MEIDICAL Ce,'- uN Sr, Nov York. Purifiera 1 PILLS. l.o euro for s nliburn, pnlmsary, se. oui, roui d PuLLS, ýAINTI. sndb Dosions M/ho 1 4 mýoaIs vîha le Qoal 1va are) lu a oelhioa aivellnil ah1 eors, rest ratas. bonr or dllvei, morints la parties lu Lio oi thieWhlthy, Railva>' chu ho cap.' ettit charge, unatio masde lhothie Rail. KG_ BROTEX, ls nstsntly ounlia. roat! 10 ACR E111G mîba frcm 111e tovu icd tit ti f cultiva. ci( h)uildlingH iffuitfine DI ae al doe Lilion fii, s111t pausssmion 71Y o thie ovon. )TIIY OLEARY, Uica, P. O. [NO-ER V'A CHINE. Buy no otiior. 11UT THEE T Sowing Ma- le. SCFA. TUIE DEST TRE WOIîLD. lin stý tic 157. Ovar blahnsi' un180ata set or Atacýimeuts ie, mii -ie ule nl> E CIILAPEST, puy'i AgonI, I RBAÂNKSe 111 for Sale, OT J, IN Shi CON. .151 attve Hcleret- 311 dobirtlyiioooi ansd y(e rbuprupont>' 1vsry valIncue aud 'caeo mnony,wvicie ,h a sutuialit gain. ýble parties, A . A. POST O. Eiox 22,1, Whtby M!A CHINE. ýr llgbtilg Pnliae lenies, Clinrocis I-tlas, &c. io liluele pra- .Ipi, saole Maufoinr, r118 York alrool, prlco-islt. OIM ALL TRAINSI S' ion-....20C. P. &c Lladsay arof cci driveýrs. AI[ refully iIuolali 1115 SEIIElîT, 1'roî,-iu-iel. (y-lc t!House. ? n Whillcy, vmnît! tanji ll Wit oif G.T, r t?. if. Jiîaii' , it thi' Cctî,mo tLE ONT O P Bath( rWE WIITY- OHRONIOLE fiuIRODAY MOENINU, _ XXIII WTLITBYBY cent ~inertion. O .P O I C F O TN V E B R 6 1 7 à escrlptlon whmu plaood among 1New Mat. i A OVEMBER ~*aulma4qm.~. iythe yaar, or (opposâte G. T. B. Station,) Whitby. Biot0Far l lr JUG (BeOTERE) ToMgca a makin'the Osloilto" adSorj Ordor to isco tinueadvtamtiir E RN AIWYOEC 'N H IM.drygL 6 1 ~~B v r y a c c o m m o d a tio n fo r g u est t a, i c lu d - s u ythefa t u d e a s o eli i u s ait s a t o m c a m e ab , V !gti I r a u t e g a r i > a g t h ' 8uiesDirecotory. ngomotalearyberoo0, measat auF aucyDinner sud Dessette.. 'nLla IerneCoy aithe chfn' ermme oe»p p~~i ob ui! uu ________________ Thé Bar fully îuplied vitia boit Pomuy Bad-rocim Seto. 'i tea COD1lJ11,a M OIiL ~iti I48Ip~uq~g~ brandi of Llquori, Wnes Brandies, Cigare.Fancy 3ugeadapt.EÀ FXB BOKS. 1TYgluuiOadea~ ooeutnl tÃŽLs and Te malo oravrFRaAIafwsra thasoundBThatinkrfaa,. tatftJ0BYtithuel ONTABI HANE i~* very eoaaeay. ~Iaotio give to Slver Patad ntres Fork and poon. ~ oox&0. WTH IfPOPHDPJi Whatha ow.mumuredtunaithatecmaEnaerbiPkUwa su, nd orns- ; . liend'YÙMf g taeer.Slver Plated Orueli and Butter oo m .. lur 'iarm BuIId. Is-co mblscd la ro b.t à t- iio h lws a'dtue h oa ou hi hie0koeIau WWH T TY Y R-AN OH. oodStablogdanloadbyad,,ndetnclose yaPrad, ana attten.r. Sne>iOouti7 rurbeiaSctooCakercailyb trmbl thoug, - tariadcouc! o.'. 0% 01 tive cuttirs. 48 Rodoa'n"1i ud Porks. Ruetheir Conitente aesauM OW tot9 hetP al'tobethe huartt veetn4>~Ii~~~>sb ~sw o THOMAS DOW, ____Te_______ s raysau avn.Mta fuand go asJlaii48 Oopanad medicine aven ofenoed te iSuth vinda car tii.Watar vhenblcv. vtabow4tlco i oI2~* rn Maauaia. JînzMROîAT. HOTEL adSTBES Plower Ohadea orLn In Canada. c et tî inDflsT Glasevarehe, adadsdeaandlnd on.OU ed tumu cviilssoit brrnrotl suJ54ad 5 -Jar« naîret, Tnt.LES, f# Udecro ne . , mpimand alafrtldocf agt here are ehadowy halls lu lbizaaa zy¶orgotheOvillagea.hasse, FAREWELL &RUTLE»G, 5 6~rlt Trno White Stone van, elerklud. SLOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. iwiouimath.m. aan ddbko rMii. l *biffthey.i3 iulha rogetmumet!hi. g vas1 JG,-OHN Mlâ, c BORR!O.-Htel and Bar Gooda. B IKL, O~Wn,~~remedy-hà bSi nd.cbetyae- teiIlQ nva ARISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI. (mmaon a OJOH2< ELL,) GLOVBR HARRISON,- L i5l85"aipleddaiuiaraagsnd ars of b regiamlng, hob71 W 'bat a~ 5 5~ 13 lnr a r. egt oonNotarles Public, sud Couvoy- Thie boat 01.00 a Da Rouge___la___the___City,__ Prsld V dendotCadAnobalrgw « Yttbbtttha a ir75 1e sato rnlis4euaetoti 6%at aala& lipaainoai e accod. oor lcjctii. iZ ortit=on. % . n Forsalaby'T. G. hiild'W tby. n~ oeteuwtabwldlgiha v l 'N W% c gip f ir;à o, Office lg i d rSutha cf thé Royal teotha Market. TheHouse" heu bee.nvl, yneu0wlyi', ol," sit «Mg .