HE O f Photographe<ii 1100 filntwa n»hsfmu cre ut is- Ia':01P. andi oerla~iy ývesy tempî. l*oç tÃ"o-A uUgM d09g-'But theo tile mrature know tU* t i e e spt oe . tla is utr. lne, lerfors, tmmod fo h e Pôte ci staa& vwitllnt tonchlig Iî, * andi a'a tetee Wh%& vas wau"îediwatt. giog là is taitIa pleasanly It !it jusI Thalt ttle do_«. becwuass a fa vorita ; aad.i.v oaWldbc .e I i l1111e 'loge toîlovoti bisexamplo, 'doieg wbal lbey keoôw to e h ber duly ba*fore eaeiogtiaitpvnpIutat.or grailfica" lio., more, than- once I bava heard a. snalben eali ber lith, girl, wbo.bas. ainsweredsI, 'Yes, mamma." but nover- eue. Sho waa 'bns dreeslag ber dal, prbapi., or âudrees iti for bcd, or Mjui ulpber'lgeon atditi-not wiest o loà e te heu, or pettieq 1h. last toboWl to lb. plIte oe.bad juil been- paluling, aSid auledt lcomplet,. il. Wben Hâl1e folks do go, tbey are Pleasing-Ibeaeives insteadi oi obeyleg mâman n:d cannaI aspect a bieuieg fnom Qed. 'Duty frt and pleasune aftenvards," cbildfien ;thal le tbe way go ha tmly A Wonderful Divon. A lAi W150 CAN STAr UIDK5i WatzE WITUOUT 15AVtK40 AMX tUMPBD OW a goileat of curla.ty bben 4eL. fer torr milk. 111 haven 'I any but &atet," aid lbe vomaï. .Then 1il wai tii L surs" aidh., VulIing ont The'Troy Timae srikes ounta Ibis ot.yle -"Â M lle sssow, a 11>11 bruealiéi tIaw, 'à 'iülei. treez% Uittle draft and then-ker.c etda.ou -agretlbig mëesse." "M.are yon g o giv% e à nother plooe of pi.o?" Ma: rI'Whi do ion vautt kdov for Pl" Jeannete "ilqeauso iyou in't, I vint la 0" raplledlise boy. "Wbat vouldyo c0li IL if loft b obr? Thon is always an Irpesib. cou- tit going an le one'& mind *bon -h.i osecs a smali bc taklg is fRtsl moke,. as ti'Wïhelber lb.boy 'hsmoking lb.g cigre l, egaissmoking l.by An adilor thus cknowledged f os e1týf gpapes :-"We bave recoved a baske>t cf grapes from oea- rieu& W4, for Whlcli bo wiliiacepî cur complI menteson>e af wbh are bye inobes la *ILife la put gtbronlrbl like a sq'li haass. Ter.aretracts cf cane, Ilio atrouble, bile ai goad for- tùuo, bresehos fgo&an bbid. 'tnu nÈ ti vw nsh l>tug 't 'Tmy0gd10, navieilte obis Y#gam n dm1 nheenrbangshlût 5ht yeare 01111h lbat an eloak ile 1hallway 1 10 nthe u l. "tê tar of bargiarsDow, Ânet mary," ab4 Tomm,I . wita mai's bat and atin th&îî rt nplApioR And à ,AUie boy béing aeked by anotbor I. J~$8UHIXI1 ~ ho ~was 'bint nov, replied,. 