Whitby Chronicle, 1 Apr 1880, p. 4

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Noesthis i total mdum 5ho.odit' On. Mousviclini for th.eaym, eprd y :-714--i4» .oývam TU 5sou. Blocks, bicoko, 'Tasuay dCk tcdo. Shail 1 me te tb. talItrsIgbt?" lHe workecl et It 'TlIIhhad aflt The 4octor came sec late. Crodtor's Relief Act. dos £f lAct whlch cornes in Deyownll.Ammayc b cf the, IisolvencrLot The Sheriff wlkLake thé. place auaigu. ed bytbo Iuolvent Ad te Lb. offiai sasignes. The Aet shali nst affect the rlgbts cf ezeouticu creditors auir Ihe writs of eueUzLon dellvero c toaahpfdi or dividsi où ~rtWbaff belote tblio&e There chhaa beno priotity between or ong emeontion coditoscaaosunie.l rtaincaesspeoifÈed.- In ca.e a !bTff ovie s 1nuonqy, upoi an oe. " n t du u s i " ,at e o f a 4.1 > 1r 1 h c# h a ll fotvt otupltu bisciofice a notice thst &é ltt âtbeau made togather vill th. baonut thsftof 4auad snob money simD lhrnaftsib. dlctrlbuleil- rabeably amont ilsenolion ad aller eredior loewiehave baseulnt1 tbhlerlff wllIlna monthbafler 1he fret powalg cf bookmolles, ezespt in lt.haacof omtepl.d eaia. ii wols o lehoe inluth.Act. The. lariu ioig u eeéqueul 10W iesI.or. dered tc b. donc 1 ID&ialarManaler. Ifsa bahhif oe4 DîjeonCu ourt maltes a levy upon fan eeeutlo4 i au" oedIl or'* prel.aréy, ha abaIl i97 the 0e4c over to letk, iwbo turc sM pur. usea course asi0 te lributiou e01gon.y thns svl.d. nie,. by d.hiery cf,&avrIl cf exeocalio or by havlnog nlablbed hie daM 'im ou hsahe, alonerJoint4y villa ailer persous. If a debtat.,per. mite@aM exeentu i ad aganal ina coder wbieh auj ofhlsoodeorolaallsl. are "seadby a eberl& 10 rmua un.- satisif ina mhrwf'sbansdtlti vi1hh, four days cfth.lae e d by du. .hst 1< -for 1h.eal. hhereo»f, or- for iMe.. day.s ater snob selsurs,- or aliovu a t executim u gInut isi.lande te reumaiu- ns-aled for gin. miouths allfis ,plIn dlu o' sheril b auds afi- dlh.reof tbe b7Mcd' hepredlr daviS f mueta.Jaa. e paé reienla or hie lerk. Thais decicration muÇ,h. copy.hil b plceedifaaxhe fl Ïa. Oounty OoUrsOi.nk cf, th. coun#y, lihe eberiff rwbilhbas sxecudcu.. Ir tbbc laie i- lànos dîspol tbinl tes dcé, by Lths OoaaLuy culrtClenk,- 'If parsiocf slomeiclnt,ladispeî.d. lb.ersdlor.ay eloct, iay a wrllIU<Iyed miritii. lerk - l abandon sueh part, and oblcat & car. tUbaI. lbe lalac4shal" b.e ousljîgt. a d a*eeffution ceditor, auJ .li.li be siatied le auâre W»hb cretors vit have la the hs!ts baus e imiic aalletailade or <ocd e malveMoI.y MAy>amua.ei4r *snob botenebc. Ou n Pt cf . osrliAme. leabevif is bci e mali -ber lvy. hW 'viio l mdfr e dbtar tjiuam~ &"id dpatng bthe Mco uui, MkA. Mtavit la bave endoreed 'ou Il asSai. mnocf somne place, ia or wiin mtbar. mouhor, cuuty lor t hoe cucnyiu wbcithe -prooeeslgmaisbelug tkn ai whlii a'rvW .uty b. mada pcèlb * debtor, or lb. sUrers. of ions selitWr in lb. provinces wbomay b. e.rued by * or dispuea elai, u M u ea st 571. aumai- Mais vth the éberiff b.