orf parliameal. Lord 710. Thé Libïrals ptopomelaeau- t w th liés of a iaïtionu voisinent aU al n'th.eUn*.. Thom. indications of te ui"aýoshlmieh. Pt lutepolitseîjiopechos c f 1h. ý*@k. $Oh, Wn. Vrnmon Hmrongýb" son plsreing Vis uppounnlswith-lb. ghl réplsr ,'4 eiéIwl. Mr. John ktbgbu to*S.fo#sdb. ierce ma ilr)jt> " tttilnition. He likons e Preniir ' *e s spider wesvng bis itto e tr% n4wsY ta 0is w 'lun, Cit.- . o eminenea Iu 16 es' à b4h 1k..Bright sddrese the ,onld 'ma in là asubsequontC ?Ose à eolkastea iii.&avantages en- A tçW 'ioi of tbe prssent gene- thio ls. c bir fathere. IBe sm~pqti hstSesgandhua ioStimita- nt Ib Oi 'dationà l examples cf thse #hibon. "Tis Englanti cf cur," ho issuà , 'utmnsadodunmenaced, aud fit1 >,a60is ýMding ýout hor s.îmies te fonielgu laide with ir, sud evoid. dat on, anai Englsa w vil as Bot»e fe." Mr. Gladstono has Det wil oiibina bis faitliful benchmau of *oOio daye. IHie biter toean Italian,1 LmttlUg forth hie berrer oi' tb. prssent 'ramonté, ,.luastirred tb. liberal Ipuieé, sud when Farliasueut meets, he *11 cetinly.redcsm hie pledge of eal. in attention 10 th. matter. On thb0 sUer baud,-Sr. Michael Hicks.Besch bids thse Whigs enember thst their (elbois wvon their liberty at home, Sud Ilion oxt.nded à Ito 0humanity lhreugh- out lb. o ii, sud weuld net rotreat l¶n ssbeen seonred. The mimoiti, do b hu nr- isb power to Englauti. This, as not 1th. sentiment cf oui fathers, wiscee tra- ditions lbé Torios viilpreseerve. No intimation ha. yet beon îeceived by tb. Manîtoba GOoveramont cf the in- tentions of thbo Donitoton Oovernmeut la rospeot tq a mémorial ado pted lait susiot for an extension of the boundar. les of Manitoba. 1Pol.imlnary arrangement& haves béee, madie at Washngton fer a new Archie' expedition unden tho direction ef Emil Beuil, onu of the objecta bcbng to ese. tabliah a meteerelogioal statien ut Joues' Sound. -M.Geor¶gc L@ldlav te lu Ottava iý, o' ewp teDominion Governeu lnýmattomsrelatiug lto eredît Valle3 11beheula Svz u is ewvend foi OuI., Bruise.,- Bores, Ulcors, Bal 78boun, ToUet, Oapq e Bandes,CRil iblina'o m0Sbe andtis Slnd. cf skii teruptiou. Ãds Salve le guarnutest itb gin. pyeceel sIllfaction lu every ca» *or mcsay refuuded. Pniqe 25 cents pe box. For els hy 8. W. B. Smith OillhEdge Butter. or kit il- n Tiser. e s lways an active domaud for butter tisaI is up te tise giit-edgc standarsd lu qnalîy sud colas-. Much butir hal le otheivise good ecls aI a reelutien frosu three le fie cents per po und, becauso deficict lu clai. Dairympu iould thon Us@ e Yltr Iicis arsdie & Co'@ Pesfeted Butter Colos- te gis-o briglît JInn. colas. This solos- le byà tahlb.brigliteet, pusest sudI 5,-p made. Sold by ds-ngglete. 49-ly A Cosundrum Prôpoundcd. Wlsy viil toI* 'asl boy," persiFt iu eatii'grge-en apples ? Tise reades- may as veH i,»Is it up aI once, ince oui oiinal pfrents vas-e guilty cf the litîle indisretica. Phyeiciaiss Bay, the ses. sou in visici esly ori nurtpe fs-ilt i fist istsoduceti, ià tse -ele liy arc tise Mastasevereiy taled lu oasee cf colln, darîhoee, dyseutery, &c, Young sud aildai'. guilîy, but boys ansdgirlsarase ï aftorest victimes sd gestst uffer- tas. Thora-in no peso., comcît or afetîjn ltse .Jamily mIcsîle head provdeo a ps-opr sud efficient rernedy. lcot&BroWnePslatable Custor 011 se 'a. certain rctnody sud la easy to tale.. iPsice 25 cente. 