Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1880, p. 1

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'BOOK STUET, WIMITE!. ma-$1 -500 POP A nnum, DYREITISMMENTS. - AUl Atveriue. ý. Monte measuzret inluXonLpiÈrel, nd Sge t ti he rate biS8 oenta, per lin., IAi rgion, anud 2 cents, per lino ach .nbsoi. nt Insertion. lîfldReaIotsa 01Meetings, Pinancia toment.a fBanka, Ballway Oomps.niea, lurgaue Companles, and matters i 1.Me Loiption vhenplaoed ainong Nows Mat ion cent. per 1Une,~ pecloalcontraots mate vith adventàuero he yeîr, or otherwise. *s Ortienuto discontinue adiertlsoments Lt be in wrlting. -u8in-888 Direatory. ONITARIO BANK, ýWHI[TBY BBANOHI, THIOMAS DOW, MàueÂG5E. PARZWELL & RUTLEDGE, o BRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOL!. chars, Notariez Public, and Convey. eloe fiet doar sauth of the Royal 1, *htby. JAMES RUTLEDOE, B. A. F. AREWELL, L. L. B., C'nunty Crown Attorney. 43 JAnES KEiTH GORDON, ~ARR1STER & ATTORNIIY-AT-LAW, Soliultor ln Chancery, Convoyance, ary. Publie, &c. Offic-Dunds St., t dor veut af Armstron's Hotoel. £oney to Loan-Private lundi-at low Wmeut. 3011N A. rdcGiILL1VRAY, & Sccsor ta B. M. HoyaU.) ARRISTER & ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, Notary Publie,. ha. SoUiotor for tbe tanlon lank. OfEe.-Next- doar ta nilon Houso, Uzbnldge, Ont. -26 CHARLES C. KELLER, TTORNEY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN L. Te DARCLAY9 TTORNEY -AT -LAW, SOLICITOR lu Cbancory aud Iusolvency, Convey. cor, &o., &c. pruas-At theo Court Honse, Wbitby. LYMAN ENGLISI!, IL. E,, haneary, Convayancer, h. h.Sion. tret,Doshavab. JOHN HALL DOW!, ABI1USTER-ÂTý-LAW. SOLIClTOR luinCbau cery, Convayancar, hc. O)fi_-Daerli's Block. Brock Streat, htby. MONEY TO LEND-Prlvato Fonds,- smo up ta 5$M0, a ialow rate oaInt- rast. y4 ROBJINSON & KENT, <L&ns Duaooto,&hRoarysoo.) BARtTBRS-TLAW, ATTO RN- OFICE.-In -Victoria Chambeas, No. Victoria Street. ..0. RorNcoe, M. A. HîRIEUr A. E. EX.ar BARRISTEII.AT -LAW SOLICITOR Bln Chanaery anti I.nsovency Convey- sncer, &a. 0ffae-Devernllo Blaak, Bnock: streat, .Whitby, Ont. G. YOUNG SMITHZ, L L. B., BARRItiTER, &a., hc.-Money ta Loain B inoeer cf Mariage Llaensem. Oroç-Ovor Dominion Bank, Wbitby, lan. 22,1878. (tf-3 CAJIERON & APPELDE, Solitogu lu Chanceny, No. 4 Toronto street, Toronto. ECTOR CANERON, QO. 10-48) R. 8. APPELOE. R. J. GUSNNMil.D.9 S URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, BrnSreWbtby. BYJE9N FIELD, M. Bl. pHYSICIAN. SURGEON, ha., BuMs' UY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENO., the oye R. . H. L, Oshawa, Ontario. byician, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., ho. ltby, Sept. 501h, 1874., 40 OOMS OVER R. H. JAMESONIS Grocery Store, Dandui-mI., Wflitby. ffce houri f(mm 9 &.m. taiS m., anti tram .80 ta 6, p. m. ltednaa-Car. af Byrnn ad ilt IIen treeta. cO,'Ne VAR@$ 9L. D. 8. TBEEH lserted on U ath<e latout pinciplas ai <ho art, s chap as the abeapeat, anti«as geathe b .g Street, Osiv. 8 JOHN RODlinsonte AIR DRESSING AMM SHAVING Salcon, Brook 81. Wbitby. JOUX WOL"~Nl>Ent FAGENT FOR TEE CELEBRATED ASCottio Granita.;' At Marle ork OFFICIAL'- ASSIGNEZ, Mi OFFICE OPPOSITE THE ROYAL Hatl, Brook-St., Wbitby. Wltltby, Maralo20tb,1S70, ' 1-ly B.O'DLL, - A AT H BRLY, glork Divis/on Coutrt, Tp lak leunoieloer u B B. LatiAgent, &o., M4., &.herly, Couniy nîaio. 