Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jan 1880, p. 2

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blid ng imeT t g r mi Sl-l o. U ithe 4trunidc'. G 01L i .PRAM . Mn itrM. P W.- ed mis PacA8t tir. Miller' Ooe -gfave pramis ofa bb.ing s Usefumemben fonrAihe Pree 'Grant ditrict. "Djut, oci t maukiad ie unco vomi, And <iti. tea b. Inuit., Wiea slf lie vavsnlng "baIe ui, 'né rare!>' igil sdjusled.' Abd tie yards-aof Ai. pool boid us inn. tu th. case aiftMr. MAllien as i masî aliter cass, Tite alaots unai- icasvolée a t eopffle ai the District of tMukakas Ila tsr ai h. Ontaria P*M* l>efejunetloa uunlug nntit tram Ursvoursnt akingw p a iskuawu ae Ai. Eastern, route. tr. Miller oppose# th% iiasd favars t- sWoëtern route. Tis physAcai dfflolîlos an lte Western route, Aie humensel>' tnereie x- u~-'ss ssltaiia s a olcisatilc lx va>';the, absence aiflocal -Inraffia, .k., have ell been poineid oi. Par cotansa îve the -sdvanus of ithe BaSteru rente, as boAng aetco. Aish nMoit dilAs, pas.ng Arougli a fine, tg. nltnt -P"fthé sdaise hc. mil fs nid âvaten cr, or l:natr- tmgpmnoeSIsL as ea olauleaton nos4, sud iutsf= Abdrouge'wih he h 1 pi vat,&ansi vhlai oald, b. mach meodela)la A h, Provincoe aI lange. Bat Mr, inlàt pensou i iaeeld in the Wetern rMine 1lholWs in m tir. Millet tdvoeaées teW«tAmu roule. ,Aud netotntisaiviidvoe*A- Itn slin, liaI v !besefit hiniolft, n. oNt mims'uon tfis ptomoi.qa Aie :01 thPaife aoton sden ngth îe Pm".An. Ails lesnot a beaml9ng course for tir. MlIen la laie. And he1 plaes ilmmeoin àa mi11 verse 1igi vinsbrs an. mfaoo roundi vialeveri for Ide inr4naaAAns as tla Aie integril>' cf thé. Président mil Direclars Cotupan>'. Bat Mn. Miller lasdalng1 evn Mare ta thîs. He As gaing baek spot distinct pîctio mado f b>'hi,lasupportthe BasIeru route.1 But vu babiw lte bI is ava Peoples Spakounibiisaléâ. Ais argmrno4ng heu ait Emedalo,n thie Disticlt ai Pan>'Soun.- 1 s M. Jas. Sharp., J. P., addressed the meeting, AnuAi.heérse cfwvilci lie sad, i esea supporter cf M. Million, he vas pain"d tg find, sa it Il appear, liaI lie *vas-venlg cn raillia>'matiers, ual oui>' agalasitAe ineale ai th. viole ýProia0e, sAuté iblosa alrelte ci Aiet FPee, Grant Distri t wA"asdreetlyil violaimg bie PllOO pubUl ad aeinLa Abile oom a mng lie tt ehoeeion dant- paga. t{Thisstafumetut vs osnWe le b> ' mau>' coute ai "Titat no" sud oheec.)RuolngtisAtiMr. Mllsn'e Iu- tirsei in lm sudéer Parry Sound t village Aie peupîp isé d &ring Aie elsa-t tlio bttffa maboued f M illern about the route of Aie, prapasel rail- oa. Ualess Mr. MlIen b.d giron poitivopledg.s ou <la queset i iee ineila re#*is ". s ouIl averobeau b>' Ai. y ge marnides Abat bal been given hlm. il otld lhave basenkeoeetI all it Athé ils. va>'«avuances. Tic speaker bapel liaiIf w, bol' itumt&lale actieu, b.. fore Ai. Gorormeat alterneisn ystll 11usd lut ev, l ift>' MiUlr'coneamt ieep lie peeple out -aI iat vas, sot ca>utlist' itèectoi ,but lu th. neres fa de èProvl et ailarge. Tho iolloleg reelutlou vas pse alliee came metig:- t oril b>' Hur>' (iles, «soendaitb>' WAlia-MHliet Aa,' a» tr. tiller pu#liol>' piuedp bimeetl u tAils pise. dnrlng tls lect~ion la gve bis bst Influence for as oudb' lsbeatu toute, tAiletn g vou d regard t ausa gnou btrayal i ounarntress f h., mionlnov give île influence ion tii. Bailva>' la pae by -the Western route la Parry sou.- Mtr, MUllr bas nalced up more tien à -hoanenesgitabout hiseaese. HRe .raised mp aU -Maika agalast bhlm.b AbnI Aie question nov la viotber io yull cotinue b repreceni h. intoresta af M. J. 0. Miller la Pan>' Sauné, or >t teloe oalsect-he tit> tiouiad seie1 la Ai. Froc Grant District ai t*oka?.î Ticre l i tda ubA s aw vilci ravIes vil have tmci veit$ tl ibm dso of h. Goverument. TlrWardea. - Aus iilb sm I rp l be. prouodinp,~ Of'c lis OoUDIy Connaîtbrs vas co- vbh s astruggl. IanrAie vsrdetohlp vthi> MoudMný. &jstoPhneen ~Th~ e habucorne ranuilagalu lfor "bppoltfsgauuty valuatores-providod te oouuty coutcil profor liaI plan to the euaqcllssîionoaithe s sssmont *l'CS by a g'omutite af lhomselvos. The plah i i' years' valuation bas work- ed-il, ani sd ndeed wighit Ibusaid lb bjtygxivon general satisfaîction. IL te oottuod aud a return 'mnado latiit. old 6omtiittee wrsngliog .montioA. lfie former valuMors wosMtr. Shior, the présent Ooùnty Olork, sud 11r. J.,B. Oat4bell,oaiPort