EE WHITBY i f fIL BBROO STRECET, WUXITBY. fma -$1 50, Paop Atrnm, mente meauroS ain ouparlland-' aharg" etI the rate of 8 cnte, par lins, ffirt mertion, and 2 oît,per lâne, aach- ubpe. qusatinsermaton. Speoil VAReorts of Meetings, Fluanolal1 Bltatemnta O!Banke, Ratlway Oompentoa, Iaarance Companles, saSmatters of 1k desripionwheýpludamong Nevs Matl, -mcalot acsmde vlth advatiaira by 5e.yoar, orothirvleo. a* Ordezsto&imootinue aavertlaomiti ina ha la i vrltlng. Business Direatory. 014TAJEIO BÂN K, WHITBY BBANOHE, THOMAS DOW, pARCWCLIL & RUTLBDGE, 'ABIRISTEBS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- vUitori, Notarlea Public, ana Oonvey- Ofie fitron ar outb ci tbe Royal JAMES RUTLEDGB, B. A. 1. 3. FAREWELL, L. 1. B., Oounty ConAÂttorney. 48 JAMES8 KEITU GORDON, l'aSTE & ATTO1UITTLAW, H,&a. Othoo-Dni SE:, Mon.y to Loan-PivatO fund-at loy JOHN A. XcGILLIVRAY, (Suocesior to H. M. HIovel.) 1) ARRSTER & ÂTTORNEY.ATLAW, J.NoIiXy Public, &a. Solicitor for tbé Dominion, Bank. Offic.-Next doon to Mmneon Hloua., Umbrtdge, Ont. 9 CHARLES C. KELLER, A TTORNET.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN1 'mChani>' ouoacnmc.aDlI tan, Brook, . W. Le Te BARCLAY, A TTORNtUB-AT -LAW, SOLICITOR .lainChanter>'sudanS aolvone>', Couve>'- ancar, ho., ho. Oprce-At th& Court Hause, Whlby. 00co Street, Osawa. JOHN hALL ! DOWt T) ARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITORI 14 >ChanO , cuovOYAncer, h". * Offic.,Devenhll'a Block. BDm4 Street, UONET TO LENII-Private Fuada ïn OUIxu p la 8800, aI pa 1ev rate a01ta- terest. (ly-52 RtOIINSON & KENT, (LAiE 'Duoocc< h touiiooti BAISTERB-ATIÂAWA T T OIR N. BABoeI, Solicitors, 1Cocvoyancers, &o. OFFICE.-Iu Vitoria Ciambis, No. e, Victoria Street. J.G. RamINSOaN, n. A.HnsrA.ERu. J140. G. KELLEY, B ARRISTER-AT-LAW SOLICITORt la Chancir>' asdInsoivency, Couve>' ancer, ho. O1ffcom-Deverilllu Block, Brck. Street, WhltbF, Ont. G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., BARRISTEE, &a., do.-Money te Loin BIasucn a! Mrriage Lîcenies. ,Ora-Gver Dominion Bank, Whltby. In9,1878. i- CAMERON & APPELDE, ABRIeTBERS, and BSoiotra la Chancen>', No. 4 Tomanto Street, Toronto. HEéFOR CAMERON, Q. .17-48) R. S. APPELS£. R. J. GUNNl, M. D., URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, SByron Street, Whltby. - HYSICIAN, bURGEON, &-o., Dauna' LT Creek. Wna. MeDIIEN, 5.1., M.R.Ci., GUYS HOSPITL LONDON, ENG., lb.thc oy R.. . H. L., Oshawa, Ontario. C ARD.- DRt. B.OGART, Physicie, Bargean, Accoucher, ho., ho. Whitb>', Sept. 50M. 1874.. 