- pi-cd u Q tor4 u4ai wrepi. el [f , atal L, L. . B. , ___y pi Oh 88 INO FR, M An i ave naa f ti l adlias iauiflntg unea.fîjil~ natn-o u J A M E S R U T L D G B , B . A .. W L K Y gF l- N S R I W 0 . _ _t r a s e r 4i n t ,u à i Couuty Crowa Attorney. t8 TEMPERÂANCE HO USE, -AndoeweINBL/ANCECOAfAN-Y, - p.t,-povetihe affeotat e tioam cey Oyi ateaîwa:hob Ant va à ,y0carion ; w Com JAMES KEITJ! GORDON, ~~~~~~~~HEAD' OPriOn, - nEAmU»i, ,Xà A.Therg au bicni of boaaty t 10 ovelt tMin coa e a;l.chapel vtaa-c rc 2 u h ri i fhdswy DUNDAS.STRERT, -W IBY. Lombard St. sat! harngCross, London. -Teaaabmm fso vlealdait vait timn ud .Jo' 'agv T) ARRISTER & ATTORNEY-ÂT-LAW, Goot! accommodation ah naunonable terme. Thora aaetresses andi ninglets cf hflar. nWha-Paomi-'vmy;tQnotn,,, , j:) Solioltor lu Cbanceny, Couv anscer, Bcardana S$2.50ipir wvoaL 458 GILESpjLE, MOPFÂTT& Cash Depoal t it th Dominion Govrnu. ca ri', saya Puinch. hu'oe as ~ruhnu vu e o 0 l ie Srtdooruvoitcf&o.mshrog' H alai ., ment, 88w,000. Thora. ara fragments cf sang, only mom. 111 b'i n utirnef curbi'alo Io " b i Morut oy wt ofarn-a Mst el R055BOSE -TLioeneed ONT, Agenti for Canada.' - ry singo, gyli htne luaas.Th alc Ht c and tttat!, ,I UCLIOflf8' E. W. TYRER »IZTeEi.. ,Andthe word. of a tsar motiers prarar Imland %Ib hoau o!tevy eti"'ngm e~ygao"B.t oo ekn - Relumnlhed, anti Unrivafld.itqev Passau. -Manager, Montréal. JhBre siiJas. Simpsonu, Bam'uToaahapln nvetsdaamWiet! eaolvt!i iecmovnga the retcf(a aty nle JON . cGair Y, Bn levatorrunnlni nlehtand dey. The SALS ropl ttna, adcn c A GENCT ESTABLISHED IN CANA- W. Hendil A. Barre7,C. hvearefot stnin, WihhadllttrafJu tvut0r ere h ol h n!riigh. ys ii aoin-vt ~n l o e , ii u d 8 ~ n£d3 . ÂD A, F ndu . M r a o U n lim t e a a i n o c I l en hA . B lu t in ; o n tr e a l , s u d r in g s , v r i t n JXNA dGLIRY ilyfetcasRtznaaawt rd. aonLbr rs lth Stcckholdini, radalarOua wort!'i goo, anai tan; ail tha ti larfe Emier4e troaandB88h.arrdine- Hailovoti tokanaTthat6loveünaît!nte vear,.tablarfonmat!acfotinotoornfour.tplove aoLoathon araytabmenformaiat!fce T)ARSE TTBB-TLW e or,1 vltubs and 81ther89 dairl 26.PFot Penny. c rm r. JOHN HABVEY, JAMESB SIMPSON, Ee sli coaaýcu ARTE& TON-TLWrclwtothîantiota1 , eta ug96.raailat! cresatcupeef arg aoni, ia Foncaranjonedn halauiaIb f Not Pblc, o.Soicionfo th MRK? &yî ,0. NOURBSE, Président. Vîc-Preoidant. Entho do"a, the cighbarntmfeldSai B otarou HuicU. Onolctr fr thN. 111;Agent, Whlhby. F. R. DESPAjRD, Manager, it toirsfoira ansaf tod, rhere o ornegabata~ld~t u rtlJh r.Iel Pomninlon Bank. 011 e-Boit tadon hoFeb, 97th, 1878. Prcpnlehon.f, dwhibyp Âpnl 9th, 1878. 16 ___ Wih hm cof-fewlnarelnglhed.acfo randye coothe , eso hs a nku ua! u!ecsre! Otbre n Xang TouiohinRouogerauiat.antrcen iaiciOntcflieb2at! anomlibgueonSnWoodc-ocnWr e crn -aln ___________________ uOIfIOlAuOr8clasesof 1>operty, axcapt ac au seare . thair sveat eyai, fasteinpagnetstt kd CHALHITBKLLE, M HOUSE.B IT HAMBRICA lovait .The unianokan csignet cf silence nov liai,# ftelu spin. ta ila1 ast f lahoaa i v tw l C. KELER, v WHITY. B, WEIS cuinutBaes.Tia are villi ns again se-cf oit. pliai IOrna.Stadigbidalrevacavs tlogubogdrnii.ara flamoInnhesai aone oftig, bane arato kn. lre s co ADZ BPI.o.Y afr ensnraonaLDelgton,-bs lrates.ecnetsc h tiicniue!t nkèlcrudi ec ton, Brook, 0T7W Rna *T BU Whitby Wotna avoaaineui l voinetb odnt!a 1 h ok aia luga, sud au & BILDER INCORPORATBD- z833. BR . COun, hiyn Wio.Andelgt o thr a i. andosl a ng cauldre,-and sni uivnca"ntnv bsbanSua, si!vul L..ACASuponion accommodation at moderato .L.-A lr-an ply of Builders' Faruiuh. t!Alinth o - backanti wantanlnghinior I brugitWinocE L.T A CA , charges. Good tabling anti oncloceti yard. ige aa cf ÃŽ' 1,TwiststiMold5 SET S, 81,101,876894. faîn, TTORNEY-ÂT-LAW, SOLICITOR 93» Agent for Walhm's Lager, in Bottie Doore, Saab ant iBlinds. A8SBT8 111869.