RING ring 10 cmliii off every dllarI efpended ai lb.he FELL OW8" HALL.I, Thildk"Li ra Bductiou of 10 cents ,oifemohdol&la esdnado 10.inecaa our grad 1luth, nioutth ltIbuainese lu lois goqetI"n mual. -Tuhib n eduction makou abhi;Sgap in ur umal profit. NOW lsa sGOOD TIME to buy Dry Goodi, as va aref sellin; at OLI> RIE;aldoseriptione of DRY GOODS An. advauclng lu the Wholeialo mmaiet. The reduction, bold gooti AUL TEROUOH TH'E HOUSE, Fac- tory Cotton oly oxcepteti. Tble le a mtragbtforward plan of SPECIAL IN'DUCEMENT8 $0ogive te C~A -CASH STORE1 th. pretwuuie. We aitçsgs eIlcheap. lVNlli bis 10 ente off mch dollar *Mbiotlon makes cur goodlî -EXTRAORDINA.RILY CHEAP 1 Tii. 10 senti off every-dollar h band. ad tc, orery cutomer wtout tilîir mkig for it. T4. One Price Store!1 Vite Really One Price Store I E. FiROST, WIITIIY. 4Coneuptlon Cured. i~o d uiomcln, rotined rom prao. bdc.'ecn i4placed la tbaude by :mbn itrdda'mbalcmary the formula -of a simsple vegtable remedy for the , opody snd permanent cure for Cou- *etiMpLlt, Erouchtis, Oatarrh, Asmui, sud .11 Throst suad Lung Affections, ais. a potWve sud radical cure for N.rvoua debllty .nd all Nervous Com- lafit., iter baving iestcd ita Wonder. ur mative poweru lu thouesuda of Osmo, bas feU It i duty te makie It kuovu te bis uffeing followm. Acta. ated by tim motive aud a desire 10 ro- Hae.h u)a» ufring, I willI mod free of tharge-to al Who doire it, thid ra- ep., ln German, Frencb, or Engiimb, with fuldfrotionm for proparing sud noing. -Sent by mail by addreiugi witb atamp, usming Ibis paper, W. W. Shierr, 149 Pooera Block, Rocheier, S., Y. 42 The Panama Can*al urvcy wam be- gn au Mndà y, 6;1econtat lu Nrth Lausrk promis- e te bs llely. Botl,. candidates are niûing su solive cnaa ffl" Nolice. of Birthm, Marriage., "d 4Doafhs charged 50 coula ach. ]IRTHS. MAOGILLIVRAY-On tbe 2ad lint. aut, A 6t. An»drewsM ase, Scanboro, tb. wfeof the Rv Malcom Meegillir. ray, M. À.., of a son. À B BI ED. Uqyj&Y-POOTIZX-Attbe residluce édf lb. bride'à fathor, Brooklin, on the 128rd tlt,,, by the ev. J. A. Carmiohael. 'Mr.BenjmIn McQuy, rooklin, to "Mary 111.1., yonget daughtmr of Dr. BOS8-ÂiAnrraOntario, ou 1h.' rd cf JanuAry, john Boss, agent Notheru Bà lIway, lu 1h.e.'Tth yoar of bimage. À Nativevtf Dingwmll, Boum. shîre, Sotlud. Dec.i&Wwam father cf J. 3. Bos, B.qý. Seertar.Tremaer Wbltby Port Penny &Llndsay Bailwsy. P=:-X~ At hlm. reidaee,, lot 18, Broken Front, Piokenin, ou Née Yea'e:ay bi. illiam PIle, aged 68 yeaie. Deoee.e vas a native of Dei. onaire, Englad. Hecaz«Me lu Cana. da i 1544, sud hum mnéesreeded, (with tbe 'exomplleuof some Ys ru lu thm townhp of Whîtby,> on hie laie home. aMoL Ri. He avesa awidow snd four elildren mrvivin; hlm tIre. dangbtere (AU iled> sud oeeson, .igroivu la man's etl..M Pile hailbeeu for comeUie alu n;,sd bis death vwa ual unexpeetèd.. 'The dêe.med vas s brother of Mn. James PIlà , of Auhbura. The .ifuneral took p ac1o90e uda téothe gphpol buldgoud Dfls Orai, sud usaolteudd à y alarge concourseso onl;tene OacI Orne,,Jan.. mt, 18m. FAnlugW .m ....... 1 #10012 Emi............... 06 065 ]l p- e 600........a 050 .0 6m 070 Mose, black.eyed .'.0> O90 O100 )bt ....... 0800C4 na3 foa........... 050 000 Ry............ 70 0000 ,&ej arbI........... 10,0 150 ...... .. .. 100 @1 25 1ýr SQt........ ... 025 <4 085 SOITTH ONTARI4 OCHOOL BOOK 'D] Kuy fr'onau ,XMo: IRON BOUND' INDESTR.!!TnBLE- SCIHOOL BOOKS I:ý WA micigf cuetnaliteiea tu ielm cg vr w a]uMtl& tdu.7 pO t T- L eftiZ 51MkI MINr )the Ir d M tat ne ,oë c emdaoy 1 ba Adur&.bl.-tor ..goeaiy ~ '~ ~'o' ~ î.» vi~ i, ni ma tuoleibvaethl est.i oy New and Popular Teit ffltl. Al» te (oIlIAff cot bocks ted hie -McMii MTRTAKER IN TitACIIINO bL. HUn lut> 01apfubllcals Z orato. 