Whitby Chronicle, 4 Sep 1879, p. 3

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]RAS 3OUGHT A MONSTER STOCK!I TÇhe Good Cropswarran t "J. Cheaer t~anever, a Large Trade. -,o -~ The undersigned in-4etu-rning thanks to the public for t]jc Ilc4ral patronage etended 1to hil, begs, to itate that hving rzù6.weâto làs COMModious new promnises, he o in QWaf Sbetter p0oaition thanee am arn nbitious -to do a t5- upp)1J DM théir wants. skIlbiger bsinss, o-ee 'ie atock ,of FurniturB en2braces !ery lhandusornesets, s.êil biggr busness and eveiything that oan ho oailed for- in his lise, alid an eiaInination v1 artièle 1e8 marked with the -convince that the. prices are Iow enu to suit the times. - SrnIlest profit, just enough -UNJIERT-AKI N G to, covor expensos, Funoirals fully suppled. WMI TILL- r A T7_ SIGN 0FPTHE, GOLniDÊle' DiW >at '<y, rork 'on, J~/1VLMUNEYI 13Y BUYINGATTHE THE MONOPOLY BROKEN C2HEAP CASH STORE., A FULL LINE 0F 1:;bF0OST,,SCHOO*L BO1OKS Odd(iow' HllAT REDUJCED PRICEs. Eveytin n the way of Books,-St NE A YETIEXNT, tionery, and Fancy Goode, at rena rkabl .y low pr s Mortgage S a i e, iv qieso Note Paper, in ne -OP À-;wrapper for 15 ogfte, Ail otner goode equaly, Cheap. VALUABL E F A RM, A full seleotion, of .CabinetFrùeatrdodpi In the County of Ontario. EU77 Watehes, dClock8,1.1 -U-1DE AD Y IRUBOF1.Repaired In First-Classesyl, at moderate prices. Ail w( U poer f sleconta Il, A certa il mIr a--, wblch wiii b. produced et the guaranteoOu to givesaifcon Don't ogthepli, tin. 1? suIe, and upou which defanit ba boomdtu thora will tealit byPublie E NE Y of WIiDY , o Whitby, Sept. 8rd, 1879. Sign of the Golden P ,, viA , S2717î Day qi ïS' p.______________________________ feniber, A. D., 187U. nt tho ixour ci 2 pru., the following valuabie ]usy! Busy!!1 Busy H r sN ?~orth west quarter of lot number cxýlt, lathefscond concessimo cithe Town-- 0 p i lqac, l th Contyci OtarlO,-A containing by admeasurement iity acres,> be the sanane more or legs. The terumeand Conditions on whilrthe TW A T pro otw fbe oldewm e made-knowu C 0 Fe E W ART ett tneosale. b orianrtberparticulart Autogeor to thcetuider- sigueod. .11 (gd1 .DcelliOk,Whty.BUSY OPENING ÉIG STOCK 0OF Vý__ r' Solcitor 8ýe GO TO TÏE 90OTER Des Goods, --Csmrs.Cottons, Récccption cf to use odPrints, Poirsian Corde, Cobourgs, Winceys, ?incess Louise & MaFquls of Lamne, shiawls, Lustres, Flannels, Au4 the groat opeulag.of the 1nlsAlicsSirtigs. INDUSTRIAL EXHIIBITiONý, A boautiful lino of Clothe for Ulsters and Mantles, to- et TOONTOon Iandsomo lot of Shawls in richi colors, chenap. Laces, Honitons au et TOIINTO, onBretonnes, ini WMite and ]Black. A fxüll -stocki Frilhings, Bilîboso,-Collari FIIIDAY, SrEPT. ôth, '79, Cufs, lhandkerclicefs, Tics, Buttons, &c. &c. By.tlîlc'~pul sicayor A iuost complete anfd ch oicesok f imotfaio "EXMPRESS 'SOl' DIA," tble Gogids cntthe, LOVEST