(7Truh h hkoybleo hsiln htaVecma lu Chanceny anti Iuaoivancy, Convoy. anti caiks. Ubh viioleaia anti rotail, or by F AL ATRONIZE HOMECoMPANhoa urloS resueagain 1 limaf heallMieno!lscuiaycrdhoéondt!b: at!noi sucer, Ccnhh&tb.. Juiy 8t,-89 82 b tecar bat!. F.-A. B0MB Wp ec ouros treasunai I v o o te OpizA h or lue hty aae.Oh 1I hic beautiful Islo, wthils planturn- affaira, h ho iesla.c ovr enyoiieae!fcs tiiey dv ________________________ Plnlng, Mcaitings evey deanî Insurneoîeeco!ahheloato>at STANDARD lika chow, ln a EMQUEEN'S HOTEL, teFonnSevSelvR e ratas ou Buildings, Marchanisie, aud othar lIsa viste. uiadiugly brlghh "Monsieur Reggantconyal? t!bueggt. LYMAN ENGLISH, L L. B., Tsaighpng,TamofropryIl IIiia,. AIIRISTE AT LAWSOLICITR lB <~" COMMEEOL,) et, etc. ainý uing,..,Creî,-Venk, P et, againstlouae or damage by &or. LI. "NSRuuNnluCOMPANY, Andthe river cf Time in ita turbulent flou, sait! DesWelakain. "ag osapo hsmvrnn fSlmn a s Lt C. BOURSAWEL 'O I LIE ozlcL, tOýét.Ia.oft sootheti he ovoiooa s hoarti long îope-ahaIGtd-fol n B5 haucony, Couvoyancen, ho., o. Slm- BEOO-STRET, WITBT, Whlby, Oct. liii, 1878. Aet-48y.Wo h0enavr ra c eii hispo e on! nsh. Whah ceivoEADvOFFICvlcAmILTONliai vbole 'il'ahau oeaStia, îiwa -TAYLJOR h MCCANN, PROPRETORS.Wlb Anl t,17.18 A UTHOTIZED- OCAPITAL, 83,0wo,000. cho! or Ta are ieipayt!va ee,2 JOhNHALL»fw, The anteieuattaire ta inform thein ONET TO LEND. GoenetDpst 2,0.dernaaf-to kash toeg."eehchbclnbauafvrelukiub ,-ONBL )OI - friande andtheb.public hhat (hay hava lakan - O'OR. ge ttepig,"sioac i opn-cleiIevt ARRISTERt-AT-LAW. SOLICiTOR- thé aboyvoel kuovu hotel, wvici teîBsinssconfune ta h oince.arnouthgel pry.a Ofilco-Devonill's Block, Brode Stroam i eetcfnterfanhe ccamoo - ay hooLent! apon F on0f. B. CHISHOLM,H.T RFO,.)if5"ieanto'vnpae!baeeplrta luChuory Cuvyaco, o. haanelyf tai p nt nnodht. at îe t egneti bc ar Tn mony t cf. T. D.BualecioR.cnmu< -"i e en1"si!D esoiiopr Wiitby. tieo unt us. Tha Bar, vhilobn le bn. ntnuaeusily Loy Rates cf Inhereat. 6Prisitioit. SecyTreas. CHAPTER XXVI. o mpuul, uefu nagt spr."e MONEY TO LEND-Prlvshe Funti camant inth * ,la woncupplioitivithhLoana cosahbe rpait!inlu cma o titbon- 1 D. DEXTER, Aasicsnt Seorohry.-ee buvhualnruibe ao-Fncr hisuoupta#Watalo rt o f- th funt randeic7vinai, liquons, anti ci- novera. ÀSUTR,1iiETIG.TE1ItII1'st ff 8 a terst (l-8 gas.e?ýleenolocatshd abat! a !goatiSevenal mprovot!ari udWit! Lands IN Rà rni.-ÂUappICstioni APPEARANCE OF AN UNEXPEOTED à -bornebogue ; proltea eaeluak toraît. ng,. sztalle, ho. Datachot! roamc forsasie chaap. forInsnrance rciethe cloieat oeuiuy, GENT, THOItATENINQ ;HZ IXRIBI- tl" " ieo fo o mriltaelrIvsmn s O n Municipal 1Dében'-/0 uanolY thaie teemat!deésrable and eahsao- supposeDslE FD O r uluuiiinbhagrnshug In ROBNSN &MET,-.f an commria tavILans. A NvolmesBnan terma f - Socs.quahe ratai are areed; aur asin lbing ta ONofAN sitcOiE 1ai-eetl a chien mankehatale heoka. , mae hie rate iTorontcasaorraporianahe ho WELBEIN AHI> RIta"Yis-keehhel fethe-daa ilin loallyeuiffonont lay la rtquiré! in eueNDaya, dia niak carniati. PARTY'. Bananti Bolornnnvmd bi he;fr nh omr i ai i BA1RSTE.RSAT-LAW, A T TORNE HJAMESHOIDEN, uuivî>iiiiFAIR I fl< MNT-Ee cliloMatie Tho Suut!ay arrivot! vicbiol a!beau apaacst esqehoe ~h ~~,iei b atr <y at eySollotons, Convyancer, & AY Ausignes, , >.e,.asdonut car O E , fiilAsins roe,&.efal vCmgtpanydi rdlla iiage i pis nht! for the enetiug cf De Wel-thie Cause cf their t!elafrhe iaii e ufcetysrn e son no 9, Victoria Street. 