,to, and 2 1ute er Une aîhII ie rt f metupl3t5ut l #et ton oneiper Une.i-Uîesi sb 0 i' srersto io Mle etti P n e M..tbcraue Cmaisi sdmiugoa 1k 8u8fl88Direo tory. * ON~TARIIO IANJL, THorMAS DOW, WIhslnprinted-Wrd$, gr*t tbougbte VLXI.WHIITBY, l'PROVINCE ( B.!AI) TRV !ZIIU f. à ýN RIWAYI1OTELCHIN A HAL L,3 1N 8UMR ANCE (opposite G. T. 1. 1. ttio,) Wbltby. SION o? TEaie JUG ý(UUI8TBBiE) W. O'NEILL -PROPRIETOB. lKN-T ES OOT. ONTARIO PARMERS' aomotinfor guos 0 U- sofrùîtTi~MutuailIn8uranRoe Coý ]&oroornoteoa cirlioron, ei tail 0ncyDioner &Bd Dessert Sets. HADOPOBOKB. HT ing (,. bljýi&Ytlbm.dreTmspMe.I« ~ t ivr Psto Cinet su Butai = T iL uge, Country Churobe Bé traveilers. eîoo radst s a iver PltdO.ke à t. Bouases, sud thoir Contents, stl i-i ml Good Stslng, ulBdyrlan ten Rodg"i-U' Knivo and Parka. se those of sny.4rofl;ei1>asha d Coflhl -48 T,wla «ia..a r...., tiie WBiieO, .- &AdoscIr ptIons. &c., ST l iSScanada. ' &w ___________ l omMERCiAL IOTEL and STABLES, ~iAIIE ELL d RUTLEGE, i 84and &6 jarvis-sti-et, Toroanto. -sAftSiRS TORES SL-JOHN MCBAE,. . - PROPRiEVOR. Icitors, Nota-les Public, and ConveY- he st $100a It55O lione lu te ILy.) nl ftstdor auhaiti. ayitwo blocice frein the i4Ortber' 1>aPOt1 andiios offie, frbt doo Soth -Of he Ryalta the Mai-ket. Ti il ousas enn f JtlA\hib MES RUTLRDGE, B. A. Fitted out. îud every-tiig Frg.tLBB ( 1, B. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Rs WALKEY's n-IJILUL3 w' Attornley. 43 JAMES KBITU GORDOI9 ARRIISTEUk& ATTORNEY.ÂTjL,&W, fi-st door West .1A rmutraiig's noter. Méoney to Loas-Piytité fna-at low Intei-iut. JOHN A. blIcGILLIVRAY, efflueceasoi- teIH. M. Ilaoîel.) 4R1STE & TTONEYAT-LAW, B Naary~Ptbllc &o Solcior for the. Domiion ank.Offce.-aXtdoor tIi ,CHAÂRLES G. KELLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN A oh&îe-Y, Cou voyaui-, &m., Cannnug- v ton, Brook, C. W. L. T.BARCLAY, ATTOBNE'Y- Ar-LAW. SOLICITORI A inuCbancei-y al nOVUY ov 50cr, &o.,&. . Orrîca-At the court Bouse, Whitby. LYMAN ENGLISH, L L. B., effl stree, Oohaw&- DAVID»0OREISTON,1B. A-, A~ TTORNY.AT-L.AW, SOfACITO IN l JN. bs.ucery, CouveyliiCai-, &C. t)retc-li the tOffice iouthî of the lost -Ofice, lu mcMilanu Blockt, l)rock Street, Whitby. lylO0 JOhIN ALL DOW, AIIRISTEIl-AT-LAW. SOL1ClTOJi B lu Cbauceiy-Y, ouveysuci-, &-. Oillce-Deveril'sBiock, Brock Strcet, 'Whitiîy. -MONET TO 1LN)-1'flvatoe nuda- lu sunts up ta 501), ai a low rata o! lu- RODINSON &KlENT. (LAYE Duuiûi A ouioi.) B R S .AT-LAW, ATTOIIN- B À. SolCicÃŽitorsCouvayancers, -c. OFFICE.