Whitby Chronicle, 30 Oct 1879, p. 4

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imrafrotirborie# &ud testh> 4bti tihe a unawa lire he Ia oata vr doalletors, wiîo vieqilt then:'#Very pm8n i l lg.,leges ,ud rsemrn ta tire cQuis.ý eut, on the autumu les bing farmeti, ladeor mii, a itou irrveat. As tbeso sitarvm have boas seareai for <mauy tse;fnasit septplieî âbc irdaiar-ho - dsro*u up biy tir.me'seduring lise àuirnhoutmieslie alrme are 'Violent. atI iralhe is ul lrirsiugi, or ciel» aibet Ouitif tire sBondbotis, Aecrdiog 1W Baensîtrasu, aSià ran oficai lr ooiy edîaeated person who iabasseloy exaniuied theesi.lau, durlng aummer, tire are numeros uihla lu tire inturlor eovoreA with remaiue cf 1h. mammatir, thre r1isoo.rosi af hôtese ozen, bison, sireap, sud othor sntetieiùvlan clamses. Ou acount cf tiroir inaccssibilitY luise reglous have neyer yet beau sientiflo. ally investigateti. 'l'us SASsaab ir BacorVibrca- ÊvorYon a kuome ire &tory of tire'civie Pigeons of Veulces,sud biseets tireu like aid acogalnieise an ha goos tirra- aui th ir ds met ail lire world lu tise Oaie wsy. Tirey irelaug ta hntoîy snd logeul, antI bhave beau tranalateti [rom tiroir lower Ii. sund takeon iatirshefol. lasvsbilp oamn,.Wilin aunirour Of wY 0calng an. of tirese pigeons locked lnuet nsY iadoir faoiug ou tiregrand, îpiarta, hatiafteî a few moment@,'-oeu- tiaui racannoitiig was trnstingly aud fesrloay foesdiug [romruy baud, ses. ing iraI, *as goiug on, a mirols dfock camwe swiftiy tracplng lu frccs alilaides, entirolybaikruptlsngurylimîleti cour. mrime&rlat provisions lu a moment or twa. hlauy isundrede cf yeaî. &go gom. pigons "0amiuito" elt tire great tiotary usAd by tire Veotiaus over Gin. ddc 1tink by 6arteing very' Impar. taiî ceapatoliea. Tire vicierions gener. hi $but &bieurhome iii, zowa of-iti tridt anprsd graeoful Veule. adeptd ý1 )birdo ae, 1h. "meardi cf thioi nation.," Totisi.tint tieirdesocendante arecfati eVt 'day eO the great square cf et. Mark ai tire expenua cf tire ciy, sund r 50 one ilu Vele. ever louches a-pigeon. Tirey rami aI niglît in tire eaves cf thre palaces sudtire comb cà f tira greai oAiirédtali Qu triumph clunïtirsand &robrs ansd l Inr. Mfy arcade. of tire Osuipaulei.They nantse murtire W ugd lions antidût tfiesoly lirougir ibchuîolîsa; Tiroy brunit ire saorad abllern sud ttirabe s flîlugoand dedoe sud bihbopa. They walk tiere lile Pavements lu greupe sud ilunludreds, unuolested amoûg t rouge of pismere. Tire>'pisy' mur tire ehiltiron sud ly up on yaur cakce table for tiroir sirare cf cake or mater. Tirel> do juil mirat-ail album butdsansd animalis moulti do if innoui>' treatedt lren with humanit>' -but gava tireu their "civil rîgiri." Tire Hou. sud Blgbt *k,ttfausignor eionar raonboebrpropomdta lbthéoly 800 asid iceeted fào nq ef tise nom Ë1nglisi Rolman Ostirolio hishorica Mauslguaor5*onam bas b9ecu Pieutent cf thre Enghisir College ah Bome, sud la srll knoomute nlgiir.ipeaking visiter. for tire amiable manuer lminou ire h perfarmnid touait. -strangers tire <lulia trI asistauce foisneniy perlormma by tire Hen, and Nov. Mousilgnor Talbottire couvert brother of Lorid.Talbot dé Mal. abde.,MoignorStoiier la a onoet h. ageti Lord Oaxnoys,; for Min>' yehmu lorî-flu*afttng on tire Queou, au"A bis now eidoaî lrotbr r Enoie la Inirrict ti) irs second dauàqbtor 'o tire lai. Sit iloberi 1Peel, Whso Jesalady lu mltiug le tise Princes. of Walos. SODEIarni !gDuuk.