Whitby Chronicle, 4 Sep 1879, p. 4

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shertest Sen 0, Wiiletit "viii sol Ii forpittst i e oves aedlatr Iunaell *(wtl,'lnoently conindes thal maay of l&susbribers have been Jarniiie witli t'liearticle. À guutleman eotnpiained te aid Bac.- iser lbat tome malloldus p orson boa eut osf bit hoeé's ta11, whch mailie Mo-ait tl esi hipi, voulsl bc a great drawb&ok. "Thonu," u.id Obarl, "yen MIust oeil l i hlmblosale." 'jVhoie. mileI k a e îeothr ; bs e tq13ctule youcannot retail 'l'in~. f4ottý wbatirî au aug 2" -6An ai 7 **Il, su ~angul is beînK that file.. " 1tii4 oller, vl, dose a paa 'iwa a Cali Mgoe mean agt" 4iWel,'1,spla 5àdêh the o r aflera wow(jua po "Vhe gelng -to ly 8DAIILEY, W , PiAS t - 'elie uilorsigu MATTW ltstructiotis erý AT[WB' &tiCoc., to pucore unlIniuet q itty of Dsiley1 P Wkies, , pin Wliest, Bloc éy. Peso, ematîl Po 8, Rjte, &c,, &c. iceurng Harbor Co., PUB MANà 1AY. 1 weuii'ltpeus stnL$aoFrmerathetiig«tet limpiortancee ft lboronghily- ci-tinlg their liare, ttfuurr.Luat peua alarge portion "Lth arle u feb orleaî! te ta "lib e ss*frytsr CansJfànairIey wdL 1 srllbc Éirk ln colptir: tb. cniyhop o or flndfiîqç a proftle hisiharket viii ta b fernerri uiln«toit fanntng misevigoroas- 1 Y. la rder ta brlsg stp the volght. lver>' fanrer li ntereutti lanbiathiaul&souli set acaaordingly, sut lun son. MaiTHO$. MOODY. V IN 'CTA R S . . 1% Y'.X . IJllilt«tl'q IlemUiioln,1 and Quoi cer.deînijohns. Fi. H. JAME-SON'S.. M1AJO MLLLS, rTuas vo iotiAit A ý-tctto Ci 11 i taulitl cctînt g it il itil 'Milis, Ont, NOGING TiUSINIS8 ct, anti wilWbspropar- b cg ta ticank 11111 a aCo anti bea sta vilc toucd an1bband toit te antiext. ucllt. nw icli, ceIs' ici Up Aila cli 8 c4l [ISSUaS.i-. 1 * Form to Fien t. )II' l TS V ôAND) lu, IN TJIE a.511<(Col.tif ieanium, cauuttctuing 1wc aivres, ueanily Ai letloci. Gnd ramsn dweyii'tag, itartu atui atbulltlinjs am wIi- vittere, Q rt - t aleicaatae vii- hugè tfif l eviweOCdý 'Itle priliige cfdtiiq Fllottlaisu tillc lt Sittenha ~unstsal t iINov. Altly ta tlue ptulritor, oneutlie 1111800c. .1, t, NI tulfltlY, - -1 /î;ttt, oirueiwattpi P. O. FARM FOR SALE I Cheap, A Acrem, celg at ifLaot a.9,lii tliai lirti, Con..nt rý(ýrllWà-ii vaîreul %Vith litvisng prlsg crrak lntme.. ells ni waer ; soi oraharci; wli fauteci i;- with licssailitiouelwulilsgand gonoa ulbitiîliitgir. wt swc!liblngb arisrn ctl-. A sfloidisi alota01,1111l grain fartai ;'a00losea oainuar- tls, llIU luat isi alj, on easy terme. Aijtiy t L. AlItIlA'NI<Si, Asetiancer, Whltby. (105<, <uIelItebtrîstteeof ite osiiel a,a oît ît tieswsuctr le t111tltltula iis prorirlt, iky ixlitcrmi-W ti l au., itet'awa>-. - . >iY.vissriiîLYNItiT lirci cout., Wliullty COAL f1.CpAL 1 s .1ilVlN IIUNDI)ID TONBStSlve Andt it Nul01ea, quai lty, A.l-welii aceenct, fortlsale, eiteup fur Cunit, at 'lo'£tllug Mat- lm Arks l< to.W.;Ci.Mllison, Liverpool J. 1IL McOLELLAN. Jsziy 8Q, 1879.,.-92 1F'arrn ta Fient. rT WO IIU-NDwhi» ACREFS, IiMING J.'eCti)llledeSof 100 aso-e, lte- îarih-itaif i' o o.-. 35, Iithe Siti oonrîelc ccl rWlictby, and 100 acres, inttlubat nifIcot msa, Ila te lirti coucesatan ai Plakerleg, acd- oilag. Aboutl 190 nerfa cleareul, Sui- gtatitil ltwollh nt oal iiugt bartii n. tergrotiuldcellat Ulco t oto.li, uuci lviaig -streaâM 01 vattr trongli Ib a mi. Pascan. miaio f llie icksnring 100 seotmeon iret Ut toiler upavd ctifst û'ie'W lty 10m1acres n'à l AP~rl, 180, Tenant wiii have pilvi- loe of plàghing anamijan as erop ocg. Apply te s ) OTII ;aai 94t,1h, 9. P. O. Autley. 