-Iui Victoria Citamhe.ts, No. P, Victoria Street. JO. lliîii-ioi, u . I cIJ.iIT A. E. KENST. - JNO. G. KELLEY, ARRIISTE R-AT- LAW, SOLICITOR iu Chalicery and IîovocCouvay. atiAi - c Offin-Devrlls llock, Brock StreieWhltby, out. U. YOUNG oI' NMI,l bL.i,, BI AlItIS'r££R, &o., &c.-Money ta Losu Insuer nt Marri-lge Licecoces. SOr-ict-Ovei- Domuliin Bank, Wbitby. Tn. 22, 1878- <if- CAMEILoN diAi'ELDE, ARIST~ERil. toi-nels t-Lav, and B Soliciiors lu Cksucaiy, No. 4 Torouta street, Taronto. IIECTOR CAMERON, Q. lî(Y-48) R. S. APPELR. B1. J. GUNN, ,m. tD., URGEON TO THB CqUNTY GAOL, sjfyron Strect, Whlîby. BIYRON FIELD, M. il. - ThIYSICIÂN, SURGEON,c, Duffins' SCiok. YWs. ob EN ,., .CS, Ur OPITAL LONDON, ENG., tee M0. H. L.., Oshawva, Ontario. ciR D. - Dit.DOQÃŽART, Physician, Surgeon, Accoucicer, &i., ta.ý Wbitby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, 1OOMS OVER aR. HL 3AMEBOWRS Gi-oaciy Store, Dundsa-sI., Wldtby. Udf. haurs firn 9 &m. la 12nm., sud frocu LB0 ta 6, p. m. Besldinee-GCoi. o! Byron sud Gibert strette. C, N. -VARI. -L- D- 8. «a cbosp as teocepesl, sudase good as tic but. TeothicflIw lth GoId sud Sila. Teatlcextraatea vlticout pi, yproduciug locasastiau. Deus Bos-u0w. an& uov ilook, averAt$lnson'sDMgStore, Rilng Street, <flmsw.86 XIÂAIR DRESsInG - AMD RD LHVINO &LLSloçn, Broc!'$SI, Wbicb. 1OGRNT FOR TUB CXXiiBà A*D A SgthGranite. At m(orblo Warki oïieusihan Woh!ecda,Dugd SBt., Witlcy. L6.FIR NJN S . QYICX O?4B Tm'ROYALý -Rotu14 Brok-St., Wbftby., %ktb, Ixsrh 9S4- 879 *OIei'k Div'ialon'Court, Tp. Clark, ()miin, B, BJ. Ln Sft.&. ,%bite Stone ire, every knd. Hotel anddlBai-Goods. GLOVBR HARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Work8, WHITBY." Geo. Cormack, TEM3PE RANCE HO LSEY UM3B E H IT UILDER. DUNDAS.STREET, WIIIT]3Y. lugsantl Ill kils a!Twlated Mldinge, Gond accomondation at roaso=lbiater-ma.DorassuBine- Boarders $2.60) per week. 4ô LlflEIIER wholesoa il udrot.al, or by SSLNHOUE.-ORONO, NT. Planng, Moudinge of every descrip- RO~~INUOUSEZTOROTÛ O t iton, FloariTig, Shetug, Shelvitig, Re.- ITii Plae oaioSCaad tetted Shaping,.Tur-îing. 8croll-waik, Bfurnishib e- udUcrlvsied. New Passea- jtb7, et. oh18 ger alevator, rnniqieht snd dey TheWibyOc.i,18. 4 OUI vfiroi 15 lotcI ID Cei anad" wtb giadu- &tel pi-Ires, vi -$2, $2.60, sud 88 ra M Ny.&LBD Mernibars otClub#sand atbers, rersiug 1f>E TLI i-ion', wthtliiitboard, 81 ta 62 l- Feb. 27thi, 87&. Proprietor. Thoiifloi-Siefd buie; aY itnt f on- oy ta L*d uon ar Tawn Praperty, aM uuuusIky Loy Bituo f Internât. -lOYAL BOTEL, WIIT. Lomsso=bo ropïidlneaums ta suit bar- The. above hotel bas beauthoraughly ShvlraiImproyed Parm sasd Wild ULid renovatad and refux uied, and lis now un- fai- sales îhesp. der the. managem'ent