FRENCH. e&eand wihMAN' S BAr -will b. ps-iîedau tise dey nimi s. Tise 22aîd Io 27th UEPTEMJIER. 1879. abîve ls a f.s-sî ciass Griotimlii, connîmiing Iwudipesuo amr h ra two s-u nifstones sud le reutod fs- 8500 pos- 500 Dominion Medais, anC BtS oo ipo'cCm-c hruon Pas-mos-s tira annius. affèed in Psemiums. Imprlethyano . i thnngyaclaeosuionos -AC * ' at flo ume 2 nof thse Barley pus-chais-C bore lhast tabe the 7tis enuceoslan of flise Townuship ut Ux- Entries muet Le made 'iiti tise Secrtary erualied vrbir ipa rsli big ll centoth ie presut tsavlled A ornoo o efr teuuCemetin.Thésentya.Cn21a al i roul. eioau iB. inubout 10 ~'-~~s 5O- c smusn ene itin luclour : uhe auoi 4î 1 ji salalotSwniuen Pnanlts-ycd oftfsudii.1 a profitable mar-ket 'cii >be a ,adte oii se-tiserewitis, BssoCate ieoorneguutse es- *ulg Ibeïianulag nillm vigo-rons. i's-figiOiesipln'llri ciiL1 n-a Stiurdy AslhndOnelm y, Isu r as--tbri u p thesegih. Eves- dnsc~id on tise day a!sale. 'heo5Mw Mui l s- yngl22das-mes-lisintoreetod la tisis, aauil shanid capable ni ruttiu abont (1000feo ilumber Grain, Fild Boolm, sud ailierPas-m Ps-o- set ucerdingly, anCdluin aan. pes- day, and islarvon Ly ans ai tise bout duels. Maciuosy sud Manaufactures genes-f HS MOY îiltA CeL V. Il tiaioprta.li- be-ally, ana- orbfas-e SaIns-day, August 80th TIS MOT 2,ls isCeL7hcuosa aV.sil cu otclurlPouiLaim -,Liver-pool Mas-ket, Aug. 11, '79). 4n-Bd -tslsifisg 1acres, au 'clicis la iiuated Pin stesi,,ouorLoose strdySet.-SALE onRBENT. lis-gis oardiag hane, anC bolns buudedoais . F1' Pl Iheront l'y tisets-iveilrd adon isoeasu Pie Liste as-d Blauk Pas-ms for mnaksug oiy dam, at h ntisuoncnb tie o f h e- Tiree-quart fLoi N o. 1, lu tise2nd filii daii. li'Aa fonces-Con. af l'ickering, eonuaiulag 1110 acres, andiontise ns-Ch lythe s-uC leiml a Ilg i, s-taries o as criullnrai Sud Hartsclt sj% il.T e C boardhîig bousel-e 1 i acleties, sud Mechanles' husituteo; early mlicleurod ; pool dwelliigs, ont- ailpeifod ens-boui Ci-uiou iePovne ases, anC barsu; plouty ai Fruit ; tas-m PsAIICEL VI. Tise nas-tihuall ot nunt- JOHN B. OBAIG, 'cou wateW-Hod.NENN Le iâ, lu' tise (us rcoceon citie Tawn- Sec. Agrienlliral A& Arts Ans,., Tocoata. Aply 1- th W.pH.mCse NDEN -W iNP.0 oh1ri i0 Baris, Cantîiuing 100 acres mos-e os -fflC h, '79. 8n3 P'ARICE L VIL. LaItxsîlmes-15 in tise 7tis- _______ uls rmss coliv-seml»n uf théeTawîiahu,, ai0leacislco- A UihO N. V 1 J E CG A R taililmlSli8 s-smsnue os- legs. O ieli ~ Iscs-e suis goasi fs-sieobarnsand relngT T'IT 1T ~ ii abiout 20) acres.aL, LIM E. tF J A E. rJ.livall- 1'AâiCI.1VIII. Lot numbes- 11,ilutise Oti Cioomismutiitise gala townshiip2oýf Beachi, IFRA RNH VNGR cntalunug 200 crocmos-oeasbs, ocepîing Tisepublie is cantionod agalast purs-e. ILFRNH IEGR tieremmt l50 acrs-s off tise ocuheasl, or quis-- iog Lithe Julcesand its iss-pasaiaaa. iany -N -tes- soandimi.canvoed la J. B. Causphil, oai chs ousimi ai muetdeletounamliF- I5usd 10 acres wecl of Simcoo Street,auC 'ceZet ms-os, sud as-e Lolag ollcred b y