$e Is41 lmIc. uade. .lu ea.s of "-lciahu unîmesahii.a.4.a ,~Aà theL*jfdé . vwu eugaged on IboSwaaaîAngel Aid bclng very ensrgetlc bieeifh. vas no$ afd te tenterthe ewamps.- HEie aur. -prinle,t b. 4#à ed e ru n a' on&pblu 4,uwts ba .bc eulered te, lak. twenly mon sud euler tbe cwamp, said la. could net dlait. 7'A-"nd wv,e,> a yen dq9 ýSl? STeuud le4oo déop, lorte. pli.d lb. lieutenant. l'Yen eau aI lecet lry, sir," ouil soeel. The lieutenant dld se, aud lu au lieut.returuoMà,e- is mon ocered< lhh mund'froualiha t foot. 'Hfere, aaow," cricil Sevohl on soeing tbem, d"whab bringe yen baok ?I' S "Colonel, lb. mud ie over may men e Ieade. 1I cat 4QJoit.', , iiI a y fau mako s requici. lion for a'Ciing tIsa la necenary for,- the sale paeeag. of the swamp, aud I' Wini ie il te yen, but you muet go Tue lieutenant dld mcii. a requisitl. olu wrlting, vbicis vas8asfollove; "Iwat,7 lw$It;7men' eigbtlacou Il long to,. Ooes'w wap#fIlle, fet 1ýo Jolie wau a good eue, but Seveli, vha vwu terribly in earnest, ceuld 2net et lhen appreciste il, aud b. promp t.ý rreled tb. lieutenant for diareapoct 1Z laie uperior offloor. Auotber lien. tenait vas dotleil, and lie vent lto Ibe svamp, fehîcil the limbe: sudil uc complshed vhat bis unfornate prede. esor baid faileil k. do. Colonel Sevel biilt bis ballery vitis lhe aid of vbeel. barreurs aud cand, aud the. romaius of il MWlIlstand as s monument le hie en- ergy aud skill as su engincer. Ilte h ardly lair thelistrain dimpatla et offtlia. Lon'g Ieland Ra&ld Transit R"oadte formally prchibit tee"collect. cruým au onduclore' os the.rogdi emn mn&lng 1elv. ta hhe-lady.paueeners liasisleif lie lady.paaseg.reapproe Mltbofrgaenlies.-Thebrain dispalcb. or mua& b. c Brut.7 old follov, sud vo are ours lhe ladies-partoularly the youug ou-"*don't like hie a bit." earela the onder: To COXDUCovoaaeAND CoLLcCTOM,: The IascIe: directs Ibal vasuon onduty yon mutl net be clloved te ait du or talk villa a lady or otere: cquaiances ou th. li fi rtré gr U7b attract lb. attention ltw«i ueb.streets vd-lile lb. trainin Vàsuin1j theni. Tour duties requir.e &Uyour ,ltsntion la look&aier your train aud pets- songere. 1 sae conside: il suffictent caue lion otncoer. JL. MsuGnau TrelnkDiqataer«. S.Nov, lie right te flîrt aud le tak e sole valu s &rigbl liaI ie divine and @Bsieacb p rigialguarantefd tle avcry 1flli Stats, and vo rcjoiccd te heur liaI th. "couductors aud collecter,' 'bave indtvislually and ooll.ctivclyý re- eolvied upc. mainlaining tht, riglat. '1ip lades are on Ibeir ade, te an un- marricil voman, au Lb.7 ebulilb. During his frt vu-ilt. F, arte, a dis- linguebed <erman Prolî,ser, prosented nbiniceif at slie bouse er a vell-known lady 1owhouîhola.bd sent lbIter. of lu. troçlectn uadvance. Wlaen the. ser- vantopemed th e or asd received bis card, ch. cenduelod bina te the boudoir and tlid hie ta bb. saed, ecyig, "madame viii coiesirnmediutely." Preanlly the lady entuireil. Sîsoyas la iltiuabthe, snd bot f..l ver. bar., OOcvereouly