Whitby Chronicle, 30 Oct 1879, p. 3

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the British À mpt attention. i.. M.& .MOINTYIR, r .. --- j E W DVF RT BE M NT8j H A N C E R Y S A L E New 3A band. ta» Notices -cf Jirthe, Marna9e and Deaih.-c/arged 50 centse cah. PBESTON.-Ât-Harolti Court, E, lei, Engiand, an Sunda>', Qteber 12t 1870, tihe wlfe cf J. B. Preston, Esq Dominion Bank, Wiitby, cf twin soni MARRIE». 1ÉULLER-BABOLAY.-At tise roi Mener cf tise bride, father, Eli G. Bal cIa>', b>' Eider Wm. Forrester, on th 2üld imat., Robertri Fuller, to Mise.Em nma M. Barclay, al cf Pickering. A ISAsRuOsiTRES MAxsa.- Clergyznen'iswivee are more lamons f« thse ounber cf tisir chiltiren tissuth, fuîmnes. cf tiseir pockets. This, per bapseantitles tibenCote ieir universi, credibilit>' on domeetia topico, and thisa aio, give. abondant benlefis ta tle statementusade b>' Mrs. Lillie Frazey, cf tise Methodigt Epîscopal Psronage cf Eastaeater, N. Y., tisat tise onui treatment for cakad or broken breasie "er nmai by harlef Giies' Liniment Io. dide Ammonia. Solti b>' B-W- . 1BSiths. aud far pamphlet. Dr. Giies, 120 West Broadway N. y. Triai ize, 25 cents. WHITI3Y MARKJ?,TS. OsalseeCcLI QYSIcE, Oct. 29à, 1879. Tiseabas beau s liglit declina lu wlieut sud banc>' durlug tise paci week. Thse ruling figures to-day are;. Fai Wist............ 61 200<b01 20 Spring Wist....... 10 @I 15 2aly o ,......... 60 00os .........uO<00 o55 Fleur, par brl......85 0 0 $5 75 R.ipa.................. 5<b58 leau............u Psa, #(a.ya . 070< oa Osa.......... 25@ 28 a....... ... r8e 0 Riay...............,#706 'Ifplspar bri---------...500 @150 .$UO........ .. 100 <b$125 pouatues, nv . 1. 0 21 025 B a. ...-. 20 Csenoec..............se < 10 vood ...............03500 80o0 ceatiint quarter..---$6. 850<b 05 50 cle, tare quarter-$.... 4 Oc0<b m460 Siseep a ................-0 75 0 0 Wt Bides,.................5 I00<b 5 50 Pokpr ct.......- 5 60 <b $150 Lans ..... .... 62560 $3 00 Calves ................4 <b 05 Tamatoas----------2... 50 0sseuec............... 0 75<b@O0 00 Turnipi ............ .. 00e .at 8.......... 0o0<b Oc Celer>, par doz .. 00. Chiceone, per - 265<b 40c j Dueks par [ýr--..........40e0<a tGll (laces pari1b............0 0 60 Tsirkdys, par ïlb.......e c 10 Claver .............. 63 60<b e860 i Wooi, unwasaed-$0.... O <b 10) - dised-----------..1 8 <b20 Modern Mater/a Medica 'vara -rost, UI-1ANGERY. -SALE -0F lA- ODD FELLOWB HALL. VALLJÂBLE FARM In thse Townsip of R ieacislntihe caunty of Ontario. Pursusut to tise dacree and final order for lline H Iats, Bon- sale, oi the Court 91 Cisanery, made in thse cause c d Trimminge just to 4DAifS t'. OMMER VILLE, will be ecîti b> public auction with thse "ppobtien of Geo. H. DartneÏl Esquire, 3 asterIoithtie caid Court.at Wisitis'b>'b Meecra. Dawes £& WatldcùauctÎoneel, ai thse WALKER HOUSE, PO TPRY, atthse - heur-cf 2S clocýk ln thse iternoon ot_ TIIESI)ÂYO TUE' lOtieDAY 0F ~ MI I IFRY~flfL4~ NOVENiSBEJ,17, Ticiea eoman> vIablobarémadico tee affile- t ions, itis sa malter o! certalut> tisat lu aIl cassera retiséanimal vîtalit>' is