ed ed-'Wm. Pou. Barber, asihtet. 9.Wýiîby, P. P. & L. of Wbltby. Lere&P&er5OMU. -8 .B. liti. - edrfor dvellng-J. L Tsatsgsr fer blet building. "Glenditti" PaM tin t Oieanlug Bal-E. PrsI :L4 Spiuks. r-J- Bandoli ý-J. B. Dow, ONLY 81,50 PER ANNUM. W bitby, Thursdy, ,Iac. 22, 1880. - Ilnisîmniai change@. The laiechanges mae.llutlicalbi- net as OlIve Ios'eadov, w-e are bet -' eseds agetmal reoccatnuotieu cf the -Miuimiry. J)4r. Masson vies. icealti baes heesibai or a long ".aaidvh vu vol! know ovu la i ilous le relIs-o, ha 4 b@.oles-liePr"'ontl llovpd '4e sur- roulter ilice Milia éportfolio ant booine Prestideucî ef lice Coanuil. BSr Aie:. Miiain isa teot, andut iie -offiée huas bau det ovor lu lime 1l4 pèresi- doit cfthe oeuccil, Mr. J. O'Connor. Nobcty bolleves liaI Ibis arraugegmeut le Iaten teb. prmanen tht iI la w-liaIwoui have beaucars-l ouoi lidlie w-siaes suad unpcPciliy cf tic. Min4sny AS a viobe oictocul lun The fle % da .-What w-asiait w-ascin e areonsls-ueiion as would have bea tiei Immene o brluglug Mr. Ms'. Dalton'MoOss-bylita lie Cabinet as Minlites-of initioe., bitt lat w-ui b ave involvot ail eléotion' lua Nti iuoe i iqîo w-uitu laelspresse& lemiper bepont cli, question nject hum by u bverwielzing ncjority Il - ha wer. to proeot iuel Ion ne eloticu. Il le enrentjy bslmevôa liaI partI cf 1h. plan s t as a vacaaoy in West To. routo by appoluting-Ms. J. B. ]Robin- son ta LiseCcileclcnmhlp cf Cuetoma or lis Lieut. Govenomsiîp, butià la by nocc Insnecertain liai evea West To. roule -cula jmet ncw b. depmntiial on te, elootal supporter cf lii. Dominion Gev- erucusul. Se fer su vo are conoesnet w-e w-uit lie ta se. lie experfnnu tnief, sud'teisre.w-e viihll ail it piessure auy esraugomeccî vimici vii civ.alice leciora or au'y division oci&tue - ly sau opoît ory fpionounali gup- Nevssd its Gcos-unmenl vili se great a unmumenia cjaiiy occupy a position 80c uiulhtiug se "on aller gstîing la- to tapoven. Sot eveu Pictan le regandet ssale entrugita admit -of Ils b.lug broya epen, tbeagb Itla sone of lie ceaI countes. Iu ober wonde, licaIl lieécmlta: w-clduit uaDov maiaiab ou ud ie«allthle fate cf any miniseri .1 supporter lu Tesont; l -cit neldDt * ecîice te proeont tha teleal cf oeslu time very loeaiiîy liaI ta: va iritendot - ta beoet. And If ticis b. lteéemu just D ow, wicI villi h b. w-o he leime an- riv eo. for taklng Lhé sein of tb. épei of lie viole Dominion ou lis laslUPf A suirsa î Tu SooL BeAU.- Ms'. lOsmistan, lbe olaliniof the Sool Board, lest W.dueay oulug inviÃŽted, l s mm o thle board, eut Mn. Drapes', lIce seor.l rMs. Bebla. w su, Head Muter oaI li là h Bicol, and t 'h nmbers.,cf lie Premi e t boume, Les tOe ujoyaÀ,suppen haoiiad bat prepar-frt Ion=m.The Invitation so ecs'dlatiy given vas aceplef. eut a meel plimaietsocial oeeuing ipunt, turing w-ilci su excelent muppeir w-sm %Wal dispoiet ofîbylie 4"Unieos.'of the Youtlie.' Masoaa Surrn.-Thoeasoc flulat- tendace o o cem*cbere of the o To Cocucil aI lie Méyor'as aunai upper, on Fs-ltey euenlug. A meut ojoyable evenlub vwu pul.and Il9n»saseas-.ly b.edmttetulIdjusètice w-i tdons le lice enceiieuî bih oe' fais proridet by lie wos'l, icpctem sik . arper. Tms GeavaL Rose id1,ëBWMoI.sccla boing bcoket afie t'hle 1ow-nMcp licrongi job nowv w-Ù'"macsme baicerle- d koep up vit a ewanled, c~jcd horuglfar. Tc.-lovol rosit te in.avnecviialleaa ta ofentlcl à "4iea ciDry Gots et 0" elfor casItf'-'One cf lie flsnbolng. about ltlo flbay bave déeidit-tah cab. a panu4oeloruwg slbsfos-m a b ts 151h of Vebru orya m ley viilb. P= inolhhe;s o' .letjon. Se a4uergumémsnl ollén oolumdai ph, as v. o. 's, cf ce.Thé - dirotors presoute« thtj leuti7 report wilîihwas rosit,a ' ne Offloer.s ud Direelos er g Iea Mat Idoriug theput year the Sc e sg u'nre of 28 mieri 1ý1n 28-sbaoipdo onlest yeeci liaI. 