Zirry. Every day's ezPTOAUoe, dunhigrtbo est fiveyeare, l c adverse - oiciam, vas j vatling,&is 's a howiow Wei !47;'dld hdironk. -lu fract thal 1.1 ààs so'1well itood the teal of time snd oériticlet s7uroved how cooipetentwere thé mon t. teochargo the dutios *ith vhlch hhey vers entrnsted. Mr. Shior sq 00 sabocme Ouy a rk u thràAa othing, that wvo uofain À1, êiak h lmirnéInligible for the o ci.HoAa tOlCvil Engineor snd P. L. 0.; anud bas beon Oonnty Enginer fr a gaod White, and in the course of his fort,3'earoo iroafbsioal expenloilco a th any 0Ontriobasnecessai. I,uqnired s practical knowlodge of h.value of ovory acre of land accord- Ing la It. situation in tbo Conuty. lu ths rs.sppointmonl of Mir. $3hier wo cannai ihiuk thalt tore in evon reca for a différeuce af opinion. lis1h, représentatives ai thoecouuiy to-day ami tbemselves, Where ls ihere a botter man ta do thi. partAciilar service for the couni>' et largo? Wo do net seek la advocate John lbior's claimes; with br.sOnug thom, iu vhat we conceive t. o r duty ta the whole county, vo are doue wih the. nattor. But vo vU!l lay cdaim tea lisi muaIt: That il profossioual, snuwloidgo, practioal e%- penfeuce. and uintimai. aud persoas saquaintancoe vii the dattes are to b.. lgnaod, for Ah. saké of somna favorite supporter Abat a reeve or deputy ma chance t. have in bis paritculer - tova- shlp,,i.i but au sddîtioual argument ta wlfat ve have been forcorne litue tirglug 6s la the luuility af CanA> Counils. Whoover theeailier valuatar maybe Mir. Shier, ehould b. appolnted by. Ah. Couni>' Connei!. Il -Mir. Camp- bell'aervs agin, Ihersecould ual be a baer olesgueobosen for Mir. Shier. But _lif eve'Wa&Me lid, tMr.Camnpbell deciPnes, Abol the couccl have enough of good mon froin vham to aisa second choies. Old Mir. Sexton, (if it xc la b. a malter oai (aven,) doservosit froni lie count>'. Hia long resideuce, bis position s x-vardon, and his gen- oral kaaaviedge of the duties recon- tuend him. There viii ho &ac aressn of aid friendllno'ss sud eytfnpatby viti Mir. Sexlon, ounlte pari cf miny aid members oaithb, caty conuci vhch we are surô tuatappeai tO shew in faior of Mir. Soiton'a sppointment. Mir. MoPhe. af Mars, a ver>' gaod mian le& auan ppliosut. WsiwiNCs Surneit-tir. McPherson hau a reverence for titne-bououred civie bospitahity, aud bas isaued invitations for 1h. Wsrdon'e Supper for Thursday evening ai Daweo holt. liow to Retieve Irish Distres. W. vol rerubor tbs advico giveu, not ver>' long ago, by Btev. Paller 8tefford, sa s tuans of soouring Home Bute for Ireiand. Stop dnking vis. ke>', ssld hie reverence. Tii. duty levied, on the manufacture aud sale of lutexioailug ilquora in lreiand would, if capitslied, snd eruployed for Irish purposes g et everything for Ireland. Well, Lard Lougford, au Irish laniord, aiea proposes a ver>' simple romedy for the condition of Ireland, namely, tiaI ai people should drink let eilquor.* lA le, gays te Mail, a goad suggestion, but vi>' does ual Lord Lougford pro. pose a mare vldospread application af hie pause& 1If th. absen tee land- laoda lere to refrainfroux th. use ai coetly vine, sud allier superfliis, maay af tlzem vould bc able la make bthesilable reduetion lu rente *hiôlai e>' nov décline la do on lhe pI$ les ainabilit>'. Ii'e a paor Mnuisia d oeu ual wonk bath wsys. A manvWho, eau Dot psy his e rouisould not drink viee',bai Ah. advice t. evear off go"Mes viitb iii prao.from, » clas bo -, P111T DAY. Tinesday, Jan. 279ht. The Council met shonl>' mter. tva ,e'caoc, Wheu ihe-lork tocak lie shsJn and.~aitd lie n lhe folcvlugt roovos aud (deputy reeves Wholiadt ftledl tbeir certificatos suswened tb hein B&pci.-1letve, Malcolm Olîleppie-; lst Deputy Reove, Rail. Cunninghtam ; 2ad-Depty Beevo, Henr>' Brelhour. Marâ.-Reeve, Philip MoUse; Dep. ut>' fleve, Timathy O'Lécry Piokeing-Re"eJbu hu ler;I' Dopnty IvP B. Hoaver; Sud Doput>' reeve, Thos. usnrd; 8A Denuty Roove, William Forresler. flm.Roeve James moPhereon. pieae.-Roeve, Peler Chrisie lot , Deput>' reove, Joehua Dobean ; 9nd Deput>' Tee"e, Leonard Bunuett. Scott.-Reove, Go. Soutl;'Deput>' Beeve Robert Rovland. Songog.-BseiJamesOGsraam. Tborsb.-BmeeV, G. F. Brue.; deP. uty reeve, Chas. Thempean. U-.bridgo Townshipà-Beeve, J. B. Feseby; lot dep)uly roeie, Benjamin Parker; 2nd dopul> reVe, Charles Oould. Whitby Townhip.