tise verniersa il assltaijoining lise landigalC toeald Camp- as subsllaules for tise geunl Lime Finit Deriosîns andC Quart er-eina esIsue 'hchi, 10acrs hae bauLofaonacd u ace. Ta encuire tise oitming atMonto. -s-dijnm 1' l aIL ue T nume-21l ho hSsrontLimE FRUrITJutes sud is prépara-AT lACL IX. Lot lbr2,inte1t ions, lise publieafi s-eqesisd ta ee tisaI tOUlsCee10,los itise saiC Townshsip ai Beach, c-es-y Latie purs-hasedC las Ch e Metsi R. H. JAM SON'8. i2iiltalunF 2W0 acres mios- o lems. Capsule 'cististe Trade Mas-k ni tise l'AltQl .L'X.- Pas- nilot nuisr 7. lu lise Moîs-cxisA&rCa. on il, ac well as on lise gui cemceeion ai U1bridgo, copaituxs label, nouo olisos-ll Genuslns. eiO D L 5Ç s'P About 4 acre, lqwo e-epied yas lsr) Be sus-eyou ask Inor 'llontlssrrit'andC O- EL HOOL s.tens-iug ta maiai le whcsw ibeo-.000 hat yon get-it. 8iîs a iS a u ale. as f-Augns t hCs,'79-.-85 BE WBITBY COUNTT MODEL 'iipasroe i albc requis-cC la pay -aCepoall '- T BSchoal opens ou -of OUn Pos-cent ai bu pus-s-ibe 'noue y at theFIIDý Y 29hNS illiii ai mae, aiC atisemure iclffilteexi Farm to Rent. FRIAi bhIS. pes- c'Oneut aio ire us-chics mimyanue ~~,- ai 2.30, a. Zn. Ail 'cio pasee tise laIe Inss)zltlistisercattes-, Ld tise balance lu 1, ï ART '10, LOT TIIBIntos-mediate sud Tia-clais EBamlaations 0quasl ilist Lnui lu hsee and six menthe ts Con. ai Picerosing, caataiulag 100 a- uilCt seoîieele o d fmtIse dayofaiale withisfues-et ai 8 pis- acres- ns-l iiala-e.oaod -fraeiessioan. Veor plasaCtstssu r ticuas-eappl Î'cise-o. arra ulbuililas, tas-m well- D. ORMISTON, l2 lans ajor u Ecg., t ai as ap Pas-C . Q art i-a milefrson the vil- Chais-tan B. 5.'T. 1 nrla j ai sn ut o. .essy, sud ta tise logeo aiGreuwoad. rcWiitby, Aug. 17. 1879). tf-BS si - Tise privllege ai dolag Pall plnagising '01- -WM. MIJLOCI<. alles-les- Septembes- ; pocssssnlotNîîv.A WEEX in yaus- a'cutawu, VomiCs' Slcitas-. Aîpily ta tise praps-setos-, andn capital riskad. You eau i>îtumd uilltît Csîy ot Augoîlt, A. D., 1879, A. McIITTRICK, give the Lnsirspss a ti-li hout 3-- L d ou tise Imenuisue $ o66 xpoi ses. Tise Lest oppostunity - - Os- ta J. R. MONTGOMBRY, evr o iitoso those 'ciiiug ta LAE FAgeut, Greenwasid P. O. wosi o n isau101d ts-y notlsing aise unlil et JAMIS LEVANs, LAÊ F u scfryuul htynCn9ýt J Aguë luh, 879 usneos'ce affes-. Na-snom ta esplasu bore.Z VaneCyte-au pvous tinte or oiY. yaur GLEN M AJ O R, MILLS, IS.CAS- Pas-timO te thebusiessandiskgset IN s'IJtsxT'atIie icw.S u-a FARM- F0OR SALE 1ntalleasamach as mou. Bond for sýpocial FAR ui-vaistonusrmeanidi peationars,'wlbw Evansville Milis Ont. - Cheap* aietuc 8 n tttrc Dnt, - ali J5NWCOMIIENCINO lBUSI~NSS A mIRS-C gS- s A TAdrneB HL 'Airaasni a well-. k.he High aaud -ILail is ieown seoantmisd w Sto tentent tise'cents 0i ail hisceue f -e ani iîs-tfoe, IHe aow-Legs a otliank bis o1" Patrs-n8usrtas- tipetro snuage, sud bogm la assis-O tîseru liss i cl Lehoteîsad asd aroUSal (n isItterd tt irsoasdeosanC ose. ithO is "Pune'-1" Th'ae- i rr e on f tnsf WeIl