Whitby Chronicle, 18 Sep 1879, p. 3

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p L- d8cau'nt B(o Ç T 'OR ONE MON. T 0h ontorners arc ivit. 4tQ eAU and exan, ihi setSk,ç~j oth qst icoArand take a note of lt.h"iIdat satlsfr lhemaeîves U te wbere lIhey Caà get theb bt Bargaing, for I'y, boots wairautèe to Wear-. Boots as oheup as ea y . VOfl s&tend itholt a tsar F or lad!.pg, gente, aaeî lh Any wOatho', anywhr- F i t for oit ,or thewo- In 114a A'btat oan'Lbbe wat eltewhare0 Alilahoulavs ar iêoti 88 ~ ~ B UUOi *Bythe bout.,Aai bla& rosI. Co0mû,on aarTmii efll ,,afha aî a - lgbt kind from yorobige a ul 'S tmeb OOii2 di b EW ADYERTISE ENTE .TH ODDFELLOW'8 ,fHT8,STRAY ?I21 -do yonr shopping, and thoreb 1N- TANIO TEN IEATRÉ., lh 0a mmnd at caseo tetake o Pt'n FUL 'MA & CO'S.z t Demôotration liko loyal cana- dians.Grea~t Lo on onfederatior Prosantjag for t fi t tans, ostoldo of th, _______________________________pricipal çittes ana NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B'lia ï asaXgnîgde5 THE WORLO-FAM10 Mia TRICK pANTO- PTPONEM.,NTI - HTJMP DlPTY, TH _HIIT0IO F TUE: withsthe Enti Great 0 tuai Eure. Cohinty Agrlcultw'aI Soc/ety lu the a t01.Chirs ru 00tîy Oa -Y t au onsmodi. -OF~.Uly Seated Portable c opied Theastreo Ir Er. SOUT QlqT àIOJ- 1 ected, SO T NT RI , viVd Wi anImnease stage, lore jî f bnea A 1200 roqust rthe.m Frfday gnd S day, the l9th and 4hat _ U ton of TUE MA TERPILectE 0F MORUS 201b of 8ept lier, 1879. At.dmore tthon camPônsating for tise ab - TflE MAeQUI 0F L01RN 'hîbrtfT eul abet rt ï'-AND- and auaoossfuj of PantosotifPlo lya. -PI 1 N3CE S S L UISE Iite operad gIUon C"aoe e ~ n hibyantie bg i ut wthonî an>- Xtra charga whatayer, 'Saturday, the 20th,1879. H MLO ' J., 1. 0WDEN,. C. NO SB û' Gigantia Chtesio Gyninasinin and Preffident. Sec îaýy. Mirthfu inireqrl'anioCrut Wlitýy, Sept. 8tt, 1879. TUIE MOBT DIS rUSH, rj m.Horseg&oMeeulnesoç liyofcaallalPu8, i8 cl'ck onsa itnrday marning. Tile Most iVoaadluifay o>tc, Dog-Arcîscs El,. -liXhîî,ted Assywhero. THE' GHTY M LE EEALTA, wiso oui other iunodjile foots af Sasu- saon nt0 PE nT UG p IJNDCAN- NO ELIR1 n li R 8HOUL ERS, and TOWNSHIP of WIIITBY.aNoao t ot a ton9nsyraomasas or mou. Dili. FR EnER CO 'BRIEN, R QA D N O' I ICE 1I85Tho %oria1'gune dCaplnDul and WILLE Tisaé. et Morvolu ai thse Il>- 1-lTIIl a serlygivustho ~ Tralcezae; 1O0158 and 1PfIELDS, Tise 1ý)UPLIC NTCUlcere ivuthtl,1L a l u IlDuchC dons; l'ie laautil .L the Cosnici ftho Corporation of thea 0'B I~<si TEte Clos1Mrizontal iBar Towvntiblp of Whitby, intendoabatil$ia eeting L , ut. tlY LADS, tise ta La isld lu tise .re6La TOWN lIP ALL ho Pteno 11aiaililyfloisot TOW N HIP ALL A quintette ai un vole cial ianSd er- al Athicclo Artiste and tcalalorsînoidita. IN THE lu additon. VILLAGE 