'Atherlv 8ý%pl. Sud, 1879.L8 OBRAW A, Veterinary Surgçon., Wlth calm Printed wSodt4 gft VOL. XXIV. G ADTRUNE RAILW 4T HOTEL', (opposite G. T. B. Station,) Whltby. wM. O'NEILL - - PROPRIETOR. Every accommodation for gus, inolud. lng comiortable, alry bedroomu, Mails at s!! houri. tgrThe Bar futly upplied i vth boit brandi ot Liquors, Wnes Brandies, Cigars. &o. Every neoesary dire;ction givan ta travalloni. Gooti Stabllng, anolosei yard, andi atten- 4lve ostiers. 4 c OMMEItOlAL HOTEL anti STABLES, bd anti 58 Jarvis-stroot, Toronto. JOHN MoBÂE, . . . PROPB1ETOR. hitTOOuion T OIm E LLy,) The bout $1,00 a Day Rense lu the lty, only twa blocks tram the Northeru Depot and close ta thie Market. The Roues ban beau navly Pittod out, and oery-tblng Tnat-daise. (V-47( ERS. WALKEY'IS TEMPEJL4NCE HO USE, DUNDASSTREET, WHITBY. Gooti acçonmodstion at resnable terma. floardans #2.50 per woak. Ï6 RO0SSIN HOUSE.-TOROI4TO, ONTl. The Palace Ifatal ai Canada Rottted, Rgfarniaheti, and Unrivallai. --New Paisan. gar Bleotor, rnign tadday. The ozly first-cl"as l ntaaa igratin- Moebos ai Clubs antd others, deslring roi, wthout board, $1 taepr day.j pA K. IRiîH Fab. 27tk, 878. Proprietor. R HYA OTEL, WHITBY. The abovo hotel bai been thoronghly' renavatcd anti nfaurniahati, andtinlano unu. cr tOomanagement o01U0. MACHIE, (om ycStLawrance Hall,Part Hope. Ever attention pai tegpests. y l good~lns Simple Booms for Com. -"IRUE QUEEN'S HOTEL, ("Tt sCoumnracou.o,l BROOE-STBEET, WRITB?, TAYLOR h MaCAN, PROPIETORS. The untiansignotideaire ta liorm. thfir fientis andthelb publia that <bey bave tikon tOto aboyvl kuovuhotal, vbioko <hey hava navly itteti up anti renovitoti, anti put luto the beit o! ortian ton the accommoda- tion o! nuests. TOte Bar, wvibich lthoébud- ulomeuui~n Ibe county, ila vlloU!ippled vitb the finest brandi af wiueu, liquare, anti ci- gars. Ample euclosoti shed room anti gooti stahllng, box stilli, &o. Detachoti roomus for commercial travellans. J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McCANN. late of Tarante. THE WILSON HOUSE,~ ASHBUI1N, ONT., ALEX BARCLAY, - - Proprietor. The Hanse Ia! Brick, linge and aam. modioumandtinte uaor la fitteti up lu ax- cllent styla. The larder in upplioti with Ite bout lu tho market. The, boit af Liquocu anti Cigare. Stabling, lange anti roomy. Goodi shedi. BlITîsH - AMERIcAN HROTEL, ("TrE soutes Bouai.) WEITBY, -ONTARIO. Hanse. navly rovatoti anti furnisheti thnoughout, anti putinu doit-alias ondeor n ha recaptionoaigueiti. An omnibus taanti nom a&U trains. Flratftla ssmple roumse- S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, kCor. King & York.ti., Toronto, Ont. J. A. O'GRADY, - P120PRIETOR. Tzae, 81.50 Pzit Dat. (lY-47) POST OFFICE SA.LOOIN, TosoNro. Mr TREE EST ACCOMMODATION igt fon Ouests.. (y-47) QUIEEN'S HOTL, - VICTRI JAS. MA KEY,- PRO.PRIETOR. Gooti Table, Liquore, anti Cigare. Fine tablong &a vary aeiiany accommoda.