'And t lItIthésema la exclusIve, prlvlisied meèmbers, made such*tbroug] iba spresentatlen fýpisestai tii, Sce S. heU ,.xihbtiu l&yrwe frtaunounee4 ta b. held on Thursiti sud Nrdayi 1h. 12h and 121h septer ber, butivwuaft.rwarde postponed t Frday sud saturday, on amacouf I visil cf the, ('ov.rnor (ieerel ain PeineuseLents. b Whitby on the lat dayà . Thatl-Ihéetgtrieu mado footed ul tIo 2,963, being anu coassf cfoc upon ou.inehouseud on the entries0 18.Tho tireo prises Poad amcuntei e, thoeuit cf 8118.75-boing au à Criesaeof #108 over lhs ameunai eard 8. Thel the speciel prises obtainoi amonnted tai the sum cf 1625.50, a eompared viti 1205 leut year. 4. Thatlté recel p teet hhegate caeneg 1084,6adteor Ial l 82.50 being 4. issu thon lest year, whsn lhe exhibillci Wu bleutfor tire.dasys ; liai lie eun cf $117.50 was gel for -the rent cf mIl -an ineaae cf 814 over lest yeux, oas g,#8.'50 foryteul cf groundu - decreae cf $82.20, on liaI item for lut year. 5. Thal tie ttalIliabiities cf til Soc4y uïointto582,50 - c :the onutoef 1he Society, il, *cludlug Cash lu banda tif tmaesir #71.27, end estimated veluecf buildings #2280, amounit ta #2U5.27. 1. Tiat rour Direetors report tIbm thé aoknaw edgmeuls cf the Society an 'due ta lb. Presidaut, Mr. John ff Hlowdon, 16i Mr. L. Fairbanks and Ù bMr. tD. Llek, for their efforts lu eblals. ing, the tpeoiliprises for îlée.liel 91 8.Tial onr. Directors recommend retr he pieu cof holding tiié asnu. si eshhbillon tduring tire. doye, as list wilê ; wil W meel satisfaotory totahe public sud couglucive ta lthe intereste CI 9. Tuitycur Direclore beg to rofer tohe deinlt#oal st ment, harewîib for mer. doialet itarticulers. The Treasure reat the sannai state- meut. Ou motion cf Ur. Lawier, report adoptet. In reply te Mr. Levier it wus stalet lai the liabilities vere $67.50 le"saen lest year, besides $200 more r aid in prises. Tic. nomination cf officerts vas then proceedet vwith, aud resuitet as folove John D. Howdota, Presideut. Robert Devereil, let Vice.Vsidcnt. joeu Daxter, 2nd Vice-Presidenl. Diets-.Lick, 'W. H. lrown, Ecut Wbîb.avs Townna lnb.-o aws Osbeva.-,ýoncliePorter. Township of %Wbitrby -J. B. Mathew- son, L. Fairbanks.r Pickering - Angus MoItay, 1.I Mfiller, Jae. 1. Devidscn. Âudior-T. J. Haililay, Wiiam Smith. Dole gates-B. F. Camuphel, John Tweedie. eciai Deiegte- rr Johnson. ri. John MaGili braugbt np the eulb. jeet cf euîalgamatiag the . ofscfsec. rotary sud Ireasurer whh heb favored as il vould tend tluthe greaer uouven- louas cf exhibitars. Dr. Carsona moved a resolull« eao. seommending tlit au ffns b. uNtei. Only Meurs. HollIday oand B. F. Campbell spolie agulustit-tii. expreqa. ion cf opinion bcing lu laver cf union. A resolution of thanks t thle cficte ced direators ecacludefi the business cf tbe meeting. *J. S. S. Robertsou & Bros. wiU 010lo6é eut ltce balance of Iheir stock ci pecliet flans, for 1880 et 10 per Coeult WCý Lien ircnsmarmert pices. Every bocki merlied inluplais figures. Deveroll'â Block, Whiîby. CosswsL.-Me.srr. MoLennmAn d Bergia vere nominaeo u Tueay. For ecerythlng inutho tMglins at rouaneiprices, go te'hle laatng- Dmug ions. "Wifeold'm Modiesil Ba'l Brook St. Wlilby. Siga af lie large Morter. Ilou bavseual ItialWiitfcsld'a, Pumeute Symap don'% besilate te do se. 11hilw-srutot ta te yegocto and t cnot do yen icari. Puce Siote. "lTan SuNvccA"-Tio Ladies' Col- loge Paper-vili alune viii <rosI bril- lsecy lis month. Io Baverai vettinga lat weei sut ru- mnoun of mos-o coming ocf. "Dat ii <ccti"l Tii.y haf ab'gLover Caualsa l- mon at, tie Royal Hotel las$ ve.k. He w-as an hie Iravets. Dawson sut Petty, of ludiauna, .lippedtvIe mares aud oee mIllion, ou Tuesty luti, bougil st Witby. Buyen'cf herses eut catIe contin- nelly cocing andt-golng et, Beys' hotel. [soi avLI JO&s Bque ipp a ccas-lod of bedid callle enesII, a T9is-s-'r * eemîii hu b. hibuai à Up job, bofome hlmnas chis-nan c! lie detre 'ou Itta »Orcs puutr eU&t' bapusmi»f flug to e T. G. WhliisleV. Moticl Eau Bk t.'Wilby lite lcating Dsug bos aie cny 'Alozqson~a gaed'>wotdfor the elenltceuo!lieitrehcrosulugt. bis ii. couusl, edt h e""erksinlV-eu. am epà bleaervletsse far this wInter. Geulloeit dcc iudlu-ic 1por oîf lum *hât Ooeled opgel do thegao.. aboya MostlYInLuIus hEow olduawf. -Godbok-ru rot RS*s,.