0F BROORLIN, A FilE FEA BRE, ON TR Worthly a F t Mile oliruîcy. P~irft MOD Y of' Norenmbor Nerf Loch D ofa Exhibat in. atone o' dlock lth atis ernaon, 'MdN8 ALLEN'8-T RRIFIC FLI T TO TUE To ppeuàa Dy-Law or By-Lawe, ta close, ca 008 so% ep and shut, tlatIportionocitheocrigin. ON A LOATI <GTIlAI1 E NUS- Iealwance for road botwirt lots numsber PEN DE 3NAI 84 sud li5, liatlthe lot concesion,.aoftheo Townshsip o Wbitlay,yet onsold 'also tisot portiosîof thse original llowance for rood itîate betmwlxt tihe GrtVcl usad snd lotL No. 20, lu (tise rttL <îonconaon is Ctihe 55j 'los fio1s ilt iportion(Ji the Pisialso lligisway, etuato. sudS lying iotu-ooss tus sortit end ofaiMr. Itotscrt lsîssb-lsMiil Dain andthtisoit ruaS lcaiiti frous tise VIl B 1lrookldi, pilot J. f..Iicaclis a Mfijii 7t t Concession lissa i ijas saisi IrslsClerk of thse Towscetcap ofni lLhCI N7 OTCEj S18 IttE]3y GIVE NI TEAT ~tihe psrtershîp leretofore .xisting I bctlvc(îs James Walker sud W. Il. Allema, osicolliers icn tise Towcsohip ofEEsot Wlitiay boaf taon titi; day IZjissolved b>- uuttial con- a sent. Al debtf; dite the lute 0.-m Must bo paid ta JinefWaiker, wlsho il ec"ttls al daims sgoItsttise saiS flm. <SigneS,) 1 JAM4ESWIAL]KEoII f W. If. ALLEblâ. -W. A. WALRI, Witueiii. o( Dile ti "is ld Sept., 1879. liO.inti -0F- FAR-M STOCK<, IMP1LEMNrx8 ,,. T~iUlClUlEut RASItECEIVED Ta ell b>- Pliblia Auction, withanî reserej ai lla prîmîsea, Lot Na. 80, in tisa Otis cou' aaeuaWiltbY, anaOslle West oi A.« haro, on lfFI1A Y, SEPT. 26th, 1879. Tisa liowlng raluabie property, vii: Nust-à Commecetat aoeiok ~ us 0F SALE___ -, Oatop- and agt ii sîsu1t au'dl~i1, a>- Oti tht i jozintecuti il Lu givesa bly lacs-il,- fssrîsliobtsg a (-oeS i 1 Icotd icl il cilleduo.Nine pur cent. et1 for lyhity, sep. 3l" '70L. FAIRB3ANKS VOTEËRS LIST, 1879. Ihniîplii, o u/~ 'Town- al/up OfMA, Colunuiy of Àr uruero mmu get a î onts0th uble servant, MATTHIEW COLLINS. Sl-of lands furTaes ýof te c Oaci the Tow Of f lstb tised fo r reiann nad ttssiis en. coutlsn4ce jeth ie aemean actpr Asse toat ts Vw Had 0a reln WsyonrTUES- o the isre 711,day etCthe el87, he Ote 4i thtona' celokpnts oeos.h as1 Hircel oIsosal r oui ~s 'n Atlos ee ncoaaryIoPtis aont sch 0sas harges lncisrrêd in and ïIHOMAà HUSTON, Trieasoirer Town of Witby. TwTraurer's Office, Fresh WitL>, SOp. Soi, 1879. 4ia-87 p URSUANT TO CHAPTER 107 0F th tiarevisod statutes o! Ontaris entiti- ,Sépt- 4th, 187è,. 'DOMI1NION' WAREho a- o oi s Atastonishing9 Low 'Prices IýZ ixr T.nir o ---ýr v-«W' !000: -« 1 - - 0 Y S T ESNDERsj iuS~S OQDS &MILLIE R.H. JA.MIE8oN'.IMillinery, EXEÇUTORS' SALE!1 T a T rof t lie- le Jhn-b Onftisa Village P rlday lhe Third Day of OctoberNext, AT TES noua OFor 005 P. X. Tise iollowag Real Estate, beini 6 acres, S Port ai tIhe Nortis hait ofilot No. va inthse 8t EIAN -th con, ai tise Townsls.potcisihthyEM-NNA Tigdse ota aicOare eCept 3ac"res, l -TiEnV E aooottaicnltivation, withs a Sm&,SsaAilE M hanse and Young orcisard, situated witin ao ut tw osmle 01tie V gi f r B ain.