Whitby Chronicle, 11 Sep 1879, p. 3

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Unquestionably ahed",.f anything we have before shown, forr VAR1ETY, ELEGAN4OE, 'STkLE,' Good Taste, and Che4p,. DEYONDCoOMPÂRISEON. On: sud- 'Miline ODD FEi NEW- Droes NEW Black~ NEW Gloves NÉTable Linens, Table Couers, Napkino, Towels aud-Irowen NEW Offe~s-g'bige tok. ýat.Faotkry Prie. NEW .TWOMde-thle fenest stoecii the County to select from. ' IV Clotliing Departpent, ahead of, Ml for:ti troôd~Wewk ferto-day, Miss. > resh -an fra will be pleased toF M LY G O RIS any orders, st the F M L ,R-S ýery Depaitment - .o;~ The unleroi&,ned bgving purohased the Goe~ tsns "LLO ws'.HA ="ofMclegs. Hamrlton&e-rroïc , t ù>g nAde lthe .' oerTbusinces, a gpcaty, is abo. ýsupply tewanis of tir public in eve r.tst it «eufY tdoudý«eoat b~quali e J Setb, Pt. 4thlEWD8~. O0 F. ~~~f- Pashilonable !DY Ode & Clothklg .usî I DOMJNÏON NEW, ADVERTISEMEN EXEOUTORS' SALI T IEE EXECUTOR of tire late Sawy. r will cUier for sale by ri AMtionaitirse GlobeRHali-ln tire Vi ai Brooklilnon- FrldayIthe Third Day ofOctoberNi AT rets noua 7oNZoesP. i. Tire folloiawg Rai Estate, be n55 ec hiro No~iirth bau i lot Na. 2, in t*rcocofteTawnship af Witby. Tire land fis aniclesxeTi except8 acroi e gcad ùstaeof costivatien, wltir a os bouse anti young ociard aitiatet wit abauti twoenýlit i4$ tie YV 0 09aiBroc) *Tire Vesidor reseryes tire rlgit ta sen, virilu lnblock on in parculs. Frptiuaaply ta the undenei or ta B, Ormsaton Eq,, Ventian' s olici --Wiritby. , '79. 885 myntle, Sept, loth rTs. ,E1 Public mage lext, eres, tie SrE Y3o ton. COVNT OTV I O 8 huo rorby gît COURT 0F ASSIZ-E, Nul PiÉ riaOyantiTerminer, satp eu I 0%laIDlliver wil] ire belti in anti for t Countyai ount la-thesCOURT HOU: lu tire TOWN 0F WHITB') TUESDAY. OCT. 2184, 187 At tire heanai112 o'clock, naon, cfivirîci ail Cconers, Justices ai tire Peace, anti ail ailiers eoncornod, vil take notice aud 50v. onu thOireelves accordingl>'. - XBLSON G. RBYNOLDS, Sirieoffsciice, Wiit. Sirif Ca. Ontario. b>', Septeinirr lOtir'79. l-oin sTIZAYED.-From tire remises ai Mn JohT aylr t h 'Z rd, Town ai ant, as yul leadt ta br rovery vilire litebi>' rewarOed. JOHN TAYLOR. S TRAYED fItcm tira roolOance ai Mn. 3Gesonge SmithrNorthr Ward, Tc"ofa Wiitby, cFi ialdank roti nilsy ccv, aant ires years aId. parties iving sucýIr nior- nîtinon te Geai- o Omtir as oaltiaOsate ber rccavex>' ' sui utaily row&nded, AUCTION SALE, -OF- REALESTATE,ý IN PICKERING. T IIEi TRUSTRES GOF TUE UNDER. lu eqtioned rapcrty, liereby give no. tics that t hers will ire seld b Public Auc tion, at CUTIIBERTS HoT EL, Dirifins' Creek, an Ti iTVSDA Y, Ilte second Day of Oc- tober, 187.9, t tire honi of one'clock lu tire aiternoon. by Leil Fairbanks Auctioncer, THE *NANSE PIROPEaTY aoflire St. Andrew's Congregation of tire Presiryterian Circhinl Canada, at Dut. flin sâtekconisîîng cf 2ô