p-I. Ef l@ordg, Clarko cherch. s Store et the ÇC Partuunslslp-0 s Mc Gvray. roal Tslegriph aas. mnasià ng-airs. A551u Jet 1.5 sel-ec orehl. à soU aIAtBeoup. Priat- slnd God-Ias Joisuston, ltod dinersud uu4 dsr Nl S. Ecierton B& Brou. . W. B. Smilth Bs Co. d sbodu-Do. Morvrus pectacles. AUCTION. SALBO. rdey# Kt1 etls aIl y,"May5ld Farue, n ,k 60o.1 Iran -Bon 's Ho Cou. redit Sale et Farmu Stock, Implemnut ~hescpenty o! Mssi. Iaue squines 0e no, thé W Ue]cou. Pickerlui ïl cl BIad, eniMondsy, Octi. ItI, '9 rbasks, Acetionuen Aie a! Hongo sud Lot aI Bsrctay's Cel a.the propeotfc!the tle asui SAui Isol n qs Satuday, Oct. 111h, 1879. cP-1 e! Parue stock, tsnplemsuto, ths pru y' o! P.Rc ar eney, on Lot No. 1 ,Iu ltecon Tbuc.day, Octobi ,îsh.-. aîba;uAuctioneor. le o! Hiardycod, Su eue sens ots, ou e.t, lu the. lth Con. o! Beach or sday IlCe. lth, 1879-O. Dawes, lnc. 8&16 nt patin stock, impleesauoi,&o. lot No, 9, Broken Frontl, Pickering, eroerty09 M.Eimueci Stephenson riayotlor.1ttI, 180.-L. Fairbis P1 c arin stock, lImpleme ta &o., Xo.N, a t u lth e arof the Pr1 o Uxilrid5sth. co o ! y0 Me. Jan. Mi prà .- ,Oc obr 17h, 1879. Tha I>Os§tPoee sale of Farm stock, lma m.fitu., &o., tbe property of Thotne. Ch ton, on lot No 5, in thie lrd Con. Pleker o11 Mteltiray, Oct. 111h, 187.-L. lairba 11, OU %nks, oIn aple. rig, suit. GlNLY Si 50 PER ANt4UM.- Whhbty, 'fiiir.qday, Oct. 1., 1879. Meetisng or Faîmers. tii lsin ne 1a tise auleenisemeul Wiilui lî earotîinlaet mil veeku CioN- s 10,4 i-ge anîl nojutfible meeting c! fientaeseo! Wliîby sud lickering vasi hînlul al Iay'a Rotoi, n the lovn o! - Wlittty, unu Wednssday. The clair' vas tîkeîs by Mn. J. S. M. Willcox aise Mn, Anulnow Aunus.vas appeinîcul sec- rstary. lui. Briadforde]expiinod tise * oljuet uft*thso meeting, vîiich vs.te fuais larnaliiu' Association, vial lèse] silIc etaIToronto und tbrandhes Sueacî towsip foc' the Iansliing oattise-gr-ain cfilso Procvince, villeut ise Sutertes- unes o!tedullowco. Al graints le l hld1 y tIc Associaion anS uoltaeha 80191 ttiltlIte iiglseslfigure vas ebtala- able. Aleances leuLe i asla te fariner, saniuîg iluir grain antI msquirnug cciasY. Mr. Flinst, lur. Illliday, Mr. * UiortgsuLontg, Mn. J. IL. Loug, Mn. B,, Lil. ['iiwdt- seil odisons yoetise prni lini i pesîkors;. Ilbsuluiens were passeS and eveai rosntaiguseul sadocument uurin Wuvural ails toeiutiou. If fie seluesîse coule] lia carined ent, asniduhit t migi prove heneieial, or a& centl a proeiîon ase Is arss. ButI ils diflculties arc tefueseroix, n lIse vay oetfil. praclienl verting -of asucbeme o! tle tend * IIevvr, lIhe gatlsaring, simd tI iscangc et cpm-. louis ly emaniy plsiie'ulfarmmene vas .slcuiaîed te île gga, d, enS siee tîsis atasu cventa, usaI farmers vers Intelligent anud capable enougîs cof looI- 3 iug afler tlcSc cwn intenenîn. "Loiiaune SOCIETY" for Septemben, Belfords Clark Bs G'e neissule et "Lon- don Soeciety" for Sepiomber lfest -band. Contentu : "My Lady'n Diamendn" (vAlu frcnlisgpi'ee) "On Sing aboSu ne îlt ve]wrd "F'lortuun@maSo in busi-, nesa" (tour clapIers) "D3y tic stnoss";b (vwilssu illunttration) "Disciplince of herV Majulys alip" ; "Club Can.os" (vitîsa tour l[lusimallensi ; "Waike anS tlit km1S Punie"; "A visitlo the Grnde Cîsart-0 sean."; A pcop ai Ccpnubagaas." TIi.t v nombon is a ged ue aud au exact fai gifl s of cflise original., Mai. GLa£N, Mf. P., baS le Isaseten te Rocisesier on Meuday mornie5, aîing receAe'eî a despatois tisaI his faliser vas P dyhng' Mi. icuLa iOINsuN.-TSie anoumne- ment ioado lasI veet au tufi le oîlloiitilmouî oifMn. Chlesa iobiusuiu wa, wuelare on- t,'mnies, et icaut prematuruu. OTT'AWA BONUcS voTISTE TousesuTe O O'TTAWA RÂBAIL .-Tlus city cf Otta- le vs hylav fer 120,000 le aiMil. beTo. ac route anS Ottawa Railvay vas voteSB ueo-on Tucsday Bscoi-nieS ly sainjoniiy IiosaCsgR.- u the douces-t Su Ail v Suents' chancIe scieuhîeuse fil.e von-lu jug, dilese vilA b. cugaged a lange a. Meount of-local talent as WeilIns soes clebcilien froin a distance, Il -villIlle Wolveo-th sîtending. Cemmasences at cilîit e'alocîe. au lt[CU#l'OuueecNeNTicnscuiAPHItaclTE9- Tic Dominien ln. anneunceal a ieduc. lion et 20 par cent, on rate. ou Mouduey Mi mmnnag. The Menti-cal Cempany ins- '01 lui mnedaîly-.iellovee eui. Ten wvedsN ncv oust enly lvcuty cents for mossag. cf cm vithid-tls Province, nstcad 'et 25 ns hessofon,. (Sec adet. of Moulseai DIuC.A vvscseEvPs s'aESCAccu sRose GAa.-Joln .R. Deal#,0eue cf the prie. e * oneru cIergeS vShthlIe kiînappiug et fl "Ms. Jafftrty, aI Teronte, attempted le escape hy eilîlug lise bans o! bis oeil Sas tCtyclpgaol vIée.ho.le confineS. A inùi Sutic oofol f t.héRuesso! Comaions dhamber vas tlmely si-sst- Th cd. bsn $#900. It iSesaie] tle aparî- Be Ment pi-satu a very deusoralired ap- poarauce; lit lisat veule] be uiting BMI. Eppleît adîsrtloss Io nice fans-da, Up residsnces l'o cent. - u *-GaO DCLoThno-Mc, John R. Prias, hy glê las nov su excellent shocko f colhe -suitabîn. for tle season, anS gîsaranteen Betl s'vol-unsd. armont anS a geed fit. Ti, -GOLDSbeisHs U4,LL Is nuoldfor r tiol ~KOI~qvaju 055.-Therelubo Rafesan cusonstratbon aI Ao~sIà y.' Sic' Ridai-il Carl- î.ïMcuunu. Mmà Keoal., Me- i muid ob~e~ns i~ ta, b. ~rep- 17. Le cerc l'3ai 'O ffsve #o'&a ysr, çxFondod only 6500, sud reflaued 10 ic. cant fur th. balance. Cricket WM»vay vs. uasc. The match botwu Ilseso clubg wus play-. ed"t WIitb on Friday lat, resltlug li a vletoIfry b%0jehome club as vil bc seen b thb." sc ornbelow. Ii wvaa .yv cos esgane,0 tau lu aU. Thmer Wecu eue Or Uwo littIio ozwackis li css5uu 155lire.Kmt.sTil, wvo zgfit te maya Z V fUVa n= Ur-u could net Wtatitstrikoe trcketer Iok5 dI n ta e h.awkiulct mnean s inal ls mpor ou 9 slgrather to,, h n o lu fOflthelamp. MHis opttaihitinupu t A 'aI ul n hm an not Postivoiy Indecomous. À basiu ÃŽ. ont th. Incfilent fimn proeeld a conflagra. Humbuig vud n't b. s- bad vay at al fondtng bis wtcket wlth a pipe in lbis moutu tien, . b relue a ?evlnun. Wud nsom Porpo. as§ dmabowlers smoking on the Sidvar US. BRcID0ss>o,, Barriler, (Farewel & Plethin baite, Pa baiupon tli se et sbe4mer I dt-n-, aulledge)and vWHe, arlved aiy home in Profitable of il Ibearr cessunsI? netay bcîer a il bt11. mtcn.ii W,%mda.enn, aller Ibeir Wall, thb-&stolPrmiso, I'm bowld, ne rcce tIblth. friendi of crickttuolongodbhoueymnocn lj, Eglandnand i 101lylv nW hmesau i i- would cametaue. tmltaled. cie Continent. Mr. Ruîledgn vs' tr alnfrhm uvl WHr»Y ITETueN usues. placesit lthe meeting of tIse Town Counc a le &90 is e coorse av*.