-Tlhé Tdtkislr solli. or in ver>' lobr ; y71liris <riuipoil diot Froeh oldlss hIiks tbe Pt..j:.,. ssaoan. Tborè fasonly anc îhlng Ihat fu more rc~fa terrible tran tao ay a mesu thing, sud îoilr t ut doit. acem. A liela like a counterfoit bill. il 'd & 4u May pèse lhrougb a groa$ -wauy bauds, bptr kit. but il ufil bo foeuti ont atlas rlb. top ler It r-- ber ide, âla À Fresh id o te. wouf up e scola. 8tW .*-H. J A ME 80N"8. e0 pillar oil thora eS.LS t::tî"o F-AR M FO R SALE' og ei t fLot No. 9, lu lresp, Don L. FAIRBAZE in compose& e1 Ingredieuts ludacnticai witi tirese- mirlircauCostitute Resstir, BiceA, Muscle sud Nervi sud Drain Substance, ' ultLite itueUIo l directly depaudant up- ou some ai thirur B>' its union mur tire oaA sd itseaffect upon tire ninsledi, reabllahlug tire oua sud tauiog lire éiher, i111a capable of affect. luf tire lellowlns resuits : Il miii diaplaca or vasir ont tuberoulous natter sud uruscura Conaumptian. 117<uraislg Narvons aid Musculer Vgor, Il vill cure Dyspela, feehie or lu. tern paedaction cftirae eari sud Palpita. dion, Weakueac is fIntellect conseil bygriel, mcroverax or irregular habit, Bro. ehîtlsy, tetor Chromo Congestionoattre Lunge, aveu l t u nt oa lastages. Il cures Ath;ýa L rm Viu ag St. Vîtus Dance, pLoss cf Ialo, Whusig Cougli. Norvouenese, sud les amont monder. fl adjunot te aIrer remides in susiaiuiug 111e durlug thre p races. of Diptiteria. Au indues, airain af good affecte la formed b>' FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES, sud we are sale lu saylrig, fran s long ex- perlenca lu medeclue, itstiYrtuesaarsc roi poosessedf Ergany otites- oorntiors, as tire i ollowlug mildantonstrata. IT IS. ACCEPTABLE ta palae anti SUFFICIENTLY POTE-NT tea maure de- elded bans-fit, yet Irarmiess, lrowsoever long ite use nia>' Ie coutinuati. Thascirîracter- lilo la pmoeeadl y no other ranedy. IT A9Il TS DIGESTION snd assmila- tion. IT VITALIZES TRE ]LOOD, ui'- iuncirhlngedlinaus a ny ba raqnred-Y ITRESTOIE S TONE te tirs nervea.' IT GIVES POWER of endurance andi of concentration te tira mmd. -IT PROMOTER VIGOR lu tire organe wil eirapod for irealti ou tire iuvolnutry muecular action, viz- : tira Liver, Lunge, Hlart, Stomacir and Gaultale. And unlasia aflîcteti miti Rsoma disease lu- volving AB86LUTZ 050M<[e LOBS, i illiiSen- tain lire systeur until It rnichas tire âge SIl. lotted ta man b y a beneflclaut Creator. NO PERSON wilbeieppted in the efect of 1'ELiOWf§HYiPO SPITS I*hro rigldfly foilow tire directions.. FELLOWB' IIYPOPHOSPHITE8 1NCEPýTION. Tirs oxpermetamuis prefecteti tirs preplastion cc l d an>' montirs, sud 'ers lustituted m tir va of euring tirat Insidious disais., TUBERCUL AR CONSUMPTION. sud lu aidai ta soppi> tire daflilacies lu Hyphiropiitas -already ilu ne.; toi, al- haise ïýtioiàsmture mas correct s1te ë- 4 prlepertions mare, omlng to tireir imparfeet argamizatýon, fonn4 mautiug lu prsotice. Wile. tiey n2ee thétrafoMMtion o! fat aud generated. hut, h.