Oiangao ej»-G. Y -Suillholr. St. Niél er forKMeb. ChsgouayisiW#-. . , 8.11h, sir The. Hep Bitter. O0. Wotîlrà iklDimoor., 8pecait---Myrtilo avy -Tohac1o. Flilsund Gai-fe ads-A. 1B. Sui Dotuinion Wareroom-J. B. Poto Dry IJoods aai Grocrlea-.B. à tmiî Caérpet sud Table Linn-J. B. Powi Notice et Attaéhuasul - .Thn Ri, * Officlsl Aaigasa. - spoial-8. W. B. Smthil. $Pbciais-T. 0. Whhîfieid. ttocis-il. Prost. - Fit'OîY GOodsé-.S.Robertacu & Br( N"w Book-J. B. Robertson &i Bros. AUCITIOli SALBEn liiestorough.brod estthe, iapl it-uts. di., at Gleutihu, Lot 28, a cou. Wbilby, ou 411a Mai-ch, proper cf MIC. W. G. Daw-L. Fairbani * Auctioneer. 1 He0rses, caIlle, sbecp, sud npl tuent-s, prcpérty cf Mr-. à «s.Mie Lot 184, 7th con. Whithy, au M4srch 8 -L. Fairbanks, Anotioneer. P ari, Lot 28, -M7 cou. Piekeriti Ou W@dediy, Srd Mai-cIi, oBlate la Thos. Pallisesi-.Tics. Ponchr Au ONLY sio, e1gît ANHUM. Whhby, Tb6rSdayt Feb. 26, 188 Tha Douadar ' Avard. Tiers le, il ém <mai-d, mémetiug a héîer et von Idvevse heajuteras, cfotai-le luiliae rfuaofetthé e êd4 lia Domir4~b 1GIeament, le cocon the Boutdar>' 4wan. Ti nae- ici -Sr-Jobe Mldoualti repliati1 the qiealdn *bon amied if th.Gocyern .meut lulen4 a rslf 'ng 1. , ward- 0 lllOf iflcanc. 'As fa bîratoisé ulade t?- ér wmdTi vére lii- Wrirete inbks, fer, thé D< miuuln 0GevAanent; the' laIe C0i Ju-tic Revipn -o Otavie, asi8 Eîlward Theralon the Brhîlela Minilie ati -Vaobiigton..thet1usd arbitrator. AI duly sud, seloiut>'appeintat ian sgrood le ' bo ' vvnepm.'P terme c f thea seara vere - 'Pliemuirigued i ving b&eau-ppoint. ed by liahereum ofe tCanada *u COtai-lo a. arbiýtotereudétermine lb &arîé l 'ou vstarly boadria oi Ontario, do bei-ah> deIoêriilne snd deý qide itbat thé ýfoloinigaesd hib iîtiueiug aI a point on lie souliera mîturé of Rudgen's, Bay, ecinmonly "Il. ed'ti Jaes lay', wiré6a inapretlueqd due norti <i-cm îl ioad cf lhe laki, Tobmisauoing, would luie lié sala Boni-b abore, tiéncaslon10g lbtae sonti lioe. estani>' go lie mouil0e A iban>'River, thec.. np the smiddleaio 11w a sid AIbati>' -Rver ,sudlbthai"f liaieau gte b'0' réhe i à ld riret ai- loie mdaf li.St. Josepl -, théne by tlime earous liii.aluthe esjterly and of Léo SSmî,beimpg tlia iad wagters e lima BaguI 'Rivai-; thonea weetén1y slti-cumii i-las. ml4h t Lac Sueansd thé oeill engil Bivýr to a peint vhare lié Msanc Wih a4oSected by s truc nier- lelonal bina dra*u nortlri>'t t. th Mat-t îcrouaioclaimonuent plsccd k mark-. tet p& orti-weteihyangle ai Luk ocf liche oýs'eb>'îe écentBonn- duiy (Comumission, andt ube due sentli floîwmg le@. §&4 Uendiai lin. lu thé ssi&i International mnuuint; Iheuce snîhorhy sud, edatér ad bosng up thé inna - aonpboqu4sy line belve.n thé BritipIsa.saléqieaand thc Unitedi States cf Anuorica, loto Lake Suparier. But if ags .i-n nrdiouailineotii-av cortboriy frein théem"ldjunornationgil botindary stathelié slImcml norti-veal ar & élW Ithe Laie ofthelsWeode -shail be fmntifte ps. ote . xsit cf wier. ltheBglisi.River enipt1à lotolai the Wlipeg Bivev,tI.udl e -ciao thé crl-~ybédr'c ési shlbicontinuedoân abtnhed*,of lb. ot tho in ovvthotaa -T qatu.ava - - faace eaingt tliii lunjusa cilu Tinuls, vitb -mach foreé, the point viii blénBeubWhouwo gayltat if 1Ur.Msc.- kéenale hbsan lupower nearlys liait! ni cfo01dcil s v oubti net have bLen i ju ot-i.fthé pockets of cou- Milaiet a j sj ,lnes oncmal. Thst, "on~y je aS..n habuIecu imposad ou thi e liSat à i wenhd ctupel (bau- adiais te purcase dCailsau coal, sud ,h builiup>.Oausdian-l- iresta;l T1é e- ijsit ha. ipen, liaI vii i l'ta: lba bain oohIet!,theii' basiibeeu le. au- i.adieu ceali miued sud amodid haliehraý wu emmcod sud sobd théeliaI y.ar Mr. liaI article ' vas ,dwtead 'frte, 1h.; Spoicy 0 ethsbt Goverumnulb.ing> lu maka fuel sud food as Cep saspossible &tee ople. Tw, To GUS orras W. P. P. *i