-Reeve, J. B. Biokol; Depuiy reove, John L. Smtit. Es.t Whuy.-eeve, B. MoîherellI;] deput>' reeve, Wm. Stniih.- Oshov.-Reeve, P. H. Tharulan; lct Deputy reevo, Oea. Hadder; 2ud De ut>' reeve, J. W. Higgtubauhazn Wiby Tavn.-Beeve, Chas. Ring, peputy noove, Yeoman Gibbson. Port Perry.-Reove, Jashua Wrigt. Ubridge Vilagel.-Beeve, lusse J. Gould. Caaingto.-Reeve, John Sharp. The Cleni ealled upan the Connoil la .lect s Wardon for lh. carrent year, sud read teé orler ai proceedinge by billot.- Thé cancil thon poeded te ballai sud h. lork sppalntld Mn. Smth ai gàtt'Whitby, aud 1Mn. Gcnld of Ut. bridge, Sounineers. T'ho firsi ballot resalled :-Bicksll, 2 ; Bruce 1; Fasli>, 14 ; MePherso, 15; Miller, 4; MoiherflIl, .; Roansd, S; Smith, (E.W.)1;Wight, 8. No slection. The. second ballaI reeulted 1 Bioeli, if-, Bruce, ô; Christie, 1; MoPhemna 4 ; tiller,22', Sharp, 1;-Smith, 1 Wright, 1 ; Pesait>, 14. No elecion. The. hbtrd billet vesuled :-Biokell, 2 ; Brutie, 6 ; Brethour, 4 ; j3urnett, 1 ; Christie, 1 ; Cunninghame, 2 ;- Feu hy, -là; MoPhorson, 2. The <aurAi ballot reeulled :-Biokell, 7; Bruce, 6 ; Brethaur, 1 ; Foai, 12; Hadder, 1; King, i; MePhereon, 1 ; Miller, 4; Smih, (E. W.) 1; Wright, 2. Tih. fiftb ballot reoulled :-Bickell, à; Bruce, 5; Burnett, 1 ; Feasi>, 10 ; J. Gauld, 1; Moehron, 2 ; Miller. 5 ; Wright, 4. Tie icxiiiballot realled :-Bickeli, 8 ; Bruce, 8; Christie, 2 ; Feacby, 10; 0. Uauld, 1; MeRs,, 1 ; MoPheron 2 ; Millier, 8 ; Smtih, (E. W.) I Wrighit, 2. Tii. seveuti ballot reuted :-Bickoll 4; Bruce, 5 ; Fesi>', 10 ; Formeater, ô; fiePhonson, 8 ; Mothorsi, 1 ; Parker, 1 ; Rowlaud, 1 ; Smith, (E.W) 1 ; Smitii, (Scatt) I ; WrVight, 1. Eighth bslaot:-Bickoli, 4 ; Brathour, 4 ; Bruce, 8 ; Dobson. 1 ; Fasby, 18 ; Hoover, 4 ; Ravland, 1 ; Smithi Scî) 1 ; Wright, 2. Niuth ballot :-Bannard, 1 ; Biakell, 8 ; Bruce, 4 ; Cuuuiugbam, 4. Fessby 12; Gillespie, 1 ; OLeary, 5 ; Blauk, 1.1 Tenth ballot :-Bickell, 2; Barnard 1 ; Bruce, 7 ; Burnett, 1 ; Christie, 6; Cunninghtam, 4 ; Dobson, 1 ; Fassi>, 9 ; Hîggiubothsm, 1 ; King, 1 ; Miler. 1. - a soi Iii Ac au Ahi si Eleveuli ballaI :-Biekell, 7 ; Bruce 6 ; Chitiet, 8 ; Foui>', 9-; iler, 6 - Wrigih 8. Tvelti :- Biekeli, 2;- Bruce, 6;.e Chitib, 5; Feasby. 10; MîUlbr. Thinteenti :-Bakel,2; Bruce, 4 t oh"«.il,5 ; Fors yIl ;- Bbarp , -w Smli, (E.W.) 4 ; Wright; 1; -Tbomp lan son, 1. No eleclian. -. if- Beferliihas lt ballot vu sien Mnr. Britour mavol thâA bte alen leavo the chair fan bal au boum. i k Mn. Wright objectel, lumlsticg Athâ the motion vas eut af crder sud liai , lie islliug sboulg ,on conuatwes Tie elerk deaidel Aie motion ac4-: Ai or, sud an ielng put 1h pa valeldoit, W, ftnding oul>' Ae y us, f-esra.Breli- Ai aur ad miaE.W. Tho fourteu blogm.tcbyd 10 ;Brute,&5;BiAli (.W. 5 sd lb. reet 5.shtering. a On liefiueenti, Peasit>, l1%; Brue., 5,,w voeAi -~a sture&. The oîWMh bflot rcuultea leu' y- à) lng Pesat>',18;Bruc., 5,.sils bigbla theogoal-- OS Sevntenli-Fesbycame lovu ta, 18; Brue, 7; Smith. (E. W.) 5 BAd, 8 ; l temhonahteriug. B igiteaith -Bceeup te,10; th Po bflb~Uhakt Iog;Sit,(PW.) ; MrBichai!, Christisavowand, Di bc., divAd th. y*eA. NbotèOi*li -pes1>,'14; Blukei, S. rnà,t fPtaon8, vers lic mointsf o.1* meté di;-g tir. ChnIate, secondeI b>' tr.- oBa. u, moral tisA the 'vardon mmra e Legisialugo.la in anmi ieLcec At as te kave Ah.epanting c of nDM' ta Aie appalulmnent, d inspectera m- ie bands ai AiemuiAlles Mn. Cbnitieurgel Ahal i wa*nlb. loro fii n udecnaaila1"liaitAb lupicipa ehould aelthe omiro lan àà malter. Mr. Peuh>' lifeel itAi.he ove a tuai, sud mefemnel to lie satpenir as cf tavrmne nov ta vitl lien.ver me Y« ya go. Mn. Ring siI liai belon.enMtal ig %y change it, ould be wvslfor Aié àancal ta ouxider , vitetAh. change sbed for-vaaldaerre, or b. deh$mes. i t. Aie cens.a ule of omarlil>' nIder Aie vonkiag c i* ne s l ne tSo WuasaiAi.ol nln i A runli- usesu bal doreel asdtI lai lie ..habile Of tAe T01t. ba* imlhi aau impravel. vas bal no lae reaxtentloai Iniig perceptible ow liaI thers vas before tbe. asngm., l hi nulip&lltis Iii!geinsa Uitl. b> luig hai ho the aid s>'Iem, he, (Mn. :inal *oulaoppse a h éuge ci Ai iJon te grond t le thé reSea itemi vas vcrkng ivell mé celrsat tir. affanim th"theaCri. SECOND DAýY. W.eday, Jeu. 28. Amougel te commualcalianle reeir êd*~6~PtceuAent-f -GrandJury-,- ai Set. aeise, a4reffla .taoquR~t cloe, se t. ôaitiîin eot onut>'ht.. ings. coancl of tii. Ontario Bide Lucclaton itingfor a graul fer prise lu relaion ta thi. appaluimoni ai -Fron thLe coni>' of Cirleten, askiug tii. oa.oparation In the,. uxier oi lie Cote bridge.