Whitby Chronicle, 30 Oct 1879, p. 2

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Ajuat éal ottal--AillSalnte' chu -Brown~'Wijatby liarvatr.- 41illineryo Dresmi.msfing, asti -l»g-3. B. Powell &Co0. Cure (orr bore Tliroa-8. W. B,39 Froub Grooerls-J. 1B, Powell à Pultno Sy rrp-T. , G.W-lihfld Butter wantd-A. il. Day. Pro roaer sso- A. H. Day. Trimnai «s andsiiunilercloth.ug - - ý lsas Moîniyre. - sewlng andi Pliiu« qmeciucu -Misoss Molohyre.- L,5Vouitng Clie -Mcýchaniï1'm Inaiti -AUCTION SALIS. ElxteicustroCrodut St3ieof ai Iitu Na 0, a th bc-un. Iî"Ocrltig, un a -uar o 121hi, 1870, te prupert5yl 4 ala af fut tut e ock, iuarctciiuante, utC- lrul;esrty uilium. hC. joxtingm, ait lai 4', lu the 211(l rssiccsinn on ic kric Tutsscuy, Nov, 111h, 187-L. liairl CItenacery ae ofa a ursialfitl sat usj IbIit. Nttv. J.- K. Gordonui, mur.-Dav Sale cof Terri Stock, ioe lmanite, u tm itis om, lot No. 17; li thlt cti JsEl' tltlb, ais Mînday, Nov. rsi LuFitirbaiui4,4, Aucti>mteon. O! wtll-b~,,I e ua , Clu, c. tuju,. M<ssers. <rsioelland lPrince, et Sltoiji WesluIteiiay, NUr. h - ewrm& i Crilit msuie of ferte aluck &c., pt-tu"ri T. Mtbiiif tjrcnfE ON<LY Jti >PERI ANNaUI Wllb,'rhîilay, oct. a0, 18, Mauing outfliic Qubui cLegisiatut Tii îsjurta ntstftuuac i'ihe ljýiit 'Iimatretouit place on Tuaess Mr. Jîly o feirod a iièfis utroosuul sattug forth theîS oiut o lc iaLt, IttivO oCuil,illrruiÎng ilue iglii Li) reîsraýesutei re IscYtiyl coutrol bitîllise, cru culiurpon lta lHo famas-rh ibm tigLtby Confiruillg otsi o tsIlîilsettI iuuinlemtiifying kis~rttîucfir til I uajiutitva itie 1:.y i1 lsu-sr lte tarcsaesaj f itl(tutisp Bil votaI lon tae 281h tsi August. nusu aiibavearasi by Mr. Lyn H>cntadilcti by Mn. Flynn , urging a cc itia tcof hotli partioa as alie fitfnue, Orcf uoîovlsti te present deailiocit i itktaung ftiteaxîgeucice et tlîe ltuilti AItalle o'closl ita toctitadajouirniId bul %VdnascIayý, wititouî cominig tc Vots. The uIsoiuîa of Mn. Flytn s sîlmo cf âMr. Paqsuet, autotîter suppocrt vil, itlefianhiiuitlcl, iplace teaG h u uîcjta---Tieprusimof Mtss littuius lurroawîn d of Mn. 1) Wst'tîosut t-rauî cti Moutay iglil, s mcsuuftruasc lova-i takituafretta i frsu -r. ]u tisca vwas rllu'Cutsscîby c W1sucit1 . Fronti le csller antrit; 1uvcte ulîastili to 111<j-re. -1 inilton aa lltittc4wi4it"e lntgla Mn. Baye store litt5icuiliitbiuig sutnuitla sic Iiiil 'Te blrgtirfe rtueieii id hU ilst 1ccuWIiscartojsLVA uniy cerr. bsu a fcsw liglut ltagt - foreaand] «là' scs uiltit suuîtîl chaligiîli lictA bi. lý-Tetru hlst u ul thum iret mi tf ianov tlutly, viuicli e isutiy itrint tsîi givinm g4Wtsuiiiiinîtiiia. 11r. Tray 11sLYs Vary trtuly tht inîîsentais upon t tiscit vibi reltacttîrcaiu thu fiehl lPout h10smtfieliltIvidea anasîglu, but lIt 1ýlu sfatucaI mt toAnterîrias, luno pl- si-aeh u. IVo it iiai lis succi vili proieru itii iauu luis uigiving IalPsuiÎaNteI('M r-CcUAssaet.-I 10ilinbu$sailt frii or aulvrliaiug c ntsî iiii t ite coîuultta)o cf tliasa Vii by Mslu itu s Itihcte proîsuos 1 f,1o lbits goail ucitirp)iu eut lu iili v1aisuH cil lnelibtitig lvîuugCliaicm. A s.gîsi stl o îitintoi' îtijujata las tce tutcl rottt hie lieu prseriltailIy tIl CIaucicanui san liiii CjjýjLutusmu viiiL Lbuuiglut1ly Ltascrs of ucknoîvIuîtio ruN Amitiaautt~ ieues I3uit DuNED ouWu -1110 hlaI h îssovuRitastha Ashburn 11u1100, Ashlburt, ocuaîia hy Mn. john vFbuldiîtg, vas tîvsltîuyad by ira on Sat- tiily nmcrning, us a vas aa lte iriam stoIrecof Mr- Hovorlty rexîbon. file lues is atimiltbil AI over Wf20i0 lueur. isu oiosly 0500o, by Mure. ilTonagh, cn tiss builing. lMi. Fatîltîitg hl un lu-. -curanca-on turtiltura or contents, anti vo rognaI ta sas', logas cvorytljliui,-aei <ues alec Mi; Sovarby. ilerrauil rans PrfIumes, amortoel, minasi lu Lubînu, or Atkiuaou's, 2,5 cts., sîrigle ouîncs, tlt Whitficld'm Mauical 11lîl, Drecit 13., Whitby. - T0: 0Nitt. uar Y.-hasiens cf lita (Jlronticle arc ieluenst.d tagnota, liat lhutrbulondtanicsaool batlis of Mn. Sage iý COs, Witt lad tnis, eticcesas Ion" atijohtua itu crdiauary binding, andtIhuat biîmY aru pablisheti ut the fle pnicis. 'J. S.l. ilerlmou &ic lin. Agonis forthue t.Wlithy. Hucîumit Fven-Ague s'il Lia'r Palse Plaitera ha. For sala by T. G, Whlit- fld jd:Whilb, sole agent for Outanfo l~sas'ilaruu.~eoily Globe frram p1rogient date urtil aussi f 1810 for $1,50 Weehîy Arcc'z de., $100, WVcekly Lhî. c'MI hitAdvertiacr, same length cff lima $1,50 (veekiy pramium) ýV.aitlj IVUgcea8l,01ne ytar $ï 00. Audrese or. (lens bu j. S.-iBabenteo ibuli ros. Doen-r 13100k.ohsWhitby. etWithby. Scot's Emnulelon cf Pitre Cc io Oit ' lfr agoby fi. 0o. (Wîuiflî The olioiug astficevidono. W>Dofl 1~ ZyColline, cwurn and axamljned LtoiDtitnaIS4.relatloashi ,wlth Gil, sid-I atn dangliter ofIlia plaintilJL 1 WotUr'sVilea and forbade hL hil bous. wasdelivored of a male obild, ai, the Defondant ld net cone ie i~ sa ai groci. 191h of F.bniary laot. lRobert &ittil; aurinig au altercation betwea th.m, the father. YPirst knew hlm 1intfl lt. the defe0dSuIt bit 11o11i'oU shum go Tallor. ter part of Jgnuary, 187 ; waS îearni. ueverely Ibat the laiter iu releasing bisi log taleraphing Pt the t11w. at 82 Kn t bPIW the [lait Off and t Ot f timit1à. Street oust, Toronto,.WVss introduca def.fldaflt'a telb ont, Sthejury anpda cd, -tg hlm Dy Mr. Olman in the defoud. verdict of guilly of a opâmon aoeaUl, son < 1111t#s Ofb0o., Went ubre t lay Mr, and the def.nilant vas 814e a45Io, Colman the remainder et My cuumil. twolve munths a uheb Central Prison. l. $ion, and 10 iii lie would drive.-nie Vie. Queenvs. John s MeiZowa--The haisne$ os hlie idsafriand wlïo iad a priioiior was *iral«tii on thr.ee<char- heorse. . etheir wonî cown $0 Bieîs gos of forgery of tve prmlsoy office ansi ho lutrud dme thora. 1 nottesone of l.nm t3me e -The oltanu aw Stitt aiter that, as^ ho camae ta Pherson, one of Hugli Perguson. andi gaI instructions inu îelegraphing. . e ne Of <Ârchd. Moionus, the evldence l-The wal aisea'a book and bible agent. Ofien, uhoed t ha th. prisoner book the ibree wontdriving aud ta places or amuse. notes te und ThOs. B. Adam, of Lind- ment withb hlm. -He made an engage. say, a buyer ofunotos, reprosselthst, ute.- ment tu taka ime tu the ïkatiug rink ho wpts agent for the sale of clobli Iliat and lie, called at Churcliat.- for me. ho sold cloîli te the allegad iiiakers,'of Wo wont duwn KcnGg.sî. and Whou w. the notes and thatl lbey gave thb. notes g0t near bis. office lie askod me to go in, in payaient, MaPherson, Fergon, andi k, làn. with him. WVo stayad thora à while- Molunes swora thay did not make, the un lut And, warmed oursolvas. Asksd blol notes. ýThoedfeuoset np vas hatthe Wed- whaîtiâme il was, lia aaid fnine o'clock. notas voro «ivan 10 the prisonir lÉy one a1 the I saisi it was too oold taogo ta tbe rlnk Hlart end that the prisoner vas not ucher, and would -stay a white longr-said I awara they were forgesi. The jury would hav'to leaveata 0.45. Ho sald brougti l a verdict cf gnilty 'dl1he c. thc on asking hinm the timd afterwards, that liraI charg<anil the' prisoner ou belng ,) N) if was aloyau o'cluck. 