100D$! w PRICES 1 tas sponiedct lintsa 'BL 00,Ki' EST, WHITBY, SBLZOT STOCK OP: ODS& WOERIESY rbiecoo< as lovs 0-N LY, ah Ste rn6iofa e+ Gl be -Ciruoin tTic ber sardlnli t ,.. " 01, the in saeiruetýon Brilt"ol,- bardf, andi London at sanie rate Parties wibng to tend- for thibtien, ber oaobtain tiket. at 1ev rates. The flsa pasge fromn landti t landi arer- ug aot âsEaN mis tvo cf vlclch are i.5e :ptta the smooth vaieta ot the $e. Low. Thé. Steomuhlps Of the Alan Lino came -direct to the Grand'rnnk tafllay wharves sl Point Levi, (South Quéecs) anti Speclal Tralfsaro'dapatchecl ill tie paosongers limedlately on arriva]. Dth10arage. nient, passee rd avoatitlay adexponse. Cironlarsgivlag AU information, msed free, For tickets anti farthsr informcation appiy t- 0110. B. TULE. Exp. anti Tel., Ofies? The Great ]léod Purifiera 1 Â1ID PMLLIS Onabautecd te b. au n llble otite for leoteWlin1ttc vortiftrma;s, tebboni, dooeatotlUlceoa 15ypisalta, prlnia7e condary, andti ertiary ; 'Islmota, l1u E7upUipiagg, 014 Iotesp,R ntatni anti& aidseas or ocres I=trteot by bat Mci dor hnnioru. BRISTOL/S Sugar-Coatecd PILLS, CURE11 ALL LIVEII COBIlLAINTS. lWr"1or sale hy ail Dregglos anti Dealers tLc Medoess PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, 29. Agents, MONTIIEAL. F'or sale by T. G. Whitfield, Chamiiel, Wbitby. MAN H OQD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. S We bave racentiy publishec a. nov oédition ci Dr. celser. vailrs CrebýtIîed Esa.mty on the ratdical andi permanent cure (vithout macllcîcte) cf Nervous Debility, Mental anti Phyosîcal lncapactty, Imupedimenta tu Mat- nagRe, etc., reuting tram execmes. L-e' Pirire, tu'fi ascalei euvelopo, oniy 6 etlits, or tvaonltage ttttepa Tîto celelpratcçclauîhor, linbtisadmnirable Esnay, c'learly frontstal ,1mithcrty yearti'ontccesatiii itrace, te aiatmleg con- seeqiencea unay ho racicaiiy ourei witltont lice dangeranunciaetinternat i ecicine or. ltapplication cf thés knltt iccitgni a ratie of cuire at once aitîle, cetin uandi effeclual. by ruteana ef whl. eàvery jeafferer, rio înattccr whltil us cctcditiuti cay-be, înay cnreshilnseit chepiy, ptivatoly anti t'di., Thiu Lecture shictici lte Iin'té bande ot every( yoth antd every man in tla cndi. CULVERWiCLL MEDICAL CO., 41, Anti st'. New«Yorkc. P. 0. Box 1580. , y-27 Farm for Sale.- M ACRES, ('47 CLl AIleD,) PART OF Ã"Lot 82, Con. 1, T ýwnship of lisques- lng. Conuty 'cf1Ilalton t rame huiase, anti bai~n viit cltie tabling. Novcr.taiiiccg spritcî crac-l neartlita building ; a thrlving yanng oreluard, bost af fruit-trees coin- mnigto bear. Siuanled on lite main lîcrauglitrcanilu Gnuitp, tram whic ieh il t tait îulect distcant ;tolivcnlieit tutvillages, nis, clucrlue, imartls, oehoolo, t&c. Ten acr of ci uictuer tcllow, ciilile far fail ola 1. lrtie, $2,200 L - niy $5W110rtqulred cilcccIcUac' tue ncilay liCtgruticl on Apply la L. D. CI1P.WIION, Peepaictent Il. 0., lont Lttlcer, Jcîiy Wc, 179. cf-cpi GRATIN atrr EBefore T 1k N 1, l 1 fle,- akng cetaetcect Sef-batiaslasaetM&0%cr Utltu asallun 'actalre lact.i>m - afe0fVc out rcitci i i etci~n ctliue Di.t-,ct lia ai alttlt'tcC.. ittlltttte taii ,lltttnLe fr 'ai Wlt-. a Ocuc ict ' cy ol c ueitl. cci Llce ofccocca y tc ii Ttcfl (ustnIiiiY lt'IttIlickrl. n'arttt e, gOtil.,Cctacl ît tl t vitcluic t o y a i it i . ttti lt U ,liUii ti laa . 