>'diA ual improre 1he lood. Tira ne ceffeol upon tira narvas sud musesaa ia.iroumscrlbcd sud aming te l hiu diluted saite, involviug lu ge doses, tira>'ora aiea too expansive. ried~eaasaugirt by Mi. Falioo, A couveuleul, palatahia remati>' Unaitarabla b>' uie ; Barorles., liouglisueti cantiniuonal>' yot migirt he dlaconitiued tia utno mineitanut auy iII affect; WilciroulA luduce su ippetite Strengilen digestion; Pnorîenilaiou; Orèata irasltir>'blood ; Obraigte n er-vas anti muscles; PEnable tir aubjet t suoceesaully com- bat disessa ;- finI ssfiiently econouicai for aIl, Ail ibi. iras beeu nislputably sttaiued. Tira succoeea a! tha vork in, complta; sud pllomm' Hypoft osphe ustands oramoat ennttieemd Ioft cireulo asgaule dilaas, Pe!5duo5gpisipeUioes e vieirne atkwemedciabias éeraste- -ABSTRACT EFFECTSé Peol 'Hypopisospiutas, ou hein g lu. troduced mb tire stomacir, nulles witi tise food, anA immediately antan tire circula- lion; and, bhelng perfectly umiucible Ish tire blooti, opeedy 'parvadas ave.> part cf lira eytem. Its affecta ara fiat declaieti by apule sigstl>' increaseotnlu fulînes ana srenglir, a general exaltation oftis 'organiolo untlons, anai exiilaration o! tira lutellecinal paiera, Ita specifro influence le on tise bradn ana uenvouu anhtanra, ln- erautng tira activity nf the absorbante, and renaiug lire lood, lins causing lthe hean>' ànuneetilar formation no neceser>' in restai.- iug tira functiona ol Iba pravionsly mcaken- ed argama. Berng thon, sà teo ofarn th uer-vouasud circniatory sytenil il oirWs ta, viren tire la a asi-n for extraordlrrary axer- tien, itsame ns lvaluable, ince il supplias lire iaste tirnougir lie circulation, sud sus. talus the gemraisystan. ti no eprlod o ele-i. miciaml cara over thé innetionsaof the bralu more raqulaite tian durlmrg the sequlaltion of knoladga bý lire yrouIr; pid n, preervig stu>' requirns ast et r igoraus nerrous force, anaà chilI nWsirîk under le mental tonl. atau mecataity ns'maomer the studaut te sizain aI ers irU &oon ed.ie'btas cf fiuAetce,; au Ire'earle promise a! excel- Tnuen ,wiehecgiriadeielom's Hypo- pisphitea- Itlmlietmot aly restoeatira sidigpaijnt,.hut I iii anahis Ibc bui- ln ulet tu preaeva islmentir sud arons etanidardwitisotdetrint. Nar.-Ba auspîcloue ni persans iro r- coommend an atieririlîas orjun as geod"l hôoghîtin'rugasikt iia nansd et thase mire offer aeireaper prcedartcle. Naxs-It la oui>' lira Zn dejiodnt, Wil- postal and eès.lih P ' ' 'Who ira au ai- ortpregcniw tir neti>'. xperiance ba rvt is..Tirhe hmIeas madlal moun lunae>' iargo ot>', mreaItla1.Itown, necomurpnî it, Price $1.» Per Bouie, - 7.50 for Six flotti.- tPei7y Davû,& Son & Lawrenee. extr eznsmbiis psy. saitllar est lem preat than r, iandtls.-lutr utsmlssspoldis 'Isai' losedt hoý e,iolasa Ihan a b r~ iu-r ns We 'Lu lukoeaallai- nIat lu tlme or mas, - 5'gUîx Taua. - ýTis ed gomstall>'amoug lire ciety,- andthetiraCaroline e la beaufitul asmeili *Sté tir eiegitof ab. in fuil. groin his fe rozu à$& in duannaler. Tire ait-ihiped, about ulue sqnai large mol.. A aA I s i6t ihe. rua he esteir nai, ai t wsc lalie shsunt. enitrole hrlhea mu1 * loe a sua»>'day ;lt- su avor ovoiythirig ; hi fhall sud lresob ie iat-sdft st iaI aie âge olhon hiri virere tirir fait are chine.