1 thaen said'I arraignedl plaadad gnilty to the othor banka, would ]lava go go and sîay at a lotel, two charges.lia Ws sentenaedl te ifm- sasflic door wonld ha ebut wliare 1 prisonmont lu tbe Penitentiary for ida boardesi. Ilia uid if would look liait tethrceayears ou' snch indicîmeut the ws&do sa, but ouggcsîad I coutl tay lu bls throos terms cf imprisonment t10risn bail room, and liait ho would etay in concurrently. 'c" on the cîher room. -1 thon -lohoj ffMy The. Quecn vit. Jas. Cafloerwood ad 3oci haots andi jaccat and went taboac. IlsMary,B8mithulia Mary Catlcerwood-; *79- woet ou$ fur noma cu1,ansd aller'a Tha prisonor&- vera charges itil-iré. whila came mb to roum aud guI loto civing a quntity uf tiweed loth' allag. Sty ci bail with me. 1 neyer spoke a l h. ail ta have bea sstlen from the Mills ~ip0, Mn isaiciIland b&tter ftake off my cloîli. cf Messrs. Snyder Waterhouse & Co., atkige su, as I wculd bc more comfortabla, and Sb Uxbridge. A searoh warrant Wall ha attemptasi ta taka off niy alothes. 1 issned b h Magistrats, and on s.archt ty of obj)ctail, but lia presiated* S beg made a large qnantlty of th. v41<I lafI the city about tho ,lest cf Febru. stolon artiales were fouud lu the pris. ors' for tho purposa cf braaking off the oner's possession. No, evidence vas iutîrnecy ; cama baak about 2lst of offered by the prisonors ta acolant for 1< pril andi returned ta the- lustitute. the way thoy became possessesi cf the 4Deft. calti th t- day. Tlhe improp2er goosis. The jury bronght in a verdict intlmacy was thoen ceulinnail. *i restst. cf not guilty. adi. i lion went away for nmre lima 'RîtZ BILL.t I. andi came back again about the l7tlc of ThU Queeuc Va. Josepli Yorl-Per.y May.- Objacted ta bis liaving inter. jury. 9 course witbme butlho said hae voulsi Thci Querit v8. Benjamin Crandll-a mako it ait righit. Tcld hlm if I got iu' hmpry ta troubla I coulil not go home. Ha The. Quean tvs. Jolin Hozvden - I re saitl lia would marry nie. rie laId ma Champarty. l ie was worlh #20,000, blot hlm on The Queen vil. GrandZ Trunk 'Ry.U lue- tlie 2Sth of May un Adalaide Stret-;ha Co.-Nuisance.1 îay. saisi lia wanted ta pakbtaocueand lI haoecases 1h. grand jury brought f aoe ni tuogo to his office. 1 vent iluhue bils and Ihoy voe.adjouruedD doue ith ius.Ho tit] e tfany lattera te the dext siîtings of tha court. , s «La- cabafor him tathie iustituta lu lring- The Grand Jury mail. the following 0 tf cf tîtaru ta llas. lie askoilmaeviit slzad proentrment orn Satnrilay sud wero dis. Il tha glovas 1 vora, las ha owed we a philo. cbargcd b p1a0vna andI vantesi ta ive mea F pair.N. ilse lla thon got ip aud Iockad tha ilcr PESNaiMNT t andiLotuakma uver to the bild * Tho jurors oi our lady the Qiimen, S -là t T*1, . * beg inost respectfully ta snbmit 4 ýhat s pîy Tdhlm about the 121h of Jniy thal 1 thay juin iu the congratulations lithat , Au wtt. pregnt ; hiid fnot mmom te bhoftia caloudar cf crime shewed se few ch, snrprised. 111e gava me Borne pilla ta cases coming before them aIt this coburt 7a1:~~~~~~~ lact rdc icrlg. ie,,sdof amsizc, sud aspeaily, that uo case anS pro vîousiy written hlm so that ha would bau corne hafor Ilium 'in whlb a îuv- andi gel the latter on- luth JuIy. suitlmela ffaniler was cuargeil witb an in.u- ~ agin n 11h; a aital m i bifraction cf the lawsuofcouicountry. f un: raceiveil a latter from hlmu. Holiedi That lu the few cases cf a serions a m ue again ta go lu bis room, .ainr a -natura comicag before lbe jury, tlbey i anil had Soma Pis for me. I sud so and ha were graatly aideil by bbc Most lncid l -tcr, gava bhem bu me. Hoecrove lue home. oxplanatione cf the law bearing upon t ýV Ilis waubod me tu go lua Monrent. Surlis casas, givan by lb. Chiaf Justice s The dcfendaut did uct appear, and ae tha uPeuin« Of tbe c'>urt. rn tlia jury founil a verdict as aboya stateil. They are compalail aiso tb rafer teje ors. Mr. Nogent, for pt ; Mtr. F4urewoll, for the kinduae and gentîemauiy baaring r )ay Cariadaz Co. vs. iMcLtulin-Ac. Thal îhey visted thiegaci andi founi c theco lndsoi~ -cîneUxbtridg er Sonevarythiug pertainiug Ihereaolnaa bIte f lade ii txridg .eLcoril witlu- clanly lcaîtîîy sud ordarly condition,c 5t- drîîwn, Murray, flarwick & Lyon for reflecting open tih. general manage- fi .1er pier., L. C. Canupbell for doit. ment thereof-save andi except la fur. 1< nc Ea va. Maijor-lu thia cisua, ut. - an -for lieuling purposes in tb. South. 0c nu il lauiet weeic, the action of <c- îeviu wae wacit cornér of te yard ou tLe vasI of m Da brougbt witb respect lu gouoddistrein. the gaoî, whilîiî houlsi b. removeas a ~b, oor éd by dedt. for allagai arroars of ranI. pravantiva against ire, if for no other o lIce Tho rpltifrentail tram daft. îLe griot r"a""l-.The inmalcu; cf the gsol,1ev hbi itd muili at Gin Major, and frow u e a int nuniber, express themmela-as pleasesi ti vas ltiii a he Irolutby lIii varitcg flouir vii tbo-trelmeunt mabed out ta them aie and ti erticles ont of bue cuill lta by flita manager, and we found with Ls deft. arnd is woiluuien.Tho dofeudnilal heincopias of the iBible anti testament, a j. diépîtteil luis liaébilily aiLli reseict t and «il their books vere of a strictly eu ba toluooftufhe gouda aliogail lu lavt beon moral cliaracler, liei ardelivertt out uf the milii, anti The grand jury also bag lu report, rst tua againal t wili lice gu hud a Lat their attention bas boan caîlei ta ht roi coutrit accourt, <UnI digtraiuad tIti, Ioclc-up of the Iown of Vitby, wi tha for his ranI. 'This action wes brotaglit witicla w. find talaie ha vary unfit for e lu ta replg-vy bak tae goua. 'Thbcjnry the purposra of a loak.up. w aot fojuiL lItI fli for LU-., delivarouiliîy ) aare «lad luelîar that thera is Ibm Ta lf- tlia pluintilI ont of tdeia «.111on îcc-i.proubsbiliby cf au improvameut lu this 1 0s8 ant ,snorder werc ag,;reoil by fliaparties particular, iuasmucb asIL;te lowu iu las ga. lu go against tLe relit, a verdict for a'bout acquiring a very fine properby forag Plaintifi was antural for $ I <unI cote, rmunîcîpalpurpoeas, andsi hicounecion the If subjact t buvyafillu' gauti etbeet tü vth w lich, w hopo, for the lionor of u al a efturùio t10 id i o jdg arb-ficown, thacy viliehaable 10 fnrRjmh aaI t-Uc-1l. loch-up entaI ta the requiramants of ta, ta TI) o ti ol9 V8. Hüllffltt et a-Ac justice andti aenity. igi lu otu tu rocovar #10>,000) on a bond givon inîî grand jury aigu- beg ta express neS le" ty dafandanla for file fuitiîful porfor- tae very greast pleasura tbay feol lu the ok] iiiiiiiu ley dcfcntliuub toiluint] of lueg appoinîmnent bua1the chief luslicasbip of lbr ..n tî 1 1ic .4,ucurn Ta i-s,îliaLi-ibis lordsilpla )n tLe bench, faaling as. ar t oeursq agraeing ta pey s$850 per yaar, thaconcinunu« uae j uy vîmua ta yeks itiilta kec-p tJ ltoîfonllîît antI lis Iiihe ia teyfarie iu uîî vaat, ash wite, lita parties diii nob agtocve ry icem c rmTi u ant, vailantiltae jalitiillgave r 'i plceyeyabtiay hava a confidance that the geste dfuatagreeing 10 laiteili ar pipyLasis td anthorities viii badl baud, aJ t pa forbIt, saci ani -suit rigidly axecubo Itie laws for ils Wa pictmcts. TIti parties disegroos i; ta uppression ; anti if the preseut e0usd- an i thoinIie f ruli c hi mbcitant ~ monts are not oqual te t.e emcrizancy, basi ith lu Iha gr vnmape 'Jsiocknau"ins tieutabaaIother lawu viilbhadansd , he, doe.N.t.h te crosfor Lb.plaintif, putlin force, more mringeut lu bheir voul d.1. P.aewhiatslDrumon furth r anifnature sas ylpreven t huaMost Easin-The doeftisisul. The Clii Justice suggoiqt. mninreaccrm trogîutocli cdai a campromisa, vîiicli ftcr RmrnataIt Dominion. avr b vas acte upilon, al lte case selîlet by Al cf vîuichinleroi;îsoctfuiiyeubtuit$ed. timeu -Lawrencearai owing lisanin-îav 8ulso. lhALPH I NE, "The Foreman. * CIIIMINAL SIDIl. Court rose or Tueilay. an fi AMSÀUcLT vInTIINTeN.