4iu-5 Cousumption Cured. -Aueld phylcian, setls-ed fs-cm prac- tics, bavingbad c1aced in lis bauds by au BatIi mi nssouary tbe formula cfa simple vegetabîs remody -fan tise epeedy sud permanent cure for Cou- sumption, Bnenehitise Calas-nb, Asmb, slnd aIl Thiout anti Lung Affections,- also a positive anti radical sure for Nerveus tiebiliti anti ail Nervona Coni- p ainater havlpg testei ils vouder- fgalculratlve pevera lu tbonsands cf casos, bas feit Il bis duhy 'ta make il kuovu le bis enffériug felbove. Adn-. ahea- by Ibis motive anti a tesire to ne- lieve Sum-an eufeng, I vii seni free cf charge ta aU vbhodetisuil, Ibiâ is- ipe, iu German, Fr'ench, or Engîisis, vîth fuli directions for prepsring sud eig.Sent by mail by addreslug vl'tb tamp, uaminq Ibis papor, W. W. Siserar, 149 Poto.rs Block, Rocheter, N. Y.. 4 - Botter ban Gold. Tihe grand limax cf macese lu ut lest aclieveti. Tise poor rejoice, 1he ieS arise t&0tiwallg, lbe rieS bu~k lu h. golda'n munalineocf perfect healsh.- The physical nllgerlof tleb ûmau framo neeti n longer ho eendureti. Di. LN's i3ÂLioSIeKÂGeLI)Mci oupoon, for Dj'pepsa, Constipation, Biok boat- &ehis', cinnup cf Footi, jauntilse, liven Geuuplmlt, BilioQeneas, '0neroil DoWtiili, Drevalneusanti loy Spiris. This vouderful rrnmety i- vii oigivaly ow, nd , s hasr.e veny nemodi bas Ofalied. Ta prove that Ibis vonderful romedi- vll do aIl wvo aim for il- yen ; are presenlei vith s trial baotisfrui o .co#i, by visicis you vii reaiy por- coive Its vendes-fnl curativs qualities, sud vhldb yUll show yen visat aseu lai eue dollar aise bottilo yul do. Fon ,sale by S. W. B. Smith &i Co. 2 Gooti Advice. Nov la the lime of year fer Pneu- meni ,LugFever tc. Eveny amiiy sisould have s baille ef BoecnEze' - (iAsep Syasi. Do't shlow fer one moment t/set cougis ho taS. isoltiof - our chilti, yaur family or -yonnebf Couseunplbon, Authina, Pneumnonia, (rouil beneorages, sud otison fatal diseuses=&nset lu,, Altliengh it le tins GEIULUI Saans' ls nrlng tsousatis cf tiss disesese, yet it leunincisbitter le bave Il ai band vwken Ibis.doses vibi cure yon. One hotueviil lait your whois f*mily à vinter anti keep yon sae frein d*nger, Iyl onare cen- aumplive, te not iest isilil yen have Iisdti ise -meOy. Sampe boIle f0 conts. 1Re a1r ouse 76 sents.' Soit hy G11..!Linimeut loliudeo f Ameserua au esNu.aa aa inAhe.* Bheumra ci 7 off1 irai MOI Go( PIR D A mal AL iorf ci the 10 LEARIING-SALE. Bo ving 0 cet ofevery dollar 0e'ppudIladia e L WDFELLOWS' HALL. 'his LiberalRedu-ction ocf 10 cents elaoh doflar-is mades to inaru<ue Our de iu tbe mentis that busines s ess )d than msal. This big reduction 6es s big gap iu Our srnail profit. ROW is a00011 TIME to buy Dry tds,. as w. aire .ellîhn&ý at OLD tCES;aidscibn RY GOOD.S ire aclvanoing iu the Wholesale rkets. The reduotien, hold good L THROUGH THE HOUSE, Fac. ry Oathn n ly oxoopteti. This is a straigbtfoîward plan of ,ring SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS .te give tbe -JEAFP CASH STORE ie preforouce. We always seli cheap. Witb Ibis 10 ceule off sacb dollar luction makos oui goods XTRAORDINAflIY CI[EAP 1.I The 10 secte off