- tion. 14 ONTARIO HOTELe Baocx STOIET WEITD. 0. DA 4WES Bogu t a anne <bit ho hia rosume th le proprletonubip of the Ontario Hotl vOtera guait. v boraifier ricoivo bis per- sas attention. The tabla viiialvaym We tupplioti vith the- bau of everythlng lu sesio, ani noe bu <hibe;ibrandi ai liquors anti cigans U ii hokept itseloir. Goati stabliug anti attentive aitiaru. The aid friands anazqmfyinie ou on "Clem.'l epoilylvit aci O SHAWA HOUSE, KING STRiE,OSIUAWA. H. CHESTER, - - Proprictor.j This throe-stMr, large anti oamm,ýdiaus Hanse lu refAtteti anti inrulahotitoi4lt-gb. viols of thi travellingpublic. Tab *np cdwt h oez utbo t mun. F'ie gWepâe , ltbtethebrnd lquoni ai aigara. Bus ta-mati tr a!a tion. Ample siamleolom, caeal bastions. 4M.Y ~hes, anti untlnlpg WIITB«Y, PROVINCE0FO CHINA HALL,' 9xONt OF TUE MO JUG ROsEE) 71 KINO-ST. EAST TORONTO. ,Pancy Breakfast anti Tea Sets. Poney ilinnar and Dessert Sots. Fancy Bed.room Set.. Fancy Juoge andi Teapats. Silvar Plateti Enives, Panks and\ Spoons. si. lvalta Cruels snd Buttter lCochers$. Silvar Platea iCake Baskets. Rodgas'Koivas anti Ponki. TTearyu anti Sers. Flower Shadaes for Lily's o. *,&G.,, Glassware, a&U descriptions. Whito Stone vire, evony klxtd. Hotal and lBinGoodie. GLOVER HARBISON, s Importer. Dominion Wood Work8, WHITBY. Geo. Cormack: LUMBER MERCHANT &r BUILDEI. - A large aupply of Buildenu, 'Fulsh- ,inge, anti all kindla of Twialod Moli*$ngs Doors, êih ana BLiutis. LtrtMbeitwlioleso1e anti ratail, or by loy the cir load. Planlug, Mouldînge of c'tcry descâp.- tion, Floorng, Sbectiug, Sýelving, Re- sawlng, Sbaping, Turnlng. Scroll-work, etc , etc. Whitby, GOt. 101h, 1878. 43 M ONEY TO LEND. The undonulgneti has an y aouut af Mon- ey to Loent upon Farm or TaomProperty, at unlusnily Loy Rates ai Intoiest. Loani can ho repitinlusumoste suit bor- rowars. Savon]l Improveti Farms Ld iWld iLandis for msie cheap. In-votmtnis ma4e lun Municipal Deben- tres, Bank, anti othar mankotatloloStocks. For turther jtartiolcn iapply ta JAMES HOLDEN, Offcia] Asigne., Broker, &o. April Mt, 1879.15' ARCHITECTURE!1 DRAWINO AND SPECIFICATION OF BUILDINGS Promnptly pr we ith, viaw ta Economy ol-cdnstraction. CHURCH. AND 80H0O1L ARCHITECTURE A Corneepoudeuce Reapectfully Soliciteti. H. B. BARBER, Archilcotý, . Oshava, Ont. Imperihable Fragrance. IMURRAY& ANVMN Celcbrated Flor*ia os The liaesimoto 'I or use on <tho landkercthlef, attl Toilà »t an t u EBah$doligbtiul ani hesithin uthe aie romn, relieveoaknuo igue,"ro' ration, norvonsnes mati"e4ce. Lool out for countentelti, alvayt aïk Mr thm Vod& Watar prapareti by <he solopno- vietons, besura.Laummn Kemp, ]e is For mleby Pedofu~r, Druldte anti FsnoyGooDaers. PEREY DAVIS à SON 4 I.U ENCE, .9 AÂgents, , ONYBeIL.: Pon male by