tailiug, Phbcsto zona in Sécidedily auperior, Il vil! vork affecta eue-h as notilg elue vil! pro. Suice, aull'posasesatise great advauîaga ut net 7a6ig,viséu lIc susa la rainquisisaf, the lightst resetion or dapreisioci. Slf b>' ail druggista. Pelce eue Dollar par Ilottle. *I in luone parcel theé101o1loving valuable farm landasz: z. e West hall -ot Lot No. 5, in - tise âti conoesslcn cf tise Township ot reoReach, containlng unehlundred acres, more Or les. cf vhich 8 acres or thereaboute are clearad sud tisa remaluder ile weil wooded = vus Beach, Maple sud other klc ludwovod. Tise land leared le, a ricis oiay.loam lun a good tate ut Cultivatlon, and la well fenced. Tise prOperty la etuate about -two miles u4h trom tise illa-ge ut Epsom, from tise village j., utftJtica about tour mile., from tise «Vila ne ot Mancisester about six mileo,,frosu ie Village ot Greenwood about saven mile - rom ts illae u t Pr'r>'abouf eg miles, sud from the Village of Uxbri4ge 5 about tSi-se mileesvt go roasiea0 r- sud at a11 cf wiscisPlaces tisere are good .- oaai ssse, beides beiug vaîltmbed PAMCLeL 2-Belng tisa Nortis hall cf Lot tJ -ine nignest F ara vailseed, sud isave erectcd tisareon numbar 17 in tise Stis cncession otftisa saia bar idngeo nicting ot a trame dweill Townsip et Pickering, containtng 100 acres, iug isoues, 18 feet b'28 teet vith Iitchen moreor 1008c.-Ths eicll.ar adia sud oeilval! sttaCcd; as iasuabaru, 25 goed stata cf cultivationj excapt about 8 - ct y 90 tet iis clone roat isouce acres visicis Sas not beau broken up. on or uttacisesreto. tise promises thoeisa srame barn sud two litTise lropert i lanov lu thic.occupation ot stables ;-one tramelisouse, vitîs atone calar; \Vhitby, October 29th, l r- e O F ranci iié vss es isereoefhtwo oreha-da;; sud vall vaiexed b>' <vo il comecd uaie >aliof thse yt 85 atte r u nxni g Ibrougit, two srlgand id tise executiou o! the plaintif, mr z ubetis proportios adjelu tise said Vilaeu e question lu cad causeanad suhjccî reto, Brougham and, are tvelvé miles fos1 ts stid saïd lease alte t tthxis a onfUtyan~>'sd 6miles trousromvtre LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERÎ Stion of tour yeara trous tise date thereot. pool Market, accessible b>' good.roada. re . [Y GLASGOW, te Tisa veudor vil!ouly ba Obliged te turnisis-Tise Veudore cisail net ha bonuS te pro. o copy ut Be 'trar's abstract of title to tisa ducea su>'otlsar titié deadc tatiss inl eald land sud, lsud vil! nt produce or tur, tiseir psseoio or turuisis su> abctract A .. am L ifln nisis deadc or documente, nor Copies of deeda sav egàÏ;Ztr abstract orsacep>' thareot, rou documents net lu hi. posseson. or proveosu>' abstract cf titia or title otisar OF' ROYAL MAIL STliAMSBIPS Th g c n e il cr q ie at tie im é tissu b >tie tite deed e in tieir po se cco n. ciode ci o tn a par cal te thse veudor Lisea w'il beas icexved Lsd on escis parcal Shortect Ses Passage, Ecanorny, asn Or hie. li r onae cestftise purcisase fixaS by tisa Macter. Tise parcaser challChot moue>' sud vîtîssuonse mentis tsereatter as psy do"u on tise da>' ct sale, a depocit o! tan Cmat