ftod u; -idiîLtand equal toAU mil sli, c~rIuij 150 Mais tisas,. - YBals= sP. O. .2i Anrs,- SeIng pas-t ai Lot No. 9, la - l -82 tise Bs-.con, ah Pickerinug. Well 'citées-C u-,s C,, ,, ~ n '11h' living ups-lag oseek; hres 'ceUsaif 5OSUMi for-C Sale or ta- ts 'caes-; guaC o-hs-C ; 'cail feue - w-iib, ic isasdsoe dwelilssud gond cutbu(idiuux. fl5<37BDWELLING ON pBI. 01 Tyoddweliingsos-'ia-m bande. ÀA0edle sy-ts-est ; csouinm 7 s-coma, 14oa or "'ock anC grin (as-m ,claos ta goosima-- aslias-, waadiled, t'ui offias,, puunp1 alitais, le kets, Win be m;ld. ciseap, ou ea0y tes-ma. . &5; e.; a e aro a uso ce Apply fi L. PAMBANKS Apply ta JOSEPH A. BANDBL, Anetine-, Wlsltbi. : ' Whitbmy' Hans,- AugutBI, 7p. - -8 or at OsCmborCLs fce, l-» U M -1u N1J879.l ER( ~, ~ E~ SILI~ INDFRAME )EPO0T- indee'eù-sto heads oi fa- TIe undersigned havejut receýved a laàmiiBcurn the sum erraÉh. aiies .'ioh is ting cf and Blak Silk ....gelot of Colored foùr rersons, a*nd u»pwàrds', by cdigondzepht. eao1e p edewnfe a beautiful phot-ograp ru cf the falnily,. ful Bize, for framing. P arc Selling üBeautifut Co' » rŽ ~k o e~sayr.Satidfaction- guaaned Preso SummerDre oôsatýGkttRýeduction..*- I4DREN A. SPEOIÂLTy. Framing in ail its branuches, at prices Mf. L N Ry A S'TO which defy co mpe 1titio'n.' Aetsfor Canada Stained GlasWrs Ci n e Ail lasée f ~mme Goos Vi~' Chap~Samples. LYON BROS;., Millinery, D-ts-n-ýaking& Tailoring ta order. WILKNSON'S B3LOCK, - BROOK-ST., WHITBY. .0 0 0 : . s / ~iN77 mz.» y auve aJ4arge S.tock of Cheap Sugars and --w.'js. )u ULLinLU CÀ14 AIC2ÈUALLY B E MADE -WITH THE C~Z~T WSZ T wo 0f Lot Whitby, ansl *io of stutia June 24bh, 1879, Io compoîîd of Ingredieutsinjdeutical with these 1 Wiich 'constfitas Beî]h, Blond, Muscle and Noervsaad Brifa Substace, qhfist Lif t lclis directly depeudeut up- * ou some of tisen. By is union with thse blond aud its offert upon the muscles, se-etablishiug thseons and oioul gthe nuises-5 i s capable ni offert. iug thent[ owug rOsul ibeouu: twily N îadr ogi ot ubr u. Vmgor, ithuglî urc * s mlitiii -i j trropid acton o a imit H ari',cnPa'lpita-. tieon, Wsakuesî cf Intellect cansed by gril-, worry, avortas 'or irrogular habita, Brou. chitis, Acuts or Chronie Conigestion oi thse Lugevon luthe most alas-aiag nages., it cures Asthme, Lois of Voice, Nous-algle St. Vitusi Dance, Epileptis Pite, Whoopiag Cough,. ervoususîss, and le a ou oluoder,. fuI adjunci te nilies-rexuides il us utig lits Caria tise mes nifDiptbisea. An eui ien nci gond efforts h forxned by FELL'OWS' COMPOUND) SYRUP 0F HYPOPHOSP2IITES, ane weaa se Inl sayiug, framn a long e-,. pos-souce in modecine, ite vis-hues art n-nf d by al qun otur combiination, as the floewing wiIl deronsîraie. IT IS ACCiiPTABLE to pilais andi stomnacis.