Whitby Chronicle, 5 Feb 1880, p. 3

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1U1atHlîffrom hPe idaY sxp.alig 'ei -ariva. Onu nd ~abôut 8 o'ÎlO@k s6BI.aTift wa aprtdprouclug froua lthe.@st, et 10 ab$Owfi5Rmode out 10 be *s &wm4ftG% sud liii.gus -voie a brousthe citadel.s piPe. auay irsueupon. Tii. aN uls t'uc 8ne mbred on the Imperlal Qov. *uaine '5 doacht 3wLity, veni dovuý the haibouni sod boarded 1h. SarMw- Ui, whieb paseed p lb. harbour a fsw minutes be twelve. The Sar- matin came t sucooîofithé Ordianes 'warf in the centre of tbe ity, snd at 1ý:45 tbe party osme froma. e hip tb ~1ewharf Iu th oov.rnmeqt acbt Tbey won roomalve t the. war b guard of hou« oïcmthe.regultrs sud miltîs with bauds. Thora wua a uum- *roau gatb.rlug of dlguitures sud othars, lucludlug laditestathebOrd. ziaupe, admission belng by iet. The Princossud Marquis ok salos in lu b. Goveruot's sleigb, sund wve .driven rapidly ta Govrnmeut House. There voe large crovds in tb. streete, wbo cbeered ihem es lboy passed. Tbere vas a general display of floge iu lbe priu'ipai treets sud a sainte was fired froa 1.' ltael.This was ail the ceremouy. I boad been inteuded to lics the etreets with troops, sud bav,- sintes I1usd at varicos points, but tbis arraugementl vas nol carried out. The whole affairwus hurrled and informai ; evea the route tW Qoverumeul Houe. previoU5lt' sgread upôa vas ual fouow- .4, *ad owlng te tbis mauy wbo gslb. ore& lu tbe streets fsllcd 1* se. the "Voua. ,1rbe voyage, cf lb, b. 8ewe# a s tuol a very aveulful ont, ltbough th. .Prinee e nlkle in reuqemi.i Ilfor Il. ss-overily. Thor@ vere no very gr.at «&as, b ut lbé passage lbroagbout vau, as inigbl be expe.ted ealibis ssou, quit. rougb. Lust ulght'asc su corai vhleb cossd go muob uximl ab Hall. f ,x, vass-nos fait severeiy -onuthe steamer. There vers passlug showers of onow,L but no heavy blow. Her Royal Highoussuffered sovrely froti ses sichusehroughout Ihoe-voyage, sud vas uious tW gel ashore, and o ret as quicly s possible ; henoe ail needeésa oeremouy vas dlspenied with, Mach ta the Satisaction of the troops, who wvoie W hve 1usd the sirests, -sud vbo-would hae founlu the dut ve uplessant la ecwsIuueo of zt eoJd. Ilm leo ieniihour aelle 00e obip' com@ to suchor thb, Pria. ees (ouid b~l ootby1eil sa At Ssime~ oute.. a resl vin, >Il le 'eonuly believed, seý store bop W ber usual good bluit There s s omediappoineiil amOili peo *h o there4 f Ihe appi 0 & suid v. a edtoose bt Prides, viite fuetact Iballb tcam tWok lbh ,Q> Wt ro WGover ment Hose, on is iii(. thl th Princoe s*yr be'r rougb passage nedi roset aaehou1» b. spared the infiictlot of a f«il reception. , ftt*1rcthe Prnoess' illnees lb .eil' 'incidents of lb. voyage wonlby a molte 'rlative to the crsw are the folrowe ilus 4ý-Â ireman died snddenly 0 Iwet disease. The Pîlucese sud suitg :suqbgribed elght'guineas for bis wldo lu iEngaund. Two seamea lad 1he51 bauds