1 Ill- 'alanaitaau, fat lice» ilitcr ai nccii cliere arlingof, (ro inpîtrily cor;5,orliteIllaci.)s 1ti 1 blai.oitl la iî'tdortcpc a'lelcctt I i. Torttut, Ot.,iatad. a liiitfft i t cl' a tl , Tl;ftiltovalot cit Clia at, i teti iitu-vertclice pcv. orshe G-itc. arieraScttcttuif iac n Poau, ea MelienirgSores.l(lsas Wlcolaacticmpriy lorticisîs. Mur Neary ai the(Iliea-ei flat tOj2-I"thi huai ac re SN O WedbyVA ttec His lease'1 hie jimmeneeom Whutbv may bé, COME ONE, ÇOME 4A DEVERELLS BLOCK, BOT TO. M ýROCK-ST., -WHTBY-. P. 1Ri-E For ail kinds 6f Foot W'ear. DON'T FORGET, THAT IS -sellling the Best and Cheapest. B OOTIS AND P ý S-HO1ES 8 - I~ TuE TOW~. Ladies' Best Button Boots9 and -Shoes. THE fDEST MENS' WEARI YOU EVER SAW. 1Wateoîî'ta Block, Brook Stroot, Whitby. W. J. HAYES. GENERAL DRY GÃ"ODS., OROCERY tf-HARIDWARE 8 TOilE, BROUGHAM. Begs to inform lis friends and the pub- lic, that ho has now on land an eutirely new and well se- lecteid stock,- èmbracing in the above lines, which hi j selling at uniprecedentedly. Customers are advised to giv-e a cal and see what value they can get for their money at a home establishmen.t. D iroîîglîaiii, Aiil 201hi, 1679~i. MOSES LINTON-,> Store, Poat Offico and Telegrapli Office. WHITB BOOXAND MUSIC STORE. M., ZLF& 4» i XM ]U3Ui Begs to announco to the public,, that she lias oponed a well assorted stock of Books and Fancy Goods oonsisting of- SCHOOL BOOKS AND GIFT BOOKS, Bibles, Frayer Books, Hymnn Books, Sunday Sohool Books and Carde, Hioliday and Visiting Carde, Plain and Fancy- Note Paper, Inl<s, 8iates, Pane, Pencili, - Blank and Note Books. BERILIN WOOL AND WOOL WOIIK. E mbroidcry, Silk, Linen, Floss, Chienille, Wool, Tassels, Cardbeard, Mot- tocs, cosies, Vases, Toilet Mats, and Ornaments of al kindes. LADIES' WORK BOXES AND BASKETS. Glove aitd llaimaliercief Boxes, Card Cases, &c. We have a largo varioty of patterns on liandl of ail te latept styles in American Stamping, ail kinds of Fancy Wcoi Work done to order, inicluding infante Jackets, l3onndts, Breakfast Sliawls, &c., ail ordérs prarnplly attendedt t andi at the lowest osible ru-tes. I have juet opued a large a9sorlunent of Cîiltirensi' AproDs, Laue e. tl4 FRILLING A SPECIALTY. . Ilaving ii conctioni witlî iy business, socured a first-chase Prose Ma- lter, ablo tounudertako the making of any cres,, I eau warrant to give entire ýsatis- faction, beioîg a person tbat- bas bail experienco in citios, the stylos, are nov, no pains will bo spareci, andi ail ordors promptly attendeci to, fltting rooma back of the store. I have aiea a firot.class Mautie Maker, one capable of making Man. tios, Coats, Dotimanq, of any dlescripti on anti in the lattet styles. The attention cf the Laidies ig especialiy invifoci ota iis tiepartu4ent. Fitting rooin rear of the store, Oddfellows' Hall. Ail orders for Magazines and PaÉers promptiy attended to. Daily îand weekly papers always on han4 îdsboitincevd 2."Sheet Musie suppliod on shortest notice. Whitby Music Store, Oddfellows Hall, liroôk.Bt. CANADA ]PERMANENT LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY, TORONTO, £'AID) UP CAPITAL, TOTAL ASSETS, $2,000OeO0. $8-100(, o0o. TO FARMERS AND LANDOW