viii booue cllpers. Sha boved te hlmz carelosély and sÂld, "Ab# hhere y ou are-god mornugi" - She "hts eamlf on a sofa, lot 611. elipper. and exlendod ber prelty foot te, lie pro. fessr. Se vas4satnrally omplolcly aslonsded, but la. remembered liat, ai bis li e f smany. ilwvas Iha-cus 0 m ume le bise a ý»isdy'ebaud, clm b. *nPyO»d it va. b. Pariomode la isa lier .Thierofore lie -414 ot lisitata 10 Imprint a bis a u lt s- e0aallg fel e ear btm,butte el Ot telscIu wa hait Ou,ü1Mcdam,ý o teodof= ,a cd eaonintaae.t* le mi" battw "dli h e-aoirmmdv 1 e '0gave hie aua lo biodiu4r: ou tout ea*cou RAÂS TB EGEIVBD À gi00K OP -8OGtTCH and 4I4NA DIA N TEf8 Which were ordered before the risieii price, ana which he -proposes to off«x at leess ' ms leigos. AL L-WOOL TWEED SUITS at $10 In HATS, his stock is the largeet'and beet selected to, be fennd in the Connty.1 TAILORING in ail its brenohes and under his own supervision., JOHN FEGUSON, Dundss Street, Whitby. JUST RECE!VED A LOT 0P CR0103 MAPLE S1JGAIR AND -SYR1JP. Fi*sest JBJ1ma Fuja, lb. booe8 PALERMO WÂG-S A FINE OLD JAMAICA IRIJM, LOWU~T ?O SITE Pay-as--you-go Custom-iéS. ~.H. J-AME N Whilby, March Mld, 1880. w A L L P Ao PEc OPENÉD A-e LAE -- -- TRIS WEK STOC~ 0WALL PAPERCIPSK, ENGLI1811,AMERICAN CAADANDE INS. Our papers this* season surpasa, bôth mi deaýgn and coler- izm aythngbe ote iion laWbmlbyr.Over-,» oemt Pattera, ragugfein ýFIVE CENTS PEU RO ansd up*ardc. PAPER RUNO ON TEE XOST EASNAJLE TEINS,ý ThTALLITS BIMMCHS9 MARTN & W'A RAM, P-H OTOOflAPWV. Photogi tuai PROO1C )I1VLI1~1N b BARGAI New Dréss Trimxininig', 1ew Manle, Trimming, New Laces,- New F'iligNewringes,INew Paucoy Hair Pins in Jet Silver -and- Tortoiae Sheil. gÂo. a fuil and attractive.dislay- of Underoloibing, Baby Linen &o. should any speciW,a, rue.- f 1* . wdemired, Ia14s içan have them m se t a fwheurs' 1:ot , Ice ida -t the amaleet possible oost, 7_ZJ - ANE3LN2LE HA KING, ASipEC.IALTY. M. &S.EMôNYE Agent ferr .wWV. & W.; SewingMines,. BROOK STREET, wHITBY. ïff Orders reoeved for the. Britiali Amelcan Dyeing Company. MÂATTHEW COLLINS Déverell's Block, Brock-st. W1Èitb-y, MN] MM UELÂEG EST,& BEBT STOCK 0F 1N 'TOWN. 4:7w Tm per cenet'. di800t offfor Ca8h MR ONE MONTH. CutomoemezaeinvitdeaIl mcà.âd exuràne titis stock, judge et16e qualij mi a ntek# t b. rlee4 aIdeaésf beiseves au to iiere l'v.bolsvamlsdt ver- IBeehca beaps ley ane gond, Amd aliamb. b.ataeWber. . 1.AIà.boulhav!a =Fr Icud Ry-hiebec. &04 be Itresl. rBPAMSS MEATLY -DONE. -1 On dmrPubiIMM YourerdMr sud get a pair of -Boots of ttc Ieýku rih m m i ou bilat um ble stal * MA.TTEW COLLINS. Dzvmws BLocÉ, .,pecial Induc« .HE CHEAPES'I - TO STOCKTAKING. ýATCHES IN TIIEI Cunty J AMES' 1Broclc.Slreol, Wbitby. FPIELD JOH'IN S TO Ni Practicci Walehmaker. AND.,GARDFËN ýSEl AMarge suïpply, -Pure suad Freésh, at ~DS GeNERAL DRY GOODSI, GROCEHIES, BOOTS-AND SEQES,OROCKE-RY, GLASSWARE0 AND ÀA LARGE ASSORTMENT: 0F HARDWARE, &C. TheDr <od Dpartmcnt la complots a yrylnaudthe Groccry Stock ail ew aa sudfel. t> Theceheapest lon e t ony e member the addros. 