- ' SUFFICIENTL-Y POTE-NT tea maure de. eided bouefit, yet hitulso, howioer long its use may Le ox>iiuued. Thus chasý-as. lotit le poseseîedby un niher s-erady. IT ASSITS DIGESTION andC asiualla. IT VITALIZES THE BLOoD, îîly ing ucl ingrcdisuisas ai ay be reqxuir-id. IT RESTOBES TONE te tise nerves. IT GIVES POWER nof endurance and of concentr-ation ta tise min&. IT PROMOTES VIGOR lunthe organe wisich depond tir hialtis an tliuivolunrtary- muucuiar actionu, vis. , tise Lis-or, Lnngs, Heurt, Stounacis and Genitali. 1AnaunIss allicted 3withS'orne. iease ila- vnlving -JaiuLUTr R oNnÂauL<sSEi, hWitt Ens- tain tise systeni outil its-caslles Ith e il.1 lotted to imin b y a heaüeficei Creator.. NO PEIlSON 'wili be di8appninied in the offet ifPELLOWS IHYPOPHOSPIIITErSp whn rigiffly bmlw ibm directios. FELLOWS' HYPOPHOSPHITES INCEPTICiN. Tise experimenîs whicli îurefected Cliii propaîtin oceupieil raasy mont/je, and were iustituted 'catisa, view af curiiug tisaï, ineilons iseasu, TUBERCULAR CON5IJMPTION. andlu. os-des- tosuply ths dodociencies li Hypopisphutes slead ins'use,; for, ai. Choug stiseir'nature 'cas' correct as ta i/se. ns-y, Choir preparations 'cers, owiu-g tatbels- impîs-foci -orgaxizatioa, JaunI. wantiÏg- la practuce. White tisey caused tise formation ni fat and goaes-aied hoat, tissy did ntimps-ove tise blond. Tisetonie sifeet 'up1!an tie nerves and muscles 'cas oircascribo, sud tolug ta iis Cted stais, mnvôlvlag lar e îo, iiey wsroialso to oxposive. ths desiderata sough ylîFloz were: iib s.Plos A oraeninpalatable remedy; Uatrbeby tinte;* Hanlegsthougi s ued cent'.auauly yei migsibcA. onîeuedaî eny teaswiont an 0 et; ichswould uuxiauappitits e Strenugheu digestion; Psornoas *iiaiiou- Cr~i at hy bloond;' Strnugnisesshsnoes aud Muscles; Enablo tise subjeri la suicesitully com- bai diseus; Âuda suiflcisuily econmcal-tnr aU. Al ibis lias bien indisputably ailained. Thse succeîs ai the wnrk. is- complets ; antd Felinvs' Hypophoipiies stands foremonil_ amougit tise remeici for cisroniq orgaie Clsaseposesiagpropos-ties to 'cisicis n otiser mocei ishe ever asptred. ABSTRACT EFFECTS. Fellowe' Hyp[opisospisitos, ou bolug in- is-odnced inta iessstauacis, unites cis thse tond,_ and irnmedliely elters thse circula.. tion; and, -beinee-cly miscible flh tise blond, opeediypsvade every part~ s thes system. t. heoffets orseflrsi declared by a pulse iligislly increoiàl fulluess anai strenglis, a genes-al exaltatilon ofthtie orgao fonctions, -and exbilaratloa af tise intellectual powes-s.. Ii seciflo finue in ou thesbbs-mi ansd nesvous substance, fu. cs-eauiag the aciiviiy af tise abeos-beuis, snd s-euowiuug the blood, thug caneiug tise isavy musenlar formation no ueeessary ini restos- iug Che fas of aitise ps-eviousiy 'ceakau. sd orgau. Beuug iss, a toui for tisa nosvoue sud cxls-ulatory eaystem, It foflows lisat, when tise.*l domàufor ésiraordinsry exr.' ton., is us l. ivsiabl, ince i seupplies tise wadesthro hie circulation, and sus- taius tise goes-aelsystent. At no poriod oai li e 'tchfui caxo oves- Che fuuctious oathe bs-ia mos-e roquiit tisisidurug tise uisition ci knowledge byth outis; plolg, prete l'tu y prudence, and -h lonce %aybe bul To mah'e roof phospsitenu llt - mfnkiug ptient, bi fng et xont ta < nervou sianaudi 18 7 I~' NE W A D VERrs~E' SEMI-ANNUAL N ls STA0tTEMENT R. H. -JAMS -OP THE- 'M S N HaTAVE LE n, JnuRy 1s. 11alecate --- ----- 0517,204.87 ' cc cash an baud and in tank, 127,904,69 Lamas ou bond anC marigage on real eslato s . 