82 & 84 MILL.ST., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Ata 9,189.1 1 ' oho houat are promptiy anti cheBir kinst îesugl u"TMFoy'he aito tiipanhy 3.G. ROIOcN, Msa. sA. HEIWEST A. E. RENT. Pie oiceiail a. -Pail uattemptu et franti ana anti avr 2 Tis vas the narne given tothe ruinae M nvvnvi iota, at rupi leascie!t en niIu rieracdt010a a.0eotyrose.of au oit! antaisea, rsmbliag aenê cf De Welakeiu. "ese osddr o1ot1f ioln"teou!aoa-"a staa.tlyE reisaistesetiuca fsprcetath . W RODiA gt ditie, viiciasomeielt!atehava been Man," vhioi vas his ose f.a.c oefruaeiîe fcrs o a ~o.q KLLY, -Thvoel hanPublcet!i.s0price t iboE W ENLWfjhit , Ot.begua vithoul a. îaginning, if one rnsy dernug Solemon, "hieolieteaidos! h:nbicnsng(epul:- "v AIIRISTEIZ-AT- LAW, SOLICITOR hau t! ahieN. Y. Central Deot (anlya a'Inuanameaan cf "aesiiein.lOU0Vee i soo 1.Inurace effechti at laveot rat S aycat avtcreh a u! ui eelesep a ievsosbsta" u u dyi luinCiancory anti Insilvaucy, Couvay- feu aSouth), and bac raoeuîîy beau ne. PR ISRNC NI te et nUThe nomeelin r faimtIbis game i. a greal favon- ohitieu sucer, &o. Ofloae-Devanill'a Blok, Brock- fitteti anti ra-furisiet. Open nigit antihadCnda opiis.asriis;ad ti n n fte $S alba et biurttiOntatidliis iheuebcfsie iSrsllrblme temes1inait!eSle-rbytha. wW. cosNderaehike; thor Aaot Strot Witb, Ot.dayset a a fnohpl %,in gavar e -mGeneal Insurance Agent fallioî net poculiar tlethie lmeralIle, mon, vlelecir agei I!iiiw eoerialba ave l "e - e peb y o t, n t il C a a d a H o ss v e m n e y ' L O S S E S P R O M P T L Y A D JU T E D . P oli , 01 8 7 9 . w ituà y . - fo r th e s an o h in g , it li th e s m ar e to u a i f D e W e l k 's k u v t! c c ti c a f , v c i . m a i i e i f n a S o a a G-YUGSIH .BWILSON SPRAGUE, Propniahor. Eiskî unitten anti paicies isîneti by namnes, eziot iu Englant!. Soiomon'o oharachon. '13AIRISTEII, &o., &o.-Maney ta Loas Rochester, N. Y. Jaly 8, 1878, O-2 C. NOUBSE, Agent. TOWNxîM g-RTU OFFICE Inuoeeof the vanite andenneahthie "Anti fer MonsieunRga, at~î aac h wadtogi"pi ea i.) huer ai Marriago Liconaeî. ' '-Wbihby, Jaby 80, '79. - 82~""~ 1,.~ XX pile hhe smugglers noat! ho meet, ant! smuggier, ý"le go tea pplst ie esntb auapc aho flec hsnk, Whitby. H E vv ~ ~ ~ N H ~ ~ the place wspeculianly te o ultcal befoe."-, Itint ta ayohrgmiIhv en u la Ã"ian. 22,1 Doini78 Bak, hf.5 THEISTI0LTHENIVISIN COU T T FRHRNOIETEsecret pnrpcsas, from its exhirnme blol- sloezpel," ausweîet!Rgn"evsdSl i aei cni' nyc iud Jan_22187.________OT.,L____OTEDVISONCOUTSffce cf the Town Clark sa Treasa- naes, The ruina shoot! in a romanhde only hhinkia of 1," si!Slmu îiio e rui aiEO PEB, AE.BRCA, Poreo.0 R rer vii boa hie lutile vailey, aiend vicie abrupt de- vuehecni y "o CAMRON& APELE, LEX BACLA, -- ai livitiai oldti lorn-hrees wroathed ci o you lova de priaite." C O U N T Y 0F O N T A R IO , D D F L O W ' H A L L . branches lu fantastia form e, an ti gave " M yet ie thinlo e i'a et er b of v o' l p y. W re ac m y f r i e my e n DSoioîaî'Ata-hLaw, anti modiuueandthie intenlon la fitheti ap in ex. cut the perfume of thein white bieusoma li i ut oehfn ee01vt va'Teeshcma fu e itvitm 'BS lucts Chancery, Na. 4 Tenante colantyeulhî. .. .FOR TEYEAR 1879. THhMe HUTON,"Vos aeaiSon,"ai!ttFeca eas Ttet oot.T OUSTONk, Wibolathie yaarvea Young. A Meunt-heaw"ti!Slmn ael l i hvntbtv ut"o' atoa, ornh.The lardon lu auppliait i tthieboatit lanClrk i n trsu, ili Vousla on aouvbgiezyborntaaisachngn HIECTOR OAMERON,0Q0, (y48) R. 8. APPELlE,thie market. The boit af Liqaors antid >.0 .,, ~> Wbihby, Foi, il, 18M9, - 8a milte ahovehie vaestubcae about man liumphatiy;"f t! em ffiusbyln. Co e-er' Sl- vhed' GUN ~~ Cigare. ~ ce0> slrog herokZc bi ooe! ogevid dam ail, priesteu!prne'moaimyefat-"Se NM.D, Shablag, largo sud naomy. Gootia shedsa. ,SD______ >1 < ~ > ~OR AE hBg h ok fhswoe og ByronStreet,___________________________ICWNilby.. 2 1 11 1)1 2 211111 1 AT THEtia of ils receal birthi; lever doua ils vaut ho do vis MteColcra-îoinn £)lunn îre Wilb. ,BRITSEAMRIA2HOTL, 2 8ug mcourse, viere ils banka voeafairon ant i Iera, Darbea," sait!led art!ardRgn R A Y ' 8 , - PotFerry 7 7 210 414 14127 MLr'~- A In~~D~- ,. .rfinuovsna h ieîî , Tspaaiinvsntnlae!b yhei "mac lcou Zom 9 .m. h 12 n., ani mai -' - alycs lenayrt Çteriecia8,80iy0at!. aPiakeringrby aNov. Bdohiapoà , rolloy madeFroclman u rebnquiei- ga vai1 1.80 ho , P. M. aildonce-.Cor. cf hyron inlucannleclion vithitie foeui antifoot!, atiArrivae hlb .so ' 725 " __________________ ilappean more eo ;fe liî iesec dianer vil he spylt. anti Gl1îbont utreots.ntl on ianda goduupplyc i meechiai stations, mai Pookel Time- o btgvs@ C A K E S . A I S I N S , A D a b l , a . e ta n a p p l i c a t i o n t a a yc o d iah LU B R L M E aResonan1'us nt À c mpan-'.