40 W. ADAMS, Rooms OVER IR. H. JAMESONS R GrmeoanyStore, Dun"at-., Wbltby. Offie hbanie su m9 a&..1t12 ni., anS froca 1.»5)e06, P. ni. Rmefincor. c! Byron anS Glbert oita. C, N. VARS, L. .06. ciciap ai 1 - P=teut, n a ga ut'b béail. '1aboth th Golf anS Blron. S Tetb sitracted vilbout Pain, j»' produelag local satiüed.laDental Booms-in Cov- salnnobcek, orer Atklason'u Drug Store, King Stret, Oshawa. 85 JOUN RODINSON'IS fAMR DRESSING AND SHLAVINO Saloon, Brook St, Whitby. JOUN WOLFENDEN, AGENT FORTEE CELBRA TBD A Seottlsh Granits. Ai Marble Wonks cf JenatianWobfeada,Duaa S8t., Wiitby. L. FAIRBANK8, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEZ. I-OFFICE OPPOSITE TEE ROYAL Hlotel, Brook-St., Whitby. whitby, UM t Oh, 1879. 14-1>' B. 'EL A TRE R L Y, Oierk Division Court, Tp. Olerk, fi Wlîh ciim printad vorda, gMt-thougti. andIt«ltliIdnsSfy. va osido JANTJAQY-. 29., -1880. anf Ih aa.cie halng ant of i otage 1asd hounho hela iiibrriser shook hie, nd spli !kvas ^an sawkward af.4 la the rai" matuma veather For or~ce a. coa tocgoI RORY O'MORE. Fane>' BreakfUasdTom Sols. 7anoy Diner anS Desmert Beta. 7 Fancy 1Bu.roam SBU. Pane>' JugucanSTxots. aSSpo ilIver PlateS mEires, okan pn Bilvor PlateS Craitu anS Butter Goolenu. Slver PlateS Cake Baskets. 1iodgers, KalveanS Fonka. Tes Tnaye an&SServira. Ployer Shadis for Llly', ha., ho., Glasavare, aHea nsn. Wbite Stoneiar vanin>'kiaf. Hoiel muS Ban Goadle. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood WorkB, WHITBY. Geo. Cormack, L uMBER MERCHANT & BUILDER. -A largen d ulama' Pamrnhh inga, anS anil ne i TviataS MolSinga, Docte,_Ssh az4,bulnSe. LUMDER vhalesole. anS raiu, on by b>' tbm car baS. Pila>'n, Meuldlnga ofe vni>'deacrp- tien, Fleerlng, Sheetia>', Sbeling, Re- asawlag,, Shapla>', Tumnn>. Screll-work, etc., dgç. Whithy, Oct. lotb, 18 -t8 M ONET TO LEND. NO. -.- m te rie th e P l ace of '- ci ndarlin'My d&t w" rla&- a -, ts b a tb i k a p o e ai, ae b. hebar aS elrethdb.I &,À # b 1ev in ta VI 'v iii et on ce g o to % 0oi * i n % d el 0 4 a 1 . - tha South, anS sas 1dm ." *'Bt u ' $M a an ,of th o c 0& Yen onualde no saab thig., on itbes',btôre the bat,,resrallag lb M 9et 0 tati IbisooSruy le 'apt~ldî rAti yo7 ha0I çiS l m i, your plmea? , "Oh, Sdon't b u o hard.hbearted 11al~ . ena. idhlatbahaf vud!Who equite .shi-Tomueail tandf"! ;usýtoant lot thepoor fellow ":n1*0spt em i ýhlm onabl*u I-I n psia à n v ith o t h op e or c o i r t p l2,' ,1 . 1 ý %Iî ù e ia th eo ,cou rt ti l! th u n d ire d , Qerlaini>' -no.