Whitby Chronicle, 13 Nov 1879, p. 1

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1 uelgili lumurrtuu-. ,,3tS!Lente 0 ýýB.%tu»kout Meetings' pin&DCW V OL I, X X III. cial Ref Railway compaules W H ITB 1 MMSP Y19 and matters of like deIgcriptf="ýwhen Plaeed. âmong Newis Mat, elle, ter ton cents par lino. TRUNK RAILWAY ROTEL, Spedalcontraots made-with advertisers j C H 1 N A _H A L L ýthe Yefir, orétherwine, qÏQ.ý êÜâ J Whitbyd 011 Tilk latil idd sg,ýQ Àrr Id, Ordorito-dieçontînue.&dveMueMêûto ýWIWPPofdt T; g a ÉPeedy and ai net be in wofing. m 0 PROPRIETOIR. NTARIC pARIWÉRSt,ýý àad Wl o 71ý*ING-ST, EAST TORONTO. 0' 80,011 beýpn ny . We'o 104 chý b ory 1116n ' a ro 1, Yotir wordie weralight cm ortàble. Airy bià6o=i, Me£ MUtýUal Indsupéinc the and by 411tlips nghte of the s'At an col aà for Lis oonutrî, 8US",ime a D 'reotogry, 'hu.g.er liàida odfdvLd FancyDinner and Dessert Set. Y" 95r The au nad with boit Fancy Bed-room sets. y brande of Lillar "Les randieig, Cigars. Fancy,.Iu 9...!,,W and Tespots. 3BADýOFËICB" BROCIr-ST,.WnrrË'ý, 'ONTARIO UANX-, 4-0. Every nerde-aaary rection given ta Silver Pl s1t, . Wffli Hypop#OS cine string, Zay friend, je duzl b- beauthi f i -dfmul w ro > se sincere y Silver Platea Cruetc and Butf« Coolére. THIS 'Vicg COMPANi"i..reà' Farm ýBziId. Ucombined in à ha rad ýtyouX -1 TWY BRýANCH,- Good Stabling, enclosed yard, ana atten. Silver Plated Cake ]3m&etg. juge, Country Cburche8ý School k=,XÇUWY, Over, lie r, 1 , re ligg THOMAS DOW, ý4q .1 Rouasse ana their Contents, et rates as iow, -thout the , en wië., it is thé amt Sound aïdatil? 40" tu Sa ers.,, 1 d a ai thôse of any w&eLqo*,U&bÈd C -d medici- eyzt=, p the =kndd.bnita- a back "a W 5 shattered on the nOMMERCIAL IIOTEL and STABLES, -1 o àee on, enriches btM and àriuk. bftxàoza. iloweephadeo for &o, àF te t'ré. Akbie N-J' Si and 56 Jarvis-otrect, Toronto. Glaamware, SU descriptions. PtIon and al] ae Ãœw9a ýthé èll'liwd-,Stt= . and for Con- --l'ru o tàë go r!e4 , ýý 0 White Stone ware,,evezy kînd. Oum b Touch it no inore for it aban not r IMAREWELL IIUTLEUGEO JOHIVMeRAB, Rhe4matm. in r said no, Rote) andSar Goods- G2ý" biHty, no ýàmedy, hm been foïlid' te aw ou _- ne. *11ARRISON, For aspleÙdtdspe-' fdr çqu let - - 1 1 Il you a a Joux ZEIJTà GLOVER J. B. BICKELL, = 11 , 1 -ghs ..ýjo ai ruyAnw Iiýaid citors, Notarles Public, and Convey- The beat 8LOO a D Ilouse in the City, only Importer. eep ta ilcath* Le "e iricere two blocks train the Vorthorn Depot, and close Proaldent, V'ce-pres'dent' For sale by T. a. #ýitllold, ýMtbý. t i get 01&, flrist door of the Royal 'te tige Miýzket.i l'lie Houe Il nowl !ho o Fitted out, and %tel, wNwr. hitby'A' ri qi tj JAMES RUTLEDGZ, B.A. pril 9 -J r a OMMION FIIIF AND M,&Rl'XT-1 die ilst Came -1 DIR14. WALKEY9r; 7't iý'ùdreaM8weghe, gr the Digh elth the crQýVbq es 1'7 , .,j i llkUIAN Ã"É FI C P4 1,ý.: ý. *4 Couaty Crown Attorney. 4a TEY HPERANCE-HO ÙSE P enarry fiome stol 'HEAD OFFICE, - R4MILTON, CÀN 1ýùeu with, one, long s»449 moeuins, 5ýb llyis ;,ýhoté!t JAMES KEITII GORDON, DUNDAS-STREET, WHITBY. Lombard St. and Charing Cross, London. ADA. ý 1 ARRISTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Good accommodation at reasonable terme. I, À L*4àdn , . Cortier bayant Solicitor In Chancery, Conve Z, 1.0 ers 46 la BPM,- m Ç.gub'DeÊouit with Doffiinion ýG glas St., - GIL W ÏIT :'H bW'ýtbîiu Noter ýPglbIie, ko. Office-Dun lu, ý In and lips touch lips D, W. y ând *111 touch ha ci ffrot door went of Armntrong's Hotel. HOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. iojç Canada- o, again à orow-bar Finne -Moncy ta Loan-Private lands-At low ROSS As in the 'darkiless IL rocades and dies- pustongers. - L h d* A John Harvey intereigt. TiloPalace Rotai of Canada Refitted, uctioneer Manager, Montroal. o. M. amilton jas- B Refurnishod, and Unrivalledi New Passou. Counseiz impsSll, amln orlivie)lýig lu ttid èýùm%ýrý,èÉe, ger Blevator, runuin ' Il La day. Th GENCY ýIIBTABWSRBD,ýISI A. Harvey bon th ALES promptl attended, andýca CrA,».