2,256,198.13 I htersciOu loauS, acrsued but ' ' no de 5'"39 Cruse and Fils Freres BORDEAUX. Lean oncelaterl scultyled,10.0 on Lite Policies, . - 50,7516,12 M oSt. J leM ra x c United States GavornteutJli , 136 bouds, - - - 488,420.00 -State aud Municipal bonds, 259,078.50 R ais-nid stocks anC boudu, 820838.00 Baiesu Isu-sce 5l'k0_0%od aLORNE IIGELLAND W ISiKEpy. ,Total Assels, $,9,453 Beserve, tans- pes- cent., Lita Depas-Iment, - 8 2,972,511.59 . B oerve, tas re-i su s-sce, A c. 2 8 y h u t u ~ , ~ i i i u ( ~ ~ o f z t ' ~ r -eldent Depas-iment, - 21a,, y hse"' triorascned -'tiim ClaLima unadjusled and nat due, anC a11 nChes- lisiili- lies, tics, 144,600.00 jfl Wood. Toal aibilities, - '$3,338,337.93____-a Sus-pins as s-sgarda Poicey- ouler, - - 0,5,0.8adi SîmîtJies fur thse Vous- 1878. Qf G.H. MlVuI & Co's. Champagnïe. INumbes- of 1ilIe Polices 'cs- -000 - tcu lu 1878, - - - 1,980, » Whalu numbes- Lite Policys Y5l-ji- W soe nm e aiof Lie Poli- . V o s nsae - - 3 , 9 i riemlinforee, - 11,207 aAmount Lite Insu-ure in -0--- forces, - - . 018,307,556.00 T o tal C laim es p aid lu L ufe r , ~ ' . . . Department, -$1,271,137-86 UJ E E 2.. & C09C . CL AT. ER * ACCIDENT DEPABTscEues- Number oi Accident Policlea wtein1878 - . 43,118 $10OO PER DOZEN. cash Ps-oniums roceivod toc Gai:n lProîuma oves- 877, 056.587.69R.H JAMESON'S. Wisaisnumbss- Accident poli- Whitby, July goi, 1879.i oies 'crilisu .8051,9h Nunsbes-Acciden't Claime pgid 51,8 lu 1878, - - 4,760 Amount Accident elais psîd lu 1878, - - $284,343.23y Whals nu-nber AccidentI WhClalutis pad - - 33,049T s T ED - Wois amauni accident Clairac paiC, - 03,041,951.94 Total Lossen paid, otis De- i 0 0  L »L d e n t e s t partmnts. $4.313,080.80 1,000 - r ers, L de n test JAS. G. BATTERSON, Premdent. purchase Our immense stock f MASSON'CGEM FRUIT 1 - G. F. DAVIS, Vies-Preaident. JAR'S, at gratly reduced prices, at1 BODNBV DENNIS, Seetoary. JOHN E. MORRIS, Assistant Seer'y. GEORGE ELLIS, Actuas-y. SIMON FRASER'S New Cashl Store. EuWini, V. Pinrs-osu, Su 't af Agenaies.. J. P. DAV-Rs, M. D.sd1al Ex J. B. Lwss-t,I.Ï), Surgeon à dutn- 0 C.P. BUSSELL, Agent, Ps-av. Oui Alagt~ohO 1Office, 88 Adilaede, Rasi, Tor-onto. Alad sok fChn,£1ckr C N O)URSIE, Agent, - - Wiby. Chinad BON ES WANTED Glassware, at astounding LOW PRICES. Gond 'cagen eau Le made by colleating ~S UUdRJL, at Bottom-Pric*é8. * aud sipplag hanse ta us. Baga loaned. Prompt remittA'nce.1 For n~TI1¶C farhe prtcuar adrssA fulll une of: allgrades of EA PETER R. LAMB & Co., at slaughtering prices, at July 2nd, 187. TRNO. 8 ImQc) Asm R, Imprishable Fragrance. Deveref's Block, - Brook Street. - N. B.