-In tlite calse O f te Quecu VsMallev iurphiy, 'u VîifioitUs ClebralaS I'ulmoecln wbicIu Irne bis wae raturnesi fur tape Syrnp tu warrantaI ta relieve lth. Most Iî i ansi for assanît witîu inteut, the jury stnbborn congh. pr founîl a verdict of gailby on bbe second dpo, inidictumenî. Tha prisoner a marrieul RealEstate in thae West. sai maritandi tha fathar of mareral Young s-i L'Itil(ircu, bin2g arraigucil pleadai nul Tii. Dauver Landi Ca. offar iu an lai!si guiitY, arnd vas ablydafendail by Mfr. othar coiuan alaernata in tbeir aduilion. la John Mi'eilia.ray. The avidbuenocf These aiernale loIs are lu tact given a- SurJ Mure. Coîby, su olti decrepid vomanu, vay, thougL a nominal charge cf ou.to1 unabia lu give ublarance to speeh dia, dollar ie matie for tLe deoil. The com. lv bînctiy or ta comprahienil th qnuetions pany lîmît thua number pnrorhasa'Iaai un put te fier, vas giron tîtrougit her sun,* Ibis price. te ira lots. -Mstsy of the a yonngnu, and was intarprateul le large cilicescf the veu bhava been tarl. n huaacut by bhlm. Il vas cf a uasîy ainl a similar manner, andi thosa wlîo West ebaractar, anud vhiia given feaaes in seaura loito thoan, fini thameelves nov namn court ware urderoil out. TLaeciafenca lu possession of rainabie praperîy. The no cuilsavorail ho ebtablieli an alibi Ihrouglu opporînuily-doeu Dot allen presaul il. 'q) Tirisoner's son. Prisonar mntencasi te self cf mahing an investmeul anu]Real san le 11) moulueslunbtia Centrai Prison. estate at enchs priaeo.'iehareiiabiiity 46"] l'se Qucecu va Hel;&-In -hie casa cf tba company sud Ibeir titis 10 the NabIc lui w-ieaithbb grandl jury foutni a true property being wahi eslahlishled, thora oyuui -bill, te defanilant vas arraignei for coli ho nu riait, witîî a fiue prospect cf thb a assauii ou a girl under aloyau yearg for s replI increasa lu vaine. Denver 4Y of aga ansi pleadel net gu*it The 1bas8lied such a" voudarfuiîy rapisi boy prusocnlrix., AliceaBlnl (nov or yftour. grovîhi, îil;ieprobable Ibat the landsisloçç tonu)tôsliflod liaI lha offueaa ok vîli ha specdily laiton np.Oei I, place four yaars agavLan shîs was in la fo- uia the defenilauî'a cmployrnnt. Use whitlleld's Jnimcnic Syrup, lie ns.1 Tliho fuco, whieb was ably con- hast huovu aough rernedy, price 25 ce. hom ducteil hy Mi. Launt, Q.C, vnt tu per bottle. goi shsw thalt the case was a <u up job" -.-----~bottlu for thaIifila-pasaof xtracting ti.aiui-y ErrEuTr F ril N. iP.-The Toronto maien froin clefciriar.t. Sevcrui lt: (sa Trclcgrant lrtly says :-The politiciens Leacc. woeocallcil ta contradicîtte ailonco way quarrai cver itme National î'aiiy cudn't «vari ly the irl tall a ltat of lier tltii tey are tuak lu the face, bhil lb esa talLr ati mîîuo-.Pr. amlvco, vhu camaplain Ibat peepl lieate psy shiavir MutIl a naccicai examnatliou, totifiasi marefor tbair brunI, Maoo fer their ara ye te the1 condition ofi 11w girl, thetunadioel coal, ansi probalaly nacre fui thvir soos an th ovidOco oing howpIuow ituât &ho waa u n ceount of !luis dplicul..an wu t a-s<, uiy a.vuSt-ink wvais pI k pulii pnion cr11sahume on varilcit, an hein burlhend vill i [abincas. An fellu inthe sinxobhigas iav an oalh, blaey lierv 1 lainabo* ular fesila cr111 incline. an th. part; shoothei h eing tu. .ift.eiiî boit inlnsliuu 10 uiI tsitidh estly au faithfuihy, vWin ber lu rau ber vliebier thal prinisue's fmiiy shootin tamly, or if, tley- go vu vidI bowy nives ; au if a jarymas the chiaf stay au Support av Ly famiiy, lie muetî kb = 1,n umsl hlnbansi au a faîher, if ide bis»us tall. hum nmueh frot home, whella. viii ha rehurnin hale at nite , an if I likely lu ber ilenaàs allas bidth Whe lait. chIes vislh th. Convioletir Out- jurymin, areaail pathriuthic, bu imnl't aivayu Alsy for eu:Ètetenrti cuushunsas Vinuplalsauh casest ochaur," ', WeiI, fnindi, sez I1,&'Il Min cLu' augels or hayroo, au mauyMin iý vbeîe, as vel se in th. States, sai the rashio lu whlch bhey are luth eshesi in tbe case going un, or lu man la the dock. 1 remimber àa; casa in OvhIdIrelaus Inu ihicli a By% Ihniesi ior marsler. The proof av crime vas elear an palpible,an the m dlier, (Guti help hlm 1) vas acquit in deflauceofetthe enima. an 1h. i biluet direcheian av the ug" ye louai! hlm nul giiîy,1' sesi a naa to ou. av the janymii. ..Be mes0 shinse, 1 disi!11 vas tbe repiy, <'dl 10 uea mesoîf bang hlm, an lie the1 lita lu me losuehVI I tolaiihm. tli vaY Of mollyfylu hlm, an lb. tait b us jist uhide the court bouse don Thoae lera was a crovsl ausimbiesil fore lb. stops, ail altiasiu an wi MaUtls agape ta vbaî a big man« Sayiu, vhe vas layin cdowu the lem. Dow st once tiras Donai, au so hi1 the bacit «round mo as thal lhe should bc dishurbes in bis orambun. An ai be lie dicln' tait au «irqe anu ciapt un vanse 1h "Wio's liag «rate spahas sez tha Yankee gentleman. "6Doa fisz I. <'AQueen's Consel ' saz1 "No# Douai 1" max 1 ; I",a sberil'sfun shuuary.", "My gnayshus V' sez- <ye lon'I mane s bailiff 2" 6-0, as -bab," max I, hie oniy hovhcis a hip st su ohashuns, tcr bis arnusomiat, j- for an opporcnity toeaxerais. nungm a bit, au dimphay him ehoquince achmhuuu." The Yankee looit.dliard ne. '<II ll.yen what, ',sez ha, th usn ud eh a juilge, or at hast. au.A torney-Ginanal unsiher thie selli an stars, lhat's the sbupayri natsyriai out e vhich Ilie gin eus Amorloan Union makas h hatemmin I Hov eau siai a me îerry lis lite undier a busiel lu th corner of the aeunthry 2", dSur," si [,' vo have au orathor lu Whibby i con bale ovin Danal. Ho comem tri Ie Bay-rom lb. Purty Word of tl svn. Ho conu thani aI the sîbnui ,rner fur the lingli av a day tliinc nunnicipai miutbieru an about bis utc )onrs, sua keep il up a bol. e i i lu maisin, su taikthle Town Covue dmd aI nite, boiilles, an b. uaes evetj ting (as h. saz,) baIlLer than anybed ls, an ha can hala DouaI soc musi ti onre's: a propysiohu goin ou la gel'u telyfone lrem the corners te the lia 0 as liaI lie eau ite.p on talkin'a iennin iimself tlathle timne 1" Ti athon taggsrecl me Yankee fnini,a s fluisial Ibis parI cf the discoors idb the original remart-'Yes, I set unz bar Min thuat are some purniinsi