of (DRU. MÂCRIR, InrliUotS i=ide la MuniciP&l Debon. (formerly of St. Lavrenceo Hall, Part Hope. lures, Bank, and athor imsrketitilo Stocks. Every attention mpadta gsts.Fo ute uclr m t Es1eBlly ad Smple l=oma for Com. Frfriirp5iiieipyt mercial traveli.es A E DN OffideIAsothbBoker,~ TUE QUBN'S UOTRL, April 9ah, lm87 BEOCK4STEET, WIUIPB, TAYLOR êt bMCCNN. PIROPRIETORS. The uudersigned dessire ta talai-m their filende sud thaepblic tuât they have taken the. aboya well Iuowu hiotel, whiah they have newly fitted np and renavated. sud put itithe ti. est of order for the. acoommoi- lion o0 na.sl'Tie Bar, whch isniii. baud- saoIesi Lu etho County, la weIllsupplied witb the. fuest hi-suds of vInes, liquors, sud ci- gai-s Ample encloised Rhed roan' sud gond stabling, box salls, &c. Dotaclhîad moins for commercisl tiavellers. J. P. TAYLORI, PILP McCÂNN. lita of Toronto. . - THE WILSON HOUSE, ASIIBURN, ONT., ALEX. BARCLAY, --Pioprietor. ThealHanse is of Blrick, lar-ge sud cocu. niodioUs, sud thle intenau i lu itted np lu ei- cellant style. Thoa larderis e sippul i rhlime hast W tima mai-tel. Tha besthof Liqoors sud Cigars- stahuung, lai-ge sud uoonîy. Gouda abeads. B RITISE AMERICA-N 1HOTEL, (LITS nonsosN lOUSE.) w 1 l1e2-r, UIY l'A ex . Iluse uawly raniovitaîlaid l iîrunimtbd thi-ongitout, aud put in firel-cla u-di-r for he roeption col gueit6. Au oMUlii.itObaind rom &Il trains. Firat-class samnpie roomti- J. A. OGRADY,- - PROPIETOR. Tzaus, $1.50 ssci Da. POST OFFICE SALOON, TaouSNTO. M. cCONEU - -PEOPRISTOR. for Ouests. (17-47) 0 NTAIO TIOTEL, JAMES T. ,EWELL, Pro1rîesfr.- (Li.ato eipisaulug ilaot, Tarouto.) GoadLîquorsasud Oflr. Cammodlous Stabliag. Firat-claes Lvery suc" sud Buiard Pu.riar attacha. IY-1 O SHAWA flOUSE, Kii- Si-T, 05RÂSEWA. Il. CHESZER, - - Praprietor. This lireo-toryo L=Smgesu onimodiau Slouse la reiti a a c rcto .uit thea vmtoaili. ra~fpuli. T"blsua vtriof the Iuic cfIluasomuon.Ti supplie icte -boil brandi liquora sud cita. '"tosud I-f=il lIon. Ample atalii-oom, coxoacu bastllai ÇROWN H110M, COLUMBUS, LIth ot, ! IQA51,* -Aiicu, buvia purc& h a fl we ovê wdIhohiipuetfla B]L&CIC auORSJI BTEILe cu. Pus!di zoeuSu@, ,TORONTO. 4LFBESD ZOXPU£aD, ýL&t of weuWg ut.!40, Mari- c4 LU M1 C. LUMI ARCHITECTURE!1 DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION aiF B3UILDIN GS Promptly pre1tared wiîli, viuiw ho Ec-ouomy mn Construction. tIRC ND SOHOOL ARCHITECTURE A Curi-spondcnce Rcspcctfully Solcltecd. il. . 