NERS. OId[R& OI[[~IOER I -Do YOU 'WA NT TO BORR OW MON.EY P lantrana lttl lie ac agalu. lakeiic OLB SIANB ON IIJNBAS 'SIEET' La"lly --eîpiedi byV. P. Wiiieac.ii, Mwlire Iu. ,îï,ibho haltpy ltu510 ,ciI him le dlriteut l-,1 ond vul CuRcanatslyt luth in fateah( a frelit * stock c0, CAcKES, PASTIIY9 of)?lii'va!? kicîcLein ci s-oc, iÇODA and'I eit < BLIE )ERJ. Breat livaroti taly anti AU ntiers prcmplly attontiedtt. Diuinena antiOuppot-s snppllad ti Irensan- avblo- raIes. Dont'lforget t latten, bah-t) Dnncia-Strect, Wliihthy. LIVERY! LIVEIIYI S,TOI To buy more land for yourselves or for yoîir sous?9 To builel a house. or ai barnni' To feuce, clean, undortiraun, or othctwiee improve your landi To pay off a Motgago or other dlelta,? Or for any other purpose? If yoîî dot, lte redued termes of lha CANADA PERMANENT LOAN AN]) SAVINGS COMPANY afford supenior facilities for effectiag the Loaîî Mathte lowoat rates, anai for its easy rcpayment. THE SINKING FUND SYSTEM NýRW TIN -SHOP. tw» Iext Doo0r Bouth to dames dohnston's "Ooldamlth's Haltl" Has opened businesa in the ýabovo premises and is now ruanin iiful llst, whbere everything-pertaining to Tïii, Sheet,: or Gsivanized, Iron ie manufaetured mn a worknian- like manner, o'n'SHORTý NOTICE and at reasonable rates. ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS o! SIJPERIORQUALITY. AulIid of Japaned Tin, aud Sheet-Iron. ware constantly kepti in stock. REFAIB.lING done oheaply and neatly. anteed etsat or no pay. Ail work guar-1 American and'Canadiaft COAL OIL. Lamup Chimneys, Wicke, flurners, &c. Whitby, geby. 21th, 1879. 1J.- W. BARNES. FOR SALE. AT THRE' WHITBY.CHINA TEA STORE, PLASTERP PLASTER, WHOLESALE AND IRETAIL. CASH PAID FOR GOOD Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, Red and Alsike Clover Seed. 1Whitby, February llth, 18379. OFFICE W. J. GIBSON, Whitby China Tea Store. 0F THE BBC? WN & PAÀ TTEB8ON Mj g. Go,,, WIIITB~Y, O1,TArI.o TO T11E PUBLIC. In prosenting our Twenty.seconc Anuait Catalogue ef Agricnltural Impie. Monts; le the formons of Canada for the year 1877, ve o dese vi more than the rgee ef pride aud confidence; from the merkod faveur a'nd patronage cofreiupon us, ;andilte steady and inicroasing domccnd, froni year ta yoar cf ont nov coiebrateti F an Implemnlat. We shah continue as heretofere, as manufacturera, te niake a epeeialty of Agricultural Machinery-the Jahaston Self-raking BReaper, the Triumph Cao- binec i lser aciM4oyen, the Caynga Maor, theyo ena snda Moyen, and our nov Whitby Harvestet, oiaimiag a large ohar- ot aur lime anti attention. Fer the 1atTventy.tva years vo have gisea aurniast carefal- anti undiviti- et attention te, îlhs manufacture anti oporatian cf 1h. varions miachines il us, sifing ont lte boat points, remedying defects,'- Mocifiag anti correctlag effara, strengtheaing veak pointe, atiapting anti propertianiag every part sont increas- eti experieace bas suqgested. We & mlyel Ieba ehnclai anti aur ma h e seuter 1h mai cao~ suevso at cui-e a ilolbe-g subetiseethe sevth - et crtcanat si ahn staogl ett eaeavig cr orks, te~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~M pros 1it cmeeesetoryprat eehandiculty la ptting Our maccinory..bas boondsl olt s anotiuittaspecial rel'èreuce tetomanufacture cOaur rareMachines--mnny balshaviag bo ai frii particular purpose, aci net adaptecl for other urerk, adcaur varkmoa