L. IVr. Bus::t» üo: ramiTââox-Wiui. h. W. P. P. & L. 1i'y. ltin vas, standing ou thle sidiu, ea, thé O. fi.Jucon i.e. hast Tb*Mvma rulug, tire care vera luI dstvcyed ly ira. Thqtraà in, made up ct f one firut-cias. passenger coabc'e copeh divÃŽdcd it tre. comparîmeuta, le- miail, express, sud smcking, one van, ou eue box, sud four-fiat ears, vas avsit- rd log the arrivai of thé G. T. I. train ram lie West, withî lie malle, express Dsud passengers for thé Nrth, sud tle t. englue vas ilutheb. GT. R. yard shunt- Singi Thé e vaswudiscavered about 8:20 a.m. lu the smoking comparîmeul efthle coachl. by Mr. Guruey, car ré- pal-or, vbo vas working aron the lrack cf stome cf the Cams Abead ; i. I lmioedl.h gave the aartu ta thé oe ~ sh aroun4thel. 0. T. B. stain. vla whn dlecoveréd had liainedi tee mncli eadvay ou thé inflammable matrla etlb sôcli10b. Cenqusvéd, o. *da"eelldby lia lilgi vind vhîcb , .* 4 da - Il. lime, soen spvead1 ltîugieut i iohle structure sud alteo10 s car norhii sdjoiuiug, (s van1 b.louïllu litemfi-alind Oompany),. ~.botbo e vich voeatotalyCoensumed. lalthe i li mé bnsy bauds vas* aI work Th fimcýmcoach vas pushed ot awéa fi-cm thé ire sud thé englue I i- brou gfi&=aond te draw thé treighl cars ~~~~. ~ ~ n ths no aneaJle flauilng leu avsy rom thie pialforinito a place et Safety roui which tle. dames ccuid 2-loct futiar preAa. Nearly &lahie-h - catneut fthé cars wére saved. The Coc ce o4 etroyed coat S2,700, sud vas i à M ipured for $1,110; thé van was Worth >~Exrr BSuceurPICenLUI.-1mhciy î paddler, dratied lu lh*. loudesî"' style. 1 an su8porliug a gola valci sud immnse il l ca illed at ane cf aur batela best JI Svalai sud w *s riy ueimy ovar théebha ps gcode i. iad lusI.80.H.o pée l -paok lu tb. admim-ing laies cf tlei.os d tablihetnsd, vs xpatitig upo * is bai-gains yl captivetiug tolubihîty. Ã4 <Baiug, askéd 1y s by-staud.r il hé bld a s icêeo, Mm..Petidha ilu'vehamant *lauguage pvochamim.d lIat h. knev a&I t, about mach miUoïn ansd dld mot carses Cntineutal fig for them lar for ail théel - contelle. in the conuty. Jusl lu the is uick cf tinieOhiet liryau droppld in, ti Wesld tb. ahoddy haoter aile sudaput 0c thé questim on t hm lu lis mldut î mauner--"Have yen a licous. ?" Bhod. a% lf dy, talmen abaci, bocame duwfouuded, fc î tok the Cbitf&Asr.avayinîsacorn.- Chiot?" heakae-. 4Do't say a vrd; deu't ar-est me for Godé alae, sud I vil gia. yeur vite or dangîl* er buts U pl.ce of drees goodé lu my pack'* The ble adiudhimte go lb.he ount>' Treasurer sud go1%el li ansd 8madhle'n weeld oel lu again. But Die bteci va - sarcehy tlnnd whau, Sboddy bundlad u p, aud vitihaSt.le S44treeks - frdI Ibe rally>stcati on affleit th.> Pirate's f ad* jeeransd laughter of Iion. vho vere 1 vstcohlug lhe ittia perormance. 0ll vi -Dumais' CreléItems. s - à Ti 'Mr. Thomas Léng, et-Duflns' Crel, p s aopurcbasetithé <id meeting bouse tu bolonging te lb. Society' et Friands-.-?" Heais moving il lu lia front street ad. ai joiuing bis store, to le us.d fer tle par. so pose cfaw public ihl. Il viii suzwer oeil yéar euding li bi>' velumé.. of ýthé Dominion j m Atfi-e Çusti-aak as t iutday, a oui. _ hlection w-as talten up by Rérdl. Faîber Bcanssug. sé a $ sbohbd D v Dénis O'Oonunqbeadéti the llist i $40. -z «Wilh the. $10000 ftram the Domn icoerlumét,$20.000O rom thi'où: "0rie lsaturs;i; 1l00 roui W*ei. - luglen ; thé ELeau tibd, now saiont. ' -ang te nearly 12,000W; the larga sub- §criptieus from ausatroae sd othami bolonies; 'froni cilla. lénmd tevuslu Ih. different $talap cf th$baion, sud trm Irishanen aearywierae vo«ýrjda , enongh vil doubîheas Inov le forLheoô.