- OF T E - oo atclr On a & l.o nesindT R A V E L E R S or t o D < ' Ïh u de si ne to Dsu.aOto q.,VeudosSolicitor Wib. GARDNLR WJ!LLS, Hartfard, CoaIs., Janacnp1 18M Exeocter. ASSETS. à Myrtie, Sept. 101h, '79. 88&4in Real estate, $517,204.87 Cash on isandadnd in Louik, - 127,904,6g E Loans on bond and mortga«e .A. ucr I O N S A LE, onuteaestote - . 2,266,103. - 0F - ual due 0 . -. - . 58,1É3.98 Loana On colateral secuirty, 22,100.00 R AL E T TE DeferrdLie preiums, - 51,272.52 5 on Life Policies, - - 60,750,12 IN PICERING, United -States Goverumaent - IN IC3CEING.bonds' - - - 488,420.00 --State and municipal bonds, -259,078.r5î 'PETRUSTERS 0P TEE UNDER. Itailroad stocksansd bonds, 820,838.00 T eoitiocadroperty, veuso. ' Banck aud Insurance stocks, 609,004,00 lois, at CUTliBERT'f3 HO,)IELO Dtiffina' Total Assots, - 8,15453 Creas, 0on LIAIITIBÉ. T DJA Sl ', t/cc S,-,ucl Pu )(y s)foc_ esarva, four par! cent., Liie tbe, 187.9, Departuient, ,... - $2,072,511.59 a--. s t thle hJocr O! ens a'ciock ici the àtterssoon, .by Levi Foirbanca Auctioneer, MI-E MANSE PROPERTY Of tico St. Audrow'a Congsegation of tise fiue' Creekclsuhrchl anCsada, t Dui- more or lois, being port of lot No. lintutise ýst concessionoltsTonhpoPoor Onc tise prsea good brick isouse, PISO g900(lotusud stable, n-ail voteraS. For particuiors enuis-e af Augus MoKa>-, B(1-, on1tisa proumises. TERM -81M attime of sois, balance oL time duo aSit Purcisssor, secured by Mort- og9e, ni intercat at 7 par cent payohie Ï11f yearly. This notice ta given porsuant tu Cisapter Il( of tise RaviseS Sstatictes of Ontario, iu. taleS c"An Act respactcng tise Property of For tise Trustees, J. B1. DOYV, tE IAn Air SBiison )feot iss AllostUdaNo Charg lisSe Or colleation parmitted for tiiSuperi. I tive Sensation. I IAt Once the Groatest sud Choapest Show on Earts Cisildrcn Under 10 Tsars 25 Cents. fuors oPeuntaIDanaanS 7 P.,nM. Cas-tata s-lacs Ps-eetaiy nt 2 oucl8p. m. NO CIRCUS -SUI1ROUNDINGS. a-rm For Sale. sOTIE VES ot lots 341satiX15, 7tis 00Cucaaio Wisitby, c2wO6 acres; ot Ilcesen I accupis 1AIs. Mimne. Sal and buildings de ,Es>- terme ai PaYmcnt. Applilfo ie mode beforo i it Octobor-,1> tender o onal>- ta J L. W, Soi., De s Iiak. 4MIJtY, S e pt. lO ts, '7 9. 3 2i TH E FALL SHOW!1 -0F TEE-- Union Agriculturae sociéty, --0F- Whithy & East Whi'tby, -WILL DE HRLD AT TEE- Dri-ving Park, Oshawa, -- ON- Mhonday and "îe.sda>, sept. -29, 30. T IIlA LIST 0F FIIIZES is iiLèral, <ses Llîsra.cpais-siu). Entri-s lort tio .ioral Hll sasuot bo mado with tisa Socrcstary St las Contrai lM'tel, Ocoioova, hetwscn 9 a. sin. aci 8 ocisssis . 