Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jan 1880, p. 4

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iLatiu br nurmusd odycres- lm.we- Tne.ChUrO adi t -On -hie rcsd eus. more. vîitit Ab4- non Maingaway lunlthe 'distange, t0i ie. poàoenssr drunming 1<117 on ii wln ow pne, Sile eromm Paainfflound' ieep an4t Ie lhiet tti pa.nb e 6b., W orl," an di venderiig ' "1Gr.teU's AugonatF1wr"ihîl pritited abone th. docte of ,"&,Buûdîbit temple tldaBénares." To me ornes Lte brâkkwna,p'nd aoating, himmoîf on th:. arm 'of tha seat atys :- .I "bI vent tolthtrch yeotrda1y" 1 "em IesPi aîd, wit hliliteremte8 luflecion'Lth tàshi ir morb., "lAnti wbsê skjzrel ddti uattend' ?q I "Wlllbb td)you guesaV'" b. aked. '*Some union ýteition! chuicli 7" Ii $iNa-w," lie sui, 11 dout-llke ibemq *brancb roaa !,ey mmci. I-don'i off. en go to sburch, and viien I du, 1 vaut to run on tbo main Uine, whore your ru Jeregular and jouigo ou achédule tive and don'tl bave Wto watt on soune- tien.. 1 don%1 like 10 inn on anbrauohi God eugb, but I don& like ioc" *L, placepaI ?1 Iguemimed. seAt ; fat ime and only, stop et the big tations. 1Nice Une, but ioo ex- lanteru afler.plated, ane "train boys ao w4d tO %lk 12 th snd il mae. heintee fr an sd- eaY. lkr tri ûII f; 1 th Xian boea t heo ii.îa ot 4l~~blden.mal heyougget vasen iaa~tLI wenld take _Wa baud ýffp bot wto icvte wlheui heing icî.. the b~y à7" vo. recep y aaked et-ofa vIea Ika coronêr'bi*ilqtqe#f. - earobedt l.-pockai," wau b. A f doot'o ,thé*e "aui mesi@ cTI aU ni b lbl ibut if youn'i tsanny vii 5w a ny ertue.l l S.l$t pis, es.gs 1>el 6D go buy ihemt.'t r. .ys ydeer, I meou te tbem a e spsubl." ZlibrstoVh9lr 7" lTclam a os- u PsnI'w1 < s~q.u rattuueuuy. i. A. 4a vb0hsd 65 sIen rq 1141 stol@d your moeily.Beois imnea on Mi 4nshbens. anl IauId smornf Il rsk.W olre D awa agu.li Fu~lmsy a rs eboru teiai* = Wu, antiate Ita fragrane en the doem air; full mauy a cip is-ta'en ha. too, kre esten tiers. This ve learn ii . heOntaro Ooony, (Georgia) TA dBaici,' Sotiah b 4 of 'e sbol, IËS Ig villaiMt. ies. pmi yje ~~ Irel' *pr4e, Wah are y. -oin', ye *auli hum gr' «ddLien suddeniy ricoilaci. là& hlsl. aI#Ycar pardon'a bec- looked ovr SiULt.hers théli ne, imaI 'au ~ae *n~g h tiheapé CRUs. tWl i ite pinnrp. pretty girk, )oI ipartclerh I "I w anha ieade Cmpan." pü utal ýIwb ir F" ahe biahei. "1,vaut a c4 Ire1lvq Cofpalo," h. ispealel. 88, ~~~~~l î tâ1d. ,. -ep llutIvnld ?1 aPite* Conua. tuUe te rnsLrmon>7-"You ought à&indw nn u n'er,' r&"o a es "h. je main. Train'4À. f.SauLOf eu ïrbi, sudtiheo&fs Iy.sTien she Je prend." viti théj pu. "Ten e ep -" Thon ah. Je j"Il. go t e it. ua . ', ":"bc bas-talet." **Tt heeis uow sorne &«ulConcouite." 114»d 8s fortu~ne." -I vili ~ I1r~. A~ravelsrtu Seotland enterai a rafght asa ,i ;mII e bage.hon..sudalcalleti for snoatat~rai. pn*vblakey. He balntjumi et ifi' apinst lenel grade' - h.4ur;sm aaabmi etrain, -m lit l%. e. siU'*slb nwrion éar ers T"tleaniov*eolaua atifleti vi' the -vater ne lb a liai- anA #hpi'à l't -already mauin b. bai Le to -dansi..-Tio en piss-.. ,rr tlckelë allovel; 1 îionghoul o hoie ed for, or yon cau't )n the car'm fu, ne s bufili a.ti B, spa end Mt4 Itbid 1*as o don'tien ear lat roi. . ernn cdJ the Fr.. Tint. maid lb.