ÀAgents. V ufuace R a G te "Oan a mon; bolton ttayhdeut ,nv 1g ftbei CeuhMcf man? artet)lana-ilDNnhy'0 negroal ,xeok," sait Sole- posea.anu le finaliplace, il ave bisnlie thunt J HN OBGiVeibim- a eau. CON NETO S IN m en o-m n "m n u yeu n k i I s neo i ointa h u ry I% T WHTBT JscT'ON-WitbGrandlaunenaia- Gug riblemaeate lt BE T in so rt ationo u t e L M BRaiR C A T H A E NlEGîî. w Ta f r ai on ts oust O e - i Gan e t T nn It v a a lo ve y d ay iu, O ct eer ; th e - o i s n i a e u i i i e t s l l o t j i a t l l f l I p e u e i at h- truiciples cf thc nits MER MRHN HS ENLGO. vyaalpjisatoivi.TOWTNSHIIP 0F BEACH. - un vas brigit, andtihlie couds, in coo-bietkt o en! h bst!sdce "Myh th haet n sgn steW H1-TBYWbiLby, Feb. 101h, 1878. UnBT "RnYitge stae--freEpom,, vere6BYgaradeimeag T te s t o a t i e a p eit an ti aR ag oO niba sdhi elW rH e I T B Y o a, n fS U A R - E s .- o r S a f o tti a i a n t i W I k , s u n e e h n g th ie r g r a n d a n t i h u . " locl aEstconcentetiBar Lusignalds adla ie boat- plaAE> 6'B tee yo yena loaiD nta sL'r FxýMNLÀ FrSudradadcnigtn nc n i Teoi etrctei vllaut hy Builcdg i anLumer.Boardi, t i oei.u e t ie lentOs anti Port Hoover. forîle nictn Va- Lo o an elti-ho Sc gond hall fLthe eoandé re in goplbenz - u cses f îudrouhm aoc- "M i Fn'$ncingockSavu Timber, N w S ag i e Lucusls-h.-aw îh Victnoria PRiiva M ntn No. 7, l i n tB concesin af dia To wa- tiat millet! ple sanhi>' amcng lie trees, 'But," s ait!Fan an>," i td 1 I s h i!c yn f" a e ra oa n ;y ac ansulliesîa. cama-la Cou.hBuildingrant an.itoey a a - n soest hebikrgut ftesa H te dokuca k n th.ban "hiee"hliga ot l u n o e Kng Street, Oshaa, 85 iarge arderu fon Long Bi ituf', filÛet! BETWEEN WEIIT]Y hOSHAA.. ulih actCc nyc ry it Ot vtvellghasea0sah euafcres., dves of f iesit >0 aevle asaon cscealotmutcer.No. ita -- ~froxa Mille at short iotice. x i 1have pnt on the rente belveen Oh- buwala a evuu Ptr hr i vn10arsc iue nlIe inci. Slmn nvn i ae invrSI o e aaanti - tby a coxfortable covoreti- ornguls oviilea, nila.Wanba. 2. Thase praparhies viiimake gonti faims *elaseoght DaceA, DaESSINO AND BlHAdaNalhaut!.nStage, anti solitit thie ptoaecftravalara coneiigatOniia Witt the NatiarnA cunallcash pyavn il libe ne qui h mawt a dcrk rw oes ayw JOIN RO ISO YS hnd adoter.Liveyattention viiliehopaitirs Raciay fandarre CFreevotGrav anderof balance ho romain ou Morhgsge fratei yead v top 8rat! On the aye. ]UI RSIGADSAIGWblbby, May 7h, 1877. ly-20 the corafont anti cauveulonca cf passeng'ss Bnoandc nt h re roh ad f yauraeayes, audsuitvyhstop, appea 'I tio't lice murdtii"smiRgn et eatheFécmnkp e hiiu .1.Saloon, Brocok St., Wihhy. athtitcunniîvand prompt t!alivo ci ThrouhlTicktseareo enih hie pnrcganer.of * t!ge cf thie i li aI ooket! aver n mbyotDoean'c$la gmote,?hobehen -ani el a a aeiant y a Aetha p i a.6H M- 0 lan Bq. aCwsa, the vdla, anti paset on le ummit. -'o' e "si!Fanî>,bc- 1 cenbspree u!veeé G t p a lî o m n i tîa f ta m y ch arg e . T ea t e W . P . P . & L . E 'y , ian l'ar n ia a iM b y O u i , o a u d r i n d ,g a i a c n e p u J01 WLEN , County of Haliburton, Millbeostage perday eaciway,viz.; G T. B.TicketAgentsl'oronto,iforsil dsations .o tEieltiaigeiHsappearanos vas la shatung cou- gaIbtcsnepusy.Doyu hne' araiesevaaslfr2"as GOENT F01R TEECELEDRATED -maeBasegu~ a cket hage.-LYMAN ENGLTSH, ast tle ie ine arounti bim ; for yu2 etrtes fn vl i obitegtc o! Jenaîîsn LOTS O~~makeclunections vithitheawhitiy Eegae 004fOshawa. i coeevas theie nti bd ovlinesi "ah yoren ve altntlk h O tadhbn! iusds1'a1ee t id ScootislîGranite. Ah Mabe-Works Lindisay Raiivay, sudait ahO'ciock oai JAMES IHOLDEN, _____P,____________ f ahvui a eeeaesato.gos erei, at Rgu ievscr vspaetoH dti etH uu 0JoahnWollendone, DundtauSt., 'Wiitia7. FAR M LO SY sternoon ; anti îaaving Wh±îtbý.alia. iZn Whilby, Jnn ieh19.Mngn Drco.oef atierwnt!