frost.bltten. TLe Princees sen tiorai lettersexepreesilig ber sympalli, suad enloura esPound ndlucc. STbe Prlncuoes restiug at Govitu ment Houe. Ibis Afteruoou, snd 1t4 Marquis la visting the luti.o asylr.m The Partyy yul leave for Ottawa b, special tre.ai t11*o'clook bo.cuorrow. CiabgIng the Route cf thc C. P. R. Itla is esrnd oun ellableathorily, sayî tb. Ottava correspondent of tbe a7obe "the Govsrnaîcnt bave defi- ilely declded W change tb. ronle of the Canada Pacifie Bailvay betveen lb. RIed River snd Fort Pelly from thie _mrth o! Lake Manitoba 10 lbhe otb. As if 10 afford tlb. Qovornuaent su or. giment, allbougb a veak one, for tbo change, Mr. Actoa Burrova bas pub. iiebed vitlilu tbe put few days apa. raîber reniankable <tr ls mauy loac- caracles, advoestlng the remoyai of tbe telegrapb lino, Imelven Selkirk sud Fort PeiWy, nov ercted sud lu opera- lion nortb o! Labo Manitoba, tW lbh sonlb of IL. 1%0e iansferenco of the tslegrapblUnea meuspraotitully the, Inansferanca fe t b îivy route no far leod ruenteuenuedrordea th Goveruaeehtla support of the change whicb làîey -have asirady agieed le make, :A deputallon rtr a ~I iy h.uioa, ocouposed of Mn. Jas. Car- rutbers, who bus bien a areaklentinl EmaiCty about <ras veehesud lb. 'výfoIluwnUrM. C. .-Whellam, ver. inlnodoced le Sir Charles Toppen, Min- islereof IBallys aud Cana,ù,by Mn. ýTase, M.P. Tho deputation prnel ta the mlulter a pelilion slgned by Ove hnndred setlers iluthb. sonîheru dis- trici tofManitoba, advoeating tb. change lu the roule wvJhlheh Goveru. ment have alr.adymacted u1pon. .4 ilutbaun'sa îbh-BVck by hie ine, Côme', sud Il kindu ýptions. hlIO Bah'e'sgui glve perfect -maiefacton lusa a~~yrfned. PrIoe 250 orsl yS. W. Bc: Oil-adge Baller. Tlwe <s alwaye au solive demasnd" for buller <batlale up W lb. gill.edg standard lu qnsliby sud color. Much baller tbal le othervise good sella at a reduotien frogi Ibis. 1* ive, cents par ý onud, beoause deficlent lu color. irymen should thon nue Wells, Blob. WODeo& Co'. Perfeced Batler Colon 10 r ve bright Jane colon. This oolon le y, fer the.-bighlest, -pureel sud best made. tlold by dnuggls-ts. 49.1y A Conndflhif Propouuded. 'Why Wii the "emaîl boy," persisi lu eating green appies ? The reader msy aseWellgive it up , q oncoo,"elnee o -1 origual parents vene guilyoéf theeutle indiserection. Physielansueay, the sea. con ln. whckh esnly or aurlpp frait le finit iutroduoedi,.is ilb.one tibcy-are <the most severeiy taxed luncaues of colle, diarrboes. dyseulery, &e. Yo1 sud oid are gnlty, but boye sud gs re the anisaI victime aud greatest suffer- are. There ie no peaoe, !comfort or ssfsty luthie fsmily unisse île heüd poides as pra udefficient nemedy. 8colt & Browus ?oPaisatable Csslor OU11a a certain remedy aud is easy to Ishe. Price 25 cents. 4in-5 Cousumption Cured.