mucismore as viti tise tan par cent. saîl par cent. upon hsu purcisase moue>', sud - sake cayen unoured sud Iit>' dollars etfttsa eneugis tu meke lth tise depocit toux-umutis s Evory -Satulrday frosu Qudee parchscemoue>'. Tise balance tube eecured cf tisa purchiae monliene oumntistreni tise on aruival ci tise train lesing Wisit,>- by morta on tiese ad laund, and te be day of sale, vitheut suterest. Tise balance iat 8.10 a. m. aver>' FeUs>'. payabie su fiva aqual aunual instslmauta te le eecured b>' mos-Igaga upon tise jsram. wîth intereat trous thé day of cale at eightper ie., bar of doyer if required, payable lu TIMOUOit 5Aiýls i-lOX WZKTiY. cent. per annuxu,'payableé bIt I ly.On fivae ual annuali lutalmentc vus lunterest anlre$8ad$1,i. cod * aynscnt et said scum aud exécution ut aaid suuiu.all aet six par- cent. trom tise day of ing te position ut ctateroau. Loye moxtgagé, tIse purcisaser vil! bc entitled to sala, tise fis-t t uisc instalmauts te becoma rate for returu tickets. Internediaté, $46 possession or te tisa receipt ufthtis renteansd due ou tisa frit de>' et Octoer, 1880. Stcerage at lovait rates. profita. Ou payment otftisa purcisasa moey nsd Cireais..Oct. 2511, 1879. There vil! bc s reserve i bld imed b>' tha exacutilon of tisa mortgagas, tisa purohasas-. Sardinian- ..Nov. la* Master. wilî ha entitlad te couve>'ancesud be lat Meravian------------5 h " I Tis oiie cuiltiiiautsal ae isolto posessicon. Tise other conditious are Paruivian------------11ht The thercondtios ofsalearc titesétauding conditions uf thé Court ut Polynesisu----------2tid standing conditions of the Coun-t oi Cisan- Cisucar>, except as aboya vas-lad. Steeraga assengers are forva-dedte Lon- * FurtiFor particulars sud conditions otslfo priuassu edtc s alé donderr>', îellast, Glasgow, uecLtove eau S tineriuaI sendonditi oso sl t . LBK. s eno Solîitor; Bristol, Cardiff, sud London& aineamarate Gud ncdor'a SQicitor, 'Witb>', sud thé route; Mesarc. Farewel! & Butledge, Wiit. Parties vislslug te meadfertileir friands sadAcinears, sud £romi thé under-aigued b>'; sud Joisu Hoakin, Q.O., Toronto; sudnaua obtaiu tickets aI loy rates. Master. * tisa undereiguad Master cfthtie Court. Tis a e passage trom lanS tclaud aver- Gae ,2 t c o Er, 8. H  B N L LSig ed ,) G O . IL D A T N E L L , ag o about vre uN ASv, t O oftvisi e a cý peuîut isehmootis waters of tli St. Lawv W. H. DATNL, ILH.B LINGS, Mastr, ronce. J. K. GORDON, Master. Veudors' Solicitor. (8in.44 Tisa Steanisisps aftis Alian Diine come Vendo?. Solicitor, Witby. 81,r_45- direct te thé Gisud Truuk Bailia>' viarvé, et Point Levi, (Sentis Quabe) md Spal Trains ares dispatcisad vils thepaseers I.