PiIICES. Leav Newcastle ai 0 e. rm., ]3ow. inanvileè,N o. ru., shawa, (J a. lu, C. F STEWART, Wlitlc, 7 mu., -renohmen's Bay, 7.45 .r. g ai Toronto et - Iachioxncl Dc'Y Gouds; &,Ciotliitg Hum',î 10l.15 a. r,, xcurieonisîsarn- ps ie 1t , groat Iteception wlcch t Cepliauab11,a. m. AUCTIONW SALE C C A L IIIITUUN , Will net Ve 1111 about C 0 A L -9, P. m., owîng exours! *sts timo l - 0in cffii b s iceges luml. I L E PROPERTY. Fresh frm the Mine2 T i ETS-50i cent, fer reuui tp. DtRSUANT TO TEPO WE5 0F A mV;TÏ'Iu:s Clxi~~~ ~~~ ros afplo ale, contained liieacertain Mo gg ftirherpartctiarsapl toT.lated the Twenty-flfth deu oi Oceter,P1876, fqrthler- pwaîclrse oz ' te T. muade by Sarah Anti Mrr o!WhfteloI, Leavo Ordors et Yol 71ec0 - and Ira Marr, her husband, thora ilb deolOshaw , Jno. w& rWfitiy ; ngal y PubliecAuction byThomas Poncher, K 1IN G & BR 'Th es. Moocly, LivorpoolMrkt Auctioneer et FÂUThROP'II OTEL, ln C. J MoCAIO, the VILLAGE o! WITEVALE, lu the, Havinuad ra5mnwt u e IManager. Cut fOtro i Miniug (Co. et thec pli, we are u a posiion Septzircl, 871.l i îuaIcy, thî' 18t1, day op., ta<) b upply tho trade au well as l Uordera :Sep Ur, 189. in-7 f -p ', for pntvaté use, et iowest rates, T ~A ~E D - - - - aie on. o'clock in the aiternoon. 'Tlcree Snpplied et th, Herber or delivered. 5 T BA BD.thé co!aa re,e! land, in the Village ci! eË' Spocial inducenients te partie, in - Wltevel,lin the Oouty of Ontdrin, beAu6 the Trade. 1'rom Pasture, oppoasite Town lhall Wt. village lot No. 11, And the wcst hall of Nu. Prosan h Ln o h hty by, onc Thurscla venlog, 28th August. A 12 on thé sohib si4é-ef Main sireet, i te Paui lu't .,y Rafthy en hbuep D1114 liiowxc lkmt, aged mredium six.saLivillage Port Perry & Lfncdeay tüa aiea elicd 411 retind, whiite opoie on teck aud OnChithi. said land stands a large ron h- plled direct, wîthont extra charge, under tAi, kick mark au htand Ieg cavered iwth tir 'cict freine house, contelnlug 0l rooms, with spocial arrangements made wth tue RaIl- aso dr11111ehin. Axyouie taliug cure ci teck.kitchen and woodshed, and nader. wey Comupany, by ic<ic, anti sendig notice or brlua:ng lier taousat h. main buidiga odsoecue,11K & BROTHERS. the Oubecriber, wtll bs paid roaganabîs ex The land là 'cell!eacd' wit a good board -W Two Carters cntnl n(ore pence,,. foncedelîverittuorer FR111 MUDGE, Ton paer cent of the parchese mnay ls te Scîteabr ut,1571. Whitibyte paildown te the Vendor or hi, Solicitar, setlbrlt 87,y'7 et te ie aasd lbe balaence within eo' t - on.ee month thsroalter, withant iliterest, or1 DURSUAN'T T CHAPTES 107 OF if tho purchaer préféoés, *wo 'thirdu ef thea1 00 ACRES, LL DAPTED FOR, .L tcs evIsd satue, f itaria etiti. pkriase mone cev YrOmain On mortgago cj2 koepug Stock, o!115, and 4 o!110, cd, "An Act raeeting Tractece anud ExeOn. t ton pur cent, for turcs yeeru. the Ath Copoossion P 