Whitby Chronicle, 16 Oct 1879, p. 4

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IJIOR afsCI neau oly v aa Ir.eland, ta viic t'equeushly made lu tomo ý Of Ponansoietier voku sd, 1M gesiaraly for ojib nder'h.eauplosu of thse 1 ng the vatefthtie vell ida of-tii. p ro scali laeip ooec0 ou for1 id otueyears ego, asud utusy parle of thse -coi ira ai$raehed, usaI anly JO >1v.., but for love of g( tlng -witls distant fril U&e have koptthboîr reput lau, tise tau of - #iOsaun 1 Olilslanlîy, whlle th& mbJict cf voroltilp, leavieq ilalüry uhtlipturbeo.-Mil lesiarpar'# Mccaviin nereuc -vare, tied, te s'as a Slow- lellieg l ater )adiug. lu of even 1n117, tor r.- atilas hina aitai elarq !g tii Yfoi ..e, auug o»asni say sue oxponas. frai. 8 lUldq»ion, malta For ticksts sud furtheriufrmalion îpply Exp. asud Tel. OMco,ý Whiti, May etis, 187. Wlï FIR5T-0LA55 FA-RM FOR SALE la - Cheap. A~~~- FT.LSFEM, 0op9,180 lise' Sii. Con.' diPickeng. ,WeU;watensfi ,viti lIng mpring creek - tIbreU oil f valer; goofi orchard;, veli feueed - wih bisaaome dveilim dsu good out;u4iails. Tva civelliingu"for arm n saudÀ,A apend stock sud. grain ta=in; dace *0 goofi MU-. keti. WIII Se colfi cheap,, ou easy'temc.ý Apply fo L. FAIRBANKS e Auclioneer, wLsLîly, Auguct 0115, '79,. -88 F. ho - - asîucouuuon.. Aouta week ago sale csuiga laîlies goI up a party to fg o ut, ouui' a, liocllglsî excursions on tlio lifay.- The niglul flnally airrivu'd, aua iîo'.us loileil fiseld sud river with a 91u0w cf PcîIkrly ricbigoiîc. Vian tié Party %vite rcuuy to lbave tise isonse -- wluiurlslied icusnAhîoictud s the rerau erouil vos ucticesî tisaf onc cliii - - cui lîrwing Youung]ldies cf the coterie hall a slumwl on, IlWisat'a the matter, Lucy? If lu. qui-ed 0anc Youug tlaidy ;lAire you a. I-ah cof lakfun0@ccl'2 $#- No, ne" ehe repîiod. 'Penlisap yon are trogibied v-iti mal. aria," cuggectod a àYOUugman Who vas - -- truggllng tleddlect ail 91i vllalty ilct s Moustache. "I nocyer have iirl," repliai lie prethy rcature, wlhauisnlle cf guns- "the s ilirumotor le np to 80. Youli to i-ccl yen Woar tise is-i.l" -- "Pin willieg to ret," uSec aid, relier pettishly, "1DOe'îyen ikcaw wliy ska vear& thiaI siavi " isugiai bar litilo brotber, auhô ipefi came taffy off bis moulli vihli liajaket ouve. "Yon kaep utlîl youi John HIdury," O crti l Ise ceai- augel turning a t-ifle rod. Thoe boy ileû got au h ai reaissud callail "l'il tell Yeu wliy iso vear8 tIsat aiawIe.,»'iWhogels oeut on lite lais 130b Pâtb hic anus under il;aud lsugs ber, snd nabody eau sea. ibrougi tise Tien liser a s a acess.no.hncHen- r y Waa driveustsnînsntily t albeîîasd tisa Party starlad for tliece00,19aiffeaîiv. Loc u De Bos-sumGAmRINICuiult.n' loin," gaahie President, as. an li cys- ior cas feil off th oi!s lu tise corner wlthi aloud 'smug, "I'find ual de eIder I - rava de su' I ind colt dat I didu' - kowV UuMEIs' lu My youuger fisys. Dar vas a- tine vison, ifsy uigger lu le Yiaginoy 1usd callefi me s liir, I sisculd hlev lit clown upen hlm like a astainount 04, a 11bo..