are oedu- catoi up te the uranlu anti requromneusef aur maaufacture-obtaiaiag a thon- ough kleitge of the construction cf ont ma>chines, anti are tans enablei te oh- tain a bigitor degre. of okili sud piréfictency ,thaanuriere geno rai manafacluring le carrioti on. 1W. are titerefore onahid o i ltroduce a more perfect syateuxm, ital Iho de- partmentg of manufacture, adding not cal>' te the perfection: of ihe urerk, but al- se te te rapidity of ius execuin-anti a cotaaeqnent reductoolotcc. Titis pnincipio Io regardoti necessar>' lu a vel regulateti'establishment lad ure enableti te ttcru eut eut machines ut a higiter degros ef perfection, andi ai prices se buw ne absolntely te clef>'competitien. THE JOHNSTON SELFMRAKING REAPER is niov so veli kuova as a Single Beapor, ltai a word' et commendalian vould' aiment sooso suponllae, but as there are many clalmlng te maaufactfir thia machine vbo have atihereti te lte oit original Johnaton macciine, vithjout tceep- in n l lt.imoem nt ;Iat rsie ear e mio s at a ran quire of ns " satis ve v idfe ll iis vr ssete uarad for stre ,nglt antidarbili>',quaity t cl, u evry intianc coditin o grin.-; lightaeos et pr.miety aeah fil of lter rempt. apiefet'bs ef ii hve cal>' t oe ant _nsiy oounty trils vhic av a k ,n»pl c ov r C nada'r ithin 1h. iun fe 8year@sen nU TRIUM hPH OMva8 B J'n eD ýoe MAr ilu -lII n. 10 90cticraliy adIiitlti tea6ctahie hast 'LMAc0t, -nanti rhaapesc plan, evor yst tieviset far.prolhi. . - . -vmuli à htýcn edde i, oà i dMchte n il fan litelItuymeuil eut htattîes.Ile adaltiby rvmrnnints.bhimunielpaUilsanui hy tho-vtbie mreeastaaltatcubduie u.C'beiMchnoi nce5l pnospetonn anti progressive iaurtowunr, both ta Europe antiAnietica, canno ai eute meel ail the requirenionts et purchiers. la ci§te Provncwe c uulo ieaoasmltt u fo-i 15tflutganle naia Our îm roved Cayuga Chief Mr, and aur Young Canada Mower lslt.-YOU OMIcbitoin any &umycuiroqalraativ tintme, for tony teri yen chose, net. axaeticng 20 ycatrs, anti aI a miocdeato rate ofItlArlta. 2u--ini-Tiefulamaount ci lte Loan usacdvanced, ne clodutlon bling madie for c6nniission, pa. a"u-o eli fns-clasa macines- constitutoi o-almitt ubloli>' etIran ansISteel. 'The monts in advsoce, oraiftissire& , or'soliattoes tees and ti er exunses. Cyg r uara uadteYugCnd rn u oherndr Ord.-Yuau co celur taon7 fram ltse Company, anti pay Il bock titrough lte Ageacies cf;Ca uga Jr aehns, a 'tsar couiteýYoung nada a roin teCnrt; bhsren ur- the Cotpnyîs antisa, tee ai citeege. 'Tb* ,ompanv ha.s"-o 4Atefrsoetn uacie, ofi'et xclltiaytahine oshae markgei er nal y unoaay. Ah dètcclittances vilI occknwcgsllrroeaijt., signetl ibytths e lgnt a n0I,.prabicliglnso nIeec aaeet manager, 4tit-You Cati rpay lte Lean ityearl or bIt al riy taslalmoats, au besitealIs coueavni- once, and the r al' t oit s v.itiottieWgitoeenmenthe. AR E T . 'tit-TYoncon pa tic 'any miyen tciad vance cf the rogulan instalnients, ant itest -U E W IB aI sixp et tler annoan ilbe allowecl for every cdent mout il a nato;I pait vten tino, are sabJoct tesa charge 0afuecant ell inte tdollar petrenorAt *mip ÃŽ-.1 'steeut4btfcm etraaýeom hnradmn-forfr- (tii-Von con pay cff your Monigage la futl, if you dosteo, vtthoat nostc, apon fair and eq5lt-Ae iecuu> o eoeblo ta~dt ahnr' aimn'e u am abi, ternis, anti as the Company bas a Uioti iocation, lte place for paymont làalaways ors