Vhutty." An this bninge me to bià evun Covusil. Are5at they soma pumkins 9 îlte, ar.'nhmomo anarn vbWo vols, 'in axin the Gerermint b otokafthe Je sîteofaithb. larhor t'T'is mailsui 'arn. bai goolden rayacus for loin sc [tho I wont go se tai as sayin that sl )gether mesahf. The rite rayeou vu cnince au thupidity, an lhe unfit se of tL. min ton the p6sisbuu Ibmi ipy. Tial, 1I biui, cernes neaner ti it ufthlitamaîther. Theosma mii rnow Ibrylu la expiainthe rang tlis i, an tram viat I hidan, tlt au ocot jinable laI cf îyes te Ibose Whoo&au shahBl enuif ta hisen taarnt. Bepcr n faraiy an equariay, seyen coin il le sELItOnaCLE, an ti bluose vho ps3 ae piper enu juilge av tie mennier si n bbcy ainsi 10 the Cevusil lioond.1 ni 1h. lime, Mr. Edither, vbiu the van Covumii ai Whitby vas n'h a la£ 2eleckt au a byvord lu the counl! n hast vas a hlm. viu somneouthe isinl boobies vusi liev no mone Lnca of eulbering il than tîaey vud lv of becurnin Primoe Wiistleis. The spi. no ev boihsda Ibilaicf sich unicipal hegishations, an tbay know ther hoy te jidge -av blair ments cs au Ovîs îyiu, Sur, lîov bard il io tbl'm A te casa irh.afti..rat-paye I1, au hoaoeil Ihat gir hl ira1 isfirmî ince lb. Princau laets. Well, w. a aile av it;, but, for the presint, Mt vas sel vas quite coulldenshil John cura-il u inuthe evanin an Id Omm av hai quanistet monles, au "tlhrliktler vihong-a minshimesi about lBhaite goim lufor ht Durhamn. -"lBreathe net bils e," saidSiur John, an thisi ho gava 'Ob foaa lngua tu cea-sethe slave," aet, Keaep der n tl hi,'O'Day," oeil the )la Manitiss, "au as lusi lai.e nov, mst1tel me about the «raIe min al Town Cuvnsih anoîben lima." fer Xelency," snz 1, 'I id ye haar Tirnleutlb th ayu av lie cdurci 2", )w's limat?"maithe Mariie. *Tim, L, 'is a characîher lu lbe tovu, au id of the dhnop lita some more of Ha90 «ut li.ofwhisky le laite sn ana SathurlLy ait,au vantin tb siru lavu, aunot Canin te laiteb se vid in lmh ie il in a heap of us lu Samn Walhcy's yard. Wlaiu ame bact, sa«oi claie fusillai, hao utr marchaI au nookeil about Ilim ns vas venîbarfoaite aco. XWhat Fez loin tharo, Tim 2' axosi a hiag. tbat vas vsbch4a Tim aillth. limze, ro no vory WOU viasI lelkawoaq 1h.i hon. um. n ha aois buse lut il gliair 6h51 et iu &er. jury vas mur- ied lih. lite lait brot ore. Vidh lu't My. be;r 'r ?, ha. ink- ha, tsft ieu i at At- ýpou rir ti The fclloviug iehten oxplaine ilsaif: oviry act 15 viuidieseai, aundvWho nji. bis Toronto, Octohar 28, 1879. rigbtiy lie confidence cf îhe peopl MS Tie toastlvas responlesi le by Ihi sel Si,-I amn desinoil by the Attorney- muiaieras og <H' iiGencral tosy, 'vils rataransca layonrs joisîag oatltmio,'lnd afgogIlhe om of tbe 1811< insl., thal holiel reconu- cu-- visntdth ol edo ho moud lia appropriation cf, eay 850,cutniupeene iegî o e l l e va r d a l b . e x p a m se o f c ia v iâ i t o îM u s - vh i tu h va s b e a u t fu l l u te ig u, a s w v oIoa tsheLsdoegalas out yen ocisuy. as a gneat credit luelthe cltiiivia pr on- mhtpr fyu cen h ea e bet] il. Thie modal lies tue follovic buetise raing ai a funî, by partiel mml. iîscipia-"lAvea-ed by ltae litot lit. ton an tewsfrtaséigClub la Messrns. Bruown & Pattea-at ry- ulambars cf youn Society ftm ime 'oWi " nteOvre ld A i ld ime ta fsrwing terrltory, sooms te ltae pnine toi single reeper. nmne, 'Blroawn tat Attoruey-Geunai an experirnt nul Wiitby Henvetar.'" up unhopaful. sud vnich, vitha pruont In a-eupnet h os n eu mausgment Lad do ood o yor lte hairmau, Ma-. Brovn aid, tIl , mngmu, Y oguu uyu aithongiho ha b isobeu laheipienti aumnmembemu amud them tamilias ; but tise nmrn uiia n rvn ble Goerameul are satisflvsi (tram tLe ex.nmrn uiialat ralc c m p a i n a . is i h b a s b e a u b a i) , t m t lie Iin eo s , h o e n s e r eti b i p re tn lit af lth e d i, Menotion cf youn memiere settling logellu h epltepcaly 8mme se r&at ram olbens, ans inlu blockutltepof ho spc as mcmuna an sprtmr onsissta br o he Local Paniamtent, ah a lima tai in uormuehesa-îh ambimiotitalent, aengy, antimac lia thora, is nul a ciiabeo prabicable a-iice oftftié tsaaî marin thîue counînr part cf yaur schie. VThis vas ex- vas calleil inho action, la abat ansi n AtI laineS la you vitb reterenuse la Mus. odagvrmetlmngmn tdoits in thea conversation mihyouamdi LaId as gasenua mgty m ngeme erl your co-isiegahos Lere. Vie Goa'arm- fcr goosin roprt aogo lm mmnl blflra huh Suell a Ocurse vomIS amesamI powrcspeniy smng u, h a ce r tai n t auhum e, an di v c u ld e n i s - m . a rm a er:, uco m m n ln c un tr asGenamal bias nou bl, if the pansons cf Canada, second uuly lu ana Othe. 'vi wom you seuil ta prospect Lave Il. braneb of induala-y, sud thaI vas ti e7 necesmans' knovhlgo ho fitl hem for lise farrnung intoremst aa i siies lu may ho duty, they vilh reluru viii a favorable h oslrlIl vnu pn i Lu aconl c hi lenîlny. Evcy u- lte termere af Ijeltoril, gave iim g«es Dy homing ettar sîiuuithebreafter selectorpesethnayfcte ltitoi a-is ovu lot sud loae. aitia lie local mton peuHlie anyc L lietsinîie re agent, ami shuolidoteer ramuviug ble careen ase a manuacurery, ndar rtfawnily ucmliafter ho bas bîihl 5 aswali to educabeitsimeif lu îhe paculisi in lieuse on mianty sud maie as malpit eurgexlentla ii -y clearng. This course les bsaluatelyue- mpoinesncqi iug exceutliuca, oaloli of essary, unisss lis maIler «oea vils sut. tar fitail ta service andtIhte vents 0t I ficieul wuay lu provila aImaI is races- ltae fanman ; liteaas aiuply rowed le ary ton bimmafscl Lie faiuily frafan tise neapen trial îbey nov celabral( Sgresînitakete ta eus i exparieucalsc soeelfabs ioua e< i e nlelanlr îe ils valuîe, but as a loitun cf menit, huais ra e f vlnhea- vilsoutlucaeaisof support, ing tat ie oc di a h eado id sud aI a lima vLan tLay camuot o btain a osl oneeria, theea e arpioymane. Ah inuformation lelegat.lare ut rofloaeing machbinesaoc as sud setlers dti ima iiibe heet ob h- rvne etesri h oa r tainel frornthe local agente cfthie Gor. as ndue e, llof beari tisa maei 6.rornent, narnly -D. Andes-sn, Apm. aus eml rgeoiaa eudroa . las'; A. G. lieut, Magsnucîsan;-E.suebltsovlefhr gmmtis r. Handy, Ecuahe ; HugI Mectay, He liopdte membens cf tîma Club sut re Paxuiy Soni; Aubîay White, Brace. friands paesont, vonl ehit iva Jeug lu ir Ybridge -t srvnt, aujoy tiiebeantiful Dominion cf Otan 3- ourobeien Seveani tiae fruits of Iluein Lianesllauers. 1,J. G. SCOTe'. - As io louheil ahneauîcem lia fieldseoc ir Jas. Smith, Esq., Secrebsry Culonun- Canada, lie hunorsu tIi. inilustrions tii. y htou Society: London. lors aifte mil ;'vitisuclu men in the - 009counry uts pruisperiîy is sure ; by theu Tulice Edfla- cf lihe Vhitby Citron. taiîifuî avorit Caniata vihIsurvive bi DzA ci; past finaucial ilisembers, aud ppa-esa-n DEMI Se ;- - tii hua bacares a leaiig country Amuric dPermit me s emalsPace iu tise markts cf thuavurhl. eycur paper, cm a motter of publia nuis-. apooa i msil fiewili sucsin ea- Vvu.CLata-man, Colonehl 3tton, togaties Tiare is s quamlity cf stagnent maeon iti Belford Cluba. Tise Colonel re- layiug bohuIanorli ami outhioftîhîo cul- pliat]ilu suitabla reararh, andi aueu sor- vert or bridge, au Dundas iStreet, cf a oalhmemruesof the Club amud thoina- vry offensive nature, a iittia ty Vice-Chitamn. st cm fa the. WLithy h Pua-I Par-y17. Allenenumber cf otieta uatq 9l icressing, sud oi whicb I bear everl enpooeiadroote e h compa 'Ints.u aat I lianrile S 'I o pnroe aS pou iiu,- titis upain« pointecily la Conuailioi b'aty chueorfor t y uen.