1, Moi Masay, Sept. 201h, r > ail, aodros8cad tatise Saoretas-y, box Adsoonttise gracinda 25cecats. ulidosrndor 12 10 cents. IVW. FAE WELL, JOHN WILLIS, F1resedent. 5ecretary. lepteMber, Otli. 38-81n ),AWES &WATKISJ AUCTI0N"Ea APPltiSS, AND 'enera/ commission Agents ii Office at W. il. McGaw's OGrocer>-. storeE ?ort Ferry. APPLES! APPLES I Viliti;)ti. f LII t can., ,ut/on b7*0 c,v'd 1Thieves I1 NF~1MÀ.ruo~l~scc een given ,tise ialried o .ps-datiaisu su arcis- lau andS-gardei)e 'Id tise Sistrutou ofJ iua iLrua udscub: sy bora. ta 0k1el anditi- itctioi3 nsredo,«l as t c 1 Off ndrs vil ba prcmptiy arsatsad.nd> Paitviti mif1hbisrutytuqe)xjgor n e>f 1h ttls tie e esC,.. . a _ ô__47_0 Awcett, lambact cident cOhms pald lat ie Co n t>of O nta t, Yeo an , e c as-' ln 1878, . 8 284 ,343 .23 oS, as- reb reqoired te 9nS araniara Wisola nimber Accident 13 fthijr ciain alvei- ried,toiW. ii Clinis paiS - 33,0409salse o!linge Wstby, osa or before tie Whoie smos!ut accident C la i n u p i S 5 - 0 3 ,0 4 1 ,0 5 1 .9 4:o : l9th DaY Of Otober, neit. Total Lasos paiS, botis De- o: _ Solicitr for George Leng an william F or- partont. $4.313,089.80 F resh and C heap- tisot immedîstel>- alter that date, tise soiS AS TERONRPesdeT Executors iii prced to distribute tie as-. G. . DAVIS, Vce-Preideu. actfa tiesaid deceased, amongt RODNEY DENNIS SeretaryA M IL Y GR OCERIE S.Ft R tise parties ontitiod tisereta, lissbing regard JOHIN E. MOIIRIS, Assistant Sear". F R t a t ie c ai s ao f viic i t ie sai S E x cu to rs G E O R G E E L L IS , A ua > .- o : have tho notice.EXnWAR V. PRSTONc, Su2't a! Agencios. W. In. 1ILLINGS, J. P. DAvra, M. D:, Mcdtcal Examines-'jeae hateer th ofSet, aiî tby, .,.Lzis]L-,Sureo dduster.s The undersigned asin uchased the Grocery business Chae tane r, t Slit orforeptsentExectorOn.. of Msr.Haatn&Harrower, begs tb announce that having made BE OC2 S I. - V DoteS~~~ thsltCa- 179.7t NOffice, AIsen at, Tas-. a Grooery business a speialty, leie s enabled to supply tire wants of thre C. LUt orfgantSale. WiitbY. public in every departuient, with careffily eeleeted goua of the best quality ACRSWEL AAFTD ORImprishable Fragrance. Fine favored freali Teas, at reduced prices. The undersigned in returning thanks ta ACREandefin d S U AlIS at low figRe. iberal patronage exteded b ni, begs te stte 1 21oopn tisoqk, bsi î f ce15, and4o16 a aailS, hSGRS*a alw iur.Iise a5onmodions nov premie, hirjenov inta bi the ahCpion ckbing o MURRAY& LANMAN'S teb supply ail thir wauli Tasuitabie tenant reasonabîs iseruis Fulli Lmes of ail articles that can 'be enquired for, for »i tc fFriueebae sary viii Le ailowea. Apply ta . s S coe.in e thigtat t rcosa e lw