- Thé Wardnea idleben.Aise ounol hieTrosurm' bsd~dlyexetid. Xr. Moas rsne apiloA layon af au luoreasé ofai saan' oOolline. Wood Haris, as os»MakercfA.Rm 'tows bridge. - Mir. Grahamx gave noticeabaht h. vaauld oun W morrov mare fat leur. la, latrodce a b>'.law te, appoint ocnt> suditons. Ur. Chnisil, Liat ho vould on, ta- mmrovmcv. for leave tleIntrodues.a, by-isv ta appoint tva membeme cf lie board ai audit- Mn. MoAheiAli, Aioi.lie v Auta noxt session, nroduce s hy-ila ap- point a scitoal inspecter. Mir. MoRse, thaL ho vauld la-morov introdece s by.lav la conflrm By-lsv 118 ai Mars. itRE 5TANDIX4 COOtIMt'1T5E Mr. tiller. proeeued Aie report af Aie select commiltees ppainled la ciA» Abs setandIng commlîheu, vbhwaV adopted tas feiavew: fflnîieand Isusssea.-Mes. Chiris, Grahamsd Pessbt>'. Eduscatims-Moner. Wright, EHad- der, Haover, Cuonulugiai, SiIi(Bast WhiAh sud Smith (Whitby)., BU aiI BI-i4u-Masm .Boy. land.')MoRse, King,, Parier, Barnard, Dobsen sud Orsihou Oo»say Prcpefty md Gai manage. saen.-Murs BrceThanalca, C. Gold, O'Lesr>',Gibeon, PemnueMsd Barnett. Prinffiv - Meure . I. J. Gouid, MoteAbeul, Sharp, -Hlgglubotham sud Thampson. AU accounta f«o ontingmeu oi.st.b. reiemred la AiecoemmUtlee on canai>' prapeni> sud gaol managemnt. Mr. MoRse presented an affit seAing lt*ih Aie Oasq cf PétnikGnro cvnen alaI, Sout h eauo. of Miaa iliegafli>'sald for taxes. On motion aoftir. Moe, so, onded b>' tir. O'Leay, Meure.Blekell, Bruce rud Aie moyen vers aeppointed a opeelal' cammilteta orepart au lhe matten 111e AÂIagonimbe aci private bill& vene intoduead during theé!putveekr . Amongitthé publie . meacures Mr, -Oracle inlipdued s bAli trausfonniug ontoI l.fehdbaniWs'asd thie lhsr, InsIlltutea fram, lie Tressuren la lits 4#0aIa panimont.-Rssed s finit ýThe lii!-for lhe relief ai Ca.operstiau Assocatione vas mead s Ihird lima. . n'Movsh reoplled-la Mn. Harcourt Uir. B*ailer moved for a returu of te suthenized test hooka, coapyrightsa, pub. tiMr, Crooka sid teé matlen vas undez. considération, sud te mation Mr.e. bo i gofa relaisn e- speingl~ asdt imigrntsl tram Qusbtc tg On s rreved Aie Pense 0Cf alaurae. -sud domectie Îervati t anWu pld b>' the Outszla The. motion eSMO&e., - Aften a livel>' debat@ n iniithAe Oouservativoc faok te<ino hu al Aie Goveameni vers delermAned la appose ever jstmeaare emanating rota Aie iltvtieSpeaker, the bilaiftir. Crelgiten, makltng lu eotnpulsory for ious. 'oautlsionert«a- zake retumu aif their expenses la manlcpalitiec, vas defesled b>' ô ta 26, the Goverumout daol£ng hir lutention ta have tie retaus inmade, sud being supported an tbat gronnd. Ca Frida>', aller s bief discuseion Mr. (Jnigbiau's motion la couvert lie ordinan>' standing committtes lut. permanent comnxltteee vas negatlved on a division. -On motion aiftr. Hwvey, the ns- prtaifAbm Hoaper 46*8 tljung ,cota- raleson vas rdered la le braugiti dovu. On aiotiiof-4te-iamuoey-General s spécili ommitte. a wuppainlad t. concider ail measuros purporting la amend lb. Municipal set. Monda>', Jan. 201h. Tiers vas ouli a t »Wssson ai about bfau an oum. Atbungabille An- Wrodaosd wvase oataamend lue revieed etauts aspctiglan !P=~ars sud lie eamveV ai lande-Mn.rds.. Tuesda>', 27tb. The AgnieulAursi Callege Ball vas moved loa scSod riading -b>' Han. Mr. Woad, vhe Aak ocecasion ta paint cnt Aie go6d vblïh'- einstitution hsd effected, sud laos>' a few words lu ap- rochidon ai baAh Aie retiring sudthie inaomlcgPrincipal. M. Crook's Bil smending tie àAgi. enlural and Arts AMt vus med Aceu- ond #ime. Itprovides for lie trausier af toversigbt ai Meehanias' Institut-, aM, -AhsOntario Society af Art"t, -sud tii. ScioasoaiArt sud Design (nom Aie. DeparthutuofaiAgdÀocuure t Asiof Educsliau, empovors thie Eduoshian Depsrtment tl aatke reçulations ion evening classes in hochantes' Instihut- es, sud tie appariameul allihe Legis- latUve grant amongal thein'- places Institute an tie same footing as puble institutions viti respect ta th*- panahsse ai booke an upaaus <rom lie Educatian Bepositan>'; pravidcs for an aua! audit ai Aie flusuelal affaira o!of aciInstituts, sud sica ion Ahé inspection ai ail iutti- tiles b>' th. Publie