$ZO EWAAARD i __ mmediately on arrival B>'tus arrange- 0 SHAA 11USEmaut, paseengars avoid dols>' aid expeusa. XIXG STRXEET, OSl!AWA. i HERRAS THBE BÂRN AN!) OUT- Circlare gsving ail iutornsattnu, mailea WV biings bcionigiug te Mn. William frec. IH. CHESTER, - - Prapnietor. isérril!, altuseed un lot 0 lu tise 4tiscou. For tickats sud turtisérinforuiition spply Thistl.sce.aery lare an cosuo es csion ot tlise township ? Wiitb , era te- Thus l reittorysudltrnased t ioués dastroyed b>' fiee, ou tise Wnigil , f rat GlEO. B. YULE. vatus gft t taelng uic. dTablé t4hetofAuguct lat ; sud vhexeas tise barnssud Exp. sud miI. office, pia us ftietravelingetpubtie. aes isacontents occupie b>' Mr. hBenjamuin Mean, Whitby. ba uplied hth hicest fts as ndcThe on lot 11, fis con. ot Pickering, veaaIse Witby,Ct., 1879. tf.20 bar spplie Busth tebsd rni, a de.tryed b>' lire, ou) thé morning ut Prida>' liquotj sud cigare, u e n ro t-tise SeSo! Octoben instant; sud viseras tien. Ample tablerooni, csretui isostiers. tise saiaS frac are attributed to incandiaimn TOWNSHP of UX3IIDGE _____________45.ly1 'Ido isercbin upursusuca ut s resolution - se y . OTtuoFABmzaEs' MTTJL F0 N) i> ro u-tisat puepose, offer tise sbove rew5asa for BY LAWV No. On tise tise Greénvod BosSl, a Pockct sune information as vil!lesaS te tise ap. Diar>' containing moue>'. Ayprg e-préhension sud conviction uf the iucendiary By-Lair to e8tablish a ruadforl)nblic iog sucS, eau hava theiseamé proving or lucan dlarles ; tise revard te hé psid lu propeet>', appîy te tise proportion.set$1lu i ec asc e. * trarti across Lot (28 2'ucnty- ROBERT ANNAN, î J. B. BICV.ELL, Pret., thiree and a portion of Lot (2.0) Lut No. 12, 2u5 cou., Te n. amtsMuul u. o Pickering. .iib;s1n.Fnea uul u.C. Twenty.tro nu he(7Ihý Set-nt/s Oct, 2iîis 1879 Whin-45 Oct. 219t, 1879. tf.44 Concession of the Tocnship of FURS FOR- SALE. MAJOR MILLS!et i""Cnei e i on 1AflIES' PUItS :-MINK. ASTItACAN, 8hip of U.cbrde ertade8 asfoJases; SEAL. FUB TBIMMINGS, &c. Tise sliov,, Mille are again in operation. _Tisat tisé road surve>adby 0. G Hsnnhnir FARMLANDS Iu puruuce of au osder cf thse 0u 1 c Chaucer> iu thse suit tof STEPHNSON s TEPEEZqSON, tisera vu be cffered fer sale by publie Auctien, on STIyTE@the I>AY or NqOVEEDER, 1870, at tisa isur ot Oue e'elook, p, .;atWebb's Hetel, iu tise In tiseCount> cf ontria.byLeviFa&rbs,ý ci tise Town cf Wisitby auctloneer tise fol. 1olu ea 1stt, iaote eBay; PAOL o -Being compoeed cf tise Southern Or frontipr e MLt]i.17, iu tise tti concession coftiseTown iip c1 Pickerlng atoreosd, aud cental g Poart csres, more or lae. Tila al] leereexceute3.2 acres et WOod land. Tise clesred landis uuder a good etate ut cultivatien. On tie premises tisera ia e foorame ionne; rajnue barn toinesfoondation fittea up for stable andreot cellar, tise baruig 101 test by 40 feet-' ais driving house and tvo trame stables. This parcel la val fessced, sud watered by a never-ii e pring, and has a Aise t Soutis-est quarter cf Lot nuinier Elishteu luntise sald Sixtis concession of Fiokerlug. Tise portion lsanai cleared, sud WhitbY, Oct. Otb, 1870. NoeVfA eibl oo t arVlu, BRIOCK .STREET WIEITBY. aedfr i/abeGod1a traVlui fuly sockd ithSeaonajè IJood, ad re ellng y1the very lowvprices rniing' fr goods inall linos, and aise anud valuablo stock for thsecoaming season. To thie stock of LADIES' GOLD WAT0E b, speeial attentionu' s. ~ 'w W W IE », X L X C M flealled,as beig the larget ussorlment avez- sown in Whitby, anti unequalleti inquality asnd Price. --AN IMMENSE STOCK, O S- ILVER