- (ue. Burtus, tLe Ciairman ou streets, aud os ti îe my oira itoviesigo thal culverl1ais. aSt He ttad.aoia'Uuirii ho huit& on repairai eveny yaar or tar. asi I lame aconeeuîlaoac inluhe saute place o IElUCUIN irencied ani drain hues put dowm, amInndmgiuicautuc ail Ibis expense le dry te rossiand ult odr icvlnta ll ta, p the fa-ast out cf il lu the aprnug, (nth bodrofcvlzin a irbile the tact is patenlt toîthe Most ucîmlary wyuL tise mari elenstpillat obttusaobserver, Ilcal mîtil bise mater- a revolver vithir ssmy grasp. Fhue courue lu learai mp, samth it obte cul. precaulion is sle.msd necassany 10 lu- vert, wire nov the valsa- laya, mitis.; sure Ibm safeîy of thou parpunaiprupan. cuivent moi' adjacent ruai cau he ex-. The sagacions hommewifta pt- peeloernain long lu ropain, whici pair ageunet a sudien allact et ickriesa inle hey do mot. Layiug clown l111f. iycfiîh cis aie L limbers in a mmd puddle doei net lesh visa precauhioe barn hermof itiihue amig en -Le epo ' t t Toivu mual p=butramaiy triovuho -science lep o ro , exp ea forle 1.f10 otanlie mtng sud pultiffg baeucddou lelîtghîe vater asay proparly. filt oidaros nlmaino tifl, t oslsesnbrycni hua boweîs cemmoil by cuIda, or watt l hf ou f ie ubDithenla c Iis lyoal'.'main citen tise case, lime eetiug cf «a-eau thon o hic bu furgotoen ans for lity ppla on otiar unipa fruit hefuo eir. Sboud ne be orgoten anylfo int«ing. Thue moapan la SCOTT & hBOvcs'S main Street cf the Town il is ay gEmçLSi§oN opPLTBE'AOR0. but oreditable. Stiaugers passiug bat - 'CAsTRcnts.ic.4 andi tortL le tastation, 'vonter tisaI nc 0cet.4u sncb a nuisance avuml heaelluveil tae anistinluoui main sîreel. WyettlL's Beaf, la-on eut] iine. For Beliere ma, aIe by V. G. Whilfield, Whiîby. Dean sir-, Ytcnnm mmn tmny, L'5tsTUL'ti SAIiSApAiciLLA Silu.r. suc PR10 BONO PUDLICO. usati in conjunclion vitithue PILas. Wiiîy, 281L Oct. 1679. Ansi lie sicit msy rcly upon il, arlere usai togaîbea-, at; lirectet] on lise canca-, HOîc. EDW&ao ]3LAtcc.-Says lie Vo- nuocisease eau long remiel tie combined roule Tribune: Aside fta ay epetu. earchiug ami heaing powers cf titee jiss uce, biseatirparticipation lu the ivoOiREAT ttEDJES. counniscf thse uation viii excite a teen interest in Cao discussion cf pnb- To pensone emaployadinluconstatnt ic qusaliens, sud «iv. the plaîhors cf rmeutal toi, stnsiy or amxlaly, Fellowa-t' uneanpioyed halant ati avhichaOur CunpounlSyrup of Hypbeapiitea is blinialenial friemis -mm nî prammul afilieti.repar'iuîhly çlapiti-j, nmiesy tlacit'la-, ed, a 'vision fiai"- 'sr hieltby axencise. Clergymen, Editos, Lavycreanul im- Ou ry R«crati -usoIe-efre, tvo La. jre'aiors busns iu ioliv tecoîumt-y viii regard Mn. 1 - - mnrtmr l3lake's pramisol rainanto Perisment 1 iaesussn~u oumucWi.- W. feel cunninas ti 1it i. nul aà'ksi Imoviesige ut important triihi Iha roired forilbhe elier, buit ager' bas made lomme h liroughly ocquain' saetl h. é' eetmaller of th.e1df euot branchas te ha tangltinluPnbl *scieuls, tb. nexI lhiug is ho learu hi lu oumuiunicate il t> others. That yeXae posessad of a hapù >mode auf c-èomrnuniaaling tuoviail itIen. eau b. nu. question. Ansi y hava, endearoret b y ahi possible meai to iimalate us vrith a leve of loarl not tortho mere influence vhlc eli lo session ou t il ii ecure tathbe possssoi -but for 11. owà lutrinsie value, as' rueans t fexpanlil andi eularglug th mini, ansi lbereby eusbling us hb 'more tuIly tu grapple ilbtle g«ay difficullisalla Problemsf ut an a] istena.. We are ta some extetl a efthîe vaut aespnibiliti.s cf the lesol or, uftheb immense influecce he ois aimsslu moaidiag human charaolei as dietiug'thought in its proper ehauneli in short ire eau sec nuirlere sa ra an orpprtuity for the exorcise of tlia manly virhuubel i ihould cliaratsz lue tie la-ne teacher as lunle e hoc rocEn' W. earneslly hope Ihal vwih hi lufîy vicirs of tie Ieaeber'e cirer atý influence, va shall nover be onud ro tihutiug our sacrai change, but sial en deavor 1e practicethie axample c i ai lance energy ansi stabiliiy va have bui set betone ase. W. do net ledliaI tany wirdofcour cau he more thon an encouragement i4 yan(, ta prosedute lhe «oui vrk oit are 4aow doing so creuiîably, but asi ligit expression cf cur apprecaticnai yaur wrt an aur bhaif, ire ast yau ti accapl this srneil toton ai oua- estoasr anI confidenco, expnesing aI the semi limeth lb. hcp, hal the gotd itnpresmiuxi mmc ycu aav made on Our miuds s lie diguity of car calling snd lie ut bility cf tLe causa betor8 e umray riper int a golden harveel cf gond nesuihe. H. S. BRIESO, signasi, E. O. GRAirAme, 1 U. S. HAILTN.i Ounbbait of lia M. S. Stulente. Coieuizatîou. 'tut IiTERST FELT an TUE ONTAE LE.I thdeysî rsiug ofau ugo Burton ,et esor., W. A. Lava-once & Ço, lai Spi-unesi apoint for th. deteaco; llir position iras nenable, ansi i the abtacit upun Mr. BrowevncPo ho vas n.ibrranti ansi futile. Ji a-Burton fuiIy- susîtaines icbiteopt renIoeaIjudgmen* tar thme flarn m Aie' cf -Mr. Brovn'm d caim, inciuiing owdamages, COURs ans i nlarout. - COMtiLIETu8lABY 5UPpER ANOD PRiSSE Ipy TIOIO. gse On tLe morning cf Ticurday las: rou W. Broya, Prosllent of Il@ Bras nus Palterson Mfg Cou., raceivesi an lui ig, lion ho attend an oyuter supper, x os- by the Befil Farmers' Club, lu c: oa-, ta p rasent Mr. Brown vlth a ( 7a Modal, avardai teo-tb. Whutby1 h. rsier aI a 'reapiug trial, Jaiy, 'l hae VIe entenîainmnu ias ieaiddh r. hipaa ir u lonug lhoremz xI. beredby thé «tu'%lesîs of the evenlug. re haunuuuoemeaî uf uuppar, about 3h- aloct, tb. members o f the club. r. aumerouc fa-louis partout cf a ri aid subsîantiah and bonutifai repaî, pro is, esi by minhoast, Poncher. Afttr ai at jusice bidbeen doueho the tuer n )se and tie clti rernored, by tbe raquei r. the association, Celunel Ballon 1001< )o chair anti Wm. Armstrong, Esq., vice chair, vhiie Mr. Brown, the gi s. of Ibe arening, vas prorîcidt r11ai id at the rigla cf tb. cliairman. s-' umnal loyal bossts vene proposai by n- chairman ami espoudal 10 igit laye i. Via chairman in pnopoiug thue lec ed cf their guesl, Mr. I3rcwvn, ramas liet they ha 'd nov arrivaI st ltaex Ir pheasaut partoaithie evening ; ho sp ta in Iigiesl terrmcf Mi. Brown, s su leasing manufacturer, ansi thfni a lie afficil vo, hy unuiaunteai pansa of occ, unuiring anargy ard indnsbry,1 ta vortel bis way ta lispreseul Pt, mx position et lihe el efet o f tlara, e asdhast manutmcbnning cetahlîhmu as in îLe country - lia upuita of Mr. Bit ot as a publia bemefacton visu, by 1he 0- veution or' tia.Whithsy Harvestar (vli 3n to-iay