9. ttirs," tics creditore ci ti.e sate Oî John Fr ur î ,rtuar n&cce a ma o T'soitable tenù - noble terme IeQcut, âto01theTonship ai Pickering, sae pplrta the Vendors Solicitore, or to wîîî tcjýtvCi. ADc> pro eui noces. ec, reiirtyreu yeotmsudlarnla oueT s oc te. ieec ajctt ary willl c allowed. pply o c!hoiir oleqlmfqdii tuild,( W, E1, iî. réserve bi NY1W îî tigg, .Wlcî,o r ae.tc The. tIble lu belleveil te bu gooa, but the Whitty, Aagust t1791'70 L l9th Day et Octobor, next. exptnapeue. TIcst Venaudorthwlll nnet te tînd ta produce titls deedo, evideuices e! titi., or ]MVORFG.A E S A L E. Hfflicitor for Usorge Long and Williamn For. Abstracto, or copies t4iref rtoerfyth rester, thée executard !0i1 t l ulI ci l e s hwuluterefo avr h tuaI itnuediately aller t a dcate, ance' ible soa gùteRÃŽIOfice ]cbectarg <siii Praceed ta distrtute tic, ,fi. ÂCà ON &-OASWELL, r msIeto tic s cid deoeaned, aencget O SolucSt.ors . aual Y r Poor elle lîcities ciîileîîlichece, iîaving regard 04Valuab.eEFarProponto, ta the ~ CjIUIMofwhî,h tii. e l xctou th d19bAugnat, 1I 84d W. H. BILLUM . - TO BU LE~ Towsi D Ê>S ownsip -Qf Thorah, Slolicitor for thicgala otu c~re. INTHt l3atoti ths lut daY o! Sept,, 1870. 87.tdT.U O PA T ENDEI8S T)L u. k àp -- '~ i reoived by oa undormigu. -COUNTY OP OA O 144 ruit ILtc _- i; *- -r- î _.. - i ~ Ouici'cscicu Acc XUsî i mat 1u mrA tothe ienitcoe olier.- of the. -])et- - ltigr' or cn ti aufi o mii ie u ofet tche top i t cî.ii~lireî, t ii-t ccî,ccîc t d)c 'ï' 7 . OJtciyccîuîî1c mnUr-'t At tl.~ eî1,11t0 lu re wil te '1 ida , tru na it a. lie !tUr4. lA lt,0 areax VI y uoeu n osr-' tafo, I ai- ~at ee clhecnt r i liced!n. i1ei, 0 exutt01 tieî-Un Iaeur$tio valne cigcei, ".ic',or ta tuheucnLer Tlie pulîtiec i atoelean, uois tt ewi bytt Voî1 st C r e cO ta atl ic U ite cinuai 5tatttorv es-en- F, 1, La PDETiug lAtrouJul ni accdtIl ueparatieiailit~,iircictr ka xOccutrs. ')' Which côusigt îAf nlost dleteers ~m Th'e tiVnt c ioini oîc'-iee 187 u lcma & a -re tïctucninbu iyh'nce Cain i (ie pecÏe Qin lA8 n, lci 1tileI A t aî 01lg on i e a le o! s 4,),àte Ceonte I& rl ArY e, leh ile te aIt koragth o lceAn ' a n T tc w u r i fqu e su m t ahpr v e V c e p c r tl a l b o i , o n î î , a s e i s e t l a t 1 D t n e a m t l o v e t t sPi>'mre ep1svit cxlWite ic, , ne vti tr 1Gt 02e The ovm r il 1 e n'fore eu in F; . ... Co. àî c b4wk of. il@ Forfu. Ij r iLnD. -atNfl 1r to th e - - Openea 1 f-da We far-no I "Core-one an Dry Goods Eporium, Watsn'a, ôk'Boo Sret IJUMI .