&- WfýJiOucUle, o d' lî-31sttlà o allonger el o on about thàt el, Agie A. DICGILLIVRAY ndue A A. lfa#e ' Z' West, il : onlâ firggt-Clase Hoioll:jdàlntada with gradu- S ed on Liberl Urms. DA là 1804- -*Cnlii2ited, liability' T. Ca,,ërhù'i,>'montraL B. le. one, Id of A, B -ùîrozý B su, W il, Li for (sucoefoot ta H. M. Howell.) Mîted 82.50, and 88 pir day. Aadress, C. DAWES, ail the Stockholders, And large Roserve 1ý g like êglme great hi î1làt au - flNo, said Fir Furias.- Moderato rates, of premium. JOHN HARVBYI, jAx net rest, h iube &ad othez%,ý deairlig 20- -, 1 t Il , »pýgW Sp ' -- - - 1 âyï Ïor, thÂt." roc board PortýPerVe #1 s'as wi 41poil; and wa ]BABRISTER & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 9 el ta 62> ' iday. >. C. NOURSE. t.4-, as they ýp9 Preaident. Notary Publie. &o. 'Solliciter for the MARK Agent Whiiby. ý > vî Dominion Bank. ognco,-Next door' to Feb. 21fh, 1878. DÈSPÀBD, Mu" or'. Rory'. 6 Mention House, Uxbridge, ýOnt, -20 ýSome old forgotten Proprietor. ; ý : 1 - toues msrr'&e-&Ud walm Dominion Wood WoirkLq, !All eusses ôUg ur, dy outh, sud t ourr hý1 TBY IIOUSE. ex. Set Our hoarti TISII AMERICA opecially haza CHARLES Ce RELLER W '11I WHITIBY. Bm current rates. a ýe With ki1wold P boy 2 I'll ho bon a ta fou, kL name TTORNjY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOB IN IDUNDAS-STi, NYMITBY. Ge' you'Il give, any hg Chance onveyancer, gko., Canning- 0.ý Cb n a-ý- q t s'o"' -'a *04 tl.V,. £o;, the 014 love'a oake. Assuràca 0: àérê' À. BAX1ýÉ1" y * OMP4 ed for' fýrt terma&à't reasonule ratps. ton, Brook, CV PBOPBIZTOB. .«Y î - the punell'aosthrg: UMBBR MERCHANT BUILDER. E. W. ARNOLD; Whliby Superior accommodation AL moderati L lu I14CORPORATED Agent Connty on --te ou rniah. tario. d- the zly of Bufiders, Fu 1833- R 0 R y o m 0 RE . bbüo',We Le T.-BARCLAY, charges. G00datablingand enclosedyard. ings;sna Ail kin a of Twisted MoIdings, Feb. 5th, 1879. 1,ý7 TTORNEY-AT-LàW, SOLICITOR Mýîk" À Doors, Sash and Bilnas. A S 8 B T 8, 9.1. gent for Waltza Lager, in Bottie 1 i, 1 ý dong life ta yo In Chancory and Inoolvezicy, Convoy- ! '1 - Finuegau, W] A and casks. LUXIIER Wholesole and retail, or by F. A,. BALL, ATRONIZE ROUE COMPANIES.. sucer, &o., &o. July 80th, 1870. .82- by the car load. CHUTER XXVl-i.ý rect compliment Qrricvý-At the Court Ilonne, Whitby. Planing, Moui STANDARDý, but you woult lavi -bis establisbulerit, dings of overy descri Insurances effecteil ai the lowest carrent QUEENtS HOTELO tien, Plooring, Sheeti -Il - Viii A - N- ý -E NU- 1-4 1-ff'-i îq- -L - L--. ý 9 -,q THE ugy Shelving, Rpe- rates on Buildings,-Merchandise, and other GIVÉS à BINT F -Withouti tgkia'ýa--t (LAT£ COMUZUCIAL #Pwulg. Shaping, Turning. arrou-work, ProPert3ViW&injit losa or damageby fire. LIFE INSURANCE COkPAIVY, OR XAXING GOOD thise, afther tbat lý ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN etc-, etc. . 1 l ý C. NOURSE, ý. 1 1 ý 1 1 ;; 4ý senqi àý iÏOVEi il; bersolf er ý yoï. 13 ChancoryConVoyancer,&o.,&o. Sim. BROOK-STILFET, WaMy, Whitby, Oct. lOth, 1878. -48 HEAD OFFICE'i IIÂMItTOI(.' ýT» FALLACY-lop ý Tm -tày- elle Street, Oshawa. Agent, Whitby. ING, TRAT à MAN FINDO TAYLOR & McCANN, PROPRIETORS, Whitby., April 9th, 1878. "A UTE JOILN HALL DOV, The unaervigned dordre, te infori:ý t RI13 WARMEOT ÉEL- Bore-would net: friends and the public that the have talien m 00vernment Deposit. $26,000. XE AT 4X î-yý( Offèred, sa, enterin y d ýJ 7. t l ARRISTE R-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR the aboya well known botel, Which, they B in Chancery, Convoyancer, &o. have