W. H , BB0CK E Terme of bargasi l re nonaf# Cci Pll'ton s*m Spee ati y the eoui 01 *0Onr&at ctiuit be lu wt ITt WUMYET ;0 p.p A'num. lin bolall u 8 cents, per lino, Sra per ine,taeh suboe. mootiugq, Plimmew. ,sud mater. ct'i 1k ed among News Mat. *do viii- mvrdisers line advotiements Buein"e s8 DIrea tory. ONTARIO -BANK, WHITBY BBÂ2NOH, TIROMIS lÙOW, FAREWELL & RUTLEDGE, D3ARRISTRUS, ATTORNBYS, SOLI- chaitrs, Notarles Public, anS Couvey- Office final Soor south of the Royal u10el, *ht>y4 JAMES BUTLEXDGE, B. A. J'. B. FABBWELL, L. L. B., - County Crowm Attorney. 43 JAMES KIITU CORDON, 13 RRISTER J& ATTORNEY.AT.LAW, .D socliitr in Chancery, Couvoyancer, NÃŽotary 'Publc, &o. Office-Tunaa St., firs1do;ousa Astsong's Botel. Monel' to kLemu-Private fonclg-at loy *JO'4A. NMcSILLIVRAY, ((Suocessor te H1. M. Hoveli.) 1TABSTE J& ATTOUSEY-AT.LAW, J. Nolar! Publie, *o. riSo1litor for th iDomnlon Djnk. Offoie.-Net dor to Idankion 1H0eum Jbridge, Ont. -26 CHARLES C. KELLER, A lYOTEY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN ti ner, onvoyaneOr, &o., Cananng ton, BrookD 1V IL. T. BARCLAY, A TTOINEY-AT -LAW, SOLIOXTOU -,Minlu bancery anS Insolvenoy, Ccuvey- i ncee, ha., &o. Orcu-At lie out House, Whltby. LYMAN XXNGLSII, L IL. 9,, AREISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR Il -ceStreet, Onirava -JOUhN HALL DO IV, BA.BIST91RATLAW. SOLICITOF - ta Chaucery,- Cozveyancer, &o. «.Ofile-DoVerlWs Block, Broak Street *Wlby. MONET TO LEND-Prlvale Fuads- tu molfn P to-*ôw, aý ralow rate ai In Ilerem,. (y-M UtOINON KENT, (La Duooîr. hRoer6Nsom -17>AEEISTERS.AT-LAW, A T TOR1N.. IL) @yu, Solcitors, Conveyanceru, &-o. OFFIC.-In Victoria Chambearm, No. -1, Victoria Street. JýN. . <. ELLEV, 1ARIISTERt-AT -LAW SOLICITOR B> n Chancery anS InSO vency. CoIivey ar.cor, &o. Ofà e-DeverillI's BlockBok Street, Wltby, Ont. G. YOUNG BDIITH9 L L. B., DABISTER, &o., &c.-Money te Loan J> Igsuer ai Martlago Liceuis. Orpec-Over Dominion Bankl, Wiitby. Tan. 22, 1878. (tf-5 CAMERON & APrELDE, -~AIIISTElIS, Attomey-at-Law, anS .1> alcitara n Ciraoery, a. 4 Toronto 1~ stret, Toronto. INECTUUIANEROI, QOC. (yeM) R. S. APPEI.BE. RI.- J. GUNN, a. D-9 191IGE0N TO THZ COUNT! GAOL, 1Il ynon Sîreet,VWhtby. BYRON FIELD, 14. B. -pYSC«k. bREN aDfi -Wu. bNBRIEN, il.D., M.1t.C., GUY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG.I Gtire oye R.B. . l. , Omia ,ontanio. IARD. ,- DR. BOGART, 'i'Physican, Surgeon, ACCOUCher, &o., &%. Wbitby, Sept. 80th, 1874. 4 W. ADAMSe R00t' On"e, % e iasl.UÂMESOlnb'B Ufilce houru fr&om ar. ta 12 m, and from 1.30 ta o . Reidence-Cor. cf -Byron .anid Gi sr trets. V.N. VARB, L.'D. B.- 'u hea astheobepen, and me good u the Teeth extraoted vithodi pain, by proauclng local auesthoala Dentl Booms-Ain Cow- es's new block, avar Atkns Drug Store Ring Street, Oshmwa. 8 JIORN ROBINBONILIN flRAIR DBESSING-AND 8I&VN S.Laloon, Brook St., Whltby. JOHN WOLFENDEN, A GENT FOR THE OELEBBÂTED Scottieh Or&ute. At Marb. Works .of Yeuathaw WoUcaone, Dundas St., Whitby. L.FAIRDANk<V, . OFFICIAL M3SIGNEE G1 WM. -WHITBY. Geo. Crak TuMB3ER MERCHANT & 'IDE. La- ag ufplycof Buildera' Funish- nge, anS ail klaao TltdModn Doora, Saab anS Blinda. LU 1WBER wholescle and retail, aor by bythe car bcad. *?elng, iîddüigaof eèry deacrip- iion, Floorlng, Sheetiug, Shelving, Re- aawing, S>aplng, 1urng. Sercil-work, etc., etc. Wiltiy Oct. 101h, 1878. -48 MJONET TO LEND. The. unerslgne haman y aMont cf MOU- ey la Lund spcn Fan cln TvuPrapentY, et qnumneh.yLow Bates of Inteet. Loasis ea burepai n suma to suit bes. novera.