-NWAREROOMIS-I. .1O, HY- PH0TOGRAPIiIC STUIJDO I :B'oR, CEI:3~A2 SIL~ 8IAND éFRAME DEPOI, -~ 00-. pecial inducernents to' beads ol fa- rniliee;, dùrinxg tho sumsmer inonths. Eamilýies consisting of The undersined ha ve just recel'ed*a large lot -of Clored fourpersone, au~d upwardà, by ordering one dozen -photos. . anùd flack 'Slk. oaci, ill be plesented with a beautiful fhotograph groupC Of the fanuly, full size, ýfOr framing. - They are ýSelling Beautifzd Coioredî Silk8 fr 55 ceit8a yard.' Sat'sato urned rcat suit- the &tires, SSumer Dress Goods at a 'Great Reduction. - OHILDREN A SREOIALTIy. I Framhing in ail itsbranches, at prices a7 ýM ILLIN ER Y '. AT .0 O&ST. wicdefy cOrnPetto Agents-, for: Canada Stained Glaee w'rk, Cail and sc Ail Classes of Summer Goods Very ',Chea. ampes. e iLYON- BROS" Millinery, Dress-makinig. & Tailoring -to order. WILKIBO.N'S- BLOCK, - LIIOCjKST., WLI1Tjy. at:e"'Tihey have àa Large Stock of Chap:Are, TuSMO1and,0cearing ont theirehrtire stock of 4 ?easjut to hand, SE WN G V'MA CHINYES ~f At lHaif-Price. J.. - * DO9EJI.i1~&~ C .. hildrei's UNDERCLOTHIXGn Tby Lin' ando. -MILLINE RY, MANTLE & DRE8SMAMUG -lic nd 9j 8otSEMI-ANNUAL - - ---------- - STATEMENTR.H.JA'MES'ON. H a ffO d, Cocu., .Tccu ary 4 1879. C Real estete, . - . 9517,204-87 Cach on ba'nd andiAn tank, ý17946 Lo ns n bond anti mortg ge 1 79 46 on roe ote. . - 2,256,198.18 U. intecect on basnc, acerusti tnt d not due, . . . s8,s,;assCruls( Leaus on cohilatcàl socunit>', 22,100.00 '5, Doeereti Lite premininu, . 51,272.b2 PreuiUnl u ed andu neported 1 1 on LIfe Pelicles, - 50,766,12 é Unitedi States Government butnde' - 438,420,00 State and munipa bondc, 259,078.60 Ilailroati stocka antid bonds, 820,888.00 Bînk mad Incurnco stocks, 509.OOîA.Q Total Aset, - 5405,453 LIABILITIES. -Reurve, for per cent., LAie Dcpartmeut, - -. 92,972,511.G9 liccerve, fon re-iusurncne, Ar. - cîdeut Departruent'- 218.4 Bye C l i r su n a d j s t e t i a n â o t 2 1 8 0 due, anti all other latili. t ics, *. - . 144,6W.00 Total Liabiliti,- $3,338e337,93 Surplus un regarda Polie>'. iolde n, . -' 01,257 0'107 .*38 y~~ S t ctio cs fu r th e Y e n i18 7 8 . .t .J C *LIFE DEPAETMEPIT. Namier oft1iif, Polices wrt. i ton inl1878, .- . 1,080. r W iole namber Lie P licys 1 1 1 0 wittentadate - - 30,207 M 10 Wtols nuter o! Lile Poli- os An tarces, . 11,20-7 cAmc.nni Lite Insarance ln Total Claie..paîl lu Lite Departrusut, - 01,271,137.86 O0 K i - ACOxDILNT DEPARTiUENT. Number o! Accident Policipi wrltten in 1878 - 43,118 Cash Premiums rocce ora ame « . - *7,525 Gain lu Premiunioven 1877, *509587.09 Wbolq nximerAccld.nt Poili- Whitby, Ju]j o s wtten, . 51 , 5 NumeeAccldnl CbalMU iplt Anmant Accien lcaims ai In 1878, . 0284,343ë23 Wtole nuculer Accident CieAias peli .33,049 Whole ameunaI accident claiu pld, . $3,041,051.04 Total Lea,., paid, bath De.- i1000 1 JAS. G. IATTERBON, reilden. purchase 0 G. F. DAVlIS, Vlce-Presldenî. JARS, at -JON EÉ.M 03fims u.tat Seor'y. GEORGEWELIS, Acary. EnwÂmcn V. PBTIxsro spt o! Alsens. - J. P. Devis M. . clel minex? C . . SEL, Agent, Prov.eeOnt.îtAjucrx Office, 83 Adilietie, East, Toronta. c . IO VSSE, A gent,. h& y Imiperitihab1é Fragrance- Cclebrated ' A & ful Florida -at elaughti Th ic lhest, tuat Deverell's,1 luting, 'etnus de.