-nvs e out:eseidrî. Hv eyethe " i nenaerue close ta a Railvay, ent! LoIs l inte a nsd cht Mn., cf each day. T astag~e ' -O '1. aagn Drchr NG e!by lie t!ark anti horrible pus- nt pldestsiitetn e ln - go eauietah hoteasilu aci hovu, anti ortiere 2 0 P N N ,in fante ol.I a e L . F A IR BiA N K SI, V IL L A G E 0F H A L IB U R R O N , loft t any fthe balali ill beoattade ta. A IN T IN G . -F r m a v t a k u f m la .The econdi viofor >' liaI Rr >'ha t! - W B ahk 1ln " e nc v i eli " ee1a"o gOFFIveChmIAL cepoie!Ais"Dat mahal e als,> roke!"Bl enimoneh-g aca ouictitenso bis Terminusoaithie Victoria Railvay, J. B.ADAIR, Proprielan. 1MARTIN &WAR&M TMPROVED FARMS viiala eJt ilier aI stroti 10 aur.herc ho a feaifui 0 SASGE.Marci 27thb1878. (.14 Aedigs * ag 'rdta hyb rovideti in lia way af leami labour inu ct, hd are u dtie he o aytmen agal op Le OFFICE OPPOSITE E ROYAL F011 LEON BEASONABLE . _______ h__are ding soau baerg Tactia iaI hi e 1i a&o., onou sharai.asvarybin viii -ati de h tarti t eyocrike: tlie e Iltl ro-tWib.TERMS. Imperishable Fragrance. doing vork ua h te 95 LOWEST paisible neeet, Tastimor4asa as te ciaracher anti hat! a cevanti conecience liaI qusiied thogn Il. slvyhisceideuva'haevrerhinPs> "atbekedap 'Wlîliy, Maroli lOti. 1870. 141> pi t .J ILMILD .PRICES. practical abiuity viii ho naquineti. eah he promptinga of iibat! hi ega o jec" tisan i s-ecue hoh.flovgmsa.."lcith Pl E. U'DELLManage Cauta C J Laut hEmirain , MRA&LAM PAPERHANGING, CALSOMINING, AIBo to Farmers' n, thr.Stil, bevever, he hatchet! miner pro-cfRgnmbelinthemasr. ie nesi>'d!ImdoeiWlst!ets - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MRA&LNA' ndOhr.jects cf reveugi, andtitis lie vas arn- Wouldn't seutila' hituoe i ' i aecs>1. u'by aé h io B47.13' angeICnaaLan & iurton .Clbaet ni WHITEWASHlING, 10,000 Acres ofigaond faim laut ii aployeti as lie atou nhe acclvit>'a- do sa vel 2" saidt!hi ermrpooerRgn"stn1pI evYin oaetti8h!ine nylre abls ai 60 ta 200 acres L'Ove the Valle>'.He vas about te efhhat A T E L ,c le a ain g o u e o n th e S h o te il N o tic e . o r i la cli s o f 0 0 a c re s . T h s e o s a re p lu g d o v a l i a s id e f l e h ill (a t I I t i t o l Clerk DIis/on Court, Tp; Clerk, FoGEOf lGE AATEDi Steent stacwc iilrmadet! othnau ed t!e eglen, visa hie falutt iuk. if yeu't! take my at!vioe, uwsoa u u ol adfoubsbn Ynpo 11~~t>~l5lfner u B.R.,AYERS 'AL WRKGURATED isaneof Rviiroatsaia . hlaanrugeI uk ied loneuit"si!Rgndct u ooo aigleaeo rma Slne V0ýlTater aiketiu.B. B.,L. TI JgHtS&N.,liug cf tie ciapal bell tram lieadja- ro'!sniacgvt l. otk a la hup cr u iilIltdn' or no Monaay ate a lyt .JRSN ht-.Wo? a ae ai. - Wonkan. b>', c ah hieaorioceai Mn oyThehabcageo n ceaIvillage cane filfulI' upon hirvint!theWo 2" vas! b>' i. placetavilglaas aacustemai', "I ici. He tiesi Ne6w Dia a.k8it ,vhpl b adagud il osontany à ayantevnd tihle sont! iet! ava>'agala. Re. 1A blackthraihon ths'linevr B' i'svyuhv ie oa i iue - Tho icait, mas ive une auilbefon going eoevimme. information ho., ha., affordeti. ganasdepet a s fsel-o ati nt!ma fus, if ve t!en't tgk ce" hloi ic eua oua ot~ -ala - - - - -- - -- - IoThiics, milde.MAT1KM.BOY. ooktlue dsi eounde' de-" l e> 'Mî e sa "su -at lcnryaI inabe e etsasi ho ideage bg ainioria ils frienis &M hTI &WABAM, WibAH 6h okdi h ieto hnete-« J. IINMN ath pbli t'hahâhoba. ramovet! île - lieuto ofaipaniaumeu Tva doons naort oLKng'c Tanmeny Bok Wlly pn]t,1879. 1î?ly scenatprocetied. The caundt! te im P caînvéh in ol1"Ievav W * - bl~~~~akmn it hp 't h reie aîely accu- ..a.t....c... f or se nt luhe Street, Whihliy. l-9w pa hse o hecncec. 