T. G. WbI<t4&, Chemit, JOHN LITTLE, È8egs ta aunonueta l cth lzeot iWhitloy aud surranndlug conntry, ibat he bis B Enetiai aven the store a! WHIFIlaD'8 edliwd Hali Br -kStreet, Wbiîby, anduti scaitb a onef your patronage. ',- B A. 4A- POSTP 4&»£>u Lozly, age.hBurke, 4R CHI T BÇT. NO. 11. -,T'nEe, làe and medidclnzo arcfcdta tbeoasksddcbilfa- tecam. cl it restS oe e uk. crlcbe tebm adds à band uci "mdfS, Con. bheum h, an »daaldiaordcs « the B8 =d 0 l .Don remedy hme becs foý.nd to equatDlss(aoasplcndld.pcd&lfor Coughuant CaldFor aitbysli DrgibUtatti perboulo. Por sale I>y T. G. Whittold, Whitby. INSURANCE. ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurànce Coly NEAD OPMMC, BOX-nWmB,Y. YJNI S COMPA" fimesFanonBull! luge, 61country Churchus, sohool Hanses, andt heIr Coutentaget rates as nov s hase of any vefl.egtablfshed Comnpany ,JUST LOSSES FROMPTlY PARD J. B. BICKELL, JOHX WILL1S, Preultet. VicePrssd.ut. c. NOtTESE, SECIITàzT. Whitby, April Mt, 1878. -18 p HoeNIXFIEM NUAC 0 Lombard St. andi Charlug Cross, Londan. E5?A&LIBKED ix 1782. .GILLEPIEi, MOFFATT & Co., Agents for Canada. R.W. TYRE, Manaiger,Mote. i EC STABLiEDi NA- Fonds. Moderate rateso! prrfm. c.NOURM, Agent, Whltby. Whltlby, Aprl Oth, 1878 16 B RITISH AMEIOA A 88uranoe Company INCORPORATED z833. A. . BÂLL, Immnmuane feete stat he loveat crront rates on Buildings, MarchandIse, andi other PropOrtY, agaluat lois or dAmage by e. C. NOUBSE, Agent, .Wbitby.1 Whitby, April Ot. 187&.1 PIRE IN01URANCE ONLY.. Bluu niteMsd Polas.ishuti ly C. No11MBAget Whitby, July 80, '79. -9 -Though titb , doarl wi~~3r rteti' To-day ibe bas tiUg«h > àe elat Are vboll tng fo Itetils 'fai stýh.1éo . r tiu Whben thmy gui e0a»Uti alban. Thair mission oni "ýi bWUPaaae Ant i l?.uponlf'*à.8 Ant eiy bayou't a bm6tbear o;obeu It isn't 1he olobsitlugýtWIe *mei To dabole uionkun! dl uIs But nover ahome vasbptf 2alpu":-, By dalnty .stbetioai vis. I am time ta canf6sa ieele pooUgctn# ln lie More atictvo thau puttinlugsltakiuï Isnt doeply illoeWlthl wkiteb. ut min nolerdu tSU tetb~t UTo IA noyleapalr Ietnt u se Ti na gr s 118aie0nt10d, Odonaithauh$ a nde. ifybad .bnLg t0o MUco f a a. Tou muah af a lady ta dam up ber ham, Or govennbhon bouse v"ur cumen, Top much ai a lady vboreveritme<Zous, To even be mueb af a vomaul Tho muscles that OP& stde are uselomi te ber, Excepi ta o wnza inusatin Antio# sfn = =ut c .Wonla 'roeér Abonnet ta masieng LatIn. Too rnch of lady ta own a grand burté, To ho a true dsughtor er mothur, Too much ofa a lady ta bear the brave peu$ Thai ue'er cmn be rne by aner. Byfashion or bir<htao fineor laissrtà, when Lt camai tao jt gel pydy Though pur Lord maydlitlutells WiII heoaie ou "Too much afadWY?" SARCHUDON. A Legeud of the Gmet Queeu. FAIT L THI 8E YEN STARSl. CHAPTER II Theosilleue. lated but a short spas. When hi& lard. e o eleaecmparned tboat pnioatly oseom iiti.flhe Palae, W. 4ovod oue panting curasou- Moro"uo abouts longer sud mmu deonug;tkau e wr u up lonto <ie sny aky.'Thoe ghtiorse, led avalby hall a doses uegraes, nov sauo4 tg atiact uni,.