WATOHES, AT LOWEST PRIOES. The stoetELEOTRO-PLIATE1>GOOD il ie o find ST mueli inereaseci, an'dpriee. lower than ever. Ivr ad.dDne n egr 'esGoo d8- Tw'Teeds ' 1anne . Shrs Ruivea in gi'aat v aety. vr ado ine u esr Y CE LOCK-',10XALL THE BESTMXES T R Iron, ;Grainite, Te e. jsnd .ots, Plated Mount6. :Dra ersWTineysCarp ts,18k O d Wding B~ingo, a largoe tock on hand. JEWELRY smade te 00 P rsonal attention te W-ath repalirig. Satisfaction guairauted. Cash ou hu llinery, Dress-making &Tailorina to order re.StetWib. Is Mil A FIRESII STOCK 0OF -rxOCERJES. -" Alun, Pure rélined sud changeiS to Lateet Styles. Ladies' Pur Jsckctg.msde longer. MBS. HABtVET, A C A R-D. dn4 et--tWib r 10 ai vise ara auffsrini trans tise-rues -_____ .id Inicrten 3,outis -nés-veu ~ K SO H L wcnkoéus, cl>' S ecs>' loua ut xnauisued,&c., HP IS'MU C R I I %Vil BenSa eccité' ht iyl crura y ou, - PIlER 01F CHARGE. Thsis great ramneS THE ELEVENTII vas diseovared b>'as miasionar>' lu Sout Aulnelu-si. Rénu!a el-dresd i ANNUAL FE TIA tu) thilEv, JoceîiT. 1I,-iAaca e AL BlteAJous,Nr-w Feu- i cup. UDUTUEns-si C FTil uss U E - uLADIES OF -ALL SAINTS' CHURCH, NEW ADVRTSEI&ENTS. - lhliaS iein tIse aboyea bl, 0ou WhltbY Mechan/os Ifl8titute 1/ JUÏLSI).I Y, NV1.41a, 1879, RVENIG CLASES. Doore opeis at 7 p. ni. Tea sud Social en- E YE IN GCLASE S. tertainiuses. Adjuission, 25 ets. T1RE COM5ITTLE PROPOSE Tg ES. WSitby, Oct. 28t1î, 1879. 45 talseh Classes in Chia tlioving euh.________________ O ,ctsc7urio)gthe Lect..ure Season :- - _____________ su.itng % iis-Litton uta Il in ril-trc. V IJN E G-A iR -Fler particulars pacaBillîsanS as-pl>-<théV I.lJllu<' l'evidaiit or Scectary. IPRA G. Hl. BOIINSON, JAS. flilowiN, ERA FREXCII VIN-W4AI lPesideut. Sécrétas-y. Whitby, Oct. 28t, 1679, tin-45 -IN- G3JRAT SALE! OF'WE LL Dul! l)Demijohus and Quatcr-demijoisns. STO- K, c,-AT- Mu-us-é. s, ee Watleis, Austionoeer, lI55cstive o-ladis ntructions lursi , Massrs. R iI v ,'> Q Cs-solli anS l'riilice> t,> aaî iilies-elel <s R H A lIA O'S. Wtadusesîay, Nov. 811, 46 hendof ifvcîi-frefj s'attl-20 fat;- 80 el'rdonsfn 0 flainhe ;sIcaix h<iones i ralti i-, sud 310I solI. j(T & 2Iu i al t u ipe . 12 110 LF.C s5ucoIsésîu,,-ru, c.ss éa ass.sh i ela, . m us ung 1 ~ ,»J5~s5..o 1110 .,00 î-..s.l -: O$IIAWA MARBLE WORK8 1 L ----- -- 1tN Ij' V, 0(mlfSWA. N- O T I C-E. ANESN &VANZANT, -)BI OIEI IR?]yGV DP,Àlýltt INTI Cr,]CinT]ll JL n tat heCoicil01 heCorporation tiséeTownsip ot Pickerilng isa ustruced Sc0oh dnd Canadian Granite tisa Colletar ta e éalil taxas lvieS -lu d Monumnts.Mouai h ty for the psseut Yeu, elleetsd anSd ai user lu tisa treaorar, con or betore Rau-1>~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b cesaii> ubn, u îî u lus th 4 day utfLIECEMIIER# and tisat ne ou tishe stact notice, 1tninc! lu iib gietdfrthé retuen ot thé BOI! bayonS théesid iStis AID KiOsF MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORK fayoti Décember. 