- gavera1i mproveS Parmi anS WIlS Lande ntuainnts Made lu Municipal Deben- lures, Byri, anS cther rn.ektateble Stocke. For furtirer pantieulara apply ta JAMES HOLDEN, Officiel Assalge, Broker,, &o. AprillIM, 18a .15 ARCHITECTURE j DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION OF BUILDINGS Framptly pnepared vith, vew ta Bemomy ru Construction. CHURGH AND SCIlOOL ARCHITECTURE A 8PECIALTY. Correapondence Reapectfully Sollcted. --m JLK Il.BSIIt un.Anchlteth"b Imperirshable Fragrance - MURRAYA UkAN'# b oa ýCelebraitià Floride Water. The, richeet, mont . tyemceide- for lueonOSthe Ifandkeruhtef, aI tie T and lu the. flI, Seligltini and beathuin athe alic rooxa, relievea veainea, fatigue,prs tration, nervouanemm ad eadache. Lok ont for counterfeits, iwa7sa ecifor the FionSaa Water prepared hy tsole *o violra, 'Mesurs. LMnI&M Jr o SW' For Samie Perfnr, Dmugglmtm anS Èauoy GoDeveiers. FERRY DAIS A SON & LP.WRENÇEO 299 Agent.. MOITRAL. Far mie by T. -G. Whitfiold, Chemmt, Whltby. JOHN LITTLE Begt anunce zto e iottzeeeof Whltby CId u g undncubt, that ho bmm opeed a BARBER SHOPI wlt alm Prae OL. XXIV. WmTBY, I~R4 leH t N'A H ALL (pposlteo G. T. E. Station,) Witby. SIO~N 'ilR e 81M53(180101815) r. wNEILL - - PROPRIETOB,.1 71 KING7-BT. EAST TORON TO. Every accommodation for gueosa, IncluS- ing cof ortable. ary bedroomùi eMestai&aU gae he Bar fully auplied viti bet brande cf Liquors, Win Brandies, Cigare:~ &o. Every noesry dirctin given 10, GooS Stallng, oncloseS ysa, anS atten- lAve ostlera. .48 c OMMERCIAL OTU! an STABLS, ~êJ54 and 56 Jarvis-.ineet, Toronto.. JrOHN MeIIÂB, . - - PIhOPIJETOB. (s5500e550DTo Joux manIar) The best 01.00 iDay Boume lu tho ity, oriy two blocks. tram tho Nbortbere Bepct and close to the UarinaI. The Banne bas been newlyr 1ftteS out and evary-thlng Frat-clama. ly-d7( NUS. WALKEYPS TEMPERÂNCE HO USE, DUNDÂS.STHLEET, WIIITY. GoaS accommodation at ressma.ble terme. Boarders 02.60 per week. 46 IROSN HOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. The Palace Hlotel af Canada BeitteS, ger Elevalar, rmnnnng t anSday. The. ulyfiret-olanas Botel uC(anada wllb grain- ateS p.cesviae- oî, 12.50, asd13 erday leiebera of Club, euS athers, Sesig marne, vithoul board, 81to o r a. Fe., Oth. 878. Proprietor. der -.(form Imer TA! T. I frics tha iat to amia n- for 02 J j. gïm OFFICB OPI>OSITFJTRE ROYAL hlti, hrackt., Wbitby. Whltby, Marohi 20th, 1879. 14-ly AlTHERLY, Vlerk DIvion Court, Tp. CIerk*, *onrnlsioner lu B. B., Land Agent, &o., *l., Atherlyi Oouty Ontario. Atherly Stpt. 2ud, 187. 8 J. UIMAX, Veterinary Su.rgeon, ,wiUlbe s ai ritmohomelWhuiby,sv@My fteafimmitu 4 a'eloolr, p- m.; # r aAgeupw.prsIfl pLty eek. wm oyA.L IOTEL, WHITI3Y. The above hotel hs bes thonughhy 2ovated ana refunlihod, and lanov un- rthre management cf GEL). MACEIE, Inerly cf St. Lawrende Rail, Port Hope. Bveny attânution Ipaid ta guesta. ,lmeaiaily gaood lample Boicon for Cani mriel travellers. 