- frsi Mau ira meut -piue style. * vint>d pac.Tlrey aitre peur round. alidîS lomomari ly,' trA 03ï la aallometi. 'horommcry ilah àYoung minu uts a ta o.l om' ier" doitmaU a perfeet llroase for bersecf Do !ul tran lire laver ai Broc k-St.,' Devei BO( Ten per. cent. discount of- for Caéh FOR ONE MONTH. lu stom eras are invitea to oaU a n examàne 'oi stock, jag cf thal quaniy ai tah, a nota o$ the proi., sund' ua&tà1slytbemaàulvres as ta wq they eau gat b. mt..gaufer I~eboots wîrrànted bier-tos seeaoUeyaegocd, * Will stand irithourla tta F gld el get, eanA ioÃ"-, 'Ày weather, azy*ere- F i t etor the ood- AnA that ent b. boat elaewhere, A s bon ulA ha pair tbat-oould, By thb. o"d. yA a t rosi. I '3"BPAIB8 I TLY DONE. . -C11oronddar« publiceavoÀ your ordeli and get a -pair of Boots Mè the. Jilght kin a fo o bligeéA aud huimble servant, ,XATTHBW, COLLINS. NE'W GOO> DSUTR E CEI1V E D --AT THE- WHITBY, BOCK, and FANC Y COODS 8 TOilE. A well assorted stock 'of- Booke,_ Etationery -and Fanoy- Gift Bocks, Hymn Books, Photograpli Albums, Frayer books, Berap Books, Sunda.y Sohool Books, B unday SchoolCarde5. A Pina"Belectlon iu Biblel- Sehool Books, for the. High andi Comrncn Sebools, Miates, Iuk, &o. A OHOICE SELECTION IN NOTE AND LETTER PAPER. BULED AND UNRULED. Pirie'. extra superflue6. Parchurent Paper and Envelopas. Foreign note, fookcsp sud amoont Paper, Bisuk 4ooks. 1 artclrinv= 11lh attention «of tis requlrlng Stationery for Offices or general BERLIN WOOL AND WOOL WOEK.' Iu anl the neireat designa. Sllppera, Eraeke a, Saa Cushious, Cosies, Tailet Mats, Match 1ooketa,T.idaes, Gloveou and aerchief Boxes, Card Cases, Toilet Bags, Vases, .#1 suit- able for Wemig or Birthday gifts. JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS. Ail kindeo! Fancy Wark doue ta order, ineludlng Infante Bonnets, Jackets, Woolen Hoode, Breakfast Slrawis. STAMPING DONE TO ORDER. THEi DRESS AND MÂNTLE MAKINO Departuren, ln now open ta aur numerous customaers, sud feel coufideut tirat aur past good reputaion wiU ho excelled this Besson, as we have s flr.t elass cutIer sud fitter, eue tat bras had experieuce Iu eltie. The styles are ne*, no pains Winli h spared, ail arder. rply ttnded ta. Flttng rauma in rear of che score. ,r&AilËordars for Magainel- and Paper. pramptly attcnded te. Daily aud Weekly Papera ou hond. Suhecriptlaus reeeived, papers delivered. gW' SHEET MUTSIC sup- plied ou tlic ehorteat notice. Wlrftby suo ad Fauoy Goode Store, Ocldfellaws' Hall, Brcck Street. PHOTOGRAFHY i PHOTOGRAPHIC -STUDIO 1 AND FRAMIi 1EPOT. -no Special in-ducements to heads ol fa- milies, during the summer mcnths. Familles ccnsisting cf four persons, and upwards, by ordering one dozen photos. each, will be presented with a beautiful photograph group cf the family, fuil size, for framing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices to suit thetimes, CHILDREN -A SPECIALTY. Frami «ng in ail its branches, at prices which defy competition.1 Agents for Canada Stained Glass Wbrks. Caîl and see