1l'I braOl1 ?ufsiiuounta, TeinSblés B> ondés- ut 5e Couunel. Ileasttune, Mas-la Posta1Cîsumiex 5t5 HECTOR BEÂTON,. Tablé Tops lu Ane iena sudFelgu Mas-. Townisp Clark. bis,,e autsbt u )Mubla Manisiized DtS~ 'çkerino tios ttis dayôa!Doct. '79. T EU'NEW IIVERYCol c:-RI sT:1N11-G IN TU1E DEST- POSSIBLE MANNER. T. P. WHITE, PaOi-MT~oU cP URSUANT TO CITÂPTER 107 C 17 th eisailed statutés o! Ontario, éntihi, "AnAct s-espeing'rrusteessand Exécutons, tIsé ceediturs et1tisé astaté ut THOMA STEVENSON, late ot Whltu-val, lu th Tevnsbip ot Pickemug, su tise Cousýt>' ?fOlutarie, eoman, dacéased, are heceb>'Tr IaireS tO BanSpartieulars ut 4llein dlaimE 2 toi>' venifiaf, lu W . H. Billing , W ltby, o i or batore tisé llth Day of December next, Solicitor for Jo hn Segi sd GeorgeAngu, the executers oft tisesaiS éstata, anS ti imusedsltel>' alter tisaI date, tisésaif ax éculess ill proceed te Sistribute tiséati ufthlie saiS decescéd, amjouetishe partiei outilaSthisoeto,lsaLviug xagarR ta tise aims et svhsh the sauf execuloro hava tisas nolisé. W. IL IIILLINGS Whitby Solicitor tor théesiâ ixecut'"ri DataS thiu 22uf Oece., 1879. 44-td TELEPHON ES. canada for - THE EUISON AUBOM[LEPHOMESI ses nov r4rdte méatthe requis-amants pofvat partles requlring Télapheacfor Thssainstrumnts ara S>'jar tise uait perfet sud aes-vleeabla ai-ar inteafucad sud as-o takinag the place ut aU otisero usefts tise>' eauba Ps-ocurad. A ciseapar incsrument can aise hé tus-uisis. su> bthee niatctue i requi-éd e qual te Amy thbii nanficurS, exeep±iug tlseMd. Wsc intument, at a yéarfy cantal o01$5 Linos, batteriée, cal! be ,et eu - ro vifiafib>' parties raquiuig the lstrsmesto, or I>la egemaut vIls e pfny Pul-tIiparticul= aus is Gm - ineby applicatio ean y - GEO. B. YTJLII Agent Montrs.' Tel.Ca. qeAgeufsly rofit par lwek, -WiII $55 ý 40 o u orc oo. ~ravé or fnt t 84 OutdIt a e -G. E EUT &kCo., M1 'iceWEL &ai foCo. ro e ?Y, nd ,e 6.1 7. a;ia Wth J. .B. POWELL & 00. 19. ) M . p l n a r e .£ L o.B t p 2 ) Tv e u y t h r e é s ud s - r u= r o s a p o r t i o n o f t L o t u n s b e r (q i v é u > ' Ivo bé, sud tisaiaisuisereby establicisadý a s Publice igisva>'(tisat i te s>')0com ! m encing at a point cu tisa Norths Luit o! BadLtTvsut>'.threé, 8setis 77 dégrées vet, tvantY-tiss-a ciaîns sd tisst-fv S inuks, more or lasu, frnmtisae Nrts-es sugl tises-es!, sud set lu the centra of raid s-vaefd dlaid! ont scrosLot (24) Tvéntytessr, b>'1. J. Miekeuzia, P. L. S., lu 162 ; iliauce Sentis 88 Ségeee,liait five - cisainu a2d fitteesi links te a point. Tsene p) 57 dSaras Est, tvautyoné chains amd five >e a lin k s e e a o r l s , r o u s t is é S o u t hs.li ait ef saiS t (28) Twauty.tbrse, Sents 77 de. &5 grass, West six chis an sdtvuyoelk e mn o o a u x l a s , t x e m at h e a o u t he a t A n g l e t i s e r a et o !', ith a srp n di u lar i fth i ! ity l n k s re on% sachsaida o! saiS centra lina, ceutaiuing s, t va oares sd 62/100 et an acre ; sd tl st un ?o ton et xod c os ing L ot T enty-two, ig dacribed se tllows : Cemnsncing ou tie North lumit et saiS Lot, viera tisa t' centre lina utfs-oaS, acrosc Lot nusubar t , T vénty th xa n s, S etis 78 d gr e , W est at six cha n a ns d tw enty .aue links tra mn tisé 1.Noxtis-éast angle of saif Lot number (22) tg Tvéuty.eve ; thence SoutSht01 