have become akilleci la tie uste 'eft mhfaeu, a grouing demanti .ptung' uthavit yofyu, og y insimaimoata alow rat.ecfinleoret; antint pfraLgtDrbePrtÇas"epr cedc u nigana " tt ~ Ç tif Oyn &VOICI i ai 'îtgyunpooto îbvar orugain Aliïe to Ibe 0 t il4teuiy 17, tse au. Bylaluing5 l6efistuea- enur ansuapayunsifaf' auopaat hn ulls~yuh~in rslwt iela ' tgih large,' wuoet iiliebclilie morseltazit hat y eue vnLvetiie epay:for iatntoioae6. t 'cth luccindei la u tettia, anti joabck wlItheiaamnasinttëee vii Sac-oih- mo lmne,'tItheby leeplun lte ,pUtman al-a'in liae. the iit. The citer*$ or oter feat'iclaiped ont atttobeanz. '-j! a b-T tseore oisrciet prfracy asolo rouer aitar, lhn 1?ev egbohdAdarc nett -r iie.tueyfesthe nin ubafl-here a' e tbe.ad siubtoot te ary or'cabaiica of eay ttUvidtes and tih Oie Cm ,ru rfas nwe~tùole.~rts:nc~ .ae et~ have esIate, it eau havé nlpoesibisleeat lu cpprsing yenif utalrerare l os oen-.' 'uoeàeéd in inVëýnýg' l& it.- orée, per, ta g hin lu i te ,ta lotit-Yo e .dsmlng vliha vealtîuy corporation cf .long s idînd iô iicà itàý ' batevewbema'1tduoà&cjW,av« applàdferlot 'patent, andi ie Ut ISO pnigegl a3is, amounting ta about otelnmilinsefolilsr, anti in no iùsnance invention, foreour snOxculv nsuacute ete"tti"'sggs t0 lis sitoco iucueacvac i on etfcee cuatenicr. l airaoonletce ton4ng ,iirchaers.,tb hoby houb1 su thismacin before intheii, orters titan 20»t0 bans. telIUte0y;tfratbî oiPound,,;~~ù~ Leans nisy eioeetifer any t apoOqtrpybe ccort1ing tolhfontabo.- î* s T Wbtb>'Ht-#eshet" weigits, In __ ycf thé best, qualil>' et iron and à aleiati<r n o MS.TALMEW5~T !pcitRIZDO o RpAvtAy OP eFo$1000 I1a mgFOtLOWIN PasmeOs genflons iad reealat ccnuttln0il it oc bie the utrangfh antia rabilhi> fthie r fs. rtt. ak# . itsîbairmcle. ' - - -rriY~1 (1Y albiEZ'Alof ô r' aoËa'hné e fullwaiyont&aA rLivery, gond ntahle vesleilLo rdors %ttended" i!tnîs low., "y re-ý lt *e Ie. or. pay 0et YFOR, M.aroh lOth, 1879. Dui SIGN 0F TUIE GOLI» SAVE MONJJJYI SAVE MONEY I It is uow a noted fact, that D.. Ken- edy sella the ehapest lot of-Books, - Stationery, and~ Fanoy Goode, ever sold -iii Whitby. The best value in ýEn'veiopes, Letter and'-ŽNote Paper, thst can be had in tovn., Five quires- of -Note, Pper, in neat wrapper, for 20 cents.- Oeil- and see sample lot of -Spatuldingis Base Bails. Base Ball, Cricket, and Lacrosse Clubs snpplied on short notice. Ail thoeiitestW.orko;.of Fiction, iin stock. Sohool B:ooks, Blates, and Sohool 'Bage. A. cheap lot of Gents' Canes just to hamd. N1éwspapers and 'Màgazixxâé at publishers prices. Globe and. Mai t '-dlivçred at 12Jk-cents, per week.. D7.Poi't forgàet 'the place,, Bign' of ýthe Golden Pen, 2. doors South of H*lamilton and H Earrower. Cail and see for, vourself.,,>,-,'1 PEN. P. I3ii~e 241,1879. BOITA P, O. - -27 Iv DAIIEL KENNEDY., GOLDSMITH'S -HALL.- --000- Spring Goods , now to hand. Great -BARLGÂNS OFF'ERING IN- WATCHES CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Choice Goods ini Electro Plated Ware, jimported from leading factorios. New maguificent patterns at pricos leas than cisc- where, asked for shop worn goods. Another lot of the colebrated per- fection IRON GRANITE TEA AND COFFEE POTS, LAMPS, CUTTLERY, NICKELITE SPOONS AND FORKS. Baby.Cariages, new, just in and verybeheap.,,Oiark's Diamond Dust Roliali, wholesale and retail. Th, best poliel known for