samples. WILKINSON'§ BLOCJ LYON BROS.,. E - B]OC.ST., WHSITBY- My Stock of :FITT jIT IYT RO m Is now Complete in Every Line. E. J. JOHNSONYl Very Specil Idumet to those SýpÂRTING HOUSEKEEPING. --oc-- UNDERTAKING. Full Stock of Caskets,- Coffins, and al the necesrmaries in this Uine. Also, A WELL-AHE>OINTEDEAIRSE. Whitby, October lOth, 1879. FI.RE PROOF SAPES. Is -doing justice either to' himseli' or lis credlitors if he 'does without a scife to -protect bis B3ocks, Notes,- or qthber valuable papers. Who bas ents or mnoney in the bouse, ouglit to have, a Safe to giard bothý against Burglary and Pire. A Safe is sla1yýys a Goodl Asset, as ît not only preserves ite contents, but keeps its cvm ivaluaease wel, for after, pasaing blirougli a fire a emaIl.outlay 1will malteituasgoda as noir, ana il cm 'alimys lie sold for noarly,,its ûrst cost. J. & J. TAncE Rhave tmired out about,20,000 lsafes lun the lai 4 jfyce, aJnd none cf tliém liasfaied in trial, ereanmd er- ohants, îbis je the kind of " Protection" ana sometbing iliat tfie Tariff çsu't gýve, Go to tlia Toronto Safe w ism ea safe. J&JTAYLOR NEWTNSO? gr-, Next Door Bouth ta Jamea eont'"oIdBmith'8 HaIi$/ Hus opened bu'siness li the above -premises and fano ruzýnin xifou blast, where ever*txnerangtoTn Shooore tvsizdIr 8d. zanfc ued in a workmau- like manner,on. SHORT NOTITCE ,'andl t reuoà1ets 'ELECTÈO-PLATED'GOODS f SUPERiOiR'QIKI AUkindsof 3-apaued Tin. rand -Sheet.fron wr osatykept' istock. -ll0:0-----A.ý iuteed satiaactry or no psy. Amierican iand Canadian GOAL QIL. Lamp Ohimneys, Wicks, Burners, &o. - J. W. BARNES. Whitby, Feby. 24th, 1879. FOR SALE AT-TE WHITBY -CHINA TEA STORE, PLASTERf PLAST-ER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CASH PAID Butter, Egs, Poultry, Apples, ]Red and Alsike Clover Seed. 1Whitby, Februar>' 111h, 1879. OFFICE W. J. GIBSON, «Whitby China Tea Store. 0F THE BRO WN à PA TTEBSON Mt 'g. Go,1 WIIITB7, O1*,,TAB:;?IO- -.000:- TO THE PUBLIC. Iu prcscnting oui Tmouty.seaand Annual Calilogre of Agricultural Impie. meute ta tise farmera ai Cia for tire year 1877, mae ose*uh more tissutire ordinar>' degrea of prideansd cenfadauca, fromlire uraied faveur sud patronage canferreti Upon us, andthIe steady> anti ineroising denind frou r year o cu %orclhateti Faim Impleurenta. y c We ssl continue as iseretofore, samanufactures, ta makea sapeeilt>' of Agieultursi Maohinry-tiro Jolinsten Self-rsking Lrapor, tire Triumph Cour. bined Beaper anti Moirer, thre Cayugs Moirer, tise Yung Canada Moirer, anti aur nom Wiritby Hirveater, claimiug s large share af arr lime anA attention. For tire lat Tweuty-two yeara me have given ourmesi cireful anti undiviti. id attention ta tire manufacture anti operition-of lire varions machinas in use, iftiug out thre hast pointa, reuredying dafecta, modif»ng anti carracting errcra, strengtheuing meak points, itiaptiug anti proportioning aer>' part as aur increas- oti experionco lias auggcsied. Weaemploy ol7 the hast mecisanical akili, sud air macisines pasas under thre Mostcsîrefusupervision and sruilny-evary tietail bdug subjactedti o tisa sever- est aiticlau-aduhi cininnlatiscrougll>'tasietibefore lesving oui marks, la