13 ARD ib, Arnitteot, &c., Q8aiv, Out. A. A. 1308T, (late mth 1.mugley, Laugley k& unike, Dealgus for Cbuxcbe,Vllhssand Ooseff s zSpalty. Druviakga pimoirl for Wu mndi elîgeisi; etrututres. OFr-cc, Sur the.pi-ea,t ibtig, idenee an Kington IBoaPleîk-tg. 4-41) P. O. Box 2=T Warrs. -~ j. mou7u~gor .rnved o ana- tool tavy suyrv J. B. BIGKI!LL, JOHN WnmiLL Preaideut. Vic-Proident. C. NOtTRRE, SzOIXT&BT. Whitby, April 9tl, I. 17..161 Lmbard Et. s=d Oholing GIs, Landau.- XSTABlXSR» <n18i B. W. TYBBe, . mager, Montr .M DAin M Un4itelabilty of aiU tho, Socekioiders, and I-&feRassive Pniet. Modertrates af p uni. Agent, wuctby. Wbftby, Aprfilà t, 1878.le Assueranceo-Company. INCORPORATED 1833. AS8SEBT 8, 01,101,M71Pi. P. Â. BÂLL, Insuranue efholed iltlicelovait oui-isut rat en Buildings, Mrchsudli, sud alias- prapurty, igainit lIsn or diagwe by are. C. NOURSE, Witiby, Apiil 91k, 1878.le MJE i cet. uunvaryngsiaflnnt of ,i!l sud Iran. 1 ~ 55S5aulme Pao 1 he valuible tonus lu banlablng diesossusud sympoms traceabIo ta wesknoaa. à a m "te' ofye ev stoienféebuad condition af the body, suMd& an Mtsslof th. -nra heoltit. ly.5 pEP OER's QMN E OS TOIST utoghu h ervo-and aimueuis ayai-im lnm -v digeston, inicuatesi "i spirite. recriuti the heaitit. Foi- debilitted beslt frazuthe. sOucI of bot liras. twa totare lle uvanabi..l "EPMt-9gUlNINE Ai-n fMON TONIC jr ouss sa dvélpe he nervane energies enti-les tho hlo&od.p-aoteu aipti isp lasuor sud dopi-ssan, fotitiles the=" ai-pana. la sa apeeili-ainody foi- nurslgtoi aMe, Indiestion levers 01 very kin, utS afetions, sud in watlug diseuses arafnlatm tendelam. du.-'Tbo *W tam la eI reitlY invigorsted hi- Peppels Tauil. e mua ficu les hi-ttae. tlie iOntit3tiou¶grtlj atsned, sud a returu ta ramttloU rold by Chemila ovarywlceio, Thosu*=* oa J. l or, iBedford LababorY. landen. 'est lu effoet se Poppe ' unine ud Ibon. Il tu eti-oiney reeuamnende ta ,esldsente tu uia & teCoonies, sud sboultd awsiyb kept readi- fo-us;e lunoaci-ycm 0e a! fo r ferb-le 1 'AtAXACtrM aà » PÃ"DPIMYLLTN.-Pr> 1 e etsI oty .4uu J r, Le~nd.ale Pbes4.eShnaoni,nO ptiti rr "Wciedhac-e sm a t Un ue marmie. aulddlute, dsnbuoclh tm ,s iâwu tiesiu sunie aI bat udcmo vithin li4 baMrs. Il le the.$04 lu t mdimc cnly 1,y J.- tle m*4Laboatore Loudan, wtiasu ac, tion avery label, BaIll 216 0& and-t40. & otdaby à Cbulâ unagt Imalie înd cieum for lý dli, AUlulIa, lc Opasu Clols gm e.Ilyily4 L VIcluRW6n aybItir. 