- Au old physiclan, relired froi prsc. lice, balng bsd piîced lu hie bands by au Bu ac mdia miaslouary th. formua of a'simple vegetable remedy for the cpsedy aud permanent cure for Cou- sumpiion, Brouchitis, Catarrh, Aima, aud ail Throst sud. Lung Affections, also a positive sud radical care for Nervoa dsbliily sud ail Nervous Com- plainte, afler hsviug betcd île vonder. tefu curative powere lu thoasaude cf obcass, bas feu il bis dnly W mali i known bo bis euffering fellove. Acta. 3ated by Ibis motive sud a dosio o Wr.. noeve bumau saffeing, I Wiii Sena free 1 of charge W ail wbo domine Il, iis e- e lpe, lu Gervm, French, or Engilb, wi vh full dmneolous for prepanlng sud usiug. Soul by aiailby addreeswg Wltb lsamp, -1aiqntIbispapr, W. W.1 Shenar, 140 Foyerg Bioc, Rochester, 0 N. Y. 42 le le >f ir Lt iy 1. ly ,Wife vlisa >.xe i a Draukea AiSu Sebourn, Uvqur Ot Wb. -was *truck oun5h. ltss, lhro lies ~witb au axe lunlise bazids c'f hiavlfono 'Wednesd&y lu*a, durlng a - da~n -querrai, .:4b&<ied Ssturdlay. Ter inarnY, dlehbasoflte yasbou -ef molansu itiaroo quarrolelln vsnul unfret1uent. 'The vozaap's a rbody Me bruised by to lbbeot hrb of sud bei, ahealds ara ut s.voi.iy;by Ahe. marks o'e ti o*.' 5h. ýsys b. aisc Dit off lb. sud of eue o! ber 11111. It vas uearly twelie o'clock on Frldsy u hou i nfrm&tliin s oavnu W aI Iii. police offio,but Déetive Grulx sud P. C, Johnson-,sSarle4 out for 'the bridge. .On snriving ait-Siboutin'c dviilg lb.7 ver. promptiy-admnltled by Sabouinas vifé. The hlldrian vir "Il bavlug sUPý6r, sitiluugh, It 'vasi thon aidnlgbl. ho huevfi boaulily, urnlhod, and a ialov candIo furnisbed light. Ou lhe floonoUpon the niattrama vas llg lh. dylug ns, w t oru c the oildis e. p antlWis(et$:. Wbsn saked by a deetvehbo h aiffale .wuousd. M v. amlmuul iniluDW flatter han Oold. Thé grand cimax of sueoees l Ist aehieved. The poor rejoice, lbe sick «Ws sud walk, the rib bakjn the golden suusbine of Perfect bellb. The physical mseries of the huafufrme nsed no longer b. endored. DiL KwoG'e CÂLFORMUGOLDKN Coxiovicu, for Dysppel, OCostipallon, Sîck Iwad- ache, Ooaing up t Food, Isuodice, Liver Complaiul, Biliousuese, Genéral Debîiiy, Droveinese aud ILoySpirites. This woudérful remedy vili poaitively cure, sud Ibat wh.re every îemnedy bas fided. To prove that Ibis vonderfal remedy vili do &Ul vs daim for il yoa are prcconted wtli alpalbo;tie Ireof cogi, by wbiob you wlreadly per- oeivo il. vonderful curative qualltica, sud wbicb viii show yon wbal s nega- lar ono dollar sime bolie vill do. For al by S. W. B. Smith & Co. 2 Goolu Advice. Nov is lhe time of ysar for Pneu- monta, Lang Fever &o. Every fsiuily, sbooid have &-4.