- ing teafo&rd, -adequi. relief lu lthe tarving froor. of ,lr.land. Ood yl s slwaye blessansd >pper Il..frimids vho have takan pýart lils îtnoble vonk of charlty. The IilRlef Committea ai PauiéJi la beadé-d hy thé Cardinal. Aib-elD bisbop et Paris. nd suecomposaf e«. i clupively of Royalist an~d Bonapartiste; M numuherng forty. lu an appeah lu lia, p resu lb, Oomtiîîédiechaîlu su>o'e lical hits.sudnas>'thé y vibi dividé lIae tuud beleeén th. two Gomnitlteuan sd m the Irish Biehepa.i The New Parllameuit Buildings at 1 Toronto. TE OVEtNENT eESOLUTcIuN. IIALF A MILLION ASED FOR. The Coininssioner of Public Woris lia laid hofore the Légishahive Assemb>' dlana cf thé nev Parlamniet buildings ho hé huit aI Tcrouto. The chyle of avohi- lecture la t& be-lie eavly Engliel point. scI et thé 131h centur. Thé buildings .ara ta ha ereolsil lu lie Qau'a Park., The main building, wvielà vihi stnd semeviave lunltme norli eft haCannon sud fountain lu thé Park lookinît sonli, la 290 féét b>' 160, sud 45 feal14gh. Thé Assmb>' Chambér la 70 test square. and lia Librr 70 b>' 62. Thie ast andi vreut vngtaraie eaci 280 faéh 1y 0, and 40feet iigî. .The folioving is the réselution lu b. inoved b>' lie. Clmmiscioner cf Publié Workm BoueifThsl Iltateexpedleut lIai nov building s suld be providedi for thm proer mud uéédful accommiodation cf the. Piovla- ial Leiitun sudth. Dcprteuta cf 01thé 2. ThAt Ibm Proincial baUmldings n i-e e luxas satdj<i-rpomeeamé inanelu therofor, sud tl fon vich ii theiud hie cerné te b. viîtiu thé comm-nercil asd bueines portion ofetlcliy cf Toi-cale, se t1.1 vhhiel bas hubeceme, -sud Io beceungg aver> yéniomas apted ho itbe p ezme v la enov bià g opplied, = sIl ilicaticu le snob pi-poes sands grésIl> lé vrai' cf împrovcnaente ni-geutl>' iequiréd in thé cil>' for coaspérclal sud business ch- ecîs, Ils value là nov se qi-at 1h11 lteau na lotigér hé no applimi- villa due rsgsusl le 3. Tiat lb, Pita hierelnsfter méntienail is ba i-coliblé for thé ýparpase foi-essld, *ed Il la .stituahed lia- the maid ne vâ-id- eIn m ca earecteil on thé plasesubniitted tot Ihnese as a coul moetu oéxcmd tIv. hanudred, tboussddlwlea 4. Titthe value efthe sald hlaudn laot certain ocher pi-cel of baud llc"inater aetied 101h eltaté vrihin thée ald eh-y) la sc mlItht proceeda te arise euhb- er iS mueilug or leasing thm same vii sarI>', if net aiely. sea ete récoup to h6 Piovincetbcema«9=&W fcostaud expeese of réctiug alti ne-buidiga. L. Tht-aamse ac$ exeedlug Ave huudred bhouasui dollarsb. apvopbiated and met &pert fi-cmsud ont of t a suplsmm"ey -à mi of a te e onschidatad BEeen Plib4 cfLbisProvince fortle presc wrctiug év buiiaa vti reqaletppua- smucmforlithe m nano f c t limeLaa W#Ie sud lb. seversi Deparlimua t h Ie aIlie service, on mnci portionuofliegend . lia maid Cil>' fortnagpart cf mlià Qusem0 ai-k, sud byitag on thé merth cf lia ied, cf Dolhage.ave, as ia=y be feuud reqtilait. md iliabla foi- magd név buniflg,sud Lbt à l la expadlent eumhi ortio f tic mil gveimd a obsli1<' lsLiculensa. governot- lau an e edeemaed neqîitc for lte purpeses sférmad shah b. set ouf aI -opeftétad -b>' tie Ccmmâmsseéeret Pelle Wovka for Ontario, sud fith" le mmne @ha i lirmoupn bmeMésd lié, v.m in lié Orovu, fer lie public nu'sof-et ispro- tince, fi-ed sud dsi-si-g*d f" Msu' Md- dh Inuit or chargée v iever. Il" thlia land£ abvutseh ha j.. k m noul-Pealon iéu id cne iest b7 J* 4boundél on li ir boit of saId clit',on he i e GiréaIWeeIemik ai-lb Md cec b>' Ring. #the Xoeao, Unem a maeiig bonlitt oodmug nW t i c r ls ui--ousa,.foiai Iliéy onmmea- on,- Wlmol ,munaguéiiù néheinute vexe len»conalm. - 06mmunlcatlcu read'fiom hie 'P-es vae o nrs01h, ecloalug s ehéeqnà -t. $100 forti-llgtébe. -,-Uxpogra voit J"ilU T. ar> gave lie foiioving axilIbtl iud-mal Bey71,_1 68. -82y. ~n Homr-et., 152 116 182 190 Eoi QUiTOv or à c COLLEG&TE n"ie TUT:. ,Mi!. ,Faievehirpne i-u i ui ultme on ecbeel managemutafol Iowa TiasBu tii. thelu.t eating ce - 1. Board île commuitteamet teo isitit thé comuà nuicaîlon cf Chlald imute] asteiée pi-cpimet>'ofetIhfoartd t"l tb. bead master alttaded sud li-h fre the=n anexiauieorti-Ithe$l lhe paslistov.y of lie igb>Slcli Past sud préseel ahtaeudsuc.etopupi and ita present Condition s lu Iqd, lge, teaching stiS sud eqip * 'lia Mn, Rhluon ad takeni4he irb#to teoTeoroato sud -neve Dr-. Redginas, ilaDcpl>Mtî 4 Edi-y on ciaiedplinent , n ýflpie mets a me b flb. ag. à n h nah véreU mis oeboiQllOlheZt4îmt Md thé .ommlltee, fi-ouil..lfos donu ssotbewleallau nidou mém.end thlheapesonlc déutL thbe iOf léPretb I et ci fo th hi -ln -ic y* yuccas ton iezunoix. 