1 knevUwiYeu wa SeIUI, .00, 441t wu. lits wbien yon ;" ir l " "'yen, papaà ," Itrankiy miR- "FOrth. man ylien meu t talkedtoe e, Thoogli I yawued IIJIMLeOB ver. red; And 1 vent mofer whien o dlock mstu* Aun to cont testroke. ell hrougli- Ad wiugoulsei , tilt wam worm. than lite whon yen retired VR" "hI tell You, Pa,," 1 cried, «If 1 h ated once to tho-tira=* uesdce, 'Twas a honOre0 tmes bovide 1 Why, 1Ioeou îaid you'd beon 10i>ebal PiPi at esstt ve houre, I kn.w I Buot ho tipped lii, chair anud ill mat ther- Andl what coutld a poor girl do T .4 l çenemgracions, vwon 4 u4 î1î "1Why pipa" I hnubly pleado "Denit thiump seol thi'resasinsu 1*1ev, Anîd lie ont yen him card and miR TRat tRhe reoue why ho stayod il night Wat, hoewiuted te nesou OOtao, TRath iu~îght ai;fol Re baÃdI g1-, lier bhat êoulda pour girl do ÃŽ" Ion. Mr.ir, nglin on tho14. FI. Ou tihe dabaie u tRio-Taà riff resglu.- iona eu Friday evoning, Blon. Mr. Auglin procoedetoi $&tay that 1* iad beon î iuiYt6d thiaLt te Oipoition .ere utnitic onough t e ou avon *0 exprjsjoy et Roy supputed , miahaps wbiehtwioy bave-reseilsd frein tb. Na. tioual 1olicy. This ho denied, aud aid that him aide of the Hou. would have beau euly tee hsppy te. bave on- dormed the policy if iL badllsabnio imi. Tbo Finance Minieler h..d of attaoku biegrnade upon b=»ei Pcraoually. H. (Anglin) devied tRut cie bad beou guilty of uolu cenduet. Ho lisil neyer made a mt* temin opposition te myebina, gave sim a mat. ter of publie principle. The 3Mlislter Lb. incuber for Centre Huron- with bs- ing the "King q Defiolt." andl hat hé b.d do»e fot ig but o dae imilta, white te Lb. ofir Oovenmoni -bail #b'- Lmued suplýuomem. Tht. hebLhiga§ Dot qult oreet. Thé as dotîb*t.red eof fgurem (ohesers), *adnie l refernoce would -b. very shorfc'Ite wouil be-rombered th a sr-Lie\d ye.ir o1 coufederation wu$a 3ueo~ul! inry bard business pressure. and M. lLDOu wsoblige oil teorcise great acocu- oipy. The hon. 1gentlemn uproceaed Le ,Iote the roturne.of Successive jeans te iidioato th'it the, expendhlnrs bcd1 beeu inucb increitsed anud the méas sce obtîncing revenue liati beau, trained1 vieietLlv. Theii.iureaa<aof ,taxation, andi Lbe'iair prosprtyof tie eeualry eumiRy enabled asimples toi i. rolle't op,. Tiie sreat traite with th. U. S." aUte1 ittfvwvaw idilated Ce oine extent. -The. vas a great desi cf sthoggllng sud cor mntmIcotly importa feniid lir:way Into Lh. U. 8. Thora e r.e eà m iFiredtnntauee wbch made tbe nlsing of s etrplu.sud keelpieg iL for soins jeans1 an elà my ag. He ahoveil froni he tr<eelesuddnavigation reîurne tat.the espirts duriug Lb.e ove jéats oà pover or iià plitical friendis had -iargelylu. creà seil sud that the imporfte bil e. maineil otatlcusry. The proapenty oft whiciîl ebonhe. gentleman epoke W4a. Legeett fictitiens. Wrtni»;g. eétiîo.x peoditures, h.ei Liai exý pouditure lîstibeen bept down dune; - Lbe firaL jears et eoufedentieui, i a pecially on public worlms Llerla&befiug ittIe outlay. The, laCié Goverumetît1 bail tomp en&great nmP u Il th. Pa.i CICi Rilvay.and euthe relmlacan-. al.