degrea, es Est tisrea chains; tisexe sauts 68 dégrées ad 80 minutes, Est three chisu ana 87 links, tisauea Soutis (8 cl) tisrea dégréas 810 minutas, West, silong tisa top o e! iaMM dam, tisré chissis and t eis; tisencé SautS 52 degre., a L chains sud eleven Lunka, more orelas., te i point en tisa western limit cf '1te road illevanci batycei thé saveuth. sud eîgistisCoucession, alaven eisaiuesud thirty-fiva links, umcrée orlass, North, 12 Sdegrees West, tram, tiséSentis. eset angle efthie saiS Lot, vith a pasf-. dieular vidts cf fitty linksaoeacisaide cf eusai cursecentalnlng b>' sdmasurament une acre sudl four-tautls ufsu acre. TAKE NOTICE. L yla h Otws eda pre anasec- odtisa b>' the Municipal Conne! et thé Township o! Uxbrdg, ou tisetti day of August, 1879, sudwvll ha taken inte consid- ération, cf tfi l pas g ereoi, su-bn tise saime sisal! se. â ou 'er ienl the Witb>' CsmxîcLx, oet viissdua notice vIl be givan, wuheu tise said Oconcil vii hisea s>.pasc ou boseIss na>'be pré. jnA t 17 i afl a ta ier yan s d visa p ti. tiens la b. se haeS, suS su>'perecoveS ing te makeappltcocs te _quagh siS By. liv muati make is ousaiSi mSUnu one ct Rer Mjas Supef~Cut hll oe year tram tieodtclof sucis final :PAR. henotice in given lu aceordance. vitS cal tise Statute 96 Vie., Cap. 48, Se. u - and. ' 87 Via., cap. 16, sac. 7 . a leOR ritgé eptXOL, ~ Tovuebplsoerk. a U»446ge spL loh, l . .44 lise iNI vv l A B IJ l ' EN" Cr............... ANY QUANTITy 0F0 H HCD BUTTER & EGGS, < rliCittUiVAY L TAsanie. !- - a S Ga in luP8xien iùus er 177, 504570 I Noe. umbr iAnccaident -' wili beIIaIdIin -IL. -JC-T 1n1p la78 ,ï - - 3,0 ssee sjg ,y~ mo ten aimcpidn BROOK StRERT, WHJTBY.. wisoisamount 04accident ur' Gr cer es or D ry G ood8. CI) AS JUST ECEIVEr> IN GREAT TotAl Lossa pd, bot D- 0'0~ rAIT- SLNI LT0 JAS.. G. BATTERSON, Presidessi A. 11. DAY, ýZ CANVADJAN TWEEDS 1 G. . DAVSideeuet. - ~OHN E. MORIS, Asistanta ' nu e t do r t H a m lton & £ arro er.A LARGE ASSO TMENT O >' MEN'S JOH E OR E L30 cta Ewm.) PIETNSJ' uQt 5Nnclos. _______________________________& OVERCOATS. J.P.Dasi, - -:o:--- C. P. RUSSELL, Agent, Pxov. Ont. YOU CAN G T T T O B ) RO ffce, 89 A dil a fe, Est, Toronto O IJ R D J S P L A Y 0 F S P L E N D I D S U IT S I g n 1 iib - A NEW STOCK JUST TO HRAND OF THE TO G A ' S 1 C' [ E I I E LATEST STYLES IN M 1 ieiý n Is eur, un nu.e, GV ~ I. 1 ~ ENTS' FU1i-NISHINGS 1fe uabl ure Pronouned by al the richest ever shown. A OOcVLU Waknaas, .' Jast~ departmLIilROBES. D O I1BUFFALo ROBES. TI ji VBIOD' .rmatmrod &gandmass- Tr1~ITI-I tser DmBiss t e a sd o Ingisetyor Cou-, The ExquIsite fseds e n81o[dprmns811una oachdd1 IL la -o. E Ru-'U b ver The lagest tock f Dres Good, Silks, Sains, ringe, sa, o11 0 0 LiB O OaKkSgeTs(fOoS T !5, oorSlào le.!éssen he uttonsFsck ofd, e Gos ikSais rne-AT-THEdrGRinY EDItCtIsaECOy.sf ýet uttns, 'any Gods,&C.Trato, Ont., Canada. The most Complte stock of Frencli M antes, Mante D 5 I E K H U E l yo*a5ld Jn Wb b b>' ldrgSU t uS ndby' sudl Ulster Cloths. a1 Sr . .Il ave -vier Tl h e b e s t s to c k f T w e e d s , Ov e rco a ti ng s -a n d Olo th s in i StisB eade es at .4 e E ng lan , bT m s n 5 e- l Ca da s d t a U n éS t ee.