-Mr.ý Fo,ad Tb . M Rh,0,000, 16eau eued the oôüouat o amer,. OU nbolti o!Mf br., le The menibers mode lb. mesai deolr' oend allons of office, sud qb.i'iûealoe. ~ WOu Ialie XB gtid of i ay cntaogaulsellce of' thecocunoîl, M- thésMayor cougrelulalod th. meniboa's Town i Halr ta cn taklng lioir suéls, 'expr.auîg 1h. Jan ho hope lia inlu tlsoarging Lhi u tles 'Tii.lest r.gular Bd alv oolddevixhavaforib. <ccd of board w*eield b"le or the wbele tawn, eud liaI lb, geé of préent, Meurs Oru ip tÉsowboWetawn*bocldbeo-prefërodbis. lan, Ii lh. ciair, aie fore vert or eellonal ' tnheêss. H. Meurs. King, Oampb cf ashedthéie conuclita b.oécrful iu sp-sand Poveii. minute ed pointing the. standing comumitees for read eut approv.d. a- ie year-Iud lo be prtieu ic" e areful - oaens 5- lu selecting lie staudlang omntlte u td tovu proporty. Horetafore il vauscp- Prom lihe 1Dejaui ase posedt laI cemmitlee bat net, ncuehta slshlng iaIIthe foi do. Now lie saie commltteo vwou bcd bean returuedj te be aise the market committlso cnt 1mev FoWOll, Nrth Ward, A5 ing cherge cf lie marketlaeut Iwu bail Lavlor, Cenre s Mu vonld sdd gc muclà -ta lice wcrk. Th ii. aseso, Cnr- mc atret cocumittee. shouit aIse hosoieci-Post,: soi hWard, le liu et witi canefulu. Wbitby bts h&m41e Ma-6 td langer amenaI of etreets then it ougist er of yPresuessa 1 se ta have, accrtiug ta populations ad 0ienvii, Pcf real the cos$ of keepiug them, up 4va ellgmu neet ie lieevy item upon lie ta~. Then.iad - been somo trouble in th.ewy o b. chela.and Ù&L cw ere brougbl in ; some cf lie items th"I lie Minlier èon rconldnol be vouoe e sapeciafly enter- cppaltaon ta the lai. a, $csomeimes ; lho sugige liaI-'ilThexio hairman dri tlie chairmen cf commilbous h ave aie liethéBousitaW4lii e à t ' bocks ent that uothilg b. pait for but &eke t hem te give Il ÃŽe vast vas properly .nier.dt tisroin..and Mr. Ferw.», '.tbsl labor, aiseon as to*ue, be ais6 cor- M.Frval Otl«std b, as tacamont.as ta anolierbaMn opvle aitem, lhw-utProbably "a 'b.- Thes Obafrmai..-' >f tore.thieconncl, thal cf 1h. e fl, rn. l e e ommitte. on ningetlargo-be dld nett hile c d- haIen, là visabliai tthl7sheuld b.hiu ««W 1dMr. Pc'vl. altogether. If il was liougg ai. 7,bas beadosaw i kt able te pot ca mali l« ou, poîbeps tuaIt Ics Ohairmea.-;ý s wouit verk sallsfaetori1y ;- ho bat '?r ted " O 7 l )f tlked wîitia great mauy " ng l nng mo00e eisssela aud they oxpreusedt loelv4ov*11 have nol boeenou ha ro tbetaled inliaîwe"y tag Sv.hh9olr1 s" W catle lie tigbl taes ce ýomumoieru. Mr 1o#sl ctU b la Ho esiled attention le toerai.. ofcfo.e h e . éComaciM -der andtI rualtimaI unt ouciers w-uit Pa&ymeà l n t aseoxm sel up tthem, sud lu ceniaien hop- 1.5;Bi, ra -t edt aliavi -uit w-ork w"oulog hrOffieo-1e,7.O; Harr it asalsleesnobher, asu ssthm u akr 1.7;na *the tisciarge of bis tles. D:Plj oln 0n 0 TEE STANDING oOiNlTE5. MGIvt, ep c'On motion cf Mr. King segod by fer,8. epr Mr. îibson, a resolutlon passedt laI a aoleotel'ommtte. cf %ve b. appolatet d'J'<~> by balIotole 'trik e standing cas- Mr. Fareveil ga"e - mlllees The bellot b.iug t"lonre. nusaI véotiag cf th. suttodin lu layo f Mous. Bogart, Glb. meeit.d by Mr. Cam sou, Hnggand, King and ILong.-Dr. lie 8emtway of fit Bogart sud tUr. Rnggart, teiuliueers. mu*Ie vIi tii.se On motion lbe Mayor loft tie chair Bollls o f Ibis Frocv for ten minutes, ita oudnipreu.ailv Council nesumeEl. snltveftlii. Boïa The commitfee reportet as follows: .ailis f,"~Ing *-Finance sud ÂAueeu t.n-Mssms. ils ntae iecont' ibson, Begant,'Ccrmack, Foz, Long. scicelu. Street& sut Improvemente.-Mssz-. Tms-u m siTas opr x Long, Huggird, Duukley. latisn Fine sud Waer.