à v.k or lin Prie., bowld Gouid.................. 8 ou Mondsy nigit. days..Bo bise poor'Muikias il bin GarrmtesatG ibowled gays .... 2 ubu Àe.Th lolft feir-lomu Sunairnial. Tise Queon Bay, à empfield ...... ..... 1dw d'gGdls-e, anst ërfo can~îtGilplu, -11lfmely,bhien d roprosentallven frInminsbr) alaluer ri Tslà SeHlo, bld. Gould .. . il rs of Canada, have heM aouaference or own danghter'u word of mentis tie B,., et Gmllu, bld. Geaulah..i. .~. yel: earde thse peantestate clahmea biolhosy of everylig- about Canada Goge. GhlfJka, et. GiptUi.. abthrcinNw Yrk ciy, valued &aI90,. au tise Caadians, aan u kount cf iseý Geyg, bld Hem Letegalipin. lurs, net eut.........a ...... 4 OO D églprcednsare teho lu- tisratenixint aieresaved amonusitus. :.MNrybld. HmG 1 ........1-tiuaimaiiey A tqarme os a ieia a Lawder, J., ld ould, et. Galad.... o D»su or Axomma OLD Crrizsx.-Mr. inllmelyHB. a . vii bei 10c tell about?2 Brown, Gea., et. Gilpin, bld. Hemphll.O John-'Watson, au olel and ellI-known citS- D Su i deep, an lis Se è&a h Bye......................... 1 zen o! Wbitby died aI lbe résidence of Id a ~ sdh' tls 14 -son-ln.law iu *cronto, on Moudsy. Ho ina bottom cf lhe bhing 1 Ho kuovu lise >n ÃŽ hlinnfor &sfiniesu.aillng, sud bis desth Prince i uu nakabe an ahurit obsar- WsiîTZv, 1sacoND IîSINmos. vas Dot unexPecteel. Deceaseel vas a6 na- ver, an lie vasste ompare ber n10ry ~-Gamba ,bld. Gould.... ......... tilveo! tbe couuty Dublin, hirland, 1Sudwa výils the flopdoodl, wllh viSeSho nov Parie, ru ont ................... l Idha 74th year. 1 foau Sur John A. -lu boon crammin1 Pr-. HRa et. Rogere, bld. Hlemplîil. ... 5 Tas MoNTsxAL ~On&soz Taecss.-Gr&nt hlm I The Prince s. hoe nes viiig i in Trouotl'e, 'ut. 9,og0esb id. Hemphili.- - 20 Ts. ex-Mayor Bsaadry, vas concînded au disintherested vasisan an vill give1 S. Ray, et. Gouid, biti, Rogss....10 Moncny. Tise case vas tatou e»s daUbe-o nfomsa 0ts ae nmn Laing, A., run ont..;-...- ..--"--------iteth.uen n an 0- Matheweon, bid. liempilS........ ::: P1Â1FTA. L BALON. AccmuNr-Pmef.- Col- ueful pinta bisaI sse cid n't rouave1 lt Beurns, Doclor et. Rogers, bld. HlemphIsU. 4 grove meoant, Sud C. H. William , Mana. <rom auy dises lips--net evin from. the Dr Bis.'George. ,14l. Hecphili .......'8 gem 0/ibhe Woodward Gardons, Ban Frac. cvdn. McIiurtry net out......... cisco, aîlettaptad te mate a biloona:awouenl ark lu s.- May Pro ieatpartecl Lawder, ci. Smlo,....... frein lh. Gardens, lthe wlnd blowing aiment brus ngi.1thé (are, sweet, klnd lady., Byeu ..................... . 8 a gale. TIse balcon seamed- te be insufft.- Ahatlbs .won aIl isarlu lun Canada, a ~~ .., ., -s ~~~5cientlbyiaflated vitIs gai, and rose hosvly aevig e.a akg.II -_ maidlng along Sb S 1ev élevation, gabnonin etn b omavS (Sn way 1h. Icegrapb wtmes i tse figbt. bu avay koi nfbi h oPn i s Oxllaucor, mOTisi INraSo. a moment thme bag ripped aud bIse gaz es-. viiob is laves the Mashisa. aerlsesî IlBoatetltbid, Laing................. 2 ocad, vith a roar board for blocks. BoUs hope., as l'un anisured, anil gis ese goWiddSlleld bld. Laing ............. ôocupants wve rown eut, fallig on Fal- gratinaise of mid, luth. knolidgo bisaI Gouid roadell---------------.... 0soc-treet. The balcon came dowu a few v or umble, narvint yod be near bisef aHsinplill, bld. Laing..............o0 rode beyend. William. wau learfully caruh earkisodu' ber abuince. Il0'Day Hamsiltons ru ouI.... ......... 21 ed about bbc face and boad, suddîaia Boiser } bl Trcusdei, t ii 0 .o ev moments, Colgcove's face vas nmie Issu bSnoint fur," ueoznshe, "bis Xqellency Glipuo, à .,bl. Lai0---------------îwhat bruised, but bis injurien scemee l vli bei the benefit e! tIsaI prudint -Gilin, B., bld. MIswo. ..24 mostiy internai. Heoais dted oon aitel- man's adico dariu' my absince, an' in Rogers, bld. Matliewion ............. ( wrds tisat way I no tise sehîmers viil ho smutis, et. Ray, bld. Matîesvon ....... SIR ALmxÂmen aGÂLIieNZW POSITION.- cisecked an' my noble lord preuarîed t *Week,. nisot I................ 8 It je leamnee timt Sir Alexander GalI vil frou tise contaxoinasisauso! Otlavay."a Bye................... . a- leave immcdiately for London, England, Tharewutuincfdne-oryP Leg llyci .................. 4 vbere ho wil lot onaly anume tbe dattes 7UvsIinlncofdnofry - oi the Dominion Governmetsa Fi nital I von'l brag or blow me owu 69 Agent, but abso those o! InfimigratlonnAgent tisumpet, bal I do llink 1 cud paltlise UXsaIosisU, saCOND INNINne nea. Markie p 10 a lthiog or 2 aboultIshe 04, Boleiter, et. Trousîleli. bd Mathewon 2 Tofo oLa uisscm 14 IEplilishins Ihal will ha goiu' aboat,geme X. (touli, et. S. by, bld niatîsoTa Ln..,, O oP n arin lnos sud o Week, bl. Mahewsil.Zur.uS.-In tls. Aret of hi. lectures o ce 50ainlng ndohers lite auokn W..,.îd Mtsesî............ 2 ZaIn campalgu, deliemeel at Brg ton r oe.su kn u i cnii .Bt Itemphîltl, bld. Lawder Br.h.n....dye..sekn'.usbis.o..inc.2at Hamniltons, bld. Matlîewsos........... 0 Arehbbld Forbes vas loudadlppsauded for as the Frincli nay,-Noo ver oug-We i A. Glîlinlisld, Laing............... a lis description of Lord Cblelmsford'. yen- ubali n-fte recOtaa. 0 IL. Gtlpiii bld Matilouoon. ......... 4nouai eharacîer4sttcs, lu cencluding w ji "H e-fbrIah 0tay btfsr.hi ..Mtewo.............. 1the lecturer frankly owned that vhen th0e llow plasint il in fur braytisernte1 Wi lfehi, isot out............ 6 *esnl of baIlle va. actiîaily Su lbo ais Lord bel ogellseX in harmony," in a nice Siit, td. Lainsg............. 5 Chelmsford rose a wortby leades o! valSant sayin' thal oam ait at onstinto me mind Ilyes .................... sý inu-Eqnally hcarîy wa lthe espense e- on Monday lutI. I vas Ihraveilin' on h lcg Bes ....... ............ voked by tIhe tribiste e! admiration theead carson ntleToronto, an' vIe slnd I c, the ulu aloranddevotion. vîtol at I -sti'cekb oltgte ntea di, lb. saiS, vas ansucpasn.id by any age or mot' ofiek bejowl ogeer Suinthen -~~~~~ ~~any naîionality.cofdnnt anrimgabe TIrte AsOO 5if T I k ILE 11IE UaNTLaîiiN. IMPiORTATION on Asrasuac.tN CATTLE.-An but yer Local tmimberi iather Dryden, e Tlîe ,nstchî lîtween îhe Irishi Gentlemnen 55> ra oi tb. Canada Gazette, continues sud île Presisnt of tIse Goanty Agni. i bibeveii sud igîteeu of W}ithby aud district In. operation for the preseut, the cnltural Society, Misther John Howden. T corne. ofi ou Thur. day sud Prsday, 1511 sud erder-in-Couneil prohibiting the importa. I tockiS t aI ist te b. the acksidintal 17th lîst. The ployerusre: lion cf Amertean caIlle, but ne spécifie date meetin' cf Iliavelers, inthsrchaugin' c0 Iris Geulemon-Miller, Casey4 Trotter, je namled. frindly canîclesies about lhe hale cf tise W. Hunei, r., NîSiî, lrla, N. Hans, HeR Dan. STOsE.-We place Su Ibis veathAr. Whin I uflervards 55W tle t Wliasse, ?, Sic ei. Clîuo, .Huinus cul eft Hatel & Bros, store. Tbsy pair gallivantin bliro Ils alîreets cf To-.t Uflpiîss Tearn-Xilltasgs, Bils, Gurratt, Eioudly boat f havsug one of the fSuent ron2to thgte-a im olnbn' , sîliclemhils, Jacsson,, A. Lainîg, J. Lainig, eau wae satailnstomes in the Domninion, and , lîgtesa Ihuhooib'b C. J.n LaoneiMirîy,7tatîsot ahsîusthe boant. They bave aaun' dinin' aI Gus Thomas's,,au' saw Priao,1Il. lRay, S. Rlay, Resynoldso, very fine collection o! stoveu, an velI as a thins returuin' hoeme agin Su the cars iu Trouade011. large stock o! shel! sud beavy hardware. tb. .amo.,ate, as tliok as 2 pickpockets, l'relisriîtions are being mode ta give tIse As tbsy lead in the varions lune, parties au' whiu, te crevu ail, I ,aw vidI inme sons of tIse Enierold Ila loiefitttng re s- hould, sec bleur stock aud make their se- owu eyes lIaI pions an' loquent Pariah I tfimeu ne. lttiurnisti e-~ etsio tleeb av soeysd sies( Prient e! Duffluns Cresk, Bovd. PalIer br will ~ ~ h leirida lnl oe Scadt.j adv.Bonaung, Su tIare Company, an' givin' Il, wil beimsiedut sugl fac. Seoadv.] Titca LLeuONS eCosINa oWIcrmcY.- Ibo pair his blessin', ne voniller if I Tls aelebrated Lilipution Opéra Company vas fai-ely veikuin vid-scaeu-o Theo Quebec erîsîs. wtsl appear ai lb. Music Ha il on Saturay. a I so u TSi.y ereate au immense sensation wbene. cessIon cf sgreeable surprise. 1Il"Tim," bi: ubb a ea ever tlsey appear. The 2'elegram notiaing e bssdhiriveince,"1dc ye kuow tlese good w stitrgc pubi meeting.sbhave their performance in Tomanteosyn -Al boysP TIare frindehi n i. as lovely as lield]S iniffereut parts cf île Province, lerge audience, coinponed mainlyo b iaIo aof' oann l nsn.te in favor cf Mm. Joly and condemuing boîter classes, greeted the Lilipattn apsersigeaml t i ve l tiLgislative Couneil. Ilt. net con- Company at the Grand Opsra House last ami dfigeapet i h h t'Id lkebyIitM.Jl wb , o vung. "Pocaboutos" was reudemed vitb differ Su politicks.. Take a lesson fi-cm ail tls vins sud vivacity bLet tbc litile an- it, me son 1" An ye ehnd Seo tle mainfin' fer an a1PPesi tsi tIhepublieuntil after lIse tinte coula tbrow itb t ansd the vigorons wink île god man Liv me? I ev nince RBf re-asmemliling cf the Législative Assam- apprause proved lIaI 11dm efloteol W5ap Lnpuhnn nIbstig u on bly ountie281. roected. Aurevmitteu for Ibis coinpany, bcin me md eri ntis ptican'megtien ' - - ----- r'Pocahontas" introdiices Imany cnicai ait- akl emn oth oiia etn ASaVEIue. TESoT.-We bsad ocoasion nations, wbich John Broughamn vould bave cf a fev shert menthe age vhiu the sains.ec been puzzled ta follow. AUlthbese innova. 2 slnd go biîîherly eppesed. Let th. tha Soa few week', smoe, le give a do- tiseus, bowever, are womked Sun consummate Town Govusil ruminats upon St. Thas-. lnsied descruptison of tle fmon bonne] nkil, and as tle audience elized the luell. mayld Scîseel books,, pblislîed by Messr,. . w crous nayings sud .aroandiugs bread nîne theoper his nif hey oulym J. Gage & Go., Toronto. Tody obary a lanusegreeted the littïe foîke IeiomrdspssuIS - areSua psiiss l nt -a soeu Ionsttgaiemi shura that Fables Bcsaug, sa loves o! reP Are n aposiionta nte ometingQngley, Su thse role o! 'Pocahontas, baS au pace sud geed vilI, vad ual refuse mnore couviucing Ilian any letter-prsss opporîuitxy for the frsI lime in Ibis city ta Ihins lis biessin' aisu, acconut of tîsis vsry practical and] use- dîsplsy lier dramatie and musical talents ta I vns very glad tcsée. Mistler Bot- pi.4 fui investisu, complet. as lIaI hae advantage. Thes utIlé soprano evidenîl?. ledge i i aelutecwsi h te me] prvnte bs, We roter ta a eepy of andsrstood tle critital nature c! tle anSi i s asa lecvnlt o îe ft proenece, and sxemled Isersîf accoreiugly. I nue, au leokin' se velI, aftben bis honey- exp one cf tIsse bocks, lu be sen in front tle second act île lgIsI embarrasmeul Ladl moon tlrip. Had Le bits home at the et ths bookslore of Messrs. e. S. 110-entimely dinoappeamed, and abe gave eacb bie of tle visit ef the Prtucens au lus don berîson Bs Bren., agents lier. foi' tle namber vilI nuah correcîueBsn uelvolume o! Noble MarkiS, Wbilby'-mile b. saved lacf pablinlers, sud atacled ote ieneue]of louie lIaI od.coabd net bul vonder vleme snome humiliashun. BautvIsaI vilI Mis- il a blasesi' anvii, weigliug about ail tht voicý corne Irons, We veuture la tparia v 100 Ibs. DBul îles. is ne 'give' te tle sîey ibat Caps John Srith',was neyer more te Freveil do uew tisaI Ihamo iswa wod, ng l I thepînineel.es o îepleanigy 1ýreseuted by twenty-eight in- anotleer pantner Su tls way? Msybe hLe Boundiugtheclogs o! umauily Iban apon ti opening yez don't kno about tle thricks an im- tep Wor , i s rdest ritectable, snd is eap. enterbatumeul. Admirai Dol, althougb a posisluuns le', lin for ne msuy yeare ablo cf standing a more citical toit Liliputon, jaensustcally and drameatically pîayiu' off on, au innoiul bachelor?2 Ne tlan even tle one hore recended - As an arliet, As au actor le te especiaIlyalmIervsIin ugi a-"O, eeo lmetsrin neioso!ticable, sud Strates about the stagUe wt o myulwhtwn oni asI h one f th Mos Strking'invntio ilsfthedignity o! a grovo up. Be ban a oi.1,1Rutledge 5. te blame 1' If eut laIe atstae tle day, oun readers ehOlena net fu te quite dieproportionabe to hiesize. and nute, il vas, Il Oh, Rntieige kipt me 1" BRn visi the Messr-s. Robertson, at Dever- speaka bis ines Su a manner lbnl mighl b. An vaunt, wbn h e IcPinither mismed on nl'. block, aesu Se. thsse books for emulated by aider sud biggsr artis. The lins freni chamoIs an gev him a hint, cf]i tîeniselees. wbobe enteitainent ta no tharenghly novel andsudniuta it attrats a class of socieîy 8sayi-" Misiher Farewell, 1 didn'î seeC i NEWMAIICIT MucriNsu.