51Vc 1xa Wm cashier le a cloling store." iqpi~~tag ~ .as~er' aïd ,Itheother ie ûmi amy aupplj Oms, Ts"s," sahlà be. Ihle ls -nô 'PUMP. - aLswbat the eJerbe caU me. l eoeded ex. A linndred limes a à day lby bolier rd Te re 6Csh 1 ber. 1" d consiste of a ý ýueeüM~iotîoriâ bas oïderei a -quon. 444,0o0=00 ~v fiiin" uDaulin underDOMINION dé -kd-'~-suaa-eo" r-wèë,rê irmi liedl d nase an orinasal wbiçh 'brettkxg nwabls. Wbi ee ttibulj a wl4chb Plae. Mr. Peulii ~p.esappaeoutl, bit dowe sud cau& brpatba, ie ah. s', ko it 14 (in the air, yý, -The preac» es b> ardlegthltainven-. pie. Ny.Benjamin sande ta Niutre a observatIons ai-lb.» .1- ebataver w*y Mr. DR reem under tbé ont donhit achbie suceées. Haâlbas preduct, of -repitia., otiiertI.. ffcel te lvaa longthise rm -ail exteram&a.- iionec of, theeaxlia. t'nnuln d ur -~-~~-1 FLOUR-& FEED STORE, DUNDAS STREET, - WHITI3Y. (Chsrleu Peuuylegiou'u oid stand). AMIR UD9BEMEU2 RIOSTO IN. a nd uslomeh sta keepa coutnîiy ou band everylhing in bis bue,é in-*cluding, FLOUR; BIAN, SHORTS, 00211,, OATS, iOTAToBS, VZQBTABLES, &c., ALO1mIIEI' CoFZCTIONEBY, tW resh bBread datly -M TEIM8 OABRII Wat. H. PINLGOT Wbitby, îaq. b,181m. . ýT I2 CLYDE Ut>TEL. . US Krro.ST. EAsT, TO'IOZTO. The honte le ewly nenovaff ted tr bottai .X"e ' ooumndatlon la trxtvelilns< publi.Ia. Te va, ebw t fI andi air, &adt e lartiis lekeoplet Iliebettu . No botter île anig4 ttentvebostIens. SADDLERY HAIRNES WILLIAM T/lUMP8i i.28, 1879. LIU1 ýON? HO T OGRÂPHSA For' théi Ckritma8, Trade ot4y, ai 1elpiae life-soizet SPECIME-NS'ON Cards and -Cabinesfurnished ini the lateeti style of the Art. Frameg of al i zes always on band- A ygung man desxring 'to atudy Photography, Wini finia gooti chines by oufihng on Mr. Barrett, andi gettinà g terme. Whitby, June 101h, 1879. Bernard and Co., Leîth' Distille1' SOOTLANVD. R.E. JAME SON, -Agent, W1itby, THE'ENORE WH-Sy The following 8atufactoriJ and, mo#I couvt* 'igetlo#ëeoe shows the absoluté puri4e dnd aafiey of uuing the Es- CORE WHLSKEY as an Alcohoi stimulant. LAN0ET.-t-Bcmarkably frcc fram F'usel 011, mili ,WhQbeiom and, BBITLSH MEDICAL JOUBNAL.-"B.moval of the PualM01üi.megt- complete ana effleaions." SMEDIOAL TIMES AND (*AZZTT.-",We enu highly oommeadil as well-fittcd for Modical use, being veryýpur wholesoma, ant pleasat., MEDIOÂL ,PRESS AND;,CBGOULAB-est 4h*ca m uncontaminatoti with mixtures frequeà tly ust t gve iitieuoansd MEDIOAL BECùORD.-"Mugt rank feremost'as the purest cf e"ehoue. PBA.TITIONEB-idPerfectjy free from FPue l1, cxtremcly muat, andi a sl .coalstimulant." SANITARY RECORD.-",Such au excellmedatetid" "mlstÂdoser,. e a widoe preat reputation." -PUBLIC HFALTH.