-1i, ne malter whaidder I did i îe or btie rui. Up ondce F'ar groiud de edier day I vas collet! a lier by % visite mil, I ini. pyiZ.up oeeeye-brov aibiim su' axed hlm ho p rave 1h[grfoi- osysus' die Vilytnuis;loavap' il ha a fag. if ILusas catia yogi a Illr you kin kuacl biun cown al l'au véuit ta, but isspis.i yun ramuais, tise aasna If you ex fhlm -- te prove il, i' asgy de uhatter vii hlmu haie ii scefies miclake au'- seologize. I tellye*if I war' a baptilt au' Saumuel MStis va' a Mebbadict, do yen '§PooI etilf in ishm aberthW my ide by abs.- lu'ili. blletu', knackin' hlm des-n, wiui s gnîndtus 1 Dewvend am ocbe ready ta atrike- out irognsde uhanhierk kaise a bard word comue, a' toc quiek« go sot des-n aude misas vise an't lea Iifte(IULp by de collai- au' bic apiuaynuu M Ëau u ser hie pacirsîs. Argymonts,a - ssy frèno, nom s p bitter dansuosas- varda-;' opiantusu as vy heail e! biawn. a' uuids'ycun'cwn biznoesau' kespîn' yonr lieu cit amn de biglteci clinluer lu tiesaatoclve. - Iowilv uc vuL.rsFîx IT.-Way up lu Moniene lise>' eelabrsad a tsnimay visîs s liull ntahanich, Iiveryliotly for ily usiles arcueci vas inviîco, andi evarybcul-aaoeptefi. Aong 'ltha rosi ecue B IlTall'ook, a bor-der. Sema osmue Ilnieheue sud asly suit cf elotis e h>'iii, comprialng beohie, punI., xsu-t sud hat; ate iseuu1sd fichai 'J uip a cotuoinawieoro ; s a w ad nogu.I 1or uita cf slorea clotiteuL Among tiss)~ falvorefi0 eus iTococ. is-oc sulo ln Sslai- lis te bail ameppting- bis clîmi', Tlisaiwas twa l'eu tooc large, - - - si lee nsij'n fastes itbehinci. But liho jnmpod lu auJ.daused eve-y fisse. 6 lîit ams alered is coliar Sothhred fof hlm, It vouid pIerolstenitîy risc upti sud asuni sai, ciuýedlulfvay th t i, tii. bock cf lis hemnd, aund tii larder y 1h11 dauced, tiheuseraslue pars irefi sud au th b ishger uIc collari "chm." Inlu.ceeor quesée lie vas oamÏpolled le drap hic lu pansuer ab frequanit intervahs, au fiul 1 ----dovu biii collai- for a s lisstart, Oneaore ga yugvia a nr woCame MI fror Sa Frncicomndws thebelle il; lient aver lise raquont hitchea, sud Bil, Who lial beutsnas eaptivsing smth p -~ ousible, thi-ed ha caahiulher. Andtia tio s-Soi lut e salul, abaluto, faut.- Salfi ha, tle *"Tusoesrucollai- le kî nd f c siety. tai Tisati csacefihinamen vssised it se Isard li atnabcbed il sud I can't moka the Il fnl. Il se acagottmnup as =y sOCk hy -*but t's ai1rthi, Staule., ll knev bel. ret ter sait limne vo bave s dance. ~If y ou O are thoera I - isav"uhgoa sbalter, collas, thon bite, I'il boap il dams llck a. a le1 amy-mW, sud ,dans'lyen fat-gel il." rs uGUPlIUNp la cemposed oo!lungredionts Infienticai vIlS tisase wich catilute Heuitis, Blooi, Muscle and Nerva sud BrainsuSmbstance, -will)t Lite liceif is dlreclly dapanident up. on meme of thein. IB>' is union vlth tise lcSaud its affect upeisthie muclas, ne-establiaig tise oue sud bcing tisa othar, it la capable cf affect. ing tishe us-lpg nocuits : Its-ildisplaca or s-s uis uluberouloni matter, sud thue cura Conunmplcn. By iuereaalug Nervonc asd Musculan Vîgor, il viii cura Dyspos, <sable cr in. terni p4td action cf the Hoart sud Palpita. tien, Was nasa c! Intapect causa fibyg*iof, s-arr>', cvarlax