-Tle Czrse. seldons seau aI a theatre. ye su yen pew in chai-ch last Snnday"- wIdsh stakes lave beuvon by Chiîppin . vhat dc ye tlink vas the excuse tihe Paie- Westbouneu second, Dresden The West Winchester -Murder. lad made? IlNet at daurd 1" uezrlie, china third.- surprisedl like. "lWolb, that i8 tbe bae]. SauferdasAistocrat von the plate of -TUE WIFE 0F TUIE VIOTI. Imut pa te Rnîledge aboutl htIa. i une lund-ed sovereigus vibl comnai-a- Ha sheule] 1ev bSn Su Ihal pev 1" WclI, ti w Pl 0 01 ti eV se Pl ve Ni hn Sa Ul WI ni IL 3. >f rh 36 ?à 'y te te lu in loi U Ici bu cti ta adsge or recognition be-Bsot, recelveul vils favoir.- caMer ao MATOn irca D»IGBNTt On motion of Mr. Ca mpbelt sec .5 by Mr. Buimus, bise suma o! 100 ordereéd bbc piaceultg the oreSit o Mayor.' Mr. Oampbellexla'ned>thal M)ayorhad ex;Uc#Sil' avec. aboie the.,grant alzeady pias I Ihat- inousequence of lise bà rd Il the Mayor lb. prestil pear SaS bo Pond'- more &han -Meporusulinfoi yeari. The Mayor statbeS bisat1470- beeu expeuded by hue ovier sud ai tise #100 grant ; Ihât tbc &Mount Ciudad visaI vas sjnnt on tlb. femiy le uendiuig tisoun le Fort Pt but ual as uneis thbe conibal dbned foc that purpese by 04. ITESET ÂccouxTS'nAND APPEOPEJATI Mr. Bornes preseuted sueliser rc fromtbe oomunlltee ou utreeto, and motion tise council veut ilo counun tbsereon, Dr. Bogart u is.theocair. -Tise report reoommeuded paymin #1581 te Tis oMBide for iing a valks ; $7.40 tc, Jeohu LecI, foc fi: crousingu ; 112 te Thounas Wilson#> dcswig gravai, sa payaient of ai] oount cf 1176 te tIse coanty trssu fer braken atone. 0 Tise report farISer set forts bisaI bridges vithin the corperation ver a lad conditiou. That the bridge Lynde'. crenk veule] tata $500 la SI Su repair ; IaI the b ridge oppc the skatlug sinIr raquird o a orepaît aud thaI tbe bridge seuls cf thb.OG, Trunk station vanteS leoking al T'he total ceon vas entimated aI $6o( Tise lbreo first items o! acceunit w dirsoted te lie paie], aflen explaustic Ou tise itemn e! $170, Mc. Campl semplaine] that St baS Leusps- ripou tle counoil Pt Ibis lime, aud t i1 sisoulS have boau paiS by Mn. E out cf bis. utreet appropriation, pis to is onedit. TIse IMayor movedtb stIue cut tens vihinstructions lIaI interna se bilse] rom Mr. Ray, eue] thaisaeI appîl t ertify as te ils ceci nets. TIse item vams tmuck cuit. bu nepîy te Mr. Campbelîl, it ç stated lIaI tIcentimateS cemt o! repi ing lihe ibridge soath e! 1he Gi-t Trauck station, wvsfrein $80 te $40. Mn. Campbeillstaled ilsa the wv coulS b.ie dns fer 010, anSdituat weule] Se aIl tise fixing it vantsd bal Snam. TIse mayor propeas.d tînt Mc. Gai bebi's offer he aceptsd. Mi-. CanspbellSte] not vont te Lrapethat vay. Atftes ,explouatieunsfi-es Mess [uggarul, Barnea, Cormacks sud i [ayer as te the condition eftt nidgos, sud a general undenstanli mai Lyndo'. ci-etk bridge vas te sly temporariîy repaireS tIsis y.i id ev permanent sone abutmcîr ihi hereaten wheu the lovu tun si-o in a betten condition. on moti 4Mn. King, secndied Ly Mr. Damn uie report vas aniensled by eîriking c e. clause andSuebslitatiug a clause e copriating aasuranoual leexcesal $1 nr sepairiug tise bridgs generall teport adepeul as amendeS. .lu the cours.e cf tise discussion, lu Ling retoreS teîle sîarl.eighti enlomyet sume gentlemen, vhe se begulnuSng o! île pear kepl thseo siens fer shneets aI ten 1ev a fignu le coniqequence being lIaI, Su eve, aponî nince, fui-thon appi-opriatie' use asked for anS bldte Le veted,j la frein laving îLe vork douie t eceneai, tise faînese eouemy genîl ien inatesa-of soving vene the meut making tIse presenit pear île mei rpensive o! auyy et ote tax-papsa Mn. Barnen refermeS ote c aino )ne Ly permilting ccvs te rua go, sud naiS they caused the gi-est nircf Il. expeuse o! rspairing nid alie, anS lIaI this voulul continu, the case until someîhing vas Son put a stop le ths nuisance. -MRc. OUTLEDOE. 011 motion e! Mr. Hugga-S, sconu by Mc. Cormaodk,île nase o! Mi tlcdgs vas adîleS tte ecommutte appication te, office in place et tle Mri. Jamemen, sssiguod. Counoil adjeuned. Thse Western Fair. XSCULTU5.AL IXPEMEENTIS 'FRstiaTRI HALL WveaSa All accounts fri-cmtIse Western Fasu Sd Su London lasi vesek, rspresont ii agrand success. Thse Lendlon F-ei unss in ils repert hanschefeilovuug or SagrScultai-al nsachinemy exirbihteui slow ramssacftIs steel cfdvpins le .fases,;slaft, ib e] pst manabl pcnof likevison z-c [eh tse bmle u o! vr iîn, c! tan rods ara manufacturetl. TIé pIe9 'lave Issu bsnl andi Iviated in aIl passible slapès, without in les Segrsc cracking bbc .kin et mron. Tise exilhiin hews tle great exescisediSu onnlnnctiug sien thse ler sud lss fospienus parts cf machine, wbicis, nevertîsîsos, are It imaportant io prevent lsn d bbc Su lise iarvesl fielS. TIser. vas 'g. nuinber o!fuaninmers pi-esent pes- ly, vise lave been usiuggis Clans. 2antI alI gave tle .ame repent, vSz: have gatlened car vîele barvent, nol eue cent for repaira. one ut, vhe ha@sl] eîer sixty ma- i. ths, eas,sys tIsI he ban ual a single lîreatage thi, hanvent. faer mc£rm Essex county reports sg cul eleisu hundmed acres of l anS grain anti over seed mince ituad ouhy bail tvao mall epringe n gf 5 cents .ach, bmckeu. Simplic- o! conasucion, oas. o!manage. t, adaplabiity le ail bine], o! grain. grass, snd cutire freedo]1 sons Juges and vexa us Ssiays Su the sa&tfbold uIsthe Cbsarupion record. vas nt115. Michiguan 5b.faim, in DelmQS,a-I- " " Il fw d ys sine, over ben y.bo coin- aOaEsS Ic HA czNE . sý petitors. Tise Hall Companuiyhnbeau YSingla bers. lu barnes., 17 enfries, cod. ropre»nutecl iSu isa section hie 1874 lt Masson IManuatriug Company, of th oyal niber Diliu, Euq, visela bo gen- 2q2njJ. Cuth ,bert, Bcd J. Chaltersen. if lie ora mer cfllin s brancis isteuseloa t§p au o! carniage' isrsen, 6 enlrles, lut ted boer. T o y ars mnce lie Hall . Sickney, 2d W .H Iinma. the Com pany built à a i su mme aehoee sTain of gensal. p apose brs., l1.1 sud nar-lise Grand Tiunuk Railay station .3. epbrn, 2n 'J. Pye. si . u Su isinCity. ' I I lu d vided Subo '00109, - C onantla Ãprize for pe e ] f r h rses unes, show roo mn, repair roons sud sbome rocu. th al nver oompeted for - ony, S n ) e-, sppl ofsearateparts cf alumacb.