-Messna. King, Be- Jndge Dartusil, gart, Sailli. Kiugmore t l Printing.-Meeera. Cormack, Hog. Board, baoluatmuclet gard, Wesley. tics useips cf lie eca Tavu Propeny.- Mosans. Bogart, lie £tucation Deps King, ilggart.matrbrere e S Applications ta Offie.-Mersrs.PFox, tter ho ereuLo Berne., Wesiey. 0,8101Mngmn Licenu.Committe.- Tice Mayor,.-TatCMMIDEE VU Meure. Gibson, Hnoggard, Cormack. 9=01 *Relief.-Messrs. Long, Saithi, Duni- ,Mr. Faeelol, set l oy Dartuei, moredt hbt Board of Heal.-Tie ocuncili. tle neit meeting cf t On iiie sireels commitleo clause b.. a stalemoul 0f lie nui iag move- rosidous and non-rein Mr. Foi, objecte t thle appoint. Who"a te i gb, amant cf Mn. IHggar, *sadit ilw-asun- sebeels of tebo v. fais to place lIn upon liaI commitise, Mi. FsrsvU stated ad liaI lien vas dissalisfaetio U vlimotion vas liaI lie w-a oba . id oue lut yean. e .movet beaelk»nmeuton te substilute thce name cf Mn. Smitli. - numbeof c ellar. cf' MnU. Ring reptiedt lat lie viiole met-.w-Itc Ibal ou lhe. ste &or had been fvaly oonsidered in, om. m* b e» tay th" th ia le comnmites m :. 9,*w otmam ,>tvlodge,,cf euy dlmesfaelon, but c!ebddrea net atten èon lie contrary, Mr. Huggrd'ms e. th* nso.sstyof-p elecîson for lie South Waicl show-ad offioes-, os- uLUgolier liaI io.hâbath 1.e ouldemce of lia raté- lie elhb tée te allt payera of liai vas-J. TbshlOs ii u Mr. Fox'@ ameutaient w-as put sud oaan lest.- 11 XV. 1Panevltl,«sooo Yeas-M.ars. Foi and Sumiti. »)itnsi mv. b Nays-&ll lie cliere. mm > jl svseuhà ,l Ou t4e lause nefenscng to iehéTevu Etuealon, p.lul prepentý eoummittée, Mn. Ring explals. ori edtblaI ier. vaalîtîl. diferene.o! opiuion as ta viiteheli ecitls .ormi « ~ e sionld cocf tire.orftve meeubs r mm. -Mn. floug fayore thle Jl arsmuber, of th^e LocalyLelaat ant tue commlltee thoait il btter lo beave tbîe malter villi the.nouneil. occcrOO1Ov Mn. Long oonsidered liai liaI om- Mr.PfiiUl, 06000à mitteu: vas cf more imiportance n»wi Movof-iaI a -lommit " ti oirbefore* lice w-en vas ao- lb.h* bChaiasof ill sidratl angr.Tier. w-as a <ccd Dantleli, sudMi. -4 as rusloe-J. B. to 18W-.81; THo. rad, I18; ILoIn dento ethee 6aahy te! of th lova pub. cs-mlug Ithe cas- cltes-ed t lin ieeI r. w thattlention cf icuuilon, stai it tbeir serions on-L r eport b.ea s-zct id o! mouise nclc- w& - ., ;w-heu o, b arIe Il, w-e eza aitain. Bsso c, -hovnd Ie, ù h'amet rpe tee séometu seco.1.e; Oisel. Tbý ompsrofthep notuic liaI aIli Becs-nt,ho-su bt l ries- .ii Seoo 10 atleuTing Hig tesondetuby Mn unà eofrycfhi.e rImnt, udolimaI i lieý oamll thî eoiriet. lt »tet bt Juge e l. the»oar-d w"i I"meo! hé ultlrn fiegu6 anf ecof 1 bIecne ow e I y lIerucu o i 01e-asb 1 Js lecul lte bet ave powers; amti as-zaîg vus of the 5- 'fir ti pesth have, b"' ieno neve t UeG«Oraiunulhave Loun t ise- ses-y toatalsoiglien lie sniltaryï garnison, by a delsee drawu frein lihe &a- jopeacefulpro.- 'tuIn hanpioaiocis oiw-ar. The' dietaras of-e-rIâle uanufacicrios'ý have been ls-eld by tié WamOfficee quislly té propare st mmy breeitesta. 'or*" posible; lierefore 40000 viti- -Ibo minufacînred t aISestries 800,000 'At'Ivaisb -Md 500,M00 abroat. A.ves-y Imusw-rthy correspondteclyo bas HusisuPolufon irw-sy, .v.'War. sav eut WiLnmï le ýB*&#,w-mies laI euot ouly*l lb. las-gei ;laow-u ln liaI dIstrià t, bt &asepiaos*hiéb provioue- ly bat ollèe sualganMéoua o ucu. i aul ai. Dow co wth =ropu cf aiu aim5,ThIsla e"w theli' caso in s.' ipeolta limon places Iving west cf War- »Av, om sbte .s-cm Caslooihow le WilnaaatDnncburg. Iunb. isee GQoveMOnte icorteing UPOa Ges-may cnatrsn ia ,Was,-saw-ilua sud nino lions tiishds, boudes a gresl qo-oEfùUy e-quippet battentesasd* Deauc à »Wunan o Bus- Tun.- TAngocamsof goods le il ofoune ai ihportance to kuow lie q«Ualy As lu buyhng drap. Eeyyasfrsei 46Me cf 1h. lzsugniîy etAndtnustmy cf these W-loean se nm e aulué aie suouy su. se mtghe temaimeifor 1oePineea, tuit bsy are. uducato iiaY eutdmWU liseatuterabot Druge, sut Druga cf au infes-her qualily, s-e. geatises ftlb.w-cul ofmcs-aliby snvolv.