stands tLe lesing machins lis markt), bai hept pace vib necessities of ltta urnes, sud supplit long faIt vaut cf the agricuitunal -terese of thie country; tuat Mr-. Brc Lad not cuiy lahon a docp interemt lia voriting of oaa- municipal imsti lions, LuI Lai beau electesi t0repres, t-em lu the Provincial Panliament, t jo LaI seavu imself an ahi. reproena tve lu lite parliemenlary halls cf1 tua; sîtrugglton luajust ca;mMenaing, -for lh haunt abolliinetofshavery, devuling bis vho], ihat lime fui neairly tvcnty yearu la organ. Ihal ~i g asiholding conventions, asidresa atout -iug public maabinjs rind la eller vayj aidge eudaavoning te ,cuavinco tha ceàuutr iansi thal slanery vase aternilhe.cnme agîn cnît bcîh Gosi ansi man, HoRevas a =emb aI eU r cf lb. cehebraled Utiua Conrention of 1885, which vas the firuti poliesca PTA- organizalion iu New rk nuStato Wiid demaunddesi-limpièdiate Abolition eo 4t N. saey Am a speakor b.lir as very un ccssfu: Re'irai a Censcieutions, mta- faithtul adihèrent tlu Ie -Oahvlniti o s lief lu religin&,mLaro,'ahtliegh lit Goid ed MLny yearm aigu aon- accounalof lit ian- strong auti-slavary priaciphos. After L89 spendlag foîty yeLIi of hic lita in Mont. y 'a gomery couuly, lie ramone a lc te- ta n, Wayne C Hoy.nealways main. Attie anuatiroiteet npolitical ton matars, Hic first vote iras caut fou sud 3onb Quiacy Adams lu 1828. At the nost bauds of hIc lovusmen ansi tie cifizant Via. uf Wayne' cuunty, he o rcaivesi many upemarks ofthonor by Ibis cornritliug ta usae bis charge of savenai important public îlo't Inuts. RHasiso boot a vry deep inter. Ibte est lu prison referm, holding that the 1 bh presetart sm of goera-iug paionens meut in enr stat, prisons tendoil 10 demoral- seat ina ratier Ian refui-m tlLen. Ire vas The an aifficen for tvo yeans lu the Siuî lite Stug prison, wirb htorongbhy eludi- clly eitha variiu«mofthue uysem ansi trou )ath thal lima e eremtly silvocateil mmoi re- 'ted forais as lic baliereul vomIS tamI ta se. Most aura the netarmatian of lie pt-hunes olie atter tL. expiration ci bieseantence. as a He was an carnest :ad Consistent adro. Wer vtohe life, belaviag, huweven, «liIbte bad reaer artof he orvoncf liba-aing rumou from te lberay ut alcohli as ta «est ho ar-cumpisied hy hegiîiatio. Duning ets dism «rolit Irishfamine In 1847,Ma-. owu Gieni boI an Activa part, deroîiug his lu- irbola lime for may smenthhe in rsisiug ,)jli and coiiecting momaey asid foraading einl faooasd cîbea-articles ta neliavo thLe suf- tise faning puer ci that country. Ho vas id a aIea tram bhis earhy manhuai au aira- i-cale fon reforming lise land paiiey of anthe county, demauding Ibat tise Gov. itu ]orl160 acresof land avthout charge senl assistail in lice ongaainatiou ufthlitaLandl sud Raformn Party vbici continuel ta agi- uta- tata flic quetionunutil lte 1ev vas lie passil hy Cungreus giviug e bomeelteail ýose ta enery achuai sehîler. In 1840 b.e voswn au Albany ansi assista in the org. aninaîlzaton cf the Liberty panty, vitL wlîicm LevolaI mtii l e fôrmatiari et the Ihapublicau panly. lu 1868 ho vas t1le electe i memban of assamiuiy, nepresaut. Ih, mg thc final district of Wayne casculy. It Wnec while lu that position iaat aa-o-- eIl met-hable instance iras givan of tLe 'igunswring denotion to pninaipla whicli vas .q oeeof hbis muet prominent ciienacî- ion, crsis nth o'in f lie Oti cf a's e si arnbly andsi janueil s paper in wbishi lu iie rgai lia, on lie 29L utf March, te68, Alexandlen Frear, bîmen a mamber eat cf te sme bouse, in canjunahtion vitis tcf M. K. Lavis, hy the offer lu him of lal $500, tenipheiluainfluence his votea;ts l- a umero et li ose upon thea aclp. cf hou aif the repart cf the commuitîteea012 of raiuimoaeadvrse ah lit e t titiean lot] act lu addition bualIme acte cunceri-mîg se li ria railroaul. Time charge vîticlu ha lisen ruade vas geamaa-afly ieîved tb hay b true, but lino days attervarde ha re- nt signal his seat, lais lieitîa hein.& 100 I precarlous lua nabla bim ta engage tn )u fileinvestigation vhtilit bis disclosuras ce uedri oaseery. It bas beau pao-an au ince that ha uniatiied, as lb ver., r.a corner tcf- the «roest frauda wbicb et ai' Twaeeah isg loieantiMronb Spnuî'ing ta ha oua of Mn. Tweed'g ihmuet sabserviant a-cnte. -Hie cunsti- t tuants e nttunes hiiontolte legislsîsaro an n 1860. Hlm vbols e li-as beau seau lsin enlaeavoa-lcg ta elavabe, libea-ate, ,et andi rafonin lis tallawmon, aîvaye mac- a- ificing, himeself if tIherab-, ho migist ginus ail or cornforb ta tie oppressaI on ît nedy. Mi'. Glen leavea si- c cilînen bft u rnuis lesîha. Whauenleuycua ý ymcrs of cga uta vas cuemniail ta a masI 4estmbeoi eag lady, sund for nmnly hail a century lbey liveil togatier. The £iaa cfthe chaild-eia are as foi- witutownunmursry-Mn of t tiis City aFrancis Vsyiand,thie manager utfise ofj Jusepla Hall Manntacturng Company, ut ofOshawat, Onat., AndI Member tram Sounli Ontaînilic Dominion Paruea. tameut ; Alenno Puige, a resident of S.Ohio; Gernit Smilla, a preimieri busi. 1 notsema in Hart fortl, Conu., asidMa-s.1 taH. E. Hocher, uft hia city.1 rs MuAtuitc IN GAoL-A STA-NOP icWuca ta-cm ait présent. At-sulîiutaéaî s 3- l venut hiappeutec in lu îe ami-siofthie ncswly mcadle brie, uta a chtarge of pmncliaing a tlmcg icoa by abunbîcu. aw iste. This osucuarri allen the coemony b: vas nier. A Mme. litosli ver aise vc arremiai for eidiug IL, bride, P Ituasia PPntcpÂii aOR Ar..-hItuasia I seeme lu Le preparng for ver, thue Abcicioff Steel Vorhsliuaving beau or-.I dpîe na tiuspanilail privato cantrpets l in favor cf tLe Governmcuî's <lamanci for caminnsui lter arlanilli unle. tuante. 'ile Iusiiatu G-îaaumenî's Pa at coresfor steel «ruas asidmuni- 13t tiare of van show tint il dotinsuletmly vholly upor itis dipîoacc. Indeeil, tIte latter appears e hobtsfailing il uenc vea-y important point, if ltbe Le liat at hustmas,influene avitItersieanin; wig m 66gmachuaIly fuppîaubul l'y ticci eofGreta e li-ain.','For years lsasmia.hias stria-eu a ta uake Pea-aiza-whnit mii.once liopeul t-o fit maite Auslaia-a outeflai meutal, by sut wbosc aid saiuty scanne lber conimu. Pa nicatio ne arble adaiuuing invurle lu2- (lia. Andi nov, just vlan tilima for decisire action seems lu have couce, the icaV atate vhich fianhe lien wîuuhe lins cf vil m anchrupouMcmv ansi Horat iasRaisi ta us( Lo leaning hoeuafigile cf icr eietties. vol ifliais is reauiy so, lb pt-usais that Eng. ula !l au sappreciat-l, muc'a f-flily Ihan ,fi t tihe vea-letipposcu, filea valsue ofrti- Shlah's ahlliance alsi thue W1ieilw afMn. (t Eaislvich'm conel yeune «go, "iinht fau( ail seur. ersa"< -ý ares., tatiag anala grnd exposition( Inmii mac0hinarý, m* lÈrodcis, «rah Yetc., 'viii be llinuceunection wch h t annai convention cf 1h. Millers' Ai *soclalion nleyt Jn, aI a place not YE CotAL Ic THE NOUTri-WBm'.-I]MI ensa bals cf coal han. been discoenon ou le Aaiaboiaa river. A thousas lunemiihaebroughtl b WinnipeghIL B.