prove the complet-sues. of ever>' part, and tisera la no dimeiuit>' lu puttiug tisai in operaticu b>' any person aifnotiarate meehianai abilit>'. Oui macinar>' hasnieen saleceatiand construcet mith a speciai refèeaco la tise manufacture ai oui owu machinea--many iooalsiaviug beeau de far t1is paricular purpose, sud mot atiaptati for allier mark, sud oui morkmn areedu- cetd up te tise wmt aa Araqurreurnts af oui mantfsture-obtainiug s tison- ough kuomletige ai tiseconstructian ai oui machines, anA are thuseaguihlato toci- tain a irigirer degree cf shili anti profloiene>' Ibm miere genoril uManuacinug ia parrieti an. W. are t-senior. enablai to iniroduce a mare perfeot systeur into 811 tira de- patients of manufacture, idding not oui>' tatire perfeetion of tire moîk, but -ai- no ta tire rapidit> cii. a xeaton-suti s consaquant reduotian cf ceai. Thilt pinciple la regaideti necessar> in a mail regulalti aestablishsment, anti me enabledtho hurn ont oui machines wits saiigiser degree af perfection, aud ai prioes so loirsas absolutel> to efya>'compatition. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER in nom no mail kumu as a aSi2gle Beapai, tiraI s mord of cammendation ipulti sîncet eeem auperfinous, brut se thene ire ian>' claimiug le manufscture Ibis - macine wha-have idureredtet the aid origiual tichusten machina, mithont kaep- iug up ta tise imprevemenla ; tiraI justice te cunaelyes sndr-patrnns requir? cfus to ahate tw e have mnadified t inlualmoat avary assential part, sud for strengtir anti durahllty, uaiity ai out,in ever>' kind sud condition of grain ; ligirlueisa ai draft antieuof management-the "-Jolinaton," as mmuufacturod b>' us-stands' pre-eminenhi>' heati f alcilar reapers. lu pîoo faitis ositia>n e have ouiy te point te tire miupFirat Prises amartiet us-si 1h. lad Povinicial triai ai Ou- tarro, sat an>' ceont> trials micir have talion placa al aven Canada, wtin tise liet feu >'ears. OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINES, with laie impraveureuta, ie ail tisat eauha deairati lu s Courbineti Machina, anti canuel faiu ta ment ail lise requirementi purcirasero. Our Improved Cayuga Chiof ïJr., and our Young Canada Mower.s are bcth frat.-lasmacines- caustituted alicat usd1>' of Ircu anti Steel. The (Jayuga Jr. lias a rear out, andth ie Young il uatiîsa front Ct ; bath atrang, dur- ablea hines, andi mat axceilati 5>' îy machinas izi tiremarket-for qualit> ci ouh, durabilit>', ligirmnoas of draft, sdipisbilit>'. anti es ofiManagement. OUR. NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER."y As lire countr>' ias becomne ballai idaptedti t machiner>', and m&ny of oui faim. ers hsave becoure ukillt inlutheo use cfnicines, a growing domanti las eprnig up for a Liglrl, Durable, First.Clasa Besper. A4v-r. te re rquiremeuls ai tira day, meLe h-raucoeedet inluiuventlug a ma- china ultir a Wrougirh lion Fraie, vitb htie leâot »-paasible geariuig-*iih larg, broad-iaced, drivaemieel,-and se coristructid tint tisa -frima suid table 'tilt gtTirês noms - imqe e, aehy keapiug tire pitmiàm alhiyi lu lina v-ýils ise kuife. Tise rakesarae dri-rau tirecti>' froitire main ssi-teobeing no perceptible