every dollar ie baud- 1to every customer visut their &king for il. lie One Price Store!1 lie Really One Price Store!1 E. FROST, WHITBY. A large -proportion of obiltiren vbo pie eaîly are tlIce. vose bu-sm devel- epement ile nuueually larin ucasupari- sou vils lheb.ody. W isy is this ? Sisnply because tise functions of the body are tocfsail te, snpply tise vat. gclug ou lu tise bs-sm cousequent upen active intelligence. Fello'ws' Cern. pouud Sys-up ef HypophoaPisites is se preparedt titilimparts thea vital prin- dipI. dircctly te tise brain, vbie Il as- ptiste lu developing a vigorous sud ro- bnci body. CONsu-.11'ÃsoN-For the cure of tis lietreesiug dimaee there has been ne nesicine yetl disco;es-ed tisat eau show njrni- evilicuce of rosi mos-lt than Alleîs'i Lunug Bealuiii. This unequaled t.xpetcla-st for curiug Cousumaption snd ail diseases leading to it, mch as affections of tise Ibroat, a nd Inugsansd aIl disesees oi thse pulmnasy organe, lu introduce- te the suffes-mg public afler ils meila o lthe cure of sncb cisease have been fully testei by tise Metilcal faculty. Tise Balsam s , ceusequeutly iecosnrended by physiciens vise have becam. s- cquauted vilh ils greal suc- ceps. Some of tise meat horrible cases of 3lcerons Sorofule, thal aven szisted bave been cnred hy Bsiatol's Saisapar- Usl snp Pille, visicli peuetiaîing te tbe bons, neutializes aies-y atom ai poison- one vir-ne, sud restares tise organe 10 a sount state. ,Mus-ry d& Laumau's Flias-l Waten le one of th&lnurest aud epoadiaet cf cures for aven- Lesrn et nenvousuese. Il te- Hieves boadache vison oIson applica- tievs campletoli- fail. Il rein 'vigerates tise fatigued sud overtaeet body, anti il impacts farce anti buocy ci-tes mental povere. Tas Gear Fauen.vMEDINUIROonTES AuOL-Tboe s, Iprobsbly, DO ,Lamily medicing so Lavonrably sud evidely kuown au Davis' Pain-Bille-. $ le a,- leuutvoly used, lu mOisn, China, Turkey eartis, net oly teoceuntenaitishe cli- v~iio influences, but for tise cure cf bovol troubles, Choies-a anti Leos. -It lsed ît nternalli- 1r sU diseases of tise bow.ls, sud eqternaily for vonde, berne, bruiso, d&s. Solti by timuggiate generally. WHITBY MÀRZRTS. CimosîcLu Onrces, Jan. 216t, l8m. PsU Menst ............ 0100i#125 Spring Whest........... 120 a 125 Bà rley ................ 05 065 Flou,pe brl........... 600 a 625 Ryo ...............#.. 05 0 070 ?PU ,......... ........ 000 (@ 05 ?esu, black-eyed ........O0*Po 95 Gate .................. 00 A85 corn................... 050 Q060 Uây:..................... 0( p m ...........100 12 -Potatoos ............... 025@ 080 xR ............ 015ois ois1 Buater ................ 017 Q020 chosge. ............... 0 15-'012 Wood.............. 875Q 400 Beef,hlind quarter .... 500 Q550o Beef, fore quarter...... 400 Q4 50 Sheepekin......... >.. O 75-0 191U aides.................. 7 00 Q75 Pork, parovt ........... 600 a6:00 Lambe ................. 250 Q 800 Calvea ................. 400 <5 0e Tomatoe.............. 025 0,00 Onons ............... .. 000 1"00 Turnips.b .. ....0,000 12à , Garrots ................. 01 0 00 Celory, per doz......... 040 @ 0001 Chiokens, prpair....25-. Q O 40 Dueka per pr.......... 050 70 Geesper lb..... .. 0,07 Q000 Turkeye, per l..1.... 009 @Q-010 Claver ................. 