-tides vero made, vlsicisresbulndJu W. ine new made hy lise Hall Çamnpauiy, Obover, Bowuneanvflle, wiuing 'bolS erbherelotere mado, arekoept boe,uo bhats, 2ud:Wiu. Thosemon, Wlsitby,-, b a d a s t e s p p ly i Io u l d o l y s y re p aira rd J . u tJb e rt, D u ffi n ' o ren ok . . 1 bbove vante S:- ne tia I p matc aly ric ait in uan's spe ial pri a. for ad le t i. Com panyfin thSul .sane poslition itis homes, for w bScS here wère 6 eltiiell iewestern uoesas à local so. o.bep iy C. Lyade's.mars. Ir Cry, Tesc sotual sales aItishe faim yestemday HI4VT 5IAAIGHT. i or- ivere8,000, sud tisoy faliy expecllte nwo year aid' borscol, S oumis. incrsse t to$7,00, r $8000befoe lo Jon silIs, -2uidJa. Pybe. the. lbfair Sm oves. We are pbeased tevqo yaar olS filly, 5 enîis, lot W. G, rs.knev tisaI îhsy have besn se veIl re ' port pale] for thefr enterpris. boDa, 2d W . C urtio, rd W. Her. a onOue year old berne colt, 2 ounies, lIte on e Irih anQuston lot 'Wm. Tismpuon. Atîs Tim Ical bud ueston. Oui. ysar eld Élly, 8 eutricn, lot John ut MAesS MEETINGS. Hlepban, 2nd W. G. Do. s55e- - M ase o lo f 1879, 8 en îies, lot J ajn xig The Heralsl'a London pecial f îe NesîSt. for 5tise s:-TIS ha.l beau a memoabis Hrse colt o! 187, 8 entries, lot Jas. e s- day lu lIe a na is f the mInish a d Stocke, 2nd W m , Courtic . user, question agilabSen, already bsguu le GATTLE. P o d u e t , eau nt .. P u r c e n ty m e e t- - n a é z four ings have een on ld-one at Cark, MieLc cov, 5 entniell, lot P. Themp. e n su heme nearly .20,000 peeple annembled ; sou, 2u5 J. S, Thomson. n et oue at Maryborongb, Quees' connly, Tvo tear oIe] leSter, 8 efitricu, lt J. pub viSaisatractsed 14,000 ; oee a Dan- L. Themson2, 2ud W. & J. Leask. tuile more, iu Galvay, attendeS by 15,000 ; One y.as oie] heifer, 2 entries, lot F. ied, -anie a fonsth ab Ballinrobe, lu MaYo. Thomson, 2nd J. S. Thomnson.. 'sud The'geegmaphioal, division shows tlat Bull caîf, 2 suties, lst John Wilson, ber, the .enlb, -oenlrI. anSd*vest, cf île 2nd J. S. Thomson. 0. country are prellygr.ll impreguaise] HoStos cal!, 4 entrie., lot Wm. Kerr, iers. vith the view bliaI ! e anti-seuil agita- 2ndW.B J. LeasIs. suis. tos have Icen pmsaching. ORAi»i CATTLE. ?bell TICza'MAaRnBOOeUoaMEETING. u g T he m et note venhy fe ture et a l M iloIs oe, 4 ent ie,, le. W . Bs J. balt lb. meeting, vas'tIc general absence Leask, 2u5 W. Bs J. LssI .1 y, et Ils p iest, scep l a I M arybo oug l T vo pa s old bi teracs, 4 entris, 1.t ced vlîrs speeches ers mad . y Ive cof an d 2nd W . G. Do . their nombe. Here Il. prsidenb Heifen Cal, 8 strie,, lotad 2nd bhs Set as cupied y Richard Lalor, W. & J. Leask. tieu onsetftIse moat salseme partlisans et SHIEEP. l e the measurs. COTSWOLDa. oc0t- Rev, Dr. Magese, a paisl priest, Agsd Ram, 2 entnios, lot Robb Bras., masde a vesy streug speach, Svslliug on 2nd W. Hudgsun. s-as Ils. gi-al distres. that bla 5n0 ret» BamaLamb, 8 eut-les, lot aud 2ud âis- lad eanons sud generai Ibard limes SunQue] W. Huclgson. eue] commerce, Dr. Mage. iosimted ou ils Ewes, aged, 2 entries, let W. Hedg. doUies o! laudluu-dR te their tenante, ar- son, 2nd W. J. Robb. =rk guing llal capital aud labor ver. as Shxarling eves, 1 entry, 1.1 Roîl tue bhadea of seisers, each being uscless BroS. fui- withioat île iller. Wlat tenants Bye lamîs, 8 sntriesisle anS 2u5 voulse], anS said, vas tle bandIonS', W. Hodgsn. ssp- .ynspatly. If tlSngn verc goiug ill wil Ithe tenant îe lndord muet a- SWINE. le bats 15. demnand. Dr. Magee avoided SUFFOLK. seying direeîly "Dou't pay your sent.," Aged boar, 1 sali-y, 1.t C. Rislley. i-s. lot bis torlesauce ivas ceneidered ail IIBuar psg et 1870, 2 entries, let-'and tle the mure significanl. 2n2d C. IiiSley. lhe Theere vere occasienal outbnrets at 5ev pig, 4 entnies,let and 2nd Tisn ng the meetings et "ShooItIhe baudlordsI' Wilson. b. "OivetIens an ounce cf lene]." r, Two tenant, o! te M eti s emate utBE K HI E ils tise Marquis cf Heasifent, wîose agents, Aged bour, 1 enlny, lt D. LicIs, dn as vel use the Marquis, lad rec ived Boom pig et 1879, 2 cuties, lst C. ion blens un Tnesday lat îreateuung Lyue]e. s, t eir d a al auess i-suIs vere red ced, A.-ed So , 1 en ry, W . V ea l. Du have besu pdivatsby cantSonea agant Sov pig ut 1809, 1 cuti-y, D. Licie. P- attending a meeting et tenants whtcb POULTRY. 150 i. Ilis veek to e led o tonhe purpuse Pair Gesse, 6 entries, let W. Hcdg. y. or sympatlizing vitI bIse Marquis ane]sun, 2o5 C. Gi-cal. I.expne.sing îleS- boyalty te lis family. Dueke, 5S suises, lot J. Poiter, Que] THEmic Ceaie MEETING. W. H. Browvie. oSd TIse laugeel gatlering vas at Coi-k- Torkeyn, 4 enbries, let W. H. aI Bei-e Parnell, Shaw, emytl, anS Cul. Brovue. h- Huret, membere et Parliamnt, vers Vai-iety o! Fevîs, 3 entries, lst ane e, Spsakers. Que] W. H:. Brovue., i-y Mm. Shaw teck a muSeaaI viev etf i.geeOs, 1 euh-y, W. Hedgson. ýns lise question. H. Spolie in tavur et GRAIN. ge Gladstone's baud ai, vIiel gave cens-I by pensation te evicîe ] tenants, anue de- Pol vIsat, 5 cti-es, l ttan d ue] Q e T. le- clare ] îlotthlo s Niho orke ] Ils sou & J. M nderon, Sd Jas. IPile. use stuuld uvu it, sud landlordBsodbea] e Fife vîeat, Q entries, lst T. & J. s-I faily buglt ut. At îhe saine tise M andersc, 'Que] W . T ompon. s. le varce] tai-mers net te commit any Any üles variety, 6 entnies. lot anS go acte visia shoule] place thens itîuo nd T. & J. Mandersn, 8rS W. Thmp. at lh. granp oethtie hav. o.h e s M . Parnell, leader efthîe m ove nent, Two-owee] ba i-bey-8 e t-es, 1.1 T. & e as gieatly ceered vion le rose te J. Maderson, Que] J. & W. LeasI. le speak. H .esà 55tat te aimers ad Six rued barley, 2 entric, let T. & ie ne intoenct fpîacing bloniselves viltu-J. Maudesou, 2nd W. Thonspmou. X Su bh s po e reso f î l a , leveve n doter- B lac I-ey e ]pe nn. 4 ent ies, l stl.T . Bs mnSed th c landlors m m ig îte le ge l luan Ses-sn, 2 d J. LicI. lens there. Wab eoule] Le don. Sial peas, 3 entries, lot Raîctiffe a ilI baS adlords ? (A Voic-"Soot Brs., Que] T. & J. Maderou. 