~ttle of Boecnau'e Omax SBat..Dnltmi'llow for one moment (ha cpugh to take -bold of yo Ur cehdyUr faniily or yourseeit Coueampto',,,/Amthma, neuaonie, Croup heitnorages, and cother fatal disease niay set.lu.. thoogh il le tnue Gmmux NSrnit.la sennlng Ibonsaude of Lhote diseags, yel it h mach better to bave Il et baud wheu Ibre. doses viii cure you. Ou. boIlle viii lait your viole family a vlnter imdl ksep yon af. from danger. If youarae cou- - suniptive, do Dot nest aulil you bave tried titi remedy. Simple botlel 10 cente. BaeguIer iza 76 conte.soId by a&U Druggisl. Ciles' ftutcnlodido of Ammonia cure@. nenraigie, face ache, nhauîuatiom, gonl, fnoted ie.l.eblîblains, aune tbroati-crysipaias, bruises sud wounde o! eveny nature l insuanon animal. The remrakable cures this iomedy bas of'- fecled ciusses it as eue o!flthetiiost la. portant and 'raldable tenîdies evor dis. covoned lor lhe cnrs sud nrle! of pain. W. m4- "sli, No. 451 Sixtb Ave.: 'tour Liniment lodids of Ammonia bus - T. S. CLaulsoN Tivoli, Dacbesu Co., N. Y. Giles' Liniment lodide êt Acumonia core Neuraighifacchejrheuaiatm goal, frosted fes, , oblblalus on. tbroat, erysipoarle sdvua of oveny nature lua mm on animai. The nemarbablePuresIbis reaiedy bas ot. feole, classes Il soe of the mostitm. Portant sud 'vlua*bis remedies even dis. êco*ee4for lb. cure sud relied fetPa"n 1 Bïî.Mr. Aiiger etof aiaL L. sufeed for syars vllb a sois lbrm vwhhclé n~ew adsaek re nsali. lo.t t . ne£b"euimméiae e kom iles Linmentlodlde of Anal. moula. - prèm uthe'seeby, irai1 ana re ar bail of lhé. H.aut, tep1swinuunpwd sud foeble action of tbai orgen, demon- :Rlrslodina avanlty <of cee$,, POllov ComplandSyruo! H pbosblIo ou tb. muscles ctbbe'1 ert , Dr. P-. Me9i.db, of Ciuitatti,enyi', whicbsettlid un my lunge, -hdln oùgh vas iip ccna.quencs, v$obnW crsssed vfth aeverity. I expççite$dý laige qlosulties cf pblegmI"Mgw5 Dùnfng lb. lest wiuSer 1 iiào mttch reieed ths I Ivas'-ogwdt mybed. The dises. ùëld 'M c hillisana nuàbtIt fU7" jd4trýboasset lu, My fuiqu4iohVt 4ITiBY. Nuè* ltlL exeddAt the O 1DDFELLOW8'2HALL# Off cadi dollar in mode W incrsese Our traZe lu the moiilb ,bat -businýess le bei go9d thon usaïi. '*hiseibuee ton mksabig gaP l In enisVîl "profit. NioW le a GOOD TIME W-6buy Dry iio0ode. a& ve ' "Me elling it ,M OLD PRICFe~; nu dscériptIonS t IUMI - On o heflmbeig bu orUef~ hlri % t>~Irthe-,and 0n -der to reduc oury'8 stok before inivoïiig, we w4 eie. o i ;Gand Oleaing -SalttC rc o Cash only g~ HIf I'NO O6U ASLËflîyfff,-,EAN WIL{IT WR ATIERTS;* Ail partiesog's 10WMi please take"notice that -ail acutt us esettled by tlth I f k February,ý andýe_ -iUhvig ccounts, ag 8int us II 'ËU4ested to hand them in at oc..- lasa i 4 ~I~~h~ T ~ 8' ~ a.i I~O8 sM% 1R'YGO !O ýD S] Whitby,: aaiM 2t, 80 Areadvflcn~ ?n)~heWholesale airrkes. The. reducîlou, boid good ALLTHQ 4,HTHE HOUisE, 'ÏAo. This in a elr&ighiforward' plan of offernug SPECIAL INDUCÉMENT8 W glve the CHtAkP CASH STORE tho preference. We alway8 sell cheap. redoollons0pkea Onr ioda EXTRAORDINA.IULY (JIEAF 1 The 10 sults off oéveay dollar le band- ad ta. aveait ooa vtol hi asking for Yotil.itot hi Thte One Price Store 1 Tite ReaUy One Price Store!1 E. FROSI, The sudenls of the Hlgb Bbools iu ýt. Petersburg have isud a reolu- tionazy proclamation, in whi.h ihey draw s termible picturs of their cou- dition taider lth e w overuanent g ulations, sudI dodlue that ihey wi ligh the 0wvernaenl W lthe end. WHI2'BY M.R)T8. C"01=3sOrîc,?e. lm 10. FaiiWhesl.......