'Ph.e.omrmltebmd a meetIng mfi- bé rtfoim ulh gi eo, aI edhie teu apl.toweeeèu»eon4 sud consideret, sdteohtt rrv fi-m ouimer. Caumpléli Tresmas- *d L>'a-l1i lpo &I-sI biot 01khb qmetirél> ' aud l v cf ltaep edapplication s as usColleiaei*at tel., lie à appotinul et a g Me$a voulél le desirable, if pamible. tli tbère vas oui>'onou p tin laln tesalai-yuas1ev se lIaIpaif Mr. Stevensen, tia foran e ter7v-ich via werli>' 0f considératIon, if ne 11gb er samalaicb. pald. Tb@e commitlée recmemnded tusa 'the salr>'le flxed at $450, sud liai Mr-. W. H. J. Campbell, B. A., be Sp- pointat' te avacane>', if le accpleel fiat malsry ver: os ruueer-rioe. -Mr-. Cmhly aodd > t Powell. moiet 10 efer bacé thé report vithinstruotious 10 maiee I el. $400 luchaoat f #M5. Thé alairinndeieared tle muot4u Report oatiefou. he saine dirlaipu. Mr. Povei, héimunsummmll$e ou fiance«, .reporeet- lu favr-of p4Y R.H. De., 11.50 ; John Ce&ffé>', $2.. Adeptel. KZsctLi-Alcus.. Mr. Dovwuiported rbail> ftri-osa ~ apacwal eeamîlteeappolnuef l dr cemplmenar>'lattrgoeMn. 8omervile on muiom e"t Mn,, »v, s éod.4ý -ud lie maoye re np , lutesla upeebs ecmmille o euuuré I. sudrepon ie tb. Berd, alta senxt r.gieri eetingv, Wha"Iés<fsv I eL attai 4,427, or ;se thi e I-dé, and lu in 1878, to Ii 2,88-nu1Mg. 'Pie ceunIr>' viii vilhI vadid île lai-pst s- Irade vas lic un, bd States, theflguv.é # eu 70 9U4,7 .Gi--Be",'l vaine cf enurexpotevas greateel te Gr-est Bhlilal, balng16295,818, sud o* *ili tha Umlted States ý27,166,501- 'Pie vaine e goclspurélaieéfoi con- SStates, boink $448,M8,219, oom arëd witl *80,698,180 fren ,GréaitB lh- Tii. dcl cel enafosBitish geOdS was 5,01,98.0 ansd on Amanican goode 05,629,160.64, shovlng'lIaI fqr a -* sinaléer tradé ve exactsd 'a larg.r &Mount frein Great Brileai han tramn th le United States. b- Thé lollovlng la a comiparative Métle ment of imuportassud exporta, at lhe me Porta cf Whltby sud Omiava, for thé or,, 'fiscal yesam ending 8011 June. s1879, 497,724, 58,509, 4.129 20. ig 1878, 55%695, 81,6, 4,880-27. 9. -1877, 884,598, 100,229, 6,619.71. K OSHAWA. 1879, 172,854, 92,805, 7,452.98. r1878, 198,128. 158,755, 10.151.21. S1877, 98,528, 120,915, 8,524.67. S SALMnrs :--G. A. Çasou, Coileeci-., r'tb #bt>' 800; 0. Taylor, Lsnding L.. WalrtOo 1Ewcoe o1dîor, Gsi- a, ave, $800W . 'elandiug - vaitar, on ,Number et -i-asansd tonnage for te y.ar ,uding 0lh Jue, 1879. Invards, s,ý !Whtiy-19 stéom, 48 sii, vil s total &- ticenage cf 9Dm; i.avà à ýs-esa, 82 la ssii;-lbdsitonnage, 4960 whiilby-, iouvre-28 Canadien, a2 Uni-ls If- .Stta-total lunnage. 18.887. Oshava -enatvsrds-82 mail, total tonnage, 4461, Ceasliug Irade, Wiltby, 85 veseehs vil a tlunuigéetf6',5 anneti *b>' É72 of e ci-ev. Oshawa, 18-1290 t Ia..tMtal cravl, 88. Tii.arrivais aI SWistby-vwero99 ; ti.phrzra,01 ; total d 'onnge,88,897. AI Oshawa, arrivais, a 22;epa 10 ; total lunnuge, 4110. Th TcBiddulpb Butcher>'. exexisc-ro eFOla TEE KsGIfTrusg. - On Baturda> iep-aiinn'inves- t4;ý tigahoInte éMnvr e fthe -on- uchi>'. at Luca vas beilu béfore Messre. Jahn Plere, J. P., sud James - Fiser, J. P., vlan James Carroll. Jno. Parell, Thomas Ryder., James Rydér, -Mai-lin MeLachlin, Patrick Ryder,se0., James Mahér, aen., James lIsher, jr., James Sheaà , John Kenedy,'Psfick Byder, jr., sud EU.un Maher, vere elaengt!vilhthé murder cof James Douneli>', Juditi Douineli>', Themas Dounelî>', John Deunehi>' sud Bridgél Dbýoneil>'. Thé boy Cannons vas ou th wb ituesu stand ton lire. icurs,* bis t avidenée wvassubalantUyahl'îe samne sa thastt4ld aI the inquest. Ho positive- 1>' ludantiflet! James Carroll. John Pur- tell sud Thomas Rydar as amnog lie miduighi aassins Aà svers ci-- examination b>' Mn. UMeMhon-tailed ho shakaoIs testimon>', lIleh wvaseup- ported iii parkth l.eldeuce cf bis - nieler sdudnfr. Wbsas. un.