efour i tiie IIENET iIOWRLL. s Florida -C I A S T ovneta h rcsaelweog osi h Wlsttby, Auguat luth, '79 *B1n-35- M ort a g e S a e,* su fo use ~ -Beautiful patterus, selling very cheap, and an extensive U N D E R T A K -0F A - lcate aiallperfuuio f-ily-supplied VALUABL E FA R MtHthelkerclaland in the Next te Hamilton &Harrowor's Dry Gooda'a Store, Brook-street, Wbitby. In lise Coual>- of Ontario. sidk i rolo rel veaisuaes, fatigue, pros- tration, narvoun anud isoadache. LAak ANDD DYN VIRTUE 0F A ont for counterlits, alvayas as for tise SCN O HE G - power O! sais, tontoined i astain pPublic SJGN 0F THE GOL]ep, Ne ImartgageO, viia ilbe prodaced at tise ~eos isr.Lniu&Kup tiase ci sale, anS npou visicisdefanit h F or. atrpeprdb> is osoa'oa 1(8 fr the P bi iseen made, tisere viil be, solS b>- ubla 5 For sle b1 Perfuisera, DNe /01' Audtin, a R±YS HOEL g a tie ansd Fana>- Gooda jDeaers. Dtgis a! Witby, an, PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, » _____ --- - ___ SA2'URDA1Y, the 2711e Day of Sep. 29- Agents, MONTREAL. J&tF Là=&-- feaiber, A. D., 1879. Foarsaie b>- T. G. WitflelS, Cheisema, ttse houx O 2 p ., te foloing viuable ___________________ .G IV IN G A B O N U U I I E O prm rt viz: T I Q EA F U L L fN ElO vaut est quarter ai lot nuniber {oij<> Famnüjy Tea 10 every S C H O O L -B C sigist, in tise second concession of thseTowns. O -l h ehip ai Reaci utise Cauuêy of Ontario, SpC H 0 haser 0 isesa v measorlea. . ' m s urha of a Sett of Dishes, or its eqaivalent lii Crock- Te tms anS Conditions on vici te ery, and Glassware, a large stock *on haild'selling a-t reduced A E U E R C ropotty il ho soiS, viii homaSeow avis -.-c- Prices. ipattuetu o al Forias-tiser fartlonlsrs Cuno suaa *oaOei . Kttl Jt0o ai.G el latre vi YOOTO a Mir 18 tisai isen rc u 00 n n ti- el ,Slcio ' ei T W I Gtt e ( L A SS W A R E --ý4 large stock on hand, elli g ' t E e y h n n t a ' o Igu d. ~ r h~ tse nad r- C O U R T 0F A S SIZ E duc êda e- E v r t h n g i n t é a y o J. 1.51W,* Niai Prins, 0-es- and Terusisaits, and Genar A fine line of New Season TEAS,' at prices suitable tG' tionery, and Fancy Goods, at remarka VonSoresSiitar, ai GaOI Dolivez-yul b. bointaanS for tis; thte imes. 7-h Pveoi'aIlacs, istb. oat> inl tise HUE A complete -stock of'choice Faxnily Groce4riesfresh and Fivper qui-es of ote g Va ~>, TOWN 0F WHITIBY, " Art's Pckles and Sauces, Wooden wr, alsad ap or1 ens ilonrgod 5 0, ~~~N .ht O u w f s . i. . I g f i u 0 1 A -f u l l M I L e l e t i o ii o f C a b i n e t F r a m e s a ~' O A T E ~ - ~ i r ~ ' ~ ~ ~ - - r O O IC W l P l e O - k f o r t e P r i n c e s s . I o ni s e B-k n - ' - - - -" t i aident Departmaent - 21803 Cîirnunaljusted nâ mot 21303 due, aud ail etisarilabili- tigao . . -144,6W.00 Suspis as regarda Poicy. ioders, - .