- mutsr. V. rajoiciug over thleandsif t1h. >quanat *o lina. Thé-total number cf yeov'1 ,i er ver cases this sesson las beal db t- sud the numbar cf eeatlis 486. WOMEO ANOD CuttLaIcI nco 1 PROUitTEIND1ANBtsî-Gc(nera Adai misaion t0 tLe camp et houile Utes his )r been compietely unccesfl. -Ai Il, va wmen sud cilinan tatea captiva si 10ite Whito Rivai Agenay-have basi y saurrealerel, ýoe The Ausîra Garman alliance appa - Io be basai on an exebauge of memo rands by l3iarnaraak ànd Ansiraury «Bwhiai4hbave beau suhmitted lu ansi ap J.proved - by Ihair respectiva ucreraigus.1 s8 N Aie AiteTcaS' BODYrECnOVERED.- gThe body of Qeerga Burr, lhe St i- Louis haukteloler, wbo accompanied n. Prof. Wise, lie aeromaut, 'bas beau a-i e covered ou IL, souti shore cf Lai Michigan, ansi liera la ne longer an ýrdonbt lthaIthse haloun vas vreckai or he laite. * VTE GRANT vs,.lBzsuDYOny QuIt CAsz.-Justice Machay, et Meula-en, e gave julgemenî u intae Grant v.lies;. d ry casa on Saturlay-tbe action bav *ing bean braugit ta recuven lamageo for taIse ana-amI on lie l2th July of lasl year. Il vas tlimmissil oa s Icbu: cality. -£1.lieaotic id nul sîshe he- tie cause cf adtiun leoit plae.- Haic. M. BaWELL CazsMucssLNEzuîOF BCUerouiS, paid a vieil ba his bruther-e- 1eva, Ma-. J. IB. Pbilip, at Whilby, cn f Piiay, un bis raIn-n tram Winnipeg. Mass-s. Tîtos. LevIer, ansi El. Ari- strong hava goe norîh on a veet's sboaling excursicn. VThe Morrisargi Courier lu iufoîrne biab Clark lBrown is vriting eut s full confession oetis crime, vhiei vill prob. ehhy bo made public «I or afler ltae ex- ocutian. 1h lu saisi Ibat a proposition ta - abul- lob Division Courts viii ha maie aI ths uexb session of lie Ontario Legislature. LI.-Col. Cubili is-namel as tbe prob able Coumarvatlve candidiate in West Durhtam ta oppose Hou. Esi. Blake. DnA'ra OF Ait OLD JOUNAcaaS'r,-An.- ta-ev Wilson lately ne ofthbie-principal proprualrof ahlb.Manîneal Herald, died in Massachcusetts on Saturilay.* Luise of 11f. lu Spain by tise Miuacie. floade viii exceei 8,000. Agrarien outrages aro rapanleil trous diffament lisricîs ilu lau. Il is rumarai ttia the Spauili Pra- culer Cempos vill nemigu sluorlly Thea Ilussiau budget ft an slya shtove a déficit. cf eter 380,000,000 rtî-i bics. Vhe Ihussiantiateala by tise Turcu. mens ia mail la Lava been muxci mare lisasnous tben aI final reportaîl. Troopu ordenol home trorn the Cape hava beau deleineil on eccaunt cf dis- tnt-Lances amoug the fBuera. Iieavy ihghtn- lias occunrei hbveen SLutergardau ansi Ali-Kbayl, in vhich lis. Afghans lad iaaaviiy. Elliot daims Ihalas Hamien Icclines la a-cv lu Engie an birta Chsalleue înp, le bas torteitesi lie lropLy. The edulor cf dia London mleel caill et] "Town Teit," bas heen ltouidguihty cf libelling Mme. Langîry and NlIm. Cornwallis West. Sartencati ta 18 moutas. Tho Govarnwenî t ofAhuxandria, Egypt, cm Thnreday deliverai tise abe- hmk, Cleopetma's nactile, lu Commander Guiinge, nofltheTUnitad Statea Davy, ansi tisa voak of rewoa'al ho New ua-k viii begin pa-ampîly. AtuctrAL uF H. B. H. TEE PatuuESa Loutii.-Tbae teamsiiip Sarmcatian, witi tLe PrincesLouise ou hoardi neacbel Liver-pool eatehy ou Mlomday. A Tiuetvrcu E eoLtsU SETTLE5!ENT.- Titernis a bhuiring sebhiament oftEug- tieL famihies ancunil Buck Laite. Thay hava nancanca cf capital, anti ara mahiug large impmoramenîs. TIa-ougli iliain excntions a huandeome Episcopai Churcihlies been ereclal niearthe i'onn- ury lino baliveau MeMua-icla ani Sîltil. NOe'cVRTki ,auumuaiOicTARIa.-& «au. Onout Au'rorrourTbIEN.-Mn. Jas. Me. -Na, vco isefor a atrUMbar utyears cen fui-man euniîe GrndTa-unit Iuuaiivey, bas bien appuintel ilcasimes. tem aI lita Va'iiy, Lindsay andtiPort 'c-t-y Rlwaîvy. la mmcviilu is tam-. iy ho WVlàuiiy ho-day, (Maiuiiây). Ma-. ItuNaL le ea canctul, irstul.cass monantsu fie Wluilby people ara lu ha conga-atu- utc-cl ou tuacir schvition.-Guie. 'vu Bootht. lita uiuotofhais prolassinnal naethuren, sufferens fretîueuily frowl se-- ca-e inlihmation cf îLe tireal, vbica neyaente iim uccasiuunahly froni apposa-. tg on lise elege. Tua thealnIcal marc htrelle mmotimes sa menions thaI ' it iivae au aitar icubo pt-inde lite. B3ooth 1:.vaavrr, jroinptly stos tLe lirt-symp. Mn wili 611cm' Linimant lodiha Ain ainis:. SolI Iîy S. WV. 13. Sccibbt. Senti fer ciciîuililti. Dr. Chues, 124) "aVoet 3roesas<wy, N. Y. Tiall aize 25 conte. FAu:ctiS ANDMeeAeie-t-vd sOumacîlvVa with a boutle ni Paiu-lier ,t s meascu of the year, vhen Bm- amr comtplaintes sur.'80prevalmut ; il us parompt isi, al aimuterscurirlt musey nve yusu laye utsichuas,and yOun ilI nsl il la imore valiahia Iluan «ailj. i, a-aO Yen buy bilt«enima Penny Davis' ain-Killer ansi tata no ollar mixture. A IILuR iWHuxsc PorTaT EOFMun- v & àý Laeas Feontiw VAT£u mixed iiIa thea atcr ro! the ath. is c f greal oe tua iunvalide ansi ail teicae craiea- nsg Persans,*as it ravives" andi hraceu [)îLie failing strougci. and sootha the lu ulst iliable tit-t'estmm. BamuieuFORPuasilutIiAIi.-Ue1h once id you mIll bave no alLer. Frico, 50 )ils pe- buhhle. ax"OaY, iasdimsmullY coua ble unercome. lu etlmn nCanada, sncb au Hon. SGao. Brown, Mr.Hood, and tother, liaidadna a-mach lu lh. csy ut setig a gaookaxmple i- lu iis vay tlu-<iana&laac fum da ai truslod hoy'old proafit by Il. a lee- saihocouuna w wngrluatae eueple ut c a n a a s u c n b . n g a li b o l l xm> t l t I i t» ansilopftatg heit lira tintas beb a no' 1e.(her Nolhlng cous. a, ncmre lm nupiessaul lta àbatulmanager th=ntlu-coh- àelestinterest lrnucing 1110 ho almoul ruinons e u is anstomers. Ha thugit nov, bo. et ener liaI canada 'va. lauuahlng capon a en fainrmIt. ciofpraspanlty. (Lcusiapais .it Vise Chairiman lien proposai l i.heah of the gueulaof 'lb. anenlag, Mr. RHuE. ReH ns lluded te the Ûma a toiryears agu irlin gopi. age aibthIes utendin1 catle rosâ rebeef vassai argey groin ansi seoa-. leuslvely useti. when be..biSfinl gane la Engia itha ahlpmentiiahlid.baamosl, -kitdlyraceivai lmy lhe 1athar of the& g «ue t- VTe fi-mofJmes Hall & Sonliail sutheb eâ catthetlrhuim a ïanul .chargeasi iiuh centcilarn as banbesdWs ldilliheyhlii re taken hlm, la rnny places la bath Englani tO ani on lthe Continent la show hi lb.estate Ly cf li sth atraie Ibare (Chamn.) Ho de. on saidtehouer lte tir of -tieir guest by, proxj tiarangli thelr guest hlmsalt. Nom th mmcf James Haill k Son ce-e agents ci for hbieU sudallhera connect.'vilt h lmzz, M , ans i t y or bail s li 3,000 baeai f caIle, ~.rpreamtinga-alue et aer 1£80,000. (Loua apias.)g y difficultis cicoursaeliai t6 lbe muet-nti eneacome, hut Ihene coahili e lBs nu icubt btattlias inesa 'vas proefitable. ut fer entaif ail tiaelî sitpmeubu cniy oaaeliai ,. hua-mai ont a lais:. (Loa applaus..) He re poke aI sema lengtli pn lb.esesirahiiy- ai improrlngLIce breai ofi- caille. Thena coulia ene o ult, as Mnr.imarker bai tld, )p tbem, lai the catte tic=rn ba Western Stiates vere baltrlai those grown lu Cati- ae, fer, nalwithslsniing liai h]tey mare n ciedulei sud tisareby pa-ereatei frein bm- ,. upimced alra capon thes Bagllsh market, -arrivai liah meut coulialue solaet a ballai Spa-afit lin coulsi th, meut frearn Canada. 