- Ma. ian, acet! c f hein& accceovy ho thé merder. teadmittaf lu bail The et- amnmation viii b. resuied ou Thoms dato-day. The Attempt on thé Czar.- mmE: csaiso r ext s eCOoNTé. W fb mye: .l.qnol 1 vas raceived at th. valva>' statien b>' aitlb. sema et te Emperor and b>' rdnelaé Aexanden of Bulgaais ,(thé vrlsen'm ovu son), sud vas lien cou- darow Z.lu lieWinter Palace. Tih. Emperrsvsitod me Rt l tarcas.1 W. wexa pvoceedlaglireugla lh. lai-ep corraidor Lte Bis majesly , apa- nu Wholansddeae s Mrfai deomaazéva béart. 'Pie Icring vs al. sl» au co-b tahléea vs.lenhnua é&d ndev1erftotal darkneest AIlthé saina hlme a lonibIs duel aud smé)of c eutuowder or dynamite 111s il ýhuIier, no-deýuIl bythe "jurup"-" à és ot Mlcilgan: voode; sud 2', )Qteêeracb halone &m.wal eoitâ Isold* andnev mdockcs cf 15 vessel loade; au& anoller rexetteload 25 to 80 vessels. large aie -,,re reported le ho 18.-ud $07,50 for loi, Led, sud year. for i 70/sà 1 l a n . u t hee p e r b a o n lir ver. four-lime&alng se -lunjanuan>' 17.Bristol, Pânsrltb, & Liverpool tskiug hiue largesi quantit> ' tdeala, Leudn, lscevQuaenstown, Livér- polaitlthe limIer. Au indication cf hoe demand tMa>' )»found ilus aseof interior uir, mode vithin ou. veék on lia Korlieru RWtl"a aI -#18, peu tboussnd, which, lu Decenaber haut, vould scareel>' L&ve brougbl $8. Ana on lie Ottava, vs. are tlit, rom $21 10 $24 h beiug gotl Ibis veek fer mer- cisutahie élilungé These are soeéof tle indications otrevivah vwhiehi are s vélcomé as île>' are navel. Mcnetauy Compliment te 1Mr. Stevenson, Teacher in-lie Whltby Hîgi School. Thé' pupla cf thé Whilly RuigI Sohool nden thé immédiate chargé of Mr. Stephenson,: leacher cf lb. final forin,,proeéibIam islh lihe stdreas givea 1.evw. M. Stapbensdâ let Wiby te take.à a more lucrative posi- tion lu the Hlgh SBeboi et Welland. Dzxc it. Srnvinieoi- Yonn uuéxpect- .4 departuve left ne no tino leo express elthér our sornov at thle I o f yoi-r voluable instruction sud meclély,cor our apprecieticu cf ycnv min> astimable AlîhougI oar leaefte sec your position improved;,ve cannol help feel- îugsaregret stalngdeprived cf yonr aideraci- uethof4 i estpcng, -and cen- aaéacrgard for lié velfare et yeur puplls. Yéur iutlelectuah attaincunta lave galuét! Our uespect, yaur cheerful tetupér sud hind>' mympati>' lava en- dearef yoù 10 us, and yaur moral vorth las von cOur bigéest esteeni; se that sscI of us féét yaur departure not cul>' as an injur>' ta thée chool but ais s pansoual boss. W. désire 10 expréessou- gratitude for tic important moi-si, sveills meutl instruction received fi-m e.na; sud vile ve regret ual bsving made botter nueof the opporlunitisoff.xed us, ve fel laI your précepte sud cx. ample vilIlhar& à bénéficialiInfluence ceOu oui- melire.. Our i- vis tla iaIthe grealest enecese an ap ns> alhatend yen in yeur ha poeo aler, sud ve hope lb. -sains kindl>' feeling, &bat existad be- Iveen toacber sud .pupils in your citi school, m>' gi-cv up belveen you sud lice witeare nov inîruetedt! lur As a gi-est favr, te crav e eis> acta et kicileest vs lave vecéiveil aI yenn bande, ve s alesplace, ha il ever P-o uniaI inluyour afféctianaté rouai- hi-suce. As for oneieo, . &alsi a. vays look baok vîI i-hgest satistaction te- tbe deseu'éîunýdér your luiîlan, sud sa 4afven cbei*efond vécolîc- lions cf lieheacrshen, Who.atrave se esi-est>' te maie lien profitable te our sitar tiret. - Signed.by 119 efthe Pupils. NiagâatFafsPark-. A fev monlis ao - onene hok place ictvean CopMnimelouer om Gm' taie sli Btaieaof NevToi-i vil r EYOXD sUSà IOx-FOUiITRPABLIAJIENT. 