*. ledel'nded Cthe condeot of the Governineut, vho, li eauii. haît dunngA thoir oureer Ce face a penlodi fpeculart depression. lHe thoeght the total cf11 Lb. deficiL.eof the laCen Gevernment only amounteil Ce about S1,80.000W, or about1 8,000,000 le. than hoir eneesesers1 badin lueeyear. H. prooedeil Le il.4 ude te tFe aitimnateid revenâuset the FI-. nance Minetr Ias iven lhot jandml aût &hat- notwitbtandig I& -beben1 :awolten by crtin neoloi scontm ucb a Lbe increaseil revonue upon breadatuifs, ho repeateil Ch. statamenot_ thaL tb. tarif bait ibeu-bardome te the country, and bitd fot replenihd tb" tresiury. Befringttii. s*peech ef Lb. member for Ccn'lweli, 'ho ald that gentleman bail. saut Do Inereas bail Cakcen plaià tlix C. pice t mp0 Ths bad net beeauseoillrety sa ted b Lb. Finance Minte. Xe-(Mr. A»gUu). thougbt, bevever, tRuti bt*Ver change hr. haitbeqa 'Inue ëPrîoecof sugar, It was due-,te Çtmne1 ireuse. slances. Theohangeilà c tbt 'iv diduot oveU Phe e n , but on- 17"0-rd Norh. .4pri4 -lT82Marqw#p91 Iý»ngb&wu-- 1801-Hennp Aildington. 1804-William Pitt--died bn ef- floe, Jin. 28, 1806. - 1806r-Lord Grenville. 162LaRof;Liverpool. Apnil, 1827-Mr. Canning-died. (.1 jjý cf Wellington. May, 188-Viaconut Melheurne. Nov., 1804-rDnko cf Wellington (tom. 1885-vimcount Melbourue. -1841-Sir Robert Pool. 1846-Lord John Russell. Pub., 1852-Earl et Dorb?ý-' , Dec., 1852-Earl of Aberdeen. 185e-Visaounl PalmerOteý- 1858-Ban etf DOrby. 41.4 Oct, 18, 1865. Oct., 1805-Bari nBeac (Lord John.) 1800-Ban eof D ,rby'. - signoil bec.' 1,18Ã"A. Dec, eO-'Wr.n. Gadiono. Pcb,, 1874-Earl ofl3eceoÃnsfll, Dim la loekleg oer the foregmtng bat will he noticed tht WMlimn mpîft t 'ohi offiee mach longer tRà u auj Prime 'Mlnlster.hafereer aftur'lum, thattCh. Avorage tenere ef office' bail heen dv. jeans 4e oaci>, sud tbat-A Flm Xfluhmters bave died l in o itoiittaiices Ri Csthellé Churchei for theo Relief ef Ini5ý Distrces. -Ou bobsîlf of the Catlpie churches et t0e archetioceme ef Torcito, the felîov- ingre mittences et collections fer theo reliefofetIrish tlietross ive beau imade Ment 11ev. Dr. licHlaI., AcWkp Tuai............ Ugot Roev. Dr. Croke, Aiihbislw.eof ............. ..............40 l,Bfht Roev. Dr. Doënelly, CRegir....- - t ERbt ILev. Dr. McCormaok, Acheniry. 800 lht 11ev. Dr. Conway, Kilicia .2..B liht Roev. Dr. WonodRecI4 ArdigR.... 400 Egt-Rev. Dr. Giflooly lpbin.%.... 00 ERg y. 1v.Dr. 01cy .P,Dungarvan 200 OtrMary CiarhKr ....... 0 Duqhess of Merîbongl......... The. Bhsbep ei Limen '100 The Bimhop o et rd - .....100 11ev. Father White, P.P., Malay..100 Thea Panish Print efLoe 1" qag,. O Tii. Pmnith Pr"utetonf .....5 Ini Spain, a Min ef vide sympathies arts" But IL byDne moans telleva ts a seau with twohRuatst. a sau uof vide muehs.A Spanisb peasant. living l tre viciuity of Madrid, in a pety =%arrl, illeil au aged vomzan, and ouil ave 'murdered ber daughter, aise, balDnt the lattez.suanceede il[ maiig honerespe. Thinking bumself ncbb.d cf a great plessure by Lb. ginl's swaps, lhe re"enged hRulaf by repast. edip sabbing the corps.e oUshe Metiien. .Singolsriy enugh, rkmonse proweilgs qulckly epon Ib i mmd Chle immed. iîtely an&ngedii hlmself. l3utmthé nropel have serviveil bis siLom t.tsuicide bca he net linoken hie skut Rn tLb.fail. On Il poiL