81111, liera coula lie no siub shut il blet ýd otltbsalading ail tii iser. irs a gocd profit ic lb. traie in Canaiai. cahtle. LIWhal lhey vanîsi vas la increase his profit. sud la sacure ansi leap lb. aubine, -confidence of lia Englua bmuyars. (Clissas.) -Mn. Hlinlu -opouslnhankei lie gen- tlemen pissent balaoias9cia nnainsesaisa Sin the naine cf the fia-m lie a-epresented. lie ie usid corneavor ta Canada on business, sud a. lad -neyer sullcipatail suca a *ehcome as Ibis. Only those, 'vIa 2m e is s.ami - t cusof lias cattle traie kuair lie numbar of It litle axpenses dlii bai latele dafraye in putting cetlie an ti. Englis marktl. Tise Canediame s ai protection fanrliseir catl by k- tse scisinie put upea lise animailefa-arn lie iuilid Sats. Ho dagaielta iipreesscapon hse a-aisiug lie stock blieatiat there 'vas - est importausce luinsamug tle ancimais veillisousel turing lie 'vinter, andiùuba- liag hem veli fel. Permers shouli net apui'e tse grain, for il 'voulil puy liam much botter to-maîl lish caîthe tien lie cea-n. -Tise tarmens ai Canada must bave lhis .- pressai upen them muaItenocilly for thie nov lai a ahanas le centael tla Englisi -markt. Tisaer as no pa-ejudice atIlis lima lu En% g 1m ains h againsi liaeCanadisu cet- t!le, andiflt ey-were ai «coi quatity sud Sa- j rma ing«oi ccniion-vllcbcla as happv lu sey tiey gauaiaily -i-iaey culabmuIodradily et remunreaative puices. Refer-mg tot'lie-exportation oai a sbaep £reom Canette, lao d ia 0t 5130 aeuy neason vis' this ta-ada aboula moi neaih greal t crtions, but fer lis slieap tiey racaiva le liad oltan liangltit ilvas lie - ouliasts ai Canaidaita'ver. sent, la %ngland. VThedehi iep ami tha ycnng eues ce-asant, but lia Engliali mark. et demandai lie finast valisais. Tii, people cf Englami demaudedthéîle est an- licue tisaI coula lba lad a ni ver. 'vliUng taya geai prude fer il. Tisa-e cas- plenty aàifeeai udphanly-uof aoorn lera le Bpronîda tisa Engliss market *Îm liasep aia 3catîle, but if bise people cf Canada di]net lak artuehie «arat cuicuy cf Ausrmîba - vouli cultbtemcrIut olite marit, for aven now liai. 'vas a sisipruent front Ans- tla. Iî mugit bs said tsatttua vas- net feamibio5 but it vas ciaimed ltaI lie 1cattIe sisippai frem nAustralie impramadinu eath asterbisa fia-stwcei. -Ha Lad board vili grsat regret blet Canais*'vas -seudinga hem lieut catt. tu Bufalo or uliar Ameairan ports leterom ne mbcompetten vals ber ovu luin - OEnglissmearkets. Tise finest beefl vas lins drainai awayfa-rnt Canada, ansi lise- redil et iaising lb gîven -te lia Unilai Stetes. The ciiculty vits Cana- dien farmars vas tisaI lLey fearci a utle - cutley. As son as bise7iaitaàltls grain thay rusio acituhle marktl viI, damea- ing a catsh iebuic et once. Thay oemea ta timit blut money pultub tocabtie cas monay tirevu avey. Hoecurgeai lat tse cithin reaci ai is voice w'via ia ay in- fluence amoug tisafarmers ansi lie pra 'ahsoaboulsi taesthit malter up, aud do all poassibhele o mpreesscapon lb. Canadien trmers lise great-admabmgetlu hsmaseimai, amen et a large iminesiata cent, ci rising- lie vary finast cetlie fun axpôrt tu Great ]nihaiu. lu tise uscre ut tise ratllaim- = tesof nglanc, and articlarl f- «clli aantie eutthaïe, anti assurai them-tist if et- sny time llscy conhi promeobite ta-ide aidincreaso the gei teeinug hiilven tise Canadien droven uni tise Etiglisi deaier lia7 vaaiuld do se mout gheiiy. (Loui ansihoxgceutinuead app lause.) ~'IGcamau Syrup." No ather malicine lu tha vorsi vas a..ven given sncb a test cf ili curative qualifies as Buschee's German Synup. lu hiree yeaerm Io millions four n' la-el Ihonsaudsi eaîl botlesosf 111e Au oltI physicien,-hretit-rom ra ne- tice, Liaviug hal placol lu bis hauts by- an Est India mlumiouary tisa fulaa ofta simple- megetahi remetiy tor the' speeiy sud permanent cura-fcr Con-, suwpbion, ]3moncbitis, Caer-h, Asmet, and ail Tbrosb ami Luug Affections, aiea a positive anti radical cure fan Nervous dehility sud aul Nenvons Cent- plaint$, afterohaviag bomîcil ils aronder- fnl curative puvers in lhladumanils et camés, bas ft lit is' luhy 10 mahe il hnoaru te bis suffening taluve. Actu- atesi by tusis tmiltire ud a amdeine la a- liane humau eultaring, I vili monî lt-ca cf charge ta ah arbo lamine it, Iiida-e- cipe, iu Gormnan, French, or Euagiisb, vith fuclldirections Ison prcparing anti uming. Sent by tuait !sy iaullr'iaiDg witb st-awp, nauming buis puur, W. W. Siaa, 149 Pir-'But liocheulet,, Y. -42 Bucien'. Arnica Salva. Tle isse' Starluinth 0vunl for Cnts, Bruisas, Sores, Ulcens, SaIt ithecua, isIter, -Chappai- lHmIS, Citil- Mlains, Coa-ns, anS ail hinis af skia. eruptIons. Tis eSalve la guarsuteisi la «ove perfectstisfactioin laevea-ycase or uuaey refundoi. Prile-25 cents ert bol; Faodesaaly S. W, 13. Smlitli& ODD FE 0W Millinery, tts'and Tiùn [ROSTIS MIL[I Ký<uWctiea cf 1L oad Dcaths chtcrgcc B I-B-T PiE SVON.-At E sox, Englani, on Su 1879, lthe at J.o T Dorninitn lant,Wh FULLER-BABO] ideaca-ofethbe briie's fi dlay, hy Eider Wrn. 23r1 înmi., ilaer i Fui ma M. Barclay, aIl oi 0lerpymen s vives ara the numbar cf blair ci fallnes cf their pî laapsenlibeslbern lu credi'bilh*you doincu thl ago, «mes elicls state ment ma e bý' Mi cf a-e ethodikt.Epis oi Eastebester N. Y troalmeatlforjcaites om onor usesi hy -ber is Gl ibisAmmonia. Soud by S. W. B. Si Pamphlet., 1 20 Westi Trial in- 25 ceaI. WEIIT)3YMA Tiacre bas beau 'àaa irbeel and barley Ina-mlI TIO r uhiniflgurm b-lda Eaul Wleat......... Spring Wisast....... usa-loy, Nul,....... Fiecar, per- li-....... Pas5.................. Peas, biaarieai ... Oas........... Hay ..........0 À aples, par iîl ..... P o t a o e s , n a . . . . . Butte..-.-.......... Wchesi................ -, lief, fore quarter... Sîskin ............. Hides ......... -Pork, per carl -...... Laina--------------... Calmes................ Citions-----------...... Vurmaips ....... .. Caruts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,... Celea-y, per do;. .... .4( Cilkens, parpar ..... Ducits pear---------.... Geese pea- lba.......... Tnaakeye, par lb-.... Claver------------... 8 Vimohy-------------.. *s Woeu, unvamiesi-.... vaassid....... Modern Materié Tu1 smay maele rein .Lba is, ba e mater cf ci <i laass lere thlie anlxtvil - Picusiaznu is deideiiy scal voik affaits sncb as auuling duce, suaI sesasea lie gra net rsuslng, w'vis lsesai lie slightest neactian or deeis Sali by ail1 dnigists. Pr par ilolble. A c A R D) r"' UWoare sufferiusg fa A'0ahi vicuraticus cf Yi wealciesserly decay, is ut I will seni aa-rcrit. bisaI N FIlEB 0P CHARGE. Tisls 'vas iltiaverai by a tissioa Ammuscine. Seuil -a seii-adies te lise Il2m, Joitt-T. l:tiuw BIible Hee.e, 1'Nw Yoii Clip. NEW ADVERTéÏiE Whltby Meohanicsig1 1VVEMNG C (LASJý T EC IITTRE PRop4 tnglîm las inthefa ecnle g théLetueSu 1. nlg reumar, iserb Hl. Commercial Arihiuuei. II fl Bo eaiep» g. ansi"ausais. IýV. Frene-Drawing., Bn psntculsar e ils aui G. H. -Iil-S

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