15 r. thens.") Fariner.s slule stand tugether,' White uats, 4 cutries, lai T. & J. ce anS refuse le pay' unjont rente. The Mandsrson, Que] W. Thempnen. ntganse vs theins. Tley sholonent Black oats, 2 sotrios, lel T. & 'j.1 andSwve n nt all ev them elves te le M a der an, Que] W . V eale.E saterminased, as tley ver. in 1848. Flax see], 1 çnt-y, Jas. Pilc. Tley lad Ils rigisîspirit. aud îîey lad Easly rme spetaîoes, 6 entries, let Pl pysical sreng îl te baci t. "II do net E. Westnley, 2nii W. Veue.B IlinIs," naSe] Mn. Parnebl, "1tînt plysi. Auy elles variety, 2 euh-Ses, l.1 A. s cal trength yl I. nece sa y. Adopt G. Farewell, Que] J. W . Lea n. tfi a poliy o! passive- resistance, Thal is BesI 10 usîss potatee, 1 ctiy, W. ý thl. une I coussci ou te foîbov, anS se H. Bai-ke. long a. Irelane] is raled ly EnglisIsnen VEGETABLES. îl te question cannot anS ehsail nul b. 0 cablages, 2 entries, let aud Que] W. 18 baie] t e st. H. Burke.,n eThe speeches vers received witl su- Onions, 8 cutnies, let W. Veals, Que] s bunines, anS aftsmvand a serten et es- A. B. Densilb.M A elutions vere panseSdsmanding ans a- M.Bem ait eeals nnelt rage aI Gasîbebas vwas nul agmarian. DAIRY PRODUCE. osi He saiS tînt its objecI vas manitestly 1 I.ces,2enre,11M-. Ba robbery. ane] Senounece] tIc poangen Lick, 2n5 Mlrs. D. Lick. E Smsith sa amurdener. O'Gannor, 40 lbsfactery cleese, Q ont-iee, jot Jot PoveueranS i-. Ferg aseoa tIc Gheev ura. J. Lick, 2nd J. Oke.1 Heemin.-Rl gttr bs roe l 10 lbs, butter, 10 cuties, laI Mrs. T,.D meeling. Poorman, Que] Mr.. D, LicIs, Si-e W.lc Thomas B. Ponton, Esq., o! tle E- Veale. quitalle Lits bosurance Censpnny, 120 Pi-ebttrsnuSs elBa Breadway, N. A., nays Peermuan, Que] Mrs. D. Licie, 3rd C. I lave lad experSeuce, ane] kue Dm. G-u.B Gile. Linim ent bdide a nm onia is îe Ieet batf bread, 8 nt-es, l t lr. Bo cleanese, nie t an Sd iost pe fe el com . . H a xlin, Que] M rs. Jý Ne nii.1 bination t Ial han ve n com e before t e 10 ba o ey, S entiie , l t l r . t p ublic. It uu er s ejs, i a n t gre sy , ren dh, u e] E . W i m er. Os, is agrseable and pîcaoanî, ut tIc naine Giffuoe'i prizefer 20 lbs. butte,1 lime se effecloal anS bonediciol. 1 cutie,, Mrm. T. Peesmun.tsb have nily useS it myscîf anS fans. Messi-s. Paiterson & Pentun'. piize ly. but lises given il le many afflui,'] for 40 Ils butter, 1 euiry, Mrs. J. Liol. Ca' i ll a ît, p a in s, a n S b u ius o. ase a l V a ns' p rize , fo r 6 0 l s, b u ter, 2 Qeu -n ' vîllingly nitsin isstifying te Ste v on. tries, Mmm. D. Liol.Po derful and great merit. FRI.1n Thomas B. Ponton. Sole] ly S. Tablho apples, il entries, let L. Drev Pc: W. B. Smnith. eulBono pamplest. Que] W. H. Burkse. i Dr. Giies, 120 West Broaduway, Wiulee- appîe, 16 utries, let L. Hoi N. Y. Tial sire 25 cents. Drev, QuS W. H. Burkes. -~ a---,Sumuines pear-i, 2 .nIries, 1.1 anSdQed 'J Delay lu theise cof Medicine is oflen D. Lice. TEr lIease ocf dangercun hlueas, laîle Wiuter pears, S enîries,l.t W. H.Tri greal majenity ofcf amebbc dinlike te Burt., Que] D. Lie. 'Inrs svailov cffensive anS naueoi;s dose. Cral apples, 8 cutries, let A. G. ana i. tle reanon assigned fer blis deîay, Fareweil' 2ncl W. H.L Bnrke. thec but this objectien' Sos. net exial agalu- Grapes, open air, 2 entmies, lst T. Roi et BrisIel'a' Sarsapanulla -anS Brinbol's Pereman,Que] J. Oka,- Jan Sugar-Coatea Pilla ; bell are pîcasult CanneSl fraI, 6 eîntries: let W. H. kin te lake, unS areby far the nureup rneSi- Bure,2 1 ,.Feoh rA.W O cieq tg Make you urkFae ed s, Fflcs A..O Crotboiet vert, 5 ont"Se, lot Mca. J. L. Smith, 2na miss E. J.-Crsig. bCrotoisl etwrt, ceilon, '7 entricu, blt Meru. J. L. Smith, Qnd MWu M. Strict. 'baud. Braie, Berlinu. wemk, 5 anres, l Mies MeVesu, 2n5 M140 Bveet. FIat Berlin vobol, vont, 10 equiSes, la& Miss Swee, Qd'à Mr.<T. Smith.1 Wax !loveii,'B, cutries 'lot MisaPat- lerson, 2nd Miss J. Scott.' Belin weol, ýfIoyer,' 4 enliSes, lnt 45. . k k, 1Q2d Miasj. Smnith. Ytbrflovere;l nli," Miss_ J. Papes flovese 5 S oulies, lot Iýj;sM. 3.Gifferd, 2u5 M5nn3J. Sco4l., A ppique vert, 4sutris, lot Miss M. Caunpbsil, 2usd Mis. MeVean. Goulus hiât, hand nade, 4 entrSes, 1.1 Misa M. MVean,' Q2nd MSs. M. tofer table mats, ô anies, lt Mias. N. Stricland, Que] Mm,. J. Warren.. Embridry on mabS, 8 entries, let Msiu N. Sticndîu, Qd Mm. W. K.- Embroidery cn net, 2 sistnie,, lot Mis M. SInictband, QuelMiMs M. Mo- Veau. ýEmbrcidery ou siie, 10 entniie, l Mine M. Campbelb, Qed Mms. J. L., .E@mbroidery on ceitoui mo sutsiss, let Mism S. Michael, 2uS Miss McVsau. Fancy basket, 5 entmSes, lot M. Camp. bell, Que] Miss J. Scoat. PatcIs vr, S enîies, lot M. Dabon ey, 2nd Miss M. Hopper. Patch vont on 81k, Q cti-es, Mis J. Scett. Plain quiting, 5 snies, 1.1 Ms. J. Rove, QuS Mn.. J. Nembilt. Fancy qaiîling, 8 enînien, lst Miss J. Scott, Que] Miss M. Striklane. Shirt, machine maS, 8 nries, lot Mse J. Coruiel, Que] Miss J. Scett. Leatbr Wok, 5 ctre, lot Mis,, Han, Demili Collge, Que] Mis.; M. St-ieklanal.