or irregmlar habita, B non- chitla, Acute or Chrenla congestiou cf lise Lungo, aveu lunlisp mont shsrming stages.. Il curas ActismaLesu cf Volca, Neuralgis Si. Vtes Dance, Epileptil Fils, Wisooplug Cougis. Nervouuensa, and Inisasmos-ewnfler. fui adjueita cioher remîdea ln u staling Illeadurln ithe"nroceac cf Diptiii, An -nd aCOCmin o! «ced effacîs lO formai by F 'ELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP 01' HY'POPHOSPHITES, sud vo are sale ilu sayiug rem a long ex. panienca lu moeaina, f1h. virîcesare orsmc po8sedb nyohr obnain suthe shomcli. SUFFICfINTLY POIlENT ho insure fie- ciafi bonotit, yel isarmas,isos-seever long ils ueoma.>'b.ocotInuei. This cisaracter. l5IClSAF.iýesed bno other rensedy. lion. IT VITALIZES TEE BLOOD, sukpi>. iugaueisiungredienî, am may ha reqaireo. RTIUSTOBIG TONE te lise narves. IT dÃŽVES POWE14 cf endurance sud cf conuentration te tise nind,. IT PIIOMOTESVIOR lu Intise ergaus vhioh depenfi for isesitiso e ieinvoluntar>' mnuscular action, viz. :tisa Liver, Lungs, Hleant Sionsacis sud Genu1al. Anuf unlesa afflictef i vIl seadiaeasa Iu- volving Âs5eLmrs OiieAijCîLogo, -t il-l sus. tain ties ysîam usîi it roaches lise aga i. lottefi l au an b s nelout Creator. NOPRO wN b d jgo e I he s-Sa rlgdly folioe iectos FELLOW8S IIYPOPHOSPITES Tise experlments whicis prefected this - t [ &j0JZJJL£ Preuatio oreid anymoths ad lethatlie lias now oi woeiai ucd mhma e urt ha u -luview o!icuriissage, lected stock, embracin TUBERCULAR .CONSUM PTION,ng snd lu order t eppyu e elcencie luId Ifypoploopites alrcady iu use; for, aI- tieugh Iheoir nature was correct as te the. u tn ~ s a crij, their preparaliens were, ewing te tiseir u t m ! a ipretorganizatseu, feneil wautlng l u adsewi~ au h While tisey caused the formation of fat establishment. sud geueratdû hcat they ddfil ot impreve thea blooci, The Loulo effcct upon thse sîcrfce sud muscles was clrcuzuscrubcd aud ewiug te liseir dilulcd sdate, iuvoivlng fho de:l'derl nouaise otyolee ensve. Brougham, April 29t1î, 1879. vere Ios A cOuvenieut, palatable remedy; Unaiterable by time; Ilarmiesa, theugh used ceutilluuuiîy yet M night be dlscontluued at sny lime witfsont hi ou induc9e an lapp tite -E Stranglicu digestion --Z Creaeo hcîîLliy Iblooa thnthu Ui nrynsiind i( jio(5es NOil Icla te Ujett sccotul snow C m Tl" sîscces ai 01ith, wî,k le comp)lcoe-;andl le L' iyîîepiiosgpiidastands ifor.icost uni ot tise reiued lestfur chlronleoerglr dineags, passcing praportlos LI wksIch ne other iedicliies lias ever aspired. AB5TRACT III'ECTS. 1yS-"p (f515 trdcd ote onc, ntsw hteSTARTING ici, sud limmedialcly enter. tise circula. on; aud, belu perfiectlY Miscible witli te bleed,sped yo dseve art cf the systcm. Ttc ce cotaare first d clarci IJN D IE 1 by a puise slghtly increacil la fuiinesa Idstrenglis, a geucral exaltation o! ief uitS oc rgauie fonction., sud exh ilaration cflthe Fu l toc'o1C utellectuai poers. Its sPeciteiC nfluence ýon tise« bralu sud nervous substance, in. the necessari 3r8aclng tise scttvltY cf tise abserbeuta, sud reuswing the bleed, tiîui-causing tise hesvy nuscular formation 80 necesssry lu recaler. 