Soicol inspectent; sud creaseAie Présideuntaoflthe Agni- aultaral Caliege sud the Professer af agdmioîue i th came institution ex officia membena cf th. Agicultuluan sd eut Aseociation. The groater part af the atemucon sud evening vers speat in lis consid- eraiticu lu Cammiitee cf thte Bl for conslidstiug lte Supenion Courts, sud e etablishing in ihoutaa nuiforu t 5m ai plsdiug and practie. The second sction, fixiug toe lime ai vilci the AM le ta came Ait force, vas allovod la stand, sud b>' cix a'clook lie Hanse badadopled te eminlng scalons ap tu s«d îîuoîding. pmaiolite Avent>'- snili, vilthe o n àaut seaUps26, hela ln *bey&ooe, snd ai Ileotiait 9, Iwb oie n melationoftheéAtoruej-Gn- '«sd, vas siruci *nt. Severaroaithe otiet seelone vers, aI»s aii nstance amended Au piraseaolas>. Seotian 26 provides for apps i th Ae EHig Douilte AiehéCourt af Apposi, sud win àA vas seaab.d.- Tlturada>', Janary 15mb, 1880. Tiie Piekering côancil met pursusut te adjourment, Mom eesi!preseni. Mlnr.lee co li meetig resd asud sp'. Tii.reevo resdsemmnctoio J. T. Stocke, Superindeui of lie York rmade, lu rsferano t thésida rnd belvoon lotos 82sad- 88. on the.gril range of h Broken Front cau. Sever- flaI socunts vere'preôeuted 'foer y mont, being-for vark-on., roade, sud for tuppiyiug saiaIndigeuls. The iollovlng abcounts vere ordered b i sd :-Thoe. Trip%. *22.50, for aidtaP.~as;J. D.,Moab,$80, for aid'ta Widov Youuk; Oso... . A'gus, $80 for aidla-Wldav ýMaGe.e d*srd., Wright, for nid la Mertin Lacie, $80 ;" Wm. Logan, for ai0 la lie àAllons,0261.* 19; Thos. Hamilton for aid la tic Slank's, 029.17; seo. Burton, for aid la Hur> Brva,02250 B Bntngp, forsid ho Mrs. Besumout, *21 ; Thos. ldukiione,<for aid la A.- Mier, *22.. Do;i ohnOdie,-ior sid t l Stnor, 8tby Ira Palmor, for àÎ& la Widav English, 122.50 ; James Taylor, for aid taetirs. Lapp, 91; B. Bating, farnaid la John Stoner, $9; Thos. Barnard, for aid te WM. Laur, *12; cd Oraseln, for aid ta Fred. Judd, 120; E. Dehanb, for praroi, $8 ; hsen Harde, for vonk on Cii con., #à8; A. B. Wite, for gravol, $19.84 ; Oea. S. Gibson, foi' nepalrng bridgeôou 5h cou., 4.50 ; Tios. Hani. ilton, for- carobaking ai hall, &., $24.. 75 ; John %remner, t'on repalrnug rnd scraper, $1 ; Wmn. Birnie, for vark au aide zaad betveon lot. 82 sud 88, in 4th concession, 886; Samuel Bambon>, for ploin, #180; J. Miler, conîrset for building bridge oa uta bank of D. 0., on 4th eau., 6292.20 ; John Hood fan cedan, $1 ; John Karrfor eieop killed by doge $8, Mn. Hoavon movee, Ihat te follov. îng partie. receiro toe amounnisel op- soite Ibeir respective namnes as dom- penuasion for services rendened for te Mesr 1879, uamely. - John Miller, Beve Inciuding diaburemenis, O00; Peter B. Hoover,,l1t Depuiy-Beeve, $88.60 ; Thomas Barnard, 2nd DopaI>'. Beevo, 89.20;- Wm. Farrecter, 8rd Dopuiy Reeve #40.80 ; Joseph Mounk. bouse, Couneilon, *89.20;. Hector Beaton, Clenk sud Troasurer, 0445 ; Heo outoaln, for travelling expenees sud <'iher services, $75. - tir. Barnard mavos tisA ti. cancil do nov s4joparu-Sind die. The. fini meeting cf Aie Piakoning Coancil for 1880 teck p lace ai lte Tovnship Hall, au Mouday, tio-1Oth' day ai Janur>, aI eleven o'cloek, a. m. Preseni-Jobu Miller, Reeve, J. B. Hoover, li Deputy.r.ove. Thos. Bar- ourd, 2ud Depaty.reeve, Wm. Fanres. hem, 8rd Deputy.neeve, sud Joseph Monkhouse, caniohÎlor. The mombers sitar lskiug sud subsenihing thoealar- alloue i fqualification sud af offieo, tank themr sesta ai Aie conucîl board. Tii. minutes of lusA meeting voe rend sud spprored. Applicatins for lie office af assesaror roe ened (rom Robert B. Phillips, A. WV. Lav, Noble L. Stevenson sud Edmnuud Stephenson. Tii. reevo reeve rnd communication* rom B. K. Brava sud J. L. 8ini rooommendiug te appoint- meut ai James EnlierA as naad cota. misajouer. The. standing conmmite ou pétillons sud acconle recommeuded lte grant- iug ai aid ta lie follovîug indigent parties, asOfaoves: Lyctis, 75 e. per veue,*i rom lei Jan. la lot Juno, Thos.'Tnipp, Cot.; IWidov 'Youug, *1 per veek, do., J. D. Macusb, Co. ; Widavw Mcli.., *1 do., Oea. An yus Ca. ; Martin Logs, il, do, Ed. \Wright Co. ; Allons, $1, do., Wmn Logan Con. ; Starkt, 75 ce.,, Tbop. Hamilton Cani.