-",Exeptipna1y pure. It voulti h fertunat. forUt4ohealth ufthecommunityif isu gobnerlu." I<A.TONAL PF0D)AND PUlk EPOMBE.-,'Au Who value their health shauld use il." DR. H. C. BARTLETT, F. C. S.-"Oolntained lis tirae of that dol,. t-oriouse ced poisonous matter Pua , .tha iy spiritl I have ove. Qib-, niitw tfi e a mrne seaingietgato Thie Medcalrofession shouli reco natit their patients nu Whiky wh nhde t «=o up te t-bts standard. DR. C. B. 0. TIOHBORNE, lé. 0.8., Trinity CofloDablln.-.Ode luy exasuinotifor PuscilUbut -nons coUltib. disevrti .ctyfc tra posoousmetlehataret entlyfaunti in Whiskesatiwhich DR. PAUL, P. C. hm f-ouiIN" el or o. injurions substanoe." yfrcomPelOtrohr DR. STEVENSOR'MAOCADA.-"Very pure aei4 whalcsamo matiof exeeingyue quality., ~ TiaisyWis u o0ouly a pleat »a wsm mstmu"at for rdia. amy use, buttfer dalicalo onsfitullons I la Invaluabis, aselii itpe. vitle1 mmb wh.u'no otlhar ateokollcasbulaut.vlI thselr win tbearSoin wae r; ense. It la nsed timeel exludle.ly lenlthepra4tcé of Mani of lthe MO04eamnt ansilu the Xedicti 'olieaon, Every, Galloýn Guarniteed-Equally, PUm- LOOKI- LOOKI! TE t.atiCea t b .( AtLIA thbîeo . men, lea à tabIe for îew Jet Fur 110 w KNIT S O*0) F EVPsY DESOBIPTON ~D0N-B TO01ORDER. Sewbng mBohiIes rom' $1 to $100 euoh. IMMING, PLIiTING AND BASTING MACHINS FORBAL 4AIXOU ki he Bii»h ÂMM ]?yt D Co, ,fur o1elx eooriat caflosing Peaters, Hats, Dremss, &o.,. il re Seive our carefu tetion Sole Agents .in Whlby for Butteriok's ,Patternu,, Sooka, &a. 'Mý . la . MOINTYBE, 45.8m. Brok 515.1, Whllby. CITTTERS -U G GIE S AND CARIRIAGES. Thé -Large8t-and Be8tAssoMent in the County. GREAT BÂRGAINS OFTERE]) IN CUTTERS., &o., i ýordeî to m ake room, as- we intend to bid a larger numb«r of Carnages and Buggies this winter DIJNDÂS STREET, . WH TBYOI4I. FA8bIÙNABLÈ ALRN BROOK BTRBET, z H z z CANADL4N TWEEDS I IJLSTERS,& OVRCOATS. TOV'Cil GET AT PURGU8OWaEE&»IY MADE OR TO ORDER SPL.ENDID etJIT9 1 A NEW STOCK JU5T TO HA.ND OF TEE 'LÂTEST STYLES TM GENTS' FUBNISHINGýS 1 XrmA 0001> VALUE lE BUFFALO ROBES. JOHN TO FER~US9N. OVECOA1 BUSINESS ýSUITS 1 DRESS SUITS 1 FANCY VE8TIN~GS 1 "Y ENTAS' %T. M; FURNLSHINGS! Âancunet Oà edlan pr~p~i ses uuwwss sajie, avis met eau }11&HEST MI -I w. j-. WHI'rBY GENERAL DRYI4 BOOTS ÂNDf lThe Dry G"od epartmmet is complote in every -lUne, an& h Grocery Stock .11 newi aýd- fresiL g> The cheapest house in the County. Re- member the siddres. 49 ýA. E. SXITH5 Baglan. 