nowly JI tted up and renovateil, and put The unaersigned bas any amonnt of mon- ! BUI04000 cCýfhlod'1othiS province. fie saute sy WiLs appoihtéd for the deaioàrid'ÃŽo sinepo OiDec-Deverill's Block, Brook Streetp Into tac boat of order for the accommeds. ey ta Lend upon Farm or 1ýoWn propeity at 0 D. B. CRISHOLM, H. T. CRAWFOUD y meoting of, the sinuggiers in the' Poil bail gîVell-hel-, by Wliibby. estdi. The Bar, which, je the band. unugmally Low Rates of Interolit. was destined loi: the ý depaiture - ofr De beot, and she rotai Secy-Trea MONEY TO LEND-Private Funds - = liù, the Colthty, ils Well supplied with ý Loans eau ha repaid in sains ta suit bar. 8 t'P.PBXTER, Aséistait eerÃŽtarý ' a )l 'La'y frow'tho CoLtago of Bory O'More. in Smiles ta pressai In sumo up te #8000, AL oý-low rate of the finest brande of win8o, liquors, ana ci. rowers. n- 1 De Lacy Lad Lis misgivings whether ing" tumbIer of pui gare- Ample enclosed shed mont and good Several Improved Farina ana Wild Lands EQ RATES.-All applications it wonld lie sale for Bor ta rom in -Ivhïle lie was 84 Ota IÃŽ139, box stalle, &o. Dotaclied rooms for sale cheap. î idil"Insurance receive the closest commercial traveliers. ýf1 in the country after what had haÉÉen- and sipping bis-- 1 Invet;tmOntE made in Municipal Deben. r, - 1 1 and ouly thoedeehiéd'aiamL go and' et' ed e and feared ROBINSON IL KENT, turcs, Bank and other marketatable Stocke. 00' quate rates, an - tee sied'; oùrft«--ýb roue thathio*ready and gen. noticed in the fore, J. P. TAYLOR, PRILIP McCANN. make conversion of the coloneilspase (LATz Duû(iLN & ItoutqsoN.) late of T For further particulars apply ta AN ô na a ta, Orouto. , case pro o la to threaten, and se RRISTERS-AT-LAW, ATTORN --------------- :.-- . * the risk carried. ta hie friend'a safety,, raight become the viole»Ce over file v JAMES ROLDEN, FAm ix ADjvsTX£NT.-Eýyery claaim meai BA eys, Solicitors, CouvoyancerB, &o. Offleial ASr a a la Of bis being discovered by the blesseil themaelves AYERS HOTELJ ýnee or, &à. >ifý 1 1 Di., r alleu the Company for loge or damage la colonel and bis party, and marked out noise of the pubIiý OFFICE.-Iii Victoria Chambûas, No. carefully investigated, and while those fonna fOr th 9,,Victoria Street. 1 April Oth, 1872. 15 eir vengeance. This though't the peuls of tllunde: 82 & 84 MILL-ST., ROCHESTER, N. y. te lie h0nest are Promptly and cheerfall y wisidhed heavily upo J.G.IIOBIN13014,M.À. ýaid, ail attempts at fraud are and over will 0 n himi and ho' ei- themi Rory, rel Price reduced ta ÃŽ-ÃŽ.-Go a Day. 0 stoutly reoisted. prepsed ta Rory bis fogrs upou the eub- some miles ta wall JNO, G. NELLEY, This Rotelbaoreancea its price te the B. W. ARNOLD Agent, ject, with au offer of making bigla the reach bis home, wi Travelling Publie ta 81.50 lier day. It je Whitby, Ont. of hie voyage, and so'secur- look out, and judge ARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR haudy te the N. Y. CentraIl Depot (ouly a naurance effected at lowest rates in =ty 1 : but Bory refused the b;ýt a sudden bure B in Chauvery ana Insolvency, Convoy- few doors South), and bas Pecontly been lis. o béat offer with thai2kfulxiess for the kind- loi2gerduratibu; a sucer, &c. 0turýu-Deverill'B Block, Brock. litted and re-furnighed. Open night and FIRIE INSUR-ANCE ONLY. thLze English and Canadien Companies. 1 E. W. ARNOLI) ness and consideration by which, it- pect of the skies Il Street, whitby, Ont. day. The bouse la first-cialis in every re- - General Insurance Agent ý!aS prompted, and declared bis inton- the alternative of ý o spect, and Canada people will gave money LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED. Feb. by gojng ta the Ayers liotel, 5,1879. WIljtýy. tien ta remain., village or a wet skir Ge YOUNG SDIITII, L Le B., Risks written and policies issued by Sure, wliat would the mother and ho looked up the a WILSON SPRAGUE Proprictor. ARRISTER, &0., &c.