- 1 i Cous voit, Q entries, lai Mise J. Scott, Que] Miss M. Striaieloud. Lamp mal, S entries, lt Mn. J. Craig-, ue] Mzs. W. K. Smith. Woie] lippers, 4 onlniem,_ let Miss M. Capboll, Qed Mies lu. MaVean. Lace vorl, 7 catine,,l Miss M. MoVeon, Que] Mica B. Sînicielaud. Wall basket, aScuis, lot Mina J. Scett, Que] lise L. Emmett. Boette vri, Miss J. Scott. Betîa vorked rSa veel, S euh-tes, 'l Mis. J. Reve, Que] mima M. Stocks. .Motte vunked iunIs, 4 cutien, bel Mis J. Scott, Que] Mis.. J. L. AlmoaS. Guipure vore, 4 entries, l.1 Mn.. J. . Smit, Que] Mina M. Sticielanîl. Wall pocleets, 4 catrico, laI Mn.. J. Wai-ren, Que] Misealiveet. Tatig, 5 entries, let Misa Svec, Qed luisslui. BVean. Wax fruit, 1 ont-y. luiss J. Scot. Bee] vaore saiies, lot Miss N. S tricielan e], Que] lufi-. W . K . S m ith . Ladies'dSies, 1 enry, Mis Svee. GîSi'. Sies, 8S sali-es, lot Bn. W. K. Sithi, Que] li-. J. Leank. Hlai- flaver., Q eut-Ses? let Mrs. J. L. SithI, Qe] Miss Patternon. WVax nIella, 1 eutry, Miss J. Seuil. Wax hillie, 3S cui-es, mat MieM. Campblel, Que] Mia J. Scott. Formnera' vreats, 1 eutry, Ms. J. Leaek. Chenilce wonie, S entnies, lst Mn.. L. Sinth, nS Miss M. lulVea. Necelle work, ornameulal, 4 entries, lat iss M. Campel, Que] Mien M. tcveu. Antinsacansan, 7 eau-Ses, let Mies M. lieVean, Que] Miss Pattaison. Caiiage affga, 4 cores, let Mise t!. McVeau, Que Min. Campbell. Diplay etf foyers,.S entien, let Mise- M. Hopper. Bequet oft dewems, 2 ecuieu, ltMiss Michael, Que] luiss M. Hopper. SPEIIIAL PRIZES. Cotten tidy, 1 Sozsn photographea giv en y G . B. J o ln tun , t) ctr ues, t bisa lu. PubVeau. Weolen tidy. 1 dezen plotographs siveu Iy Mn. Jehunten, 18 euiries, Bra. E. Bing. 10 busîcis cf Eary, Rose petatees, prize $5, given by G. F. Blansey, W. E. Buse. BenI SSsplay et home-madls coutec. onsny, prizs tin biler, given by Mm. HLI. PedIar, Miss E. J. Prenc., FINE ARTS. Paiulingi'Su ater colons, 8O reuhs, [et Miss L . Hedgso , Que] MMSs J. Cen- lish. ?il panting, lauducape, 7 euh-Sas, icit Mens M. Stricklaud, 204 Mm.. Walksr. Oul painting, portrait, 5 onînie., let se] QuS J. Beunett. Pencil Snawing, 9 ecuies, let Miss f. StiSkîand, Que] Mns. J. L. Sithl. Crayon slrawiug, lacke, S enîmies, lst 71 its, lu.SNialo 0_1ue Mssr. .v Ciriaeoas e] oeral Pumpose Hers- P 1, Vm . Ba rrolvo ad, R aglan, G or e L a Àtces l, Oshawa, Sainuel B rd l avrl, Cs w mna ville. Tu Dainy'Produce and Vegetaîhes.r. T uele, S. Maciec, sud G. F. ýi]lamcy, C shava. Friuits and Recta, John SIipins.s anS C0. Smaltis, Oasawa, B. P. Campbeîll, rooieiin. Dusmeie Mluufacturs, M.È B. smpbcll3i-roeklitn, Mrs. Jenathýan )rtcr, ansd Miss Siarah Aunin, Oisawa.sell Ladiei' Dopas-meut, Mr. I. Whut. pl suad Mi-a. J. Boisson, Oshsaa. M. vC miten, Ceder Dale. du F'ine Amis, G. Beniseil, und J. E. n oiit, Oshw. h ['uSE MANAGIERS AND DzasECOs's oP cE GuNSeemATrED BANK Iseuzoîr.- Pe 50e lls have Isen tone] y a Men- aI Gi-anS Jury agaunst thse Manager,.I 'tisa undcnieniooe]Dicors e!or eCeusahlieate] Bank:-Jelîu Baxten vs sney, Sir Pranois Hiuioks, Roertn b nes Reetie, Jchs Orsut, John Ban. F Hasgh McBay, isuS Wm. Woljrer Ai ilvis ion' znekiug vilffsly falop uapd .epive bant stabeeussgb, lJornwaU ; Flaflie Bose' (Arthur Seci ley), whose lugnbricus Mà lempte at fan America faidta appreciate not long 3ago; Mr. IHope-Sot, "aa dauglter of Sir Walter Scot; Elizabeth Thomp. Bon (now wife of-Major Butler), pain. ter of the 1"-oll Gal," and--Wil- before, M. P., eldcsl son of th. Cole- brated-philantropist. Tissa, indecd5 a forinfdable amây. John Bull tbinku, no doubt, thaï;io bas resson ta b. al- armedai I he encroschments cf 1h. Scarlel Lady, of whom ho,'bha lways Iraitmore or le dread.- Seveial. cf thse EBoman preltes in England have prciph, Boisa Ihal Su -another coubury ail l th controlling minds of the country wfl be eiîher Caîholica or Ilationaljats, The Hcated Term-Look Out. DON'T BIT ON THE GEABS. Thse most slubborn eaue of Dysenl. ýtery which S nothing more nor les than inflammation of 1h. reclum, produccd notl unfreqnently by setling on the tgrasa-may be cured by* that mont effi. tient ca1hertio, Castor Oil. -Ils Booth-. in and healing propertis are. wonder- fu, bul its nauseatîng effeots make it mpsible for te pationtltarefl i . To Séolt & Bowne, the public are in- debted for an Emnliin of Castor 011 that iS ot only palalable, butl Spro. nounced by thonsandu who are using il, sabsolulely agreeshie tb 1h. palate. No family can afford. ta be without St lhrough the heated tarin. Frice 25 cents. Fr saleby T. . Whitfiold, Brook-s., Whilby. 4in86 t READ I1]3EAD 1'READ I-Tse Most ex- tensive' and the largest, grocery bouse in tIse U nit d S tt eîa-H , K . & F. B . - Thurber & Co., West Bread way, corner of Rend Si., N. Y. ,* la car stables Giles' Liniment Io- dido Ammonis gives the- best resuIts. until we aeed il, were annoyed and nroubled. W. prononce il 1h. mont valuable remedytbaî owners of hors.. canuase. I.K .B hre J. Grocars. Sold By S. W. IL. Smith. Send for pamphlet Dr. Giles, 120 West Broadway N. Y.' Trial size 15 cents. Dr. iig's Celifornia Golden Corn- pound. î I. a strictly vegetable preparation, and will positively cure Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Acidily of Stomacli, coming up ef Food, Pain in.pit of Sto. mach, Low Spirits, Biliounees, Consti- pation, Jaundice, Liver- Complnint or any affection.cf the Stomnach or Liver, in the shortesl lime possible. Yen are not asked ta buy nfi you know what yen are getting. Therefore, -as yon value yonr existence, do flot fail te, go te your Druggisl, S. W. .B Smith & Co. and gel a trial botle free of charge, which will show *bat a regular one dollar bolîle will de. Aak, for Dr KIN<'S CÀîIFORNIA GOLDESN COMPOUND, and take ne other. S. W. B. Smith& Co. j Mnrdcr Wil Out. A fcw yeare ago l'August Flower" "a. discovered ta be ý certain cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complainl. A few thin Dyspepies made knewn te their friends how eaily ana quickly they had been. cred by il, use. The grelit merits cf Green's Angust Flower became hemme fliongl the country by eue sufferer- and another, autl with- eut advertising, ils sale becasa. im-- -mense. Druggists in every town in the Canadas and United States are selling il. No person -suffering from Sour Stomacli, Sick eadacbe, Costive. nonsa, Palpitation cf thse Heart, mndi. gestion, Low Spirits, &o., can take- three doses without relief. Gà o te your Druggist aud get a bottle for. 75 cents aned try St. Sample bottles 10 cents. Buclcnws Arnica Salve. The BEST SALvE in tIworld for Cults, Braises, Soren, Ulcers, Salt Elheum, Tetler, Chapped Hands, Chil- blains, Cornu, and ail kinds cf' skia eruptions. This Salve is garantecd ea give perfect satisfactionin every cane or meuey refuuded. Fnace 25 cents per box. For sale l'y S. W. B. Smith& Ita" Notices. of Birt7s,, Marriagea, andl Deatha chargea 50 cent. eack. DE A T H S. WATSON.