11QUEENIS IBOTEL, BROCE-STREET, vEHTY .YLOR J& McQANN, PROPRIETORS. The underaigned deire ta Anform, tiri [cuSa anS the publica ualtirey have laken à above vell nnowu hotel, vlir tbey ke nowly fitted up anS nenovated, aSRpn to the beet of order for lb.eaccommoda-ý Ln ai queas. The Bar, ich, le tire banS- memI lu the Canly, la weU supplieil vitir wfineaL branS.eof vinea, liquors, anS ci- ra. Arnple enclosiledrnoom and good abllng, b~oi tMalle, &-c. Detached rooms comnincimi travellena. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP MCCANN. late ai Tarantù. THE-WILSON HOUSEl ASHBURN, ONT, ALEX BARCLAY,- Proprictor. Tire Boume le of Brick, largeand eom. modious, and tire mtenlon l 9e d SUp n ex- cellent tyle. Tie larder ilasupla vtriehstn lie market. Tr best cf Liquora anS Cigare. - Stabling, large and roomy. Goodasirheds. BRBITISU MER1CAI4 HOTEL, (LA&TU 3o0a1803 But.) IVHITBY, ONTARIO. Blouse newly renovatod anS furnlahed brougiont, anS put inu finst-olsas cter for Lreception cf guetse. Au omnibus ta and rn ail trains. Firal-czas temple rooma. '1EHÂKESPEABE, HO[TEL, ýýCor. King&h Yoea., Toronto, Out. -A.O'GRADY, - PROPRINTOR.] Tziut, $1~.50 cprit Day. (ly-47) ]POST OFFICE SALOON, TonoNro. f. McCONNIiLL, - -PROPBIETOR. tir THE BEST ACCOMMODATION ere for Guestu. 1-7 th] ho roi QUEEN'S HOTEL - VICTORIA JAS. MA KÇEY,- PROPRIETOR. Good Table, Liquura, anS Cigars. Fine tahling an.¶ oveny nOCeaaarY accommoda- tion. ly-4i ONTARIO HOTEL, euiocx avalETWverra:. (Il 7 ÀW1 s Bega tea nnaunce tualhobli esi* eumea the proprletarahîp of1-thre Onterlo Botel where gose.wil herçaftr zr.o'Idahl pr %mnal attention. The- tslie wi.1 iwyu= > mrppUed -wfth the boit cf «0 yt inl soaïon, anrd none but thé becS bran 01c lquors and igus wlflb. kept la the. bar. Good atabling and a.tlntiVeOtiers. Tii. aid friends are- respectiolly lavited ta oel on 'OIem.", C~BHÂWA HOUSE, - I 1over tirestore of wHTpriED's eia RING STEME, OHA'.. Ibna, Brook Stree, Whlby,.ad solucits. Hi. CHESTER, - --PoreOr' h&ar01of or Pstronage. - 0 House.is reflUeS and uraidsheS Md$uph wauts cf the. travelling public. T - plied with thW c oiflt cf lthesmeof. 'Tb*' bar supplied wlth the best braabm liquora and cigars. Bus to maS frora mIe lion. Ample stablevoom, careW ol I!ocirs LUMBER!_L'UMBER I IJUMBER ME11IIANTe Has ais hand a large mwpply qf &Il linds.cf Barn Lumbor Boards, anS mi&U eosspfly Building Lunihier. Yurrlg, gtawii Tineber, and Bcautling, a Igp umg atityouhuid» oag rdera toi, Long 1Bill ftu1e4 frm ilmast hot no".e Borfambemas B »v Ia lwYs on Wbttby, May 7h. 187. Fancy Breèlfat anS Tom Sels. Fancy Dinirer MdftDessert Bte. rFney BeS.rooou 1. Fgs u any lo Fbt. n Spoa Silven Plaed Riveo, olan oc Silven PlateS OruQeta ïaSButter Coclons. Silver PlateS Cam kaets. BoEod,X KavesanS Forins. Tee rav0 anS Servons. Fioxrer haSeu f or Lily's..ho, h. Glasuvane, anl Seseriptiona. white Stase vure, every knS. Urtel anS Bar Goods. iPLOVER HARRISON, importer. jFor sale i7 T.G.btfeSW lty %!0:,o euhOiuer 11 Oh 'boy 'bitteor wam O *ha vs beamud n. MWS esa hembui store ofIbai Baise your ll Blesa tire L Ma y rui Thbome Who Bluseu l. 