- Eýl attention; for Sarcbodon liedbdis appoaret beiveeu t1ý& gianio balle of a 0nothst guandodçdh ourace o tbenroyal, iwelllug.,,Als amorbem. and thnber. ofceti mil aword-trokor oar-tbrnst his daty, trav1etalued garmento, sud, notwitbAtndis h$ otu slrangtb an asi irl. tninin, <e uleazy gait 0aise*ho aie he zunset <i. lIiq*nthe a. l dlf werm lu mankeA senftrom t fnthe Maa buueit bs. auabno lil - ýËbôÙt.o,'ÎÙWvit ' hi- ovit, thauoglts, iad: 1 "à,, ý r r.Oôe 1t, ê m atie u4 raiy. Klmînusctean ni. ed .wnogIAi, attnihutet lis silence- MOIt P444. ally, <wca ofnatàuo anti fe lit "Ioûare weany," shesd kiudly; 4 ~ a~ rapud , ,gi , ti"mitpoGbtieâa, froin lak of food,,' tu'~~cli e14p, ay-oP, anti woslti s'tioonfeia it ta>-give yonr eFiId Y2, ,If? you mon, fr<,ý yoao pnide., Se4 N, 1Li to..kéeopyuupi aud- 91Xtvh WY ana you ouly 1e4t111 N toci e <l.c0oolhliniDg ebaati i houe tilg'i luvhihfe.-iloaeei flcâ1 r, oni- inteeli :alose wllb hego ino aisgnspr Ç~3reatPnees. H. -. cd )ledo biself ta anaver, T'hetiple was pi, ,pava4-pu iogl istoultewre fan w sud, ant sucer, "Ies oôt 4 0ei a o alt andi the làtte ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tv *a o- Ahîa.Ihv rfl .W ights andi éeedin 2 i. r < héllâer<r a adrink vmter but oneo-t _ tnedefoa~*~ti faitlcpat. tqýWell o ai aâus." laMâ ailvery ahowerm pau ivry btWn, of Càbse. 111t lathb' sweetés< water lu ail vloÈ <ho *parking vatons von. <bus <hoeIlandiof .Sblu3:- It voul t asie1 eonîicsually isavet ila-a rehnlg nuethe worse-vhh ndmavot for-you byj dnlp at uauWhie aveseâ toi1h. olua f Arbaces." about "the bulding, ýî-Worc.cd -<loir- :"IiLler 1",hoeeimt, hl i da*","love.ungt roheipeomfolly vhole faée hrighteued. 'Yon Lhâve. on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~sé pial nisa.Auoo fsm m er-you knov lier 1Ihioh.bcflot1 viu <bthia t f y moeid.ounBr. almim laulzhod ecorufally. 1 cbadou'i -inut.; s>bio JM.bâcame "Bfle ul l e h@ echoati, 1"villia i saano ifiguâre nacllalugon tbe'oauch pon <lin face, witle as ivary, anti sol. t of alluer mlJ ivory oe aaut le@n mu ue Digon's yonder, in the flshing- h <race Hadiaitso ras.Liseystemple I WeII, wiei lIen thothei. beain.v a s i 'u-t <le hen flter gaistenîtMOI, if yoen -.; anti wo shah leana <baté lieolet-on, vhhlo b. laathélIe sot thatsba i. gocti as vellias fair 1" b loy musocût«of ai <L ut ceieue Whît do you mean ?" le skei, o Who ' vi deetine t <-subjagate <the stopping short la lolk hi. cocapanionG vorli. 'in the [a0. à "Bstnt esegr"sl Sm nhrst iato another laugla. a frumi; lherst o e eyUr iig Imes ohninucoont yantb 1- t] fooé goo iî c1, sut pealyuL c forrrgsly ion.oint Yon are, tlohgliii fo Ilfc. .i su et i$& oW il- the beard-à e holding on your chu. 1 aime vbo cioàm oa s fa rocsxsty And a modeet-ideu meseotbisg, D lord bat hngý' 8I uppai.,- wbo-;îreqme tho, voi et Il Sar.bedon as.prang to Lïia eot ai ber vbicove, travallur 1maitho dament bldilgaailtooti befon e . e imust neede alt--.whodriva wataefor h Uri a speelnes i