acres ai lentd maore or Isu, belng art of lot No. la, lu tire lot conceesion ai tire Township aof icker. tutire propcerty iea gcad brick ircuse, alo gooti axit and stable, Wall watered, Ver particnlars suqutre af Angus McKay, lik1on tirh 1iuss illtMS.1 1,4 a iec ale. balance pu tiresttpurciraser, soeured, Lt> Mort. 0,w uhitertaet 7 per cent payable Tihis uoïlleIogivcn pursuant to Ciraptex 216 ci the ReViseti Statutes ai Outario, lu. ttld«An Ad rcspsdtiugth rptyo Rieligions Iistitutions" iePoprya For tire Trusteese.- J. B. DOW, LFAIR1BANKS, Solicitor, Anctioneer, Wlitby, Sep. Bmd, 1870. 41n-87 1p)URSUANT TO CHAPTER 107- OF .L the reviocti statutse afOntario eititl. et, "An Act respetng Trusetees andi Execu- tors," ti18crditorel Of tire estate of John le4wcftt, late of tire Townuhip of Pickering, litire Cannty of (Ontario, Yeoman, tieceas ed,1 are irereir eqired te ortindparticulars ai tiroir dlaimo,,(lu Y veiieti, ta W. H. Bii. linge, Wiitby, ou or befoxe tire l9th Day of October, next. Solciter for George Leag anti William For- rester, tire exccutors of thre ad estate, and tirat imecdiatcly alter tuat date,-tire silO Lirrecutore viii Irorec te itdstribute tire as- Rets of the muid tieccueet, amongit t't tarte cutitioi tireo, having regard te tt ciiun)» ofhicir- tirasaiti Executora bvunt ujaj W. 1l.-BILLInlGS, Wlritby, Slolicitor for tire siO Executoris. Dated titis 18t day ai Sept., 1879. 87-tO EXECUTORS' SALE BU XECTOR OFTEE LATE T ?Ob CambellWillofor for sale by Public AuctIon aetirhe GLOBE HOTEL iu thre Vil age ai Brooklil, on Tucaidayo 23rd- Day of Se- tember, next,- - et eoue 'tlock la tire aiternocn, tire follow. t4nalable property, viz PIBST. andreti acres, bilng sautir hallalf lot twenty.ftonr lantire sovontir con- Cesbion ai tire townshl, ai Wiitby. This in agood fela ,weill atered vitir a livlug streamîîulit ;oî5 tatoa0 cultiva. tloee; tire l'utedtngs are aise, goati, anu witir. lsa 11e0asd A ll nil('% cf titi Broaklo Sts. ten01thtiiW. 1P. 1'. .&.L, Itatway. SECOND. Otto lialitacre on theaîsoni@de 01i Baldwin sîrcet. lu tue village ci Brook. ln, nantir of tire Pont Orns. TIR.Tr&oyares af tire sauth wOàtý ("Orner ofl1.r. d- ta D. teintoo orL tosooop Irine niavoreci Iresh -Teas, at rqduced.prices. R&wpp~4Refined SUGARS, e.tt a low fiure, Full Lines of a1l'articles that dau be enquired 'for,. FAiiiy use. - CRINA Ca M E TS Beautfu1~'~tau&-r.sGia~ eyeep ada xe for A. ..1D1N)OVELTIES IN DRESS,,-GOODS& MILLJNERY, wAR E~XW~"5r. ER OMSl a-O O D S I Low Prîces !, tby. Of41 l b .choice Family Tea to every purchtier of a 86tW of Pishes, or its equivalent ini Crock. ery, and Glassware, a large stock on hand selling at reduoed Prices.1 GLASS WARE-A largo stock on hand, selling -at re-' duced Pricas, A fine lime of New Season TEAS, at prices suitable to the tinuos, A complete stock of echoice Famuîly Grocerefei n OHEÂF.p ; i,- esan Batty's Pickles and Sauces, Wooden ware, Pails and l3rooms. Ca Pleeise ask for the trinçoss Louise Baking Powder, il je takfingth tue mof ail otiiers.