< - t h eS " - B ra8 0 e : u n e B u e liS 6 5 0 E R8 t il S S A IIS A P A R I [ L A Ne Everse buyer wiil do wel te lokatour god efr't partSecond Ilook os- tld rnls L IIs.Proe670 lotyi n g e4ols a v h e rL a tncP o se c o m p o sitio n 75 _____eselire Elemantar>' Aritismotic 20a GramnirfutFrencis Grammars --So The Great Blood Purifier. A d s c e -4 e E a y ' L as o u s l un G n e r a i G e g e p i s > ' 3 % - Intellectuel 20o Tedisunters -Algebra - 460 Exanination Paperu in Aritim tie 75e Spio' & Surrenes Engliais ud Frnch Agenie fluiS xatrct8ôf Red a Janm a- a .SW . 2E T Notas 515 Béader 200 DNetenarim - 1.40o caBarnprha> cmbned wftisldide of flaverelî's 3look. 'Fausionablo Dry Goods & ClotiL-g fousé." Mill!érs, Sintons L. Leesone - 20C Elegauit Bonn Beoksat 25 per e. discount. - Ne#ri> ail the diseses 'tisai trosuble tise SpeIling Books 22e Work Boxes il 80 par cent. discount. Sususu race ara influsaîscafb>' bihtate of M<>'ten's Parifisé Loot - -40ae# L adz na thiis- ThTrvalcbSa7k 8condition. ti> Lazare Hochae . WC Canvas, white, par yard "MO4e a Puriffer efthtie bload, a __OpR Ints-aductor>' Gtammar -- 20o Cauvas, lblack par yard Bme oftiesé ,an su i-ý 0s Advanced Gramnier 40e Bénlin voo!, Il ekélus for 100e îergi C , equal. -LIi 1 I fact a full selection of Books, Stationery, and FanCe Frsl tteDu tro Goods ut Cost. Ký> Watches, Clookes ad Jeiéry repaird ini first dus KERRY, WATSON & CO., r8JZE~A V styla atý-noderate pnieus. .WilsaaDrn'iglsts. Monts-ail- ~ Y' OLD.CLOOKS RECASED OHE&P! Total ÀÂsiete, $4J54.3 Resarve,, feus- par cent., Lite Réserve, for ra.xniursuce, Ac- cident Department, -. Claime uuladjusted and not due, sud aSU otîsar hiabili. tie.14,111 Total Liabilities,- Surplum as regards Polie>'. isere, - - - $1,257,îo-r.38 .3Stiltlstics.for the Year 1878. ) , ~ LIFE DEPARTSXENT. p iquzber ut lité Polices wvs- IDton lu 1878, - - 3,980 - ~~Whoîe umbe'r Lita Polie>'; veltteutodate 1-- - 30,207 o Wisslo number of Lité Poli. - isin torce, 11.20 g Amunt Lité Insurance tin 20 - Q force, . - - $18 307,55600 * -~~ -Total Claimes paid inluuite' -- Dapartusent, $ 1,271,178 :]zACOCDNT -DEPAIsTIENT. S Number of Accident poces O vwritten Là 1878 - - 43,118 8rd 179 DANIE fthL(ae KEND., )VEliCOATS I BUSINESS SUITS!' GENTS FURnNISHINaS UT.?N-L ]IXESS SUITSI1 uuestiear ek Cf i. ngsisu WBy SeptrdN187. 8i- o hé OEldnPu ]Begi ta lutes-us bIs numerons frieadansu patrs- tsai h1eisas Rgélu iàken Ie 010 STAND ON DIIOOfS STREET, hoIlle tlYW. P. l Ieackjeuha sud vil! conit ,e is Etock a trish FRESII o:SJ FR UIT 0fai La4ies',> Mi sses', Gents' anid C« SEE THE COME nd $hoes im ,9 94 or. 0. Y.. COME 1-o FROST'8 AND SEE FROST'S TRIMMED MILLiNEIRY. er satisfac Trimn Butterick's1 at vr lwprioe Ozesfor, receive our pk'om BOOTSE ND S HOL ESU SPLENDIDVALUE!TOC 79. 1 1 Whitby, Sept. AND W'ARFR Di n, ml- - 1-.! 1- - -- 1 rice pài*d for, farm produce. 14, Ul A I'kT 111 Ib'l' ILI JLA-&FJL.JL%-Jov ijlluu 1- A %J LJ 111 A 1 A f')\l 1- , «I- à 2 E ý-% ý- ,

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