-Moiley te Lean Rochester, N. Y. July g3t 1878, (6m-28 C. NOURSE, Agent. OR SALE, Marydo without me riding ùQwnthe ras. Ionuer of Marriage Liconses. Whitby, July 30, '79. -82 F %s wai his only, and (with -him) ta got under sholter ýOI 1yicz-Over Dominion Bank, Whitby. AT TUE unauswerablè argument against the Black !3uli THE W ILSON HOUSE, illg 'n'lien" 1 measure ; sol in conclusio , it wa a. g mode bis 1 22, 18 78. (tf-G ASHBURN, ONT., L IST OF THE DIVISION COURTS ÃœLEN MAJOR MILLS greed thst De Lacy abould make bis ly, and the sudden CAMEICON àr APPELBE, Pm ALEX. BARCLAY, Proprictor. 01, TUE, voyage without the companionship of brought horse and i 600,MO ledit Pine Lumber, weil neasoi2ed. our home. déGod bless us 1" ARRISTEILS, Attorneys. at-Law, and Tho Ilouse iq of Brick, large and cola. Iiieh id ,B Solicitors in Chance modioue, and the interior je litted up in ex. COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Floorillg, l'Il go witil Yeu ta see Yeu Off ',what's the MaW No. 4 Toronto celleilt style. ough," said Rory. Mandera within the titrect, Toronto. FOR THE YEAIR 1879. "'No, i-ýory," said De Lacy ; ,if you geen the occurrence. Tho lardcr le supplied with the boat in 2-inch Illank, HECTOR CAMERON, Q.C. CY-48) R, S. APPELBE, the market. Tho best of Liquors and Foncing Iloardq, will net bear me Company altogetiger, "I blieve the COU z M 100,000 feet of Oak, you niust net in part. As yon are de- a Btroke o' lightning à in' J. GUNN, Stabliýigi large aud roomy. Croodfi bbeds. 4 ;ýI à MaPie for ayles, lat quaiity, termigieil on remaining bahind, it A universal exel ' 1 - L-IIIRGnON TO TIIE COUNTY GAOL, Cigare. I - - -I! __ _1- - - would ho a still further presumptive ev., bless us 1" echoed 11 Byron Street, Whitby. ILITISII -AMEUICAN HOTEL, whitby.. , 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1111 il 1 15,000 fi. Square Timber, idence against you-to lie alisent even tioni and the peopl B Brougham!' s 3 2 8 2 8 - All of --vllic à will bc sold cheap for cash. for a dey or twc, from your home." door ta look out. R A Y - S- Port Perry 4 , 17 21,123t)l 41 4 4 27 IL wilà, thorefore agreed that a couple Serabbs, who was Dr. W. Je BURNS. U.bridge. i 511 1 15 0 'le wOuld a]80 hLýg te saY tliat the Grist of horses aboula lie hired in Knocir- a fall, now made (LATE ROPSON nouer.) ARCH ITECTUR E 0 9 Mill je runningand la doingfirst-ciass work. th Reoidence-Coligregatioiial Churèh Pres Deavert'n 1 1211 1181 9 18 Chopp4ng donc 6 daye in the bracken, and Conolly, instead of Rory, and Rory in a mome Il t , corner of Byran and Mary streets IVHI T D Y, 0 N T A B 10. il 17 a-, ta the coast. ance and was by hie i week, for Qvery- become DeLacyle gala t Y. ýICATION 8 L7 15th bushol. Ilouse uewly ronovated and furnisbed DRAWING AND SPECIr 1 ___ ". --- 1 -- ýi acken happened ta lie the vin- "Yon'ro net kilt 2" throughout, and put in firat-elnaB ordor for 011' E. MAJOR, Knockbr ' ho ruception of gnests. An omnibus ta and GEO. H. DARTNELL, Dec. loth 1878, Proprietor. âge 011 Regau'ir Bide of the. country "No," said Scrubbé BYRON FIELD, M. B. rom ail trains. Firot-ciase oftmplo morne. B U I L D I N Junior Judge lOtf for that in the neighborhood of O'More's :,"Are you scorched Was tee insignificant ta produce a horse The fall of ScrubbB YSICIANt SUIt(IBONo &o.) Duffins' Promptly prcpared with, view to Economy 'Miitby, Jany. 7th, 1570. URE-BRED COTSWOLD SHEEP - for hl're,, yet unconscions of th QIIAKESPEARE HOTEL, lu Construction. P AND BERKSHIRE PiGis. lie parting of De Lacy from the question. - T Cor. King& York-sto.,Toiýonto, Ont. CHURCH AND SCHOOL ARCHITEOTURE A WM M. MILLER, COttagewas paeul