- 0 #1 25 SpgWbea.......20<@ 1 25 'J'iiYu................. 04 (é 0 65 Flon, per bnl........... 00w<0-8,25 Bye ................... 065 à9 070 peua..#............. 00 9 0- 06 PeO«, .l#ck-OYO....à 080 a<9 05 Oas.................. 080w <085 Corn.u................ 0 w 0 00 lay.................... 750 C 000 fpples, pu bil ........... 10 @1 50 Potatois............... 025 < 8 Eggi ................ 015 oi Butter...............017 <9020 Chmes..............O010 0 O12 Wood ........... ..... 875 < 400 Beef,hlua 5r. 00 <a 5w Bief, tore quarter.... 4 0 <9480 Shopoi ...........0 7b <a1 25 au ...:........... 700<a 7,0 Cav ............00 69 00 T7mtos. ......... 025<9 000 O1Uicu...:......... .. 000<o9,1001 Tarulps.............. 0 07 1 CibrroIe................ 080 g*0ô C -i.......... 040 <9000 jCb.lckerpeior-.. .. oc <040o IDucks a r ....... 05 0 "7 Gess ynlb...... 007 <90S1 TU*Oey, perrb ........ 009 < 1 CI~.; .r.............. 85 8 aU TIMOibb7................ 1525<9£0 W004 unuahed.d..... 00 9025 govaIied.......... w.< 00 PolT P»RRY ARKXKtS. PoMtPu"n, Pcb. thl, lm0 ...tfa .......... 18< P ..ur.............. 45 Fee.......... .. Oata.............08" obeu............ 0< O Cloer5ed..... . 80 'à: P«> tues. .......... 00'01 Pork.................. 57 Btr........ î.......0 O"0 CC 0- ..~.CI DOM NO WARER9O J B. -W EL L &CQ Aie çap1inL$ the àbkice of their WI~TE ~ Fancy Wool Goods, Flannels arpetslï,,Shirts and Draw- ers, Furs, Buffalo. Roboe, Hqsey lv Clothing, MillinerY, &c e; -y. w - ÂJLSO5 - CHOICE STOCK. 0F GROCERIES]'~Ê~ TEAS 1 Beaver Overcoats at 1 40: Whitby, lecember lTth, 1879. 8OME $TLELINERj AND WHERE TO BSUY THEM. - ;oo: EBTABLISBED.' 1874. OUR STORE THE OUR STOCK ALWAYS O ,.4040111 :4 " n 4 0~O~ 4' 4, ~0t * .~~UiO ~~4' *0 '.4 *; P~ ' tu ~ r4~ ~ ~ i; ~ nnlTI .* !lD1 T - ~ ~ ,T- V ) mLJ4 . 10~ J' > Jm rLL.Y / £ .u.L . SPECIAL NEWS FOR THELAE. Beîng about to make large alterations in Our Millinery Of t Depg.tnient, I will offet, the balance of, our H-ats and ÊCon*hiteat -fully - - li- than regular p rice, to inake a coiý1èt clearance MMl sacri-1 fice 9 ai ullmry Goods. .;Somer very -stylish a;id neatly trimrn<ed Hats and Bonnets AT YOUR OWN PIE WOOLEN ýGOODS.-I will seli at greatly reduced prices CLOTING.-Our stock of Tweeds anadOvercéatings sare ihe besi. Our make and, itit je opraise of i.Je r s Titis mont1h for very Special Pirices at-'- O'F. STEWART'SI BOOTSA NI SPLEeN DID Dale Jsi. 11h,8W. XU. BLACJCHIU:HTL ÂLFBED OXFORD, -PROPBZ' TERES, #LOO PEUDAI, ý&j mam-for, larmrâ #mA Ibem sim VAL Ladies', MÎsses', SÈLLmG ý f , Boqts ad Sboes miade' FI N ES T, ' IN 0ONTAýR Î OOUNTY, SB 0T L DpRçIS B. POW]~ILL & Go. 1 .16 pasmoial COME AND, il

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