morteiextaination Lbe secu~ ~ t ha oulC ave two eboaen. rsiead ut jfe, oth hein; t ofgular mixe a644 prssenting ne peculiaitpof auy kinil. Waahle talighte by tureolcc lampewbich are sumpended ea bReigbt cf 100 fftt., ""What 1 want sei# a pompon. entr', ,cing ai là !ic ci itiOl* é06id ceemon esse." "ExacCly l" vos thé wbl7onreilreply, "thuMÇ$ mat vitaL .tneet. Tiret C0.11WE, inter, trifer, pou wac.1omRul' ai yçe vatter , bat, o~r',ecouni : Il Whisht, wbieht4 40on, $on't mhev peur ignorance uat vayý I w ?hta anention te kaop, the b la tfreu hlaW i o te cbact cf the e ii" ihwee,eoe4;before the e m. wprce, awdwYht4b_à 'proose'td fefat lss hau pre-vious éolliÉg prices., In olothe, he -"Offers AXIL7~wQQoL TWEED SUITS at $10 Iflhi T, stock is tbe hprgýSt es$ ee2 Qo0dý found in the Oomz1y. TAILOBIIG in a811 it8 brunches -and Under hie w BuPevison.JOHN FBGtSONe,, Dunda. Stroot, WUiib. jUST RnEOEIVD À LOT O OP IO&k MAPLJE 8TJGQAR ANIE)YUP Fineot EI4 Y IglU. bpaý80 A m' PL ERM I «IlE~ Pay-as(-yoiü go ~t.sors. W AL. V. ENGLIBHJ AMERICAN & C,APM~AN DE8IGN~$ Our papers this season surpase, both in deaign* andi color- PAPEI HUNfG ON TE- OTEAOAZTIS tie & x %-WI W i IN ÂLL -1T87-BANOHB. Marci, 1880. - Qy4) BBOOK8.; WBI[TBY. 0f Photographe, i spa Clà .,rdi, a-Ëël the istet l sltle c SS-EM 1lý'fl Agont'ton Inew W. ' 6 q& A LtKIN c - m -É, g~ rders receiveti for te Biil Aeia Ding ~4LTHEW OLLNS, 'Déeverell's- Block, BriockS.Wh Iy l'en per ëce.di8ount off for daigJl Otomers anc in*#iwto tecaii ana examino Chie sLB"Ic, d 0 of Ibeq@UêY d taet.a' ucReeo tULi.prioj, , and&iofatipieimlves -,C it illey.a t thlii.beei»irgini, for 'vixbwsknsn1tito vear- i900i hep' u 0g0a Wilêwlito4~ cirFor laiegets, cnd gilhiooi- Ayahsamev",bue- Ftfror a Ch.od;- Andt ue. be- be.éawher. &Ai hela vesapain hat ocouli, E lBy ibe but. Anilboit neet., Qomoudan ub1olavyeour îs and gt a pair otBoots et tho Brook-trOt, Whitby Pa1x. FIELD AND 'GAIRI)EN.-,S-I A lage ppI,~>~e a'i 'es ,at ~GEERL ayGOODS, GROc"tm s .- BOOTSAND 8S)OE$g ,CRO3K-ERY., G .Tii. PryGeedu Departinent'is complete in cver.Y Ufln n Stok al nw aid res. ~. ~ e epest l'eusé iitheC member th .Addros. 40 * A. B1 A GOL DEN OP PRJl -43g TF er is (notwý aà ,ùi7eïM sil offeïingi bis 1arn ,ed!,TBÂS-at okZpHes. Lad~ Teas, fresh aud fragrAnt., - Pre offie~ fesh proù $IM MÂTTHEW OOLlj î%;e LLs to. TQ TE FAi'ME8 F ýTHfE DO MI1NIO0 Ni * We offer you for the harvest of 1880, the following fLrst- clia FanpgImpents: BROWN'S WHITBY HlARVEBTER, (i.mprotoad.) YON' ýcÂNDA.MOWEjR, (Tmproyed.) OCAYUGA Tuh MOWE1,i (Imaproved.) neii.abovo machines ze ie, mu oeet fromu, alttrpaeoig txeugli harveeti. té ait anti c .trqn he mucOo eu o~for Oaa, -W. mise notfy mel pnrebiwené hwhe vnt urable seachnor i rP te psy CASH ON DELT.VEY to çaii at evaa-eaWibbfr plaiWYOUI otd nwnecitiïxa uritentiont4Ad opt CRue C-AS$HS Y;ST EM 1 âgemlysspaiitbamzitthrby .nk., ouxrpnnc lsttlowest liv- ingpne.Gvosa mi -BROWN& PATTERSON MNFG Co. Whiby, Jmn. Liet 1879. HIGIJESI -MÂRI.ET PRICE'PAID -FOR WH1TB' -A~LT~ STORE. Ponltyand gge. ngs FoÉrHeliakie JB ,ý _Feot Wear ôail Ihi WILI; C UJT TE ~AND CA [G s 1~ t.- '4. PlAN nfpnice.limt.. - r, es -F 7 -j t; .~.- t f 4', -I EL ý FI 'u