'g the functions 0f tise prcviously weakeu. A WELL -API Id or g&uc ce tne, a -toulei frellwc an sru yslotm, itl Is hal aud Wit.y...October lÃ"th, Lere loas demsud for extraordluary exer. ion, its noe lu luvauable, since IL supplies he waste trsudhsuce.circulatioEaPd sus At ne periefi cf Illes iawalohful care ever .L'J..P R .e functions cf the bralu more requlaite hau duriug tise accusUeon of Icueled 0 T lise youtis; pied g, preoerving utufy equirs a clore cf .olgorous nervcuc force,- sr child iuay sink nder tL0 meutlil. ~ Stern uecesslly-May comPel theo cludeul 0 drain bie. powerc beyeud tise diolalea o1 rudence, aun. tise promise cf excel., d i g u tit Te uchwe écmound 3el1owc Hy. 8 biite iit vIl net only rustoreteh. reaitors if lie does witl [ý 1îe 11but ILl enable Notes, or o 39BItu t preserva hic mentl ansd N ts. f evous standard scihout detrimeul. 1 ""ne POL-fle iueliouco! Orprsona Whose. o- x a id"Itseugis eaI a hular usine and4- te hose wio ofer a eues trWpocedc71aud -Vnotehn tier a el rticle, gorx,.-It la cuiy n' pendent, weefl. havea Safe ogu dboti sied saj.unos4ig PL ocau af. to uaa cIt prrbe lii.rsmedy. Experleuce ,A:Safe is aIways, a ,Gc s proved tsie. Tise igistcl" medflcaitil contents, -but keepe its ovum conta lu evrfareclye eeall kou a mal 0utiayvil mnake it Prace*1,80ai~é~1îefor uerly ils tiraIcol *7.o 1b-slr otgle. . J. &J. TÂLon 'have t addreaie ïb . ,111 the lut 24 yeisrssud noue aofhQ >erly Davis & So]&Iâoc chante, Ibis is the ]in&a of "-Pr 377 St- Paul St , nte'l'>.:, ag Ove. Go to the Toronto E ~ l a l l e P , 0 . apenc plaS on PHOTOGIRÂPHy I PHOT0,GFIApFH. C -STUDIO ANqD .F RA:ME1) EPO0 T ~eet i Special indueients to liéads o± fh- mi 4es, during the summer months. Famiies cooistiný of four persons, and upwards>', by o('rdering one dozen photos. eaoh, 'wiUl be presented -With a Ijeautiful photograph group of:the family, full s"0efor faing4. -Satisfaction gupara nteed. 'Pric 1es to suif the times OCHILDËREN A SPECIALTY. Framûing in ail its branches, at prices which defy competition. Agents for Canada Staied Glass -Worke. Outil and e Samples. - - LYON WILKINSON'S BLOCK, BI O K-'rWHI BCKTOM PRICfS FoIil-kinds of Foot ear. DO 'T FORGE HIAT W- ' f& yýE 8 15 selling the. ,t-andCheapest L>adi,,esqB est Button Bootèq ~d Shoes. T 'BEST MENS' WEARYOU P, ÀAW. iBlock, Brook Streat, Whiitby. 4 ES GENERAL DRY GOODS. Y. à .0 9=10à MRCMMW Begs to inform' li bu recc HA RDWA RE TORE, 'UGHA7M lis «'nds and the pub- M hap a outirely new and woil se- the avo linos, which ho is ýtnpreceden dly re advised to g a cal 3Y u got for their mnoney a home MOSES LINTON, Store, Post Office sud Telegrapis, Office. Plete i n Every Line.. [uducements to those HOUSEXEEPING. 