aida draft, sud no miglmt dpon lise iromes rreaks. We are caufitient Iliat mehave succoaded inru rveutiug lie mont perfect Ileapen, tskiug it mi îll ita p ails, tiraI lias ever beau piotineti. Weirave applioti for etheraýpaheml, .anti shall hoii-coui invention, for curlocm exclusive manufacture, sud me reepectfll>' uggeaât ho lui- lteudiug purchisors, liaItisa>' shoulti 8ao jàis machina belon. givfrig ieu irodais for tise ùamiug isarveat. Tisa "Whitby HÈarvýealr" ma'igisa, ail olid, 600 pou,', but beiug matie primoipal>' af tise hast qualil>' of iran anA steel, and ficrn it. in- ge n d tcompact construction, il combines lis. shren&f-li aptidn*lity itr Ail atour machines are fnl]>' maateti. ,With itisliaI of machinos, wefeiel confident tiraiwe oaamois$ont'*yr.. quiroment, anA ýwe reapeWrfiy'aolicil a triai of Our i oËielaelievIng that we can inrulsira boîtirmcefr atise mono>' than eau ha obtaineti alseuhere. .1I4-, 1 ~?q IP ~ G. flý lhnn & Co's. Cam ) ~ 't Moluion'~ a~zd C .arlWiio'8.Aie and, Porter. lj 010QOPER ;DOZEN, Whitby, JuIy 8Othi 1879. PATENTED j - i - - - AUG. I2Trî, 1876. H. JAMESONiS.. j WARRANTED STORMPROOF l J. B. ROBERTSON'S Patent Ventila tor d Chim ney Top" It is an inviluible veutilator for sal pipe anti miter closaI.. Ib is tir. simplest ventilator maie. It ia marrautei tri proof. PRICE LOWEIR TRAN ANY OTHER VENTILATOR. No curont cf air. mli produce cther tissu an outwîrti draft ; tire mosi orna- urentîl veuilator mde;miii net chioke miii suow or ico; cannaI get eut cf eider. For silo by Fresh frtom t) AT LOWVESTI' KI NG 's Supplied at the Harbor or delivered. Iýe Speefal. inducemients ta parties in Parties, aanq the Lioe of -thre Whitby, Part Perry & L!ndzày Bsfway cari be sup- plieil -direct, irithont extra charge, under Speelal arrangement. Made iritIrthe Bail. "vy Comupany, by KING BROTHERS. I8ýr TireCarter. conatantly en the road deliverinýg acer.. FARM TO RENT. c OMPOPSED OP 100 AOEES BEIXG .Jpsart'ol Lot No. 4,-m the 41 <once.- alon of Piering, fIve milea fron the town o f W h t b y , u n e r a o o t a t e " a i c u l t i v a . tion, ieU wtered, gabuilding.,and fine o r c bia r da o . :ý e fl e r crop là taken oaf -Iis fafl, ana poaaeasion lat March next For partieu]rapply lo thea imer. TIMOTHY 0'LAXY , 'Utia, P. o. July-iotir, 1879- If-8b Sirop Rigista for sale samroasonable price, mih modal anti patterns a ruiired. E iING MA-CHINE. W- gSTOVES CHEAP FOR CASH> 1 1WlritisY, Sept. 24th, 1879. 1833- 40.bm. Established 1833-1 FURNITURE, FURNITURE, Cheaper than ever, at his new -store BROCE ST., The undersigned ini returning thanks to the public for the libéral patronage extended -to him, bega b eitate that having reniovad ta- his commodioue new promises, hae is now in a botter position than ever i to supply ail their wants. is stock cf Furniture embrabes very handsom2e sets, and everything that can ho called for in bis lino, and an oxarnination will con-rince that the prices are low enougli b suit the times. U ND ERT AKI NG. Funerals fally supplied. WM. Ti LL. WM. BURNS, Will seli seli for 30 ýdays AT COSTI Womens' Prunelia Boots and Shoos, Wcmensî Kid Boots and Shoe 9, Misses' Pebble