-IvhU i e hlm, if *11. érier t"bata off-room for my lord.' IL Mis &ik; atthora -vili b. mach More the judSa lot b ferlm lathati, AnS mmn - LodA- "nov apparfuo te eo ià t t.yon aSudhlm, ila havlaigbi& b a iah, In e .of tbe maeitra titok ifel. aisuad throngh cmy lae realon, tblWà asa thiri aise. -ýllnk Wbap it thanpatljooatdythi~~ghjoni." hà iaida, and appiemd la ha mlieOrffi. "Thlilaelcycua rmy dear fionf t" .1, ê'thaunaariba.Ti ry self, D eaqat 4 Tbïya ua aethlug by l Ir"-nov eo ru; aaibld i. n o 1chllenges. vh bYen cun oblgi me more than by von midi, tb. JudgeaoheS, h f~ az - ,it ttnIn l Ii U ij fterno ceunal . Bing, ainavirid unSe ztpene on hi lncnrrefvhcuh litho ar,»tvoe .ordaref lthe trial, I vi lot wüllînlypay for,Ibis poor »j*ooed ý a'11. fole*, ov eflt, a 11ev eon -cia yengo CWiie tbà I pni1iminares . go ing dovuÃfwsrXvleubim lobe atieS et or, itary 'Morë andiHataSain qulckly se podbli ofoey crblzyaigu~lcofaleet taken oWlm"Rryhio ratraiS la tbiir c inplu f "Tb,ýre laneolime te h. lost; for bh&aia à u parà ,au d Sstale0.~ epecoc ogumissona are now boldin a&U ru, tv e t rpnaye" c toh l y oVr Ibe motrîy." For ly) a &bngiat look- of oon4-ý wI uet go isli 700,"» MdSDuI;%i.ouie, ci in minte ily "I* lzà aiet on your net a.elng thei prie, but of- lenderas: ancb,:a# offenSeS citer." Dot agist Ibm .cbmaityofibmhecail?ý - To tht 1 sbmt ;-but 1 vonldnmot on, butvetqeinlonPure Soe fbir voilds ho fer pway froua him'aIloveS wý,h hope. macéh a ime 1-1 ocenn elliYen hov I Te liii"cmntbe ,,vomea leta- value hlm ;-I may eay, 1h. affection I md .with brnatblmts enulty; cuait ilq lave !S h~"variou4 coua.@, impeatiout, ad lutVo ..Wtu, 7011 May Medowa vwith me ,Mei,; puan t *mm se m d cavel!y, te. hi tova, aSreianinoog. at th.eb thiyahat Wbegua to, Subtw vh ladi eu, likè,; -but I aunr ' g, for *hihwusgoinforw 4,vss oy yonr ýpianeiOainbtheouuitl. homes vay Oounmeltd-vlth 'IBoryand Ihaix Anv aImpeeuikportiîa, it msena. cf boirinau meý1e IlU to trba vab@ b. ail Ibm refor your friand mouolonU,1nstains of the #uffo4ba Rot>." va.bain g eeS, 1111 iy wvie Mena IiIWb@ aatoaaas yoeauaade- fremin uimî hy bra.'ms44ea ,oî eeltaorlwlil put mysoif qniti 9&iobre Imbr.,,Tra'toe unadr yen>' controL, alceraahmly bowven tbheJ.knRr "1Very *iitIbm; ve'll starS 1h. dey wvite Ibefbrmui ofa»king tb. primson- after toio*rev,' ir wviat b. pIembd&W M' ni ý9M--oi - , nSeler '.cf it bintu OHATERXLII. nocece M- tié lagal feristhb.trial Wbea DeLioy anS his fidonS reah- ds, adl th.eva vn hare Rory vas confin4dy, ef, the iawyer lest net e monaiat in vIsltlnglic thei pniioner, makin> hizuseif posaised tee 01ft lb aelle ae4eand sssaniog blns hi ,of tif arhoat WS fllby Delbi LacY, AvWho ld lpennavi tlISPU, yen âI Ibis," alS the harrlsu, hut ona tS riemudd him, cnlelg1 tlittheooutry iin, net tlaebmv"p blmselu, la Iis -buaunesa, a. ii would tlb 'OdZ do u»» bains hangeed;Ilbul be no in Ibmla n,1'Mrm. me b. le mcml azi- -i oua holmkne brasait of th. triai, tic