'askets, Coffins, and al esI E inths in. Also, 'OINTED HEARSE. L879. EOFP SAPES. either to, himself or his bout a- sâte, t a proot b"is Bolo k, ther valuable p;prs or money inu the houge, ought to b agamst Burglary. sud Pire.' dAé.set, as it fot ouly preservos value s:e l, for mifter'paemgthrlugha tas good uasnov, sud il eaaelvayslho-sold Iaired ont about 20,000 -safes mi- he51hafeein triaL, Farmersand-ier. olechion" and something tisaI lis.Tariff laie Workrs sud get a $'e, - --j J , LT-l FoI NEIW'TIN SHIOP. J~ W~ A~2TB L4r'Next-Doop South to James Johnston's "Goldsmlth's H Has openled business in the above promises and ile rg-nig- ull'l-blast, wwhere'eveirything pertaining ta' Sheet, or Givanized i-ron -lis manufactured in a workn ELECTRO-LATED GOODSoQSUPERIORQIJLII Au unda J aneTn4 uSheet-Iron vare couishantly kep in st ý REPAIRING don. cheaply aud neatly. -Ail work mi anleed "~tsfaetory or no psy. Aieic>an and Canadlan COAL OIL. Lamp Chimue SWike, Fera 2, 7. FORby SALE ATh, 1879 WHITBY CHINA TEA ST'OR PLAGTEIF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, iRed ai- Alsike Clover Seed. v Whitby China Tes SIc ~hitby, February llth, 1879. BRO WN 4 PA TTER8ON Mt 'g. Ce no w Tin, Dan- ites. TY. hock. E, ore. W. J. GIBSON, wI~rrB-Y-, I rsnigoT nTH.E Pd nU BlCtleoIC.elualIpe monpr te feng o auTnadafo. teueonÂial Catalweo g ofA retaImpe ardlinary degree of pride and confidence, from the nsarked favour and patronage oonferred upon uu, and the steady sud increaaiug dcmand fram yesr ta yesr of our now oelebrated Farm Implements. * We chli onutinue as herelofore, s manufacurera, ta make a peoialty of Âgrioultural Machlery-the Johuaban Self-raking fleaper, the Triumph Com- bineai Resper snd Mower, the Osynga Mower, the Younug Canada Mower, snd aur nov Wbulby Harveeter, lsiming a large uhare of car time and attention.' Par the laàtTveuty.two yearc ve have given aur moat careful snd undivid. ed attention ta the manufacture and operalion of the varions machinee inusue, ifting ount the boat pointu, remedyiug defocti, modlfylng sud correcting mrors, ungtecilug.weak pointu, adapting and preportiouing every part au our Inoreas. ed exporiencelia. îuggouted. W. ompIcrý uZy tie boat mechanicai akifi, and aur machines pais under thse mailcaefl upervcon aud ierutiny-every detaii being uubjecteid ta lhe sever- est orfllls-aund esoac ihine la thoroughiy tousted before Ieaving our worku, ta prove, the compleleoeiof evèry part, sud thare Iu no dîffieulty in puîting them in oporation by auy porion cf nmoderato elsaulcaî sbility. t i.Our suaeinery as beau sueieted sud cosructedl wih aspecia) refreuce totemanufacture cf aur awu macinec-mauy tools having been madle for tuas natelrpuroce, and ual adapted for allier vork, sud aur warknuare edu. aed up thlb.antesuad requiremeuta cf our manufature-obtaiuing a lier- eugh, knwledge aoflthe construction cf aur machinei, sud are hua euabled ta eh. tain sàlibasr degre. of ukili sud profioieney than viera generai manufaoîuriug in céirried au. Wa are thereforo anabled ho Introduco a more perfeet iyctem luto ail lie de. partmnenta cf manufature, addiug net aniy tCc the perfection cf the work, but si- ca 4o thei ra?