- For seale ouly by .sLMOil- )everell's Block, Brook Street N. B.-Farmer's Produce taken in exchange. Millinery, 80tb SEMI-ANNUAL STATE MENT -OP THE- TR AVTELE R S. Re Lo lu Le Prd Bai AT LOWEST FIGURES. Leave, Orders at KI1N G i4B RO8 !avlaq umade arrangements wltl tire Coal Minlng Coa. at tirepît, we are lu a _position ta snply the trade as well as 1111 ail order. for Private use, at fawest rates. Supplied at the Harbor ar delivered. te Special inducemients te parties in the Trade. Partios alanq thre Line af tire Witby, Part Pe"r & Lindsay Bsilway caui ie sop. plied direct, witirant extra charge, under apecial arrangements made witi tire lRal- way Comrpany, by KING jBROTHERS. telTwa Carters constAtîy antireraad To eý,t or for Sale. tge . cc; L TED FOR ýSk 0 15, a 11, To a ouitable- ant onable terme will ire gven y Impro eut noces. sary wilI ba wed. Apply ta HENRY HOWE Whlt , Angust lpth, '709 1in4 MOFbTGAGE SALEI -OF- Valuable F arin Pr erty, IN TEE, Tov ýship of orah, INTUXE COUNT 0F NTARIO. UT NDEE TIE OPtE O>' SALE CON- Utatued in u1ace Me n gag~e ta tireVendors hIicir velu b.o0pro t tho lime of sale, ant iun ,~pm 0 ow Il tefauui his iron mate. 'aai-avili ,a bly z.Donald Rose, HAMILT HOUSE, IN VILLAGE o AVERTOY, In tireCOU 0O NTAIO on TIEDÀNESD ,lite 17th Day f Scpîi.n cr, A. D.. 1879. at he ire ufanpu, tirefoU ing auabilo fai-ni pript'nrty 1r Tire sontis ff lot number ostî tire ey-ý surir conuss 0cfireTovnsilp Tiri-irIn tire Count>' a Ontao, cnaninn iuneirot aoces mono lces, Tuýs fa as advantagotsnsrv s i n sAta Poe oie& Dress-mnak iig IDCWELL NEW 1DVER'F1SEME'N'I'S. R.'H. JÂMESON CLARETS--WINE. - ~en@eesi~ PliOTO QTAAPH'IC buüton a A ND FRiAIXFi)DE P wT. Special inducemenats to hIeads ot fa- -ou 'do milles, during the sunimer months.> aànfies cbn'sisting o four persolns, and upwards, by ordering oný dozen photos. fronont eaoh, will be presenteâd with a -beautiftil photograph group -TMa b of the family, -full size, 9for £ramning. isane Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices, t6 'Pur suieth e times,analp> ~-OILREA.SPEOIALTY. Fr&Ming in al its branches, at prices wvhioh defy competiin Agents for Canada Stained Glass Works. Cail and see edst saniples. LYON BROS., a WILKISON'S BLOCK, - BROOK-ST., 'WHTBY. L-. L . a -1 .- - -- Are, THITH, clearing ont tircir oùgircker ým A "'X c 13 Cruse'and Fils Freres BORDEAUX.1 Médoc, St. Julien, 80,888.00 ORNE HIGHLAND WHISKREY. in Wood. c-000--- Q7~G.H.Munn & Co's. Champagne --000 -- Molson's and C.arling's Aie and Porter -j0T-- O'KEEFE & CO'S., LAGER sote They are also Chridren's UNDERC MILLINEBY, m Brook. et.,-'Whi'tby. 1879:» STOVES-.' COOKING, with heavy furniture, complete, at .