825 0 835- Tiinothy ..... ......... 17i5 #00 WOOs, unvagheti..... 00 Q 025 washeti...........0,0 - MtILI'RPET!y*. e FOR SALEI IB1Y PBIVITE.OOTCT Thes filioinî 'naots lut "a l.Tou Are cognaotifor aie ah 1ev prisse, frcash or upon short terme cf paymuent:. parces One, containiuig 200 &cmrsecern- madef Lots No -Onoeanti Twa u in h ec oessiau, sud ithoR I arts of Lots No. ara a large Prarne Dvellln Boute antd co;n;xdiOU5o utbildligs. ho land le &erl il cleareti nl, a very tdi=rbbo Parcsb Two, contaiing about 900 acre, leconupooed of eo ots Ne.o. Tva and Tbree, in ~h7tis Concession cf Dz- ,nthtie .enriionefwhiohisoloar- eti. paon jrQVuthorO are âtebarns, stale ad h2à aoo detive g hus.s- Ceo>m<>5,in M an abanntioe cf eping watOr coutantl rq=nnflg, inlit 4verY suità le fo Mélaising., P,êroel Three consistaef wbal is knevn as the Gion MAj0r Onu tMlil, tegether with tisevgtor paver anti priviëgo 1roperly lie langng thoreta. A quantîty 0f and iIn con- usction nay ha aleo obtineti Parcel Four embrases tise nortishal cof Lot Na. Fourteens lu the th concession cf Roe _ >100 afle, noue cf vhlch us cleareti. Pancel Fîve centaine 178 acres, being Lot No. Fifteon, ln th. th concession cf Beach. About 80 acres are cleereti andthie balance la beavily timboeot. There in a gooti trame bans on this perool. Parcei Six inu oameoadof the Sontis hal cf Lot No. Eighteen ti thest concession ci Beach 190 acrea, amma»U pertien cf vbish te le;;2~. Parod ol eze.-140 acres, paut cf Lat No. 21, lu the 101h concession of Peach upon which en a lot cf valuable tiinuber, anti cuver- ai acres undes- cultivation. AiU tbe above lande are in the mark*t, and vii lie o it is settie ia an po- sible. -InteBliuhl puer is neueb canfineti te tise vmous parceisand iiin as sel lorthiculecu, puichaso sncb poitions as tlsey May tiestre, anai aI paicas te suit the Urnes. For futhor panilculars ant inl- formation apply 1teith MANAGER ONTARIO BANK, andt tILH GORDON, Port Perry. Ont. or J. A. McGILLIVRAY, 8tb Oct., 1879. Barrlster, Uxbridgs. N.D-AU prmons are strctiy foîbitden te culeor reniove any t"ber froni off the above lainds. JOHN LITTLE Doge te announo. e tise citizens cf Wbitby and smrrundng country, tisat ho bas openeti s BARBER SH'OPI oves- tiestore of wHiTFI7LDs medie Bail, BrockStreoot, Whitisy, anti soicits char. at your patronag. Bm a .8 O 3 rM Y8TEI S. D. D. MALLORY Diamonti Bs-ud Balti- timase re aliOystore, 25 CENTS PER CAN,' Wleilby, Jan. 28, 18W. T. LAWLEB' en, 's. MONEY TO LOAN, -AT-- LO WEST BA TES 0F INTERRST. Appiy 5t- JOHN M. LOWES, Whitb by NB.-Aise, Agent for orne of the hest Cauadisnan sd EnglaS lusgurasice Carn pansez. The Great Cause o HUMAN MISERY. :) r W. bare receuli publishoti s nov oditson aiDr. CuIver- dmWeil* Celebraeet su Q:wouthe radical anti punisent cure (without medicine,)ofaiNervous Debil- ity MJonta antiPhysicai Incapacity, lin- piimento l Masnage, d&o., resulting fsar excosses.e Prie, lu a seaicti envelape. oui- Ã"ôente, or tva post tagem ap. The coebisteti angorhin lu Iis admirable Essy, cloanly tionstratee, fs-arn lisirly yeW g eceesessi practice, Ihat alarming cansequences nmsy b afsdcaliy Onroti il- ont the augeratus e cf internai medieWm. or the nie ai tbe Suife ; pcintiig Out samide of cure il once simple, certain anti efýe ual, by nsane cf iscis every suferer, no malter vWhaIbis condition sne. bo ai cLise bimieli cheapiy, privatiL tfrai TisiLs lecture siso.ldbe la the' i diOf1 ove?