îity cf Ie execuin-anfi a conuequent reduetian of coul, . This prinoîple le regarded neceuuary iu a weil raguated astablishiment, sud we enabled ta, turu cul aur machiues vils a igher degrea cf perfection. sud at piE. eNSO 1ev-AKN susReueiAadeycaphilR 'u novwcaDo"l kuovu as &aSingle Beaper, that s vord ef cemmeudation weuld about zeom superilucua, but atisera are mauy eialiing ta manufactureo bia machine who hava adhered ta lie aid original Joistan machine, withaul keep- iag up t thie impravemenle ; liaI justice tac, urolves and patrons require of us ta atate 1ha1 va have modifief it lb lsînot every escentiil .part, sud for etreugli sud durabiliiy, qualitv of out, lu avery kind sn ud nilias cf grain ; ligisînescf draft sud se of management-the "Johueton," se manufactured by us-tauds pre-emnihy aisead fa al ller rempare. In proc faf lisiposition ve have oniy la palut ltiste mauy Firal Prize. avardefi us-antthe ls Provincial trial ai Ou- hune, sud mauy ceuuty triais vilci have taken place ail over Canadas, vithsin hi. Ras fe TeRa . M P O ' I E - C ' late improvemente, ilanail hat eau ha desired in a Cesubinefi Macisine, aud. eswithui Our Improved Cayuga Chief dr., and our Young Canada Mowers are bPti firt-cismachines --conutituted slmos h isai7oaiIran sud Steel. Tise Caynga Jr. bas a rear ont, sud tise Yaung C'anada s front Oui; bath utraug, dur- ab e machines, sud net excelfled by anY Machinea lu tise market for quality ai Ul, NalilgtEWa cWdratctbtY, u me mangement.Y Au tise country bau becomo bitter adaptod ta =Mchinery, sud mauy of aur farmù- ors have becama ukilled inutise uneocf machines, a grcving demsud bas sprung *AIive ft lb.requiremieuîntisf tésa, vahave cucceedofi in invenlingaà ma- chine 'vitii s Wr4ugist Iran Frsmuq, itb thé e le sal ible gerng-vitî largo brosl-faed divewiee,-au saces.a6trucpd tIsaitise trame aund table tilt Attt samle fiie, hereby keeping the,'pitmaun Alvaya in lise vutisÃŽe kuife. ,,Tise rakai are driven directly frcm the main sisti-there heing ne perceptible'cide draft,ý sud no vfighi lipon tue isomes noka. We are confident that vo have cucceedefi in iliveniing thse machperfect Beaper, hakiug ii lu I l te, tiai issu~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~. evrba rdco.W aepplied for lattera patent, sud ahai1isad our invention, for aur own eousanandcursd vo reuoetfully euggeih ho lu- teuding purcimuers, tisatthiey'àild ceeoi lamachine be are g'iving biseir- ardera for,, lise mng luarvest. Tise "Wlitby EHarvestea-" veigbus, &ailad, SO00 pounds, but boing Imaepriucpally of bise boulqualihy ai iran and steel, sund frens ia lu-' gosiona s.ad compact cauuiructiou5 il combnstetogtad uift* fth isebvior machsina, - -- ie h tegisddrbl its Bo ae quiror l ýconfideni Ihal triai ai our ma] moy tissu eau ha The undersignied having chas. the Grrocery business oi Mesure. Hamiltan &' rrwer, S te .an ce tisaI lavîug mado -thse Grooery business a op *iaty, ho ise e oô o upply lise vante ai thse public iu every depart nt, vils careselected goidaoaitise iest qualihy Fine -flavored fresh Touts, re ced Prices. Raw snd Refinèd SUG se- àa wfigure. Fuli Linos of ail arti os that osan ho quired for, for Fsmily use. C'H A S E TS Il Beautiful "patte ,sÃ"llng very -cheap,, sud ,an êo ensive shàek oi OroOïlery Glaosuare, - A.He DAY, Nexi amillon dc Harraver'a Dry Goofis'. Store, Brcck-.troei, WisIhby. AUG. I2Tru, 1876., WA RANTED