*; Heur>' Brovu, 75 cia., lieo. Baiton Com.; Mmc. Beau- mont, 75 ces, B. Buating Ca. ; A. Mier, 75 aIs., Tics. Maduhause Cota.; A. Stoner, 75 oIe., John Oddie Co. ; Wlndov Engliah, 75 oIe., Ina Palmer Carn. ;Unr. Jolmstan, 75 cta., Gea" Parier Ca. ; MTi pp, 50 cAs., js fTaylor (Cpmý.; Frank Jadd, 61, C. 0maustone-OôS.; W1ï. La&,, 0 ce., LTho»BOsaie~u-rd, 0cm. ; John Bloee, 75 etes, Bý> Buuning0Càm. Tbe.omldte rescommeuded Abat lbe etnof fflOb. paU Ite tMrm.Crav. ford for thesupportof ehlloft.11 ili The, standing commithee on damages ta shbe by doge, reeommended <ii O0. P.errier bopald -the. samnof 48 for aycineî sud hic an Ibda>'. The. Lod'Msyor i fDalin apposis 1iragioA n L nauprose ou1 abehali of the. Manson Hou., Beliefci Cmite., sttn i.conmnittAo e Asna cancted viia o thor organizall'on, sud il cnitairepréenetative cf ailee.de sud allshado ai polilios. The, appeal r stateus Abat evideucéai thie distres ac. oucmulales. Tiers icaonaerly s eaunly' lu lnelsnd iii whici terrible privationt do..; ual oxiot iu came portion,- tbh i il je more savor n i le western Cotin- t tiec, sud an the uorthh.est asu onti vouA séaboard? Thé Lord Mayor fours lié publia ai Landau doe ualrealizo 0 tie gravit>' of thé criais, or t*I n- oe -prompt assistance bé giron, tous oaiO licucauds-of peaple must die'savibv-W Ition. Ho cannat hhinir lsiaf 11h.>'diad the>' via gave indreds af thousanda ta avent thé famine Iu ludia, wanld haro girqu les. t. thé Dublin Mansion« Hanse fundîthan isd Syduey' or Mel. boune' -The Lard hayonr stoc Aath *40,000 ont ai lié $100,000 neceived, 0 bat il le a more drap in lie océan ai 0 noed. Ho béars s néourrence ai lié dia. 8 aster of 1847, viten abundaut assit- t ance vas farlhcomiug, but too late ta cave lueé. PARNELL AN»DILMLON. Moeuns Psràiel sund Billon smived ai Baffalo on Ssturdsy, sud vena met st t.e depol iy thi e yo. Palier Oronin Chainman cf lie lGenéral Subsonlphian Committe, sud a number ai the meta- bao e A.réeeption ai tii. Parnell neh ceptian arganizatian. The. visitosns vone escortod la thie Tut Honco, iore thiy voe.formai]>' velcomod b>' tr. Jsméc Manne>',Citainman aicite Re- ception commillée. The>' veneeocat. t od la lite Acadeof iMusic, vhere the>' vere volcomed. b>' an onormous audience. Tho hanse vas literaill't packed frota faon or ceiiug. Abouta tva ituudrod af the most promineni e men af BufWala ere au lie stage. The meeting vas called t. ordor b>' Patter Conuin. Theto Han. George Cliubonà prosldod sud dolivoned ltée opeuing âd- doe,aftern vici Mn. Parnell ;waaeilu. -raduced to lie meeting. IHé5pke ai t thé rocopAlons ha had receivéd in thé t cause of Ireland, and sid liat Irolanda abouid-loak tb hersoîf, Astead cioel>a upon icreigu counînios. Ail the people requLired vas publie opinion ascyni. pati'. Tii. Ruglici Govomumeul hsd ben asked ta do tite:sme tbing s as a. dans An Prussia in 1811-abalisi thei. lendal s>stem. Tii.>' hd alresdy I eauahiau*ed h. pineeple. Ireiand sak ed lie liaverumeut ta farce h.aors t. soU it land. Tii. peoplo ee cruched dovu viti iesvy reuts. He deat i iihie cause aiflte ,.amino, tho fafilré ai lie poatlaerap, sud Ai. vaut ai moue>' la bu>' canae. A number of porions vere iu a Bstte cf semA-stan- vallon.Hoeexplained vat is hapeu. iug ah Aihe présent moment in tie eîrug. glo belveen isudlardesud tenauts. Ho hoped Aie Aménicano iïwôuld do themr -béat ta asciet lie Irish, sud belons an- cther vAnter came Aie Irish laad sys- tem vouild b. broken davun. Thé peo- pie vonld tien heasme prospérons. Mn. <1ilton, tii. ciiman,, boientro. duad Mn. Billon vioaepaké cf the distroe sud lie result oaitho applica- lion t. lte Engâlïh ovomumont. Ire. land relied upon assistance frout Amen- ja. Fathen Croula thon. offèed ta set Aie résolutiouscvilci vene.pat sud car- rie,3, t thie offeat tisAt ilvas the. seuse af the. meeting liatin uMossns. Parnelli sud Dillon lbe>' nécoguizod Irisimen,j vitosa cannage vauld bring about theE reliaf reqnired b>' hem ecountry ; tiat temr hqants go viti tioansd tat lte>'joîin utAe enlbuaishie velcomei lie>'lire eeiving lu Amercas; liai tite famine nov ls as réal as fort>' Jeans l ari.wheu "cilltabus" died ai starva- lion; - thai lie>' seed up a about of phameteaitii, apali>' of England aetih pree.ultime, sud ltatfie it tle tit hadl nov bécu donc iad beau, eiamedi ont ai hex ; hat lie oui>' escape frcm peniodica famine le thé sucasa cf the land achetas. Mn. Croniu an- uouuced that a subseniption liel vould b. apeued. Several speakers foiioved, iualnding