Ù brskigsnt ne ballast ; ne lime, a deipalehotr. AU nI oe'y engineer w;.Und oaou. - Que ci Lb. lMy teacherda ha Beno publie sohool afvday. Omwuva laborînir with su acin on 4h. science df simple division, Thlaia fa it ca cf il : "1Nov Jobnny. if yen oad an orange which yon wahed to divide witb your itle sdoter, IÃœoe uoh vould yen giv. ber?" Johnny . "A uk." I R. SNOW, 8AKERadCOIEJNR DUEDAS-GT, WBmTBY. n4sepforparoap fort>'spaaiyer, sud g. tu lioIs o any. CONFFECTIONERY, tri do'& CAKES, PÂSTRY9 Do yad<. &. o 1 bekd EW YEABIS CAKES. usylng ;LATEB MÀLLOA IIUUS0ATEL RIIS o roma osy !Lod vhou l.runt~ nIt ino OLD ROST DUOK-ndcl MO.8 Vui arail. always on baud. *=un on a1 * no o~. H? OOPFERà a1EhIs . sal iviii ! r U8,~'~JCTURE TO -c4~ 0f phôtographe î , iepîa f'si ileu~ tié~ ~I SPECIMIENS- ON EXflflýITIQN.0 -Oad~anéC ài sfdÃŽhxii&1îd-lu~e~ Mes stylùe o f ti a1 4ruzt..'" 'Jid ? -, Ã" -u Ayoung m a eiring to study Piiotograpiy, viiifind a goo châae Whitby, June lOth, 1879. Bernard and Co., ýLeith Distille'y 800TLAND. K R. JAMESON, -Agent, hty TH FNORE Tite following, aù.factQry and moawt conmmwngevme aý&ows t he'abitolute p,*'y and gafiey of ueing the EN- CORE WHTISKEYaaan4ioholic Afnlnt LANCBT.-"Beumkably fise &cmouI Fuel 11,mild, wlôeo sd ÏRITISH MEDIOAL JOURNAL-"RBýmoyal cf the Fuel O.àMot MEDIOAL TIMLES AND GAZETTE.-"We ea" higbly -ommend it MEDICAL PRES8 AND 0lBCULAB-'!Pure maii violasomiesud ted aWUh m1ttur" fz«ëâq el tod give ficiitious mgo muDa MEDICAL RECORD.-,,Must rauk fctlemoat aM the pureet cf aleohli. ana a sa$ealtoiolic stizin" . SAKITARY BECOOD.-"Sucii an oxiellent duietio stimulant doser,. os% a ide epreed reputaton." J(4C eatht IiE.t opmmpur.mty wodb. fortunate NATIONAL FOOD AND FUEL R FORM1ëk-'f i.'eu hi hcmlth tbol use it." horionud poums mnatterFuse Oil, thin fauy sq =t I havé" "'Or _sb- mitted to tii.sane seaciing investigation. ,Tho ,Mlci!pWfoi sboula rpomienê o their pst o eW iskywiôh dam net 9omc tp DIL .0. R. C. TICHROU. F. 0B5. Trity codegDbl.-"Oa fafly a aminea for Fus il fiut nn ou ma, evée.Pil~O (rou poisononsmetstatarefrcqnti!ýw oua& in Wbuimbi ivi DR. PAUL, F. (0. 8.-Prf"ctly f ie Po ue!lm11 r otheý'urifus DR. STEVENSON- MACÂDÂM.-"'Vary pure anaviiolesme, ia dof ecoai4 nelyue ulte, I:r !Tue Whislanttenly a pleaaut MdlW.soeaiiaat4roIs ne ut f«erdieiuile emitai si~Iasr luth ioemA t *wth Me"a tii.~qull Pur roesin Every Gallon Guarfltàed Equll. Pur. LJOOK< I TJ>fll? 1) PHOT OGRÂ, 60o, i'ER IDO For the Gk8m8Taeonly, a Artista anéd Phogherh sUlkinds cf fram smou A lae ierim ,t ii Agents for Canada Btainec Wt ROI BIO LÂDI'~/ ND dILDBE'S -TUN BayLinenM&., mnufact=a by oure mateina nêWeil mmad. KIt~t*Ã"S<0FEEIYop;RPTÃ" 000DS, saitable for ,bion.. Àlgo nov Jet Buttons, nov Puür 4r P il ig newr ms intpiovers. IDXIW LOTnII'NG; -Vos etOUpeI? Sewing Machines from $1 te, $100 each. 4 fo~.r ' tiàh Âmeriàan Dyedng'à 9c"orcesi colo drIfla d calcsuing Feathers, Hatw, Dresses, &o., vireceive our Soe gen ts WJih for B ntteios 1Ptrne, Boocs, &o. 45*Oui& Brook teet, Whfiby. AND CARRIAGES. The L argert- and. Be8t A8eortment ini the Coun ty. GREÂT B4RGÂINS oFFEBED, IN CUTTERS. &c., in order temnae room,-aswe intend tebuild alarger nùinbe cf qarriageft anid Buggies ti. winter thian usual. >T~.W; &-l, NE PýT' DUNDAIS STREET, P WHITBY, ONTARIO. FAJ.9HIONABLE TA II40RING 1 .