-Farmer's Produce taken ini exohange. MURRAY&LANMAN'S- -FIor'da' COME AND SEE US member the whole is off Water.AND BUY CHZAP 1lTiec 1 est, Mot IGoNAFFPT n il KndsJ-O H N SA U 1 hosto ai Mostp e . Y o a l i n8s - - for usejon the _ _ _ hIm<lercisa e in - sd athse fAS JUST RECEIVI snCb, doigil0t sudisoastulrlos-eA.TF. YARW OOD, tration, nes-vaunesusudadac e.1Lok 'u t a for c o u nte cielis , s ' a ak fo r lise - g b u h t t e b u s i n e s s cf M r . J . G . B c kN D 8 H 'lor sa Ljat jn solHem M cn ougoac, B oTk , es Ja an4;Keîp ec tee, Mtby, i15 nw preparei ta sapply cvos-ything in 'tise linsN o au- t-rars-d. b factions, at tisa vs-y Laweat pricea. lie keepa on isand, thse boit Stock, and acyos aI~P-ers, gg amatle of auperior inaterial, ant alai s campetition. He 'will alwaye 1,c PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, pr-eparsea ta auppiy Supper anti Wodding partiea, .ai the vas-y lowest ratas, Agonis,- MONTREAL.- CAKES & BREAI), -will ba supplied, as heretofore. AOHRLREAS Fu- sae by T. G. -iala hmà A eau] anti triai ha feals aatisfia, will gaun hma paysng trae, anti at - tesm iew'lpyhoontmer.L D!A pEs.OiGA1is anti T($ÂCCOS, oift IÉ besi brandu, ciseap. LADES' N FA RM ' TO RENT. ppjj[,q 1 ints, andseasonable, ke»t on hisatiatiH b1e soli aât'S n OMPOS D -os100 ACRES- B EIG atuidsil ow ps-e. onoPikrn, l ils ia e 4toen.Thse Difly Rat -Weel*'prlyppss sccivaiaily. Statiorsy anti Sciool T )bTiT 1btbc nder a gootishate, af cultiva. okucs kii.,w i od Ten cents les", t ý b-ý rsoe iiwowatéed, godbnlin u as 'g>Thse Stoire is immeaiataly opposite 's Hardware is n 01EBs alle~yinbd one tore, and& one doornrho odm~seH --' uor peinarc , orplytotiw'cnes-. T1 Cainufic £D ÇgEAPE R TIIAN to Marcus, a l tO1e-wn' heHighest uEafl 0 CItu 1 79W ~ t y 87 e- - O D . , J O H N - . le-b -e . tim ldtWl, Jui0vh, Jns 1lf1 8 R79. W-2MU&N IT, anda am propaxed to aemonstrate the fact IWO UR AUGERS are operated entiraly by HORSE POWER, and GUARANTEED to bore -at the rate of 10 to 15 FEET PER HOURI Tliy fBoirom 3 to 6. Fluût iii Diani-8tor, Ù& ÀANY D TRR iired! They are WARRANTED TO BORE SUCCESSFULLY IN- ALL, KINDS 0F EAWIIL, SOFiT SAND and LIMESTONE-; BITUMI. NOUS STONE COAL, SLATEI and HARDPAN, and make the- BEST 0F WELLS in QUICKSAND, GRAVEL, and CAVY EARTH-S. Tliey are Eauily operated, simple in Construction, nnd » Inrable 1 Thýe Cheapes.t eandBlont Practi citi , li 1teWorMid gel MANUFACTUJ1ED AT OUR OWN MORKS, from theVery Beit of Maierial, by Skiled and Practicai Workmen. G00» ACTIVIE AGENTS Wanted lu Every Counl the Unilted States and Canada, to whomù we offer liberal inducements Send for aur Mlusbra±ed Catalogue, Prices, Ternis, &c., proving our advertisemen t ona fide. ADDRES-11WE8ER092L LIGR ORKS 'A' St. Louis, Mo. WM. BU, BROOK STREET, - Vill seli seli for 30 d Womnens' Prunella Boots and SI -Womens' IUId Boots andl Misses'-Pebble l1 RN S) - WHITBY, lays'AT COST! toes, 'Shoes, Coots and Ses, - f Kird Bo ot n So Jali and hamine. Re- 'ered at cost. N-D E IDATHI £R-S STORE- )RTMENT,0F SHO co- ALL KI'.qT)P, n-P ]Re- 1 ý Ipe C LA R E W T NT p

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