ta all parties,- '*BY dad 1" 8aid A. 0'(IRADY, PLOPRIE TOR. Eello Bank Farm, Oâremont P.o., onta theyglidnotknawhow much sa until you were kilt with thý UY'S IIOSPITAL LONDON ENC., Correspondience rzespectfully Solicited. ou M mis, "X o -lu the moment came. The women cried, into the bouse out tlio0yeR.O.Il.i,.,Ofiltawa,,Outario. Trnxs, él.00 PFlt DAï. ay-47) 'Cotswola sbeep and De Lacy, was silent-a kindly 00 Sa iug. l'fi led Sert IL 13. BARBER, Architect, &,o., and pure - bred Berkshire Pige. - Stock pressure of the band of the mother and 13all-T A Il D . -POST OFFICE SALOON, ToRoNTO. Oshawa, Ont. HITBT, PORT PERRY & LINDSAY Lought and sold on commission. daughter was the last parting testi. Some worit ta the- c W RAILWAY. Pickering, Nov. 80, 1878. 1-t-O monial of friendship lie gave theul ; and home, but IL was fonn Physician, DR. BOGART, M. AfcCOiVNELL, PROPRIETOR. DOMINION as lie hurried frofil the quiet littli lane, Blipped its shouldor al -Surgeon, Accoucher, &C,, &o. CONDENSED TIME TABLE. VnItinhlio Pm-ci r-itnit% the widow and MMM lient fiff.0 IM withnilf. 11AIn Thi. h Whitbv. Sont. 80iýli- 197A 9Lt» THE DEST ACCOMMODATION _wý# tl'4%k) Lucu lier i, la i 'e 'w ro agii V: be -vainc Lo )e the 601)fùîëdýsnd alrùûs't b1eooElýeràati6lî tlLqt eniud it l"S 1çý bath, ýS, ibn Ëienobinàù..Ohou Ling vilte 1', wliile the ètbpr prisonerg exclaiminui !ýRorY. for Lbe lave a, make iiibet-oor we'il: be ïiettie tile bas. s for you," sala Rory. iý8ürë a»dýý IDiglit 0-90od -Iwk 1 liap- t- hye tue cýoZbqr wüb M Be ha Spoke, ho put the pGVýerfU1' lement betweOn tfiQï liaro ci the Bd window, and wrenclielmë rnaty 3 frow their socketai tlien,-',tivil3g nd to DoWeiokolla,, he- aansteil bila ejgren -th!otlglj the, néwlyým aile JU ing ; -and - w -"OoDtlàt -the ýe party, sa lately iDO&TOer&tûli -in té ýerüljA aungeoDi le % erY man àgainst W-hose -taf-iv- if lic-ir Partyliad endeuyored te di- Lhoir venReanoe 1 And new, a:ter- exainple wu giveu or tllefaoi[ily. whieh Past mercies are forgotteti, >f the hfirdness of the hnman beart 1 brutalized . by vice th ego ýErbapa -1bý horrible apafb ion, 0 the me. they are ýoleasea gave way tu véageful féelinge, and thonglit Dot j itendinu to Y that Heaven h ad shown towarâg knnerty and Regan were the first fice, with triumph, tile preseuce rnbba, and they pointed it out t. artY with an exclamation of blap- y we're in luck afther 19 -the very chap we for., il, >YýPWnted to Serabbe as they vand he, whose fears were sur b8fffl, nOw pressed beaide Bory, who could feoi hiB ras hO lisned'agai'net hiw. The 18)9,0f the 7desperadons was too i te bo mistakeu,--:-it was man i. teir Menacing intentions were di- against"the ëollector ; bat, aFi did--no't-ýknow their motive for a' Proceedicg. ý ho ' said Airai ly, what de YOD - wan t -4 witil IiiiTi," - 1 C ist *ant ta take aloan of jjiùl,, aekFlannerty, who adïýaDCeý1, 'Flonllerty,"'maid Bory, who ax- hii; artn i as lie Spoke'-in token of dre tekeep a distance betwieii rties,-"Mr. Scrubbe ý wa, in the bey'ant,,'àud 1119 horae fell iin-. nuil-boin" obleeged te %valk Faid: he'd crime alon', ivith kvhçn I 'Was comin, this ýaV l'y )rt Out,-as eu kudw it iý t(j. my place\,2?4r. SerubbR asked eà )y the hi" iroiLd ; but J. toivIti la as the béot way. 'New, bi)vs t, appealing te the whole parCý 1 'Ould net like, Youràslves, if you ed te take a mau gafe, < that lie Colne'into throuble alther ; ana t-ell-Yiz this, Vw sure you'Il put nor-harra on the collecter. gor, YOU go make a bellwea. yourself to siteh fcjjo%ýýjj a. 9 country, it's a bu.jýjtitue Vonil 'it, my buek-," answerca Élan- 'Be aisy, and dan't b-b lizwlditi iLd Po high.11 wk, My fiead no tfi'n ,est Man May howltr it.," raid "and I say thàt the man whi) 7 louer in bis beart VýGu](i!l t, lm thnes boside me arther wli!lt 1 lie divil wid Yeu and your ljGifý- louteil Regan. m7j 1-your- on- Darby DalY frortz bain ý lian,-- thaï; vagaLone- swares his lire -and Yen wantiu' to rave-tho ,-but "birds of r, féatlier flocks re a SISUdorous scouutirel. ne- 'ed 11ory, ""d WS net the tiret aid ô[ me." was about te advance 011 0 ho, raising tile crow-barin the stri-king, exclaimeil fiere.