1$ JiESatOl"W atacnons dy, "d cloN . itnj a f t a t e a i Lt a I. il w,, n r. s 5. i.. r, .0 B iy ta L3ie-th b~O rescfa ti i I*nto oadlpitoa acteehs'ezW~e va'nt -.woià ame, îsiliosai dt4bat bids ",eâ a hii te. ±ne d trs flobbs ,Th** i.t aAdbtb But litwe& difÂd~ T'eu olMut OÙ the b And soon h o w ae r i' r ýs ,&ma Mnr.,»obbs mlediqtooe fLoa An a ater, aa Lu lus â b *a2 ftahOBT Sid M i. D bbsu eI CIbO flO Sà ti Sa rn putjlu a pinch oe» .eve thebu~2 Aud h e ut on iA0 ie#WU And, drôpp az"dwiu qui k, atlefa And~~~~~u ssc l lmo th lnlii BcL.oI- At whlch tho pu&Dingliiiuhe4la o ti ever. traboit W-,hë éeI'rt wou i wnt ta lnad Nsgoc A haduof ofi mngxsdl1#4 jobu, GO ffr *Bd un i u i, sn" B, la ë ci G &has e b . ul k w t , 14 l "t t I " dd ng ý ý bu rat ow O W '! Mo0 xvupty sua oz Ue .Ire feet ,th fi' i eomtOudY"Ol A"ndiniki ierSaDilu, l ii. F o r l a g r l a s g o o d , b u t d 0 1 4 - - , ' ne awWy qi 'ofgt Ehtu ÃŽ But 95117 bus.m,%l isatsigia i dico tiiw bueno! isI'ti wimwȐ. u Ama su-i-d the. puddiog su& irrd elb. in, wkk hn" ior, woxw Aud m »seas * lc eak trli0k bel"iai 55184 l ook onU iza u& T he. g ot b %g pao lce egi-ot bb ook. 41tjus nt îî Vauî iem"w 1i U^t mwui uic. i 0 umuove ' & And on. llmisdiih uw itsIUMfle 'bis bb>gdréat ; j o, or biceunie, orduw A d ifoxr M U J 1 oo tldu't a«Y t n it Uow zuch lice pudding shte'd "sU i- i»li ià swa, ab, dà rk:b irorshwumtmDobthub., t ii indvey odo hP yalngrb. skIs A .icPite iud7mm neesud ing-yvsle i To hMM ns t ic onbtrai dii. dho wu BuissDbà m »& Md li5 Tic pudding, li=a 'opdliesponl 44a Btmbaste; mou- Aag Thé alai lice eholdedthiei.inn asibig# Mn >biiii amue alymel: beyoMt Ta mu. afiii coiceylMtlIi i ialdt, l ticit tail vu Ieni0 Aut I mouaIfuse ietodtcapdligIvc? hv Au d ae to lb.1fim uiy nietic*4d -ait 't fiîdai cslu spolgb tics i nsi liait Bu_1mu _______ htpDzllttà -erba" AnduSetARCJ*EDON.md'lb, o thel Boa fiua a wSlin th ah m o t »quim A Legcudofthae QGrest Quesu. ras SBTBK TAM Euvoa te sruoiu 151 . i toussmik e4 ut i it o he iissoosiar w rldueend foi" ebino Gt ig, il tioh aids It caé ith walinhtand stl Iii.eidpO yonde nurw stif bi. b.suolà ! Sà mn udM& d. sud bbito 8 the Pr. of :Belua, and hie sedhuaseer for him1f'ýo ea to l W ô I ,'hox feernei'no cionse ybutrseofly r 1 Ùse M oa 3 oronia, &rbaces à tke, Nins U-ad himnin coaui, [méd thé klag,- on it th*a ,.ila'-manWL 1 1k.e oiffbefre lt idb dciv 1he -other bos f b Tîît TOXONTO TCTI' Turki8h c Vepor Daths. " Ticselitlc sio iaoulluRiccuam te ÃN:9 d Neou'igli GoniceColis Oahsstln. grma Boiblî, Corea C, i",iDieesU £acstios. lllouuis uoers dfor- Ssnitary purps heg butiS»-epà rtieuolyp - t le- nov uîv.roy40 e t icodital s-portosiand ln oompncllaa viah modical treatun eaticilnt la more.nip-. ?stAnlsatco=gif th*ai odi fass roySilyditt b. poci-eslmin. 'Tie" 'rr ath* bitic h ieoaely>nu inlatlie City Of TSrcutp. qouhieiii m1ro--euatiWn-aisUn lIes lu Il cnutrien. HIOUB-GenIAuuil,71t*&DO am. 3 t 9 P.mx. SAlicdayiintllil UP.ý a Lise, 1 4 ére be 1 ýl ay-47) 1 1 il