'ing limdSset gqa-e Th.t bave givéebrOqd tmi"el 1510 Grant them hasp sma mlaSý- S 51 Champ theis t e iles, Oh 'tvolS <ver A Lêge4Âotii(GfC8t Quesa . lebhill PAU L JébI Who le 1ln-4eglth tirere slm neon uw olus *~h1 O&BB L Ma pieul te da;keain XstéU 1ine deepet 2i1Ocf tIre weling botVoell tee stnnfelo lionai tDr *ei thre dset-griiid -the berdumuterrr, t1à ee dro mt e.vaewrestler ,id b .5, ane, vem à lb& lkaul favnbcr ad orweetdireS fa aa"for the nobleel champlons Ott r li u - b u t oe d ie , l au t t re mil f en g e o iradueky 1001i0tir viltiernemea,w lgror tirefoui nw bird la teâx sudbufet-for tu evî ca, vineing and saorting, bclflsi$eI bell iu scorutoaeparu "antsctra vithihbei' bo Pitifla la lie rplan8.tr fui pleading fWyaagadc l tc the *paiic dsh ptfl b ioherng tanue0,9loia itrs thing Ofa tdoIl'e bmoly Itîenêe t fmtagwaalrOfvbth e pel gr evrer>' moumt entmoe odarbloe, binou eit le a oat-*Oud 1 pUIifiltoc tireltter irmi'tieOftb mai, limbet Zr latdiemue ma corde5iao-of tIrat long,!l tapezing bcdly-tire voe>'mbléim agle etrongtir-vbehm sadinlg in on>' to béer bût' W W SltI dou n i Si, c anS thre oetiaulone flort tg zim,t limo b>' ime sosIrOS s und- lafr U li arker jet& cf blo 1 optiron. pooke in' thé np vidoe ned 00Lwo larg, -ure., bIIotheOwing o thn e4 Ilgbtly 7Iiilt tire faleu'lu ieeo"lus baupeiioo dteùIajmi if by magie, fr-om the uolomn, elosi beqrvoi. âMuýet jedeà i the' upurate Iô'd a ité~rn -70 bav glynie iwem tti letieiei 1h. *hohbasa -kqô*ledge cf anS4l, lb. fume. ocunotonùttoi"l a, d -rap the alec a prelei Sob 1 ill i hve t'tu epeùiAE *à 4ù,S ik lfor ïe ti b au1co u have re sl el, peIed you te evalyotr secrète y h6, godê laded, bantÃi>yor prlel bit sq.jgl, ven: vl l tel' -oiiethui voniliteberl ONTARIO F'ARMERS' Mutual IfiBuranceCo'y. EAD OFFICEs, BOKS..HT TUIS COUVA" T maures -Fe>m DuS- lu Canada. JUST LOSES PBOMP LYIP AMD. Whltby, ÂprE Oh, 1878M1 Ldçkurld St. anS Clraring Cran, London. 89~BI.SIE IX1782. 9ILLLESPIE, ILOFFÂTT&à bijÙ., B. W. ThmE, Nmiaer, Moutremi A BO ST&BLISIIED 1IN CANA- 1804. unImiteil Ialty ai eI tir.etokiolderaanS lange Rerve Funda. hrer rates6 of prourlui. IWhltbe, Aprnilm17. 16 t BM" AEIC IAs~surance Company, INCORPORATED la». ÀASSEBTS8, $1,101,87694.L F, A.. BALL, Manrg.r. Insurances etfected stthl oveut cuzmul ratea on Buildiaga, Merchandise, and tbmlle propertyr againat Io" or dmnrage hy Ors. C. XOURSE, Agent, Wiutby. Wblhby, Apnil M1, 1878.loi FIEIN81JRIM e ~nLy. lllkm wvttet sunS poli" eslmmnE I4 Whthy, 7uly ÙO, '9 8 CONbENSED TIKE TAilLE. Taking effeo Vt fodayqi. 1 it4h,1 Ani"Lnma...1n r Paýrt etian t ote PlainIotee! Table,~ ~~ ~t *db aoap~1s 0my Of th <lMa. wltii an 1Laglol &Bari.,nEd1q r ~ollt7. DM <du >g pruçpîrea o lT rTik Obig xc for rtraotht -P. P. dene P. 0. lBox IM Wma.. 0#HA WA .IMABME ..WORK8 i .1 TEE CANA DIfERSON & VANZANT» -LPmyITvu ___&"tlare an 8oéeh and Canadian Granite monuments, ReePcOneleýý n l M ieSand wll aulsb County of Hal FARM :LC close to a il4way, 5g4I VILLAGE -0F, 1M4 FOR SALE, ON n 4Apply to 0. J. EM0 Dominion Wood Works, I NSURANC-E. u . J-/ ýim rr LU Pi ci rai 1 )à . 1 il - 1 W 1 - 1 itfil 1 il 1 . 1 1 14 ýlý .1 . 1