STORMROOFI Patent VentiIa top J himney Top It la su invaluable ventilatar for sal pipeansd vater closais. Il la tise Sinupleut ventilltor made.! Il la warrsntad Storm prof. No cunrent af air vilI pu'adnce ther lias an oulvard draft ; lie mccl orna- mantal veutilabes unife ; viii sot ebake vithanas-or ile.; causalgaieuhontao l3hop Iligits for caleata a reaucushe prica, vitis modol snd palterna furulahefi. P HOTO GR A PHY WE ARE .MAKING A* OfPooips nW *6liéSTYa etrL E 0f ~P Phtgahinspa ie-SSzanetie1 Fresh> AT L< cor prfisie uaaoahlova - rtai Suplia at lw e Hrbasor deliveref. th Speclal Inducement. tO apertiesulu Partis alfteidneocf- tise1 Wiiby, Part Parr d8asy Balvay icube sup. plaf ire ct, hionl extra charge, ndes, specl a angemmatsmadeovits tise Rail. vay Company, by RING BROTRERs. t'Two Carters cauatantly ou tise roa FARM T R]EN T.- ÇOMPOSED ? 100 ACREs IEIN'G sion of Pickering, fis- ie s froin tise as ef Whitby under agobadutalo cf cuillva- llon, vail atered , cadbuialp gssdau orcisad, d&c. PligsngeU h -io ne aller crep lu laknscff ts a uf-poeuon lai Marcis sext, l'or panlieulaa, Apply ta lis ovuer. - TIMOTET O'LEARY, UticaSIP.EO ~E ~ 8E A.JG -MA--T,--SING E , - ~ STOVES CHEAP FOR CASH I Wisithy, Sepb. 241h, 1879~ FURNITURIE, 1833-1 Cheaper than ever, at his new store The undersigned ini returning thanks to the public for the liberai patronage extendcd ta hizu, begs to state that hav*g enzoved ho his cammodjous now promises, ho ie now ini a botter positionr han ever ho supply ail their wants. lais stock of Furniture embraces very handsome -sets, sud everytbing tisat can bSeea i or in bis line, sud an- examinahion wiil convince thal the pricas are low enougli la suit tise limes, U NDERTAKING. Funerals fuly supplied WMTILL. WM Will seli seli for 30 days AT COST! Wornons' Prunella Boots and Shoos, Womens' Kid Boots and Bhoes, Misses' Pebble Boots and Shoefi, Misses' Nid Boots and Shoes. A New and well Solected Stock. Cali and examine. Bc- member the wliole je offered at cost. I-AILWAY TRAINS! MAES. Teid" su rmGTB tation -2tl c, ToD sud rmmWst P. P. & Lindsay n'y etstiou........... ....... . Ths cueacoi are safe aufi comfert- able, sud lu.lchare cof carafuldrivera. Ail baggage ciseekefi sud carefulig, looked ailer. LOUI&SUSBEET, Wisitby, Pcb. 2th,1879. POY-10or Do you Want à- buse? AnYOuo waullug te roui or pciase a cocuiortable resîdeuce, lu Wity. wel do vol ho Cali sud examine ligi cf G.- T. Hall, aI bis affice, over B. H. JausesCu'c Store, Dundas-Street, or altishoelmzciscr Whitby, July 9th, '79. le.i THEE TORONTO Turki6h à Vapor Bat hs, TheceEbath. are nsful lu Ehesli,.stieu, Neualgs* C o, C01li*s, otcin, Brojucbla, cro :, 5km DiBece, ,U l- flamm#ltloua. lliousness, Fevem .,caidfer. Taeiaypr ato .are par&îcnlazly al les- ble t,%lke disaeseu. e Uyjec--ilv . vJ.. 1 S,' ý SPECIEN8 0 NEXH/S. IO' Cards and Cabinets furnished in the latest, style of thie Art. Fratnes of ail sizes always on lianil. A. BARRETT, Photographer. *::e Opposite Ontario Bank, ~ A Youing mgm desiring la stndy Pisotograpisy, vili find a good chance by cafing au Mr. Barreht, sud gehting