- or use on the. feudkerehiert, et the Toilet andti(ho Balth, delghltinilsadhelthlul lunte tretlanrva s-at bheag..'tok onlt ,fer ceuteflis, alweys euk for 'the loËiba IW &W prpansd yt he 'tis sole p ne- ÉrieOtOr, Mesure. Lenmuna & KempNe te, For eelebY Perfummoru, Druge - s anti Fancy Goods eau «PERRY DAVIS& SON & LAWRENCE" 29. 1" AetMQT1L- For sale t>'T, G. Wici rSale Office. FA$RM ) , PbEDOP 00 tileld, Ciceincut, 11570N PER- 7reômu~,ebd an acre. BANDEL, - ~,1irr~fl .JARETS-W INE. e and Fils Freres BORDEAUX. CTEYoers, andi other u'akes, cheap, at do, t J len, M arigaux, dc. ,eCH ILRe N'CAB-FIew left'at cost for cash, or wilf exnefr wood or Farmers P.roduce, HTllkL1o COAL OI-L-Wholesale and Retailt &BO NE HIGILAND WHSKEY. aints, Oils,« Varnishcts, Glass, Patty, êce., at &BO RACHINE dILBS.ýcStock'e Éxtr'aand 'other ois. J'Vhiskey, guaranteed 5ô Swnmeirs Buy the bet, and buy no other, in. floodAnd only bliy frorn Hatëh & Bro 1hier, - ifl' oodJ 8' o not Ëorget the addresài -000 HATCH a B8O -. E , M 11111 & C o 's. C h am p ag n e. I iotcs H ud ae 1~ y -000 f 8 and Jarling'à Aie aidPoiter-. SCHOOL B. .S - -00-- EA E E &COIS L'GERThe Subseriber lias a large -and well- E E E O ' S. LAG ER, orted stock of the School Books used in the lligh and $1 00 PEUR DOZEN. y 01 17.R. H. JAMESON'S. ALL KINDS 0F SCHIOOL lyTIO0WEE 1879. - Inouding Slate,Peti , Inks, fis Note B3ooks, Fooliscaps, Parmers, Ladi-e's' and- others to ' Drawinglapers, Copy' ookse or immense-.stoÃ"ck à-MASàON G EM FRUIT Al ae m r e tt e L w s rc s greatly reduced ciprices, at l ar rk d f t e L w s P iic . SIMON FRASER'S New Cash Store. GEO.,B. YULE, Express Office. Brock.Stréet Whitby. - ~Auguet 26Q1, 1879. 8n8 stock of C hina, .C rockery a d _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Hnassware, atastounding LOW ý,RICE S. IUAR, -,al Bottom Price8. «Ct EROOK STREBET, . . WRTIY, ail Il line 'Of ail grades of TEAS, Wil seil1 seil for 8I0 daysg AT COST1 e r i n g p r i e s , a t W r et P u e l B d s a i d S e s 5~O~ F ,A ER 'SWomens' Kid Boots and ShOer"wthe Broks.,Whitby. .1I .E CNYE STOVES-01 -1879 GOOKING, with he'VY furniture, comipletéu,- at" ~'re'iProdluce -takon iii' exohange. Ju 0N H'.aNd wellD- lý thi ,OOT4WVD4I'OÈ3TO'RFIg COME'.AND SEE USI AND.BUY CHEAP CO0NFECTIONEY,., ofaiKnd A.; F.,YARWO .Eavù~~on~t th usiness ofMr. J. G, feelionsÏ; et tliRvery.,LoiwéE tprices.: ,Hoe'koopp ô -Made ý Of uperior materinl and" defies competitil prepgrod te suppby Saipper and Wedding parfiei, TOBACCOS,'ofi 'emsonable, kopt c '~ --4 tire p McDlougarock n hand, 'the beat Stock, On. Ho will always be, et the 'Very lowest rates. ~ A-pyncgtrade, and at bost brande, eheap. àa, àndw'ibe soli ai ~usvsrvienoid Boan doe, Soe.im )or the wshiels ojrea al, 'fnlliiessu Miracle andi Nerva an Bin S .whilst Lite itsel iAs diréctly dependoent np. on ioinoof tem. By its unionwllh lbe blooti and ils effect npon lice muscles, re.estatluctuug lbe oue attain gtté other, t te capable of eftect- Ing the fol«iowig recuits : It 'wMl di.splace er 'wast ont tuberflonci inatter, antiItus aurac Lonsmip+,aon. - By increaalnig. )leîvoas aami Muscccl,-r igor, A i iH cure Drspe sia,- leeblé or An.