ý et-lu suci a course cnd theb.sufeiug eutd iai attending lie sae. sut dia- p.nuugcf amai <cot. 0f cous-ses w-ho tmrciase L-rm parties w-iose onty cs-lterioise l lepriecenu-bave n'O guan- sale ocflie quality of lie article beugit. My expenlonos justifies ne lu botievntmg laI y rable seiol ouly r.- liaicle <codandsut aIprices vliemaffont a Lau profit,.lu lice oui y correct eue. Buyiug sasIo eveyor'w-orhcf <oct. for Cash, I cm 'in e position te supply evory article requis-et lu lie Drug Trade .a lie loveul prie. con- patiblo viii supplyiug a gennine an- liele, 5. W. B. Smithl,Chemisl, Whiby. Rnlnaondinaiz' Scene ia Incisud-Ignr- lug the Prient--& Bad Sigu. On Suinday, au unusasi scene occamr iduer Balla, lanlIc. Couaity Mayc, et à meeting of tenant fermera to join lie Balla tenants te select telegelea ta lie Ausstiion. Aller mass, liree miami- ens attentat ta explain lie purpos cof lie* Iriai Land Asacoietion. Whutleh s-aies w-ene bing rend, lb. pas-hi prient, Palier Sheridan, entemef lu s rflaneu céllef cuti. people ta disperse. Re sait ho w-cuIt un& asow- »yies-fer- saoce in lie psnielb, uer allow any sec- ,ret grganisMip.A, genleman#Asait' w-ai nol a secret orgsaà on. "Tisese crs. lh imen LqaI-~i(~o aent Os-cal tesing wasgvonfo ael And DavilI. Tueoo vwas mie:-; ellt. Thm e slsai thti entldeman w-as à blAcbua-,,*ud vanted ta entrt meeey froin lie plmîo. rue l V^wuyeoumantd and l4b. lite. aops etsp.ree, mutd fnale svsy tlseosfitlet. The meetinugchosec thi felegahes. Tie relusuit felegal. e. w-oeoiedby largomorovs. a A Came Iuumas i-TIcs 2lail r-- MWa " e folow-laglotanee cf a Mring luusIl uimi h"atiy j-Il p jemas-oly irible, but itin le vathalasa trae1à oenee.a petition Ã"or umo uT. G. &B. rcillvypay AIng Wf or pverte ebcange ie guag, me-arrange thio-fir asu bud aers-cete'WInglem. - Bills wero introduéet ; ta amondt le IÀquor ci d; ho amon thle municipal An& (8); 1 amfeadt h-DivIsion Courts' Act. '"Mr. Pisser mevod for lie' appoint. ment of s Select Commiltee, compeset of Meuars. Bell, Boultoa, Cook, Preser, Gibsa, Har-court, Hay, Lees, Mo. Leuagbll,'Psak.. Parihil, Rosa, Welle, Wllion, 'ut oug, ta enqulnre inta vilmeasure of -proteation ocuit bo ensured ta blakesmen u ite- Province. Re recegniedthle diffleplty cf feelifig w-ich roling stock fromx foreigu linos and of rsi-cys 'wbiioi ere pot Id. Mn. Morris concumnet, sut allen a mriel tlsouson eudtrs hngIe motien il vas carniet w itiithsaddition oethle namos 'cf lie menýbens for Eat Toronto and East Elgla. ,Mr.lMew-al roplied te Mn. Badgerov liaI il wastlie intenion cf lie Goven- ment to proseul lie relimmu orderot inu 1877 vithi muci attitionil information, beforetiey asked the. House ho po no unie upon lie eonction cf nov Par- Huament buildings. Mn. Movat ropliedto eMn. Pa-khill ltaI i. cout net saÃŽ vietier on not coôîmissiocf lie poace w-cuIt b. le. ouet tu rin o-aller tliesession for lthe Sonti RLtIng cf Sincoce. "Mr. Movali repliet ho Mr. Wigle liaI Mr. Jomiaaeaaien cf-tho Ps-lu- clpelthlp'cf lhé% -Ontario Saboot oflÂgri. culturem vasoluunt«and utas mate aà gahuatthéesernuts esire cLIio Gev. erue'athoI oh siomain lu e position for w-iai he vas no etmirably adapet.Timocemunloation being veralIlin -asnepaperi te briug Mr. Iarcourt movot for as s-oIn- Si( thtuloe nspcrtateon cof pisonen8 t .