terme. Wiib7'unoti,, 1879 AND CARRIAGE S.; A Large Assortment of Cutters- and- Buy- the Best, Buy no other. BUY NON£E-BUT TE Genluine Singer Sewing ma- BEDUCED IN PBICÉ. THE :;BEBE mACH-,INZ1KTHE WOBLD. Sos amY-Three IHunfridIThouasudpeple W-ho bta Singer Macigese.in 1878. Over tvo = in uger Mabhines lu use ai preseut.1 epianfifandsud mi t f,-Attacimssl sepivo tvl each machine, sud parties ful>' eututed lu tise use cf tham. THE BEST, TEE CHBAPEST, Solfi euly by tise Ciampasuy'a Agent, LFAIRBANKS, Office, opposite Cusxomuxcr. Office. Whitby, une 25,1'79. -26- 'V'aluable Farm for Sale. 100 ICKEING 15 resclearefi- remaludan s-ahi timberedjmostiy beecis sud mapia), Ibis la s s-ry Pflai rabaoperh>' fer lise s-caSalose la ver>' s-miable ana Wini necrly psy lie purcbsae mouey, s-bile lie u n6 ulu ti fhe Iol l-a a sifliclont gusur. mtee for lise land- Terme literai te raliable partie. A. A. POST - P. O. Box 909, tNfLsby AilG A 8_MACOHINE. *Tia .machine. la for lighslng Prýivala Dvclliugs, Miii., Facto ries, Churcises, Public Halls, Haîcîs, &C. Cali andi examina tise machine lu opera- lien aI JOUS PR HILIFS, cala maufcvr, Pinie nhesd Ga--fltuer, Us8-York atreet, Toronto. Bond focr <irouar and prlce-ilt. Apni 29th, 1579. - ~ FOR.' ROBINS5ON & li (LtTz Duaoicc &cRli B - ARRISTERS-AT-LAW, e a, sdictors> Ces, OFFICE-In Victorlé C 9, Victoria Street. 3.G. lenrox .Hzaz: JINO. G. KELLý TARBISTEB.AT -LAW,,, an scer, dc fieDvrl' Street, Wisitby, Ont. G. YOUNG SMITR, O.-nIEz-Oves, Dominsioa Tan. 22,1878. CAJIEKON & AP -iARIlISTERS, Attorneys atreet, Toronto. IHECTOR CAMEitON Q.G. piyz48i SURGEON TO THE COU l~Byron Street, Wiltby_ s Dr. W. J. BUR? Bcsidaunce-Congregationaî bytery corner cf Byron aud -BYRON FIELD, PHYSICIAK, SURIGEON, G7 e ye R5. O. H. L., Osi C 1D. BOGART, Phyaiclan, Surgeon, Accouci Whlisby, Sept. 101th, 1874. W.ADAN~ OOMS OVER B. H. i sud Gilbert afreeta. C, N. VARS,ý L. 1 saches as tise ciseépet, ncas best. TacthflUeStlis GelS Teetis extratd Ss-Istusais, b' localsulestiesla. Dentanfoos sW's nes block., aven Atkinsou'a King Street, Oesawa. JOHIN ROBINSON TZAIR DEINE81G AND- _L.L aloon, Brook St., Wlilàtb3 3011N WOLFEND] A ENIT FOR THL. CEL AScoltias Grasite. AI Us cf JesataîbsuWolfcden,Dnnass OFFIÇLN.L ASSI( KLïe. OFFIfflIOPPOSITE Tai Ro0tai, lrcck-St., Wisitis Wliltby,,Mareh201h, 18719. B . W ODELL, A T H E R L Y, O/et/i Division Court, T1, - oxmmiaufrin lu3. R., Laund A dcc., Atherly, Caunl> Ontas-io. Atheni>'_StPt. 2uad, 1872, 0.OS H AW A, -Veterinary Surý Wil hat AÂnmtrougs lsotel,,Wi Tuesda>', frcm 1 te 4 ('silock, pi April 25,1877. - - -Dwellngs to Reni WO 000]>'rOSi, -,Oc T ana>' nrmooup. Apply to W M ZPPl :3GC Whitby, February lith, 1879. 1833- OFFICE OF TH E fNCEPTION. Stock 01 «r.bT:Ess B.- ROBERTSON'S Established FTJ-RNITURE,ý TO THE PUBLIC. J. JOEFNSON. 1 P; UG Gil-IES 1 f * 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 - 1 - rB BY. Il 1. , - 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Il 1 1". ýF7. J. -W. BARNEE PATENTED . 1 CASH PAID FOR GOOD WhiLbY, Sept. '24ih, 1879-

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