1 ThurSdïay,,iii the Houee, cf Oommons 1 Mr. Bergin bîraught in a "Faotory Ad." Mr. Orlon brought lu a bilh 10 rgni- Stgjntertton ma a e, banSU, etc._ Mr. Val.. lntroduced a billté- ab6lls taxes on farm produce by mnunlôlpali- tiMe. Xce nrdcdà ýiIt bl Mr Kte pele nde le i u acour Ashte Bpremonesdtionhequer (tur. bot. uge BiI onveacon a ousai 1 did net sme auy- resson vhy ;the Su-î7 pren;e Gonrt ebculd net b. disonosed-i Even th., Senate babeen diacscnd, *and if it vere so wiehed lho woxldr not' ~object lu a bill being. lnlroduced hiviug *for ils oet t6 amena ils constitution .or do away viii il altagether. After se questions of minor im- -portance Mr. Mackenzie re-op.ned the débate on the Boundary Question wIch ez$anded over receis. The motion op- oitin elb.Committecf. Referenoe. vas carrid by'123 10 52. Mr. Colby's bill, vbich bas been sd-ý oplad by th. Government, for the. re- peol cf thé Insolvency )Aot vas read a secondUtie. Sir Chas. Tupper laid on the table the réepcrt cf 1h. Minleter of Railways. Fridsy Mr. Xaokeî"ie referred te the accident which oceurred te the Vice- Regal party on Salurday niglit lasI. Thé symipathy cf everybody, lhe vas sure, vas with the two illustrions per- zonages who had met with encli serions miehap, and il appeared te hlm that il would be emiuéntlf' propor for the Hanse te express ils- sympatby with.1 them and ite congrM~ulations that they ba escaped much more serions if ual fatal înjnry. .Several'days lad elapsed aine the accident oirred, and hé now Made lh. suggestion ta the lio,. gentle- man at the bead of lhe Goverumenti <Hétar, ear.) ..f 8w JTohn Maedonba d as sure every- body wonld agree wihheh bon. gentle- man as te the. feeling of sympathy and regret viti vhieb they learned cf the xnforlunate accident which té placé th. other day 1teIthe representatiansd the diughter of aur beloved 0oer .. The prperty cf thé Hougeexprassîng !ls regret ha not escsped the attention of bimslt aud hie calleagus, but h.e beleaved il vas thé deuire cf His Es- cellency liaI no alarm s-hould be given 40 our baloved Sovereiiu by their at- tâchiug overdue importance te.- Ibis se- éldént.' He vas happy- te believe, aI-. though il vs s naîrow escape ?rom ilnosi serions consequeuces, that the Vice-Regal Party bharecovéred freim the Lacest serions effecte of 1hé accident, and il might now hé as weli for thé Hause te eqpress thé regret snd con- gratulations they aIl felt. Hé luck ce- codion 10 refor te 1h. étalement lu a local paper thatlie Miilia Departmentj lied refnsed anu,eeprt te thé Vice-Régal party on 1h. evéning c f the.'accident. This vas utlerly absaurd. Eserts vere alwsys granted on Ibie requsilion of Hie Ezcellency, snd the reseon there WaU dot on. on Ibis occasion' vas that no requisition bad' been made for il. Th Hnse vent intu committeeoan s resolutions appointiug lwo ýdditiouaI judgos foi - British Cobumbia. Messrs. Blake sud Anglin objeeted, leuhlb.pi aointment af additional judges. After d discussion thic résolutionspassed, 14000 E a year ench. t I liRIhE ELIEif-8I0O,000 G«VEN. e The fallovlg ug vs hat - tck place: On motion cf 8fr John Macdonald' thé Rlous wventinto (Jommittee je take 81 mut cansideration 1h. message cf 1Hie01 Ezceienc'y thé GovernorGenersl ou the. subjeet cf relief of thé distreis lu IrelaIid. Sir John bfacdounabd did net t .ink ri nocssy eelarge ou IbistaiW vere a lsorry 1 nv iImni people in Iréband vas suffering gréaI Ç distrese, sud w. ought te show our - sypatby for tiaI disîrees. Thé Govy.