-.Iy, acky or by the mother thut bore rain yon il, ýrty dragged back Regan anci 1 ùll yon what it ii, Rury, the r there is wantcd, and tiiere*ï; ybur Makin' any bones about are enough te have ourwill ; it wo plaze, or welll maire YOu.ý betray rue ciloilý aY YOIII It' suid Rory, loukîij4r iering conteilipt or, the crayn M. ,.ýYou dirty hoi.ind, who fillOr DY fo.ot,-to Ray td Lue afther what yotivz) BOYO, let us pasi; !- we wolýt,"-Eaid riannerty: va Ilim ;" and lie %vas-a(ivalle. !Ome others. i»AHM LUTSY and Icavinr whitd ;oc jý a-h -"-« --««-",l Tz.- -- 1 ho -,* '-" idýl1iùHay liailway, und et es JAMES HOLDEN, 10,000 Aorcs ci good farm lands will ho le it me Io' gala mieloty ti by et il a. M., th'79. sten tg ibe V, bald De every body else. 1 W12itby, Jitri. W Managing Director. sa clo8ti ta a Railway, and Lots in the Id CIL euY terms in lots of 60 ta 200 acres Of cacli day. The Stage will or and ut 6 in blacks of Ã"W acres. Thesa lots are acy, II urely you wou'trefuse some "Score enougb," said 1 cal' ut a' hOtelB In cacli town, and ordero VILLAGE OF HALIBURRON, 'ct ut a'y -1 the 12-tels will bc attended ta. A I N T 1 N G. in settl6ynente with ronde algo within an Wflinggifi from your parting friend as that'a the rale grinder.1 OFFICIAL ASSIGNEZ Pure and cliarges Moderato,. p easY distance of RaHroads. a keepsake 1 a ý k epeake," .6iWhislit 1 bore ho cc the Terminus of the Victoria Ra Parties can a 'le ilway, J- R. AD.MR, Proprietor. 2ply ta 0. J0110SON, whjtý. said Ilory, 6'is another Affair. ses to him 11, asid the MARTIN & WAIRAIK byoratthoo ceoiMr.BoyaBobouygeSý Match 27th 1878. d "That'a a good follow 111-- said De as Scrubbs re-entered th 9-4'k' 011110SITE TIT , nOYAL FOR SALE, ON 11EASONA13Lrl and a guide will be sont any day and every Lacy. Are dOID9 such a large Trade, that they information &o., &o., afforded. 1 "Here, thèn-take this, ana But the man who Ilotel, Broek-St., Wliitby. have inercased their facilities. ana are M. BOYD, keep it for my fak9îo'ý e and ho,. drew grinder, thongh ho did - TEIIMS. doing work ut the kfr LOWE ST posno'w Whitby, April 1 6th, 1879. forth a gala watoh.' '%Vllitby, ilareh 20til, 18-19. 14-ly Iraperishable Fragrance. PRICES, sible 17-ly wordi continua to ting dil)llly to C. J. IILOMFIELD, Roty kept looking at the watch and in the collector's face; î CALSOMINING, De Lsoy alterjuatel yin Wonder, and at tO a lilfil)g tulle,- EÀ. 1)'DItIjL, bliiiinger CýaHaf1a l'and & Ernigration Co., MURRAY& LANMAN'S Fresh last Il E R L Y j. 47-ly Maliburton. WHITEWASMNc,, "Tarry,' heigl Cclebrated "011, 60methil3g 1088 008tly than that, You kiww And everything cosmectea with Ilonse- if you plaze, Mr. De Lacy : sure, thst's Tatry. heigh-ho 1 th( cleaning done on the Shortest Notice. Clork Divislon Coupt, 7-p. oiojrk, 0 Y S T IE R Florida -S worth a liandful o' guineas. And thin, GEORGE AYE RS and a low laugh and fur ALL WORK GUARANTERD, what's,'=oïw, Sure Irv for a eh ýtc.o it;8!Onur lu -11. Il Laud Arcrit, &c., . à no use exigea, among the p Atiterly, County (),;tI or no Moncy asked, -At- - 4-rio. W ater. watch *- tlore's the biessea sun that Scrubbs foel very uncon Atherlv Nèw Blaoksmith Shop 1 The best Material; the begt Workman. rises and sots evermore ; and if I want suspected they bore soi ta kiqpw the time 0 ' ' day, l'va only ta himoeil.0, l'lie rirbest, Most eill. -us a call befOre going elseivhore' R. JAME80N'8, eock urp m'y ey t Iiim, and 1 eau tell