thi. Hon. L. [L. Lavis aud tir. Mabis Robr. Mn. Parnell an, xtauno.d At 0 20,000 had al.ready heen aabled 3verle i'IreIand. "Cuiaoip- tians tro th Ae meeting vers -thien-' uauuo.d. -Thé gras. amounut alleace in Eqifala vas abaut -*5,000. A chant siirring aildmesb>' Géneral Hantan, of Southi Harn, llovod, sudIii. meet- ing adjaunued. Thé Poltica Poition Ann Frince. Palloviug the stadvlee ci Ontf vwonthy> mayor, lus speech dslivemed b>' ýhm On theévung miter te munAcipsl éloatiane, in viticht ho said Abat Ais rateépayene voaid hobeoeilod b>' t- hending lie meetings cf the Conce emubrseed lte oppombunit>'of sîteuding tbe final nieètlug of Ai ewsv - Cannai!; sud I ata happy ta have.-lA 1te ayse'hiat te ,proceeedingil' vera carrisd au in a geutîsmaul>' aibusineos liko mauer. The diffament committees I thiik -vere chruckinlu s vs>' ti ylmeet viti the uppraval oais ver>' large majori>' ai ltée ratepayena. -The- moci remsrk- able part allie proceedinge vuesa littho ganie ai Foi sud GeeegaI np b>' Avo members aifltae Southt Wsmd. Thé Fai dia uaL diepig'Lijte saisesutouni ai. cuuuiug ontlb. occasion vhicbinA 0 citaracteristie aiftoe animal.- sho moved ratier abmupil>' ltaIlthe namne aif Mn. Huggardlie atrnck off the street cammihteo, sud Abat ai Mr. Smth in-u serled. Mn. Smith looked aronnd te table t laise - Aithoeo ere an>' athét vio vould haké ha inu, but la 'bic greal disappointmont-he îoaud ont he vas te ouI>'goosé aronadtAe tble, vitereupan he aroacesovi>', wvile s aoleki>'sale ovencpnesd hic counten- sucs, sud spoke in a dialecl vrer>' muai resombling come ofa thé- ciaractors in Ivanlîo.-"'A damA vwaut voaoueesu itnp aiono." Ti exhibition, ulhhough not a succese, vouîd compare favoumsb- 1>' vllb liaI of lie iosdlesc raaster, considernug hhet the> are ail possessedl ai lte cmainounut oaiains. Nov, Mi. Edilor, nover isving isd lte itonar ofassulahlite cannihourd non neyer hiving iud ambition énaugi ta, seek for sncb. Il le possibletbiat I mu>' ho ignorant ofthe qualificatians eseautisi ion suci s position, but I eau- ual heiptiiking t4at s persan aspit- ingla asucit s positian siauld, 'ab lesci, mcnv Aie rudiments ai snititmetie, sud lie ablo t. make ont. au intelligent re- port, mare sspecisil>' vien he ctrivas t. ciave bitaceli on important caomit- tees, and iL would cave aur vanth>' sud aeaammodating tavn olork s great deal of grahuitaus libaun. I don'i vishiilta-o' lie nndorcto.dbtiI -underrate tioce via, bavçooui>a limited edacation,s 1 nank in bisA capseit>' myceli, but I-do lik tsA lte>' ongit tahave a certain umount ai medeel>' about them sud not slive tt. fonce tietaselves Ato pasi- tions, Ibat thé>' are uufithed ion, eltienor by, edoetloan expe 'nieuc. lA As labe ngetwtedhuA h-emba s i Ai te South-Wamd canuot-vork itlmà io.0 > iageibher, on liai liste a uit .an>' factiaus, opposiionlan covuta Mn. Hn- gara b>' thé otiter tIvameiniema v ha are like babies invsddliug olties cota- pirsd t. hita. Wien disaster aflen dicacer oventaok lie British- Anmta Arongi incampet- once sud faction. apposition An punlia- menA, h. peuat clateernan Pitvau led bo excaAz, *"Ah, My cunbn>' l"-So mu>' Aie ralopayere ai the-SouhtWard oxclaim,-Alas Aie Puni>' Word 1 Yonrs trul>,', A NOBTH WAIAD OBSERVER. East Wiiby Council. TovnuHall, Columnhus, --Januan>' 101h, 1880. Thte canucil aiflte corporationcif Eai. Witby met eiis day. t ombéos aU present. vho sdverally book sudaeuh- scnibed théèdeclunutions ai qualification sund ai office befone- -the -cierk. Thé: Réave Iook hie-chair sud addressed thte cancil. Mr..Smth,sscoiided b>' Mr. Boss, 'moved rmleave tla mîroduce . a by-lav' tc, appoint Andilars la audit Ai.es"- couni cf Ibis township for the year' 1889. Louve gr antéd. By.luv mInro- dncsd sud moud a firet, second sud third Uie. The Beyevigued Aie camne, sud caused lte corporation seul t. lbe ut- haaied tiemeto. Mn. ScotA gave uotice sAt utthle- .uext-seeon ai Aie canoinl ie vliiilura. duc. a by.s lat appoint suan Assessor for liAs municipally fan lihe prouent year. Mr. Scott epotod ha-sAng puia lie thaurrAe sain ai *10, Tovu- lof lin noÏae oe 1ii Mnr. Bcs, seocafb>' Mr. Scott,, mov, hiat Aie reevé, depnty.roove I ,aud éeon, lé a cammitea b.o receive tenders; for :prnuhng_ -réqned, b>' Ibis. Xinicipelih>' ionie;piréent yesr. Car- nxed. - - . - 1 n* MeKenrie, ýscouded. b>'Mn. Scahi, movos tihbiés e e nstruct- 4-tt the .O. .1 ,.,bo e nstru act Ms aeant iAs ta le; wàenh s.l1 la icationôc jr hfe politic' - spte ýsir m.; m- -1 ihte ,m, spdear 4tnen, s=d in a mcau¶i'asled 't-be u . ipâifdreu aifliÏ& 1viti tboaef Atbein. sm -duaionîla- tus. "Tus Engla lIs ande Woth Mgibisud Enig feu." Mr. G heieind bsithim ýd,di. ]liie tter Ma o hiohama ïlsaud when Pniz miaiuly rodsem, iÏs ââe-ùlinta tha *Tax Fzùéorsu Czr.