Boots and Shoos, Misses' IKid Boots and Shoes. A New and well Selected Stock. Caîl and exami 1ne. member the wvhole is offered at Cost..e ]Re- PH OTOCRA PH Y. WE ARE MAKING A NEW fSTYLE 0f Photograplin mSîpia, life-size, an entirely NEW SPECIMEN8 ,ON, EX-HIBITION, Cards and Cabinets fuïrnished in the Iatest -style cf the Art. Frames of ail sizes always on hand. Photographer. ~. Opposite, Ontario Bank, j A. Young man~ desiring ta a tu<ly Pliotograpliy, will flnd a good chance by calhing on Mr. Barrett, and getting terms.. Whitby, June 10th, 1879. OUTTERS, Buy the Best, BUY 1n0 other. BUY NONE BUT THE Genuine Singer,,Sewing Ma- chine. BEDUCED INPICE. TEE BEST MACHINE IN TIM W01lLD. Su say Tirree Hundred Tirousand people miro hou'ht Singer Machinas lu 1878. Over twa inhuillou Singer Machines lu use at preeent.- Splendid asud. fulset ci -Atacimanta fgvegith cari machine, and parties ÙRly et etiratheuse a tirai: THE -BEST, THE CHEAPEST, Sold ouly birytire Campsuy'a Agent, L.- VAIBANKS, Office, opposite NCIr, office. Wirithy, Juna ,'79, -26 Valuable Faim fcr Sale. 10010RS.-SiLOT 8, IN: Stir CONq. GIKRN. 15 acres cleared- remainder mel Iimirered (moatly heecir sud inapla). Thia la a ver>' deefrahia property f or tire-Wood alane la very valuahie ana will ne&ry pay the * ihaeG môney, mira tira situation aftI tri ola s sufficieut guar. antee for tire land-, 1 Teins liberal la reliairle parties. A. A.-POST, P. 0. Box 202, Wih A IR- GAS_ MACHINE# Tis Machine la for ligiting Privata Dwelllngs, Mlille, Facîcries, Churcirca, Publie H alls' Hotcîs, &c. <l nd dexamine tir a ucine lu opea- tien at JOSEPH PHILIPS, solo Msufct'r, Plumnier sud Gas-fittar, 168 York etreet, Tarante. Seud for "'ircu1ar and price-list. ~OMNI.BUSES -TO AND FREOM ML PARIES. To sud iron G.'T.R. Station ...... 2c. To sud from Wiritby, r ida B'>' station .... . ..........sy Tirose conveances are safe, a confort- able, sud lu chargeaiofcareful drivers. Ail haggage cisecketianti careil>' loketi ifer. LOUIS- SEBET, WlzitbY, Pcb. 25th, 1879. Porea. Doyou, Want a -JIouse P Anyone manting ta rani or pur chse a cOnfortahinrasidence in Wlritby,ý wonld do mal l t cali sud examina liat of G. T. H1all, ut hie office, over R. iH. 3amcson',! Stan., Duntis-street, or at tira CIMNosîIr c Mie.- Wliitby, Jul>' 9ti'79. - s-29 THE TO RONTO Turkis8h cVapor Baths, D-Pri & K Dr. W. J. BURNi Residance-CaugregationjC ai conr fByron sud Ze BYRON FIELD, m IYICIAN, SURGEON, Wm. MeDhlIÈpr, M.D., 10 G- VY'S HOSPITAL, LONI Mtire ea . .0. H. L., Osira- B -AD. - DR. BOGARTi Piacisu,. Surgeon», Accoucher Wiritby, Sept. SOti, 1874. W. -ADAM DEfrTICI VARS, L. D. itest principlea c Tics. b Nouralgia, plothti dirirmalo I3UGGI Es 9 ukB idi'aird a --i Tur-lah ANÇARJ4IAGES. ,'A Large Assortment of Cutters - Buggies FO"R' -SALE, GHEA - -AT- TOPM S& NEWPO]RT' L Y, Congbo, ,<Clas, 0Ccnqart t,gSrofu, Si Diseacruý, IU nas. Bilousuesa, Frî , anr bats ara particulal>' qilp Skia diseasas, especial>' Syp nuiveril>' concedei that i Mari. sto4k 'and grasin -lu. t.. WMilbasé umer. 4'pply ' ,,b absu.1-- a nar.l - -1 ----o:o FOR GOOD BIIOCK STIREET, WHITBY, 41

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