~ euelhad fiir.t tu consider vIat Om et eOugbs le be given, sud after ýdue con-. miration tiey bhit coae 1the con- clusionthat 1100,000would be évidence re of or mptiy, vhile sallieamae til 0 Ul ftavould noftinu4ny prs upon the peoplej sud véTula 1noîièv'ïù výay, from lb. largenese cf itis propob»- lions, dimiuish the exercise cf privaI. benevohenoe, wbici vas happuy et uwork lbrougbout thé Dominion. Zf Ol n4ad-esareason, sud jusly m», bypri-c at. peiisons Itespare Iheir Pooet&. e éÃd 1 bey mont itlo thé -, eèoeuy of- eate, thezr deufre vas tIaI il ehoubd bed a ,once se plecedas to affard iminediate ,relief, sud, ual mingle vilb lb. general seheme cf <3avernméul contributions for ieland. (Hear, hear.1 Si8r. John Mcdouald said il vawsý the intention c f thea Qoverumeut immedi ,atelyý o lno. the cahie' for: lhe pur pOse cf seudiug lbe mauey, sud of requeit. ing liat il May' b. immediateby a&P. _plied for $ber relief. cf Irish, dietrées.i (Elear, heir.) The Goverumeul iaal thought of the, eugostipn,.miade by'hi.e' bon. memùbièr-for. Glouceiter, ýbutllhey ,dlifferent,, -iodles. diutributing relief rà aney, snd, tiey eould- not undertake tu docide aineug them, They hsd ne doubl liaI Her gsjeaty's Goveremnt, vonld accede t10 Iheir reques uta, ap- ply tic money for. immediate relief. The motion vés, llwn csrred. A numberoifBille vere introduced- ýdurugli eebi. On Tuesdaby, Sir. Leonr iBey brougitz dcii abI proposlug certain changes lu thé lv affec"ting l ii.eenty given by omeere of the Dominion. Oir John Modonald made a frmalmo.* lion adopting an ad4nes 1toi te Qover- nar-Genersi respecting lie -sum voted 10, relieve the dietrees lu Irélsnd. Mr. Mcalienzie in seconding thé motion, availed hlmsebf, of the - opportunity ho, urgé upon lb.e Goverumeut the nece,- ily cf sesing liaI no pereons Participa,- ting in the benéfits of the mcney voted should be disfranchised as vas contemn- plsted by thé Imperisi Goverumenl lui their Relief bill. Il vas impérative thaI thér attention of lieheuse should ho directed 10 Ibtis malter, beeause lhe money voted by' the Hanuse cf Cour. mous has beaun placed 10 the credit cf the Imperiol Goverument, t0 be dis- trlbnledl as they scedlt for thé pnrpose indicated. Afler furlher discussion, parlicipated lu by everal meiers, tl. addrese ,Was sdopted. The case cf 1Mr. J. A. Medonel for breach cf pinvilege, ocà pied the House tha pester part cf the eveulng. Ha vas ermiUeta 0read su apoiog-aI the bar cf the. Hou» -and vas dieharg- éd.- Legislature of Ontario. Thursday. Mr. Pardéees bille anse- sud the Free Oyants sud Homesteade Act, as amendeti, vas read s third lime and earried on a* divWson of 5510o 25. Mfr. Merédili's amaudment all-vl« th locatôr hie option cf the old sudne* eystemus vas rejected by 810 25.- The Sehool 1Bihi sud InsuranopeInu- spseticu Bill vere reported <rom loin- lu th. discussion on the Division Courtlâl he, beHouebecame éphit-on the section' permittiug suite foriaccunti under $40 te hbé enterad vieever boti paries sgree ga h t ira, ackuovedge. nent of the debi la mude. 'Thie seco- ion, glands. The Bill aboliahlug -priorily among mxention crediluré paaoed Ibrouglh coin- The Comuniseioner cf Publie Worké haî a measore authcrizing him tho take stépe lovards farmiug lb. International, ý P~ark ah Nia*ara. Friday. Mfr. Tooley aked viiether lis lie intention cfthe Goverumeut Iuriug thé présent iiision- lu ask lb. Ionsg.'Vt suvla y grant of;meney fi, lhe relief. cf dLslrésinuIreland, "and -if go iat amount? 2 Tbe Attorney General sald il was lbe intention cf lie Goveru'ment,,teô amifor snoh a- -vote. cf moueyi snd that lie amaunt, vuld appear mii. h-énpplie îenlary estimtes. (cheers.)