There was mot one vc orli t-iludersi iied 1)(Igi; ta inform his f it ing, yet Most deý ,o a nenc B und the 1911-0 tliat lie bas lemoveil his MARTIN WARA it ,Bâïïwfdï fi -à c-jdé t, - Iira te oiall parfumes MI h ïï ii bla", Izlriiiuu W)p to thopreinji for iuo on the -King's Taunery, Bro il A W A , fi ses latù1Y accu. Two doors north Of beggin! his pardou-for co)npaiial Ilim ta tion on ýhà escape, go di vieil by Messrs. TOUS &NEWPORT fiandkorelýief-, ut tlic,ý'1'(iiièt and in the Street, Whitby. ly-49 the Iiký hiniself in the cou *bùt til si onq"I manS, in the made Batho, deli.,btfui ici-1 liealthful in the JUST RECEIVED regard the ho= for Boiy O'More, whose Veterinary Surgeon, IVEST OF THE POST-OFFICE gue, ras- But'Éory, it io; mot for use, but as wae open. ta the digtregs tration, ilà Ï00k NOTICE 1 -it. - - hàvà lisod ýVjlI bo rit Ariustilong's ()ut for almqs ask for the no koopsako 1 wish you to tike £110941jty, fralu 1 ta 4 o'Llocko 1). ni, DUNDAS STREET, Florfila ', )FTHE CANADIAN EXPRES FINNAN HADDIES 1 "Sure, anything else wül do as well to do him a service. APril 2G, lA77. - IVJ't(!r lel*ei)ared by the soIejýro- e S COM- 18 Wjicre ho le propartul to do all work in hiki Lur4maii ê. Xamp, New PANY will call jàr géode and Parcols for a keepoàkepyë,*ý%zè that switch cutý Serübbs wisWed to pue lille lis usual, and ta ouarantco satisfaction ýork. withiu a reasonable distance of the 0111cet -AT o' your Ëand,' ýýuq it as much and g to his cui-toinci.s. t2n- Il or ý al, 1 P 'rfui-aerq, Druggigto Law ratah, U - ut over was made.' ho ' eked Finnegan to Io Dwclllng,ý, Io Rent, S. alà4l leancy ick cUspatch,,Irompt aelivry, ne all thewatches th roc on Mes. - GEO. AYER 'd. 1ï11ýalé1rB. and carefui andling are a vantages offeroâ. Wljillj3,, Vûh, din, M79. Leuvo Orders ta call carly In the da - Tlîàtlo tè'6 jIt.r. y DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, B. YUL rr WO PERR 1with R. H JA MÉ SON YS, ably littegi 1 ý - - - 29. GE. deed it is ' : think of somotbing oise.11 "You've two, you Ili). Apply ta, Agents, MONTRBAL. Il-) Agent, Whibby. î Ilwell, thon, sir, sinëe*yolà,desire me Scrubbs. V; M. ýEI1I1LETT 1 to Bay the thing Myself -and will hâ*e it "They're bath eùgafi 00#j1jer 7LIo, whitilly. AUCTION SALES 1 Wlhi'trbysa 0 by T- G. whitficia, Chemist, sa, thereýo youraleevo -buttons, j and if ladlord. tf-.12 Dissolution of partnerahip r, IRST.-CLASS yoü gýw-lÈinïýu m î it ie ay you wfi'âiiver 1, )ny sinure th Scrubbe. *G to l aulie ta the tc, Wear the Seme things on me thât you ING 11uhlii; for the very ],.*bcral pair iiivosted In wau Sb. 'II tell you, Il bavien' Le,ýtQw0at,111on ne in the I)Dxt, a: Stocks inakes fortunes TREPARTNE-USRIP between Alexander FARM FOR SALE 1. :youreelf wore " Prin esýr. and the undexojgned.as "Thora éàiâ D :È intijuate hat ongeo overy month. is Scy, taking thom Finu WHITBY, ONTARI(), 1 will ho un hand roady ta coke egan gruffly ; and hi Lowlant any oales that 1 inay I)e on LvoXy Sta le cePorui, has been disolved. from his wrâizi.iïlia on y regret mider tono, éloind if 1 bad tmf;ted sent frea . OXP'&'nng J. 0. InIrortérit, Dùalers iiwl nt vvitli. Terras liberal. Satisfaction guar. ere, 7 Wall Et. ig. Y. AXTEII 6z,00., l3ank- they. aremoo wortwoos a gia."-"AI14 air 1 have tIlim.'l Mniln 01 autced, IY-o I;IRST-CLASS FARM, op ÃŽt is the giicri au(! nôt the gift, I ý think 64DO Ï011 inean that 1 My t;âle book will bc lourd ut the L -1 V y 1 A Ac--er, 1-cing Part cf Lot No. 9, in of," puid Bory. gagod , 2" gala Se LEATHER -AND -FIN 1(iltluio Ilotel WWtby. 