- 0 ,257,107.38 tatalicu for the, Year 1878. L"FI-DEPAlITIENT. Number oi fie 'Polices writ- tn in 1878, - - 1 1,980 Wisole number Lite Policys written to date -- 30,297 Whole number aifLie Poli- cies i force, - - 11,207 Arnt Life Inu-ace lu force, . . . $18,307,550.00 Total cîsimas paiS in Lite Departusst, - $1,271,137.80 ACCIDBNT DEPARTEENT. Number of Accident Policies ritte in 1878 . - 43,118 cah PreuIuma resevea for same - - 755.o G ain in P rem iuo m aove s- 1877, < ,5 7 e Whole nusnber Accident Poi. Dress-mnaki ng & TaiIorng to IDQWEJLL cS~ CQ~ V87I sO .18791 COOKING, With heavY furniture, compl1etè>, at - - ATOU 1& BERO STOVES , STOVES 1 new Patterns, oheap, at- HATOH & BBC OUTLERY-Biodgers, aïid- other makers, oheap, a it * HATOH &BR OHILDREN'S CAB S-Few Ieft a.tcoàst for cash, or wil exohange for wood or Farmers Produce, HEATOE &BIO, COAn OILý-Wh-olesal etÉnd ietail, at HATOR &BRO. Paints, Q'1, VarnishAs, Glass, Putty &o., at BO IIATCH &BO MACHINE OILS-Stock's Extra, and -other ouas. Buy the best and buy no other, And only buy from Jiatol & Brother. I;-s Do not forget the address, HATOH- & BRQ.,' NERYS Impolirtera ardareWiiby, order. W M. BU É NýS, BlROOK STREET, - - WÉITBY, Womens' r Kei Boots and Shes vi Mens' bootlan SoosadSh N E W .Misses' e l oots and ootu, N E A ) -V E R l'I S ENI E N"S e n well Selected Stock. Cal and examine. Re - - ----A Ne andmember -the whole us offered at cost., F 'L ORNE: and LOUISE 1 R I JA0ME0S00N- 19. Visitors and others 'during Fair week, Should eafi on 037TEW ~rCLARETS--WJ NEÉ. )o And witness thé Grand display of New and Stylish Cruise and Fils Freres BOIRDEAUX D1IESS 0OODS, MILLINERy, MANTLES, Orand SHAWLS. .4V3 Medoc, St. Julien, Margaux, &è. îo And Gancral DRY GOODS, at prices tirat will astonisir the oldest as 0well as tIse yosingest inhabitant of this famed county, CLOT IING-The largest and best collection of Tweed LO N H GI A D W EISK Y Mantie aud Uler Cloths ever showu. lPaterns, qisaliy ad prices are L I N H G L N W I K Y rigirt, aud mode te order isn tho best styla. Gentlemen should see our "tuobby" ziarfs, Tues,- Col- lar, Cffa ]raco, o.ltoembr-Bye Whiskey, guaanteed 5 Summer-s 0. F. STEWART, i od Fashionablo Dry Goods Clothing House., UI .H. Munn & Co's,. Champagne. - ]ifolson's and Carlin g's Aie and Porter. ~2-~~O'KEEFE & Co .L AGCKER <vF-z $1 00 PER DOZEN, ~m.R.I H. JAMESON'S. I ai kastrot, oa log es-c, dilisetpatI ed aelvovu rafht edboerta"iuegist Lv 1fr. eiitose ve: -dgetin ýi q e wAtr e P om ve tspa i at a s o uie >- TuRable esb Ues;ýQ üeélfll - rJ-I'I"tJRE], Aasilgiie stntlnneconaIÎian-limeorital] u AU tbis eniaptityaied ;o thépubliefor th Foëstreugl6Pdigstion; :foems amonnew storemPdamoter asaluiiatian; 2hat avim remoe - -Ceat eis>-us bPlooS; hih i ette poitin thu eer ter oUietse -s sud muscles; îVe ITB-Y Rmeses, uable, le snbjcltuesf onbing in- , andan ex-m'm«tion in Asrd scaintyocIouacal foil.vit h ho ime. Idai hs isu eyeidntabl thecra-d tisn;andaceaa isgýerùan n cmpl ta;su , the pulic for the Feloaee l ohspifes stands foitmof that a-vig rerovedthmet tse medItYae for chrnledi Neto G o.Intsuee tsrm ?