'IEArHiý'WfIR ANVAL 0F 1VXICNU J.P 5.0. BIsarrr and  F.-NscDcxsis TEACIIEWSB ÂNDBOx 0F ALGEBRA, .A cLsa . I FLEMENTAI1Y IlTAU Y ~b owS. soan.N.Sce.A VI. L LTE ai PUYBO OY,- m-Alcacipteo stock et STATIGNIIITVAND SCIIOOL EEQIJISlTES, and ull boakuuodiauUandl gb Seboalu.Ordus taken for Ilth eIdIne at OldBocks lul rocBiaiS. t.- Bocak% frwsaied promptly on recelpi ci prias. OW-Ordesteben for Cana" a Blsa IoUrnAl-SI.OO pur Tut. Send for Catalogues, supplied- FrWe on application I WHIOLE SALE -AND RETAIIJ! - :00: - Letler orders receive prompt and careful attention. J. S.-ROBERTSON :& Bros.-, DEVERELL'S BLOCK, 8C1300Li TOWN 0F RECEI'TS. Governiment gratîit far laut Itou 1878..................j%ý Cou t ratfor lai ut nilê7tlé Goermui rýaInt tfor llrut lui!l 18M...70 .................. 0ouuty'graut for f tai lfof I1871 Municipal asâoscmmtt...... .ACOOU].TI4T.s -0F TRE-. WbIITI.Y, FOR? THE- YEAIR 1879. 111011 SCI1,00L. of T'each--rt' Salaritz- 5. 445 (> rIo;noîhamaei00 001 S.445 010 Mr. Phillipa.......... 70 00) of Mr. Wilis ............... 17 00 ... 317 12 Mr. lHusttin...... 628,60 ffli35 12 'Mx. stî-vt,'aon.......... 212560 1760Mr. Mnuirien, atnding ex'min'tio 10 WJ Fuel. .............. .........11087 Cleauiug anti Repaira............ 815 Printing ana i tatioxery- W. 111. Higgins, prnting. . .. #10 90 C. Sarney, ning...... 5 50 J. 8. 1lobec-rson, st^tton ry.. 815 0 Micellanou- Hatch Brou., acet.Itmundnle #W 40 T. G.Whitlld, z;z7lI.. 4&71 Gnose & Oranger, acci ..... 8 T. SleiEh, Honor Board.... 12 W - Wterouî, eraer. 0 S.W.B. Buufth &Co.,ch'mi'la 2 45 P69 2412 PUBLIC BOILOOL. Chleap ýGoods for Xm as. Childrensi Lamb Sets. Cheap Buffalo ]Robes. Cheap Groceries. prices. STYLIS L4ILOlINU IJ~$MJNG J.B. IOWEL o Wliitby, Deceznber l7th, 1879. NEW AVETSKN . AUCTON sAL E; -1 or 27M5-Oi5I ayD Heey Oîauot andCeh tIIni Tram MB OBP'G1,VEt mU BLACK MORe M OTEL, T«rento5 WEDNESDAT, IANWY 14Mir188M, Rl le uoraone of Rb&"y Draft sd MdODBBN TYPE.-À noieS ClydOedls Simliu .n ~aiTorbebire prIe Mn ModemTypeniuin 6 ymre li, 17 bande eipoor. na epd% Y=s LrIImenILT rm ebhr rs isai k mero1 1,1 1n shgp~etî " peeranc, tye ed' ed ciC»AlUani ernla euk CliJ!a67 10 coim C4 I. cf 1 bt uet rl-ç-, y ,fn emus m4es Hiaemebueeeu.rtta um dIfermd utcae.tl MOE!ccci wdz =uL u lb. ci uty ha Poao. a ÈUpb B" finvl lecu TheWbee -- -i- "y bvut cois. ois iong sas voyege- 'uhey vi bi oU vithaul remve. Peu.i Whity E bon o vaitaber. b" - uunhilday TsaxMS-CAM ; etor 0.hw ~t" pgtchffl o anymma non p fr6 moue otu6 n =zc.ptipepr, laumt 8 par cmat. L.PZ XIB JOSEPH GLOVER, vbuub7, Agent. Toronto, O*aIWL ToientopD, Dec. 8lm 17. c OUKTY AGRIOULTURAL SObIET! 0 F SOUTE ONTARIO. 1 ANN UAL_ MEETING. Tb* mutai meetmi "0o"ae.Sci4y WedesdayJarfrnary 2lst, 180. Air pÇ"o'nov, P v. A TOWN HALL,, WHITIY. y~v mata. iac. *eâm "à *6e"l« Omo su e O uiES MUSIC HALL. 03PNWITOW ew ENIE r t ~. 1 - -."-- - t,.- 5.-i D o w <n 'o o o c, o o z z Sui Q 5 t ~.4 f.' t' o e e' w M III o A SIC Ladies', -Misses', Gents? and Children' SELLING AT LOUWEÈTý LIVING PRICEBS.ý COME.AWD SEE Boots, mad 8hoes madle to order, Watsôon'Blok, Brook Street, 'Whtby. W.J. HNI My Stock ot - EIjSt. Catharines, l no 010o mplete in-Every Linle. KJ. JOHN SON.j VeÈy Special inducements- to -lthose STARTING- HOUSEKEEPINO. 000- UNDERTAKL NG. FuIl -Stock of Cakt > CoIBns, and ail Ahe noessBries nthsl Une. ÀIso,' A WELL-'APIPÈOINTED HEAB$E. Wbitby, October lOthe 1879. ' FAFtMING GREAT - FOI P HO WE 0f Photograph,ý in- h CR0 W BBCEIPT.. [Govamniant grant to ModalScbol.$ 80 00 Rent of part of Scitool grond. ... 2 00n Goernunent grant for 187,2... 861 00, BARG- É AINS' 1 :00« --oo-