- R -HATOR&BIO OTES, SToVErs!and ew Pae, heap, at HATOR & BO CUTLDIEYS CdgeS, auid ote a o fr cshea, oati excang fr wodor arersPrdu II ATCH & BIRO. CHA ILEN'S CaBS-Fnd lel at s o ah rw excragefo wodorFames rouc, ATH & BIbO. GàutOAOil-Whonises land Ilti, &,at« HATCH & BIb.i PACINOjîs, Varnishs lasxtt,&nd ote& BRO Buy the best and buy no. other, And. only buy from Ratai & Brother. I:a Do not forget the addiress, HATOH & BRO., Import ers Hardware, Wiritby, c 4. $1 00O-PER POZEN. R. H. JAMESON'S. Wiritby, July 8Oth, 1879. 1833 Established 1833 ýFURNITURE,. '%OHOOL BOOK Subscriber lias a large stock of tire Sehool Books used in SCmmo INS Oh Cools and well- th.e High and 1 s MAL KINDS10F SMOHOOL. -- Tncluding Slates, Inks, Note Books, DrawngPapers, All re arkd attheLowsCopy Boos, Pencils, Pens, Foolsoaps,, GE.B. YIJLE, Express Office, Brock-Street, Whuitby. ~not 213th, 1879. U'R N S6 WEUINS, craetxor rrgniar habits, ron- cuis A aeor Orr C Congestion 0ols Lungo, even lu tire Most alarmlng stages. It cures Astirma Lasso!1 Voix., Neursi St. Vitas Dance, ï4ileptio Pi.e, Wr houir"NrvouaeS>se a aama odr fnl atinit atrrremaiti u sann Auedies a o f go0aeffeats la fnnd by FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP 0F HYPOPIfOSPHITES, anti voare slein sayirip, tram a long ex. perienc lun medecins, ils vintues are hot j.oseeetanohrcombnhauon, as tire IT Id ACCEPTABLE to palate anti stauacir. .SUFFICIENTLY POTENT ta insane tde. cided ienefil, Yet irarmles, irovsoever long itOjsa nia> héecontniueti. Tta ciraracter- lotie 8006 an other roinei>. IA5ISDIGE 5cTioN anti aseinia. IT VITALIZF.5 THE BLO)OD, supply- ingsUciredionts asnaây ire requnea. 'IT BES37 ¶ES TOXE te tire nenyes .IT GIVES POWER cof endunrance anti ai conrentration ta tiresuint. IT PROMOTEs vIGOR in tire ergans'- wicir depenti for health an thir launtasy inuacalar action, via. : tire Liver Lurigs, Heant Stousacir ad Genitals. Ând uniss afflictei vitrnoms dissse lu- volVing ssoLuT OisaiIeC osLOS, i in ul us tain tireestem ntil Il reaches tre aljo ai- lotte t a ran b>'ieneflient creatar, NO PERSON viii ie diuappainted lu tI,e eiffectaf PELLOWS YOPHOSPHTES, vihr lgdy foliow tire directions. Tire expeiments wvircirprefoctedti Iis prepasation accuyie t nan> ninths, antd vere instiluteti vith a viev of aarirg igrt lusitiiousltisease, TUBERCULAX CONSUMPTICiN. and in order to su 1>' thre deticienies in Hyaioapites aain luuse; efoer, al- tiaugirtirohir nature vas correct auto thse- or-r, lirir proparallons vere, oving ta temi inipentect organization, foani wanting in practice. Wile tirey canared tire formation ai fat andi generaltrea ët lte>' tidt i l prave lte ilooti.Tire LM ffect Upan tir nervos anti muscles vas aircnmseriire anM ovirig ta tiroir diluteti state, : uvclving doses ohet wexresWso toc, expansive. %es ende0a ou tb>' Mx. Peiovs, A-convenient, palatable rosucdy; 'Unalteraule b>' ime; Harmlese, hongir umoti cntinuouslj yet migirt ire dseontlnuesi at an>' lime