-On Tuesday, Octoijer 7th, at the residence o! hi. son-in-law, D. W. Thempson, Toronto, John Wat. Bo, cf Whiby, aged 78 ycar., Funoral fromn lis late residence, ýVhitby, on Fmiday, lOts instant, aI fodern Mater/'a Medicai [ules many vsliableremedies for itlie- t ions, ilis a matter et certaintytat tin I cases iuhero Uic animal vitality iSafailing, ýbsfozone i. decidcdly sefperior, It will vork cilcets sucli as ssûthing aise will Pro- sace, snd posîsîses ths great ailvatage of et causiug, when St. mise la rellnqnihed, he slighteat reaction or depression. Sold by .11 drnggists. 1'rice oule Dollar er ]bottle. A C A RD 0 .11 who amui sufferisg <rom the errera sud Sudiscretionq oi yonth, nervoan' aeMneas, early decay, Ions c1 mnnb3oodi&c., mill send a recette that w'cur e yoo, ElS 01?CMARGE, "-Iug ramed s ndiscoverel by a zaissaonsrY su SouJ isemica., send a nef-,ddresned elntelop )the ltzv. Jcsura T. bitAss, ç1tqe5 On »là Homse, £yq Yorkc CiYj. Lat( DD-FEL, ADV NO PEEY Gi Pi ckerin4o 9 AUipemo «vi e rsq - atoe Dote at Ficks: Octo ,1879. Clerbac OntroLa (D. V.) durnwu EVTERPY Fýfl in On9t.o'Li Tex, auvue cî~ inlo attend il ua- t 5 1.00 rWbutbmy, Oct. 8, 1mE7 G R rCRICKE] WHI Thursda-' 0C7'OiBER'Ài -BEI The Irish Gej And t8S et WH Tise WRITBP SAY EaIWAO e- c a t.SING prias ofaIansi ADMISSION TC lion. Se, October 7h, 1879. -- - -- - - --Z. D&ataPclsSgl LO0 BSugmîou Road Market and Thorne1 beavcr Overcoat. Th ably reyemdcd by 1cr 'October 711, 1879. &-Sharp; aI DuuS-it smibh5, bomesoeing, imy nltunl cousent, '3s&tiberlant. -by Jeoh-n grhe out&tassSffng dsb'ts for i (Signe) J W.abattn, W0.Mc Dsialn ct. 8,187 M w Il 1E SOLD eeacre bote, N.17, 10 Cocu. oftBleu frein Port p SATUIRDÂ-Y, iSma ab On.edole Abu 14 acres c! e TERMSSix menthi uotea. Tve yeams WsH etf5saletfor the remeval Pull patiScua m sa' James Anderson, Wbîsesi Lee, un the proess, or cor. ,October S, M872. fMONTREAL *TEL REDUOED RAEBETWi been reduced ta Tvai Words. This compauy las abe iltacilitien, i ismey es ~led. The e o f theli - 1 Lazarn & orri Specacle sud oyeuuid b.' reaclied, aking abot w aIve 66 lonbles .em lig n uie sains velu s Lazaus Moris pecaciel ad e urs aul a hiaIt. TIse bSn is tventy- Ihal prempted old Mss. Rothschsild], vIa lasses. pnico reduced t0 01.50. S . 'W. Ave teel deep, and] tle bey vas abeut vîen nineîy.neveu, to say le ber pisy- colet Smith. f. - to feel under Ils grain sud standing sicinu, "Docton, yen mail keep me up Cham Mr. Jeisu Helmes, a fermer resideul straighl np vien foane]. Lits vas for tbres years moesaI leasI ; it vonld mal:i fOttawa, las died Su Nev Zeahane], qoite extinet. b. Siscreditable for a RothsciiSle t go casl M.ing a cotn f --,-----o off under part-'.Editor's Draver, Su 90 m fortun .42,00,000,FsAT' oaauWo.-Tbîs bai-n anS Har-oer'8 Magazine for Sept ember. canti Dicka Herse sud CaIlle Medîcine,. stables beheuging ta Mss, Jackson, sud Thers as. many penfonsn hiol blg W. B. Smiilh. ocsiupied by Ms. B. Meen, vers lotally vbeu aaplisd tee 1h. handkerclief, havs alne Tuad esîrcyce]ly fi-e about lIres o'ockne CeiNWAL Et«.TIO CAE,-Frîay serîng Tie Isu aslIe] a very agrceablc csbor fer a fev mo. ah tb Tuo CNWaAo! Le etion Caginni r iîh untraîsdTh arn vhsaîai a-ments sud bleu di. avay, bcaving culy arei 'hrin vas théaétio P Mt r wt utr Mesu la l n - . aioîy disagnecalle samelI. Net ge mai-. leri res bord on11 iday. Jodg. bey. M. e hdbsgrain fuîîy i v ith Murrayi BsLaunsan'. Floride a_ wfrvitl len rsevel o 5tDiecc'uen. msue], bol lIere vas ne insuaano. ou ter ; the bouger ilS sapasse] tle moi-e pibui NÂae 0 0 u' o- i irRGLthse barn. Fortunalely for -tle village, délioate sud dslfgistfui iseomen it's sain: Naîy.-WhiE S hom TE IE R thîe vine] vas fi-ens thenos, sund pi-~rie S roa cl *-Wil tn rotc~eturnin hoe Thon,-vieup le tIse conflagration a heavy sain PryDv îPiî.leit fetstel as ri tOth ChtsRapids n hri.felI. TIers is ne deuIl bot that îLeh e ry Davtins' Ptaneile, rits efe.the i &Y evolnug lise steamer Aylier, av Is fis. was1h. vcnk o! au n ice]iary. ia r a tme mst i n tne a in. ie- rs g9 On benn e le'ice-regal prï bil The loe s sabout $1,000. li! fonsîlhe imeiatdorinnsepa. ,Il as narow soap, <mcm lseing.cut intw Sur .eo-lhsan île irret add oriitflanthe] at, smaJte I Y RUinForwasdiuig Gempanv irRowland Hillia udish nse] he bc ud ivn e i ud qie te ie's erer.d oB ca8Mr,vlSicl crosadlher bcv. The litlloclapel e! St. Paulsa, ai tle f nemuuîy h pelss rs su ui sauner, il lunase], displaysd ne liglîs. cf the gi-sat statole ly Cîantrey of everyr on. abeuld have St vilsth eu'n, or t-ouiÊ uraent in viswens Iley eau put them hbaunds ou t iSu a a he malter las besu raperîad te the Watt. The fiuest monumn n bsthe dack if nae] Lo. larine Deparîmeul, sud au iostiga. clapel is lIaI cf Sir Giles Danbenry in Ou willinSaail pobabilily lake place, ane bis dams, datiig back to 1507. Iu As calorie, elsatricity aud pLosplor. 1Z h S1vî1iathe lsams clapaI ari tise sitar temb cf eus are Suduced nsuspplise] by Fel- audz EEIE P]cNALTY.r-A blacIssaitIs Lerd Beurohiar, standard beares ta leva'Compud Syrup cf Hypcphom. agent smad John Grant vas tonne] guilbv' Henry V. a1ihei2 batlle cf Agincoumî, piites, il cnly reqaimos île administra. chune lishe InverncssShéeriff CeutIen lu? suie] s taîely moniument tle Lord Brom- . ialon o! Ibis nuccensfol sinnion te bad st, o! havligs gamnsu n is posnession bey, Lerd Cbquellor Su tle lime of femity lime feeble give aprigistliuess aud (Oasf close timte, and] vas 9aindelu cuniElizabetb. Aschiihop Uoher's grave' 11molina te tise tmple], sud bring aboutla ai £2O, vils tthe alternative of eSght luaIse Suinthse cîspel. conditien vhioh not oniy secareu ton- gras 41nts' lmpmlonl. lTh. Sharig iSu0-0.9acionsuens cf lite bat makai lieaily 1874, u sein eleo, gave tise oulpiî a Tzla Hose. J. U. Fera is acting as enj.oyable. coshin 'vrs teture-on tlb. Semons8 oharac- Mininter cf Camboums duriug tbe absence TIse dcuggls vihl givo pou: in ex. iIy0 t cf là iAoffene, sud impraesA e u cf 1he Hon, Mr. BQvoli, ans tLs Honf. ohaige fer a !lfty cent piece, a bieatifull meut, un the duti e! brngin o *ej"sPo" Mm. Langevin as Socrelamy cf sete package of Bearine for thsehaïr, - It i ansd be ~ouvs ave 010J in asta ng &escabsence o ffeHon, Mr.. emon elig belhir, v. in break ==oe . ,aer Aie. . - hov of. elgsIal ureui 1 ore et