tac moment It la cvr.» o vau olvapi geod ai ni tonsman o f tell bOis f roplan,,ir, Ibat Vin m M- id sihia etfail aSons for maiia syen Sh if 1 sbel dîdisI vn gh tlt à sa- nslu csr YOD1, Mr. Bah buà h ai snob nslauobol ths, =y ma,- Si, t ic dayabqut 51 ,eS. Hioi thon-rai eniblilon weh#0 Sei cvi, aS cos otna tb m aea a et tbr SbroIl~ "'aOf thé camu1 alla.a Sernbe #À r iesuig Ibm crvb en Iso air; ha lWia lt;e me,. la y ta eA a itr 'Il aoiqmcatoak for il, dia eat la yoflr bhoes Ibal ai. It .er. fora ha 6mwMr. Sorabbs big -ou -te remembeir lmeu ni W. jury. Yon ithls pide, detIUIgalbut-a.pIS l ecoevyc nI.-Âfu VOL. XXIV. WI{IITBY, P]RO VINCB 0F. ONTAj IN8URANGE. ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Jn8uranceOo '. HEAD OFFICE, »RO0L-Si., WMITE. lag, OuaU OhwchiBobool Huiand thuir Contaite ut tateu aM Lo JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. J. B. BIOKELL, 3OHN WILL1S, Preudant. Vice.Praaldent. 0. NOURSE, BZCUTnoe. Whitby, Apnil OIOM18-.le pHoeNIX FIEE IN8MUgACB'C0. Lombard St. and Cba4ng Cross, LondIon. KUOTABLISREI> IN 1782. GILLE SPIE, MOPÂTT & coi, a.- W. mEZ Manage, MtintuiL A GENCT ESTABLIBHE» IN CANA- iA la 180. UnUcaie ilebhlIt>'of aII the Blokbcfiea, anS ha-rga Eurvi Funda. Modorti reliaof pnmz. C.NOURSBE Agent, Wbitby. Wbltby, Aprfil M, 187. le B BISH AUERICA For l. b>' T. G. Wbld Whitby. INDIAN DOOTOR 18 EE mAéAN HB EWAS oya Kt ohava Ihi sommer, anS fficteaS pain l lk. Por itea anS cIrcIaoucf biioS or" Ail afaited 811h Racla anSHerbe, acerdlng te Indie caom., Very lm c h a r g e s . W I A D A M S , Brick Cottage, Break-,04Notk, Dec. Otl,187. 5a TH.E BINGER SEWING MA CHINE. A surance COMpay. 1tB, the Best, Buy no other. INCORPORATED z833. A8E TS8, 01,101,M?694. F. A. BALL, Ineurancua uffctef atlIbe loeualcamaSn rate au Buldingi, Murchaflisi, andS cue propenty, agaluat laie or damnea b>' ira. C. KOURSE, Agent, Wbllby. Wbhtby, April Pth, 1878.16 FME INSURANCE ONLY. LOSSES PIONPTLT ADJUITEI. Euh. wnritten and poli"li euid by C. NOURSE, Agent Whltby. Jnly 90, '79. .-a W rrYPORT PEuT h&LINDIÂT CONDENBED TIME TABLE. Taklng affect on doaSAY, No«. 2IÙ11M TEAZa o0ZR0 NOuE. Liava Witby.8.... .4a. x4.SM 8.10 Liay.. . lai Arrivae pi . .... » .3 pS tm totherin atâc= »mPochai 'Tim- Tableto nOn p 0ati n Y 0f the COKEEOT1ONS. Wu-mmIr aigoLWltb Grant Tnmk liii vay for a&l pointa mit as u t. PaiRTr PuaLWith ilqi for Epio mm iu %ÂwnnaFe SndrudaS ano anino. hls in aSPort EcOva. Lny.u.