49 A. B. SMITH, Raglan. 'A GOLDEN OPPOIET1JNITY-! ]DONT -r2MISS iT I S. Fraser is (notwithstanding ,the late advance) stili effezing his large. stock, of, fresh t1'ew s'eason- ed TEAS at old -prie8. Ladies'- ry our 40 Rild '0 cent. Teas, fresh and fragrant. Pure Coffee's, fresh ground every - day; London> Peari ocos, an cxhilaratlmg beverage-; Ncw Raisins, CurrautsEFge an& Nuls; Frcali Oysters, Lemons and OageutR W-Bttmprcn.BetEg liait Picklcs, Sautes, Jams snd Jellies, Pýure Spices and l>vrlg Ex. tracts, Ced Fiat, Herringe,- Maokcrcl sud Fins addec ont lon iiand. Bargains in China Crockery and0laâswaro. àvelcome vIner cvry oeholdl, ,sthc Sans Pareil .Waaàhlng Bine. Wraldnet te stekleclothi. Sierra Nevada Smoking-an àniidote te the. excessive use of Tobucco, sud miro cure of Catarrali and Âsthm, For sale ut WHITBY, ONTARIO. Bacca 8mai.1 TO THE FARMFIN. BF.THEIr very igiiost prices paid fer lLfy quîtititôfflîtÃŽieCtee -DOIMIeNIONI We offer you fer the harvest of 1880, the foilowiug first- Claca Farmg Implemente: BROWN'S WHITBY, RAR'VESTEIR, (Imprevedl.) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Impreved.) CAYUGÂ Ji MOWER, (lmýproved-) ne. *leenoitinee rozquir. no coauxnot freinn, sitarpassiug throngh mirota br goa fse tiadceand'carring oa, tiié Gold Medafor Canada d.*Io> nify d lpureitaowli vint uûduralejàmaeig "dpros tý q yCAMH ON DuLImuY, icio-ea aur 4o» ic,-uWhitby, -bet.m plseing yenrorders eltto» sàili. ourintention te adopt te - -- ASH S' YSTEMI Aaireaýly*àe s praotcsbe, & mieoby saab. Onur ie tl ut volliv. 'BROWNA PATTERSON MNF'G Co. tlaby, Ja. fltt 1879. EIGHEST MKET ?PRWCE ý.PA1D FOR -CALL ON- -0F WHITBY,-ý For Reliable WILLIAM THOMPSOIY pea ietalentioZk& bis an& LEATIIER VALISES EAATOGA .TRLTNRS. -A LOT 0F- CHILDREN's CARRIGE -acblam nat-. s. At the l -WILLIeAMcTHOMPSON Brock Sbreet,WhîîCy. De.28, 1879.(. T"3 CAItADIÂN A/iG A 8 kMA'CHINE. TitisW Machine la for lightîngpr&t DwellingoîquiUso, Factoris, Churchcc, . fPublic Hîsals'Hetels, &C. ccJJ and examille lthemachine inope 0 tio t JOBPRPHILLIPS, sole Manlcref Plunabea ad Gas-ftber King.Sb. wg.. Toronto. Sena for #ircular snd price-list. April 99tI, 1879. Coun'y of laliburton,11 FARM LOTS, hlacBA&llw a sdLoba in lhe VILLA8E: OF HÂ,LIBURRON, thea Terniluaef theoVcborlRllWaoy F019 ALB, ON REÂSONÂBLE TERMS. Apply lé C. I. BLOMPIELD, Mauner Canada Land &kEmigale C., FOR A,- GLEN MAJiÃ"R MILS! EO0000..tPin Lute, ol easeed. Inchfer«le, ardu".y 15.11l &.SquareTimbe>: AUlof whik auMbe sciai cheap for caah. lie Wrola Oal og te gay la thei-G4e1. 7Mli grunnin E doingraeb.laeso. -Chopp doue 6 day in the weekfoi very- B. MAJOR, Deo. 16lb, 518àoPI ýA GOYOD OPENING. Bo ots andS Qf- oot Wear of al kindes spld. (JCheap fer Cash,, Brook Stree, Wtby. CI T T-E R S -,BUJGGLEI AND CARRIAGES. in oz - J1 A la (sine,

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