Silvor Waro ana Nichel Bilver. Jcwolry made Ito ordor. Partionlar at-ý tontion to Watch repairing. J A S,-JOI--ErSONT, Practicai Watehmakoer, March 26th, 1879. Brook-St, Whitby. FIRE PROOF SÂFES. N0 o BU-SINEvmSS mAlN Is doing justice -either to himself or lis creditors if lie does without a safe to protect hie Books, Notes, or other valuabie papers. lmEVERY a V -& aR»x u E Who bas deedsr, notes or money in the house,. ouglit to have a Safe to guard both against Burglary and Fîre. A Safe je alwa.ys a Good Asset, as it not oniy>preserves its contents, but kecîJs its own value as well, for after passmng ibrongli a firo a small outlay wiil make it as good as new, and it eau always be sold for nonrly its firat cost. < J. & J. T.AYLoR have turned out about 20,000 safes in the last 24 years, and noue of theun has failcd ini trial. Farmers and Mer- clià*nts, this is the End of IlProtection" and something that the Tariff can't givo. Go to the Toronto Safo Worlcs and got a Bafq: - J -& J. TAYLOR, 117 to 119, Front Streel,,Earst, Toronto. Toronto, April 29th, 1879. My Stock, of 15 CoÃŽplt in Every Line,. ~LmP1et. J. JOHN SQN. Very Special Inducements to tho'se STARTING, H:OUSEiKLEINQ. U NDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets, è é lins-, an al the necessaries in tis ns e. Also, A WIELL-APPOJNTED ~ARSE. CLOTHING CEPE.HANE R!. NO RI8E IN 1PRICE » N ACOUNT 0F THE- N ATIO N'A L, POLI[CY Gents' Sprîng Siits, latest styles, vcry ceap. A',large- cl of fn clottio. Ha'ndsome Veut ptaro , ns fnihnafl io Garments catila fashionable style:' Ail branches'of<illorin eceive ýprompt attention andi satisfaction guerantceed. Go vwhoCro yon v ill t a vell.fltting garment and fu value for yenr monéy. An inspection resp 1 nIIititd.,ý JOHN R.4; GLE,. Wbitby, March.24t1à, 1879.' B -St. Whitby. CUTTERS; >&~GG IN~S, ..-AND CARIRIAGES. A Large, zssortpient of Cutte rs and - Buggies FOR- SALE, GHEAP,ý ovueti oy unarw u nscing L.ot 21, i erave Stationa 'on the W. P. P. & L. R'y., anti efght miles from Port Pery onveni- ont te sioois, churcbesndIM ý Tuil e,e are 162 Acres, ef which IW itacloor and inl tirst-olsao tate '01 oullivationi veltc'ncêti anti vatereti;the balance 'fa goti ard- Geeti-Pramie DureDing houso, Baru anti stables. TEBMS, EAS.Y. Tenders arm solioltea. For parlcniaru, apply..to the oviler on the promises, or toe .unferalgneti. AL~EX. BLACK, "IPROTECTION 1" HOME GROWN SEEDB. -TT IS AN BSTABLI5HED fuot that S. OL . Bgown'is Homo Gown Seecbae o coin nd mrèpopular from ye- to yt"ax ThepnbHc they wsnt them, tKe Macat thj tiimn au they are sure te çrow gire general 58t151*tlOn PLOWER SERDS A SPECIALTY! iU sa5s st by =.aul lee of potago. 9W Use Brown's Indi&n Liniment. For oale b~y dealersgenerlly. Whitby, Ont lmCAITÂIAN A If? GA SMA CHINE, This Machine,, a for ightlng Pii DWellings, Mille, -Eacboies, Churcl Public,,H alls' Hotiels, &c. Oeil anit e1amine -the machine in oË tion at JOBSEPH PHILIPFSsole Manf Plwnber and Gs4tter, 168 York si Toronto. SSend foot "ircalar and price-list. April 221h, 1879. lu A[[IN, EO'OFMUNI To Renew~ Loans already,-exi ing, to Pay Dehts, or to mak lmprovements. rUN MM RSINEDISPBEPARLED anti repayab in any nianner a cantir iat finte s ix, Seve sud Eight per cent.,ce i a uts. Wben titie e sa the loan cau be completed and mni cl ver in, Tmn DaII8. iWÂNTED T HÂSP, GOOD' convoyant refnlypr