11o iyyubti S0HAS H ,liaAkmW Ava aa vaipoehobikcosoîno.iovais' eulai-itheai! Tga "hanyo paydsiongasIhavecutha, f pied by Meusrs. Taous h NEvpoiir, Dii dolighlît nsd iîh ini lud hiehh le bcme«' t elis Bat! ieug ha ian!thecrnea rogular viereumu aihin' 'uihc5 l5ilyt mebuleZ e'Ine et-onuiit fatgu, rs-attendance ah mas vas one cfheiide-. ir' lmlai l"e, ouu i> uei'lku il b 'Vli etrah r geonoel hib, WETFvHEry OFFCE n onsu d isdacha. t±-'sNOTICE ! __1 cenudes cf baader he bat!observéti, ~~Settie oee lbng ah in, at unt- vas ti finî tisunoît>.'I I kaiow yenbl <> rm at rrispae spett Wilb tAmirn' oeWiboeyOüfo.r auaineeiîî, always ask for thea0 Y T E P n li-aywse - is ieh a Tue st!y, r an Lta 4 oc'aock, P . su, D U N D A S 'ST R E E T , F orida ts V hr prépar ot! b> the s le nro H E C A BA I AN EX PR E SS COM - 1' jl s t to-ia>' his ay i e m a t - Tia noinog te-y l l ai las> _______1_7. _8____b_ reardo o uwokinhi erioostMessrs. Lanman d& Kemp, eiv PA v ii eaul for gaoad u!pancei gstaI>'. ne rayauyor. t ilr cndGiimsdnpo îst> nvi ________________Uneas_________anvd.ltaa reseonale dsatansfaitlie effico -At- - sarage te lia geisaanreedofvtheiloafice, -oht-e abou munseeteas>'ou'no au.. sanieutimo - 0hi, oushomers. ant Fr>sleLr fun,' Drngglosc w ates, qick disash,yrompîtielivery, tiose vbo kucu boy sanupuleus ythe i h rnlmnhntt inlele'cnt De. 17st ent. teGEO. AYERS. tn ..s reavantae fee.Ih aPeasantr>' attend public vership,"Bn"si!heFecra.ia olisyngliisaulme"vlalerlnvs Leave ondins ho cal early in he a vihi ecde b ~ OOODlIeUSS, ____________ 26,1lbvilneobe demeti îng. H. AA il Ea se0uNocide!ib>'ihélninent>'abousnussizg ?"-I say eesent!. o WO GOOD ÃWbllliy, Foi. 28, 1879.PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, GB .B.YU E hisona t aet b>' hlmon the breeze ; oiin htt rnp ibly ittŽIlet!ult.A Agelnts, _________ oinos ale irupet a.colctrAgent, - e ialI onte" at! Tu pa COFR. gnspMNRA. 1)AonWlty __t_____________ansd lien. hostoct i îiteni tothevas tae safeut courae te ai ;st ooevopllebtl eh.o;Ieg WM. Et'I'LEI2T, CTrsale by T. G. Whlhflebt, Cienalat, bah ase il euindet!- cn bis epr atinte. thatl hein2,goagrét!upon, inx ean et n!loescpossi.anus i Octoie 7îîî ~. - Witby. AUCTIN SA LES aW1tb.DI8sollon of Partnershlp 1IPFIRST-CLASS vals, vita ta. shladea fcouteat!ing e-. matt0n c osidératicoy évs1 x"afiIee> iu udsvn!l i ia ef cotbe ute187 .suc2 e socunet!. »n sig" si! F ioh a -n s ie nia - EG tarehurn rmy ciacere tlîauks t hle motions PARTNERSHIP bsbetvaan Alexada R 0Inste icel fths pubie ootheet upo erl atrnee veryedlu literai paîranage eenoiude F R FO SLEnn"Wall Oh. & ta o anti'laslie ken epra cia o ÃŽlNIBOTHERS, b&oe u einthie past, andtiue S'tIIIItocks mskaifortunes ÂPrlugle, j .adteudrsiguet. ase -cision, uhen c ta pou tie seubtior a-Waapcnpoetth nauig-nnea"si!Flum>' cte!ga. WHITBY ~~laitimato thiat Ilviilia eon haut! readyty a>$10 10 $1,000very lionth. Books Liver>' Stable lReepens, bas lien t.j5oiveti. Cheap !rnsat!hlm froin his ranci, cnt! lock- te ose if Dinh>' vas mlaiugbiba--'Bt s'ta alu, eelt h uismi DoIons anONTARI~> O, codnOOb sales iliat I a conîruehet AddremBXl h0. , sntBooepauk- J.. RN GLE.-n" R agi i any aaay s e veryt tl iee & nolanin -J C m-g round, hé ccv thé sharp eyes st!n oi.éoalthm ciiatn!n nnia:"l iuie suuug" 110resDalr adMalistn-rgc %vith. Tonnas lilioral. Satifation guar. ers, 7W S.N.YIy-40 AFIRST-CLASB PARIC isnî.xroo fodSooo h oetotemte nd Myibebokviib bu a i LfI VE R Y I Acres, bein ofLot%.e9, in linker fashnet! upon hiai. ooking.b1'"Belo 1" vil'naht umu Nasu Iah at b lbs-r; LEÂTIJ;P M %l mayk hil em FSfWAVo vngsa A h h r.Cn fPfi'g. el ao'sa ice2 mn ~yg u iFîcann Halol. "WNDbalNdo yentoieivc livnAntiilgueebu- uoth wngsof"whgai211 sels- vasn Osipatfur idetse, hart. anti Lasthhr. Mr- &sliysltea seit, AUCTIONEERS APPEUaimOs, D ri L BRy B a >1 hwiie ftuet!v&à zedln1oiandiA an karti '-n'T' TNG MADE 'TO ORDER ON Auctianeen, enrai Commission A2ntaM8Rsylohtck ati nlpetinl n farim- -"sclyoose i " mite h "n Ne atu a4 ooont ieli 1 desther atîoobtheipuLbPie. Gognaone steak ,1 . clpo eu terima. ink J .weol Ike, sadD alkiwhs O NOB OTICE. X. 1 soleBosks snd bbank notes Offici aI W- B7McG&v's Groceal7 store paronagrtbe f h.pbic. buniasanti rnt.fW sc e, ouoas' tN.. ll uenHv sobiIko?"at!D isin b 'br bavi seematt_!