* enitentiany. Elleobjecs le ta »0 if 490 isobhagedvwhoro 4w vinsuf- ficieni, saise19 -ta asacenlain 'if sons, sherifis are dnavl ng inona of $10,000,, -w-ile clisse cannoI gel #81,000. Car- 'Mt. Yonug s motion for a r.tnrn cf Mow-aî, tle b.eupptemenleny ta e ne- tain alosmai10m , during 1878.9, *au lFridey, i1Ml. Aller routine business te-day, Mr. teera,. Dunuee,i Grahamu muret 'for e reburu showing Murray, mail guar tho amount of moueofi udage, reamdiuginlu applied o adDundee, mars-lot, pmid 'onl unden lbe Tie drainà aeo f asut Io or tire. 1878 eudthle anendot sot cf, 1879. -iCuelo MosoLeuder nd' tCroigiton à se ei nchlor] w-ieî batl bien tic aucSoss f - lie Act. pain t rcat, The Tmeasurcr, ea h le equest cf Mv:r' aesDndeah Ha Merethl, sila laI severalt tonsaudu ane andy; aemi of dotlasian dbeuapplied for in IL ch nt, Dandee,;Jan Tii* exact amonaI vili b.hwi y heP n it Dunes, a retiiru, wù-hwu rderd b .Wlie m île If 'q 1 as Lc"Silà w.Green Market, Da TuIM motion af Mr. Gibicu, cf Hamil. Tbey vere motus-ni ion, -for a relum cf convictions cuider moon. Joepi' AI the License, Actled le a tiscuseion par. l iati vou--je,-san ticipals-*Ii by momies on bruidles. da., aud s-esidlug Mr. Merethtlch exc.cption tte lcoH. as expocledt taener n uwhiei convictions are se- Caper, Fife. Wil'i couro by mao f Informera, whieon- about 16 yeen,, -ap = gp dealara intô bresclbes 'cf -he. law, iug ealcetn cUi. MnSardy expliel in u s-ply lb.he isupposedt*ehae tous-e cf lie Goves-ament te hc liaI, Lenoban. Ms-s.1 oouvnionasuheuit net b. sougil an lie place, Dundee,. vit évee of detollsaone. Mr. Bell Kiug-Heorn. ,Si. eatedt laI Cocseneative ieoene.-hold- James Duns, ae onrswe unail-ydecl viti laTconoEdiaburgi. ,Dune aid-M.'Lsùd.r tconght liesw-es p situ ation ln Dutae growhcg feeling aIl oves- lb. aouuti'y miencé venkIthe n ageainioth lb. Mr. Slnccldefendet son, 28, guerd, in Di. Ogden againal lie ebaige of vsoag- lie Morh British deung broughl agahacil hlm for boeom- bat for saveret moi mng acandidtle for Prineîismd-bet*veen lslbumg atay cItes- ietdiug.thcpoil aI' Liloe b. ho avez 0'witov Ooncmisoier,,Tio eruw-sacsdom- _Etinhurgi. '.Bobor et. monitor, reemdingýi 5Umx5Nit5T5 TO - rgs uuom u . <s-s- Duamee, mamieta- -Mr. Calvl's Bill cam le up fer Ié' sW sut femily, Davilul ont esfnguîe liereqeilcf ie'Robert Watson, agt Atts-rney Gensel. lt-an allow- o ' iee bove, Wvie'W stand forsà time. _kiEs objectaisW ot-hilsfalien froin 0 videsa betles-mensleor seonsing a rem Do-er 8 --à - 1- in Lyon atlu L, x 4tho' s-teamer neared 1h. bidgeý whr ppoarod ta-be broum nwatlg.*ai observect utretching acrôss lie' gap, marklng, Il aa pros me d tlie sb. msrged girdelr nsduttrain. Il was seeti tiaI il wculd be liasardaurta approateh toc near lie *riok, sud a'beat vas im.- medaletei mened.by eaiiold rew, Cbeplain iRoberýtson, lihe iarbor,.méeter,- taking the- hein. Tiey tien pulled, eway ou ntobtii. darkuessansd were soon lcet tb viev. The boat was-puiied se alose th lb. bride as vas deemet esà fe, 'sui[thon heu bend waS turned te- var teenorthibsire. 8h. wnu pull. ed aoroistie wbole open epace ta tint 'fm1a pier intaot, tien lircugi iietween the piers-sud iiack agein along 1he weet aide 1111 lie staniding Piersoun ie Soth aide woe roieâhed. The taek was e difficuit eut hasardons oue, aud the gentlemen forming the, OîOw deserve great credit for their gellau t exertions. £bcey vere ecc&elonally vitiu e boat's leugli cf Ibo romains ef the Pieo, wlthcut'soeing &, vestige of the wreck.' Ou 1h. stone portion cf oeeor two cf thera e fev iron banstflremaine ; il we 'tics. wiclu iniheuncertalu iight led some 'on board the steamer, ta imagine that hhey à aw buu>au binge. la regard to lie otiers lie whole cf lth; iron- work lied been evept awny, leev- ing tiie loy atone foundatimn Standing above weler. The boat iývlng been picket np vitiont difficulty,, tiihesta- oes bad wae turnet home*voards, At tuis time tie men wae shiuing bright. ly, andthle fuit oritent ci lie disaster, se fer as; the bridge was concenued, w-as prelty dleîtiby *visuible, The vesset wae Iyiug e short distance frein pier 28, adfrein thal pier te tue Fife shbe' tue bridge wae evidentlintact.' Tien pien 29 siowetl e emalportion cf lie ironwerli for euppenliug lie girder. From liet te pier 41 D thin va ve- ble save thé stone portiof lite pies,. over whio b ta rru driven waber wae breaklug. The veird aspect wbiob ltce rsmalne cf tie bridge presenofi lu inte, monlii oopaned