ed. Office BI iv's Block, Port erry. Respecf Ynrs,ý OMNIBUS-Es TO AND PROM'ALL RAILWAY TRAINS! PARES. To -nadtram G.T.11. Station......20c. To and tram Whitby,' P. P. & Lindsay . n'y Station...................1. Those conveyanc'ês ire soie and conifort- able, ana lu chaerge cf careful drivers.' Al baggage1 cheeketi ana carefully looketi afjrr. LOUIS BEBBET, Whtty. F b., 879. Preprietor. AUOTýIÃ"N SALES- 1 T BEG te return my sincere thanlis. te, the XL pblic orthe Tory' ithoral' patronage bén,ato aýpon nie, iin' hé poli, 'atu inttmate that I yul le oirlinui ready ta conncanysaetatI nboy ho ntrneteid with Tonalbr] Satisfaction guan. Mir sale lhock yul ho efouna t Ithe Ontario HotILWhitby. Arrangementson tacia yot sale, .&c., may hmadewith Mr.=son thelproprictor c .f the Hotel. Mraslmaor toleap attended te. ÂNFIBAES, ý .Auctionour, Whiiby. i~. B. - Sale Boiks andi blank notes furnishoti free. LF rTHE TORONTO Turk-i68h &'Vapor Bath., Theso -batits are -useful lu Rliîwu cItai, 'Neuralgia, , o ycolais, ce.settaa, llronehitia,£:: , 5ib jem ila floniation. Bhionanes, F e i~d for Sanitary pnrpoes. The vapor7bathaarc partiunlaily tq plits- hie te al ýSküia tcasoespecjaily Sypiien it la nov nniversaly concodeti that bath- the Tilrkloh afitiVapor0j -Bth$ arelthe, Lest presorvatives of healtir witbl4 tho redcb aif mzeial experts ant in ucampunctian with niedical treatucent the ýpatient la more rap. ldly 'ai succsatnuy treateti. .1'atronizeti througbcnt the Wor41 front rcyalty, dcvii to the peoreat rmai11 Tites Toricisbh.ht are the only oces in ýIhe»CitY cf -Trnto.- tram the boit niedical anti sanitary autbori- IIODS-icltleNn,7 te 88 a.ni., lita* Op.m.Baturayunil p.ni. Ladita, 10 a.mi. te61.810 p.min PIIICES-Tnr-ish liathi, coeticket,1 12 tickets, $10. Valior Bath,600 eacit 12 tickets. e5. 2338(QUEEN4bT. IVE 8Tý Skiital anti attentive miale and feuilis attendants.1 j.J. 5 DAMOND, M.D.' Valuale R8I Eiateat INiTEE TOWNSHIP 0F BEACH;1- Offiee-Devernro Block, nOZeET TO LEND-Pri, in sumo up t 1&0M, nta 1ai -fLATz DueGcty & Bom ARITERS-AT-LAW, tct'r, " ya, Sebteiters, Cou-c- treot, OFFICE.-In Victoria CI -9, Victoria Street. .J.G. Eameox.a.Hz u n ' -~A2RR2STEAT:LAW [i-- in Chancery and ieove I - .au~~ýscer, &c. Office--Deverili'aiISreWibOt i8t- G. YOUNG SMITH, 1 DAEBISBE,'&o., &c.-Mo ..>Issutorof Marriage Licea OMCEx-Over Domuiion Ban Tan. 22,1878. - CAMKERON b APPE H IECTOR CMOANN, Q,.' <ilffl I E I.GUNN, M. -Q¶URGEON TO THE COUX, L -Byron Street, Whitby. Dr. W. J. nURim nealdence-cone&auoual CI teayl-arner of Byrou anti M -1YJRON FIELD, M. DHIYSICI&N, SURGEONT, &u X_ Crek. WmMCEINj* ,M j'_UYS H]OSPITAL, LONDO ohe eR. O. IH. UL'Oaw Dit. BOGÂNT;-ý iPhYlclun, Surgeon, Accoucher, iWliitby, Sept. 801h, 1874. WN. ADAMç _IO-M 1VI~1T. rHV I3Ae 1.80 tS6,-.M. EBe -lnc~o ýant i hbert atreelo. neCr C, XN VARS, L. D. rTEETE inaerted or Ring teeOhaa JOHEN RODINxSONCs SÂaon, Br St., Wit _AGET FO MIECELER A SGE ottiGant. tMarbl of Jonathan Wallenden,Dtmcas S., BL4K~xITi, -BROUÉ (Successor ta Thcomas Mitian Ilorne uhoeing adnti ids0 -wcrk..- ~ knac OFFIICIAL- ASG la OFFICE~ OPPOSITE THE I Hlotel, 13roek-St., Whith7. WtibMatch 26tc, 1879. _Clerk Di V18101 Court, Tp;4- - <ottmiaalouar in B.11R,LantiAgen ke., Atherly, oynaio.~ 'Atherl, Stlyt. 2uti, 1872,. - W . J. RINMÂN, ol, N BI 1

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