-Wiih Victoria Bagl forlnflua. la~~Uvayfor ~em~L ~ oi Eallva tarE 1hlasvoG, Oa Enaeblfg à aS ie Ganà c Tbo~Tio1et 1-ra-huaS >' alkAiotac (*.nuino Singer S.wing Mé- HEDUORD IN PRICE. THE DusT MACHINE IN TEE WOELD. Sa amy Tbhiaudred Thoneeni people vbo bouabt mSinge acinaslaifflO Ove, Ivo mIlionSinger MachInes la use at pneseut. SplendidmaSfou ut cf Atlecimenla given vthmachbmaineuanSpantin fl> f l Wtheume ci hum. THE 928?, THES CHUAPEST, Sold only b>' tbm Oompmh>"s Agent. - L FAIBANKS, Offici, oppoéite OMM&oelie.c Wbty une M,79M. Valuable Farm for Sale. PICEEIG. 8 orsCo*ri vi100biai(ucl>'Osut n sMpl).ThIste a "n'71hallpcpry foreL, Ibm voof min la rai> auabl an -1bm siutinf b. ue uMlae- alai for thé lsad Tann lib" orel alehipatios. A. A. POST P. O. Box 00, Ail> FoaSALE, A E Il" OOOft Pins Lumber, va ) » aonid. h*'h Boars. AUôtWmh i* uce o a doeody ntha vi14cor e" -Daop M,6dam . AJm p MM-EE» OTWOLD ~E WM. Am; mILEB, Echo BaahFaim, Olarmmot ?»., Oatad Sbmmgt nSiiS on omm i cil Sh Pcterngi Nov. 9 Pige87 -stock ValiabeReal E8tute, TOWNBHI P F RHOH. Soin vo et be Ue LNES paiibl îrmrytnoeg taboteo t xtim -ALI. WORK, GUARANTERE» or i ;o Mena> embuS. ko-- mb atn Mtinal;imst Wcbm.. NOTIGE'I G1ÂDR~ULA COE.H INA HALL, (opposite G. T. R. Station,) Wblîby. SION4 0F TIREBIG 3110 (RGiStEEE) WU,. O'NEILL - PROPRIETOR. 71 KING-8T, EAST TORONTO. Ai soon as D@Lsmjeu EILurvi la DaMihlafozuEetaue lt loiS net a bo l wchm*ag..1 vint Seappeusth» of" gs.1hie biout -afn 1hom, 'uhi. . mawit b aIw t rhe ve' loua a.eiaemlapu 1 wisalavymn riiaetaR l7aeqalraSpreparly. alla, Rorys deparlara ; l.t 4 me T. hi§e[à = orruM T. luiv* oskwdViit vfe a"S boratbbslmprolosof inMhby =1My byklawym m ie .lslnglb tne Aea u .Ibis . rons 1" tati Dm.y turaln b* m«.itaiOvr. Tii.levyir pitu la lb.imprai. aiaof ImIibl, Sglu- - klev lai vi - mUS UTn ah o ar 01u101" a n' Ie tra ibi te.bins," "palS »eLs athabrke tb*ir To. hé"a vwu ibm cét«nt maptaU t Ie Mgaty reariai by Ib promant vrila for 1 mcv mer.mouý ,wbah's ho b. dons thon lb. bab. un- borain tbe ri Id$ ifs I. hZau daner m bq 7jwlanbfl hm il pesab le parvint it bwm sur»euIsi se w. vaulatenl "ren'Ilaumo k lo u a t s illa w fn s of o n th e . ayn MlW af croea v he Immin- imm urevaehph sd DiSSIe-ws h-1ei ocalSDMhghoont ishort wuan re lus ver cintrecf a bobble e»d wt"in tokaewlhbmvlaulowi m epbWsSo do mui fuyti or thepoobyvwbo etnkt laU bPmje, ho.dacme Thé. unfirahgnof ha. an>'&Mount of Mon- .>' la Lind upoa Fana or Town Propint>', et unuull Loyata af i ninot. Lomnecanb. napsitfilasmo te10 sit bon- SvmralimproaaFuPame anS WilS Lenfa fan galachosp. Invoulmants madea la Municipal Dibin- tarie, Bank, anS alburmamrkilalabii Stocke. For furlbon parliculara appi>' te JAMES HOLDEN, Oloil Assignai, Brokir, ho. April MI, ARCHITECTURE! DRAWINO AND SPECIPICATION OF BUILDINGS Promaptly reae vtvi ta Economy - uE -Contruction. ONIROH AND SOHOOL ARCHITECTURE