o , asooarniora <Q drink, :anti suvelis for a si ast vum li ec,aUs uld lv osutagoue ee g' eo.IYeo, I, selectai*frost <b. coneitlms myri rsviat oko;but ié le dit p moyriWad batforael ber'busband'eforet ber.. TFeue Qaan'a pais. baseSF houl. e. .al ort-I Le aoye., ntuevea. Wtepfleges; anti, . beliave me, Moey la lm'isunt -lepSt bis >boabout dovu are somnetàràem satly abusaI!" <1Q vhile,, plubkiug, Irons a sbroiÎlte "iai by oua wio o bas juiloft theL =joe tol h Lad ulneadygiuod bimoad. ligS<tof ber pnesenao,"siatSanchedon, lu sieon, b. ýrepliaIengereto <le-ocre, thogWe soance wl "Tb.hei*t ce-thle queess ooua nt..ku ; -I, I bave neoer beau taugh t M *=sce tahie b.eye of b«.er evat. <o offenti agelust lb. iajesey of aking's fai rat hlm <taI. couraga <o »Ookbut oncei, bouseý-tô belleve a feiuoecoity <aken de ,a ade-bllstfor oyuwmoeo' ee usabsisat-gla e l ho-wàeho aidthesiget=,vomis uMy lawful Prise beausce a. tu plaseet à it 1 aeelý y enougb, an i x .t taakinu;love. -KRatamnaiuuv. g vanrior lfa qumloo rayai beard luin ilnl eog vn il; iet-befare hlm." nswered 'tIe' Ji t- pIeoi homnled vernoar. 1' mev lbs mysiùuoôd came tiovu tram hie ichariot çwher vwbe oM6ae <cNil., :end drink frocs <lie ,erper bollow af bis b.itler -mouit»l f i F maouthfuol ai lb, swoet vaýpid *&ter ; but -e, lie avare hyi'bte soven Blard ho onaIt 005i1 huava giron lais iest hanse -hauit tbeon lh. raughtest ni country -vwine ; e"dLehioe batie us vr spare therlmeuerde, tbaùgî aiLg1 w@ voue ardered toi ley wvieo n-l&nd- lioni aud Iiillet-gm?~ud, fo lovol fruit treus, lgt mreak .%)catrsul.,buu pil, Sili aveg, ati eetoy~Who le Iikothe tIuja Great Kiu9.-.ba, force, ,c o erible 9 h"u Mosut terrible, I<I k, vhan lao1, ilà 'g sent. and puls bie longvbiteaoui;, ï cîffjnd lbeuour çàspIiùe knowir bBi is ornitkitiWI a kiud. e àut snl ordabe auàidý amai ma- vas <port -ouly sec 'elnk hlm ai heu >0et.. ir hands miocroualy,1 'I 5~oe. vais, b9lds tint-s V1TIITBYFPOTPBBBleygnu CONDENBED TTMI TBLEg. Tiking effoo n t Io fadyIv 4h,187 muni acooso josys Laize Wbty.... t ..lOp.ý M m. Sl. ; l00 ý c 845 Jrlkmooo u. Lese o Ma..,., .8a t, La . Mala,..,, ?J a"mJ5 ' LUMBER!_LUM1BER ,Ij' LUMBER MEIRCHÂT, 081 W HI T BY, HRu on Ihant a large eupply01au .61 o Bïmu LunbanBo§and au ni1souaz BuildlugLumuen;. Penu4g,BSavuT~Imber, anti SaÎinlg, a lange qmûustl, suas4 Lan&bolbs tan Long Bih BI, finhI8d Dai, Saiabes santi ndialvair on Wbltby, Mayi 7o, 187.. 1yW 0 County of Hi FARM- -L liionl heon.,h h ouI tuber ens. ita tu tg IPRITES, 1- 'iron a long ax. i veitues are Ooci *ta plte "ac u»T te urxe de- sboviee-ralonge, This ahaeee. le« remodjy. BLOOD o8uýP I- b.rquireti ta he nanvas. endurance anl cr in thu Ioorgane t ie lnvunîiy .LIver, Lungi,,- a sem 6=0is u.- tomls, Itvil]uass. beus théo ageal-- mol Creator. lions.. prefeteti lIai MontIt., sud ci cang Ibut me; 4r, a- ruai as ta <Me. >vl.ngtthetln tianllug in nation ai fAt ý t£ý tao he iinlly canu.. Sail.., F 'iaJne Pols r ani 1 AU",

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