vîdiout. an>' iii affect; Wirich voniiInuaean appelite -Strengtiran digestion; Promota assimilation - Oreate healhr bloc&i; Strengliren lire norves sud muscles-; Enable tire subject ta suocessfnlly com- bat diseuse;, Anti safficienti>' econamlcal forail. AU ois irast bien lndleptably attsinod. Tire sacces aitire work lu complote ; anti Fellava' Hypophaspsities stands. inremail esuongattlir-remedies for cirrania arganie tiieassossssiigpropertiedf ta vicirno aireri Melc inea asqe v exr asop i ro ABSTRACT EFFECTS. In tire Cpunty 01 Ontarlo. U TNDER AND BY VIRTUE 0F A Upaver ai sale, contalueti in a certain suanrtgag,vllci Winl b. prodaceti et tire tiare otysale, ont upon viricirdefeuit iras been madie, tireo ib. oiti b>'Public Auction, at BAV5 HROTEL, ln tire Towni of Whitby, on SA TU<DA Y, tite 271/t Day of Sep- tcmbcr, A. D., 1879. at tire han oI 2 p.=,, tire follovlng valuable liraprt - via: Tireh antirlquarter ai lot numirer cigirt, lu tire secondi concession of threTowni. 1 irip ai Recels, lu tirsCoant> ai Ontario, containing b>'atimesaremeut it>' acres, ire tire sama moneoranlose. Tire terma andt onditlons on virici tire properT wM e viilg ire matie kriovn athi-01eissold, ofartirer srtculars app>'tea Jus. G. ,elY, 51alo;Levi Faibnks, Auctianeex, or talire antiex- J. B. DOW, Veudlors' Solicitor, 87-tf Deverells Block, Witby. ST BÂÀY BD.- Carne into tire premises of tire subscriber, lot No. 16, ln tire 2ncl con.* cf Pickerlnga Sorrel Mare, wtir wirite star on foreiread. The awner-is reqnested ta prave property, Pay expenses, snd talce ber w Pickerlng>Sept, n d, 1879. 8n87 AUCTION SALE r0F VIL AGE PROP RTY. -DURSU T TO TIE P WBR Op -IL sale,c tainedlin a 'ce inMartgage dated tireT nty.flftirdayo etobor, 187, antd maode by rali Ann M of Witevale, -ni Ira Marr, er irnsb , tirere will bir solO by Pubie etion aomas Pencirer, A uc0t ioneer a21 , t T3L P'S HOTEL, tri tire VILLIG EVALE, intire Cout On rio, on Tttrsdlay, .,t & r Y of Sep., 1879, at one -o'lock lui e iiternoon. 'Threc eilitirs af anacre af d, ln tire Village ai hitevaie, in the C of Ontario, beirig village lot No. Il, t eset iraifai No. 12 an tire South sii-cf un -treet, in tire On tire said 1 tan s a large rouçh. cast frame hanse antaini 9 rooms, wrtir back-kitcheari waadsirdand under. nleatirtire main ing a cd onocellar. Tire land ià wo lenedwita goôd boardi fence. Tenpurco 1 hepurrcliu oney in to rbe pai owu tireVendior or's Solicitor, a t the-timo o0 a0eandth.tire ce wjtin an.- mothrt ater,, WIit oret o If tirepunch or profers, two tir cftiora pnrcirase im oy may reamain i anm gage atten per t. for tarses ycars.2m For u rrparticulars anti cnditisai otheappI tio Vendcs Soliitors, ta tiect neer, Thsep rj willl ie offered. subject a Tire tie ls belleved ta be ga, ibnt thire purcir muet searcir the titi, et iris cwn exPen . Tire Ventior WMl net ire bonnd to produce titis dees, evidences cf titi., or abstracts, or copies tirereaf, or ta vorify thse titis as sirewn un tire Rogistry Office. OÂMERON L& OASWELL, Ventior's Solicitors. 