81G<N F "(G O. LD E N-PEN." - BOOKS,' STATI ONERY, '-FANcy- ER Y , G L A S A R E, WIN ERS RVICE VA, Hl , GLA89OW, AT COST TILL -Q6TH 0OF DEO0EMBER, As I ietenti after that date carrying- on,-the Watch.making only, Watohe -s, Clooks, Jewellery, Gun-smithing, Sewing- Machines, repairet inj ifrst-celass a ner.' Satisfaction !or no pay. Will sel the whoIeofaÉY'1Boc&à ,. Stationéry aùd Fancoy Goods choap. WIIbold inbhuli,Ão à desirable purchaser Whitby, Dcc.. md, 1879. Shortcst Sea Passage,, Econonsy, and ClOmfart. ta le hoHalifax où- arrve =vrThur, aig Wlty at 80 Is ." sday. rmiOuon RLTEi PBbX ' Wmxrr fab" tares edt U8, *81, aia 89, 9codigta pvi tion of stateroon. o raaf r rtuuioketa. lntermeOdiaeý Ste1erage I lovat rates. CIrcassIen lin. 17t% ea> Sardiae24t1h, Caspian...... i-BM - moravsa ......peli. 7th 1 -Peruvian.... 4 1< Steerage X>5eers are zorwaua e, dodrreiasl, Glasgow, q ol Bisto, .Crdf, ana London at eCM»t r id e s w zsin g t b sen S fo r tb e r f i n eau obtain tickets .a low rates. For icets and farther informa pi Wiliby, Jasa. 121h, 1lm. tf.4 The Great Blood Purifiei DANIEL KENJNEDY,. din fthé Golden Pd TREASURER'S 'SALE 0F LÂNDS ËFOR F>yitu~f a Warmat under the band of the Warde e ieý f esib Lof t4 ounty of Ontarlo, dated the Ekahhday sô tf to$h1r, lu' , 10& "t lztl41 Ià IUeDuce thal nnies Fuoch aiaud nt lb Tw o WTY, WZEDÂY, Ihe -BGHTE] PBBEarffl;A. D.lm8, at b.b UroTN o'olook in th.reon 10 _575 -1 96 7 3 - 14 .199 60 2405. -s41 26- 4 0 2 02 10 100- 847 '5: 908 87 7, 766 01 9( 90 9 -812 261 8s l 97 28-44 252 901 82 291 Q254 s81 10 . 44 190o 5 lut 527 -1 94 7 8 -29 1 97,. 8 w NARA. 20 2778 5. -a 2M 27 2 53 81 7 - 1 04 1 84 28 7b Il 09 209' 18 108 18 26"2919 17 100 -1828 2 22 18 160ý 17-81 2 26 20c 1541 1828 2 27 20à 60 1586 2920 '17t i 647 1 97 -8'4 8 1886 16 -160 75> .69- 71 794 89 8 40 2 02 104 -' 84 19 21 92 . 10 72 2 là 9 108 19 79 28B1- 221 lu 806 189 49 80 8281 2 62 840 1e 7 21 199 02 'Pat. ' Lot Con -MO bain, Pt. South j 23. a rua"ldnichols Pi Soutbh 28 8 VIJIgpI01214 1 South West corner 1 NiorthEaBut18 -6 Pai Northj 1988 Soutý'w" Put 16 8 ParSonhl5.18 PA#t North 6 513 FatfSouth j 6 14 14 part 88 Ja". Joadm 8 8 'Nor&b m1o"Sut o 5 sauihllutj2i 9 rait'Iierth ai81 1 wesllribi 80 il art uh à 21 12 Prt' North 21 -12 art t'Salith *.4d 1l Nantan~~rt oul.bal. 418 12 .18 Part Xorth W1hlalff rait WMehalt, Wesl Part- Part Wui-Iae 'Part Part Soulb Westj 'Put Soùttb4alf 10 7 87j 02i 2 m 814 '7 06 .~hraboveM28e-ar.tgstai, D TE DEST out to . VERTIO ïrged atith& eýrtin,ancli ent iasertlg âsurance Ce- eRcriptionv r tan Centsp y he yearo gOe0a1ra~ 03 T 'WIT tank, - nori L*YJU.I$. IULE. EXP. an&T-eL Olk Whi 1 - El &C ,HARDWAR el -AUM- --,TOYS,