tie impressian Ihat te lie apaseugen lihe end muat bâve eome vili terrible avifI- uesu. It vonît b. lie Work cf e mo- muent; a suttea crash, sud train sud girders woult falltte ibittom cf the' _Storm-taesedetnery lu e common min. Wheu Il vause"en tiat nothiug' coula bo dogue, thé steamer prceeded te, Newport. LI5I OTRoSaes WHO PEISEE. The follovingi -bosu on boardtbI limougi info the a cf Suntay, Dec.5 McBcrlb, guard,E *n mn CeeLle etc nied ; David Mitel rp Perelat areetI teaves a widloy ncoally Young, JO] aged about 24 y705 are knovýn. ta have' ,e train w-uihw-euh rives.Tay on lh ie lit 28 :-Officiale-David 1yeens cf ago, seut mt, Dundes,nman- obell, driver, mesiding )undeae, na*ied,. anal and ix in famlly, cli am"ail, atelier, m. esdiug iu Hunter unnanlet ; -Doualt md, about 45 yeare of Bsouti Ettes- mîmeet, a,'nal leev a w-idov Schiltren. Pameigena David Jobson, col aud West Deck alreel, and el Villa, 22 Patson'e ars-led, leavea a vidow Les Gos-don, coma mer- iet reitug sietNew- iéan stw yedegiteni;v« 4Jr.. ,salI mnerciaul, îutdee, aud bis - vif.. dng.fs-onhoit iceoy- aiteison, cempositor t Âýrgus offie,- Dan. Al Soth 1uridrtreet' ta join, lie train et hum Morniacu, aget ýpre.ttice, aut rosit- street, Dndee, w-be 'e joinodthe train eil Moltruin 81 Gteiii ha w-s e opietdfrocu blaveai six cildmon. cifp, carpenter, fmcm easu hait $roaunred -e es, aud vas, te cocu- 'et dà tay.Idc oe od ernp cmtil o- ;The police eorting e party of pro. cess.eervera Mt llmina, Countý- 'mSyo, wero severely rnsltreafeil 1aet., night, and obliged tu retreet though t4ly lied rifles loaded.and bayoneéte fired. Bey- ~eraIo let hpolice 'werc onut. The -pro- coseservèrs' olothiag wifs.torn and the proceseee captured, by the mab. The writg served on Davitt, Deléy, Ellen and Brenn6n, indicted for sedi- tien, being rèlduable to-day, tie7 et- teuded'à et he CtoWn. Office, but. were informed tiiet they bave etll four daya' ime before suùrrenddriug.,.The pro- ceedinge coonettd "ih their .surreui- er wiil be formait but prIvate. hany formellîles, probably occnia e wek,' muet be obaerved befare the trials comn- mence. It le again reported that lhe triale wil be dropped. Masenio %mblema ihavo eodlcv ce nth le foundation cf 1h.e beliek Si' Aloxantnia, no in' procesu' cf remÃov JOetlie unitet States.: An explosion oceurmet. ou board ÃŽl ecean aîeamhip <Jreeca lu Nov York on Frite7 aflennoon, viierebjy byebien venekidlief and seves-al oihess erriblj' mulilated. Thè explosion is suppôose ta be tus le gai gènerate lu the hoît. cf lie ship turing the, voyage. 'The Chimèe question le again engag- ing lie ailintien cf lie, Unitet States Cangresi, -'eu-thle House Co mnitioe ou Etvucaiic' nýant Labour )csve* reportet' foumabjyon a Bill W-bici proibite lie Endl gvihi i titS tales, or the laking ou beard ab sny foreigu port ferlihe purpese of lauding in thb. Unilet Stalom, a -greater number than flîteenI éChluoepasengere upon auy ene V se1 -,r 'Acusip Puncl,.cf Cincinatte, O. w-be bas been faîiig very fautcf late, bas robinetleo cuvent, sut, lies émire- ly.given up sdnliýnsterîng the yen-cf' lieýCurci. Prayrers fr ii restorelien' Oflis hesli are offéed.t Ah Jersey city, leut ulgil Mr-. Tulle struck a glass froin, ber -iusbant'e baud s ho waa driuking lu a sesloon. The gliss roke seenig an arlery unlier, wrist, eut mie e carly bled ta deali. Il ie lieugit se.caunot necover. Mme. Hloka Lord Wvie becoe ô la .Là rt's "tsrling," sud asIolfti mmense-- ty wdellby eà few oul"ihereafler,' is sait ta b. aboulte m zars-y Charles O'- Caner, «vhi haal- lec sudît 'nm eueeiy veellby,aeut ous cf lb. mcml eminent cf-Amorican Lavys. Tic. seeding merciauts -of -auneu-an cisco viii pehilien lie- Secretany of lie Na'ry LiaI as suona navigation opens tho Govenumeul w-lIt deepaltci a w-ar vessel ta 1th. Arclho Ocean ho lie relief cf lie w-haling barques Mount Wollas- ton aid Vigilant, aeut lb e exoring yacht Jeunette. Mv. E. V. Betwell, late Supenlulent-. eut cf lthe Wellsu anami mluOttwa.