A SPECIALTI. Correapondence Respectfuly Sollicit. Il. B. BARBER, Architect, &o., Osbava, Ont. Imporishable Fragrance. ~~ NURRAY4 LANNA'8 &W. à Cclebrated Water. Theibesit, mail la.tlng, yet moit de.F Umuékercbtef. a#à thé Taet saS la 1h. Bath. SelaghtflmaS h usit in l hIb alok rooca, raliavue eakacia, fatigue,pr- tration, nirvousnumAnd hbadeche. Look oul for counterfuile, elvaya ak fer Ibm FlouiSe Watem pniparef bytbu solopro- Ç i nitors, Mesur. Lancamn hamp, New l8r For sale b>' aumera, Drugglstm saS Fane>' Gooi Deaears. PERRY DAVIS à SON & LAWRENCE, U.- Agets, IMONTRAL. For aile b>' T. G. WblSf il, ChimieS, Wbitby. cROWN HOTEL, COLUMBUS. J. JPAULDING, LaIe cf theo'«Ontario," Asbburn, harig parehaid th. abor. vel)-knovn pramiau., iolliets e coallnuancea o!patronage fmom hlm numircua fnenda. A gaf HosIl tai aatlnsne OB8HAWA MARBLE WORK8 I - JUNG-Sr. WEST, O81UWA. . ANDERON &, -VANZAST, n Ianlfe Im maE OlmmrTi>. 8ootoh dmd Cà nadIan Granite Monuments. loup canstatl>' an banS, ad vfimar" on lice ibotteat notice, AU. KINOS 0F MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORK, Ensbraclng Monuments, Tomi Tableu, Kièdilcaip Marbe Poite- CounhirmaS l Amurican =dPonlga Mer- V I?.Y, .RoGUA , IMPERIAL FRENOII VINEGAI, EuT>' accommodatlca for guîata, incluS- lng comfortable, samy befnccm, Meala aI&Il Lidr The BanrlMy>'supplieS vlth bult biaSs of Lîquoýrdi> aeo Bnendiea, Olgan &o. Evîr>' aicessar>' direction gvthy travllers. Goof sabling, ondloieS yard, anS atten- tive oslira. -48 c OUMBROIAL HOTEL anS STABLBS, 64 andS56 Jarvie-mireet, Tormot. JOHN MoBAB, . -.-FIIOPIETOJ. (8UCEsSOla TO JORN ILTI. The boat 01.00 a Dm y ouaeinlubtche i caOl> lia blocks froni th. Nortburn DoptauXcos080 ta the. Markt.e iiHou» as eboeon nwly Vitted oui. and uyory-th1ng Frai-cai. (ly-47( MIRS. WALKEV'11 TEMPERANGE HO USE, -DUNDAS.STREET, WHITBY. Good accomimodaion ai reoinbîs toerm. Boardors 82.60 per weok. 45 ,ROSI ROUSE.-TORONTO. ONT. The Palace Hotel of Canada RefilteS, Refuruihef, and Unrivallod. New Passen- gem Riovaton, ruuuiug nighi and Say. The --1 Ief aanada vi hgnaS a- p, 8.60, asd 88perde>'. Membera o! lubesund others, Sauiag rooma, withoul board, $ o d Pcb. 27th, 878. Prapnitan. R1OYAL HOTBL WITBY. The. above hotel bai been thooagbly enovatef anS refurniabed, and S l anow-n der the management of GEL). MÂGKIE, frcerly oi St. Lawrence Hall, Part Hope. Ever>' attention paid ta gnus. Jis¶.eclaUy ooOS Saitlph Booms for Com. T IE QUEEN'S lIOTEL, (LATiE OONIdEEIAL,) BnoÇçl.TEiTfi, vaîrax, TAYLOR & McCANN, PROPRIETORS. The undenignef fouine ta tnform Ibein friea5, anS tiie pubie that the>' have 15kmn the above wvoi l kow otel, vbiob