1 Arrangements go thé Brd. Con. of Pickering. Well watered coIIouýý, no, "I' a ÉýîtIî,îÉe [JING 0ý il a of "rate, &o.. may be. made wiLh DAW ES &j WATKIS, with living spring et hoiàeï tlylïi, was the Short au C4Bh Ëaitl for 11iles, Barir. s nil Leather. M r. 17,à ason& the proprietor of the Ratel. cek; th?60 wells,01 ýoadIcd ; ana though noitber the bout yater; good orchard ; well fencoa - with a The Storm continue& té Orders bymaij or telegraph attended ta. bandsoine awe norý elr, un *,ýüo'eüehý tb bas 1JOather otretched, th * làcau ' ' 1 > o Elis APPUISERS, AND LIVERY BUSINEss wili in future ana gooa cuit wbos'O"ý-noi Two dwallinéi fur arm, banda, jet mired, DeLicy wu noeured ý the, roigh' qùelled T"b"e carxiedon byme at the oIùpIaceý or by itii autbroak,'bc ee'*n'PýTTT'.';a MADE To OlUIL11,11 tby. 68,70ral 0007rnissicin Agents 1 , yal hote4 e u far;n a would do him good'seMo£) , 80 Auctioneer, Whi Bo -a 1 respe stock an -an âddiLionQý 1 ý1, soucit the, ;close tCý b'eks th SIIOAT NOTICE, N. D. - Sàleý Bouks und l bli 19 90%, Ëa, gred patronage of the vu P- , 00 ho=csý and au easy -terMs, mountingi io 1=1Ãœ04 le où1ce nt W., B, bfcGnwýo (irocerY BLOrc CDeo;tabl -voiddes. in a very Cid higb.,Pom- souci) of the colloqtoe .7, FAMBANI Ls, melled saddle, "lie buà kby, im, Port Pen o Apply la e more àhook cwbompre of cjiý,1 tBia, Rop 081 m z ý 1 , Wt d J'; ýhQ88 AMUQUQýtt th , haudgi 09k Wbi Mt 41 "ec e.ýA:ý r àîa a as i' ie où1leil in Euglieh This féat, , auiy e yppéoorrrespondonts on the ispired the fimusing poet of a ta jnaite the followin 19 uewa from polo ta polo,ýý amaneali suaden cbanges in a savate seul 'a LOW its *e4t arranges. 1 np 1, te d. ha = 0 .031 crea *du , g 1 - - per, raye wears a p er P, la a cattle eho ,,wliere ho If copepicuous by hifillust- I'CAU these prizoeattlef lin't nothing ta what our My father riti&ed -the of Sny man round Guy 0-aoÛbtÀof it," said a by. id the noisieàt." a auy objecte of iuterest in 2" the tourist asked the man. III havé, ý I bave 1', ýed the otber ; "but I cant Show it tO Yeu. - Ies a note, and its down in the drawing interest. Jike a a mustaid plUster." [Oman --- at a dinner-table ing the- familiar line, "an 5 the noblest work of Goa," son of the host spoko up "a net true. My mothefs Man that was ôVer made." ittons are among the New es, They are of walnut, iulâid with white Wood. are like old musketo, and Cal of powder, but don't go a tuan withont hands bc us ? Because ho Cannet ifness, tell a man you'ýe iim money. l'» boats ne- 10110w, woman to weiLt-"ýtoo îs as foolish sa -tp put -THE -X&CY, 080=E ZIF il 0 H. H IGG IN St- 1thisprlutins Ettabllahment, BBOCE STABEt -WI[IT.BY. $1- 50j par Annuni, -Ail Advertise. mouured iii Nonpieoi, and, hârge4 at the rate 01 a cents, per liue, tut acordon, and 2 cOnttPer'line, «eh subse- s tient inoortion-. esé-- RENO 7l.,en ul, Colebrated and mkwr, =17 ô e-lý04 è ln" àamimble d inte inemein outam a and effect. mry #ufferer, no, itiou be in the bandsý ci mm la thi land. ri EDICAL -Co AUN ST., NOW YOW 42- d Ptlrifiers LIS #1 s 10 AND PILLS.. infallible cure for ferras, atubborn, JEU Tu orts, oui heu atiom noed by M Cotted PILLS, COMPLAINTS. 4ets ato, MONTREAL. 'bitflold, Cheraist, f he Mine F16 URE S. R--O S îents with the Coal 1 are 112 à omition dl si fill aý ordero or àeliýered. ints tu parties ln.. à of the Wbitby, î LIWAY can be sup. tm chargey under :C &de with the Rail. BROTRERS. antly ou the road RENT. ACRES, BRING ý the 4th concos. les front the towu at&te of cultiva- ýuJ1dings and fine eau be d one Alter Il and peagession ta the owmer. UT O'LEARY, Utics, F. 0. > tf-80 'GER 4 CHINE, iy no other. - UT TI-IR iewing- Ma- THE BEST WORLD. rhoUB&Dtl people es in 1878, Over Unes in usa at of Attaobmenta mil ngLmoa 4.11« gliting ýe6, Churches, els, ac. àine in Opera. î, soie Manict'r, B York strAct, B-Hàt. SES ALL ýAINS .......... 1 and comfort. Ait [y looked alter. SEDERT, (ly-10 House ? 'hithyi would list of G. T. H, jarnemun'x UC il-29

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