* r Mr, Grahamn moved the second réad- Wg pi-the bill respecling public omeiers 1fr. Long moved lbe. second- roading 6f 11e bii ho aménd 1h.i Municipal Act, Mar- incai m.c th -Scndre kg1f-h il-r ovexed b. so o red el dic tIi. bisfor .tepertofjl hiblokccmniés fno.hie rein an- A vell4cuovn gentlemen cfWi send& nséhie foiloving: To the Bi O, f te .WhUlbg Ohr Havig for tie Atjoa 1; ýlocatef niyseli ilu-thé uéigiâbcvr<>o ý'Oieg, u hsvlug pvcmueaed Whou settl«d teuieud yO ou 1elinus o0ccaion. 411y, setticg îsi-lb suy littie incident whr v Iie zight liink vcnld b. untéree iug te Jerer numevons readért, or, that mj idyi~oie aSangb in A féet li.i - -fo 1mýà ev. wsbether lien, yonr. self tià t A goti iearty hangi cawi-8 bealliand etengîl iiiI, heu..c blie d gélei, hcYyou sud i bave acne mýnhhlu produce' uindn Rui, lu commence, I yul giv.y7i4 t luoldeul invhici I vas made 5ï,4t viifor cool "che010an sd su~. I ýbave net seen equallefl in sa]z travelo. - - --ThWec-Pyo-after my arrivai bers i vonul 50oQieage, sud ou Paeing t. Palier House *as' met by a vuy, gcnteel -okiug lad, about 18 or2 ycas-cf ago1 vhc alled lu front etfuMs sud Baida; evde yen do, Mr-.Ty.; I Am gle tlu mccl yen, yon are lcekiug -se véli." , 1replié.d, (neyer tbinkig of, a confidence operation,) "lYen bave lis advantage -a'f-me, six." Bad hé,d"Don!t ycn knov mer"i s III IO do nt. Saà id le, I"CanI b, mixlug yen up-le any va>'. 1re younoualMv. W. 21, 1 siait!, "lYee;-théeusine le rigit, but, i présume.,à eliedenlily le vrcng." Said hé, "1Are y m ot Mr. W. of Field& Lietbr'. 91dpélnu 2 ad aM mnou4' "IWdli," sa e, o, e -are as muci alie as -Iyo pea.s-; ll, on' ,es lé b Ittil rgev aud perhapsA ltle mare qrey;* but I haà ve neyer seen ti of cfie saine na-me smmeci ýalike. Ill-youcn t Zi h ed&iester, veré I ami, sud 1I*Mviii uunou.yon lu-Mr. W, P'i- Ilé ' , ,hi.. aslintd 1dEubhln hime imlusec dy ew= . Héeble me vilI s hIi>' ygeodil>'.; vien I -veul mb s -barber's sbop.vhére I migil lave slaid 15 or 20 miue. on ecnii uot sud passiug nea the. semae poti fronuof lie Palmer ~uéI vas accetedf<ront bbina. villa,"1fr.W.» Byttiem.I lnrned roundI-vas fec 10 faeawvuhi middle-sged' respectable iooiug, suf n i l>' dress.dman, vio holding eut lie baud ipa-"HIOv do you de, Mr. W." Il nolê iased acroasMyni>'md tial I -vas meeting lue mnu>'acquaint- ance,sand puepared myselfasoeordingly b>' rathar ie î ' 1zu i te siaking ocf lande. Hp és'dî *Don't yeu n mev e, Mfr. W.?"- nevered, I do net." d,é"Why, adhc,"I anam tenised., I have- oflén e ay n ytal iiilu2, viiené L vS iclrk, mu lie Bank. Yen must onraly kuev me."- I said,"I1 have -sAylug -wvas-thon resorted ho' by tbis felIa,vbéu 'heiasked-l"Am 1Iniuuiug yeU n up lu au, vy? 'Yen are Mr.W.l" 1 said, "II amn. Yan are ual mixiug me 'up aI al." slic, 'I arn1a nephew et~ ~ 0 1f.D, f a .Bnkr,Wh y> straight, I epidi "Yen Are- netaneplev.- cf Mr. D., sud are nov mixiug niatrM" - To wieci i. mplied, "Il le et no eue quneuce, holding -ont hie baud agphu- sud saylg,,* shail.shsie banda vitI; yon, I amn glat o _ué.l jbu sud npie, yonr acqùain4neie." ."W.»," eaid I, "the. eaikg dfiaud s fl ct11e coune- qnauce bu îe -acqusintincee a*li igt', sud ll ell,11 >'o- youecu-7 1yi>îlc9i-e01. Balia , ho~ - '*B1loaingme $50 for as mnn," I W . On h hamade a séfden turc, vlen I eaugit' hlm by thea coat loeévý- ssylug :I r"Pn$ed, L'là vjnvih$d enugihokelÉ sud gentry 'as yen Aas propr-dstaée.- Lt -ie dviée ydmff brigiues,te apt- id -habits liaI -i ue lb.. -abFe t Tes sud coee u b A Csss ab1 Ing le se conducl mg a ipbéller-sm it at theé houme -A ad-bing-képksvs m by lieecryug of s sud cya ai lare to mae hli meve frarnthé l i-Empire l i-n dipitlevisAare ânn. Thé proir matities cfgri- q hast, -ye4z. T CIS b>' vantof fo ~beibg fo i-ct t Rsu the éiur. ;are comnithlug si ir cblren1. Ieps arnbeiug 0i office cf n ÃDnclen'-ArniCI -est t"3 di from o iv., do nek Rl egà lér lia ilniet cf lie City -aà nti oni.f .engîanf'acoure ou tldsh Fange DIeeuuio ng egia ieorsaon-ij rIiame b.TSghu .é i "i -11