- i-cutis antievery mman 1sini Tise CULYBVe.WLL KEDICAL Ce. di, AymSieT, New York. Post Offlce Box M58. 42 HORSES WANTED 1 AMESAND OTHERS B&V fgooti tIosmaeat etIe lvl«their idr«est I BalWsBool boise-bayera viii hadirocltiwh.re le go. 11-8 COAS. BAY. CHANCERY SALE 1 -- Valuable Property INeTâB NnsP or aEAo .EHOLD V.ADÀM i 8. n ant b - virtneof a dercà ud"a Ing f asie rIn thora viie i b. mit il troba il of isoasiaWandav Ti- DL s.~l0thenryby Lori iWN onr HTh.o ovth eDay of In UWs foronon, is ande anip-ois ,el of Lot nio T T, TB Y nOof the flrm> begasbt Our stock ýbefore, invoiinwe Cash oniy. m41-THIS Ailpariesowing uswill pleaSe- takeotice that tMl accounts utbe. se'tled ytelti February, and ail having eo ms gis u tdto hand them in at ne E iRi 0 WVhitby, JanuarY LOth, 1880. ) 0 IN O BROCK STREET, WHITB-Y,.ý J. B.- POVVELL,&. Are seuling the 'bQlane of thêir 1 2,Trr 0-4 88 cted to make a t EPORQ UM! berand lin order to re&duce larîng Sale, at Cost. Pie for DRY UOODS EMPOR1TJM. OCORK. AL80 PE»H CONYBTIONEET, --SPECIAL rij S FOR uTHELADIESW.HP1NLEII t ~~~~make large alterations in our MIlliner«y- TECY MTL Depertment, 1 w offer the balace of Our rats am& Tu" c TBONTO o Bonfnets at flYBNYLEMON, - PBaOP.DITOB.> C ,e-60PR E$.LESS Thnhmomfio op -Pa masS lu thl city. -1obe o i mà ui,? Dsy AT &RBEATLY'REDU-CEIY PRICES. C~ONBIBIeG -- Fancy Wool Goods, FlannelBS, Cà retShrtÉndDrw ers, Furs, Buffalo Robes, RoieétyGovs Clothing, Milinery, &0. &0. c v '4HOICE STOCK TEAS AT OLD :PRICE'S. Beaver Overcoatis at$4 JB. POWELL&<o ffhitby, Tiecember l7th, 1879. NEW~ ADVERT1SEMENTS. SOME STAPLE LINES*,z AND WHERE TO BUY THEM. ESTAflLlSHD,184 OUR STORE THE ' FINEST IN O NTARItO, OOUNTYS' COIWrE SEE 8PEGTACLF6;7 .nond or any other preolous stca onthe hardest au4pureg kixo pag adonmetoa aven the modsaieeùà le d.3'é.1 Many uuprincipIl e >ts st&Ãe "eed ~ti o"-Pébblei .-OUR STOCK ALWAYS WEFLL Ntarpis SM elolce ezsll to bdena antdEebUd o sstbi"a=be&M pa thero. AMd G.~~~~u Dun, -xm W. ETLH 4à in ONN flc le Millinery Goodo. Borne very styliai and neatly trimmQld.Hats and Bonnets. AT YOUR - oWN'PI~ WOOLEN GOODS.-I lwill. seil at greatly reduoced pice& CLOTHri G.-Our stockof Tweeds snd Over coatinge reý the beal. Our mahe and fitl je b.paio of aSU Juettqyus. Titi montkî for very SpeciaZ l e t ma gooti atit e ha og e . i ARNE $S. WILLIAM THOMI'BON BO OTS ANDSH-C SPLENDID VAL UE! A MAGNIFICENT STOCK Ladie', MSe',Gents' anid.Clij BELlINGý AT LOWEBT LIVING 1>31< ICOME AUSEE- THE- Boots and Shoes macle to order, TO PEF ARME wu LOW. US.Y Specstacles 8 TA T wa5t4n' th4 B~OOK -PORT PzBBY..MAPR3 Port Ferry, In Wheat, fpn n..-... ..o.....--- -- .... ci .a1~............... t CoZi ................. 0 Cioven Seet............. g S potstoep. ............... I ple, punbut. ..... Ul5 t...... Park................. 5 Buttor. . #.... .... -Ber ........~ 18N OGS.WE ~~L~NWHA.-T;WB ADVERTIS..* nases. Ensel FLOUR&1 DUI4DAS STE WA&R-E >RC 0F GROCEREES,ý CHEA?. l'i 1 1 -- D 1 1 Ili il et paghiomble Dry ciâ>tbi#g -Hom. 1 >,r,.e.-eWo BlSk. r 1 u or %me av a m m 1