~ROQK ~1 z ~> z -z STRTWEEDS 1 Uý" , BEOVERÇwOAT - VAREY SLEDID LOT 0F - LTES YERCOATS GENTS' FURNISHING8 I XXTEA GOOD VALUE fM BUFFALO ROBES. ['iH WHITBY. TO F BIRGU S~ON. OVERCOATS 1 BUSINESSUITS I DRESB S91ITI FANOY VESTINGS!1 GENTsS' FURNI&IING~S! "«t peelstyle, san eella 1 -DE WH-.ITBY- GÊ NEBL DRY GOODS, GROCEBIES, BOOTS-A.bTD SHOES,,CROCKBY, GLÂSSWABE,' IND ALARGEASSORTMENT 0F -HARDWARE,&C The,;Dry Gocds.Department is complete i every lime ana the Gory, 8teo ilnew"amia resi. o*- The. oheapeBtbouise -in -tiie OontY.' Be- imemberthe addres, 49 A. B. 8MITHP Raglan. S 113N O'F "GOL D'E.N P E N BOOKS' STATIONERtY, FANCY GOODS AN, TOYS, At COST 07 Rom A AL5 MUNTER SERVICEwtH IFX Shortest Set a ssage[Economy, and - Couifoit. BVM SHalifax onVarrval' ofithe bai g Whitby ai8.10 a lBOOXtTas YEot-vmr seeordiag to posIdtion or s1aieroemr Lover, rate lor reicru tickets. Inier*IMedl, 06 Sedita." 91h, lw s~crpumseneraareorva"dato Lon- es tol.JadfsdLndn la-ierai. *bi.5gkBtô sen.6 fr tbeir friêa#d cen obtaiuilkeisai 11M raie Fpor tckets sud fitheriuformtiou apply Ex. nSTel. e, TILL 26TH 0F DEOE-MBERuI,3anutiuzM-,seeý. As I iutend after that date earrying -on the Wateii.making only, Watches, Oloeks, Jewellery, Gun-smithing, Sewing Machines, ropairod in first-class manner.- ;Satisfaction or no psy. Will Bell. the whole of my'Boýôks, Stati ery and Fancy Goods ciioap. Will be sold in-'bzU t6 &dsseirab1o purebasor. Wiiby, Dec. Lnd, 1879. DANIEL KENNEDY, Sigu ethicGolden Peun. ~-1 The Great Elood -Puriffira ir for bborm- 8UWak-C TBEASUeR'S SALE, 0F .TANDS FOB TAXEàS. lu Mecines nIrta o!ofaaWarrat under the- baud o!ibm -Waien sud the Seil. o rpoth ion 29- Y A ge 8nt o!ii.CunycfOtrldaeih I 'i~ y o! f ]obr 83,cm d n e to leeç uponiboladoameoed iu the fUlgliaI 01rarrarsewiesheoum nd Fer iii. by'T. Q. Wl ce0 ,a" eel a cti eeygn cieba nsssc rsi u set.ae emrW bitbvà pai4s 11tsmiac lhlAssaei4i rceit ib ulcAcin - Part.Lot Tbo Boacu pi Sot I 23 atild iiil t Bb I23 Vilai 914 Part North Nort Par North Pari part Sbutb Pat',orth Purt' Bcoth i Seti W..t h .18 18 18 16 19 e e 6 6 8 Jas. Jordan Part North u u ot FortXh ' Paut Forth 4I West .parl-setbl Part south j P a r t S eî n d ,Pub i- & Putoitb ud atSubh PrtîWemt.balf Paui North West-bsl miglb.e1 dowl»d r"p.si Wag. Vcau, wiehiersst part ýS IURES. Stb Wedpan iArtiatie euttilu fcrms P"riWsat-Iia ibaud, but a g004 fit, atotWa PAID FOR ~~a Cou Acre. Ami o! Taxes 8 10 575 8 10 422 j 814 REazCH. i 4 804 6 60 2405 8 4 82 9 100 18478, 8 8 768 il 90 81-12 13 97 2844 la8 82 * 2891 18 10 844 14 loi 527 14 a 629 * NARA. 2 200 27 7a 18 200 2778 8 17 255 18 7 10Di 14 75 il ou 14 108 1526 4 5 100 186 i6 160 1781 S- 7 154j 1828 m 9 0. 1586 ilh 60> 7569 ail 12 69 840 Il 12 2 8 L 18 92 1672 L18 100' 19-79' L2 18 1u - 8 06' L2 18 80 38981 L218 10- , 71 LO 7 40 2002 0 7 200- 84 SCOTT. 20' 22,. &, 22 5 Qoaed ?ILL8, at, MONTBREA GouluTta m 196 77n 192 .614 1-,99 '518 201 268 201l 2622 254, 1-9R 194 197 -958 188 184. 2 10 226 227 f97 2 16, 871 2,02 182 223 2 81 189: 262, 199 2-81 -708 10 0& 26 69 83878i 8145. ri,84; 721, 8181 448 Patent Petn 4 95. 84 98- 9:20 2288s' 217 91 8, y rue ear,<o *,, Ordermi 9u81tban w ù-0s 'n -014T FAIRE !T' Whitliy. 1'.

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