-Oatil nigiti0lte 21si, incA.,for toe fr5aiUei iu lier necalleation ai living *nosldonlt; Hfavana was axoused by an iestbquaia,, liaI made lier massive buildingesimhd..- dem liko. c jiau jesiagonm. Xi lackd bton minutes ai leven, v i elese.. mes vema cîouiug and lte enfeue fa]!,. *vheu park sud prada vers bniIBaùb,-ý vith ligite, *quipagec, b eaut>' t.nd. muaic. Theithaif uoon ehone frot ie' zenith ais steel bineeclandiese eky. Buddouly a sounud va ord as of lte rising OfA ismgit>', viud ,hirougi Aie pAnes, sud tienaaumlznstaltabie sub. teranean moank.vile lteeasrteeled 'th' uusieady sckening accillallong. - Sdui; itiMt mamantar>' Alarni, ho gaa'msof peoiple An Aie parka sed and reeledl likevwise. Tii. hanses hitoit. ed tea huudred flyiug carnagie ioppedl sud bnaced themeselves in damh &ffiýe Restaurant tablest rackod sud epiIed» their liquide, sud mon etanted 'p frn thm chairs- ah lié Louvre viti d-àa Dznggists' batlas ver. chsken irai tlieim ohelves,,dainW yr'amids oi bar glas Aumhled ta destruction. Benoras sud Senorits gzed agit At alle aven. Aun ai them tale-stande. Bosidos Aie crowds ai thie efroci. ment places, vitale ismilies rush"efifrei - tieir homes lit lie streets, sudI tii- stlairvys aimre cf Aha habel e ve crovded viti gueula, hunrying blind>' dlovu tthAi.idevauki 'A PlaceOn lte ground or pfavement oeemed prefonable. ta mach ailizenso h aïbaduiefnapu beyond the. mourlit.1 eitso c-iii.à buildings hoy hia deserted sud, abat- tened ai bivaacking for the nigit. Boa. lu lié ba', .vessais rockedaI , hein anciiorages and' grosued agaiusl b. viarves, sud rush>' canuon htineud t fa fo romthm pivats au Ah. suaient fortifications ai Cabana sund Aie More. Houne pausad aie< A.h. ,appnobonsinc csnsed -b>' thoco s Bitooke pafsed away, sud thé CAA>' vs. anas Mare leeed in goule elumbee... The sathedrali sud chen cbarcbee vere approachedi hbr hausende via wisied ta partiipath ilu Aile firet macs. Thutien flioeksd omen endmen,ýbess- *tng in place ai <hé- vaniaus images SU&i devices asu d PepeAnsd liemma cilvei, vblch -are -*ontt. tehng ou t.ésitar as propitiatar>' êfetings tt Ai nhbu- dneds of impr.vicéd globes a of oaud- marble, esigultlng prayens Abat lb,) e-t smhizight he kopl-wihole from furtihen quake. sud esepllôns. The venable Citurgi aifte sente Dongo,wviici etanas_ lu Aie lover paritaiflits cil>', ro- csivsd au unusuai influx ofivnehippers. Near b>' Ahe judue oai'the-.Captil- General, placed cul>' yestendayMonu- lUg«- uthUtsdisposaioft hedliguie & anA>' af Ameriosur, Of viataeneral konidan As ans, sbo.v,îd flickoning jighithélieupper vindt-v.* Bsyoud Aie'palace s sireet e d ovu teaa ueluhouzing- vini, v sreatlie dock stmaci cix, bundrede ai.bJ,ajmqau-drap- Poil on AiefrmneeS 'aiAi. egwa- viti.. thoir faMes Anne ava théAieBs>'. "Save, O Godi, lie vnd"va i burdén af the paýyai' ai a oes ie it isd came.,dova .ta !blais Aem. Iât not tii>' cildren- b. sçvsloved .f 5, an bo crucëibenoalb heir itibutS- tioes" To v Pr aym ail Ha».aàna riaslugup siter te nigts double Abs ou1 ofa dsser, couldasalmsibe hbeud ks'>' «amen.- The Neye. nou. Mn. Wilmol hasnsgod .. Speaiterehip ai lia Sénats. *The. ésrly retinementofai r oxA MacDondald <rom public lie as Agam-,' poena y pensons via pretmnd tla NOavU OkTÂAMO.-Mn. Just ice Heur> bas rdiefusedhe application ho have Aie NrmhiOutario election appsail Aied ati Aie spécial sitting ai lie Supnentee Court oau-lie 8rd cfi Pébrma>' -Tii. exprtaif cattleirmAntigoaxl, R,. B. , larewioaudiland, dnniug Aie past oeaaon vas- iomly.Innocargoes, cantalnmug 2 ,180 bonéd af caille, 28 siteep, 153 h'ore.s;200 toue ai butter, »d., -ans t 0100,000. For ~ augbmapaes a s u, leialsg drog Ttge IbeCeuni>'.-Apu O 1 do'i&UidoWrgih>vAAeb aovor ta hei.bg Miller su& grotuit y >'le *m- e sBier naucez Fnesy in th e- deug 114 "esagable prleel, Sa $o Aie Ibo B»reak-st., WIiby, SAfethielb kc whiagsrot tn hein -b 'àd"l aie 1

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