ý; )a er$4ha e ~agh te ia' s, î1île a nidgtbiogds-<frnan> *ga cng Iiarmavbo w» l .rou uiRïO, kongo jeernd!ui i-s "yba eo' ed biooQp-6, tr f uq spii8le rudeiqg bfi nahe. ad i e kaP , bioh - lc at Y evga er e atten yëlie--dnini1 tie nô treri .:ndo pîsi aliit Bblipg;11cf -li , F- e.mnw tahiaening '.n101,Rbaiosdladh ihsat! Who aver> -tMotunc- n iligf te Athand, Aswedt!orY - Msuh. aucuiti fno all dev* and fort, tab. ubeid a - at buge folas aspect hie ione lad R lefient imnofod a. yOu cf h ter me ecuarealhie aso meI!) o;he ieaenba vareWdo, rt! leiguuvreaos dielln inas, (b nainnf0bing lu thadel. urofusa en characheith a uai hoae iy comte, and on lia. rou tiaInd IborYofgth vailey be-n- g fraglnho terenta rechne lfo the atitt hecIle hhi îven aie ecash rn ave hie roaf;tienb. sne 'oiatsu uti-d it aieideo hieulding nOuWt atnusk y iie nd gantar>' cps ye ibi u aali ng hdem- nt! a nl commot een, antie looka ilaaen a cfashrngronbrh e Lnà - la ee ac,"sat!e uidin 'r. safru kba ie hn nanyvere aidye Solà mon, hard an-t eal iughi eprnly byhe fporscnh vie - ilaaou safpemmon, rthfog 'u ethe acece,"oiLtiueras an eriuary ha olmoni,"ait! el nan; "iIcore-came round !de tid 'tek sote brantic. Gret in le wedtiur, by gsi 1" rer seen sicianain ilael my nid Regan, vie bores panlîcu. )ublet! aspect. "And-ti thiuk terriblethuutihark tain' se laIe' ameon !I I lvays -heci'tl il vas te play -carda on Snnday; ever misset! mass hefare 1" 1" saidt!hle Frencliman ; "mai- botter go ho shappel nov."1 ih o the Lard I heerd tuaes ta- ,Uttereti Begau, uliose super-- nature operatet! - perfulîy In. anr peai cfthînder follovai. bear hai don't yn ?" sait! 1markoed.bhimself -yilh lie sigu> '0s8, anti Muttere th le formula g imed ."In't 1h odher tiroatiful, citcb direatiful clapas lier, ia Ochoher ?" - ah ail,sait! Solomea;."the thuhner-ihorm ever vas in- tory fell ou a Christmas day." - ainin aia if heaven au esîlli a't hat-3ter," sait!Regan.* Syen ha 'fait! f dat," sait! alun ; "cia 'eaven au de ont îhay ,y cri ;--hek smre.braudee."1 -adeocf turf voie tirova upen 0 incree se 1h, andtihe panty - ut!the heanhi lu silence, avot! oreasing- shoru, -andt!he fean. thb Mcml firionscf he sot ; the ameut of tenron vhici anr exoiteti eni>' Madetia i nocreami cf il, vbic the ion- liaI seemeti to avait hlm ade hlm ourse. e ivil resive ye, yu oiti Lait! ha tô Seomeaon; "ulat brng me bore At al? I v as 5Iss, cl>' fr ou," n 1 y on 1 " sai t! S o l e m ean ; thuien-heaited mýzundlerer- 'nid be if yen <fr-il vas 3r ae brogt yen hr. le gel Bei>' O'Mreout o' ýbut you'Ilgît moeaa aun ike, yourslf, beoloe hm sa cure te you Il! t - n 1 vhy tic 7 0< o rse d DiWaikein, vho nov lriyg te, esape at the, pa- ;cd them te coma tievu isa t lie mugit rear il againutt he sut! baviug den. so, he as- idl>'. Batthe grshlug vas ,te admit a apgn te pas, sng ant! tra ciken in i the mean ime le aei, ast, the aea beig al4afdy - devu oul ' t la," ait!ue- gel up tleat!t!er agla te We'li ave reesu enugh 10 bore, sut anet beotrovuat! Pull à unvi l' Po liron 1" sait!D éW elskin. tov's hoart 1 O-titi--nf lone; Iisse, aI yen, llaaenIl dtaï tiIhe toensou vbcb kat recIto&clofonan thein dui. nd lhiu vick sonrvrnt!for hult! b. rced e! ven nean re, b>' pilig, hema cni on bundtieaa venbt! b, frmet! rail oua anti cf-a piaule, shie etremit>' iguhé aigber up on lie latta; mlight b. proservet! froni bile lhey couit b. allihe t e s i l ie ' t i n t ! e , A t w i a h - vewrle altrnalrly whi tli lie irnating was t! thein egroas effact!d. vkas lshmeat!ialbY aatit!-up. i tinror shil pravailet! ea. --Solmea as oeueof bliev lbe Prenbmn'a ad- g- eZ aproaoiid the table sw e stakes -of the dt!. h yiug antouobit!; oven lu 2out the navening appohite couit! not b. répraeti ;- upo6n lb. moue>'onan ade -aug ho' pli>' the nober ulule of etenuly. -Begsuk one Who poemveahi,- -net courage rnuigih o bt ia is hart b. Wonder- xm et!th l unaacuntetoldius..