01 Ring St. East, Tarante, Datod lotir Angust, 1879. 86-tà cÇÀU TI10N. LIME -JUICE. Tire publie la ceutioneti agalust purchasg. ing Line Juice anti its preparations, MSnay cf which ccnslst of moot duletersans Mâx. à ture#, anti are bing cflered b tire vendars à sas substitut«s for the genslno iue Fieuit seratimpuitur Jureusud anilsprepa-, tiens, tir, ublic fi. roqustedti e. tirait e overy bott n rbasai iras tlir etoai CaOpsun le t ho Trado, Mark cf lire MaraCo. onftaà% WOU as on tire label, nous cth« ast <&s,..t.i AsEe cal estate, - - si an hanti ant inubaril, jans on bond anti mortgage on roal estale . . ateneet on loans, accrueti but ualt dno, - - . sans on colluteral secnnlty, sferred iLfé premlnms,.- an Mile Folicbes, - - rîiteti States Government bonds, - - tte anti municipal bande, ,afroid stocks anti bondis, aux anti Insurerice stocks, Roserve, four par cent., Mie Departruent, - . 82,972,5U.69 Reservo, for rei-Iisuace, Ac- F- ient Dopartent - 21808 Clalme anadjasteti anâ sot 21868 tino, anti aU aIrer liabii. ties, - - - 144,600.10 as regards Policy- tiers, - - 0192579107.38 csisuics for thres ear 1878. LIFE DEPARTKENT. Nani r oaifei.Polices vrlt-. te in 1878,' - - 1-'U80 Wirole nmbex Lie Folierys wrltlen tladite .- - 30,207 Wirole number of Lii. Poli-. clos in force, - 11,207 Amoirnt Mie Insurance in - - "018,307,65.00 Total r .'su paid inluLife t $1,271,137.86 C>E £NE T nEPABTUENT. Nu f cldent FolRcies vnttet 1878 - - 43,118 Cash Pro sus reoeiveti for same - - - 0775,582.51 Gaiin luF àis ver 1877, 056.587.69 WirolsnsurAcidont Poli. NnrnberAaoitienrt oî aid 1~S in 1878, - - pait 0 Arnourit Accident dlaims pali Iu 1878, . - 0284,343.23 Whole number Accident Cliiss paiti - - 33,049 Whole aniannt accident Claima paiti, - 03,041,951.94 Total Losses patti, botir Do- partmenîs. 04,318,08t9.80 JAS. G. EATTBESOY, Prousient. G. F. DAVIS, Vice-Prosldent. EODNEY DENNIS Secretary* -JOHN E. MOknusAssistant Sewry. GEO]RGE LLIS, Actuar>'. Evvezn V. FnrereSa 0of Aenclos. J. P. DÂvis, Mif» MdidExaminai-f J. B. LeMàb,urg~onandhdului- C. F. RUSSELL, Agent, Prov. Ont. Office, 88 Adilasis, East, Torcnto. 8517,f0l.87 127,9U4,69 2,256,198.18 58,178.98 -22,100.00 51,272,52 W,756,12 488,420.00 C. &OTJRUE, Agent, - - Wirllby. Imperiahable Fragrande. Thr iciresi, moot ýýwlaUtig yot Most de. .licaleofallporues - . fax use on tire Uaendkherchict, at-te Toîlel andtinutire slck roxu, releves eelnees, fatigue, pros. tration, nervoninees antra sisoire., Look oat for conterfeits, ulways ms& for tire- Flerda Water propoaedb>' tire ulepro- pietors, Memsr. Lansuan &LXmsp, Nev Le' For sale b>' Perfamers, Drnggiosu anti Fancy Gootis Dealens FERRY DAVIS & SON LAWRENCE, 99- Agente, MONTBEALr For sala b>' T. G. WiriteiI, Ciremi-t, Cheaper than ever, at 1fl8 new 8dore fil c ui Celcirratd FLorida 1 ai oeparcei, Th proalz OAL!1 00AJ Fendmr, thiri 0 ,a.e cf tirepur-. OBEN HLNDRBD TONS Stove mil .frasiltir -da 0 Nut Coal, quntA1-wfuce.d Wt'Pflcet, :* fer sl. chsap far0riCsaPccerigHr reud o m rt- licppta W. C. àAillsoliepoal s fo 7@the ey f M rkei o J, . EL MuLIîAe.