~~ea sia, n t elr ~pp or to7 10 compaaed oflugredientis indentical .witl, tisase Wiciscouartftuts fleaitis, - illooS, Muscle sud Nerva aond Drain Subsjt.ace, whList Lite itftI isl directiy Sependeut uap-. an some of tisem. Dy> its nion with tise blood and ita affect upen tise nuscles, re.aatablisiig tise 0an ,aud tossing ftise Otler, jie i capable o! ofedt- lag tise ioiwing reaits. Il willd!spIace or was ot tuberculous msatter, sud tans cure ConsusupilIon. D3y îucreaslg < Nervoas aad Mosculor Vigor, ilwM icurs Dypepia, -fiable:aria2- terruptati action ofths eart sud Palîdita-. t'on) Weakness O! Intellect ciaused by grief, worrY# ovartax or irragujar habita, Dram-i chitis, Aciste or Cisronýa Congestion ofai la Lungs, aven itise meut aiarmîsgsstagos. lIt curaï-Asthma, Losa af Voice, Neuraigia St. Vitus Dauce, EPIleptia Fils, Wicoopng fui cijuat taaeinsrrhigdc a onges 111e Sur in g tiedpocnexs i itsrc g An anssdlosycanof g aodaet asfoueS hylwn I dmntae FELLOWACCOPTAL OUND SYRFan l2eei by o0nTLYPucer mblo ite as tise IT 18 ACEPTABLE a teru utslb usema 0 contina. Tsi ccroctY . - lASSIT5 I *E ToI( euiFuila in T IALZES TE ILOOD, Issaîîci>- hn sui uredisults Ba Mayhirequired. - IT ItESTORES TONE ta tise neryas. IT GIV-ES PoWER ci endurance sud ai zanceutratlon ta tse mmnd. ,- IT PEOMOTES VIGin hi ie organe which dîpend for headth ais tise iuvountary miscuior action, rViz. . ho Lfver, Lun Hleart, Stamacs sud Ganitos., g, And sinies a lilta ciitissome disease lu- volviug ASOLEOSToeoiso Lors, it vin sua- tain tise sysluintil il reachstise age SI- lotteS t ano enfcent Cetr NOPEE5OVwn oas- ' nta nthe efeto f I LLWS15.pOlîoispHITES - FELLOWS' HYPOPIOSPHITES INCEPTION. Tise axperimcccits wiil Iiret-ci titisi .crepoacon ocuid mosy niunthos, sud wurainat6 iued wstisaview aifcscrinig tiot TUBERÏCULAR CONSUMPTION. and in ordar to sispply tse defialonclea tin H-po gsPhites alréead4. lnuse; fer, a]- thouelihei naurevascorrect as ta Use- or, their-preparations vol%, owing tb their- imperfeat organlzatlan, basai vwantingi practice. g1On1 While tisey cacied lise formation of fat anS generated heat, the ise ne5flt improve tise bi traw.i ton, isl tse vaste ROKlEN A DI ] - by tsey- ta aIrain - 'ORS, r2 1 u-- a- - /P -WM- TILL. .000: . sz clo- à-% Wornens'Prunella Boots and Shoès, 1833.- le- 1 1 r ti ti 1 L. IE3 q5r; 1 1- 13- IPOWMII.ii«j

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