- lernnp -actione c eM t dlPal- lion,We csa!ofIntelleetct isetby ct, worry, ev or irregtilar abits, on- chAis, Acu Cicronie Congesl*a tha Lungu, aveu' e most itierm =n - 'es -1t.canes As LOSe aiVoi eiràItg-la Se. Vitus LDance -pia Fi oopilug Cougt. Nervouci la, - utwoudcr. Cul adjunet ta otter dc sstainiuig Iffeaurnf te> Oces D cria. AM>' u eatu 0 lied isformied F'ELLÃ"WS' C O0 SYRUF, op IHYP' HOSP S, atdIwvoarc a sy0 qMfren 9geXý- perieuce iAn 1decie, lc irtu r fosseseei an u lier ceasnbi 1 tion Te ACCETABLE ta pcclst FICIENTLY POTENT te insuro < cd tentIt, yet hurmniesa, toweoever lang its Uic rua> ' teceliicued. This cicanatcr clt i,e Io - il naothar remcedy. à ITAST IESTION tand iceiniilt- -IT VTALIZES TUE JILOODInsupjily. Y Tla' ES E h nre lE GIVES POWER ofeiarcruce antiof concentration ttic.he muti. I -!?ÊoITEB VIGOu An lice engins vthi0lhdépend for icealti ou lice iiivolutery mucculr 'eétiau, vin.. te-Liven Luig Heart Stemuec sund Genita1h. ,aue And unles allicte i wtt sne ditcaalit- volvi5g ÂIenr.uMRGÀoNIx~Lcs, ill ii sus tan , Iesysteru until it reaciies (lhe iig-fi.il. lotted ta inat a tellent Crouler. NO FRRSOJvIU b, uliappeicited icielle tiiectel FELLOWS HYl>OP110S1'iîT]~,? vila nigidly !cllcw tic directions.- FELLOIWB' HYPOPH08PHI TES INCEPTION. prepaition o CapeI xUy montice, cul v er s ns it te i tt a view o ! cn i g t uait Aucidijus dtse-se TUBERCULAR C0NSUMPTIpq* anCain order-ta ly the deficlenciestau hydtepiteu ssy An use; for, al. toniftheir ature wes crr c ta-te oryy orprÈïm uanworovuutotir - Lmper!ect organirallon, tonn" wanting An eWiuie lliy caundetih% forcuefion of fut suda genenitet heat, tlcey (liA not Anprove te blood-; The taule e ct:a p ou ttics. nerves anti muscles wes clrcuruscnibei andi cwiug (o their ditaet tè, inuvolvang earg. doses> ttey were aise tee expansive. 'flic desiderataonghltyMn. Fellove., A conveaient, patable roimcdy; Unaltereble by(lume ; Hurubesa,thtoagh usca contlnuuly yet 'ciglt te disceutinucd at any tins witfcoaîL vu -Aleilce;i- e 'ich weulihnace aunppetit. Istrengllen dgsin Prota ass iton; CroatteeItliy b1n 8lr ÃŽlhen- oi e s'vcand muracles; Enuct0licaitilect ta aUCCesefall>'coru- Anti maffièi yicenoelafor al. AUl hic nil iipUably attaint. Me o work cm complet.; andi elIoi, es gtacs foremaut s oncrei eiania Ilces3 ýfseig properties ta wtlct cci 48,TC'T E F FECTS. roducalà 'atam ab, nulles Vith Ice ion; an , 'hIS pertocAl>' misciblie witb ne "llmm. 1W = are fIrst icu LADIES) - I A, New aud-we.U-S membi bd or

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