ý Om a;din iThbe, smort-__ :-e FARM TO RENT. - 4'.4 ýamyd= OMPO8ED O09100 AORES B19ING ttetin tiar %~.J part of Lot Na. 4t ithre 4à; cances. sions tof ofli iu iPicerinig, 8ve mies trom lire tawu lto'beusnloLato c01 Vbeuzv, undsr Oa00auto of cultiva- o f the pt of tion, ffl *stse d, buidagn snf rie,.undersignedin returning tianks to tire publie for 'tire fiberqI patronage exiiended to him, begs o, ate that hra.ig reinoved bo is: canumodious new prexuises, ira is now in a better position tiran evar stockpof y mm ilutirira vr. dsm st' evetock of Furiturbe lem o nbics ino ananemeets, wl clverthing teit ar e cll o in irios l t-ina suda eaintonw U NDE-RTAKING. Funerals fully supplied. WM. 1ILL. SIGN 0F THE GOLDEN PEN.1 -TH-E MONOPOLY BR'OKEN! A *FULL -LINE OFe AT* REDUCED PRICE S. Everything- in the Way of Booka, 'Sta- tionery, and Fancy Gooda, at remarkably low prices. Five quires, of Note- Papèr, iunemat wrapper for 15 cents. Ail otner goods equally.oheap. A Mui SeIeotion of Cabiuét Frames at reduced prie 'es. U -- Walche," ($cks, and Jewellery, Ilepaired In rsùt-dlals. style, at moderate unlies. Ail workl orde ÂnE w M. BWiO sTIb eETfr, 0dysA CS Wll eis' ýeli fBors30ndayhosA OT omens' riell Boots and Shoes", Misses' Febble Boots and Sioes, Misses' Kid Boots and Shoes. A New and well Seleéted Stock. Cali and exam1n. ]R& 1- member tie wiole is offered at coat, COME-AND-SEE Ueo!1 AND BUY OH1EA?. CONFE IONER Y, oal Kinds, A. .YA OOD, Hsving bouglit the bu * ess Mr. J. G. McDougsll,.Brock Street, Whitby, is now prep supply everything ini th e iOf Cn- fections, aitihe very Loweet p R e keepe on hand, 'the best 8tok mnade of muÉerior material, os Competition. He will alwa s bc prepared to supply Supper a Wa parties, at tire-vory Ioweefrrates. CAKES & BBAD, be su Wed as. heretofore. AÂcaIlamd trial he feel tsfied, airm a paying trade, ana at the fmre Urne lwM psy mers. PIPES, CIGA2BS d TOBÂCCOS, o he besi brand, oirealp &HI~ i kiz , ana eeasonable, kept baud, and will bc sold at Atastonishing Next to Hamilton & HrrTc,wer's Dry Gootis Sore, Brook-stre, whi t Good News for the Pub//cI IS GIVING A BO-NUS &Tailorin*g. to & cO~ Hart4ford, Conu., Januo-y I11879.1 Nlortgage -S al1e, C OA L VALUABLE' FAR M, 1Fresh from the Mine t- Margauxe, &C. em. -SC HO 0 L K s 9 FURNITURE, ROM" 1- 1 1. .1 1 -1 I.- 1 1 1 ir Il 1 AR,ý $ET S MO: OC). 1879, BRO. - ýu£q9W4J ýRye Whiskey, 1 guaranteed 5 Summer 1 S'a 1 B. H. JAMESON'S. 1 Whitby, July 80th, 1819. guet 26th, 1879. Ç7- MURRAY& LANMANS Waier. 1

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