ý Ho bas beau appelutetac nconlaul c f thce canada Pacifie. reilwey la Brilti Columnbia4, suAd w-llUexencie.contrel oyer lie osponditure. Ho. bais ,ean assunedt liaI lie Goveýnzunuhas oves-y confidence iu bis inlegrity, asat laI bhey are ne -pereonet reà mona for bis me-. movul. Tii. salary ,allacieatolehie- rnev position ýis $400 les, lien ho foir- merty receivot. - Mn. Vin. Crevfold, of Soîlcun bas been eppoinlet -bridge inspecter, fer tie eseten division of lie Gneat West- 'arn railveà y, tlte inspootan, Ms-. J. 8. Laing$ baviugne ù.sige. Mn.ý Cravfrdreivesa b Hamilton, set, hie departur. front Cliflon, .w-home ho les uuiveneally osteemed, wR ibegreabiy- regnettet. Mr. J. O. Cote, fer - on.a yean Au- edatant Cienk of the Privy, Concil, bas been appOiuiet.to aucceedt 'le latI M. Hinavworl.- Mn. Cotewvas admiilld a Nctary Publia cf Lover Canada, lu 1841 w-as lDepnty Régislrar ofBon-thiirlS-8 adw-as sà bnnntssAint Clark to Th i i gà ~'i1e the orld for Cute, BnsSoÉea, tJlcers, Salt Rheunx, Tetter, lhapf adCi bea.Can, and al hkindi 0f skia e'%Pticu. Tis Sale i s gaete ta gir. Perfect setisfà ctie-n- ii0,0170e Il IOoy refundd. Prie2 et~e -ilt'Bdge Butter. There es for butter .htj_,_t doemaudý sotandard lu quality a h->u-ig butter thall therwise good 4iiue reucion from three te ive ,t upo becauee deficientin0 r en ehculd then uee e, -ich. erdeon & o Prtectea Butter Color ta bfeth brghteît, pursw ud 4 Conundrum Propounded. Why Winl the "'mau boy 'prIl tu oalggeuapplèp ?'The readeji . MsWefl give is&up eit once, aecuee m. original parents were guilty cf tli jg son in which o arlyor 1»nripe IraI lntroduceýd,' le the one -théan-he meet eev'reiy - t ' xed lu cases fcfl oid are guil tbut baye adgx1, the snrest victimo ,suna greatest euffr. ers. -There la ne pface, ccmfart 01 eefety in' the faf&ly =unles lehea provldes e proqp'r sudefficient renà edy. Scît & Brewn e Palateble Ceetar-Oil e* a certain remeé ad s .9e"Y le take. ConsnuplIon Caired,. Aucolbd hciat retiret. from paos. tic, bviié., pl acet lu bis bande bh an Est India nhéiouamy lihefcmj cfa& simple egelablo remady, fas- rw speedy suta or-nat,,curefor Con, suxuplien, Broncilia, Calas-s-, Aini, aut sUl Timoal atdLuug Affectieur,; alue e positive asut radical, cutre Lai. Mes-vous tebility san e i evous Com. plaijnts, afte;r livinÈ testet l ia Wonder. fi curative povons lu'in ïsasfc c ases, has feltil bis -duby-,te nake il kuovu.tao bis'.sufferlng, feliovu. -Actu- atet by Ibis motive ande tous-e te s-s. lIievo hui ueusinig, I Wini sutd ýe of charge le a&U w-liedeir. it, tbl. se.- ipluGemnani, Prench, or Eugib, 021i fuit ýdis-ceionsfes peparing-.and ccmng. Sent by maitb ddemn vith stanp, uanhng li Paper, W. W. Sienan, 149 Pcwcc-s'Bleui, BRcietdr, N. Y 42- An HouceiMedicine- Fiee -oI CItés-go. 0f ail moticlues atverimectho cur any affection- cf lie,-Thrcal, Chesl or Lunige, w- aà ow cf noune w-eenu recom- caent me igly se ,DL K-Rue's -Miv Discovnus--lor Coumumplion, Ceugliè Asibina, Broxiebible, Elsyflever, Rocs-e. nemi, lickllng intmethiront, lbuse!vola. ete * This nmedicio oe e paitiwelg leure, suthli where -eoveryimg-eme. hem failetd. No modicihjt0enbc-e ue. haIt se msuy positive antd permaentî cures as have'- elreà ty, bien effeolet' by Ibis-trutly w-cndsmful -onet7.. Pci Asthe a nt-'Breuchili-illa' c plel'- apeciÉlo, cùilng lie vos-y w-ont oasesin' lb. boreallim posibe e ay by slreaù give lb a trial., Tiiai doii: foe. Begular aise 1.00. -Yen saleby- .W. B.- miti& Co.,IWhty. I Good AtIvice. Mow h im ie -cf year for nPieu-- mcuieu-Luag Pever *o. Eveiy -fanciuy sionidlI have- a baIlle of B3oscmz'Ëa' GxRM AsS BRui. Den-'t allow for o& moment im-t Cougb tote lo laitof ms.Weoxay cWtu ibny~.cug. iu sllalMr. POava, sq au .14oz-v Theuelu irw a ÃŽew va9',cbIh1$ o l1t à donuslu a lhe mn w-e s-i avancing. lai uu-i cea MOAL Ibis- 1 n mal r' t I s- -'f s