lbîy bave nevi>' fitted up and enovatef. ana p ut int lice boai of orSe or fthlb.accommoda- tion o! guete. The Bar, vhIich le the baud- omet in the Counu>, ila volsupplieS vith liie fineml brandi of vines, lianors, and ci- gars, le encîcaid shef rooni anS good stabling,&!s &illa. .Detaciiod rooma for commercial travellera. J. P TAYLOR, PH[ILIP McCANN. lte o! Toronto. THE WILr*ON HOUGEl ASUBURN, ONT.. ALEX BARCLAY, - - Propnietor. Tice Housie hiso Brick large and coca. niodioua, anS the inienior la ficneS Up in ex- ceeot tyle. Ticealardon I9 oupplied viih the boat ln tiie market. Telceai af Liquora anS Cigaras. htabing, large anS rooni>. Goods aheds. BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL, R AY'-S8, (icAin noneal nouai.) W HIT BY , 0N TARBI1. Honie aevly reacratod anS f unihaf thngbout, and put la f rt-caim orSon for h. recaption a! guete. An omnibue 10 anS rm all atrains. Ftrmt-olsam*ample nooma. S HAKESPEAILE HOTEL, Cor. King & York.sta, Toronto, Ont. J. A. OGRADY, PROPRIETOR. Triams, $150 un Dat. (y-47) 1OiiT OFFICE 1S&LOON, Toaciaro. Y. MoeCONNLL,- PROPRIETOIl. gar THEESET>ACCOMMODATION .50 for Gusa. (ly.47) QUEEN-S HOTEL - VICTORI JAS. MA KEY,- PROPRIETOR. GooS Table, Liquoa, aSd Cigare. Fini tabling an-I ovor> noceasar>'accommoda. tion. - y-411 ONT AR.1O0HOTEL,1 snaCK STREET WHXrflL C. DAÂWE S Boga to announce ihat'he o bn eumed th. proprietorsblp of the Ontario Holul, vicone gueula villbherater rcabre hlm pin- sonal attention. Thei table vIl) always b. supplieS vilb the boail cf e îeylhlag seauca, and none but lha boat branet c llquoY. anS oigare vIl) b. kîpt la lbe bar. GooS sl.bliag anS attentive -eillera. The aIS friands anc respecti al>' larited ta cil) on lecam." O SHAWA HOUSE, XNG STREET, 0oSHAWA. H. CHESTER, - - Preprier. Thas iireo-tovy, Ipiri S cannodoum Houaeinh redttedaSdf=,Sed to suit tho vantisaio!the travellincg publie. Table sup- plieS *tlthelb.choast oaIthli ea. TIni bar supplieS vitb 1h. but br=ade liquora and cigare. Bus teuenS froca taý. lion. Ample acablerocn, neful baillera 4&.1> LUMBER!_LUMBER -1 LUMBER MEIROHÂNT, WHITBY, Rlas on hanSa a nesuppî>' ci aul iniof Banu Lumber Bmas, anS AU naceteai Building Lucme Poncing, Sav» Thmbpr anS Scatliag, alroa & w onAxanS Lag neaton Lïong BifiSt-f, BAM from Mile horietnotice. Door, SBubonanS Bilada Salveu o hanS. Witby, Ma>' 7tb. 1877.iy9 Oommiiicaîr ia B. R., LS dAgent, ho., *o., Ahrly, oouty 013a"0. Athinu>-'Sep. sait, 1872. VuII&Jofai, îî uwunt OSH!A.W A, Veterinary Surge Whllb MahAnmttanebcht_4,tby, A»Mry1 bS,117. L -FAR M close-t bs BaIlv eofl, - ILLAOE 0F' lia Terminus cf Sû FOR SALE, PE Wl» - TBI ýe mai- nre de- -r long a ef orga